We choose a sport for a child, taking into account his character, physique, temperament and state of health. What does exercise therapy give - what is the benefit?

In sports highest achievements high fees, but they are paid for a reason, but for extremely high loads. Independent experts believe that only an athlete who takes doping can achieve them and stay alive. But, as Paracelsus taught, “everything is poison, and all medicine, it’s just a matter of dose.” The doses of drugs that athletes take are such that by the end of their careers, champions become sick people, or, in any case, not quite the people Mother Nature intended them to be.

Here are a couple of questions to ask: who are heavyweight wrestlers and weightlifters more like: people or bulls? Who do skiers and track and field athletes look like: women or men? It has gotten to the point where, due to hormonal doping, entire teams of female athletes speak in low, male voices.

Is sport a grave?

IN early XIX centuries there was a theory in earnest: because perfect figure- a ball, then the body in its shape should be as round as possible. Therefore, you need to eat more and move less.

In the 21st century, the health benefits of restricting movements were substantiated by the famous Moscow professor Anatoly Sitel. A chiropractor by profession, he came to the conclusion that the spines of modern city dwellers, weakened by low mobility, are contraindicated for the loads that tennis, sports dancing, training on exercise machines and many other types of physical activity require of them. Twisting movements, present in tennis, wrestling, and boxing, are especially dangerous.

Overload in weightlifting is extremely dangerous. Anatoly Sitel claims: for the beauty of the figure achieved through exercise, you have to pay for health problems. A striking example of this is the problems of Sharon Stone, who became much prettier after hitting the gym, but then began to have serious health problems.

Professor Sitel does not at all suggest sitting in a chair and not getting out of it around the clock. From his point of view, physical activity should be scientifically based and individualized for each person. For example, if you have a problem lumbar region spine, “pumping” the press by lifting straight legs is harmful. But you can do just fine with this exercise: lying on your back, inhale and exhale with a five-kilogram load on your stomach. The effect is the same and even better, but there is no harm to the spine.

By the way, Anatoly Sitel has a particularly sharp “tooth” on school physical education. In his opinion, the methods developed almost in the 30s of the last century physical education schoolchildren are hopelessly behind modern science.

School physical education needs to change. However, every person himself will understand if he remembers, for example, jumping over a goat: this exercise cannot bring benefit to expectant mothers, and neither to expectant fathers. It is worth remembering the familiar slogan “Run from a heart attack.” Not only our domestic scientists, but also their Western colleagues speak about the health benefits of walking.

Children of middle school age (11-14 years old) and teenagers (from 15 years old) are allowed ever-increasing loads - up to intensive and long-term training. But they also have their own “Achilles heel” - the non-simultaneous maturation of different organs during a period of rapid growth. Bones and muscles may have time to grow, but the heart and blood vessels lag behind. In such a situation, the heart is able to “revenge” the excessive load by developing cardiopathy, followed by heart failure.

Before sending your child to one section or another, take him by the hand and take him to a physical education and sports clinic or at least to a district clinic. Because besides yours and his own desires and preferences, there are objective health indicators that will indicate how beneficial or, conversely, harmful, this or that sports career path will be for your child.

How early should you start your baby as an athlete? It depends on the sport. At 7-9 years old, it is better to pay attention to swimming, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, and figure skating. For ages 9-11 years old, basketball, skiing, sailing, chess and checkers. 10-11 years old - volleyball, water polo, wrestling, rowing, speed skating, athletics, diving, modern pentathlon, football, hockey. At the age of 12-13 you can engage in cycling, boxing, and weightlifting.

Don’t expect that the young talent sent to the section will immediately begin to set records. The first months, or even a year or two, will be spent on general physical training - general physical training. Only by tightening it can you put truly athletic loads on your child’s shoulders. By the way, during this period you will be able to finally choose which sport your offspring will glorify your family with success in.

Some are sent “to sports” in order to make them champions, others – to grow into healthy, harmonious individuals. Depending on this, you need to choose a sport. If you want your child to achieve records, you should send him to the discipline where his innate physical advantages will help him in this as much as possible, and his disadvantages will have the least importance. And vice versa: if the goal is to improve health, it is useful to take the child to the section where his physical deficiencies will be corrected.

For example, in archery, coordination of movements is very important. A young athlete born with a developed sense of coordination has more opportunities to become a champion in archery. But a frankly awkward child, for whom everything is falling out of hand, by taking up this sport, gets a chance to get rid of his shortcoming, although, most likely, he will never achieve outstanding results in archery.

Denis Kovalev, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Russian State Medical University

I would like to hear opinions and advice on motivating a child to play sports.
I am a former athlete myself, and I want to attract children to sports. Question about my daughter, she is 6 years old. She has been going to karate for a year now.

Before enrolling in the section, I found videos for her on YouTube, showed her how the children practiced, talked about martial arts, and what the classes would give her. In general, she walked with pleasure.
After a while she began to refuse. The reason is hard. But in that group there are other children of the same age, and for them the program is easier. And I don’t know of a single sport in which you can develop without overcoming tension, fatigue, and loss of interest. Every time I talked to my daughter, explained, talked about my activities and achievements. The fact that time must pass for results. I was also afraid that if she started and quit, then this algorithm would be written in the subconscious: I start - it gets hard - I quit.

My daughter studied for a year. The coach praises her. They print out such interesting assessment forms for the children - where, at the end of the lesson, grades-badges are given, and special encouragement - stickers. It looks cute and colorful and also motivates children to some extent. My daughter usually has high grades, we are always interested at home, and we rejoice together.

And now I left for three weeks, and my daughter attended two classes without me and quit.
Here we need to make a digression about our dad - he is very kind and good, and allows the children everything they want. Cartoons all day, a sandwich instead of lunch, going to bed when they decide, and, of course, why force a child to play sports if he doesn’t want to. Instead of training, my daughter sits in front of the TV with cartoons, and dad sits in front of the computer in the next room behind a closed door. While I am discussing the strategy with him, he verbally agrees and does not interfere while I deal with all the issues with the children. But without me he just allows whatever they want. I also do exercises with my children every morning; now they don’t do it without me either.

Additionally, I will say that there is no alternative yet. For her age we have karate and ballroom dancing. But the dances, firstly, are already crowded with girls and not enough boys, and secondly, I also danced before, and there was an unpleasant competitive and envious atmosphere, but at karate there is a very close-knit and friendly group, they go together for recreation, training camps, competitions, socializing outside of class; thirdly, my daughter doesn’t want to go dancing herself; her grandmother regularly persuades her to do this activity. And one more thing: I don’t set a goal professional level in sports. My goal is to get used to regular classes so that they become an integral part of life.

And now I have some doubts. I have no doubt that when I return, I will have a heartfelt conversation with my daughter, with examples, with explanations, and I will be able to persuade me to continue studying (as a child, my mother simply forced me to do something, and I resisted on principle, but my father persuaded and convinced - and it worked, and I try to do the same as dad). But is this right? Am I being violent? But she's going to school soon, and this will begin a long period sedentary image life.. Who thinks?

When a child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to send him to a sports section. They are faced with a difficult choice, in which they are often guided either by their taste preferences or by the degree of distance of the section from home. What should you pay attention to when choosing a sport for your child?

Young children have an incredible amount of energy and it must be channeled in a positive direction. This will make you calm and your baby cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sports. But here the question of choosing the right sport immediately arises.

First you need to take a close look at your child. Sports must suit his inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

At what age is it better to send a child to sports?

When should you send your son or daughter to sports? — It’s best to start teaching children about sports from preschool age, but this is not always possible - young children are not accepted into all sports sections.

If parents plan to subsequently make sports a significant part of their child’s life, they need to accustom their children to sports from the cradle. How to do this? Set up a small sports corner at home with wall bars, rope and other devices. Studying with early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, master existing equipment, and feel pleasure and joy from classes.

  • 2-3 years. Children at this age are full of energy, active and mobile. That is why at this time it is recommended to do gymnastics with children every day. Kids get tired quickly, so classes should not be long, just do a few simple exercises(claps, swinging arms, bending, jumping) for 5-10 minutes;
  • 4-5 years. This age is especially noteworthy because the baby’s body type has already been formed (as well as his character), and his talents are just beginning to emerge. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports club for your child. This age is good for developing coordination. Offer your child a choice of acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumping or figure skating. From the age of five you can start classes at a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
  • 6-7 years. An excellent time to develop flexibility and plasticity. Within a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can send your child to any type of gymnastics, swimming, start martial arts or football;
  • 8-11 years. This age period is best suited for the development of speed, agility and dexterity in a child. A great idea is to take him to rowing, fencing or cycling;
  • From 11 years old You should focus on endurance. Children after 11 years of age are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and hone them. Choose any ball sports, consider it as an option athletics, boxing, shooting;
  • After 12-13 years There comes an age when the optimal solution is training aimed at developing strength and endurance.

So at what age can you enroll your child in one sport or another? There is no definite answer here, since each person is individual. There are children who at the age of three can ride a skateboard or alpine skiing. Others are completely unprepared for most sports even by the age of nine.

There are general recommendations that you should listen to when choosing a sports section. For example, classes to develop flexibility should start with early years, since at this time the child’s body is more pliable for stretch marks. With age, flexibility decreases. But as for endurance, it, in general, develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

If you decide to send a three-year-old child to a sports club, then take into account that the child’s bones and muscles will only be fully formed by the age of five. Excessive loads before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, scoliosis. For children under 5 years old, light exercise and active games are actually enough.

Which sections accept children at different ages?

  • 5-6 years. Accepted for various types of gymnastics and figure skating;
  • 7 years. Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dancing, martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
  • 8 years. At this age, children are taken to badminton, football, basketball and golf. There is an opportunity to learn alpine skiing;
  • 9 years old. From now on, there is a chance to become a speed skater, master sailing, take up rugby and biathlon, and start athletics;
  • 10 years. Upon reaching 10 years of age, children are accepted into boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, and judo. You can send your children to weight training, billiards and cycling;
  • From 11 children are taken to sections for various types of shooting;
  • From 12 years old, the child will be accepted into bobsleigh.

Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section one year younger.

We choose a sport taking into account the child’s physique

Having decided to send your child to sports, you should pay attention to his body type. This is important because in different types sports, various features of the body structure are taken into account. Tall height is preferred for basketball, while this feature is not valued in gymnastics. If a child is prone to obesity, parents should pay even more attention to the choice of direction in sports, because the results of training, and therefore the level of children’s self-esteem, will depend on this. Being overweight, a child is unlikely to become a good striker in football, but he will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

There are several types of body structure, according to the scheme used in medical practice by Stefko and Ostrovsky. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Asthenoid type– this body type is characterized by pronounced thinness, the legs are usually long and thin, and rib cage and the shoulders are narrow. The muscles are poorly developed. Often, people with an asthenoid body type exhibit a stooped posture along with protruding shoulder blades. Such children tend to feel awkward. Considering these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be comfortable psychologically. What is important here is not only the direction in the sport itself, but also a suitable team. Such children can easily engage in gymnastics, basketball, as well as any sports where the emphasis is on speed, strength and endurance - skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, competitive swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
  2. Thoracic type body build is characterized by equal width shoulder girdle and hips, the chest is often wide. The rate of muscle mass development is average. These children are highly active and are suitable for sports that involve speed and develop endurance. Active children are suitable for various races, motorsports, and skiing; they will make excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and figure skaters. You can send a child with this body type to ballet, capoeira, jumping, or get them interested in kayaking.
  3. Muscle type build is typical for children with a massive skeleton and developed muscle mass. They are resilient and strong, which means they should choose a sport aimed at developing strength and speed. Such children can prove themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, water polo and hockey, and also achieve good results in weightlifting and WorkOut.
  4. Digestive type- digestive body type is characterized by short stature, broad chested, the presence of a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys are not very agile, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill in them an interest in activities, choose weightlifting, shooting, hockey, gymnastics, consider martial arts or motorsports, throwing and WorkOut as an option.

How to choose a sport, taking into account children's temperament?

Character also matters when choosing sports. It depends on him what success the child can achieve. For example, children with a high degree of activity are unlikely to be able to excel in sports where training is an endless series of repetitive exercises that require the ability to concentrate. They need to choose activities where the child can throw out excess energy, preferably a team sport.

  1. Sports for sanguine people. Children with this type of temperament are leaders by nature, they are not inclined to give in to fear, they like extreme sports, sports are suitable for them, where they can demonstrate all these qualities and show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in fencing, mountaineering, and karate classes. Sanguine people will enjoy hang gliding, skiing, kayak descent.
  2. Cholerics– emotional people, but they are able to share victory with someone, so it is better for children with this temperament to find themselves in team sport. Wrestling or boxing is a good option for them.
  3. Phlegmatic children tend to achieve good results in everything, including sports, because their natural qualities are perseverance and calmness. Invite a child with such a temperament to take up chess, figure skating, gymnastics, or become an athlete.
  4. Melancholic people– very vulnerable children, they can be hurt by the excessive severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports for them or take them to dance. Great option– Equestrian sport is suitable for everyone, and it is also worth considering shooting or sailing.

Which section should children be sent to, taking into account their state of health?

If you have chosen a direction in sports for your children, taking into account all the factors - their preferences, body type, character, then now you should pay attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child’s body. The doctor will tell you which sports are contraindicated in each specific case, and which will be beneficial. The pediatrician will determine what level of exercise is appropriate for your children. Let's consider recommendations regarding the choice of sport for various diseases.

  • Volleyball, basketball and football classes Contraindicated for myopic children, as well as those who suffer from asthma or flat feet. But these sports will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics will relieve the child of flat feet and help strengthen the back muscles, form beautiful posture;
  • Swimming- Suitable for all children without exception. Exercises in the pool have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body, including the back, and strengthen nervous system;
  • Hockey contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases, but he develops the respiratory system well;
  • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, classes skiing and figure skating indicated for poorly developed vestibular apparatus;
  • If you have a weak nervous system, classes are suitable children's yoga, swimming and horse riding;
  • Tennis It’s worth doing to develop fine motor skills and attention, but this sport is not suitable for myopic children and those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
  • Riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
  • You can strengthen your heart and respiratory system by exercising speed skating, athletics or diving;
  • Figure skating Contraindicated for severe myopia and pleural diseases.

If you want to introduce children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, and there will be failures. However, never attribute your child’s failures in sports to various circumstances, because they are the result of the efforts made. Having achieved success through their efforts, children will again strive for victories; when faced with failure, they will begin to make more efforts.

Any sport is useful and important, because it develops strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child enjoys doing it!

At what age should a child be allowed to play sports and what sport should he choose for his child?

How to help your child choose a sport

He supported athletes who were banned for life from participation in Olympic Games IOC Anti-Doping Committee. These included Alexander Legkov, Evgenia Belova, Maxim Vylegzhanin, Alexey Petukhov, Yulia Ivanova and Evgenia Shapovalova. The boy noted that the Olympics are intended for all countries and that “in sports everyone is equal.”

“I have been skiing for 6 years now. I dream of connecting my life with great sport, become an Olympic champion. My whole family and I constantly follow the performance of our skiers at all major international starts. We often go with the whole family to the World Cup stages and even to the World Championships. I am sincerely worried about what happened to Maxim Valegzhanin, Zhenya Belov, Sasha Legkov, Lesha Petukhov, Zhenya Shapovalova and Yulia Ivanova. I don’t understand why Norwegian skier Martin Sundby receives only 2 months of disqualification for a proven case of doping, while our athletes are forced to leave forever without any evidence? Does anyone think about how athletes feel when they are banned from competing for their country at the Olympics? Does anyone think about the parents of these athletes?
We have a large family. Regular. from St. Petersburg. The parents have 5 children. My mother takes me to training and worries about me at competitions. She always supports me, regardless of whether I am the first or the last?.. We all play sports. It’s hard for me to imagine how my father or my mother would feel if they found out that I was accused of doping?! Why doesn’t anyone think that we are talking about living people. Why is this attitude towards our athletes? I always dreamed of becoming Olympic champion. I believed in the Olympic movement! How can I be confident in my future if the International Olympic Committee, which is supposed to protect the interests of athletes and treat everyone equally, makes such cruel decisions only from someone else's words???!?!? The whole world does not understand why only Russian athletes such an attitude?! Why are we all silent? Athletes? Strna? World? WHY? The IOC itself is destroying the ideals and principles of the Olympic movement with its own hands!???!?!?!?! My dad is friends with skiers and we decided to support Maxim Vylegzhanin’s mother, who lives in Udmurtia. Maxim brought many medals to our country. If the IOC cannot and does not want to protect athletes, then we must do it. All of Russia must unite and support our skiers and their parents. All our athletes who want to be unfairly suspended are considered and their cases are not even announced. Today one will be suspended, tomorrow six, in a month all of them, then the whole country. Then this may affect another country. Sport is beyond politics. Olympics for all countries. Every country has the right to compete under its own flag! You can't make someone an outcast. in sports everyone is equal! I ask all people, all sports fans, all athletes to fight back against injustice - do not be silent!!! I believe that we can make ourselves heard. The voice of the people is louder than scandalous journalists. We can do this now, we just need to become one. Let the whole WORLD know about injustice,” the student wrote on his page.

Starkov also published on his page a video message from Rufima Vylegzhanina, the mother of the suspended Maxim Vylegzhanin. Within 24 hours, the student’s post received more than 44 thousand views and more than 500 reposts. The number of video views is approaching 50 thousand.

In the comments under the post, he also addressed everyone who supported his flash mob: “Thank you all very much for your support. I didn’t even think that so many people would respond to my appeal. Let our boys and girls see that we are rooting and worrying for them and with them. When we are united, we are invincible!.. #NORUSSIANOGAMES. Without our country and without our athletes, this will not be the same Olympics. It won’t be the Olympics at all.”

Let us remind you that the IOC recently suspended Evgeny Belov, Maxim Vylegzhanin, Alexander Legkov, Alexey Petukhov, Evgenia Shapovalov and Yulia Ivanova for life from participating in the Olympic Games for violating anti-doping rules. In addition, the Olympic Committee commission annulled the results Russian skiers at the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. The athletes, in turn, filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

One of the most serious problems of our time is childhood physical inactivity. Children spend most of their free time at the computer. If ten years ago this concerned teenagers, now more and more students primary schools join computer games. Obesity, crooked posture, retarded physical development, depression and insomnia are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Parents understand the essence of the problem, but do not know how to solve it. A wonderful way out is sports clubs and sections for children. Children's associations help to break a child out of a vicious circle. In the sports section, the child does not just move and learn the basics of sports. Communication with peers who have common interests stimulates spiritual and social development. The sooner your child starts attending physical education, the better.

What does the sports section give to a child?

Everyone knows about the positive effects of sports and physical education on the human body. Particularly important physical activity for children. After all, the child’s body grows, and the acquisition of sports skills occurs gradually. Bones grow quickly and correctly, all muscles become stronger, and ligaments become more flexible. Any sport improves fine motor skills. In progress physical movements are training vestibular apparatus, orientation in space. Sports require quick reactions and, accordingly, develop speech and memory. Organs and systems begin to “specialize” in a particular sport.

The idea of ​​sports clubs originated in Ancient Greece, where all boys were required to attend gymnasium - the prototype of a modern sports school. In the Middle Ages, the sons of knights were raised in groups in the castle of one of their parents, where they underwent joint military and sports training. Real sports sections appeared in Europe and the USA at the end of the 19th century. As a rule, they were formed at schools and churches. Initially, children were taught only gymnastics, then football, tennis, and basketball sections arose.

Now sections for children offer everything modern views sports Every big city has sports centers providing services to children and adults. There are free sports sections for children in state children's art houses. Parents, seeing advertisements, are in doubt: what to choose? Where to start?

How to choose a sports section for a child

When choosing a section, parents often make typical mistakes. Misconceptions are based on natural love for the child, the desire to do the best for him. But these errors can cause serious harm:

  • “I was an avid football player as a child. Of course my son will love football!”
  • “Figure skating is an elite sport. My daughter should go to this section!”
  • “My son is so weak, everyone hurts him. We should sign him up for karate."
  • “You need to start from a very early age, otherwise you won’t have time to become a champion!”

A psychologist can easily explain the origin of incorrect reasoning. Parents embody their own unfulfilled dreams and social ambitions in their children. Meanwhile, erroneous attitudes can damage the health and psyche of the baby.

When choosing a sports club, you need to consider:

  • State of health. Physical education has great benefits. But the presence of some diseases does not allow you to engage in certain sports. For example, chronic rhinitis, when a child often has a stuffy nose, will prevent light activities athletics. Running and jumping are contraindicated for asthmatics, but swimming is very beneficial. If a potential athlete is registered with any chronic disease, you should definitely consult with his doctor. Moreover, children's sections require a health certificate.
  • Physique. Thin or plump, tall or short - all this is very important when choosing a sport. Many parents hope that their overweight child will lose weight by playing team games. This typical mistake. Overweight slows down the reaction, the child will constantly make mistakes and be subject to ridicule and reproaches from his comrades. Swimming is preferable for burning fat athletics. A short boy should not go to basketball, a large girl should not go to rhythmic gymnastics, no matter what the ambitions of their parents.
  • Temperament. Character plays a significant role. It will be very difficult for someone who is slow and calm to play football, but he can achieve good results in wrestling. An aggressive boy benefits from martial arts with its discipline and philosophy. It is difficult for a shy girl to do aerobics in front of other children. Knowing their child, parents will be able to choose the best sport for him to like. It is useful to consult with your son or daughter's class teacher. After all, sometimes at school children reveal themselves in ways unexpected for their parents.

  • Age. Various types sports have age and gender restrictions. Gymnastics and swimming rely on human innate instincts. Therefore, you can do them from the age of three. It’s not too late to start at 7 or 12 years old, if the goal is not to raise a champion. Martial arts They begin to practice when the skeleton and ligaments are sufficiently flexible - that is, from the age of 6. The same goes for game types sports, athletics. But strength sport acceptable only from 14-16 years old. Heavy loads in junior and intermediate school age lead to severe bone deformation and internal organs. With rare exceptions, children's sports sections offer classes for both boys and girls. Parents should not artificially “shape femininity” by sending their daughter to rhythmic gymnastics if she dreams of judo. The main purpose of sport is to improve health. Femininity or masculinity is given by nature, and sport has no direct connection with them.
  • Interests. It has long been noted that a person achieves success only in those activities that he engages in with pleasure. When a boy is interested in any sport, he will be happy to train. An activity imposed by parents will very soon become disgusting. Instead of success, there will be absenteeism and endless conflicts. If the child is not at all drawn to sports, but physical activity he needs it, it is better to instruct him to walk the dog, or offer him to go for evening runs with the player.
  • Target. Both parents and children should know why they should go to the club. The best goal in this case is to improve health and communicate with peers. You cannot cultivate unhealthy “championship” ambitions in a child if he does not have the ability to do so. Only with the passage of time can you see sports results, hear the coach’s opinion and then target young athlete for victories.

  • Section availability. Accessibility involves the territorial location of the section and the financial issue. If it takes more than half an hour to get to the place of classes, you should look for another institution. A child tired after training, forced to take the bus or wait for dad with the car, will very quickly get tired of this regime. Instead of improving health, the opposite process will occur - chronic fatigue.

The economic side of the issue is also important. If the family is wealthy, you can choose a paid establishment. But you should be prepared for the fact that expensive paid sections require the most severe discipline and do not allow missed training. In addition to classes, you will have to pay for trips to competitions in other cities and countries. Therefore, people with average incomes should prefer free clubs and sections for children. They are available at sports centers for children and youth sports schools finally, in secondary schools. These associations rarely produce “champions.” But they provide an opportunity to master the skills of a particular sport and improve the level physical development, make new friends and find interesting communication.

The most popular sports for children

Children and adults love to play as a team. Excitement, special relationships within the team - friendship, collectivism, mutual assistance - attract young sports fans. Traditionally in northern Europe they respect winter views sports Girls prefer activity, practicing plastic exercises, gracefulness - aerobics, sports dancing, gymnastics. For many years, martial arts have remained at the peak of popularity.

Most often, sports centers offer the following sports sections for children from 6 years old:

  • Football;
  • Hockey;
  • Basketball;
  • Volleyball;
  • Athletics;
  • Table tennis;
  • Aerobics;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics;
  • Karate;
  • Taekwon-do;
  • Judo.

IN big cities you can find sections of equestrian sports, swimming, figure skating. In small towns and rural areas there are often free sections for children ski racing, speed skating.
Football sections for children accept children from 6-7 years old. It is considered optimal to start football training at this age. The child should not have medical contraindications– heart problems, respiratory system, overweight And knee joints. The young football player must have a thin to medium build. The children's football section will give preference to dexterous, agile children with quick reactions. Football will help strengthen these qualities, as well as develop muscles and bones, cultivate perseverance, determination, and determination.

It is also better to enroll in the hockey section at the age of 6-7 years. Unlike football, hockey is a sport for big boys. A little excess weight is not prohibited, but is even encouraged. A complex, intense game will pacify the temperament of overly aggressive boys and will give a fighting spirit to those who did not know how to stand up for themselves.

Section athletics for children is usually divided into areas: relay race, long jump or high jump, race walking, throwing. A dexterous, active child who loves outdoor games will enjoy the lessons. It is important to choose the right direction. The basis of the choice is the little athlete’s physique and his habits. A long-legged rope jumper can perfect her passion for pole vaulting. A short, nimble kid will be able to excel in running.

The lazy will learn to work on themselves, the inattentive will gain concentration, the weak in spirit will strengthen their will. All this is possible in the karate section for children. Eastern martial arts are suitable for boys and girls from the age of three. Most often, the group consists of children of different ages, which is an additional advantage for the child’s socialization. Karate is very useful for shaping beautiful posture, has a positive effect on the nervous system.
The baby can strengthen the heart, lungs, blood vessels, boost immunity, and straighten his posture in the swimming section for children. Doctors most often recommend swimming for children who often suffer from respiratory diseases. It seems like a very relaxed sport. But it teaches courage and fosters perseverance. Every big city now has a wide selection of swimming pools and trainers for children of all ages.

Is it worth looking for a sports club for a preschooler? Pediatricians, child psychologists and physiotherapists unanimously recommend physical education:

  • a city child who most of the time is confined to the confines of an apartment;
  • a child who often suffers from colds;
  • a child who is overly interested in computers.

All other categories of children will also benefit greatly from sports activities. Sports sections for children 5 years old this is most often rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, and sports dancing. Here the baby will be taught to better control his body, maintain balance, and navigate in space. This kind of activity is enjoyable and interesting for five-year-old children. They include elements fun game, gambling competition - something that corresponds to the age and psychological characteristics of a preschooler.

Sports sections for children are not only the most best way recovery. Activities in sports associations develop a love for active recreation, focus on healthy image life. By enrolling a child in a sports club, parents give him a great start to health for life.