Methodological developments about compression underwear. What underwear is needed for sports

Compression stockings is widely used to maintain the correct, from the point of view of physiology, pressure in the lower extremities of a person. Such stockings are used in the scheme of complex treatment, as well as for the prevention of this disease. Special underwear for veins in medicine is commonly called medical knitwear. It is also called compression or anti-varicose underwear, medical knitwear.

Pantyhose, socks, as well as compression stockings for varicose veins are recommended to be worn by phlebologists. Such underwear must be worn with, lymphedema and other problems with the blood vessels of the extremities.

What kind of compression underwear is, which is better - compression tights or stockings, the doctor will tell and recommend during the appointment.

The therapeutic effect when using such underwear is manifested due to the fact that stockings, leggings or tights support blood vessels, compress an enlarged vein. This, in turn, evenly redistributes blood flow from dilated to healthy vessels.

Such underwear helps to activate blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition.

If you choose the right compression stockings, it will help reduce the risk of developing blood clots .

Another important argument in favor of the use of such underwear is that there are almost no contraindications to the use of medical knitwear. It does not cause side effects, but at the same time it is a good method of preventing the progression of varicose veins and helps to maintain the veins in a physiological state.

How does compression underwear work for varicose veins?

Previously, when medical knitwear was not produced, varicose veins were treated elastic bandages . However, their use has several significant drawbacks.

  • First of all, elastic bandages have to be applied for a long time, and in order to get the desired effect, this must be done correctly.
  • An important disadvantage is the inability to wear an elastic bandage all the time. Unaesthetic appearance does not allow wearing it daily, while, for example, compression underwear Medi and knitwear from other modern manufacturers looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Despite the fact that bandages have a low price, it will not be possible to save money when wearing them. After all, such a bandage very quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to learn how to choose high-quality knitwear and buy compression underwear for varicose veins.

What is compression underwear for and what is its effect? By squeezing dilated veins, such knitwear provides acceleration blood flow through deep veins. As a result, it is eliminated venous congestion , which is a prerequisite for the development of varicose veins. Those who are interested in which compression underwear for varicose veins is better should take into account that it is worth buying high-quality products. After all, branded high-quality knitwear provides a graduated, that is, a gradual decrease in pressure from the hand to the shoulder or from the lower leg to the thigh.

For example, a good online store for compression underwear for varicose veins offers stockings that provide maximum (100%) pressure at the bottom of the lower leg and partial (40%) in the thighs. It is this distribution that is the most correct from a physiological point of view, and therefore provides the greatest therapeutic effect. With this mode of pressure distribution, the outflow of blood is normalized due to the following effects:

  • The work of the valve apparatus improves and returns to normal.
  • The enlarged lumen of the peripheral veins of the thighs and lower leg, especially the subcutaneous ones, is reduced.
  • Increases the effect of the muscle pump. When muscles contract during exercise, blood is pushed up.

Effective compression underwear for pregnant women. But when choosing such knitwear, you need to be guided by the individual recommendations of the doctor.

How to choose compression stockings?

Before you choose compression hosiery for varicose veins, you need to clearly understand that such underwear cannot eliminate serious causes of venous insufficiency. Therefore, it is used before radical treatment. Medical knitwear mimics the situation, as if veins that have expanded, removed or sealed.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-surgical treatment of leg diseases should always be comprehensive. Only in this case the effect will be maximum. It is very important not only to wear compression underwear, but also to apply ointments and creams prescribed by the doctor, to practice folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, and also to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order for the effect to be most noticeable, it is important to choose the right medical underwear. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the reviews that can be read on the network, and the prices of underwear, but also its quality, compression classes.

Compression knitwear is usually divided into three types:

  • hospital - that is, one that is used exclusively in a hospital;
  • medicinal ;
  • prophylactic .

But, regardless of whether knitwear is needed for treatment or prevention, it should be bought exclusively in specialized stores or at retail outlets that are official dealers of medically recognized manufacturers of such underwear. It is important that in such stores, consumers are sure to be helped to choose the right size of a jersey, since the effectiveness of the treatment depends on this. To find the perfect underwear, the seller first measures the foot in four places. Next, a special size table is used, according to which stockings or tights are selected.

As for different manufacturers, reviews of their products can often be found on the net. Many women write about how high quality the Sigvaris knitwear is, which costs between 4000-5000 rubles. But there are many positive reviews about the Medi knitwear, the price of which is lower - about 3,000 rubles. You can learn more about this underwear and choose the compression hosiery "Medi" on the official website of the company. The compression underwear of the Venoteks and Ortho companies is also of high quality, the prices for which are slightly lower - from 2000 rubles.

You can purchase underwear in four degrees of compression:

  • First class compression (18-21 mm Hg) - preventive knitwear, the wearing of which is indicated in the following cases:
    • during pregnancy ;
    • with a tendency to varicose veins ;
    • in the presence of initial symptoms of varicose veins: if the veins are visible under the skin, after prolonged standing or sitting, the legs hurt, pronounced spider veins can be distinguished on the legs, and edema appears in the evening;
    • if a person leads a lifestyle in which he is forced to sit or stand a lot - in the office, driving a car, behind a counter, etc.
  • second compression class (23-32 mm Hg) - the most popular underwear. Compression stockings of the 2nd compression class are used for the purpose of treatment varicose veins , thrombophlebitis . In the hospital, hospital knitwear of the 2nd compression class is also used.
  • Third compression class (34-46 mm Hg) - compression stockings of this class are used for patients with trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • Fourth compression class (from 49 mm Hg) - this class is used very rarely - for men and women with lymphatic edema.

Before you buy stockings or tights for varicose veins, you should decide exactly what kind of underwear is better to buy. Those who buy anti-varicose tights for the first time should not immediately choose compression class 2. After all, it may well be that for the vascular system it will be too strong compression.

First, it is better to buy inexpensive underwear - the price of class 1 compression tights from some companies will be quite acceptable. After wearing it and gradually getting used to such underwear, you can later buy more expensive orthopedic tights for varicose veins.

For the purpose of prevention, only linen of the 1st class is used. If a person is already developing varicose veins, then a phlebologist will help you choose tights. You should also ask your doctor about how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women so that the expectant mother feels good when wearing such underwear. In this case, it is important to choose the size of anti-varicose tights or stockings so that they do not cause noticeable discomfort.

But no matter how enthusiastic the reviews about this or that underwear are, you need to understand that it will not work to cure varicose veins with it, since wearing underwear does not eliminate the causes of the disease. Compression knitwear helps to stop the development of the disease and prevent the appearance of new veins affected by varicose veins.

In hot summer weather, it is impossible to wear such underwear, therefore, during the summer, you need to use medicines for varicose veins and use other methods to combat this disease.

In order not to damage the product and get the greatest effect, you need to know how to wear compression stockings correctly - this is indicated in the instructions.

Regardless of the price of such underwear, it is able to hold compression for about 5-7 months.

Before purchasing such underwear, you need to clearly know how to choose the right compression stockings for varicose veins. Special quality standards for compression stockings have been defined. The most important and strict among them is the European RAL-GZ-387 .

Any manufacturer aiming to produce knitwear that conforms to it must first pass very strict certification in Switzerland or Germany. Therefore, if elastic orthopedic stockings for varicose veins have such a certificate, this indicates its high quality. Knitwear with this certificate provides pressure, which is distributed over the limb (40-70-100%), and is therapeutic. The standard is evidenced by the packaging of products, as well as the presence of a special label.

To choose a good product, you need to focus not only on how much such stockings or stockings cost, but, first of all, on the manufacturer and the proven point of sale of the goods. Indeed, in the domestic market it is very easy to make a mistake and buy fake medical stockings or tights. In addition, in specialized stores, the buyer will be prompted how to determine the size, both for men and women. In proven stores, you need to buy compression stockings for pregnant women.

Since medical underwear is worn daily, it is very important to choose a hypoallergenic model. Therefore, you need to focus not on user reviews, but, above all, on personal feelings. The linen must bear the sign of the European eco-safety standard. Oeko-Tex Standard 10 - this ensures that the product is made from a material that does not cause.

How to put on compression stockings correctly?

When buying treated jerseys, you need to know how to put on and how to wear such underwear correctly.

Most often, people seeking to prevent the progression of varicose veins wear compression stockings of the 2nd compression class. After all, both the efficiency and the price of compression stockings of the 2nd compression class often turn out to be the most acceptable for the patient. However, it often happens that products of the 2nd degree of compression are very uncomfortable for a person to wear. Moreover, most often the 2nd class of compression for men and women turns out to be inconvenient precisely because a person puts on such a product incorrectly. After all, you can’t put it on like tights for a child, gathering it into an accordion and pulling the stocking up to the thigh. Both tights and socks or stockings should be put on slowly, gradually straightening them on the leg.

Such underwear will be difficult to put on for obese people. To facilitate this process, special tools can be purchased at the store. How much these devices cost depends on the manufacturer. Compression stockings should be worn with gloves to avoid damaging the underwear with your nails. In addition, if a person is wearing medical or other gloves, then the underwear slides better.

If underwear of the second compression class is uncomfortable to wear, in some cases you can limit yourself to the first class. Moreover, the price of compression stockings of the 1st compression class for women and men (Ortho, etc.) is lower. However, the price of stockings for varicose veins on the legs depends on other factors.

A person who wears therapeutic knitwear should have smooth feet - without roughness, calluses. You need to cut your toenails short and file them to avoid the appearance of puffs on the underwear.

It is better to put on such underwear in the morning, on rested and, accordingly, not swollen limbs. In this case, both the legs and knitwear should be completely dry.

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to sleep in such stockings need to understand that there is no need for this, since during sleep the load on the limbs is minimal.

If the phlebologist prescribed the patient to wear class 3 products, it will be more difficult to put them on and, accordingly, more time will have to be spent on this. To do this, it is better to use special devices.

If the size chart provided on a particular site seems incomprehensible, it is better to ask a specialist about how to choose the size of compression stockings for surgery or for everyday wear. After all, if the size is chosen incorrectly, it will be extremely inconvenient to put on and wear such underwear.

It is important to properly care for such products and know how to wash and dry them.

Compression garment care

When buying orthopedic underwear for women and men, you need to consider that it is most convenient to have at least two pairs of such knitwear. After all, you need to wash it daily to get rid of dust, specks and dead skin particles, which can very quickly damage the fibers of the linen.

Washing is carried out only by hand, using baby soap. Such clothes cannot be washed in the machine. It is necessary to wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 C. It is forbidden to iron and bleach it. Do not use conditioners or rinse aids. After all, they also destroy the structure of the contracting tissue.

Dry the compression hosiery by spreading it on a horizontal surface. You can not twist and wring it out, you can easily get wet with a towel. It is not allowed to dry knitwear in the sun, the battery in a vertical position.

You need to be very careful with silicone strips, which are important for securing linen. During washing, it is better not to wet them and wipe them with a disinfectant cloth.

What to wear with such products depends on the taste of the woman. But, as a rule, knitwear from modern manufacturers is very beautiful and elegant.

Contraindications for wearing compression garments

Before choosing compression stockings for varicose veins, you need to clearly know if the patient has any contraindications to wearing them. Medical knitwear has several such contraindications.

Wearing medical knitwear is absolutely contraindicated in such diseases:

  • endoarteritis ;
  • orthoarteritis ;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans .

Under these conditions, it decreases vessel lumen , and the systolic is reduced to 80 mm. rt. Art., so it is strictly forbidden to reduce pressure in the lower extremities.

Very carefully you need to wear compression underwear for those who have problems with the skin and high skin sensitivity.

Stockings or tights should not be worn for allergic manifestations and inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as for bedsores, open wounds.

If varicose veins appear as a result of a disease diabetes , such underwear also cannot be used. Compression stockings are not to be used if septic phlebitis , cardiopulmonary insufficiency severe if circulatory problems occur at rest.

You can also meet the opinion that knitwear can provoke atrophy of the muscular layer of the walls of the veins . When a person stops wearing medical underwear, the opposite effect is likely, due to which the venous wall will stretch, and varicose veins will progress even more.

Of course, it is not possible to check the condition of each vein in a person wearing such underwear. However, most phlebologists consider this theory erroneous, citing the following evidence in favor of this:

  • a person cannot wear medical knitwear around the clock;
  • if the veins are compressed, then the blood flow in them decreases, but it does not stop;
  • as a rule, atrophy of the muscle wall develops if a person has a genetic disposition, and also if a local specific inflammatory process develops during venous stasis, and when using knitwear, these phenomena decrease;
  • sometimes, after stopping the use of linen, a person initially feels a little worse, since the tone of the venous wall decreases for a while, but we are not talking about atrophy.

Also, after the end of the period of wearing such underwear, it may seem to people with varicose veins that it has become more difficult for them to walk. Therefore, many people prefer not to refuse to wear it.

Thus, compression underwear, which has been used for many decades, is a convenient and effective method of prevention and treatment of varicose veins. However, before you start using it, you need to consult a phlebologist. The doctor will determine what the patient's condition is and help select the most appropriate product.

Antique athletes, so that the clothes did not slow down and did not interfere with them, competed naked. In the 2000s, athletes deal with the problem of sportswear in a different way. Compression underwear, both beneficial for muscles and comfortable, is a leader in this industry.

Types of elastic underwear

  • Gaiters.
  • Socks.
  • T-shirts.
  • Tops.
  • Tights.
  • Tights.
  • Underwear.

Compression underwear for training is suitable for both athletes and obese people (it helps to lose weight).

For women, it is made without seams. Straps, elastic bands - soft, elastic. They don't rub the skin. For classes, there are bras of three degrees of support - for intensive training, medium and light.

Knee-highs, socks and socks for sports are made from synthetic materials with the addition of wool or cotton, which, unlike natural materials, increases moisture-wicking qualities.

The nuances of the work of compression clothing

The word "compression" means compression. Compression clothing compresses the limbs and the vessels in them, which facilitates the work of the circulatory system: the compressed muscle is better supplied with blood and oxygen, which helps to remove toxins.

Blood, rising from the lower extremities, passes through the valves. Their function is that they do not allow the accumulation of blood below (the appearance of edema and blood clots), and with each heartbeat they pass upwards. But under load in athletes or in people who are on their feet for a long time, the operation of the valves is disrupted.

Important: the function of compression underwear is to compress the limbs and help the vessels to withstand heavy loads.

In compression garments, properly made, load distribution is calculated. So, in golfs, compression is stronger downwards, and less toward the knee. This is done because an effort is needed from the lower limb to raise blood. As a percentage, the distribution of compression occurs as follows:

  • Ankle and lower leg - 100%.
  • Knee joint - 60%.
  • Thigh - 25%.

Compression (graded) stimulates the outflow of blood to the lungs and heart from the veins of the lower extremities.

Active circulation during sports enriches the blood with oxygen and trace elements, which reduces fatigue and increases endurance.

What is sports compression underwear used for?

When using elastic clothing, athletes improve training results and reduce symptoms of fatigue after them:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Krepatura.
  • Foot pain, swelling.

Soft elastic fabrics in the toe area protect the toes from damage and excessive stress. The leg is gently wrapped around, not pinched. It normalizes the outflow of blood, and this reduces the risk of pulmonary embolism and the formation of a blood clot. Special material prevents sweating and removes moisture. The area of ​​the Achilles tendon is additionally protected (to prevent injury). In the foot area, the structure of the product is compacted to prevent the formation of calluses.

When to wear stretchy underwear

Important: wearing compression garments is always contraindicated. Constant squeezing is harmful: the vessels lose their natural tone.

Put it on just before physical activities, and take it off after them, although some athletes (to restore blood circulation in the limbs) wear it for another 1 to 2 hours after sports training.

Types of compression

In addition to standard underwear, there are models with pronounced compression properties. Such underwear better compresses areas subjected to stress. These areas are less stressed. This is important in sports training.

The difference between compression sports and medical clothing

Elastic medical and sports jerseys are distinguished by:

  • The degree of compression.
  • The elasticity of materials.
  • Wearing comfort.

Medical clothing is made from coarse fabrics and squeezes the body more. It does not create a comfortable temperature for him.

The benefits of compression underwear

Elastic underwear fits the body, facilitates movement, forms a kind of corset, the advantages of which include such factors:

  • Compared to other products, compression underwear reduces the sensation of pain. When running, the foot hits a hard surface, vibration is transmitted upward through the body with the help of muscle fibers. This causes pain. With the help of special clothing, the athlete forgets about pain.
  • When muscles are stressed, blood flow and muscle recovery are accelerated. No lactic acid is released. In the future, this relieves pain after training.
  • Sports socks improve blood circulation, fix the foot in shoes, prevent swelling, dropsy and calluses from appearing. Reduces the occurrence of injuries and seizures.
  • Additional muscle support reduces the occurrence of injury.
  • Excess moisture is continuously removed, which prevents skin irritation.
  • Protects from the sun, removes moisture, retains heat. Lets air through.
  • Improves coordination. A special effect in this belongs to socks. Fitting snugly to the foot, they help to better feel the placement of the foot.

The use of elastic materials increases the intensity of the workout and prolongs its duration.

Compression underwear: for or against

Compression underwear, according to manufacturers, has many advantages. However, scientific studies give conflicting results:

difference in sports performance

Scientists from Newcastle University conducted a study that showed that the elastic clothing of the lower body during high-intensity running reduces the heart rate and increases blood flow.

However, scientists have not yet confirmed the dependence of sports results on compression underwear and have not proven that it makes runners faster.

This is due to the insignificance of the advantage, which was lost in the statistical error.

For decades, the debate about increasing running speed has not stopped. Although science has proven that the average heart rate of an athlete in compression underwear during physical training is 2 to 3 beats per minute lower than that of people in regular clothes.

Pain Reduction

An experiment was carried out: athletes trained in sprinting in ordinary clothes. A week later, they repeated training in elastic sportswear. Muscle pain was reduced after using knitwear, but the differences were not significant.

Endurance Improvement

Runners competed in sports and compression golfs. The latter slightly increased the endurance of the heart.

Important: compression clothing takes on part of the athlete's loads, and reduces the physical fitness of the muscles and body.

However, the fit (tight) to the skin, the feel of a pleasant material and the feeling of muscle support are liked by athletes. Interestingly, people who believe in the beneficial qualities of elastic knitwear notice an improvement in well-being and an increase in physical performance after wearing it.

Contraindications to wearing sports compression underwear

The use of compression is contraindicated for such categories of people:

  • Patients with diabetes.
  • People with circulatory disorders.
  • Smokers.
  • Patients with dermatitis, suffering from hypersensitivity of the skin, with open wounds.

Conclusion: People who use elastic knitwear for sports observe the following signs:

  • Improving muscle tone.
  • Reducing fatigue.

IN such underwear is convenient for doing physical exercises. It hugs the body beautifully. These reasons are enough to buy elastic sportswear.

If you have to stand often and for a long time, if you lift weights or run a lot, preparing for competitions, then the load goes to your vessels. If there is a predisposition to edema or varicose veins, you can help your vessels with sports compression underwear, and at the same time reduce health risks.

How compression garments work

Compression underwear (socks, leggings, pants, overalls and other options) is so called from the word "compression" - pressure, compression. The essence of the work of any "compression": compression with varying degrees (depending on the location of the body part) of your limbs, along with the vessels in them, to facilitate the work of the circulatory system.

Rising up from the lower extremities, the blood, overcoming the force of attraction, passes through a series of valves. In normal mode, they function quite calmly, passing a portion of blood up with each heartbeat and not allowing it to accumulate below, inflating the veins or forming edema or even thrombosis.

However, under the influence of exorbitant load (for example, when a person is constantly in a standing position) or, for example, with significant running loads, the vessels can lose their shape and the operation of these valves may be disrupted. Thrombosis may appear and develop, the cardiovascular system is additionally loaded.

Actually, the function of compression underwear is to compress your limbs under a certain pressure, either to help broken vessels function properly, or simply to help them withstand heavy loads without consequences for your health. Spending an entire day on your feet or running a marathon is easier and more enjoyable in compression stockings.

In correctly made compression underwear, for example, in sports socks, the load distribution is calculated. The lower - the stronger the compression, closer to the knee the pressure decreases. This is due to the fact that it takes more effort to lift blood up from the lower part of your limb.

The “correctness” of compression underwear is confirmed by various standards. In Europe, there is a RAL-GZ 387 standard. Its logo can be found on the packaging and on the label sewn into the compression stockings of some brands, mainly specializing in medical compression stockings.

Medical "compression"

Doctors write, and we retell you: there are 4 classes of compression of medical underwear, but without a doctor you can only look at the first one. First-class underwear can be bought at a pharmacy - it is for prevention. Doctors recommend it to anyone who could find spider veins on their legs, found an increase in saphenous veins, or is irritated by swelling by the end of the day. The remaining classes of underwear will still not be sold to you without a doctor's prescription, and we will never dare to advise without the recommendations of specialists.

Nevertheless, the meaning of this chapter is to talk about contraindications: do not wear compression underwear for atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, endoarteritis, orthoarteritis.

Does “compression” make it faster?

All of the sources we found sang in unison an ode to compression clothing for sports - it "supports the muscles by storing and returning energy during muscle stretching and contraction during physical activity" and "allows you to better feel in space."

A study conducted at Newcastle University found that lower torso compression garments increased blood flow and decreased heart rate during high-intensity endurance running. This, in theory, should support the theory that compression stockings or leggings should increase performance. However, this same study did not prove that compression garments actually make runners faster.

So scientists have not yet confirmed the dependence of the result on compression underwear. Perhaps the reason for this is the insignificance of the advantage, lost in the statistical error. The debate on the topic of increasing running speed with the help of compression has not stopped for decades.

Compression has been scientifically proven to lower an athlete's average heart rate. A test was conducted that measured the frequency of contractions during exercise. The heart rate of athletes participating in compression underwear was on average 2-3 beats per minute less than that of participants in regular clothes.

What does “compression” give: pain reduction, quick recovery, prevention of vascular diseases

But in terms of health and comfort, there are positive results. Researchers at Macy University in Auckland found that 24 hours after a high-intensity 10K run (using compression socks) there was a reduction in delayed-onset muscle pain. 93% of athletes who ran without compression socks experienced pain in the shin area the day after the race, and only 14% of the subjects who ran in compression socks also felt such pain.

Even the simplest compression socks of leading brands are not cheap pleasure.

Scientists at the University of Exeter evaluated the effects of compression garments on muscle recovery. Tested by repeating three strength exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4 days after painful activities. Wearing compression garments for 24 hours after exercise was found to improve performance on all three endurance tests and reduce subjects' soreness.

If we add here the medical indications for the prevention of long-term negative effects from serious exertion, then the benefits of compression stockings are obvious. However, you should clearly understand how much you need it and wear it deliberately.

When to Wear Sports Compression Underwear

For example, during strong, prolonged loads. An additional risk factor for predisposition to varicose veins is spider veins, enlarged veins, and edema.

For example, to prepare for a triathlon, I was offered to use sports golfs from the Australian company 2XU (as I was told, “Mercedes” in the world of sports compression, and even triathletes compete in this brand). I wear it for all heavy cycling and running workouts, especially when the load increases. Actually, with enlarged veins on my legs, I definitely need such underwear at high loads.

A separate topic is recovery, top manufacturers have lines of recovery clothing after hard training or competition. And, based on the results of scientific research, we can recommend compression for these purposes.

Top brands have lines of “recovery” compression garments.

But you should not constantly wear a “compression shirt” precisely because of the excessive action of their main positive effect. An "overdose" of pressure can be just as harmful as a lack: your blood vessels can no longer maintain their natural tone, which can also lead to the same problems that such underwear treats. Therefore (unless you have other indications for use), you should not wear compression underwear when the load is familiar to you.

Carefully study the size chart of compression clothing and follow the manufacturer's recommendations exactly. The compression should sit tight (like a second skin), dress with difficulty, but not restrict movement.

Use compression stockings wisely for your health and results. And may the force be with you.

From this article you will learn: how to choose compression underwear for varicose veins, how this knitwear works. Types and classes of compression, how to decide on the size. Contraindications, whether complications and side effects from wearing compression underwear are possible.

Article publication date: 07/17/2017

Article last updated: 06/02/2019

Compression knitwear of special density and varying degrees of compression (pressure) is used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

When put on a diseased limb, they create an external frame that:

The action of compression stockings. Click on photo to enlarge

They produce 6 types of compression stockings:

  1. Panty hoses (cover simultaneously both limbs from the foot to the thigh and end at the waist).
  2. Stockings (designed for the lower limb from the foot to the thigh).
  3. Golfs (put on the shin from the foot to the knee).
  4. Gaiters (reminiscent of stockings without a heel and toe).
  5. Socks (put on the foot to the ankle).
  6. Sleeves (on the arm from the wrist to the shoulder).

Products have a certain degree of compression (pressure) at the level of the ankles (this is where the complex section of the reverse movement of venous blood begins), which is measured in mm Hg. Art. and calculated based on the severity of varicose veins. The degree of compression of knitwear can be preventive (with low pressure - class 1) or therapeutic (with high pressure - class 2, 3, 4).

It cannot be said that stockings are better than tights or socks - underwear and the degree of compression for treatment and prevention are chosen by a phlebologist or angiosurgeon, he makes a conclusion based on the medical history, examination results and individual indications.

How does compression underwear work?

With varicose veins, the lower limbs are the first to suffer: blood easily flows from the heart through the arteries down, but up through the veins, it rises with some effort. Reverse blood flow is provided by several mechanisms:

  • contractions of the heart, which "push" the blood, forcing it to circulate in the vascular system;
  • venous valves that lock blood in the area of ​​​​the vessel so that it does not move in the opposite direction;
  • regular contractions of the muscles of the lower leg and thighs (muscle pump), which form a kind of supporting frame for the vessels, gently squeeze them and help push the blood up, from the legs to the thighs and into the small pelvis. Their weakening is one of the main mechanisms for the formation of varicose veins.
The mechanism of reverse blood flow is normal

Compression knitwear is designed to serve as a muscle pump and frame. Squeezing the leg in a certain place (at the ankle) is stronger, in others a little weaker (lower leg, thigh), he:

  • provides an optimal degree of impact on all parts of the leg;
  • normalizes blood flow, helping blood move from bottom to top;
  • gently squeezing the muscles, enhances the tone of the vascular walls, prevents them from stretching;
  • narrows the lumen of damaged veins, helping to redistribute part of the blood into healthy vessels;
  • normalizes the operation of the valve apparatus;
  • stimulates the outflow of lymph, eliminating swelling and congestion;
  • reduces the load on diseased veins.

Normalizing the blood circulation of the lower extremities, properly selected compression stockings perform several other functions:

  1. Improves metabolism and tissue nutrition.
  2. Prevents the development of complications (vascular thrombosis, tissue necrosis due to oxygen starvation).
  3. Relieves severe symptoms (pain, itching, swelling after a working day).
  4. Prevents recurrence (reappearance) of varicose veins after surgery.
  5. Does not create difficulties for treatment with constant wear (if necessary) - external agents can be applied over the product.

Types of linen

The type of knitwear is chosen depending on the localization of the main manifestations, the product should be 15-20 cm above the border of varicose expansion:

  • Panty hoses are used for lesions of both limbs from the lower leg to the thigh and signs of stagnation in the small pelvis (dilated veins and nodes in the groin, hemorrhoids), they are convenient for pregnancy and weightlifting. Maternity tights have a special bandage for the abdomen, which supports, but does not squeeze it.
  • Compression underwear for varicose veins in the form of stockings is usually chosen when it comes to recovery after surgery to remove veins (from the lower leg to the thigh) on one leg, they are more convenient to take off and put on (compared to tights).
  • Golfs and leggings are intended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the legs, if the knots and affected veins have not risen to the knee.
  • Socks are used to improve blood flow in the ankle (ankle) area.
  • Sleeves eliminate pronounced lymphostasis (lymph stasis, edema) after surgery, trauma, infectious polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints).

Taking into account individual indications and contraindications, only the attending physician can determine which type of underwear is best used for varicose veins of different localization.

How to decide on the size

Underwear is sold in specialized stores, in order to choose the right option for the first time, it is necessary to make individual measurements of the legs.

Measured in cm:

  • the circumference of the lower leg above the ankles (this parameter is marked with the letter b in the dimensional grid);
  • calf circumference under the knee (d);
  • circumference of the upper third of the thigh (g);
  • waist circumference (for tights);
  • leg length from heel to groin (to g-spot);
  • foot length.

In accordance with these parameters, choose the desired size of compression underwear.

Leg measurement for compression underwear. Click on photo to enlarge

Compression classes

Knitwear differs from each other not only in the types of products (socks, stockings, tights), but also in the degree of pressure (compression) on the surface of the limb, which determines its healing qualities.

Compression in all types of underwear is uneven, the maximum pressure (100%) falls on the limb in the ankle area, high (70%) - acts on the shin, minimum (40%) - on the thigh. Thus, conditions are created for restoring blood flow that are close to physiological (normally, the difference in pressure on the lower and upper veins differs by 2.5 times, it is stronger from below, weaker at the top, this ensures a normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities up to the small pelvis).

Distribution of compression across the leg
Class, degree of compression (mm Hg. Art.) In what cases is it recommended
1, 18 to 21 Preventive jersey, it is recommended:

people with a hereditary predisposition at the initial stage of varicose veins, after the first signs appear - spider veins, severity, itching, swelling;

to prevent the appearance of varicose veins during pregnancy;

people at risk (with a constant load on the legs - hairdressers, pharmacists, teachers, athletes).

2, 23 to 32 Therapeutic, use:

in the complex for the treatment of varicose veins;

3, 34 to 46 Therapeutic, use:

with trophic disorders (metabolic disorders, nutrition and gas exchange in tissues);

lymphovenous insufficiency (swelling of tissues, chronic congestion, impaired blood supply to tissues);

for the treatment of thrombosis (blockage of the lumen of the vessel) of deep veins;

after deep vein thrombosis (post-thrombophlebitic syndrome);

during the recovery period after operations to remove veins.

4, from 49 and above Therapeutic, used:

with severe violations of lymphostasis (lymph outflow);

congenital pathologies of vein formation (phlebodysplasia).

Without prior consultation with a specialist, it is not recommended to purchase even preventive knitwear.

Contraindications and complications

Compression underwear has contraindications, it is categorically not recommended for use with:

  1. Atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels (the formation of cholesterol plaques).
  2. Obliterating endarteritis (inflammation of the inner walls of the peripheral vessels of the lower extremities).
  3. Thromboangiitis (inflammation of the vascular walls with the formation of a blood clot).

All diseases are characterized by narrowing of the lumen of the vessels (due to cholesterol plaques or inflammation of the vascular wall), increased pressure on the limbs can aggravate metabolic disorders and gas exchange in tissues and cause their necrosis (necrosis).

  • in severe heart failure (additional compression can provoke gas exchange disorders and necrosis);
  • diabetes mellitus (damage to fragile vascular walls, the appearance of hemorrhages and blood clots);
  • any acute inflammatory processes affecting the vascular walls, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (the inflammatory process narrows the walls of the vessel, disrupting the blood supply to tissues, high blood pressure can provoke oxygen starvation, the appearance of blood clots, ulcers and necrosis);
  • skin diseases, open wounds, purulent tissue infections, allergic skin sensitivity to manufacturing materials (fiber, lycra, cotton, silicone).

Some patients with varicose veins consider atrophy of the smooth muscle of the vascular wall as a complication due to prolonged wearing of knitwear. And they are afraid of its consequences - after the cancellation of linen, the vascular walls under the influence of blood flow can stretch even more.

These are unfounded fears, angiosurgeons and phlebologists argue that the sensation of relaxation of the vascular walls after the cancellation of underwear is a natural process, you need to get used to the lack of “support”, at this moment it seems to the patient without reason that varicose veins are progressing with a vengeance.

The wrong choice of the degree of compression, type of knitwear and wearing mode can worsen the condition of the veins and provoke the development of complications (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers).

How to put on underwear

There are rules that must be followed when putting on compression stockings:

  • put on underwear in the morning, after sleep, without getting out of bed;
  • feet must be dry;
  • if there is a need to wear knitwear during the day - you need to lie on your back (without a pillow) and raise your legs for 15-10 minutes, placing a roller under your feet (at an angle of 40 ° to the body);
  • stocking or golf hands are collected in an "accordion" to the heel;
  • the remaining free knitted sock is put on the toes of the foot;
  • fix the heel (it is located exactly on the anatomical heel, should not slip, “move out” to the left or right);
  • linen is evenly distributed over the leg, from ankle to thigh;
  • make sure that it does not twist, does not “wrinkle”, does not form a fold;
  • the upper part of the tights (from the hip to the waist) is put on, lifting the pelvis without getting out of bed.

Rules for putting on compression underwear. Click on photo to enlarge

For knitwear without a sock and heel, special “sliding” socks have been invented that make the process easier. In order not to make leads and not deform the canvas, it is recommended to wear underwear with medical gloves.

How to care for knitwear

Good medical jersey:

  1. Should be seamless to ensure even pressure on the skin surface.
  2. Must be hypoallergenic, this allows you to use it in the hot season.
  3. A special weaving of threads made of cotton, lycra and microfiber in different percentages regulates gas exchange and skin temperature, allowing it to "breathe" and not overheat.
  4. The expiration date for compression knitwear is from 5 to 7 months, it is not recommended to use it longer, as it loses its properties (stretches).

In order not to throw it away before this period, you need to properly care for it. Do not recommend:

  • pull underwear, holding on to silicone strips or elastic bands, so as not to damage;
  • wash in a washing machine and at a temperature above 40 ° (hand wash only);
  • use washing powder and rinse aids (only soap);
  • squeeze and twist (dry in a straightened form, spread out in a horizontal plane, after blotting with a towel);
  • dry in the sun, a central heating battery or near other heating devices;
  • wet the silicone fixing strips on the inside of the stockings or stockings (recommended to wipe them with alcohol).

Compression stockings can be washed daily.

How long to wear?

The duration of wearing compression underwear is determined by individual indications and doctor's recommendations:

  • It is recommended to wear preventive knitwear for the entire period of pregnancy (removing at night), and in the initial stages of varicose veins, wear it to work (if it is associated with a load on the legs), on hikes, on an airplane flight and in other situations that can provoke the development of varicose veins.
  • Therapeutic wear only according to the indications and prescription of a doctor. After surgical interventions, the continuous period of wearing can be from 2-3 to 30 days. With interruptions - up to 4 months or more.

After prolonged wearing, the underwear is removed gradually: first at night, then the time is increased, bringing the breaks up to several days, and removed completely.

What underwear is better

Before using compression underwear for varicose veins, we will decide which one is better? Domestic and imported manufacturers offer many varieties of preventive and therapeutic knitwear, they are distinguished by minor nuances in manufacturing (special knitting of threads, composition options and percentage differences, antifungal and other impregnation), service life and price.

Manufacturer's name Product price Characteristics
Intex (Russia) The price of compression stockings of the 1st class is from 1400 to 1600 rubles High-quality domestic knitwear, lasts up to 4–5 months, the toe and heel are wiped quickly enough
Relaxan (Italy) Prices for products start at 500 rubles, class 1 stockings will cost the buyer 1122 rubles High-quality linen, but it does not last long - up to 2 months, when worn, it can press in the toe, it is quickly rubbed on the heel
Venoteks Therapy (USA) Compression stockings of the 1st class will cost from 2800 to 3600 rubles Manufacturing technology provides the product with strength and long service life - up to 7 months
Copper (Germany) Stockings 1st class - 7000 rubles High-quality, durable and strong knitwear, lasts up to 5-6 months
ORTO (Germany) Stockings of the 1st class - 1495 rubles Sufficiently high-quality underwear with a reasonable price, lasts from 4 to 5 months, but quickly wears out on the toe and heel
Sigvaris (Switzerland) The price of products starts from 2000, stockings of the 2nd compression class will cost the buyer 8500 rubles Elite, high-quality compression knitwear, with increased wear resistance and shelf life (up to 7 months)
  1. The type of product (except for tights) is chosen so that the upper edge of the product (stocking, sock) is 15–20 cm above the border of varicose veins.
  2. The class of knitwear is chosen only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Products have absolute and relative contraindications for wearing, and in this case, their use can be harmful.
  4. There are no side effects with the right underwear.
  5. The service life of compression stockings can be extended if they are properly cared for (wear medical gloves, wash by hand, dry flat).
  6. Compression underwear helps to treat varicose veins only in combination with drugs, otherwise the effect will be temporary and unstable.

In order to get used to knitwear, learn how to put it on and take care of it correctly, at first it is recommended to choose inexpensive products.

Indications and contraindications

Corrective stockings can be recommended for the prevention of varicose veins and for the purpose of treatment. In the first case, they are prescribed to prevent the development of varicose veins, for example, if the main sign of a developing pathological condition has appeared - the vascular network. Underwear with such properties supports blood vessels with pronounced varicose veins. However, for medicinal purposes, you can not use stockings that were chosen at your own discretion.

Indications for use:

  • heaviness and fatigue in the lower extremities, and such sensations occur not only at the end of the working day, but also with light loads;
  • swelling in the ankle joints or along the entire length of the legs;
  • developing varicose veins (a vascular network has appeared) or a pronounced change in the walls of blood vessels, in this case they appear above the skin;
  • spasms in the calf muscles;
  • pain sensations of varying intensity;
  • trophic changes in the outer integument;
  • lymphostasis, leading to the appearance of edema;
  • eczema on the affected areas of the lower extremities;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • symptoms of a pathological condition that has developed as a result of the formation of blood clots.

In case of heaviness and fatigue in the lower extremities, compression stockings can be worn.

At risk are people who lead an inactive lifestyle, are engaged in sedentary work or are constantly moving: cashiers, flight attendants, athletes, drivers, restaurant and cafe workers. In each case, it is recommended to wear orthopedic stockings, which will prevent the development of varicose veins. Contraindications to the use of compression underwear:

  • Pathological conditions in which the lumen of blood vessels is already reduced, such as atherosclerosis. In this case, the effect will be the opposite: the veins will decrease even more, which will lead to a decrease in the patency of blood vessels, blood clots are formed, internal pressure on the walls of the veins will increase many times, and the general condition of the lower extremities with varicose veins will worsen.
  • Damage to the external integument as a result of the development of diabetes mellitus, soft tissue ischemia. This increases the risk of necrosis and purulent wounds that will take a long time to heal.
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency in decompensated form.
  • Dermatitis of various types.

The healing properties of linen

Medical underwear is used after examination and consultation with a doctor. It was designed in such a way that the pressure is differentiated: the maximum pressure is on the ankles, slightly less in the area of ​​​​the patella, and the minimum is at the level of the hips. Before using medical underwear, you should very carefully check the size. If it does not fit perfectly, you can get the opposite effect from its use.

There is also a hospital compression underwear, and it is divided into two varieties. The first is known as Trombexin, and its main purpose is to protect against thromboembolic complications. Another variety is Struva23, this type of underwear is used after operations.

Compression underwear currently produced looks very attractive, and it is almost impossible to distinguish it from ordinary underwear. If you use such underwear every day, then its healing properties last for six months.

In accordance with the symptoms, individual characteristics and stage of the disease, compression underwear is produced under different articles. Moreover, all articles in their composition have Aloe Vera extract.

Compression underwear below the knees (art. 330)

This product is recommended for use after caesarean section, gynecological operations. After liposuction, it is used to model the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, breeches and knees. It has excellent anti-cellulite properties when used with special cosmetic and therapeutic creams. Prevents the formation of hematomas and unnecessary edema, contributes to the correct formation of postoperative scars, activates blood circulation, is effective for the prevention of varicose veins Favors the restoration of the figure after childbirth, improves skin elasticity and firmness, maintains the tone of the abdominal muscles. Successfully applicable as thermal underwear. The clasp is equipped with three rows of hooks and is located at the front.

The fastener of this model is located in front, has three rows of hooks.

Compression bandage below the knees with a high belt (article 350)

Used after liposuction to model the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, breeches and knees in the postoperative period.

Good against cellulite when combined with medicated creams. Go to the composition of anti-varicose measures.

Operating principle:

Linen is equipped with holding straps, which are very easy to adjust.

Composition: Lycra 28% and polyamide 72%.

Produced in beige and black.

Compression bandage below the knees with a high belt (article 450)

It is used after abdominoplasty, cesarean section, gynecological operations, liposuction. Excellent prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine in the form of an auxiliary tool in its treatment.

It activates blood circulation, promotes the necessary formation of postoperative scars due to the possibility of creating the necessary compression in the areas of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and knees.

Restores the figure and skin after childbirth, suitable as warming clothing. For patients with varicose veins, it is very effective, but a doctor's consultation is necessary.

These properties are achieved by strengthening the material in the abdomen, lumbar region and hips. Front fastening with three rows of hooks. Support straps are included and are very easy to adjust.

The material is very durable and pleasant, breathes well.

Compression bandage with a high waist and below the knees with zippers (art. 550)

This bandage model is equally good after a variety of operations and childbirth. It is incomparably effective against cellulite.

Here, a double reinforcement of the material is applied in the back area, there is a double layer of cotton fabric in the abdomen. There are adjustable support straps. Fasteners are made in the form of two zippers on the sides.

How compression stockings work

The principle of operation of compression stockings is to create uniform pressure (compression), the value of which differs in different parts of the leg. If in the ankle area the pressure is 100%, then in the knee area it decreases to 70%, and in the thigh area - up to 40%. Due to this pressure difference, the optimal mode of operation of the veins is ensured, in which the blood does not stagnate and is easily pushed up.

In addition, stockings against varicose veins reduce the diameter of the veins, which helps to increase blood flow and normalize the functioning of venous valves. As a result, stagnant processes are prevented and effective prevention of blood clots is provided.

The principle of operation of compression underwear and indications for use

Compression underwear differs from ordinary knitwear:

  • Creates pressure at the point of contact with the skin. At the same time, physiological pressure is created, which should normally be distributed over the lower extremities. The compression created on the legs is not uniform, but reduced from the bottom up. The maximum pressure is on the shins, in the knee area the compression is reduced by 1.5 times, on the thigh - by 2 times, in the groin area it is practically absent;
  • Forms a framework that is able to maintain the elasticity of the veins at an optimal level. Due to the pressure created, the veins narrow, the blood flow occurs in one direction, which reduces swelling and pain in the legs;
  • Provides normalization of the venous system, preventing stagnation of venous blood in the legs.

The use of the best compression stockings should be started at the first sign of varicose veins after consulting a specialist:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • puffiness;
  • painful sensations;
  • vascular stars.

If the diagnosis of varicose veins is confirmed, wearing compression underwear is combined with drug therapy.

Among the indications for the use of compression stockings are:

  • Varicose veins;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • rehabilitation period after vein surgery;
  • any kind of work that causes blood stasis;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • the period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • flights and long trips.

What is the best compression underwear made of? What material is used

For sewing anti-varicose compression underwear, knitwear is used, which consists of rubber threads. It is best to use cotton, nylon, microfiber, elastin, lycra for sewing medical and preventive underwear. The appearance of such clothes is the same as ordinary, while there are no seams on it. It is anti-allergic, outwardly has an aesthetic appearance.

How does compression underwear work for varicose veins? What effect is noticeable?

The main principle of action is aimed at creating pressure of various strengths in different parts of the leg:

  1. the maximum (highest) pressure of 100% falls on the area above the ankle (lower leg). Such compression is aimed at raising the blood flow upwards, and it is quite difficult to raise venous blood from this part, efforts are required;
  2. above, the region of the upper leg, the pressure is 70%;
  3. the thigh receives only 40% of the pressure, since it is located closer to the heart. The increased pressure from below helps push the venous blood even higher.

What is the effect of wearing knitted compression underwear for varicose veins?

The gradual distribution of the load contributes to the establishment of venous blood flow. By squeezing the legs, the load on them is correctly distributed, the risk of stagnation is minimized, and the reverse blood flow to the heart is normalized. The work of the organs is getting better, it becomes better, because with the wearing of such underwear, the tissue fibers of the walls of the vessels are enriched with micronutrients, oxygen.

When a vein is damaged, the tone of the walls of the vessels increases significantly, and when wearing compression underwear, the walls of the veins do not stretch, respectively, do not become thinner.

As a result of wearing such underwear, swelling disappears, heaviness disappears, fatigue is not felt, venous blood flow is better.

What to look for when buying and how to avoid fake

There are quality standards for therapeutic compression underwear for varicose veins, one of the most significant and strict is the European standard RAL-GZ-387. In order for a manufacturer to use the logo of this standard, it must be rigorously certified in Germany or Switzerland. If the underwear has such a certificate, it means it is really of high quality, creates a distributed pressure of 40-70-100% and is therapeutic, you can learn about this standard from the packaging and the label on the product.

It is worth choosing the manufacturer very carefully, since there are a lot of fakes on the Russian wild market, so it is better to purchase compression stockings or compression tights either in dealer stores or in specialized stores, where experts will accurately select the right model according to your measurements.

Since such knitwear should be worn every day, it must be hypoallergenic, in order to determine this, the purchased product must have the sign of the European environmental safety standard Oeko-Tex Standard 10.

Beauty or health whether to wear compression stockings in summer

A sedentary lifestyle, wearing high-heeled shoes, pregnancy, heredity are the main causes of varicose veins. Compression clothing comes to the rescue of sore legs, the daily wearing of which reduces unpleasant symptoms. But what if you need to wear compression stockings in the summer?

The use of compression products helps with varicose veins. For this reason, phlebologists recommend wearing knee socks, stockings or pantyhose every day, regardless of the season.

Compression products help to normalize the outflow of blood in the veins, while reducing the risk of blood clots. A special system of pressure on different parts of the leg helps to normalize the condition, improve blood circulation and avoid surgery.

Irregular wearing of products will definitely not lead to an improvement in the condition. And if in cool weather these products are good, then in the summer heat the sick have a hard time. How to heal your legs and survive the hot summer? How to wear compression stockings in summer, given their high density? We will talk about this further.

On a hot day, you want to wear a minimum of clothes. And I don’t want to think about stockings and tights at all. But what about pregnant women and those who suffer from varicose veins?

1. If possible, buy stockings or stockings with compression rather than pantyhose. In these products, the heat is much easier to bear.

2. Beige products and light colored trousers will help hide your legs from prying eyes.

3. When wearing compression underwear, choose floor-length skirts and dresses. The maxi length will help you look stylish and will not cause condemnation from the outside.

4. Some manufacturers have foreseen the weather conditions and created special models for the summer period. They are lighter, have nice color options and have an open toe.

If you don't know whether to wear compression stockings in the summer, heed these tips. After all, varicose veins are a serious disease that should be treated from the very beginning. And it is better to survive the hot season in special underwear than to suffer from varicose veins, "stars" and swelling of the legs.

Proper selection, prolonged and constant wearing of compression underwear will help get rid of problems with veins. Endure the inconvenience and hot weather so that in the future your healthy legs attract the eye and do not cause you problems.

Harm from compression underwear

Of course, medical stockings are a useful product, but even it has its negative sides and can harm the patient. The harm of compression stockings for varicose veins occurs when used improperly.

With the wrong choice of the degree of pressure on the leg, signs of tissue ischemia may occur. The patient will experience limb numbness, discomfort, or pain. If the compression is low, the effect of this therapy will not appear. Therefore, before using medical knitwear, it is necessary to consult with a vascular surgeon.

The length of stay in stockings depends on the degree of chronic venous insufficiency. For example, in the third stage of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear the product all the time, even during sleep. The most common complications are: ischemia of underlying tissues, bedsores at the site of compression due to improper dressing, allergic reactions to the material.

Compression products can harm when there are contraindications to their use:

  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • open trophic ulcers;
  • individual sensitivity to the materials of the product;
  • limb wounds;
  • burns;
  • having a diabetic foot
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency in the stage of decompensation.

But, more patients respond positively to compression stockings. The result becomes noticeable even on the first day of use.

Also positive is the fact of the moderate cost of the product. The average price of stockings is 1500 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

  • varicose veins, vascular network, lymphedema;
  • pain and spasms in the calf area;
  • symptoms characteristic of venous trophic ulcers;
  • dermatitis, eczema in the area of ​​the veins;
  • tendency to thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndromes;
  • swelling of the legs, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, etc.

Important! There are diseases in which it is impossible to wear stockings against varicose veins. Consult a doctor before use!. In particular, compression stockings are contraindicated in:

In particular, compression stockings are contraindicated in:

  • any disease of the arteries;
  • polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, for example, developing as a result of diabetes mellitus;
  • phlebitis with septic complications;
  • trophic ulcers that are not of venous origin;
  • swelling of the legs due to cardiovascular insufficiency.

A contraindication is the presence of an allergy to any of the materials from which knitwear is made.

Therapeutic effect of compression stockings for varicose veins

Previously, before the large-scale production of high-quality medical underwear, elastic bandages were widely used, the use of which has a number of disadvantages:

  • firstly, they should be applied very correctly every time, which does not always work out, and takes a lot of time
  • secondly, the appearance of the bandages does not allow them to be worn, for example, to work
  • thirdly, the low price for them turns out to be deceptive, since the bandages become unusable very quickly, which nullifies all the savings.

What is the effect of using medical medical knitwear? When squeezing dilated veins, compression underwear for varicose veins helps to accelerate blood flow through deep veins, thereby eliminating venous stasis (more on the mechanism of varicose veins). Moreover, high-quality modern compression knitwear provides for a graduated, that is, a gradual decrease in pressure from the lower leg to the thigh, or from the hand to the shoulder.

For example, in the lower part of the lower leg, the pressure that compression stockings or tights create is maximum 100%, and in the upper part of the thigh it is 40%. This is the most expedient and physiologically determined change in pressure, which has a therapeutic effect. This mode of distribution of pressure on the veins stimulates and normalizes the outflow of blood upward due to:

  • improvement and normalization of the valve apparatus
  • decrease in the enlarged lumen of the peripheral, especially the saphenous veins of the thighs and lower leg
  • increase the effect of the muscle pump - when the muscles contract from physical exertion, the blood is pushed up.

However, it should be remembered that treatment with compression underwear for varicose veins does not eliminate the deep causes of venous insufficiency, and it is used before radical, surgical treatment. This jersey imitates the situation - that the dilated veins are sealed or removed.

In addition, non-surgical conservative treatment of leg diseases should be comprehensive. The maximum effect can be obtained if you use creams, ointments recommended by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, wear compression stockings or tights daily, and use folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins (see treatment of varicose veins).

How to care for compression stockings

With an active lifestyle and in cases where there are children in the house, you often have to squat, so it is advisable to kneel less, because compression garments can stretch in these areas. Feet should be further protected by wearing socks. Such a measure will protect the material from puffs.

Stockings should be washed as needed, but you cannot use an automatic machine for this. Such products cannot be squeezed out, stretched too much, twisted. After rinsing the stockings, they need to be hung on a clothesline, after squeezing slightly. Compression stockings must be handled with care, otherwise the material will lose elasticity.

Are there any features when putting on compression stockings, tights, golfs

You should be aware that even the second class of compression hosiery, which is considered the most common, is sometimes “beyond the strength” for the patient:

Often this occurs due to the inconvenience and difficulty of putting underwear on your feet. The peculiarity of such knitwear is that it cannot be worn like children's tights, gathering it into an accordion and then pulling it up. Both stockings and tights should be put on gradually, straightening on the leg. If a person has a large belly, and tying a shoelace is already a problem, then it will also be difficult to put on underwear.
For ease of putting on, many use special devices offered in the same salons.

As well as gloves that should be worn, they can be both household and medical, since expensive underwear can be ruined by a manicure and it will be better to slip underwear if your hands are in gloves.
Naturally, toenails should be trimmed, filed, there should be no calluses, roughness, otherwise the linen will quickly tear or there will be a lot of puffs.
It is also important that the legs are dry, and the underwear too, compression stockings should be worn in the morning, when the legs are not swollen and rested.
It is especially difficult to put on products of the 3rd compression class - this is a lot of work, and if the patient believes his phlebologist and is sure that he needs such treatment, then you should be patient, otherwise you should not start treatment with this class. It is usually recommended to wear compression classes 3 and 4 using a special special device.

Useful properties of compression stockings

The benefits and harms of compression stockings depend, first of all, on whether the doctor has correctly prescribed the compression class, and also on whether the patient adheres to the recommendations for use.

Scientists conducted studies, and based on them meta-analyzes, which proved that medical knitwear is effective in chronic venous insufficiency.

Stockings perform a number of useful functions - they narrow the lumen of venous vessels and prevent the development of varicose veins in pregnant women. In addition, they reduce swelling in the lower extremities and improve lymph outflow.

Optional compression stockings:

  1. prevent the development of infectious diseases on the legs;
  2. improve skin trophism;
  3. prevent thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  4. reduce the risk of developing pulmonary embolism;
  5. eliminate pain, cramps in the legs;
  6. prevent the formation of trophic ulcers;
  7. improve the course of postoperative periods.

In addition, stockings have an advantage over other types of compression underwear. For example, elastic bandages require certain skills to use. They can slip during the day, which brings discomfort to the patient. Also, bandages do not always fit the style of clothing, especially if the patient needs to work in the office and in a certain uniform.

Stockings, on the other hand, practically do not differ from ordinary clothes and are very easy to use.

Rules for choosing stockings

There are several criteria that you should focus on when buying:

  • the level of pressure exerted on the lower limbs;
  • size;
  • type: classic, with silicone padding at the waist, with Velcro fastening, open toe;
  • price range and brand.

When choosing stockings, you should pay attention to the composition of the material. Linen contains elastane, produced without insulation, t

e. does not warm the feet. Base material: cotton, bamboo. Knitting of a special type - circular, it allows you to evenly affect the lower limbs along the entire length.

Compression classes

Orthopedic stockings are divided into classes according to the intensity of pressure exerted on the legs. Units of measurement are millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Compression stocking classes:

  • 0: the product of this group exerts a pressure in the range of 13-15 mm Hg. Art.;
  • 1: the main indicator varies from 18 to 21 mm Hg. Art.;
  • 2: The pressure range varies from 23-32mmHg. Art.;
  • 3: stockings of this group affect the lower limbs in the range of 34-46 mm Hg. Art.;
  • 4 (hospital): pressure exceeds 49 mm Hg. Art.

The first 2 classes (0 and 1) are for prevention. They apply little pressure. You can buy such stockings without a doctor's prescription. They are recommended to be used in cases where the work is sedentary or, conversely, too mobile. Products of classes 2 and 3 are recommended for pronounced varicose veins. They are prescribed by a doctor in case of swelling in the legs, severe pain, visible vein nodes.

Hospital grade compression stockings are designed to support blood vessels during recovery from surgery.

This variety is rarely used, only on prescription and in especially severe cases.


In order for the stockings to act with the desired intensity of pressure, you should pay attention to the circumference of the leg at several points, these are:

Also measure the length from the foot to the knee and from the knee to the upper third of the thigh. This data is needed to check the compression level: the downward pressure graph should be even. Measurements are taken in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up with no load on the lower limbs. The defining parameter is the circumference of the ankle. The remaining measurements are given to confirm the size.

In order for the stockings to act with the desired intensity of pressure, attention should be paid to the circumference of the leg at several points.

25 cm are laid off from it if the patient is not taller than 185 cm. For a taller person, this parameter increases to 30 cm. When choosing a size, the total length of the stockings also plays a role. It is measured to the point in the upper third of the thigh where the circumference was taken.

The starting point is under the knee. 25 cm are laid off from it if the patient is not taller than 185 cm. For a taller person, this parameter increases to 30 cm. When choosing a size, the total length of the stockings also plays a role. It is measured to the point in the upper third of the thigh where the circumference was taken.

It is important to measure the hip circumference correctly. Starting point - below the knee