Warm-up and special exercises when working with a checker. Agility Exercises

Krasov L.I. Overcome immobility

For a patient who is constantly in bed, everything matters: whether the window is close, whether the room is well ventilated, whether the illumination is sufficient or whether the light hits the eyes, whether the radio is connected, how the TV is located, where the bed is, whether there are approaches to it from all sides. It is also important what the patient sleeps on, how he hides. The color (and pattern) of the wallpaper is also not indifferent. It is known that it affects well-being: red, for example, excites, blue - soothes.

Bed linen should be constantly dry and laid wrinkle-free(the bed sheet is attached with ties at the corners of the bed).

To protect the patient from bedsores and trophic ulcers, he must turn and flip every 2-3 hours sequentially on the stomach, on the back. If it is impossible to turn over completely, turn alternately on one and the other side. At the same time, they wipe the skin with camphor alcohol (2-3 times a day) or do a general cold rubdown of the entire body (morning and evening), which serves as a good massage that disperses stagnant blood in the superficial veins of paralyzed legs.

It is necessary to take special care of the skin of paralyzed parts of the body, reduce pressure on areas prone to bedsores (sacrum, iliac crests, skin in the ischial tuberosities, greater trochanters, knee joints, tibial crests, ankles, heels). Depending on the position of the patient, special pads or "donuts" filled with flax seed or husk are placed under the bone protrusions, so that there is no compression of the soft tissues between the bone protrusion and the hard bed (this disrupts their blood circulation and nutrition).

Flaccid paralysis and paresis with various trophic and metabolic disorders lead to severe complications. Treatment begins with the correct laying of the torso and paralyzed limbs. This so-called position treatment.

As experience has shown, a mattress stuffed with husks remaining after grain processing is hygienic, comfortable and perfectly guarantees against bedsores. Another option: two ordinary mattresses are folded so that a gap is formed between them, which should coincide with areas of the body that are especially prone to bedsores (pelvis, sacrum). This will help treat pressure sores that have already formed and will create convenience for removing the drainage tube from the bladder, as well as greatly facilitate hygiene procedures.

A small, flat pillow is placed under the head, you can do without it at all.

Paralyzed limbs are given a slightly bent at the knee and hip joints in the middle position (preventing overextension of the knee joint and overstretching of the tendons rear group thigh muscles) so that the weakened muscles do not experience excessive stretching, and the joints are not subjected to deformation. To do this, rollers 15-20-25 cm wide are placed under the lower back and knee joints - cotton-gauze or filled with flax seeds. In no case should you allow your feet to sag! They are fixed with a special box at a right angle to the lower leg, in support of the entire plantar side and fingers. This ensures a neutral position in ankle joint and an obstacle to turns in hip joint(Fig. 2).

In the position on the stomach, in order to increase the physiological curvature of the spine in the lumbar region (lordosis) and unload the damaged vertebral bodies, 1-2 pillows are placed under the chest. The rollers are moved from under the knees under the ankle joints so that the feet hang freely, do not rest their fingers on the mattress. The duration of this position depends on the patient's condition: in the first weeks - from 20 to 30 minutes, and as it improves - up to one hour.

Direct continuation of "treatment by position" - passive movements, helping to preserve the mobility of the joints, restore and maintain the patient's idea of ​​​​normally performed movements.

To solve these problems, passive (with outside help) movements should be performed 2-3 times a day (carefully, smoothly, without jerks), in full. The number of repetitions - 10-20; if possible, the patient should be accompanied by their active attention, visual control, mental representation of the movement being made.

At first, the patient performs exercises for the legs with the participation of relatives. Then, as you improve, the exercises become more independent, accessible. The patient himself can do a lot thanks to healthy hands, starting with the simplest movements available to him in the proximal limbs.

The passive movements first involve the distal sections - the joints of the fingers and feet, gradually connecting the proximal sections - the knee, hip. Particular attention is paid to the extension of the fingers, rotation and dorsiflexion of the feet (with raising their outer edge). Plantar flexion of the sagging foot should be avoided. In the knee (block-shaped) joint, only flexion and extension are possible, and the foot is fixed in the position of dorsiflexion by the emphasis of the heel and fingers on the forearm of the person involved with the patient.

Movements in the hip (spherical) joint are carried out in all planes (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, pronation, supination and circular); helping the patient should press the head of the femur to the acetabulum.

Exercise 1. Starting position (ip) - lying on your back. On inspiration: hands raise the thigh bent in knee joint legs and press it tightly to the stomach. Hold your breath for 5-7 seconds. Then straighten the leg in I.P. (exhalation). Repeat 2-3 times with each leg and both legs together.

Exercise 2. I.p. - Same. Slow, careful rotation of the leg, bent at the knee joint and pressed against the body, in one direction and the other. Breathing is arbitrary (4-5 times).

Attention! Until there are active movements in the hip joint, these exercises are performed carefully, pressing the head of the femur against the articular surface of the acetabulum, so that the joint (articular bag, ligamentous apparatus) does not loosen and habitual dislocation does not develop, since the tendons of paralyzed muscles cannot provide them fortresses.

Exercise 3. I.p. - lying on your back, bending your legs at the knee joint. Hold each leg separately and both together from falling, slightly holding the lower leg. This exercise is aimed at training the adductor muscles of the thigh. Duration - 1 minute.

Exercise 4. I.p. - Same. Both knees simultaneously tilt to one side, then to the other - training the abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh (6-7 times).

Exercise 5. I.p. - Same. Pull the bent leg towards you, straighten the shin and fix it in the raised (straightened) position, preventing it from bending. To do this, you need to strain the quadriceps femoris muscle - the main muscle that keeps the knee joint from bending (5-6 times).

A contraction of this one muscle is enough to start standing and walking without fixing orthopedic devices. It is useful to know that one of its heads is thrown over the hip joint and attached in the pelvic area, and the other three - on the thigh: together they form one tendon, in which the patella is located, attached to the upper third of the tibia, fixing the knee joint. Raising (flexing) the hip, participate in walking.

Exercise 6. I.p. - lying on your back. Try to contract the quadriceps femoris (patellar game). Perform consistently throughout the day.

Exercise 7. I.p. - lying on your back or on your stomach, alternately pull up straight legs (due to movements in the pelvic area), simulating walking in place, while contracting and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. Breathing is arbitrary. Several times a day for 1-2 minutes.

Passive-active exercises and self-massage of the legs eliminate congestion in the muscles and somewhat enliven the separation of urine, which is of no small importance for patients with lesions of the pelvic organs. Don't forget to breathe, remember that physical exercise without proper breathing are worth nothing.

"Treatment position", passive movements and massage are only preparation for active movements playing a critical role in recovery. You need to start with the most elementary, simple tilts, turns and rotation of the head. Then - turns, extensions, bends of the torso and soft lateral movements in the spine.

Thus, alternately moving the upper half of the body (with motionless legs and the pelvic area), as well as soft lateral movements in the spine with extension of the legs, I set the dislocated vertebra (this happened on the third night! Proof of this is my straight back with a crooked postoperative suture on her).

Exercise 1. I.p. - lying on your back. Tilt your head as much as possible, bend in the chest, looking at the headboard - inhale. Hold the breath. To take the head over, pressing the chin to the chest, - a long exhalation (3-4 times).

Exercise 2. I.p. - the same, but grab the back of the bed with your hands (to increase movement). Bend harder, holding yourself in this position for a few seconds. Then complete relaxation (2-3 times).

Exercise 3. I.p. - Same. Stretching your arm as much as possible up and slightly tearing the shoulder blade from the bed, try to get something (an imaginary object) above you. You can hang an apple, a tangerine - an element of the game for more incentive. The benefits are undeniable (4-5 times).

Exercise 4. I.p. - Same. Trying to reach the opposite shoulder, headboard, knee, etc. with your hand. (3-4 times).

Exercise 5. I.p. - Lying on your back or stomach. Hands slide along the body: one is pulled up to the shoulder, the other is lowered along the opposite thigh, to the knee. And vice versa. Breathing is arbitrary (5-7 times).

Exercise 6. I.p. - lying on your back. Imitation of walking - lying down, resting your feet on a soft roller. This exercise helps restore normal spinal mobility.

As soon as the acute and sub-acute periods pass, it is necessary to diversify, complicate and strengthen independent gymnastics for the body in various starting positions: lying on the side, on the chest, kneeling.

Strengthen active gymnastics you can use small dumbbells (1.5-3 kg), rubber bandages and stuffed balls (suspended). However, they should be used in the afternoon, when the whole body has worked out and is ready for increased muscle load. IN active gymnastics training of all muscles is important, but exercises for the torso dominate - the muscles of the back and abdominals because they give correct posture, hold the spine, prevent its curvature and pain, restore correct position and functions of internal organs.

Exercise 1. I.p. - Lying on your stomach, face down. Arms bent at the elbows, resting on the forearms, palms at chest level - a preliminary breath. With a held breath, raise your head, shoulders, squeeze upper part torso, bend in thoracic region spine, without tearing off the belly (navel) from the bed ("cobra"). Look up (10-20 seconds). Slowly lower - long exhale, relax (2-3 times) - fig. 3.

Rice. 3

Option: the same, but with a turn of the head and torso (lateral "cobra") in one direction and the other. Breathe the same. Look back over your shoulder, at the opposite heel (when lifting and turning the body to the left left hand remains in emphasis on the forearm, the right straightens, while the torso rises and turns to the left). (2-3 times in each direction). Exercise helps to treat and prevent stoop and other curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, improve posture.

Exercise 2. I.p. - lying on the stomach. While inhaling, bend your knees, grab your ankles with your hands and, raising your head, shoulders, unbending your hips and straining your arms, bend your back like a stretched bow. Hold your breath as far as possible, but not overcoming yourself, then slowly exhale and relax (2-4 times) - fig. 4.

Rice. 4.

Option: when the torso arches, swing on the stomach ("rocking chair") back and forth, from side to side (while the stomach, bladder and intestines should be empty). Duration - from 30 seconds to 1 minute. In addition to developing the correct posture, this exercise serves as an excellent massage of the abdomen (muscles and viscera), stimulates the activity of the abdominal organs, and reduces body fat. abdominal wall, congestion in the internal organs.

Exercise 3. "Wrestling bridge". I.p. - lying on your back, placing and pressing your legs bent at the knees (pulling your heels to your buttocks). Using your hands, slowly raise the body, bending, standing on your hands and leaning on your head (at first, the hands are secured), leaning slightly forward until the forehead touches the bed, then back - relying on the back of the head. Hands can be put behind the head or grasp the back of the bed. To increase the load on all muscle groups of the neck and spine, it is not prohibited, with this " rolling" turn your head left and right. Return to the SP in the same order. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds with sufficient rest between the "bridges". Breathe evenly, with your stomach (2-3 times) - Fig. 5.

The proposed exercises help to restore the lost mobility of the spine, maintain its elasticity and prevent early ossification, various pathological curvatures. Each vertebra individually, the entire spinal column, its ligaments and muscles are evenly stretched and massaged. This ensures an abundant blood flow to the spine, deep and superficial muscles responsible for its condition. The spinal canal expands, the spinal cord is released from compression, and the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid improves. Exhausting and tiring pains in the back and lower back are eliminated or weakened. Painful phenomena in the muscles of the myositis type finally disappear.

It is not recommended to sit down during this period, so as not to additionally deform the bodies of broken, crumpled vertebrae. You should sit down no earlier than 6 months after the injury, but gradually and for a very short time. It is especially harmful to sit a lot and move around in wheelchair. It is better to exercise more, crawl, walk in the arena, swim (if possible) and rest, lying on your stomach, placing 1-2 pillows under your chest. In this position, the entire ligamentous-muscular system of the spine comes into a state of relative relaxation. So you can eat, read, write, work, etc.

Getting up and restoring walking only due to vicarious working muscles (muscles that replace paralyzed ones) is a difficult task, but with perseverance it is quite feasible. However, the effect is achieved only with a certain sequence of classes, the clarity of the tasks at each stage of rehabilitation treatment.

The first stage is training healthy muscles shoulder girdle and border areas, trunk muscles, including those affected. It is important to accelerate the activation and reduce the time of the subsequent standing up and learning to walk. For the development of the support function, it is advisable to put the patient as early as possible, first on his knees with support on the forearms, then on straight arms, until he finally straightens the body, holding his hands on the bedside bars. It is necessary to start exercises for the body in time: turns, tilts, flexions and extensions.

The second stage is learning to crawl back and forth in bed, then on the floor (of course with soft knees). Turns are useful - with an added step to one and the other side. This is a mandatory stage of rehabilitation. Exercises increase muscle strength and mobility of the hip joints, teach them to control movements. Walking skills are acquired, and exactly those muscles are trained that will be needed when the patient gets on his feet and begins to learn to walk.

So, first crawl, swim, then stand and walk. All stages of the movement, the order in which they follow must be strictly observed. Before moving on to finely coordinated movements, walking (often overcoming fear and inevitable difficulties), one must acquire the ability to maintain an upright posture for a long time, to maintain balance.

Preparation for lifting to the feet includes the training of orthostatic reactions, since the body is untrained, there is a large load on the vessels (brain, heart) when moving to a vertical position (the blood supply to the upper half of the body is depleted). It is no coincidence that it is recommended to start activating hemodynamic functions as early as possible, to strengthen the mechanisms of balance, exercising on a special rotating table, with varying degrees of fixation of the torso and legs. Training sessions begin with an inclination of 20°-30° for 10 minutes (once or twice a day), gradually, over 15-20 days, increasing it to a vertical (90°). In this case, the duration of the procedure can reach one hour. It is recommended to fit a table in front of the patient for reading, writing, working, eating, devices for performing various exercises available to him for the arms, shoulder girdle, torso in combination with orthostatic load and breathing exercises in this starting position.

While loosening the fastening belts and belts, set the task to further expand and complicate the exercises for the trunk and legs: trampling on the spot, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to another, opening and closing the knee joint. This type of training has a beneficial effect on the trophism of the limbs.

The same rotating table can easily be turned into an inclined plane (for the upside down pose), which changes the conditions of blood circulation, leading to increased blood flow to the brain and heart. Of course, this is contraindicated at high blood pressure, glaucoma, myopia up to 8-9 diopters.

Training in the most facilitated conditions is most favorable for identifying the first active movements in paralyzed limbs. This is achieved by eliminating the patient's own weight, the severity of his motionless legs, removing the friction forces during movements, choosing the optimal initial positions, using the laws of inertia and the necessary preliminary stretching of the working muscles.

That is why swimming in the pool is so useful (the lifting force of water and its elastic qualities help) when standing, walking and exercising with legs afloat. In a word, it is important to follow the principle - to swim before walking. These are exercises performed on a sliding plane (ebonite + talc) or a platform on rollers, while balancing one leg or both legs at once on special block devices along with suspensions, hammocks and blocks, as well as rubber bandages, tourniquets, springs. Suspension and elastic systems allow you to detect your own isolated movements in incompletely paralyzed muscles (flexion, extension, abduction, etc.).

The main goal of all these exercises is to remove the load from the paralyzed muscles as much as possible (creating facilitated conditions), identify the first movements in partially paralyzed muscles and begin training them for strength and endurance. In addition, such assistive devices and devices increase independence in the classroom, facilitating the care of loved ones and the work of a methodologist.

The patient should try to perform each exercise on his own or with the participation of a methodologist, who is only required to complete it with the maximum range of motion. As you acquire muscle strength stepwise exercises should be done - with holding a partially paralyzed leg at a certain level when it moves. Each of them is worked out separately, long and hard.

In the arsenal of rehabilitation means, one of the most effective is the simplest block-weight sets (or rubber bandages, but you must use special hammocks that hold the leg (Fig. 6, 7).

Rice. 6 Fig. 7

The restoration of movements is based on the full or partial balancing of the own weight of both the limb as a whole and its parts by a system of strictly dosed counterweights, due to which the patient becomes an active participant in the treatment process, and the possibilities for restoring and compensating for lost functions increase significantly. A water dynamometer is also in place. It would seem that child's play is to press with a partially paralyzed leg on a rubber bulb pressed against a solid wall and connected by a rubber tube to a water dynamometer. But this way you can follow the results of your efforts, and in the treatment there is a sense and a purely sporting interest. With the help of a block device and appropriately selected counterweights (or rubber bands-shock absorbers), you can learn to sit up in bed without outside help and again lower yourself to the original lying position. Also, with the help of wide comfortable straps, the patient can be balanced while sitting in bed, squatting, kneeling, without the danger of falling and additional injuries (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8

To restore and train the motor functions of partially paralyzed muscles of the trunk in a vertical position, the apparatus proposed by me with balancing weights is used (author's certificate No. 208205, published on December 29, 1967) - fig. 9.

Rice. 9

It provides for a special suspension system, fixed in the middle part of the cable, thrown over two blocks with rolling bearings pressed into them. At the free ends of the cable there are weights that are selected so as to balance the body (a state similar to weightlessness is created). This is the starting position. Then, depending on the degree of injury, the stage of the disease, fitness, muscle strength, a gradual increase in the load on the affected muscles is achieved by changing the size of the loads. It must be remembered that the appearance of the first active contractions with an increase in muscle strength is the result of slow but persistent work.

With the help of this design, having put on the belt of the suspension system, it is possible to stand upright without holding orthopedic devices (Fig. 10) and, without fear of falling, successfully perform a number of movements that are difficult for a paralyzed person: stepping on the spot, swinging the leg, turning, bending, lifting on toes , squats, etc. (Fig. 11).

Rice. 10 Fig. eleven

Finally, the design can be used as a gymnastic bar for hanging exercises, which are so necessary for the spine, muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and torso (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12

Remember: muscle strength can only be increased by active exercise when the practitioner moves parts of the body himself, without the intervention of others. These exercises should be accessible, not too difficult and not too easy, and mastered in a strict sequence. Training under light conditions with a gradual increase in load is especially useful for the recovery of affected muscles, since it does not cause overwork, which adversely affects the physiological processes in muscle and nervous tissues.

To stand and walk with paresis and paralysis of the legs (muscle hypotension), the only way out is prosthetics, which achieves the goal only with sufficiently reliable fixation of the joints of the lower extremities. When training the support function, one cannot do without various orthopedic devices that rigidly fix the knee joints.

This refers to lockless temporary sleeves, rear removable splints made of plaster or lightweight plastic (polyethylene, etc.); tire-sleeve devices (braces - with locks in the knee joints); special shoes with a hard back (keeps the foot from sagging, relieving paresis of the dorsal flexors of the foot from the so-called stoppage). An ankle joint and a cuff on the upper third of the shin hold a loose, sagging foot so that it does not cling to the ground when walking. In splints or a corset, instead of a metal frame, you can use inflatable tubes made of durable rubber.

Corsets can be stationary (hard) and temporary (light). Stationary ones significantly limit the mobility of the spinal column, which, with constant and prolonged wear, reduces the functional performance of the muscles of the back and abdomen, reduces their strength and general motor capabilities. It is preferable (in all cases) to create and maintain in shape your own muscle corset, which prevents spinal deformities. Dosed and gradually increasing loads allow this.

When a paralyzed foot sags and falls, clinging while walking, orthopedic socks with elastic bands sewn into them along the back surface help. They can walk without shoes, swim, wear any non-orthopedic shoes (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13

Many come up with individual devices and techniques to "revitalize" paralyzed and partially paralyzed muscles and develop walking skills. For a greater load on the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, I recommend the following training exercises.

1. Walk with loosely laced splints, opening the locks on one or both at once, so that the knee joints are grasped by their own muscles.

2. For the same purpose, stand and walk in the arena with a knee support - with small steps, making small walks around the house (Fig. 14, 15).

Rice. 14 Fig. 15

3. Standing to stagnate in the knee support, periodically transferring the main load from one leg to the other. After 5-7 minutes, sit down for 3-5 minutes and get up again. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

4. Engage in water "walking in weightlessness" with a feeling of lightness in the body, free control of it.

5. Unload the spine and leg muscles from their own weight with the help of the apparatus I proposed.

6. When mastering the skills of walking without splints, use felt boots specially rolled up above the knees, which partially replace fixing devices and orthopedic shoes, which is especially important in winter.

7. In summer, instead of rough, clumsy and heavy orthopedic shoes, you can wear soft, elastic sports shoes: boxers, wrestling shoes (with a hard back and high lacing).

Attention! With early standing without fixation devices, there is a danger of overextension of the leg in the knee joint (recurvation): Another danger: falling and stretching, damage to the muscles that have not yet strengthened and their tendons, ligaments. It is easy to break a leg if before that you had to lie in complete inactivity for a long time, without performing special exercises, without crawling, without rising to your feet.




"General developmental exercises in the preschool educational institution"
Control work on the course

"Method physical education and development of children"

Performed -

Filinsky Tatyana Sergeevna

OZO Course VI Group 602

Chelyabinsk 2011


1. Characteristics of the features of general developmental exercises, significance for the development of the child.

2. Basic starting points for general developmental exercises.

3. Rules for recording general developmental exercises.

4. The methodology for conducting general developmental exercises in




1. Characteristics of the features of general developmental exercises, significance for the development of the child.

General developmental exercises occupy a significant place in the general system of physical education of children preschool age and are necessary for the timely development of the body, conscious control of movements, are a means for strengthening and developing the body. General developmental exercises kindergarten used in physical education morning exercises, during physical education sessions, in combination with hardening procedures, at children's holidays. Proper exercise affects physical development children.

General developmental exercises - specially designed movements for the arms, legs, torso, neck and other parts of the body that can be performed with different muscle tension, different speed, amplitude, in different rhythm and pace1.

General developmental exercises develop the motor, mental qualities of the child, prepare him for mastering complex actions, develop muscle strength, speed muscle contractions, joint mobility, form the correct posture. General developmental exercises have a number of features: they are accurately dosed, can be used in a variety of options and combinations. This ensures the selective nature of the impact on individual muscle groups and certain systems of the body. Most of the exercises are simple in structure, they consist of elements that can be performed separately. As a result of the systematic repetition of general developmental exercises, a kind of fund of motor experience, motor qualities and abilities is created, which are necessary both in life practice and for the formation of complex gymnastic skills. Along with the influence on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, general developmental

Exercise is an excellent tool for the development of the respiratory system, because. each complex includes exercises that strengthen the diaphragm - the main respiratory muscle, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, which promote deeper breathing.

Active breathing, i.e. the exchange of gases in the lungs is of particular importance for the child's body. The intensity of oxidative processes in the tissues of the child is higher, so he needs large quantity oxygen. The child hardly tolerates oxygen starvation (hypoxemia), because. a significant amount of energy is spent on the growth and development of tissues. With general developmental exercises, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are trained. As a result, children improve excursion chest, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, breathing becomes less frequent and deeper.

A clear rhythm, strict dosage, periodic increase and decrease in load in general developmental exercises help strengthen the heart muscle, increase the stroke volume of the heart, and improve the rhythm of contractions.

Exercise puts a lot of emphasis on development nervous system. Reaction speed, coordination, conscious control of movements are also important for the mental development of children. As a rule, general developmental exercises are performed in a team, which contributes to the development of organization and discipline in children.

Movements become more perfect when performed with the accompaniment of music. Music affects the emotions of children, creates a certain mood in them, affects the expressiveness of children's movements. Music can contribute to a greater amplitude of movements or, conversely, cause their restraint, clarity in performance. Such a variety of performance of movements, depending on the nature of the musical work, affects their improvement. Movements become

Unconstrained, coordinated, rhythmic, correctly reflecting the nature of the piece of music.

2. Basic starting points for general developmental exercises.

The positions of the body, arms, legs before the start of the exercise are called initial. They are essential for the performance of the exercise, the stability of the body, the load on individual muscle groups, the amplitude of movement, its clarity depend on them. A change in the starting position leads to a restructuring of the movement structure. In general developmental exercises for preschoolers, starting positions for the body are used - standing, sitting, lying on the back, on the stomach, on the side, standing on one or two knees, on all fours, and squatting and various starting positions for arms and legs.

Leg position2

The main stance - heels together, toes apart, the position of the hands can be different - is used as an organizing moment before and after the exercises in the middle and senior groups;

Closed leg stance - toes and heels together;

The leg stance is slightly spaced (to the width of the foot) for preschoolers is most appropriate, because. provides stability;

Stand legs apart - legs spaced shoulder-width apart, step;

The leg stance is wider than the shoulders - the legs are widely separated, the socks are slightly turned;

Stand legs apart, right (left) in front - feet the width of the foot, step, socks slightly turned;

Knee stand - knees, shins and socks rest on the floor for the entire length, socks are extended, arms down;

Standing on the knees - the body rests on the hands and legs bent at the knees, the knees, shins and socks rest on the floor for the entire length, the socks are extended, the head is forward.

Hand position3

Hands forward - straight arms raised to the height and width of the shoulders, fingers closed, palms facing each other;

Hands up - straight arms raised up shoulder-width apart and laid back to failure, palms facing inward;

Hands to the sides - straight arms raised to shoulder height, slightly laid back, palms facing down;

Hands on the belt - hands rest on the comb ilium four fingers forward, elbows and shoulders pulled back so that the shoulder blades maintain their normal position;

Hands back - straight arms are laid back to failure at shoulder width, palms inward;

Hands in front of the chest - arms bent at the elbows are raised so that the hands are a continuation of the forearm, palms facing down, elbows at shoulder height;

Hands behind the head - bent arms are located so that the fingers touch the back of the head, the elbows are laid back, the palms are facing forward;

Hands to the shoulders - arms bent at the elbows touch the middle of the shoulders laid back with fingers, elbows at the body;

Hands in front of the chest - bent arms are at shoulder height, one forearm above the other, the hands are bent into a fist.

Starting positions sitting 4.

Sitting legs forward - sitting, legs straight closed, socks pulled back, slightly turned;

Sitting legs apart - legs are straight separated by 30-40, socks are pulled back, slightly turned;

Sitting legs are closed - legs are bent at the knees, closed, feet on the floor;

Sitting in Turkish - legs bent at the knees, one in front of the other;

Sitting on heels - shins and toes rest on the floor, toes turned inward, buttocks on heels, torso vertical.

Starting positions lying5.

Lying on your back - legs straight, closed, socks slightly turned, arms along the body with palms down, torso straight;

Lying on the stomach - straight legs are closed, arms are bent at the elbows, palms (one on top of the other) in front of you on the floor;

Lying on the right (left) side - a position with support on one side, legs are straight closed, arms are usually extended upwards.

3. Rules for recording general developmental exercises.

When recording a separate exercise, you must specify its name (if any), the starting position (for the body, legs, arms), the name of the movement, its direction and final position.

The starting position is written in abbreviated form - and. n., the numbers indicate the account.
For example: "Rubber Stretching".

I. p .: narrow stance of the legs apart, hands in front of the chest. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - i. P.

For brevity, it is customary not to indicate some positions, movements and their details. The following words are omitted: torso - when bending over; leg - when putting it on the toe, palms inward - in the position of the hand down, forward, back, up; palms down - in the position of the hand to the sides, to the left (right); pull the socks (sock) up, put them down - when moving the legs, arms; forward, in front - when indicating the direction, if performed in the shortest, only possible way; bending over - if the execution technique predetermines this position; top grip - as the most common; arches forward - if the arms are raised or lowered in a forward movement. The path of the arms (legs) and torso is indicated only in cases where the movement is not performed by the shortest path. The starting position is indicated only at the beginning of the exercise. The positions of the legs, socks, arms, palms are not recorded, if the initial position of the legs is the main stance, and the position of the arms is different, then only the position of the arms is indicated (for example, hands on the belt). If the initial position of the arms is the main stance, and the legs are different, then only the position of the legs is indicated (for example, "stand - legs apart").

Recording rules must be followed no matter what age group the educator makes a plan-outline physical education, morning exercises.

Some terms are abbreviated: the main stance is o. With; right hand(leg) - pr. arm (leg). When recording several movements performed simultaneously, first indicate the main movement (torso, legs), then the rest (bending the right, tilting to the left, arms up). Several movements performed non-simultaneously (at least for one account) are recorded in the sequence in which they occur. If the movement is combined with another not all the way, but is performed together, it is necessary to write down the elements one after the other, connecting with the union and (tilt, bending, arms to the sides and turning the head to the right). If the movements are performed simultaneously, then the preposition c should be used (tilt, bending, arms to the sides with the head turned to the right). When the movement is not performed in the usual style (sharp, fast, relaxed, soft, smooth, etc.), then this should be reflected in the recording (for example, arms smoothly to the sides, hands are relaxed).

4. The methodology for conducting general developmental exercises in the younger group.

The organization of children for conducting general developmental exercises has a significant educational value. Children learn to quickly respond to instructions, commands of the educator, to navigate in space. To perform the exercises, it is easier for babies to stand in a circle. Parsing and distribution of benefits should be carried out very quickly. The teacher prepares manuals in advance, sometimes the teacher distributes items himself. Kids are taught to use aids: they show where they are, how to take them, hold them. In working with children, the complex use of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques is especially pronounced. Children need a constant role model. Verbal methods are aimed at enhancing the action of the show, achieving brightness, persuasiveness of the image. All exercises are learned only in the process of repeated repetition, each exercise is repeated in its entirety unchanged.

First, the teacher calls the exercise, then checks the readiness of the children, offers to take the desired starting position, while resorting to figurative comparisons. Then the exercise is shown, at the same time explained by the teacher and immediately performed by the children. The teacher needs to strive for maximum expressiveness. Distinctive feature is that it is holistic. At the same time, no explanation is given on how to hold the arms and legs back. The baby does not understand general instructions, so you should contact each child more often. Visual cues help to perform the exercise correctly.

As the exercises progress, the teacher often gives instructions. They activate children, are important for the development of spatial orientations, and prepare them for the conscious independent execution of movements. Instructions during the exercise also serve to develop a sense of rhythm and tempo in children, help to start and end exercises at the same time. During each exercise, the teacher uses an assessment.

For the most part, it is individual and positive, regardless of how the child performed the exercises.


General developmental exercises are aimed at developing coordination abilities, flexibility and mobility in the joints, strengthening individual muscles or their groups, the insufficient development of which hinders the mastery of the perfect running technique. In the preparatory part training session Outdoor switchgears are used to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the upcoming work. And in the main part, with repeated or interval training methods, when the load is performed in series, they serve as a means active rest. In the final part, they contribute to better recovery after the work done and are locally applied to strengthen and develop individual muscles.

Performing a variety of outdoor switchgear improves coordination abilities, forms certain skills and helps to quickly learn complex forms. sports equipment. At the same time, it is necessary to select exercises and methods for their implementation in such a way that, without a significant increase in muscle mass develop the ability and skills to control your muscles

Characteristic features of outdoor switchgear:

They have a relatively isolated effect on individual parts of the body and muscle groups.

Allows you to easily adjust the load.


Kuznetsov V.A. Gymnastics in the system of physical education. - M .: SGIFK, 1974.- P.259

Smirnova L.A. General developmental exercises for younger students.- M.: Vlados, 2003.- P.121

Zaletaev I.P., Polievsky S.A. General developmental exercises.- M., 2002.- P.56

Butsinskaya P.P., Vasyukova V.I., Leskova G.P. General developmental exercises in kindergarten. - M., 1991

Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture.- M., 1991.- P.49

The program of education and training in kindergarten. - M., 1998

Each ORU begins with a certain starting position, so the main starting points must be clear to students, correctly understood and implemented by them. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the basic initial provisions of the exercises are strictly followed, since only the correct execution of the exercise will give the highest physiological effect. Even the smallest mistakes make the exercise easier, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, from the first steps of training, constant and strict control during the performance of exercises from the beginning of the movement to its completion is very important. Only in this case will the students acquire the necessary posture, coordination of movements, and rid themselves of the harmful tendencies they encounter to perform the exercises somehow or other. With primary school students, before starting to perform ORU complexes, it is necessary to master the basic initial positions and movements of the arms, legs, torso. Each initial position must be performed with a delay of 3-4 s. During a stop in such

initial provisions, it is necessary to verify and clarify the adopted position. To consolidate the basic provisions, you can give homework assignments with a recommendation to perform them in front of a mirror.

Hand positions and movements

Normal hand position- a position in which the fingers are straightened, the hand is, as it were, in the continuation of the hand (Fig. 14, a). In the terminological description of the exercises, this position of the hand is not indicated. If the hands are in a position down, back, forward, up, then the palms of the hands are facing each other, and in the position of the hands to the sides, the palms are facing down. In these cases, the position of the brush is not indicated. If, in the above positions, the palms should be turned in some other direction, then this must be indicated. For example, hands forward, palms down.

Brush in fist- if the fingers are clenched into a fist, then you should not indicate where the fingers are facing in the usual position (Fig.

The brush is free- the position of the hand is similar to the usual one, i.e. the hand is in the continuation of the forearm, but it is held freely, without tension, the fingers are relaxed (Fig. 14, V).

The hand is relaxed- a position in which the hand hangs freely (Fig. 14, G).

Wrist raised forward or back- a position in which the hand, as straight as possible, is abducted in the indicated direction. For example, right to the side, the hand is raised (Fig. 14, e).

fingers apart- the position of the hand, in which the fingers are forcefully separated from each other (Fig. 14, e).

Finger flexion and extension- flexion and extension with force and at the same time.

Flexion and extension of the fingers sequentially- flexion and extension, starting with the little finger. A different sequence should be specified additionally.