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The normal balanced functioning of the vestibular apparatus of the human body is necessary to maintain the vertical position of the body and implement coordinated movements when moving in space, stabilize the position of the head and fix the gaze, and form spatial orientation. Thus, any violation of the vestibular apparatus entails a violation of these functions.

In case of violation of various parts of the vestibular analyzer, specific symptoms occur, the analysis of which allows the otorhinolaryngologist to find out the localization of the disease - from the receptors of the semicircular canals of the inner ear to the cerebral cortex.

Symptoms of a violation of the vestibular apparatus

Most often they are caused by edema in the area of ​​the semicircular canals of the inner ear, posterior cranial fossa with damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve or its vestibular nuclei in the brain, the development of intracranial hypertension. The pathological process that causes the development of symptoms of damage to the vestibular apparatus can be tumor, inflammatory or vascular.

The main manifestations of vestibular disorders

This sensation of dizziness and twitching of the eyeball is nystagmus. In addition, concomitant manifestations are possible, such as nausea, vomiting, imbalance, decrease in body temperature, changes in the rhythm of breathing, pulse, fluctuations blood pressure, increased sweating, change in the reaction of the pupils to light, blanching or redness of the face, neck.

Symptoms of vestibular disorders may occur suddenly, paroxysmal, with more or less regular intervals between attacks, as, for example, in Meniere's disease. In the interictal period, patients feel almost healthy, but more often vestibular disorders persist, which occur when the head position changes, the appearance of sharp odors, sounds, changes in air humidity, etc.

The diagnosis of the underlying disease that causes vestibular disorders requires a detailed examination of the patient using audiometry, Doppler ultrasound of the vertebral arteries, computed tomography of the brain and other modern examination methods.

Causes of problems with the vestibular apparatus

Positional vertigo. This problem is especially common in women over the age of sixty, sometimes in men of the same age. Symptoms of this problem are: the appearance of a sensation of rotation in a circle when the posture of the head changes, a feeling of nausea, vomiting, and sometimes a sharp stomach pain.

  • Vestibular neuritis. Usually happens due to infections, lichen. One of the most common problems of the vestibular apparatus. Vestibular neuritis can be judged by the following symptoms: dizziness with the illusion of rotation in a circle, nausea, vomiting.

Usually, symptoms of particular severity last for three to four days, after which they disappear, but full recovery should not be expected until a month later. In older people, this condition can last for a couple of months.

  • Symptom of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Violation of the vestibular apparatus manifests itself in conjunction with diseases of cardio-vascular system. It is especially common in people who have reached the age of sixty. Deficiency may appear after a stroke, problems of the organs of the inner ear, vestibular nerve. There is nausea, vomiting, balance is disturbed, because of which a person constantly falls, and coordination and visual perception do not work correctly - the image often bifurcates. Speech becomes incoherent.

The syndrome described above is short-term, and if the symptoms of the disease continue to appear for a long time, the patient should be admitted to the hospital for a more detailed examination and identification of all problems.

  • Blockage of the internal auditory artery. This problem is very dangerous, occurs in conjunction with impaired blood supply to the brain, which can lead to cerebellar stroke, heart attack. An acute degree of dizziness, loss of coordination and balance, one-sided deafness - these are the main signs of fatal and dangerous disorders of the vestibular apparatus. If symptoms are detected in a patient, an ambulance should be called urgently.
  • Bilateral chronic vestibulopathy. Appears due to intoxication medicines. Moderate dizziness, nausea, impaired stability appear.
  • Manier's syndrome is one of the most common inner ear problems. In the presence of this syndrome, dizziness increases quickly, and subsides much more slowly, hearing decreases at different intervals, which, in the end, can lead to complete deafness, as well as a feeling of noise in the ear and congestion.
  • Ear diseases: otosclerosis (damage to the bone capsule of the inner ear), sulfur plug, dysfunction of the auditory tube. Appears otitis media in acute form or purulent otitis media.
  • Various types of injuries
  • Basilar migraine. Signs are the appearance of prolonged dizziness that occurs with seizures, the problem is especially common among teenage girls - they are more prone to motion sickness in transport.
  • Epilepsy. Dizziness, nausea, impaired consciousness and hallucinations are the main signs of the onset of disorders.
  • Tumor of the cerebellopontine angle. Hearing decreases gradually, which can eventually lead to its complete loss. Dizziness is not typical for this type of tumor, but there is a violation of coordination of movement.
  • Craniovertebral pathology. Almost the most common cause of violations of the vestibular apparatus, accompanied by speech and swallowing disorders.
  • Multiple sclerosis. It is accompanied by dizziness of a special degree and nausea.

Before starting to treat the organs of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to identify all the causes of the pathology.

Is it possible to develop the vestibular apparatus?

Man is a unique organism. And if, as school teachers often say, even a monkey can be taught a lot, then man has gone much further in this regard.

In one of his works, Fedor Mikhailovich said: a person is a creature that gets used to everything. He did not mean our subject at all. However, this definition of him is suitable for characterizing us in everything. We can get used to the cold, to heat, to difficult physical labor and much more. We pump our muscles, making ourselves bigger, sometimes at times. Nature has endowed us with the ability to grow. Moreover, not only physiologically - we grow and develop in everything that we do purposefully, whether it be intellect or physical strength. Weak vestibular apparatus, you say? Don't be ridiculous, for us it's zilch.

The focus is that this one of ours main character subject to development. Moreover, it happens quickly: when performing special exercises, which we will talk about a little later, you can achieve amazingly fast results. But there is one “but”: just as rapidly our efforts come to naught in the absence of appropriate training.

How do muscles grow? Yes, they are forced to do this if you load them! They react to stress, they are part of a being that gets used to everything. And we can talk about this at the cellular level, considering not only one person. So, they only adapt to the loads received. It's like a kind of conditioned reflex, a defensive reaction. Any skill requires practice.

This is what I am for. If you want a true friend in the form of a strong cerebellum, do what he does not like. Swing, spin - there is no other way. But do not be afraid, you can start small. Well, or calm down. It will be just another one of your losses to an opportunity that could make you a better person.

No dizziness. Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus

  1. Exercise One. Sit in comfortable posture, place your index finger in front of your nose at a distance of 30 cm. Focus your eyes on the finger and turn your head from side to side. Gradually move your head faster.

  1. Exercise two. Sit in a comfortable position for you, pick up playing cards (king and queen), keep them at arm's length. Keep your head straight and still, moving your gaze from one card to another. Remember that you can only move your eyes. If you are doing this exercise easily, then try to focus on the small details of the map.

Repeat the exercise 15-20 times with horizontal, vertical and diagonal cards.

  1. Exercise three. Start by walking along the wall so that you can lean on it if necessary. Try to walk at normal speed. Take 3 steps and turn your head to the right, keeping it straight and without interrupting your walk. After taking 3 steps, turn your head to the left, keeping it straight and without interrupting your walk. To make it more difficult, go from a flat surface to an uneven one.

Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, do it 2-3 times a day.

  1. Exercise Four. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and distribute your weight evenly. Hands are relaxed. Move the center of gravity forward a little, then back a little. Don't deviate too far. Move your weight from side to side: first to the right, then to the left. Do not move in hip joint. Do this exercise with your eyes closed.

Repeat 15-20 times, do it 2-3 times a day.

  1. Exercise five. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The head is straight, the eyes are focused on some object. Move your body in circular motions forward - backward, right - left and then right again. Start with circular movements of small diameter, gradually increase the amplitude. Change direction.

Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, do it 2-3 times a day.

Additional exercises

How to train the vestibular apparatus with a swing?

The easiest way to give the necessary training is to ride the swing more often. Initially, the range of motion should be small. With an increase in the number of training sessions, the length of stay on the swing must be increased. Or change the swing, picking up those that provide a greater range of motion. During the day, it is useful to swing for 15-20 minutes.

Training the vestibular apparatus to maintain balance?

An easy way to train your body against seasickness is to learn to maintain a sense of balance while walking on the curb. If you tense up or are accustomed to strongly fix the usual arrangement of objects, you will not be able to walk more than 10-15 meters along the curb. For training, it is useful to do one more exercise. It is necessary to make 10 revolutions around its axis - “top” - first in one, then in the opposite direction. Then try to walk along a straight line. If you regularly train the vestibular apparatus, the distance should increase, and the manifestations of dizziness should become less.

Training to carry objects on your head

For balance training, it is also useful to learn how to carry objects on your head. Besides, this exercise helps to develop posture, making it almost perfect. At first, you can carry something stable - for example, a small plastic container, inside which, for weight and better stability, put a piece of plasticine. If you train the vestibular apparatus regularly, after a while you can complicate the exercise and try to move around while holding a small ball on your head.

Outdoor workouts

You can perform exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus anywhere, including in the fresh air. Walking down the street, you can perform certain actions that help restore the normal functioning of the vestibular system.

If you come across a curb, jump on it and try to walk on it for as long as possible - usually all children like it. To maintain balance, you can spread the upper limbs to the sides. If you start walking on curbs regularly, your vestibular center will actively develop, and your coordination will improve.

Sports and the vestibular apparatus

Regular sports contribute to the active development of the functionality of the vestibular system. Warming up before training, perform jumps with a turn around your axis by 180 degrees with your head turned in the opposite direction. At first, you will experience severe dizziness, but gradually the brain will get used to new loads.

People with vestibular disorders are helped by cycling, skiing, skating and skateboarding. This great way training the most important center of the body and just having fun with friends.

Eyes closed workout

The simplest options are techniques that allow you to develop your coordination skills with the help of exercises performed with your eyes closed. Stand on the floor, put your feet shoulder-width apart and sway back and forth with your eyes closed, rolling from heels to toes. You can go slowly at first, and as you gain confidence, increase the pace.

You can not roll anywhere, but just put your feet close to each other and try to stand as long as possible. If you do such manipulations easily, the examples below will be more complicated.

Standing on one leg will no longer be so easy. The task will become even more complicated if you press the second leg with your foot to the knee of the first, supporting leg.

Tumbling and whirling

A well-known exercise for the vestibular apparatus in boxing is somersaults. They can be performed both on the mats and in the ring. At home or any other conditions, be guided by your feelings: it’s too hard for someone, soft for someone - then regulate the process yourself.

After performing a series of somersaults, boxers feel dizzy, but at the same time, their task is now to defend in the stance or practice shadow boxing, despite the problems with coordination. From training to training, the body gets used to it, and it becomes easier to do it.
Do a few somersaults, stand up and try to perform any habitual (but safe) action, concentrating on it. Do not abuse to nausea, progress in the number of somersaults gradually: from training to training.

Also in boxing and other contact sports, circling around its axis is widely used. The athlete can raise his head up and extend his arm with index finger, on which, when circling, his gaze will be focused. As you experiment with this exercise, keep in mind that standing upright slightly increases the risk of losing balance and injury.

You can also jump, do it with turns, and in general - more activity, not in vain, because we talked about the absence of problems for athletes.

Running and yoga workout

Proven: sedentary image life weakens the vestibular apparatus so that even the slightest movement can subsequently lead to its "overload" and unpleasant symptoms.

Run, fast walk, active games (football, hockey, basketball) are one of the main ways to help train the endurance of the vestibular apparatus. Try to walk every day for at least 40 minutes a day - it will be better if you alternate walking with running accelerations. Play football 1-2 times a week - active games, with frequent changes in body angles, accelerations, train the vestibular apparatus well.

Another method of training the vestibular apparatus at home is yoga. Even simple hatha yoga asanas, in which the body and head often have to be kept in a tilted position, help increase the endurance of the vestibular apparatus. Start learning yoga with simple positions, gradually complicating them as you gain comfort. If yoga practice is immediately started with complex asanas that require balance and coordination, unpleasant symptoms associated with a disorder of the vestibular apparatus may return.


Train the vestibular apparatus at home will help simple gymnastics. Start with eye exercises. Make several eye movements to the right, to the left, up and down. Try to describe the figure eight with your eyes - first look up and to the left, then lower your eyes to the left and down, shift your gaze to the right and up, right down, and return it to the bridge of the nose, from where the exercise began. In addition to the fact that eye gymnastics increases the endurance of the vestibular apparatus, it is also useful for training. eye muscles and has a beneficial effect on vision.

After eye gymnastics Start doing balance exercises. Close your eyes and just stand for about 30-45 seconds, trying to sway to the sides as little as possible and keep the body as still as possible. Repeat the same exercise, standing on your toes, and then on one and the other leg.

The next exercise to train the vestibular apparatus is walking. Go straight, turning your head and looking to the left. After 5-10 steps, turn your head to the right without interrupting your walk. The goal is to go as straight and straight as possible when cornering.

Stop and bend your knees slightly. Start slowly spinning to the left, gradually increasing the speed of torsion. Do 5-10 circles, rest, then twist to the right.

Walk along the curb or in a straight line 5-10 meters. Go back, trying not to leave the direct trajectory of movement.

Do this exercise daily. Take breaks if you feel dizzy during exercise. Return to gymnastics to strengthen the vestibular apparatus when the head stops spinning. Already in 2-3 weeks you will feel the changes: your head will become less dizzy with elevation changes, torsion, rides on children's attractions, fast car driving, boat trips.

Therapeutic exercises in a sitting position

  1. To improve the vestibular apparatus, raise your shoulders as much as possible. Then perform vigorous rotations with the shoulders at the same time. Turning the body alternately to the right and left, arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Sitting on a chair, bend low without tension to the floor. At the same time, it is necessary to get a small object lying here, then return it.
  3. Slowly exercise the vestibular apparatus, slowly rotating your head to the sides. First slowly do 2 rotations, and then perform 2 fast rotations. When you feel better, do these exercises with your eyes closed.
  4. Spin around on your axis with arms outstretched to both sides.

Perform 20 times in a sitting or standing position:

  1. Get up from a sitting position. In this case, the eyes should be open.
  2. Repeat the exercise with your eyes closed.

For the development of the vestibular apparatus in children, it is useful to ride a carousel. Regular classes sports and special exercises help strengthen your ability to coordinate movements. If you are persistent, you can train your vestibular apparatus.

The vestibular apparatus is an organ, part of the inner ear, which is responsible for balance and orientation in space. Many diseases can cause damage to the receptor apparatus and lead to such unpleasant consequences as loss of balance, vomiting, nausea, twitching of the eyeball, increased sweating, etc.

Many people suffer from this ailment, some cannot even safely move in transport, swing on a swing and perform other similar actions. And this means that the information presented in this article will be very useful.

Why train the vestibular apparatus

It is necessary to develop this organ at least in order to avoid ordinary injuries. For example, you need to get something from the mezzanine or replace a light bulb, or maybe your son asks you to ride with him in a train that has been traveling in the same direction for some time. For all this, you need your receptor apparatus to be normal. Special training will save you from impaired coordination, painful sensations in the epigastric region and pharynx, as well as loss of balance at the right time.

In addition, such training is necessary so that in the future you can do your favorite type of fitness. For example, you are an ardent fan of yoga, but static poses where you need to maintain balance are impossible for you.

After all, vestibular training is good for your safety and your ability to travel. You can find a lot of other reasons, and even you can name a few situations when the organ of balance let you down.

How to develop the vestibular apparatus of a person at home

Many people are not even aware of such problems and the existence of a receptor organ. These include those who, in childhood, often swung on swings, rides, played football, spun on horizontal bars, etc. If you were previously fond of mostly calm games, then there is a great risk that a very sensitive and rebellious receptor apparatus will bring you almost to a fainting state during a boat trip or when descending a winding mountain road.

Experts believe that it is possible to develop this organ at any age. To do this, you need to do tilts, turns, smoothly rotate your head and body. You need to start classes gradually, at first three repetitions are enough, in the future this figure can be increased to 7-8. These simple exercises can be done at home as well. Aerobics, jogging and swimming in the pool are also good.

Training methods and effective exercises

Poor work of the receptor apparatus does not always indicate health problems. It just needs to be developed. Its normal functioning largely depends on human activity.

You can develop the organ of balance through exercise, since it is responsible for movement and orientation in space. For these purposes, exercise therapy is suitable. Conventional sports are not suitable for everyone, because strong loads require a well-prepared body. Do simple exercises, for example, a birch tree, head turns, body turns with outstretched arms.

Another great workout method is yoga, which helps to strengthen the body and develop flexibility. When you develop muscles, give them plasticity and begin to stretch well, you can move on to inversion asanas, which are the highest bar balance training.

In the meantime, we have prepared a complex effective exercises that you can easily repeat at home.

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your legs, bringing your heels together, socks to the sides, lower your arms - this is the starting position. Each of the following exercises should be repeated 6-9 times. In this case, the movements of the head should be smooth.
  2. As you exhale, tilt your head down, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  3. Turn your head to the right, then to the other side. Breathe evenly, through your nose, at your usual pace.
  4. Tilt your head to your right shoulder, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the left side. Breathing is the same as in the previous exercise.
  5. Draw a circle with your head from right to left and back.

After 1.5 weeks, these techniques can be diluted with the following exercises:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body. Inhale, as you exhale, lean towards right leg, stretch your arms towards it, return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg.
  2. Inhale and place your hands on your waist. As you exhale, turn your body to the left. Inhale as you return to the starting position, exhale as you repeat the exercise on the right side.
  3. Grasp the chair seat with your hands. On an inhalation, take the body back, on an exhalation, return to the starting position.

After 1.5 weeks, in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, these techniques can be performed standing up, holding on to a support, in your case, the back of a chair.

Three weeks later, in the absence of side effects, these techniques can also be repeated in a standing position, but without support.

And, of course, try to walk more, for example, to work or from work on the way home, take short walks before going to bed.

Before doing these exercises after a stroke, check with your doctor to determine if they are safe and best for you.

Once you have mastered these techniques, you can move on to more advanced ones using sports equipment like ren ring, centrifuge, loping, etc.

Video: training the vestibular apparatus in adults

If problems with the organ of balance appeared in adulthood, then in this case, the exercises presented in the following video will help you. Without proper preparation, it will be difficult to repeat the exercises from this complex. But over time, you will be able to increase the duration of execution and fully restore the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Video: the best exercises for a child

The development of the receptor apparatus occurs gradually from the moment of birth. As a rule, by the age of 12, this organ is already fully developed, although there are exceptions here. Therefore, if you want to strengthen the organ of balance, study from childhood and train your children, as shown in the following video.

The vestibular apparatus is an organ of human balance. It is located in the inner ear and is responsible for the position of the body in space. Motion sickness, motion sickness, dizziness and other symptoms indicate that a person has a disturbed vestibular apparatus. How to train the organ of balance? Much easier than it might seem at first glance! Today we will deal with this issue.

The structure of the organ of balance

Before we learn how to train the vestibular apparatus at home, let's take a superficial look at its structure. The organ of balance is located in the temporal part of the head. It consists of two parts, each of which has its own specific functions. The first is responsible for the angular movements of the head, and the second - for the direct position of the body.

The vestibule of the inner ear is filled with endolymph. This is a viscous mass in which calcium carbonate crystals float. Inside the ear are the so-called specks, covered with many finest receptor hairs. When the position of the body changes, the crystals move inside the endolymph and come into contact with the receptor hairs, irritating them. From the hairs, the movement is transmitted to the brain, which, in turn, gives the body a signal to change position.

The balance system communicates with the brain and spinal cord, organs of vision and the central nervous system. Thus, it is an all-encompassing system that controls the entire body through nerve connections. You can talk about its structure for a very long time, but today we have another task - to find out how you can train the vestibular apparatus.

For deaf-mutes, the organ of orientation in space works in a slightly different way. The tilt of their head is recorded by receptors located in the muscles of the neck.

Why do we need an organ of balance?

For an ordinary person, it is needed primarily to prevent domestic injuries. For example, slipping on ice, a person with poor coordination will fall, and one with a well-developed vestibular apparatus will stand. If you do not like extreme rides because they are bad for your well-being, training the organ of balance will help you. And it will also be a salvation for those who often experience dizziness.

For athletes, balance is of particular importance. From tightrope walkers to yogis, everyone needs a developed vestibular apparatus.

How to train the organ of balance?

Balance training can be different, depending on how it is developed in you. It is enough for one person to ride on a swing, while the other needs to start with the most gentle exercises. We will consider all options.


Consider exercises that train the vestibular apparatus at the initial stage:

  1. Head tilts. Starting position - the stand is straight, arms are located along the body. Tilt your head 10-15 times back and forth, then do the same number of repetitions to the right and left. After that, make head rotations with maximum amplitude in both directions. This simple exercise will be needed for those who are recovering from injuries.
  2. If the first exercise does not cause discomfort, you can go to the second one. The starting position is the same. With an exhalation, you need to tilt the body to one side, and then to the other, reaching for the floor. Repeat the movement 10 times on each side.
  3. The next step is torso twists. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist. Turn with maximum amplitude in one direction, and then in the other. You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times on each side.

As you can see, the exercises are not difficult at all, and many do them during morning exercises or warm-ups before training. Nevertheless, in people with a disturbed vestibular apparatus, even these actions can cause a deterioration in well-being.

Exercises with improvised means

Carrying (or at least holding) objects on your head is a good balance training. This book is perfect for this. Put it on your head and try to hold it. If so, it's time to start moving. You can start with a straight walk. Having mastered it, you can add turns and obstacles or use objects that are less stable than a book.

To train the vestibular apparatus, a mop or some other object of a similar shape will also help us. Take a mop, rest it on the floor and make several circles (up to ten) around it. Then try to walk in a straight line and start circling the other way. At the end, try to go straight again. At first, this simple exercise causes frank difficulties for many. But over time it will become easier and easier. The same principle can be applied in a more prosaic manner - spinning in a chair. Thus, even sitting in the office, you can effectively develop the vestibular apparatus.

How to train balance outdoors?

You can engage in the development of the organ of balance simply by walking down the street. Children love to walk on curbs. And this, by the way, great exercise for the vestibular apparatus. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of remembering childhood and developing an organ of balance.

Another children's fun that develops the vestibular apparatus is swinging. By the way, those who in childhood were active children, who loved entertainment and sports, usually suffer from balance disorders only due to injuries. An alternative to a swing can be a hammock or rocking chair. The next level is the carousel. Well, after the carousel, you can ride the rides.

Sports and balance

Regular exercise helps to increase the functionality of the vestibular apparatus. Trains the coordination of movements in almost any kind of professional and amateur sports. Biking, skiing, skateboarding, skating, snowboarding - all this and more will help you become more stable and coordinated. Warming up before training, except standard exercises described above, it will be useful to make jumps with a 180-degree turn. To enhance the effect, during the jump, you can turn your head in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the body.


Today we learned what the vestibular apparatus consists of, how to train it and why all this is needed. The training of the balance organ is mainly needed by athletes who want to achieve maximum results, or people who restore health after illness. Nevertheless, prevention does not hurt anyone. After all, a developed vestibular apparatus increases our capabilities, endurance and resistance to certain stimuli. Thus, life becomes more comfortable, and a person becomes more self-confident. Move more and you will have a healthy vestibular apparatus! How to train the balance organ at home, you now also know.

If you are not a pilot, and not even an astronaut, then it may seem that you do not need a vestibular apparatus. Just because you don't plan on dizzying G-forces or space flights doesn't negate the simple need to get up, sit down, lie down, and walk every day. And for all this, a well-pumped vestibular apparatus is required. It is he who provides us with an exceptional evolutionary feature - upright posture.

What is the vestibular apparatus

This is the name of a small organ in the inner ear that maintains the balance of our body.

This mechanism monitors changes in the position of the head and body relative to the ground, constantly giving signals to the brain - “up”, “down” and “we are falling”. It, like a sensor, coordinates such complex processes as walking or running, tilting and bouncing. The vestibular apparatus is present in many animals. There is a better one than ours. Consider, for example, cats. There are also less developed ones, such as turtles. But the human vestibular apparatus is thinner and more delicate than all the others, because it has to synchronize the simultaneous work of hundreds of muscles and ligaments in order to ensure balanced movement of an extremely unstable structure on two points of support, which is the human body.

Why train him

A trained vestibular apparatus eliminates many of the problems of an adult. Nausea, dizziness, and motion sickness can seriously impair your quality of life by making it impossible for you to enjoy your travels to begin with, not to mention the lack of the very prospect of going somewhere other than your home. Airplanes, ships, buses and rear seats in the car are forever contraindicated for people with a disturbed vestibular system.

The simplest advice on how to train the vestibular apparatus is, of course, to keep active and healthy lifestyle life. But if you just have to start a healthy lifestyle, then it's a good idea to train the vestibular apparatus at home.

beautiful home workout vestibular system will be wearing a variety of things on the head. Another innocent exercise would be curb walking or walking backwards. Try to take a few steps back without turning around. If you succeed, then you can already proceed to systematic studies on training endurance of the vestibular apparatus.

What ways you can train the endurance of the vestibular apparatus can be seen in the video

How else can you train it at home

Ways to train the vestibular apparatus are varied. From exercising with exercise machines, swings, a rocking chair or a swivel chair. Before gymnastic exercises requiring a short but regular performance. At home, it is recommended to do the following movements daily for 10-15 minutes:

  • Tilt the head down - exhale, raise the head up - inhale.
  • Head turns to the left, to the right 10-15 times.
  • Tilt the head to the left shoulder initial position, slopes to the right shoulder 10-15 times.
  • Circular movement of the head from left to right and right to left. Lowering the head - exhale, raising - inhale.

Exercises are done at a calm, even pace, without jerking. Breathing should be calm, through the nose. The key success factor is consistency, breath control and, if possible, Fresh air. If the weather does not allow you to do exercises on the street, then at least in a ventilated room. After some time, the exercises should be performed with closed or blindfolded eyes.

Fighter coordination

In all types of martial arts, a well-developed vestibular apparatus is required condition success. Special exercises are devoted to training coordination, a sense of balance and overcoming dizziness.

  • Do a few somersaults, stand up and try to cope with the dizziness, pick a point in space and concentrate on it. Do not abuse the exercise to the point of nausea. Gradually increase the number of somersaults in the approach.
  • Raise your head up and extend your hand with your index finger on which your gaze will be focused as you whirl. Start spinning around your axis. The exercise is done on time. After 30 seconds, stop and try to actively cope with dizziness. Avoid injury.

Dynamic stability, fast shifts, active movements, the ability to quickly recover from missed blows - all this is the result of targeted training of the vestibular apparatus.

Vestibular apparatus and yoga

Yoga classes are an important step in training the vestibular apparatus. A set of exercises for stretching, coordination and static balance develops the vestibular apparatus well. In addition, yoga can make you feel the fullness of life, bringing you into harmony with the body. Isn't that what we ultimately achieve when we start playing sports?

Of course, you can do none of this, after all, pills were invented for seasickness, and if you drive a car in the driver's seat, then dizziness can be avoided. However, whether such a life can be considered complete, everyone decides for himself.

The vestibular apparatus is an organ of balance that takes the same position as the head and body. This is one of the parts of the inner ear, filled with endolymph, through which interaction with the senses takes place. Thanks to him, we can navigate in space and keep the body in correct position. Violation of the body is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, and in some cases this can lead to serious diseases of the brain and nervous system. To avoid this, you need to know how to improve the performance of the device even at home.

How to train the vestibular apparatus at home: tips

For some, this organ works well throughout life, while others have problems with balance since childhood. But do not panic and despair, as you can improve its work even without leaving your home.

Perform the following exercises regularly, preferably daily. If you remember them once a week or a month, there will be no result. Beginners may experience nausea when performing, headache and dizziness, this is quite normal, no need to stop or interrupt your workout.

Basic rules you must follow:

  • Perform exercises every day, the duration of the workout is 20-25 minutes. During the first week, train no longer than 10 minutes, the next increase this time to 15 minutes, after another week - up to 20-25 minutes.
  • The last meal should be at least one hour before exercise
  • Course duration - 2-3 months
  • When taking the course, forget about smoking and alcohol, caffeine, antidepressants.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple and everyone can follow them. Doctors recommend exercising in the morning or at lunchtime.

How to train the vestibular apparatus at home: exercises

  • Exercise #1: stand up straight, lower your arms to your sides and close your legs together. Slowly tilt your head back and forth 15 times, rhythmically inhaling and exhaling air. Then do the same number of slopes to the right and left side. Finish the exercise in a circular motion heads, first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Exercise #2: Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath, lean to the right, while the arms should be along the body. Then lean to the left. Do 10 reps on each side. After that, put your hands on your belt and turn your torso in a circle.
  • Exercise #3: to complete it, you will need a not too light book. Gently place it on your head and start walking around the apartment with it. Each time you will get better and better. To complicate the task, slowly turn your head with a book in different directions.
  • Exercise #4: you need to spin around your axis 10 times in each direction, and then go straight. It will not be easy to cope with the task, but with the regular implementation of the complex, you will definitely succeed.
  • Exercise #5: it can be done near the house. Stand on the edge of the sidewalk and walk along it as long as possible, try not to fall. So you will learn to keep balance and perfectly train your vestibular apparatus.

Kinds of sports: Also, in addition to home workouts, you can improve the result with the help of some sports. Cycling, rollerblading, skiing works great. Such a pleasant pastime will also give you a lot of fun!

How to train the vestibular apparatus in a child

If you want your child to never have balance problems, you need to work with him with early age. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you will sometimes circle it - it is even useful, although many parents are categorically against fun, but in vain. Another way is dancing and daily exercises, including tilts, rotations of the head and torso.

Do not forbid your child to ride a swing and jump on a trampoline, these games will strengthen the vestibular apparatus, and besides, the baby will get a lot of joy.