Innovation and new technologies in sports. Modern technologies in sports

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miCoach Smart Ball has been around for several years soccer ball, which automatically determines whether he has crossed the goal line or not. miCoach Smart Ball from Adidas does much more. He can act as personal trainer for a football player, helping him to hone his skills in delivering a variety of shots (penalty, free kick, long-range, corner, etc.) Sensors read every movement of the ball, so they can determine the force of the strike, the flight path, the force of rotation, as well as the quality of execution of free kicks and other blows. A special application displays on the screen of a computer device all the data about a football player’s work with the ball. Now the soccer ball can tell you in which area it is better to concentrate the force of the kick in order to achieve the desired goal.

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GoPro - a camera for extreme sportsmen Cameras from the GoPro series are the favorite device of people involved in extreme species sports. After all, this device is not afraid of water, heat, cold, or shock. It will film your sports activities in any conditions, so that later you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your achievements to the whole world!

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Recon Jet sports glasses. Recon Jet These are interactive glasses, designed primarily for outdoor sports. outdoors. In technical terms, Recon Jet glasses boast a camera that can shoot HD video with a resolution of 720p, 8 gigabytes of permanent flash memory, a 3D accelerator, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless modules, as well as a wired Micro USB port.

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iPod Nano - a player for athletes Sometimes not only technology influences sports, but also sports influences technology. One of the most striking examples of this is the appearance of the miniature audio player iPod Nano, which Apple created specifically for the needs of people involved in sports. After all, they needed a very compact player with quick and convenient access to music during training.

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Heart Rate Monitors A heart rate monitor (pulsometer) records the athlete's heart rate and workout data during the workout. The transmitter (a small semicircular box) reads heartbeat signals and sends them to the monitor, and is hung on clips on a soft belt in the form of a wide elastic band with a clasp. The belt has a built-in electrode zone that records heart rate signals.

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Laser football ground from NIKE The NIKE company has launched an unusual sports and social project in Madrid. She created a minibus that can travel from district to district and create a laser version in squares, parking lots and other vacant lots. sports ground. You just need to send an SMS to desired number, indicating the time and place.

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Adidas MiCoach Elite and MLS: A Smarter Look at Football Recently, Adidas launched digital coach technology called MiCoach. These endeavors were joined by the main US soccer league, MLS, which decided to equip each player and coach in each of the nineteen teams with a set of devices that control him physical condition during matches and training.

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Mini MINI for the London Olympics - a real sports car MINI MINI is a four-fold smaller copy of the MINI E. It was created in a limited edition especially for Olympic Games 2012 in London. And it's meant to be vehicle for servicing competitions - transporting copies, cores, disks and other sports equipment.

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Electric Treadmills Running at an easy pace does nothing for an athlete in terms of developing endurance. The most effective training To increase it, use cross-country running, sprinting and uphill sections, and continuous uphill running. Due to the fact that it is often difficult for an athlete to find a climb of the required steepness and length, an electric treadmill, on which you can easily carry out any mountain training.

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How new generation equipment is changing sports

Films about the heroic exploits of Soviet and Russian athletes, which are at the peak of popularity, create an unshakable belief that in order to demonstrate unprecedentedly high results to the whole world, the indestructible Russian spirit, the steady hand of a coach and the will to win are needed. At the same time, on everyone's lips doping scandals, which center on the idea that doping is the main reason for the success of domestic athletes.

Behind each sports victory Meanwhile, the work of doctors and psychologists, nutritionists and, of course, developers costs latest technologies. They do everything possible and impossible for the speedy recovery of competition participants after training and exhibition performances.

The development of sports technologies has become rapid in the last decade. The continuous search for new solutions affects the sphere of clothing, equipment, and equipment.

"Miracle Form"

Today, this phrase not only denotes an athlete reaching the optimal level of his physical capabilities, but also emphasizes the quality of the clothing in which he rests, trains and performs.

Legendary brands of sports equipment are in constant competition and strive to offer the best solution - clothing that will be a tandem of durability, ergonomics, and comfort for professional athletes and amateurs. active species sports.

For skiers from the United States, the legendary American company North Face did its best, spending 2 years creating more than 60 innovative pieces of equipment.

At the recent Olympics, Canadian snowboarders competed in the high-tech Coldgear Infrared uniform, developed by scientists from Under Armour. Such sportswear helps the athlete maintain optimal body temperature in anticipation of the competition and directly at the start.

Inside, this sports uniform is covered with a special layer of special ceramics, forming an air layer that allows you to keep warm in any proposed circumstances.

For many skiers, sportswear from RECCO not only helps them achieve best result, but also saves lives during extreme skiing.

The thing is that such clothes are not just equipment. It is an entire rescue system equipped with sensors and reflectors that allow even an unconscious athlete to send an SOS signal and notify search services of his location in the mountains.

Together with a corporation that is professionally engaged in the production of aircraft manufacturing equipment, Under Armor has developed sports uniform made of innovative fiberglass Mach39. It is intended for speed skaters. The shape allows you to significantly reduce drag and makes it possible to set new records.

As many as 108 world records were set by Speedo brand swimming suits developed by the Pentland Group. Leading swimmers from different countries world, who managed to reduce resistance by only 2% using this unique equipment, demonstrated truly outstanding results.

What about shoes?

Representatives of running sports have already adopted innovative developments from Nike, which has proven in practice, not in words, that in sports, a priori, there are no and cannot be trifles.

Hyper Adapt. This is the name of the technology that allows you to lace sneakers created using 3D printing “exactly to your feet.” As the manufacturer assures, the first to reach the finish line will be the one who, with the help of innovative developments, will be able to do this with truly jewelry precision.

How not to lose face?

It's no secret that the world's leading runners cover enormous distances in marathons and half-marathons in all weather conditions. Don't lose face (in the literal sense, not figuratively words) they are helped by the best grip of sneakers on the running surface, achieved with the help of Nike Anti-Clog Traction. The special material of the sole provides reliable grip even when running on Russian roads, which are far from ideal.

And in order to ensure that the foot is comfortable even during The Comrades super marathon, which has been held for almost a hundred years in the difficult climatic realities of South Africa, a special - almost weightless - Nike Flyknit fabric has been developed. It provides excellent ventilation, makes movement faster and less dangerous.

Not an athlete for shoes, but shoes for an athlete

This completely fair principle was proclaimed by Adidas, Nike's eternal competitor. The developers of these shoes implemented BOOST technology. The shoe adapts to the athlete's foot during training or a race, ensuring maximum support for the foot.

A real sensation in the world of sports was the UA HOVR model, which was created in collaboration with the chemical laboratory The Down Chemical. Just yesterday, miracle shoes that provide the foot with a return of expended energy at the moment of contact with the ground might have seemed like a fantasy. Today this is an objective reality.

Safely. Even safer

It is this slogan that can be adopted by those sports whose residents just yesterday were either jokingly or seriously called suicides. The modern industry of helmets designed for auto and motorcycle racing, as well as all kinds of competitions in skiing, has significantly reduced for each of the athletes who have chosen impact-resistant products from Giro Avance the risk of going straight from the racetrack to a hospital bed.

The suits of racers and skiers have long been a “solid airbag”. It will work when there is a critical change in the position of the body in space and minimize damage in the event of a fall or collision.

Where is the Russian?

Domestic athletes glorifying Russia at the international sports arena, are the most active users of Western developments. Manufacturers of sports equipment from our country are not yet ready to offer equipment that would meet the real needs of Russian athletes.

But who knows, maybe very little time will pass, and Russian scientists will offer the world a unique symbiosis of scientific knowledge and high technology, which will allow you to set new records.

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on the topic: “Innovative technologies in physical education and sports”

Prepared by: 8th group student

Faculty of Pediatrics

1st year Parshutina E.A.




In the context of the integration of domestic higher education into the European system of higher education, the role of technological development of physical culture increases significantly, since only a timely change in pedagogical technologies can ensure an increase in the quality of physical culture as a whole.

The main mistake of the steps taken in the modernization of physical culture is their abstract nature. In the new conditions, universities continue to act in a reflexive mode, focusing mainly on the problems of resource provision educational process, being less involved in substantiating the strategy for the development of physical culture. Therefore, today it is necessary to critically rethink the modern theory and practice of physical education for students.

It should be recognized that the coefficient of individual components of physical culture, for example, university sports, remains quite high. In this regard, it is important to introduce its technologies, for example, “sport for all”, “sport for everyone”; “fitness” (from English to be in shape), “trim” (from the verb to trim - to put in order), “new games” (new games such as streetball, beach volleyball, etc.), “green sport” (“green sports” - mountaineering, orienteering, rock climbing, etc.), “move for health” (movement for health), which are in demand by students of many European universities.

Technology in a broad sense is the organization of an effectively developing system of physical education that is balanced in organizational, material, information and human resources, meeting the modern needs of students. It covers the entire set of processes of formation of high physical conditions of students, with the help of which the integrity of learning and sports training regulating the operational composition of students’ motor activity, its structure and development.

When talking about technology, attention is focused on the guaranteed end result when performing a certain set of actions. However, the same technology in the hands of different performers can look different each time: here the presence of the personal component of the master, the characteristics of the student population, their general mood and the psychological climate in the team is inevitable. The results achieved by different teachers using the same technology will be different, but close to a certain average index characterizing the technology in question.

Of particular importance is the author's ideology, which gives the content of the educational and training process a personality-oriented character, taking into account the diversity of types and forms of physical culture. Sports-oriented technologies (for example, “Sports Engineering” technologies) are focused on the didactic use of scientific knowledge, the scientific organization of the pedagogical process, taking into account the empirical innovations of teachers, and are aimed at achieving high sports results.

High pedagogical potential in sports restructuring of the pedagogical process has methodological techniques, recreating in training specific situations of competitive activity of students - such as “Sports Case study” and “Action learning”. They allow us to objectively determine the limiting factors of students’ preparedness and outline specific steps to overcome them.

Educational technologies such as innovative learning are aimed at correcting the interaction of the musculoskeletal system and sensory systems. Widespread use of complexes is envisaged special exercises with specified and variable parameters, speed and tempo. Aerobic work programs (with low - Low impact and high - High impact loads) can be presented both in the form of modular programs that provide not only an increase in the power of the body's hemodynamic system, development of the capacity of the aerobic energy supply mechanism, but also be part of complex classes that combine various options for aerobic and mixed exercise.

The sports specifics of the educational and training process provide for the development of more high volumes training and competitive loads, their optimization and balance. Increased energy intensity of developed physical activity leads to sustainable morphological changes, increasing the power of the most important functional systems of the body, and strengthening the immune systems.

Specialists in physical culture The terms “innovative technology”, “author’s program”, “experimental methodology”, as well as various combinations of these words are increasingly used.

Today there is an increase in the interest of physical education specialists in developing new options for the pedagogical process, in describing and disseminating their experience.

The author's program must be truly new, that is, built on fundamentally different positions, and not propose to use new (fashionable) content within the framework of the old program. It is generally accepted that introducing less than 50% changes into a program is its modification, that is, modification depending on existing conditions. If the changes cover from 50 to 75% of the material - experimental and only more than 75% (that is, in fact, a completely new vision of the activity) - author's. Consideration from these positions of physical education programs appearing in print shows that most of them are variations of well-known programs.

The frequent use of the adjective “innovative” in various scientific and methodological publications characterizes the innovative processes occurring in physical culture. To understand these processes, it is necessary to define the concepts of “innovation”, “novation”, “innovation”.

Innovation is something new (a new idea) in the practice of any activity, in particular in education.

Innovation is the first implementation of an innovation in natural conditions, i.e. innovation is an innovation that is tried out through experimental work.

Innovation is an innovation introduced and widespread in educational practice.

Features of the spread of innovation are as follows: the innovation is not immediately recognized adequately; the readiness of an innovation to spread is related to the availability of a sample; an innovation changes in the process of dissemination, turning into a family of similar innovations, initially perceived by specialists as one and the same, and only then differentiated; public sentiment and public opinion act as catalysts for the spread of innovation.

The emergence and spread of innovative technologies in physical culture is predominantly spontaneous and is often accompanied by the creation of an artificial atmosphere of excitement and sensationalism around some of them.

1. Healthy breathing technologies

Breathing correctly means breathing deeply. Everything seems logical: if you inhale more air, the body receives more oxygen. Deep breathing doesn't actually train the muscles that support breathing. In addition, when you take a deep breath, the body loses a certain amount of carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Gymnastics Strelnikova A.N. built on the principle of breathing with compressed lungs. The most important thing in gymnastics is a short powerful breath, during which the lungs do not expand, but compress. At the same time, air fills them from top to bottom, passing to the farthest corners. In the exercises of A.N. Strelnikova, inhalation is performed when bringing the arms together in front of the chest, i.e. in a difficult position of the respiratory muscles, exhale when spreading the arms. The respiratory muscles have to work with full load, while developing and strengthening. With this method of breathing, gas exchange is activated and the work of the brain's breathing control centers is improved.

When used correctly and with sufficient persistence, gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova helps strengthen the body, restores metabolism, helps cope with stress, relieves fatigue, increases vitality, improves memory, and restores visual and hearing acuity. Thanks to daily activities Breathing exercises can help you get rid of neurodermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases. It activates the blood circulation of the connective tissue, due to which the pathology of the endocrine glands goes away.

Effectiveness studies breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova showed that in an untrained person, after several minutes of exercise, the vital capacity of the lungs increases by 10-15%.

The complex, consisting of eight basic exercises, should be performed twice a day - before meals or an hour after meals, and each time the complex must be completed completely.

1. Turn the head to the right and left. For each turn (at the end point), take a short, noisy breath in through your nose. The pace is one breath per second or a little faster. Don't think about exhaling. It is carried out automatically through a slightly open mouth. This provision applies to all gymnastics exercises by A.N. Strelnikova.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left. Inhale sharply at the end point of each movement.

3. Tilt your head forward and back. Take a short breath at the end of each movement.

4. Bringing your arms together in front of your chest. With such a counter movement of the hands, the upper part lungs at the moment of rapid, noisy inhalation. Right hand now from above, now from below.

5. Springy forward bends. Instant inhalation at the lowest point. You shouldn’t bend too low, and you don’t need to straighten up completely either.

6. Springy bends back with raised arms. Inhale at the extreme point of bending back.

7. Spring lunge squats. From time to time the right and left legs change places. Inhale at the extreme point of the squat while bringing your lowered arms together.

8. Tilts forward and backward (based on the pendulum principle). Inhale at the extreme point of tilting forward, and then at the extreme point of tilting back.

With severe myopia, glaucoma, with very high blood pressure breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova is contraindicated. Also, paradoxical gymnastics should not be performed in combination with other breathing exercises and yoga exercises.

Qigong, the ancient Chinese art of self-regulation, dates back thousands of years. Qi is the energy present in heaven, on earth and in every living being. These three types of energy interact with each other, penetrating and transforming into each other. The word "gong" in China is often used as an abbreviation for "gongfu", which means "energy-time". Any study or training that requires a lot of energy and time is called gongfu. This term applies to any activity that requires time, energy, and patience. Thus, “qigong” can be translated as “working with pneumatic qi,” “training related to qi and requiring a significant investment of time and effort.”

According to some sources, this system is 3 thousand years old, according to others - more than 5 thousand. There are several directions and schools of qigong, and depending on their goals, different methods of practice. Traditionally, they began to be divided into Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist, Medical (or Healing), Martial Arts (or the school of Boxing). The main goal is the development of a person as an individual, a personality, an understanding of his place in the world, his tasks. Many exercises are aimed at raising the body’s immune properties and relaxation in stressful situations.

All qigong techniques are divided into 2 types: hard and soft. Hard techniques are used, as a rule, to develop the skills of instantly turning on the body’s functional systems to full capacity to realize mental and physical capabilities. Soft systems usually pursue the goal of treatment and recovery. But the functional line between them cannot always be clearly drawn. In addition, according to the way exercises are performed in all schools, they are divided into three classes: static (sometimes called quiet or calm, or motionless), dynamic and static-dynamic (a combination of motionless poses and movements). And each of these three classes of exercises performs a specific role: regulating the body, regulating the breath, regulating the consciousness (mind), or a combination of these.

Simple exercises help get rid of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney stones, ischemia, arrhythmia and many other ailments.

In the East, breathing is given great importance: it is believed that it sets the basic rhythms of the body, synchronizes the work of all internal organs and systems, saturating every cell of the body with energy and oxygen, increases immunity and the ability to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. A person who has mastered breathing exercises qigong, protected from any ailments.

Breathing exercises according to the qigong system do not require any special physical training. In order for a lasting therapeutic effect to occur, perform the exercises regularly, twice a day - in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. It is preferable to do breathing exercises in the fresh air. Choose clothes from natural fabrics, loose and comfortable.

Exercises are available for people of any age - from children to the very old. Many elements of qigong practice are very similar to those used in the traditions of different peoples: Slavic, South American, African

Relaxation and tranquility

§ Accept starting position: stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly;

§ Lower your arms freely along your body, relax your shoulders, bend your elbows slightly and move them to the sides - so that an empty space is formed under your armpits;

§ Tuck up your stomach and buttocks, relax your hips and waist;

§ Stretch your neck and spine upward - as if your head were suspended by a rope tied to the top of your head, do not strain your muscles;

§ Close your eyes, move your chin back a little, and touch the cusps behind your upper front teeth with the tip of your tongue.

Stay in this position until you feel completely calm and relaxed. Proceed to the exercise.

Three deep breaths in and out

§ Place your palm on the lower abdomen (women - right, men - left) so that its middle is 3 cm below the navel (dantian level), and cover it with the other palm;

§ Exhale lightly and calmly through your mouth, squat down slightly and touch the base of your lower front teeth with the tip of your tongue;

§ Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds;

§ Touch the tip of your tongue to the tubercles behind your upper teeth, inhale air through your nose and only then rise.

Breathe arbitrarily for 20-30 seconds, even out your breathing and repeat the exercise 2 times, then, without changing your body position, proceed to the next exercise.

Three openings and closings

§ Turn your palms with the backs of your hands facing each other, fingers pointing down;

§ Exhale calmly and slowly and spread your hands in arcing movements until they are approximately 15 cm from the sides of the thighs;

§ Inhale smoothly and deeply through your nose, spread and round your fingers, turn your hands with your palms facing each other and move them, as if you are gathering full handfuls of energy from the surrounding space and ending it in the dantian;

Repeat 2 times, then take the starting position - stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms freely along your body, bend your elbows and knees slightly.

2. Anti-stress plastic gymnastics

“Anti-stress plastic gymnastics” as a new promising direction of mass health-improving physical education was developed by A.V. Popkov and E.N. Litvinov; certified in 1989 by the Main Directorate of Physical Education of the Population of the USSR State Sports Committee.

Anti-stress plastic gymnastics (APG) is based on fundamental domestic scientific and practical developments, a new direction of health-improving work with the population, which has state approval and is recognized as a new method of moral and physical education. The method has undergone large-scale medical and pedagogical testing, which has revealed a fundamentally new mechanism of adaptation of the body to the effects of stress factors of various natures and, accordingly, new possibilities for its rehabilitation.

This area of ​​mass health work was created to help those who, for whatever reason, are deprived of the opportunity for proper rest, and therefore for everyone, and especially children. Fundamental research has shown fundamentally new possibilities for eliminating stress and its consequences using a stress-inhibiting mechanism, which acts as an automatic defense against neuropsychic overload.

The ability to use it with simple movements and a non-violent approach allows you to achieve several goals at once:

1. Make a regular physical education lesson a source of progressive neuropsychic stability for subsequent protection of the students’ psyche from the accumulation of information overload.

2. To ensure that the teacher is interested in such a lesson, since the comfortable state formed by this approach in itself acts as a healing factor and therefore has an attractive force.

3. Guarantees exceptionally high efficiency (up to 90% improvement) for all life support systems, as it constantly increases the overall tone of the body.

4. Provides progressive motivation to take care of yourself and your health, as it steadily reduces dependence on medications, since the emphasis is on internal reserves.

5. It eliminates social dependency and, practically, justifies the necessity and uniqueness of personal responsibility for one’s health, since everyone has such a self-defense tool - a stress-inhibiting mechanism.

6. Shows the undeniable advantage of a collective approach to health, since the effect depends on coordinated action and the number of participants in simultaneous training.

7. Emphasizes the moral factor and quality of thinking, since achieving results directly depends on the strength of a comfortable state, incompatible with the psychology of isolation and ill will. This eliminates the gap between education and upbringing.

8. Directly proves that morality and physiology are inseparable from each other, since they are connected by the general concept of stability of the process, and ultimately by an increase in overall vitality.

9. By focusing on the ability to feel and control your state of comfortable perception, it allows you to avoid a crisis situation as discomfort increases.

The program allows you to consistently solve the problems of physical and moral education of students throughout all years of study, forming in them a holistic approach to physical culture as the psychophysical basis of moral education, identifying higher capabilities, moral nature, namely:

Fostering goodwill, tolerance, the ability to selflessly follow the principles of the common good, the desire for self-improvement in all spheres of life;

Forming an idea of ​​one’s moral and physical health as personal and common property;

Acquiring knowledge about the highest capabilities inherent in a person by nature, manifested in following the norms of ethics and morality that shape his mental and physical health;

Formation of the skill of smooth continuous movement and its application in various forms motor activity, the ability to create imaginary pictures (mental images) of nature, feelings of pleasure, comfort from the movement performed;

Promoting health, physical development, increasing the performance of students;

Acquiring knowledge in the field of hygiene and medicine, necessary concepts and theoretical information on physical culture in the context of the approach proposed by the APG;

Development of basic motor qualities.

The uniqueness of this program lies in the fact that it does not have traditional standards, and the material is given by class groups. This is due to the fact that the teacher faces new tasks: to teach students the skills of smooth continuous movement, comfortable perception of physical and mental stress, and on this basis help students master traditional forms movements.

The program material is given in three sections: “Fundamentals of Knowledge”, “Elements of APG”, “Motor Abilities and Skills”.

The section “Fundamentals of Knowledge” presents material that helps expand students’ knowledge about the highest human capabilities inherent in him by nature, about the need for clear moral guidelines, about physical culture as an integral part of general culture, about the moral and physical health of a person, about the concept of a holistic approach to health, about the human body, hygienic requirements.

The knowledge structure contains the following blocks:

1. Basics of APG.

2. Personally-oriented knowledge related to self-improvement, self-education, self-development.

3. Knowledge related to ethics of behavior and communication in a team.

4. Knowledge necessary for the implementation of physical culture and sports activities in a team for proper interaction with members of the class, group, etc.

5. Knowledge necessary for applying the fundamentals of physical culture in human life.

The material of the theoretical part is given in the context of the fundamentals of APG, taking into account age characteristics students. The communication of knowledge can be organized in the form of conversations (group or individual) before, after and during the execution of the movement and at the same time strive to ensure that the assimilation of ideas, guiding principles, principles, information, rules and facts is based on the individual sensations that arise in the practitioners, physical and mental state muscle tension, necessary to solve the educational problem.

Lessons should be structured so that students themselves find the necessary solutions and make the necessary conclusions. To do this, the teacher must be able to correctly pose leading questions or talk so that students themselves draw the main conclusions, based on their experience, knowledge and understanding of the topic. At the same time, students should focus on their individual characteristics and capabilities, methods, ways to achieve the task, helping to demonstrate creative abilities, convincing them of the value of using the acquired knowledge. This approach activates the process of self-knowledge and management of one’s activities.

The section “Elements of APG” presents material on anti-stress plastic gymnastics. The main part of the APG is the introductory part (warm-up), joint massage and running. A gradual increase in the volume of material and its expansion by class groups is envisaged. Sections are introduced sequentially: movement techniques, stretching exercises, dance steps.

When building a lesson, it is advisable to use APG exercises (introductory section) at the beginning and end of the lesson. At the beginning - in order to set up the process physical movement for smoothness, continuity, calmness, thereby facilitating the assimilation of further material in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, relieve accumulated tension, fatigue, and calm down. The main part of the lesson uses more exercises to teach motor skills and development physical qualities. However, exercises in some sections of the APG (joint massage, running) can be included in the main part.

The use of exercises of the APG complex helps students develop a state of calm, the ability to evenly distribute physical and mental stress, and feel the beauty and naturalness of movement. The transfer of the skill of smooth continuous movement to other forms of physical activity is carried out by monitoring the state of comfort and pleasure from movement, formed during the implementation of a set of APG exercises.

APG exercises are distinguished by expressiveness, harmony, smoothness and unity of movements, which is facilitated by the continuous method of performing them without jerks at a more or less slow pace, depending on the specific structure of the exercises and the student population. Individual elements of the exercises are simple, natural and found in everyday life person. But linking them into a single motor act in a certain sequence represents a significant coordination difficulty and depends on the degree of unity in the execution of the movement. Learning to combine elements based on improvisation and fantasy is one of the goals of anti-stress plastic gymnastics.

Successful mastery of the APG method requires the acquisition of imaginative thinking skills. Thinking in images is the basis for advancement in APG and growing interest in cognitive activity. APG uses natural mental images - pictures of nature that promote relaxation, a feeling of comfort, and internal balance.

Before using the elements of APG, students have a short conversation about the basics of APG, during which they get the opportunity to tune in to the perception of movement as a source of rest, calm, mental relief, and comfort. The teacher prepares students for the fact that all movements will be leisurely, calm in nature in the absence of special physical stress. The teacher’s calm, even voice emphasizes the leisurely nature of the exercises, calms you down and helps relieve internal tension.

At the same time, the conditions of synchronicity and general unity when performing exercises by all students during the lesson, along with the need to monitor the quality of their movements, impose special requirements on discipline in the classroom, such as the inadmissibility of sudden movements, maintaining the accepted formation, silence, etc. The teacher explains to students the naturalness of such self-restraints as the only way to achieve overall synchronicity of collective movement, which makes it easier for each student to master the skills of smooth movement.

The teacher’s benevolent attitude should not exclude decisiveness in actions to maintain discipline. Only a combination of these qualities will create the necessary atmosphere in APG classes.

Using the APG complex in the lesson, the teacher plays the role of coordinator of the general efforts of students aimed at creating an atmosphere of goodwill, calmness and at the same time strict discipline, within the framework of which consistency and synchronicity of collective movement is ensured.

The loads associated with the need to coordinate the efforts of the entire group, the continuity of monitoring the quality of performance and the degree of coordination of movements require the active participation of the teacher in conducting APG classes with the simultaneous implementation of the method of demonstration and explanation. This requires from the teacher not so much physical, but rather neuropsychic stress, which increases with the increase in the number of students.

It is advisable to use music in classes. For warming up, moving and joint massage, it is better to use background music that does not attract attention, given its influence on the psycho-emotional sphere. For slow dance steps, it is better to choose calm, rhythmic music that promotes deeper relaxation. Accelerated dance steps and running are performed to music with a clearly defined rhythm.

It is recommended to do APG exercises without shoes, in socks if not medical contraindications. The room where a lesson is taught using APG elements must be ventilated and insulated from external noise. During the warm season, it is advisable to conduct classes outside.

The APG complex consists of four sections: an introductory section (warm-up), movement techniques, joint massage and stretching exercises, and a final section.

The introductory section is aimed at introducing and mastering the relaxation mode and the skills of smooth continuous movement performed at a slow pace, developing the ability to imagine and hold pictures of nature in the imagination, forming and consolidating a feeling of comfort, using the influence of synchronous collective movement and morning “stretching” (sipping in shoulder girdle, which is used as a standard of comfort in the perception of physical stress).

Warm-up exercises are performed so that there are no pauses or stops between them, one exercise “flows” into another. A slow pace is used, which allows you to feel and gradually smooth out all the roughness and jerky nature of the movement process. Breathing is voluntary. A face formation in a circle (round dance) is used. The teacher performs the exercises simultaneously with the students, being in the center of the circle.

When performing a set of APG exercises, two main positions are used:

§ Position 1. Feet shoulder-width apart. The toes are slightly turned inward. Knees slightly bent. Shift your weight onto your toes, pushing your hips forward. Do not lift your feet off the floor. The back is straight. Arms and shoulders are lowered.

§ Position 2. From position 1, move the weight to a slightly bent knee left leg. Turn the body to the right. Rotate at the same time right leg on the heel, straightening it at the knee. The left foot remains motionless. Arms and shoulders are lowered.

A similar position is adopted with the weight shifted to the right leg. In both positions, the heels only lightly touch the floor.

The section “Movement Techniques” is aimed at further mastering smoothness, continuity of movement when performing complex coordination movements in relaxation mode, maintaining stable balance, developing the ability to create and hold pictures of nature in the imagination, the ability to form and consolidate a feeling of comfort under the condition of synchronous collective movement.

Movements are carried out in a circle, one after another, without disturbing the formation in a circle. The teacher moves synchronously with the students around the center inside the circle. Slow tempo is used. The exercises are performed in the same way as in the warm-up - smoothly, softly, continuously.

The section “Joint massage and stretching exercises” is aimed at mastering the technique of painless self-massage of large and small joints based on the desire to achieve maximum relaxation of the joint-ligamentous apparatus.

Based on the achieved relaxation, painless joint massage and stretching exercises are performed. Where possible, the massaging movement is preceded by preliminary tension in the shoulder girdle followed by relaxation (morning “stretches”), which causes a feeling of relaxation and pleasure. A soft rhythmic sway of the body in time with the movement is also used. The criterion for the possibility of increasing the load is the desire to increase it. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to ensure that there are no signs of discomfort and fatigue, paying special attention to the gradual increase in load. You should look for the most comfortable starting position for performing the exercise, trying to get comfortable in the starting position.

Joint massage exercises are performed at a slow pace. Each student carefully listens to his feelings and performs exercises exactly as much as his joints and body capabilities allow, in no case allowing manifestations, let alone intensification. pain. Movements should be soft, gentle, careful, “as if stroking the joints from the inside.” Breathing is voluntary. During maximum load, an extended exhalation is made, the purpose of which is deeper relaxation. The exercises in this section are performed while sitting on the floor.

The final section (running and dance steps) is aimed at mastering and consolidating the skills of relaxation, smoothness, balance and, on this basis, achieving stability in various modes of movement and a natural increase in movement speed (as a result of increasing the efficiency of the movement process and tone nervous system). Slow dance steps are used as a way to relieve tension. Performed to slow, calm music. Accelerated dance steps can be classified as running in place or as a transition to running. Performed to music with a clearly defined rhythm. Running is a natural continuation of the movement technique, performed in a different speed mode - average between walking and regular jogging. All principles and requirements for movement techniques remain the same for running.

Anti-stress plastic gymnastics is especially recommended for chronic stress conditions, neuroses (including menopause), emotional instability, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia (of the hypertonic and hypotonic type), osteochondrosis (in the absence of radicular phenomena), osteoarticular pathology, moderate myopia degrees.

Temporary contraindications to APG classes:

§ all diseases in the acute period or in the acute stage;

§ infectious diseases;

§ inflammatory diseases of any localization;

§ heart failure above stage I;

§ complex heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation);

§ condition after a myocardial infarction (with the permission of a constantly monitoring physician);

§ pulmonary and cardiopulmonary insufficiency;

§ thrombophlebitis, severe varicose veins lower limbs with impaired local circulation.

The beneficial effects of plastic gymnastics are ensured by the following factors:

a) minimizing the damaging effects of chronic stress, achieved through self-regulation;

b) the relaxing effect of specific plastic gymnastics exercises that help increase the sensitivity of stress-inhibiting mechanisms and reduce the sensitivity of stress-realizing mechanisms;

c) slowing down the passage of signals emanating from hormones.

3. Pilates is a safe set of exercises

Pilates is an amazing set of exercises, created a hundred years ago by Joseph Pilates, suitable for the rehabilitation of those wounded on the battlefields and for dancers.

Why is the Pilates exercise system so good:

· It develops flexibility and strength of certain muscle groups.

· It is useful for patients who have suffered a spinal injury.

· It makes the body more flexible and slender.

· It prevents bedsores and pulmonary edema in bedridden patients.

· It strengthens the body and calms the spirit.

There are three types of Pilates workouts:

1. Floor training.

2. Training on the floor with special equipment.

3. Training on special simulators.

A few rules when practicing Pilates:

· Choose clothes for classes that are comfortable and do not restrict movement.

· Exercise without sneakers (barefoot or in socks) so that the muscles of the feet and legs are fully involved in the work.

· Do not eat at least 1 hour before training; it is difficult to exercise with a full stomach.

· Breathe with your stomach: inhale - the stomach protrudes, exhale - retracts. Do not hold your breath - the freer it is, the better the metabolic processes in the body proceed.

· Be extremely focused. Concentrate, imagine the muscles you are developing, create an image of each exercise.

· Don’t rush, do the exercises as efficiently as possible. Carefully monitor the correct movements.

· If you feel unwell, postpone training, and if you have chronic diseases, consult your doctor.

Before starting classes, do a short warm-up, which will help straighten your posture and restore the natural curve of the spine.

· Stand up straight, place your hands on your waist. Take a few deep breaths in and out, then rise as high as you can on your toes. Lower yourself onto your feet and lift only your toes. Repeat the exercise several times.

· Return to the starting position. As you inhale, draw in your stomach (to the maximum), hold your breath for 30-60 seconds and exhale. Then pull your stomach in half, as you exhale, relax it and again, as you inhale, pull it in by a third (the tension should be as if you were trying to fasten skinny jeans). Exhale. Remember these feelings.

· In a standing position, push your pelvis forward as much as possible, then back. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. Find the middle position and fix it.

· Imagine that there is a rod running through your entire body along your spine. And the top of the head is tied to the ceiling with a thread. Stretch your spine up as much as possible and remember this feeling.

While performing the entire set of Pilates exercises, try to maintain these main positions.

A set of exercises on the floor:

1. “Hundred”. Lie on your back so that your entire spine touches the floor. The arms are freely lowered along the body, the palms are on the floor. Slowly raise your knees toward your chest and then straighten them up at a 90-degree angle to your body. Tuck your chin to your chest, and then raise your shoulders so that your straight arms are parallel to the floor. Pull your buttocks and stomach towards your lower back. Breathe slowly through your nose, inhaling and exhaling in 5 counts. At the same time, for each count, perform small but rigid movements with straight arms down and up, as if you need to hammer nails with your palms. When finished, completely relax your entire body. It is necessary to ensure that you perform this exercise for 100 counts.

2. “Paradise” for the spine. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms above your head. Without raising your head and body up, use your hands to lower yourself onto your heels. (If there is discomfort or pain in the knees, place a pillow or rolled up towel between the buttocks and heels.) The back is round, the head is bowed down, the arms are straight forward, the palms are on the floor. Pull your buttocks toward your heels to better stretch your lower back. Breathe slowly and deeply.

3. Stretching for the spine. Sit on the floor, straighten your back. Spread your legs straight to shoulder width. Extend your arms straight in front of you at shoulder level. Pull your spine up, straighten it chest. As you inhale, pull your stomach and buttocks towards your lower back and slowly lower your body forward, rounding vertebrae by vertebrae, as if you were lying on a large ball. Exhale and stretch your arms and chest forward. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Exhale. Repeat three times. Then stretch your back muscles by leaning forward towards your legs and clasping your feet with your palms.

4. Alternate bending knees. Lie on your stomach. Raise your body and lean on your bent arms. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders. The hands are connected. Expand your chest. Look straight ahead. Bend your right leg and pull your heel toward your buttocks. Pull your heel even closer to your buttocks 2 times and lower your leg. Straighten your right leg. Do similar exercises left foot. All the time, pull your stomach and buttocks towards your spine. Tighten your buttock muscles all the time. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

5. “Spin your foot.” Lie on your back. The arms lie freely along the body. Pull your right knee toward your chest, then straighten your right leg at a right angle to your body. Raise your stomach and buttocks towards your lower back and slightly tighten your buttock muscles. Tilt your right leg to the left across your body, then lower it in an arc down and to the right, and then lift it up. Describe such a circle in the air 5 times. Then use the same foot to describe a circle in the other direction 5 times. Switch legs and do the exercise with your left leg. Make sure that when moving, your legs describe a triangle with rounded tops or an oval in the air and at the same time remain within shoulder width at all times.


breathing anti-stress gymnastics Pilates

1. Dubrovsky V.I. Therapeutic physical education: Textbook for university students. - M.: Vlados, 1998. - 608 p.

2. Kochetkova I.N. Paradoxical gymnastics by Strelnikova. - M.:, 1989. - 32 p.

3. Polyakov S.D. In search of pedagogical innovation. - M.: Creative Pedagogy, 1993. - 66 p.

4. Physical education program for students in grades I-XI. Anti-stress plastic gymnastics (APG) // Programs of educational institutions. Physical education students in grades 1-11 / Ministry of Education Russian Federation[recommended by the Main Directorate for the Development of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation]. - M.: Education, 1996.

5. Smolevsky V.M., Ivliev B.K. Non-traditional types of gymnastics. - M.: Education, 1992. - 80 p.

6. Your Olympic textbook: Textbook. manual for educational institutions in Russia. 3rd ed., revised. and additional / V.S. Rodichenko and others; Russian Olympic Committee. - M.: Soviet sport, 1999. - 160 p.

7. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook. In 2 volumes. T.2: Content and methodology of adaptive physical culture and characteristics of its main types / Under the general editorship. prof. S.P. Evseeva. - M.: Soviet sport, 2005. - 448 p.

8. Technologies of physical culture and sports activities in adaptive physical culture: textbook / Authors and compilers O.E. Aksenova, S.P. Evseev / Ed. Prof. S.P. Evseeva. - M.: Soviet sport, 2005. - 296 p.

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Modern markets sporting goods, services and information are characterized by rapid development and increased competition. Tens and hundreds of thousands of manufacturers represented by sports TV channels, radio stations, specialized websites, professional clubs, sports stores, sports facilities and fitness clubs are simultaneously waging an intense struggle for consumers, viewers, buyers and Internet users. Subjects of related industries, such as entertainment television, cinema, pop music, circus, event tourism and other areas of leisure activities, also enter the system of competitive relations. Representatives of the beauty and health industry, sanatorium and resort business, and restaurant business are striving to acquire and expand their market share.

Within the huge mass of companies in the sports industry and related industries, there is a continuous movement: some enterprises are improving their business positions, others, on the contrary, are worsening.

The central task of the management of every company or professional sports club is its successful work both in the short and long term, ensuring stable, profitable operations and maintaining its competitiveness at an appropriate level. As economic practice shows, this complex, complex problem can be solved only by taking into account changes occurring in the external and internal environment of the company, by monitoring and analyzing innovations introduced by competitors. Otherwise, the company will face stagnation, which gradually turns into a recession with a gradual deterioration in financial and sports results. Moreover, this applies to both individual market entities and entire industries or the sports industry.

For greater clarity, let us illustrate this with the following example. Professional football clubs Russia has long been isolated from the global football industry in terms of the exchange of players, coaches, methods of training and rehabilitation of athletes. In the 1970-1980s in the former Soviet, and then Russian football Legionnaires did not perform, foreign specialists did not work. Due to many economic and political reasons, the processes of exchange and transfer of experience were difficult; changes of a technical, technological, scientific nature were introduced in our country not fully or with a significant lag behind best clubs Europe and the world. As a result club football Russia has fallen behind, the quality of play in professional games has decreased football leagues. And this, in turn, could not but affect the performances of the country’s national team, which during the period 1990-2006. could not show satisfactory results. Repeated attempts to solve this systemic problem by replacing head coaches invariably ended in another embarrassment and subsequent resignation. Ultimately, leaders domestic sports and the RFU it became clear that such a complex problem cannot be solved in one fell swoop; it requires a modern scientific approach, quality management, studying best practices and adapting them to existing Russian realities.

Competition in sports and business is different in that people and organizations that rest on their laurels quickly lose their leading positions, become mediocre, and then become outsiders altogether. Their place is taken by new leaders, more energetic, pragmatic, and purposeful. If we look at this process more closely, we will see certain patterns in it.

The first of them is that forward movement can occur in sports due to a limited set of factors (see Fig. 1). Among them:

· The natural talent of the individual;

· Opening and releasing the body's reserves (including through various stimulants and doping agents);

· New methods of preparation, training, team and individual tactics;

· New sports equipment, clothes, shoes, equipment.

To achieve world-class results, athletes, coaches and sports organizations try to fully utilize the resources of each area

IN professional sports Great importance is attached to searching and discovering the talents of athletes. Competitors at all levels are carefully screened; the most capable and gifted are taken into account by specialists and invited to more elite schools and clubs. Of the thousands of promising athletes, as a rule, only a few dozen achieve world-class results in any given sport in a single country. The competition for the right to play in the main team at the World Championships, European Championships or Olympics is extremely high. The winners here are those athletes whose natural talent is coupled with persistent daily training.

However, abilities and talents alone, even the most outstanding ones, are not enough to defeat a strong opponent. This requires the best training methods, equipment, and sports equipment. An analysis of all information about the best achievements is also required. elite athletes, about new scientific developments in the field of sports medicine, physiology, biomechanics, pharmacology, psychology, management. In other words, to achieve the highest sports results you need:

1. carry out a continuous search for new ways and methods that give maximum results independently;

2. closely monitor competing teams and athletes who, in some way, managed to break away from other athletes.

Thus, we note the second pattern in the process of increasing competitiveness - a constant search for innovations, developing our own or mastering other people's innovations, which give some increase in sports results.

Take, for example, biathletes or skiers. It would seem simple types sports that do not require significant technical and technological innovations. However, this is the superficial view of an uninitiated observer. In fact, over the past 20-25 years, the designs and materials of skis, bindings, boots, and overalls for athletes have undergone significant changes. In the arsenal of modern skiers and servicemen there is a huge selection of tools for changing the glide and stiffness of skis, taking into account changes in snow and air temperature. And this is not to mention the mobile communication of athletes with coaches, software products that allow optimizing the distribution of forces over the distance.

It is known that the best biathlete of recent years, Norwegian O.E. Bjoerndalen brings 25-30 pairs of skis (each weighing less than 1 kg) to competitions, selecting a specific pair for the desired temperature and weather conditions. Keeping his methods and methods of training secret from his rivals, Bjoerndalen with enviable consistency wins victories in competitions of his own. high level, including the Olympics and World Cup stages.

The method of mastering the best practices of other athletes and sports organizations is called benchmarking. The essence of benchmarking is that a sports club, trading or industrial company studies the activities of leaders in the sports industry, comparing their work with its business model, and, if possible, borrowing best practices for internal use.

When analyzing the best practices and innovations of sports market leaders, questions such as:

· How adequate are the methods of physical, tactical and psychological preparation athletes for competitions;

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of our organization in comparison with those who have achieved a leading position;

· What is the marketing policy of competitors and what innovations do they use;

· What methods of motivation and management are used in the best sports organizations in the world;

· How different is the level of remuneration in our club and the leading clubs;

· Is the number of personnel in the organization optimal;

· What is the ratio of income and expenses from various areas of activity;

· How do the cost levels differ and what is the cost-benefit ratio? different types activities.

The answers to the questions posed serve as the basis for adjusting sports and commercial work professional club or sports organization. If necessary, personnel changes are made, methods of interaction with consumers are improved, and business processes are optimized.

It should be noted that the implementation of benchmarking sports clubs and organizations in practice is associated with certain difficulties. The quintessence of benchmarking is borrowing and using other people's experience in one's activities. However, many of the issues that interest competitors are not disclosed by leaders, since confidentiality is the basis for maintaining leadership. Disclosure of your trade secrets in the field of physical and psychological training of athletes, transfer policy, methods of interaction with fans and partners is fraught with the loss of the achieved position.

Using only that part of the information that is open does not allow catching up clubs and organizations to completely “put together the mosaic” of the leader’s commercial success, leaving the most significant components out of sight.

The inaccessibility of the necessary information often pushes competitors to unethical and illegal actions related to secret video recording, wiretapping, bribery of technical personnel and other unseemly actions. Due to this circumstance, benchmarking is sometimes called competitive intelligence or even espionage, which is actually not true.