Conducting basic massage techniques for young children. A set of exercises and massage for young children

The temperature in the room is not lower than 22-24 gr. C, good light, ventilation, etc.

The masseur's hands are necessarily warm, the nails are cut short, the fingers are without rings.

Massage is carried out in a lying position, on a table or sofa, covered with a blanket and a clean diaper, so that direct rays of light do not fall into the eyes.

Massage without powders and lubricants (except with Johnson "s-baby oil)

During the massage, hand movements should be soft, gentle, without jerks, especially in the area of ​​the liver, kidneys, patella and spine.

Do not massage the genitals

After the massage, put the child in warm, dry underwear (warmed with an iron, for example) to keep warm

Massage before feeding or after feeding, not earlier than after 1-1.5 hours

Don't massage before bed

The time of a session of therapeutic massage is 5-7 minutes, prophylactic, with gymnastics 20-30 minutes


Massage to start from 2-3-4-5-6 weeks of age

- foot stroking

holding the hand, stroke the leg, the front and back surfaces of the lower leg and thigh - from the foot to 5 hedra, bypassing the kneecap 5-8 times

- foot massage

the south between the thumb and forefinger - stroking with the index and middle fingers - from the heel to the fingers - 3-7 times, after 3 months - patting the back of half-bent fingers

- stroking hands

an ash finger is put into the handle, lifted and stroked with the other hand - from the fingers to the shoulder -5-8 times

- stroking the abdomen

clockwise, without touching the genitals and without pressing on the liver area, stroking and lightly rubbing with the fingertips along the colon, rubbing the oblique muscles to the spine and back - 3-5 times

- back stroking

at the buttocks to the neck and back - with the palmar and back surface of the hand 6-8 times

After 3 months, the following techniques are actively included:

Rubbing - like stroking, but more vigorously

Kneading - the muscle is grasped with the thumb with one and the rest on the other side, gently squeeze and move the fingers along the muscles, kneading with the fingertips is also performed, longitudinal, forceps and carefully with 2 hands

Patting - with the backs of the fingers, fingertips

■ vibration - on the chest - with the index and middle fingers - from the xiphoid process to the shoulders, on
lshne - from the buttocks to the neck and back, spinous processes between the fingers.



■ massage of the abdomen, back, leg exercises

After the massage, put a coin, a cotton-gauze swab on the navel, fix it with adhesive tape, the session lasts 5-7 minutes


■ massage of the abdomen, back

After the massage, they are allowed to lie on the stomach, crawl on the stomach, the session time is 3-5 minutes, repeatedly during the day

\4SHIATSU METHOD FOR CHILD CARE (from 0.5 to 3 months)

I. Pressing with the palm of the hand on the navel for 10 seconds, gradually increasing the pressure, or 5 times

then 2-3 seconds

I. The pads of the index, middle and ring fingers press on:

Solar plexus

■- area just below the navel

The area above the bladder ~ 3 times for 2-3 seconds

Pressing on the umbilical region with the palm of your hand - 5 times for 2-3 seconds

CONGENITAL DISCOSION OF THE HIGH (treatment in special splints, with leg extension)

massage after tire removal - fight against atrophy

■ general massage, physiotherapy
session time 7-8 minutes, 2-3 times a day


■ for the impact on the legs, massage of the paravertebral zones - S5-D10, for the impact on the hands - D4-C3

■ to strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, back massage is used, chest, belly

Superficially, gently, at a slow pace - stroking, squeezing, rubbing, shaking, light
shbration, movement ( do not use percussion)

The treatment should be complex with the use of acupressure, therapeutic exercises, treatment / masonry (fixation of the arm or leg with splints, sandbags, etc. for 10-60 minutes, as prescribed by the doctor) session time 10-15 minutes, course 20-25 procedures, 3-4 courses per year.


■ general massage with heated oil, special attention to the massage of the respiratory muscles, here
they also perform vibration and percussion (with the middle finger they hit the nail phalanx of the middle finger
other hand)

After the massage, wipe with a warm terry towel
session time 5-10 minutes, course 5-8 procedures.

After 3 years, you can do cupping massage (medical jar) 2-3 minutes, 3-5 procedures per course.


Motor activity in young children is a powerful factor contributing to the proper development of the child. Creation of physiologically based methods of gymnastics and massage in early age based on knowledge of the state and development of skeletal muscles in children. In the first months of life, it is advisable to use only reflexes (crawling phenomenon, position reflexes

■ postures and others) associated with extension in order to avoid strengthening the flexors, the tone of which is already

At the age of 5-6 months, babies can sit without support. Straightens by 7th month

the vertebral column, and the child freely manipulates his hands, holding the position of the body well. At the age of 8-10 months, the child is still unstable, especially when pushing from side to side.


Since the hypertonicity of the limb flexors is pronounced in children of this age, the efforts of the masseur should be aimed at relaxing these muscles. The sequence of the procedure:

1) hand massage (stroking);

2) foot massage (stroking);

3) laying out on the stomach;

4) back massage (stroking);

5) massage of the abdomen (stroking);

6) foot massage (rubbing);

7) exercises for the feet (reflex movements);

8) extension of the spine (reflex) in the position on the side, then on the right, then on the left;

9) laying out on the stomach;

10) reflex crawling.

"the baby should daily take a warm bath.


[With normal development in a child of this age, the physiological hypertonicity of the flexors of the arms disappears, but the phenomena of hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs may remain. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

1) hand massage;

2) covering movements with hands (passive exercises);

3) foot massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

4) turn on the stomach to the right (reflex movement);

5) back massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

6) reflex movement of the head back in the position on the stomach;

7) abdominal massage (stroking);

8) Foot massage (rubbing, patting);

9) exercises for the feet (reflex);

10) vibration massage of the entire chest;

11) passive movements for arms and legs for flexion and extension;

12) turn on the stomach to the left.

To promote complete balancing of the flexors and extensors of the limbs, to provide conditions for the development of manual skill by hanging various toys and objects for grasping them at the height of outstretched arms.


1 age from 4 to 5 months there is a balancing of the flexors and extensors lower extremities, >it is necessary to introduce passive movements for the lower extremities. The sequence of the procedure:

1) grasping movements with hands, passive cross movements in front of the chest;

2) foot massage;

3) imitation of cycling movements, "sliding steps" on the surface of the table;

4) turn from back to stomach to the right, back massage (all techniques);

5) "floating" in the position on the stomach (reflex movement);

6) massage of the abdomen (stroking clockwise, along the oblique muscles of the abdomen;

7) lifting the upper body of the child from a supine position with support for both
arms extended to the sides;

8) foot massage (reflex movements);

9) flexion and extension of the arms ("boxing");

10) flexion and extension of the legs together and in turn;

11) reflex exercise on the back, "floating";

12) chest massage (emphasis on intercostal spaces);

13) turn from back to stomach to the left.

The main task is the further education of manual skill, changing the position of the body with its turns; crawl preparation.


During this period, exercises can be introduced both for the muscles of the hand and for the large muscles of the limbs, which are more complex in terms of coordination of movement. During this period, the child develops understanding of speech, which needs to be promoted. The sequence of procedures:

1) grasping movements with hands, with rings, speech;

2) flexion and extension of arms and legs with verbal instruction, stroking and rubbing;

3) turn from back to stomach to the right (behind the legs) with verbal instruction;

4) back massage (all techniques);

5) with the support of both hands, sitting down with a verbal instruction;

6) circular motions hands;

7) raising straight legs with verbal instruction;

8) reflex movement along the lines of the spine with deflection;

9) turn from back to stomach to the left with verbal instruction;

10) from a position lying on the stomach with the support of the hands, lifting with a speech instruction;

11) exercise for arm flexors for sitting down with verbal instruction;

12) massage of the chest and abdomen (all techniques with vibration);

13) breathing exercises, compression on exhalation from the sides.

Stimulate the child to crawl, strengthen the muscles for sitting and standing, observe the rhythm in the performance of movements.


During this period, standing without support is formed and walking develops. The child in this period has a connection with actions and objects, their names, which are related to gymnastics. The sequence of the procedure:

1) flexion and extension of the arms in a sitting position, standing with objects;

2) "bicycle" movement with verbal instruction;

3) turn from back to stomach according to verbal instructions;

4) back massage (all techniques);

5) from a position lying on the stomach, lifting to a vertical position with the support of the hands or objects of the ring);

6) tilt forward (the methodologist presses the knee joints of the child to his back);

7) massage of the abdomen (all techniques);

8) raising straightened legs to a landmark (sticks, toys) with verbal instruction and approval;

9) exercise for arm flexors (sitting down);

10) intense arching with holding the child by the legs, getting an object from the floor with speech instruction;

11) squatting with support for the hands, use objects;

12) sitting down with support either for one or the other hand or independently with a return to [similar position;

13) circular movements of hands with objects.

The main task is to stimulate exercises according to verbal instructions. Use various objects - rings, sticks, toys. Give the child the opportunity to practice the skills of climbing, walking, but, reading the individual capabilities of the child, start new movements from a lying position, and then walking, standing. Massage is relaxation after gymnastic exercises, so it should be [drawn immediately after them.


applied to improve physical qualities achievement of sports form, preservation and establishment of it, prevention and treatment of injuries.

31 1. TRAINING MASSAGE- preparation of athletes for the highest sports achievements. TM is part training process, the duration of the TM is 40-60 minutes, depending on the weight of the athlete - up to 60 kg - 40 minutes, over 100 kg - more than 1 hour. The distribution of time between doses with a total session duration of 40 minutes. Stroking - 2 min; Squeezing - 6 min; Kneading - 26 min; Rubbing - 5 min; Etc. receptions 1 min.

Training massage has the following types:

A) massage, which helps to increase fitness;

Approximate training massage schedule to increase fitness

1 day - general, private

Day 2 - general...

Day 6 - general

Day 7 - Private

If an athlete goes to the bath, then this species massage is done 3-4 hours before the bath or 4-5 hours after the bath. If training is in the evening, then in the afternoon - general massage and private after training (private - depending on the sport - for a skier - legs, for a boxer - hands, face, etc.).

b) massage that keeps sportswear

Stroking - 8 min, Squeezing - 12 min, Kneading with shaking - 20 min

Massage evenly, with an emphasis on muscle groups that carry the main load, as well as
collar area and scalp.

V) massage that increases the level of development of physical qualities(usually private) - no more than 20 - 25 min.

Do stretching exercises with all techniques.


- is carried out immediately before the competition, to normalize the state of various organs and
systems before the upcoming load.

A) warm-up massage

5-35 min, depending on weight, sport, etc.

Squeezing, kneading (80% of the time), rubbing, movements - passive, with resistance.

Warm-up massage is divided into the following subspecies:

- massage: before warm-up

Deep on the muscles, soft on the joints 10-15 min. -

- massage: after warm-up

5-20 minutes, massage the muscles that will carry the main load.

If instead of a warm-up, then they do a general massage.

b) massage: in prelaunch states - 1-6 days before the start.

State combat readiness- a favorable form of the prelaunch state, in this case do warm-up massage, warming or mobilizing.

- prestart fever - irascibility, irritability, nervous excitement, etc. apply
soothing massage: - 7-12 min.

Combined stroking 4-7 minutes, rhythmic kneading - 1.5 - 3 minutes, shaking 1.5 - 2 minutes
Massage the back, chest, buttocks, thighs; effective bath 2.3 min in the steam room, bath or contrast shower.

starting apathy- lethargy, drowsiness, indifference, etc. name tonic massage - 8-12 min

kneading 5-8 minutes, squeezing 1.5-2 minutes, percussion techniques 1.5-2 minutes, at a fast pace, capturing most of the body, alternating techniques.

warming massage:- fight against cooling - 5-10 minutes, finish 2-5 minutes before exit. Vigorously at a sharp pace, alternating squeezing, kneading and rubbing all over the body (even through clothes in winter sports buildings during a long start). It is possible to use rubbing and ointments.

mobilizing massage- for maximum mobilization of all accumulated resources - 5-15 minutes, all items, as well as combining tonic And calming massage; soft, deep, without causing pain.


i BM in short breaks 1-5 minutes (between fights, halves, rounds) combined stroking, shaking, shaking - for working muscles

) VM in breaks 5-20 min

combined stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking, rubbing, felting

IBM in breaks from 20 minutes to 6 hours, after the performance after 10-15 minutes, a second session after 1-2 hours, shower 5-8 minutes, temp. 37-40 degrees light massage with an emphasis on the muscles that carried the main load - 5-12 min.

i VM in a multi-day competition system with a single performance per day

1 session - 10-20 minutes after the performance, contrast shower - 7-8 minutes, general restorative massage 3-15 minutes

2nd session after 2-3 hours, up to 20-40 minutes with special rubs, deep but not hard. * crushing 70% of the time, squeezing and shaking - alternate techniques

3 session - before going to bed - 10-15 min, combined stroking, light squeezing, kneading

) VM on the day of rest - 1-3 sessions of general massage, as well as 5-8 min. in the bath, in the steam room.

1 session - up to 13 hours 30-40 minutes

2 session after 6-8 hours 20-40 min

3 session - before going to bed 10-15 min

I VM after the competition - included in the complex of recovery methods

on the day of the end of the competition - in the bath 10-15 minutes, massage 10-15 minutes,

the next day, 1.5 hours after breakfast, take a bath - with massage, shower, steam room, swimming pool and

d. - 2.5 - 3 hours, if there is no bath, then dry restorative massage 30-40 minutes.

The use of the bath in sports practice

Walk 2 times a week, with two brooms

Bath procedure

wash in the shower for 0.5-1 min (do not wet your head)

go to the steam room for 3-5 minutes, breathe through your nose, it is better to lie down, add water, kvass, beer, etc.

horsetail technique (lashing with a broom)

3-4 stroking, stroking 1-2 minutes (easy), quick stroking (5-6 movements in 6-7 seconds - 1 minute per exercise), whipping - 5-7 minutes, then exit the steam room and plunge into the pool with ice water, then again go to the steam room for 1-2 minutes. Rest for 15-30 minutes (5-7 minutes in the washing department and wrapped in a sheet for 10-20 minutes in the locker room).

[steam no more than 2-4 times, and with a broom 1-2 times, after the steam room - a massage session, after which a shower for 1-2 minutes, a shower.

This procedure is 2.5 - 3 hours, in the steam room 30 minutes.

1 massage in the bath - no more than 35 minutes, dry or with soap, all techniques, without vibration. Self-massage in the bath - 9-12 min.

In pediatrics, Russian doctors of the 18th century S.G. Zabelin and N.M. Ambodik promoted physical exercises and massage.

In the following century and at the present time, outstanding Russian pediatricians, specialists in physical therapy and massage confirmed and scientifically substantiated the expediency and necessity of using massage and exercise for children of all ages, starting from infancy, as a means of promoting health, as well as an effective method of treatment and rehabilitation for various diseases (G.N. Speransky, A.F. Tur, M.S. Maslov, Yu.F. Dombrovskaya, A.V. Chogovadze, S.V. Khrushchev, E.I. Yankelevich, V.L. Strakovskaya, I.F. Nazarova, B.A. Palyaev, S. D. Polyakov).

Every year more and more children need massage and physiotherapy exercises. Such sad statistics are known: 10% of all children suffer from diseases of the digestive system, 5% of newborns are premature, 0.5% of infants suffer from malnutrition, 4% - anemia. And the percentage of sick children by the time they graduate from school increases significantly.

The effect of massage on the child's body

Physiotherapy and massage have a versatile effect on the child's body. The mechanism of action is the same as in adults.

In a child, especially in infancy and in the first years of life, the skin surface in relation to body weight is much larger than in adults. Therefore, during the massage, a large stream of impulses is sent to the central nervous system. Psychologists and teachers drew attention to the fact that the first speech reactions in a child occur when stroking the legs and abdomen.

Massage and exercise have a positive effect on the physical and neuropsychic development of young children, contribute to the timely emergence of motor skills and their consistent improvement. Strengthening the body and promoting common development, massage and exercise help prevent diseases.

General indications and contraindications for the use of massage for children

Massage for children of all ages - effective method treatment of many diseases, and for infants in combination with physical exercises and hardening - an integral part of their physical education.

Massage promotes the correct physical development of the child's body, improves skin turgor; normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract; with muscle weakness abdominals, flatulence helps to release the intestines from gases; favorably affects the psycho-emotional sphere of the child; in excitable, nervous children, it normalizes behavior and sleep.

Massage is especially necessary for children with poor appetite, sedentary, premature, bottle-fed, with weakened muscles, children with any deviations in health or physical development, as well as weakened after illnesses.

Indications for massage for children with illnesses:

  • at an early age - rickets, malnutrition, congenital hydrocephalus (increased intracranial pressure), umbilical hernia, pneumonia, neurotic reactions; predominantly at an older age - rheumatism (in the interictal period), heart defects, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes mellitus of mild and moderate severity), after infectious diseases, diseases of the joints;
  • in orthopedics - pathological posture (stoop, round back, flat and round-concave back), kyphosis, scoliosis, congenital muscular torticollis, congenital hip dislocation, congenital clubfoot, flat feet, funnel-shaped chest;
  • in surgery and traumatology - after operations for bronchiectasis, funnel chest, appendectomy, hernia repair, after fractures of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, spine, with injuries of the menisci and ligaments knee joint;
  • in neurology - pediatric cerebral paralysis, hereditary neuromuscular diseases (myopathy, neural amyotrophy, myotonia), bedwetting, neuritis, polyneuritis, myelitis, traumatic encephalopathy, poliomyelitis, peripheral nerve injuries accompanied by flaccid paresis, paralysis.

Contraindications to the use of massage in children:

  • malignant blood diseases, hemophilia;
  • malignant tumors (before their radical treatment);
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • extensive skin manifestations of exudative diathesis;
  • severe forms of malnutrition (atrophy);
  • purulent and other acute inflammatory diseases of the skin, lymph nodes, muscles, bones;
  • diseases accompanied by brittle bones and pain in them, severe forms of rickets, purulent and other acute arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints;
  • congenital heart defects occurring with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder;
  • various forms of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • acute nephritis;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • extensive umbilical, femoral, inguinal and scrotal hernias with significant prolapse of the abdominal organs or a pronounced tendency to infringement.

Our many years of experience convinced us of the possibility of negative results, deterioration of health during massage only on the basis of knowledge, even excellent, of massage techniques, but without taking into account the clinical features of the disease, the age of the child, when using techniques that are contraindicated in this disease.

It should be remembered that poor tolerance of massage is possible in cases where it is used methodically incorrectly, with an overdose, especially in the chest and early childhood. childhood, if not combined with other procedures.

If the child cries during the massage, the cause of the negative reaction should be established and eliminated.

Don't massage a crying baby

Reasons for negative attitude baby to the procedure, in addition to the above, there may be cold hands of a massage therapist, a feeling of hunger (immediately before the next feeding), abdominal pain caused by flatulence, malaise with an incipient disease, intense techniques that cause pain.

Massage rules

Technique, techniques for performing massage for children are the same as for adults, however, the technique is more gentle, since the skin of children is delicate, they are easily excitable.

Massage should not cause or increase pain.

Feature of massage for infants and young children preschool age- obligatory combination of it (in each procedure) with physical exercises.

Massage is carried out in a ventilated room at an air temperature of at least +20 ° C, for infants - at least +22 ° C. After the massage, young children should be dressed in warm underwear and the child should rest.

Massage is carried out 1-1.5 hours after feeding or between feedings.

Do not massage children before bed

The duration of the procedure is from 5-8 to 30 minutes (depending on the age and the number of covered areas of the body). The course of treatment is prescribed 10-15 procedures; with cerebral palsy, flaccid paresis, scoliosis, kyphosis - up to 20-25 procedures, daily or (most often) every other day.

The break between repeated courses is determined individually, but it should be at least 10-15 days.

General massage for infants and younger preschool children is prescribed in combination with physical exercises every other day, lasting no more than 30 minutes.

During massage, children, as a rule, should not use ointments, creams. With oily skin, excessive sweating of the child, his skin is powdered with talcum powder; with dry skin of a child, the massage therapist lubricates his hands with glycerin, vegetable oil (for infants - boiled), baby cream or powders the child's skin with talcum powder.

Massage is effective with maximum muscle relaxation in a child.

The dosage of massage techniques and the intensity of their implementation should increase gradually.

Massage of the chest, abdomen, back, limbs to enhance lymph and blood circulation, improve venous outflow is carried out along the lymphatic and blood vessels in the direction of blood and lymph flow:

  • on the hands, movements are directed from the fingers to the armpit;
  • on the legs - from the fingers to the inguinal region;
  • on the chest - from the sternum in both directions to the armpit;
  • in the upper and middle parts of the back - from the spine to the armpit;
  • in the lumbosacral region - towards the inguinal region;
  • on the neck, head - down to the subclavian region;
  • on the abdomen, movements are directed clockwise around the navel and further, expanding, to the lateral surface of the body.
You can not massage the armpit, groin, navel, nipples, business organs, inner thighs - in order to avoid the manifestation of sexual reflexes; in infants - also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver and joints

The modern basis of massage is the clinical and physiological approach when choosing a technique, taking into account the cause of the disease, the characteristics of the course of the pathological process, the functional state of the nervous system, the age of the child, and knowledge of the effects of techniques. Therefore, the massage technique for each disease has specific features.

So, for example, with spastic paralysis in children suffering from cerebral palsy, massage techniques for spastic muscles should be predominantly in the form of light stroking, rubbing, vibration. For antagonist muscles, all techniques can be used, except for deep kneading, and one should strive not to increase spastic manifestations, to achieve relaxation.

With flaccid paresis, paralysis (for example, with poliomyelitis), the massage should be more energetic and prolonged, using all techniques.

Massage and gymnastics for infants

Movements in infants are formed on the basis of unconditioned (innate) reflexes, which fade away as conditioned motor reflexes are formed. Breast age is the age of 1 month. up to 1 year. Up to 1 month in newborns, the pulse is 120-140 beats / min, by the end of the year - 110-120.

In order to strengthen and improve the physical and mental state of the child, it is advisable to use massage and exercise.

For children under 1 year old, massage, reflex exercises, passive and active exercise.

Reflex (unconscious) movements occur in a child up to 3-4 months. in response to irritation, and this is used for reflex exercises.

It is advisable to prescribe massage from 2-3 weeks of age and up to 1.5 months. apply only light stroking of the arms, legs, chest, abdomen, back.

The duration of the massage is 5-7 minutes.

When conducting massage, five age groups are distinguished:

I - children aged 1.5 to 3 months.
II - from 3 to 4 months.
III - from 4 to 6 months.
IV - from 6 to 9 months.
V - from 9 to 12 months.

During classes, the child is exposed, for this the air temperature in the room must be at least +22 ° C. Classes with healthy children can be carried out daily by parents, using massage aids. With sick children, classes are conducted by a massage therapist according to indications, 2-3 times a day with an interval of 30-40 minutes, an hour before feeding or an hour after feeding, and teaches parents this. The total duration of the lesson is from 6-8 to 10-15 minutes.

During the procedure, you must gently talk to the baby. Massage should be carried out, including only the severity of the brush, lightly and gently.

It is not allowed to massage children under 1 year old liver area (right hypochondrium), joints. Particular care is necessary when massaging the projection sites of the kidneys and spleen.

Classes should bring joy to the child, he should perceive them as a game. If a child begins to cry during class, reduce the dosage, calm him down, show bright toys.

The use of reflex exercises up to 3-4 months. helps develop motor skills. Apply reflex exercises only when the child has these reflexes. The crawling reflex occurs when lying on the stomach and increases if a palm is placed on the soles, from which the child pushes off with his feet. The grasping reflex is manifested by pressure on the palm; in response, the child grasps the fingers of the adult conducting the class so tightly that you can lift the baby up. When carried out with a slight pressure of a finger along the paravertebral line from the pelvis to the neck in the position of the child on the side, a torso extension reflex occurs.

When massaging a child up to 3-4 months. only stroking is used. Flexor massage should lower muscle tone, so stroking is done slowly and superficially. The massage of the extensors is aimed at increasing their tone, and the stroking should be more vigorous and deep. On the arm, the flexors are located on its inner surface, on the leg - on rear surface.

When conducting a massage, one should be guided by the state of muscle tone. Until the complete disappearance of the increased tone, only reflex and passive exercises are used. From the age of 4 months, massage and passive movements can be supplemented with active crawling exercises. During massage, rubbing, kneading, patting can be used. At the age of 5 months. the child can sit holding on to something with his hands, but due to the weakness of the back muscles, the spine bends; with support under the arms, he can stand straight, hold toys in his hands for half a minute. A six-month-old baby turns from his stomach to his back, sits without support, tries to crawl, grabs toys with one hand. At 7 months the child can get on all fours, kneel, crawl, sit with support under the armpits, step over. At 8 months he sits down and from this position lies down, gets up with outside help, tries to walk. At 9 months the baby tries to stand without support and, with support, walk behind a chair, can sit down from a standing position. At this age, the child begins to understand speech, and he should already be given instructions: “Take it.” "Sit down." Crawling should be encouraged, not sitting and standing.

Approximate complexes of massage and physical exercises for children aged 1.5 months. up to 1 year

Complex 1 for children of the 1st age group - from 1.5 to 3 months.

At this age, the tone of the muscles of the arms and legs is increased and some congenital reflexes are revealed. Therefore, only light stroking, rubbing and some reflex movements are carried out that occur in response to specially produced irritations that cause manifestations of congenital reflexes (plantar, dorsal, foot, etc.).

1. Hand massage. IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking: with the left hand, raise the child's hand, with the palm of the right hand, stroke from the hand to the shoulder (Fig. 6) (6-8 times).

2. Massage of the abdomen. IP - on the back. Stroking: with the palm of one hand or the palms of both hands in a clockwise direction, circular stroking of the abdomen is performed (Fig. 7) (5-6 times).

3. Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking: lightly holding the child's feet by the feet with one hand, make the palm of the hand. With the other hand, stroking the outer and back sides of the lower leg and thigh (Fig. 8) (4-6 times).

Do not massage the inner thigh

4. Reflex exercise - extension of the spine (spinal reflex). IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. Extension is induced by running two fingers along both sides of the spine in the direction from the buttocks to shoulder girdle(Fig. 9) (2-3 times in the position on the right side and on the left).

5. Back massage. Apply to a child from 2 months of age. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking: stroking the back in the direction from the buttocks to the neck with two fingers (Fig. 10, a) or the back surfaces of the hands of both hands (Fig. 10, b) (4-6 times).

Back massage. Stroking: a - with fingers; b - back surfaces of the hands

6. Reflex exercise - raising the head (position reflex) (Fig. 11). IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. The child is lifted above the table in the right palm, outstretched legs it is supported with the left hand from below by the feet and the lower parts of both legs. In this case, there is a reflex deviation of the head back and extension of the back (1-2 times).

7. Foot massage (Fig. 12). IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

  • a) stroking and rubbing the toes: with the palms of both hands, they clasp each toe individually and stroking (4-5 times), and then rubbing (2-3 times);
  • b) stroking the foot: supporting the slightly raised feet of the child with the index fingers of both hands, stroking the foot along its back side with the thumbs in the direction from the fingers to the ankle joint and around this joint (4-6 times).

8. Reflex exercise - flexion and extension of the toes (plantar reflex). IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. With one hand, slightly raise the child's legs, grabbing them higher ankle joint, and with the index finger of the other hand, lightly press at the root of the fingers on the sole of the child, which causes reflex flexion of the fingers; then they pass a finger along the outer edge of the foot to the heel, causing reflex extension of the toes (Fig. 13) (3-4 times).

9. Reflex exercise - dancing (foot reflex). IP - the child is supported under the armpits and placed on the table with his back to himself. From touching a dense surface, the child's legs reflexively straighten in the knee and hip joints (Fig. 14) (4-6 times).

The total duration of the lesson is 5-6 minutes.

Complex 2 for children of the II age group - from 3 to 4 months.

At this age, the balance of muscle tone is already established - the flexors and extensors of the upper limbs, which makes it possible to introduce passive movements for the hands into the complex.

Child older than 3 months during massage, in addition to stroking and rubbing, kneading is introduced.

1. Hand massage. IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking: with the left hand, raise the child's hand, with the palm of the right hand, stroke from the hand to the shoulder (see) (6-8 times).

2. Passive exercise - crossing the arms on the chest. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. The child is allowed to clasp the thumbs of the adult's hands and bend his arms at the elbow joints, crossing them on the chest (Fig. 15, a). Following this, the child's arms are unbent and taken to the sides (Fig. 15, b) (4-6 times).

Passive exercise - crossing the arms on the chest: a - crossing the arms; b - breeding them to the sides

4. Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

  • c) rubbing the lower leg: with the index and thumb of both hands tightly grasp the child's lower leg and at the same time perform vigorous ring rubbing in the direction from the foot to the knee (Fig. 17, b) (4-6 times).

Leg massage. Rubbing: a - with the palm of your hand; b - fingers

5. Reflex exercise - turn from back to stomach to the right and left. IP - on the back, legs straight. When holding the child with the right hand by the feet, and with the left hand bent at the elbow right hand baby, by turning the pelvis stimulate the turn from the back to the stomach to the left. To turn the child to the right, you need to grab his feet with your left hand, and with your right hand bent at the elbow left hand baby (Fig. 18) (1-2 times in each direction).

6. Back massage. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table:

Back massage: a - rubbing; b - semicircular kneading

7. Reflex exercise - extension of the spine and legs. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. An adult, bringing one hand under the stomach, and holding the other by the legs, raises the child above the table. In this case, the extension of the spine and legs occurs (Fig. 20) (2-3 times).

The total duration of the lesson is 6-8 minutes.

Complex 3 for children of III age group - from 4 to 6 months.

At this age, between the 4th and 5th month, the muscle tone of the lower extremities is already normalized, and therefore passive exercises for the legs are introduced.

With the strengthening of the neck muscles, by the age of 4 months, new reflexes already appear (in the initial position on the back - “floating”).

3. Massage of the abdomen. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

4. Reflex exercise - bending the head, spine and legs in the position of the child on the back - "hovering" (position reflex). IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. An adult, taking the child under his back and buttocks, lifts him on his palms above the table and holds him on weight. In this case, there is a reflex flexion of the trunk, legs and tilt of the head forward (Fig. 21) (1-2 times).

5. Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

Do not massage the inner thigh

6. Passive exercise - "stomping". IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. They wrap their hands around the child's shins, bend his legs at the hip and knee joints, and then alternately lower the feet onto the table (Fig. 23) (8-12 times).

7. Passive exercise - flexion and extension of the legs in the hip joints. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. They grasp both straight legs of the child at the same time and bend and unbend them in the hip joints (Fig. 24) (2-3 times).

8. Reflex exercise - turn from back to stomach to the right and left. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. When holding the child with the right hand for his straight legs, and with the left hand for his right arm bent at the elbow, by turning the pelvis, the child is stimulated to turn from the back to the stomach to the left. To turn the child to the right, you need to grab the child’s legs with your left hand, and with your right hand - his left arm bent at the elbow (see) (1-2 times in each direction).

9. Back and buttocks massage. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table:

  • d) vibration: the buttocks are patted (Fig. 26) (2-3 times).

10. Reflex exercise - extension of the spine and legs - "hovering" (position reflex). IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. An adult brings the palms of his hands under the stomach or under the chest of the child and lifts him above the table. There is a reflex extension of the hip joints and spine when the head is tilted back (Fig. 27) (1-2 times).

11. Chest massage (Fig. 28). IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

  • a) stroking: produce with the palms of both hands on both sides of the sternum in the direction of the armpits (4-6 times);
  • b) rubbing: with bent two or three fingers of both hands, simultaneously massage between the ribs on both sides of the sternum, without pressing on the ribs (2-3 times in each intercostal space);
  • c) promote deepening of breathing. The chest is tightly clasped with both hands so that the thumbs are on the chest under the nipples. With the palms of both hands, lift up the skin of the child's chest, making circular movements that expand the chest. Reception is carried out at a slow pace (4-6 times).

12. Passive exercise - alternate flexion and extension of the arms. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. The child is given to clasp the thumbs of the adult's hands and the child's arms are flexed and extended at the elbows and shoulder joints; when bending one arm, unbend the other (Fig. 29) (6-8 times).

13. Passive exercise - sitting down. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. Holding the child's hands above the wrist, they take the straightened arms to the sides and, slightly pulling them, encourage the child to sit down (Fig. 30) (2-3 times).

14. Reflex exercise - turn from back to stomach to the right and left. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. When holding the child with the right hand by the straightened legs, and with the left hand by the right arm of the child bent at the elbow, by turning the pelvis, the rotation from the back to the stomach to the left is stimulated. To turn the child to the right, you need to grab the child’s legs with your left hand, and with your right hand - his left arm bent at the elbow (see) (1-2 times in each direction).

15. Passive exercise - flexion and extension of the legs alternately and together. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. Grab the straight legs of the child in the lower parts of the legs and produce alternate bending and extension of the legs in the knee and hip joints - at first slowly, then accelerating to run (Fig. 31, a) (6-8 times).

Then both legs are flexed and extended (Fig. 31, b) (4-6 times).

Passive exercise - flexion and extension of both legs: a - alternate; b - simultaneous

16. Passive exercise - lifting the child to his feet. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. Having allowed the child to clasp the index fingers of an adult, the children's hands, bent at the elbows, are slightly taken back. Supporting the child under the elbows, encourage him to rise - first on his knees, then on his feet (Fig. 32) (2-Zraz).

9. Active exercise (with the help of an adult) - crawling. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table. A bright toy is placed in front of the child. An adult fixes with his hand the feet of a child whose legs are bent at the knee and hip joints. If the child does not move forward on his own, then the adult, putting his left hand under the child's chest, himself moves him forward (Fig. 36) (4-6 times).

The total duration of the lesson is 8-10 minutes.

Complex 5 for children of the V age group - from 9 to 12 months.

This age is characterized by a significant development of active coordinated movements that prepare the child for independent standing and walking, so some exercises are given from starting position standing. To stimulate greater activity at this age, exercises with objects (rings, sticks) are used.

1. General massage.

Hand massage. IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking and rubbing: with the left hand, raise the child's hand, with the palm of the right hand, stroking (3-4 times), in the direction from the hand to the shoulder, then rubbing (see) (2-3 times).

Belly massage. PI - on the back, feet to the edge of the table: Stroking: with the palm of one hand or the palms of both hands, circular (clockwise) stroking is performed (see) (5-6 times).

Rubbing: produced with the base of the palm of one hand (see) (2-3 times).

Do not massage the liver area (right hypochondrium)

Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. Finger massage. The palms of both hands clasp each toe of the child's foot separately and stroking (4-6 times), and then rubbing (2-3 times):

Rubbing: small rubbing is performed with the palm of the hand on the front, outer and back sides of the lower leg and thigh (see) (2-3 times).

Do not massage the inner thigh

The rubbing of the lower leg is ring-shaped: with the index and thumb of both hands they tightly clasp the lower leg and at the same time produce vigorous ring rubbing in the direction from the foot to the knee joint (see) (2-3 times). Kneading of the lower leg is carried out by grasping movements of the large and index finger simultaneously with both hands, but in different sides towards the knee joint (see) (2-3 times).

Kneading: produced by the ends of the II-V fingers in the form of spiral movements with moderate pressure (see) (2-3 times). Vibration: pat the buttocks (see) (2-3 times). 2. Active exercise - raising straight legs. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. At the height of the child's straight legs, the adult holds a stick and encourages him with the words "higher, higher" to reach it with his feet (Fig. 37) (2-3 times).

3. Active exercise (with the help of an adult) - standing up. It is carried out from any position at the request of an adult. The adult slightly corrects the movements, helping the child to stand up (1-2 times).

4. Active exercise - tilt and straighten the body in a standing position. IP - the child is standing, leaning his back against an adult. A toy is placed at the child's feet, convenient for grasping. An adult fixes the knees of the child with his right hand, and with his left hand supports him by the stomach. With the words “take it, take it”, the child is encouraged to bend down and, taking the toy, straighten up again (Fig. 38) (2-3 times).

5. Active exercise - getting a toy. IP - standing with your back to an adult. An adult holds the baby by the stomach with one hand, and with the other hand holds the toy at the height of the child's outstretched arms. The child should get the toy (Fig. 39) (4-6 times).

6. Active exercise (with the help of an adult) - alternate flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow joints. IP - lying, sitting, standing facing an adult. The child is allowed to grasp small rings held by an adult, and the arms are flexed and extended at the elbow joints. When bending one arm, unbend the other (Fig. 40) (5-6 times with each hand).

Active exercise (with the help of an adult) - alternate flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow joints in the position: a - lying down; b - sitting; in - standing

7. Active exercise - squat. IP - standing facing an adult. An adult holds the child by both arms bent at the elbows and encourages him to squat with the words “sit down, sit down”, “become small” (Fig. 41) (2-3 times).

8. Active exercise - walking. The child moves a small chair, holding on to its back with both hands, and steps after it (1-2 minutes).

The total duration of the lesson is 12-15 minutes.

Physical activity for toddlers (1 to 3 years old)

In toddlers, motor skills develop relatively quickly.

At 1 year - 1 year 3 months. the first elements of walk automation appear: the child walks, changes direction (turns, backs up), position (squats, bends over, straightens up).

At 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months the first elements of complicated walking appear: the child steps with a side step over objects lying on the floor - a stick, a rope.

At 1 year 6 months - 1 year 9 months the child continues to master complicated walking: walks ~ on a bench 15-20 cm high and 15-20 cm wide.

At 1 year 9 months - 2 years old baby steps over a series of obstacles with alternating steps, independently rises to a height of 15-20 cm and descends. At 2 years - 2 years 6 months. elements of a jump appear, the child bounces, jumps in length, jumps over a stick lying on the floor.

At 2 years 6 months. - 3 years old, the baby steps in alternating steps through obstacles 10-15 cm high (cubes). Complexes of physical exercises for charging, gymnastics, outdoor games and games with musical accompaniment are selected according to motor abilities. Charging is carried out daily after sleep from the age of 2 (older nursery group), lasting 3-5 minutes. Children perform freely (as best they can) a few vigorous exercises. Gymnastics is carried out 2-3 times a week 40-60 minutes after eating. The trainee helps (with his hands) the child to perform the exercise correctly. The lesson consists of 8-10 exercises for everyone muscle groups. Duration of classes - 10-15 minutes.

The simplest equipment needed for conducting classes in a nursery

  1. Three children's gymnastic benches 1.5 m long, consisting of two boards, upper and lower. For children aged 1 to 2 months. up to 2 years old, use a bench 15 cm high, the width of the upper board is 20 cm and the bottom one is 15 cm. For children aged 2 to 3 years, two benches 25 cm high are used, the width of the upper board is 20 cm, the bottom one has 15 cm, and the other - 10 cm.
  2. Two round sticks 1.5 m long and 2 cm in diameter.
  3. Ladder 1.5 m long with seven transverse rungs, the distance between which is 18 cm, the diameter of the rung is 2 cm, the width of the ladder is 40 cm.
  4. Ribbed board 1.5 m long.
  5. Stool for a nurse 32-35 cm high.
  6. Stick 40 cm long and 1.5-2 cm in diameter, 4-5 pairs of wooden or celluloid rings 7-8 cm in diameter.
  7. Wooden or celluloid hoops with a diameter of 45 cm, 4-5 pieces.
  8. Rubber balls different sizes, 15-20 pieces.

With children up to 1 year 2 months. gymnastics is carried out individually, and from this age up to 1 year 6 months. - with two children. With children older than 1.5 years, classes are held in groups of 4-6 people. In the summer, classes are organized outdoors.

Jumping from a height is not allowed in the classroom, you can only use bouncing (jumping)

Children of the senior nursery group are explained and shown how to do exercises and play games.

The main tasks of gymnastics:

  • consolidation and improvement of automatisms of walking and posture possible at a given age, development of balance;
  • education of coordination of movements, for which they use exercises for stepping over a number of objects, jumping, exercises in walking on benches of different heights and widths, games with different balls, games on a hill with a ladder and a ramp;
  • cultivating the ability to coordinate their movements with the movements of comrades.

Approximate set of exercises for children aged 2 to 3 years

  1. IP - standing behind each other. Walking on the lower board of the gymnastic bench (2 times).
  2. IP - on the back on the floor. Raising straight legs to a stick (an adult holds a stick at a height, equal to the length child's feet) (2-3 times).
  3. IP - on the back on the floor. Sitting down, holding on to a stick held by an adult (2-3 times).
  4. IP - sitting astride a gymnastic bench one after another and holding a stick in front of him. They make torso tilts "to the right and left - while simultaneously moving their arms with sticks to the sides ("the boat sways"). The adult stands facing the children and gives instructions: "Right", "Left", "Straight", while simultaneously showing the exercise in mirror image(2-3 times in each direction).
  5. IP - on the stomach on the floor, arms extended forward. Raising the head and chest (2-3 times).
  6. IP - on the stomach. Crawling under a rope stretched at a height of 20 cm from the floor (2 times).
  7. IP - standing behind each other. Jumping over a stick lying on the floor (2-3 times).
  8. IP - standing, holding on to a stick held by an adult. Squatting and getting up on toes (2-3 times).
  9. IP - standing behind each other. Walking on a ribbed board (1 min).

Physical exercise for preschool children (3 to 6 years old)

At preschool age, the main work in the physical education of children is performed by educators, and parents continue it at home.

Children of preschool age continue to be taught complicated walking and running, a combination of running with overcoming obstacles, to form their skills in long jumps and high jumps from a run. Children are taught to throw and catch the ball with one hand, throw the ball at a target at different distances, climb different ways on the gymnastic wall, combine breathing with movements, teach swimming, skiing, elements sports games.

It is necessary to develop endurance, dexterity; increase the strength of the extensors; promote the development of balance and coordination of movements; to form the skills of performing gymnastic, sports-applied exercises and games. And this should be done gradually, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body inherent in age.

Group physical education classes are held in kindergartens, morning exercises, tempering procedures, physical education, outdoor games, walks, excursions outside the territory kindergarten, sports holidays. Group physical education, and this is the main form of physical education, is carried out 3 times a week for 25-35 minutes. The lesson is built in the same way as in therapeutic gymnastics, and consists of three sections: introductory (preparatory), main and final. In the main part, they learn new exercises, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, balance exercises, coordination, outdoor games, relay races, elements of sports games. In the preparatory and final sections, it is necessary to form full breath And correct posture. Outdoor games are widely used, planning them for the whole year and for the next week. Games are played with the whole group.

For a year each age group masters 10-15 new games. The least tiring for children is independent physical activity, therefore, conditions should be created for its implementation on sites with gymnastic equipment, toys.

In outdoor games, elementary exercises are used on command. Games to music develop hearing, sense of rhythm, attention.


Massage and exercise should be combined with hardening.

According to the method of E. I. Yankelevich (1985), air baths are used from 1.5-2 months of age at an air temperature of at least +20 ° C.

An undressed child is placed in a crib or on a table for 2-3 minutes. Air baths are initially carried out 2-3 times a day for 1-2 minutes, and their number and duration are gradually increased to 4 times a day for 10-15 minutes. During the air bath, the child should be turned several times from the back to the stomach and back.

Don't let your child get cold

From the age of 3 months in summer at a temperature not lower than +20 ° C, air baths can be carried out on outdoors, in the shade, in a place protected from the wind. You should start with 3-5 minutes and gradually increase the duration to 20-30 minutes.

From 7-8 months of age, wet rubdowns can be applied, starting with a water temperature of 32-33 ° C and gradually reducing it to room temperature.

Massage and therapeutic exercises for some childhood diseases

  • Massage and therapeutic exercises for rickets

Rickets most often affects children under the age of 3 years. With this disease, the metabolism is significantly disturbed. In the etiology of rickets, polyhypovitaminosis plays a leading role, with a predominant lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency leads to various disorders of phosphorus-calcium, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism. Clinically, rickets is manifested by anxiety, sleep disturbance, poor appetite, sweating of the head; the muscles become flabby, the bones become soft, the chest is deformed ("chicken breast"), which leads to impaired respiratory function, the legs, spine and a hump may be bent. Physiotherapy exercises are used as an obligatory element of complex treatment, including diet food, required doses of vitamin D, physiotherapy.

Contrary to the indications for the appointment of massage and therapeutic exercises:

  • spasmophilia, acute period associated diseases, a severe form of rickets, accompanied by brittle bones and pain in them, increasing toxicosis. Massage and gymnastics have a beneficial effect on functional state CNS, stop the development of deformation of the skeletal system. The role of massage is especially great, which, by activating metabolic processes in the skin, contributes to a greater accumulation of vitamin D in it.

It is known that the formation of vitamin D occurs in the skin, so with rickets it is advisable to prescribe general massage to children at a young age.

Massage and therapeutic exercises for rickets are carried out only in the position of the child lying down and, according to age, the simplest reflex, passive and active exercises are used, repeating each exercise 3-6 times. Massage and therapeutic exercises are carried out carefully, since the bones in this disease are prone to fractures. It is necessary to avoid exercises that can contribute to the curvature of the bones or stretching of the ligamentous apparatus. All massage techniques are used and selectively affect the muscles of the abdomen, back, extensors of the legs. The duration of the massage together with gymnastics is from 10-12 minutes at the onset of the disease to 20-30 minutes during the convalescence period.

Massage for rickets

1. Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table (see).

Massage of the toes. The palms of both hands clasp each toe of the child's foot separately and stroking (4-6 times), then rubbing (2-3 times).

Foot massage. Supporting the slightly raised feet of the child with the index fingers of both hands, use the thumbs to stroke the back surface of the foot in the direction from the fingers to the ankle joint and around this joint (4-6 times), then rub it (see) (2-3 times).

Then they stroke, rub and beat the plantar surface of the feet. Each of the techniques is repeated 2-3 times. Massage of the thighs and legs. Stroking: lightly holding the child’s foot by the foot with one hand, stroking the front, outer and back sides of the lower leg and thigh with the palm of the other hand in the direction from the foot to the hip joint (see) (4-6 times):

Do not massage the inner thigh

2. Hand massage. IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. Stroking and rubbing: with the left hand, raise the child's hand, with the palm of the right hand, stroking in the direction from the hand to the shoulder (3-4 times), then rubbing (see) (2-3 times).

3. Massage of the abdomen. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

Do not massage the liver area (right hypochondrium)

4. Chest massage (see):

  • a) stroking: produce with the palms of both hands on both sides of the sternum in the direction of the armpits (4-6 times);
  • b) rubbing: with bent two (II and III) or three (II, III and IV) fingers of both hands, simultaneously massage between the ribs on both sides of the sternum, without pressing on the ribs (2-3 times in each intercostal space).

To deepen breathing, the chest is tightly clasped with both hands so that the thumbs are on the chest under the nipples. With the palms of both hands, lift the skin of the child's chest upward, making circular movements that expand the chest to the notch. Reception is carried out at a slow pace (4-6 times).

5. Back and buttocks massage. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table:

An approximate set of physical exercises for rickets

Massage and therapeutic exercises for malnutrition

Hypotrophy is the depletion of the body caused by malnutrition as a result of a violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, hygienic and motor regimen, and an infection. This disease often occurs in early childhood.

Hypotrophy is manifested by a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer, a slowdown or lack of weight gain, muscle flabbiness, growth retardation, pallor and dry skin. The child becomes lethargic and lethargic.

With malnutrition in the first six months of a child's life, massage is used, in the second six months, the massage is supplemented with passive movements. During the massage, only the massaged area is exposed, the rest of the body should be closed, since thermoregulation is disturbed in this disease. Apply light stroking, light rubbing.

The total duration of massage and gymnastics is 5-7 minutes, and as the child's body weight increases, it is gradually increased.

Massage and exemplary complex physical exercises with moderate hypotrophy for children 9-12 months.

1. Hand massage. IP - on its side, feet to the edge of the table. With the left hand, the child's hand is raised up, with the palm of the right hand, stroking from the hand to the shoulder 6-8 times, then light rubbing (see) (2-3 times).

2. Passive exercise - crossing the arms on the chest. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. The child is allowed to clasp the thumbs of the adult's hands and bend his arms at the elbow joints, crossing them on the chest (see). Following this, the child's arms are unbent and taken to the sides (see) (2-3 times).

3. Foot massage. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table (see).

Massage of the toes. The palms of both hands are wrapped around each toe of the child's foot separately and stroking and then rubbing (4-6 times).

Foot massage (see). Supporting the slightly raised feet of the child with the index fingers of both hands, the thumbs stroke the back surface of the foot in the direction from the fingers to the ankle joint and around this joint (3-4 times). Then they stroke, rub the plantar surface of the feet. Each of the techniques is repeated 2-3 times. Hip and leg massage:

Do not massage the inner thigh

4. Reflex exercise - turn from back to stomach to the right and left. IP - on the back, legs straight. When holding the child with the right hand by the feet, and with the left hand by the right hand of the baby bent at the elbow, by turning the pelvis, they stimulate the turn from the back to the stomach to the left. To turn the child to the right, you need to grab his feet with your left hand, and with your right hand - the left arm bent at the elbow (see) (1-2 times in each direction).

5. Back massage. IP - on the stomach, feet to the edge of the table:

6. Massage of the abdomen. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

Do not massage the liver area (right hypochondrium)

7. Passive exercise - flexion and extension of the arms. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. The child is allowed to clasp the thumbs of the adult and produce flexion and extension of the baby's arms in the elbow and shoulder joints; when bending one arm, unbend the other (see Fig. 29) (2-3 times).

8. Passive exercise - flexion and extension of the legs in the hip joints. IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table. They simultaneously grasp both straight legs of the child and bend and unbend them at the hip joints (see) (2-3 times).

9. Chest massage (see). IP - on the back, feet to the edge of the table:

  • a) stroking: produce with the palms of both hands on both sides of the sternum in the direction of the armpits (2-3 times);
  • b) rubbing: with bent two or three fingers of both hands, simultaneously massage between the ribs on both sides of the sternum, without pressing on the ribs (2-3 times in each intercostal space).

Massage and therapeutic exercises for children with cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a severe disease of the nervous system, which is manifested by spastic paresis or paralysis of central origin. The disease occurs under the influence of various intrauterine, birth and postpartum causes, including developmental anomalies, infections, trauma, hemorrhage. The study of the causes of this serious illness and the search for methods of treatment continue to be one of the urgent problems of modern medicine.

The clinical main symptoms of spastic paresis, paralysis are changes in muscle tone, muscle spasm, increased tendon reflexes, the appearance of pathological reflexes, decreased muscle strength, manifestation of friendly movements and hyperkinesis. Contracture and deformities of the limbs develop; there may be coordination disorders.

Paresis can extend to all limbs (tetraparesis), to the limbs of one side of the body (hemiparesis), to two arms or legs (paraparesis), and to one limb (monoparesis).

Massage and therapeutic exercises are essential factors of treatment, during which various effects are used:

  • position treatment;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • a variety of muscle stimulation techniques - shading along the way, acupressure, tingling;
  • restoration of elementary movements;
  • exercises to develop correct posture;
  • education of holistic motor acts.

Therapeutic exercises begin with massage. For spastic muscles, only light techniques of stroking, rubbing, vibration are used, for antagonist muscles - all techniques, except for deep kneading.

Passive exercises are carried out slowly, with a full range of motion to stretch the spastic muscles. Active exercises are first carried out with outside help, in the future - without it. As the child grows, depending on age-related changes, they use exercises with objects, toys, on the gymnastic wall, physical exercises in the water and swimming, games.

Therapeutic gymnastics is used constantly, massage - in courses of 20-25 procedures, with a break of at least 10 days, several times a year.


For sick children, massage is prescribed by a doctor, and it should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Clinical observations have shown that they are effective exercise therapy techniques and massage, differentiated taking into account the age of the child, the cause, the nature of the disease or injury, the characteristics of their course, the state of the nervous system, as well as the specifics of the action of each of the massage techniques. Therefore, massage of the same area of ​​the body with different diseases is different and its methods are built taking into account the above provisions.

The correct differentiated technique of physical exercises and massage has a beneficial effect on the body, increases the effectiveness of treatment, contributing to recovery in a number of diseases, and delays the onset of disability in severe diseases.

An incorrect method of their use or prescription in a phase of the disease in which they are contraindicated can exacerbate the pathological process. Therefore, when applying massage, it is necessary to know not only indications, but also contraindications to its appointment, so as not to harm a sick child.

Knowledge of the diagnosis made in a medical institution is mandatory. The use of massage only on the basis of the child's complaints is unacceptable.

It should be emphasized that after the first course of massage conducted by an experienced specialist, repeated courses, if necessary, can be carried out by parents who carefully observe and train the massage therapist.

Massage and gymnastics in early childhood

Motor activity in young children is a powerful factor contributing to the proper development of the child.

The creation of physiologically based methods of gymnastics and massage at an early age is based on knowledge of the state and development of skeletal muscles in children.

Gymnastics and massage should be used in conjunction with all other educational activities (diet and sleep, wakefulness, etc.).

Gymnastics and general massage have a regulating effect on the functions of the central nervous system, respiration, blood circulation, digestion, blood formation. Under their influence, oxidative, trophic, thermoregulatory processes are stimulated, metabolism improves.

Massage and gymnastic exercises are the most beneficial and expedient way to educate a child in the right and precise movements. In the absence of purposeful education, the development of movements in a child is delayed, and their quality deteriorates noticeably.

When choosing special exercises for the child, it is necessary to take into account not only age features but also the features of his individual development. At each age stage, a child exhibits two kinds of reactions: predominant, stronger, but tending to fade; emerging, still very weak, but nevertheless tending to steadily increase.

For example, in the first 3 months of life in children, hypertension of the flexor muscles of the upper and lower extremities is pronounced. Against this background, the balancing of the extensor muscles arises and gradually increases.

Since the hypertension of the flexor muscles continuously decreases during the normal development of the child, the first reaction is progressive.

Facilitating this response (relaxing the flexor muscles) should be considered appropriate. The means to promote this include daily warm baths and light stroking massage, causing muscle relaxation; stimulation of the child's independent movements associated with extension, for which the main motor background of this age is used - congenital reflexes.

In the first months of life, it is advisable to use only reflexes that are associated with extension in exercises in order to prevent strengthening of the already predominant flexors.

If the balancing of the flexors and extensors of the upper extremities occurs in a timely manner, then the prerequisites are created for the developed skill of the hands, which will give the child the opportunity to reach for the object, take it, and then, holding on, pull himself up, lifting the torso.

Thus, with the timely development of small muscles, prerequisites are created for the development of large muscles, which provides the child with the ability to change position.

Physical exercises are shown to every healthy child from 1.5-2 months of age. By this time, the child's body adapts to the conditions of extrauterine existence, a certain rhythm of life is established, thermoregulation is improved.

For infants, the exercises should be very simple and easy to do.

Contraindications to the appointment of gymnastic exercises and massage to a healthy child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics does not exist. Gymnastics and massage are carried out in a room at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. In summer, exercises should be performed with an open window or in the air at the same temperature.

The lesson itself is held on a table covered with a four-fold flannelette blanket, on top of which an oilcloth and a clean sheet are laid.

Classes are carried out once a day 45 minutes before or 45 minutes after feeding. The nurse's (or mother's) hands should be clean, dry and warm. The child is undressed; his body must be warm. During the lesson, the child must maintain a cheerful mood, talk with him, encourage him to be active, smile, use toys. During the performance of certain exercises, the nurse (or mother) should carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If there is a negative reaction (mood deterioration, crying), the procedure should be interrupted and the child should be reassured. The child should not be overtired.

All movements must be done rhythmically, calmly and smoothly (without violence), repeating each 2-3 times.

Fundamentals of the general technique of massage and gymnastics in young children

The development of the motor activity of an infant proceeds in two directions - statics and motor skills. In accordance with this, groups of exercises for children of this age are also determined: they include exercises for the development of coordination, balance, as well as respiratory movements. For the development of respiratory activity in young children, passive and reflex exercises are used.

Passive exercises are performed not by a child, but by a massage therapist (nurse, mother). They are designed to use the natural motor phase of the child's muscles: flexion during contraction of a certain muscle group and extension during their relaxation.

Passive exercise should not be used until 3 months of the child's life, since with the existing hypertension of the flexors, their implementation is associated with the danger of violence against the child.

After 3 months of life, when the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the upper limbs are fully balanced, passive movements for the arms can be gradually introduced, starting with the most simple ones and moving on to more complex ones.

The balancing of the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the lower extremities is achieved between 4-5 months of life, which makes it possible to introduce passive movements for the legs.

Reflex exercises. To strengthen the muscles of the neck and torso, you can use reflex exercises designed for movements that proceed according to the type of unconditioned motor reflexes.

Congenital motor reflex reactions appear in response to irritation of receptors in the skin, muscles, and nervous apparatus. First, in the hanging position on the stomach, the child tilts his head back. Approximately a month later (by 4 months), in the same position, his whole body begins to bend, forming an arc open upwards. This movement is an energetic irritation and strengthening vestibular apparatus. From the age of 4 months, in the hanging position on the back, the child tilts his head forward, straining the muscles of the front surface of the body.

By regularly giving the indicated positions (holding the child on the hang on the stomach, on the back), you can strengthen the muscles of the neck and torso.

In the future, on the basis of these innate reflexes, conditioned connections can be created in response to such signal stimuli as stretching the legs, sound signals, grasping, etc.

Exercises with the help of someone (passive-active). These include movements that are only partially performed by the child independently, for example, sitting down while pulling the child by the arms, by the hands; standing with support under the armpits, etc.

Active exercises are voluntary exercises that the child does independently.

Massage- one of the types of passive gymnastics. Its essence consists in mechanical irritations rhythmically and systematically applied to the child's body.

Massage is general and local. General massage has a significant and diverse effect on the child's body. There are 5 basic massage techniques:

1) stroking;

2) rubbing;

3) kneading;

4) tapping;

5) vibration.

Stroking. When stroking the skin is released from the scales of the epidermis, which leads to the opening of the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

This method improves respiration and nutrition of the skin (skin vessels expand, arterial and venous circulation improves), its firmness and elasticity increase.

Up to 3 months, children are massaged exclusively by stroking. After 3 months, other massage techniques are added: kneading, tapping. General stroking massage lasts up to 6 months.

In the future, it is needed mainly in violation of muscle elasticity and muscle tone and also as a rest between exercises.

Massage begins with stroking. It alternates with other techniques and the massage ends with it. When stroking, one or both hands of the massage therapist fit snugly against the massaged surface, glide slowly, calmly, rhythmically.

Stroking is always performed taking into account the venous and lymphatic outflow (along the way). Kinds strokes:

1) coverage. Performed with two hands. With one hand, the masseur holds the limb by the hand or foot, the second one covers the limb between the thumb and four other fingers;

2) alternating stroking. It is performed with two hands in such a way that when one hand completes the movement, the second replaces it;

3) cruciform stroking. It is performed with two hands, the fingers of which are intertwined;

4) spiral stroking. Performed by the base of the palm, or terminal phalanx thumb, or with the other four fingers, or with the whole palm. With spiral stroking, while maintaining the main direction of movement, additional spiral movements are described;

5) stroking with weights. Performed with two hands. One hand with the palmar or back surface lies on the massaged area, the second is on top and exerts pressure, helps to perform stroking.

Rubbing is intended to affect mainly the musculoskeletal system of the child. With this technique, the nutrition of tendons, tendon sheaths, mucous bags improves; increases elasticity and contractility of muscles.

When rubbing, the skin is slightly stretched with fingers. Not only the skin is rubbed, but also the tissues lying under it.

Trituration carried out in different directions.

Kinds rubbing:

1) longitudinal grinding. It is performed with the thumbs of both hands. The fingers lie parallel and tightly on the massaged surface and rub it, moving in opposite directions;

2) rubbing with fingertips. It is performed with one or two hands. The fingers are bent, the ends are directed to the skin of the massaged area. Movement in different directions;

3) spiral rubbing. It is performed similarly to spiral stroking, but more vigorously with the displacement of the skin and rubbing it in different directions;

4) rake rubbing. Used for back massage. From the neck to the buttocks, rubbing is performed with the ends of the fingers of both hands, which slide along both sides of the spine. From the buttocks to the neck, rubbing is performed with the back of the hands;

5) sawing. Two hands work. The brushes are located parallel to the rib surface and rub the area, moving in opposite directions.

kneading It is aimed at strengthening the blood supply and improving the nutrition of the massaged area.

It is mainly used for deep muscle massage.

Muscles or individual muscle bundles are captured by the massage therapist's fingers, slightly retracted and kneaded in different directions.

Kinds kneading:

1) longitudinal kneading. Movements are performed along muscle fibers;

2) transverse kneading. The muscle is warmed up in the transverse direction in relation to the muscle fibers;

3) double ring kneading. It is performed with two hands while massaging the shoulder. The shoulder is covered by the thumb and four other fingers. The brushes, moving in opposite directions, twist the three- and two-headed muscles, as it were, and thereby knead them.

tapping as a special type of massage, it helps to reduce the excitability of peripheral nerves, improve blood supply, and, consequently, muscle nutrition.

Tapping also affects the deeper internal organs.

This technique is performed by light tapping separate parts bodies (richer in muscles) with the ends of both fingers.

In the smallest children, this technique in the form of rhythmic patting is performed by the palmar surface of the fingers of one or the other hand of certain parts of the body, most often the back, thighs, less often the back surface of the lower leg.

Kinds tapping:

1) tapping with fingertips. The blows are applied with two hands, the fingers of which are half-bent;

2) tapping of the palmar surface;

3) pat. Performed with two hands, the fingers of which are gathered into a “soft fist”, make movements resembling kneading dough;

4) hacking. Blows are applied with the costal surface of the hand.

Vibration consists in transmitting to the body rapidly successive uniform shocks. This technique at an early age is used very rarely.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 1.5–3 months

Since the muscle tone of the limb flexors is pronounced in children of this age, massage efforts should be aimed at relaxing these muscles.

Active movements are carried out taking into account innate reflexes, mainly musculocutaneous and protective.

Of the innate reflexes, it is necessary to pay attention to extension, avoiding movements of the flexor muscles.

In children of this age, attention should be paid to relaxing the flexors using stroking.

The sequence of the procedure:

1) hand massage (stroking);

2) foot massage (stroking);

3) laying out on the stomach;

4) back massage (stroking);

5) massage of the abdomen (stroking);

6) foot massage (rubbing);

7) exercises for the feet (reflex movements);

8) extension of the spine (reflex) in the position either on the right or on the left side;

9) laying out on the stomach;

10) reflex crawling.

The child lies on his back during the procedure.

The child should take a warm bath every day, you need to evoke positive emotions in him during the procedure, communication.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 3-4 months

With normal development in a child of this age, the physiological increased tone of the flexors of the arms disappears, but the phenomena of hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs may still remain. At this age, you can begin to carry out passive movements for the hands. At the age of 3-4 months, in connection with the strengthening of the cervical muscles, congenital position reflexes appear.

On the lower extremities, stroking is used to relax the flexors, where there is hypertonicity.

If the child has the first attempts to change the position of the body (turning from back to stomach), then he should be helped.

By 3 months, the crawling phenomenon disappears, and exercises for the lower extremities can be applied.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

1) hand massage;

2) grasping movements with hands (passive exercise);

3) foot massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

4) turn on the stomach to the right (reflex movement);

5) back massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

6) reflex movement of the head back in position

on the stomach;

7) massage of the abdomen (stroking);

8) foot massage (rubbing, patting);

9) exercises for the feet (reflex);

10) vibration massage of the entire chest;

11) passive exercise for arms and legs for flexion and extension;

12) turn on the stomach to the left.

Thus, it is necessary to promote the full balancing of the flexors and extensors of the limbs, the first skills to change the position of the body; provide conditions for the development of the muscles of the hands, hanging various toys, objects for grabbing them at the height of outstretched arms.

Massage and gymnastics technique at the age of 4–6 months

At the age of 4 to 6 months, the child is balancing the tone of the flexors and extensors of the lower extremities, so it is necessary to introduce passive movements for the lower extremities.

Strengthening of the anterior cervical muscles by 4 months is due to exercises based on the food reflex with turns and raising the head of the child.

In this age period, you can introduce active exercises to change the position of the body (from a lying position to a sitting position) with support for the hands.

Performing exercises, it is necessary to maintain the rhythm of movements by counting out loud (one, two, three, four).

Mandatory event - massage of the lower extremities, back, abdomen and feet, upper extremities.

1) grasping movements with hands, passive cross movements in front of the chest;

2) foot massage;

3) imitation of cycling movements, "sliding steps" on the surface of the table;

4) turn from back to stomach to the right, back massage (all techniques);

5) "floating" in the position on the stomach (reflex movement);

6) massage of the abdomen (stroking clockwise, along the oblique muscles of the abdomen);

7) lifting the upper body of the child from a supine position with support for both arms extended to the sides;

8) foot massage (reflex movements);

9) flexion and extension of the arms ("boxing");

10) flexion and extension of the legs together and in turn;

11) reflex exercise on the back, "hovering";

12) chest massage;

13) turn from back to stomach.

All massage techniques are carried out in the supine position.

The main task is the further development of the muscles of the hands, changing the position of the body with its turns; preparation for crawling; when laying on the stomach, rhythmic sound signals should be given for auditory development.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 6-10 months

During this period, you can enter exercises for both small muscles brushes, and for large muscles of the limbs, complex in coordination of movement. The child is able to hold the body in certain positions for a longer time, to sit without support, to stand with support, to crawl. During this period, the child develops understanding of speech, which must be promoted.

Conditional signals, verbal instructions (sit down, give, take, give, hold tight) should be widely used, all signals must be carried out on the basis of unconditioned reflexes.

The sequence of procedures:

1) grasping movements with hands, with rings;

2) flexion and extension of arms and legs with verbal instruction, stroking and rubbing;

3) turn from back to stomach to the right (behind the legs) with verbal instruction;

4) back massage (all manipulations);

5) with the support of both hands, sitting down with a verbal instruction;

6) circular movements with hands;

7) raising straight legs with verbal instruction;

8) reflex movement along the lines along the spine with deflection;

9) turn from back to stomach to the left with verbal instruction;

10) lifting from a prone position with the support of the hands with a verbal instruction;

11) exercise for arm flexors for sitting down with verbal instruction;

12) massage of the chest and abdomen (all techniques with vibration;

13) breathing exercises, squeezing on exhalation from the sides.

The position of the child is lying, and with some exercises - sitting. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, to strive to strengthen the muscles for sitting and standing, to cultivate conditioned motor reflexes with understanding of speech and coordination of movements, to observe the rhythm in the performance of movements. Massage should precede exercise.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 10 months to 1 year

In this period, standing without support is formed and walking develops.

The child has new elements of motor skills (for example, squatting), so it is recommended more exercise for a squat.

The child in this period has a connection with actions and objects, their names, which are related to gymnastics. More verbal instructions should be entered.

The sequence of the procedure:

1) flexion and extension of the arms in a sitting position, standing with objects;

2) "bicycle" movement with verbal instruction;

3) turn from back to stomach according to verbal instructions;

4) back massage (all techniques);

5) from the position lying on the stomach, lifting to a vertical position with the support of the hands or objects (rings);

6) tilt forward (pressing the knee joints of the child to his back);

7) massage of the abdomen (all techniques);

8) raising straightened legs to a landmark (sticks, toys) with verbal instruction and approval;

9) exercise for arm flexors (sitting down);

10) intense arching with holding the child by the legs, getting an object from the floor with a verbal instruction;

11) squatting with support for the hands, use objects;

12) sitting down with the support of one or the other hand or independently with a return to the starting position;

13) circular movements of hands with objects.

The main task is to stimulate the implementation of exercises according to speech instructions. It is necessary to use various objects - rings, sticks, toys, give the child the opportunity to practice climbing skills, walking, but, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, start new movements from a prone position, and then (complicating) - sitting, standing. Massage is a rest after gymnastic exercises, so it should be carried out immediately after them.

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Massage and gymnastics "Arms and legs" is an exercise during which the baby grabs his leg with his hand. The task is to stimulate the child's desire to touch the legs with his hands. When the baby lies on its back, put a bright sock on its leg (you can

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Chapter 9 Massage and gymnastics in certain diseases of the newborn Muscular torticollis Torticollis occurs in approximately 5% of newborns. It occurs with congenital underdevelopment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and changes during childbirth and after

Massage for children at an early age (up to a year)

The child's body develops all the time and, in the nature of its responses to various external influences, differs from the body of an adult (Fig. 51).

The pace of development of individual organs, systems and the whole organism is not the same in different periods of children's lives. This determines the features of age-related reactivity. Knowing the patterns of development of certain functions of the growing child's body, its anatomical and physiological features, it is possible to exert a directed influence on the growth, development and health of the child!

Rice. 40. Topography of the main points (a - rear view, b - side view).

a: 1 - points of the lateral region of the forearm; 2-

occipital region; 3 - point of the medulla oblongata; 4 -

back of the neck; 5 - interscapular region; 6 - muscle-

extensor of the spine; 7 - sacral region; 8 -

back of the thumb; 9 - the back of the fingers;

10 - back area of ​​the knee; 11 - lower scapular and

lumbar region; 12 - iliac crest; 13 - dot

namikoshi; 14 - gluteal region; 15 - the back of the thigh;

16 - back region of the lower leg; 17 - plantar region.

b: 18 - temple; 19 - temporal region; 20 - sternocleidomastoid region; 21 - lateral surface of the neck;

22 - suprascapular region; 23 - lateral area of ​​the shoulder; 24-

pikosha point; 25 - lateral region of the thigh; 26-

lateral region of the lower leg; 27- heel area; 28-

lateral ankle region

Rice. 41. Topography of the main pressure points (c - view

in front).

I - points of the nose area; 2 - back area of ​​the shoulder; 3 - region

abdomen 4 - anterior region of the thigh; 5 - front area

knee; 6 - lateral region of the lower leg; 7 - ankle

region; 8 - points of the rear of the foot; 9 - points of the toes; 10 -

points of the frontal region;

II - eye socket area; 12 - points of the zygomatic region; 13 -

anterior cervical region; 14 - chest area; 15 - points

deltoid muscle; 16 - medial area of ​​the forearm; 17-

points of the palmar region; 18 - palmar region of the fingers; 19 -

medial area of ​​the thigh; 20 - area of ​​​​the inner ankle;

21 - point of the sternum

Rice. 42. The position of the fingers during the massage

Rice. 43. Pressure points for angina pectoris

Rice. 44. Pressure points 45. Pressure points for

with seasickness prostatitis

Rice. 46. ​​Migraine Pressure Points

Rice. 47. Pressure points for bronchial asthma

Rice. 48. Pressure points for frontal sinusitis

The protective function of the skin in children is less pronounced than in adults, their skin is often infected and easily injured. The bone tissue of an infant is soft, malleable and requires careful handling. If the baby is carried incorrectly in the arms, the rules of swaddling are violated, various curvature of the spine is possible.

Muscular system in infants it is relatively poorly developed and accounts for only 23-25% of body weight, while in an adult it is about 42%. The muscles of the extremities are especially poorly developed in newborns. The skeletal system and the musculoskeletal apparatus in infants are characterized by "physiological weakness", the skin and subcutaneous fat layer are tender and therefore easily injured. These features must be taken into account when conducting a massage.

Rice. 50. Pressure points for colitis (constipation)

Massage of young children is carried out with a preventive, hygienic purpose, as well as in case of any deviations in the state of health or physical development, violations of the normal function of the spine, sharply pronounced weakness muscles and ligaments, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the transfer of various diseases.

Massage has a comprehensive effect on the child's body. His reaction to massage is different and depends on the techniques used, the duration of exposure. For example, stroking, rubbing relax the muscles, and tapping, patting - cause an increase in muscle tone. Under the influence of massage, blood and lymph flow, metabolic processes, and the release of metabolic products are accelerated.

When exposed to massage techniques on the skin, muscles, ligaments, responses from various organs and systems occur. There is a close functional relationship between the muscular system and the function of internal organs, smooth muscle tone. Therefore, massage causes a positive reaction from the digestive tract, this is especially important for constipation (flatulence) - after the massage, gases are well removed.

Rice. 51. Scheme of development of static and motor functions in an infant

Massage stimulates the growth and development of muscle mass, helps maintain optimal tone, and is a kind of irritant to skin and tissue receptors. Despite the small mass of the child, the surface of the skin is relatively larger than that of adults. This partly explains the significantly greater sensitivity of the child to the effects of massage. The capillary network of the skin is highly developed, and after the massage, hyperemia quickly occurs. Given the increased excitability of the nervous system, the presence of a large number of receptors in the skin, it is possible to explain the increased sensitivity of the child to the effects of massage.

When conducting a massage, a number of rules should be observed:

1. Massage movements are performed along the vessels - from the periphery to the center.

2. The room should be warm to avoid excessive heat dissipation after the massage.

3. Massage is carried out in the position of the child lying on a table or on a sofa. Direct rays of light should not fall into the eyes of the child.

4. During the massage, hand movements should be soft, gentle, without jerks (especially in the area of ​​the liver, kidneys, patella and spine).

5. When massaging the abdomen, the liver area should be spared; the genitals should not be massaged.

6. When performing a back massage, techniques are excluded. Patting, tapping in the kidney area.

Contraindications to massage in young children: acute infectious diseases; rickets during the height of the disease with symptoms of hyperesthesia; various forms of hemorrhagic diathesis; inguinal, umbilical, femoral hernias with a tendency to infringement; congenital heart defects with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder; pustular, acute inflammatory skin diseases.

Hygienic basics of massage for young children. The temperature in a room with good lighting is not lower than 22-24°C. The hands of the massage therapist should be warm, with short-cut nails, dry, without rings and other decorations. The table on which the massage is performed is covered with a blanket and a clean diaper. Massage is performed without any powders, lubricants. After the massage, the child should be dressed in warm, dry underwear to keep warm. Massage is carried out after feeding, but not earlier than after 1-1.5 hours, or before feeding. Before going to bed, the child should not be massaged, as this excites him. After the massage, the child should rest.

The duration of the massage is 5-7 minutes.

Parents who do not know massage techniques should first practice on a doll. Incorrect, uncertain performance of massage techniques can cause discomfort in a child and instead of doing good, bring harm.

Massage technique. Massage can be started from 2-3 weeks of age. The position of the child: lying down, legs to the masseuse, when massaging the back - on the stomach (Fig. 52).

Massage begins with stroking. After the disappearance of the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles of the hands, rubbing of the muscles - flexors and extensors is added, alternating it with stroking. With the disappearance of the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles of the lower extremities, ring rubbing is added.

Stroking the legs is carried out in the supine position. The left leg of the child is placed on the palm of the masseuse's left hand, and the right hand strokes the outer and back surfaces of the lower leg and thigh in the direction from the foot to the thigh, bypassing the patella from the outside, avoiding shocks in the knee joint area. When massaging the right leg, it is held with the right hand, and massaged with the left. The movements are repeated 5-8 times.

Foot massage. The child's leg is placed between the thumb and forefinger of the masseuse's left hand. Stroking and rubbing is carried out with the index and middle fingers of the right hand from the heel to the fingers and circular movements. After three months, patting is included, which is performed with the back of half-bent fingers (index and middle) of the right hand on the child's foot. The movements are repeated 3-7 times.

Stroking the hands is carried out in the position of the child lying on his back, legs towards the masseuse. In this case, the masseuse puts the thumb of the left hand into the right hand of the child and slightly raises it, and with the right hand strokes the inner and outer surface of the forearm and shoulder in the direction from the fingers to the shoulder. When massaging the child's left hand

Rice. 52. Massage for children at an early age: 1 - stroking the back

back surface of the hand; 2 - rubbing with the base

palms of the back muscles; 3 - stroking the chest

palmar surface of the hand; 4 - stroking the oblique muscles

abdomen 5 - kneading with the pads of the thumbs of the muscles

legs; 6 - vibration along the spine (reflex

extension of the spine); 7 - stroking (rubbing)

palmar surface of the leg; 8 - stroking the abdomen

palmar surface of the hand; 9 - rubbing the foot with two

hands; 10 - stroking (rubbing) the palm of the hand

brush surface; 11 - patting the foot; 12 -

rubbing back muscles

the position of the hands of the masseuse changes. The movements are repeated 6-8 times.

Stroking the abdomen is carried out in the supine position. First, the abdomen is stroked clockwise with the palmar and back surfaces of the hand, without pressing on the liver area and without touching the genitals. Then, stroking and rubbing with the pads of two to four fingers of the right hand along the large intestine is performed. After that, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are rubbed, while the thumbs are placed at the xiphoid process of the sternum and go to the spine and back with sliding movements. The movements are repeated 3-5 times.

Back stroking. To massage the back of the child, turn on the stomach, legs to the masseuse and stroke along the spine, the spine is not massaged. Stroking is performed from the buttocks to the neck with one and two hands with the palmar and back surfaces of the hand. If the child cannot lie quietly on his stomach, then stroking is performed with one hand, and the child's legs are held with the other.

After the child is three months old, techniques are used: rubbing, kneading and patting the muscles of the back, arms and legs.

Rubbing is performed in the same way as stroking, but more vigorously. You can perform ring rubbing by clasping the ankle joint with your thumb (on one side) and the rest (on the other). Circular movements produce up to the inguinal region. When performing rubbing, the legs are supported with one hand, and massaged with the other. They also perform circular (ring) rubbing of the hand. Rubbing on the back, abdomen, thighs, chest can be done with the pads of two to four fingers or with the pad of the thumb.

Kneading is performed with one or two hands, while the muscles (muscle) are captured with the thumb (on the one hand) and the rest (on the other), gentle squeezing and moving the fingers along the muscles are performed. When kneading the legs, it is placed in the left hand, and the right hand is massaged. On the limbs, you can perform kneading “tongs”, while the muscles are massaged on one side with the thumb, and on the other with two or four fingers, and forceps-like massage movements are performed from top to bottom, that is, from the wrist joint to the shoulder joint, and from the ankle joint to the hip joint. You can also knead with the tips of two or four fingers in a circle, in a zigzag pattern. On the limbs, especially the lower ones, you can knead the muscles with both hands.

Pat. This technique can be performed on the back, thighs, feet with the back of the hand or fingertips. Patting is especially indicated for malnutrition.

Vibration. Vibration is performed on the chest with the index and middle fingers moving from the xiphoid process to the shoulders alternately. Movements should be soft, without pressure. In addition, vibration on the back can be carried out with the thumb and forefinger or make a "fork" of the index and middle fingers. Movements go from bottom to top to the neck and back, while the spinous processes are located between the fingers. Repeat 3-5 times. Finish the massage with stroking.

The organism of a child develops all the time and differs from the organism of an adult in the nature of its responses to various external influences. Knowing the patterns of development of certain functions of the growing child's body, its anatomical and physiological features, it is possible to exert a directed influence on the growth, development and health of the child.

The protective function of the skin in children is less pronounced than in adults, it is often infected and easily vulnerable. The bone tissue of an infant is soft, malleable and requires careful handling. The muscular system in infants is relatively poorly developed and accounts for only 23-25% of body weight, while in an adult it is about 42%. The muscles of the extremities are especially poorly developed in newborns. The skeletal system and the musculoskeletal apparatus in infants are characterized by "physiological weakness", the skin and subcutaneous fat layer are tender and therefore easily vulnerable. These features must be taken into account when conducting a massage.

Due to the imperfection of the development of the central nervous system, the movements of a child aged 1.5 - 2 months are erratic. He cannot keep his head upright on his own. Arms and legs practically do not unbend and are pressed to the body, fingers are clenched into fists (hypertonicity of the flexor muscles, disappears by 3-4 months).

From birth, the baby is endowed with motor reflexes, called unconditioned. Motor reflexes are closely related to congenital skin reflexes. The child's body reacts to irritation of various parts of the skin with appropriate movements. For example, the child's feet touch the support and he begins to rearrange the legs, making movements similar to steps.

If you touch the feet of a child lying on his stomach with his palm, he begins to push off from her legs, trying to crawl. These unconditioned reflexes do not last long and by 3-4 months they are lost. Throughout life, the spinal Galant reflex operates, in which the body bends in response to stroking the skin along the spine.

Massage of young children is carried out with a preventive, hygienic purpose, as well as in case of any deviations in the state of health or physical development, a violation of the normal function of the spine, a pronounced weakness of the muscles and ligamentous apparatus, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract and the transfer of various diseases.

Massage has a comprehensive effect on the child's body. When exposed to massage techniques on the skin, muscles, ligaments, responses from various organs and systems occur. Given the increased excitability of the nervous system, the presence of a large number of receptors in the skin, it is possible to explain the increased sensitivity of the child to the effects of massage. Massage has a positive effect on the emotions and speech development of the child.

In children's massage, the basic techniques of classical massage are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping.

Stroking has a calming effect on the central nervous system child, helps relieve pain, helps to normalize breathing and heart function. With the help of stroking, normal daytime and nighttime sleep is restored. Vibration helps to activate the activity of the neuromuscular apparatus, and also stimulates the increase in metabolism in the child's body. Tapping reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves the functioning of internal organs.

Massage begins with stroking. After the disappearance of the physiological hypertonicity of the flexor muscles, kneading techniques are added

In the first year of life, massage is recommended for all children. In the period from 1 year to middle school age inclusive, massage is recommended in cases of any deviations in health or physical development, such as spinal deformity, weakness of muscles and ligaments, and other deviations. In order to prevent healthy children, it is recommended to perform various gymnastics complexes.