What are the acceptable physical activities for children? Weight training for boys and girls - a few kettlebell exercises at home. Kettlebell lifting is

Kettlebell lifting is based on lifting weights for a certain period of time in a standing position: the more approaches the athlete managed to do, the more chances he has to win. At first, kettlebells and dumbbells were not purely sports equipment: they were used in the circus to demonstrate physical strength, but over time, they have firmly become indispensable attributes of professional strongmen.

Of course, novice athletes will not immediately have to deal with those two- and four-pound kettlebells that adults operate on. According to the established rules, teenagers aged 11-15 use weights of half a pood (8 kg) in competitions. The characteristic light-weight equipment is also used for training, which is called kettlebell fitness: these are exercises from the series of general physical training.

In kettlebell lifting, technique is extremely important, without which it is difficult to expect the effect of training. Preparation is allowed only under the guidance experienced trainers, professionals in their field. Children of our city can also sign up for the kettlebell lifting section. Through targeted training, they will increase their physical fitness, develop their muscles, learn what a snatch and clean and jerk are, and get a chance to compete in competitions of various ranks and values.

What you need to train a young strongman

Kettlebell lifting is one of those for which you do not need to stock up on expensive equipment and choose a large room. An athlete - regardless of age - needs only a meter of working space. And, of course, a kettlebell, an athletic belt and magnesia. Of course, the weight of the main sports equipment in this discipline can change - teenagers, as a rule, begin to work with an eight-kilogram. Wherein weight-lifting contraindicated in children under 11-12 years old, as well as children with problems with the spine.

What muscles are strengthened by kettlebell lifting?

Many sports areas are aimed at general development body and strengthening most muscle groups. Kettlebell lifting is no exception. A special burden is placed on deltoid muscles, muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks and legs. and deep muscles, which can be trained during static stress. Often the stabilizer muscles work during those exercises when inertia is used. Undermining and jerking requires serious “help” from the muscles of the buttocks, abs, quadriceps, so that inertia allows you to throw sports equipment.

What do athletes use magnesium for?

Magnesia is valued for its excellent moisture absorption. Before picking up kettlebells or trying to lift a barbell, athletes apply this product to their palms to dry them and reduce sweating. And sweaty hands can easily become from overexertion or excitement. Magnesia also helps those who are “friends” with the horizontal bar, and will ensure proper grip of the hands with the bar so that the moisture of the hands does not interfere with doing the required number of pull-ups. Many halls have banned the powder form of the product, but magnesia is also sold in liquid form. Do not take magnesia orally or inject it.

And to give aesthetics to the external image, then you should think about classes with the use of weights. Kettlebell lifting what it is, what is the meaning and influence on the external indicators of the body, we will analyze later in this article.

Wikipedia gives such a small definition, it is a sport whose goal is to lift weights in a scheduled period of time in a standing position. The bigger, the better.

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In the middle of the 20th century, under the guidance of the weightlifting luminaries of the USSR, the rules for modern kettlebell lifting were invented and put into effect, which are still in effect to this day.

And in earlier centuries, for example, at the end of the 17th, this spectacle could only be seen in. As a separate discipline, this sport did not exist.


What kind of sport and what is its essence? Initially, the athletes competed in triathlon, where the exercise was given no more than one and a half minutes. If compared with modern results those were very modest. It is worth noting that training should take place under the supervision of professionals, according to an individually selected program.

Modern kettlebell lifting is much more complicated, subtleties and other rules have appeared.

For example:

  • standardization of weights-16kg, 24kg and 32kg;
  • kettlebell snatch without interruption;
  • snatch from the chest with two kettlebells;
  • juggling with one hand.

Each age category has its own weights. In standard groups, this is from 8 to 32 kg. Heavier weights are designed for professional athletes.

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For whom it is useful

If you look at the statistics, it becomes clear that mostly men are involved. Useful for those who want to grow in their mental and physical indicators. training can begin no earlier than 14 years. There is no age limit for adults.

What does it give:

  • endurance;
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • perseverance and team spirit.

Why choose kettlebell lifting

After conducting a comparative analysis, it turned out that in classes with kettlebells, in addition to positive aspects for muscles and perseverance, there are no less important factor. This is the minimum injury.

Very rarely recorded cases such as:

  • rupture of muscles and ligaments;
  • stretching;
  • blows.

Let's summarize at the end.

  • kettlebell lifting is suitable for everyone: children, women, men;
  • despite its popularity, it was not included in the program of the Olympic Games;
  • forms in the athlete positive qualities such as strength and endurance;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • has a low injury rate.

In this article, we examined kettlebell lifting, what it is and what requirements are put forward for it. If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments to this article. Go in for sports and keep your body in good shape!

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Giri. Sports of the strong and healthy Alexey Ivanovich Vorotyntsev

Features of classes with children of different ages

Kettlebell lifting has also become very widespread among young students, especially in secondary educational institutions (vocational schools, etc.) and in rural areas. In many regions of Russia, kettlebells are one of the mandatory sports in the programs of regional, regional, city sports and athletics and various competitions among young students. The strongest schoolchildren and students take part in all-Russian competitions among young men (under 17 years old), juniors (under 20 years old), among students, etc. Even at this age, the guys show very high sports results. So, a schoolboy from the village of Stanovoye, Lipetsk region, O. Kryuchkov, at the age of 16, weighing 76 kg, pulled out a two-pound weight at regional competitions among adults 82 times. In the 1st USSR Championship in 1985 in the city of Lipetsk, he won in a snatch silver medal. Of the current generation of young men, O. Kutenov, also from the village of Stanovoe, at the age of 16 fulfilled the standard of a master of sports, showing 55 lifts in the clean and jerk of two-pound weights with his own weight of 60 kg. Oleg started training at the age of 13, and in the first two years of training he was not among the gifted and capable athletes.

A lot of rural youths, teenagers, schoolchildren strive to prepare themselves physically for military service, develop strength, “pump up” muscles, using the simplest and most affordable sports equipment for this - a kettlebell. In most cases, in their training methods, they use the advice of more experienced adult “heroes” and physical education teachers at school, who themselves, in most cases, have a superficial understanding of this sport. Insufficiently strong young men, trying to show their strength, lift (often incorrectly) heavy barbells and kettlebells, which can damage their health. In this case, the physical education teacher (coach) must explain to the children the physiological and physical features of their development, warn about the danger of improper handling of weights at this age, etc.

Unfortunately, sports science does not yet have a scientifically based and experimentally confirmed methodology for conducting kettlebell lifting classes with children. school age. It is believed that the bar is a more acceptable projectile for 13-15-year-old boys and even girls than weights of 8-16 and more kg.

Many sports (each in its own way) are dangerous for children, if you neglect the elementary requirements in conducting classes, do not take into account the age and individual characteristics of each student.

When studying with young men aged 13–15, it is necessary to take into account the features characteristic of this age: fast growth musculoskeletal system, changes in the nervous system, puberty and a number of other functional changes in the body of a teenager. It is known that the structure and composition of the bones of a growing organism change unevenly. Some bones complete their formation and growth by about 19 years, others - by 22-23 years. Influence of factors of external and internal environment, physical activity adolescents significantly affect the growth and development of the skeleton. So, when lifting weights, the spine, lower limbs and especially the feet experience significant additional load in an upright position, which is due to improper dosing of the weight of weights when educating strength, choosing and applying various static positions can lead to deformation of bones that are not yet strong and even to spinal injuries.

The spine completes its growth later than many other bones. As it develops, its natural curvature is formed, which determines the posture of the young man. Under the influence of vertical loads, this natural curvature can gradually become unnatural, especially if the muscles of the back and abdomen are not sufficiently developed. In this case, the spine, even under the influence own weight a teenager may take an irregular shape (scoliosis). Therefore, before performing a clean and jerk of two kettlebells in a large volume and with big amount repetitions in each approach, during which there is a sufficiently long vertical load on the spine, it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles well and abdominals, i.e. create muscle corset. It is well known that the muscles of the back not only unbend the body, but also hold the spine in its natural normal position, insure it against overload and injury when handling weights, as well as during unnatural sudden movements (stumbled, slipped).

Very effective tool development and strengthening of the back muscles childhood is juggling with light weights. Almost all elements of both individual (single) and group performance are performed with an inclination and energetic straightening of the body in various directions. A teenager performs up to 300 or more such movements in one workout. In addition, juggling classes come at a very high emotional level (playing with kettlebells). Children enjoy doing this. a large number of slopes, important exercises for the development of the mouse of the back and the normal formation of the spine, which for adult athletes during normal performance seem monotonous, tedious and uninteresting.

The vertical load on the spine during juggling is insignificant, firstly, it is short-term, and, secondly, the weight of the kettlebells is not very large.

No less effective means for strengthening the back muscles in relation to adolescence is the snatch of the kettlebell and the performance of a large amount of special auxiliary exercises for the snatch. These exercises are also performed with a tilt and vigorous straightening of the torso, but with a much larger weight of the kettlebell. Despite the increase in kettlebell weight, the vertical load on the spine is also negligible. All the work is done by the muscles. In separate classes (snatch training), young men perform even more inclinations than when juggling. This is exactly the load that not only helps to strengthen the back muscles, but is also quite an effective means of preventing and even treating scoliosis. The muscles of the back, strengthening, themselves correct the unnatural curves of the spine, which no longer appear in the future.

Practice shows that if the muscles of the back and abdominals are sufficiently well fixed in advance, then the load will not adversely affect the formation of the spine and the growth of the bones of the young man: usually the weight of the kettlebells at the first stage of training and training in the jerk is small, and the duration of the exercise is short. However, during the performance of these exercises, in the rest intervals between sets and at the end of the main part of the training session, it is necessary to perform special exercises to unload the spine and lower extremities(hanging, swinging on the uneven bars with an emphasis on the hands or forearms, etc.). Or, after exercises with weights in a vertical position, proceed to performing exercises lying on a bench (bench press, lying, from the chest and from behind the head, bringing and breeding light weights to the sides, etc.).

Long-term performance of jerk swings with different amplitude and intensity not only strengthens the muscles of the back and arms, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Such a load is equivalent to the load when running at a moderate pace for a sufficiently long time (from 10 to 30 minutes or more). It is the long-term varied training load with low intensity is considered the most effective and acceptable for the normal development of all organs and systems of the growing body of a teenager.

Many exercises with kettlebells are performed with lifting on toes, which is one of the means of preventing flat feet. In addition to exercises with kettlebells, to prevent flattening of the arches of the feet, walking and easy run on socks, lifting on socks with a barbell on the shoulders, exercises with a rope, long jumps from a place, etc. These exercises are planned at the beginning (in the warm-up) and the final part of the lesson. Some exercises - walking with lifting on toes, light running with support - can be used in morning exercises and even in ordinary walks.

Multiple lifts of kettlebells in the clean and jerk with repeated delays on the chest are associated with some straining, difficulty in breathing, and an increase in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure for quite a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the respiratory muscles, especially the abdominals, and the diaphragm. For this purpose, special exercises are used: raising the legs in the supine position, hanging on the “ wall bars» etc. Good developed muscles abdomen prevent the formation of various hernias and, in addition, provide correct position internal organs on which their proper functioning largely depends.

Age restructuring occurs in cardiovascular system. During medical examinations in adolescents, heart murmurs and high blood pressure are often detected. These deviations are not always associated with physical activity. Most of these deviations are the result of age-related changes. Nevertheless, during this period, it is necessary to be more careful about the use of loads with large weights and high intensity. Long-term, moderate-intensity training load will contribute to the normal development of the cardiovascular vascular system.

Adolescence is characterized by increased reactivity of the nervous system, which leads to rapid decline working capacity, fatigue, especially if a lot of monotonous, monotonous exercises are used in the classes. They have more energy than adults, since a lot of energy goes to the growth and restructuring of the body. However nervous system adolescents are characterized by high plasticity, which contributes to the rapid development of technology various exercises. All this must be taken into account when planning training sessions.

The increase in musculature and the increase in strength in young men also occurs unevenly. In this regard, overall strength indicators may be reduced due to the delayed development of certain muscle groups. For example, in sufficiently strong young men, with repeated lifting of weights in a snatch, the hands begin to “fail” early, etc.

Very frequent loads on the same muscles at this age should not be done, as this leads to overstrain of muscles that have not yet formed and strengthened, and sometimes to the appearance of microtraumas, which in the future will lead to disorders in the musculoskeletal system. IN training sessions with teenagers, it is necessary to diversify exercises with kettlebells and other weights in order to alternate the load on various groups muscles.

The most crucial moment for the coach and self-trained young men is the period of puberty. At this time, an intensive restructuring of the entire body of a teenager takes place, for which a lot of energy is already lost. Planning loads at this time should be individual in relation to each young man. An acceptable load for this period is a fairly long and varied training work with moderate intensity.

Premature puberty leads to accelerated physical development. A rapid increase in strength and athletic performance is a natural pattern. However, you should not force the load. After an intensive increase in sports results, very often young athletes stop progressing and even after a while lag behind their peers. This should also be taken into account when planning loads at all stages of training in a one-year training cycle.

Versatile physical development, compliance with the principles and methods of education physical qualities, strict consideration of the age and individual characteristics of young men, compliance with loads, good nutrition and rest - all this is a very important condition for the physical improvement and strengthening of the health of a young athlete, achieving high sports results on his own.

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Kettlebell lifting has also become very widespread among young students, especially in secondary educational institutions (vocational schools, etc.) and in rural areas. In many regions of Russia, kettlebells are one of the mandatory sports in the programs of regional, regional, city sports and athletics and various competitions among young students. The strongest schoolchildren and students take part in all-Russian competitions among young men (under 17 years old), juniors (under 20 years old), among students, etc. Even at this age, the guys show very high sports results. So, a schoolboy from the village of Stanovoye, Lipetsk region, O. Kryuchkov, at the age of 16, weighing 76 kg, pulled out a two-pound weight at regional competitions among adults 82 times. In the 1st USSR Championship in 1985 in the city of Lipetsk, he won a silver medal in the snatch. Of the current generation of young men, O. Kutenov, also from the village of Stanovoe, at the age of 16 fulfilled the standard of a master of sports, showing 55 lifts in the clean and jerk of two-pound weights with his own weight of 60 kg. Oleg started training at the age of 13, and in the first two years of training he was not among the gifted and capable athletes.

A lot of rural youths, teenagers, schoolchildren strive to prepare themselves physically for military service, develop strength, “pump up” muscles, using the simplest and most affordable sports equipment for this - a kettlebell. In most cases, in their training methods, they use the advice of more experienced adult “heroes” and physical education teachers at school, who themselves, in most cases, have a superficial understanding of this sport. Insufficiently strong young men, trying to show their strength, lift (often incorrectly) heavy barbells and kettlebells, which can damage their health. In this case, the physical education teacher (coach) must explain to the children the physiological and physical features of their development, warn about the danger of improper handling of weights at this age, etc.

Unfortunately, sports science does not yet have a scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed methodology for conducting kettlebell lifting classes with school-age children. It is believed that the bar is a more acceptable projectile for 13-15-year-old boys and even girls than weights of 8-16 and more kg.

Many sports (each in its own way) are dangerous for children, if you neglect the elementary requirements in conducting classes, do not take into account the age and individual characteristics of each student.

When working with young men aged 13–15, it is necessary to take into account the features characteristic of this age: the rapid growth of the musculoskeletal system, changes in the nervous system, puberty and a number of other functional changes in the body of a teenager. It is known that the structure and composition of the bones of a growing organism change unevenly. Some bones complete their formation and growth by about 19 years, others - by 22-23 years. The influence of factors of the external and internal environment, motor activity of adolescents significantly affect the growth and development of the skeleton. So, when lifting weights, the spine, lower limbs, and especially the feet, experience a significant additional load in a vertical position, which, if weights are not dosed correctly when building strength, choosing and applying various static positions, can lead to deformation of bones that have not yet strengthened and even to spinal injuries.

The spine completes its growth later than many other bones. As it develops, its natural curvature is formed, which determines the posture of the young man. Under the influence of vertical loads, this natural curvature can gradually become unnatural, especially if the muscles of the back and abdomen are not sufficiently developed. In this case, the spine, even under the influence of the teenager's own weight, can take an irregular shape (scoliosis). Therefore, before performing a push of two kettlebells in a large volume and with a large number of repetitions in each approach, in which there is a sufficiently long vertical load on the spine, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals well, i.e., create a muscle corset. It is well known that the muscles of the back not only unbend the body, but also hold the spine in its natural normal position, insure it against overload and injury when handling weights, as well as during unnatural sudden movements (stumbled, slipped).

A very effective means of developing and strengthening the back muscles in childhood is juggling with light weights. Almost all elements of both individual (single) and group performance are performed with an inclination and energetic straightening of the body in various directions. A teenager performs up to 300 or more such movements in one workout. In addition, juggling classes come at a very high emotional level (playing with kettlebells). Children are happy to perform such a large number of inclinations, important exercises for the development of the mouse of the back and the normal formation of the spine, which for adult athletes, during normal performance, seem monotonous, tedious and uninteresting.

The vertical load on the spine during juggling is insignificant, firstly, it is short-term, and, secondly, the weight of the kettlebells is not very large.

No less effective means for strengthening the back muscles in relation to adolescence is the snatch of the kettlebell and the performance of a large amount of special auxiliary exercises for the snatch. These exercises are also performed with a tilt and vigorous straightening of the torso, but with a much larger weight of the kettlebell. Despite the increase in kettlebell weight, the vertical load on the spine is also negligible. All the work is done by the muscles. In separate classes (snatch training), young men perform even more inclinations than when juggling. This is exactly the load that not only helps to strengthen the back muscles, but is also quite an effective means of preventing and even treating scoliosis. The muscles of the back, strengthening, themselves correct the unnatural curves of the spine, which no longer appear in the future.

Practice shows that if the muscles of the back and abdominals are sufficiently well fixed in advance, then the load will not adversely affect the formation of the spine and the growth of the bones of the young man: usually the weight of the kettlebells at the first stage of training and training in the jerk is small, and the duration of the exercise is short. However, during the performance of these exercises, in the rest intervals between sets and at the end of the main part of the training session, it is necessary to perform special exercises to unload the spine and lower limbs (hanging, swinging on the uneven bars with an emphasis on the hands or forearms, etc.). Or, after exercises with weights in a vertical position, proceed to performing exercises lying on a bench (bench press, lying, from the chest and from behind the head, bringing and breeding light weights to the sides, etc.).

Long-term performance of jerk swings with different amplitude and intensity not only strengthens the muscles of the back and arms, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Such a load is equivalent to the load when running at a moderate pace for a sufficiently long time (from 10 to 30 minutes or more). It is a long-term varied training load with low intensity that is considered the most effective and acceptable for the normal development of all organs and systems of a growing adolescent organism.

Many exercises with kettlebells are performed with lifting on toes, which is one of the means of preventing flat feet. In addition to exercises with weights, to prevent flattening of the arches of the feet, walking and light running on toes, lifting on toes with a barbell on the shoulders, exercises with a rope, long jumps, etc. are recommended. These exercises are planned at the beginning (in the warm-up) and final parts of the lesson. Some exercises - walking with lifting on toes, light running with support - can be used in morning exercises and even in ordinary walks.

Multiple lifts of kettlebells in the clean and jerk with repeated delays on the chest are associated with some straining, difficulty in breathing, and an increase in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure for quite a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the respiratory muscles, especially the abdominals, and the diaphragm. For this purpose, special exercises are used: raising the legs in the supine position, hanging on the "Swedish wall", etc. Well-developed abdominal muscles prevent the formation of various hernias and, in addition, ensure the correct position of the internal organs, on which their correct functioning.

Age-related restructuring also occurs in the cardiovascular system. During medical examinations in adolescents, heart murmurs and high blood pressure are often detected. These deviations are not always associated with physical activity. Most of these deviations are the result of age-related changes. Nevertheless, during this period, it is necessary to be more careful about the use of loads with large weights and high intensity. Long-term, moderate-intensity training load will contribute to the normal development of the cardiovascular system.

Adolescence is characterized by increased reactivity of the nervous system, which leads to a rapid decrease in performance, fatigue, especially if a lot of monotonous, monotonous exercises are used in classes. They have more energy than adults, since a lot of energy goes to the growth and restructuring of the body. However, the nervous system of adolescents is characterized by high plasticity, which contributes to the rapid development of the technique of various exercises. All this must be taken into account when planning training sessions.

The increase in musculature and the increase in strength in young men also occurs unevenly. In this regard, overall strength indicators may be reduced due to the delayed development of certain muscle groups. For example, in sufficiently strong young men, with repeated lifting of weights in a snatch, the hands begin to “fail” early, etc.

Very frequent loads on the same muscles at this age should not be done, as this leads to overstrain of muscles that have not yet formed and strengthened, and sometimes to the appearance of microtraumas, which in the future will lead to disorders in the musculoskeletal system. In training sessions with teenagers, it is necessary to diversify exercises with kettlebells and other weights in order to alternate the load on different muscle groups.

The most crucial moment for the coach and self-trained young men is the period of puberty. At this time, an intensive restructuring of the entire body of a teenager takes place, for which a lot of energy is already lost. Planning loads at this time should be individual in relation to each young man. An acceptable load for this period is a fairly long and varied training work with moderate intensity.

Premature puberty leads to accelerated physical development. A rapid increase in strength and athletic performance is a natural pattern. However, you should not force the load. After an intensive growth in sports results, very often young athletes stop progressing and even after a while lag behind their peers. This should also be taken into account when planning loads at all stages of training in a one-year training cycle.

Versatile physical development, adherence to the principles and methods of educating physical qualities, strict consideration of the age and individual characteristics of young men, compliance with loads, good nutrition and rest - all this is a very important condition for physical improvement and strengthening the health of a young athlete, achieving high sports results on his own.

It is not as popular as it was decades ago. Modern people prefer GYM's and fitness. But still there are avid adherents who recommend kettlebell lifting to everyone. The pros and cons of this type of activity will be discussed in this article.

How did this sport become popular?

Literally 100-200 years ago, various circuses traveled around the world. There were a lot of them, and tickets were hard to get because of the high demand.

Circus performers showed a lot of marvelous things. But each boasted of his strongmen. Yes, it is believed that the first weightlifters appeared in circuses.

To surprise the audience, they did incredible things: they bent horseshoes with their bare hands, lifted several people on a bar, tore chains.

A favorite exercise among the strong men was juggling and various heavy exercises with weights.

For example, the Russian "king of weights" could squeeze out a 32 kg weight 86 times. At the same time, he held the body perfectly evenly and swayed.

What is good and what is bad?

This type sports activities has positive and negative points. So, let's look at weightlifting, the pros and cons.

It's bad because:

You can not change the weight of the projectile;

Requires strong joints;

There is a high injury rate.

Speaking about kettlebell lifting, the pros and cons, one cannot but say about what it is good for:

Develops powerful muscles;

Makes low demands on sports equipment;

They can be practiced everywhere.

These are the pros and cons of kettlebell lifting. Now let's take a closer look at each point of the disadvantages and advantages of this type of training.