Diastasis after childbirth: symptoms and treatment. Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth: a complex system of exercises

Diastasis, in medical practice, it is customary to call the problem of the divergence of the abdominal muscles. This is one of the most common deformities that many women experience after having a baby.

What is the reason for the changes, and is it possible to normalize your forms after pregnancy? Let's discuss these issues in more detail.


Pregnancy is one of the main causes of divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. And these physiological changes are directly related to the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. How to explain?

The thing is that during pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is actively produced in the body of a woman, which helps to soften the connective tissue.

Under the influence of relaxin, the skin becomes more elastic, which allows it to maintain its integrity during the growth of the uterus and labor activity itself.

The white line of the abdomen, located between the right and left abdominal muscles, is precisely the same connective tissue formed by collagen fibers. So its stretching is quite predictable.

But if relaxin helps to increase the elasticity of the white line, then the direct cause of its stretching is the uterus, which is actively increasing in size.

Simultaneously with the growth of the child in the womb, the uterus also grows, exerting additional pressure in the abdominal cavity. Yielding to this pressure, the already soft fibers of the connective tissue are stretched, provoking muscle divergence.

Main signs and symptoms

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At the initial stage, the divergence of the rectus muscles is difficult to notice. There are no obvious signs or any significant changes in the figure.

The following symptoms can alert a woman:

  • change in the shape of the navel;
  • dull pains of low intensity, disturbing in the epigastric region (just below the place where the ribs close);
  • bulging and bloating;
  • constipation;
  • shortness of breath while walking.

As the disease progresses, the abdominal muscles become progressively weaker, the abdomen enlarges and sags.

At the last stage, the prolapse of the abdominal organs is noted, which is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, disruption of the genitourinary system and chronic constipation.


From how strong the changes affected the connective tissue, there are three degrees of diastasis:

  1. Distance difference 2-7 cm To some extent, it occurs in all women after childbirth. And if the values ​​of the changes are within these limits, they can be easily corrected. If the stretch is very slight, the connective fibers return to initial position and without your participation.
  2. The most common form is a discrepancy of 7-10 cm in the lower abdomen. We can see this in most women after the birth of a child - a soft and saggy belly. IN lying position there is a notch in the center.
  3. A pronounced diastasis is a muscle divergence exceeding 10 cm in the upper and lower sections. This is not only a cosmetic defect, but a deformation that threatens with pathologies of the abdominal organs.

So the pathology has a progressive course. Therefore, it is important to identify it at the initial stage, which is the easiest to correct.

Self-diagnosis of diastasis

It is quite easy to detect the deformation on your own. Lying on the floor and bending your knees, you need to put one hand behind your head and rise a little. In this case, you need to tighten the press area.

The appearance of a roller on the surface of the abdomen may indicate a possible diastasis.

For a more accurate home diagnosis, in the same position, fix the fingers of your free hand along the entire white line above the navel. By lifting the body off the floor and contracting the muscles, you can feel the width and depth of the divergence with your fingers.

If diastasis is suspected, be sure to do an ultrasound of the soft tissues abdominal wall. This will give you the most accurate idea of ​​the extent of the change.


As already mentioned, diastasis is not a cosmetic problem, and it tends to progress. So do not disregard even the initial stage of muscle divergence.

After all, in addition to unpleasant symptoms, the disease can threaten more serious consequences:

  • prolapse of the abdominal organs and disruption of their work;
  • connective tissue atrophy, complete loss of its elasticity and ability to recover;
  • stretching of the tendons;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • curvature of posture, diseases of the spine;
  • the risk of complications during the next pregnancy.

It is pointless to make forecasts and assess risks on your own. It is better not to waste time and go for a consultation with a doctor.

What to do

Refine the muscles abdominals alone is recommended only at the initial stage of the disease.

With a discrepancy of more than 5-7cm Incorrect exercise can aggravate the deformity. Therefore, the correction should be carried out together with the attending physician.


The muscle recovery complex is selected very carefully. With diastasis, classic abdominal exercises can only exacerbate the problem. Therefore, when divergence is prohibited standard twists, simultaneous leg raises in lying position, plank and back arch. Breathing exercises, in which the press is actively involved, is also prohibited.

And you need to engage in such a program:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible. At the same time, filling the chest with air, draw in the stomach to the limits. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then exhale. You can do this in any position of the body, regardless of the time of day.
  2. Lying on your back, you need to stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees. Carefully tear off the fifth point from the floor and raise it to the maximum possible height, also gradually return it to its original position. The exercise is done at a slow pace. Complete 4-5 reps in total.
  3. Take emphasis on your hands and knees, while with a completely flat back. In this position, lift one leg and straighten it parallel to the floor, fix it for 8-10 s.

    Do the same with the other leg. It is advisable to straighten it on the exhale. In the process, make sure that the crown stretches forward and the toe back.

    Complete 3-4 reps for each leg in total. Over time, begin to complicate, at the same time with the leg, stretch the arm forward from the opposite side.

  4. While standing against the wall, press your back firmly against it. Take your legs slightly forward, hold a small ball between your knees. In this position, perform semi-squats, dropping to an angle of 90 0. Before returning to the starting position, fix the lower position for 20-30 seconds. Do 5-8 repetitions.
  5. Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee, and lift the other, completely straightening it. At the same time as lifting your legs, tear off the body from the floor. Change legs. Do 10 repetitions for each.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth while doing all the exercises. Make sure you breathe chest but not in the stomach. And avoid any load on the press.

Gymnastics with diastasis is not exhausting training, after which you fall down from fatigue. These are light movements that are designed to tone the muscle and connective tissue.

Therefore, classes should not cause you any discomfort and cause shortness of breath. Schedule your workouts individually.


Massage cannot be called the most effective procedure for diastasis. But in combination with others measures taken, it may well speed up the recovery process.

Apply a little massage oil to the skin of the hands and abdomen. Place your hands along the white line, wait a bit, warming up this area.

Then start massaging slowly. problem area strictly according to the movement of the clock. Start with a large circle and gradually narrow it, approaching the center.

Simultaneously with a decrease in the amplitude of rotations, increase the intensity of pressure. Finish the procedure with light strokes from the bottom up.

Surgical intervention

The divergence of the abdominal muscles of the 2-3 degree of correction by physical exercises alone is not amenable. And an incorrectly selected complex can even aggravate the situation.

Therefore, during a consultation with a doctor, you will be offered the option of promptly eliminating the defect.

There are two main types of surgery for diastasis:

  1. Stretch plastic. The essence of the procedure is the convergence of the rectus abdominis muscles and their fixation along the entire length with non-absorbable threads.

    If possible, for aesthetic reasons, the operation is performed endoscopically through small incisions using special equipment. With advanced diastasis complicated by a hernia, a vertical incision is performed during the operation.

  2. Tension-free plastic(mesh endoprosthetics). The method is based on the installation and fixation of a special mesh made of synthetic material.

    The size of the grid will depend on the area of ​​the divergence, the structure must completely cover this area. After one and a half to two months, the connective tissue grows into the mesh, forming with it an integral and durable anatomical complex.

To date, endoscopic plasty of diastasis is recognized as the most effective and safe method of treatment.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The rehabilitation period after the operation lasts about six months, recovery after endoscopic surgery is somewhat faster.

At first, edema and small hematomas can be observed at the site of the incisions; they do not need special treatment and disappear on their own.

Loss of sensitivity in these areas during the entire period of rehabilitation is also the norm. Recovery of nerve endings and sprouting of capillaries is not a quick process, and full recovery will take time.

To avoid possible complications, during the first 6 months after the operation, follow these simple recommendations:

  • avoid any heaviness (bags with groceries are also among them);
  • do not play sports, avoid any physical activity;
  • protect the abdomen from direct sunlight.

Precautionary measures

Treatment of the initial stage of diastasis with the help of exercises, the first results will be given no earlier than after a few months of regular training.

In order to prevent deterioration of the condition during this time, it is recommended to observe certain precautions:

  1. In case of coughing, lightly press your palms on the press so as not to create strong pressure in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Watch your posture. While walking, do not slouch and do not bend the spine in the lower back.
  3. The maximum allowable weight for lifting is 5 kg. If necessary, often and for a long time to hold the child in your arms, wear a special bandage.
  4. It is recommended to sleep on your back or on your side. When you sleep on your stomach, pressure is created on muscle mass and tendons of the abdominal cavity, which provokes even more stretching.
  5. It is advisable to get out of bed, turning over on your side and transferring the main load to your legs.

Price of treatment

Prices for an operation to eliminate diastasis fluctuate, and depend on the method of surgical intervention.

  • stretch plastic with own tissues - 25-58 thousand rubles.
  • tension-free plastic by endoscopic method - 79-90 thousand rubles.

If additional surgical manipulations are necessary, for example, moving the navel, the cost of the operation may increase by 1.5-2 times.

Find out what diastasis is and how to fix the problem yourself from the video.

PressFoto / nikitabuida

Diastasis is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, as a result of which it sags, becomes flabby and does not look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the muscles of the abdomen and back atrophy, there is a risk of hernias, indigestion, and prolapse. internal organs abdominal cavity.

What is it and why does it appear

As a rule, diastasis occurs in pregnant women as a result of an increased load on the abdominal muscles in the process of bearing a child. In rare cases, the cause of its occurrence may be a genetic predisposition, weak muscles press or heavy physical exercise.

The degree of development of diastasis is determined by the width of the muscle divergence:

  • 1 degree - discrepancy 2-5 cm;
  • 2 degree - discrepancy 5-7 cm;
  • Grade 3 - discrepancy more than 7 cm.

According to the localization of the discrepancy, it is divided into 3 types:

  • above the navel;
  • under the navel;
  • mixed type (both above and below the navel).

Photo and schematic representation of the divergence of the abdominal muscles after childbirth:

How to diagnose diastasis

In order to self-diagnose diastasis, you must perform the following steps:

  1. lie down on a hard surface;
  2. bend your knees;
  3. put your feet on the floor and move them as close as possible to the buttocks;
  4. place your fingertips above and below the navel (about 3-5 cm) on the midline of the torso;
  5. Keeping your abs relaxed, lift your head and shoulders off the floor.

If you managed to find a hollow under or above the navel, then you have diastasis. The deeper this depression, the more severe your disease.

Indirectly, the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles is indicated by back pain, unnecessarily wide waist, change in the shape of the navel, as well as the presence big belly, which does not decrease or continues to grow, despite compliance with proper nutrition and doing physical exercise.

What not to do with diastasis

After diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is detected, actions that increase intra-abdominal pressure should be avoided. These activities include lifting weights, laughing out loud or coughing, sleeping on your stomach, slouching, and doing classic exercises on the press. Workouts that lead to belly growth:

  • lifting the body from a prone position;
  • push-ups, planks and any exercises with an emphasis on the arms or elbows;
  • lifting straight or bent knees from a prone or hanging position, including "bike" and "scissors";
  • power twists;
  • yoga practices in which there is strong pressure on the midline of the abdomen;
  • squats and lunges with weight;
  • strong back bends side slopes, pull-ups;
  • strength exercises using various weights;
  • jumping.

They need to be excluded from your workouts.

Precautions for postpartum diastasis

With the divergence of the abdominal muscles after childbirth, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the exercises performed, but also to everyday physical activity.

  1. When coughing, laughing or sneezing heavily, support the abs with your hands, applying light pressure on them to avoid undue pressure on the abdominal muscles.
  2. Do not lift heavy things over 5-6 kg.
  3. Lift items weighing less than 5 kg with arms bent at the elbows (not straight!). When lifting things from the floor, crouch instead of bending over.
  4. Wear a postpartum bandage or tummy tuck when rocking your baby elastic bandage.
  5. Sleep on your side/back (not on your chest!).
  6. Before you get out of bed or lie down on it, roll over on your side. And get up from the “lying on your side” position.
  7. Before getting up from a chair, you need to transfer the weight to the left or right buttock, pull in the stomach. Get up mainly due to the legs, without straining the press. You can push off with your hands.

Physical exercise

Now consider what needs to be done if the abdominal muscles parted after childbirth. Keep in mind that when performing exercises for diastasis after childbirth, special attention should be paid to breathing. With each breath, you can not strongly inflate the stomach. And if you are diagnosed with diastasis of 2 or 3 degrees, then you should do the exercises in a bandage.

Exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Exercise "Cat"

  1. Get on all fours (keep your back straight).
  2. Spread your hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and arch your back in an arc, like a cat.
  4. Then, as you inhale, arch your back slightly, keeping your tummy pulled in.
  5. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

"Cat" is the most effective practice not only to exclude diastasis, but also to prevent spinal diseases and improve well-being in general.


  1. Pull your stomach in as if you are trying to reach the spine with your navel.
  2. Relax him.
  3. Quickly alternate contractions and relaxations. You should get pulsating rapid movements.
  4. Perform 5 sets per day for 100 pulsations in each set. At the same time, try not to hold your breath during the training and breathe as evenly as possible.

This breathing exercise is convenient in that it can be done in any position (while lying, sitting or standing) and at any time (at work or at home watching a movie).

More useful breathing practices are presented in the video:

Kegel exercise

  1. Tighten your perineal muscles for about 10 seconds.
  2. Relax them slowly.
  3. Do 5 repetitions, each time increasing their number to 25.

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles pelvic floor and prevents the prolapse of internal organs. Its implementation is most effective in combination with the breathing practice described above.

Compressions, Julia Tapler technique

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  3. Place a towel under your lower back, cross its ends at your waist and take them in your hands.
  4. Raise your head and shoulders slightly as you exhale, while squeezing your waist tightly with the towel.
  5. Hold on for a few seconds.
  6. Return to starting position.
  7. Do 10 repetitions.

The method of training the abdominal muscles, invented by American midwife Julia Tapler, is aimed at tightening the abdominal wall. The result is noticeable after a few weeks with regular exercise.

Exercise "Shoulder Bridge"

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees (feet parallel to each other slightly wider than your hips).
  3. Place your arms along your body with your palms down.
  4. As you exhale, tear your pelvis off the floor and lift it as high as possible, while pulling in your stomach, straining your abs and gluteal muscles. The back should be straight.
  5. Return to the starting position while inhaling.
  6. Repeat 10 times.

With this exercise, you can also strengthen the muscles of the lower back and pump up the gluteal muscles.

Exercise "Hundred"

  1. Starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, arms along the body, palms down.
  2. As you exhale, raise your head and shoulders slightly off the floor. You can press your chin to your chest, remembering to pull in your stomach. We wait a few seconds.
  3. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.
  4. We do 10-15 approaches.

Significant difference this exercise from the classic pumping up of the press lies in the fact that we raise only the head and a little shoulders, and not the entire body, and draw in the stomach as much as possible. Thus, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced.

Leg curl

  1. The original position is unchanged.
  2. Alternately bend and straighten your legs. The foot should slide on the floor.
  3. The number of repetitions for each leg is 10-15 times.

Lower back stretch

  1. We leave the starting position the same.
  2. Pull in your stomach and tilt your head to one side and your knees to the other.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. Next, we perform the same steps, but in mirror image keeping the stomach pulled in.
  5. For each side, do 10-15 repetitions.

Straightening the legs

  1. We lay down on the floor.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and raise them so that the knees are exactly above the pelvis. Hands can be spread shoulder-width apart or extended along the body.
  3. Slowly lower one leg to the floor and straighten it, sliding your foot along the floor.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Do the same steps with the other leg.
  6. Each leg - 15 repetitions.


  1. Get on all fours, put your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull forward and slightly up at the same time right hand and left leg.
  3. Freeze for a while.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Repeat the same steps with your left arm and right leg.
  6. Do 10-15 sets for each side.

For greater clarity, consider the exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles in the video:

All exercises should be performed with the abdomen drawn in. Only then it will be possible to achieve the maximum effectiveness of training.

Preventive exercises:

  • Posture.
    maintenance correct posture and the natural curvature of the spine is great exercise strengthening the transverse abdominal muscle. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lift your chest, pull in your lower abdomen.
  • Pull in your stomach.

Throughout the day, try to keep your stomach in a retracted state. Tighten your muscles more often.

If you perform the above exercises from diastasis regularly (at least once every 2 days), as well as preventive practices, then after 6-10 weeks you will be able to bring the abdominal muscles back to normal and regain toned tummy. Static (breathing practices, stretches) and light dynamic exercises can be done already a few days after childbirth (in case of natural childbirth). You can increase the intensity of training 2 weeks after giving birth.

It is worth noting that this set of exercises is effective for diastasis of 1 and 2 degrees. In the case of diastasis grade 3 diastasis, it would be wiser to contact a specialist. With muscle separation greater than 10 centimeters, exercises may be ineffective, and surgery and qualified medical intervention may be required.

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Diastasis after childbirth. There is a lot of information about him, but often it is contradictory. Someone says that diastasis can only be removed surgically. And someone generally lives with diastasis and does not even suspect how serious his problem is.

Dmitry Protasov - the author of the training resource "The ABC of Bodybuilding", calls himself a man "with his head on his shoulders." One cannot but agree with him when reading his article: he even approached the purely feminine issue thoroughly and wisely, put everything on the shelves and gave clear recommendations. Therefore, we publish here his article for our readers, and give Dmitry +100 points to karma from all the mothers of the big city.

However, before following the recommendations given in the material, be sure to consult your doctor!

Diastasis of the abdominal muscles: what is it

Diastasis - separation / divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. As a result of this separation, the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle (Rectus Abdominis) are moved apart relative to the middle fascia of the abdomen (“white line”). The illustrations below will help you better understand what is at stake.

Diastasis most often (in two cases out of three) occurs in women who have given birth to a second and subsequent child.

The expansion and thinning of the midline tissues occurs in response to the force of the uterus pressing on the abdominal wall, hormones also contribute to the "softening" of the connective tissue. A median line that is more than 2-2.5 fingers wide (about 2 cm) is considered problematic. Diastasis most often appears after pregnancy, when the abdominal wall is quite soft and the thin tissues of the midline of the abdomen no longer provide adequate support for the trunk and internal organs. Moms should understand that a slight expansion of the midline occurs during all pregnancies, and this is normal. In some women, after childbirth, the discrepancy does not exceed 1.5-2 fingers, but in most cases the values ​​\u200b\u200bare beyond the specified range (2.5 fingers).

Often, diastasis violates the beauty of a flat prenatal tummy and is a serious aesthetic problem that causes discomfort in a woman. In addition to aesthetics, diastasis rectus abdominis impairs the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall, and can also cause low back pain and pelvic instability. Genetics plays an important role in the occurrence of diastasis during childbirth, in particular, miniature mothers are at increased risk. For women with a denser physique and those who were not alien to physical activity and fitness, pregnancy can proceed without diastasis at all.

In today's information flow, you may encounter a lot of conflicting opinions and advice on how to restore the abdominal wall and midline after childbirth. Most of these recommendations can worsen the abdominal separation, and in fact you will get even more diastasis.

Myths about diastasis of the abdominal muscles
So, there are a number of myths about the divergence of the rectus muscles, in particular the following:

- diastasis causes irreversible damage to the abdomen;
- the problem requires only surgical intervention;
- diastasis causes constant bloating (mummy-tummy);
- diastasis causes pain;
- abdominal muscles after childbirth will never recover and will always be weak;
- All women should wait at least 8-10 weeks postpartum before starting any exercise or postpartum recovery program.

Remember: none of these statements are true!

How to determine if you have diastasis?
The following simple test will allow you to determine if you have a divergence of the abdominal muscles. In order to identify diastasis, do the following:

Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor;
- put one hand behind your head and the other hand on your stomach, touching with your fingertips your entire midline, parallel to your waist, at the level of your navel;
- relax the abdominal wall and lightly press the abdominal cavity with your fingertips;
- slightly twist/tear off upper part body from the floor with the help of crunches, making sure that the chest is approaching the pelvis. As soon as the muscles begin to move, immediately fix how many fingers fit between them and how deep the fingers go inside;
- also fix how many fingers fit between the tensed muscles slightly above and below the navel (3-5 cm in both directions).

Such a home test will allow you to determine the size of the "hole" in your stomach - the area around the navel that is not covered by muscles. If such a “chasm” is not palpable, then you do not have diastasis, otherwise it takes place, and the degree of muscle divergence depends on how many fingers the “hole” swallowed. Accordingly, the larger / deeper it is, the stronger the diastasis.

Don't panic if you find "big holes" in your belly in the first few weeks postpartum. The connective tissue of the midline after childbirth is quite soft, but over time and with appropriate exercises, it will slowly but surely regain its former density and elasticity, reducing the size of the “holes”.

So, you have done the test and suspect you have diastasis. Now let's decide what degree it is, and the following classification will help us with this.

Type 1 - a slight expansion of the white lines in the umbilical region, the most harmless, that is, it practically does not affect the shape of the abdomen. Formed after the first pregnancy;
- 2nd type - discrepancy in the lower sections with relaxation of the lateral muscles. Reflected on the shape of the abdomen, making it slightly protruding from below;
- 3rd type - divergence of the abdominal muscles "at all seams" of both the upper and lower sections. It is accompanied by the presence of umbilical hernias and an unaesthetic appearance of the abdomen.

As you might guess, all the work to return the former flat forms of the abdomen depends on the stage of muscle divergence. The smaller it is (1st and 2nd type), the more likely it is to acquire prenatal forms in a natural (not surgical) way. The third stage usually involves an abdominoplasty. It is also important to understand that when the abdominal muscles diverge and the median line bulges, it is extremely difficult to achieve a reverse complete “contraction” (especially with type 3) due to the fact that the “white line” has no muscles - it is connective tissue. Therefore, realistically evaluate your prospects and the degree of need for the efforts made.

Why is diastasis possible in pregnant women?

In fact, the divergence of the abdominal muscles is not only the lot of pregnant women, it can be:

The result of improper exercise technique;
- a consequence of certain exercises and sports;
due to excessive weight gain.

In pregnant women, diastasis is formed when the growing uterus presses on the abdominal wall. If the lower / transverse abdominal muscles are weak and unable to support the growing uterus (withstand its increasing pressure on the rectus muscles), then six “cubes” of the press turn into “two by three”. As a result of the increase in the fetus, the "white line" of the abdomen (its connective tissue) is stretched to the sides. Your organs will now “press” on this connective tissue, the abdomen will begin to bulge, and due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, you will feel their divergence.

So, after a short theoretical digression, we realized that diastasis is a protrusion of the inner abdomen from under the muscles. Now let's move on to practical measures to improve the created "interesting" situation.

Exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. What are they?

To begin with, let's figure out what movements / exercises should be strictly avoided so as not to aggravate the problem. These include:

Exercises involving lying with your back on a fitball;
- yoga poses, involving stretching of the abdominal muscles (dog postures, cow postures) and breathing with the stomach;
- exercises on the press, involving the flexion of the upper spine / tearing it off the floor against gravity. For example: lying abdominal crunches, cross crunches, bicycle, roll-ups, rope block crunches, push-ups, plank;
- lifting / carrying heavy objects;
- most "four-legged" exercises.

In the variant of the illustration, the prefabricated atlas of prohibited exercises looks like this.

In general, the following conclusion can be drawn: with diastasis, you should avoid “direct” press exercises, you need to focus on certain isometric movements. In particular, the following exercises can be performed while having a divergence of the abdominal muscles in order to improve the situation.

Exercise number 1. Lying pelvic lifts (bridge).

Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Start lifting your pelvis by lifting your hips up. Hold at the top point, squeezing the buttocks and straining the press. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise number 2. Wall squats with a Pilates ball between your legs.

Press your back against the wall and squat down to a 90-degree angle, placing a small ball between your legs. Hold in the lower position for 25-30 seconds, and then straighten your legs, standing up to your full height.

Exercise number 3. Lifting the leg up from a prone position.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your left leg vertically up, lifting your body off the surface. Lower your leg back to its original position. Repeat the same for the right leg, doing 10 repetitions of each.

Exercise number 4. Slides with your feet.

Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head, stretch your legs. Slightly raising straight legs, begin to bring them to the body, taking steps in the air. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise number 5. Crunches with a towel.

Wrap your torso in a towel and lie down on the floor. Cross its ends at your waist and intercept it crosswise with your hands. Slightly raising the head, neck and top of the shoulders, pull the ends of the towel, bringing the chest closer to the pelvis. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

On average, with regular exercise at least 3 times a week, the first visible result can be seen after 1.5-2 months of classes.

Actually, these are all exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles - as you can see, they are simple, but extremely effective.

However, exercise is not a panacea, and they will give a synergistic effect (2 + 2 = 5) when working in combination with a customized diet and aerobic activity. In particular, it should be remembered that when burning fat, there is a general change (reduction) in the circumferences, including in the abdomen, so losing excess weight will help reduce pressure on the rectus abdominis muscles, and the “healing” process of diastasis will go faster.

Thus, it turns out that an effective plan for dealing with the divergence of the abdominal muscles is as follows:

1. adjustment/adjustment of power supply;
2. inclusion of cardiovascular activity in the daily routine;
3. performing specialized exercises.

So, we figured out the action plan. Now let's answer the question: when can you start working to improve the situation with diastasis?

It all depends on the degree of neglect of the problem. That is, usually a mild stage of diastasis (type 1) passes by itself over time: the tissue is tightened without unnecessary gestures on your part. On average, with the right diet and avoiding bad habits, the recovery time is 1.5-3 months. All further stages (2nd and 3rd type) require the implementation of the specified actions on your part, and the terms can be from 5 months to 1 year. Therefore, if you have diastasis of the 2nd and 3rd type, tune in to long-term work, which can be slowly started already 4 weeks after the birth of the baby.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, which manifests itself after the birth of a child, is a popular topic for women. From this article you can find out what this phenomenon is, why diastasis occurs most often in pregnant women, why it has formed around it and how, with what exercises you can get rid of it.

The birth of a child is the most important thing for any woman, but, alas, it does not go unnoticed, accompanied by a number of problems:

  • recruited from excess weight
  • cellulite appears
  • chest spreads
  • the buttocks become flat (how to start the buttocks)
  • diastasis of the abdominal muscles

It turns out that a woman who gave life to her child sacrifices her own beauty. For a long time after childbirth, changes in the figure may remain. A lot has been written about how to lose weight and return to the usual forms, but very little about diastasis, despite the high prevalence of this problem. Let's consider what it is.

What is diastasis

Diastasis is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles. At the same time, the rectus muscles on the left and on right sides the abdomen are moved apart from the midline, which is also called the white line. Diastasis occurs, as a rule, after the birth of the second and subsequent children.

The reason why the midline tissues thin and expand is the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal wall, while the effect of hormones is added to the softening of the connective tissue. If the midline is more than 2 centimeters wide, this may be a problem. The abdominal wall becomes soft after childbirth, thinned tissues are not able to adequately support the trunk and its internal organs. You need to know that if the middle line of a woman who has given birth becomes wider by 2 centimeters or less, this is considered the norm. But most women in labor have a discrepancy of 2.5 cm or more.

Violating the camp of a woman and the former before childbirth slim stomach ik, diastasis leads to aesthetic discomfort. At the same time, a woman may be embarrassed to change clothes even in front of her husband. And aesthetics aren't everything. The abdominal wall loses its strength, integrity, hence lower back pain may appear and the stability of the pelvis will be lost. Genetics also play a role - miniature ladies are in the main risk group. If a woman has a denser complexion, was engaged in fitness or had physical activity, diastasis can bypass it.

There are many tips on how to strengthen the abdominal wall and midline tissues after giving birth, and some of them are contradictory, which means they can lead to a worsening situation.

Myths about diastasis

There are a lot of myths about diastasis, for example, it is believed that diastasis:

  • permanent damage to the abdomen
  • treated only by surgery
  • leads to bloating
  • brings pain
  • weakens abdominal muscles that will never recover in the future
  • muscle recovery exercises can be started only 8-10 weeks after birth

Remember: these statements are all false.

How to tell if you have diastasis

There is a simple test to detect the presence of diastasis. Try the following:

  • lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor
  • put one hand behind your head, and the other on your stomach, touching your fingers in the midline of the navel
  • lift the upper body off the floor so that the chest approaches the pelvis (tighten the abdominal muscles) and when the muscles begin to move, note whether the fingers between them go deep inside
  • check how many fingers fit between tense muscles 3-5 cm below and above the navel

This check will help to identify the presence of a "hole" in your stomach and assess its size. If the failure is not palpable, calm down: there is no diastasis, but if it is, then its degree will be determined by the number of fingers that fit between the muscles.

Do not panic if you find significant gaps in your abdomen in the first days after childbirth: this is due to the softening of the connective tissue, which, under the influence of exercises, will gradually restore elasticity, respectively, the size of the gaps will decrease.

If you find diastasis in yourself, try to determine its degree:

  • 1st degree - a small expansion in the navel zone, which does not affect the shape of the abdomen in any way. It happens after the very first pregnancy;
  • 2nd degree - the lower sections diverge and lateral muscles, because of which the stomach changes shape, bulging from below;
  • 3rd degree - the divergence of the departments of both the upper and lower, leading to an unaesthetic appearance and possible umbilical hernia.

For the first and second degrees, it is easy to achieve the previous form by performing a set of exercises, surgery is not required, and the third degree requires abdominoplasty. Reverse muscle contraction is difficult to achieve, since the white line is only connective tissue, there are no muscles there. Therefore, it is necessary to realistically consider possible prospects.

Why does diastasis occur in pregnant women

Muscles in any woman can disperse, not only in a pregnant woman under the influence of:

  • improper performance of certain exercises
  • some sports
  • overweight

The uterus of a pregnant woman presses on the abdominal wall, and if the muscles are not able to support the growing uterus, then the white line begins to stretch to the sides. All organs press on the tissue, and the stomach gradually bulges forward, protruding from under the layer of muscles.

Exercises to help with diastasis

To begin with, let's see which exercises are strictly prohibited, since they can only worsen the situation:

  • exercises for which you have to lie on your back
  • yoga poses that stretch the abdominal muscles as well as belly breathing
  • exercises for the press, in which the spine bends in the upper section or comes off the floor
  • weight lifting and carrying
  • exercises that require support on the arms and legs

We can say that you should avoid exercises for the press and pay attention to movements of the isometric type. To improve the situation, you can perform the following exercises:

If you do regular exercises at least three times a week, the result can be seen after one and a half to two months of classes. Exercises to defeat diastasis are simple, but effective.

But such gymnastics in itself will give little, it must be combined with proper diet and with regular aerobic activity. Don't forget that burning fat changes the circumference of the abdomen, so if you eliminate excess weight, diastasis will pass much faster.

So, to effectively deal with diastasis, the following plan is needed:

  • correct and adjust the power supply
  • turn on mandatory cardiovascular activity
  • do specialized exercises

And another important question is when to start the battle with diastasis. A lot depends on how bad the situation is. The light stages go away on their own over time, without any effort on your part, the fabric will tighten itself. If the diet is chosen correctly, there are no bad habits, the period can be from one and a half to three months. More complex stages will require mandatory efforts on your part, and the period can stretch for 5 months, or even for a whole year. So, if your diastasis is at 2-3 degrees, get ready to work with it for a long time, and you can start 2-4 weeks after the baby is born.

If you are not confident in your abilities in compiling diets and workouts, then the most the best way will turn to professionals! On our website you can order the compilation individual programs nutrition and training during the recovery period after childbirth in the section

So, now you imagine what diastasis of the abdominal muscles is, where it comes from and how to deal with this scourge. You will surely be able to defeat him!

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Many women diligently tidy their physical form after childbirth and do not suspect that the problem of a round belly, which is not going to go anywhere, may be diastasis. In fact, we are talking about such a problem as diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. It is completely solvable, so you should not worry that you will forever remain in this form.

What it is

Diastasis is a physiological modification of the rectus abdominis muscles, a divergence of the white line of muscles located very close to the skin. The only line of the abdominal muscles is divided into two halves, for which there are a couple of reasons:

  • Diastasis occurs due to pressure on the connective tissue that binds the muscles - this happens during pregnancy.
  • Another reason is the hereditary factor.
  • Obesity, weakened abdominal muscles are also risk factors in this disease.

This pathology occurs in many women who have given birth, but both men and children fall into this category, so diastasis of the rectus muscles is now not uncommon. The effect of diastasis is inevitably familiar to women who have had the procedure caesarean section. In the case of diastasis of the rectus muscles, they are weakened and inoperable. Due to an incorrectly distributed load on other muscles, omission or displacement of internal organs occurs, the occurrence umbilical hernia, indigestion, the appearance of pain in the spine.

Signs of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

The clinical course of diastasis of the rectus muscles can be different. Some patients are not worried about anything, they continue to live their normal lives, even doing physical labor or physical education, fitness. Diastasis in such cases develops imperceptibly, gradually, and also completely without pain. But women, especially young age, in most cases (regardless of the size of the protruding abdomen), a cosmetic defect associated with diastasis is noted.

In other cases, a slightly different situation is seen, since patients complain of:

  • feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • difficulty walking;
  • constipation;
  • belching
  • pain in the protrusion area at rest and during physical exertion.

Pain sensations by their nature, by strength, and also by the duration of the pain attack are varied. Often there is pain after intense exercise, heavy lifting, and long walking. The presented signs can also be observed in men and children. Large diastasis can lead to pronounced functional changes:

  • prolapse of the abdominal organs,
  • the formation of atrophy of the muscles of the abdominal wall, as well as a decrease in their contractility,
  • stretching and thinning of the aponeuroses, resulting in a decrease in the function of the abdominal press.


To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a doctor who, based on the examination and the existing signs of the disease, will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis. Determine the severity of diastasis of the rectus muscles on the abdomen in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the navel, because this is the widest and weakest point of the white line of the abdomen. It is realistic to determine the degree of divergence of the muscles on the abdomen using the following test:

  1. Take a starting position lying on your back and bend your legs at the knees, and press your feet to the floor.
  2. One hand should be under the head and the other on the stomach so that the location of all fingertips is perpendicular to the white line somewhere at the level of the navel.
  3. Relax your stomach completely and then gently plunge your fingers into your stomach.
  4. After lifting the chest and shoulders from the floor, as when doing an exercise for the press.
  5. By moving your fingertips along the white line of the abdomen, by touch find the medial edges of the rectus muscles, and also determine the degree of their divergence, measure its width.

Non-surgical treatments

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles does not disappear on its own, but only increases in size over time. How to get rid of a round belly? An excellent effect is achieved when performing special exercise, the purpose of which is to strengthen the abdominal muscles. If there is 1 degree of diastasis, then it is really possible to do only exercises, if 3 - treatment occurs only with the help of surgical intervention.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is eliminated if the abdomen is retracted. It is necessary to draw in the stomach and hold this position for 30 seconds. To perform the second exercise, you should lie on your back and raise your head and shoulders, hold yourself in this position for 25-30 seconds. The number of repetitions is 25 times. Other exercises involve strengthening the deep transverse muscle belly. With its strengthening, it will be possible to keep the abdominal wall from protrusion. The effectiveness of the exercises is evidenced by the reviews of the girls who performed them, and the following photo.

It is realistic to reduce diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles with the help of effective and simple complex based on Pilates. ? It substitutes a special system of exercises, the action of which is aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscles of the body without the use of a shock load. Pilates is especially necessary for women who have back problems. While performing the exercise, it is necessary to keep the stomach drawn in, and breathe with the chest without the participation of the stomach.

Surgery for diastasis of the rectus muscles

1. Elimination of diastasis with the help of an endoprosthesis. Obturation hernioplasty is considered the most effective surgical method for eliminating diastasis. During the operation, the defect is closed and the stretched white line of the abdomen is strengthened with the help of a special multilayer mesh. The use of a mesh endoprosthesis protects the suture area from tension and provides 3 main advantages compared to traditional technique operations:

  • Very mild pain syndrome.
  • Short recovery time. The next day after the operation, the patient can already go home on his own, and a month after the operation, he can play sports and lift weights.
  • Minimal risk of relapse.

Within a month after the operation, the mesh begins to sprout with connective tissue and the endoprosthesis is completely engrafted. As a result, an anatomically unified complex is formed, reliably closing the defect of the anterior abdominal wall and protecting tissues from re-stretching. The installation of the endoprosthesis is carried out by an open method through a small incision at the navel or endoscopically through small punctures.

2. Endoscopic hernioplasty. This method is modern and not dangerous. The endoscopic method for eliminating diastasis has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • no visible scars
  • no pain,
  • a short period for recovery (begin to perform physical activity after a few days),
  • short rehabilitation period (100% return to active life after 10 days)
  • the minimum number of relapses (less than 1%).

Unlike the classic open method of surgery, surgical intervention does not occur through one incision, but through 3 small punctures in the navel and above the pubis. Special endoscopic manipulators with a small video camera are introduced there, which sends an image to the monitor. Thanks to her, the doctor monitors the progress of the operation. This operation allows:

  • restore the normal position and function of the abdominal muscles;
  • eliminate protrusion in the midline;
  • improve appearance tummy, form a waist line;
  • diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles can really be eliminated together with plastic hernia of the white line of the abdomen.

3. Abdominoplasty. When there are stretch marks on the abdomen, excess skin and subcutaneous fat, then the elimination of diastasis should be combined with abdominoplasty. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the skin-fat “apron” simultaneously with the correction of diastasis, remove skin laxity and stretch marks and make a flat stomach and thin waist. After the operation, patients must wear a bandage.

A set of exercises for tightening the abdomen

  1. Take a position: lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, put your hands along the body. Slowly lift the pelvis off the floor, starting with the coccyx. All movements should be smooth, literally "vertebra by vertebra". The coccyx needs to be pulled up, the top of the head forward. We must not forget that you need to breathe only with the chest. When the pelvis, knee and shoulder are in line, you need to stop and take a breath. Begin to lower your spine to the floor. This exercise perfectly stretches the spine, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and the press. The number of repetitions is 4 times.
  2. Take the same starting position. On exhalation right leg bend at a right angle, and while inhaling, raise your arms (palms pointing to the floor) and carry out 5 active movements, reminiscent of hitting water. As you exhale, perform 5 active movements with your palms up. Repeat the exercise for each leg 10 times. As a result, the muscles of the abdomen and arms are warmed up, and the transverse abdominal muscle is also strengthened. To complicate the exercise, you should immediately raise 2 legs bent at a right angle. Then the legs are allowed to be kept straight, and a small ball is squeezed between them.
  3. Take the starting position. Press the lower back to the floor should be as tight as possible. Raise the right shin up to a right angle (the knee is bent), while exhaling, straighten the entire leg, but draw in the stomach as much as possible. Pull the crown up, and the pelvis is level. On an inhale, return to the starting position and change legs. The number of repetitions is 10 times for each leg. All exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, as in slow motion filming. Constantly exercise control over your breathing and muscle work.
  4. Take another starting position - on all fours, place your palms strictly under your shoulders. The abdomen should be tucked up, the body is even. Slowly straighten your left leg at the exit until it reaches a position parallel to the floor. On inspiration, you should return to the starting position. Do not bend the lower back, but stretch the crown forward, the toe of the raised leg in the opposite direction. Do 10 repetitions for each leg. It will be possible to complicate the exercise if, at the same time as raising the leg, raise the arm from the opposite side.


The occurrence of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles occurs in almost 25% of women who have given birth. Usually, after childbirth, women notice that a small depression has formed in the center of their abdomen in a horizontal position, and when there is tension in the press, a protrusion appears.