How to straighten your upper back. How to straighten your posture: causes of curvature, exercises, tips

According to statistics, more than 40% of people over 30 years old and over 75% over 45 years old due to predominantly seated image life suffer from problems with the spine. Moreover, poor posture is increasingly observed even in adolescents. And this factor eventually becomes the cause of the most serious diseases in both boys and girls.

Correcting such problems is most effective in their initial stage, and if you start to stoop or stoop, it's time to think about how to straighten your back. This will require a set of specific measures, they are divided into permanent and periodic. The first are related to the need to learn how to hold your back - regardless of whether you are walking, standing, sitting or lying down. The second - with gymnastics specially designed for these purposes, which includes exercises for straightening the back with various types of curvature of the spinal column.

What should be the outcome of the task? Is it possible to train at home or is it necessary Gym? How fast can you correct your posture? And how to overcome cravings for a seemingly comfortable, but incorrect body position?

From the point of view of anatomy, it implies a strictly defined location of the spine in the absence of load - with deflections in the neck and lower back without any other transverse or longitudinal distortions. The formation of just such an optimal position of the spinal column has developed as a result of millions of years of evolution, allowing you to create maximum depreciation when walking.

Thus, with a normally developed muscular corset and ideal posture:

Any deviation from this natural state needs to be corrected. The choice of exercises to strengthen the muscles will depend on how the spine is curved. In medicine, four main options are considered:

  1. excessive curvature of the lumbar zone - lordosis, resulting in a protrusion of the abdomen;
  2. excessive forward tilt of the upper section - stoop, expressed in the protrusion of the shoulders;
  3. the appearance on the back of a rounding in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades - kyphosis, in extreme cases leading to the formation of a hump;
  4. transverse deformation of the spine - scoliosis, leading to an unnatural position of the body with an inclination to one side.

Negative consequences of poor posture

What threatens ignoring the primary signs of such curvature? In the long term - first small, and then big troubles (including problems with many internal organs due to circulatory disorders, infringement of nerve fibers and interruptions in the delivery of oxygen to the lungs and heart).

Among these are:

  • pain behind the sternum, which is often confused with heart pain (intercostal neuralgia);
  • arrhythmia and a decrease in useful lung volume;
  • tissue seals (in particular, the hump already mentioned and very difficult to correct);
  • violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intermittent pinpoint numbness separate parts body;
  • restless sleep;
  • persistent pain in the neck, back and lower back, often radiating to the muscles of the limbs;
  • dizziness and feeling short of breath.

All of the above is more than enough to start taking care of at least how to keep your back correctly. And ideally - and get rid of all the problems that have arisen by following simple rules and following simple exercises at home and at work.

The main causes of curvature of the back

What needs to be done to remove from the list of your habits the negative factors leading to the curvature of the spine? First of all, understand what they are. The most negative ones are as follows.

Secondary causes of curvature of the back

There are a number of minor "culprits of problems" with the spine, including:

  • too big or too tight shoes;
  • the habit of carrying a heavy bag in only one hand or over the same shoulder;
  • poor eyesight;
  • the presence of unhealed injuries;
  • atrophied back muscles;
  • frequent heavy loads, etc.

Get rid of problems with a curved back

Exercises for back posture are selected taking into account what type of spinal curvature bothers you.

IMPORTANT! The proposed exercises are only suitable for the prevention of a mild degree of curvature. In any case, before classes - be sure to consult with an instructor lvk!


With a slight stoop, it is often possible to correct the situation in just a week or two. large quantity exercises are not required for this - it is enough to perform only three or four, but always regularly. Let's bring the simplest example such a complex.

  1. Starting position (IP) - standing, back as straight as possible. As you inhale, slowly raise your hands up (you can in front of you, but better through the sides). We fix a new position for 2-3 seconds and, on exhalation, tilt the body down, trying to reach the floor with the fingers of the outstretched hands. We return to initial position. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  2. IP - on all fours, back straight. Slowly arch your back as you inhale, raise your head up, hold for 2-3 seconds, and exhale as you return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  3. IP - lying face down, arms freely extended along the body. On inspiration, we begin to simultaneously raise both the head, along with the chest, and the legs. Bending as far as possible, on the exhale we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 8-10.

When performing these exercises twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and closer to bed), after 7-10 days you will feel how your back muscles are filled with strength and strengthen.


With scoliosis, the exercises will be somewhat different.

  1. IP - standing, the back is as straight as possible. We put straight arms behind our backs and lock them into the lock. Then, while inhaling, we stretch our arms down, bending our backs back and tensing our muscles as much as possible. We fix for 5 seconds, then on the exhale we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 12-15.
  2. IP - lying on the stomach with arms extended forward. While inhaling, we begin to turn our body into a “curved bow”, tearing both arms and legs off the floor without bending them. Having reached the maximum, we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 8–10.
  3. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the lower back, clasping her behind with her palms. On the exhale, we lean forward as deeply as possible, while inhaling, we slowly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 12–15.
  4. IP - sitting on a chair, legs brought together, hands closed in a lock at the back of the head. As you inhale, bend your back, sticking your chest forward. We fix for 5 seconds, after which we return to the starting position as we exhale. The number of repetitions is 12–15.

Kyphosis (hump)

Exercises in this case will not help, since a steady rounding of the back occurs due to prolonged overstrain and, as a result, a powerful spasm. muscle tissue forming a permanent seal.

The chance to get rid of kyphosis gives a combination of the following actions:

  • visiting the pool every 2-3 days;
  • regular physiological procedures in a specialized medical wellness center;
  • massage course;
  • course with a manual therapist;
  • daily relaxing bath;
  • periodic salt compress on the compacted area;
  • sleep only on a high-quality orthopedic mattress.

Study correct execution exercises are best through video tutorials and / or through consultation with a specialist instructor.

Good posture, the spine with the correct natural curves, as you know, is the key to good health. Yet how few people can boast of this!

People often ask how to correct various pathological curvature of the spine - scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis. Mostly questions are asked by parents who ask for advice on how to help their children. Adults usually do not ask themselves about such problems, apparently, believing that it is too late to help them - their skeleton has long been formed and is already too rigid to somehow influence it.

However, it is not. Observant people, of course, notice how the posture deteriorates and the legs of many older people are deformed, and the rigidity of the skeleton is not a hindrance here. This means that the skeleton at any age can actively change. And in which direction, depends on the conditions that we offer him.

We will talk today about what measures you can take on your own to correct various curvature of the spine.

Scoliosis exercises

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, which is possible in all its departments and in any direction. Already in the initial stage of the disease, the internal tension in the vertebral bodies and discs increases sharply. The spine becomes rigid, inflexible. Pathological processes develop at an accelerated pace. The ability of the spine to withstand various overloads is reduced. For this reason, it is impossible to conserve or suspend the development of scoliosis, the disease progresses to a very old age.

On fig. 1 shows a left lumbar scoliosis.

The lumbar spine is curved to the left, the muscles at the waist are hypertrophied on the left, and practically absent on the right. This distribution of muscle mass in addition enhances the visual perception of the defect. Where did muscle asymmetry?

To maintain the body in an upright position, the muscles on the left must be constantly in a tense state, on the right - in a relaxed state. That is, if the patient is standing or sitting, the muscles on the left work hard, on the right they rest. If he walks, runs, swims, goes in for sports, the difference in loads increases many times over. This means that it is pointless to treat such a curvature with sports and ordinary physical education, moreover, it is harmful. Scoliosis will only increase!

Traditional Methods - physiotherapy, gentle living conditions (for example, children are offered to do homework on their stomachs), corsets, mattresses molded in the shape of the body - ineffective, and sometimes just akin to sophisticated torture. Oh, and surgery. I saw and treated children after surgical interventions. The results are not just zero, but tragic.

The common practice of chiropractors to try to straighten the spine using a standard set of techniques, unfortunately, also does not achieve its goals. The spine straightens for a few hours at best, then it returns to its original state.

What can you do yourself without resorting to the services of specialists?

1. Create conditions for the patient so that most of the time the spine is in a state of anti-bending.

2. Take all measures to align the muscular system.

Both can be successfully implemented by constantly performing the following exercises, or rather, by taking certain healing postures.

Pose for the treatment of lumbar scoliosis (Fig. 2).

The patient sits with a book under the left buttock. At the same time, the lumbar spine curves to the right, the muscles on the left relax, and the muscles on the right tense. The thickness of the book (or other suitable object) is selected based on the magnitude of the spinal deformity, the age of the patient, the width of the pelvis and fat deposits on the buttocks and varies from 1-1.5 cm for a child to 5-6 cm for a well-fed woman.

Sitting time for schoolchildren and adults is constant. This means - so you need to sit in the classroom at school, at home and in general always and everywhere, until complete recovery. For children 4-5 years old with mild scoliosis, half an hour of sitting a day is enough.

But there are times when it is impossible to sit on a book, for example, at a party or on the beach.

In this case, you can use the posture options shown inrice. 3 (away) andrice. 4 (at the beach, picnic or gym).

It is convenient to sit on an armchair or sofa, putting your foot instead of a book. It turns out extravagant and is not at all associated with treatment. On the beach, on the lawn, you can bend two legs. Sitting in such poses, you can lean with your right shoulder on a suitable support - the back of a chair, a wall, a tree trunk ...

All poses are given for left-sided lumbar scoliosis, with right-sided - exercises must be performed in a mirror version.

With lumbar scoliosis, the reverse bending posture can be taken while standing (Fig. 5).

To do this, the body should fully rest on the left leg, the right leg is slightly bent, the right half of the pelvis is lowered down.

For those who suffer from lumbar scoliosis, it is important to remember that both sitting and standing, he unconsciously takes a position that is convenient for scoliosis, that is, a mirror treatment. Therefore, watch yourself and take the right postures.

Well, what about muscles? Even with a complete cure for scoliosis, muscle asymmetry remains, which after some time easily leads to the return of scoliosis. Therefore, for the development of atrophied muscles, I suggest doing two exercises regularly.

Exercise 1(Fig. 6).

Press with your right hand on a fixed support, while tensing your muscles right side waist. Recommended exercise mode: 2 seconds - pressing, 1 second - rest. In mild cases, 1 series of 10 presses is performed, in severe cases, 2-5 series.

Exercise 2(Fig. 7).

Lie on your left side with your left leg slightly bent. Left hand under the head, the right rests on the couch. The body is slightly tilted forward, the straight right leg is raised up and slightly laid back. For muscle stimulation right leg you can hang a load (several kilograms) and lift it with a straight leg until you get tired. You can resort to the help of loved ones: the assistant presses on the foot in the area ankle joint, and the patient resists pressing (to the point of fatigue).

And the last tip. Do not forget about regular diagnostic examinations, as an overdose is possible. Therefore, it is important to stop in time, otherwise the curvature may go the other way. published

© Vitaly Gitt

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The spinal column is the main part of the human axial skeleton. It cannot be represented in a flat plane, since it has four physiological bends (side view). However, there are also pathological curvatures (hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis, scoliosis). The patient, having heard a “verdict” from the doctor, often panics and will probably be interested in how to straighten the spine?

Many people think that the spine is straight, and any curvature is already a pathology. Actually it is not.

The adult spine has physiological arches - two unexpressed forward bends in the cervical and lumbar regions and two back bends, in the thoracic and sacral region. Babies have only a few curves.

After birth, children have only the thoracic and lumbar arches. The cervical region is formed from the moment when the child begins to hold the head (3-4 months of life), and the lumbar - when the baby already knows how to sit confidently (6-8 months).

Physiological curves play a big role. They help maintain an even posture, and also soften the load when jumping, running, lifting weights. In addition, the bends perform a shock-absorbing function, protecting the spine from shock, displacement, fracture and stretching.

What is pathological curvature?

The formation of the spine continues throughout life and, unfortunately, often the curves become excessively pronounced.

In medicine, this is called a curvature of the spine, which can be diagnosed as:

  1. . This is when the curvature comes forward. May occur in the lumbar and cervical region. The patient has a bulge of the abdomen, the neck is brought forward, the chest is flattened.
  2. . The ridge in the thoracic and sacral regions has a pronounced backward bend. If you look at the patient from the side, you can visually note the hunchback, the shoulders are lowered down, the arms are in front of the body, the buttocks are protruded back.
  3. . This is a lateral curvature. What does a straight spine look like when viewed from the back? It should be perfectly even, without any deviations to the right or left.

The curvature of any department changes the entire geometry of the construction of the spinal column. Therefore, pathologies are often combined, for example, "kyphoscoliosis", "S-shaped scoliosis", etc. are diagnosed.

Modern methods that will make the spine straighten

As they say, there are no healthy people, there are “underexamined” patients. This expression can be safely applied when it comes to correct posture. Unfortunately, many people believe that their back is straight and they have nothing to worry about. Therefore, they are often surprised when a doctor makes a disappointing diagnosis for them and “assigns”, moreover, far from the first degree.

A curved spine is detected not only in adults, in whom degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the ridge and intervertebral discs are already in full swing. With diagnoses of "hyperlordosis", "hyperkyphosis" or "scoliosis" teenagers and kids often face.

All these pathologies tend to progress, so you need to start therapy as early as possible, otherwise then the treatment and correction methods will be quite tough (meaning surgery). In this article, we will describe the most effective recommendations for back alignment, as well as briefly review the options for surgical intervention.

We also invite you to take a look at the diagram.


It is recommended that physiotherapy exercises take place on the basis of medical institutions, rehabilitation or sanatorium centers. The fact is that each patient must be individually offered a set of exercises, taking into account the type of curvature, the angle of deviation, the severity of the pathology, age and the presence of concomitant diseases. internal organs.

In addition to undergoing physiotherapy exercises, it is necessary to perform absolutely harmless exercises at home, which are aimed at stretching and strengthening the back muscles. The mobilization of the internal forces of the body will "work" even if the patient makes a minimum of effort - just 15-20 minutes of daily gymnastics will not only help prevent the progression of the pathology, but also straighten the spine.

Strengthening the muscles of the back, gymnastics at home (instruction for beginners):

  1. For this exercise you will need a gymnastic stick. We start it behind the back, at the level of the shoulder blades. Straighten your arms and clasp its ends with your palms. We make not sharp turns to the right and left, while trying to deploy the body as far as possible.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart. Take with straight hands gymnastic stick, lift it up and bring it as far as possible behind your back. Then up again. If you feel backaches in the back, then do not lower the stick to the end. Do ten times.
  3. The position is the same, lean forward slightly, hold the stick, holding it with bent arms, throw it behind the back of the head. Maximally bend the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Next, pull the stick forward and lift it up. Repeat five times.
  4. Stand exactly near the wall without a plinth, pressing tightly on the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and back of the head. Pull the stomach in so that the lumbar region is as level as possible and touches the vertical surface. Lower your hands down, open your palms. Now the hands should be gradually raised up. At the same time, make sure that the starting position is not disturbed: all points are firmly pressed against the wall, and the stomach is pulled in. In the early days, the exercise may seem difficult. Do 15-20 times.
  5. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 20-25 cm. Press the back of the head and shoulder blades firmly against the vertical plane. Then gradually lower yourself down, as if sitting on a chair. Hold this position for ten seconds and then slowly return to the PI. The task is not in the speed of movement, but in not tearing your back off the wall. Do six of these exercises.
  6. Rolls on the back. Sit on the floor, bring your legs to the body, wrap your arms around them. Taking a deep breath, slowly roll back, then return to the starting position. With the help of this exercise, blood circulation in the spine area will improve and its mobility will be restored. Rolling will help compensate for hyperlordosis.
  7. Sit on the floor, legs closed, extended forward. The arms are bent at the elbow, the fists are clenched. The exercise is called "walking on the priest." Try not to bend your legs at the knees, make sure your posture is correct.

Many patients often ask the question, how to straighten the spine in the lower back and do nothing at the same time?

There is a little secret. Roll up the towel and lie on the side with the smoothest angle. This will help lift the lower back and, thus, return the curved spine to the physiological position.

How to straighten it while sitting (for example, at a computer)? You can put a towel under the buttock of the same side. The correctness of the "exercise" is easy to check. It is enough to look at yourself in the mirror from the back: if the method “works”, then the ridge line will be even.

However, patients also ask how to straighten the cervical spine? Here, unfortunately, there are no secrets “for the lazy”. But there is a very simple exercise - this is carrying a book on your head. Such a straightening of the cervical region is perfectly “combined” with household chores and relaxation: washing dishes, cleaning, watching TV, talking on the phone, etc.

Wearing a corset

There are special orthopedic corsets that are widely used as an adjunct treatment for a curved back. At the same time, the patient should be informed that such a device will only slow down the development of the pathology, but, unfortunately, it will not be able to perfectly align the spine.

How to straighten the spine with a corset, and what orthopedic structures are (table):

Strong fixation corset It contains metal inserts and a certain number of ribs (depending on the severity of the pathology) with increased rigidity. Thus, the corset partially takes over the function of the spine, unloading and straightening the back.
Motion arrester Holds the spine in a given position, preventing curvature from progressing.
Corset with reinforced fixation The design is equipped with ribs of increased rigidity, which exert increased external pressure on the spinal column. The corset is prescribed together with physiotherapy exercises. It is recommended to wear it for no more than eight hours.
Corset that fixes the shoulders, collarbones and shoulder blades It is often prescribed to adolescents who suffer from stoop. The design will help correct posture, prevent the development of scoliosis and kyphosis.
Therapeutic and prophylactic bandage Made from soft rubber. It is recommended for prolonged sedentary work or to prevent curvature of the spine.

At the beginning of wearing a corset design, the patient will feel uncomfortable, but do not despair - it will take only a few weeks to get used to the device.

Will the horizontal bar help in the fight against a crooked back?

The horizontal bar (or, as doctors jokingly call it a “spinal straightener”) is considered the most affordable simulator, which is installed in almost every yard. If desired, it can be mounted at home - it will not take much effort, but daily workouts in any weather will be provided (if the patient is not too lazy to perform them). Is it possible to straighten the spine with simple exercises on the crossbar?

You can pull up and hang only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist. Indeed, there is a series medical contraindications prohibiting the straightening of the spine on the horizontal bar. These include asymmetric muscle tension, disc herniation, osteochondrosis.

If the doctor has allowed, then go ahead! There are many exercises on the crossbar, with which you can achieve straightening of the spinal column.

The horizontal bar (if you do the usual hanging and pull-ups) helps to align, stretch and unload the ridge. In addition, such exercises are also useful in preventing the development of scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis, so they should be done starting from childhood(see photo).

Also, classes on the horizontal bar contribute to:

  • strengthening deep back muscles(needed to support intervertebral discs);
  • active development of the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • strengthening the press(abdominal muscles are also involved in supporting the spinal column);
  • improving the function of internal organs, increasing vitality.

Therapeutic techniques will be effective only if the patient adheres to certain rules. The horizontal bar is no exception. In no case should you make sudden movements and jerks, as this can injure the spine, muscles, ligaments and internal organs.

While hanging or pulling up, you should firmly hold on to the bar, thumb it should be at the bottom. To avoid blisters and abrasions on the palms, it is recommended to use special training gloves.

For more information on barbell training, watch the video in this article.


Surgical intervention - today it is perhaps the only method of treating scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis of the third or fourth degree. Spine straightening surgeries will help not only eliminate cosmetic defects, but also relieve regular back pain.

Surgical planned correction is prescribed in cases where conservative methods of treatment have not brought the desired effect, and the pathology, meanwhile, continues to progress. Sometimes even emergency operations are performed when the patient's life is in danger.

As a rule, surgical intervention is performed after the age of 18, after waiting for the final growth of the spinal column. If the operation is urgently needed by a child or teenager, then in this case a temporary fixing structure is installed.

Interesting to know! As a rule, many patients want to read reviews about the surgical intervention, so the forums are often searched for those who have undergone spinal alignment surgery. Often, various nonsense is written on the Internet, so we advise you to listen to the opinion of your doctor and read less horrifying stories.

Modern operations are carried out using specialized equipment. Video monitoring systems allow you to control the entire process of surgical intervention in real time. This allows you to prevent damage to the spinal cord and nerves in a timely manner.

It is also worth noting that some clinics are widely implementing the autotransfusion system. It allows, upon completion of the operation, to compensate the patient for up to 90% of the blood. Thanks to autotransfusion, high blood loss can be avoided.

Today, in the CIS countries, braces are most often installed on the spine. After such an operation, the patient cannot bend (in order to reach the floor, one has to squat down). To avoid such a "disability", some clinics offer the use of flexible intravertebral fixators. They are implanted fairly quickly, minimizing the risk of spinal cord injury.

In developed countries, low-traumatic methods of straightening the spinal column are widely practiced, which are performed using endoscopic systems, without an incision on the entire back. These include spinal fusion (Spinal Fusion). The technique consists in fusing several vertebrae using a bone graft, which is obtained from the thigh (bone plates can be used both by the patient and the donor).

Osteoplastic material is also widely used - it is a synthetic implant, which alone or in combination with other means contributes to bone formation. average price such an operation varies from 2 to 10 thousand dollars.

To fix the ridge, special metal pins are used. There are several methods for their installation (the method of Harrington, Cottrell-Dubousse, Luke, Zilke). The purpose of the operation is to correctly position the spinal axis, limit displacement and fix the vertebrae. After surgery, it is recommended to wear a corset for a long time.

It is practically impossible to align the ridge without medical assistance, and sometimes independent “appointments” can even provoke the progression of the pathology. To avoid negative consequences, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner to discuss with him which methods of straightening the spine will be effective in your case.

"How to straighten the spine?" is a frequently asked question of tall people, newly pregnant mothers, and people with sedentary office jobs. Whether it is scoliosis or a pathological bend developed from an early age, the problem is very serious if not treated on time.

As a rule, with this problem, people are not particularly in a hurry to see doctors and massage therapists.. This article will tell you how to get rid of this disease at home.

Timely diagnosis - healthy posture

First you need to choose the maximum effective program correction of the spine, an X-ray examination should be carried out and the degree of scoliosis or pathological curvature of the spine should be detected. There are three types of scoliosis, so the first is characterized by an inclination angle of about 10%, in the second degree it approaches 25%, in the third degree the total inclination is more than about 40%. At the fourth stage, the curvature is 50% or more.

Also, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is used to detect curvature, which takes into account not only the level of curvature of the spine, but also the presence of hernias with possible displacement of the intervertebral discs.

Thanks to these studies, you can accurately find out the degree of your disease and choose an accurate and correct treatment so as not to delay treatment or, worse, do more harm. Straightening the spine at home is better for scoliosis of the first and second degree, as a rule, in young patients. But if the degree of curvature is tightened or worsened, the treatment is already more difficult and much longer.

Is it possible to straighten the spine without medical supervision?

There is no single answer to this question, but if you carefully and extremely correctly perform the right exercises, a positive result can be achieved. Also, before starting and during the course at home, you need to consult an orthopedic doctor. Enlisting the support of an experienced doctor and, most importantly, having an interest, any person with this problem will be able to achieve the desired effect.

Curvature treatment is often accompanied by medical intervention. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers, a vitamin-mineral complex of drugs with the help of which they try to restore the level of calcium in the body. It must be remembered that these medications and preparations should be discussed with the doctor. They are accepted strictly limited quantity and for a certain period. Remember anti-inflammatory and painkillers cause unwanted side effects.

The set of measures to eliminate the curvature is quite simple. These are physiotherapy exercises, massage and physiotherapy. At home, stretching and strengthening exercises, or more abbreviated - stretching.

Stretching is a support for your spine, since only strong muscles in this area can help align and prevent unwanted further curvature.

Therapeutic exercises will help you at home and in your usual conditions to strengthen the spinal muscles that keep the spine in a healthy position. These simple exercises get rid of scoliosis.

Impeccable posture is an opportunity not only to look attractive, but also to avoid many health problems. Stooped shoulders and a hunched back provoke the development of diseases of the spine and internal organs, lead to circulatory disorders and others. negative consequences.

How to correct your posture and learn to keep your back straight in any situation? You can get answers to these and other questions right now by carefully studying the article.

What is posture?

The posture of a person is a habitual posture (vertical position of the torso), which is maintained at rest and during movement. Its formation begins with early years and continues throughout life.

A straight posture in a casually standing person indicates the absence of diseases of the spinal column. It is important that the assessment of the state of the spine occurs in a standing position, with closed heels and divorced shoulders.

Attention! A stooped back disrupts work respiratory system- the chest is compressed, and the lungs do not open when inhaling.

According to statistics, violation of posture in 70% of cases occurs in children. school age(6-12 years old). As the group most likely to have curvature of the spine, they need to strictly adhere to preventive measures and exercise regularly.

Remember that others evaluate us at the first meeting according to appearance- And good posture will make you stand out from the crowd.

How to check your posture?

  • Check if it matches perfect posture with your. Stand in front of the mirror sideways, take your shoulders back at a slight angle, pull in your stomach and straighten your chest. See if you can draw a straight line from ear to ankle, passing through the shoulder, thigh, and knee.
When you check whether you have an even posture or not, it is recommended to follow the recommendations:
  • Head and neck. Keep your head upright, pulling it up a little. If a line drawn from the ears passes through the front chest, then slightly move it back;
  • Shoulders and arms. Place your arms on the sides of your body. If the arms spontaneously drop to the front of the chest, then move your shoulders back a little. Remember, are your hands positioned this way when you walk?

  • Pain, discomfort. If you have a straight back, then pectoral muscles no tension and no pain. With a curvature of the spinal column, a large load is placed on the muscles of the upper back, which causes discomfort, which increases in the late afternoon.

However, not all people who have incorrect posture experience pain, since the human body is able to compensate for the acquired changes and literally “adapt” to them.

  • Look at your feet - is there any excessive pronation of the foot? If the arch of the foot is almost flat (flat feet), then it indicates a curvature of the posture. The deformity leads to an increase in the load exerted on the feet, which provokes their "flattening" (literally).
    It is important that flat feet are a clear sign indicating poor posture. Additionally, there may be pain in the ankles, legs, and even thighs.
  • Rate your own mood! Scientists from San Francisco conducted a study with students, based on general provisions body language. They proved that a stooped person has an increased feeling of depression, general lethargy appears, in contrast to someone who walks straight with his head held high.

Types of posture disorders

Types of posture disorders Inherent Features
Scoliotic (asymmetrical) Manifested in the asymmetry between both halves of the body (right / left).

Other signs:

- the height of the shoulder girdle is different,

- different position of the angles of the blades,

Asymmetry of triangular waist lines.

Interestingly, in the supine position, the scoliotic defect disappears.

Sagittal - associated with a decrease or increase in the bends of the spinal column. Different kinds posture


increases, while the lumbar lordosis decreases.

Other signs:

- shoulder girdle in a raised position,

shoulder joints tilted forward.

Round back

The disorder is associated with an increase in thoracic kyphosis and the absence of lumbar lordosis.

An additional sign is slightly bent legs(the person does not realize this).

Circular back

It is expressed in an increase in all bends of the spinal column.

An important sign is stretching of the anterior abdominal wall(the stomach seems to come forward).

flat back

It is expressed in a decrease in each bend of the spinal column.

An important feature is the almost complete absence of a waistline.

Flat back

The disorder is associated with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis, but remains in a normal or enlarged state.

Outwardly, it is expressed in an increase in the level of pelvic tilt.

Causes of stoop

Violation of posture is provoked by certain reasons, which can be:
  1. External (acquired). Associated with a violation of lifestyle, weakening of the muscular corset and incorrect position of the body during the day - lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, neglect of rest on fresh air.
  2. Internal. Associated directly with the disruption of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body - chronic diseases, sciatica, tuberculosis, defects in vision, hearing, etc. Internal causes can be acquired - injuries, fractures, bruises.

Less often, uneven posture is the result of congenital causes - intrauterine pathologies that disrupt the formation of the spinal column. The result is the acquisition of a wedge-shaped vertebrae, the appearance of new (so-called "extra") vertebrae, etc.

Interestingly, in children, the curvature of the spinal column can be caused by long monotonous activities (for example, playing at the computer, reading or doing homework), if during their performance the load exerted is unevenly distributed on the body.

remember, that beautiful posture- this is the result of a long work on oneself, and identifying the cause of its curvature is an important step in straightening!

Can it be fixed at home?

How can you correct your posture at home? It is important to eliminate all negative factors leading to its curvature (for example, if your professional activity is carried out in sitting position, then every 1-1.5 hours do physical exercises while standing).

To achieve an effective result, how to get rid of stoop, follow these recommendations:

  1. Lean on each leg with equal force. The uniform distribution of the load on the spine prevents its deflection.
  2. Keep your shoulders straight and slightly back. Slouching, a person brings them forward, closer to the chest, which provokes a curvature of the spine.
  3. Try to keep your head upright. By following this advice, you will see for yourself that breathing will become much easier.
  4. Reduce the time spent in shoes with high heels (from 7 cm). It significantly increases

    load on the spinal column.

Do you often carry large items or heavy packages? To prevent violation, try to distribute the load equally in both hands, while trying to keep your back as much as possible.

How to straighten your posture at home? Do daily muscle strengthening exercises, wear a rigid type of corset, engage in hyperextension (exercises to extend the muscles in the back and hips).

At home - it is possible, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the given recommendations. If you forget about them, then make a reminder to yourself (for example, set an alarm on your phone or ask family members to supervise you).

How to fix stoop in a child at home? Here it is necessary to involve parents - it is important,

so that they monitor the position in which children perform homework play, read and even have lunch.

How to correct posture - treatment

How to straighten your posture? Treatment is carried out after the identification and elimination of the functional cause of its curvature.

Methods to get rid of stoop:

  1. Orthopedic devices. Wearing corrective and supporting corsets, following medical recommendations, will straighten your back.
  2. Performing exercise therapy. Therapeutic exercises- most effective method how to remove stoop.
  3. Massage. It aims to remove muscle spasms and restoration of microcirculation, which is important for spinal deformities.
  4. Surgery. There are surgical techniques to straighten the spine, but they are implemented only according to the doctor's indications.

How to correct posture in an adult? Use several ways at the same time - change your lifestyle, choose a corrective corset and exercise regularly.


There is a common misconception that surgery is the answer to the question of how to quickly correct posture. In fact, the elimination of deformities by surgical treatment is used extremely rarely.

When can a beautiful posture be the result of an operation?

  • inefficiency of other methods of correction,
  • complex forms of curvature,
  • pronounced stoop.

Surgical intervention is prescribed if the curvature of the spinal column leads to negative consequences for the body and the occurrence of pathologies.

How do surgeons straighten their back? The patient must undergo all medical and laboratory tests, a complete examination and x-rays. Taking into account the state of the violation, its severity and associated pathologies, an operation is prescribed.

Orthoses and posture correctors

The formation of correct posture is possible with the use of orthoses and special correctors.


  • supporting,
  • corrective.

The purpose of orthoses is to relieve the load from the spinal column. Posture correctors are worn for about six months and are changed if height increases (for example, when a child wears an orthosis).

The reclinator is used to treat hyperkyphosis, kyphoscoliosis and to prevent deformities of the spinal column. The corrector is not visible under clothes (it is put on underwear), its wear time is up to 4 hours daily.

Manual therapy

How to straighten your posture? Manual therapy (“treatment by hands”) is an opportunity to eliminate spinal deformities. The doctor, locally acting on the joints of the spine and muscles with his hands, eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Manual therapy is an effective way to correct stoop in an adult. However, its appointment and implementation can only be carried out by doctors! When choosing a chiropractor, find out his qualifications and clarify work experience.

Posture correction with manual therapy occurs in a course - a number of sessions are assigned, during which a specialist examines the patient's body, identifies the cause of the deformation and eliminates it.


How to improve posture? An effective way is physiotherapy - physical exercises recommended for implementation in the complex. It is selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the structure of the human body (for example, if you need to focus on exercises for the cervical spine).

To perform classes, it is enough to use a sports tape (an alternative is elastic bandage), a gymnastic stick, small dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg.

The most optimal set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles and straighten your posture:

  1. Stretching (preparation). Take the gymnastic tape by the ends and pull alternately in different sides. Stand on one end of the tape, and try to raise the other as high as possible. Gradually complicate the exercise by winding the tape behind your back.
  2. Take a gymnastic stick, put it on your shoulders and put your hand on it. Start with swings in different directions, then move on to turns, gradually increasing their steepness and adding inclinations.
  3. Take a lying position and take dumbbells in your hands. Perform alternately 10-15 strokes, then another 10-12 strokes at the same time. After completing the exercise, stay in the same position, but spreading your arms in different directions.
  4. Roll over on your stomach, press your hands to the sides of the body. Alternately lift your upper and lower body. After several runs, complicate the task - try to fix the torso in an elevated state for a few seconds.

When performing a set of exercises for posture, observe regularity (for example, daily in the morning and evening) and accuracy. If possible, sign up for a gym - modern simulators and help experienced trainer help you straighten your posture.

Is it possible to straighten the spine by doing physical exercises?

  1. Spend 5-6 minutes a day hanging from the horizontal bar. Doing the exercise, do not strain your arms - try to relax as much as possible and stretch down.
  2. Stand up, take a deep breath, rise on your toes and stretch your arms behind your head. As you exhale, lean (not abruptly!) Forward. Great if you can touch your knees with your forehead.
  3. "Cat". Straighten your posture with this exercise - kneel with your hands on the floor. Slowly exhale while arching your back down. Then inhale while arching your back up.
  4. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides (palms down). Slowly perform tilts in different directions until you feel tension in the lateral muscles.
  5. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Grasp your legs with your hands, resting your chin on your knees. Take your head back, and then return it to its usual position. It is important to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

How to hold your back correctly - prevention for a straight posture

In order for you to maintain an ideal posture, you must:

  • properly organize workplace(provide proper lighting, choose comfortable furniture, etc.),
  • control the position of the body during work,
  • taking into account your own physique, choose an orthopedic pillow and mattress,
  • wear orthopedic shoes and comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement,
  • do regular physical exercises, developing back muscles.

Reflecting on how to control the correct posture, it is important to note the prevention of injuries and other diseases of the spinal column. It may differ in content for men and women.

How to stop slouching a girl? Along with the above methods, start dancing, swimming or gymnastics. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to Pilates, originally developed to solve back problems.

Yoga classes will help a woman to keep her posture. Exercise not only trains and strengthens the muscles, but also increases the flexibility of the spine. Can't attend classes? Remember the simplest thing to do - wearing a stack of books on your head.

How to stop slouching for a man? According to statistics, men are 25% more likely to suffer from stoop compared to women. An effective way to learn how to keep your posture is to start exercising on the horizontal bar (for example, pulling up, turning the bar in front of the chest).

A hunched over man can be seen immediately, therefore, to eliminate the curvature, it is recommended to work out in the gym with dumbbells, leading them behind the back or to the belt line (exercises are performed in a sitting position).

Knowing how to keep your posture correctly, you can prevent curvature of the spinal column.

Remember, the best treatment is prevention!


Video - how to fix stoop?

Complications and consequences

What causes bad posture?
  • violation of the blood supply to internal organs and systems of vital activity of the body,
  • stretching of the ligaments located in the hip joint,
  • chest deformity,
  • gradual development of signs of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) - general weakness and rapid
  • fatigue,
  • causes displacement of the abdominal organs from their places,
  • appear muscle pain aggravated by prolonged standing or sitting.

Incorrect posture can lead to weakening of the muscular corset, which is directly related to physical activity person.

Is it possible to correct posture at 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 years old

Children, teenagers and adults can straighten the spine. The main thing is to take it responsibly, following all the recommendations and exercises. Regardless of age, follow the 30-minute rule.

It lies in the fact that you can not sit in one place for more than half an hour. Every 30 minutes, get up for at least 2-3 minutes - walk around the room, drink tea, do a few squats.

Stoop in a teenager and an adult can have the same cause. Regular warm-up for muscles accelerates blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in the load on the spinal column.

Is it possible to correct posture at 40 or by 16? Yes, but it is necessary to control the position of the back even when walking. Keep it straight, knees relaxed and buttocks slightly compressed.

To correct your posture at 30, try to imagine that a thread is coming from the top of your head, which is difficult to pull you and your shoulders up. Remember to control yourself while sitting. Remember that the lower back should touch the back of the chair.

Correcting stoop in adults is more difficult than restoring posture in adolescents. This is due to the fact that with age, the spinal column is strengthened, and the body adapts to its deformation.