Exercise while working. Sedentary work: what exercises will remove the consequences? Head rotation for neck

Almost all modern professions have forced a person to stay motionless for 8–10 hours at a computer. Sitting in a comfortable office chair by the air conditioner, hardly anyone thinks about the problems that mature over the years and, as a result, turn into a whole bunch of diseases in the body. To prevent these problems, we should talk in more detail about charging for sedentary work. It's never too late to take care of your health.

Exercises for sedentary lifestyle and office work

The consequences of sedentary work for the body

It's no secret that we have been in prison for many years - first at school, then at the institute, and then at work. Youthful cheerfulness is gradually replaced by lethargy, chronic fatigue and other signs of a working person - an extra belly, sagging shapeless hips and a bunch of diseases. Few people understand, in general, the presence of a problem, and the diseases that have appeared are justified by age. But one has only to devote a little time to your body in office everyday life, using simple exercises during sedentary work, and the situation will improve significantly.

If you do not take care of prevention in time, you can safely expect the development of such deviations:

Here is a short list typical problems during sedentary work. The situation seems complicated, but completely solvable.. In sedentary work, exercise for women is extremely important, given the tendency of the female body to store unused calories and the general tendency to involve women in office work.

How to sit properly at work?

Let's start by defining correct position cases at the desktop. So:

  • keep your back straight;
  • tighten the stomach, hold it with the abdominal muscles;
  • keep your head straight, straightening your chin (the monitor should be at such a height that your eyes look into the middle of the screen);
  • put your feet together, it is better to place your knees slightly above the thigh line (you can use a footrest).

Gymnastics for office workers

A set of exercises for sitting at a computer

The morning of each person should begin with gymnastics. Just 10-15 minutes morning workout will help to awaken the muscles, bring them into tone and start the working morning with a positive charge of vivacity. Doing exercises office charging, repeat each movement 5-10 times. This is quite enough for the exercise to “pump” the stagnant zones and fill the muscles with energy.

Exercises for the neck during sedentary work

By regularly performing neck exercises during sedentary work, you, first of all, ensure normal blood circulation for the brain, and hence your efficiency at work. Performing the following complex:

Charging for hands and arms

Arms and hands also need a warm-up:

  • circular rotation of the arms forward-backward;
  • circular rotations with brushes in front of you;
  • clenching fingers into fists and unclenching, making sharp active movements;
  • holding hands on weight in a horizontal position (stretching arms to the sides) for the maximum possible time;
  • put your palms together at chest level, make static pressure of the palms, straining the pectoral muscles.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles during sedentary work

Special attention is required by the abdominal muscles, which quickly signal the stagnation of calories by deposits.

How to stretch during sedentary work

With effective and at the same time simple exercises, we shape the abdominal area:

  • in a sitting position, hands on the waist: turning the body to the left and right to the maximum muscle tension;
  • sitting evenly on a chair, draw in and relax the abdominal muscles;
  • perform from a standing position side slopes left-right, hands on the belt;

Sedentary back exercises

It is important to remember: when sitting, back exercises should be performed regularly, since the back muscles receive a huge load from a static position:

  • from a sitting position: straighten your back, strain as much as possible long muscles along the spine, count to 10, alternate with relaxation of the back muscles. Gradually bring the score to 20-25;
  • standing, circular motions pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt: tilt the body to a horizontal position, keeping your back straight, count to 10. Gradually bring the back hold to 20. It is important to keep your back straight, do not bend your knees.

Seated leg exercises

Exercising for the legs during sedentary work is also extremely important, as it helps to disperse blood stasis in the vessels:

Exercises for people with sedentary work

  • walking up stairs;
  • squats - back straight, hands behind the head;
  • circular rotations - first the feet, then the knees clockwise and counterclockwise (if clothing allows);
  • from a standing position, lean forward into a crease, keeping your knees straight, trying to reach the floor with your hands;
  • in a sitting position, pull the toes of the feet towards you as much as possible - away from you.

How often should you exercise?

Daily gymnastics in the workplace will help you keep a good physical form. Regular execution of simple exercise will require little effort from you. It is important to allocate 5 minutes of rest for every hour of working time (walk around the office, up the stairs). Once every 2-3 hours, 10-15 minutes should be allocated for a set of exercises.

When working at a computer, also follow simple rules:

  • often change your posture while sitting;
  • get up every hour for 5 minutes, pull your arms up, do simple tilts of the body;
  • regularly do wet cleaning on the desktop, otherwise you risk constantly breathing dust;
  • decorate your desktop with a mini aquarium or cactus;
  • ventilate the room regularly.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Many office workers suffer from back pain, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, problems with overweight and many others associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Gymnastics in the workplace can help us prevent and get rid of these ailments. Therefore, today we will discuss the most effective and effective exercises when working at a computer.

  • Head tilts to restore cerebral circulation
    What is useful: This simple exercise will help you relax your neck muscles and restore cerebral circulation.
    How to perform: First tilt your head to the left, sit in this position until you feel the muscles of your neck stretch and then return to the starting position. Do the same by tilting your head to the right side. Repeat this exercise 10-12 times.
  • Relaxing gymnastics for the shoulders
    What is useful: this gymnastics will relax shoulder girdle, which is the main load during sedentary work
    How to perform: Raise your shoulders first up and stay in this position for 15 seconds. Drop down. Do this exercise three times. Next, rotate your shoulders five times forward and five times back. In conclusion, clasp your hands in the castle in front of you, lift them up and stretch your whole body with all your might.
  • Exercise for firm and beautiful breasts
    What is useful: This exercise, which can be done at the computer, will strengthen the muscles chest and will help maintain the elasticity of the breast.
    How to perform: Bring your hands together in front of you at chest level so that your palms rest tightly against each other, and your elbows are apart. With all your strength, begin to press with your right palm on your left. Do the same in reverse. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.
  • Gymnastics at the computer for a flat tummy
    What is useful: You can perform this simple exercise in front of the monitor, without looking up from your work activity. It will perfectly strengthen the muscles and make your tummy flat and elastic.
    How to perform: Sitting in a chair, straighten your back. Pull your stomach in as much as possible and sit in this position for 5-7 seconds. Then relax. You need to repeat this exercise 20 times.
  • Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back
    What is useful: stretches the muscles of the back, is the prevention of osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine
    How to perform: Stretch your arms up, turning them palms to each other as if you are holding something in your hands. Stretch in this way right side and hold for 10 seconds until you feel the muscles of the left side of your back stretch. Do the same by stretching to the left side. Also stretch your arms in front of you and stretch, according to the same principle, first to the right, and then to the left. The exercise can be repeated 3-4 times from each starting position.
  • Exercise that develops the muscles of the legs and abs
    What is useful: with the help of this gymnastics while working at the computer, you can strengthen the muscles of the legs and pump up the press at the same time
    How to perform: Sit on the edge of a chair and grab it with your hands. Raise your straight legs off the floor and cross them. Next, start as hard as you can press one foot on the other. Swap your legs. Try to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.
  • Gymnastics for slender legs and inner thigh
    What is useful: Strengthens the muscles of the legs and helps to bring the inner thighs into perfect shape.
    How to perform: Sitting on a chair, squeeze an object with your knees - for example, it can be a book, a folder of papers, or a small briefcase. Rhythmically squeeze and unclench your legs, but so that the object does not fall to the floor. Repeat compressions 25 times.
  • Exercise for lumbar and correct posture
    What is useful: Strengthens the spine, preventing its curvature.
    How to perform: Sitting in a chair with your back straight, join your legs together so that your feet are snug against each other. Lean alternately from the right and left sides so that the palm completely touches the floor. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.
  • Gymnastics for training the back of the thigh and elastic buttocks
    What is useful: These exercises will tone the leg muscles and tighten the buttocks.
    How to perform: Sit upright on the edge of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. As hard as you can, tighten your abdominal muscles and, leaving your legs bent, pull your toes up and your heels down. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Relaxing gymnastics for the legs
    What is useful: This pleasant exercise will improve blood circulation and will be an excellent prevention of varicose veins, as well as relax and relieve stress.
    How to perform: Find a pencil, a fax paper roll, or any cylindrical object in the office. Lay it on the floor, take off your shoes and roll it with your feet under the table. You can do this exercise for an unlimited amount of time, since it will require almost no physical effort from you.

Performing this gymnastics daily while working at a computer, you save perfect figure and avoid health problems that lie in wait for everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Also try go out more often Fresh air or at least don't forget to ventilate the room .

Be beautiful and healthy!

Many professions that do not require absolutely no load on the body, lead to many negative consequences , For example, to impaired posture, impaired vision, overweight, and all these joys come only from a lack of exercise at work. In addition, a monotonous sitting posture disrupts the blood supply to the brain, which causes headaches, premature fatigue, impaired memory, and impaired pressure. Disruptions in activity are also a popular office ailment. of cardio-vascular system. Do not forget about susceptibility to rapid obesity, since when sitting on a chair, the pressure on the lower body increases, which stimulates the accumulation of fat in it. In continuation of the fascinating study of the unpleasant consequences of sedentary work, one can also mention the appearance of muscle pain, weakness, constipation, diabetes and hemorrhoids.

To avoid the occurrence of all these problems, as well as relieve tension from the muscles, simple and effective exercises for the back during sedentary work. Their implementation will help fill the body with energy and strength for the whole day, especially considering that even a small amount of daily physical activities already good for the body. Before listing all the effective exercises for sedentary work, important to note the need morning exercises , which should last about 5 minutes, which is enough to prepare the body for daily work.

must always be observed correct posture. To achieve and maintain it, it is recommended to choose the right chair with a solid seat, the height of which corresponds to the height of the lower leg, the back exactly repeats the curve of the spine. The shoulder blades should be brought together, the stomach is relaxed, the shoulders should not warp. It is not recommended to lean on, as this is a sure way to bad posture and subsequent diseases, which also leads to the habit of throwing one leg over the other.

A set of exercises for charging at work

Finding the body in a permanent unnatural and disturbed position has a bad effect on well-being and health, leads to pain, poor concentration, blood stasis and the subsequent formation of blood clots. To eliminate them, exercises during sedentary work are successfully used.. They have incorporated gymnastics during sedentary work for most parts of the body, they are unpretentious and simple, they are easily performed at the workplace, since they require little time, and the result is hard to overestimate, given that all you need is a chair.

back exercises at work

  • sitting on a chair, the hands are joined in a lock behind the back, the shoulder blades are brought together, the hands are laid back. Useful for execution good posture, because the smoother the back, the easier it will be to join hands, but if this fails, then you can take a pencil in them. Feel the muscles stretch. Exercise improves blood circulation in the muscles of the back;
  • hands are joined in the castle in front of you and stretched forward. The head looks down, the stomach is drawn in, and as you exhale, the arms are pulled forward as much as possible. Great upper back stretch;
  • the exercise is also performed while sitting on a chair. Legs are placed wide, hands rest on the hips. Then performed alternating turns torso to the sides with a slight delay. So you pull the muscles of the middle back, lower back.

Do each exercise for as long as you need. Feel the relaxation of the muscles, a pleasant tingling. If you feel relieved, the exercise can be completed.

Attention deserves the need to observe the intervals between work and rest, which should be no more than 3 hours.

Exercises for the abs

Sedentary work weakens the abdominal muscles, which is fraught with a deterioration in the general appearance, and the occurrence of various diseases, therefore, for women, exercises during sedentary work are especially important, because they follow the figure more than men. For preventive purposes, it is required to do exercises for the press at work as often as possible throughout the day:

  • sitting. The abdomen is drawn in for 5 seconds, then returns to the starting position. At first, 10 repetitions are enough, but gradually their number and execution time increase. Undoubtedly, this is the main ab exercise at work, involving all the muscles of the abdomen;
  • Sitting on a chair. Body tilts left and right. When performing, the back remains straight, arms lowered. When exhaling, the body is lowered, while inhaling, it returns to its original position. For starters, 10 repetitions are enough, over time, it is desirable to increase their number;
  • Sitting or standing. The abdominal muscles are held in static tension for 5 seconds and then relax. Gradually, you can also increase the duration of the tension of the press.

Do the first exercise wherever you can - in transport, at the computer, on the couch. For as long as you can. And the iron press is provided to you! The main thing is to remember this 😉

Exercises for the neck during sedentary work

All exercises are performed sitting or standing, as you like:

  • chin sinks to chest, then the head gently turns back in an attempt to look behind the back. Breathing also needs to be controlled - flexion of the neck is done on inhalation, and extension on exhalation. Executed 5 times;
  • head turns to the side, is fixed, after which it is rotated to the other side. 5-10 repetitions are made;
  • 5-10 different numbers or letters are carefully drawn with the nose in the air. The neck should move in full amplitude;
  • head rotates 2-4 times clockwise, then against it. Perfectly trains the neck, kneads the vertebrae. Extremely effective exercise when working at a computer;
  • hands folded into the castle cover the back of the head and put pressure on it, the head is resisted, which remarkably develops the neck muscles;
  • head goes down, muscles relax and the shoulders rise as high as possible with a delay of a few seconds.

Lose weight at work!

Often, sedentary work contributes to a decrease in muscle elasticity in the waist and hips, as well as the formation of fat pads. Complex exercises for weight loss at work help to effectively deal with this. should be repeated at least 4-5 times a week:

  1. standing. Imitation of jumping rope, which are performed either on two legs, or on each in turn.
  2. standing. The arms are crossed over the head. Produced lunges on each leg - 10 times.
  3. standing. The feet are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 45-50 cm. squat until the shins reach a level perpendicular to the floor, and the hips - parallel. It is necessary to stand in this position for as long as possible.
  4. Sitting on a chair. Hands are holding on to him legs are smoothly pulled up to the body, after which they return to the initial position - 10 times.
  5. standing. Classic squats. The main condition is a straight back and the inadmissibility of lifting the heels off the floor - 20 times.

In addition to the basic physical exercises at work, when sedentary work, you should also not forget about the benefits proper nutrition, its need for weight loss. It is worth giving up fatty, spicy, fast food, and also consume about 2 liters of water daily, as it has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.

During business hours it is recommended to walk more, for example, passing something to colleagues, up the stairs. You can talk on the phone or look through papers while standing, which, although for a short time, will relieve the spine, and at lunch breaks, you can arrange short walks.

It is up to everyone to decide which exercises to use during sedentary work, because if working at a computer takes up a very small part of the working day, then perhaps nothing bad happens to the body. But, if in sitting position the whole week passes from morning to evening, charging at work is simply a must. In addition, gymnastics at work with a sedentary lifestyle will allow you to attract colleagues to its implementation, with whom you can take care of your figure and health together. Its regular and diligent implementation will very soon make you feel better, and work will begin to give pleasure. After the workflow, you can do this.

Production gymnastics is not a relic of the past, but a simple useful activity, which simply must become your habit.

This discipline appeared not only for political reasons, the very trend towards an increase in the number of office workers, sedentary mental work led to the need to introduce physical exercises into the workflow.

What is industrial gymnastics and why is it needed?

Labor is the source of material and spiritual culture, the main means of forming and improving human abilities. Along with the improvement of working conditions, the use of progressive methods that make it possible to increase the level of social production, there are also negative sides scientific and technological progress.

This is an increase in nervous-emotional tension and a decrease in muscle activity. But muscle activity- this is a vital, biological need of the body, one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of a person.

Production gymnastics is a mini-complex of physical exercises performed during the work process to relieve fatigue, muscle clamps and tension. It is designed to “breathe” a tired worker and has a lot of health benefits.

Physical activity improves the tone of the body, improves mood and energizes. With the help of physical education, you can relieve stress and irritability, stretch stiff muscles that are accustomed to the same position. And the exercises also improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, give a “second wind” to the work of the most “workaholic” parts of the body: back, eyes, arms, neck.

Of the advantages of physical education minutes is the aesthetic side of practice: joint classes strengthen collective cohesion, set a common positive attitude between colleagues.

The conclusion suggests itself: regular, especially mass performance of industrial gymnastics increases the efficiency of the workforce. This is exactly what they counted on under communism.

Production gymnastics of the USSR. Story

In the USSR, production gymnastics began to spread from 1930. The introduction of gymnastics into the mode of labor activity of Soviet people is an initiative of the Communist Party and the Soviet state.

The goal is to preserve and strengthen the health of workers, to unite them for more productive work. The Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR stated that physical culture should be used in every possible way as a mass factor in increasing labor productivity and combating occupational hazards in production.

At the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference on the Problems of Physical Culture and Active Longevity, data on the effectiveness of industrial gymnastics in the Soviet Union were presented. It turned out that where it was carried out, labor productivity increased from 2 to 6 percent.

That is why the wide use of physical culture for workers was given great importance on a national scale. Industrial gymnastics enjoyed well-deserved popularity, its economic effect was firmly proven.

This is interesting! An experiment was carried out at one of the enterprises in the city of Kemerovo. Since the beginning of the working day, the locksmiths have been collecting about 99 parts per hour. Then their productivity began to decline. The workers were given 10 minutes of passive rest, after which they began to assemble 84 parts. On another day, during a break, they were asked to perform a complex of industrial gymnastics. After the break, productivity increased to 123 parts per hour.

The industrial gymnastics complex was compiled centrally, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of labor activity, which also needs to be taken into account by you and me when choosing exercises for physical education sessions.

Here is one example of the selection of the complex. In a garment factory, almost all types of work are sedentary. For example, seamstresses sit at the conveyor and perform the same operation. For such an enterprise, trainings should be prepared taking into account the low physical activity of workers: exercises for muscle groups that are not involved in labor activities, as well as exercises for coordination and attention, are included in gymnastics.

For workers who spend the entire shift on their feet, for example, for workers on the press, complexes were compiled with exercises performed while sitting, with self-massage of the legs.

For workers of heavy physical labor - training in the form of a warm-up. Exercises are simple in coordination, dynamic and kneading muscles that receive the main load during work.

If the production workshop had increased gas pollution, dust content, relative humidity, it was proposed to perform production gymnastics in another room or in the fresh air.

Why should you not be shy about doing industrial gymnastics?

Health is more expensive! If you are lucky with the team, offer to do five-minute physical education sessions together every day. It is easier and more fun to do this together, plus, if one forgets, the other will remind you. In a disparate team, look for at least one like-minded person. It's not that hard to work with two people, though. If you are completely alone in your efforts to work out good habit, isolate yourself from everyone for a break or easier - do not pay attention to anyone and think better about your health.

The complex of industrial gymnastics is most important for office workers who have sedentary professions (secretaries, copywriters, programmers, bank employees), employees with increased emotional stress, the same type of work (seamstresses, confectioners, assemblers of small mechanisms, assembly line workers), professions with an average ( turners, assemblers) and heavy (loaders, builders) physical labor, as well as workers experiencing constant mental stress (teachers, scientists, doctors, accountants).

Gymnastics at work is necessary for people working in noise, vibration, at risk (pilots, drivers). Such professions need the greatest concentration, which means unloading with the help of special exercises- irreplaceable.

Many large firms have long realized the indispensability physical activity for office workers.

Avito employees always have access to a huge gym, swimming pool and even a games room with a bunch of useful entertainment.

Employers have an obligation to take care of their subordinates and, at a minimum, to provide comfortable workplace with the necessary equipment for recreation.

It is important to know!

To improve performance and efficiency, remember the following rules:

10 easy exercises for a quick workout at the workplace

A set of industrial gymnastics exercises for office workers and other “sedentary” professions

A set of industrial gymnastics exercises for workers whose professional activities require concentration and attention are associated with significant stress, low motor activity and a constrained working posture:

1. Walking in place at a calm pace with relaxed swings of the arms back and forth for 20-25 seconds.

2. Starting position - hands to the shoulders.

  • As you inhale, rise on your toes, raising your arms up to the sides.
  • On the exhale, take initial position relaxing your hands.
  • Perform at a calm pace 5-6 times.

3. Starting position - hands in front.

  • As you exhale, sit down, swinging your arms down backwards.
  • While inhaling, straighten up with a swing of your arms to the sides back and put your hands in the starting position.
  • Perform at an average pace 10-14 times.

4. Starting position - stand legs apart, hands behind the head.

  • As you exhale, perform three springy inclinations, try to touch the floor with your fingers.
  • As you exhale, straighten up, folding your arms behind your head, and bend in the thoracic part of the spine.
  • Perform at an average pace 10-12 times.

5. Starting position - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

  • On exhalation, turn the body to the right with a swing right hand back side.
  • On inspiration, return to the starting position.
  • Perform the exercise with your left hand.

6. Starting position - stand legs apart, arms up.

  • As you exhale, lean to the right with your arms raised up.
  • On inspiration, return to the starting position.
  • Then do the same with a tilt to the left.
  • Repeat at an average pace 4-6 times.

7. Starting position - stand with feet shoulder width apart.

  • While inhaling, raise your arms and stretch up.
  • As you exhale, lower your hands down, relaxing them, shaking your hands several times.
  • Run at a calm pace 4-5 times.

8. Starting position - main stance.

  • Take the left leg to the side with an extended toe, also taking the right hand to the side.
  • Attach a leg.
  • Repeat with the other leg and arm.
  • Draw a full circle with your left hand, then your right. Clap your hands in front of you.

It would seem that the work is simple - sedentary. And there are many such professions. However, the weight loss portal “We lose weight without problems” believes that it is those who use the computer most of the day or sit at small work that are more prone to various kinds of problems than others. Today we offer to find out what exercises during sedentary work must be done.

Sedentary work: negative consequences

The woman or man just sits. There is no load on the body, and this leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • violation of posture;
  • blurred vision;
  • overweight.

Imagine: all this is the result of a sedentary lifestyle.

A sitting posture for several hours also leads to the fact that the blood supply to the brain worsens. Therefore, you may suffer from headaches. Or get tired very quickly.

Little note. Have you noticed that if you sit on some work for a long time, then instead of moving forward, it can only stall. But it's worth doing a few simple gestures: turn off the computer, do exercises, even simple ones, or just go for a walk - and brilliant thoughts come. Okay, if not brilliant, then fresh and, as they say, bull's-eye. Work is not going anywhere, and sitting posture hurts quite seriously. Weigh on two scales - health and work - and decide for yourself what is more important.

What other problems does sedentary monotonous work lead to? Memory deteriorates no matter how many carrots you swallow. The pressure is also broken. That is why, according to statistics, many office and home workers have malfunctions in the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

And the most annoying thing for many girls: a set excess weight gradual and difficult to reverse, especially if you do not do exercises during long and tedious sedentary work. The most annoying thing is that kilograms seem to accumulate imperceptibly. Growing sides, tummy. And then one day you undress, look at yourself in the mirror - and are horrified. And your man reproaches you with cakes that you don’t even eat. Agree, the picture is not pleasant?

And now the portal site will tell directly about exercises for sedentary work for women.

Sedentary work always passes at . Okay, not always, but most of the time for sure. Therefore, both a woman and a man should understand that you need to sit at a properly organized workplace.

If in the office everything is usually fine with this, then for those who work from home, the workplace can be an armchair or a sofa. And not a computer, but a laptop, which, if desired, you can take with you at least to bed. It is not right.

If you have a sedentary job, then the shoulder blades should be brought together, relax the stomach and not warp your shoulders in any direction. Also, do not lean on, because this leads to poor posture. And almost every second woman has a habit of crossing her legs. And this is also harmful, as blood flow is disturbed.

Exercise at work

Due to the fact that it suffers first of all, we will pay attention to exercises for it.

  1. Continue to sit in your chair as you would during your seated work in front of the computer. Now join your hands in the lock at the back, and try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. The straighter the back, the easier it is to join hands - yes. Not every woman can do this. If it doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, but pick up a pencil and hold it behind your back.
  2. Now let's draw the upper back. Join your hands in a lock already in front of you and stretch in front of you, of course, without hitting the computer. Look upside down and remember to pull in your belly. As you exhale, stretch your arms as far forward as possible.
  3. And now we will stretch the lower back, but carefully. Performing this back exercise while sitting also requires a chair position. Spread your legs wider and place your hands on your hips. Then turn your body different sides, lingering a little.

Sedentary work has a deplorable effect on the press. And if it has never been, then the tummy is formed quite quickly. And when you think about losing weight, you dream of removing your stomach first, right?

By the way, a man can say that this is all “beer”, but if he also spends most of the day in a sitting position, then the reason is precisely sedentary work and all its charms in the form of constant snacks and a couple of cans of beer. And if he also does not do exercises, then the stomach grows rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to do…

Press exercises

  1. Sit down. The back is straight. for five seconds and return it to its original position. At first, it will be quite enough to repeat 10 times. Gradually, the exercises should become more intense, longer. With such a seemingly simple exercise, all the muscles of the abdomen are involved.
  2. Also, from a sitting position, bend over with your whole body. First to the left, then to the right. The back is straight, and the arms must be lowered. As you exhale, your entire body, not just your neck, descends. And when you inhale, you return to the original position.
  3. And this exercise can be done sitting or from a standing position. Tighten your abdominal muscles statically and hold for five seconds, then relax. And gradually increase the intensity.

Not only the back, abs, but also the neck suffers.

Complex for the neck

Lower your chin to your chest, gently tilt your head back, as if trying to look back. Breathing must be kept under control: we bend the neck - we inhale, and we unbend - we exhale.

Here is an example of another exercise that any woman can do in a sedentary job: turn her head to the side, fix the position, then turn to the other side.

weight loss

And now let the legs stretch a little.

  • We do lunges on each leg.
  • We imitate - not only the legs work, but all the muscles when done correctly.
  • We squat - the back must be straight, and the heels must not be torn off the ground.

Well, here exemplary complex exercises. Do not forget about your health in pursuit of career success!

The article was checked and approved by Yulia Igorevna Mosalova, specialist in adaptive physical culture- cm.