“Formation of motor activity of preschoolers through plot physical education classes. Physical education - plot lesson in physical education in kindergarten "we are tourists"

Natykan E.G., teacher of kindergarten No. 80, Kostroma

Program tasks: to improve in children running in a column one at a time, on toes, walking with a wide step, in a half-squat. To consolidate the skills of children in jumping from hoop to hoop, landing on their toes; in crawling under the arc. Continue to teach children to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, roll it along the track. To develop in children dexterity, attention, speed of reaction. Arouse interest and desire to engage in physical education. Improve health. Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, desire to help others.

Material and equipment: gymnastic benches, balls for each child, hoops for jumping, an arc for crawling, a track for the prevention of flat feet, a tube.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall, line up.

Instructor: Guys, today I will tell you a story. And it's called "Kolobok".

There lived a grandfather and a woman.

One day, the grandfather says to the woman: “Bake me, grandmother, a gingerbread man.” I looked, but there was no pain.

The grandmother went, scraped the bottom of the barrel, broomed the barn, and collected flour, and baked a bun.

Children: take the balls and stand in place.

Instructor: Grandma put a bun on the window to get cold. Lying-laying kolobok on the window, he became bored, and he rolled along the path.

Introductory part: different kinds walking and running.

Instructor: the bun rolled along the path, past tall trees and small Christmas trees, up and down the hill. And there are many paths in the forest, a gingerbread man rolls along different paths and finds himself in a clearing. The gingerbread man began to look closely to see if anyone would meet him.

Breathing exercises.

Main part. outdoor switchgear with balls

1. The gingerbread man carefully looks up and down

Raise the ball up and down

2. I didn’t see anyone and decided to look around

IP: standing, the ball is at the chest. Turn right, left, return to IP.

3. And looked under the bush

IP: OS. Sit down, ball under the knees. Return to IP.

4. And swept around the bush

Sitting on your heels, rolling the ball around you.

5. There is no one

– jumped up high, looked closely.

Jumping. Ball in hand

Breathing exercises

A gingerbread man rolls, rolls, and a hare meets him: "Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you."

Instructor(with the ball): Don't eat me, bunny, I'm as nimble and agile as you, and I can jump high, high. See how.

6. IP: OS, ball in both hands, hands down. Throw and catch the ball (performed arbitrarily)

Instructor: The hare did not eat the bun. He released it and our bun rolled further.

He rolls, rolls, and a wolf meets him: "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you"

Instructor(with the ball): Don't eat me, wolf. I am very fast and will roll away from you, and you will not catch up with me.

  1. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, landing on toes
    (Walking on the path for the prevention of flat feet)
  2. Crawling under the arc, the ball in the hands
  3. Rolling the ball down the lane

Instructor: This is how the bun ran away from the wolf.

Instructor(with a kolobok): don't eat me, bear, I'll play with you.

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Instructor: That's how the bun rolled away from the bear. A gingerbread man rolls, rolls and sees Lisa Patrikeevna coming out: “Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I’ll eat you”

Instructor(with the ball): No, don't eat me, little fox. I'll outsmart you.

Final part.

Low mobility game "Find where it's hidden"

Instructor: The fox searched, searched for the bun, and our bun rolled into another fairy tale, which we will listen to next time

Story classes are one of the organized forms of conducting classes on physical education. Plot- physical education classes built on a single plot (plot - a series of successively developing events that make up the content of a work, movie, etc.) based on a fairy tale or real events familiar to children. According to V.S. Voloshin (2007), the surrounding world, literature, music, works of fine arts are widely used as sources for the birth of motor patterns. The only condition that must be observed is that the plot of the lesson should be closely related to the tasks of teaching movements and give the lesson the features of dramatization, bring it closer to the role-playing game, which, according to L.S. Vygodsky (1999), is "the root of any children's creativity."

According to the authors, story lessons in preschool institutions are one of the priority forms of choosing the organization of classes, as they carry a number of important functions (V.S. Voloshina, 2007; V.S. Kukushkina, 2004). Narrative physical education classes help to provide each child with a constant training of positive emotions, feelings, experiences, imagination, which leads to the formation of a need for him to repeat positive experiences of joy from the result and provides an opportunity for the exercise of important personal mechanisms that lead to changes in the development of the child. Their content allows you to conduct classes on the emotionally positive contact of the teacher with the children, satisfies the child's needs for learning in communication with peers, encourages the child to be creative, relieves constraint. Thanks to the plot, it is easier for the child to comprehend and perform movements. An important advantage of plot-type classes is that they allow you to avoid the mechanical assimilation of movement techniques.

Story classes create ample opportunities for using non-standard equipment, costumes, hall decoration, and music. At the beginning of learning to move, it is advisable to rely on the past motor experience of children, to recall the movements familiar from the past lesson. Then introduce the guys to new movements.

According to N.N. Kozhukhova (2003) plot physical education arouses interest in exercise, more than traditional physical education, which is due to the leading play activities of children at this age. On the basis of imitation, the child identifies himself with the characters during the role-playing game, tries not only to reproduce their actions, but also to display an imaginary situation, to play the role. G.V. Khukhlaeva (1992) believes that effective technique is a description of an imaginary situation in which a well-known and loved by children hero finds himself in a difficult or dangerous situation, and children can act as a helper or protector. Children rush to help their beloved hero, overcoming difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way. The success of actions brings joy and satisfaction to children. The imaginary situation in this case is an obligatory background for the deployment of actions. In the absence of it, repeated execution of them loses its meaning. Expressing sympathy for the game characters, they are faced with the need to master various movements, in fact, they recognize their expediency, and also, on their own initiative and desire, show real physical and moral-volitional qualities.

Characters may need care and attention. The teacher offers to take care of little helpless chickens and teach them to come to the aid of sick animals.

Developing the imagination of children, the educator offers a new look at physical education equipment. So, gymnastic sticks in the hands of children turn either into “horses”, or into “branches and snags” of a dense forest, children build boats and even a “ship” out of them.

When teaching movements, you can also use the role-playing behavior of children. If children have access to the performance of a role, and they can take it upon themselves, while repeating various actions, striving for accuracy, correctness, and their sequence in accordance with the role taken on, then children who know only play actions can only cope with elementary role-playing tasks. . They jump like sparrows, run along the paths, flap their wings like chickens. Under the conditions set by an imaginary game situation, determined by a role-playing task, children can independently find the best ways to perform basic movements, perform simulation exercises more expressively, and find their options during the game.

Movements associated with any image or plot captivate children, the image pushes them to perform imitative movements. Such activities develop creativity in children. Literary heroes teach children to overcome motor difficulties in achieving the goal, to navigate in problem situations. Frequent change of motor activity with different physical activity disciplines children, relieves stress. The class is fun and the time flies by.

Physical education classes in the plot form begin with an emotional story of the educator, in which an imaginary situation is set, the conditions for accepting the role are revealed to the children, and the sequence of performing the exercises is reported. When choosing exercises, take into account age features children, the level of their physical fitness is also taken into account.

For children, it is advisable to prepare symbols for designating roles that help them quickly and easily enter the role. These can be simple pictures, pieces of fluff or fur, cotton balls for “chickens” and “mice”. Transformation into an image can also occur with the help of a piece of a silver garland. The teacher puts it on the child's head or simply touches it to the hair. This is enough for the newly-made "sparrow" to take off confidently. In the classroom, it is also proposed to use the symbols of place and space. For example, panels "Forest", "Meadow".

L.N. Voloshina (2007) proposes to conduct plot physical education classes that reflect seasonal phenomena in nature. These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, and contribute to mental and physical development preschooler, stimulate motor activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

The constant contact of the teacher with the children, his direct participation in the lesson, his interest, help, emotional friendly tone activates the children.

Variety in the class of standard and non-standard equipment, hats, the presence and use of natural material contributes to better organization, increase motor activity children. Music plays an important role.

The outdoor activities are very interesting. Strong physical activity and Fresh air strengthen the health of children, increase their performance, contribute to the development of knowledge about nature.

The game actions formed in the classroom can be transferred under the influence of the educator into the independent play of children, which helps to increase the motor activity of children in role-playing games.

When conducting physical education classes, the teacher constantly remembers that it is impossible to disrupt the course of the game. Monitoring the quality of movements, evaluating the activities of children - all this is carried out through the role, on behalf of the game character, through an imaginary situation. The teacher and children play together. Preoccupation with the game helps to see in the line drawn with chalk, a real obstacle, in the gymnastic bench - a large hillock, behind which you can hide from an evil wolf (G.V. Khukhlaeva, 1992).

When some experience has been gained, children already show more independence in physical education classes, they can, at the reminder of the teacher, choose an object for exercises and outdoor games and actively work with it.

The characteristic features of such classes are: a pronounced didactic orientation; the leading role of the educator; strict regulation of children's activities and dosing physical activity; constant composition of those involved and their age homogeneity.

Requirements for classes: each previous one should be connected with the next and make up a system of classes; it is important to ensure optimal physical activity of children. Classes should be appropriate for the age and level of preparedness of children. They must use fitness equipment and musical accompaniment.

You can implement plot physical education classes with preschoolers different ages. With early children preschool age(1 - 4 years) it is recommended to conduct classes twice a week (for 10 - 15 minutes). IN senior group kindergarten (5 - 7 years) classes are held 3 times a week in the morning hours lasting 25 - 30 minutes (not including daily morning exercises).

The structure of physical education classes is generally accepted and contains three parts: introductory (18% of the total class time); main (67% of the total class time); final (15% of the total lesson time). Such a distribution of material corresponds to the abilities of children and provides an increase in physical activity during the lesson and with its subsequent decrease towards the end.

The purpose of the introductory part of the classes is to introduce the body into a state of readiness for the main part. In the introductory part of the lesson, exercises are offered in walking, running, rebuilding, and simple games. Attention should be paid to the alternation of exercises in walking and running: their monotony tires children, reduces the quality of exercises, and can also lead to undesirable consequences (violation of posture, flattening of the foot, etc.). In this part of the lesson, a game motivation is created and a game task is set.

The main part of the lesson is the longest. In it, children form the skills of performing movements, learn and consolidate them, develop physical qualities, coordination abilities. This part of the lesson is characterized by the climax saturation of the plot. This part is the most physically demanding.

In the final part of the lesson, there is a gradual transition from enhanced muscle activity to a calm state, communication of children with game characters continues, children tune in to an independent game. It hosts games and game exercises low intensity, contributing to a gradual decrease in motor activity (T.I. Osokina, 1990).

The strength of assimilation of exercises and basic movements depends on the mandatory repetition of what has been passed (a sufficient number of times). Repetition should not be mechanical and monotonous; interest in motor activity is lost. Therefore, at the first stage of teaching children, repeating the material, one should use various aids, change the situation without changing the nature of the movements.

The speech of the teacher during classes should be calm and expressive in order to attract attention and interest children. Game techniques, addressing the child with naming his name, timely help and encouragement activate the baby, increase his desire to independently perform the movement (S.A. Kozlova, 2000).

The effectiveness of physical exercise training is ensured with the help of various ways children's organizations. In physical education classes, a frontal method of organization is used, in which all children perform the same movement at the same time. This method allows for the time allocated by the teacher to ensure a sufficiently high repetition rate, which contributes to the rapid formation of temporary connections, the achievement of high activity of each child and sufficient physical activity when performing any movement. But at the same time, the teacher cannot keep all the children in sight, therefore, with repeated repetition of the movement, its erroneous execution by the child may be laid. This method is suitable for forming an initial idea of ​​a new movement (GV Khukhlaeva, 1992).

For execution physical movements students can be divided into groups, i.e. group method of organizing children is used. In addition, each group, as a rule, exercises in the implementation of certain movements. After some time, the subgroups change places, which increases the interest in the lesson. With this method, an opportunity is created for in-depth learning of the movement by one subgroup, while other subgroups at this time perform the mastered movements to consolidate them or in complicated conditions. The advantages of this method are the creation of favorable conditions for detailed assimilation: a small number of children allows for a sufficient number of repetitions to successfully master the exercise, the child has the opportunity to hear the instructions of an adult relating to him and other children; a small break between repetitions, on the one hand, is sufficient to restore strength, and on the other hand, temporary connections are successfully formed, and there are conditions for observing the performance of the exercise by other children. The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that the teacher's ability to control the performance of exercises by all children, provide them with assistance, and correct their mistakes is limited (T.I. Osokina, 1990).

A variation of this method is shift, when children perform one movement in shifts (3-4 people each), an exercise in balance on four benefits, jumping off the bench, etc.

The flow method involves performing physical exercises one after another, moving from one movement to another. At the same time, some children finish some movement and proceed to the next, while others only begin to perform the first. This method provides almost continuity of actions, forms in children the flexibility of the skill, the ability to go directly to the execution of other movements, develops the ability to combine movements. However, learning a new physical exercise with this method is difficult, since the muscle sensations that arose during the first performance of this movement are then erased during the implementation of familiar motor actions, and, approaching the reproduction of the movement being learned, the child makes mistakes.

There is an individual way of organizing when children perform one movement in order of priority. In this case, it is easy for the teacher to assess the quality of the movement in each child, to make individual instructions. Other children at this time observe the actions of each performer of the exercise and perceive comments.

Often the teacher in the classroom resorts to a combination of these methods of organizing children.

The choice of how to organize children in a lesson depends on: novelty, complexity and nature of the exercises; lesson objectives; material equipment and place of the lesson; the size of the room (platform, hall); availability of equipment; age of children and their readiness; the teacher's own skills (V.A. Anderson, 1991).

Thus, plot physical education classes are widely used in preschool institutions, allowing the physical education instructor to actively include all children in the learning process. Subject physical education classes allow you to independently find the best ways to perform basic movements, general developmental exercises, contribute to the development physical qualities, development of creativity, mental processes. These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, contribute to the mental and physical development of a preschooler, stimulate physical activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

Subject physical education classes have a clear structure, a variety of methods for organizing children in the classroom and teaching methods.

Physical education is a complex recreational activities which are based on movement. One of the forms of this work is physical education classes.

The purpose of the classes is to satisfy the need of children in movement, to achieve high level all-round physical development.

This lesson is plot based on the fairy tale "Teremok". Used in the introduction different types walking: normal, with a wide step, moving forward by jumping, mincing step, on the outside of the foot, in a semi-crouching position on the toes.

General developmental exercises - "building a tower" from different starting positions.

The main movements are overcoming obstacles with elements of children's motor creativity.

The final part is a soothing game (relaxation).

Such an activity helps to increase the interest of children in physical culture, and the teacher to see what the children have already managed to learn.


Subject physical education lesson for children of the senior group


  1. Exercise children in the ability to crawl under the arc in familiar ways.
  2. Teach children to follow patterns.
  3. To develop independence in crawling under the arc according to given patterns, motor creativity when moving through the tunnel, from hoop to hoop, walking on the gymnastic bench.

4. Cultivate resourcefulness, courage, endurance.

Equipment: gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, schemes, crawling arcs, gymnastic bench, hoops, tunnel.

Lesson progress

The teacher brings an illustrated book with the fairy tale "Teremok" into the book corner. The children are looking at her. The teacher offers to go on a journey through this fairy tale.

1 part

Walking is normal.

Jumping on two legs moving forward (hare jumping).

Walking with wide steps (wolf step).

Walking mincing step (mouse steps).

Jumping on two legs moving forward (frog jumping).

Walking on the outside of the foot (bear step).

Loose walking with stepping over sticks (step of a cunning fox).

Scatter run.

Rebuilding in columns of three.

part 2

General developmental exerciseswith gymnastic sticks "Building a tower"

1. "Building the front wall" - 8 times

I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, gymnastic stick in the hands below

  1. - arms forward
  2. - hands up
  3. - arms forward
  4. - hands down

2. "We build the side walls" - 8 times

I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, stick on the shoulder blades

  1. - tilt to the right
  2. - i.p.
  3. - tilt to the left

3. "Look out the window" - 6 times

I.p. - kneeling, hands with a stick below

  1. - i.p.
  2. - sit between the feet, hands with a stick stretch forward
  3. - i.p.

4. - 8 times

I.p. - sitting, legs wide apart, stick on legs in two hands

  1. - lean forward, touch the right toe
  2. - i.p.
  3. - lean forward, touch the left toe
  4. - i.p.

5. "Let's reach the roof" - 5 times

I.p. - lying on your back, stick in straight arms behind your back

  1. - raise straight legs, touch the ends of the stick with your toes
  2. - i.p.

6. "From step to step"

Jumping on two legs through a stick, alternating with walking from starting position standing sideways to the stick.

Rearrangement of children in one column.

Here are the children, we built the tower. Tell me, what holiday is celebrated after the house is built? Yes, of course, housewarming! At the housewarming party, a meal is prepared. And we will bake pies with wild berries. We need to go into the forest and find a berry field.(Equipment being prepared)But there are obstacles in the way!

Basic movements

  1. Walking on the gymnastic bench (on the bridge). Different types of walking are used: straight step, side step, maintaining balance.
  2. Crawling under the arc according to the scheme (on knees and elbows).
  3. Jumping into a hoop on two legs, on one leg.
  4. Crawling under the arc according to the scheme (on the knees and palms).
  5. Jumping through the hoop.
  6. Crawling under the arc according to the scheme (on the palms and feet).
  7. Climbing through the tunnel.

(The obstacle course is overcome by children 5 times. The equipment is removed).

Guys, we overcame all the obstacles and ended up in a clearing.(The hands are massaged while sitting on the carpet.)Now we will grind flour from the grains (imitation of a millstone - massage of the palm of one hand with the fist of the other). Knead the dough, knead vigorously so that the dough becomes lush, elastic. We roll up a tourniquet from the dough, cut it into pieces, put the filling and blind the pie. Let's put it in the oven.

We ate pies, I wanted to play!

mobile game "Magic Trees"Magic Christmas trees - children, the forester is selected with the help of the "arrow". I recall the rules of the game: at the signal "night" the children run, circle around the hall, at the signal "forester" they line up in one column and do not move; the forester goes around the Christmas trees, inspects them, takes the uneven ones with him (the game is repeated three times). At the end of the game, the successes of the children are celebrated.

part 3

Oh, guys, while you and I were building a tower, overcoming obstacles, playing, it got dark in the forest and nothing was visible. Let's hold hands, close our eyes, imagine that it's dark in the forest. I'll take you to kindergarten, and you hold each other's hands tightly and listen to where your comrade's hand leads you(children walk around the hall behind the teacher, holding hands).

It is dark in the forest, everyone is sleeping: trees, birds, and animals. We walk through the woods holding each other's hands. We are not afraid because we are together. Here we come to kindergarten. Open your eyes. Our journey through the fairy tale "Teremok" has ended.

Plot classes allow children to form the right attitude to physical education, taking into account the age characteristics of children. Such classes are one of the organizational forms of conducting physical education classes, contributing to the education of children's interest in the process of performing physical exercises. They contain a holistic plot-play situation that reflects the world around the child; consist of a variety of imitation movements and exercises of a general developmental impact.



“Non-traditional forms of physical education. Subject physical education classes.

Plot classes allow children to form the right attitude to physical education, taking into account the age characteristics of children. Such classes are one of the organizational forms of conducting physical education classes, contributing to the education of children's interest in the process of performing physical exercises. They contain a holistic plot-play situation that reflects the world around the child; consist of a variety of imitation movements and exercises of a general developmental impact.

The plot lesson includes elements of walking and running in the introductory part of the lesson, general developmental exercises with and without objects, basic movements, mobile and sport games in the main part breathing exercises, finger games and games of low intensity in the final part. Classes of this nature are distinguished by interesting content, games, a joyful atmosphere, positive children's emotions and beautiful figurative speech of an adult.

The use of plot lessons helps in solving the following tasks:

  • - to consolidate and improve the motor skills of children in a playful way;
  • - development of mental abilities and emotional sphere;
  • - development of musical and rhythmic abilities,
  • - education of interest and need for systematic studies

Physical exercise.

  • - educate and develop children's creative abilities, imagination
  • - to promote the emergence of interest in the improvisation of various actions in the course of the lesson.

All plot classes can be divided

1. Plot-figurative physical education classes.

Purpose: through a familiar imitative image, to involve children in performing a variety of movements, acquiring a variety of motor skills. Throughout the lesson, different movements have different images or one image is embodied in different movements.

2. Plot-game physical education.

Purpose: To teach children to set a goal and achieve it, overcoming various problem situations, cultivating the psychological and physical qualities necessary for this.

3. Plot-thematic physical education classes.

The purpose of such classes is to teach to overcome motor difficulties, to navigate in problem situations, to develop creativity, fantasy and imagination in children;

The use of imitation and imitation techniques, figurative comparisons corresponds to the psychological characteristics of preschoolers, facilitates the process of memorization, mastering exercises, increases the emotional background, promotes the development of thinking, imagination, creativity, and cognitive activity.

Movements associated with any image or plot captivate children, the image pushes them to perform imitative movements that preschoolers love very much. Different roles for children mean different motor tasks.

This is one of the reasons for conducting plot physical education classes. Such activities develop creativity, fantasy, and imagination in children. Literary heroes teach children to overcome motor difficulties in achieving the goal, to navigate in problem situations. This type of lesson is valuable because children reveal themselves from an unexpected side, for example: artistry, musicality, independence.

Physical education classes in a plot form begin with an emotional story in which an imaginary situation is set, the conditions for accepting a role are revealed to the children, the sequence of performing exercises and their content are reported. In each age group various methods of creating game motivation are used, which contribute to the enthusiastic performance of physical exercises by children: these are riddles about animals, manifestations of nature, an artistic word, and magical transformations into different characters; use of toys, masks.

Thus, plot physical education classes allow you to independently find the best ways to perform basic movements, general developmental exercises, contribute to the development of physical qualities, the development of creativity, and mental processes.

These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, contribute to the mental and physical development of a preschooler, stimulate physical activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.




Synopsis of organized game plot motor activity in physical education for children junior group"Visiting the hedgehog"

Physical culture instructor of the 1st qualification category: Bork Tatyana Viktorovna


Target: Formation in children of interest and need for systematic studies in physical culture.
Tutorials: To teach jumping on two legs across the line, from hoop to hoop; reinforce walking and running skills; to exercise children in climbing under an arc on all fours, without touching it. Teach children to move according to the nature of the music.
Educational: To instill in children an interest in physical exercises, to promote the formation of positive emotions.
Developing: To expand the knowledge of children about forest dwellers, to develop imaginative thinking when guessing riddles; develop attention and observation; ability to navigate in space.
Wellness:Develop a common and fine motor skills; strengthen muscles and respiratory system; contribute to the prevention of flat feet; develop the emotional sphere.
Equipment: Toy hedgehog "; brook" (rope), fox mask, 4 flat hoops (diameter 25 cm), ball (diameter 20 cm), massage balls by the number of children. Musical accompaniment.
The course of educational activities.
Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

Organizing time.
Instructor: Guys guess the riddle:
He is prickly, small,
It carries needles on its back. And that's why he's spiky.
The children answer.
Instructor: That's right, it's a hedgehog. A hedgehog came to visit us today, he invites us for a walk in the forest and brought with him a whole basket of balls. The balls are very similar to our guest, just as prickly. We will play with him. Everyone stand in a circle. Now the hedgehog will give each of you a ball.
Introductory part.
Instructor: Let's first show the hedgehog how we can walk beautifully.
Walking next to each other.

Now show us how fast and agile we are.

Run, ball in right hand.
-Now how strong we are.
Walking with arms extended forward.
Instructor: And now how smart and skillful we are.
We will take the ball in the palm of our hand
And we'll press it softly.
He's prickly like a hedgehog
He just doesn't have legs!
Main part.
General developmental exercises with massage balls.

1. "Big and small"
I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands with the ball below. B: 1- raise your hands up, stretch, 2- sit down, put the ball; 3- pick up; 4- straighten up. (repeat 4 times)
Instructor: Ball - hedgehog ride,
We stretch our fingers.

2. "Prickly hedgehogs"
I.p. - standing, legs together, the ball in both hands in front of you. B: 1-3 - roll the ball between the palms, rhythmically bending the arms at the elbows, 4 - lower the arms down.

3. "We collect mushrooms for the hedgehog"
I.p. - standing, legs apart, arms with the ball extended forward. B: 1-2- lean forward (try not to bend your knees), put the ball between your legs, 3-4- straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6- lean forward, take the ball, 7-8- straighten up, lift the ball up, (repeat 4 times)
Instructor: Balls love to play
Get naughty and run away!

4. "Hided and shown"
I.p.-sitting, hands with the ball on their knees: 1-hide the ball behind the back, 2 - stretch the arms forward, 3- hands behind the back, 4-take the ball, return to the i.p. (repeat 4 times)
Instructor: Are you tired guys?
The hedgehog will not let us get tired,
Wants to breathe!
5. Breathing exercise "Ears".
Shaking your head left and right, take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, with the head tilted, the ears should be as close to the shoulders as possible.
Instructor: Well done boys! The hedgehog really liked your exercises with balls. And now, together with the hedgehog, we are going to a forest clearing.
Children to music
"Together it's fun to walk"walk in a circle, stop in front of a rope laid along.
Instructor: While we were walking, on the way we met a stream. But the hedgehog told me in secret that he did not know at all how to pass through it. Let's teach him how to jump over the stream correctly.
Basic movements.
1. "Brook".

Jumping over a rope laid along, at the signal of the instructor (2 times).
Instructor: Here we are at the edge of the forest. And again we have an obstacle in the way. Let's show the hedgehog the path.
2. "Find a path for the hedgehog."
Jumps on 2 legs from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt, climbing under the arc on all fours.
It is carried out in a streaming way (2 times).

Instructor: Are you guys tired? Let's breathe together with the hedgehog.
Exercise "Hedgehog" to restore breathing.
Turning the head to the right and left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose, short, noisy, with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx. Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips (4-8 times).
Instructor: The hedgehog really liked how you traveled with him through the forest, and now he wants to play with you.
Our hedgehog is prickly and no one offends him, but many animals live in the forest, you know what? (Children call forest animals).
The song "Little Hedgehog" sounds
Instructor: Do you remember who the hedgehog is afraid of?
Guess the riddle:
The tail is fluffy, the coat is bright,
Both cunning and cunning.
Know the animals in the forest
Bright red...
(fox) .
The teacher shows a fox mask.
Musical game "Hares and Foxes"
Instructor: Do you know who it is? Do you want to play with the fox?
Let's turn into rabbits, play with the fox and teach the hedgehog to hide from her.
The game is played with musical accompaniment.
Bunnies scattered on the forest lawn.
Here are some bunnies, bunnies - jumpers!

Final part.
Instructor: So it's time to say goodbye to our forest guest.
Today we showed the hedgehog how to deal with balls, taught how to jump over a stream, run, climb and jump, and even how to hide from a fox.

Building in a column one at a time, walking behind the teacher to the musical accompaniment. Children wave and leave the hall