Dancing. Physical fitness exercises for children at home Physical training for children 10 11 years old

Many people dream that their physical development will be comprehensive and harmonious. Practice shows that you need to think about this as early as possible - from childhood. And general physical training (GPP) can help with this - a set of measures that is aimed at increasing the basic physical qualities. This will also be useful for general development, and to prepare for classes in a particular sport.

Experienced trainers who are proficient in a variety of physical training techniques will help develop agility, endurance, strength and other important qualities in the children of our city. An important role is played by the harmonious, correct development of the main muscle groups - the abdominals, lumbar region, biceps, triceps, etc. The main task is to fully reveal a person’s potential. And this can be achieved through hard training, the right techniques, great desire and good sensitivity to stress.

As is known, almost every historical stage imposed its requirements on a certain physical standard of man, and both geographical and national conditions played a role. What was “classic”, for example, in Ancient Rome, differed from the “standards” of Egypt, Sparta also had its own characteristics... However, times change, but the opinion that physical development is one of the most important indicators general human development.

We do physical exercise at home. What should parents of a preschooler remember?

Physical activity - prerequisite for any person. Of course, not everyone can boast of the same endurance, or, in scientific terms, load tolerance, but this is not the most important thing. It is important that exercise is enjoyable and brings tangible benefits. And for this you need to follow several rules. In particular, the duration of one lesson depends on the age of the child: for example, for children 3-4 years old optimal time will be 15-20 minutes, and for children 5-7 years old you can allocate half an hour. It is important that the quantity various exercises there were at least 6. And each one must be repeated from 2 to 6 times. Of course, even the shortest activity needs breaks. The exercises themselves are best presented in a playful way; you can name them in an original way so that the child remembers the unusual word. Of course, during classes you should develop various groups muscles and physical qualities of children and at the same time it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

How are physical physical training classes conducted in kindergarten?

You should not assume that any activity of kindergarteners depends only on them: whoever wants to, runs, jumps, plays hide and seek or swings on a swing. This only applies to free time and walks. There are certain rules for conducting physical education classes and kindergarten- both indoors and outdoors. Here, boys and girls are taught to form and change formations (for example, from one line to several, change places, etc.), running and walking are practiced, and basic types of movements are also taught. In addition to walking and running, these are jumping, climbing, throwing, crawling, throwing. From lesson to lesson, their duration increases, as does the dosage of exercises, which allows them to develop the children’s endurance.

About the rules of hardening

Physical education and hardening almost always went hand in hand. Their relationship has been and is emphasized not only by amateurs, but also by scientists, professional trainers and teachers. You can harden not only with water, but also with air and even the sun! What are the three main rules of this useful procedure? First: it’s never too late to start, but it’s better not to delay, although you can always catch up. Second: unsystematic hardening is practically useless. If you carry out such procedures “on major holidays” - for example, once a month, then no effect can be achieved. If hardening has begun, there is no need to look for a reason to skip it! And the third rule: the time of procedures should be increased step by step. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite: the child may get sick.

GPP – general physical fitness. It represents physical development, not only of muscles, but also of endurance, agility, and flexibility. General physical fitness ensures excellent mobility of all joints. Physical training for any person, regardless of age. You can get acquainted with general physical training by visiting the general physical training sections, where anyone can sign up.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the general physical training section, general physical training with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free physical education sections, general physical training clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free classes general physical training in Moscow can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

WITH ancient times came the idea of ​​introducing comprehensive physical training for people. It has long been known that this is the best way to develop the basic physical abilities of a person, without disturbing the harmony in the activities of organs and all systems of the body as a whole. For example, the development of strength should occur in unity with the development of speed, agility and endurance. Only thanks to such coherence does the mastery of vital skills occur.

Why is general physical training needed?

General physical fitness is undoubtedly a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical health child. And systematic training can have a beneficial effect on the behavior and emotional state of the student.

Who needs general physical training?

  • with frequent colds;
  • in case of postural disorders;
  • with excessive hyperactivity of the child.

Help children calm down and focus on a specific hobby. At the same time, both the child and the parents will feel more comfortable and confident with each other.

How and where is general physical training carried out?

There are special clubs for general physical training, which operate at schools or in special sports complexes. Training in such circles is carried out in order to:

  • improve health and strengthen athletes;
  • develop a comprehensive outlook;
  • acquire instructor skills and master the ability to independently engage in sports;
  • to form the moral and volitional qualities of a citizen.

Any student who has successfully passed a medical examination is allowed to participate in such clubs.

General physical training can influence the development of the following qualities in a person:

  • speed;
  • dexterity;
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • endurance.

You can carry out general physical training for children even at home, as it includes very accessible exercises. Classes are welcome sporting events on fresh air, especially in the spring-autumn period.

Such physical activity are able to keep muscles in good shape all the time, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, work internal organs and systems, the mental and emotional state of the child.

In addition, a set of program activities is aimed at developing the student’s personal qualities, demonstrating the ability to be independent in solving many problems and easy digestibility of the school curriculum.

An important aspect when supervising a physical education club is to interest the child in the circle leader. After all, only an experienced specialist will be able to find an individual approach to the child and develop his interest in the activity, thereby favorably influencing his physical and mental health.

General physical training group

There are many sports sections for general physical training for children; it would be very difficult to list them all. With such a variety of choices, it’s not easy to pick just one. If you want to engage in several sports at once, you can turn your attention to a general physical training club.

General physical training program

The general physical training program in the circle is very similar to the program and methods that children study in secondary schools. It is designed for one year when visiting the circle one hour a week.

Plan of training sessions

Since the general physical training program is, first of all, various independent types of motor activity, which differ in the nature of implementation and volume of loads, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular child. The head of the circle must approach this issue quite seriously and carefully study the data of his future students in order to avoid negative consequences in the future.

The general physical training section involves the following steps for drawing up an individual lesson plan. The first meeting of the coach with the future student is the initial stage in studying the child and drawing up a lesson plan. The leader of the circle personally communicates with the child and his parents, learns about the preferred types sports load.

An important role is played by a medical examination of children and a conversation with a doctor about each individual child. During this conversation, it is already possible to more clearly define the boundaries of the load for children. Already in the first lessons, observing the circle members, you can clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of children, select certain individual plans classes. The final results may be control exercises which should be carried out upon admission and at the end of each month.
But even after this, it is worth paying attention to each child, assessing their reaction to the proposed load, in order to avoid overstraining the children.

Main stages of work

  • First communication with the child and parents.
  • Results of the child's medical examination.
  • Pedagogical observations in the first lessons.
  • Results of control exercises.
  • Systematic assessment of student response to pressure.

Coach Responsibilities

But not only the work program for general physical training is the responsibility of the teacher. The coach must teach the children proper nutrition and daily routine, if necessary, help compile them, help develop the child’s skills in relation to sportswear and shoes, personal hygiene, make sure that children learn and follow safety precautions and monitor their health, reporting changes in time.

Selection of tools and methods for practical training

When drawing up a lesson plan, the coach must not only take into account the educational side of the process, but also instill in children an interest in different types sports load. Each activity should be exciting, it should keep children occupied; this task will be easy to cope with if the activity combines several sports (orienteering, athletics, volleyball, table tennis). The general physical training group involves systematic sports competitions- this will qualitatively increase children’s interest in sports and help them develop leadership qualities.

Things to consider:

  • individual characteristics of each child;
  • medical indications;
  • the age of each group of children;
  • various sports tasks;
  • interest in winning.

If you take into account all the above factors, then the activity in the circle will be interesting and entertaining for every child.

General physical training classes. Their construction

Duration academic year- nine months (September - May). Throughout this time, general physical training classes are conducted.
There are several types of general physical fitness groups. Thus, in groups with initial preparation, classes throughout the entire academic year do not have any distinctions and proceed as a single process. This feature is associated with the absence of any participation in competitions at any level. The activity of such groups is to conduct large quantity internal relay races, passing basic standards and various entertainment sporting nature. The intensity of classes remains high regardless of the changing seasons. Particular emphasis is placed on conducting classes outdoors.

Planning according to general physical training

Planning is based on two main characteristics of loads:

  1. Low intensity, low volume exercise.
  2. High intensity, high volume exercise.

In each of them, the results are individual according to general physical fitness. The club is designed for individual exercise options for children of different physical abilities.

Another type is In this version, the construction of classes takes into account the following types of exercises:

  1. To develop dexterity. These are complex coordination exercises.
  2. Strength exercises. They are used in parallel with exercises to develop flexibility, and endurance training techniques are also included.

So, general physical training is a subject of which a game must be a mandatory element. It can be either active or sporty. Games are used for emotional upliftment in the group, increasing the level of speed, strength, and agility. Moreover, depending on the specific task assigned, the set and sequence of exercises changes, which affects the final result.


1 General physical training for children 8-11 years old Physical training of young football players one of the most important factors their further progress in learning football techniques and tactics. The characteristics of children aged 8-11 years make it possible to specifically influence the development of such qualities as speed, agility, flexibility, strength and coordination. Tests Before starting the learning process, it is necessary to identify the level of development of students' physical qualities. Assessment of passing the test is necessary for coaches to adjust plans in educational and training work on general physical training. To do this, you need to pass the simplest tests: 15-meter run, 30-meter run, standing long jump, and also evaluate agility. Agility assessment exercises are performed on a 25 meter long platform. Start and finish on the same line. The entire 25-meter section is divided into 5-meter sections. The segments are marked with chips. The first 5 meters run facing forward, the second 5 meters run side step with the left side, then turn 90 degrees, run backwards, turn 90 degrees, run side step with the right side and finish facing forward. Table of standards for students 8-11 years old: 8 years old 9 years old 10 years old 11 years old Running 15 meters (sec) 3:50-3:30 3:30-3:15 3:15-3:00 3:00-2: 85 30 meter run (sec) 5:80-5:60 5:60-5:40 5:45-5:30 5:30-5:15 Long jump (cm) Agility (sec) 8:00-7 :30 7:30-6:40 6:40-6:10 6:10-5:80 Once the initial level of physical fitness of young football players is known, we can begin work that will allow us to raise these physical qualities to a higher level. General physical fitness classes are recommended to be included in every football training session. For children 8-9 years old, it is recommended to have 3-4 football lessons per week, for children 4-5 years old. Approximate list of exercises for general physical training classes Walking: Walking as usual at a moderate pace, on toes, on heels, raising knees high, rolling from heel to toe, left to right side from heel to toe (two legs together),

2 on external and inside feet, cross step, lunges, back forward, etc. Running Normal running; along straight lines and arcs; snake (with high knees); wide, small steps with overlapping shins; cross step; jumping, slowing down and speeding up; with jumping over obstacles; jumping; with a change in direction; shuttle; raising straight legs forward; starts from various positions backwards; side step; various running combinations. Jumping Jumping on your toes; on one, on two legs; jumping from foot to foot; jumping from various heights, jumping up and jumping over an obstacle; in length and height from place; with a jump rope, rotating it forward, backward, on two legs, alternately changing legs as you move forward; up with the head touching the ball; through objects of different heights; from foot to foot, jumping in place with turns to the right, left, 180 and 360 degrees; jump up on two legs and on one from two to three steps; successively through several obstacles of varying heights; running by jumping, jumping with the right, left side moving forward, etc. Remember that at this age ankle joint is still poorly developed and posture is developing in children, so serious attention should be paid to exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and foot. Exercises to develop speed and agility Running exercises All exercises are performed in pairs to maintain a competitive spirit. In running exercises, you can place a ball at the finish line, and competitions for speed and agility will take on a slightly more interesting character - the task of who can get to the ball faster. A. Starting position facing forward. At the first signal from the coach, students perform a fast run (running frequency) in place; at the second signal, they dash forward meters to the finish line. Do 2 3 series of 5 7 times, pause between series 3 5 minutes. B. Starting position with your left side, right side or back to the starting line. At the coach’s signal, quickly turn around to face the starting line and make a dash forward 5-15 meters. The same thing only from a sitting position facing forward, with your back, left or right side; lying in support on your hands. Each exercise is performed 3-5 times. C. Starting position with your left or right side to the starting line. At the first signal, the frequency of running in place, at the second, turn around to face forward and make a dash forward meters to the finish line. Repeat 3 5 times.

3 D. From the starting line there are 2 cones every 5 meters. At the signal, students dash to the first cone, touch it with their hand, return to the starting line running backwards, touch the starting line with their hand and dash forward to the second cone. The exercise is performed from 3 to 8 times. Rest pause between repetitions for 1 minute. E. Starting position: Children stand at a distance of centimeters, facing each other and sideways to the starting line. They start after one of the partners touches the second. The task of the second one is to catch up with the first one at a distance of meters and tarnish (tarnish) him. The exercise is performed 4-8 times. Rest pause between repetitions for 1 minute. F. At a distance of 15 meters, three barriers with a height of 20 to 30 centimeters are set up. Starting position: Children stand at a distance of centimeters, facing each other and sideways to the starting line. Start at the coach's signal. The task of the starters is to be the first at the finish line, jumping over these obstacles. Two reps. The pause between them is 1 minute. G. One of the athletes stands on the start line with his back to the direction of movement, the other faces the first athlete one and a half meters from the start line. At the coach’s signal, the person standing with his back quickly turns 180 degrees and tries to be the first to cross the finish line, which is located meters from the start. The second partner’s task is to harass the first one to this line. 2 4 reps. The pause between them is 1 minute. Team relay races A. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 3 meters (4 in total). The starters, with the ball in their hands, run around each cone. Having run around the fourth, they come back and pass the ball to the next participant. The team whose last member reaches the finish line first wins. B. At a distance of 15 meters, there are cones every 5 meters (3 pieces in total). Between the first and second cones, seven chips are placed approximately 50 centimeters apart. On the next five-meter segment there are two barriers 20 centimeters high. The starters run around 7 chips at speed, overcome barriers, run around the third cone, come back and pass the baton to the next participant. C. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 4 meters (3 pieces in total). At the signal, participants run to the first cone, then from the first to the second they jump on their left foot, from the second to the third on their right. Having reached the third cone, they run around it and return, passing the baton to the next partner. Outdoor games 1. Game “Day and Night” Two teams “Day” and “Night” take part in the game. A midline dividing the site is drawn. Each team has its own “home” (line, meters away from center line in one direction or the other), in which the opponent does not have the right to insult. Teams line up on the line of their “homes” and, at the coach’s signal, move towards each other (towards the center line), when there is a meter and a half left to the center line, the coach names a team (for example, “Day”). Then this team

4 should quickly turn around and run to his “home”, and the players of the other team (“Night”) should try to knock down the opponent to the “home” line. The team whose players defeat more opposing players wins. 2. Game “Simple tag” The game takes place on a square area, the size of which depends on the number of players in the teams. One team (A) is outside the rectangle, and the other (B) is inside. At the signal, one of the players from team “A” (the driver) tries to kill as many players from team “B” as possible in 20 seconds, who are running only inside the rectangle. The upset players go outside the rectangle. After the driver changes, everyone returns to the court, and the game continues until everyone from team “A” has played. Then the teams change roles. The team that defeats more opposing players in the allotted time wins. 3. Game “Fishermen and Fishes” The game takes place on a square platform, the size of which depends on the number of players in the teams (if the teams have 10 people, the size of the site is approximately 20x20 meters). Players are divided into two teams “Fishermen” and “Fish”. Fishermen join hands, and the fish move freely around the site. At a signal, fishermen try to catch fish within a certain time (1-2 minutes), surrounding them with a chain and closing it. After a certain time, the catch is counted. Then the teams change roles. 3. Game “Find your captain” All players are divided into several groups and form circles. Inside each circle there is a player with the ball, the so-called group captain. At the signal, all players scatter around the court. At the second signal they stop, crouch and close their eyes. At this time, the “captains” change places. At the next signal, everyone runs to their “captains” and forms the initial circle. The groups that are the first to gather from their “captains” win. Three or four repetitions, a pause between them of 1 minute. 4. Game “Find your ball” Two nested circles, small (4 meters in diameter) and large (16 meters in diameter), are drawn on the ground. The players (12 people) stand around the perimeter of a small circle. 10 balls are placed at equal distances around the perimeter of a large circle. At the first signal from the coach, the players begin an easy run in their circle, at the second they make a dash and try to take possession of one of the balls. Those who do not get the balls are eliminated from the game. On each next stage the number of participants and the number of balls is reduced by two. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles A. Starting position: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. On the count of one or two, simultaneously raise your arms and legs from the floor, and lower them by three or four. Execute once. B. Starting position: lie on your stomach, bend your arms behind your head. On the count of one or two, lift your body off the floor, turn around and look over your right shoulder at your heels, at

5 count three-four lower to the starting position. Raise your body for five or six and look over your left shoulder, lower to the starting position for seven or eight, etc. Perform 6 to 10 times, depending on your level of training. C. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position: players lie on their stomachs facing each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Players throw the ball into each other's hands, lifting their bodies off the floor. Perform two series of throws. Pause between episodes 1 minute. Exercises for the abdominal muscles A. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position: players lie on their backs with each other’s legs. The players simultaneously rise and pass the ball from hand to hand. After the transfer, they lie down and take their starting position. Perform two series of passes. Pause between episodes 1 minute. B. Starting position: players lie on their backs, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, arms bent at the elbows, palms behind the head. Participants should raise their torso and touch their left knee with their right elbow, then their right knee with their left elbow, etc. Perform 10 to 20 times. C. In a similar position, players lie on their backs, arms to the sides, legs bent at the knees and raised up (shins parallel to the floor). On the count of one or two, players lower their legs to their right without lifting their hands from the floor; on the count of three or four, take the starting position; lower your legs to your left by five or six, and return to the starting position by seven or eight. Perform 6-10 times in each direction. Exercises to develop strength Exercises A D are performed in pairs. A. Players stand facing each other, take each other’s hand and try to pull their partner to their half with one hand. Make from 4 to 6 attempts. B. Initial position of the arms to the sides. One partner puts his hands on the hands of the other and prevents him from raising his hands. The goal is to lower and raise your arms with resistance. Perform lifting and lowering. C. Initial position of the hand on the belt. One partner places his hands on the other's shoulders and puts gentle pressure on them. The goal is to rise on your toes and lower yourself. Perform lifts. D. Passes and throws of small medicine balls from various starting positions: throws with two hands to the right, two hands to the left, two hands from behind the head. The distance between partners is 6-10 meters. Each exercise is performed 8-14 times. E. Push-ups. From 20 to 40 times. F. Push-ups, but one of the hands rests on the ball once.

6 G. Starting position: sit on the floor, rest your hands on gymnastic bench, bend and straighten your arms once. Rest pause between series after execution strength exercises is 1 2 minutes. Exercises for developing flexibility The basis of work on developing flexibility is exercises, which, when performed, lengthen the muscles necessary for the athlete to perform any motor actions with the required amplitude. These exercises are usually done at the beginning and end of each workout. There are two types of such exercises. Dynamic exercises Dynamic exercises These are repeated swinging movements of the arms and legs, flexion, extension, and twisting of the torso, which are performed with a large amplitude and different speeds. Examples of such exercises: Active free springy bends forward and to the sides with constantly increasing amplitude (15-20 times). Swing your left and right leg forward and backward (10 12 times). The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Bend back, reaching first right hand right heel, then left heel with your left hand. Do 5-7 bends on each leg. Starting position: put your feet as wide as possible. Make springy forward bends with your palms on the floor. Execute once. Starting position: partners stand with their backs to each other at a distance of centimeters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Both partners, without leaving their seats and without lifting their feet, pass the ball to each other with both hands, simultaneously turning first to the right, then to the left. Run times. The pause between series of flexibility exercises is 1-2 minutes. Static exercises Static exercises These are various poses in which a certain muscle or group of muscles is stretched for some time. Examples of such exercises: Starting position of the legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly lean forward, hang your arms freely and touch the floor with your palms. Slightly bend your legs at the knee joints, grab your toes with your hands, then straighten your knees. Make sure your breathing is even and calm. Hold pose 6 for 12 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3 5 times with a rest of 5 10 seconds. Starting position: sit on the floor, straighten one leg forward, bend the other at the knee joint, and bring the foot to the buttocks. Keep your torso straight. There is a certain muscle stretch already in this position, but if the level of flexibility

7 is good, then you can complicate this exercise by tilting top part body to outstretched leg. The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Make a wide lunge forward with your right leg, bend your torso strongly hip joint and straighten knee joint the leg behind. Look ahead. Hold this pose for a second. Return to starting position. After resting for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercise, changing the position of your legs. Do 3-4 repetitions on each leg. Starting position: main stand. With a straight back, sit on your heels, keep your knees together, and turn your feet inward. Sit in this position for up to 20 seconds. You can lean back. Holidays in starting position 5 10 seconds. Exercises to develop coordination Acrobatic exercises A. Somersaults in a forward tuck. 3 4 series of 3 5 repetitions. B. Forward roll combined with a 180 degree turn. 1 2 series of 3 5 repetitions. C. Tuck back somersault. 3 5 reps. D. Walking and various exercises in balance on a gymnastic balance beam: walking face forward, left and right side, separate from the oncoming partner. The height of the log is no more than centimeters. Outdoor games on a limited area of ​​support A. “Fight” on a gymnastic balance beam. The height of the log is no more than centimeters. The participants stand opposite each other and try to push their partner off the log using gentle pushes and deceptive movements. Several pairs can be placed on one log. B. Cockfight on one leg. Those training in pairs in a limited area (2x2 meters) try to push their opponent beyond the line that limits the area, or force him to touch the floor with his other foot. Exercises to develop a sense of balance An integral part Human coordination capabilities include a sense of balance. Equilibrium can be static or dynamic. Static balance maintaining a pose for some time (“swallow”, stand on one leg, raised leg pressed to the knee). Dynamic when the athlete leaves the pose and returns to it again. A. Walking on a board, centimeters wide and 4 5 centimeters high, placed on the ground. B. Walking on an inclined board of the same dimensions. C. Slow, medium and fast circling in place.

8 D. Walking on bricks placed at a distance of centimeters from each other. E. Easy run on the board with 5-6 360-degree turns. F. Standing on the board, place your feet on the same line, close your eyes and maintain your balance for as long as possible. Relay races for coordination and balance A. Completing an obstacle course 15 meters long. Two teams are participating. A cone is placed every 5 meters from the starting line (3 cones in total). A narrow board 3-4 meters long is placed from the starting line to the first cone or a thin line is simply drawn on the ground. Two gymnastic mats are laid from the first to the second cone. At the coach’s signal, the starters run along a narrow board or line. Having reached the gymnastic mats, they do 2 somersaults forward. Between the second and third cones, participants make 1-2 360-degree turns in motion, run around the last cone and repeat all exercises in reverse order, and then pass the baton to the next participant. Not only the speed of the distance is recorded, but also the mistakes made. For example, how many times did the student lose his balance while running on a narrow board, after making 360-degree turns, etc. B. The scene is the same obstacle course. The starters move along the board first with their left side (in the opposite direction with their right side). Between the first and second cones, participants roll forward, turn 180 degrees, do another somersault, turn 180 degrees again. Between the second and third cones, they run face forward, making 360-degree turns in motion, first over the left shoulder and then over the right, run around the last cone and return to the start line, repeating all tasks.

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Morning hygienic gymnastics Sets of exercises for children of the school preparatory group September Complex 1. 1. Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running; walking

Master class on gubernatorial tests 1. Test to determine speed qualities: Speed ​​- the ability to perform motor actions in the minimum amount of time. Speed ​​is determined by the speed of reaction to a signal

Selection criteria for enrollment of applicants to the State Autonomous Institution SO SShOR "Uktusskiye Gory" in groups at the stage of initial training in the sport "Fencing" APPENDIX 6 Minimum age for enrollment at the initial stage

Contents of entrance tests Entrance tests for the sport of chess are carried out in the form of testing, which consists of performing control exercises provided for in the entrance program

For enrollment in basketball sports and fitness groups, the age for enrollment is 7-8 years old, boys, girls, running 20m, high-speed dribbling 20m, standing jump with arms swinging 4.7s 11.5s


Lesson plan for physical education for second grade. Teacher: Pleshkova Anastasia Andreevna. Occupation: physical education teacher. Educational institution: GBOU school 612 Central

Complex 1. Senior group 1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time. 2. I. p. - standing, heels together, toes apart,

Level assessment criteria physical fitness children Belgorod region by age categories (6-17 years old) Physical culture in educational institutions as an educational discipline, as an academic one

Summary of a physical education lesson in 3rd grade in the “Basketball” section Lesson objectives: 1. technique of catching the ball with both hands. 2. technique of passing the ball from the chest with two hands, one hand from the shoulder. 3. technique

X stage 60-69 years; - XI stage 70 years and older. The basis of the GTO complex is the types of tests and regulatory requirements, intended to determine the level of development of basic physical qualities

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY DISTRICT OF TOGLATTI "SCHOOL 86" Complex physical exercise for students in grades 5-9 for independent preparation for physical education lessons


LESSON SUMMARY ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR 10TH CLASS (girls) Objectives: 1. Improving the technique of vaulting over a gymnastic goat with legs apart; 2. Learn how to perform exercises on the gymnastics

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 11 “Mashenka” Sets of exercises with fitball Developed by physical education instructor: Zherebtsova L.V. Surgut Stage I Training.

WARMING UP FOR THE STUDENT MINI FOOTBALL TEAM Kravtsov V.V. Introduction. For a long time, mini-football has been a popular sports game among young people. In recent years, the game of leading

Lesson summary for 7th grade physical education. Section: Athletics. Lesson topic: Development of physical qualities. low start Main tasks: 1. Develop physical qualities. 2.Teach low start 3.

State government educational institution "Sharya boarding school in the Kostroma region for children with disabilities" methodological development Section lesson notes

Outline of a training session on trampolining for the first year training group

Lesson plans for physical education 11 I QUARTER: 24 hours Athletics- 18 hours Sports games- 6 hours 12 Lesson 1 Objectives: Safety precautions in lessons on athletics. Start and starting

2 CONTENT OF ENTRANCE TESTS Entrance tests for the sport of table tennis are carried out in the form of testing, which consists of performing control exercises (tests) provided for

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk “Kindergarten 13 “Cheburashka” Notes physical education classes with children of senior preschool age, taking into account the gender of the child

Description of tests general physical fitness exercises 1. 30 m run. The exercise can be performed from a “high” start. At the command “Start!” participants take a position in front of the starting line (or take a “low” position

PLAN SYNOPSIS of an open lesson on physical education in 3rd grade. Program section: outdoor games. Lesson topic: Outdoor games to develop dexterity. Purpose of the lesson: creating sustainable motivation to master

VFSK GTO standards for children (schoolchildren 6, 7 and 8 years old), relevant for 2017 MANDATORY TESTS (TESTS) Exercise 1.1 1.2 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 Shuttle run 3x10 meters (seconds) or run 30 meters (seconds)

Lesson plans for physical education 11 I QUARTER: 24 hours Athletics - 18 hours Sports games - 6 hours 12 Athletics Lesson 1 Objectives: Safety precautions in athletics lessons. Improvement

Summary of a lesson in physical education in class 3 "A" on the section of the program - outdoor games with elements of basketball Kurinov Viktor Vadimovich teacher of physical education GBOU Lyceum 40 Lesson topic: Broadcasts

A set of exercises for developing strength 1. Lying on your back on the floor, lift right leg up without bending the knee. Perform swing movements left and right until your foot touches the floor. Change leg. This will amount to

Summary of the TRAINING CLASSES directly educational activities with the children of the senior group of MBDOU "Kindergarten 223" of the city of Samara was compiled by: Skripka Zoya Nikolaevna Program tasks. I Educational

Practical activities in 5th and 6th grades Exercises Types sports activities 1 General developmental physical 2 Special development Gymnastics Volleyball Basketball Athletics Complex Complex

Collection of general developmental exercises. Complex 1 outdoor switchgear on site: 1. I.p O.s. 1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, 3- arms to the sides, 4- I.p. 2. I.p. - stand, legs together, arms locked in front of the chest. 1- straighten

Abstract of OOD on educational field « Physical development" V senior group. (Final) Prepared and conducted by: physical education instructor N.V. Vereshchagina (04/22/2016.) Abstract of GCD on educational

Topic: exercises on bars: uneven, parallel; vault over a gymnastics pommel horse. Goal: Development of motor qualities. Objectives: 1) training in vault technique; parallel bars exercises.

Appendix 1 to order 40 of 31.05. 2017 ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM for persons entering the institution to study in the following specialties: 02.49.01 Physical education 02.49.02 Adaptive physical

Sets of exercises for the prevention of poor posture in preschool children. The child spends most of his time in kindergarten, therefore, prevention of poor posture should be carried out

Sets of exercises for carrying out physical education and recreational activities during the school day at GBOU Gymnasium 1526 PRIMARY SCHOOL 1. I.p. o.s. - 1- spread your arms to the sides - up, raise your left thigh

Age (years) Class Test exercises Test exercises are assessment material intended to determine the dynamics of individual development of basic physical qualities. p/p Physical ability

Objectives of the lesson: Outline of a physical education lesson for 6th grade students “Volleyball. Passing the ball with two hands from above." 1. Learning to pass the ball with 2 hands from above, fix the movements in the stance

Summary of an open lesson in physical education in the 8th grade on the topic “Gymnastics” Topic: Improve the technique of performing a vault, elements of acrobatics Physical education teacher V.V. Shlaukster


Lesson plans for physical education 11 I QUARTER: 24 hours Athletics - 18 hours Sports games - 6 hours 12 Athletics Lesson 1 Objectives: Safety precautions in athletics lessons. Start

Running 30, 60, 100 meters. Running is carried out along the stadium tracks or on any flat, hard-surfaced area. The 30 m run is performed from a high start, the 60 and 100 m run from a low or high start.

Complex 1 Journey to Sportlandia Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running; walking and running in all directions. 1. 2. I. p. - basic stance, arms along the body. 1-2 - arcs

MOBILE (PORTABLE) EQUIPMENT FOR TESTING CENTERS FOR IMPLEMENTING TYPES OF TESTS (TESTS), GTO STANDARDS All-Russian All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”

Age Class Test exercises Test exercises are assessment material designed to determine the dynamics of individual development of basic physical qualities. n / n Physical ability and Control

Card index of individual independent studies Set of special running exercises 1 1. Regular running 2. Running with high hip lifts 3. Running with shin overlapping 4. Running with side steps with the right and

Health-improving gymnastics for children 5-6 years old Penzulaeva L.I. Autumn period SEPTEMBER Complex 1 1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions;

Prepared by physical education teacher MAOU Secondary School 16 ShchMR MO Kadulina Natalya Vyacheslavovna Motor qualities Human activity in production, in everyday life, in sports requires a certain level of development