The history of human achievement in sports. General concepts of elite sports

Millions of people spend many hours every day in front of television screens, wildly rejoicing or being immensely sad, and the lucky ones are also present at the stadiums with their own eyes and feel their special involvement in great sporting events.

Why does sport play such a role in our lives? important role? The question is ambiguous. The simplest answer would be, of course, in the very nature of man, as a biological being, there is a spirit of competition. The desire to find out which individual is stronger, faster, more resilient. Long before the norms and rules of modern sports took shape, in different countries and at different times there were daring fist fights, gondolier competitions, knightly tournaments, archery competitions, horse races and many other similar competitions, not to mention Olympic Games ah Ancient Hellas. All participants in such competitions had their own fans, and the winners were rewarded.

In the life of mankind, sport has become an integral part of life. With its own events, heroes, achievements that excite millions of people. There are truly great achievements in sports that amaze the world and remain in history. And these are not just phenomenal records, be it on a treadmill, cycling track or in a swimming pool.

Brings you the most incredible athletic achievements of man.

Japanese Kenichi Ito

Ito holds the world record in the 100m dash, the world's royal race athletics. Bolt completed it in 9.58 seconds, and the Japanese in 17.47. Only Ito was running using all four limbs.

Chinese Chi Guijong

Archimedes needed a fulcrum to turn the Earth over, but Chi was only needed for push-ups index finger. 41 times in 30 seconds - and he immediately found himself in the Guinness Book of Records and, accordingly, history.

Egyptian diver Ahmed Gamal Gabr

This madman in the Red Sea scuba dived to a record 332-plus meters, beating the previous achievement of 318 meters set by South African Nuno Gomez. Especially for this, Gabr trained for more than four years, assembled a whole team of assistants and doctors, and also risked his life - returning to the surface too quickly threatened with inevitable death if decompression was not performed correctly.

Sumo wrestler Sharran Alexander

The heaviest athlete in the world, sumo wrestler Sharran Alexander, easily breaks her opponents on the tatami: with a weight of 203.2 kilograms, it would seem quite difficult to do this, but she is surprisingly agile.

American Corey Lowe

He got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to a sniper shot at basketball hoop from a distance of 33.45 meters. To set the record, he had to climb onto the spectator stand, since the length of the standard platform is only 28 meters.

Dane Jan Schröder

While most marathon runners try to concentrate on the process itself while running, Schroeder made it more difficult for himself and began to kick in front of himself. soccer ball. He dragged it in front of him for the entire 42 kilometers 195 meters, and in the end it took him three and a half hours to complete the marathon. If we translate this into units more familiar to football, then Schröder ran from one goal to another approximately 400 times.

Norwegian Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

The legendary Norwegian biathlete is the absolute record holder of all time for the number of medals won in the Biathlon World Championships and Winter Olympics. The last Sochi Olympics in 2014 was marked by another achievement of Bjoerndalen: the 41-year-old Norwegian became the oldest winner of the individual championship in history.

Jamaican Usain Bolt

Holder the largest number gold Olympic awards in the history of Jamaican sports. The first person in history to win 11 gold medals at the world championships. For the name and high speed Running received the nickname "Lightning". During his career, he ran the 100-meter distance under 10 seconds 45 times and ran the 200-meter distance under 20 seconds 31 times in official competitions.

American Michael Phelps

The American swimmer is considered the most honored and successful athlete in the history of the Summer Olympic Games. By 2016, Phelps had won 37 gold medals in world championships and 22 Olympic golds.

American Kelly Slater

It may seem to the average person that even amateur surfers do incredible things on the waves, but none of the athletes managed to break Slater’s records in several directions at once. The American is famous not only for his unsurpassed stunt skills, but also for the largest earnings in this sport. In addition, Slater is both the youngest and oldest world champion: he received his first title at the age of 20, and continued to win awards until he was 39 years old.

Legendary Mike Tyson

And finally, we couldn’t help but remember this man, who was repeatedly called the most outstanding boxer of the 20th century. Tyson is the owner of one of the most incredible achievements: Mike became the youngest world heavyweight champion in history. The athlete won this title at the age of 20, and so far no one has managed to break this record.

What unites all these people?

IN various types They have achieved such impressive results in sports that their virtuoso skill seems beyond human capabilities. who have accomplished the most incredible achievements, set the highest benchmark not only for their contemporaries, but also for several generations of followers.

The organization of the most important competitions, such as the Olympic Games and football championships, can be considered great achievements in the world of sports. In order for them to take place for the first time, it was necessary to show a lot of ingenuity, enterprise, and do colossal organizational work, which not everyone would be able to handle, but there were people who shouldered such a burden.

Let us remind you that this Sunday in the legendary American series all contenders for the title were determined.

The most incredible sports achievements

At the age of 28, Roman Petushkov was involved in a serious accident, as a result of which he lost both legs. It took the man several years to overcome depression, undergo complex rehabilitation and find a new meaning in life - sports. Today Roman Petushkov is the real pride of Russia. He is the only winner of 6 gold medals (within one Olympics) in the history of the Paralympic Games, as well as the record holder for the total number of awards in ski racing and sitting biathlon.

He is the first athlete to win sprint distances 100 and 200 meters at two Olympics in a row (Beijing 2008 and London 2012). Winner of the most Olympic gold medals in Jamaican sports history. The first person in history to win 11 gold medals at the world championships. He received the nickname “Lightning” for his name and high running speed. During his career, he ran the 100-meter distance under 10 seconds 45 times and ran the 200-meter distance under 20 seconds 31 times in official competitions.

If a child from a simple rural family does not want to go to school, preferring to play football, run and ride a bicycle, you should not punish him. Sometimes these boys grow up greatest athletes modernity. For example, like Ole Einar Bjoerndalen. The legendary Norwegian biathlete is the absolute record holder of all time for the number of medals won in the Biathlon World Championships and the Winter Olympics. The last Sochi Olympics in 2014 was marked by another achievement of Bjoerndalen: the 41-year-old Norwegian became the oldest winner of the individual championship in history.

Joanna Quas: gymnastics

Joanna Kuas does not have an impressive number of sports awards. She has no world records to her name. However, this woman has become a motivation for millions of people, as at 86 years old she continues to train in gymnastics and compete at world-class competitions. At the age of 57, Joanna took part in the uneven bars competition at the World Championships in Germany, performing on par with participants at least half her age. The oldest gymnast in the world practices coaching work, participates in TV shows and inspires his fans not to think about age limits, and this is sometimes more valuable than any medals.

The phenomenon of this athlete still cannot be explained. In 1988, she set world records in running (100 m in 10.49 s and 200 m in 21.34 s). Such figures, in fact, are beyond human capabilities, and so far no one has been able to surpass these figures. Flo was a real sensation sports world: She seemed to care nothing about unspoken rules and regulations. She not only effortlessly won medal after medal, but also wore outrageous outfits to competitions, had incredibly long golden nails and flowing hair that was inappropriate for the regulations. Of course, the athlete was repeatedly suspected of doping, but none of the tests confirmed this. At the age of 38, Griffith-Joyner suddenly died of a heart attack, provoking the emergence of even greater rumors and legends about herself.

American Joe Rollino is a real phenomenon, a brilliant example of the fantastic capabilities of man. At the beginning of the 20th century, Joe was considered the most strong athlete in the world: he was able to lift almost one and a half tons with his hands, and with his finger big feet- almost 500 kg. At the same time, Rollino was a vegetarian, a long-liver, a veteran of the Second World War, and always promoted sports and a healthy lifestyle. At the age of 104, he bent a coin with two fingers and participated in marathons. Rollino might have continued to set amazing sports records, but a year later, when the strongman was 105, he was hit and killed by a car.

Michael Phelps: swimming

Michael Phelps, at the age of 27, has already reached such heights in sports that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to surpass his level in the coming years. The American swimmer is considered the most honored and successful athlete in the history of the Summer Olympic Games. By 2016, Phelps had won 37 gold medals in world championships and 22 Olympic golds. Michael’s phenomenal successes in sports seem even more incredible against the backdrop of his childhood: the future record holder grew up sickly and weak, and swimming was one of the few “gentle” sports that the boy was allowed to improve his health.

Vladislav Tretyak is a man of the era, with whose name people are associated better times Russian hockey. The legendary Soviet athlete was repeatedly proclaimed the best hockey player of all time, because no one else could boast of such outstanding sporting achievements: 3 Olympic golds, 10 world champion titles, and a huge number of awards and titles best goalkeeper in various matches and championships.

Mike Tyson: boxing

Legendary American boxer in recent years, he has given a lot of information to the media with his scandalous antics and heartbreaking details of his personal life: that is why his name appears more often in the yellow press than in sports publications. However, this man was repeatedly called the most outstanding boxer of the 20th century. Tyson is the owner of one of the most incredible achievements: Mike became the youngest world heavyweight champion in history. The athlete won this title at the age of 20, and so far no one has managed to break this record.

When the legendary Soviet athlete Sergei Bubka achieved an unsurpassed indoor pole vault height of 6.14 m, scientists predicted that, regardless of the level of development of sports, medicine and technology, not a single person on the planet would be able to break this record in the next half century. They were wrong. In 2014, the French jumper Renaud Lavillenie succeeded. A little later, this brilliant athlete made an attempt to reach a height of 6.21 m, but it was unsuccessful: Reno did not calculate the rigidity of the pole and fell back, receiving serious injuries. Fortunately, the incident did not end the career of the French star: in the near future, Lavillenie plans to conquer new heights, unattainable for anyone else.

Chi Guijong: push-ups

Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises V strength fitness and involves a considerable number of variations and complicated versions. But some manage to turn it into real art, demonstrating endless possibilities human body. Chinese Chi Guijong is the absolute world record holder for this exercise: in 30 seconds he does 41 push-ups on just one index finger.

Hidekishi Miyazaki: sprint

Japan leads in the number of centenarians. Moreover, for some people, after 100 years everything is just beginning. For example, Hidekishi Miyazaki, a native of Shizuoka, decided to take up sprinting at such an advanced age. And after some 3 years, he ran a hundred meters in 29.83 seconds. Despite the fact that this is an unprecedented record in this age category, Miyazaki plans to improve his own performance in the coming years.

How to establish, improve, strengthen interaction and relationships with a coach?

Relationships with people are great job. Most effective way improving the relationship with the coach, and therefore improving the attitude towards the athlete, is a manifestation of impeccability. To be flawless means:

  • demonstrate your capabilities and abilities to the maximum;
  • show diligence, diligence, effort;
  • strive to be the best;

Demonstrate excellence in training and competition. At the same time, do not expect praise or attention from the coach. It has to be earned, sometimes through months of hard work. Impeccability lies in doing something regardless of the situation, assessments, attention. Just remember that any work will be rewarded sooner or later. Know how to wait and be patient.

How to overcome negative competition experiences?

Many athletes have this task. If you don’t achieve results for a long time, you can give up. Here it is important to learn how to get up and continue on your way every time, like the children’s toy “Vanka-Vstanka”. To do this, you need to learn to use the experience of competitions for development. After going through a bad experience, come back to it. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Divide into two parts. On the one hand, write down your mistakes. On the other hand, tasks for the next competition. And focus on the tasks. Discuss them with your coach, create new options for solving them. Be creative and enterprising!

What to do if there are no results in competitions for a long time, but there are results in training?

The reasons for the lack of results are varied. In such cases, I conduct research aimed at finding a new, stronger and more inspiring internal image for the athlete. Everyone has their own list of images. These could be animals, human idols, role models, superheroes, etc. Here it is important to find and form a new internal image with new behavior, qualities and states, new attitudes and principles. You can try to pick up an inspirational image, and train and compete in its name. This is an interesting job. Become an explorer! There are other methods, they require individual selection.

What is required of parents in interacting with their child?

The most important thing is human support. Try to avoid criticism and negative assessments. Learn to encourage and show faith in a better future in any situation.

What to do when daily work - training, school, competitions turns into gray, monotonous everyday life?

Working for results is monotonous work. First, be heroic! How many people left the race because of groans and monotony. And a few years later they remember that they too could stand on a pedestal like that guy or girl with whom they once studied together. Sport is heroism. You need to dedicate your life to sports. Or will you be a simple salesman, mechanic, loader, engineer or Olympic champion. It's up to you to decide. Secondly, if everyday life has become gray, dream about the future. Create a connection with the future every day through images of victories and better life. Thirdly, add a little creativity to your work. Are you looking for options: how to do it in a new way? How to make it more interesting? How to do this more efficiently? Become the creator of your life!

How to overcome stiffness, tightness, tension in a game, in competitions?

First of all, it is necessary to include in your lifestyle habits and training related to relaxation and relaxation. Do yoga, meditation, self-massage, take hot baths, dance and sing, hit a punching bag, etc. This helps relieve tension from the body. To have an effect, it must become good habit, that is, a daily repeated action. The second side of the tension is nervous condition. It arises from uncertainty, doubts, fears, negative thoughts. To overcome nervous tension, it is necessary to develop the qualities and states necessary to achieve victories. What qualities and states do you need? This is a custom set. Make your list. For example, fighting spirit, sports anger, the will to win, determination, faith in one’s strength and success, positivity, leadership. Keep a self-education diary where you will describe your achievements and lessons in the manifestation of these qualities and states. Detailed program development of qualities and states with exercises and technologies can be compiled by a sports psychologist.

How many consultations are needed to achieve results?

It depends on the request. Most often, 2-3 consultations are needed to resolve one request. This is work to overcome difficulties such as fears, uncertainty, constraint, resentment, laziness, bad habits, negative thoughts, internal criticism, etc. There is another work strategy - long-term support of the athlete along the path of development and achievement of victories. In the course of this work, I work on training and education of qualities and states, on creating a map of future victories, on finding strategies for victories, on forming a personal style of play and performance, on creating principles and rules of achievements and life.

As is known, there isPerhaps any of us had to do the first thing in life. Thanks to him, people improve their health, improve their physical fitness and improve their skills. This sport helps to extend your years. active life and fight with unwanted effects harmful environmental factors and stressful rhythm modern life.

A little about mass sports

Its goals are to strengthen people's health, improve their own physical condition And active recreation. In the course of mass sports, humanity improves its own capabilities and accumulates physical potential. The functions inherent in it can be called developmental, educational, and communicative. This sport serves to unite individuals into social groups and, in general, to develop each nation.

In the conditions of modern life, the importance of implementing the entire range of tasks to train highly professional and in-demand personnel for a mass sport - physical education - is more than obvious. At the same time, current Russian society is experiencing serious difficulties in the development of this most popular sport. They consist of a lack of equipment and good equipment, normal information equipment in gyms, a weak methodological and software base, low salaries of physical education teachers and, unfortunately, a gradually declining professionalism. As a result of all these factors, the physical education system in our country in recent years and decades has seriously lagged behind the world level.

Elite sports: goals and objectives

But today we want to talk about a different variety. This sport highest achievements . The tasks and goals facing him are completely different. What is the so-called big sport? In its goals it is fundamentally different from the mass one, because- in obtaining the strongest results and victories in major competitions.

Each highest achievement or serious success of an athlete is not only his personal matter, but also part of the national heritage. After all, victories and records achieved at major competitions international level, strengthen the country’s authority in the eyes of the world community. That is why no one is surprised by the billions of spectators who gather around TV screens on the days of the largest sports forums.Development of elite sports- one of the directions of the internal policy of any state.

What else is important

Along with this obvious value of big sport, there is also a less obvious, but nevertheless important feature inherent in it at the present time.High performance sport ispractically the only type of activity that allows you to use all physical and mental resources in the work of the record holder’s body at the fullest level.

This makes it possible to explore the limits of natural human capabilities and determine options for the targeted development of people’s physical abilities for use in the professional and social sphere and to improve performance.

Sport is a matter of national importance

To overcome the goal, there are specially developed systems physical exercise and comprehensive training. Correct implementation of them leads to achieving the best possible results. The development of such for the purposedevelopment of elite sportsThe country's leading research institutes are occupied. The results obtained on the basis of a study of a person’s individual capabilities in a specific sport make it possible to develop the optimal and most effective methods and means of improvement.

Records achieved in Olympic, national, international and other competitions are the main indicatorelite sport. Thisthe basis of the moral incentive on which the development of its mass species rests and physical education classes. The personal example of Russian champions winning in the international arena encourages people to active pursuits sports, management healthy image life, educating the younger generation through involvement in the movement.

About motivation and psychological effect

In the modern world, human problems in the field of big-time sports are being studied seriously and in detail. Sport is the very environment in which it is possible to simulate a wide variety of experimental situations and conditions. Athletes voluntarily undergo testing of maximum mental and physical activity in order to identify and demonstrate the ultimate psychophysical human capabilities. Why is this being done? The motivation is ambition, the motive of self-affirmation, and many other factors, including banal commercialism.

Each of elite sportshas its own specificity, under the influence of which certain mental qualities are formed. Their demand not only in sports, but also in everyday life and professional activities is obvious and beyond doubt. For example, everyone knows - team games sporting nature cultivate in a person the ability to correlate his own actions with the actions of others, form collectivism, conscious discipline and communication skills.

Sport is the basis of everything

Classes instilling such fundamental qualities of human character as courage, reliability, and high performance. Possibilities sports activities in promoting health, correcting the physical functions of the body, posture and physique, improving mental stability are very, very great.

What general concepts does he operate with?elite sport? This is according todefinition, activities aimed at achieving the highest results in a particular sport, receiving recognition from society, increasing one’s own prestige and the prestige of one’s sports team on top level. In addition, we are talking about national status, as already mentioned.

Training and more training

Achieving such achievements in the field of big-time sports allows only constant training and competitive activity associated with enormous physical and mental stress. The responsibility placed on an athlete participating in prestigious competitions is very high. Every mistake or bad start can be very costly, which is one of the specific features of elite sports.

On the other hand, big sport is a natural and logical continuation of its publicly available types. It is characterized by a certain kind of continuity regarding methods and means of training. It stimulates mass manifestations of the sports movement by creating certain higher guidelines.

What is it like?

It is impossible to call elite sport homogeneous. Nowadays we can talk about a number of different directions in it:

  • amateur (achievement) sports;
  • professional sports;
  • which, in turn, can be achievement-oriented or have a pronounced entertainment character.

Speaking about amateur (achievement) sports, it should be noted the modern trends in it towards the acquisition of all the characteristics professional sports in terms of load requirements and organization of the training system, as well as competitions. Typically, representatives of elite amateur sports have a certain social status. These are students, students or military personnel. This status allows them to consider themselves amateurs. However, the earnings of champions in this area are in no way inferior to the earnings of professionals.

Amateur and professional athletes

The training of amateur athletes is almost always focused on the largest competitions - we are talking about the Olympic Games and the World, Russian or European Championships. Success in such prestigious competitions leads to an increase in the athlete’s rating, which allows him to secure higher fees in the future when moving into the ranks of real professionals.

The main differences between professional-commercial and amateur sports are that the former is focused not only on sports laws, but also on business laws. Professional athletes are trained with the help of certain goals aimed at successful performance in a successive series of starts and the associated real reward. Here the “cost” of each athlete in the arena of the “sports market” plays an important role.

Pros - what are they?

Conventionally, professional athletes are divided into three large groups. The first consists of those who have the desire to successfully perform at prestigious international competitions combined with participation in competitions of a commercial nature. The second group consists of high-performance athletes who are not inclined to fight for the title of champion in major championships. Their main occupation is performing by invitation and winning success in cup and commercial competitions.

The third group includes the so-called veteran athletes, whose specialization is often sports games and martial arts. They do not support the highest degree physical training, but a very decent technical level combined with considerable artistry, aimed at success with the audience and the corresponding considerable earnings.

What is training

Under sports training(training) is understood as the use of existing methods, means, knowledge and conditions that allow achieving the mainthe goals of elite sport are the athlete’s readiness for results,influencing its development in a certain way. The task of preparation, as mentioned above, is to achieve maximum achievement in competitive activity.

A set of tools, methods and principles of training in the fieldmass sport differs from elite sportinsignificant. Domestic sports theory, speaking about physical qualities ah of a person, implies the functional properties of his body that control motor capabilities.

A little about physical qualities

It is customary to talk about five basic physical qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility. Their manifestation depends on the functional characteristics of the body and its preparedness for stress.

In particular, under strength abilities(force) in the field of physical education is understood as the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it with the help of muscle tension. Increased strength is accompanied by growth and thickening muscle fibers. Everyone knows that muscle groups there are many. By developing certain of them, it is possible to change the physique (a good example is gymnasts-athletes).

Another characteristic - speed - is a complex of such functional human properties that directly determine the speed characteristics of a person’s movement in conjunction with his motor reactions. It is wrong to confuse speed of movement and speed of movement. For example, a speed skater has much greater speed than a sprinter, but the latter is ahead of him in frequency (speed) of movements. That is why the latest research in the field of sports theory prefers to replace the term “speed” with the concept of speed abilities.

Classification conventions

Returning to the division of modern elite sports into professional and amateur, it should be mentioned that its modern varieties, which include olympic sport, can be considered mixed species, the subjects of which are both amateur and professional athletes. That is why such a division is rather conditional, because on Olympic competitions Recently, an increasing number of professionals have been performing.

Among other things, such a classification throws “overboard” a huge part of those athletes who are involved in sports that are not included in the program of the Olympic Games or world championships and individual countries.

Characteristics of elite sports

The main goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sports results on all kinds sports competitions, competitions, etc., and, of course, at the Olympics. Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but also becomes a national asset, since records and victories in major international competitions contribute to maintaining and strengthening the country’s authority in the international arena. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest sports forums attract millions of fans around the world from television, radio and other media. A striking and perhaps most topical example of this is football. Thousands play it and millions love it.

Another social value of big sport is that today elite sport is the only area of ​​human activity where outstanding record holders have all body systems functioning within the zone of absolute physiological and psychological limits of the body. This allows us not only to penetrate into the secrets of human capabilities, but also to identify ways in which these capabilities can be directed to achieve much greater success. great results in production, professional skills, social activities.

To achieve this goal, special systems of exercises, training, and correct execution which can achieve maximum results. Developments are carried out with the help of leading research institutes. In the early nineties, books and magazines authored by A. Schwarzenegger were very popular, in which the training systems of the legendary athlete were described in detail.

Thus, elite sport allows, based on the identified individual characteristics and capabilities of a person in a certain sport, to achieve maximum, record results. “With this sport equips the mass practice of physical education with the most effective means and methods of physical improvement. Records in international, national and other types of competitions create a moral incentive for the development of mass sports and physical education.

General concepts of elite sports

High performance sport is an activity aimed at satisfying interest in a particular sport, achieving high sporting results that are recognized by society, increasing both one’s own prestige and the prestige of the team, and at the highest level, the prestige of the Motherland. [Matveev L.P., 1991]

Achievements in big sport are possible only thanks to constant training and competitive activity with great physical and mental stress. Performance in competitions places great responsibility on the athlete; the high cost of every mistake, every unsuccessful start becomes a factor that determines strict demands on his psyche. This is the main specificity of elite sports.

At the same time, elite sport seems to grow out of public sport, is associated with a certain continuity in terms of means and methods of training, stimulates the mass sports movement, creating benchmarks for achievement.

Modern elite sport is also heterogeneous. Currently, a number of directions have emerged in it: [Vlasov A., 2000]

1) achievement (amateur) sport;

2) professional sports;

3) professional commercial sports:

Achievement and commercial sports;

Spectator and commercial sport.

Achievement (amateur) sport is currently increasingly acquiring the characteristics of professional sport in that part that concerns load requirements and the organization of training and competitive activities.

Representatives of amateur sports of the highest achievements, as a rule, are students, students or military personnel, which gives them the right to call themselves amateurs (although their earnings now often border on the earnings of professionals). Amateur athletes almost always build their training with an eye toward major competitions: the Olympic Games, World, European, and Russian championships. Successful performance at these competitions allows them to raise their rating, and later, by becoming pure professionals, they can achieve higher fees.

The main difference between professional commercial sports and the so-called amateur achievement sports is that it develops both according to the laws of business and according to the laws of sports to the extent that they can be implemented in the training of professional athletes. The competition system of professional athletes is influenced by certain goals, which consist in successful performance in long series starts following one after another, which is associated with material rewards for each start in accordance with the “cost” of the athlete on the “sports market”. In this regard, some professionals do not set themselves the task of entering a state of highest readiness sports uniform only 2-3 times in the annual cycle. Over a long period of time, they maintain a fairly high, but not maximum, level of preparedness.

Professional athletes can be divided into three groups. [Kholodov Zh.K., 2002]

The first group should include athletes who strive to successfully perform both at the Olympic Games, World Championships, and in a series of cup and commercial competitions.

The second group includes athletes who have high results, but are not preparing for successful participation in major competitions. Their main task is to successfully perform in various cup and commercial competitions and invitational competitions.

The third group should include veteran athletes, especially those specializing in sports games, martial arts, figure skating skating. These athletes, supporting intermediate level physical fitness and a very high technical level, accompanied by high artistry, demonstrate the highest sportsmanship for the sake of viewers and high earnings.

An intermediate position in the sports movement between public (mass) sports and elite sports is occupied by athletes involved in the children's system. sports schools, clubs, sections.

Sports preparation (training) is the expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which allows for a targeted influence on the development of an athlete and ensures the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements. [Platonov V.N., 1986]

The goal of training in the field of elite sports is to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activities.

However, as regards the means, methods, and principles of sports preparation (training), they are similar both in mass sports and in elite sports.

Physical qualities are usually called those functional properties of the body that predetermine the motor capabilities of a person. In Russian sports theory, it is customary to distinguish five physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and agility. Their manifestation depends on the capabilities of the functional systems of the body, on their readiness for motor ones. [Matveev L.P., 1991]

Nurturing strength

Strength (or strength abilities) in physical education is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension. The development of strength is accompanied by thickening and growth of muscle fibers. By developing a mass of different muscle groups, it is possible to change the physique, which is clearly manifested in those involved in athletic gymnastics, through regular and methodically correctly structured training sessions.

Cultivating speed

Speed ​​is understood as a complex of functional properties of a person that directly and primarily determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as motor reactions. Meanwhile, the speed of movement should not be confused with the speed of movement. The speed of a speed skater is 400-500 m higher than the speed of a sprinter, but the latter has a higher frequency (speed) of movements. It is no coincidence that in the latest research on the theory of sports, instead of the term “speed,” the concept of “speed abilities” is used.

The concept of "speed" in physical education does not differ in semantic specificity. When assessing speed, they distinguish: [Matveev L.P., 1991]

latent time of motor reaction;

single movement speed;

frequency of movements.

Thus, modern sport highest achievements, including Olympic sports, is a mixed sport, the subjects of which are both amateur and professional athletes. In this regard, it is illogical to divide elite sports into “professional” and “Olympic”, since more and more professionals are competing at the Olympics. In addition, with such a classification of elite sports, a significant part of athletes involved in sports that are not included in the programs of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, in which world and individual continental championships are held, as well as Games in non-Olympic sports, remains outside its framework.