The best exercises for slimming legs and hips. Exercises for slimming legs and hips

Get the desired shape before the long-awaited summer vacation will help exercises for slimming legs at home. This and simple techniques, helping to maintain harmony right at the desktop, and options that require a certain physical training. Using simple recommendations, you will not only part with extra pounds, but also bring the muscles into tone, making the whole figure taut.

How exactly one of the most problematic areas is losing weight

Often women face the problem of full lower extremities while having a thin waist and compact chest. This is due to the fact that body fat is not always distributed unevenly. His favorite places of deployment are: the stomach, buttocks and, of course, the legs.

Figure with constant gastronomic excesses or absence motor activity quickly loses its former lightness, turns into flabby and voluminous, becomes covered with " orange peel". The rate of change depends on age, health status and genetic predisposition.

The problem lies in the fact that the zones that are faster than others overgrown with a layer of fat begin to lose weight last. That is, relying on a diet and forgetting about sports, you will ensure that the chest and cheeks “melt” first, and only then the most problematic areas will begin to lose weight.

Exercises designed to burn fat in the legs come to the rescue. They load exactly those muscles on which the shape of one of the most attractive parts of the female body depends. The most popular of them are:

  • corrective buttocks and legs full and incomplete squats;
    lunges working on the “ears” zone;
  • fat burning on the inner thighs mahi, performed lying on your side.

Among the loads useful for the legs can be considered running, including on the spot, jumping, stretching exercises, “biking”.

Advice! Having started classes, it is important not to deviate from the task, and to do physical exercise regular. Exercises for the home will not take much time and will allow you to get the figure of your dreams without buying an expensive gym membership.

An effective complex for slim legs

Decided to practice at home? Use the following complex to improve the contours of your legs without going to the gym. You will spend no more than 40 minutes on the lesson, and the effect of performing simple movements will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

Take the first 5 minutes to warm up. It can be a stepper, swings or just walking in place at a fast pace.

The second part of the workout is 100 jumps (preferably with a rope). They allow you to prepare the muscles for the active burning of accumulated fat reserves.

The following exercise helps the muscles to stretch. To perform it, you will have to stand against a wall or a chair and lean on your hand. Raise the opposite leg up, trying to pull it to the chest. Next, the limb should be taken back and try to press the lower leg to the buttock. Perform at a slow pace (5 times on each leg).

The next step is squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your pelvis down, trying not to let your knees go forward and your feet to be parallel to each other. You seem to sit on a chair, leaning forward slightly. A novice athlete can do about 50 squats in the early stages.

Dedicate another 5 minutes to the loads with which you started the lesson - stepper, walking.

Again, pull each leg several times and jump in place (with a rope) 100 times.

The last exercise is deep lunges (25 times on each side).

Advice! Trainings are held 4-5 times a week. Can't slow down the pace optimal time break between exercises - 20 seconds. This will not allow the muscles to cool down and make the work on the figure effective.

miniature helpers

Don't know where to start? Not every one of us can afford to allocate space for the installation of a large exercise bike or orbitrek in the apartment. However, there are small devices that help you lose weight as quickly and efficiently as possible. This:

  • stepper;
  • jump rope;
  • dumbbells;
  • cushioning tape.

Fitball is a great helper

The stepper allows you to get rid of fat even while watching your favorite series. Compact trainer does not take up extra space and perfectly copes with the “warming up” task before performing the main set of exercises.

A jump rope is a great solution for those who want to become slimmer without leaving their own home. It acts as a cardio machine, involving all muscle groups. You can diversify jumps by alternately jumping, then on one, then on the other, then on both legs.

Dumbbells enhance the effectiveness of squats - the main exercises for eliminating body fat. Using dumbbells or small bottles, filled with sand, you will not only become more graceful much faster, but you can also make your buttocks taut.

With the help of a special rubber band, which can be purchased inexpensively at any sports store, you will not only reduce the fat layer, but also correct the shape of the hips. It is enough to regularly take the legs back and to the sides with a tape attached to the calves.

Advice! Got a special tape? Experience the power of the next known to athletes exercises. To do this, secure the device above your knees, lie on the floor, bend your legs and slowly begin to raise your pelvis to the maximum value. Hold for a couple of seconds and lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat at least 20 times every other day.

The main thing is the regularity of classes

Lose weight sitting on a chair

Do you spend most of your time sitting at your desk? Office work is not a reason to give up sports activities. Performing absolutely imperceptible movements on a chair, you will make full legs graceful and toned. The complex includes the following exercises available to people with any level of training:

  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, connect the ankles, shins and knees bent at an angle of 900. Slowly straighten each limb parallel to the floor and also slowly lower. You can complicate the task by raising both legs at the same time. Exercise allows you to qualitatively work out the muscles of the lower extremities, abdominals and thighs.
  • Sitting, raise your heels and toes alternately to an acceptable height and linger for a few seconds. This makes the legs graceful and toned.
  • Sit on the edge of a chair and lean on the edge of the table with your hands. Straighten your legs, connect, and slowly raise to an acceptable height. Spread them apart, linger for a few seconds, bring them together and lower them to the starting position.
  • Stand up and place your hands on the back of a chair. Slowly rise up on your toes in three positions - with your toes apart, with your heels apart and your feet tightly connected.

  • Another effective movement that can be performed unnoticed by others. Bend your knees and raise them just a few centimeters above the floor. You need to stay in an uncomfortable position for as long as possible. Start with a few seconds, gradually increasing the time your feet are in the air.

Such manipulations, invisible to colleagues, will not only make it possible to lose weight, but also help to relax during the working day, prevent the development of varicose veins and relieve fatigue.

Important! Repeat each item should be 10-20 times for 3 sets (for each leg). Be sure to take a minute break between sets so as not to overload the muscles.

"Slimming" yoga

Active jumping and leg swings are not for you? Pay attention to static workouts, such as yoga. It will not make you actively sweat and lose calories, but it will help strengthen muscles, activate all metabolic processes and thereby force your body to part with unwanted centimeters on the hips and legs. Flexibility will increase and the gait will become truly seductive.

Utkatasana (chair pose)

Stand straight, put your feet together. While inhaling, raise your arms above your head, while exhaling, without lowering your arms, bend your knees, as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair. It is necessary to reach a position in which the angle between the thigh and lower leg reaches 900. And, believe me, this is quite difficult for a beginner to do. In this position, you need to stay from 30 to 60 seconds, trying to breathe evenly. Exhale as you return to a standing position, inhale deeply and lower your arms on the next exhale. Repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

Ananda Balasala (happy child pose)

Lie on a hard floor on your back. Inhale and as you exhale pull your knees towards your chest. Grab your feet from the outside with your hands. The hands should be in front of the shins. Inhale and exhale again, pulling your feet towards you and spreading your knees to the sides. Hold the position, trying to stretch your back along the floor, and relax after a minute.

Setubandhasana (bridge pose)

It is necessary to lie on the floor, bend your knees, trying to put your feet at a minimum distance from the buttocks. As you inhale, lift your pelvis off the floor. The bending angle of the knees should reach 900. The head and neck are pressed to the floor, the hands are connected to each other (under the buttocks). Hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

Advice! Yoga not only makes the body strong and fit, but also relieves stress after a hard day. Use the ancient technique to maintain peace of mind and slim figure.

We increase the effectiveness of classes

Each of us knows that the legs should be not only slender, but also toned. To do this, it is important to take care of the condition of the skin, which is seriously suffering from weight loss. The following recommendations will help increase the elasticity of the skin and make your legs a point of pride.

  • Love the contrast shower. Affordable water treatment will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also relieve fatigue after a hard day, will have an impact on the state of blood vessels, become effective method prevention of varicose veins.
  • Massage is another way to make your legs beautiful. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a session with a professional massage therapist. Just after each workout, massage your legs from the bottom up. To do this, you can use a special mitten or work out problem areas with your hands, after lubricating the skin with a suitable cream (anti-cellulite, nourishing, moisturizing).
  • Spend a few minutes on your legs and before going to bed. Lying in bed, lift your limbs up and vibrate with your feet, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through your body. Such a simple procedure improves venous outflow and enhances metabolic processes, eliminates the problem of puffiness faced by many women who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle or spend a long time on their feet.
  • Complement your home activities sports loads on fresh air- jogging in the park, swimming in the pool or any other body of water, ball games, etc.

Advice! The best thing you can do to keep your legs slim is to start walking regularly. Instead of taking the bus two stops, take a walk, forget about the elevator and drive to the store.


Physical activity that helps to lose weight in certain areas will not be able to solve the problem if you continue to eat fast food and high-calorie sweets. A varied and rational menu will help bring you closer to the ideal in the shortest possible time. By supplementing the exercises, for example, presented in the video, with procedures - massage, contrast shower, body wraps, you will achieve best result and you can finally put on your favorite short dress.

skinny, slender legs and a round ass in just a month - it sounds unrealistic, but so attractive. In fact, in just 30 days daily workouts With this set of exercises for slimming legs, you will really achieve incredible results. And most importantly - you will forget about cellulite.

Steps in the squat

This exercise will help tighten the buttocks and remove the "ears" on outside thighs and fat on the inner thighs. Coaches say it helps create beautiful line bikini.

Lower into a half squat and step to the right. Then return to the center without straightening your knees, step to the left. Take 10 steps in each direction.

sumo squats

One of the most effective leg slimming exercises. During it, all the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks are involved. In addition to helping to get rid of the "ears" and fat on the inner thighs, it makes the buttocks more rounded and helps to improve stretch. With dumbbells or a pancake will be twice as effective.

Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and lower yourself into a squat. The knees should "look" in different sides and be parallel to the feet. The butt needs to stick out a little back, as if you are trying to sit on a chair. Do 20 repetitions.

Read also

Deep squat jumps

If you want to lose weight in your legs, then you need to add a cardio element. And this exercise is considered one of the best for burning fat on the thighs and for getting butts like a nut. Already on the fifth jump, your heart will “jump out”, but if there are no painful sensations, keep doing it - the pulse should speed up, but you don’t need to jump to dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, jump up and immediately lower yourself into a deep squat. From this position, you need to jump out, deploy the body in right side and sit down again. Then, while jumping, turn your body to the left and jump again. You need to perform squats in all directions of the world. Do a total of 20 repetitions (5 in each direction)

Lunges with punches

In order to tone the muscles of the front and back of the thighs, as well as make the buttocks more round, do this leg slimming exercise.

Stand straight with feet together. On the count of one, lunge back with your right foot, on the count of two, lift your right leg and kick. Do the exercise on one leg 20 times, then on the second.

Leg raises

This exercise will help you quickly make your legs slim. It's perfect for finishing your workout.

Stand straight with feet together. Tighten your abs and lift your right leg off the floor. Raise it 45 degrees up and to the side. Then return it to its place without lowering it to the floor. Do the same swing back. Do 20 swings on the right leg and 20 on the left.

After training you need. This will help relax the muscles so that in the morning you will not be tormented by the soreness.

A professional trainer will never recommend a set of exercises just for the legs or hips. Excess weight distributed throughout the body, so you need to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, and in the buttocks, and on the calves. If you have full legs and you want to make them more slender, then start with a diet and connect physical activity to it. Leg slimming exercises certainly bear fruit, but they must be performed correctly and regularly. They give maximum effect, since it is in the legs that the largest muscles are located. By training your legs, you speed up your metabolism and the process of losing weight is much more intense.

Want to get lean legs and strong muscles? Then use these helpful tips:

  • Train systematically. There are only two options: classes at home and training in gym. In the first case, you'd better choose effective exercises for weight loss of legs and perform them almost every day, and in the second - to conduct classes 3 times a week.
  • Train at the same time. For homework, you need to choose 20 minutes a day. Best effect bring training according to the schedule, as opposed to spontaneous classes. Decide on the time and do your exercises exactly as much as planned.
  • Watch your nutrition. Exercises for weight loss of the legs and hips are aimed at reducing body fat and reducing volume. If you are full before a workout, then your body will not use its own fats as fuel, but the calories received from food. Thus, you are doing extra work. At best, you simply will not gain weight, but you will not be able to lose weight. There is an opinion that it is better to do it in the morning before breakfast. In this case, the body will definitely use the body's reserves and switch to fat burning mode. Drink a glass of warm water and start your workout.
  • Don't forget to warm up. Stretching and warming up the body are essential elements of any type of training. Take a few minutes to warm up to prepare your body for the upcoming load and avoid injury. Walk or run in place, tilt your head and torso. Also, squats, lunges forward and to the sides, rotations of the knees, hands, feet, etc. are suitable as a warm-up.
  • Breathe right. To activate the process of fat burning, you need to saturate your body with oxygen. Only in this case body fat will start to melt. Breathe deeply, not shallowly. Make an effort to exhale, and inhale while relaxing. Do not hold your breath, otherwise the exercise will not be useful.

Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally and do not try to get an instant effect. Wait at least a couple of weeks and you will see the first results. They will definitely be if you approach this issue comprehensively. To enhance the effect and make your legs beautiful, you need to combine physical activity, proper nutrition, massages, body wraps, scrubs and other cosmetic procedures. Fortunately, today all these funds are available and do not require large investments.

If you do not like to run, squat and pump the press, then take up a useful hobby. Very useful for figure riding, cycling or roller skating, dancing. Find the type of physical activity that you enjoy the most. So it will be easier for you to study and time will run unnoticed.

A set of exercises for weight loss of the hips and legs

To begin with, we warm up and warm up the body well. Then you can proceed to the main workout. You can perform exercises for the beauty of the legs at home. To do this, choose a place, put on comfortable clothes, turn on your favorite music or series, and go!

Exercise 1 - squats

There is nothing better for legs and buttocks than classic squats. Want slender legs and a round butt? Then don't be lazy and do squats.

We stand straight, legs shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, arms stretched out in front of us or put on the waist. We keep our back straight, we don’t tear our heels off the floor and we begin to slowly lower ourselves down, as if we want to sit on a chair. The thighs should be parallel to the floor. Do the deepest possible squats and slowly rise up. You should feel tension in the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Do not lean forward and watch your posture. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. In the future, you can use additional weights.

Exercise 2 - Lunges

Another effective leg exercise is forward and side lunges. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Take a big step forward and get down on one knee. Keep your knee at a 90 degree angle to the floor and don't push it past your toes. Lock in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the second leg. In total, you need to do 10 repetitions on each leg. Lunges should be deep. Keep your back straight. Hands can be lowered down or put on the waist.

Side lunges are done from a standing position. You need to tilt your body forward a little and take a wide step to the side. After that, kneel down and slowly return to the starting point. Slowly lunge to the other side. In total, you need to perform 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 3 - plie

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes apart, knees slightly apart. Slowly begin to squat without taking your feet off the floor. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Beginners can do this exercise leaning on a chair. Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps in total.

Exercise 4 - "dog"

Get on all fours, stretch one leg back and start swinging it up and to the side. Do 4 reps on one leg. A total of 10 sets for each leg. Keep your back straight and do not arch your back.

Exercise 5 - sumo squats

Stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, toes turned to the sides, put your hands on your hips. Do a deep squat without arching your back. In total, you need to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise 6 - ball squats

Spread your legs and hold the ball slightly above your knees. Strain gluteal muscles and begin to squat smoothly, holding the ball between your legs. Hold at the bottom and return to the starting position.

Another version of the exercise with the ball. Lie on your back, bend your knees and hold the ball between them. Squeeze the ball for 30 seconds while tensing your leg muscles. Rest and repeat 5 more times.

Exercise 7 - train the inner thigh

The inner thigh is a rather problematic part of the body. Designed for her special exercises. So, lie on your side, keep your lower leg straight, and bend your upper knee, put your feet on the floor and push forward. Raise the lower straight leg, making amplitude movements. Important: the sock must be pulled towards you. The exercise is performed in 8-10 sets on both legs.

Exercise 8 - train the back of the thigh

For the back of the thigh, it is useful to do several types of exercises:

  • Mahi back. Get on all fours, keep your back straight, take one leg back. Do leg swings without arching your back. Repeat on the second leg.
  • Deep squats. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, put your hands on your waist, lower yourself down without lifting your heels off the floor.
  • Mahi lying. Lie on your stomach, alternately or simultaneously raise your legs up.
  • Mahi bent leg. Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chin, bend one leg at the knee. Make low swings up. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Each exercise is performed for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise 9 - chair leg workout

This is a static exercise using a chair. So, sit on the floor, put a chair in front of you. Stretch your legs so that they are between the legs of the chair. Next, raise your legs about 15-20 cm and begin to put pressure on the legs, as if you want to push them apart. Rest your hands on the floor, slightly tilting your body back. Freeze in this position for 50-80 seconds. You will feel how much tension your outer thigh has.

We change the position of the legs. Now we put them not inside, but behind the legs of the chair, and we try to squeeze them with the force of the legs. In this case, you will feel the load on the inside of the thigh. We raise our legs by 15-20 cm and press on the legs of the chair. We hold in this position for 50-80 seconds.

Exercise 10 - workout for beautiful ankles

We lay down on our backs, we hold our hands under our heads, our legs are brought together. Raise your legs up, forming an angle of 90 degrees with the body. Pull the toes away from you. Next, turn one foot and pull towards you, and then away from you. Change legs and repeat the exercise. In total, you need to do 10 repetitions.

Watch how exercises for weight loss of legs are performed (video).

Exercises for weight loss calves

Calf exercises are useful for those who want to reduce them, and those who want to increase them. If the calves are too thin and expressionless, then the legs look like thin sticks. Too inflated or full calves create the effect of curvature and visually make the legs too large.

To make the calves embossed, but not too big, you need to combine sports and diet. Protein foods must be present in your diet in order to maintain muscle mass. It is also necessary to include slow carbohydrates and a small part of healthy fats.

achieve ideal forms proper physical activity helps. Those who play sports, in particular jogging, or often walk in high heels, calves are quite pronounced. This is due to the constant load.

If you want to change the shape of the calves, then you need to know some of the nuances:

  • You can not do only strength training, because they contribute to muscle growth and calves increase in volume;
  • It is desirable to carry out aerobic exercises, performing many repetitions and repetitions at a fast pace;
  • Gives excellent effect static exercises on stretching and muscle tension ( , ).

For calves, it is useful to perform exercises on a step platform. It is an elevation on legs with a wide transverse platform in the center. You can buy a platform in a sports store or make it yourself. The height of the elevation should be 10-15 cm.

Exercise 1

Place your right foot on the platform, lift up on the toe right foot, at the same time put your left foot to it, with both feet stand on the step. Once again, stand on the toe of your right foot, and return your left foot to the floor, then lower your right. Change your leg and repeat this exercise on your left leg. Take your time during classes and feel the tension in the calf area well.

Exercise 2

Put one foot on the step, transfer your body weight to it, lift the other leg in front of you, bending at the knee. Try to reach with a bent leg to chest level. Return to starting position and switch legs. Exercise must be done at a fast pace.

Exercise 3

Place your right foot on the platform, then put your left foot down, lower your right foot to the floor, and then lower your left foot. This exercise also needs to be done at a fast pace, preferably with rhythmic music.

Exercise 4

Stand on the step, lower your right foot from the platform in front of you, then return to the step. Change your leg and do the same exercise.

When working with the step, do exercises on the whole foot and on the toes. So you can harmoniously develop calf muscle and not just download it.

After the load, be sure to stretch. The shape of your calves will depend on it. Stretching makes the muscles more elongated, ballet-like, so give it about 10 minutes.

In addition to exercise, massage and contrast showers are of great benefit. Massage includes rubbing and stroking movements, circular and spiral kneading, tapping and patting movements. The procedure should end with stroking.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to massage one leg. During the procedure, you can use massage oils or anti-cellulite cream.

It is very difficult for women to lose weight in the legs and buttocks, as the female body stores body fat in the lower part of the body. You can get rid of the layer with the help of special physical exercises. They are aimed at burning calories and losing weight, as well as strengthening muscles.

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You can do it at home, but it is advisable to purchase small dumbbells or a barbell, as weight training will help make your legs slender much faster.

How to lose weight in the thighs and legs?

Most women have a tendency to accumulate fat in the lower body. This is due to genetic characteristics and hormonal levels. Men are much less likely to experience such a problem, since they usually accumulate fat on the abdomen and in the upper body.

If the thighs, hips and buttocks of the girl are quite voluminous, and the arms, stomach and shoulders are thin, you should not look for a super diet that will help burn fat only on the legs. This is not possible, since fat reduction occurs throughout the body, regardless of the foods consumed and the exercises performed.

But pumping up a specific muscle group is real. Therefore, in order for the legs to become thinner, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of fat in the body as a whole and strengthen the muscles in the problem area.

The first task can be done with proper nutrition and cardio (running, brisk walking, jumping, rowing, etc.). But it is worth considering that the legs and hips may begin to lose weight last. It will depend only on hereditary characteristics.

In order for the body to become not just thin, but slender and elastic, you will need to tighten the muscles. To do this, you need to perform physical exercises for the legs. It is advisable not to limit yourself to working out only the lower body. To make the figure harmonious, it is worth training the arms, back, shoulders, abs, etc.

If you adhere to these principles when compiling your exercises, you can quickly lose weight in your legs and make them fit.

Best Exercises

Girls often neglect strength training, limiting themselves to cardio exercises. In fact, weight-bearing exercises allow you to not only strengthen muscles, but also effectively burn fat. The more a person has muscle mass, the faster the body spends calories on its maintenance.

The burden does not have to be large. Beginners need to practice with own weight, studying correct technique. Gradually, you can take small dumbbells or a barbell. For weight loss and muscle strengthening, you need to do 15-20 repetitions in 4-6 sets.

You can work out not only in the gym, but also at home. If you can't get dumbbells and a barbell to take home, you can use water bottles or a backpack with heavy books.

Before moving on to the main part of the workout, it is worth doing a five-minute gymnastics to stretch the joints and prepare the muscles for the load.


One of the most effective exercises for developing the muscles of not only the legs, but the whole body, are squats. Many women squat in the gym or at home to pump up their ass. But very often they do it wrong. As a result, the load is shifted to the legs and quadriceps increase in size.

You can avoid this by learning the correct execution technique:

  1. 1. Starting position - legs wider than shoulders, socks slightly turned to the sides, back straight.
  2. 2. While inhaling, you need to start taking your pelvis back, gradually bending your knees.
  3. 3. You should go down to the parallel with the floor or below.
  4. 4. The back should be almost perpendicular to the floor, only a slight forward lean is allowed.
  5. 5. At the same time, the knees should not go beyond the imaginary line drawn from the socks up.
  6. 6. At the bottom point, you should linger for a couple of seconds and then rise, straining your buttocks.
  7. 7. At the top, you can not fully unbend your knees, as this is harmful to the joints.

Correct squat technique

Exhalation must be done on the rise. It is advisable to go down slowly, and get up from the squat quickly.

When the technique has been worked out to automatism, you can pick up dumbbells or put a barbell on your shoulders.

Squats with a dumbbell

If you put your feet very wide and spread your socks to the sides, the load will fall more on inside legs. Such squats are called "plié".

Plie Squats


pull up rear surface legs can be used dead thrust with dumbbells or a barbell.


  1. 1. Stand up straight, take dumbbells or a barbell in your hands.
  2. 2. While inhaling, lower yourself, pulling the pelvis back and bringing the weight as close to the legs as possible.
  3. 3. The back must remain straight.
  4. 4. When lowering, it is important to feel the stretch in the hamstrings.
  5. 5. When the projectile reaches the middle of the lower leg, you should straighten up due to the tension of the buttocks.

Deadlift with dumbbells

In this exercise, do not take too much big weight as there is a risk of back injury. The main thing is to do the movement slowly and under control.


An excellent exercise for losing weight and strengthening the legs and buttocks is lunges. To do them correctly, you should adhere to this technique:

  1. 1. Starting position - legs together, arms with dumbbells straightened along the body, back straight.
  2. 2. While inhaling, take a step forward with your left foot and bend it at the knee to a right angle.
  3. 3. The knee of the right leg must not touch the floor, otherwise the joint may be injured.
  4. 4. The back should be perpendicular to the floor.
  5. 5. As you exhale, you need to push off the heel of your left foot from the floor and return to the starting position.
  6. 6. Repeat the specified number of times and change legs.

Lunges with dumbbells

In addition to the classic, there are many other options for performing lunges: back, to the sides, diagonally, with a barbell on the shoulders, etc. They can be alternated in each workout.

Glute Bridge

All previous exercises are basic, since several joints are involved in the process of execution. After the base, it is imperative to make isolating movements that purposefully work out target muscle. These exercises include the glute bridge.


  1. 1. Lie on your back and bend your knees so that the emphasis is comfortable.
  2. 2. On exhalation, lift the pelvis up due to the tension of the buttocks.
  3. 3. At the top point, squeeze the buttocks as much as possible and fix.
  4. 4. Then go back down, but do not put the pelvis on the floor, but immediately raise it again.

Glute Bridge

In this exercise, it is important not to arch your back. At the top point, the body should form a straight line.

As a burden, you can take a pancake from the barbell, which must be placed on the pelvis.

Glute bridge with pancake

When the load becomes small, you can go to the bar.

Glute bridge with barbell

Mahi legs

Another isolating exercise for losing weight and strengthening the buttocks is swinging your legs. It's pretty easy to do them. The main thing is not to swing the body to the sides. Otherwise, the movement will be performed due to inertia, and not muscle tension.

There are different types of swings. For the development of the gluteus maximus muscle, it is necessary to abduct the leg back in the knee-elbow position or in a standing position. Only the leg should move, the body should remain motionless.

Swing leg up

To pump up the gluteus medius muscles, you need to abduct the legs to the sides while lying or standing.

Swing leg to the side

Many girls forget to do exercises for this muscle group. However, it is very important, because if the gluteus medius is not developed, pits will be noticeable on the sides of the buttocks, due to which the buttocks will appear square at the back.

As weights for swings, you can use weighting agents that are worn on the legs. Great option there will be rubber bands that do not take up space in the house and load the muscles well.

Side leg abduction with elastic band

All of these exercises should be done one after another in 4-6 sets of 15-20 repetitions. The pace of the lesson should be high enough.

You should train no more than 2 times a week to give your muscles time to fully recover. On other days of the month, you can do cardio workouts or do exercises for other muscle groups.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Health ecology. Fitness and sports: Fullness of the legs and hips is a common problem that worries women of almost all ages. Naturally, exercises for slimming legs and hips in combination with a balanced diet can give a very good result, but only if everything is done correctly.

How to make legs slimmer

The fullness of the legs and hips is a common problem that worries women of almost all ages. Naturally, exercises for slimming legs and hips in combination with a balanced diet can give a very good result, but only if everything is done correctly.

To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand the scale of the problems, and this can be difficult. The fullness of the legs and hips may have different reason, and the structure of the body can dictate its own conditions. Heavy bone and massive muscles "by nature" can create the effect of fullness, but the ways to bring the figure in order in this case will already be different than in the case of body fat. One or another set of exercises should suit you personally with all the nuances of your body.

We remove excess fat

The opinion has already been established that perhaps the most affordable and effective exercises for losing weight on the legs are swings forward and to the side. This makes sense, but not when there is a pronounced excess body fat.

In order to eliminate it, more energetic movements are needed. Only when additional load you can burn boring and very hard-hitting fat. Another serious point is that the concentration on the problem areas will not produce a significant effect. In order for the legs and hips to lose weight and get slimmer faster, you need to train the whole body in a complex.

So, if your task is not just to make your legs sportier, but to eliminate fat layers, the exercises should be complex. You can achieve a visible effect if you regularly exercise 5 times a week:

    Monday, Wednesday and Friday– we perform a cardio complex of exercises for weight loss of the legs and hips;

    Tuesday and Thursday- doing strength exercises.

During the entire period of the "struggle" for slim legs, try to adhere to some calorie restrictions. It is better to avoid fatty foods and simple carbohydrates, and you will notice the effect very soon.

Now let's take a closer look at the exercises for losing weight at home.

Cardio exercises for legs and hips

You will need any cardio machine and a skipping rope.

    First, warm up on the simulator for about five minutes. Then step off the machine to the floor and do 100 jump rope jumps on two legs.

    Now put your feet in parallel, straighten up, tighten your stomach and quickly do 50 squats.

    After that, return to the machine and work at medium intensity for five minutes. Then get off the machine again and do 100 rope jumps.

    Now do 25 lunges on each leg without weights, then return to the machine and do 4-5 minutes.

    Upon completion of work on the simulator, perform 50 twists on the press on the floor.

If earlier, before the problem was discovered, you were engaged in exercise for weight loss of the legs is extremely rare, then in the first days of training you should not overstrain. Start with a gentle regimen and increase the number of approaches, gradually bringing the training time up to one full hour.

Simple leg strength exercises

You will need dumbbells of 6-12 kg and a rubber shock absorber band.

We start the workout with a warm-up - you can perform 300 jumps with a rope or just run for about 5-10 minutes at a moderate pace.

Squats with dumbbells

Take dumbbells and lower your arms along the torso. Strongly pull in the stomach, straighten your back. Make sure your heels stay on the floor.

Slowly squat down for 4 counts until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

At the same pace, rise to the starting position. Such squats need to be done 12 in one approach.

There should be 3 such approaches and the break between approaches should not be more than half a minute.

Abducting the leg with tape

Stand on the rubber band, fixing the left handle of the band on the left foot. Now bend your supporting leg while lifting your left leg off the floor. Take your left leg as high as possible and slowly return to the starting position. You will need to perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions on each leg. It is important that these leg slimming exercises are performed carefully and “thoughtfully”, since the effectiveness of this will depend on it in the most direct way.

Lunge with dumbbells

Take the starting position, as for squats. Now take a step forward with your left foot without turning your hips.

At the same time, the right leg stands on the toe, the knee is slightly bent. At the same time, you need to stretch your buttocks back and lower yourself in a lunge, optimally - until your knee touches the floor.

The “front” leg cannot be bent at an acute angle.

At the bottom, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, and the pelvis should be bent. It is necessary to perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Retraction of a straight leg

A set of exercises for slimming legs also includes such a simple but important exercise as pulling a straight leg back.

Starting position - get down on all fours with a rubber band under your knees.

Place the handle of the tape on your left foot, then straighten your left leg and slowly move it back and up, being careful not to bend your lower back. It is necessary to perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions for each leg.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, turn your feet so that your socks look in different directions.

Hold the dumbbells in front of you and lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, without bending your pelvis.

Return slowly to starting position. While performing the exercise, keep the buttocks pulled in without relaxing them.

It is highly desirable that you clearly feel the work of the inner thigh. It is necessary to perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

All these exercises are fast weight loss legs can and should be supplemented with push-ups, twisting on the press, push-ups. This is necessary for training the body as a whole, which can significantly speed up the achievement of results.

Excess muscle mass

Legs can look too full also not because of fat, but because of large muscles combined with heavy bone. In this case, women often commit typical mistake- a complete rejection of strength training.

This is a fundamentally wrong strategy, since it promises only a decrease in tone, and not a decrease in volume. In fact, this is expressed in muscle flabbiness, which certainly does not add aesthetic appeal. In this case, exercises for fast weight loss of the hips should be somewhat different in order to “dry out” the muscles.

For effective "drying" you will need to warm up on a skipping rope, then take the above exercises and perform them 40-50 times continuously, one after the other. Weighting cannot be used. In general, you will need to perform 3-4 "cycles" of exercises in a row.

After that, it would be optimal to run for about half an hour with medium intensity. Such sports work will need to be performed 2-3 times a week. Complement the set of exercises with short-term, but high-intensity cardio workouts and.

For example, you can do 300 jump rope jumps and then immediately do a 3 minute intense jog. Repeat this cycle 5 times, while not forgetting to stretch the muscles of the legs. For “drying”, cycling and rollerblading with medium intensity and speed are also extremely useful. Do not forget that excessive resistance will have the opposite effect - the muscles will grow in volume.

Effective hip slimming exercises must also include stretching each muscle group after aerobic and strength training to relieve excess tension.

This will be of interest to you:

And finally, a few words about nutrition. Try to limit or even eliminate combinations of proteins and simple carbohydrates, especially immediately after a workout. It is better to transfer carbohydrates to the first half of the day, and try to eat protein foods with vegetables during the day - then you will feel a greater return on exercise. published