How to lose weight fast without diet and exercise. Is it possible and how to lose weight without sports and severe restrictions

Many women, because of such a busy life, simply do not have the opportunity to play sports. In this case, they are interested in how you can lose weight without sports. There is still such an opportunity, and you first need to speed up.

Tips for losing weight without exercising
  1. Be sure to have breakfast. Thanks to this, you will start your metabolism, which means you will start burning calories. Morning is the time when you need to consume carbohydrates, only complex ones. At lunch and dinner, it is better to reduce their number to a minimum or to refuse them altogether.
  2. Healthy sleeprequired condition weight loss, as fatigue provokes a decrease in metabolism.
  3. The next tip on how to quickly lose weight without sports is to go to the bath or sauna. An increase and a sharp decrease in temperature increases the metabolic rate. Also, do not forget that slags and toxins leave the body along with sweat.
  4. A very important condition for losing weight without playing sports is to stop drinking alcohol. Such drinks retain water in the body and are very high in calories.
  5. Change your diet and stop eating harmful products. Add vegetables, lean meats, fish, dairy products to your daily menu. Eating should be in small quantities and often. Thanks to this, the body will constantly work, which means burning calories.
  6. Another tip on how to lose weight without sports is to drink plenty of water. The daily rate is 2 liters. Water is needed to cleanse the body, and very often you perceive ordinary thirst for hunger.

Remember that losing weight without sports will not bring quick results. Be patient and in a few weeks you will see the first shifts. The most important advantage of slow weight loss is that you do not have to worry about the fact that over time the kilograms will return.

Being slim is great not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health point of view. A modern person often leads a lifestyle that is far from healthy: eating unhealthy foods, inattentive attitude towards one’s body lead to the fact that our weight is steadily growing. We often indulge ourselves and forget that we need to play sports. Then a person begins to think about how to lose weight without sports and whether it is possible at all. In the meantime, excess weight does us a disservice: self-esteem falls, it seems that the former figure can no longer be returned, and in addition to this, health problems begin: two types of diabetes, high blood pressure, and sometimes cancer.

If you are constantly under stress, and the weight is growing, and there is no time to go to the gym or for physical activity at home, then you have looked at the right place. In this article, we will talk about how to lose weight without exercise V gym.

Excess weight is directly related to our health. For example, if you suffer from high blood pressure, then losing weight will reduce it and also improve your metabolism. By shedding unnecessary pounds, you will not only feel better in terms of health, but also emotionally - you will become more confident in yourself. Therefore, it is worth taking care of weight problems in order to solve not only physical problems, but also mental ones.

How many kilograms will you have to say goodbye to?

If you are obese and don't know exactly how many pounds you need to lose, then you should calculate the Body Mass Index. In simple words, this index is the ratio of a person's weight and height. The index will show if you are underweight or normal, overweight, or obesity. Subtracting this index is very easy. If the resulting figure ranges from 25 to 29.5, then you have unnecessary kilograms, and if more than 30, then the diagnosis is sad - obesity.

How to lose weight without physical activity, is it possible to lose weight without sports?

Because of work you have to lead sedentary image life? Are you too tired in training? You are not satisfied with the opening hours of the fitness center? Do you want to lose weight, but do not want to play sports at all? Are you tormented by the question of how to quickly lose weight without diets and sports, or how to lose weight without exercise? There is an exit. In addition to physical activity, there are a number of ways to lose weight without exercising and without dieting.

18 points that will help you lose weight effortlessly:

1. Set an achievable weight loss goal

By calculating the Body Mass Index, you find out how many kilograms you have extra. Now another question arises: how long will the process of getting rid of these kilograms take? Many set unrealistic goals for themselves and want to lose a hundred kilograms in a short time, but fail and give up. As a result, the weight remains at the same level, and faith in one's strength is lost. Research proves this fact: you need to set achievable goals for yourself, then the weight will systematically go away and you can lose weight without dieting and training. To reach the maximum, you have to go a long way. You should say goodbye to weight gradually, you don’t need to ask the question of how to quickly lose weight without sports, but you need to gradually go towards this. To begin with, we plan to lose 2-5 kg. Step by step, moving towards weight loss, we will be both physically and emotionally ready to succeed.

2. The goal is better to indicate in writing

So, you have decided on the number of kilograms that you are ready to say goodbye to, now it is better to write them down. As a rule, over time, our promises that we made to ourselves begin to be forgotten and self-justifications come in their place. Therefore, recording the number of kilograms that need to be shed, and regularly updating information is extremely important to achieve the result. Next to the treasured figure, you can indicate the number of calories consumed every day, the duration of walks and a list of products that will help you achieve your goal. This daily progress sheet plays important role as a motivator and helps you stay on track.

3. Eat Protein Rich Foods

If you need to lose excess fat, and sports are not your forte, then high-protein foods will come to your aid. The human body burns more calories when it digests protein than it does when it processes fats. Proteins are digested slowly, and thus, they stay in our stomach and intestines longer than fats or carbohydrates. Slow digestion of protein gives us a longer feeling of satiety. In other words, we feel less hungry. Eating protein during the diet prevents loss muscle mass. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, pork, tuna and dry lentils are the most protein-rich foods.

4. Drink plenty of water

Did you know that increasing your daily water intake can reduce your calorie intake? Fresh drinking water relieves fatigue, headache, migraine, and also helps with digestive problems, constipation and dehydration. It gives the skin a glow and maintains body temperature. Try to drink about 500 ml of water 30 minutes before meals. This will reduce the feeling of hunger, which means you will eat less.

5. Don't skip meals

Many people who want to lose weight quickly without exercise tend to start skipping some meals. However, experts and scientists argue that this is not a good idea. Ultimately, this behavior can only stimulate the appearance of new centimeters around the waist. Another disadvantage of skipping meals is that you feel extremely hungry during the next meal and end up eating more than usual. The human body needs certain nutrients to function properly. By skipping meals, we deprive the body of essential nutrients. This puts the body into starvation mode, where metabolism slows down, making us feel tired, cranky and irritated.

6. Several small meals instead of one big one

More frequent meals are preferred, then you will not feel very hungry than one hearty meal of impressive size. Skipping breakfast or lunch can cause an increase in insulin levels in the blood. Thus, glucose is converted to fat rather than energy. Besides, high level blood cholesterol and unbalanced metabolism lead to other health problems. If you want to feel full, stay healthy and still lose more weight consuming fewer calories, then you should consider frequent and small meals.

7. Eat slowly

When you look at delicious, beautifully served and appetizingly prepared food, you just want to swallow it whole. But if you have chosen to stick to the right lifestyle, then this strategy will not be right. Numerous studies show that the slow process of eating food and chewing thoroughly will not ruin your appetite, but, on the contrary, will help you get full faster. Those who eat fast also gain weight quickly. Eating slowly is directly related to feeling full, which will reduce your daily calorie intake and help you prevent weight gain.

8. Use smaller plates and cups

When using large plates or bowls to serve, we subconsciously tend to consume large portions, and end up eating more than we need. On the other hand, on a smaller plate or bowl, the portion looks larger, and so we end up eating less. Research shows that we can control our daily calorie intake with our plate, cup, teaspoon, and serving spoon. Therefore, if you want to lose a couple of kilograms, then you should buy smaller dishes. A little trick that makes a big difference!

9. Say goodbye to harmful products

By junk food, we mean foods that are high in fat, sugar, and calories in general. Junk food, snacks and sugary syrup that are available in supermarkets tend to contain a large number of fat and sugar. Because of their delicious appetizing flavor, we eat way more than we need to. The pleasant taste of these foods soothes the taste buds, making us feel happier in that moment. Thus, when we panic emotionally, we tend to eat more than usual. Even the attractive appearance of food packaging makes us feel hungry. Therefore, if there is an intention to lose weight, then you will have to say goodbye to these excesses.

10. Choose high fiber foods

If you feel hungry during the day, then it is better to opt for a cup of raspberries than a mouth-watering hamburger. Raspberries, along with several other high-fiber foods, may help you lose weight. Foods high in fiber have been shown to promote proper bowel function, control blood sugar levels, and ultimately help lower cholesterol levels. Raspberries, apples, blueberries, strawberries, pears, oatmeal, and boiled peas are not only fiber-rich foods, but also delicious food for you and your family.

11. And for a snack - pistachios

If you are looking for a non-calorie snack, then you should pay attention to pistachios. In addition to weight loss, they are good source minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium, as well as vitamin E and carotenes. Pistachios are also good for metabolism and the production of red blood cells, in other words, erythrocytes.

12. Opt for green tea over sugary drinks

It's no secret that the sugary drinks that are so popular these days, like soda and other soft drinks, are loaded with sugar. Addiction to such drinks can cause obesity, and all because they contain an excess amount of calories. In addition to weight problems, dental problems such as cavities, as well as various heart diseases and two types of diabetes, can occur. And what to replace soda when you feel exorbitant thirst? Answer: green tea. It contains a unique catechin called epigallocatechin gallate, which helps to shed unwanted pounds. In addition, green tea reduces the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dental infections, and even cancer. So what are we waiting for? Wallet - in hand and running to the nearest supermarket for a couple of packs of excellent green tea.

13. Sleep as much as you need

Now there is so much entertainment in the world that there is simply no time to sleep, and we go to bed after midnight. And in the morning you have to get up early so as not to catch the reproachful glances of colleagues and bosses. So we sacrifice sleep. However, it is worth listening to studies that say that those who sleep the required number of hours lose weight faster. And those who save on sleep lose weight extremely slowly. While we sleep at night, our body produces the hormone ghrelin, which makes us feel hungry. We feel the desire to have a snack and eat up at night looking. For those who sleep the prescribed time, memory and attention improve. They are not afraid of stress or depression.

14. We prefer the stairs to the elevator

It would seem that the elevator helps to save precious minutes on the way to the office and vitality, but there is no benefit to our health from it. While we are climbing the elevator, we do not lose a single calorie, but at the same time, if we choose the stairs, we burn twice as many calories as during a normal walk. If your office is too high, then take the elevator, get off a few floors early, and walk through them. In addition to burning calories, climbing stairs strengthens leg muscles, increases bone density, lowers blood pressure, and even reduces the risk of premature death.
Note: People with heart, knee or ankle joint, you should refrain from such exercises, or you should consult a doctor before choosing stair climbing as your daily workout.

15. Walk in the morning and after meals

As a rule, those who have problems with being overweight are characterized by a bad mood, loss of strength and low energy levels. Therefore, it is worth getting up early and going for a walk in the morning, this will energize you for the whole day ahead. If you don't have time for daily activities in the gym, a half-hour walk will help replace them, and warm up the body. In addition to this, fresh air will invigorate your mind and make your day more fruitful. A good morning walk will help you lose weight, as well as improve your appetite and improve your night's sleep. A walk right after a meal is just as important as a morning promenade. Studies show that walking for half an hour immediately after a meal helps to reduce weight significantly. Due to the increase in insulin levels after meals, human body tends to store more fat, and this can be prevented by taking a walk after dinner.
Note: Those who experience mild fatigue or other problems walking after eating can go for a walk half an hour after dinner.

16. A little seasoning doesn't hurt.

Some spices contain antioxidants, including cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, oregano, and paprika. They neutralize the negative impact of fat contained in food. A food product containing a lot of fat is responsible for an increase in the amount of triglycerides in the blood. Adding antioxidant spices to your meals will greatly reduce triglycerides.

17. Eat in a relaxed environment: no electronics!

It's so great to sit down in front of the TV in the evening, grab a huge bag of popcorn and cola and relax with a square friend, but it's very easy to lose control of how much you ate this way. Many studies indicate that inattention when eating food (in front of a computer, TV, etc.) increases the amount of food consumed. Therefore, the good old principle of "deaf and dumb" does not lose its relevance to this day, so no TV and chatting with a friend on the phone during lunch or dinner.

18. Practice Mindful Eating

Sometimes it can be very difficult to stick to the rules of the diet. Hunger often takes over the mind of the one who tries to sit on it. This problem is easy to deal with if you think carefully about the process of nutrition. This nutritional principle will allow you not to fall into the psychological trap of excitement due to overeating and will become a faithful companion on the path of weight loss.

Health restrictions, in which you can not actively train, make many give up. However, in the weight loss hierarchy, sports are not in second or even third place. All because healthy eating with a calorie deficit makes us slim, and sports make us athletic. You need to face the truth and understand that without training your figure will not gain muscle relief, but the absence of sports will not affect the process of losing weight.

Losing weight depends on five things: and only then workout. Let's see how it works.

Learn to relax, rest more, do not set strict dietary restrictions, visit more often fresh air and the process of losing weight will be more active.

If we compare the calorie expenditure for training and for everyday activity, then the “sports expenditure” will be negligible. For training, the average person spends about 400 kcal, when mobility outside the gym can take 1000 kcal or more.

If there is no sport in your life, get into the habit of walking every day, and preferably 15-20 thousand. Increase activity gradually, you remember about stress. If there is no possibility for long walks, look for it, and shorten the walks in time.

Sleep deprivation increases cortisol levels and decreases insulin sensitivity. This means fatigue, swelling, constant hunger, bad mood. All you need is to sleep 7-9 hours. Many people say that they cannot afford such a luxury (calorizator). But to carry tens of kilograms excess weight allow themselves. Sound and prolonged sleep is extremely important for weight loss. You can always agree with family members by redistributing household responsibilities.

If you're having trouble falling asleep, a soothing herbal tea, a dark room, and earplugs can help. And if you can’t get enough sleep at night, you can find time to sleep in the afternoon or go to bed earlier in the evening.

There are no absolute contraindications to all physical activities. If for some time the doctor forbids active training, prepare yourself to be able to play sports in the future. Exercise complexes from exercise therapy will come to the rescue.

Not complicated exercise therapy exercises will help stabilize the spine and joints, speed up recovery, prepare the musculoskeletal system for training in the future, relieve pain caused by muscle hypertonicity and increase overall calorie consumption.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about exercise therapy. He will tell you the optimal frequency of classes for you and orient you according to the restrictions.

Lack of exercise is not a problem for weight loss. Disorder in the diet, lack of proper sleep, lack of physical activity and constant anxiety - that's what can interfere with weight loss. We get fat not from lack of training, but because of low mobility and poor nutrition, which are generously seasoned with nervous tension and lack of sleep.

For some, this figure reaches forty years ...

Can you imagine?

Therefore, today in our article we wanted to give the simplest rules that will make it easy to lose weight without diets and sports at home.

Some of them are familiar to you, but in general any of them can be easily observed at home without using any gadgets, devices, personal trainers and so on…

Today it is very fashionable to look healthy, isn't it?

Well, tell me, don't you want to be with a natural complexion, glowing hair and beautiful skin ... It seems that anyone will answer yes.

But why, when it comes to proper weight loss we forget about everything for the sake of one goal only. We forget about what we just wrote above about the skin, about the face ...

But when years pass and we keep trying to lose weight wrong, we lose everything we dreamed of and every year faster and faster.

Moreover, everything becomes difficult and sad for you when you have already failed in losing weight or have gained even more weight than it was before the diet. And you are definitely not alone, remember what we talked about at the beginning of the article.

Maybe you are one of those people?

I want to warn you right away, forget about other far-fetched methods of control, it all does not work.

You must start enjoying life using our simple rules!

How to lose weight without diets and sports at home

#1 Stay hydrated

When you feel hungry you may actually be dehydrated. Did you not know this? Then this rule alone can definitely help you and. People who don't drink water tend to eat more food to make up for water balance out of food, not realizing what they are starting to convey.

Try just drinking a glass of water and draw your own conclusion. If you are still hungry after 10-15 minutes, now you are most likely hungry ...

Very dangerous in this regard are short and incorrect diets that make us starve. Anastasia Chikuyonok, a practicing nutritionist and international-class fitness trainer, says this:

Hard, short diets remove water, first of all. Practitioners of such a diet quickly lose weight and rejoice, thinking that they are getting rid of fat. But this is not entirely true. Fat goes away slowly and very quickly gained again after a diet. And, as a rule, the weight will be greater than it was before.

It is this feature of short diets. During such diets, the body adjusts to a strict diet. At the same time, the metabolism slows down by 10-30%, calories begin to be burned slowly.

After being on such a diet for a while and losing some weight, you return to your old habits. But the body does not have time to adjust to new life. And still slowly burns calories. This leads to a sharp increase in body weight.

In general, do you know what dehydration is and why it is so dangerous? Why did we give this item the first place?

Most dieters around the world often do not get the amount of nutrients that the body needs.

Therefore, we suggest adding more colors to your dishes, more greens. More green juices and gentle green smoothies that can help you lose weight permanently...

As the women's site writes:

The color of food is not only for visual joy and variety. He is conditioned useful composition product: for example, beta-carotene, which is important for eye health, gives vegetables their orange color. And for weight loss green juice is drunk.

It contains a sea of ​​important nutrients: it contains flavonoids, antioxidants, metabolic boosters, and an abundance of vitamins and minerals. All this together helps to cleanse the body, lower cholesterol levels and provoke the consumption of unnecessary kilograms.

Psychologists also claim the benefits of green. It has a calming effect, relieves feelings of tension and reduces appetite.

No less useful juice for female beauty. Thanks to him, the condition of the skin improves, tone returns to it, inflammation decreases, acne decreases. The face looks like it's glowing!

Whether you want to lose weight, fight fatigue, cope with an illness, or just feel better, adding green drinks to your diet will gradually replace your bad habits and help you become healthier.

#3 Swap some foods for vegetables

Grains often give you a lot of calories, and if they are not in pure form and in mixtures, as some people like to buy so as not to stand at the stove for a long time, then they will also provide unnecessary and harmful ingredients (preservatives, sugar, corn syrup, additives, etc.). d.).

Instead of not eating something wholesome, many fill their stomach with something that is super unhealthy but still "delicious"...

You should always have a normal snack, and not drink nasty things or buy a hot dog at the nearest diner ...

If you are thirsty, drink infused water, such as strawberry mint. Cool, isn't it? Instead of sweets, eat more fruits or dried fruits.

And instead of buying yourself chips, make them at home in the oven (apples in cinnamon, for example). Or replace them with any nuts, only unsalted and unroasted.

Just try to eliminate processed foods from your diet!

#5 Get enough protein

Without enough protein, your body cannot function properly. Your nerves, bones and tissues are all built from proteins and they are needed for repair and growth.

You also need to have enough protein in your diet so that your body has enough antibodies to fight viruses, bacteria, toxins, and other substances that can harm your body and your immune system.

Proteins may take longer to digest, but this will allow you to be full longer, as well as fill you up faster and curb your appetite.

When thinking about protein, take note of our recommendations: organic eggs, lean chicken, fish, quinoa seeds, nuts, real nut butter (almond or cashew).

#6 Eat Healthy Fats

We all often say, "Americans are obese because they eat unhealthy fatty foods!" But look at what is already happening with us, where we are heading. …

Our store shelves are simply bursting with ready-made fried and very fatty foods. Our system fast food follows the same course.

We take and bring all technologies from the West. Every day, because of our laziness, we consume a large number of meat dishes of unknown quality, soaked in various harmful seasonings and! ...

Of course, fats are needed by the body and cannot be excluded. But it has to be healthy fats. Here is what the world famous Dr. Mercola says about fats:

The stereotype in the minds of the public that saturated fats are detrimental to work of cardio-vascular system and can even cause cancer by mistake.

The truth is that these fats are a concentrated source of energy for the human body, as well as construction material for the formation of cell membranes and hormone-like substances.

Saturated fats not only satisfy hunger for a long time, but also saturate the body with a mass of fat-soluble vitamins, such as E, D and K. In addition, it is thanks to saturated acids that carotene is transformed into vitamin A, which is so necessary to maintain brain function, strengthen vision, bones and human teeth.

Your body needs healthy fats to function!

Remember, that:

  • fats are the main source of fuel for your body.
  • help absorb antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).
  • omega-3 fatty acids are vital for brain function, development and growth.
  • omega-3 fatty acids are also important for heart health and inflammation control.
  • slow down digestion, leaving you fuller for longer.

When you think of healthy fats, look at: nuts, raw nuts, fish, and cashews.

Avoid: trans fats, fast foods, fried foods, rapeseed oil and others.

#7 Take care of yourself, get active

Of course, you can say that I promised to tell you how to lose weight without sports, but here ...

But, as you know, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Each kilogram of muscle burns something like 13 - 20 kcal ...

Probably only lazy people talk about it today. And that's right...

Be aware that if you wait more than 4 hours before eating, you will be too hungry and eat too much. You will also swallow everything and sweep everything you see off the table, and sometimes even already spoiled or bad food and harmful.

If you are already on the road and cannot eat normally, remember about raw nuts and seeds or even dried fruits (unsweetened).

#10 Take the time to learn how to cook healthy food

You have already taken a big step by reading to the end of this article.

Today, many people are too busy to make themselves something healthy and tasty that will help you lose weight properly without diets or even worse starvation. We know that you are busy right now and you have a lot of information ahead. I know that even while reading this article, some will still eat ... 🙂

Now you have enough information to lose weight without diets, fasting and hard workouts. Just take some more time to invest it in yourself.

You deserve to live a vibrant life. Pay attention to yourself and, if you just skimmed, come back again.


Remember that you deserve more than just to live and eat, you must prosper. And your diet should not affect your health. Let these ten rules give you much more than just knowing how to lose weight without diets and sports at home.

Just watch and apply this knowledge and advice.

What would you add to these rules, write in the comments as much as possible!

If you liked this article, please share it with others!

Many men and women who want to lose the hated kilograms are wondering: "How to lose weight without physical exertion and is it possible?" Despite the fact that sports and exercise are very healthy and help to quickly tighten the figure, most people simply do not have the opportunity to regularly go to the gym due to their busy work schedule and overall workload during the week.

The way out of this situation is quite simple - you need to stick to a diet and thoroughly rebuild the entire diet. This is the answer to the question of how to lose weight without sports.

How to lose weight without exercise: basic postulates

In order for the human body to begin to lose weight, the amount of calories consumed must be less than the amount consumed. This is the key to how to lose weight without sports. It would seem that there is nothing easier: to radically limit the intake of calories and kilograms will begin to go away. But in reality, things are a little different. Any strict diet triggers an ancient survival mechanism - to accumulate body fat for a rainy day, so a person not only does not lose weight, but, on the contrary, begins to gain weight. Thinking about how to lose weight without effort and playing sports, you should immediately discard options that involve strict diet and especially hunger strike.

So how do you lose weight without exercise? The only way is to speed up your metabolism. The following tips and tricks are aimed at increasing the body's metabolism:

  • Every day should start with breakfast. The first meal "starts" the body and metabolism. Due to the active digestion of breakfast, calories are burned;
  • You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. In a person who does not get enough sleep, the metabolism slows down;
  • Go to the sauna or bath. This is an excellent recommendation for those who are thinking about how to lose weight without exertion, because in the bath a person not only speeds up metabolism, but also gets rid of harmful toxins and toxins;
  • Deceive your body. If you eat more calories one week than another, the body will not store fat even if calorie intake drops below a critical point;
  • Eat more often and in small portions. Digestion of food requires energy costs, that is, the burning of calories will go on almost constantly;
  • Portion sizes need to be monitored. This advice is especially important for those who are thinking about how to lose weight without sports. Without physical activity, calorie burning is slower, which means that you need to reduce their consumption, for example, eat from a dessert plate, and not from a regular one;
  • stick to principles proper nutrition. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and lean meats should predominate in the diet. If possible, you should abandon the flour and sweet;
  • Drink more water. Water cleanses the body, and a glass of warm water, drunk in the morning before breakfast, starts metabolic processes. In addition, the feeling of thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

All of the above recommendations are not a diet or some kind of temporary remedy that allows you to lose steam. extra pounds. These principles should become a way of life, because they answer the question of how to lose weight without physical exertion.

How to lose weight without sports and exercise: pitfalls

Having figured out how to lose weight without exertion, it is worth mentioning some of the pitfalls of a hypodynamic lifestyle.

Firstly, in the absence of physical activity or starvation, vital organs - the spleen and liver - suffer.

Secondly, even with the implementation of most of the recommendations, the metabolism cannot be started the way it would work when exercising. And if the main way to lose weight is a hunger strike, then, as already mentioned, the body begins to accumulate reserves in various fat depots.

Thirdly, after a person switches to a normal diet, for example, after another diet, the weight returns, and often the human body gains more than it weighed before the diet.

Fourthly, each subsequent diet only slows down the metabolism, and this picture persists for many years. Therefore, losing weight without effort, as you can see, is quite difficult and final result not always desired.

Therefore, before thinking about how to lose weight without exercise, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Sports activities and physical exercise give energy, promote metabolism, reduce appetite and burn calories. In addition, people who are actively involved in sports age later and live longer.

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