How to build muscle mass at home. The fastest way to increase muscle mass

Have a well trained and toned body with big ones,
Many people want sculpted muscles, but not many know how to achieve it

The guys work for hours gym, they try for a long time and with great difficulty
achieve success, but never get the desired result. This is explained
for various reasons.

Most often, failure lies in violating principles rapid build-up muscular

Three principles of rapid muscle growth:

Proper training

Proper nutrition

Complete rest.

Success comes to those who know exactly what they want and are disciplined
follows a plan to achieve a goal. It's the same with bodybuilders
involved in building own body: it is necessary to have a clear program
exercises and, most importantly, follow it religiously.

Proper training

You should clearly plan your workouts and decide which parts of the body and
when, on what day, will you download.

You can start with 3-4 days a week, spending no more than an hour a day. Gradually
you can increase the training time to one and a half hours, but no more. Carrying out
more time in the gym will increase more muscle mass your body
but this will certainly not benefit your health.

Most quick way pumping up muscles is training two muscle groups in
combinations. A combination of chest and triceps or back and biceps exercises will
work miracles. Avoid working more than two muscle groups

Reps should range from 4 to 12 in one set. During power
training, you need to gradually increase the load to the maximum. Then
Lose weight slowly. This helps you achieve results faster and at the same time
increase endurance.

Once a week you should lift only with the maximum weights for you, and at
the next day, do a lesson only with small weights, but with larger ones
number of repetitions. This will give excellent results in muscle building
masses of good relief.

It is important to rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets.

Changing your workout routine every 6-8 weeks also helps improve
rapid growth of muscle mass.

Proper diet

Balanced protein diet– one more important principle fast way
building muscle mass. The body must be provided with the necessary calories
and nutrients. Five to six fractional meals of high-calorie protein foods
per day is optimal.

Products with complex carbohydrates and proteins such as low-fat yogurt and
Egg whites are especially helpful in building muscle mass. You should enable
into your daily diet protein shakes, chicken breasts, lean meat,
oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, etc.

If necessary, you can take nutritional supplements to quickly increase
muscle mass.

Avoid using anabolic steroids and similar ones
drugs. They are very harmful to your body.

Proper rest

The last but one of the most important requirements for building muscle quickly is
complete rest. Muscles don't grow when you train in the gym -
they grow when you rest.

Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours. Rest a couple of days a week at least
more important than resting between two sets. Research shows that short
Breaks in training are very useful. The main thing is not to allow too long
breaks, otherwise you will have to start from scratch.

Each organism, each body is unique, so the methods that work for
others will not necessarily work for you. Don't look at what others are doing
gym, and don't try to do the same if you're not ready yet. IN
it will only cause harm in the long run.

Consult with instructors and nutritionists. Remember that even if you
you use the fastest way to build muscle mass, no one has canceled it
golden rule: “patience is the key to success.”

A man’s beautiful, toned body indicates his good health and strength. In pursuit of the ideal of beauty, representatives of the stronger sex go to the gym, work on themselves, and adjust their shape and diet. For guys and men who are prone to thinness, the path to success can be a real challenge, because it is extremely difficult for them to gain weight. Reliable information about whether they need vitamin therapy courses, how to take brewer's yeast in tablets for weight gain, how to exercise properly, organize their diet, and others will help with this. useful recommendations.

Body types

There are three main body types:

  1. Asthenic or ectomorphic. With this type, a person experiences weak muscles, a small amount of body fat, thin bones, long limbs and eye-catching rib cage. The volume of substances occurs in such people 10% faster than in others.
  2. Normosthenic or mesomorphic. All parts of the body are proportional.
  3. Hypersthenic or endomorphic. It is distinguished by the presence of an impressive volume of fat cells. It is more difficult for representatives of this type to fight overweight. It is not difficult for such people to build muscle.

Possible causes of weight loss

There are several factors that influence being underweight:

  1. Genetics. People with an ectomorphic physique have a harder time gaining weight, nature itself took care of this.
  2. Irritating factors: bad habits, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, consumption harmful products and drinks, lack of sleep.
  3. Diseases of various origins.


This reason is the most serious and requires immediate intervention. What ailments provoke weight loss? So this is:

If there is a task - very quickly skinny guy at home, you should first undergo an appropriate examination to identify the cause of underweight.


Eating behavior can be changed as a result of stress: some people lose their appetite, while others “eat up” the problem. Appetite is restored only after the cause of anxiety is eliminated. If the source of stress is at work or in your close environment, then it is better to change the environment, since constant overstrain can lead to depression.

Smoking is another reason that prevents you from gaining weight, because this addiction dulls the feeling of hunger. Well, and, of course, lack of caloric nutrition is the most common problem of young people, so before a teenager gains weight quickly at home, attention should be paid to organizing proper nutrition.

Is it possible to gain weight at home on your own?

Very often, owners of an asthenic body type wonder: how can a man lose 10 kg in a week at home? In fact, there are safe methods that can help you overcome this trouble, but this will require time, patience and lifestyle changes.

Corrective measures include:

  • increasing the daily calorie intake;
  • proper nutrition and drinking regime;
  • treatment of diseases leading to pathological thinness;
  • organization of physical activity, proper rest and sleep;
  • taking vitamins and supplements.

How to calculate body mass index

To determine this value, the formula is used:

Weight in kilograms / height in meters squared.

The result is interpreted as follows:

  1. Value less than 20: underweight.
  2. Within 20-25: normal weight.
  3. 25 – 30: slight excess.
  4. 30 – 40: overweight.
  5. Over 40: obese.

Body mass index helps determine weight category, which includes a male representative.

How to calculate your optimal weight

This characteristic largely depends on height and age, so before a guy gains 10 kg in a month at home, changes his usual lifestyle and diet, you should find out how far the real weight is from the optimal one.

The simplest formula that can be used by people who do not suffer from serious illnesses is: (height (cm) – 100)x0.9. The resulting value will be the optimal weight.

Diet for weight gain

What to eat to gain weight - a diet made up of healthy products, is the first step towards the cherished goal. Well, some rules and expert advice will be very helpful.

Nutrition rules

The main condition for gaining weight is proper nutrition– to get better, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Don't overeat. You should eat often in small portions, preferably at certain times. If you quickly increase the number of calories, your stomach will suffer.
  2. Drink plenty of water, especially during sports activity.
  3. 20 minutes before meals you can drink 50-100 g of dry red wine to stimulate your appetite.
  4. Use seasonings, spices and pickles, but in moderation (mustard, horseradish, pepper, rosemary).
  5. Periodically prepare infusions of bitter herbs: mustard, wormwood, yarrow, dandelion, plantain, black currant.
  6. Avoid processed foods.

Calorie calculation

Sports nutrition To gain weight, a man should consist of three main meals. In the morning it is advisable to prepare porridge and fruits, for lunch - side dishes and meat soups, for dinner - salads, meat dishes with side dishes. Products must be fresh and beautifully presented.

A man can gain weight in a week at home if he consumes forty calories per kilogram of weight, gradually increasing this figure to sixty.

There is another way to calculate calories, which takes into account the lifestyle and activity of a man. The basal metabolic rate expresses the number of calories a man needs to maintain the vital functions of the body, it is calculated as follows:

10 x weight in kilograms + 6.25 x height in centimeters – 5 x age + 5.

Then we multiply the resulting value by the following coefficient depending on the level of activity:

  1. At sedentary by 1.2.
  2. When playing sports up to 3 times weekly at 1.375.
  3. With average activity and training up to 5 times a week – by 1.55.
  4. With high activity, daily training– by 1.725.
  5. At very high load - by 1.9.

For example, if a 14-year-old teenager needs to gain weight by 5 kg per month, his height is 168 cm, his weight is 50 kg, his activity level is average, then we calculate:

10 x 50 + 6.25 x 168 – 5 x 14 + 5 = 1485 kcal.

Next, 1485 x 1.55 = 2301 kcal - a guy should consume at least this amount of calories every day. The amount of carbohydrates and proteins consumed also plays a decisive role in how to increase body weight and properly formulate a diet.

Counting carbohydrates

The body needs about 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight. Using calorie tables, we determine which foods contain them and in what quantity. About 70% of carbohydrates come from bread and cereals, the rest from fruits and healthy sweets.

How much protein should you consume per day?

The protein norm per 1 kg of current weight is 2.3-2.5 g. It is this component that is necessary in order to quickly gain weight at home and increase muscle mass. Protein food should be present on the table every day.

Products for weight gain

The diet must take into account the following products:

  1. Poultry, rabbit, beef. It is recommended to eat about 200 grams daily.
  2. Protein foods: eggs, tuna, chicken, cottage cheese, peas, beans, shrimp, crabs.
  3. Carbohydrate food. About 60% of the foods consumed daily should be rich in carbohydrates. These are fruits, pasta, cereals. Fresh vegetables, such as carrots, beets, whole grain or rye bread, rice.
  4. Fats. The content in the daily diet is about 15%. Eggs, fatty fish, vegetable and butter, seeds, sour cream, peanut butter.

What should a man eat to gain weight in a week at home? This is everyone's favorite jam, honey, bananas, peaches, apples, dried fruits. All these delicacies can be eaten in between main meals. As a snack, you can treat yourself to a tasty but healthy dessert.

For those who don’t know what to do to quickly gain 5 kg in a week, you can prepare a special cocktail from two cups of powdered milk, two liters of regular milk and 140 g of protein, but you can drink it only when serious physical activity.

Menu options for the day

Standard option

It looks like this:

  1. Breakfast. Omelette, bread with butter and cheese, vegetables.
  2. Snack. Fruits, nuts, cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. Buckwheat with meat, vegetable salad.
  4. Snack before training. Fruit smoothie with added protein.
  5. Post-workout snack. Protein food with healthy sweets.
  6. Dinner. Garnish of carbohydrates, fish, vegetables.
  7. Before bed. Cottage cheese.

Additional option

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, boiled eggs, grain bread.
  2. Snack. Bun with poppy seeds, apples.
  3. Dinner. Rice with vegetable puree, bread, half a chicken breast.
  4. Snack. Vegetable puree with the other half of the breast.
  5. Dinner. Potatoes with vegetables, fish.
  6. Before bed. Cottage cheese.

Dietary supplements for weight gain

What to eat to gain weight quickly – Diet will certainly help, but you can consider taking additional supplements that will ensure that you gain weight quickly.

The use of these drugs should be carried out under special supervision, since their excess affects men's health. Excessive consumption can lead to impotence or tumors in the prostate gland.

Among the hormonal drugs that will help a man gain weight by 10 kg or more quickly at home are:

  • Peritol;
  • Chlorpromazine;
  • Andriol;
  • Cyproheptadine.

Another, safer drug is brewer's yeast for weight gain - which one is better to choose depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In general, they provide positive impact on the body, improve appetite and are the main assistant in how to add weight to a man, although women can also use this tool to build muscle if they exercise intensively.

The following types of drugs are also used in the sports environment:

  1. Gainers. Carbohydrate-protein substance for accelerated muscle growth.
  2. Nutrizon. For weight correction in case of exhaustion.
  3. Riboxin. Stimulates energy metabolism processes in cells.
  4. Enzymes to improve digestion (Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal).


There are many ways to increase body weight; one of the most effective is a properly designed training program. Physical activity will ensure muscle definition and proper distribution of fat.

Exercises at home

For this you only need free time And sports equipment: barbell, horizontal bar, dumbbells. The following exercises are performed:

  1. Working with dumbbells (raising arms to the sides, bending and straightening arms, bench press).
  2. Pull-ups and hanging on the horizontal bar.
  3. Raising straight legs.
  4. Push-ups with different hand positions.
  5. Deep lunges.
  6. Squats with weights.

Strength training is organized 3 times a week, the number of aerobic training is minimized. You need to increase the load gradually, bringing the number of exercises to 15, and approaches to 5 times. Each lesson consists of next stages: warm-ups, strength exercises, cardio training, cool-downs.

Workouts in the gym

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to seek help from a professional trainer who will draw up a training program, introduce you to the technique of performing exercises, and other important nuances.

  1. Set yourself up for several years of hard work.
  2. Stop using pharmacological support drugs (hormonal injections, anabolic steroids).
  3. Train 3 times a week.
  4. Squats and deadlift– optimal exercises for weight gain.
  5. Don't forget about pull-ups and bench presses from a standing position.
  6. Aerobic training should be 1/5 of the power ones.
  7. Before starting any program, you should undergo an appropriate examination at a medical center.

Some expert advice will help you cope with difficulties:

  1. You need to train on an ongoing basis, recording your own achievements.
  2. Muscles need good rest, and the body needs good sleep. You should take care of this: if you feel tired, it is better to take a break to recuperate.
  3. Constantly make up correct menu by adding your favorite foods to your diet.
  4. Spend more time outdoors.

And, of course, to achieve the goal it is simply necessary good mood and support from loved ones. It is very important to spend more time with your loved ones and loving people!


From this video you will learn how to properly gain weight for a guy.

It has long been known that muscles that are used frequently become more powerful, while those that are used little become weaker and lose volume. In this article we will talk about how you can quickly gain muscle mass, how to train and eat for rapid growth muscles. We will also touch a little on the issues of supplements for muscle growth.

Obviously, you need to train the muscles you want to build and make stronger more often. There are many sports for this, various exercises and training, during which blood flow increases in the muscles and they grow more intensively.

And yet, the question remains unanswered: “How can you quickly build muscles that others will admire endlessly?” Here are the most effective tips that will quickly help your muscles become strong and stay in excellent tone.

After reading our tips, you will learn how to quickly gain muscle mass.

1. Find out how many calories you need

Calorie needs depend on your age, gender, weight and active lifestyle. To make things simple: multiply your current weight in kilograms by 40. If you weigh 70 kg, that's 70 x 40 = 2800 calories per day. What, you’re not used to eating so much?

Workouts for fast muscle growth

2. Train Large Muscle Groups to Jumpstart Muscle Building

Research shows that training large muscle groups triggers the growth of muscle fibers, which leads to rapid and powerful mass gain. Make sure you work through all of these muscle groups at least once a week. These include the muscles of the legs, back and pectoral muscles.

3. Increase the weight you lift gradually

As the muscles get used to the load, you need to stimulate them by constantly changing the weight you work with. If you hit 50kg on the bench press in the first week of training, try adding 5kg in the second week. Add another 5kg next week, and so on. The same goes for other parts of the body.

Gradually increasing weight will ensure that your muscles don't stop growing. Weight will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, since its intensity directly depends on the load experienced. Just watch your muscles get bigger and stronger every week.

4. Change up your workouts

If you train two body parts three times a day, try spreading your workouts over six days to only one body part per day. Or if you work your chest and biceps on Mondays, and your back and triceps on Wednesdays, then change the order: work out your chest and triceps first, and then your back and biceps. By loading the body in unusual combinations, you will more intensely stimulate the growth of muscle fibers.

5. Do different approaches.

Instead of doing three identical sets in a row, do only a third of the required reps on the first set, two-thirds on the second set, and the full amount on the third. This reverse load will allow you to lift more weight in the first approach and less in the second and third.

Sports nutrition for rapid muscle gain

6. Use nutritional supplements

Supplements certainly shouldn't be your only source of nutrients. They play a supporting role because they fill gaps in your diet that appear when you don't get enough nutrients to enhance muscle tissue synthesis. Here are some well-known supplements widely available in the market:

Whey protein

This supplement should almost always be used if you need to build up bulky muscles, increase productivity and lose fat. Whey protein- this is an integral part of the diet of someone who wants to increase muscle mass. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body.


Casein is the twin brother of whey protein. This is another type of protein found in milk. Compared to whey protein, our bodies digest casein more slowly. By consuming casein before bed, you can prevent the development of catabolism, protecting your hard-earned muscles from being converted into fuel for internal needs.


The appearance of creatine was one of the most important discoveries in the field. sports supplements in recent years. It increases the amount of energy entering the muscle cells so that it becomes possible to do more repetitions and lift more weight.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Leucine, valine and isoleucine, called branched chain amino acids, are the most important amino acids for muscle tissue repair and synthesis.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It increases the amount of leucine in muscle fibers and reduces the intensity of muscle breakdown. It has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

One bonus tip:

How to lose weight

You may think this is counterproductive to your goal of packing on the pounds with muscle tissue, but without this step you will never get the body of your dreams. You've been eating a lot and lifting weights for the first two months of your program, the next essential step in your preparation is to lose weight. Along with strong muscles, you'll likely notice fat deposits on your torso, arms, and legs. These “reserves” appeared during massive weight gain, when you needed to eat a lot. You'll have to cut back on your diet so people can see the big, defined muscles you've been working so hard on.

When resting, do aerobic exercise, such as jogging or walking. Aerobic exercise- This best way loss of excess fat. Just don't do cardio with weights during the day, or you'll burn muscle that way.


In order to increase beautiful muscles, it will take time. Even if you do everything right, you will only gain 3-9 kg of muscle mass per year. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will certainly get voluminous and sculpted muscles for a long time and in the shortest possible time.

Based on materials:

Many people are thinking about how to change their physical shape by increasing muscle mass directly at home. Sometimes a problem arises when a person trains regularly, but his muscles still remain bulky or increase only slightly. In fact, this is a fairly common situation in strength sports.

Gaining muscle mass is not an easy task. Especially if a person has an asthenic physique. Of course, there are a number of powerful anabolic drugs that allow you to achieve muscle mass gain in a short time. True, many of them differ in a huge number side effects. To gain muscle mass safely, it is advisable to use only natural remedies and proven techniques.

Body types

Before you start training at home, it is important to decide what your body type is. After all, all known methods that pursue the goal of gaining muscle mass have fundamental differences depending on the thinness or fatness of the athlete. Today there are three basic body types known - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

The first type is characterized by narrow hands and feet, a short body and long legs. Mesomorphs are characterized by strong broad shoulders and torso. Their upper part long and thick bones. Endomorphs are different short neck, wide hips, a round face and a significant supply of body fat.

It is most difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass. They should build a diet and training regimen in a special way. For lean people, it is important to spend most of your time doing basic compound exercises. This will allow you to work the largest muscles. Priority attention should be paid to the legs, back, and chest. In this case, it is irrational to focus on working with simulators. It is better to give preference to working with free weights, for example, dumbbells. This will help increase muscle size even at home. The basic repetition range for one exercise would be six to eight times.

Nutritional Features

For effective recruitment muscle mass should be maintained special diet. You shouldn't use everything in a row. Nutrition should be rational and balanced. Eating fast carbohydrates will only allow endomorphs to accumulate subcutaneous fat. Ectomorphs will be able to obtain additional energy, endurance and strength from such nutrition. But muscle mass from carbohydrates will not increase. You need to eat a lot, but correctly. Experts advise following these recommendations:

  • You can't try to gain weight at any cost. Uncontrolled eating will only overload the body.
  • It's important to support water balance. If you don't have the required amount of fluid, you won't be able to gain muscle mass. The explanation for this is very simple - two-thirds of every organism consists of water. If fluid is not supplied in sufficient quantities, then you should not expect an increase in muscle mass.
  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. Fractional meals helps cure stomach ailments. This effect is also used by bodybuilders. If you eat frequently, your muscles will systematically receive glucose and amino acids. The first provides energy to a person. Amino acids are building material for muscles. Fractional nutrition blocks catabolic processes that lead to protein breakdown.
  • Before training, you should consume slow carbohydrates, and after it, fast carbohydrates. Slow carbohydrates include vegetables, beans and cereals. For quick ones - chocolate, pastries, special gainers. The first type of products takes longer to consume. As a result, the athlete receives energy in small portions. Fast carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream.

The basis of the basics is proteins, which consist of amino acids. They enable the production of muscle cells. To increase muscle mass, you need to eat meat. This product contains a lot of protein, which is needed for building the body.

It is best to eat lean meats - veal, rabbit, poultry. Your diet should contain at least 30% protein every day. It is recommended to consume up to two hundred grams of pure meat product throughout the day. In addition to meat, protein is found in peas, beans, eggs, fish, and cottage cheese. An athlete can also get many useful substances from consuming dairy products.

If protein amino acids are the basis for building muscles, then carbohydrates are the “bricks” for building muscles. This is a kind of energy that allows a person to safely carry out all metabolic processes in the body. You need to consume carbohydrates in the amount of three grams per kilogram of body weight.

When the body does not have enough carbohydrates, its own are used as “fuel”. muscle tissue. Therefore, it is important to consume these substances daily. Their amount should be about 60% of the total daily amount of food. The basis of the carbohydrate part of the diet should be slow carbohydrates. There are many of them in unprocessed rice, whole grain bread, wheat, buckwheat and oatmeal, vegetables and fruits.

Fats deserve special attention. Some believe that these are the enemies of every person. However, this statement is not entirely correct. Indeed, animal fats will not benefit a person, but beneficial lipid compounds are the basis for the full production of the male sex hormone, which is called testosterone. It is he who is responsible for protein synthesis. The daily intake of fat in the diet should be about 15%. Healthy fats can be obtained from vegetable oil, seeds, eggs, nuts, and fatty fish.

Vitamins deserve special attention. After all, an athlete’s body produces a lot of free, potentially dangerous radicals during training. Vitamin-mineral complexes can cope with them. The production of testosterone requires a trace element such as zinc.

To increase muscle mass, various protein supplements: creatine, gainers, amino acids. These are natural substances that are highly concentrated and quickly absorbed in the body.

Find useful information It’s difficult to know how to effectively and quickly increase weight at home. In recent decades, when in high esteem slim figures and sophisticated silhouettes, special attention is paid to tips for combating excess weight. But what about those for whom thinness is a real problem? In this article, we will talk about what problems you encounter when gaining weight and give useful recommendations on how to avoid them.

1. Preparatory work

Before starting a diet, active exercise or other steps to regulate your body weight, it is best to undergo a medical examination. First of all, you should pay attention to the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and also exclude cardiovascular diseases.
The next step is to create a nutrition plan and physical exercise. To do this, you will need to first study the calorie content of foods, as well as make changes to the list of expenses.
By studying useful literature and expert recommendations, you will reduce the risk negative consequences for the body to a minimum. Please note possible reasons underweight:
Poor nutrition. We will talk about how to change your eating habits below.
Insufficient physical activity. 40% total mass the body falls specifically on the muscles, so it would be advisable to carry out sports training and walking.
Heredity. A participant in our “Getting Fat Together” project, Elena Kalinina from Yekaterinburg, knows firsthand about the problems of excessive thinness. We publish a story about her successes and failures.

2. Balanced diet for weight gain.

“...Since childhood, I was a very thin girl. In kindergarten, and then at school, cooks or nannies gave me double portions, saying, “What a skinny girl!” Later, the boys often teased him with the “board” and came up with offensive rhymes. Numerous visits to doctors, accompanied by my father, and then on my own, did not produce any results. All the experts unanimously insisted that there is no reason to worry, you just have such a “body constitution”. My mother and friends tried to calm me down and assured me that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. It was easy for them to say: the best friend has no end to suitors, and mother, even at her age, has beautiful figure. In stores and public transport I was mistaken for a guy, and I was able to get a job in my specialty (marketing) only through great connections. I know my business, but they still “meet people by their clothes”! The last straw was that the guy with whom we had been together for two years left for a curvaceous beauty. I had no choice but to try to increase weight at home - money for personal trainers No. I put a lot of tips and tricks into practice, but they were of little use. Here's what I found really useful:

  • Change your diet. Instead of the usual three meals a day, try eating 4-5 times a day. Eating dinner at night will also help you get better.
  • Increase your portions. I did it gradually. Firstly, immediately eating twice as much is harmful to the body, and secondly, eating a lot turned out to be not so easy!
  • It is best to drink water after eating, not during, otherwise you will quickly get full. Opt for milk, kefir, and high-fat yogurt.
  • Add seeds, nuts, and butter and vegetable oil to your diet.

So I gained two kilograms in a month, but this, you understand, was not too noticeable. Then I adhered to the same rules, added training in the gym, but I still couldn’t get better. Then I decided to use this site and was satisfied. I finally managed to gain the treasured kilograms!..”

Such recommendations are really useful, but we should not forget about the variety of the menu and maintaining a healthy appetite. Pay attention to the calorie content of the foods you eat every day. Using the information in the table below, select foods for your main meal or healthy snacks.


Name Number of calories per 100 g
Raspberry 45
Peaches 45
Avocado 100
Green peas 75
Boiled potatoes 60
Beet 40
Seeds and nuts
Walnuts 650
Seeds 600
Almond 580
Dried foods
Dried apricots 290
Raisin 270
Figs 290

3. Sports activities

Eat after every workout - this will make it easier to gain weight at home.
Note that speed dial weight gain by increasing muscle mass is possible if you have previously had experience power loads. If you are new to this matter, the results will be noticeable after a while.
It is necessary to work out every muscle group: chest, back, abdominals, etc.
Do exercises such as push-ups and squats. Bench and standing barbell presses and dumbbell lifts will be useful for athletes.

4. Integrated approach

So, let's summarize the above. You can gain weight at home as effectively as possible if you adhere to the following conditions:

  • create a diet taking into account the number of calories in foods and your daily routine;
  • lead an active lifestyle and conduct sports training;
  • remember safety. Excessive overeating and excessive physical activity will only bring harm, and will also negate attempts to get better.

5. What to do if you can’t gain weight

Possible reasons for failure may be lack of time for training, organizing a diet, or reluctance to increase food portions. Perhaps thinness is a consequence of a previous illness (for example, anorexia) or a metabolic disorder? It will help if you can’t gain weight at home. The line, developed taking into account the characteristics of the female body, does not cause hormonal disruptions while taking the drug. for men it will allow you to adjust your weight, and, importantly, there are no “kickbacks” observed. Complex use together with a high-calorie concentrate will give excellent results.