Body fat index calculator. body composition

A few years ago, health status was determined using body mass index (BMI). Today, an indicator of appearance and general well-being is the percentage of body fat - the amount of fat in% of total mass human body.

Those who follow the figure and strive to always have a slender and toned body, you should know that the ideal ratio of fat in the body cannot be calculated. Normal body fat percentage varies markedly between people and is due to factors such as genetics, body type, age, individual activity level, dietary habits, etc.

Many people often confuse concepts such as body mass index and body fat content, but these are two completely different indicators.

BMI stands for a numeric expression that is the ratio of a person's weight to their height. Everyone can calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height in meters, this can be done either independently or using an online calculator. You can also determine BMI in another more popular way: measure your height in centimeters and subtract one hundred from this number. For example:

Height - 180 cm - 100 \u003d 80 and more - 10 \u003d 70 - ideal BMI for women in kilograms.

And the percentage of fat in the body - this means the total weight of a person minus the weight of fat in his body.

For example, with a weight of 68 kg, and 6.8 kg of body fat, the percentage of fat in it is 10% (6.8/68).

This figure may vary when a person is gaining or losing fat. This percentage can also change when a person builds muscle or loses muscle mass.

Proper nutrition and exercise strength training in order to increase weight, for example, from 68 to 78 kg, usually leads to a set of another 2.2 kg of fat. In this case, the percentage of fat will already be about 12% (9/78).

As you can see, the percentage of body fat can vary depending on the changes that occur with the human constitution.

Another important difference between BMI and body fat percentage is the fact that body mass index is useful and effective for analyzing broad populations, while calculating body fat percentage is better suited for estimating physical development each individual separately.

Normal body fat

There are many opinions about the normal amount of fat that should be contained in the body of non-athletic people. For women, the content of 16-20% and 20-21% of body fat is considered acceptable (taking into account the age category), and for men - 8-14% and 10-14% (see Table 1). The presence of such indicators provides a lean physique. How it looks visually is shown in the picture below the table.

For excellent well-being 10-15% fat - great option for the strong half of humanity, which is worth striving for. However, men who want to highlight six pack abs should control their fat content within 10-11%, the abdominal region is the very place where they “love” to accumulate body fat.

Women aiming for a six-pack abs may need to drop their body fat percentage to around 14-16. It should be noted that for some of the fair sex, this figure may be too low. And the lack of fat in the body is fraught with adverse consequences for women's health.

How to determine the percentage of body fat?

To determine the amount of fat in the body, there are several methods: simple ones that you can do yourself, and complex ones that require special devices.

So, set percentage subcutaneous fat You can use a regular ruler, caliper or caliper, an instrument that measures the thickness of the skin fold.

To take measurements, you need to stand up straight, pinch a section of skin 10 cm to the right of the navel with your fingers, capturing fat deposits, and set the thickness of the resulting fold with one of the tools (caliper, ruler, caliper).

Then the age and the resulting figure (in mm) must be compared with the table on which the levels of fat are indicated.

Body fat percentage can also be estimated using measuring tape: first measure the circumference of the body, and then special formulas calculate the fat content.

Scales with a fat analyzer will help you determine the percentage of body fat. Before getting on the scales, the user must enter their data: gender, height, age. Then stand barefoot on the device. An electrical signal passes through the feet, measuring the resistance of the body. User data and resistance level allow the device to calculate body fat percentage.

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that provide online calculators.. By entering your parameters, you can easily set the fat content in your body. Here's what it looks like

It is traditionally believed that the formula for calculating the ideal weight is height in centimeters minus one hundred. For example, normal weight with a height of 180 cm is 80 kg. Despite the fact that this formula really allows you to assess the presence of a pronounced excess or lack of body weight, the resulting figure is erroneously considered ideal weight. Ultimately, gender and age must be considered.

In most cases, the ideal weight of a person is the weight that he had at the age of 18-20 years. However, often a sedentary lifestyle and regular excess disrupt metabolism and lead to a set of excess fat mass. On the other hand, exercising and gaining muscle also increases weight - but with positive effect on health.

Note that modern nutritionists do not start at all from the formula for calculating the ideal weight (or even not from the body mass index), but from. This indicator allows not only to calculate the conditional deviation from the “normal” weight, but gives an understanding of exactly how much excess fat is present. High level fat is dangerous, even if the number on the scale is perfect.

// Formulas for calculating the ideal weight:

  • Brock's formula (growth minus one hundred)
  • Lorentz formula
  • Quetelet body mass index

Overweight or excess fat?

When determining the ideal weight according to the formula, you must always remember that adipose tissue twice as light as muscles. A man with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 80 kg can be both a fairly obese person and a muscular athlete - however, the body mass index will be the same. The difference can only be seen with a full body composition analysis - including quantification.

Experts believe that it is the presence of visceral (internal) fat that poses a serious threat to health. In addition to mechanical influence - such fat squeezes the stomach forward and creates a large belly - visceral fat actively involved in metabolism. Excess fat is associated with increased level"bad" cholesterol, high blood pressure and impaired insulin action.

The definition of the ideal weight according to the formula “height minus one hundred” was proposed in 1850 by the French researcher Paul Broca, based on the analysis of large amounts of statistical data. Interestingly, even the scientist himself in later works noted that the formula he derived is not at all universal - it is suitable only for people with a height of less than 165 cm.

In 1929, Brock's formula was corrected by the British scientist Lorenz. Now the gender of the person was taken into account (the ideal weight formulas for men and women are different), as well as age. Lorentz noted that the calculations would be correct only for those people who are under 40 years old.

// Lorenz formula for men:

  • Ideal weight \u003d (height minus 100) - (height minus 150) / 4

// Lorenz formula for women:

  • Ideal weight \u003d (height minus 100) - (height minus 150) / 2

Body mass index (Ketele formula)

In parallel with the search for a formula for calculating the ideal weight, in 1869 the Belgian scientist Adolf Ketele proposed a theory. According to this indicator, it is possible to indirectly assess whether the weight of a particular person is underweight, normal or overweight. The scientist argued that a BMI less than 18 means underweight, 18-25 - the norm, 25-30 - overweight, and a number above 30 is obese.

// Ketele formula:

  • BMI = (weight in kg) / (height in meters) 2

It is important to note that modern science does not consider BMI an accurate characteristic for determining the presence excess weight. Experiments show that body mass index revealed obesity in only a third of really obese men and half of women. The role, as we mentioned above, is played by the presence internal fat- and its quantity cannot be calculated by the formula.

How to calculate excess weight?

Despite the fact that the calculation of the ideal weight can be useful in the presence of obesity (the formula can show that the real weight exceeds the normal one by 15-20 kg), for people with a normal physique, any mathematical methods for determining excess weight will give only an approximate figure. Ultimately, to determine normal weight it is important to understand what type of physique a particular person has.

For example, they are distinguished by a slow metabolism and a massive bone structure - in contrast to the naturally thin, possessing thin bones. Sports, in turn, are characterized fast speed metabolism and increased muscle mass. Each of these body types will have their own limits of normal and ideal body weight.

Determination of body fat percentage

The material on the definition contains photographs of various types of male and female figures- focusing on them, you can determine your approximate percentage of fat. The exact figure can be obtained by measuring subcutaneous fat with a caliper or special “smart” scales with the function of determining body composition.

Athletic men have approximately 6-13% body fat, the average normal figure is 18-24%, and obesity starts at 25%. In girls, the percentage of fat is significantly higher - an athletic physique is characterized by 14-20%, and average level is 25-30%. Moreover, only this figure, and not at all the ideal weight formula, can show the presence of excess weight.


Using formulas to calculate ideal weight or to determine body mass index (BMI) is only suitable for people who are markedly obese or malnourished. Body fat percentage is a much more accurate indicator. However, it is important not only to know the amount of fat in the body, but also to constantly monitor the change in this indicator.

Body fat percentage, Body Mass Index (BMI)

The effect of a diet or exercise program can only be verified when you have accurate biometric data. This webpage will help you calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage and lean body mass. You will also receive an estimate of your daily calories and protein needs at your activity level. Once a week you should record your measurements to keep track of the results. If you keep your data on spreadsheets (eg MS Excel), you will be able to create charts to make it easier to see trends.

The number of calories in the foods we eat and the number of calories we expend determine whether we lose weight or gain weight. The extra calories we consume are stored as fat in our body. To maintain a sustainable weight, the number of calories in our diet must be equal to the number of calories we expend through activity, excrete as waste, or use to regenerate skin, hair, nails, and other body tissues. In order to lose weight, we must eat fewer calories than our body requires so that the fat that is in our body is used and replenishes the missing part of the calories we need. Before starting any diet, you should consult your doctor or dietitian, especially if you are taking medication.

How to take measurements

The body needs protein to maintain muscles and produce hormones. Essential fatty acids are needed for cell replication and for maintaining the structure of the nervous system. Therefore, any reduction in calories must be done by reducing the amount of saturated fat and carbohydrates. The diet should always provide sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids and protein. The body requires at least 15 grams of essential fatty acids per day, which are found in meat, fish, and nuts. A very low calorie diet (less than 1,300 calories per day) usually does not provide all the nutrients needed for good health.

Percentage of fat around the circumference of the body parts. This form calculates your daily protein requirement, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio, and body fat percentage. These metrics also help you keep track of your recovery. Measurements must be accurate to the nearest 0.5 cm or 1/4 inch. Measurements should be taken so that the tape is tensed but not compressing the skin.

  • Height- measure without shoes
  • Weight- You need to weigh yourself in the morning, after going to the toilet, on an empty stomach, without clothes.
  • Waist(Men) - measure horizontally, at the level of the navel
    (Women) - measured horizontally, at the level of the minimum width of the abdominal cavity
  • Neck- Neck circumference is measured by placing a tape around the neck horizontally under the Adam's apple.
  • Hips(Women) - the largest horizontal circumference around the hips.

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Activity level

  • Sedentary- Passive activities, watching TV, working on the computer, reading
  • moderate activity- One hour a day walking, swimming, jogging, tennis
  • Active activity- Two or more hours a day of exercising or moving furniture

Enter your height, weight and other information, and then click the "Calculate" button.

Create a link to this web page from your blog or web page. Simply copy the following HTML snippet into your blog or webpage and a hyperlink will be created with the following Diet Calculator icon

What do the numbers mean?

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)- The ratio of mass to height is measured in kg / m 2 and is calculated by the formula:
    BMI = m/h 2
    where: m - body weight in kilograms, h - height in meters

    In general, BMI is small for thin people and large for fat people. People with a BMI of 25 or more are considered overweight if their body is not very muscular. BMI does not consider the amount of fat and musculature of the body. BMI can classify a thin muscular person as overweight. This is a known flaw in the BMI formula. If your BMI is 25 or more, your waist-to-height ratio is less than 0.5, and your body fat percentage is in the "athlete" or "average" range, you are probably muscular, not fat.



    BMI cannot determine how weight is distributed.

    Typical Body Shape Corresponding to Body Mass Index

  • Waist to height ratio- A waist-to-height ratio of 0.5 or more indicates an increased amount of abdominal fat for both men and women. Abdominal fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Percentage of body fat- calculated using the formulas for the body circumference method developed by Hodgdon and Beckett. Men and women require different methods of measurement because men tend to accumulate fat on their belly (apple shapes) and women tend to accumulate fat on their belly and thighs (pear shapes).

    Formula for men:


    Formula for women:


    Percentage of body fat

  • Lean body weight(Body fat mass) - Calculated by subtracting body fat weight from total body weight.

    Lean Body Mass = Weight × (100 - Body Fat Percentage)

  • daily calorie requirement- The minimum number of calories per day is calculated by height and sex using the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine. When the BMI is 25 or more, the calculator reduces the minimum calorie intake by 15% to get a diet that can be maintained by healthy people for many months without adverse effects.
  • grams of protein per day- calculated from maximum normal BMI, height, and activity level. The recommended amount of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for low activity levels, 1.1 grams for moderate activity, and 1.4 grams for vigorous activity. Other components of the diet, including essential fatty acids and carbohydrates, must be balanced to provide the minimum required calories per day. Any diet should always include at least the minimum amount of protein to prevent loss. muscle tissue when calorie intake is reduced. typical high protein diet contains 30% of calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 40% from carbohydrates. The following table shows the nutrient percentages for the 2000 and 1800 calorie diets.


  1. . Provides information regarding diet and nutrition
  2. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients) (2002) . A book about nutrition and health.
  3. Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D., "Protein Power", Bantam Books, 1996. Describes a low-fat diet that has had great clinical success in reducing obesity and normalizing insulin levels.
  4. Barry Sears, Bill Lawren, "The Zone: A Dietary Road Map to Lose Weight Permanently", ReganBook, 1995. Recommends a 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 30% fat diet.
  5. S.D. Hsieh, H. Yoshinaga, T. Muto, Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Discord., 2003 May; 27 (5):610-6. Waist-to-height ratio, a simple and practical index for assessing central fat distribution and metabolic risk in Japanese men and women.
  6. J. Hodgdon, and M. Beckett, "Prediction of percent body fat for U.S. Navy men and women from body circumferences and height". Report No. 84-29 and 84-11. Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, Cal. 1984.

Copyright 2012 - Antonio Zamora

In the very general view body fat percentage is the ratio of available fat to everything else in the body (organs, muscles, bones, tendons, etc.). Fat is essential for survival: it protects internal organs, serves as a backup source of energy and performs many other important functions.

How much fat do we need

This table shows the generally accepted body fat percentage for men and women.

Essential fat is the minimum you need to survive. For this reason, bodybuilders dry the body to this mark only before the competition. The rest of the time, they maintain a higher percentage of fat, so as not to undermine health and effectively.

  • If you're aiming to be lean, aim for an athletic body fat percentage.
  • If you want to look healthy and fit, aim for a body fat percentage for an athletic physique.

If your body fat percentage is approaching the maximum allowable value for a normal physique or falls under obesity, you would do well to reduce this figure.

What does body fat percentage look like?

It is important to understand that body fat percentage only reflects body fat and has nothing to do with muscle mass. Two people with the same body fat percentage but different muscle mass will look completely different.

How to measure body fat percentage

There are seven main methods that differ from each other in accuracy, simplicity and cost.

1. Visual way

It consists in comparing yourself with the pictures above and determining who you are approximately similar to. A very imprecise way.

2. Using a caliper

Pull back the skin with subcutaneous fat, grab it with the caliper and find the percentage of fat corresponding to the readings of the caliper in the table. As a rule, calipers show a lower percentage of fat than they actually are.

3. Using the formula

For example, you can use the US Navy formula or the YMCA formula. This method is usually wrong in a big way.

4. With electric monitors

The weak passes through the body electricity, and then the "biometric resistance" analysis is performed. As practice has shown, this method gives very inaccurate results.

5. With Bod Pod System

With the help of a special device, the air displaced by the body is measured, based on the data obtained, the body mass, its volume and density are calculated. This method is considered very accurate, but expensive.

6. Water displacement method

Very accurate (with an error of only 1–3%), but an expensive, complicated and inconvenient method.

7. dexa scan

This method is considered the most accurate and consists in a complete study of body composition using x-rays. It's also a very inexpensive way.

Whatever method you choose, try to take measurements at the same time and under similar conditions: for example, on a certain day of the week, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Even if the data received is inaccurate, you will be able to understand if there is progress.

How to reduce body fat percentage

calorie deficit

Spend more than you consume. But keep in mind that if you do not exercise at the same time and limit yourself in carbohydrates, then along with fat you will lose muscle mass. It's not the best The best way however fat loss is guaranteed.

Pull the iron

When training with weights (and also when intense training With own weight) you maintain muscle mass, as well as accelerate metabolism and achieve the effect of "afterburning", when calories continue to be consumed after the end of the workout.

Recently, methods for determining the percentage of body fat as a general indicator of good appearance and body quality are gaining immense popularity. We can say that this percentage of fat successfully replaces the good old body mass index.

In order to better understand everything that is written in this article, it is worth clarifying something. If you are not quite a humanist, then you yourself will understand how all this counts.

Muscular relief. Visible at a low fat content is best.

Distribution of fat in the body. This is really hard for all of us. In some, bro accumulates more on the torso, in others - on the legs. There are women top part whose bodies are absolutely “dry”, but the lower (thighs and buttocks) are a real storehouse of adipose tissue. And some have the opposite. Most women, of course, carry most of their fat on their bellies.

Different body shape. The classic case - a thin model has as much body fat as an athletic athletic girl. And all because fat in the body is distributed evenly.

The appearance of veins always means that the amount of subcutaneous fat has decreased.

Age. With age, the amount of fat in the body, like its norm, increases markedly. And this is a common thing.

The amount of fat in the body of men in photographs

Body fat content 3-4%
Bodybuilders bring themselves to such a state. As in the top picture. This kind of body is characterized by simply incredible visibility of the veins, which resemble the map of the "Rivers of Russia". The muscles are also very well defined. Hell, even the buttocks show veins, which is not the prettiest sight. If you, bro, have no fat on the buttocks, then its percentage in your body is very low. Or you just have a certain type of body shape. By the way, for a man this amount of fat is more or less enough for the normal functioning of the body. So think about it.
Body fat content 6-7%
Usually such body fat content can be seen on the bodies of fitness models. Of course, on the bodies of bodybuilders you can also find such a spread of fat, but less often. Usually, when a bro reaches this level of body fat, his family becomes palpably worried as his face becomes exceptionally defined and thin. The muscles are especially clearly separated, the veins are visible on the limbs, sometimes on the chest and abdomen. The less fat, the better the veins are visible - remember that, bro!
Fat content 10-12%
The most stable level that is easily maintained, even if you abandon training for a week and relax a little (a little!) This look is most loved by women, Hollywood stars are most often associated with it, with such a body it is not a shame to walk along the beach. The muscles are well separated, but not as well as in the previous examples, where each muscle was visible very, very well. The veins protrude on the arms, but not above the elbow and slightly on the legs.
Body fat content 15%
Characterized as thin and fit. The outlines of the muscles are there, but there is no clear separation between them. Yes, light notes. There is a slight softness - this is fat. aesthetic appearance, although there is no relief.
Body fat content 20%
The separation and relief of the muscles begins to slowly wear off. Veins almost never protrude. Creases and a small pouch of fat appear on the abdomen. In appearance, the body becomes soft and rounded. Such a fat content in the body of 20-25-year-old guys is extremely common.
Body fat content 25%
Muscles begin to be seen only under load. And even then not much. The waist is starting to get bigger and its ratio to hips is going like 9/10. Fat is slightly deposited on the neck. More than 25 percent of body fat in men and girls is obesity.
Body fat content 30%
Fat begins to be deposited on the lower back, back, thighs and calves. The waist becomes slightly larger than the hips. The abdomen begins to protrude. There is no separation of muscles.
Body fat content 35%
The dude is getting harder and harder. Most of the fat is in the abdomen, forming a "beer belly". Waist circumference can reach 100cm±1cm.
Body fat content 40%
The waist can reach a girth of 120 centimeters. Climbing stairs and walking for a long time becomes very difficult. It becomes extremely difficult to bend over because of the huge belly.

We figured out the bro, now about the ladies. Do they get fat too? (Oops!).
On average, girls have an 8-10 percent higher body fat content.

The fat content in the body of a woman 10-12%
This condition is usually found in female bodybuilders. This level of fat in a woman's body is unsafe: menstruation may disappear altogether. Very high delineation of the muscles and a strong protrusion of the veins on the whole body of a woman, especially on the arms up to the elbow.
The fat content in the body of a woman 15-17%
Although it is beautiful, many researchers still believe that this is an unhealthy fat content in a woman's body. Bikini and fitness models boast this body fat content. Muscles are clearly visible on the trunk, arms, legs, shoulders. A slight separation of the muscles on the body is visible. The hips, buttocks and legs are slightly rounded, but will never become large, as well as the chest. But nice, IMHO.
The fat content in the body of a woman 20-22%
Athletic athletic female body. Tightened. Minimal separation between muscles. Some fat on arms and legs.
Body fat content in women 25%
The most typical norm. Not fat, not thin. There is no excess body weight, there is a little excess on the hips and buttocks.
Body fat content in women 30%
Fat is deposited on the lower body: on the hips, buttocks. Wrinkles appear on the abdomen, which are difficult to get rid of. The abdomen protrudes a little.
Body fat content in women 35%
The hips become wider, the stomach protrudes strongly. When a girl sits down, folds appear on them. The circumference of the hips can be more than 100 centimeters. Waist circumference - more than 70.
Fat content in the body of a woman 40%
The hips become about 110 centimeters. Waist - around 90 centimeters. The thickness of the legs just above the knee is more than 60. This is too much, and strong.
Body fat content in women 45%
The hips are much wider than the shoulders. The circumference of the hips is about 130 centimeters. The body becomes very loose. However, after 35 percent looseness appears everywhere, but this is very strong. Dimples appear.
Body fat content in women 50%
Well, here, as you understand, everything is really bad, both for health and in general. The body turns into many dimples, becomes loose, and the lower part seems much larger than the upper.