Daily notes on physical education in the dhow. Outline of a physical education lesson for middle group children in kindergarten

  • Wellness– aimed at optimizing physical development and physical fitness the child is oriented towards the comprehensive development of his physical qualities, improves motor abilities, strengthens health, hardens the body and increases its resistance to diseases;
  • Educational– provide for the systematic formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities and related basic knowledge in the field of physical culture;
  • Educational- are solved in the process of physical education: education of will, positive character traits, emotional needs of children, as well as interest, needs for healthy way life. Raised like physical qualities(strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity), and moral (determination, perseverance, sense of duty, responsibility, etc.).

  • The goals that the teacher sets when planning a physical education lesson should be specified in the tasks.
  • If the physical education activity is purely health purposes, such as running training at a slow pace, then priorities are given to a group of health-improving tasks, and then the tasks (for this specific type of physical education activity) of the developmental cycle and, finally, educational ones are determined.
  • If the goal of the lesson is to teach movements, then the tasks come first educational.
  • When consolidating movements and improving them, it is more appropriate to first plan developing tasks.
  • But any physical activity will be more successful both in terms of ensuring the child’s health and in terms of his learning and development if the lesson addresses the complex complementary tasks.

  • In younger groups The teacher should direct his efforts to teach children how to navigate the space of the gym and sports ground, and basic safety techniques;
  • correct (as intended) use of physical education equipment.
  • On average preschool age The main efforts of teachers should be aimed at developing the physical qualities of children, and above all endurance and strength, which are the basis for ensuring good physical fitness.
  • IN senior group in children High physical performance should be developed and efforts should be directed towards high-quality physical training.
  • In the pre-school group(as well as in the first grade), the main task of the teacher is to create conditions for the realization of children’s interests, to reveal them motor abilities and development of independence.

  • - this is the accumulation of motor experience, the development of interest in physical culture and sports.
  • At each age, physical activity has a different focus. For children it is the joy of freedom of movement.
  • Therefore, the main condition effective impact physical education activities for the health, psychological well-being and physical development of the child - this is to give children maximum pleasure from movements.

  • Introductory part
  • Main part
  • Final part

1. Introductory part:

Various types of walking;

Constructions and reconstructions;


Various types of running;

Balance exercises;

Attention exercises.

2. Main part:

General developmental exercises with and without objects:

Rhythmic exercises;

Simulation exercises;

Exercise - “ABC”;

Elements of yoga.

Main types of movements:

Throwing; -climbing; - jumping; -walking, -running.

Outdoor game.

3. Final part:

Various types of walking;

Breathing exercises;

Sedentary educational games;

Games on RTV (development of creative imagination);

Breathing exercises, including with elements of yoga;

Round dance.

  • There must be a so-called "health component".
  • health running or endurance running;
  • cyclic movements;
  • Hardening procedures (air baths, water procedures);
  • accurate calculation of loads so that children exercise in an aerobic mode;
  • relaxing breaks;
  • special gymnastics (breathing, corrective exercises);
  • a specially created emotional background against which the lesson takes place, and moments of controlled positive outburst.



Basic movements:

Running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.


Plot, non-plot

Sports exercises

General developmental exercises

The simplest tourism

Swimming, cycling, etc.

With elements sports games

Constructions and rebuilding

Skiing, skating, sledding

Dance exercises

  • In the younger group, 5-6 general developmental exercises are included for different groups muscles (from the upper shoulder girdle to the leg muscles) with 4-6 times each repetition);
  • in average – 6-7 exercises with 4-6 repetitions;
  • In seniors – 6-8 exercises with 5-8 repetitions;
  • In the preparatory phase - 8-10 exercises with 6-8 repetitions.
  • In the younger group, exercises are performed at a slow and medium pace, in older groups - mainly at a fast pace. The exception is exercises with lifting the torso from a lying position with bending of the torso.
  • The motor density of the lesson must be at least 80%. Otherwise, the training effect is not achieved, and the exercise is perceived by the body as a set of erratic movements.

  • On the first approach they are separated into three main groups :

classes in which children learn certain types of movements; classes in which children consolidate acquired skills,

classes in which children improve the quality of movements.

  • On the second approach allocate educational, developmental and recreational activities.
  • In the third approach, two groups are distinguished classes:
  • so-called “traditional” and “non-traditional”.

All these classifications are very conditional, but nevertheless, determining the type of physical education activity according to the prevailing goals allows you to correctly select the appropriate methodology for its organization.

  • Junior and middle groups:

1. Classic (educational, mixed, variable).

2. Motor stories.

3. Plot and game.

4. Gaming (based on a variety of outdoor games).

5. Control classes.

6. Thematic.

7. Integrated.

  • Senior group

1. Classic.

2. Motor stories.

3. Plot and game.

4. Gaming (based on a variety of outdoor games, relay games, attraction games).

5. Control classes.

6. Competitions.

7. Exercises using exercise equipment and sports complexes.

8. Interest classes.

9. Thematic.

10. Integrated.

11. Physical education and valeology (I take care of my health).

12. General physical training sessions (organization of physical prevention). Introduction to the lesson of acupressure techniques, exercise therapy (physical therapy complex), and relaxation.

Preparatory group:


2. Motor stories.

3. Plot and game.

4. Gaming (based on a variety of outdoor games, relay games, attraction games

5. Control classes.

6. Competitions.

7. General physical training sessions (organization of physical prevention). Introduction to the lesson of acupressure techniques, exercise therapy, and relaxation.

8. Training sessions, trips to the park. Excursions-trainings at the sports and recreation center (physical education and health complex).

9. Visiting the gym sports ground the nearest school.

10. Exercises using exercise equipment and sports complexes.

11. Interest classes.

12. Thematic.

13. Integrated.

14. Physical education and valeology (I take care of my health).

  • They differ:
  • Learning complex movements requiring insurance is carried out strictly individually ,
  • lighter - by subgroups .
  • In the content of frontal classes Only those movements and exercises that are mastered by all children are included.
  • Organization individual training doesn't mean that other children are not busy at this time.
  • With this form of training, the lesson is also carried out with all children.
  • First, traditional warm-up and running, a short rest, and then one of the adults, taking turns calling the children to him, teaches them a new movement (for example, rope climbing).
  • The rest of the children are in this spend time with another adult practicing the technique of a familiar movement (for example, throwing a ball at a horizontal target).

  • Games and final part of the lesson carried out with all children at the same time.
  • Usually, with this form of training, a teacher can teach no more than 5-6 children a new movement during one lesson. The rest of the children are gradually taught according to the same principle in subsequent classes. This approach to teaching children basic movements allows it to be individualized, maintain trust in the relationship with the child, and not flaunt his weak capabilities in front of other children.
  • As a result, children have an increased interest in physical education and a desire to achieve good results, and most importantly, they become very attached to adults, and they become extremely authoritative for them.
  • When the movement is “set” for all children, the form of training organization is changing.
  • After the introductory part children are divided into two subgroups.
  • One subgroup with a teacher consolidates the received ideas about the new movement, repeating it several times, and the other subgroup improves well-known movements.
  • Then the subgroups switch places.
  • Important note: children should divide themselves into subgroups; the teacher should not interfere in this process.
  • To ensure that the subgroups are equal in number, you can use flags of different colors. For example, those who want to practice long jumping first take red flags, and those who want to climb wall bars- yellow.
  • By the choice of children, one can judge their reaction to a new movement and, accordingly, make the right pedagogical decision. Usually, children's choice is influenced by uncertainty in their abilities when the exercise seems difficult to them.
  • Then they are in no hurry to take the red flag. Children who are confident in their abilities (and sometimes overly self-confident) immediately choose a new movement.
  • The flow method has proven itself well in frontal classes. performing exercises when children take turns approaching the apparatus and completing the task.
  • The content of such a lesson may include several types of well-known movements.

  • In the practice of physical education and health work of a preschool institution, fitness technologies are often used: rhythmic gymnastics, game stretching and fitball.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics complexes can be included in morning exercises, in physical education minutes.
  • In physical education classes, rhythmic gymnastics complexes are used in all parts:
  • in the preparatory part - they are used as general developmental exercises;
  • in the main part, they solve the problems of developing a sense of rhythm, spatial concepts, coordination of movements;
  • in the final part – they promote relaxation and relieve fatigue from the activity.

  • Used in physical education classes. Depending on the objectives of the lesson, stretching exercises may be included in preparatory part for warming up individual muscles groups,
  • in the main part to develop flexibility and as a relaxation procedure in the final part of the lesson.
  • In preschool institutions, the method of play stretching is used, where each exercise corresponds to the image of an animal or a fairy-tale character.

  • Fitballsbig balls. Modern inflatable balls have different sizes and shapes. One of the modifications is a ball with handles (hop), designed more for performing jumps.
  • On physical education class a fitball can be used as an object, as a support, as a training device, etc. Hops are widely used in relay races and games.
  • Innovative pedagogical technologies bring variety to physical education classes.
  • However, it should be remembered that the incorrect use of new technologies can disrupt the process of normal child development.

Summary of physical education classes in preparatory group"A Fun Trip to the Zoo"

Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Kindergarten of a combined type”, Kemerovo
This material will be of interest to physical education instructors and educators.
Target: strengthening children's health, instilling in children the need for physical education.
Tasks: Practice running in all directions with dodges in the “Trap” routine, practice walking and running, throwing and catching a ball with both hands, sliding along a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up on your hands, walking on a rope with an extension step; secure new complex rhythmic gymnastics exercises; stretching and elements oriental dances; clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about animals; promote the development of auditory and visual attention; develop coordination of speech and movements, creative imagination; cultivate activity, curiosity, self-organization skills, and mutual assistance.
Equipment: 2 benches, 4 hoops, a basket with balls, a rope, for the outdoor game “Traps”, tails for each
Progress of the lesson.
Line up one at a time
Educator: Shoulders straightened, tummies pulled in, arms pressed to the body
"Group - stand at attention! Physical education!
Children: Hello!
Educator: The first link team member is Christina, the second link team member is Sasha.
The first link raised their hands, the second link raised their hands, who is behind Sasha
Today at our physical. activity, I want to tell you riddles, and if you guess, you will find out where we will go
Riddles about animals (wolf, rhinoceros, deer, kangaroo)
Where can you see all these animals? Today we are going to the zoo.
Now attention! Group, stand still!
To the right (one, two) We go to the zoo.
Step march. There's music for different types walk (walking duration 2 minutes)
The teacher monitors posture (back straight, noses raised, looking at the back of each other’s heads, not coming close)
Walking on your toes
Let's see how far it is to the zoo? (right hand under the visor, left hand on the belt, legs straight)
The teacher watches the posture (we don’t come close, noses up, look at the back of each other’s heads)
Walking on your heels
It started to rain, so as not to get our feet wet, let’s walk on our heels, umbrellas open, noses up, back straight, keeping in alignment
Walking with side steps Place the heel of one foot to the toe of the other
We walk along a narrow path
Walking on the outside foot
A bear came out of the forest (the back is straight, keep your distance)
Walking with high leg lifts, bent at the knees
Goose walking

Running march to the zoo(do not lower your eyes to the floor, look forward) Rhythmic music for running plays (running duration is 3 minutes)
Running in a circle, snake, gallop, side step, scatter
Step march
Breathing exercise
Educator: line up in columns of four
Finally, we got to the zoo
Animal aerobics (ARA) Pay attention to posture
1. “Let’s go to the zoo.”
I.p. –o.s. hands on the belt
Stepping step from heel to toe, hands on the belt
2. “The bear scratches its back on a tree.”
I.p. – o.s. hands down
Alternately raise and lower the right and left shoulders, then two shoulders at the same time (4 times each)
3. “The monkey picks bananas from the branch.”
I.p. – arms down, feet shoulder-width apart
Raise your right hand up to your sides, then your left. Lower your right hand, forward and down, then your left.
4. “A large spotted giraffe rocks its long neck».
I.p. – legs wider than shoulders, arms clasped at the top. Side bends (8 times)

5. “The ostrich with a long neck hid his head in the sand.”
I.p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms clasped at the top. Bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, do not bend your legs. (8 times)
6. ““A predatory panther stretches in the sun.”
I.p. - Sitting on your heels, chest touching your knees, arms extended forward, lying on the floor. Without lifting your hands from the floor, straighten your legs, lie on your stomach, arms straight. (8 times)
7. "Sly Fox"
I.p. – sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, legs tilted to the right, left (8 times)
8. “In a clearing, a fluffy bunny is jumping from bush to bush.”
Jumping on two legs from side to side.
Well done, we've finished the warm-up!
The children continue their journey through the zoo; they approach a cage with monkeys. The main types of movements are being performed:
1. Crawling on gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms (the monkey crawls up a tree).
2. Throwing and catching a ball with both hands (the monkey catches a coconut).
3. Walking on a rope, hands on the belt (the monkey walks on a vine).
Educator: go to the cells and line up in lines
lay out the equipment (2 benches, a basket with balls, 4 hoops, a rope)

Crawl along the bench (child demonstrates), jump from “branch to branch” (through hoops), approach the basket with both hands, toss the ball and catch it, return back with an extended step, hands on the belt - along the rope
The teacher draws attention to the fact that the exercise must be done efficiently.
We remove all benefits and form a column
Outdoor game "Traps"

we play 3-4 times

Breathing exercise
Inhale through your nose, arms up - as you exhale, pronounce ku-ka-re-ku (for each syllable, flap your wings) or
Inhale through your nose, arms up - exhale g-ga-ga-ga
Our journey is not over, and you and I find ourselves in a terrarium with snakes
Educator: What kind of snakes?
Children: They are very flexible, beautiful and graceful.
Children perform stretching movements and elements of oriental dances to the sounds of oriental melody.
Stretching exercises with elements of oriental dances

1. Sitting, legs together, bending forward towards the toes.
2. Sitting, legs apart, bending forward, towards right leg, to the left leg.
3. "Little butterfly."
Sitting, put your feet together, spread your knees to the sides as wide as possible.
4. "Big Butterfly"
Lying down, legs up, spread your straight legs to the sides as wide as possible, helping with your hands.
5. "Tilts to the sides."
Sitting cross-legged, bend over right side, left hand
above the head, right hand at the side, pointing, the same in the other direction.
6. “Look out the window.”
Sitting cross-legged, make a round “window” with your hands. Moving your head back and forth.
7. “Touch your ear to your hand.”
I.p. - Same. Movement of the head to the right, left.
8. “The flower reaches out to the sun.”
Sitting cross-legged, place your palms at face level. Slowly raise your arms up and spread them bent to the sides so that your elbows point down and your palms point up.
9. "Boomerang". Lying down, place your legs behind your head.
10. "Arrow". Sitting cross-legged, arms up, the palm of one hand resting on the back of the other hand, stretch upward.
Our journey is over! Our train is waiting for us...
We are building
Walking in a circle, breathing exercises
Lesson summary– assessment of children’s work.
Where did you travel today?
Where would you like to travel next?
This is where our journey ends. We enjoyed traveling with you, it was very interesting and fun. Today you were smart, fast, dexterous, friendly. And now it’s time to say goodbye and go to the group.

Software tasks:

  • To improve children's walking and running in a column one at a time.
  • Strengthen children's skills in walking on their toes, on their heels, with a high hip raise, in a half-squat, and also in walking in a snake.
  • Repeat with the children walking on a gymnastic bench with an extended step.
  • Continue to improve the ability to crawl on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms.
  • Secure jumps over the cord on the right and left, moving forward.
  • Strengthen the ability to crawl under the arc sideways.
  • To develop dexterity, attention, and speed of reaction in children.
  • Evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in the lesson.
  • Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and a desire to help others.

Equipment: gymnastic benches (2); rope, arc, task cards.


Instructor: Do you guys want to go hiking?

One, two, three, four, five -

We're going camping again.

So it pulls us to freedom

Look for adventures.

Only the weak, friends,

You can't go on our hike.

You train first

Run and compete.

Look at us all

We are athletes of the highest class!

Introductory part (various types walking and running).

Instructor: First stop. We will perform several exercises to test your strength and endurance.

O.R.U. (in pairs).

Instructor: Now you are ready for a difficult hike. We will divide into 4 teams and each team will go its own route. You will see the route direction on the maps.

The captains take the cards. Children independently divide into teams and prepare equipment.

  1. Gymnast crawling. on a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms (crawl along a bridge over a mountain river).
  2. Jump over the cord to the right and left, moving forward (overcome the winding path).
  3. Climbing under an arc sideways (crawl under a fallen tree)
  4. Walking on a gymnastic bench with an extended step (walk along a narrow mountain road)

Instructor: Well done, you overcame all the obstacles and you and I entered the clearing. Let's look around, maybe we'll see something interesting.

Breathing exercises.

Instructor: Guys, don’t you think that this clearing is somehow strange, as if enchanted? Look, there's a note here.

“If you are out on a hike, boldly move forward.

The castle of evil sorcerers is on your way, you cannot go around it or bypass it.

And so that you don’t get caught by them, you need to gain courage.”

P/I "Sorcerers"

Instructor: Well done, guys, you weren’t afraid of the sorcerers and cast a spell on this fairy-tale meadow and beautiful flowers began to bloom on it.

Relaxation exercise “Flowers”

Instructor: And now it's time for us to go home. Let's say the magic words.

Children close their eyes, spin around themselves and say: “One, two, turn around, you’ll find yourself home again.”

Summary of physical education lesson “We are friends with physical education”

Group: senior group.

Software tasks:
Arr. area "Physical development":
Teach children to crawl on their stomachs, pushing off with their elbows and knees (“on their bellies”) and climbing over gymnastic bench, act in a coordinated manner.
Practice jumping over the “snake” with the right and left sides. Practice walking on a cord in a herringbone fashion, maintaining balance and correct posture.
Develop a large and fine motor skills, speed of reaction.

Arr. area "Social and communicative development":
Form responsiveness, empathy, mutual assistance. Foster friendly interaction between children, the habit of studying together, and cultivate a respectful attitude towards others.
Formation of security fundamentals:
Continue to familiarize yourself with the rules safe behavior during outdoor games.

Health technologies:
- corrective exercises for posture, flat feet;
-self-massage ( massage balls);
-respiratory exercise-game;

Equipment: music center, “butterfly” guide, rings according to the number of children, massage balls, gymnastic bench, “snake” guide, cord, scarf-shawl (3 pcs), guide for breathing exercise"Fish". 1.Introductory part:
- formation in a line, communication of tasks.
- normal walking
- walking on toes, arms up: “Reach for the snowflake”
- normal walking
- walking on outside feet, hands behind your back, bend over.
- Logorhythmics “How are you living?”:
How are you living? That's it, that's it!
How are you going? That's it, that's it!
How are you running? That's it, that's it!
Do you sleep at night? That's it, that's it!
How do you take it? That's it, that's it!
How do you give? That's it, that's it!
How are you being naughty? That's it, that's it!
How are you threatening? (movements in accordance with the text)

Running is normal;
- running with small and wide steps;
-running and stopping at a signal;
-normal walking “Let’s put on hats” (walking with rings on the head, maintaining correct posture and head position)
- rebuilding into columns of 3, opening.

2. Main part:
Outdoor switchgear complex (with massage balls)
1. Stretching
I.p. – o.s., ball in right hand
1- arms through the sides up, stand on your toes, transfer the ball to left hand(with pressure)
2-hands downwards, transfer the ball to the other hand behind your back (8 times)

2. Squat
IP - heels together, toes apart, ball in lowered hands,
1- sit down, stretch your arms forward with the ball; roll the ball between your palms
2-p. (8 times)

3. "Tilts"
I.p - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in lowered hands
1- tilt down, put the ball on the floor
2- stand up, clap above your head
3- tilt down, pick up the ball
4-i.p. (8 times)

4.Foot massage.
IP - standing, ball on the floor.
Massage alternately the right and left foot with straight movements, then the heels with circular movements.

5. "Rocking chair"
IP - sitting, legs bent, ball in hands,
1-2 – swing on your back, holding your legs with your hands. (7-8r)

6. Massage each other’s backs while standing in a column, one at a time. (thoracic region)

7. Jump around and over the ball, keep your hands free.
8. Walking in place.
Form into a column one by one, communicate tasks.

- jumping through the “snake” sideways on two legs, keep your arms free;
-crawling “on belly” with climbing over a gymnastic bench;
-walking along the cord in a herringbone fashion, hands on the belt;
Methodical recommendations: pay attention to the placement of the foot, coordinated movements of the arms and legs.
P\I: “Tent” (RNI)
Description: children are divided into 3-4 subgroups. Each subgroup forms a circle at the corners of the site. A chair is placed in the center of each circle, on which a scarf with patterns is hung. Children hold hands, walk in a circle with simple steps around the chairs, and say the words:
“We are funny guys.
Let's all gather in a circle,
Let's play and dance
And let's rush to the meadow.
With the end of the words, the children rearrange themselves into one common circle. Holding hands, they jump and move in a circle. At the signal “we’re building a tent!” children quickly run to their chairs, take scarves and pull them over their heads in the form of a tent (roof). The first group to build a “tent” wins.

Rule: act on signal.

3.Final part:
- formation in a line
- Breathing exercise - game “Fish”
Rule: hold your breath as long as possible, do not talk; act on a signal.

Each child is offered one fish (made of cardboard). Children are asked to imagine that they are fish and remember how they move in the pond. “The fish are swimming in the pond, you won’t catch a single one!”
The children take a deep breath and seem to be diving into a pond. In a half-squat, slightly rounding their back and pressing their head to their shoulders, they move around the room, performing voluntary movements, imitating the way fish swim. The winner is the child who holds his breath and stays in the water the longest.
- relaxation “Magic dream” (accompanied by music)
Children lie on their backs.
“The eyelashes droop, the eyes close,
We rest peacefully and fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
Arms and legs are resting, the neck is not tense and relaxed..
The lips part slightly,
Everyone is calmly relaxing,
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply... (1-2 min)
-organized care.

Summary of physical education and recreational leisure for children middle group“We’re going on a hike – autumn is calling us to visit”

Children love to go on excursions. I combined an autumn excursion to the forest with sports games. This leisure activity does not require much preparation and can be carried out by any teacher.

Integration educational areas : physical development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative.

Types of activities : gaming, cognitive-research, perception fiction and folklore, musical, motor.

Target: the formation of a healthy, cheerful, physically developed child who has knowledge about physical education accessible to his age and has a desire to engage in physical exercise.



- develop children's interest in tourism, sports competitions, promoting physical development, hardening and endurance child's body;

Develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, the ability to self-control and self-esteem when performing movements;

- develop physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility;

- promote the development of psychophysical qualities.


To form the desire of children to actively communicate with others;

- cultivate a sense of satisfaction from physical activity;

- cultivate activity and goodwill in relationships with peers and adults during physical activity.


- consolidate the ability to participate in various outdoor games, including games with elements of competition


To update children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature and during outdoor games

Equipment: 2 baskets, 3 ropes, hoops, balls.

Event plan


    Game "Get into the Basket"

    Forest relay race

    Game "The wind blows"

    Game "Tug of War"

    Outdoor game "Catch-up"

Leisure activities


Autumn follows summer,

The wind sings yellow songs to her,

Red leaves fall under your feet,

A white snowflake flies high.

Children sing the song “Autumn has come knocking on us with golden rain.”


- Guys, today I received a letter (reading):

I invite kindergarten

Take a walk in the autumn forest.

And the signature – Old Forest Man.

Let's go on a hike

How many discoveries await us!

Children go for a walk in the autumn forest.


On the way to the forest, children slowly jog together with the teacher and run 3 segments of 60-150m each. In between running, walk at a free pace.

On the way, the children pick up bouquets of autumn leaves.

    Game exercise"Crossing"

Children are asked to cross a bridge over a stream (imitation). The teacher draws two parallel lines on the road - a bridge - and carefully watches so that the children do not get their feet wet.

    Game exercise “Run uphill”

Children, at the teacher’s signal, run into the slides that they come across on the way to the forest. Arriving at a forest clearing, the children take a break.


- Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

The teacher talks about the rules of safe behavior in the forest.

Children admire the beauty of autumn nature and learn the names of trees by their leaves. Suddenly Lesovichok (a teacher in a Lesovich costume) comes out of the forest.


- Have you received my letter?Children's answers.

I've been waiting for guests for a long time,

I'll play with the children now.

Everyone knows for sure -

Physical education strengthens

Our muscles, body,

Physical education helps

Be strong and brave.

Lesovik invites the children to split into two teams. Gives you the task of collecting maple and oak leaves. Leaves are attached to children's chests. One team is called "Maple Leaves", the other - "Oak Leaves".


- If you want to become skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Never be discouraged

Get into your cart quickly!

    Game "Get into the Basket"

For each team, two baskets are hung on trees, which are located at the same distance from the teams. At Lesovik’s signal, the children of both teams must throw as many cones as possible into their basket. The team with the most cones in the basket wins.

    Forest relay race


- And now our main competition is the Forest Relay.

I wish from the bottom of my heart,

So that the results are yours

Everyone was good.

Team building, obstacle course preparation.

Obstacle course

    Run to the tree.

Children run to the indicated tree, run around it and overcome an obstacle course on the way back.

    Jump over the lying tree.

A rope is stretched between two trees to a height of 40cm, the children must jump over it.

    Get through the hoop

There are 3 hoops for each team on the grass.

    Running like a snake between objects

The winner is the team whose members, having completed the tasks correctly, finish the relay first.

    Game "The wind blows"

Lesovichok plays the game “The wind blows.”


Attention! Attention!

We continue the competition.

We must study

Everything is enhanced by sports,

After all, our country needs

Brave and strong.

    Game "Tug of War"

Teams stand opposite each other and play tug of war.


- And now it’s time for us to play, kids. It's a difficult game, a mushroom game.

The forester asks riddles about mushrooms to one or the other team.

    I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots,

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... (boletus)

    Egorka hid under the green tree,

White polka dots (fly agaric) on clothes

    Pink girlfriends are growing at the edge of the forest,

And their names are... (volnushki)

    Little sisters growing up in the forest


    Among the young pines

In a shiny dark hat

A fungus is growing...(oil can)

    There is a brown cap on a thick white leg,

Surely every mushroom picker dreams of finding... (boletus)


- Well done, guys!

All the riddles were solved.

Who will go to the woods?

Who will find the fungus?

Children sing the song “Where are you hiding, fungus?”


- How wonderful you guys sing, you can just listen to it!


We are funny guys

We love to run and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us.

    Outdoor game "Catch-up"

The forest worker runs after the children, catches up with them, and salutes them. Praised for his speed and agility.

Summarizes the results of sports games. The winners are given beautiful bouquets of autumn leaves that the children picked along the way.

The forester says goodbye to the children and gives them an autumn treat - apples and pears.


To grow and harden,

Let's play sports.


Toughen up, kids,

Good afternoon-


Physical training!

They are returning from the forest to kindergarten.