Point reduction. Means for the reduction of adipose tissue Reduction of fat deposits

Is it possible to get rid of fat only on the waist or only on the legs? New research says yes!

In his classic Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Arnold states that point reduction of certain muscle groups is possible when they are trained. However, he immediately adds that physiologists and other specialists insist on the impossibility of this. Obviously one of them is wrong. If it can reduce abdominal fat through training, then sports physiologists say it's impossible because they can't determine the mechanism of action. Let's look at the action of point reduction so that you know how you can increase fat loss in the right places.

When a person goes on a diet, he loses fat in almost all areas of the body, while fat is burned fastest where it is least. And in those places where you would like to lose weight, it is burned in quite limited quantity. For example, a low-calorie diet in women reduces the size of the mammary glands, which is not at all desirable for them, while there is no significant reduction in fat in the lower body. In men, the diet reduces waist circumference (this is, of course, good), but the abdominal muscles do not become more distinct.

This phenomenon becomes apparent when men try to put on their trousers after several weeks of being on a low-calorie diet. They have to tighten the belt tighter, which indicates fat loss. However, looking in the mirror, you will not see changes in the abdominal muscles themselves. This means that you have lost fat located inside the abdominal muscles - the so-called visceral fat- and not at all subcutaneous fat, located between the muscles of the press and the skin.

The good news for everyone, both men and women, is that there is not much subcutaneous fat to get rid of - unless you are obese. If all the fat burned was subcutaneous, your abdominal muscles would be clearly visible after a few weeks of dieting. Not surprisingly, everyone would like pointwise reduction to be possible.

Point reduction theory

When people hear the words “point reduction,” people imagine being able to train a particular muscle group—say, the abs or glutes—so that the targeted muscles burn the fat closest to them for energy. Unfortunately, there is no physiological rationale for how this can happen, which is the main reason why most physiologists consider it impossible. Muscles, even if we train them very intensively, do not have hands with which they could reach into the fat surrounding them. They do not produce substances capable of destroying fat.

In addition, one should distinguish between visceral and subcutaneous fat. With the help of what miracle will training the abdominal muscles be able to burn subcutaneous fat without touching the visceral fat?
Training a muscle cannot force it to use nearby fat cells for energy. It's like driving in Texas. You have gallons of oil under your feet, but still, if you need gasoline, you don't drill a hole in the ground. You go to a gas station.

Fuel for muscles comes from two sources: glycogen and muscle triglycerides, contained within muscle cells, which are converted into ATP, the only possible form of energy for muscles. The second source of energy is blood. The carbohydrates you eat, as well as those formed in the liver, enter the muscles along with the blood. In addition, fatty acids produced by the body through lipolysis come with the blood.

Lipolysis (fat breakdown)

Fat is stored in small globules called liposomes, in the form of fatty acids. In order to empty these globules, you must induce a process called lipolysis.

A low-calorie diet will do two different things:

1) It will cause lipolysis, as a result of which fat will enter the bloodstream.
2) Will stimulate fat oxidation. The fat in the blood will go to the muscle, which will oxidize—or burn—fat molecules as an energy source.
If it were possible to cause lipolysis in some specific parts of the body, then point reduction would be possible. Lipolysis can only be caused by two hormones produced by the body - norepinephrine and adrenaline.
(You may have heard that other hormones, such as growth hormone, can also cause lipolysis. But they do not have a direct effect, but an indirect effect. For example, growth hormone causes lipolysis by increasing the amount of norepinephrine or adrenaline. Thus, if the body does not produces noradrenaline or adrenaline, fat loss is impossible for a healthy person, no matter how much growth hormone his body produces.)

Norepinephrine and epinephrine bind to adrenergic receptors, of which there are two varieties:
1) Alpha-adrenergic receptors. Despite the existence of a large number of different subtypes of alpha-adrenergic receptors, the most important in relation to fat cells are alpha 2a-adrenergic receptors.
2) Beta-adrenergic receptors. The following subtypes are related to fat cells: beta-1, beta-2, beta-3 and beta-4 (1), the existence of the latter is only assumed. They are commonly referred to as beta receptors.

As hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine circulate in the blood, reaching various organs. They bind to a particular organ only if they contain alpha or beta receptors. Norepinephrine and epinephrine bind to liposomes because their surface contains both alpha and beta receptors. When one of these hormones binds to the beta receptors on the surface of the liposome, it causes lipolysis. In this case, fatty acids are released into the blood. (1) As a result, the volume of the liposome is reduced.

And that's exactly what you're after. Unfortunately, alpha receptors are also present on the surface of liposomes, and when epinephrine and norepinephrine bind to alpha receptors, the lipolysis process is inhibited, and the liposomes remain the same size. The same hormones can either stimulate lipolysis (by binding to beta receptors) or inhibit lipolysis (by binding to alpha receptors). Thus, there is a kind of tug of war between these two types of receptors. If the surface of the liposome contains more beta receptors than alpha receptors, then epinephrine and norepinephrine will reduce the volume of fat cells. But these hormones will not affect the size of liposomes containing more alpha receptors. Therefore, if you are on a diet, norepinephrine and epinephrine have the maximum effect.

Distribution of alpha and beta receptors

It is clear that you are getting rid of fat in the area where the liposomes are covered predominantly with beta receptors and have a small amount of alpha receptors. In these areas, fat is easy to remove as hormones stimulate liposomes to burn fat and shrink. On the other hand, areas where fat accumulation is greatest - and where it is most difficult to get rid of it - contain mainly alpha receptors, and the content of beta receptors is negligible. If you cannot change the distribution of adrenergic receptors, you will not get positive results in point reduction.

Yohimbine and ephedra. This can be done with herbal preparations. For example, yohimbine partially blocks alpha receptors, thereby reducing the inhibitory effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine on fat breakdown. This helps a little, which is why yohimbine is a fairly popular dietary supplement.

Another plant, called ephedra, increases the release of norepinephrine. When taken with yohimbine, ephedra enhances beta receptor activation without affecting alpha receptors. As a result, lipolysis is enhanced in those places where it is easiest to get rid of fat. In areas where fat is very difficult to burn, its loss will also increase slightly. It's still better than nothing, but that's not the secret of point reduction.
Dieting and aerobic exercise will help a little too. This combination increases the number of beta receptors and reduces the number of alpha receptors. (2, 3, 4) Since many people are already dieting and doing aerobics, this is not the answer either.

Stimulating the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine

If point reduction is possible, then its mechanism most likely involves the delivery of more noradrenaline or epinephrine to this area. If one could increase the concentration of these hormones within a specific area of ​​fat, while blocking alpha receptors, then one could cause significant fat loss in the desired area. This is the idea behind the creation of slimming creams. High-level bodybuilders and fitness competitors have been known to inject clenbuterol (to stimulate beta receptors) and yohimbine (to block alpha receptors) into the fat they want to get rid of.

Is it possible to call a similar process naturally? The answer is yes, but not enough to cause significant local fat reduction. Norepinephrine and epinephrine enter the bloodstream in two different ways. First of all, hormones are released directly from the glands that produce them - the adrenal glands. Training of any muscle group contributes to the influx of a large amount of blood into this area, and along with the blood, adrenaline and norepinephrine enter there.
Both of these hormones are found in nerves as neurotransmitters. Muscle contraction increases the activity of neurons, which leads to the leakage of adrenaline and norepinephrine in this area. (Epinephrine and noradrenaline in nerves are not called a hormone, but rather a neurotransmitter. When they are in the blood, they are no longer neurotransmitters, but hormones. Thus, when neurotransmitters leave the nerves, they become hormones.)

It is theoretically possible to create local concentrations of norepinephrine and epinephrine through training, but still you will not be able to cause significant lipolysis, since the hormones will find predominantly alpha receptors. However, you can significantly increase lipolysis by taking yohimbine capsules on an empty stomach one hour before training. Even with yohimbine, magical results should not be expected. This is just an aid.
Why is it so difficult to lose weight in the area where we would like.

If you want to have sculpted abs or slim down your thighs, there isn't much fat to get rid of. Most men have no more than 400-500g of fat in the abs. It is easy to get rid of this amount of fat. A few days - in extreme cases a few weeks - of a low-calorie diet is enough. But if, by dieting, you get rid of this amount of fat and look at yourself in the mirror, then you will see that the abdominal muscles have not become more prominent than before. In fact, there are cases when, as a result of a diet, the amount of fat in the abs even increases.

In this case, some fat loss has occurred - in different areas of the body, except for the one where you would like to lose weight. If you could reverse this trend, it would be much easier to stick to your diet. Moreover, the diet would be very short. Usually, when people want to get rid of fat in the abdominal region, it does not matter to them that the calves become overly prominent.

This is more difficult for women because they tend to have more fat and it is spread over a wider area - usually the entire lower half of the body or, at best, the upper half. On the other hand, women have less fat in their upper bodies than men, and their abs tend to be visible. If not visible, then a low-calorie diet will quickly help, unless the amount of fat is excessive, and also if they do not suffer from hormonal disorders. Many fitness contestants have some upper thigh fat, but they all have superb abs.
As already mentioned, the predisposition to the accumulation of fat in certain areas is different for men and women and is determined by the distribution of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. No matter how intensely you train your abs or thighs, you will not be able to significantly change the situation. Training a specific muscle group will not lead to unprecedented fat loss in that area. Instead, the target muscle will use the fatty acids in the blood as an energy source, coming from those fat deposits where beta receptors dominate. I don't want to disappoint women looking to get rid of lower body fat, but when you cut your calorie intake down to almost zero and work your butt muscles like a maniac, all you're doing is burning fatty acids from your upper body. predominantly from the mammary glands.

You may find it strange that fatty acids have to travel such a long way before they are oxidized, especially when so much fat that can be used as energy is next to the working muscle. However, if the target muscles could only use nearby fat for energy, women's leg muscles would be deprived of energy, since the fatty acids contained in this area are very difficult to mobilize. While on a diet, women would not be able to walk much.

Fat deposits are like bank accounts

If it is impossible to induce lipolysis in certain places, then how can point reduction be carried out? The answer is that increased lipolysis is not the only way to reduce body fat.

Fat deposits are like bank accounts. Your bank account increases as income increases and expenses decrease. The same thing happens with body fat. Their volume is determined by the amount of incoming and outgoing fatty acids. Although it is rather difficult to increase the outflow of fatty acids from problem areas due to the unfavorable distribution of receptors, the factor in the entry of fatty acids into fat deposits is a completely different matter.
There is a constant basal release of fatty acids from fat deposits (5), and some experts state that “the triglycerides contained in fat cells are renewed approximately every two to three weeks” (6).

If you are on a maintenance diet, the amount of fatty acids entering the cells will equal the amount of fatty acids leaving the cells. You won't see this in the mirror, it's just the release of fatty acids, allowing the body to replace old fatty acids with new ones (6).

Now imagine that you could block this basal replacement process if you could force the old fatty acids out of the cells, but prevent the entry of new fatty acids. In relation to a bank account, it would look like this: You continue to spend money, but you stop putting it in a bank account. Gradually, your account will decrease to zero, which will upset you very much. With regard to adipose tissue, the reduction in the size of fat cells to complete disappearance should please you very much.

If it were possible to intentionally block the entry of fatty acids into storage, would it not be possible to achieve a point reduction after some time? Of course, the ultimate goal is to block the supply of fatty acids throughout the body. It's not impossible, but it requires so much work that it will interfere with the muscle building process due to overtraining. The solution to this problem can be the concentration at a time on only one problem area.

The role of blood flow

Sex hormones are a major factor in determining the location of body fat (7). High level female hormones contribute to the deposition of fat in the lower body, increasing the number of alpha receptors and reducing the influence of beta receptors in these places. Male hormones cause the accumulation of fat in the waist area, acting in a similar way on the receptors of the abdominal muscles.

Fortunately there is another important factor acting in parallel with sex hormones. Look at those involved in gym of people. As a general rule, unless the person is overweight, there is no excessive accumulation of fat in the forearm area. The same applies to calves. Significant fat deposits in the lower legs are rare - only in case of very poor blood circulation in this area.

Calves and forearms are characterized by the lowest fat content. In addition, these two muscle groups do the most work during the day. The stimulation of these muscles is almost constant, which causes a continuous flow of blood. On the other hand, if a person has very poor blood circulation in the lower body, including the calves, then he will have an excessive amount of fat in the lower body, incl. in the calf area, regardless of how he eats. This happens more often with women.

There is a close relationship between the volume of blood flowing to a certain muscle group and the amount of fat contained in it. The more blood flow, the less fat accumulation, and vice versa. However, a large blood flow will not reduce the amount of fat. The overall percentage of fat remains the same. However, blood flow controls the location of fat deposits. How? It determines where to put new fatty acids.

Role of esterification and reesterification

If you can constantly increase blood flow to the area of ​​fat deposits located above target muscles- suppose the abdominal muscles in men - then you will definitely reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. As already mentioned, this will not affect total percentage fat in the body, but will reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. Increased blood flow reduces the likelihood of esterification - i.e. the likelihood that new fatty acids produced by basal turnover (as discussed earlier) will enter fat cells (8). Thus, if it were possible to permanently increase blood flow to a certain area of ​​fat accumulation, you would decrease its recovery by reducing the natural replacement of fatty acids in that area.

Note that the main idea here is not only to increase blood flow, but to constantly keep it increased. Many people train the muscle group in which they want to reduce fat very intensively for a long time 3-5 times a week. Some even every day. This is a powerful way to increase blood flow to certain areas. It's good, but only for a short period of time, which is the main reason why many people fail to make significant point reductions. Instead of working very intensively for 1-2 hours on the muscle group in which you would like to reduce the amount of fat, it would be better if you worked at least 3 times a day in 10-minute series. Not only would you save time, but your work would be much more efficient. Champion bodybuilders have long understood this and train the abdominal muscles several times a day. The higher the frequency, the better.

As already mentioned, some people, when dieting, tend to accumulate fat in areas where it is difficult to get rid of it. This is mainly due to unfavorable reesterification of fatty acids. When you follow a diet, more fatty acids are released into the body than it is able to oxidize. This means an excess of fatty acids that return to adipose tissue. You might think that they will return to the places they were taken from, but this is not at all the case. Instead, they are re-esterified, especially in places where blood flow is most difficult - in muscle groups with the highest fat content. As a result, the thinnest parts of the body lose weight even more, and fat accumulates in the most “problem” areas.

Training for point reduction

Train often and time will do the rest. The goal is to increase blood flow and point reduction, not to gain muscle mass. Train every day and as often as possible. Men seeking to reduce abdominal fat should do at least three short workouts per day to abdominal muscles- 10 minutes each. Do one of them in the morning immediately after getting up, the second before lunch, the last before bed. It's minimum. Add two more ab workouts to your training days: one - as a warm-up before training, the other - to calm the muscles after training.

It's more difficult with women. Not only because they tend to have more fat than men, but also because they need to gain some muscle mass, especially in the buttocks, in order for the muscles to become more elastic. If you are a woman, then you should adapt the training scheme suggested above - one lower body workout in the morning, another at noon and a third in the evening. In addition to this, you should train your lower body more frequently during your regular workouts. Use two types of training, one to increase blood circulation in the lower body, the other to both increase circulation and build muscle.

It goes without saying that training won't do you any good if you stuff your mouth full of food all day long. If you are on a maintenance diet, it will take a long time before you see the results in the mirror. This spot reduction program works much better and more effectively if you follow a low-calorie diet and take special additives fat burners such as yohimbine, ephedra and caffeine. Moreover, don't expect results to appear quickly. It will take time, because the basal release of fatty acids from certain areas of fat accumulation is extremely slow. If you are patient enough and consistent in your work, you will have a relief press or nice shape lower body.

Abs programs will take less than 10 minutes. When performing giant series, do not rest between exercises. Rest only between giant sets.

Training for those who work all day

The solution to the problem for those who are in the office all day can be a few exercises while sitting at their desk. If you are unable to complete your morning pumping session, or if you just want to speed up your progress by additional load, You can perform several isometric exercises. Men: Sitting at a table, place your elbows on the table and contract your abdominal muscles inward for 10 seconds. Rest 5 seconds, then repeat. For women: strain gluteal muscles for 10 seconds. Try to do these exercises as often as possible for 5-10 minutes.

In his classic Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger claims that point reduction of certain muscle groups is possible when they are trained. However, he immediately adds that physiologists and other specialists insist on the impossibility of this. Obviously one of them is wrong. If Arnold can reduce abdominal fat through training, then sports physiologists argue that this is impossible, since they cannot determine the mechanism of action. Let's look at the action of point reduction so that you know how you can increase fat loss in the right places.

What is interesting about point reduction?

When a person goes on a diet, he loses fat in almost all areas of the body, while fat is burned fastest where it is least. And in those places where you would like to lose weight, it is burned in a rather limited amount. For example, a low-calorie diet in women reduces the size of the mammary glands, which is not at all desirable for them, while there is no significant reduction in fat in the lower body. In men, the diet reduces waist circumference (this is, of course, good), but the abdominal muscles do not become more distinct.

This phenomenon becomes apparent when men try to put on their trousers after several weeks of being on a low-calorie diet. They have to tighten the belt tighter, which indicates fat loss. However, looking in the mirror, you will not see changes in the abdominal muscles themselves. This means that you have lost the fat located inside the abdominal muscles - the so-called visceral fat - and not the subcutaneous fat between the abdominal muscles and the skin.

The good news for everyone, both men and women, is that there is not much subcutaneous fat to get rid of - unless you are obese. If all the fat burned was subcutaneous, your abdominal muscles would be clearly visible after a few weeks of dieting. Not surprisingly, everyone would like pointwise reduction to be possible.

Point reduction theory

When people hear the words “point reduction,” people imagine being able to train a particular muscle group—say, the abs or glutes—so that the targeted muscles burn the fat closest to them for energy. Unfortunately, there is no physiological rationale for how this can happen, which is the main reason why most physiologists consider it impossible. Muscles, even if we train them very intensively, do not have hands with which they could reach into the fat surrounding them. They do not produce substances capable of destroying fat.

In addition, one should distinguish between visceral and subcutaneous fat. With the help of what miracle will training the abdominal muscles be able to burn subcutaneous fat without touching the visceral fat?

Training a muscle cannot force it to use nearby fat cells for energy. It's like driving in Texas. You have gallons of oil under your feet, but still, if you need gasoline, you don't drill a hole in the ground. You go to a gas station.

Fuel for muscles comes from two sources: glycogen and muscle triglycerides, contained within muscle cells, which are converted into ATP, the only possible form of energy for muscles. The second source of energy is blood. The carbohydrates you eat, as well as those formed in the liver, enter the muscles along with the blood. In addition, fatty acids produced by the body through lipolysis come with the blood.

Lipolysis (fat breakdown)

Fat is stored in small globules called liposomes, in the form of fatty acids. In order to empty these globules, you must induce a process called lipolysis. A low-calorie diet will do two different things:

1) It will cause lipolysis, as a result of which fat will enter the bloodstream.

2) Will stimulate fat oxidation. The fat in the blood will go to the muscle, which will oxidize—or burn—fat molecules as an energy source.

If it were possible to cause lipolysis in some specific parts of the body, then point reduction would be possible. Lipolysis can only be caused by two hormones produced by the body - norepinephrine and adrenaline.

(You may have heard that other hormones, such as growth hormone, can also cause lipolysis. But they do not have a direct effect, but an indirect effect. For example, growth hormone causes lipolysis by increasing the amount of norepinephrine or adrenaline. Thus, if the body does not produces noradrenaline or adrenaline, fat loss is impossible for a healthy person, no matter how much growth hormone his body produces.)

Norepinephrine and epinephrine bind to adrenergic receptors, of which there are two varieties:

1) Alpha-adrenergic receptors. Despite the existence of a large number of different subtypes of alpha-adrenergic receptors, the most important in relation to fat cells are alpha 2a-adrenergic receptors.

2) Beta-adrenergic receptors. The following subtypes are related to fat cells: beta-1, beta-2, beta-3 and beta-4 (1), the existence of the latter is only assumed. They are commonly referred to as beta receptors.

As hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine circulate in the blood, reaching various organs. They bind to a particular organ only if they contain alpha or beta receptors. Norepinephrine and epinephrine bind to liposomes because their surface contains both alpha and beta receptors. When one of these hormones binds to the beta receptors on the surface of the liposome, it causes lipolysis. In this case, fatty acids are released into the blood. (1) As a result, the volume of the liposome is reduced.

And that's exactly what you're after. Unfortunately, alpha receptors are also present on the surface of liposomes, and when epinephrine and norepinephrine bind to alpha receptors, the lipolysis process is inhibited, and the liposomes remain the same size. The same hormones can either stimulate lipolysis (by binding to beta receptors) or inhibit lipolysis (by binding to alpha receptors). Thus, there is a kind of tug of war between these two types of receptors. If the surface of the liposome contains more beta receptors than alpha receptors, then epinephrine and norepinephrine will reduce the volume of fat cells. But these hormones will not affect the size of liposomes containing more alpha receptors. Therefore, if you are on a diet, norepinephrine and epinephrine have the maximum effect.

Distribution of alpha and beta receptors

It is clear that you are getting rid of fat in the area where the liposomes are covered predominantly with beta receptors and have a small amount of alpha receptors. In these areas, fat is easy to remove as hormones stimulate liposomes to burn fat and shrink. On the other hand, areas where fat accumulation is greatest - and where it is most difficult to get rid of it - contain mainly alpha receptors, and the content of beta receptors is negligible. If you cannot change the distribution of adrenergic receptors, you will not get positive results in point reduction.

Yohimbine and ephedra. This can be done with herbal preparations. For example, yohimbine partially blocks alpha receptors, thereby reducing the inhibitory effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine on fat breakdown. This helps a little, which is why yohimbine is a fairly popular dietary supplement.

Another plant, called ephedra, increases the release of norepinephrine. When taken with yohimbine, ephedra enhances beta receptor activation without affecting alpha receptors. As a result, lipolysis is enhanced in those places where it is easiest to get rid of fat. In areas where fat is very difficult to burn, its loss will also increase slightly. It's still better than nothing, but that's not the secret of point reduction.

Dieting and aerobic exercise will help a little too. This combination increases the number of beta receptors and reduces the number of alpha receptors. (2, 3, 4) Since many people are already dieting and doing aerobics, this is not the answer either.

Stimulating the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine

If point reduction is possible, then its mechanism most likely involves the delivery of more noradrenaline or epinephrine to this area. If one could increase the concentration of these hormones within a specific area of ​​fat, while blocking alpha receptors, then one could cause significant fat loss in the desired area. This is the idea behind the creation of slimming creams. High-level bodybuilders and fitness competitors have been known to inject clenbuterol (to stimulate beta receptors) and yohimbine (to block alpha receptors) into the fat they want to get rid of.

Is it possible to induce a similar process in a natural way? The answer is yes, but not enough to cause significant local fat reduction. Norepinephrine and epinephrine enter the bloodstream in two different ways. First of all, hormones are released directly from the glands that produce them - the adrenal glands. Training of any muscle group contributes to the influx of a large amount of blood into this area, and along with the blood, adrenaline and norepinephrine enter there.

Both of these hormones are found in nerves as neurotransmitters. Muscle contraction increases the activity of neurons, which leads to the leakage of adrenaline and norepinephrine in this area. (Epinephrine and noradrenaline in nerves are not called a hormone, but rather a neurotransmitter. When they are in the blood, they are no longer neurotransmitters, but hormones. Thus, when neurotransmitters leave the nerves, they become hormones.)

It is theoretically possible to create local concentrations of norepinephrine and epinephrine through training, but still you will not be able to cause significant lipolysis, since the hormones will find predominantly alpha receptors. However, you can significantly increase lipolysis by taking yohimbine capsules on an empty stomach one hour before training. Even with yohimbine, magical results should not be expected. This is just an aid.

Why is it so difficult to lose weight in the area where we would like

If you want to have sculpted abs or slim down your thighs, there isn't much fat to get rid of. Most men have no more than 400-500g of fat in the abs. It is easy to get rid of this amount of fat. A few days - in extreme cases a few weeks - of a low-calorie diet is enough. But if, by dieting, you get rid of this amount of fat and look at yourself in the mirror, then you will see that the abdominal muscles have not become more prominent than before. In fact, there are cases when, as a result of a diet, the amount of fat in the abs even increases.

In this case, some fat loss has occurred - in different areas of the body, except for the one where you would like to lose weight. If you could reverse this trend, it would be much easier to stick to your diet. Moreover, the diet would be very short. Usually, when people want to get rid of fat in the abdominal region, it does not matter to them that the calves become overly prominent.

This is more difficult for women because they tend to have more fat and it is spread over a wider area - usually the entire lower half of the body or, at best, the upper half. On the other hand, women have less fat in their upper bodies than men, and their abs tend to be visible. If not visible, then a low-calorie diet will quickly help, unless the amount of fat is excessive, and also if they do not suffer from hormonal disorders. Many fitness contestants have some upper thigh fat, but they all have superb abs.

As already mentioned, the predisposition to the accumulation of fat in certain areas is different for men and women and is determined by the distribution of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. No matter how intensely you train your abs or thighs, you will not be able to significantly change the situation. Training a specific muscle group will not lead to unprecedented fat loss in that area. Instead, the target muscle will use the fatty acids in the blood as an energy source, coming from those fat deposits where beta receptors dominate. I don't want to disappoint women looking to get rid of lower body fat, but when you cut your calorie intake down to almost zero and work your butt muscles like a maniac, all you're doing is burning fatty acids from your upper body. predominantly from the mammary glands.

You may find it strange that fatty acids have to travel such a long way before they are oxidized, especially when so much fat that can be used as energy is next to the working muscle. However, if the target muscles could only use nearby fat for energy, women's leg muscles would be deprived of energy, since the fatty acids contained in this area are very difficult to mobilize. While on a diet, women would not be able to walk much.

Fat deposits are like bank accounts

If it is impossible to induce lipolysis in certain places, then how can point reduction be carried out? The answer is that increased lipolysis is not the only way to reduce body fat.

Fat deposits are like bank accounts. Your bank account increases as income increases and expenses decrease. The same thing happens with body fat. Their volume is determined by the amount of incoming and outgoing fatty acids. Although it is rather difficult to increase the outflow of fatty acids from problem areas due to the unfavorable distribution of receptors, the factor in the entry of fatty acids into fat deposits is a completely different matter.

There is a constant basal release of fatty acids from fat deposits (5), and some experts state that “the triglycerides contained in fat cells are renewed approximately every two to three weeks” (6).

If you are on a maintenance diet, the amount of fatty acids entering the cells will equal the amount of fatty acids leaving the cells. You won't see this in the mirror, it's just the release of fatty acids, allowing the body to replace old fatty acids with new ones (6).

Now imagine that you could block this basal replacement process if you could force the old fatty acids out of the cells, but prevent the entry of new fatty acids. In relation to a bank account, it would look like this: You continue to spend money, but you stop putting it in a bank account. Gradually, your account will decrease to zero, which will upset you very much. With regard to adipose tissue, the reduction in the size of fat cells to complete disappearance should please you very much.

If it were possible to intentionally block the entry of fatty acids into storage, would it not be possible to achieve a point reduction after some time? Of course, the ultimate goal is to block the supply of fatty acids throughout the body. It's not impossible, but it requires so much work that it will interfere with the muscle building process due to overtraining. The solution to this problem can be the concentration at a time on only one problem area.

The role of blood flow

Sex hormones are a major factor in determining the location of body fat (7). High levels of female hormones contribute to the deposition of fat in the lower body by increasing the number of alpha receptors and reducing the influence of beta receptors in these places. Male hormones cause the accumulation of fat in the waist area, acting in a similar way on the receptors of the abdominal muscles.

Fortunately, there is another important factor that operates in parallel with sex hormones. Look at the people working out in the gym. As a general rule, unless the person is overweight, there is no excessive accumulation of fat in the forearm area. The same applies to calves. Significant fat deposits in the lower legs are rare - only in case of very poor blood circulation in this area.

Calves and forearms are characterized by the lowest fat content. In addition, these two muscle groups do the most work during the day. The stimulation of these muscles is almost constant, which causes a continuous flow of blood. On the other hand, if a person has very poor blood circulation in the lower body, including the calves, then he will have an excessive amount of fat in the lower body, incl. in the calf area, regardless of how he eats. This happens more often with women.

There is a close relationship between the volume of blood flowing to a certain muscle group and the amount of fat contained in it. The more blood flow, the less fat accumulation, and vice versa. However, a large blood flow will not reduce the amount of fat. The overall percentage of fat remains the same. However, blood flow controls the location of fat deposits. How? It determines where to put new fatty acids.

Role of esterification and reesterification

If you can constantly increase blood flow to the area of ​​fat deposits located above the target muscles - let's say the abdominal muscles in men - then you will definitely reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. As already mentioned, this will not affect the overall percentage of body fat, but will reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. Increased blood flow reduces the likelihood of esterification - i.e. the likelihood that new fatty acids produced by basal turnover (as discussed earlier) will enter fat cells (8). Thus, if it were possible to permanently increase blood flow to a certain area of ​​fat accumulation, you would decrease its recovery by reducing the natural replacement of fatty acids in that area.

Note that the main idea here is not only to increase blood flow, but to constantly keep it increased. Many people train the muscle group in which they want to reduce fat very intensively for a long time 3-5 times a week. Some even every day. This is a powerful way to increase blood flow to certain areas. It's good, but only for a short period of time, which is the main reason why many people fail to make significant point reductions. Instead of working very intensively for 1-2 hours on the muscle group in which you would like to reduce the amount of fat, it would be better if you worked at least 3 times a day in 10-minute series. Not only would you save time, but your work would be much more efficient. Champion bodybuilders have long understood this and train the abdominal muscles several times a day. The higher the frequency, the better.

As already mentioned, some people, when dieting, tend to accumulate fat in areas where it is difficult to get rid of it. This is mainly due to unfavorable reesterification of fatty acids. When you follow a diet, more fatty acids are released into the body than it is able to oxidize. This means an excess of fatty acids that return to adipose tissue. You might think that they will return to the places they were taken from, but this is not at all the case. Instead, they are re-esterified, especially in the places where blood flow is most difficult - in the muscle groups with the highest fat content. As a result, the thinnest parts of the body lose weight even more, and fat accumulates in the most “problem” areas.

Training for point reduction

Train often and time will do the rest. The goal is to increase blood flow and point reduction, not to gain muscle mass. Train every day and as often as possible. Men seeking to reduce abdominal fat should do at least three short abdominal workouts per day - 10 minutes each. Do one of them in the morning immediately after getting up, the second before lunch, the last before bed. It's minimum. Add two more ab workouts to your training days: one as a pre-workout warm-up and one to soothe your muscles after your workout.

It's more difficult with women. Not only because they tend to have more fat than men, but also because they need to gain some muscle mass, especially in the buttocks, in order for the muscles to become more elastic. If you are a woman, then you should adapt the training scheme suggested above - one lower body workout in the morning, another at noon and a third in the evening. In addition to this, you should train your lower body more frequently during your regular workouts. Use two types of training, one to increase blood circulation in the lower body, the other to both increase circulation and build muscle.

Many women with round tummies accept the myth of localized fat loss as reality, believing that you can get rid of the stomach if you do a lot of abdominal exercises. In this article, we will explain why this is not possible.

Many of the fair sex believe that it is much easier to lose weight in one part of the body than in the whole body, so they begin torturing themselves various exercises. Swinging the press, numerous approaches, swinging legs - all this is familiar to dear readers, isn't it? But it was not there. Losing weight in any one part of the body is simply unrealistic. Why? In fact, the answer is very simple - physiology.

The body is like a storehouse of fat
Nature conceived our body as a large warehouse of body fat. We need fat to keep warm and survive in emergency living conditions. Fat in our body is stored in special cells - liposomes, consisting of triglyceride. Adrenaline and noradrenaline, hormones that are secreted by our cells, break down this mass into glycerol. During digestion, fatty acids are also formed. The process of splitting is familiar to us from the lessons of biology and genetics - it is called lipolysis.

During lipolysis, substances are taken on a journey through circulatory system, are transmitted for the benefit of the work of the entire body system. If the substances are not used, they return to their original state again and turn into fat. Blood washes our entire body, and not just some part of the body, which is why it is impossible to make the press lose weight, just as it is impossible to influence hormones and instruct them to break down fat on the tummy. The hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine act on the receptors in our tissues and trigger the necessary chemical processes.

It is important to understand that in our body there are places where it is most convenient to store body fat. Men and women are different. In women, this is the tummy, thighs, buttocks and breasts. Now it is clear why these places lose weight more slowly - they accumulate the largest reserves of fat, and lipolysis in these places proceeds much more slowly. Now, if there were more receptors in the tummy that interact with hormones, then we could quickly and without problems lose weight in places that seem to us to be the richest in fat deposits.

How to stimulate the release of hormones that break down fat?
Now that it has become clear why point reduction of fat is impossible, it's time to start looking for an answer to the next question - how to force the body to produce hormones that will help activate the necessary receptors and block receptors that inhibit the breakdown of body fat. Yes, there are such hormones in our body. This is the same norepinephrine. If you take special supplements, you can improve fat burning, which in turn will help you lose weight quickly.

Another good way increase fat burning - start doing “pumping” training and running. Running is the load that helps to increase the right amount of receptors. According to statistics, "pumping" improves fat burning several times. If we turn to research, we can see that out of 10 people who started this training, 9 were able to lose weight by increasing the number of the right receptors. Do not confuse the effect of pumping with point fat reduction. Reduction is not possible, but it is possible to clog the muscles and increase the amount of noradrenaline in these places.

Such procedures should be carried out very carefully and in the following sequence:

Combine workouts and cardio exercises;
use yohimbine and other substances to improve fat burning;
take substances that block female sex hormones that affect the formation of fat. To do this, it is necessary to inject hormones to increase the "stiffness" of the muscles.

Every person interested in weight loss should understand how fat burning differs from fat breakdown. These two terms mean very different things, where fat breakdown is lipolysis with the formation of glycerol and fatty acids. In order to achieve a good result, it is necessary good diet, which will help not to accumulate calories, but to turn them into energy.

Lipolysis and aerobics
Like pumping, lipolysis is promoted by cardio exercise. By it we mean aerobics with the help of fresh air. Aerobics is faithful assistant in fat splitting, because when running, stress hormones are produced that turn the fat store into glycerol and acids already familiar to us. If a person wants to maintain muscle mass, then it is best to choose active walking. Such an aerobic exercise will extract essential fatty acids and glycogen from fat.

We must not forget that it is very important to consume special substances, otherwise desired result will not be. These substances include yohimbine, which blocks receptors, ephedrine, which increases the release of norepinephrine, clenbuterol, somatotropin, a number of steroid hormones, and dinitrophenol. If you are not involved in the sports of your life, then it is best not to even look in the direction of steroid hormones - they change metabolism very much. Fat, indeed, disappears before our eyes, but at the same time, hormones begin to undermine the muscles and block the production of real thyroids. We also do not recommend using dinitrophenol for weight loss, which simply burns the body, dehydrates it. All energy is converted into heat. This is a very dangerous fat burner.

Ideal training consists of two parts - training with the right diet and "pumping". All famous bodybuilders in the world value their muscle mass so follow these rules scrupulously. If it’s not so scary to lose muscle weight, then you can resort to training with many repetitions (30-40 times) and with big amount approaches. It is important to learn trisets that will help you score muscles correctly. The main thing in such weight loss is the following: to hammer the muscles so that they are filled with blood, which will increase the number of receptors. The ideal option would be to combine short workouts with long ones.

As a conclusion
So, in order to lose weight and lose weight correctly, you need to learn how to combine strength exercises and pumping - this will speed up the process of burning body fat. It is also very important to follow the diet and daily food intake. Second important point- This fractional nutrition. You need to eat 13 times a day - this is ideal. Taking yohimbine will help block the receptors, and clenbuterol activates the right hormones. It is also very important to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and take healthy amino acids - they will help maintain muscle.

As a conclusion, we would like to remind you why point reduction of fat is impossible - this is a legend that was invented by those who know very little how chemical processes in the body proceed. It is important to study the structure and work of your body, to understand how hormones work, which substances can block them, and which, on the contrary, accelerate production.

I would also like to give some advice to girls who are very far from the life of bodybuilders, and to those who do not want to spend half their lives in the gym. Make it a rule to run or walk fast in the morning - this will help activate stress hormones in the body. Swimming in the pool is a good way to improve metabolism and blood circulation, relax the body and lose some weight. extra pounds from problem areas. Walks in the woods fresh air and jumping rope - great way speed up the metabolism and make the body beautiful.

Aerobic exercise in the gym with dumbbells will help pump up the muscles in your arms, make beautiful legs, tighten the buttocks and turn the skin into smooth silk. Aerobic exercise mobilizes the body's forces, restores chemical balance, makes the body toned and slim, improves blood circulation in those areas where there are especially many receptors. In addition, you should not forget about bad habits. Getting rid of them is the right step to losing weight and burning fat.

No pills and exercises will help you lose weight from problem areas without proper diet. Diet is the key to success and fast weight loss. Yes, it is fast - if you follow it correctly and turn the diet into a lifestyle, you will not have to torture yourself with hunger. And of course, we must not forget to take amino acids (there are especially a lot of them in fish), vitamins, substances that stimulate fat burning and nourish muscles. This is the only way to get rid of ugly belly already for the summer.

We have all heard that the point reduction of body fat or local combustion fat is impossible.

Moreover, there are many scientific research that confirm this fact. Sometimes, however, information can be read that clearly indicates that spot burning is possible. A reader who has read scientific publications that this does not work will probably just laugh. It is worth noting that the issue needs to be understood more deeply in order to fully understand the nature of what is happening.

The editors of the portal site initially provide information that is required to read, which will give a more complete picture of who this plan is suitable for. So, as you read on, keep in mind that:

This plan is not for those who need to lose a ton of body fat, but for those who have already achieved weight loss success and are now struggling with the last traces of persistent body fat.

By redirecting blood flow to a fat area and then contracting the muscles adjacent to that area, you can induce "spot lipolysis".

The right training strategy can direct the body to burn calories in localized fat storage areas.

Point reduction of fatty deposits is impossible. You cannot get rid of fat predominantly in a particular area just by training that area. This is what everyone personal coach or a coach who works out his bread knows.

By and large, there is only one problem: it is simply not true. You can increase fat loss in a specific area. It is a fact. Even more than that, it has been noticed by successful bodybuilders, and recent studies also confirm this. note that it's not about burning fat in only one area, but somewhat activating its burning(against the general background of weight loss) in a certain area.

Anecdotal evidence

Many legendary bodybuilders believed in local fat burning. For example, they did hundreds, even thousands, of reps not only to build their abs, but also to "fat off" the area before the competition.

Since then, "smart people" have said that it was just the result of a pre-diet and an increased amount of cardio exercise, which stimulates the loss of fat, some of which is located in the abdomen.

Of course, this is just speculation, but perhaps these famous bodybuilders - which included Arnold, Colombo, Zane, and Corey Everson - were unknowingly using methods that science just hadn't had time to test and prove. As is often the case, one athlete often uses things that people in bathrobes will only be able to prove later.

Chris Shugart and his colleagues from T-Nation write that they were able to experience local fat burning for themselves. We are talking about the fact that Christian Thibaudeau worked out for three years, squatting every day in in large numbers repetitions. At the same time, the athlete had fairly dry legs (six percent fat) and an upper body with excess fat (20 percent). Initially, the athlete could not add two and two, but later he came to the conclusion that this was dictated by the fact that Christian Thibaudeau squatted a lot and intensively every day.

It can be assumed that squats increased the vascularity of this zone. You need to know that the more blood flow to a certain area, the more actively fat can be mobilized from this area. Naturally, this also requires a certain calorie deficit, because fat loss occurs only when there is a shortage of incoming energy, or when you spend more than you get.

Christian says that he was able to experience about the same thing for himself when he was preparing for the show. The athlete alternated a ten-minute cardio session with a press swing. Further, the athlete noticed that the press is becoming more and more prominent day by day. In addition, Christian notes that this method is more effective than naked cardio.

What does science say?

Workouts are fun, science tends to be boring, but let's go through it to be completely sure how it all actually works.

Blood flow is critical for fat extraction. Poor blood flow to certain areas of the body - the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower press, for example - equals poor fat loss from these areas. The researchers note: "There is evidence that blood flow to adipose tissue is not increased enough to ensure delivery of all fatty acids entering the systemic circulation. "Fortunately, we can manipulate this using training."

Caloric balance matters, of course, but research supports the view that was used by the "old school" bodybuilders. Calorie burning is part of the equation, but calories come from different sources. Would you prefer that the calories you burn during metabolic training come from around your belly button or come from glycogen and triglycerides in your muscles?

By increasing blood flow, you can extract more fat from problem areas. With a method like microdialysis, you can see how this happens. Microdialysis involves attaching super tiny tubes to problem areas, such as the lower stomach, and measuring the fatty breakdown products of glycerol and fatty acids in the interstitial fluid. Increase blood flow to this area and increase localized fat loss.

Blood flow and lipolysis tend to be higher in the subcutaneous adipose tissue adjacent to the contracting muscle (Stallknecht, 2007). Exercise can induce localized lipolysis and increased blood flow in the adipose tissue adjacent to contractions. skeletal muscles. This means that if you train your abs correctly and at the right time, belly fat will outside the press will predominantly "burn".

Other researchers note that there are well-documented regional differences in lipolysis: " subcutaneous fat the abdomen has an intermediate velocity, and the gluteofemoral deposits have a relatively sluggish turnover."

When exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink a portion of a fat burner or carnitine, as well as amino acids, to accelerate fat loss and prevent possible loss. muscle tissue.

If fat loss is your main goal, you can take one or two fat burner capsules 30 minutes before your workout to speed up fat loss and provide additional energy (many fat burning products also contain energy components).

Women tend to have poor blood supply to the lower body and therefore tend to store more fat there. The moving platform is the best option for this zone. Increase the exercise time to at least 90 seconds, and then up to 3 minutes.

The buttocks are another area of ​​the body that is resistant to fat loss due to less blood flow, especially in women. To set up fat loss on the sides, replace the work on the press by including squats with dumbbells or thrusters in the program. You can also perform gluteal bridge with relief. To do this, place a dumbbell or plate on the pubic joint area and perform one set of fast reps and one set of slow ones.

The more compact top part body, the drier you will look. If your body accumulates fat around the shoulders and arms, then use rope work to prevent the body from storing excess fat at the top of the body.

Find your problem area and destroy the fat

This is not advice for those who are too big overweight, but for the average healthy person or bodybuilding contestants who want to mobilize acute fat loss in hard-to-reach areas. It must also be said that diet plays important role too, but our readers have probably already read this information many times on the pages of our portal.

It's no secret that reducing body fat is one of the main incentives for fitness...

Despite the huge number of theoretical and practical developments on this issue, solving it in practice is far from a simple matter...

Therefore, the search for the "Miracle formula" continues ...

Summarizing the experience accumulated to date on this problem, two main strategies can be distinguished to combat excess fat reserves:

1. Reduce the calorie content of food to an individually optimal level at which additional fats are not deposited.

2. Increase in additional energy consumption during the day by at least 500 kcal by increasing motor activity. According to physiologists, in this case, the mechanisms of self-regulation of the content of fats in the body are switched on, and their mass returns to normal, regardless of daily calories food.

If everything is more or less clear with the first strategy, then the second requires more detailed consideration.

In turn, the second strategy has several of the most popular ways of implementation:

1. Activation of the oxidative mechanism of energy supply of motor activity, during which free fatty acids obtained as a result of the mobilization of fat depots are used as oxidation substrates.

This is achieved through cyclic aerobic work, with a power not exceeding the anaerobic threshold, that is, to a large extent due to the functioning of oxidative muscle fibers.

2. An increase in the density and volume of muscle tissue, as the main consumer of energy in the human body.

This process occurs when the synthesis is accelerated and at the same rate of protein breakdown. This effect is provided by well-planned strength training.

Most often in modern fitness mixed technologies for the implementation of motor activity are used. And not always accompanied by success.

Therefore, coaching thought does not stand still and, by studying the patterns of the mechanism of fat synthesis and burning, one can offer another way to the cherished goal.

3. Increasing the processes of catabolism in all tissues.

Such processes lead to weight loss and renewal of organelles.

From the fat burning theory:

Biochemistry and physiology: ...adipocytes (adipose tissue cells) are innervated by sympathetic trunks. At muscle activity the sympathoadrenal system (SAS), which triggers the processes of lipolysis in fat depots, is activated to the maximum extent when performing speed strength exercises. During aerobic work, a significant activation of the CAS occurs only at a load above the anaerobic threshold, that is, at a load above 70% of the MIC, when the energy supply is almost completely switched to carbohydrates. At muscle work low intensity, intracellular reserves of energy substrates are used first, and only then “system resources” are used. Aerobic training increases the activity of muscle lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and not LPL of fat depots. Among neurotransmitters, the most active against LPL of fat depots is norepinephrine, which is secreted paracrine by the SAS. With long physical activity increases the secretion of glucocorticoids, hormones that increase gluconeogenesis in the liver, as well as enhance the catabolism of fats in the depot. The hormones that activate the mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue include adrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenal steroids, and pituitary hormones. Consequently, mental stress, which causes the release of hormones of the pituitary gland into the blood, and then the adrenal medulla of adrenaline and norepinephrine, is the main reason for the activation of fat metabolism. The hormones of the adrenal medulla interact with the enzyme adenylate cyclase, located on the membrane of many cells. This leads to the formation of cAMP in the cell, followed by activation of the processes of RNA synthesis and lipolysis. Lipolysis is significantly intensified when performing exercise. Apparently, the release of norepinephrine from the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system leads to additional stimulation of biochemical processes, greater formation of cAMP in adipocytes. The rate of cAMP formation increases significantly with cell acidification, with a lack of power of metabolic pathways that provide ATP resynthesis. Thus, physical exercises performed with great mental stress and until obvious local muscle fatigue (acidification) should be the most effective for intensifying the release of fatty acids from fat depots over active muscles. The ratio of the processes of splitting fats and their synthesis is organized in such a way that lipolysis inhibits lipogenesis and the cell becomes insensitive to insulin. In other words, when there are equal opportunities for the development of the processes of lipid splitting and their synthesis, then splitting processes take place inside the adipocyte. At increased tone CAC is impossible to increase the mass of fat depots.

We will try to develop an activity that will hypothetically have the maximum catabolic effect.

Based on the presented patterns of lipid metabolism, 6 basic principles for building a fat-burning workout can be distinguished:

1. High degree of activation of the sympathoadrenal system.

This principle is observed in the exercises:

In which there is high speed and strength of muscle contraction;

At the end power approaches which there is local muscle fatigue;

Accompanied by high oxygen consumption;

Exhausting character;

Performed against the background of carbohydrate starvation.

2. High degree of activation of the glucocorticoid system.

This principle is observed when training for more than 60 minutes. And also with a strong stress effect on the body.

3. High total energy consumption.

A large energy expenditure can be provided by exercises in which a high oxygen consumption is maintained for a long time.

4. Power mode of operation combined with high oxygen consumption.

This principle will ensure a deep depletion of carbohydrate reserves.

5. Intense damage to the cytoskeleton of muscle fibers.

Damage to the cytoskeleton of muscles, their connective tissue membranes and the contractile apparatus of muscles is achieved in the presence of a high proportion and intensity of inferior muscle work (high pace, sharp acceleration and stop of body parts, plyometrics, etc.); the inclusion of "developing" stretching of tired muscles, the use of the maximum degree of tension.

The chemical factor of damage to membranes and organelles is a decrease in intramuscular PH, accumulation of hydrogen ions and free radicals.

6. High stressfulness of the lesson.

Joint action of intense proprioceptive impulses, intense pain, high emotional background, impaired coordination of movements as a result of high intensity and hypoglycemia leads to the realization of a high stressfulness of the lesson.

Implementation of the principles

All these principles correspond to the so-called "glycolytic" training, often used in sports. highest achievements. The classic version of such a glycolytic workout is to perform 3-4 loading intervals lasting 40-90 seconds with near-maximal intensity and constantly decreasing rest intervals from 4 minutes to 30 seconds.

To fully comply with all the principles, this training must have several more characteristics:

The lower limit of the intensity zone is the anaerobic threshold, there is no clear upper limit;

A significant percentage of muscle groups are involved;

The cyclical nature of the work;

Application of exercises and locomotion from the so-called functional training;

The need to connect synergistic muscles to maintain work power;

Increased body temperature, respiratory rate and sweating intensity;

Average energy consumption in this intensity zone is 8-12 kcal/kg/h;

Rest between series of intervals is 5-7 minutes and is filled with "developing" stretching of tired muscle groups;

The total duration of the workout is 75-120 minutes.

After the completion of such a lesson, with a high degree of probability, the following effects can be expected:

1. Damage to the cytoskeleton of muscle fibers and their organelles leads to the following chain of events:

There is swelling of muscle tissue, felt as post-workout muscle pain;

Muscle pains increase the tone of the SAS, reduce the depth of relaxation and sleep, and this, as a result, increases the level of energy consumption during the rest period;

They also worsen the well-being and appetite of those involved, which reduces the energy intake on training days;

Intensive destruction of muscles activates synthetic processes that are very energy intensive and use endogenous fats as an energy source;

The restoration of glycogen stores mainly also occurs due to endogenous fats;

All these factors ensure the prolongation of lipolysis during the rest period with an individually rational diet.

2. Muscle contractions with near-maximal intensity, duration 40 - 90 sec. They allow you to involve all types of muscle fibers in the work and achieve the maximum values ​​​​of the concentration of lactate in the blood and a minimum of pH. The exercise is performed "to failure", that is, it causes the depletion of creatine phosphate reserves and the formation of a high concentration of free creatine, and also helps to increase the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood. With an adequate intake of amino acids, we can talk about adaptive hypertrophy of fast and slow muscle fibers and an increase in their strength indicators.

3. Due to the activity of all myocardiocytes during each systole, the heart muscle is always at the limit of functionality, that is, the ratio of myofibrils to mitochondria is the limit. Work with near-maximal intensity at the level of the IPC and high heart rate provokes the following phenomena: after interval training, giving an increase in myofibrils in myocardiocytes, new myofibrils "overgrown" with new mitochondria, and detraining processes are very slow. That is, there is an improvement in the pumping function of the heart, namely, moderate myocardial hypertrophy or left ventricular deletion. The main means of preventing atherosclerosis is the normalization of plastic processes and metabolism, mainly lipid metabolism. Metabolism can be activated by increasing the functioning of the arteries, for example, when performing physical exercises, which cause an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood of adrenaline, norepinephrine, growth hormone and testosterone.

Let's summarize:

As we can see, the use of glycolytic training creates optimal conditions for fat burning. And, in addition, it causes positive adaptive shifts in other organs and tissues.

The task of the trainer is to ensure the translation of the main idea of ​​the method to the model of a specific training. Pick up funds physical education and organize yourself training process so as to create conditions for compliance with all the principles of fat burning training.

But, I would like to note that the poison differs from the antidote only in the dose ...

Therefore, despite the fact that high efficiency this method training, the field of its application is quite narrow.

The strongest stressful effect on the hormonal system, the musculoskeletal system, the psyche and the deep depletion of carbohydrate reserves can reduce a person's performance for a sufficiently long period.

The glycolytic training method requires the practitioner to have no health restrictions and a high degree of readiness for stress.

Age limits - up to 55 years old if the person is an athlete and the training experience has not been interrupted, and up to 35 years old if the person has not previously been involved in sports.

Given the recovery time of contractile proteins, such training is recommended to be carried out no more than 2 times a week. The diet and the duration of the rest interval between workouts depend on the state of the recovery processes, the mode of work and rest of the practitioner, the availability of certain food products and, of course, other means of physical influence used in the microcycle.

To prolong lipolysis during the rest period, it is necessary to provide a reduced intake of carbohydrates relative to the individual norm.

The application of this method requires a highly qualified trainer and constant functional control of the main parameters of the trainee, therefore the recommended form of training is personal training.