The best isometric exercises for strength. Isometric hand exercises

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Workout in isometric mode with an obligatory positive effect, it will characteristically complement your favorite sports activities. Detailed mechanism of influence, benefits for the functional systems of the body and the proposed home complex will help to form an idea and achieve the desired result in practice.

Affordable and effective isometric exercises

The not too high popularity of isometric (static) movements, as a means of training, is associated with the desire of people to constantly be in dynamics. But, in terms of impact on the body, static in the classroom physical activity may even be more efficient. Such actions are one of the best options to acquire the desired body shape and contours of the relief at home.

What mechanism of influence

Movements of a static nature are those during which the muscular apparatus does not contract, but comes into tone. Thus, there is a rather large load on the developed areas of the body.

The secret of such actions is their accentuated primary strengthening of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus. At the same time, there is no significant increase in muscle mass, but in the process of work they become more elastic and stronger.

Focusing on the mechanism of work in a static mode, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the strength in the muscles develops not due to its growth, but due to its strengthening on the bone tissue, through the tendons, which promotes movement. It is tension without muscle contraction that most intensively contributes to this process.

Performing a load in a similar mode, blood vessels and cells are compressed in the body, which provokes oxygen starvation. To compensate oxygen debt they start working hard. This is the main mechanism for increasing the power capabilities in the work of a static nature.

Useful properties and prohibitions

The tension at which the muscles do not contract is as natural to humans as the dynamics. For example, the spine is characterized by a constant static load, because the muscles along its entire length are designed to constantly maintain the vertebrae in good shape.

The beneficial effects of such a regime are expressed in the following aspects:

  1. Red (hardy) fibers of the muscular apparatus are loaded, which most actively contribute to the release of energy from fats.
  2. White (speed-strength) fibers are actively involved, which has a positive effect on strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the optimal increase in body relief and human strength capabilities.

First of all, isometric exercises are used to strengthen joints, tendons, ligaments, and also help to increase the elasticity of the last two. They demonstrate themselves well in the fight against overweight, as well as in order to give relief to the body.

Stress on cardiovascular system, when using complexes without contractions of the musculoskeletal system is quite large, so such exercises are not recommended for people suffering from diseases in this area.


Exercises in static mode have a number of advantages over dynamic mode:

  1. The adaptive effect is achieved due to short-term loads. Just 10-15 minutes a day is enough to see results in no time.
  2. There is no need for additional inventory and equipment, you can get by with improvised means for additional weights.
  3. Such complexes help to achieve an increase in strength capabilities, along with an improvement in joint mobility.
  4. Exercises of a static kind are available for use in almost any place of stay.
  5. Both people in need of rehabilitation measures and qualified athletes can benefit from the implementation.
  6. Isometric exercises practically do not cause fatigue. They can be done daily, since the musculoskeletal system does not need long-term recovery after their application.

These are just some of the positive aspects of complexes of this nature. In fact, there are many more of them, and you can feel them on yourself after the first lessons.


Like all other means sports activities, in static there are some nuances that can be attributed to minor difficulties.

  1. Initial classes require qualified assistance from a coach, since independent first steps can increase the risk of injury.
  2. During execution, it is necessary to control not only the sensations in the body, but also the correctness of the respiratory phases, which complicates the task.
  3. Complexes must be supplemented with dynamic work in order to achieve a real result.
  4. Compared with dynamic loads, isometric exercises in the complex, at least provide tissues with oxygen.

These difficulties should not be an obstacle to application, as they are only small barriers, overcoming which will only increase the result.

Training features

Each type of training requires compliance with certain rules that will accelerate the effect and protect against injuries.

Performing loads without stretching the muscles, you must:

  • do a quality warm-up () before the main part to warm up the musculoskeletal system;
  • monitor breathing, which should be deep and calm;
  • concentrate as much as possible on the tension in the body;
  • increase the tension gradually: from repetition to repetition;
  • it will be enough for beginners to hold the corresponding posture for 10-15 s, experienced athletes- 2-3 minutes;
  • to comply with correct technique already from the first repetitions;
  • follow up painful sensations, the appearance of which is a signal for a temporary or long-term cessation of work.

Bruce Lee system

The legendary personality of this man is deeply respected. He is known not only for his film career, but also for his achievements in the sports field. Isometric exercises Bruce Lee gained popularity among athletes.

To use them, you need a stable device that cannot be moved, but such a desire should be present throughout the entire workout.

Basics of Bruce Lee's statics:

  1. Press the bar from a position when it is at the level of the chin and slightly below the level of the outstretched arms. It is necessary to press on the crossbar with maximum effort.
  2. Raises on the fingers from two positions of the crossbar (at waist level and above the shoulders). Rising up on your toes and grasping with a wide grip, you need to press on it.
  3. Squats. The crossbar is set in such a way that you can lean on your shoulders and arms in a squat position. Perform upward pressure on it.
  4. Shrugs. () The crossbar is fixed at the level of the lowered hands. Grasping with a wide grip, do pressure with the help of the neck and shoulders, the legs are practically not involved.
  5. . The crossbar is located below the knee joints. Hands in wide grip, back straight. Perform traction, similar to the classic.
  6. Incomplete squats. The bar is fixed below shoulder level. Perform sit-ups under it, with an emphasis on the shoulders and arms and maximum effort up.

All actions are performed within 6-12s, depending on the possibilities, and only one approach is needed.

The emphasis in this complex is placed, in many respects, on volitional efforts, thus hardening the psychological sphere of those who practice.

Universal and unique system Bruce Lee training combined strengths martial arts and actions in statics, and this is his genius.

Complex of statics at home

During static work, physical improvement occurs in almost all lankas of the body. There are various complexes to perform at home.

For upper limbs:

  1. Biceps. You will need a belt, one end of which remains in the hand, and the other is clamped by the foot. elbow joint bend to an angle of 90 ° and try to stretch the belt with force. Maintain tension for 20-30 seconds and relax the muscle. ()
  2. Triceps. Take a kneeling position in front of a stool. Set your fists on it with the edges of your palms down. Apply pressure to the surface with maximum force. ()

For chest:

Standing, bend your arms at the elbows in front of your chest and rest your palms on one another. Press with your hands first to the floor of the force, then as much as possible.

For the back:

  1. Stand with both feet on the rope, taking its ends in your hands. Bend forward, arching your back and pull the rope up at the same time.
  2. Lie on your stomach on a hard surface, hands behind your head. Rise up and bend as much as possible in the lumbar region.

For the stomach:

Lie on your back, bend your legs and rest your feet on the floor. Raise the shoulder blades, stretch the arms forward. Feel the tension in the press.

Standing with legs slightly bent knee joints. In the hands of an additional burden (dumbbell, water bottle). Tilt forward, arms down, one leg stretched up, straightened. Hold the position for a few seconds, then change legs.

Quite popular among this kind of techniques at home today is the bar in various variations (classic, side). Her goal is the press, chest, shoulders and triceps ().

Leaning on the forearms and toes in the classic version, or with the palm of a straight hand and outer part feet - in the side, a person strains almost the entire body, which helps to achieve a deep training effect.

It is important to remember that the quality of training will also depend on the warm-up, because it is necessary to "tune" breathing and promote adequate "working out" of the musculoskeletal system.

Completion of the main complex requires a hitch (), or rather stretch marks, which will activate the rapid recovery of the body after exertion.

To build a static training system rationally, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Fix with a stopwatch the amount of time that managed to maintain the pose. It is desirable that with each subsequent execution this indicator increases by 5-10s.
  2. Movement should cause a burning sensation in tensed muscles. If it is impossible to endure it, it is worth stopping.
  3. For beginners, one repetition of the proposed movements will be enough. With the growth of preparedness, the number of approaches should increase.
  4. Rest between sets and new positions should not go beyond 30-35s.
  5. After mastering the proposed positions, you can experiment with their other variations by changing the angles of inclination, the amount of additional weight, etc.
  6. The combination of statics with other modes of operation will be relevant.

Compliance with rational technique of action and guidelines about working in this mode will help to quickly reset excess weight, strengthen the muscular apparatus, develop strength qualities and endurance, isometric exercises are used for these purposes.

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The popularity of isometric exercises is easily explained by their effectiveness. The essence of this direction is that the pumped muscle group on a short time(about 6-12 seconds) is subjected to the maximum effort to counteract the resistance of any object.

The Benefits of Isometric Exercise

The effectiveness of isometric exercises lies in the ideal cost-benefit ratio. With a minimum investment of time, space and the necessary equipment, you can pump each muscle group and achieve the desired result. If you make a general list of advantages that highlight the type of exercise under discussion, then it will look like this:

  • Saving time resources.
  • Reduction of the rest period necessary for the growth of strength and muscle mass.
  • Possibility of more frequent training.
  • Concentration on the muscle group most in need of a qualitative load.

The time savings are manifested in the fact that with isometric exercises, the inclusion of muscles in work occurs in a few minutes, which cannot be achieved with conventional isotonic-dynamic training. In normal mode, in order to give the necessary load to any muscle group for several minutes, it usually takes at least 1-2 hours.

Due to the fact that isometric training lasts a short period of time, the muscles, receiving the necessary load, do not get tired as much as in a normal workout. This greatly reduces the length of the rest period required after exercise. Due to the fact that the time for rest of a muscle group is reduced, it becomes possible to increase the frequency of loads and, accordingly, the speed of achieving the intended result, because the degree of increase in strength and muscle mass is not inferior to standard training.

This is due to the fact that when performing isometric exercises, the minimum costs go to the execution of the movement. Due to the fact that the cells that provide oxygen to the muscles are compressed, which contributes to greater muscle tension and increased efficiency from exercise.

In addition, isometric exercises can be applied in such a way that the muscle group that needs it most, according to the athlete, will receive the load. This is very handy when you don't want to wait until the end of one group's recovery period to take care of another.

Varieties of isometric exercises

The isometric direction of exercises is classified according to the nature of the execution. Within this division, there are three main groups:

  • Isometric-static.
  • Weight training exercises.
  • Exercises with the maximum possible weight.

The isometric-static type of exercise is a set of exercises in its purest form, in which maximum muscle tension is achieved by counteracting resistance that cannot be overcome. Weighted exercises differ from static ones in that during their execution, stops are made for a short period of time (several seconds) in order to create additional isometric tension.

The initial phase of exercises with the maximum possible weights is more isotonic-dynamic than isometric in nature. At the same time, when it comes to the main phase, the exercises completely take on an isometric-static character by stopping the exercise.

Samson's exercise system

Complete integrated system isometric exercises was developed by the famous as Iron Samson, Alexander Ivanovich Zass. Samson's system exercises help overcome stagnation and dead spots in training a variety of muscle groups. Let's take a closer look at each exercise with an indication of the muscles involved in it.

Exercise 1

It is necessary to raise the chain to the level of the chest in bent arms and try to stretch it with muscle effort. This exercise works specifically on the lats, rear deltoids and triceps.

Exercise 2

Raise the chain behind the head to the level of the back of the head and try to stretch it. Affects the triceps group.

Exercise 3

The same chain on outstretched arms rises above the head. It is also necessary, as before, to try to stretch it. The exercise is aimed at increasing the strength of the latissimus dorsi.

Exercise 4

Put your hands with the chain behind your back. Try to stretch the chain by moving your hands forward. The exercise is aimed at developing the strength of the chest, triceps and deltoids.

Exercise 5

After exhaling, you need to wrap the chain around the body. Then, while inhaling, try to stretch the chain through the tension of the pectoral and latissimus dorsi.

Exercise 6

Holding one end of the chain down with your left arm extended, try to stretch it with your bent right hand. Then we change hands. The exercise develops the strength of the biceps and triceps of the arms.

Exercise 7

You need to stand in the middle of the chain. Then, holding its ends, try to stretch by straining the muscles of the trapezium.

Exercise 8

Taking the starting position, similar to exercise 7, but with the elbows pressed against the body, try to stretch the chain with the force of the biceps.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the system of exercises by A. Zass by watching the video materials:

Isometric exercises outside the gym

Have a nice distinctive feature this group of exercises is the fact that the availability of visits sports hall does not affect the ability to practice. To keep muscles in good shape and work on their strength, isometric exercises can be performed in any convenient place (in transport, in class at the institute, etc.).

Isometric exercise in transport

The minimum need for movements, in this case, once again plays into the hands of the athlete. When performing isometric exercises in a public place, you can pump different muscle groups without attracting any attention to yourself.

So, for example, being in a subway car or a fixed-route taxi, you can perform a number of simple and effective exercises. The only caveat is that the starting position will always be: standing, holding the handrail.

Exercise 1

Grab the handrail from above. Push the top rail up with both hands. In this case, triceps, deltoids, and chest are involved.

Exercise 2

The same grip from above, but at the same time you need to pull the handrail down. Groups work quite differently: latissimus dorsi back and biceps.

Exercise 3

Grab the handrail from above. Try to stretch the handrail using the tension of the triceps and latissimus dorsi.

Exercise 4

Grip from above, shoulder width apart. Try to pull the handrail with your hands towards the center of the grip. Chest, biceps, deltoids work.

Exercise 5

Grab the handrail from below. Try to pull the handrail down. The load is the same as in exercise 2, but the load on the biceps increases and the load on the serratus back muscles is added to it.

Isometric exercises for couples

In addition to those listed, there are several more effective exercises in another public place and with another starting position. We are talking about lectures at the institute and the sitting position.

Exercise 1

Grasp the seat under you with both hands and try to lift it up. At the same time, the trapezium and biceps are strained.

Exercise 2

Grasp both the seat under you, as in the first exercise, but now try to push it down. If the body involuntarily rises above the seat, you need to put your legs under the chair. Triceps, chest, deltoids work.

Exercise 3

Put your hands under the table and try to lift it. Designed mainly for biceps.

Exercise 4

Starting position: hands are on the sides of the knees. By tensing the muscles in your arms, try to bring your knees together, but also by tensing your legs, do not allow this to happen. The muscles of the chest, arms, as well as the abductor muscles of the legs work.

Exercise 5

The palms of the hands are on the knees. Try to spread your knees with your hands to the sides, but at the same time, straining your legs, do not allow this. Involved in the process: adductor muscles of the legs, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, triceps, rear deltoid bundles.

In other words, the isometric type of exercise allows you to train a variety of muscle groups at any time convenient for the athlete. The main thing is not to be distracted by them when driving a car or crossing the roadway.

Everyone good health and longevity dear readers! Do you know about isometric exercises and what is it in general? About isometric actively began to talk just a few decades ago. The fact that they are very effective and useful and applicable to any person physical form proven. They are used not only in strength exercises to build muscle mass, but also in, to activate the work of weakened muscles after a serious illness.

This technique is a kind strength exercises, during which muscles are tensed without additional movement. That is, no human organs and parts of the body are involved in these exercises.

Someone may mistakenly think of an exercise that is used to demonstrate the biceps, but this is not entirely true.

Imagine that you are struggling to lift a very heavy load that is over the weight limit. The application of such forces without movement, mentally directed to a certain muscle group, is the essence of isometric exercises.

Try to lean on the wall of the room and move it as hard as you can. Such an effort gives tension, a rush of blood, burning oxygen, especially if you breathe correctly at the same time.

Such exercises contribute to the development of strength. In medical institutions to restore lost limb function during exercise physiotherapy exercises use these exercises.

There are many cases when patients mentally strained a group of muscles and thereby regular classes restored motor functions. It is better when such exercises are aimed at the whole body, then the interaction of the whole organism solves the tasks set for improving the health of a person or building up the strength of an athlete faster and better. For example, practicing a powerful push, an athlete learns to put all his strength into throwing a projectile.

Top 3 most popular

wall pushing

We stand against the wall. We set our legs shoulder-width apart. We rest our hands on the wall at chest level. We take a deep breath and as we exhale we apply all possible forces in order to move the wall from its place. Did you feel muscle tension, a rush of blood and a slight heaviness in your hands? So this exercise is done correctly. Do 3 to 5 of these sets.

You can push the wall not only with two hands, but also with one when you are standing sideways to the wall, with your foot when you are standing with your back. In this case, not only strength is trained, but also work. various groups muscles.

Sliding door opening

Try to push the doorway in different sides or arms and legs up and down. In this case, making efforts, the muscles of the back tense, the spine is stretched. Improvement of the back with the regular performance of these exercises is guaranteed.

Unscrewing the handle from a mop or any stick.

Make a movement similar to twisting wet laundry.

These are a few household exercises that help build muscle strength. Muscles are gradually and smoothly included in the work, reaching peak tension, and the effort also gradually decreases. Thanks to the work of the muscles, blood circulation improves, which means that the whole body is healed.

And yet, isometric exercises are more focused not only on the work of the muscles, but also on the contraction and stretching of the tendons.

On the Internet you can find isometric exercises of the circus performer Zass. He developed a system of exercises using chains. The technique of performing the exercise is aimed at the emergence of a force wave that covers the entire body.

Use isometric exercises in the complex of physical education! If you have patients who cannot move, teach them to mentally clench a fist, raise an arm or leg, perhaps this will help them to start physical activity.

Isometric exercises for the press can be viewed.

Isometric gymnastics. A set of isometric exercises

A muscle that does not receive enough stress begins to lose its strength. However, an intense load on the muscles with a maximum contraction lasting a few seconds increases tone. muscle fibers and increases their blood supply. This is what isometrics is good for.

Daily isometric gymnastics allows you to keep your body in a taut state, even with a sedentary lifestyle! For city dwellers, this is a great opportunity to keep fit in the face of everyday hustle and bustle. You can perform the exercises below at any time and almost anywhere. For example, at home, in the office, in the car, during a telephone conversation, while walking.

Isometric gymnastics has a lot of positive qualities:

1. saving time - time spent on training 10-20 minutes;

2. less recovery time compared to conventional training programs);

3. The system of isometric exercises allows you to develop and strengthen exactly those muscles that need it most;

4. The improvement in tone and strength achieved through isometric exercise has a longer lasting effect than from dynamic type training.

Principles of isometric training:

1. each exercise should be performed with maximum effort;

2. Perform the effort on exhalation, and do not breathe jerkily during the exercise, breathe evenly, without pauses and delays, the inhalation should be approximately equal to the exhalation;

3. Peak voltage run 5-10 seconds;

4. between repetitions, take breaks of 30-60 seconds;

6. The object on which the force is exerted must be so strong that the possibility of any movements is obviously excluded.

Technique for performing isometric exercises.

First, start breathing rhythmically (inhale equals exhalation) to breathe - rhythmically does not mean fast. As soon as you enter the rhythm, exhale gradually make an effort and, after 5-10 seconds, gently remove it. Rest for about 30 seconds and load again. Perform 6-8 sets and rest one and a half to two minutes. Then move on to the next exercise.

Do 4-6 the first time isometric exercises gymnastics, gradually increasing to 10-12. Every 7-10 days, make a day off from classes. And the next day less to smoothly load the body.

A set of isometric exercises.

Isometric exercises to strengthen the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Raise your hands and place them with bent fingers on the table, inhale and as you exhale, gradually press your fingers on the table, as if trying to drive it into the floor. Do 5-10 seconds and then ease up. Relax and do the next repetition.

2. Bend your elbows, fingers folded into a fist and pressed with knuckles to the edge of the table. Press down on the table, trying to move it away from you.

3. slip hands under the table and the back of your hand and push up as if you were trying to lift a table.

4. Put your hands under the seat of the chair and try to lift yourself up with the chair.

5. Stand behind the chair, take it by the back from the sides and try to squeeze it first, and then stretch it like an accordion.

Isometric exercises to strengthen the legs and buttocks

1. Sit at the table, putting, put the knee, the leg lying on top, under the table and push up with this knee on the tabletop.

2. Stand on one leg, bend the other and wrap your fingers around the shin, and then try to push the leg down with force. Repeat with the other leg.

3. Sit on a chair, clasp its legs with your legs and squeeze it.

4. Sit on a chair, lift straightened legs, placing one on top of the other. Raise your bottom leg up and lower your top leg down at the same time. Change legs.

5. Contract your buttocks, groin muscles, and anal sphincter in an isometric manner. It is performed in any position of the body. Exercise improves blood circulation in gluteal muscles: It has a beneficial effect on menstrual pain, hemorrhoids and prostate diseases.

Isometric exercises for the press

1. Put your hands behind the back of the chair and try to lean forward, overcoming the resistance of your hands.

2. Lie on your back, put your hands on the floor, straighten and lift your legs. Tighten for 5-10 seconds, rest, then raise the upper back, and stretch your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Alternate tension and relaxation, this exercise will also significantly improve digestion!

Isometric exercises for back muscles

1. Sit on a chair, lean forward and wrap your hands around the front legs of the chair. Then pull them straight up.

2. Sit on a chair, squeeze your legs and wrap your hands around your thighs closer to your knees. Now try to raise your shoulders up, bending your arms is prohibited.

Isometric chest exercises

1. While sitting, raise your bent arms horizontally so that your palms close together. Press with one hand on the other.

2. Extend your arms in front of you, bend at the elbows. Squeeze one palm into a fist, grasp the fist with the other and press one against the other.

3. Stretch your arms out in front of you and lock your fingers. With maximum effort, try to "open" the lock.

4. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms inward. Press your palms against each other. Turn your palms outward and press again.

For the neck

1. Rest your elbows on the table and fold your palms on your forehead, try to overcome the resistance of your hands, trying to tilt your head forward. Then relax and repeat the exercise after a minute.

2. Rest your elbows on the table, tilt your head back, rest your chin on your palms and try to drop your head down.

3. Close your hands behind your neck and try to bend it forward, resist this with your neck muscles.

Isometric gymnastics will help develop vitality and increase physical strength. And do it without much time and physical costs!

Isometric exercises- This special exercises which are designed to develop high strength in a person. They are not dynamic. They are effective due to the maximum power tension, while there are no visible body movements that would cause muscle contraction.

In other words, an isometric exercise is when a person tries, say, to move what he cannot do, or to break a metal chain. And in this case, it is not the result itself that is important, but the effort (since it allows you to turn muscles and tendons into work in a very short period of time). But you need to aim at the result, because isometric training can be carried out as efficiently as possible, if you really want to break the chain, move an unbearable object, etc.

Isometric occupation theory by Zass (Samson) and Bruce Lee

By right, the founder of the complex of this type is Alexander Ivanovich Zass, a sensational Russian strongman, who is also known by the nickname Samson. It was he who developed in 1924 a theory that smashed to smithereens all former ideas about the source of power.

Samson, by personal example, proved that the strength of a person lies not in the muscles, but in the tendons. And even a person with a modest physique is able to demonstrate incredible capabilities. Alexander Zass himself was of modest height - only 165 cm and a small mass - 65 kg. But having trained the strength of his tendons, believing that they are of decisive importance, Samson achieved amazing results.

It got to the point that he could lift a horse, break chains, do somersaults with weights and defeat the strongest and largest opponents. For all his achievements he received the nickname "Russian hero". And at the same time, Samson still had to fulfill dynamic exercises to increase muscle mass. But as he himself said, this was done more for visuals than for the result.

The complex of trainings that he developed includes a number of isometric exercises. At the same time, which is convenient, the exercises can be performed both at home and even at work (for example, trying to lift yourself with a chair by holding the bottom of the seat - the trapezoid works or trying to raise the table, resting your palms on the tabletop from below - biceps work).

The basic principle of exercise is maximum effort in a few seconds. Beginners are advised to exercise the effort for a duration of no more than 4-6 seconds. Subsequently, with experience, you can increase the duration to 8-12 seconds. What is convenient, you can do several approaches for different muscle groups in a matter of minutes. And due to the short duration of the workout, it will be possible to conduct a new one pretty soon.

Samson's theory became very popular, especially in the 1960s. The famous fighter also developed his own set of isometric exercises for himself. Bruce Lee! He always believed that training should take place with maximum tension.

Therefore, the isometric theory attracted his attention and he actively included it in his training. One of his favorite exercises was the one that uses a simulator made of a bar and a crossbar, which are connected by a chain. He put the beam on the floor, stood on it with his feet, making it unbearable, and then dragged the crossbar towards himself, making different grips.

The chain was stretched, the beam naturally did not budge, and by such a “lifting” of himself, Bruce Lee performed an isometric exercise.

A set of isometric exercises by Alexander Zass

Below is a set of classes developed by Zass:

  1. Pulling the chain by hand. Start by spreading your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Grab the chain at the knee with a straight hand, and with the other hand, bending it, near the belt. With this hand, try to tighten the chain. Then change the position of the hands.
  2. Stretching over your head. You need to stretch the chain, holding it above your head. The tendons of the arms are mainly worked here, as well as the back and chest.
  3. Stretching in front of you. Hold the chain in front of your chest, bending your arms. And keep your elbows on shoulder level. Try to stretch it by engaging the muscles in your arms and chest.
  4. Stretching the chain behind the back, with tension in the arms. The chain is located at the shoulder blades and is held with straight hands. There is tension on the triceps of the arms and a little on the chest.
  5. Stretching the chain behind the back, with back tension. The exercise is done in the same way as what was before, only the length of the chain is longer. The tension goes to the latissimus dorsi.
  6. Chain stretch from bottom to top. Press the chain to the floor with both feet in shoes with thick soles. Grab the ends of the chain with your hands and pull up. Possible placement of hands - near the knees, belt, behind the back. The muscles of the legs, arms and back work
  7. Side stretch. The chain is fixed under one of the feet, from the side, pull it up, bending your arm at the elbow. Then change position. Shoulder delta works.
  8. Stretching for biceps. Press the chain with your foot to the floor and drag one of the arms, bent at the elbow, up. So with both hands. You can adjust the length of the chain to work out the bundle in different places of loading. The ligaments of the biceps are well strengthened.
  9. Stretching the leg-neck chain. Throw one loop of the chain around your neck, the other on your foot and press it to the floor. You need to wrap your neck with something, because the chain presses very painfully (but this still does not really help with bruises). The muscles of the back are tensed.
  10. Stretching the chain on the chest. Lock the chain narrowly around the chest. Inhale, and as you exhale, tighten the latissimus dorsi and chest - try to break the chain.

Technique of conducting classes

Of course, in order to achieve results and not waste energy in vain, it is important to learn the correct technique for performing exercises. There are a number of tips to help you do everything right. First, before training, it is necessary to warm up and stretch to warm up the muscles and tendons. Secondly, it is important to follow correct breathing. Exercise should be performed only on the exhale.

Strength must be built up gradually, without sudden jerks. If during the execution you feel a sharp pain, then you need to stop, take a break, and then try again, only more carefully.

Make an effort or linger in a static position should not be long. Then you can take a short break and move on to the next approach.

Isometric exercises are advised to be performed in the morning, after, because they invigorate better than coffee. And made before going to bed, they can not let you fall asleep.

Due to the large loads on the muscles, the total duration of an isometric workout, as a rule, does not exceed 15 minutes. But during this time, the athlete manages to do several approaches of several repetitions for different muscle groups.

The number of repetitions for each exercise should be from 2 to 5. Moreover, the effort should grow every time. Let's say for three sets, you should make a minimum effort of 50% for the first time (for warming up). The second time, make an average effort - 75%. And in the third last time, to make the maximum effort, giving 100%. If you follow this system, isometric training will become much more effective.

Isometric workout for women

Of course, women need to be especially delicate in performing isothermal exercises and try to limit themselves at first, rather than exercises with great impact. The bad news is that these classes do not allow you to lose weight as effectively as dynamic ones.

But there are also advantages. Firstly, if you are looking to develop strength without building an impressive biceps, then these workouts are for you. In addition, during the isometric exercise, subcutaneous fat is included in the process, which contributes to its resorption and has a positive effect on the skin.

Efficiency, advantages and disadvantages

The most important thing that helps to gain constant training of the tendons is great strength. If you want to impress your friends or enemies with a demonstration of your abilities, making efforts to overcome various power obstacles, bend copper rods, or defeat all opponents in arm wrestling with one left, then this sport is for you. Regular performance of these exercises will achieve this goal - to become stronger.

Already from the first training, the work of the tendons is activated. Regular training can make them much stronger and stronger, increasing the body's capabilities. Within a few months, you will be able to raise significantly more weight than before, or perform an action that could not be done before.

The technique will be especially useful for athletes such as boxers, wrestlers. After all, their mass will remain the same, within its weight category. But the strength will increase due to the strengthening of the tendons.


  1. short duration one workout, which allows you to increase their frequency.
  2. High efficiency through the efforts made.
  3. Not required special trainers.
  4. Can be exercised in any places.
  5. Reduced chance of injury when compared with dynamic classes.
  6. Increased flexibility.
  7. Strength increase, by strengthening the tendons, while not gaining weight.


  1. If the exercises are done incorrectly, that is, the risk of injury or jumps in blood pressure.
  2. Competent application only learn over time.
  3. Very important correct concentration and attitude.

Differences from static exercises

Although, at first glance, isometry and statics are veryThey are very similar (after all, in both cases it is implied that there is no movement), but these exercises have their own differences.

And if you take a closer look at this issue, the differences are fundamental. So, with regard to isometrics and the technique itself. Here everything is carried out in short periods of time and with maximum tension of the tendons and muscles. Unlike statics, exercises of this type are carried out for a long period of time with uniform muscle tension.

In the first case, the main goal- this is the development of muscle strength, strengthening of ligaments and tendons. Static exercises, on the other hand, give mainly endurance and general physical activity. By the way, to achieve both high endurance and strength, you can alternate classic static exercises with isometric ones. And although both of these types of exercises are somewhat different from each other, nevertheless, according to the principle of action, isometric ones are more similar to static ones than to dynamic ones.