Yoga for pregnant women with children. Yoga for pregnant women: the rules of classes and the permissible time for exercise (95 photos)

Pregnancy is a miraculous event, with the onset of which unusual metamorphoses occur in a woman's body.

Both the physical body and the psyche and mental processes undergo changes. The focus is changing energy flows which, ultimately, cannot but affect the state of mind.

The task of nature in this period is to slow down and liberate the expectant mother as much as possible. Give her the opportunity to hear herself, feel the needs of the baby and fully imbued with the process of his expectation.

After all, there are difficult times ahead, when there will no longer be such an opportunity to manage your time 100% - you will need to share it with the long-awaited baby.

Unfortunately, not each of us has the opportunity to plunge into this state at the very beginning of pregnancy and devote all 9 months to being in the role future mother: majority modern women shackled by labor obligations, the need to solve social, material, family problems.

All this, of course, is not the best way reflected in the internal balance. In a word, a woman is in constant stress, tension, and at the same time she does not have enough time to feel the joy of the upcoming motherhood. Many, for sure, have heard that yoga helps to harmonize your inner space, find peace and balance.

It is also not a secret for anyone that yoga exercises (asanas) strengthen and liberate the body, make it more mobile and plastic. But with all this, few people know how asanas, pranayamas and other yoga techniques affect pregnancy. Moreover, there is such a belief that yoga and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.

Is it true? Of course not.

Doing yoga during pregnancy is possible and necessary.

It is only important to do it wisely, given all the changes that occur with the expectant mother. After all, not all exercises classical yoga can be performed during this period - for example, inverted asanas for pregnant women must be adapted, and there are also asanas that are prohibited during pregnancy (we will talk about these features a little later).

In general, with the help of yoga during pregnancy, you can avoid problems such as overweight and back pain, learn to relieve the manifestations of toxicosis.

It is especially useful to practice yoga for pregnant women who suffer from swelling of the limbs, varicose veins, cramps, numbness of the legs and arms. Excessive tension in the legs due to the pressure of the growing uterus and the associated reduced vascular tone, stagnation of blood in the lower body, which also occurs when the functions of the pancreas, liver, and bladder are impaired, can be prevented thanks to “inverted” asanas.

Yoga helps reduce the risk of stretch marks (for example, for the chest, this is Tadasana - a mountain pose with arms extended above the head; Garudasana for hands; Namaste with hands behind the back; Ardha uttanasana. Crescent, extended triangle and extended side angle poses). Many people suffer from constipation during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus compresses the abdominal organs and prevents bowel movements. Thanks to special yoga exercises, metabolism improves, digestion processes normalize, and peristalsis is toned.

If a woman does not move much, blood begins to stagnate in the hemorrhoidal veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids. And yoga asanas have a therapeutic effect aimed at preventing and treating this unpleasant manifestation.

Regular yoga classes will help you more easily endure not only pregnancy and childbirth, but also the postpartum period. For example, there are asanas that enhance lactation (stretching asanas in the supine position, inverted postures, and others).

Asanas help to make certain muscle groups more elastic, get rid of the constraining tension and at the same time strengthen and tighten them. The tendons and articulations of the bones are also worked out during the practice, due to which additional freedom of movement is achieved. But it is precisely the “not ossified”, mobile pelvis, elastic muscles pelvic floor and perineum - the key to easier childbirth.

Therefore, even if you did not practice yoga before pregnancy, you can safely start practicing, but in perinatal yoga groups, under the guidance of an experienced specialist (perinatal yoga is a system of exercises designed specifically for women who are in a state of preparation for conception, childbearing and postpartum recovery).

Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time, be sure that it is necessary for both you and the baby to continue the practice, which, being in the womb, is completely dependent on your emotional and physical condition. You can stay in your main group or practice on your own, but taking into account the specifics of the practice on the eve of motherhood.

So, how should you build your practice during pregnancy? What to pay attention to? What asanas during pregnancy are useful, and which ones are contraindicated?

Asanas for pregnant women. General principles

  1. From the very beginning of pregnancy, you should forget about strength training. Remember, finally, that you are a woman, and the main qualities that you should develop in yourself are fluidity, mobility, the ability to be flexible and supple. Endurance and courage in childbirth are also important, but it is better to develop them during pregnancy more in soft ways than a five-minute plank or a ten-asana dynamic sequence. So, for example, the ability to more gently live the period of contractions is achieved correct breathing and singing certain sounds, which we will talk about a little later.
  2. It is advisable to perform asanas in the morning. Taking a shower before practice refreshes the body and mind. Before starting classes, you should empty your bladder and intestines. It is advisable to practice on an empty stomach and have breakfast after practice.
  3. Watch your face while exercising. No excessive tension should be felt in the facial muscles, ears, eyes. You can even start practicing with articulatory gymnastics, as well as a light massage of the head, face, organs of hearing and vision.
  4. Avoid pain during exercise. Postpone unbearable austerities until more appropriate times. Excessive loads unbalance the already fragile psyche of a pregnant woman, and are also fraught with injuries. Those changes in your body and consciousness that you experience during pregnancy are already sufficient austerity.
  5. Asanas that put pressure on the pelvis and abdomen should be avoided. Asanas in which you need to bend deeply down, actively twist or stretch forward are not for you if your goal is a successful pregnancy.
  6. Particular care must be taken with postures that work with balance. When performing balance asanas, lean against a wall or a chair so as not to fall and injure yourself and the child.
  7. Pay more attention to training the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. After all, the most common problem in childbirth is soft tissue ruptures. By doing pelvic floor exercises, you will make the pelvic muscles supple and elastic. And if you strengthen these muscles and learn to control them (strain and relax them at will), then later this will help the baby to pass through the birth canal without any problems. In general, in Everyday life, try to sit more often on hard surfaces with a straight spine and legs crossed. Sitting on soft surfaces impairs blood circulation in the pelvic organs, leads to stagnation of blood, which can lead to fetal hypoxia, problems with the spine, and even the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  8. When exiting asanas, remember to preserve the inner space that you create by doing them. Remain open so as not to disturb the balance of mind that arises in the asana.
  9. Inverted asanas during pregnancy can be done, contrary to the widespread belief about their prohibition. The main thing is to exercise common sense, take precautions and focus on your own well-being.
  10. Concentrate more on breathing exercises and mantras. This practice, as mentioned above, will help in childbirth. If you haven't mastered them yet, it's time to start.

In general, breathing throughout the practice should be even and free. Do not hold your breath, in all asanas try to breathe through your nose. It is allowed to exhale through the mouth, which helps to relax the lower jaw, and therefore the pelvis (after all, the jaw and spine are a single system, and stress or muscle spasm in any of these components reflexively turns into tension through the corresponding areas).

Now we will analyze the most useful asanas and asanas prohibited during pregnancy. Let's start with asanas that are absolutely safe during pregnancy, consider what effect they have.

Standing asanas:

  • Tadasana: helps relieve cramps calf muscles, helps relieve pain in the hip joints, reduces the risk of stretch marks due to intensive stretching of all muscles.
  • Utthitta trikonasana: strengthens the lower back, which is most often affected by an enlarged abdomen, and frees the diaphragm area, contributing to the emancipation of breathing.
  • Ardha chandrasana (*with the support of the hand on a brick or chair and the support of the foot against the wall or window sill). This pose is a special gift for pregnant women. It recreates the feeling of lightness necessary during this period, gives a feeling of freedom and fullness of strength. Asana reduces mental and physical lethargy, relieves anxiety and nervous tension, prevents bleeding during pregnancy and promotes the formation of the placenta, strengthens the chest, spine and pelvic muscles, and reduces the symptoms of toxicosis. Thus, we see that the half-moon pose (as ardha candrasana is also called) is a cure for many problems that occur during pregnancy.
  • Parshvottanasana (intense traction). If you are new to this pose, then it is best to do this pose with your hands resting on the bricks, or on a chair, or on another stable surface. This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles, relieves pain from the lower back, softens the diaphragm and expands the chest cavity, gives elasticity to the joints, relieves heaviness in the abdomen and signs of toxicosis, and facilitates the process of childbirth by opening the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Prasarita padottanasana (intense traction from a standing position with legs wide apart). This pose is a panacea for back pain and a feeling of constriction of all organs. Due to the fact that the internal space expands in it and deep breathing is restored, the sense organs are relaxed, and with them the brain. This asana develops and strengthens the ligaments and muscles of the feet, knees, legs, hips and pelvis, improves breathing and provides rest to the heart, improves blood circulation and digestion.

In general, all standing asanas help to stretch the muscles of the legs, due to which the pelvic fold gradually expands, which in the future will lead to easier childbirth. With their regular performance, labor pains will be experienced much easier. The main thing to remember is that all poses must be performed with precise alignment and full extension of the spinal column in order to avoid pressure on the stomach.

Sitting Asanas:

  • Dandasana (*sitting on a support or against a wall). Dandasana lengthens the muscles of the legs, massages the abdominal organs, tones the kidneys and strengthens the spine, making it straight.
  • Baddha konasana (*sitting on a support, with support under the knees). This asana is the first in the list recommended for pregnant women. It tones the kidneys and pelvis, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. In addition, baddha konasana relieves back pain, helps with frequent urination, normalizes the pressure of the uterus on the large pelvic veins, and reduces compression of the pelvic organs. It is only important to perform exactly the lightweight version, as indicated above in the note, in order to avoid injuries to the perineum and hip joints.
  • Virasana (*sitting on a support with knees apart). It relieves pain and swelling in the legs, restores vigor and strength in case of exhaustion, corrects excessive bending in the lumbar spine.
  • Bharadvajasana (*in a sitting position on a support). This is a twist, but it is absolutely harmless due to the extension of the body up and being in the open position. This asana relieves symptoms such as pain in the waist and coccyx. Relieves symptoms of bloating and constipation.
  • Malasana (garland pose). In this asana, the body is stretched vertically along its entire length, preparing the birth canal for the passage of the fetus through it. Performing this asana improves the elasticity and mobility of the femoral ligaments, as well as the pelvic region. Promotes the direction of the fetal head straight down.

As you can see, during pregnancy, most of the sitting exercises are performed on a support. This is the safest and most comfortable option that helps relieve unnecessary stress in the back and does not pinch the abdomen. Therefore, I recommend that all pregnant women acquire such a “prop” as a bolster (a special roller stuffed with cotton wool or buckwheat husks), which can also be used in lying asanas, inverted asanas and in asanas for opening the chest. By the way, about the chest - do not forget to pay attention to it in all asanas. Constantly open the chest, increasing the power of breathing and developing endurance - this will relieve the overall tension in the body.

Separately, among other asanas, it is worth highlighting the asana, which traditionally refers to backbends, but, in fact, is the starting position for training all directions of spinal mobility.

This is Marjariasana (cat pose).

This asana preserves and restores the efficiency of the pelvic organs, relieves pain in the neck and lower back, gently stimulates the spinal nerves, which helps to improve the condition of all internal organs. In Marjariasana, the spinal column is located horizontally, in the position of axial unloading, while pressure is removed from the intervertebral discs. At the same time, it is possible to gently and safely work with the spinal column in different planes, involving the muscular, ligamentous and articular apparatus of the spine in the process of movement. Thus, this asana fully meets the requirements of safety in the practice of perinatal yoga.

The elements used in the “cat” position are quite diverse: these are twists, and deflections, and alternately moving the legs back, and raising them, chest deflections and twists with by successive raising and dropping hands.

And we see that exercises with the exit from Marjariasna are able to provide an almost complete range of physiological movements of the vertebrae relative to each other: flexion (flexion), extension (extension), rotation (twisting of the vertebrae relative to each other), lateroflexion (lateral tilts).

Inverted asanas for pregnant women (postures in which the head and shoulders are below the pelvis).

  • (*with head resting on a mat or brick). Energizes, invigorates nervous system, improves memory and relieves depression, a sharp change in mood. This is one of the basic postures in yoga practice, appropriate at any time throughout the class. Each time you enter this pose during the session, you stretch your spine, returning it to its natural curves and relieving tension from your back. In addition to the general strengthening effect on the physical body, due to the support for the head, the posture acquires additional advantages: it causes a feeling of calmness, normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches.
  • Viparita karani mudra(*lying against the wall with a bolster under the waist). Significantly changes the internal state, calming the brain and allowing you to look inside yourself. Calmness of the mind slows down breathing, which is also facilitated by the throat lock. The movements of the diaphragm slow down and the whole body relaxes. Cools the nervous system, which in turn cools the body and mind. Strengthens the digestive fire. As a result, appetite improves, which is so necessary with signs of toxicosis. With regular practice, eliminates fluid retention, thereby reducing swelling of the legs. Improves blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the uterus and pelvic organs.
  • (*with legs on a high support, such as a chair). When performing the asana, the pelvic muscles are stretched; kidneys are toned; the working function of the intestine is stimulated; the intervertebral discs and joints are nourished; more active production of insulin in the pancreas, which improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys. With constant practice, it relieves fatigue, nervousness, insomnia.

I will say again that inverted asanas during pregnancy welcome, as they contribute to the normalization of hormonal balance. With their help, you can reduce the risk of edema and convulsions, improve the blood supply to the fetus, control weight, strengthen the spine and the body as a whole.

You only need to know that if you suffer from diseases such as high blood pressure, diseases of the brain or heart muscle, glaucoma and diseases of the retina, then you must definitely consult a doctor and, if approved, practice inverted asanas under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Also avoid inverted asanas if there is some form of blood pollution (any intoxication), otherwise you risk spreading "pollution" throughout the body.

And it is also important to remember that after performing any inverted pose, you must perform Shavasana or any other resting pose.

Shavasana, on the other hand, should be adapted, especially starting from the second trimester, when lying on your back becomes not very comfortable. Practice shows that it is best to relax in the supine position, with a bolster between the knees (which removes pressure on the perineum and prevents the hip joints from being twisted). You can put something soft under your head and cover yourself with a blanket to recover as comfortably as possible after practice.

So, we see that all asanas for lateral stretching, stretching of the legs and spine, exercises for opening and strengthening the chest, open twists are useful for pregnant women.

What asanas should not be done during pregnancy?

These are any poses that twist and stretch upward at the same time. Among them are Parivritta trikonasana and Parivritta parshvakonasana, Marichiasana, Ardha matsyendrasana. Another asana forbidden during pregnancy is everything in which there is a lumbar deflection: Dhanurasana, Urdhva dhanurasaa, Urdhva mukha svanasana, Ushtrasana, Natarajasana, Bhujangasana, etc.

It is not recommended to perform asanas that exert strong pressure on the pelvic floor, and in which the tension of the abdominal muscles occurs (Urdhva prasarita padasana, Urdhva chaturanga dandasana, Chaturanga dandasana, Navasana, Ardha navasana).

Jumping and deep lunges, balance asanas on the hands and asanas that squeeze the fetus are prohibited.

It is also necessary to remember that in different trimesters of pregnancy, we need a different practice, which in each of them will be different from classical yoga.

The first trimester is one of the most critical periods of pregnancy. At this time, avoid asanas that are performed in the supine position, do not allow twisting, squeezing in the abdomen and groin area, without sharp turns and tilts of the body.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a golden time for a future mother: troubles in the form of toxicosis and fatigue are a thing of the past; the anxiety and fear associated with the new condition is gone. And yoga classes during this period bring not only tangible benefits, but also inner joy. The set of exercises should include those that will help avoid the problem of varicose veins (for example, inverted postures). Postures in a sitting position with an open chest will help to avoid an unpleasant "companion" of the second trimester - heartburn. It is positive to add asanas to the complex to strengthen the body, relieve stress from the back and lower back, and support the respiratory system.

Include more pranayamas - they will benefit cardiovascular system ensure the supply of oxygen to the baby large quantities. But even during this period, you should approach the compilation of a set of exercises in a balanced way: you should not practice asanas with twists, doing exercises on the stomach, turning the body with squeezing the lower abdomen.

In the last three months of pregnancy, it is not recommended to resort to positions that involve exercises lying on the back, in order to avoid squeezing the inferior vena cava. Also, do not get too carried away with standing poses, so as not to increase the already excessive load on the legs. It is also desirable to exclude from the complex all exercises that involve deep forward bends and strong torso turns to the sides.

Now let's talk about breathing

If during pregnancy a woman learns to control her breathing by performing certain exercises (pranayama), then blood circulation improves in her body and a more complete saturation of the body with oxygen occurs, which, in addition to improving the well-being of the mother herself, also eliminates many of the baby’s problems (hypoxia, premature detachment of the placenta , cord entanglement).

In the practice of perinatal yoga, special attention is paid to the special breathing exercises relieving stress and emotional agitation. With the help of right breathing, you can cope with strong feelings, abstract from external circumstances. Breathing techniques that are unusual for ordinary life help tone the nervous system and ventilate the lungs.

Classes should be held regularly and last 10-15 minutes daily. It is better to breathe in silence so that it is easy to focus on inner sensations. If possible, practice fresh air or in a ventilated room. We breathe in the same way as in asanas - through the nose.

It is not recommended to use intensive breathing techniques during pregnancy that require the active participation of the abdominal cavity and diaphragm (Agnisara kriya, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati), and pranayama with long breath holdings (to achieve resistance to hypoxia, a simple stretching of the breath is sufficient).

Here are some simple breathing techniques to make pregnancy and childbirth easier:

  1. Stepped breathing. Inhale - a second delay - dovdoh - a second delay - and so on until the volume of the lungs is completely filled with air, then a calm exhalation without delay. In the same way, we change inhalation and exhalation - a calm inhalation and a stepped exhalation.
  2. Full yogic breathing. It is necessary to breathe, starting with a deep breath in the stomach, then breathe through the chest area and the collarbone area. On inhalation, the abdomen expands, and on exhalation, it contracts. A full breath reveals chest and raises the collarbones. Then we make the same sequential exhalation - first the collarbones fall, the chest contracts and the stomach drops. For the first lesson, it is enough to take 10 breaths and exhalations, but over time, increase their number in accordance with your own feelings.
  3. Ujjayi pranayama. The glottis takes part in this type of breathing, it needs to be slightly narrowed so that a slight hissing sound is heard. Breathing should be the same as full breath. You can use this type of breathing in the practice of asanas, in cases where you need to relax as much as possible and stretch, liberate the body.
  4. Nadi shodhana pranayama. We place the index and middle fingers of the right hand in the area between the eyebrows. Cover the right nostril with the thumb and exhale completely through the left nostril. Then we also inhale through the left to your comfortable count (for example, count to three). Then ring finger cover the left nostril with the same hand and exhale through the open right nostril for the same count. Repeat the exercise in a mirror image, alternately exhaling and inhaling through the same nostril, gradually stretching the breath and increasing the number of counts.
  5. Brahmari pranayama. Close your eyes, cover your ears with your hands/fingers, inhale through your nose, relax your jaw, keeping your lips closed. Start exhaling, making the sound "mmm". Inhalation is done through the nose. Continue at a time that is comfortable for you. This practice helps to stop the internal dialogue and start hearing yourself, strengthens the voice, and calms the nervous system.

By the way, about sounds.

It is said in the Gospel "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... In Him was Life...".

Thus, every word, every sound affects us in one way or another. And we can either consciously participate in this process, or get an “unexpected” result already in fact in the form of diseases and all kinds of disorders.

Our attitude to the sounds we extract during pregnancy is especially important. After all, the voice of the mother is the vibration that the child absorbs.

Briefly, I will say that there are sounds that create, and there are destructive ones.

Girls, with special love and awe, I present to you a set of yoga exercises for pregnant women. Before pregnancy, I planned the future physical activity and even picked up workouts for myself, but in fact it turned out that intense loads are contraindicated for me. Thanks to yoga, I maintained my body tone, unloaded my back, really relaxed, letting go of anxious thoughts, and tuned in to the upcoming birth. A breathing exercises and mobile relaxing asanas helped me survive contractions and distract from pain. This complex was compiled under the watchful guidance of an instructor in female yoga and yoga therapist Elena Chuprova. We have described in detail the technique of each exercise and accompanied it with photographs, I hope you will not be frightened by the abundance of text. Perhaps at first, classes will take you longer, but very soon you will master the technique and be able to get the most out of your classes. Yoga for pregnancy is special practice for expectant mothers. The practice includes: specialized yoga postures - asanas, breathing exercises - pranayama, visualization techniques - meditation and deep relaxation techniques.

Exercises can be performed at any stage of pregnancy and up to the very birth, with the exception of some postures, so carefully study the commentary for each asana. We have included the most useful and safe exercises in the complex. If you have any doubts related to the peculiarities of your condition or the course of pregnancy, please consult your doctor. It happens that doctors “reinsure themselves” and prohibit physical activity and yoga, because they imagine twisted asanas and intense physical activity. But in the case of the presented complex, things are different: it is soft and relaxing. You can show these exercises to your doctor. It is very important that during the implementation of the complex you do not experience pain, everything should be pleasant and comfortable for you and the baby. If pain occurs during the exercise or you feel that the baby inside you is uncomfortable, exit the asana and move on to the next exercise.

This set of exercises for expectant mothers will help

✓ Relieve possible ailments during pregnancy.

✓ Learn to consciously relax.

✓ Reduce stress levels, which is very important for the harmonious development of the baby and the successful ✓ pregnancy.

✓ Enjoy the state of pregnancy.

✓ Learn behavior and breathing in childbirth.

✓ Prepare for a soft and natural baby birth.

✓ Quickly recover after childbirth.

Execution technique:

  1. Sit comfortably on a blanket or pillow (soft elevation), fold your legs in Turkish, straighten your back. Do it several times circular motions shoulders back, as if you are dropping a jacket from your shoulders, freeing your neck and shoulders from the "burden".
  2. With an inhalation, lift your shoulders up to your ears and with an exhalation lower them, “throw” them down with relief, exhale through your mouth with the sound “aaa”, repeat several times. Place your hands in salutatory namaste mudra in front of your chest, with your thumbs touching your chest.
  3. Direct your attention to the baby, smile at him internally and tune in to the joint practice. Dedicate practice time to yourself and your baby, let go of all thoughts.
  4. Direct all your attention to your breath and watch the inhalation and exhalation, make several conscious breath cycles. Gradually, breathing itself will become deeper and calmer, inhalations and exhalations will become longer.
  5. The duration of setting up for practice is approximately 3-5 minutes.


  • slowing down and awareness of oneself in the moment "here and now";
  • helps to relax and calm the mind, relieves anxiety and anxiety;
  • attunes and improves the internal connection between mother and baby;
  • deep breathing increases the amount of oxygen in the mother's blood, tissue nutrition improves and the mother breathes efficiently for two.
"Cat" with rolls


  1. Get on all fours, be sure to lay a soft blanket or blanket under your knees. It is very important to take care of the joints during pregnancy, as now they are especially sensitive. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, palms on the floor under your shoulders, you can bring them slightly forward beyond the line of your shoulders, transferring your body weight more to your legs. Place your knees at a comfortable width for you (depending on the size of the abdomen), for example, the width of the pelvis or wider, but not narrower than the pelvis.
  2. As you exhale, round your back, pushing it up, look at the baby and lower your pelvis back to your heels. If possible, lower your forearms to the floor, but this is not necessary.
  3. On an inhale, move forward initial position), try to do this with your back as straight as possible, without arching your lower back.
  4. Repeat 10 times, more if desired. Move smoothly, in the rhythm of breathing, flowing from one position to another.

Particular attention during pregnancy should be directed to the lower back and protect it from excessive deflection. Do not bend it on purpose, because. with an increase in the abdomen in the lower back, the deflection naturally becomes deeper, like that of a duck. On the contrary: we try to straighten this section of the spine a little and make it flatter, we deliberately twist the pelvis down, as if lowering the “tail” down. This movement helps to unload the lower back and relieve tension.


  • strengthens the muscles of the arms and back
  • makes the spine more flexible
  • is the prevention of pain in the back and sacrum
  • relieves pressure from the back and lower back
  • relaxes the muscles along the entire spine
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and all internal organs
Rotation and relaxation in the cat. Describing a circle and a figure eight


  1. From the “cat” position on all fours, gently and relaxedly rotate the torso in a circle, as if drawing a circle on the floor. Rotate first in one direction, and then in the other. It is important that the head, neck, shoulders and abdomen are relaxed, the diameter of the circle is one that is comfortable for you.
  2. Then imagine drawing a figure eight on the floor with your nose. Move still gently and relaxed.
  3. Rotations in a circle - 10 rotations in one direction and 10 in the other. Eight - 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the opposite direction.


  • relaxation of the body and mind
  • preparing the pelvis for childbirth
Strengthening the back in the "cat"


  1. Alternately raise opposite pairs of arms and legs in the rhythm of breathing. Inhale as you raise your arm and leg, exhale as you lower your knee and palm to the mat and round your back.
  2. Inhale - raise your right arm and left leg, exhale - lower them to the floor and round your back, look at the baby, then inhale - lift left hand and the right leg, exhale - lower your palm and knee, round your back, look at the baby.
  3. As you raise your arm and leg, stretch diagonally from palm to heel: push your heel back, palm stretch forward and up.
  4. Raise your leg to a comfortable height for you, but not higher than the position of the pelvis. Keep your pelvis neutral and, as you lift your leg, do not turn it outward.
  5. Repeat 6-10 times as you feel.


  • strengthening the muscles of the back and gluteal muscles
  • sense of balance and awareness in the body
  • maintaining and stabilizing posture
Short stretch - rest and stretch


  1. From the cat pose, place your knees about the width of the mat, i.e. wider than your pelvis and tummy. Lower your buttocks to your heels, big toes touching each other.
  2. Stretch your arms forward, touch the mat with your forehead. The tummy falls down between the thighs. In the case when the buttocks do not fall on the heels, for convenience, place a folded blanket or pillow between the heels and buttocks. If in this position the stomach sinks to the floor and this causes discomfort, put your elbows on the mat closer to your knees.
  3. With support on your elbows, also continue to stretch forward. To create a more comfortable position, place your hands, forearms stacked on top of each other, or a pillow under your head. In this position, the neck and shoulders will relax even better.
  4. Rest in this position for 30 to 90 seconds.


  • preparation of the ligaments of the pelvis for childbirth, they become more elastic
  • rest and relaxation for the whole body
  • traction of the spine, especially the lower back, unloading the lower back

During pregnancy, it is very important to work with the feet, because. all connective tissue under the influence of hormones becomes softer, body weight increases, and accordingly the pressure on the foot becomes more intense. Therefore, the likelihood of developing flat feet increases, especially in those who are prone to it. Special exercises we strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot, making it stronger. In addition, expectant mothers are prone to swelling in the ankles and feet, so the feet should be given special attention. Lightweight yet very useful dynamic exercises we contribute to the elimination of fluid stagnation, improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Since during pregnancy there are strong changes in the musculoskeletal system, the position of the center of mass and the feeling of being in space change, some kind of clumsiness and loss may even appear. Of course, every woman wants to own her body and feel it, to be confidently aware of herself in space, despite the changes. This helps work with the feet and balance asanas. The feet are our link to the Earth on a physical and energetic level. The connection with the Earth gives us a sense of stability, stability and solid support under our feet. It is not for nothing that we call the Earth “mother”, it is a symbol of fertility, abundance and motherhood, and on a subtle energy level, the Earth feeds us with its energy, which is especially important for expectant mothers. The process of a kind of connection to the Earth is called "grounding".



  1. In a standing position on the mat, place your feet on the width of the pelvis or slightly wider than the pelvis, bend your knees slightly, make them softer. Roll on your feet from heels to toes and back.
  2. Help yourself with your hands: transferring the weight to your socks, take your hands forward, leaving on your heels, move your hands back.
  3. It is as if you are stroking the space with your hands, the hands are soft, the fingers are relaxed.
  4. During the movement, the pelvis naturally sways forward / backward and we "rock" the baby and ourselves.


  • edema prevention
  • energy connection with the Earth, filling with energy of fertility and motherhood
  • slowing down, feeling in the moment "here and now"
  • reduction of anxiety and anxiety
Stop rolls, "Sticky feet"


  1. In a standing position on the mat, place your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Roll your feet along the outer edge from the inside out, as if you want to outline the foot, leave an imprint of the foot on the floor. Repeat the rollovers a few times.
  3. Then roll to the other side from outside to inside.
  4. These exercises affect not only the foot, but also the articular joints of the pelvis and hip joints, with this effect we help the pelvis to “open up”.


  • strengthening the muscles of the feet and preventing flat feet
  • edema prevention
  • inner sense of stability and balance
Foot arch strengthening and balance


  1. Starting position of the foot at shoulder width .
  2. Imagine that we have a handkerchief in front of us (you can even really put it down), try to grab it with your toes and pick it up from the floor.
  3. Raise your leg and squeeze your fingers into a fist, as if holding a handkerchief. Hold for 3 seconds, then lower your foot to the floor and lift your other leg. So step forward, turn around and step back as well.
  4. Walk two lengths of the yoga mat.


  • strengthening the muscles of the legs in general and the arch of the foot
  • develops an inner sense of balance
Pose "Tree"


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feel the foot touch the floor, feel the stability and tune in to maintain balance on one leg.
  2. You can start with soft dynamics, alternately lowering the ankle of one leg to the thigh of the other and squatting, then change. It is not necessary to squat low, we remain at an accessible and comfortable height.
  3. Repeat several times in dynamics and then fix the asana, stay in it for 3-5 breath cycles, no longer.
  4. When you are in the asana, keep your hands in “namaste”, palms together in front of the chest.
  5. In order to make it easier to maintain balance, choose a static point on the floor and look at it without looking away, literally “hold on” to it.
  6. Try to smooth out the deflection in the lower back, lowering the tailbone under you as if you are pressing the “tail”.


  • strengthening leg muscles
  • maintaining internal balance and awareness in the body
Traction near the support


  1. Stand against the wall at a distance of about a meter, rest your hands on the wall or put your hands on the windowsill (chest of drawers).
  2. Fix your palms as if you are gluing them to the surface and push the support away from you.
  3. Stretch your chest down, opening your shoulders, and your pelvis back so that there is a feeling of stretching of the spine and the back of the legs.
  4. Push the wall forward harder, take a breath, and as you exit, feel how the pose has turned into a pleasant “pull”.
  5. Stay in the asana for no more than five breaths, then slowly rise, without sudden movements. If desired, after the break, you can repeat again.


  • posture improvement
  • back pain prevention
  • traction of the spine and back muscles
  • back relaxation
  • traction of the back surface of the legs and prevention of varicose veins
Preparing to live contractions. Movements in childbirth.


  1. With your palms or forearms, rest against the wall or lean on a stable surface (chest of drawers, window sill). In childbirth, you can lean on the shoulders of your husband, he can support you and move with you.
  2. Through your hands, transfer your weight to the support and relax your stomach, uterus, pelvis and lower back. Relax the muscles of the face, lower the lips and lower jaw slightly, close your eyes.
  3. Make pleasant, smooth, soft and slow movements pelvis. Movements can be any, those that you this moment want to do. This can be a swaying of the pelvis, stepping from foot to foot, circular movements of the pelvis, "eights with the pelvis".
  4. Move for about 2-3 minutes and breathe smoothly, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Then, continuing to move for some time, hum brahmari (buzz of a bee, nasal buzz when exhaling).


  • preparation for living contractions, natural anesthesia technique
  • deep relaxation of body and mind
  • relaxation of the muscles of the abdomen and uterus, prevention of hypertonicity
  • opening of the pelvis, work with the sacrum
Lateral traction


  1. Get down on your knees and forearms.
  2. The knees are located at the width of the pelvis, one hand is on the forearm, with the other hand stretch forward and stay like that for a couple of breath cycles, then change the position of the hands.
  3. Repeat several times if desired.
  4. Come out of the stretch smoothly and go into the "short prostration", rest in it.


  • chest opening, breathing easier
  • posture improvement
  • expand the space for the baby inside
Invisible yoga for the pelvic floor


  1. Get down on your knees and forearms, you can put a pillow under your head. This position reduces the baby's pressure on the pelvic floor. In case you feel dizzy or uncomfortable in this position, take the “rider” position.
  2. Keep your back straight, avoiding arching in the lower back. Direct your attention to the pelvic floor area. In the rhythm of breathing, slowly and consciously do the exercise.
  3. With an inhalation, draw in the muscles of the perineum, with an exhalation, release them and relax. Do about 5 minutes. After doing this, rest for 1 minute in the short stretch pose.
  4. You can perform the exercise starting from the 14th week, in the first trimester it is contraindicated.


  • improving the tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor
  • reduces anxiety, gives a sense of security
  • restores life energy
  • helps muscles recover faster after childbirth
"Egg drop"


  1. Sit in cowgirl position on something soft, like a rolled-up blanket or blanket. Place your hands on the mat and lean on them.
  2. Close your eyes and relax your face, especially your lips and lower jaw. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your lips with a soft hiss. Imagine that the exhalation inside us descends from top to bottom to the pelvis, you exhale through the birth canal and plant the testicle, while there is an expansion of the perineum and space in the pelvic area.
  3. Do not specifically squeeze or relax the muscles, they always remain in a neutral position, sensations come through breathing and visualization.


  • allows you to better relax the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth
  • teaches relaxation and letting go
  • expands the space in the pelvic area
Crow Pose


  1. Squat down, toes of the feet apart, heels wider than the pelvis.
  2. Fold your hands in “namaste” and begin to push your hips to the sides with your elbows, opening your chest, stretch your crown up.
  3. If there is no stability in this position and the heels come off the floor, then you can put a folded blanket under the pelvis, or perform the exercise next to the wall, leaning on it with your buttocks and back.
  4. Stay in the asana for about 30 seconds, but no longer than 1 minute. Breathing is free.
  5. The exercise can be performed up to 36 weeks. Exercise is contraindicated if there is dysfunction of the pubic symphysis (symphysitis).


  • preparing the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis for pushing
  • pelvic opening
Candle pose near the wall


  1. This asana should be entered gently and without tension in the abdomen. Place a folded blanket or blanket next to the wall.
  2. Lie on either side, with your buttocks and feet against the wall, with your back to the blanket. From the side, roll onto your back so that the pelvis is lying on the blanket. Stretch your legs up, you can bend them slightly if you want. Adjust the position of the blanket so that it is more comfortable and you can relax.
  3. Put your hands comfortably in any position, you can on the tummy, you can stretch along the body or to the sides. Lie down for 5-10 minutes, breathing is free.
  4. If you feel tingling in your legs, dizziness or discomfort, get out of the asana earlier. A safe exit from the asana: bend your knees and lower yourself to your side, lie on your side for 30-60 seconds and only then rise.
  5. When performing the asana correctly (as indicated in the description), there is no clamping of the inferior vena cava, it is safe to lie on your back. Can be performed up to 33 weeks.


  • prevention of uterine hypertonicity
  • improves venous outflow, prevention of varicose veins
  • improves lymph outflow, prevention of edema
  • encourages the child to take correct position in the pelvis (cephalic presentation)
Butterfly on the throne


  1. Take various pillows, blankets and rugs, from all these “softnesses” lay down a “throne” for yourself. This is not a luxury, but a necessary element for the deepest possible relaxation.
  2. Place a blanket under your buttocks, between your back and the wall of pillows that you can lean on. Tilt your head back and relax your neck completely. Bend your knees and place pillows under your thighs. Pillows will create additional support so that the legs can also relax, intensive stretching of the ligaments is not needed now. Take the time and various devices to prepare the “throne”, position yourself 100% comfortably, the quality and depth of relaxation depends on this.
  3. Position your hands comfortably and freely, observe your breath for 3 minutes.


  • helps to open the pelvis, preparation for childbirth
  • restores strength
  • sacred pose for filling the inner space with energy
  • promotes deep relaxation of the body and mind
Breathing in childbirth "golden thread"


  1. Remain in the "butterfly on the throne", close your eyes, relax the lower jaw, lips and all the muscles of the face. Breathe slowly and steadily, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  2. Imagine that you are exhaling a thin golden thread that stretches endlessly in space and draws beautiful patterns. With each exhalation, the thread becomes longer. Don't force your breathing, breathe naturally, it will gradually slow down on its own.
  3. The duration of pranayama is from 3 minutes. Breathe as much as you need to relax, feel how a feeling of lightness and silence is born in your head, a state of inner expansion.
  4. It is this type of breathing that instinctively arises in a woman during childbirth, so it is worth practicing it from the beginning of pregnancy so that the body associates this breathing with physical relaxation, then its use in childbirth will be even more effective.


  • preparation for childbirth, breathing during contractions, natural anesthesia technique
  • helps to release anxiety and anxiety
  • draws attention to the interior
  • promotes deep relaxation
Meditation “Filling the baby with love»


  1. In front of the chest, fold your hands into a “bud” (fingertips and the bases of the palms are in contact with each other).
  2. Close your eyes, direct your attention to the space between the palms. Inhale deeply and slowly, and as you exhale, fill this space with love and light. Take a few more breaths until you feel energy and warmth in your palms.
  3. Then place your palms on your tummy in yoni mudra (large and index fingers concern). Direct the energy of love from the palms to the heart of the baby, imagine that this light energy gently envelops the baby and surrounds him with your care and tenderness, protects and protects him.


  • promotes peace of mind for mother and baby
  • improves bonding between mother and baby
  • contributes to the harmonious development of the baby, positively affects his mental and physical health


  1. Lie on any side, make yourself as comfortable as possible, use blankets, pillows and blankets. Nothing should distract you from relaxation. For a sense of security and comfort, cover yourself with a light stole or blanket.
  2. Consciously relax the space around the baby (womb, diaphragm, muscles of the abdomen, back and perineum).
  3. Imagine that the baby is surrounded by a soft and gentle feather bed. You may even fall asleep, it's okay, the main thing is that you rest and relax. The duration of stay in shavasana is from 5 minutes or more.
  4. Until about 22 weeks or as long as you are comfortable, you can lie in shavasana on your back.

This posture is deep relaxation. Allow yourself to let go of all thoughts and relax your mind and body. Imagine that you give all your weight to the Earth, she holds you with ease, and you can completely relax. Pass your attention throughout the body and make sure that its position is as comfortable as possible and nothing distracts you from relaxation. If something causes discomfort, then change the position to a more comfortable one. Imagine that a wave of relaxation goes through different parts of your body and fills them with warmth and light. You can go in any direction, the main thing is to cover the whole body gradually. Remain in the space of this inner light and silence.


  • relieves stress and tension
  • rejuvenates and energizes

Health to you and your kids! Soft childbirth! Soul harmony!

Yoga classes during pregnancy will make the expectant mother feel better:

  • relieve drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • provide the body with oxygen;
  • improve blood circulation between mother and child;
  • prepare the back muscles for the upcoming loads;
  • prevent constipation, protect against the appearance of varicose veins.

Yoga prepares the body of the expectant mother for childbirth:

  • asanas will strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, pelvis and the whole body;
  • the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, especially the pelvic ones, will increase, this condition will facilitate the course of childbirth;
  • the work of the endocrine system will improve, as a result of which the necessary level of hormones will be maintained in the body;
  • immunity will increase;
  • supplies run out during class subcutaneous fat and improves metabolism;
  • the lungs of the expectant mother work more efficiently, providing a good supply of oxygen to the blood and improving blood circulation throughout the body;
  • breathing practices will help reduce pain during contractions, intensify or, if necessary, delay attempts;
  • yoga classes teach you how to relax properly, which is very important for the successful course of childbirth;
  • it helps to develop a positive attitude and get rid of feelings of anxiety;
  • gives you the opportunity to control and better understand your own body and emotions, this skill is useful in the stressful and unusual situation of childbirth;
  • increases concentration and improves memory.


  1. Yoga, like any other physical exercise, should be done regularly. Short-term and non-periodic loads during pregnancy are undesirable, they will become stressful for the body, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Those who practiced yoga before pregnancy should not give up their usual set of exercises.
  2. If at the beginning of pregnancy you are worried about fatigue, drowsiness, toxicosis, it is better to start classes in ad hoc groups for expectant mothers. Usually, by the beginning of the second trimester, all these troubles pass, especially since yoga techniques help to cope with some of these problems.
  3. For those women who are concerned about severe toxicosis, changes blood pressure, uterine hypertonicity or bloody discharge from the vagina, classes should be stopped and the decision to continue training should be made together with an experienced yoga instructor for pregnant women.
  4. If you did not practice yoga before pregnancy, you need to start training in specialized groups. You can start at any time: an experienced instructor will adapt the load to your condition.
  5. Your attitude towards yoga is very important. If you came to the group with the motivation “I have to, because it’s the right thing to do,” don’t expect any amazing results. If we go to fitness training to lose weight and put our body in order, the practice of yoga involves investing not so much physical strength how much energetic and emotional. Therefore, do yoga with pleasure and a positive attitude.
  6. Take care of yourself: don't overwork yourself. It is necessary to reasonably approach the performance of power asanas, do not overdo it. It is useful to strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, chest, and the load on the abdominal muscles must be excluded.
  7. Avoid shaking, jumping, sudden changes in body positions throughout pregnancy. Learn to get up and lie down smoothly.
  8. Try to eliminate pressure on the stomach. Therefore, all exercises involving deep twists are immediately excluded from the complex, and by the beginning of the second trimester - all asanas that are performed lying on the stomach.
  9. In the third trimester, try not to lie on your back, in this position large vessels are compressed, which impairs blood circulation, so it is better to perform, for example, Shavasana on the right side.
  10. You can not exercise on a full stomach and bladder. You need to eat 1-1.5 hours before class. As a last resort, you can have a light snack (like a banana or yogurt) 20-30 minutes before your workout.

These are general rules. Of course, the longer you practice yoga and the more experience you have in this area, the less you need to change your usual routine and style during pregnancy.

Victoria Adzhigirey, yoga instructor for pregnant women


Bend and spread your knees wide, balancing on bent toes, keep your heels not too far apart, put your palms together in front of your chest. If balance is difficult at first, you can hold on to furniture or someone to lean on.

The pose strengthens the legs and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area.


Place your feet at a distance of half a meter from each other, transfer your body weight to your heels and slowly squat. Keep your back straight. Put your palms together in front of your chest and slightly push your knees apart with your elbows. Hold this position for about 30 seconds. Make sure your heels are on the floor. Breathe calmly, relaxing the pelvic region.

Performing this asana improves the elasticity and mobility of the ligaments of the hips and pelvis. It is recommended to perform it during contractions to help the baby get into the correct position for the birth.

Get on all fours and spread your knees as wide as possible. Put your feet together. Leaning your palms on the floor, slightly arch your back, look forward (photo 1).

After 10 seconds, lower your elbows to the floor and try to relax as much as possible (photo 2). Let your inner thighs stretch as you focus your attention on your breathing. Direct the exhalation to the area of ​​greatest tension. Hold the asana for 30 seconds.

Katuspadasana - cat pose

Kneeling, rest your hands on the floor so that they are exactly under your shoulders, and your knees are under your hips. Inhale, raise your head and tailbone, arching your lower back (photo 1).

As you exhale, pull your tailbone under you, at the same time arching and freeing your back. As you inhale, try to feel a smooth movement from the base of your back to the top of your head. Exhaling, pull the navel to the spine, spread the shoulder blades, focus on the feeling of lengthening of the back (photo 2). Repeat the exercise several times.

This asana improves the elasticity of the back muscles, helps to reduce the load of the uterus on the spine.


Stretch your legs forward. Connect the hips, ankles and big toes. Pull the last to the ceiling. Place your palms on the floor on the sides of your thighs, pointing your fingers towards your feet. As you inhale, lift your spine.

Keep your elbows straight, chest up, head and neck straight, and look straight ahead. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

In late pregnancy, the legs can be slightly apart. This asana stretches the muscles of the legs, massages the abdominal organs and strengthens the muscles of the lower back. It tones the kidneys and teaches you to sit upright with a straight spine.

baddha konasana

Asana is performed in a sitting position, the back is straight, the stomach is raised. Pull your feet together as close to you as possible. Press their outer surface to the floor, clasp your feet with your palms and try to achieve a sensation of opening the perineum.

Pull the spine up, while stretching inner part hips from the sacrum to the knee, very carefully lowering the knees as close to the floor as possible.

Do not rush and do not despair if your performance of the asana is far from perfect. Over time, your knees will sink to the floor. To do this, try to breed them only due to the strength of the leg muscles. In this case, you will avoid an unsafe sprain.

Yoga has become incredibly popular in recent decades. It is no less common than fitness. Many women like such activities for their calming effect. They help to tidy up the muscles, tendons and joints, relax, tune in to your own body, which is especially important during pregnancy. Consider how useful yoga is for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Exercises and yoga poses for pregnant women in early pregnancy. Safety engineering.

About physical activity

The female body will face a serious test - childbirth. And it's best to approach him prepared. Regular walks, swimming, light power training, aerobic exercise- all this has a positive effect on general condition. And yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, of course, if you approach it correctly.

Why is this needed? Swimming helps develop the respiratory system, or at least stabilize it. In addition, water itself holds our body. Therefore, a woman in the pool unloads the spine somewhat, which reduces the pain experienced in the back.

The benefits of walking have been repeatedly mentioned, it does not make much sense to stop separately. Weak power loads increase endurance, which will definitely come in handy during childbirth. A aerobic exercise necessary for the cardiovascular system.

As for yoga during early pregnancy, then with regular and doing the right things it is able to prevent the appearance of toxicosis, problems with varicose veins, and digestive troubles. Exercise normalizes the emotional state of a woman, and also helps to calmly survive the period of hormonal adjustment.

Psychological aspect

Yoga is not only a set of exercises, but also a philosophy. With a deep study of the eastern currents, more and more controversial and doubtful points are revealed. But if we perceive this direction as a path to harmony with own body and, more importantly, with yourself, then you should not refuse it.

Pregnancy is a period of drastic changes, especially if conception was not planned. The woman is forced to reconsider all her plans for the next few years. From the fact that literally every aspect is changing, sometimes panic can even set in. I want something to remain stable and unchanged.

This is what yoga can be. You don’t need to quit it, you just need to consult with your gynecologist how to do it right. And if there are no contraindications, then just go to the instructor, report your condition and transfer to a group for pregnant women. There they will select a special program for you, explain what can and cannot be done and why. And at the same time they will always insure.

Constant and regular exercises will help a woman learn how to breathe correctly. Moreover, it is allowed to walk on them with normal health for all 9 months, up to childbirth. Just for each period, their asanas are selected.

In a word, the answer to the question of whether yoga can be practiced in the first trimester is obvious. The main thing is to approach everything reasonably.

Yoga and early pregnancy restrictions

Just above it was said about contraindications. And they really are. This:

As you can see, the list is quite clear and understandable. In addition, if a pregnant woman has any chronic diseases (exacerbated or threatening to exacerbate), then before any stress she should consult a doctor just in case.

Doctors are unlikely to completely ban something, especially given that physical inactivity is also undesirable and even dangerous. But a good specialist can give valuable recommendations on how to do it, pay attention to certain points.

Prohibited asanas for pregnant women in the first trimester: what not to do?

To begin with, experts unanimously say that it is impossible to immediately give heavy loads. Especially if you have never done yoga before. Or if you took a significant break. The latter is even more dangerous, because unlike complete beginners, a woman may think that she understands, everything is in order.

Do not experiment at home. Instructors should be nearby not only to show mistakes in performing asanas, but also to support, including corny physically, if a woman becomes ill.

In addition, it is more convenient to work out in specialized halls, there is free space for this, belts for insurance (especially relevant in the later stages when big belly, but it's worth getting used to them in advance). And, of course, the pregnant women themselves, helping each other with advice.

Instructors also forbid exercising on a full stomach. They recommend waiting at least 1.5 or 2 hours after eating. And light snacks also count. Experts also advise to move smoothly and gradually, not to rush and not be nervous if the usual asanas have ceased to work out. It will pass, unlike injuries that can be received.

In no case should you somehow put pressure on the stomach. Therefore, any twisting exercises in yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester (and not only) are prohibited. You can not sharply lean forward, jump, make a bridge. But, oddly enough, you can stand on your head, however, if there is an experienced instructor next to you who will insure.

Twisting and pressure on the abdomen are prohibited!

Asanas with twisting are forbidden, even with a small one. In any case, they suggest pressure on the uterus, but why is this pregnant? In general, instructors do not recommend even the lightest options with the appropriate effect. If the program used to start with such exercises, then it is either redone, or simply switched to the recommended asanas for pregnant women.

By the way, keep in mind that pressure on the stomach can be different parties. That is, not only from the side, but also from above, as well as from below. In this connection, doctors advise when practicing yoga to carefully listen to your own body. If any movements become ill, especially if it hurts, then the training should be interrupted immediately. Vigorous yoga is not the best the best choice for the expectant mother.

What is desirable?

A good option for pregnant women are asanas in a lying or sitting position. They help improve breathing, which is especially useful for women's well-being in the last trimester. You really need to learn how to breathe. different ways. Many mothers said that this particular skill turned out to be one of the most useful later. He helped to concentrate during childbirth and significantly eased the pain.

Many praise the side stretch. If you manage to do it before the stomach becomes very large, then even with a large child it will be much easier to walk. And, by the way, the likelihood of ugly stretch marks is reduced.

Let's talk about racks

As for the different stances, they are really useful, even on the head. But there is one point: this option is suitable for those who have long mastered this exercise, feel their body perfectly, there are no problems or even the likelihood of problems with balance. Otherwise, such experiments should be abandoned. The fact is that when a woman is carrying a child, the balance changes dramatically and quite strongly. She often feels awkward even with normal movements. And here it is necessary to perform a difficult exercise for sports people! What is the probability of falling?

In short, any stance that involves sharp turns or playing with balance is undesirable. A woman may feel dizzy, she is able to fall and hit. And the instructor is simply not technically able to be around all the time during training, of course, if it’s not individual sessions. Therefore, it is desirable to refuse such experiments.

In general, yoga is not even one trend, but a whole direction. And within its framework there are divisions, some are better suited for pregnant women, others are worse. So, the instructors themselves ask to pay attention to Kundalini yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, and if it suits, then it will be possible to do it at least until the baby is born.

This direction got its name because of the importance of harmony between the spirit and the body, the disclosure of potential. Appropriate exercises help a woman to distract from nervous and sad thoughts, fears. Instead, the pregnant woman sinks into herself, begins to better listen to her own body.

Iyengar yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

Iyengar yoga is named after its founder, who decided to rely on special breathing exercises. This practice is extremely useful for women, it helps not to panic during childbirth, and facilitates general well-being. Everything happens quite smoothly, so the load will not become a serious problem.

In addition, this direction allows the use of supports. For expectant mothers, soft, safe, made exclusively from natural materials are specially selected. But in general, the option itself is quite worthy of attention.

aqua yoga

Another rather interesting current that will suit healthy women who want to keep fit. As you can guess from the name, it is supposed to perform exercises right in the water.

Not a bad decision, if only because the woman's stomach is supported. As a result, ladies often feel noticeable relief. But the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Women get tired less, but the main muscle group is perfectly worked out. So pregnant women may not be afraid of an ugly figure after childbirth: with regular classes muscles won't disappear.

Yoga on the ball

Fitball is universal, it helps to keep literally all the muscles of the body in good shape. At the same time, this option makes it possible to develop flexibility quite well. And the ball itself gently springs in the right minutes, supporting the stomach.

Women are sometimes afraid of this option, for fear of falling off. In fact, the ball is small in diameter, and besides, it gently flexes under the weight of the body. So from this point of view, the risks are minimal. Well, besides, classes are held in special rooms with a very soft floor, so nothing bad should happen from falling from a small height.

Recommended yoga complex in the 1st trimester - assanas in the early stages

Most favorable for the body of a woman and fetus in the first trimester following poses(asanas) of yoga:

It allows you to strengthen the muscles, especially the abdominal cavity, which will prevent the appearance of stretch marks at a later stage of pregnancy. This asana also helps to get rid of sudden fatigue, increases blood flow to brain structures and normalizes the production of necessary hormones.

It should be done like this:

  1. Get on all fours, leaning on the floor with your hands and knees (take the form of a “table”). Next, inhale and gently lift your right leg, keeping it horizontal. Stretch the entire left arm forward, straightening the fingers, and then exhale.
  2. Hold this position for some time (up to 3-6 phases of inhalation-exhalation).
  3. When exiting the pose, you need to slowly exhale the air and return to the starting position of the “table”. Then repeat the same pose, but with the left leg and, accordingly, with right hand. The total number of paired repetition cycles can be increased to three.

Promotes the disappearance of nausea attacks and thus minimizes the manifestations of toxicosis. Also in this position, the muscles of the thighs are worked out and painful pulling sensations in the uterus are eliminated.

Asana is performed as follows:

  1. Take a position on all fours, with the hips above the knees and the shoulders above the wrists. Then you need to stretch forward, while straightening your arms completely. The toes should be turned inward.
  2. On a deep breath, slowly pull back the buttocks, almost sitting on their heels. Keep stretching your arms.
  3. Lower your forehead as far down as possible - on a rug or pillow. Press your palms to the floor and reach with your hands, and pull your hips towards your heels.
  4. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, to exit it slowly lower the pelvis on the heels.

Quickly promotes relaxation and relief from nausea, improves the condition of the uterus. Executed in the following order:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs and grab your feet with your hands. Pull your knees towards your armpits.
  2. Stretch your heels up towards the ceiling, continuing to hold your feet with your hands.
  3. Hold in this position for a minute, after which, to exit, slowly lower your feet onto the mat.

Works out lateral muscles trunk, relieves pain caused by an increase in the uterus. Saturates with oxygen and fills with the necessary energy. The procedure for her is as follows:

  1. Kneel down, pull the right leg to the side (i.e. to the right), press the foot firmly to the floor. The body of the body should not be turned - you need to look forward.
  2. Raise your left hand above your head and tilt it towards right leg. The right leg should simultaneously be lowered to outside right thigh, moving it as low as possible.
  3. Remain motionless in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Then, while inhaling, you need to rise, straightening your left arm, and take a vertical position. Repeat all movements, only on the other side.

Designed to stretch the muscles of the thighs, the development of the hip joints. Suitable for the first trimester, as more late term it is by no means desirable for a woman to lie on her back. It is done like this:

  1. Lie on your back, gently lift your right leg. Bend your left knee and turn to the side. With the right hand, grasp the big toe firmly on the right foot. In this case, the other (left) hand should be on the left thigh.
  2. Stretch your right leg out to the side, while breathing deeply.
  3. Hold this pose for several breaths. Repeat the same movements, but for the other side of the body.

Useful for the hip flexor muscles, promotes blood circulation in the chest, as well as in the stomach area. The procedure for this pose is as follows:

Helps to eliminate pain in the uterus and back, get rid of the urge to nausea or vomiting. Executed in this order:

  1. Get on your knees, lean firmly on the floor with your palms.
  2. Make sure your knees and palms are shoulder width apart. In this position, slowly bend the back and linger for 10 seconds. Breathing at this time should be even.
  3. Round your back, rest a bit and do a few more (3-5 repetitions).

About relaxation

It is important to be able to correctly tune in to training. Relaxation helps a lot. You can sit down in Turkish, trying to achieve a comfortable posture. Then you need to calm down, start breathing slowly and deeply. Reach out to your body, feel every part of it. And try to relax.

Such exercises are suitable not only for starting a workout, but also for its calm completion. And don't overwork! If after 5 asanas you feel tired, then you need to take a break. Or even stop doing it. It is better to return to the exercises tomorrow, but do them regularly, than to perform feats, and then recover for several days.

Yoga for pregnant women is a good option to keep yourself in good shape. Just remember to be in moderation. And, of course, the need to consult a doctor.

The following poses (asanas) of yoga are most favorable for the body of a woman and the fetus in the first trimester:

It allows you to strengthen the muscles, especially the abdominal cavity, which will prevent the appearance of stretch marks at a later stage of pregnancy. This asana also helps to get rid of sudden fatigue, increases blood flow to brain structures and normalizes the production of necessary hormones.

It should be done like this:

  1. Get on all fours, leaning on the floor with your hands and knees (take the form of a “table”). Next, inhale and gently lift your right leg, keeping it horizontal. Stretch the entire left arm forward, straightening the fingers, and then exhale.
  2. Hold this position for some time (up to 3-6 phases of inhalation-exhalation).
  3. When exiting the pose, you need to slowly exhale the air and return to the starting position of the “table”. Then repeat the same pose, but with the left leg and, accordingly, with the right hand. The total number of paired repetition cycles can be increased to three.

Promotes the disappearance of nausea attacks and thus minimizes the manifestations of toxicosis. Also in this position, the muscles of the thighs are worked out and painful pulling sensations in the uterus are eliminated.

Asana is performed as follows:

  1. Take a position on all fours, with the hips above the knees and the shoulders above the wrists. Then you need to stretch forward, while straightening your arms completely. The toes should be turned inward.
  2. On a deep breath, slowly pull back the buttocks, almost sitting on their heels. Keep stretching your arms.
  3. Lower your forehead as far down as possible - on a rug or pillow. Press your palms to the floor and reach with your hands, and pull your hips towards your heels.
  4. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, to exit it slowly lower the pelvis on the heels.

Quickly promotes relaxation and relief from nausea, improves the condition of the uterus. Executed in the following order:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs and grab your feet with your hands. Reindeer pull up towards the armpits.
  2. Stretch your heels up towards the ceiling, continuing to hold your feet with your hands.
  3. Hold in this position for a minute, after which, to exit, slowly lower your feet onto the mat.

It works on the lateral muscles of the body, relieves pain caused by an increase in the uterus. Saturates with oxygen and fills with the necessary energy. The procedure for her is as follows:

  1. Kneel down, pull the right leg to the side (i.e. to the right), press the foot firmly to the floor. The body of the body should not be turned - you need to look forward.
  2. Raise your left hand above your head and tilt it towards your right leg. The right leg should simultaneously be lowered to the outside of the right thigh, moving it as low as possible.
  3. Remain motionless in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Then, while inhaling, you need to rise, straightening your left arm, and take a vertical position. Repeat all movements, only on the other side.

Designed to stretch the muscles of the thighs, the development of the hip joints. It is suitable for the first trimester, since at a later date it is by no means desirable for a woman to lie on her back. It is done like this:

  1. Lie on your back, gently lift your right leg. Bend your left knee and turn to the side. With the right hand, grasp the big toe firmly on the right foot. In this case, the other (left) hand should be on the left thigh.
  2. Stretch your right leg out to the side, while breathing deeply.
  3. Hold this pose for several breaths. Repeat the same movements, but for the other side of the body.

Useful for the hip flexor muscles, promotes blood circulation in the chest, as well as in the stomach area. The procedure for this pose is as follows:

  1. Lie on your side, while propping your head comfortably with your left hand. Next, bend your knees, and grab the ankle of your right leg with your right hand.
  2. Press down on the foot with the palm of your hand to further stretch the muscles of the shoulder, as well as the hips. The output voltage should be amplified.
  3. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then lower your leg. Repeat, but for the other side of the body.

Helps to eliminate pain in the uterus and back, get rid of the urge to nausea or vomiting. Executed in this order:

  1. Get on your knees, lean firmly on the floor with your palms.
  2. Make sure your knees and palms are shoulder width apart. In this position, slowly bend the back and linger for 10 seconds. Breathing at this time should be even.
  3. Round your back, rest a bit and do a few more (3-5 repetitions).

"Life in motion..."

Many expectant mothers will probably ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy?”. It is possible and even necessary! Many yoga schools have special yoga classes for pregnant women. In these classes, women are specially prepared for childbirth. They teach to combine rest and power loads depending on the gestational age. Experienced instructors will select a set of exercises specifically for you, taking into account your strengths and capabilities.

Why Pregnancy Yoga?

During pregnancy, many sports are undesirable or even contraindicated, because heavy loads can lead to an unwanted miscarriage. In yoga, by contrast, there is no risk of harm to the fetus or injury to the mother. All exercises are performed slowly and carefully. But small physical exercise are also allowed and welcome here.

Because, for women who regularly went in for sports before pregnancy, physical exercise important for mental and physical well-being. In addition, yoga during pregnancy helps to quickly return the body to its previous shape after childbirth, strengthens immune system and prevent thrombosis varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids. We bring to your attention 10 yoga exercises that you can do at home.

Exercise 1. Pose of meditation.

Sit cross-legged on a mat on the floor (the well-known lotus position), so that you are comfortable. Being in this position, you should first of all be comfortable and calm. Hands lie palms up completely freely on your knees. Close the index and thumb keep your back straight. Close your eyes and listen to your baby's movements. Breathe deeply into your belly and relax with each exhalation.

Exercise 2. Pose "Tree"

This exercise strengthens the sense of balance. Get on the mat. Raise your right leg and place your foot on inside left thigh. Keep your back straight. Once you have found your balance, close your hands in front of you at chest level. Raise your arms above your head if you can. Breathe slowly. Focus now on inner balance. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 3. Pose "Climber"

This exercise normalizes blood circulation and fluid balance in the body. In addition, blood flow increases. Stand on the mat, raise your arms up and pull them as high as possible, standing on your toes. Take a deep breath. Then lower your arms, stand on a full foot and exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise 4. Pose "Cat"

This exercise relaxes the muscles of the back and legs, as well as the mobility of the spine. Get on the mat on all fours. Try to keep your back straight. Inhale as you stretch your right leg back and stay in that position for a few seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do the same with changing legs.

Exercise 5. Pose "Bench"

This exercise will strengthen your abdominal muscles. The muscles of the back and pelvis are in a relaxed state. Assume the starting pose from exercise 4. Keep your neck, spine and back straight in line so that your eyes are on the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Exercise 6. Pose "Dog"

This exercise relieves pain lumbar spine. In addition, it strengthens the arms and shoulders. Get on all fours and take a deep breath. With an exhalation, extend your arms in front along the body so that the pelvis rises up. Stay in this position for about 20 seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Exercise 7. Pose "Bridge on the shoulders"

This exercise works the pelvic floor muscles, chest and spine. Lie on the mat on your back. Hands lie along the body. Place your feet at 90 degrees. Raise your buttocks and back, off the mat. Shoulders remain on the floor. Tighten your buttocks rear surface hips and back. Stay in this position for a few seconds, trying to breathe evenly.

Exercise 8. Sitting posture

This exercise relaxes the pelvic floor muscles and improves blood circulation. Sit on the mat with your knees bent so that your feet are pressed against each other. The legs should be pressed as close to the body as possible. Hold your ankles with your hands. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Keep your back and neck straight. Breathing remains even and deep.

Exercise 9

This exercise "opens" the chest. Sit on the mat, press the right leg to the body, stretch the left as far as possible. Raise your left arm up and pull it towards your right leg so that it is above your head. Keep your back straight. Breathing should remain even. Take 5 breaths and then pull both arms up. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise 10. Pose "Child"

This exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and prepares the pelvic floor for childbirth. Kneeling, rest your head on the floor, stretch your arms on the floor along the body, palms up. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. After that, try to relax. Try to breathe deeply and evenly.


It is advisable to use a yoga mat during class. Because it is comfortable, it does not slip on the floor, protecting you from falling. If you do not have a rug, you can put a regular blanket. A good addition to the exercises: quiet background music. Ideally soothes and helps to achieve mental and physical balance.

What to wear? For yoga, you need comfortable sportswear or just home clothes so that it does not cause discomfort, does not compress the body. It is advisable not to wear socks (if the temperature in the room allows it.)

Also, after yoga, you can pamper your body with a cream (there are special massage and regular creams for pregnant women) to relax and enjoy the work done.