Create a training and nutrition program. How to program correctly

You need to determine what exercises you will perform in training, it is better to immediately sort them by body parts. There are two types of exercises - basic and isolating. Basic exercises involve many muscles in the work. Isolators are directed to one specific joint. Basic are the main exercises in training, one of them can make a complete plan for training. Each coach himself determines the set of basic exercises. We will give you an approximate list of basic exercises.

Hips: squat with a barbell on the shoulders and chest, leg press on the simulator.

Buttocks: squat with a barbell on the shoulders, lunges with a barbell, deadlift.

Back extensors: deadlift, hyperextension, tilts with a barbell on the shoulders.

Shoulders: barbell or dumbbell bench press.

Chest: Wide grip push-ups, bench press.

Biceps: pull-ups to the chest with a reverse grip, bending the arms with a barbell while standing.

Triceps: Push-ups from the bars, from the floor with a narrow grip, from the bench, bench press.

Press: twisting on an inclined bench, lifting legs in the hang.

The amount of exercise may depend on your training goals. If you train to keep fit, then ten exercises per workout will be enough for you. If you want to lose weight and exercise five times a week, then you will need to perform 40 exercises.

5. Divide exercises into workouts

If you are gaining muscle mass, then you should work out one to three muscle groups per workout. If you are losing weight, then in one workout you should work a little on each muscle. If you are aiming for relief, you can choose one of two options, either focus on one or two muscle groups each workout, or work out a little of each muscle.

6. Decide in what order you will do the exercises

When gaining mass, put one after the other exercises for biceps and triceps, chest and back. When losing weight, you just need to alternate the top and bottom. With relief or weight gain, any option is suitable. You can act in the same way as when gaining mass or when.

7. Determine the number of sets and repetitions

A set of muscle mass - four to six sets of seven to twelve repetitions for basic exercises. Isolation - four sets of ten to fifteen repetitions.

Strength increase - four to six sets of seven to ten repetitions in the base, three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions in isolation.

Weight loss - four sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions everywhere.

Relief - as well as in losing weight.

What might a typical training plan look like?

If you can train three days a week, you can distribute muscle groups as follows: on the first day, work on the legs, shoulders, on the second day - on the back and biceps, on the third day - on the chest and triceps.


As you already understood, drawing up a personal plan is a very hard work that requires a lot of knowledge about the human body, so it is better to trust professionals in this matter, if possible.

Many people, for various reasons, cannot go to the gym. This may be due to a lack of time, money, or simply there is no gym nearby.

This one is for those who want to develop the body at home. And you are on the right track - you can pump up at home! Of course, you will not achieve great achievements, but you can easily keep your body in shape! And ours will help you with this.

But I would like to note that it is still better to work out in the gym. Here are the biggest arguments:

  1. Atmosphere. In the gym, you are ready to give everything 100%.
  2. A complete set of necessary simulators and shells. Dumbbells, barbells, benches, Smith machine, lots of machines. All these simulators allow you to train with great efficiency and cost a lot of money. In addition, not every house has a place to arrange all this.
  3. Partner. You will always find someone in the gym who will insure or tell you what you are doing wrong.

To practice at home, you will need quite a bit of sports equipment:

  1. Collapsible dumbbells
  2. Horizontal bar
  3. Stool

Do not forget about the main thing - the correct execution technique and systematic training.

Do not forget to warm up before training (10 minutes). Prepare the joints and muscles for the load - this is a mandatory requirement for both classes in the gym.

Home workout programs

There are many different programs home fitness. In this article, you will be presented with several effective programs. workouts at home. I want to immediately note the fact that fitness can be practiced both in and at home, getting pretty good results. It all depends not on where you do it, but how you do it.

Homefitness is actually not a complicated thing, since it is much easier to do it at home than, for example, bodybuilding, so there is no need for large weights and overloads, and therefore in additional equipment.

However, for the best effect, you all need to purchase some minimum kit inventory.


To fully engage at home, you need at least to have 2 collapsible dumbbells. Why collapsible? To increase and decrease the load. If you buy several sets of dumbbells, it will be a little expensive and, in fact, pointless. If to have 2 dumbbells of the same weight are also not the best option, since different muscle groups require completely different loads.

You can also buy a pair weighting agents on Velcro, they will be useful to you in exercises on the legs, buttocks and abs.

If the budget allows, then get some inexpensive simulator, such as " step”, for aerobic exercise. Ideal to have at home treadmill or exercise bike.

Training programs at home

Programs on fitness very, very much. Over time, having mastered this sport a little, you yourself can easily combine the exercises yourself, based on your capabilities and the amount of free time.

Below I will describe two training programs for you: initial And advanced, which must be performed every other day (Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thu, Sat).

Initial program

It is necessary to start with this program, and then perform more advanced a set of exercises described in the following program. The term of classes for the initial program - from 1 before 3 months.

The number of approaches in each exercise - 2-3 approaches. The first month - 2, then - 3. However, this is all purely individual, if you feel that 2 approaches are not enough for you, do three at once. We do everything to the maximum, with light weight. Saying "maximum" does not mean that you should fall exhausted after each fitness exercise. It is enough to feel the full load, when it is already difficult to continue the exercise.

Initial home fitness program




Squats with dumbbells.



(possible with weights)




Push ups





(possible with weights)



* If you do not have a bench, then use ordinary chairs (without backs). If you did not find such chairs, then do a dumbbell bench press from the chest, lying on the floor.

As the body becomes accustomed to stress, fitnessHouses It will not seem to you such a difficult task as it may have seemed at the beginning. Later, you can include jumps from skipping rope(at the very beginning of the workout), as well as increase the weight of dumbbells and use weights when doing exercises.

Also, if you have Houses there is a barbell, later you can replace the dumbbells with a barbell, for more effective pumping of muscles (then there will be exercises: squats with a barbell, lunges with a barbell, and the dilution of arms with dumbbells should be replaced with a bench press).

This program is quite simple, but effective. After you work on it for a few months, you can move on to the next one.

Advanced Program at home

This program differs from the previous one both in the number of exercises and their variety. In addition, now we train different muscles - on different days. We train the same way every other day.

Day 1 - Legs, back, abs

Before executing the program, be sure to




Squats with dumbbells. (the technique is the same as in, only instead of a barbell there are two dumbbells near the shoulders).

(only with dumbbells on shoulders)


Deadlift with dumbbells (similarly, only instead of a shatanga in the hands of two dumbbells).


(possible with weights)


Day 2 - Chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders

Before executing the program, be sure to




Push ups


(on a bench or chairs, in extreme cases on the floor)

(from a bench or chair, while the legs are on the sofa, armchair or other chair)

dumbbell press or

Good day, dear fans of fitness and bodybuilding! The strategic issues of the competent construction of the training process are no less important than the tactical ones - pumping topics, but often they are given much less attention. For the most part, this is due to the fact that few people know how to draw up a training program, what principles should be followed and what should be built on.

These are the questions we have to answer today, so you are welcome to our hut, we are starting.

How to write a training program: where to start?

As you know, without effective tactics and strategy it is impossible to achieve effective conduct of hostilities. If we put this idea on the rails of bodybuilding, then tons of single exercises performed even on 100% Ideally, they still give little, because. represent disparate body movements to pull the glands. In order for an athlete to get the most out of his actions, he needs to learn such wisdom - how to draw up a training program. This exercise, at first glance, may seem like a simple undertaking, because there are tons of training programs from star athletes, take them, do it and you will achieve the same results. However, this is not the case. There are many programs, but not the fact that they (in its original interpretation) will work for you.

In general, if you look at the typical inhabitants of the gym, you get the feeling of deja vu. Those. people most often perform the same exercises from workout to workout and from year to year and wonder why they are. Everything is very simple, firstly, the athlete is already used to training like this, he does not need to bother about this or that exercise, he just comes and the brain automatically drives the body through all the simulators. Those. You, in principle, may not even take any part, the “head” will complete the entire program for you and inform you of its completion.

Secondly, very often an athlete simply lacks theoretical knowledge in drawing up a training program, because he has no time to read. Well, thirdly (maybe this is the most important thing)- laziness. As my university teacher used to say: “why change something if everything works like that”. And really, why? After all, there is some kind of result, which means that the program works and why “rock the boat” unnecessarily.

This is about the reasons, but if you dig deeper and sideways, then, of course, this is not an easy task, you need to have the necessary baggage of your own knowledge or enlist the support of a qualified trainer-instructor, or, at worst, Schwarzenegger's skype, so that the last gave you a couple of good tips. By the way, it should be said that all bodybuilding stars spent a lot of effort, energy and, most importantly, time in order to create their personal program. After all, it would seem, well, what is there, the biceps became a little more convex and spherical, but this “slightly” can cost the bodybuilder more than one month of hard training and combinations of various training methods.

How to make a training program: three approaches

There are three approaches to the preparation of training programs (conditionally). The first one I call the “correct” method, i.e. everything is compiled according to certain rules and such a general program is obtained that suits most of those who train in the halls. The second approach is to take the already existing star bodybuilder program as a standard, cliché, template and work purely on it, without any deviations. There is also a third method - we can say that it is the most advanced, but it comes with training experience and accumulated experience, I call it "experimental design".

As in any sport, bodybuilding has a foundation, i.e. training principles, methods and programs on which he stands. In particular, Bill Star's schemes can be attributed to the basic training programs - 5x5 or 6x6. We can say that this is the necessary minimum that any beginner in the gym should practice. It consists in the fact that the athlete performs multi-joint according to the scheme 5 repetitions in 5 approaches.


The weight of the weights in the schemes 5x5 or 6x6 gradually increases. Let's say you started the week with a working weight of 10 kg, next week you are already doing a session with 11 kg etc.

How to make a training program according to the rules

I think you have already understood that there is no ideal program that would suit everyone and everything. Therefore, in order to correctly compose it, it is necessary:

  • Decide on goals

We can say that without a goal you will never achieve a result. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to decide on your “Wishlist”, i.e. what do you expect from training: just want to lose weight and slightly adjust the figure or pump up the biggest shoulders and arms. Write down how you see yourself in six months, a year, two of your classes in the gym.

In addition to the “general-blurred” goals, set more specific ones: lose weight by your birthday by 10 kg. Closing the “little thing” and getting the first positive result, you will want to move on and set more ambitious goals for yourself.

  • Consider your parameters and OFP

Many beginners with valiant agility start training, not paying any attention to the functional readiness of the body and its general physical fitness. Here it is necessary to remember the golden rule, which sounds like this - do no harm! Do not exhaust yourself with running workouts for 10-15 minutes if your weight is in the three digits, or crunches in a Roman chair if you have significant excess fat in the abdominal region of the abdomen.

When compiling a training program, it is necessary to take into account not only your metrics: gender, weight and height, but also age, chronic sores.

  • Be mindful of the warm-up before training

When you have put all your thoughts in order and completed the first two points, you need to move on to the practical part. And you should start with the selection of the optimal ones. Here everything again depends on the nature of the training, if you are more focused on “ballasting”, then 8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise will suit you just in time. If the training is basic-strength, for the development of muscles, then the implementation of basic exercises in “idle” (without additional burden) your type.

  • Decide on the frequency and duration of loads

We can say that this is the second most important (after goals) parameter that needs to be determined. After all, your visual results depend on the frequency of training. Get yourself and write down the days and duration of classes. Decide for yourself what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal. Maybe it will be a rejection of gatherings with friends and the allocation of free time for training, maybe something else. In general, prioritize and write down on what days and for how many minutes you will “hang out” in the hall.

Also pay attention to your body's ability to recover. How many days do you have enough to recharge after a hard workout? Often, this 1-2 days, if this process takes longer for you, then either change the frequency, or “play around” with the load.

  • Planning the workout itself

We can say that all the previous stages were preparatory, and now it's time to move on to working out the main training scheme. Many people think that a set of exercises is the training program itself, but this is not so, because an integrated approach is needed here.

This means that in addition to choosing a group of exercises, you need to plan:

  1. Load level ( 100%, 80% etc.) . You must clearly understand in advance how much weight you are working with and whether (or not) you will have strength for one more time;
  2. The number of sets and approaches in the exercise. If you are building muscle mass, then 3-4 approach to 7-10 repetitions, if you develop strength, then 3 approach to 1-5 repetitions is the best option (and at 1-3 there is a development of maximum strength);
  3. The speed of execution (tempo) of exercises. You can perform the exercise quickly, you can concentrate on a specific phase of the movement (positive/negative) etc.;
  4. Rest m / y approaches. Undoubtedly an important thing. Usually 1-2 minutes is enough, but if the exercises are heavy or you are developing strength, then the time may well increase to 3-4 minutes.

For beginners (experience from 1 before 1.5 years) you should not be led to some fancy programs with exotic exercises. Their arsenal should be dominated by free weight exercises and the base. For example, the following exercises in one variation or another simply need to be included in your complex:, as well as push-ups from the floor and on the uneven bars. In addition, it would be useful to strengthen the cardiovascular system with exercises from.

You can finish the workout with a more detailed (isolating) study of a single muscle group (for example, the most lagging behind).

  • Hitch for a quick recovery

Many immediately after training in the gym either run to the shower, or get dressed and leave altogether. However, the ability to “cool down properly” is expensive for the normal start of recovery processes. A hitch allows you to quickly start the muscle recovery process and remove lactic acid. Therefore, after completing your main training program, take 5-10 minutes of delay. Start with any type of aerobic exercise (light running on the track, bike or others) and then smoothly switch to light stretching (muscle stretching). All this will not only have a positive effect on recovery, but will also return your pulse to the target zone, and the “fiery motor” to its normal mode of operation.

  • Program variability

Do not run the same program for longer than 4-6 months, because due to its strong adaptive function, the body is able to adapt to any load. Those. what previously seemed to be stress for the muscles, ceases to be so with time. Therefore, use “different angles of attack” on your muscles.

Change everything from local exercises to global goals. For example, switch from gaining muscle mass (builder program) to powerlifting - develop strength, work with maximum weights.

  • Diet and daily routine

If you train well, but put the brakes on nutrition issues, you will not see the results like your own ears. After all, it is 65-70% success in any sport, and even more so in such a “compositional” one as bodybuilding. Therefore, adjust yours. Your food should match your individual training program. Create a comfortable nutrient environment for the muscles, and their growth will not be long in coming.

In addition to food, also observe “bed rest” (dream by 7-8 hours), avoid stress and spend more time in the fresh air.

  • Feedback

Constantly “monitor” and track the reaction of your body to the training program. The measure of her quality (i.e. does it work for you or not) only the fact of your progress will serve. This can be either an increase in working weights, or a visual component. If the program advances you towards your goal, then it works, if not, it makes sense to think about its revision or complete replacement.

Actually, all these rules will help you to correctly draw up a training program.

Moving on to the next concept….

Training program "Follow the standard"

The simplest, in terms of performance by an athlete, technique. You absolutely do not need to do anything, everything has already been stolen before us and done for you by professional bodybuilders who literally bit by bit collected information, systematized it, practiced, corrected mistakes, etc. Before you is the so-called finished product, all that remains to be done with it is to “warm up” in the microwave :), i.e. strictly follow without any initiative, without making any changes.

You simply follow the benchmark, record the results, and decide whether this program works for you or not. Now (in the age of the Internet)“Digging up” any training program is a matter of a couple of mouse clicks. In particular, you can try out the training program for beginners in practice. (see image), which was kindly shared with me by 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.


In addition to the training program, do not forget about the "nutritional" provision. If you cannot find accurate information on the athlete's diet for any program found, then at least make your diet based on.

The next programming technique is ...

“Experimental design” method of drawing up a training program

We can say that this is the most time-consuming method, because the athlete must have not only an extensive baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also have sufficient practical experience in bodybuilding in order to make “sensible” adjustments to his training process. Some specific methodology is taken as a basis and painstaking work begins to weed out the chaff - unnecessary (not working well for you) exercises. There are constant experiments with approaches, the number of repetitions, angles of attack on the muscles. The main task is to rework an existing program for “yourself”. You have to listen to your body and build your own training program cube by cube.

Usually this experimental method takes quite a long time period, but you will be satisfied with the result.

Well, here, in fact, are all the methods (known to me) that will help you answer the question: “how to make a training program?”.


Today we learned something about the strategic component of bodybuilding - how to write a training program. One concept is closer to someone, another is closer to someone, the main thing to remember is that there is no universal training program, and no one knows your body better than you. Hence the conclusion - you and only you are able to write a script and direct a film called "I am the owner of a relief body."

So boldly into the hall, in search of the treasured program!

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