Methods of tactical training in sports games. Methods of tactical actions during special operations

Introduction, concept of forensic technique

In order for tactical recommendations to be most effective and most consistent with the specifics of a particular procedural action, the principles of using operational data, tools and techniques of forensic technology, special knowledge and public assistance are considered in relation to the tactics of specific investigative and judicial actions.

It should be emphasized that, although tactical techniques for conducting procedural actions are not the only element of forensic tactics, they undoubtedly represent its most important part, and the concepts of tactical techniques and recommendations are among the main ones.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

Generic in relation to a tactical technique is the concept of a forensic technique.

Forensic technique - this is the most rational and effective course of action or the most appropriate line of conduct in collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence and preventing crimes.

Types of forensic techniques:

1) technical and forensic:

    • techniques for using technical and forensic tools (for example, techniques for photographing at the scene of an incident);
    • techniques for using scientific principles of forensic technology (for example, techniques for detecting traces based on scientific principles about the mechanism of trace formation).

2) tactical (tactical-forensic):

    • methods of organizing and planning preliminary and judicial investigations,

Tactical technique (in criminology) - the most effective method of action (line of behavior) of the person carrying out the evidence, recommended by criminology in a given situation, aimed at optimizing the investigation (judicial investigation) and (or) the production of individual procedural actions.

The essence of tactical technique is considered in two aspects:

    1. scientific category, characterizing the most optimal behavior of the investigator in typical situations of individual, mainly investigative, actions;
    2. a method of action independently chosen by an authorized official in a specific situation arising at a certain stage of the investigation of a crime.

In the first case we are talking about a structural element of tactics, in the second - about an element of the practical activity of the investigator.

Types of tactical techniques in forensics:
    • methods of organizing and planning preliminary and judicial investigations;
    • techniques for preparing and conducting individual procedural actions.

A “behavioral” technique can also be tactical, i.e., the choice by the person conducting the investigation of a certain line of behavior.

Criteria for the admissibility of tactical techniques in forensics

The main criteria for the admissibility of using one or another tactical technique in practice are:

    1. legality,
    2. ethics,
    3. scientific validity.

Legality as a principle for the implementation of tactical techniques means that, in its focus, each technique must comply with the spirit and letter of the law, since the essence of legality lies in strict compliance and execution of the requirements of the current legislation.

Main normative act, which determines the conditions for the use of tactical techniques, is the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, in Art. 7 of which directly indicates the need to comply with the law in criminal proceedings. It should be remembered that laws and regulations cannot provide an exhaustive list of techniques that can be used in the process of solving and investigating crimes. Therefore, participants in criminal proceedings, vested with authority, in practice independently determine the procedure for using tactics. In this they are helped not only by reference to the requirements of current legislation, but also by the principle of ethical implementation of a tactical technique.

A tactical combination is a certain combination of tactical techniques or investigative actions and other activities that pursue the goal of solving a specific investigation problem and are determined by this goal and the investigative situation.

Teaching the theory of football tactics begins with an explanation of the basic rules of the game, practical mastery of which continues during game exercises and during training games.

In the future, it is necessary to tell students about the distribution of responsibilities within the team, the tasks and functions of the players and their actions in a particular playing place.

The next stage of theoretical training is detailed analysis individual phases of the game (attack, defense, transition from defensive to offensive actions, and vice versa, interaction of players in different phases of the meeting, etc.). It is most convenient to accompany such an analysis with criticism of the shortcomings made by the players in a previous match. After analyzing the phases of the game, you can move on to studying the theoretical solution to tactical problems of varying difficulty.

An important place in the formation of tactical knowledge is the participation of football players in the development of a tactical plan for the game and analysis of the team's game.

All players must actively participate in the preparation of this plan. Experience shows that if all players repeat their tasks during the preparation of the plan, then the players’ interest in the upcoming game increases.

Preparing for a game begins with studying your opponent. Knowing the opponent and the playing characteristics of individual players allows the coach to avoid mistakes in determining the lineup and drawing up a tactical plan for the game. Information about the opponent is obtained from various sources: from reports in newspapers; from interviews with coaches and football players; from eyewitness accounts; based on the results of official competitions, etc. One of the effective ways to study an opponent is to watch individual matches by a coach, during which a number of tasks are solved:

  • · determining the degree of physical and technical preparedness of players and the team as a whole;
  • · study of game tactics (action systems, tactical options, game plans;
  • · studying methods of organizing attack and defense; study and analysis of the means used by individual players when solving tactical problems;
  • · studying the characteristics of the game of individual football players, etc.).

When watching a match, it is important to pay attention to the game discipline, the degree to which the players demonstrate moral and volitional qualities, and the players’ behavior in the event of success or failure.

During the game, it is advisable to make notes: about game and standard combinations, shots on goal, etc., which allows you to analyze the opponent’s actions in more detail.

In tactical terms, the main direction is outlined team game(attack, defense with an emphasis on counterattacks) and games of martial arts pairs. In terms of organizing an attack, the main direction of attacking actions is outlined (along the flank, in the center), the main attacking forces and tactical means are determined (taking into account the weather, the state of the field, as well as the actions of the opponent, etc.). In terms of organizing defense, they determine methods of defensive actions, methods of neutralizing the most dangerous opponent players and basic combinations (creating an artificial offside position, strengthening insurance); outline areas of tight “guardianship” of players.

When defining tasks for individual players, ways to use the strengths that best effective means and ways of interaction.

The plan for the upcoming match should be based on a simulated scheme of the match, taking into account the characteristics of the opponent’s actions, with an emphasis on using the capabilities of each player.

The tactical plan is theoretically implemented in a team setting, during which each player can express his opinion, make suggestions and amendments. The basics of the plan are then “played out” in training sessions, bilateral matches and friendly matches. Preferably friendly match to play with a team that would play in the style of the intended opponent.

Installation is usually carried out 1.5-2 hours before the game and should not be long (exceed 20-30 minutes). During the halftime break, the coach can make appropriate adjustments to the plan.

The last meeting is usually reviewed a day after it. The coach analyzes the game of the entire team, individual units and players in terms of the implementation of the installation, notes all the positive and negative that emerged during the game, finds out the reasons for the success or failure of the task, evaluates the physical and moral-volitional qualities, technical skills of the players.

In the development of tactical literacy of football players, in addition to the mentioned means and methods, an important place is given to the study of elements of tactics and combinations. No matter how well used aids increasing the tactical maturity of individual players and the team as a whole, practical training in tactics remains the main means of this section of training. It is tactical preparedness that makes it possible (through methodically correctly structured exercises) to create an ensemble of performers in a team.

The study of tactical actions and options should proceed in two directions:

  • - improvement of individual tactical preparedness;
  • - improving group and team tactical preparedness.

Based on individual tactical preparedness, strong group and team interactions are created. Team (both defensive and offensive) interactions are created from the tactical preparedness skills of individual players. In other words, tactics itself means the simultaneous interactions of several players aimed at successfully solving a specific game problem.

When solving the problem of individual tactical preparedness, we should talk more about the tactical development of the individual, the individual (player), who will be able to use individual tactical knowledge and skills at the right time in the interests of the team and interact harmoniously with the team.

In the process of increasing tactical readiness, both defensive and offensive options must be improved. Much attention should be paid to developing the ability to quickly switch (from one movement to another, from technical reception attacks to technical methods of defense, from one tactical action to another). The coach must teach players tactical actions and options according to generally known patterns, based on the capabilities of the team. However, rote learning of tactical actions and their variations can stunt the creativity of players and teams.

Tactical training is a creative process in itself. The player, having the necessary tactical thinking, must always be able to adapt to the created conditions, despite the fact that the enemy will always strive to counteract during the game.

No matter how successfully numerous means are used to develop tactical thinking and mental qualities, the main means of tactical training remains the training of group and team interactions. Training in such interactions should begin as the players master the basic technical techniques (with the expectation that as the guys get deeper into football, the necessary qualities are strengthened, and that everyone has the opportunity during the game to make their actions purposeful, arising from the general interests of the team) .

If the athlete does not get used to early age to tactical interactions with partners, does not develop tactical thinking, then in the future, even having the necessary technical readiness, in game situations rich in tactical interactions will act irrationally.

The study of group and team interactions is also important in the sense that it contributes to correct perception enemy actions during the game. This, in turn, makes it possible to rebuild during the match without disruptions and special effort game plan.

The development of tactical literacy is also facilitated by the exchange of experience with the best teams peers during joint training. Joint training with adult teams is very useful for youth teams. At such trainings, young men have the opportunity not only to familiarize themselves with various tactical techniques in practice, but also, by copying the actions of their elders, to apply in practice everything that has been taken apart theoretically.

Equally important are watching the games of the best domestic and foreign teams: both as a way to master individual, group and team tactical interactions, and as an opportunity to become familiar with all the tactical options that are used in a pre-planned form. To make these viewings more targeted, coaches need to record the entire game in one form or another (on special maps, video recordings, etc.), involving students as assistants, and then, based on factual material, analyze the tactical pattern of the game of the observed teams.

The methods in tactical training are the same as in technical training (naturally, taking into account the specifics of tactics). So, when showing, they use field layouts, film loops, and films. In simplified conditions, complex tactical actions are learned in parts, using signals, landmarks, etc. Complicated conditions are created with the help of instruments and special devices (simulators, etc.).

It is advisable to study tactical actions in parallel with the study of playing techniques. It is very important to instill in football players independence, quick orientation and creative activity from the very first lessons. It is necessary to select exercises during which students are forced to comprehend the situation, make certain decisions, evaluate and generalize their actions. When using the conjugate method, tactics come to the fore, however, the conditions for performing and the dosage of exercises contribute to the improvement of playing technique.

To consolidate the studied tactical actions, they use the method of analyzing actions (one's own and the enemy's) using recordings of game actions, video and tape recordings, and filming.

Typical for tactical training is the method of simulating the actions of the enemy (an individual player or a team as a whole).

A special place is occupied by the method of switching in tactical actions - from attack to defense and from defense to attack. The effect is produced by repeated switching under conditions of time pressure and in response to a signal.

Basic methods of teaching tactics and improving them:

  • 1. Method of exercise (multiple repetition of learned and familiar exercises). Promotes the formation of dynamic motor stereotypes in students (which is the physiological essence of training in tactics).
  • 2. Demonstration and display method.
  • 3. Word method.
  • 4. Holistic and dismembered methods: before moving on to tactical actions as a whole, master the main parts of each. The holistic method is usually used to consolidate and improve tactical actions.
  • 5. Analysis of video materials on tactics is invaluable as an aid in assessing the performance of the opposing team. The value of video recording is the ability to watch your opponent’s game multiple times. In addition, this is one of the most effective ways of self-analysis of tactical actions.
  • 6. Analysis of your actions and the actions of your opponent.

Typically, coaches prefer to conduct observations on their own, and then give players ready-made recipes for possible options for action, which practically deprives the players of initiative and independence, and therefore does not contribute to the development of their game thinking. It is important to involve the football players themselves in observing competitions, to teach them not just to watch the game, but to pay attention to the tactical options used by the team (and opponents), to the ways of organizing the game in attack and defense, to the means used by players when solving tactical problems, to technique games of individual football players, etc. The more often a football player thinks through and solves tactical problems and situations, the more deeply he analyzes his tactics and personal experience meetings with different opponents in different conditions, the better he prepares himself to understand and correctly assess game situations, to independently creatively solve all kinds of problems that the game can pose for him.

To solve the problems of tactical training, a wide variety of means are needed. The leading place in tactical training is naturally occupied by exercises (individual, group and team) and bilateral matches, control and calendar games, and the study of football theory and tactics. In addition, it is of great importance special exercises to develop reaction speed and orientation, exercises for the speed of switching from one movement (action) to another, outdoor and sports games, special relay races, technique exercises.

In theoretical training, much attention is paid to the study of tactics, analysis of the tactical actions of their players and team, players and enemy teams, leading Soviet and foreign teams.

In modern football, there are clearly pronounced trends in the development of high-speed play and the complication of tactical combinations. Therefore, it is especially important to teach players to assess the balance of power (their own and the opponent’s), as well as the position of the ball at a particular moment in the match and the direction of the ball’s flight, to predict the actions of partners and unravel the plans of opponents, to quickly analyze the developing situation and, having chosen the most appropriate countermeasure, to effectively implement it.

In the process of teaching motor skills to implement tactical actions, students are introduced to how to eliminate possible errors and consolidate the learned action.

At the initial stage of mastering tactics, the speed of complex reactions, orientation and intelligence develop in football players mainly in the process of physical and technical training. To do this, the exercises include additional conditions:

  • - use sound and visual signaling (so that players can quickly change certain actions with and without the ball);
  • - increase the number of balls, object reference points and limiters;
  • - teach more complex movements, in which the students change places depending on the direction of the partner’s action;
  • - apply active and passive resistance to a mock enemy.

At the same time, it is important to ensure that additional conditions and complications do not negatively affect the development of physical qualities or the formation of motor skills that underlie technical techniques.

Before performing this or that technique exercise, it is advisable to select a tactical task that is feasible for the students, which would not make it difficult to master the technique, but would help to comprehend it and correctly apply it in changing conditions. So, for example, it is possible to perform exercises in such conditions when a football player must simultaneously choose the moment to start actions and determine the direction of the strike and dribble the ball depending on the location and movement of the partner. Then the mastery of individual actions continues in exercises without an opponent, with a passive opponent and, finally, with an active opponent in game exercises.

An important role at this stage is played by the opponent, whose actions are directed by the coach. They consolidate the learned skill through repeated repetition in the conditions of the game, where the football player is given certain tasks (for example: “close” this or that opponent; play in a certain zone; “open up” at speed using feints; steal the ball during an interception, hit the goal after a dribble etc.).

In educational and friendly games, special attention should be paid to the choice of places when transitioning from defense to attack and from attack to defense, when introducing the ball into play. It is necessary to ensure that players can break away from the opponent and go into free space at the moment when the team takes possession of the ball, as well as timely and correctly “close” the opponent’s player immediately after losing the ball.

The basis of group tactical actions in football are certain ways of interaction between two, three or more players. Training in the ability to interact with partners takes place in the following sequence:

  • - interaction of two, three or more players without changing and with changing places without an opponent;
  • - the same with a conditional opponent;
  • - the same with an opponent who offers resistance;
  • - the same with a more complicated task (limiting the number of touches of the ball and the time of possession of the ball; decreasing and increasing the size of the court...).

Further improvement of interactions between two, three or more players should be carried out in gaming exercises and educational games. Game exercises are first performed with a numerical superiority of attackers (2x1; 3x2; 4x3, etc.), and then with equality of attackers and defenders, and, finally, with a numerical minority of attackers. It is advisable to introduce conditions into game exercises and training games that encourage football players to use learned interaction techniques in advantageous situations. When performing game exercises and conducting educational games, the coach must pay special attention to the ability of students to choose the most advantageous options for continuing actions, to the independence of assessing the situations that have arisen, and to the speed of orientation in a specific environment.

Team actions are studied after students have mastered the necessary minimum of technical techniques, the simplest interactions between two or more players and have received the appropriate theoretical knowledge. When starting to study team tactical actions, you need to explain the placement of players and the functions of each of them. At the first training games, coaches do not set difficult tasks. It is important that students play in their places and do not get carried away with playing with the ball. When mastering team tactics, you should study tactics in individual units and lines, learn the tactics of individual moments of the game and tactical combinations.

Game exercises play a large part in the educational and training process, with the help of which they study and improve technical techniques and tactical skills, develop relationships and mutual understanding between players. The number of participants in game exercises may vary. The sizes of the sites are also different (depending on the task, the level of preparedness of the players, and the nature of the exercises).

The main means of mastering team actions is two-way play. It is she who develops correct tactical thinking. But the coach must lead the game and not allow it to proceed spontaneously. Disorganization and spontaneity lead to serious mistakes and their consolidation. A two-way game should be preceded by a preliminary conversation between the coach and the players, during which the field layout, diagrams, drawings, etc. are used. Players, units, lines and the team as a whole receive specific tasks. The coach can judge the game himself, making comments to the players as it progresses, or give this right to an assistant (if possible), while he himself is in a place where the game is clearly visible and can give instructions to the players.

When playing a two-way game, frequent stops should be avoided: the inertia of the players after the whistle usually makes it impossible to accurately record a situation in which the players played incorrectly. Explanations in such cases will be unconvincing. In addition, frequent stops of the game reduce its tension, deprive it of sporting interest, and make it tiresome and boring. It is necessary to stop the game only when it is necessary to give general instructions to the players or repeat the combination. It is preferable to make comments without disturbing the flow of the match. Not all players should be trained at once, but separately - in sections. Having located himself in the area of ​​operation of the unit that has received a special task, the coach helps the players complete it. After working out for 20-30 minutes with one link, he moves on to another, and first of all “selects” the players of the link in which the interaction is weaker.

After the match, it is necessary to analyze and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the players, involving them in an active discussion. Further consolidation and improvement of team actions come in friendly and scheduled games. First, it is advisable to play two or three games with a less strong opponent.

Forensic tactics - this is a system of scientific provisions and techniques and recommendations based on them for organizing and planning preliminary and judicial investigations, determining the line of conduct of persons carrying out forensic investigations, techniques for conducting procedural (primarily investigative) actions that are aimed at collecting and studying evidence, establishing causes and conditions conducive to the commission and concealment of crimes.

Forensic tactics system

Conditionally in system of forensic tactics Usually there are two parts:

  • general provisions forensic tactics. This section defines the concept, essence and content of forensic tactics, its sources, connections with other parts of forensics and other sciences, the essence and types of tactical techniques, tactical combinations, tactical operations, the concept and classification of investigative situations, the basic principles of planning crime investigations, etc. p.;
  • tactics of individual investigative and judicial actions (investigative examination, search, interrogation, etc.).

Forensic tactics, being an independent branch of criminology, is at the same time closely related to other sections. Firstly, it is based on the general theory of forensic science and uses the provisions of many particular forensic theories, such as the doctrine of the forensic version, the forensic doctrine of search, etc. The development of tactics for carrying out any investigative action is impossible without taking into account the specifics of the use of technical equipment in its implementation. forensic tools and methods. In turn, tactical techniques common to all types of crimes used in investigative actions acquire specific features in private methods for investigating crimes of this type.

Tasks of forensic tactics

The main tasks of forensic tactics are:

  • development of recommendations for putting forward and verifying investigative leads, organizing and planning the investigation;
  • development of tactical methods for preparing and conducting individual investigative (judicial) actions, tactical combinations (operations);
  • searching for forms of interaction between the investigator and the operational apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, Federal service for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the Federal Customs Service, etc.;
  • development of recommendations for the use of special knowledge in investigative and judicial actions, etc.

Main categories of forensic tactics

Tactical technique - This is the most rational and effective method of action for the person conducting the investigation in a certain situation. Tactical (tactical-forensic) techniques include, for example, techniques for planning an investigation, inspecting a crime scene or interrogating.

Tactics may include:

  • to conducting investigative actions in general (techniques of inspection, search, investigative experiment);
  • to a specific type of investigative actions (techniques of interrogation of an accused giving false testimony, or methods of personal search);
  • to a separate stage of the investigative action (preparation, conduct, recording).

Since it is impossible to give a complete list of tactical techniques (such a list would be too voluminous and would be out of date before publication), the criteria for the admissibility of tactical techniques in legal proceedings are of great importance. These include:

  • compliance with the principles of legality and moral and ethical standards (do not contradict the spirit and letter of the law);
  • scientific validity (methods that are at the stage of scientific development and have not been tested cannot be used in legal proceedings);
  • efficiency, accessibility and feasibility.

Tactical Combination- a combination of tactical techniques within the framework of one or various investigative actions in order to solve a specific investigation problem in a given situation.

A formation with a higher level of integration, in contrast to a tactical combination, is tactical operation - a combination of investigative actions, operational-search and organizational-technical measures aimed at solving the problems of the investigation, taking into account the investigative situation that has developed in a criminal case, united by a common plan and carried out under a single leadership and in accordance with a previously drawn up plan.

With the help of a tactical operation, it is possible to solve several interrelated problems at once, not only at the stage of the preliminary investigation, but also before the initiation of a criminal case. Thus, when conducting a tactical operation related to detention, the direct capture is preceded by a complex set of measures to study the identity of the criminal, create conditions under which he should be at the place where the detention will be carried out, etc.

The selection and application of tactical techniques, combinations or operations are carried out on the basis tactical recommendations - scientifically based and practice-tested advice regarding the most optimal course of action. These recommendations are implemented during the preliminary investigation and trial process through tactical decision, which consists in choosing the goal of tactical influence on the investigative situation as a whole or on its individual components, on the course and results of the investigation and determining methods, techniques and means of achieving this goal.

The choice of the correct tactical decision, the most optimal course of action, has to be made taking into account a large number of factors and often in conditions of uncertainty, i.e. in conditions tactical risk. The specific nature of the investigation makes decision-making under conditions of tactical risk a typical phenomenon. In general, it is impossible to avoid risk. It is necessary to choose a strategy of the least tactical risk, anticipate the possible negative consequences of your decision and think in advance about measures to eliminate or mitigate these consequences, and minimize the risk.

The concept of an investigative situation and factors influencing its formation.Investigative situation V general view- these are the conditions (circumstances) in which the process of investigation in a criminal case is located at a given specific point in time. Taking into account the investigative situation allows the investigator to take more the right decision, apply the necessary tactics.

The formation of the investigative situation is influenced by objective and subjective factors.

The main objective factors are:

  • collected or missing on at the moment investigations, evidentiary and guiding information;
  • the ability of physical evidence and other media (including possible ones) to preserve the information contained in them;
  • technical and forensic tools, tactics and techniques used in the investigation of a crime;
  • the level of interaction between the investigator and the body of inquiry and other operational apparatus.

Subjective factors include:

  • the psychological state of the investigator or the person conducting the inquiry, the level of their professional training, life and professional experience, analytical abilities, etc.;
  • the behavior of persons (suspect, accused, witness, victim, etc.) involved in a criminal case, their assistance or opposition to the investigation.

The following types of investigative situations are distinguished: depending on the stage of the investigation - initial, subsequent and final;

  • in relation to the possibility of achieving the purpose of the investigation - favorable and unfavorable;
  • in terms of relations between participants - conflict and non-conflict;
  • the most characteristic, repeated - typical; emerging in reality during the investigation of a criminal case are specific.

The main stages of an investigative or judicial action. The production of an investigative or judicial action usually consists of a number of stages, for each of which corresponding tactical support is developed.

Preparation for investigative or judicial action. At this stage, the goals and objectives of the investigative or judicial action are formulated, the moment, place and time of the conduct, the circle of participants are determined, an investigative and operational group is formed, the necessary technical and forensic tools are selected, the forms and limits of the use of operational investigative measures are determined, a production plan is drawn up investigative action.

Conducting an investigative or judicial action. This is the stage of implementing the planned plan and solving the tasks that the investigator (court) has set for himself. At this stage, tactical techniques are applied, versions are checked by confirming or refuting the consequences derived from them.

Investigative actions, according to their role in the investigation process, are divided into initial and subsequent.

Initial investigative actions are carried out from the moment a criminal case is initiated and serve as a means of:

  • orienting the investigator in the setting and content of the event under investigation, obtaining an idea of ​​its mechanism and consequences;
  • solving a crime without delay, obtaining the necessary information to identify and search for the criminal;
  • collecting evidence that is in danger of being destroyed under the influence of objective and subjective factors;
  • obtaining initial information for constructing detailed investigative versions, covering the entire content of the subject of proof.

Subsequent investigative actions are aimed at researching, evaluating and using evidence collected at the initial stage, detailed verification of versions, proving the elements of the crime, as well as identifying the causes and circumstances that contributed to the commission and concealment of the crime.

Among the general tactical provisions that contribute to the effectiveness of any investigative action are:

  • systematicity (carrying out this investigative action in a certain system of other investigative actions and operational investigative activities);
  • timeliness, selection of the appropriate place and time for the investigative action;
  • the ability of the investigator to navigate the object of research and the environment preceding and accompanying the investigative action;
  • taking into account data from forensic characteristics and the investigative situation to select tactical methods for conducting investigative actions;
  • involving investigators from investigative agencies in participation in the investigative action and using the assistance of the public and the media;
  • widespread use of special knowledge and technical and forensic tools;
  • ensuring the safety of research objects and their authenticity.

Recording the progress and results of an investigative or judicial action. The tactics of this stage of investigative or judicial action are designed to ensure the most complete and accurate reflection of the entire content of the procedural action and the achieved results, aimed at choosing or creating conditions that ensure the maximum effective application technical and forensic tools and techniques.

This stage is of significant importance, since without proper procedural registration, the information received does not acquire the necessary evidentiary force, and the actions of the investigator or the court themselves cannot give rise to any procedural consequences. The result of the stage under consideration is the creation of appropriate procedural documents - sources of evidence, as well as the inclusion in the system of evidence of properly executed material objects that have all the procedural details required by law (material evidence), or the receipt of comparative materials (samples) for examination purposes.

At this stage, traces and objects that may have evidentiary value are seized and packaged, a protocol of the investigative action and various annexes to it are drawn up in the form of plans, diagrams, etc.

Evaluating the results obtained and determining their significance - the final stage of an investigative or judicial action. It is carried out both to verify the reliability of the obtained evidentiary information and to resolve the issue of its significance for proof and ways of further use. At this stage, mistakes made are identified, the consequences to which they led are traced, and the issue of the advisability of repeating this investigative or judicial action is decided if the mistakes made cannot be corrected otherwise.

The place of forensic tactics in the system of scientific knowledge, its concept and tasks

Forensic tactics - This is a section of criminology that contains scientific principles and recommendations developed on their basis for organizing and planning the preliminary investigation as a whole, as well as techniques for individual investigative actions aimed at collecting and examining evidence and establishing the circumstances that contributed to the commission of crimes.

Within the framework of forensic tactics, patterns of emergence, detection, collection and examination of forensic evidence, features of the emergence and change of investigative situations are studied. Based on their study, tactical techniques and recommendations are developed that are most effective in a given investigative situation.

Goals of forensic tactics are the quick and complete detection of crimes, establishing the truth in the case, and ensuring a fair court verdict.

Forensic tactics solve the following problems:

  • organization of a systematic investigation and effective conduct of investigative actions;
  • correct application of logical methods of cognition, taking into account the specifics of their use in the investigation of crimes;
  • psychological support for the investigator’s relationships with other participants in investigative actions.

Structurally, forensic tactics consists of two parts. The first part contains general provisions of forensic tactics (basic concepts of forensic tactics, determining the place of forensic tactics in the system of forensics and the system of other sciences, planning the investigation of crimes), the second contains tactical techniques for carrying out individual investigative and other actions: investigative examination, interrogation, investigative experiment , search, seizure, checking evidence on the spot, ordering an examination, presenting for identification, detention, search; tactics for monitoring and recording negotiations.

Forensic tactics are inextricably linked with the other two branches of forensics, as well as with other areas of knowledge.

Forensic tactics interact with forensic technology. It lies in the fact that tactical techniques and recommendations create the most effective conditions for the successful use of scientific and technical means of forensic technology. In turn, traces of a crime discovered by scientific and technical means contribute to the widespread use of tactical techniques for further search for traces, assessment of the crime event, its circumstances, construction of investigative leads, etc.

The connection between forensic tactics and methods for investigating certain types of crimes carried out on the basis of the application of tactics in the specific conditions of the investigation of a particular type of crime. On the other hand, investigative methodology, through its study of methods of committing crimes and the development of methods for solving them, creates opportunities for the development of investigative tactics and the improvement of tactical techniques.

Of the legal sciences, forensic tactics are most closely related to the criminal process. The provisions of forensic tactics strictly take into account the procedural forms of their application, and tactical techniques and recommendations correspond to the principle of their admissibility in criminal proceedings. Procedural science develops a procedure for investigative actions. Forensic tactics within the framework of this procedure ensure the effectiveness of the investigative action by developing optimal means and techniques for its implementation.

Since the recommendations of forensic tactics help to choose the most effective course of action when collecting, researching and using evidence, it uses data from such an area of ​​scientific knowledge as management science, and in particular the ss section - the scientific organization of the investigator’s work, which studies a set of issues related to the distribution of workers investigator’s time, his professional training, increasing the efficiency of organizational and technical measures, etc.

A close connection exists between forensic tactics and forensic psychology. Many tactics and recommendations are based on scientific principles of psychology.

Forensic tactics are also associated with social sciences such as ethics and logic. One of the criteria for the admissibility of tactical methods is their compliance with ethical and moral standards that are accepted in society. The principles of logic underlie the planning of an investigation, the solution of many tactical issues: determining the sequence of investigative actions and the use of tactical techniques, the use of certain means of recording evidentiary information, evaluating evidence, etc.

Thus, forensic tactics teach the most effective investigative actions. Their skillful production is a necessary condition for the successful detection and investigation of crimes.

Basic concepts of investigative tactics, their content

The central concept of forensic tactics is the concept of tactical technique.

Tactical technique- this is the most rational and effective method of action or the most appropriate line of conduct for an investigator when preparing and conducting a separate investigative action during the investigation of crimes.

The use of tactical techniques in the investigation of crimes is associated with the following conditions:

A) legality tactical technique, i.e. using only such techniques that do not contradict the requirements of the law. The main normative act regulating the use of tactical techniques is the Code of Criminal Procedure;

b) scientific validity tactical technique, which means:

  • the scientific nature of the source of its origin (the result of scientific development) or the means of its verification (scientific verification of practice recommendations);
  • compliance of the tactical technique with modern scientific achievements, current state forensic tactics;
  • the ability to predict the results of using this tactical technique;

V) practical validity tactical technique, i.e. the feasibility of its use based on the significance of the possible result in relation to the expenditure of the necessary effort, money and time;

G) availability tactical technique, i.e. the possibility of its use by any investigator, inquiry officer, judge, taking into account their professional knowledge and skills;

d) ethics, morality tactical technique, i.e. compliance of the application with the ethical standards of society and moral requirements.

A) abundance - can be used by any participant in criminal proceedings and in any situation, regardless of the circumstances of the case;

b) special - can only be used by a certain participant in criminal proceedings (investigator, interrogator, etc.) or in a specific situation.

The system of tactical techniques or investigative actions carried out during the investigation of a criminal case forms a tactical combination (or tactical operation).

Tactical decision- choosing the goal and means of influencing the investigative situation to change it in a favorable direction. Such means include various tactical combinations (operations).

Tactical Combination- this is a certain combination of tactical techniques or investigative actions and other activities, pursuing the goal of solving a specific problem at a given stage of the investigation.

Types of tactical combination:

  • simple(elementary) tactical combination - consists of a certain combination of tactical techniques within the framework of one investigative action.
  • complex tactical combination - consists of a certain combination of investigative, operational and search actions within the framework of one criminal case.

During a tactical combination, the use of each tactical technique or the performance of each investigative action is carried out in a strictly defined sequence, since this sequence is the intent of the combination. At the same time, the types of tactical techniques, the order and sequence of their implementation depend on the specific investigative situation.

The overall goal of a tactical combination is always to solve a specific investigative problem. The immediate goals of a tactical combination can be:

  • conflict resolution;
  • creation of conditions necessary for carrying out investigative actions;
  • creating conditions that ensure the effectiveness of investigative actions;
  • other tactical influences on the investigative situation in order to change or use it.

The particular importance of increasing the tactical skills of fencers is due to the fact that tactical activity is directly aimed at achieving maximum efficiency of athletes’ competitive efforts, which consist of the implementation of various components of preparedness during battles - technical, physical, psychological.

Tactical improvement takes its own place in the training of fencers, but despite this, it is integral part preparation for a separate competition in the process of one-year and four-year cycles, throughout sports life.

The allocation of means and methods of tactical training is largely conditional in nature and is done for methodological purposes, since tactical improvement exercises in the overwhelming majority are fights that are as close as possible to combat ones, or consist of performing tactical settings in training battles and competitions.

Such exercises embody the complexity of requirements for the skill of fencers in terms of mastery of technique, level of physical and mental qualities. The leading pedagogical task of mastering the tactical component of athletes’ activities in fights, battles, and competitions makes them the material for tactical training.

However, in the process of tactical training, there are means and methods aimed exclusively at tactical improvement. This is the mastery of preparatory actions and options for their combat use, the acquisition of tactical knowledge, the development of tactical perception, thinking, and specialized tactical skills.

The direction of tactical training follows from its main content, which can be conditionally presented in the form of two interrelated processes that embody the technical, tactical and other aspects of athletes’ training, as well as combat and competitive practice. Constant testing of the fencer's own doctrine during training and competitions, leading to the search and implementation of measures to strengthen it, is combined with countering the doctrines of opponents, with the development of means of combating the most typical doctrines for a given type of fencing.

The process of understanding a fencer’s own doctrine and its improvement occurs during combat practice and subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of various components of tactical fighting, and comparison of observation data from fights of a wide range of athletes.

In competitions, there is a contrast between offense and defense, means of preparation and implementation of tactical intentions, the effectiveness of options for conducting fights (maneuverable and positional, expectant and fleeting), the use of certain distances in battles, individual actions and other elements of tactical combat. For each fencer, taking into account the level of skill, individual psychophysical characteristics, and combat equipment, the importance of mastering various means of tactical fighting will be different.

During combat practice, a natural selection of the most effective means of tactical combat for each athlete occurs, which has a significant impact on the formation of the fighting style. However, the lack of control over this process can “lead to negative consequences in the form of often one-sided equipment, excessive commitment only to certain actions and options for constructing battles. Hence, the exceptional importance of participation in many competitions, conducting a large volume of training and competitive battles, methodologically justified their dosage and sequence of complication, selection of partners and setting of training tasks to accelerate the process of accumulation of combat experience by athletes. The norms of combat and competitive practice are limited by both the physical and mental capabilities of the students and the achieved level of training.

Based on a generalization of the pedagogical experience of trainers, as well as the results scientific research a connection has been established between the arsenal of actual and preparatory means, the use of elements of tactical activity of fencers and individual characteristics of motor reactions, attention, memory, thinking, temperament, etc. Methods of psychodiagnostics and pedagogical control make it possible to determine the place and significance of various pedagogical tasks, means and methods of tactical training, to create the most effective style conducting battles.

Improving tactical activities

The selection of means and methods of tactical training, the effectiveness of their impact are interconnected with the characteristics of tactical activity, which is not uniform in its focus in the fight for a thrust (strike), victory in battle, competition.

Tactical activities directly related to martial arts in a duel or competition include the choice of options for constructing fights, determining the distances and positions of weapons, the volume of maneuver along the path and the use of preparatory actions, as well as an orientation toward the predominant use of various means.

It is quite possible to influence the combat activity of opponents with certain behavior during and between fights, the content of warm-up and combat training practice, and the use of a certain fighting style during competitions and preparation for them.

To improve tactical activities that have an impact on the overall course of martial arts, it is advisable to set students tasks for a specific structure of fights or the use of elements of tactical play during pair exercises and individual lessons. The selection of partners for combat practice largely serves similar purposes.

The most typical variants of combat behavior of fencers should be modeled, based on the fighters’ commitment to certain methods of fighting and technical and tactical combat. Using a variety of fighting models in lessons and paired exercises, creating the preconditions for their occurrence in training fights, it is possible to anticipate the possibility of single combat against similar opponents in competitions, and organize the process of expanding the tactical range of students.

Pedagogical tasks aimed at mastering the means of countering opponents who have peculiarities in combat tactics.

1. Beating thanks to certain elements of tactical activity:

maintaining one of the distances in battle, using the advantage in the “sense of distance”, in the fight for “your” distance;

the use of various positions of the weapon in a combat stance, putting the weapon down or to the sides, depriving the enemy of the opportunity to use preparations and actions on the weapon, the use of a “straight hand”;

completing or parrying an attack into the expected sector.

2. Application of actions that have features of distance and moment characteristics:

attacks, counter attacks, defenses and responses with varying depth, speed and rhythm of execution, at different moments of interaction;

preparing combat operations through playful movements with weapons, approaching or retreating, threatening to inflict a thrust (strike), parrying or forestalling an attack, using means of attack and defense with less depth than during actual attempts in the fight for a thrust (strike);

generalizing defenses, attacks and defenses with choice and switching, deliberate impromptu attacks and defenses with responses.

3. Conducting a battle of a certain nature: maneuverable, positional; expectantly, fleetingly;

offensively, pushing back the enemy, conquering the battlefield;

defensively, retreating from the enemy and countering his struggle for the attack initiative;

in combination with playing out the expected tactical formations of opponents;

destroying the plans of opponents with deliberate actions;

imposing combat with weapons on the enemy, entering into complex, multi-tempo fights;

using tactical schemes alternating complementary actions in offense and defense.

The tactical activity of a fencer, aimed at preparing and using deliberate means, solving problems of delivering or repelling a thrust (strike), is based on predicting plans or any tactical details of the enemy’s combat activity, using intelligence and implementing its data in attack and defense, as well as using camouflage and challenges to influence the tactical activities of the enemy.

The choice of combat action and preparation for its use are multifaceted. They interconnect many aspects of a fencer’s tactical preparedness, but above all the general level of tactical knowledge, understanding of the tactical essence of actual and preparatory means, the amount of information about the enemy’s intentions and possible actions, and the characteristics of his fighting manner.

Tactical knowledge ensures the accuracy of the assessment of combat situations and the adequacy of the selection of means taking into account athletic strength and the qualifications of the enemy, comparing many factors that interact during the combat.

Taking into account the tactical essence of combat operations and their possible effectiveness in certain situations makes it possible to make the optimal choice of combat weapons given the available amount of information about the enemy.

The most important tactical information for immediate use in order to select an action can be a variety of knowledge that allows one to make an assumption about the enemy’s attack, counterattack, defense, preparation, sector of their completion, data on the possible amplitude and direction of preparatory movements with weapons, direction, depth and speed of movement, approach and retreat, degree of readiness to perform actions, sequence of intentions, position of weapons, etc.

When predicting the defensive and attacking intentions of the enemy, the position of the weapon before the fight, the direction of the preparatory movements with the weapon, in the absence of an excessively long distance and the possibility of breaking it, the use of conditioned actions is really effective.

Effective counteraction to conditioned means without knowledge of the details of their implementation is possible only through the use of generalized defenses, attacks and responses with choice, attacks with powerful actions on weapons of maximum speed at an average distance.

Data on the depth of attacks and approaches make it possible to clarify the duration and number of movements in attacks, the moment of taking defenses and starting counterattacks.

The assumption that the enemy lacks a deliberate defensive mindset allows for the use of choice-and-switch attacks and responses, especially their deliberately impromptu variants, to be used with great efficiency.

The enemy's predilection for actions with choice and switching makes it possible to widely use deliberate means in attack and defense that create reflex interference in order to cause the enemy to change the distance and moment characteristics of the actions used, and inadequate switches from performing one action to another.

Interferences that impede the accuracy of responses during attacks are unexpected retreats, approaches, evasions, turns of the defender’s body, changes in the depth and speed of retreats, counter attacks with approach, preparing counterattacks and defenses with weapons.

Interferences that complicate the adequacy of the choice of defensive actions can be simple attacks of excessive depth and duration, from an excessively long distance, attacks with swings and parrying movements with weapons, attacks with feints from a long distance of excessive depth and duration, excessive amplitude of feints, defenses, sound interference from footwork during attacks, swaying to the side and forward with the head, body, etc.

The vulnerability of fencers to inadequate reactions necessitates special equipment for their actions aimed at solving the following tactical tasks:

reducing the duration and depth of enemy attacks, calling an earlier thrust (strike) to parry and respond;

predetermination of the sector for completing enemy attacks to parry and respond;

increasing the duration of enemy attacks, the number of feints in attacks (responses) to get ahead of a counterattack (remise).

Along with the development special means, influencing the choice of actions of opponents, the tasks are set to develop in athletes special resistance to interference that complicates the activity of analyzer systems when performing attacks, defenses and counter attacks.

Improving the selection and preparation of deliberate actions is carried out in exercises called “reconnaissance - action” and in scheduled battles reproducing combat “plots”, starting with the actions of camouflage and challenge. In such exercises, preparation is initially performed, to which the coach (partner) reacts with one of the counteraction options. The student interrupts the fight, selects a combat weapon that is adequate to the expected situation, as the trainer repeats one of the given actions, then attacks or defends, depending on the task of the exercise.

Solving a tactical problem by using only a favorite, even well-mastered, action for a certain situation may become ineffective over time, since it can be predicted by the enemy. Therefore, it is extremely important to master the tactical skills of using deliberate means in the most common combat situations.

The development of tactical skills is structured as follows. The coach (partner) determines the combat situation, and the athlete selects and uses various combat means possible in a given situation, alternating them in a random sequence. The coach can limit or extremely expand the range of alternating actions in advance.

Example 1. Long distance. Positions are arbitrary. The coach uses one or two-tempo attacks of limited depth, of any variety.

The athlete alternates parrying attacks due to semicircular defenses in the upper sectors from the position of the weapon in the lower position, defense with a choice from the upper position with responses while standing still, retreating from attacks and defense with subsequent responses or counter attacks, attacks on preparation with an action on the weapon in top positions, counterattacks with opposition, retreat, evasion, etc.

Example 2. Long distance. Top positions. The coach defends with direct defenses with a choice and a step back. When parrying attacks, inflicts simple replies.

The athlete alternates with a step and a lunge (“arrow”) two-three-tempo conditioned attacks with feints, attacks with true and false batmans (grabs), attacks with feints with a choice of the completion sector or attacks with unrelated feints; attacks of subsequent intent, completed by counter-defense, counter-response or remise with the opposition, etc.

Fencing combat is full of fights in which the athlete is forced to fight in unexpected situations, act impromptu, choosing and using means based on the speed and accuracy of motor reactions.

Improving the mechanism of simple and complex motor reactions, spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal anticipations leads to the development of specific qualities of fencers - “sense of weapon”, “sense of distance”, “sense of time”, which, together with technical and tactical skill, constitutes the “sense of battle” " is the main specialized property of highly qualified fencers. Consequently, the tactical activity of fencers in unexpected situations is based on specialized skills based on the manifestations of motor reactions and spatio-temporal anticipations (Scheme 4). The development of specialized skills is carried out in the process of improving actions conditioned, with choice, with switching, in exercises that set the task of varying the depth, speed, rhythm, amplitude of actions, time parameters of interaction with a trainer (partner) with weapons.

In the process of tactical training of a fencer, manifestations of mental qualities, properties of attention, memory, and thinking are specialized. On their basis, tactical perception and tactical thinking are formed, the ability to imagine and anticipate the spatio-temporal parameters of weapon movements and movements is developed, vigilance and speed of combat orientation, speed and accuracy of visual and tactile reactions, etc. are improved.

Tactical thinking develops in exercises that pose the task of observing and finding the tactical essence in gestures, movements, actions, intentions, states of opponents and one’s own. Improving tactical thinking is done by concentrating the fencer’s attention and consciousness on finding ways to realize data about opponents and one’s own potential in the fight for an advantage in combat in fights, fights, and competitions. Tasks for the development of tactical thinking should force the fencer to analyze possible aspects of single combat in the fight for a thrust (strike), victory in battle, competition, remember the results of actions in similar situations (his own and other athletes), take into account the possibility of the enemy predicting his intentions, make decisions in limited periods of time.

The accuracy of ideas and anticipations is improved in fights, the successful completion of which requires the fencer to penetrate the weapon through a complex protective barrier, avoiding collisions with the enemy’s blade in the attack, in situations with significant changes in the speed, rhythm, amplitude, depth of weapon movements and movements of the competitors.

The coach must constantly keep in mind that tactical preparedness, its manifestation in intentions and actions, are based on the achieved level of development of the fencer’s mental qualities. Tactical knowledge in itself does not provide, much less guarantee, tactical skill in combat. It makes sense to evaluate tactical readiness only in the aggregate of the achieved level of equipment with means of combat, the ability to use them and the specialized manifestations of mental qualities. In addition, the ability of athletes to demonstrate achieved tactical readiness at competitions is associated with the level of development of volitional qualities, the stability of the emotional sphere of fencers to external and internal interference, and the ability to self-regulate mental processes.

Each area of ​​tactical activity is improved both in isolation through special tasks and exercises, and in various combinations. However, during combat, the fencer is required to interdependently display a variety of specialized skills, and in a volume and sequence that often cannot be predicted. Therefore, in individual lessons, paired exercises, fights, as the athlete masters any important task The trainer must strive to integrate the requirements of various areas of tactical activity, forcing the student to evaluate elements beyond the scope of a specific fight, deliberately select and use combat weapons, and act in unexpected situations.

Such methods of tactical improvement will bring the conditions as close as possible training sessions for competitions, will create adequate requirements in lessons and battles, which will speed up the transfer of mastered skills and qualities into a competitive environment.

Preparing for combat with various opponents

Training in countering possible opponents is carried out in lessons, training and competitive battles. At the same time, for the successful implementation of plans for conducting fights, coaches and athletes must select appropriate technical and tactical means. The selection depends on the qualifications of the students, their combat equipment, the morpho-constitutional characteristics of the athletes and their individual inclinations to demonstrate motor reactions, mental functions, and volitional qualities.

When preparing for competitions and during participation in them, fencers are constantly faced with the task of finding and improving ways to counter expected opponents, familiar to varying degrees from previous competitions, training, and stories from the coach and teammates. The development of models for upcoming fights occurs by comparing one’s own skills and characteristics of the fighters, goals and possible results of upcoming fights and competitions.

In addition, you have to prepare for single combat with previously unfamiliar opponents, study them during the competition, create models of countering them based on the current situation before the competition stage, team meeting, fight, during the fight.

The way to study opponents, the means and methods of carrying out such a task, the development and selection of material to counter them depend on many factors. The ability to study individual opponents in most cases varies dramatically, both in the amount of effort that a fencer must perform to do this, and in the amount of information that he can comprehend. The degree of knowledge of the enemy, the number of previous meetings with him, both competitive and training, the period that has passed since the last fights and their final result, the level of skill and preparedness and other factors will have a significant impact on the nature of data selection, volume and specificity.

If you have to fight against an athlete many times a year, several times in one competition, and conduct joint training, then it is easier to analyze the most important aspects of his combat skill and the situation of the upcoming fight, and the analyzed details will be completely reliable. Moreover, the enemy’s skill and his combat specificity should be perceived on the basis of the correction made as a result last match with him, training or his duel with any opponent. Each new stroke complements the enemy’s characteristics, clarifies them or confirms existing ones.

Special preparation is required for fights with such athletes. It includes the search and development in training of the most effective actual and preparatory means, as well as certain options for behavior in battles, which will result in the drawing up of martial arts plans.

The work done to prepare for martial arts with well-known athletes is only the basis for building a combat model. Then, thanks to observations of opponents, the use of reconnaissance actions during fights, and comprehension of the results of each action, details are (if necessary) clarified, changed, selected, and implemented new tactical intentions in subsequent attacks, counter attacks, defenses, responses, and methods of preparation.

On the other hand, in the fight against unfamiliar fighters, when meeting after long breaks, in a match with a previously unknown fencer, the level of tactical perception of the fighter, the ability to quickly and accurately implement the most appropriate intentions and actions, observations, and intelligence data are decisive.

In such cases, the level of “sense of battle”, endurance, the fencer’s ability to take reasonable risks, technical and tactical equipment, and combat experience will play a role.

Training work aimed at increasing tactical knowledge and the level of specialized skills, mastering methods of countering opponents with different fighting styles, accumulating combat experience, prepares athletes to fight in unexpected conditions, single combat, with any opponent.

Directions of tactical training

Based on the analysis of the combat activity of fencers, it is possible to determine the most important areas of tactical training, which have independent significance in the process of improving athletes of any qualification. Each area contains extensive material of varying levels of complexity and value.

Features are embodied in the selection of means and methods of tactical training for each student sportsmanship coach - his doctrine, sports and coaching experience, methodological and tactical level and much more that makes up the coaching doctrine.

Based on a generalization of experience working with fencers of various qualifications, we can identify the main areas of tactical training.

Acquiring tactical knowledge. Enriching a fencer with special knowledge and accumulating tactical information should combine the tasks of expanding the amount of information that an athlete may need in preparing or conducting a martial arts, and deepening it. The educational growth of a fencer must be constant throughout his entire sporting life. Therefore, the material must correspond to the students’ abilities to assimilate it and be built taking into account their mental makeup and tactical manner.

The most important sections of tactical information:

rules of fighting and refereeing;

features of combat, their specificity for a given type of weapon, the comparative effectiveness of types of attacks, counter attacks, defenses and responses, typical options for preparations and combat;

generalized conclusions from combat experience - tactical advice, typical, most rational options for combat behavior, tactical intentions and actions;

options for individual manifestations in technique, tactics, physical and volitional qualities;

information about opponents, competitions, conclusions about instructive cases from one’s own combat practice.

Mastering the tactical essence of attack and defense actions.

Preparation sections:

mastering the most important tactical tasks for applying actions;

expanding the range of combat weapons used;

expanding the scope of offensive and defensive means for use in certain combat situations.

Mastering the tactical essence of preparatory actions. Preparation sections:

mastering the most important tactical tasks based on the use of preparatory actions;

expanding the range of preparation tools used;

expanding the scope of training equipment for use in certain combat situations.

Rational selection of means of attack and defense, preparatory actions. In most cases, it is more expedient to own several actions of different tactical nature than a range of means of one tactical variety. So, it is better to have an attack, defense-response and counterattack in service than three options for counterattacks. Two options for counterattacking actions in different sectors will often be more effective than both in one sector, etc.

It is also important to select preparatory actions so that they best correspond to the actual combat equipment and increase its effectiveness. In addition to already mastered actions, it makes sense to select those that complement (strengthen) their use in battles and allow you to fight against the counter-actions of opponents. For example, a fighter who successfully uses feint attacks should also strive to master the means of combating counterattacks, since opponents will inevitably begin to counterattack over time.

Mastering the tactical essence of various combat situations includes the study of typical combat situations and methods of fighting in them, the most effective ways behavior, a possible range of options for solving similar tactical problems.

Preparation sections:

fighting against approaching opponents;

fight against retreating opponents;

fighting against opponents using a variety of weapons training;

fighting against opponents fencing with their weapons down;

fighting against opponents with a typical fighting stance position.

Formation of tactical thinking includes the development of the ability of fencers to find the tactical essence in actions, intentions, states, combat behavior of themselves and their opponents, the environment, factors arising from training and competitions, as well as take into account the patterns of psychotactical struggle, possible options for tactical deception. The level of development of tactical thinking is embodied in the choice of combat means, the formation of martial arts in battles and competitions.

Creation of a holistic idea of ​​fencing combat and its own doctrine. A certain level of holistic understanding of fencing combat and their own doctrine is inherent in fencers at every stage of their sports activity, regardless of qualifications. So, if a beginner begins to save in battle safe distance, retreat from enemy attacks (or use at least one of the weapon defense options) and, waiting for an opportune moment, tries to attack with only one of the methods of attack, then he is already a fencer with his own (albeit elementary) doctrine, who has and embodies in his actions his idea of ​​​​fighting .

The process of constant synthesis of all mastered combat material and received special information continues continuously throughout the entire sporting life of a fencer. Experts notice that internal growth and fencing improvement continues, despite breaks in training, sometimes even long ones.

The most noticeable changes are in fighters’ ideas after participating in major tournaments, since competitive wrestling puts the fencing skill to the greatest test, allows each time to re-evaluate one’s preparedness, and forces one to compare new information with existing knowledge.

A holistic idea of ​​your own doctrine consists of many components. The most important among them:

awareness of one’s own combat equipment, the nature of manifestations of individual manner, the advantages and disadvantages of training, abilities for maximum manifestations;

understanding the relationship between actual combat weapons, tactical deception options, and preparatory actions;

understanding the nature of combat initiative, the role of choosing and creating situations for solving tactical problems, the place and importance in battles of such tactical elements as surprise, maneuver, alternation of complementary actions, their depth, rhythm, tempo, etc.;

understanding the nature and expediency of endurance and reasonable risk, the characteristics of the manifestations of qualities and skills, the use of warm-up methods, regulation of mental states, discipline, knowledge of combat behavior options;

awareness of the ability to withstand various opponents, familiar and unfamiliar;

an idea of ​​general and specific goals in a situation, battle, stage of struggle, competition, training cycle, the nature of actions leading to the desired results, the possibilities and reality of achieving these goals;

understanding the psychotactical specifics of fencing combat.

It should be borne in mind that it is almost impossible to raise two fencers with exactly the same combat doctrine. This process takes its own path for each athlete and has deeply individual characteristics.

Obviously, the more in each period a fighter’s own ideas about the level and nature of his skill correspond to the actual equipment of means of attack and defense, combat experience, the level of manifestations of the speed of motor reactions, volitional qualities, the more effective the athlete’s competitive activity, the higher his athletic performance.

Creating a fighting style that most effectively embodies the combat capabilities of a fencer. The fighting style should reflect positive morpho-constitutional characteristics, individual propensity in the manifestations of reactions, psychotactic activity, volitional qualities, as well as character traits, temperament, etc. It should also take into account the possible shortcomings of the athlete and find means of neutralizing them. The doctrine of the fencer is most fully reflected in the fighting style.

Tactical training on certain types of weapons

Tactical training of fencers with all types of weapons has common theoretical and methodological foundations. Therefore, almost all of the above provisions have their significance in battles with rapiers, swords, and sabers. Only the meanings of specific means and tactical elements of martial arts, the level and range of manifestation of specialized psychophysical qualities, resulting from the characteristics of the combat activity of fencers with each type of weapon, are profoundly different. In fact, combat activity, its arsenal and functional basis are formed depending on the conditions of combat, determined by the rules of competition, as well as on many other factors characterizing the theoretical and methodological level of development of the type of fencing.

Fights with all types of weapons differ significantly in the volume of use and effectiveness of attack and defense actions, the composition of preparatory actions, the characteristics of maneuver along the path, the duration of fights, typical norms of distances, weapon positions and much more.

The main features of the use of combat means:

in fencing with rapiers and swords, the basis of all types of attacks are conditioned actions;

in sword fights, counterattacks and healds have significant volumes of use and high effectiveness; in foil fencing, defenses and responses, counter-defenses and counter-responses are highly effective;

in foil and epee fencing, the features of distances and interactions with weapons are clearly expressed, depending on the specific measure of tempo and the size of the affected surface, fixed in the competition rules;

Saber fighting is characterized by exceptionally high effectiveness of all types of attacks, especially attacks with choice and switching, and deliberate impromptu actions.

All this led to significant differences in assessing the importance of actual and preparatory means, options for constructing fights, and the importance of developing individual qualities in the formation of the combat arsenal of athletes using each type of weapon.

Tactical training of fencers should optimally combine the tasks of both improving specialized skills that correspond to the model of martial arts for each type of weapon, and identifying the individual characteristics of athletes in order to most fully realize their abilities and demonstrate mental and physical qualities.

Sequence of use of tools and methods

Athletes receive the first tactical information already during familiarization with the characteristics of fencing and the peculiarities of combat with the chosen type of weapon. Among the initial information are data on the possibility of delivering injections (strikes) in various sectors of the affected surface, criteria for tactical correctness and advance, reciprocity of defeat in the event of simultaneous injections in sword fights, etc. Knowledge is required that in a duel it is necessary to maintain a certain distance , sustained attention, etc.

Tactical training of fencers is initially aimed mainly at familiarizing themselves with the tactical essence of the attacks, counter attacks, defenses and responses being studied. As they master technical techniques, they are given a tactical justification, and the possibilities of their use as combat operations in the simplest battles are revealed. At the stage of initial sports specialization, it is necessary to use exercises that require sustained attention, the ability to observe and find the tactical essence in the gestures, movements and actions of opponents, and to use effective countermeasures. It is extremely important to become familiar with the simplest methods of reconnaissance (false simple attacks and maneuvering) and implement its data in deliberate combat engagements, study the challenges of attack and counterattack with the aim of parrying into a certain sector, mastering the camouflage of attacks, counterattacks, defenses (using the use of weapons and maneuvering) for their sudden use. The result of the work will be the emergence of the athlete’s holistic understanding of fencing combat with the chosen type of weapon, and his own combat doctrine.

When mastering a certain arsenal of combat weapons (usually simple actions), one should consistently expand the use of battles with a focus on mastering the tactical essence of combat situations. The exercises used should pose the task of choosing actions and sudden moments for their use, studying options for tactical deception based on the use of preparatory actions. The development of speed in making and implementing decisions is combined with the development of specialized skills based on the manifestations of motor reactions, which forms the “sense of battle.”

As the fencer accumulates combat experience that allows him to counteract various opponents, the task of forming his own “fighter’s handwriting” is set, in which his advantages should be clearly expressed and his shortcomings hidden. The subsequent tactical improvement of athletes also has a pronounced individual focus. The efforts of the coach and student are focused on achieving maximum athletic strength while accurately taking into account psychophysical characteristics, the level of mastery of various sections of technique and tactics, etc.

Fencers, even those of equal strength, usually achieve their sporting victories through the use of their favorite combat actions and means of tactical deception. The reason is that the specificity of fencing combat allows one and the same tactical task to be accomplished using a whole range of combat actions. Therefore, each athlete, testing various combat actions in training, includes in his arsenal only a part of them, those that most fully express individual characteristics, technical and tactical level. In addition, due to the difference in height and speed, technical and tactical readiness, and the use of training tools, two athletes in the same combat situation can make an equally effective, but different decision.

Observations of the strongest fencers make it possible to conditionally identify two tactical types of martial arts.

Some fencers strive to beat opponents primarily by accurately choosing actions, predicting intentions and actions, making extensive use of challenges, i.e. searching for or creating a situation for the simplest and the right way achieving victory in every battle. More precisely, the athlete takes upon himself the organization of the fight, the initiative to build the fight. Conducting such battles requires fencers to master a wide repertoire of technical techniques and tactical actions, and excellent knowledge of their opponents. Such athletes must have flexibility of plans, accuracy of analysis, and imaginative memory.

Other fencers strive, despite the changing situation of the battle, to achieve victory by using a certain range of favorite combat actions, performed at unexpected moments for the enemy, technically accurately and as quickly as possible, which is why the enemy is delayed in counter-actions. Such tactics allow you to successfully conduct a battle using a limited combat arsenal (compared to the tactics described above), but it requires the most accurate technical execution of the actions used, speed of maneuvering and motor reactions, endurance, and an unmistakable choice of the moment to attack.

Each type of tactical combat has its own characteristics, positive and negative aspects. By anticipating or predetermining the opponents' plans, it is easier to defeat a familiar opponent, and you can spend less energy on a weak fencer, saving it for the decisive final battles. In this case, fights with unfamiliar fencers are more difficult.

By destroying the opponents' plans and countering his active actions, it is easier to build battles with little-known opponents and act with less risk of losing. The destruction of plans brings great effect at the turning points of the battle, when each of the opponents has already used some of their favorite tactical actions, as well as in conditions of a critical score (4: 4), in which both fencers sharpen their attention as much as possible. However, conducting a “destructive” battle requires maximum tension and high consumption physical strength and nervous energy in meetings with any opponent.

The type of martial arts depends on the personality of the fencer and methods of tactical training. However, in any case, the basis for tactical improvement should be the instilling in the student of a desire for active action, a variety of forms and tactical decisions. This is all the more important because there are no pure tactical types of martial arts in practice. Highly skilled athletes (albeit to varying degrees) master a relatively wide range of tactical means. Commitment to a certain type of martial arts does not mean that the fencer must completely isolate himself in a certain circle of tactical means. Favorite actions should become only the most formidable force in the fight against the backdrop of mastery of a wide range of tactical actions. After all, the intended battle plan can be predicted by the enemy, attempts to contrast one’s strongest sides with the enemy’s weakest sides may fail, and a situation may arise in a duel that makes the athlete’s favorite actions ineffective.

An athlete must find and implement effective actions in each specific combat situation, have flexibility in decision-making, and use a wide arsenal of actions. It is possible to master this only through tactical improvement of a wide profile, on the basis of which an active fighting style will gradually be formed, which most fully embodies the physical, technical, tactical and psychological advantages of the athlete.

Sep 30, 2015 Sep 18, 2017 by vaulter

Purpose of sports training

The goal is to achieve the highest possible level of technical, tactical, physical and mental preparedness for a given individual, determined by the specifics of the sport and the requirements for achieving the highest possible results in competitive activity.

Main tasks of sports training

  • mastering the technique and tactics of the chosen sport;
  • ensuring the necessary level of development of motor qualities, the capabilities of the functional systems of the body that bear the main load in this sport;
  • education of proper moral and volitional qualities;
  • ensuring the necessary level of special mental preparedness;
  • acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary for successful training and competitive activities;
  • comprehensive improvement and manifestation of various aspects of an athlete’s preparedness in competitive activity.

These tasks in the most general form define the main aspects (directions) sports training having independent characteristics: technical, tactical, physical, psychological and integral. Specific training tasks arise from the content of each of these aspects.

In the area technical improvement such tasks are: creating the necessary ideas about sports technology, mastering the necessary skills and abilities, improving sports equipment by changing its dynamic and kinematic parameters, as well as mastering new techniques and elements, ensuring the variability of sports equipment, its adequacy to the conditions of competitive activity and the functional capabilities of the athlete, ensuring the stability of the main characteristics of the equipment to the influence of confusing factors.

Tactical Improvement involves analyzing the features of the upcoming competitions, the composition of the opponents and developing optimal tactics for the upcoming competitions. At the same time, one should constantly improve the most appropriate tactical schemes for a particular athlete, work out optimal options in training conditions by modeling the features of the upcoming competitions, the functional state of the athlete, characteristic of competitive activity. It is also necessary to ensure the variability of tactical decisions depending on the situations that arise, to acquire special knowledge in the field of technology and tactics of sports.

In progress physical training the athlete needs to increase the level of capabilities of the functional systems that provide high level general and special training, develop motor qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities, as well as the ability to demonstrate physical qualities in conditions of competitive activity, their “associated” improvement and manifestation.

In progress psychological preparation moral and volitional qualities and special mental functions of the athlete, the ability to manage their mental state during training and competitive activities are brought up and improved.

A separate group of tasks is associated with integration, i.e. combining into a single whole qualities, abilities, skills, accumulated knowledge and experience, mainly related to various aspects of preparedness, which is achieved in the process integral training.

Dividing the training process into relatively independent aspects (technical, tactical, physical, psychological, integral) organizes ideas about the components of sportsmanship, allows, to a certain extent, to systematize the means and methods of their improvement, the system of control and management of the process of sports improvement.

At the same time, in training and, especially, competitive activity, none of these aspects manifests itself in isolation; they are combined into a complex complex aimed at achieving the highest sports performance (Platonov, 1997). The degree of inclusion of various elements in such a complex, their interrelation and interaction are determined by the laws of the formation of functional systems (Anokhin, 1975), aimed at the final result specific to each sport and component of training or competitive activity.

It should be taken into account that each of the aspects of preparedness depends on the degree of perfection of its other aspects, is determined by them and determines their level. For example, the technical improvement of an athlete depends on the level of development of various motor qualities - strength, speed, flexibility, coordination abilities.

The level of manifestation of motor qualities, in particular endurance, is closely related to the efficiency of technique, the level of mental stability to overcome fatigue, and the ability to implement a rational tactical scheme of competitive struggle in difficult conditions. On the other hand, tactical preparedness is associated not only with the athlete’s ability to perceive and quickly process information, the ability to draw up a rational tactical plan and find effective ways solving motor problems depending on the current situation, but also determined by the level of technical skill, functional readiness, courage, determination, determination, etc.

Emerging in the process sports training tasks are specified in relation to homogeneous groups of athletes, teams, individual athletes, taking into account the stage of long-term training, type of activity, level of sportsmanship, state of health, preparedness and other reasons.

Sports training equipment– varied physical exercise, directly or indirectly influencing the improvement of athletes' skills. The composition of sports training means is formed taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport, which is the subject of sports specialization.


Sports training aids – physical exercise- conditionally can be divided into four groups: general preparatory, auxiliary, special preparatory, competitive.

To general preparatory include exercises that serve the comprehensive functional development of the athlete’s body. They can both correspond to the characteristics of the chosen sport, and be in a certain contradiction with them (when solving the problems of comprehensive and harmonious physical education).

Auxiliary(semi-special) exercises involve motor actions that create a special foundation for subsequent improvement in a particular sports activity.

Special preparatory exercises occupy a central place in the training system of qualified athletes and cover a range of means, including elements of competitive activity and actions close to them in form, structure, as well as in the nature of the manifested qualities and activity of the functional systems of the body.

Competitive exercises involve performing a set of motor actions that are the subject of sports specialization, in accordance with the existing competition rules. Competitive exercises are characterized by a number of features. Firstly, when they are carried out, high and record results are achieved; The maximum level of an athlete’s adaptive capabilities is determined, which he achieves as a result of using general preparatory, auxiliary and special preparatory exercises in his training. Secondly, the competitive exercises themselves can be considered as the most convenient and objective visual models of an athlete’s reserve capabilities (Laputin, 1986).

Sports training means are also divided according to the direction of impact. It is possible to allocate funds primarily associated with improving various aspects of preparedness - technical, tactical, etc., as well as aimed at developing various motor qualities, increasing the functional capabilities of individual organs and systems of the body.

Sports training methods

By methods of sports training, one should understand the ways of work of a coach and an athlete, with the help of which mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the necessary qualities are developed, and a worldview is formed.

IN practical purposes All methods are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical.

During sports training, all these methods are used in various combinations. Each method is not used in a standard way, but is constantly adapted to specific requirements determined by the characteristics of sports training. When selecting methods, care should be taken to ensure that they strictly correspond to the assigned tasks, general didactic principles, as well as special principles of sports training, age and gender characteristics of athletes, their qualifications and preparedness. In sports, where a special place is given to connection with practice, and also due to the specific features of sports activity, the main role is given to practical methods.

Towards verbal methods Activities used in sports training include story, explanation, lecture, conversation, analysis and discussion. These forms are most often used in a laconic form, especially in the preparation of qualified athletes, which is facilitated by special terminology and a combination of verbal methods with visual ones. Efficiency training process largely depends on the skillful use of directions and commands, comments, verbal assessments and explanations.

Visual methods, used in sports practice, are diverse and largely determine the effectiveness of the training process. These, first of all, include a methodologically correct demonstration of individual exercises and their elements, which is usually carried out by a coach or qualified athlete.

In sports practice, demonstration aids are widely used - educational films, video recordings, mock-ups of playing fields and fields for demonstrating tactical schemes, and electronic games. Orientation methods are also widely used. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the simplest landmarks that limit the direction of movement, the distance covered, etc., and more complex ones - light, sound and mechanical leading devices, including those with program control and feedback. These devices allow the athlete to obtain information about the tempo-rhythm, spatial and dynamic characteristics of movements, and sometimes provide not only information about movements and their results, but also forced correction.

Methods of practical exercises:

1) methods primarily aimed at mastering sports techniques, i.e. on the formation of motor skills and abilities characteristic of the chosen sport;

2) methods primarily aimed at developing motor qualities.

It should be taken into account that mastering sports technology almost always involves simultaneous mastery of the tactics of using technical techniques and actions in competitive conditions. This is especially true for martial arts, sports games, cycling, skiing, in which mastering one or another technical technique (for example, a technique in wrestling or basketball) certainly involves studying the tactics of using this technique in competition conditions.

Wide arsenal and variety physical activity, characteristic of the second group of methods, develop not only physical qualities, but also improve technical and tactical skills and mental qualities. Both groups of methods are closely interrelated, are used in inextricable unity and together provide effective solution tasks of sports training.

Methods aimed primarily at mastering sports techniques

Methods for learning the exercise as a whole and in parts should be distinguished. Learning the movement as a whole is carried out by mastering relatively simple exercises, as well as complex movements, the division of which into parts is impossible. However, when mastering a holistic movement, the students’ attention is consistently focused on the rational execution of individual elements of a holistic motor act.

When learning more or less complex movements that can be divided into relatively independent parts, mastering sports techniques is carried out in parts. In the future, holistic performance of motor actions will lead to the integration of previously mastered components of a complex exercise into a single whole.

When using methods for mastering movements, both as a whole and in parts, a large role is given to introductory and imitation exercises. Leading exercises serve to facilitate the development of sports techniques through the systematic development of simpler motor actions that ensure the execution of the main movement. This is due to the related coordination structure of the leading and main exercises. Thus, in training a runner, running with high hip lifts, running with shin sweeps, mincing running, jumping running, etc. are used as lead-in exercises.

Each of these exercises is a lead-in to running and contributes to the more effective development of its individual elements: effective push-off, high hip extension, reducing support time, improving coordination in the activity of antagonist muscles, etc.

In imitation exercises, the general structure of the main exercises is preserved, but when they are performed, conditions are provided that facilitate the development of motor actions. Pedaling on a bicycle ergometer can be used as simulation exercises for cyclists, imitation of swimming movements for swimmers, working on a rowing machine for rowers, etc. Imitation exercises are very widely used in improving the technical skills of both beginners and athletes of various qualifications . They not only allow you to create an idea of ​​the technology sports exercise and facilitate the process of its assimilation, contribute to setting up the optimal coordination structure of movements immediately before competitions, but also ensure effective coordination between motor and autonomic functions, increase the efficiency of realizing functional potential in a competitive exercise (Dyachkov, 1972; Shapkova, 1982).

The effectiveness of methods aimed at mastering sports technique depends critically on the number, complexity and characteristics of the combination of exercises used. When mastering movements, especially complex ones in terms of coordination, it is very important to select a set of exercises united by the commonality of the program, starting points, preparatory and main actions, and differing only in coordination complexity. At the same time, mastering each complex technical technique requires the presence of large quantity exercises of varying complexity linked into a single didactic chain. In the case of rational selection and distribution of exercises in this chain, it is possible to ensure a systematic process of mastering sports techniques with extensive use of the possibilities of positive transfer of motor skills, in which the development of a new exercise is based on a broad foundation of prerequisite skills and abilities (Gaverdovsky, 1991, Matveev, 2001).

The effectiveness of training methods is directly related to the selection of exercises based on their structural relationships and corresponding medical techniques. As basic techniques developed on the basis of one of the most technically complex sports - artistic gymnastics, the following are recommended:

  • inclusion - the introduction of a previously well-mastered movement into a new motor action;
  • extrapolation - complication of movement by quantitatively increasing a feature already included in the movement;
  • interpolation - mastering a new exercise on the basis of already mastered easier and more difficult exercises, when the formation of a skill of intermediate complexity is required.

Methods aimed primarily at developing motor qualities

The most important indicators that determine the structure of practical training methods are whether the exercise in the process of one-time use this method continuous in nature or given at intervals for rest, performed in a uniform (standard) or variable (varying) mode.

During sports training, exercises are used within the framework of two main methods - continuous and interval.

Continuous method characterized by one-time continuous execution of training work; interval - involves performing exercises with regulated rest breaks. When using both methods, exercises can be performed in both uniform and variable modes. Depending on the selection of exercises and the characteristics of their application, training can be generalized (integral) and selective (predominant) in nature.

With generalized influence, parallel (comprehensive) improvement of various qualities is carried out, which determine the level of athlete’s preparedness, and with selective influence, the preferential development of individual qualities is carried out.

With a uniform mode of using any of the methods, the intensity of work is constant, with a variable mode it varies. The intensity of work from exercise to exercise can increase (progressive option) or change repeatedly (variing option).

Continuous training method used in conditions of uniform work, it is mainly used to increase aerobic capacity, develop special endurance for work of medium and long duration. An example is rowing at distances of 5000 and 10,000 m at a constant speed at a heart rate of 145-160 beats per minute -1, running at distances of 10,000 and 20,000 m at the same heart rate. These exercises will help to increase the aerobic performance of athletes, develop their endurance for long-term work, and increase its efficiency.

The possibilities of the continuous training method in conditions of variable work are much more diverse. Depending on the duration of the parts of the exercise performed with greater or less intensity, the characteristics of their combination, the intensity of work when performing individual parts, it is possible to achieve a predominant effect on the athlete’s body in the direction of increasing speed capabilities, developing various types of endurance, and improving private abilities that determine the level of sports achievements V various types sports

In the case of using a varying version, parts of the exercise can be alternated, performed at different intensities or with different intensities and varying durations. For example, when skating a distance of 8000 m (20 laps of 400 m), one lap is run with a result of 45 s, the next one is completed freely, at an arbitrary speed. Such work will contribute to the development of special endurance, the formation of competitive technique, and the increase in aerobic-anaerobic capabilities.

The progressive version is associated with an increase in the intensity of work as the exercise is performed, and the descending version is associated with its decrease. Thus, swimming a distance of 500 m (the first hundred-meter segment, which is swam in 64 s, and each subsequent one is 2 s faster, i.e. in 62, 60, 58 and 56 s) is an example of a progressive option; skiing 20 km (4 laps of 5 km) with results of 20, 21, 22 and 23 minutes, respectively, is an example of a descending option.

Interval training method, involving uniform performance of work, is widely used in the practice of sports training. Performing a series of exercises of the same duration with constant intensity and strictly regulated pauses is typical for this method. Examples include typical series aimed at developing special endurance: 10 x 400 m - in running and skating, 10 x 1000 m - in rowing, etc. An example of a varying option can be series for the development of sprinting qualities in running: 3x 60 m s maximum speed, rest – 3-5 minutes; 30 m running at maximum speed, slow running - 200 m.

An example of a progressive option are complexes that involve sequential passage of segments of increasing length (running a series of 400 m + 800 m + 1200 m + 1600 m 4-2000 m) or a stable length at increasing speed (6 times swimming a distance of 200 m with results of 2 min 14 s, 2.12, 2.10, 2.08, 2.06, 2.04). The descending option involves the opposite combination: sequentially performing exercises of decreasing length or performing exercises of the same duration with a consistent decrease in their intensity.

Progressive and descending variants can also be combined in one complex. As an example, a complex can be presented that is widely used for the development of special endurance in swimming at a distance of 1500 m: 600 m, rest 30-40 s; 400 m, rest 20-30 s; 200 m, rest 15 s; 100 m, rest 10 s; 50 m, rest 5 s; 50 m (speed 85-90% of the maximum available on the corresponding segment). In this case, from one repetition to another, the swimming speed systematically increases and the length of the segments decreases.

Exercises using the interval method can be continuous (for example, 10 x 800 m in running, 6 x 5 km in skiing etc.) or serial 6 x (4 x 50 m) - in swimming, etc.

It is also customary to distinguish gaming and competitive methods as independent practical methods. Game method involves the performance of motor actions in the conditions of the game, within the limits of its characteristic rules, arsenal of technical and tactical techniques and situations. The use of the game method ensures high emotionality of classes and is associated with solving problems in constantly changing situations, effective in the presence of a variety of technical, tactical and psychological tasks that arise during the game. These features of gaming activity require from those involved initiative, courage, perseverance and independence, the ability to manage their emotions and subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, the manifestation of high coordination abilities, speed of response, quick thinking, the use of original and unexpected technical and tactical solutions for opponents. All this predetermines the effectiveness of the game method for solving problems related to various aspects of an athlete’s training. However, the effectiveness of the game method is not limited to solving problems related to increasing the level of preparedness of athletes. No less important is its role as a means active recreation, switching students to another type motor activity in order to accelerate and increase the efficiency of adaptation and recovery processes, maintaining the previously achieved level of preparedness.

Competitive method involves specially organized competitive activity, which in this case acts as the optimal way to increase the effectiveness of the training process. The use of this method is associated with exceptionally high requirements for the technical, tactical, physical and psychological capabilities of the athlete, causes profound changes in the activity of the most important systems of the body and thereby stimulates adaptation processes, ensures integral improvement of various aspects of the athlete’s preparedness.

When using the competitive method, the conditions for conducting competitions should be varied widely in order to bring them as close as possible to the requirements that are most conducive to solving the assigned tasks. Competitions can be held under more complicated or easier conditions than those typical for official competitions.

The following are examples of complicating competition conditions:

  • holding the competition in mid-mountain areas, in hot climates, in bad weather conditions;
  • competitions in sports games on smaller fields and grounds, with a larger number of players on the opposing team;
  • conducting a series of fights (in wrestling) or fights (in boxing) with relatively short pauses against several opponents;
  • competitions in games and martial arts with “inconvenient” opponents who use unusual technical and tactical schemes for fighting;
  • the use of weighted projectiles during competitions (in hammer throwing, shot put), restrictions on respiratory cycles in cyclic types sports

Facilitation of competition conditions can be ensured by:

  • planning competitions at shorter distances in cyclic events, reducing the duration of fights, fights in martial arts;
  • simplification of the competition program - in complex coordination events;
  • the use of lightweight projectiles - in throwing, reducing the height of the net - in volleyball, the mass of balls - in water polo and football;
  • the use of a “handicap”, in which the weaker participant is given a certain advantage - he starts a little earlier - in cyclic events, gets an advantage in scored pucks or balls - in sports games, etc.

Material taken from the book by V.N. Platonov “System of training athletes in Olympic sports”