Swimming information for students. Recreational swimming for students

Art. Lecturer, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan Federal University",

The formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) has long become a dominant direction in the system of preserving the health of the nation. The law “On physical culture and sports in Russian Federation“It is emphasized that it is physical culture and sports in educational institutions that should be a means of preserving and strengthening the health of student youth. The goal of physical education in higher educational institutions, according to educational standards of the 3rd generation, is: mastering the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the required level physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.

This means that a university graduate must have the necessary knowledge about his body and have knowledge in the field of physical education. Regular classes physical exercises should become an important component of his lifestyle, and the unity of content, form, means and methods of education should stimulate the physical and spiritual development of the future specialist. Lack of awareness among young people about the importance of physical education as a component of a healthy lifestyle, and in conditions of academic workload - a factor in relieving mental and muscle tension, leads to the formation of a deficit motor activity and to deterioration of health. To increase students' motivation for regular physical education, it is necessary to provide a full amount of information about the means and methods of physical education.

Means of the practical section (including sports) in the work program for the academic discipline “ Physical culture» departments of physical education are determined independently in each educational institution. At Kazan Federal University, classes are traditionally conducted in the following areas: weightlifting, aerobics, sports games(volleyball, basketball, football, etc.), general physical training and general physical training groups, in which students have been studying for several years.

The federal state educational standard of the third generation in the subject “physical education” assumes the inclusion of the following mandatory topics in the curriculum: athletics(100m run, 400m run - women, 1000m run - men), sports games, cross-country skiing, professional-applied exercises physical training and swimming.

Until recently, some topics were excluded from the training program due to the lack of sufficient material resources. Based on the requirements of Gosstandart (from which we have no right to deviate), every student studying at a higher educational institution and applying for a diploma of higher education is required to master the training program in the subject “Physical Education” on all topics. But based on reality, we have to admit that there are some contradictions in teaching the discipline “physical education” at a university: between the high educational and methodological potential and its ineffective use in the versatile, harmonious preparation of students in the process of physical education.

Swimming, thanks to its exceptionally high sports, applied, health-improving and general developmental effect, is one of the most important topics in the discipline “Physical Culture” in higher educational institutions. Swimming is one of the main sections of social health and physical education programs of various age groups population. Swimming training - basic preventative measure in the fight against water accidents. Boys and girls who know how to swim well will always be able to help a drowning person. When they become parents in the future, they will be able to teach their children swimming skills.

For the subject “Physical Education”, the federal state educational standard provides for 400 hours of study load, of which a certain part must be allocated to classes on the topic “swimming” and each student must master the training program on this topic. In connection with the commissioning of a new modern swimming pool"Bustan", there was a need to create a new, higher quality work program on the topic "swimming". To create it, it is necessary to analyze the basic level of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as study the motivating factors for attending swimming lessons and the reasons for reluctance to go to the pool. To conduct the study, we compiled several questionnaires; the respondents were 1st-year students of KFU (400 people). The objectives of the questionnaire included identifying the motives for students’ need to undergo a curriculum on the topic “swimming.”

To study the motives for attending swimming lessons, students were offered 16 motives and asked to choose the 5 most significant for them. The main motives turned out to be:
— I like to swim (48%);
— swimming improves my health (41%);
— I want to improve my swimming skills (37%);
- I want to improve my physical fitness (31%);
— swimming improves overall well-being (25%).
The data obtained as a result of the survey indicate that the personal attitude towards this sport is of great importance for attending classes, which indicates the underdevelopment of the concept of the importance of swimming and its influence on the body of those involved.
At the same time, students have a false idea about the sanitary and hygienic state of the swimming pool, this is confirmed by the results obtained when identifying the reasons for their reluctance to attend swimming lessons:
— inconvenience in the class schedule (18%);
- additional hassle (purchase medical certificate and purchase of swimming equipment) (14%);
— high concentration of chlorine in water (12%);
— not comfortable water temperature (8%);
— I don’t see the need to attend classes, since I swim quite well (10%).
Of course, to improve the quality of the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects associated with the organization of swimming lessons.

Examining the level of knowledge, it was revealed that 86% of students need knowledge in the field of swimming, 81% of students consider their knowledge sufficient to apply it in life. Of the total number of students, only 8% have an idea of ​​​​swimming methods. To the question: do you know how swimming affects the human body, 99% of respondents answered positively, but as a result of an oral survey it turned out that 75% of students could not say on what physical quality, swimming has a more pronounced effect, which once again indicates that students have a low level of knowledge in the field of swimming. It can also be assumed that if we further examine the level of knowledge on other topics in the curriculum, the “picture” will not be significantly different. Despite the abundance of sources of access to information these days, with a slight advantage, students still receive basic knowledge from physical education teachers - 36%, from friends - 34%, from the Internet - 20% and only 2% from parents, but It is they who, first of all, should instill interest in the physical education and sports lifestyle.

Analyzing the skills of students who can swim, it turned out that 83% learned to swim in school age, of which 17% of respondents were over the age of 17 years, and having learned to swim at an older age, students have a desire to improve their swimming skills, which has a positive effect on the motivational and value attitude towards physical education and the need for regular exercises for physical self-improvement. To the question: do you have the skills to provide assistance to victims on water, 41% of students answered in the affirmative, 11% of them had to provide assistance in real life. Therefore, 87% of respondents believe that swimming classes at a university are necessary, 2% of respondents do not need classes, and 11% of students find it difficult to answer.

Today, KFU students attend swimming classes at will. Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that the opportunity to engage in physical education, taking into account sporting interests, is a powerful motivational factor. But analyzing the requirements of the state standard and the research of other authors, that awareness of the role and importance of physical education comes at an older age, students must master all mandatory topics in the discipline “Physical Education” in full. This approach to organizing and conducting classes will increase their efficiency and effectiveness, will contribute to positive dynamics in changing the level of physical fitness of students, improving their psycho-emotional state, social well-being and health in general, and will also develop many skills, abilities and knowledge in students, such as future parents for the successful raising of a healthy generation.

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  • Voronina Kristina Sergeevna, student
  • Shaimardanova Lyutsia Sharifzyanovna, senior lecturer
  • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Swimming lessons have positive effect on the student’s health level, as well as on his intellectual abilities and brain activity. Everything in the human body is interconnected. In turn, swimming is an active process through which you can achieve full recovery of the body.

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Nowadays there are many various types sports both to improve the health of students and to increase physical activity student. From various types physical activity It is worth highlighting swimming lessons. Swimming is one of the most important means of physical education, due to which it is included in the content of the programs of preschool, secondary and higher special educational institutions.

In addition, swimming is characterized by some features; first of all, when swimming, the whole body is involved, that is, movements are made by both the upper and lower limbs. Therefore, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened. According to many authors, swimming lessons have a positive effect on students’ objective health indicators, which is manifested in the normalization of their skeletal, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is worth noting that the classes have a positive effect on the subjective health of those involved: the number of complaints about autonomic disorders and psycho-emotional fatigue decreases, and self-esteem of one’s health becomes more adequate. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the overall improvement of the student’s health. Since the educational process is very stressful, it is therefore necessary to relieve stress, and for this, doctors recommend visiting the pool and swimming.

Currently, our state faces quite acute problems of the health of the younger generation, maintaining the need for healthy way life, as well as healthy leisure, and it is quite interested in the means of attracting the younger generation to sports. And this is a fairly pressing problem in at the moment. Swimming is a unique type of physical activity. In addition, swimming lessons are popular among young people. Research on various problems of improving health and quality of life with active occupation swimming are presented in the works of such authors as: Kondakov V.L., Gorelov A.A. (2013); Kurko Y.V. Fedchishin O.Ya. (2012); Kozina Zh.L., Ermakov S.S., Bazylyuk T.A., Voloshina E.V. (2012); Skirene V.V., Skiryus E.R. (2012); Drogomeretsky V.V., Ganchar A.I. (2012); Balamutova N.M. (2012); Balamutova N.M., Sidorenko G.M. (2011); Khimich I.Yu. (2009). These authors showed ways effective solution existing problems and led practical recommendations concerning students with different levels of training. At the same time, many authors note a noticeable decline in the level of health of student youth. Therefore, you should not miss the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of your own body through swimming as a sports and health process.

The purpose of the work is to highlight the features of the impact of swimming as a sports and health process on the level of health of students.

The objective of the work is to analyze significant research in this sport in order to identify positive dynamics swimming lessons on students' health as a sport health complex.

Theoretical methods were used in the work; we were based on studies conducted earlier. We also used methods such as experiment and observation.

Specialized journals that contain materials on research on student health issues were used as materials for analysis.

Main part

Taking into account the set goal, the question arises: what are the pedagogical conditions for development and the model of an effective process that has a positive effect from swimming lessons on the general condition of the student? Swimming lessons and their effectiveness largely depend on the correct organization of the educational process, appropriate technical and personnel support. Recommendations by Ganchar A.I. worth highlighting in this aspect. The author notes five main aspects in the theory and practice of formative skills. Each of them characterizes in detail the high-quality implementation of educational, health-improving, hygienic, professional-applied, therapeutic-prophylactic and sports-pedagogical influences of the swimming process on people of various ages taking into account their anatomical, morphological, functional and gender differences.

The author especially focuses on the level and degree of formation of swimming skills and considers it necessary to adjust state tests and physical education programs different groups population. At the same time, this approach made it possible to establish the dominant aspects of the formation of swimming skills for different age groups.

Analyzing the research results, it was noted that swimming as a sport healing process has a beneficial effect on the heart vascular system. Regular exercise in this sport increases the functionality of the heart and allows the cardiac system to work more efficiently. This is achieved due to: an increase in the strength of the heart muscle and the volume of blood expelled in one cycle, directly during movements occurring in the water; reducing the heart rate (the less often the heart contracts at rest, the more powerful the heart muscle, the heart works in a more economical mode - a larger volume of blood is released per contraction, and rest pauses increase, the heart has time to be abundantly washed with blood through a network of blood vessels, therefore , less effort is spent and the heart strains much less); increasing endurance to physical activity (the heart learns to respond adequately to overcoming heavy loads and even overload, since it has learned to push the required amount of blood into the vessels).

In addition, if you attend swimming classes as a physical activity, then there will definitely be a positive impact on respiratory system. First of all, the respiratory muscles are trained: the strength of the respiratory muscles increases, their tone increases; the respiratory rhythm improves, deeper and rarer breathing is produced; ventilation of the lungs increases, the number of alveoli and their elasticity increases; little-used lung tissue is included in the work; The body's resistance to low oxygen levels in the body increases.

Thanks to research, we were able to establish that swimming as a sports and fitness complex contributes to the strengthening, as well as the process of training, the musculoskeletal system. This is especially useful for students, since we know that the academic day at a university is about 6–8 hours. Also, time is spent on self-preparation, and it fluctuates on average 3–4 hours, during the session it increases to 7–8 hours This is a very significant psychophysiological load on the body of young people, which ultimately shows that the educational process is very stressful.

Long-term restriction of motor activity leads to a decrease in mental performance, weakening of skeletal muscles, and poor posture. Mostly during lectures students take sitting position. And of course, after lectures, every student needs to relieve spinal tension. Those who go in for swimming have an excellent opportunity to improve their posture, because during swimming: the static tension of the body decreases, the spine is naturally relieved from the pressure of the body weight on it; the muscles of the spine and the entire skeleton are strengthened; coordination of movements improves; asymmetry in the work of intervertebral muscles disappears; conditions for normal growth of vertebral bodies are restored; a sense of correct posture is formed.

When performing motor actions in water, the body of a swimming person is in a horizontal position. In order to stay on the surface of the water and swim a certain distance, overcoming the drag of the water, a person in the water has to perform specific movements that are characteristic only of swimming and have no analogues in other types of physical activity such as sports and recreation complexes. All muscle groups are involved in swimming, including those that are quite difficult to strengthen on land. During swimming, alternating tension and relaxation different muscles increases their strength and performance, thanks to this, swimming does not overstrain the muscular system and allows you to correctly dose the level of physical activity. And the uniform work of the muscles of the whole body contributes to the formation of a beautiful harmonious figure.

As part of our study, an experimental group was organized, which included ten boys and ten girls, aged from 18 to 22 years old, their duties included visiting the pool after lectures three times a week; students had to visit the pool for four weeks . The results were successful because, as a result of the survey we conducted, the students who participated in the experiment expressed a desire to continue doing physical education at exactly the same pace, due to the fact that water and movements in water relieve fatigue, tension and stress directly from educational activities . And some students managed to experience the health benefits of swimming.

Figure 1. Student survey results

Thus, we found that most students have a great desire to exercise in the pool, arguing that when swimming, they feel how the process itself affects their level of health. According to the students from our organized experimental group, after swimming, it became much easier to breathe; swimming influenced posture correction; and the students did not feel tired from mental activity into which students invest their energy directly during classes and lectures in educational institutions.


Based on the results of numerous studies, we found that general movements in water stimulate breathing, blood circulation, improve activity gastrointestinal tract, improve thermoregulation, the body becomes less susceptible to colds, and the psycho-emotional state is normalized. Swimming develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, resulting in better nutrition for the joints. Swimming is an effective preventive measure against osteochondrosis and joint pathology. I would also like to note that researchers have identified an increase in the level of health of students on the body as a whole during swimming lessons.

Swimming is a wonderful process physical development and health promotion, which students need to maintain their own level of health. Thus, conducting swimming classes as a sports and recreational complex has a pronounced health effect, which affects the power of the apparatus external respiration; in the development of the respiratory organs, in physical performance, in the adaptive capabilities of the body to the environment, that is, active work occurs immune system body, which is especially useful for the physical and mental activity of students of universities, colleges, lyceums and other higher educational institutions.


  1. Bazylyuk T.A., Kozina Zh.L., Beznes E.E., Koverya V.N. Application of game-oriented aqua fitness in physical education of female students // Physical education students. – 2010. – No. 6. – S. – 8 – 12
  2. Bulgakova N.Zh. Swimming: textbook. allowance. –M.: Physical culture and sport, 2001. - 400 p.
  3. Ganchar A.I. Garkusha S.V. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of swimming skills among different groups of the population in the process of physical education and sports, taking into account gender differences in students // Physical education of students. – 2012. – No. 3. – S. – 24 – 28.
  4. Ganchar A.I. Dynamics of indicators of swimming and physical fitness of marine cadets in the process of physical education and sports, taking into account gender differences // Physical education of students. – 2012. – No. 4. – S. – 37 – 41.
  5. Drogomeretsky V.V., Kondakov V.L., Gorelov A.A. The use of recreational swimming for the purpose of correcting disorders of the joint-ligamentous apparatus of students // Physical education of students. – 2013. – No. 5. – P. 46-54.
  6. McLeod Ian. The Anatomy of Swimming: An Illustrated Guide to Strength, Speed, and Endurance. – M.: POT-PURRI, 2010.200 – P.



Department of Labor and Organizational Psychology


Styles: butterfly (dolphin), back crawl


student of group IP-318

Ponomareva I.A.

Omsk 2010

1. Sources and driving forces of society…………………………………3

2. Butterfly (dolphin)…………………………………………………….5

3. Back crawl……………………………………………………….…….11

4. Errors in exercises, guidelines, exercises to correct errors………………………………………………………..

5. List of references……………………………………

Sources and driving forces of society

The formation of correct swimming skills is possible if the teacher, in the process of teaching schoolchildren to swim, most appropriately uses the laws of human interaction with the aquatic environment. In recent years, using objective research methods, experimental work has been carried out to determine effective ways improving techniques and methods of teaching swimming to children and adolescents. The results of these studies are used in this work. Nowadays, hardly anyone will deny that swimming is a vital skill, swimming is the most valuable sport physical exercise.

People knew how to swim well in ancient times. This helped them hunt, fish, escape from enemies or pursue them. IN Ancient Greece believed that an educated person is a person who can read, write and... swim. Figures of swimmers, carved on stones, depicted swimming men on ancient papyri and grooves, talk about the use of swimming in military affairs, labor, and everyday life approximately more than three thousand years BC. It is known from history that famous swimmers There were, for example, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, who competed in speed swimming more than 2000 years ago in Japan.

Competitive swimming originated at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries. In 1538, the first navigation manual by the Dane N. Vinman was published. The origin of competitive swimming in Russia dates back to the middle of the 19th century. First officially registered sports swimmers in history according to the “Rules for Swimmers’ Competitions for Special Prizes” were organized in the Engineering Corps of the Russian Army in the early 30s of the last century. In those years, special swimming teams were created in the First and Second Sapper Brigades of this corps. The cumulative experience was studied and summarized by one of the corps officers, L. Konkin. Later, in St. Petersburg, he published a special book “Swimming teams in combat units of engineering troops and teaching swimming to lower ranks.”

The first indoor swimming pool in Russia was built in 1891 in Moscow at the central baths. In Tsarist Russia, a very limited number of people were involved in competitive swimming. In 1890, the first competition was held in Europe, and a little later, in 1898, swimming was included in the program of the first Olympic Games of our time and has since been consistently included in the Olympic Games. Competitive swimming includes competitions at distances from 50 to 1500 meters. The following swimming styles are used in competitions: butterfly (dolphin), backstroke, breaststroke, front crawl (freestyle).

Butterfly (dolphin)

Let's consider one of these methods - butterfly (dolphin). Butterfly is one of forceful methods swimming.

Swimming in the dolphin way is characterized by simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the arms and legs, as well as wave-like movements of the body.

The dolphin ranks second in swimming speed (after front crawl). Its significance in applied swimming is small.

The dolphin is used in swimming competitions at distances of 100 and 200 m, in medley swimming at distances of 200 and 400 m (the first segment is 50 or 100 m) and at the third stage of the 4x100 m medley relay.

When swimming as a dolphin, there are several options for coordinating movements (one-impact, two-impact and three-impact coordination). The most common is the two-impact version. Each cycle of movements in this variation consists of one arm movement, two kicks, one inhalation and one exhalation.

The origin of this method began in 1935 and continued until 1950. Butterfly (dolphin) is a fundamentally new type of breaststroke - butterfly (from the English Butterfly - butterfly, because an athlete swimming butterfly resembled a giant butterfly from a distance). This method was demonstrated in competitions at a distance of 100 m breaststroke. The results shown exceeded the world record. The following was characteristic of it: the hand stroke is performed not in a horizontal, but in a vertical plane - from front to bottom and back. Then the arms were thrown out of the water, carried forward through the air for a new stroke, and the movements of both arms were simultaneously and symmetrical, which corresponded to the international rules of breaststroke swimming. The butterfly turned out to be much faster than the classic breaststroke.

The butterfly (dolphin) swimming method is used in competitions at distances of 50, 100, 200 m. It is also used in the 4X100 m medley relay at the third stage, in the first sections of the 200 and 400 m distances in medley swimming. Externally, the butterfly (dolphin) swimming method is distinguished by simultaneous symmetrical movements both from top to bottom, like a dolphin’s tail, and by hand strokes under water along the longitudinal axis of the body along a curvilinear trajectory, followed by carrying them under water.

Body position. When swimming as a dolphin, the swimmer's body is located on the surface of the water in an extended position. The head is placed face down in the water. Due to the wave-like movements of the torso and significant fluctuations in the vertical plane of the shoulder girdle, the angle of “attack” changes during one cycle within ±20°.

Leg movement. In the “dolphin” method, the legs perform continuous simultaneous movements from top to bottom and bottom to top. The swimmer's torso actively participates in these movements.

Preparatory movement(from bottom to top). The upward movement begins with straight leg extension hip joints with simultaneous bending of the torso in the lower back (backward) and lowering of the pelvis. To approximately a horizontal position, the legs move straight up and then bend in knee joints, making an angle between back surface hips and shins approximately 115-135°. During this movement, the feet turn inward, and the knees are spread apart to a width of 15-20 cm.

Labor movement (top to bottom) begins with sequential extension of the legs at the knee and ankle joints (at the end of the movement), simultaneous flexion legs in the hip joints (down) and torso in the lumbar part (up). Then the legs and feet quickly move down, and the lower back and pelvis approach the surface of the water.

Hand movements. When swimming as a dolphin, the cycle of hand movements consists of the following phases: the entry of the hands into the water and the inflow, the supporting part of the stroke, the main part of the stroke, the exit of the hands from the water, the movement (carrying) of the hands above the water.

Hands entering the water and influx. When the movement above the water is completed, straight but relaxed arms are lowered into the water approximately shoulder width apart in the following sequence: hand, forearm and shoulder. Then straight arms begin to move in the water in a forward and downward direction. The influx ends when the hands form an angle of 10-20 degrees with the surface of the water.

The supporting part of the stroke. This part of the stroke is characterized by the beginning of flexion of the arms at the elbow and wrist joints. The arms continue to move downward, with the hands approaching a perpendicular position relative to the direction of the swimmer's movement. The supporting part of the stroke ends when the angle between the surface of the water and the hands is 30°.

The main part of the stroke. Moving down and back, the arms continue to bend at the elbow joints, providing the hands with forward movement from front to back, at which the traction force becomes maximum.

During the stroke, the elbows move back and to the sides, and the cyst is shoulder-width apart or approaches a vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the body. To make it easier to lift your arms out of the water, in the final stage of the main part of the stroke you need to move your hands back and slightly to the sides from the body.

Hands coming out of the water. The arms rise from the water in the following sequence: shoulders, forearms and hands. In this case, the arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints.

Movement of hands over water. Almost straight arms simultaneously move over the water from the sides, without excessive tension, but with great speed. During the carry, the hands are turned with the back side to the water and only before entering the water they turn their palms down.

Breath. Shoulder girdle occupies the highest position at the end of the main phase of the arm stroke. At this moment, the head rises out of the water and the inhalation begins, which ends in the first half of carrying the hands above the water. Then the head descends face into the water, and the hands finish carrying it. After a short pause, exhalation begins and continues throughout the rest of the cycle.

General coordination of movements. Coordination of movements is carried out as follows. At the moment when the straight arms extended forward begin the inflow (the head is immersed face down in the water), the legs make the first downward blow, which ends approximately when the arms finish the inflow. Next, the arms perform the supporting and first third of the main part of the stroke, and the legs rise to the highest position. The second kick from top to bottom coincides with the execution of the remaining two-thirds of the main part of the stroke with the hands. The kick ends the moment the hands pass the line of the pelvis. When removing your hands from the water, carrying them over the water and entering the water, your legs rise a second time to the highest position. After this, the cycle of movements is repeated.

Moving your feet on land

1. I.p. - o.s.: right foot on toe. Stand sideways to the support. Capture right hand for support, left on the belt. Move your right leg back, pelvis forward, bend. Do not lift your feet off the floor.

2. I.p. - o.s.: hands up together. Simultaneous movements of the pelvis and abdomen back and forth. Bend your legs at the knees and hip joints. Bend as much as possible.

3. I.p. - Bend over, arms up on the support. Perform a squat, round your back with your arms on a support. Toes together, heels to the sides. The height of the support is up to chest level.

4. From a seated position, take a horizontal position on your hands by pushing your feet away from the support. Raise the pelvis up. You can focus on your hips.

Moving your feet in the water

1. I.p. - lying on your chest, grab the side at the water level with one hand, and support the side with the other at a depth of 30-50 cm. Move your pelvis up and down. Don't bend your knees.

In ex. 2 movements are the same as in exercise. 1, but bend your knees. Big toes together, heels out to the sides.

3. I.p. - a narrow grip on the side, arms straight, head lowered into the water up to the ears. Leg movements - dolphin.

4. Swimming with dolphin legs, hands at hips. The chin is pressed to the chest, the arms are relaxed. Perform the first movements in the water column, then on the surface.

5. Swimming with dolphin legs on your back with a board (pressed to your chest), look up, knees do not leave the water. In the upper position, the basin is at the surface of the water.

6. Swimming on the chest with dolphin legs, hold the board by the near edge with straight arms, head lowered into the water to ear level.

In ex. 7 and 8 - hold the board with one hand, the other at the hip, then vice versa.

9. Swimming on the chest with dolphin legs, arms up. Emphasize movements with the pelvis up. The bend angle at the knees is small. The chin is pressed to the chest. Perform by holding your breath.

In exercise 10; 11 - one hand at the top, the other at the hip, then vice versa.

Mastering movement on land and in water

1. I. p. - bent over, hands on the lower back, head back, inhale; head forward - exhale, chin pressed to the chest.

Ex. 2 is similar, but performed in water. The depth of the water is up to the level of the stomach. Lower your head into the water to ear level and open your eyes. The emphasis is on the strong end of the exhalation.

Hand movement on land and in water

1. I. p. - o. With. (facing the wall), dolphin hand movements. The brushes move along the wall. The distance to the wall is the length of the shoulder, between the hands - 10-20 cm.

2. I.p. - bend over, hands at hips, circular movements with hands forward. Then the movements of the arms are varied: forward (dolphin), the end of the stroke - with the hands at the hips. Maintain symmetrical hand movements.

Back crawl

But already at the Second Olympics in 1900 in Paris, they took into account that when swimming in various ways participants reach different speeds and allocated a distance of 200 meters high and low as a separate issue of the game program. During the first decade of the 20th century. in this method of swimming, athletes used the so-called inverted breaststroke. But as the crawl became established in freestyle swimming, some athletes who specialized in backstroke swimming tried to “flip” the crawl as well. Harry Hebner from the USA was the first to achieve success in backstroke swimming. At the V Olympics (Stockholm) in the 100-meter backstroke, he defeated all swimmers who used the backstroke breaststroke: including the world record holder in swimming for this distance, German Otto Faar. After this, Hebner's style received universal recognition and was used for a long time by all the strongest backstroke athletes. Radical improvements in the technique of stroke solutions with arms and legs were introduced into this method by multiple world athletes in backstroke, American swimmer Adolf Kiefer (1935-44) and swimmer from the GDR Rolland Matthes (1967-75).

The truly explosive growth in speed in backstroke allowed athletes to achieve outstanding results. But this is for athletes. In the meantime, the reader is faced with a more modest task - to learn how to swim the back crawl. To do this, first of all you need to get an idea of ​​​​the technique of swimming in this way.

The crawl on the back is characterized by alternating continuous movements of the arms and legs. Its main difference from other sports swimming methods is body position and breathing (exhalation is performed above the water). In terms of speed indicators, the back crawl ranks third after the front crawl and dolphin. In applied swimming, it is used to transport the victim, various cargoes and tow them through the water.

Body position. The swimmer’s body is located at the surface of the water and is in a well-streamlined, close to horizontal position (angle of “attack” 6-10°), the shoulders are slightly raised. The head lies on the water, the face is turned upward, and the chin is slightly lowered on the chest.

Leg movements. Just as in the front crawl, the legs when swimming the back crawl perform continuous alternating movements from top to bottom and bottom to top with an amplitude equal to approximately a third of the swimmer’s height. These movements provide the body with a stable horizontal position and maintain forward speed. The upward movement of the leg is called rowing (working), and the downward movement is called preparatory.

Preparatory movement (top to bottom). In the extreme upper position, the leg straightened at the knee joint with the relaxed foot turned inward is at the surface of the water and occupies a slightly inclined position relative to the body. The downward movement begins with straight leg extension at the hip joint. Having passed the horizontal position, the straight leg continues to move downwards, bending at the hip joint (backwards) to approximately an angle of 170°. Next, the leg begins to bend at the knee joint, while the lower leg and foot continue to move downward, and the thigh, extending at the hip joint, begins to move upward. When the angle between the front surface of the thigh and the torso (at the hip joint) is approximately 130-140°, the movement of the leg from top to bottom is considered complete.

Labor movement (from bottom to top). The upward movement begins with sequential extension of the leg at the knee and ankle joints(in the latter, extension occurs at the very end of the stroke), the leg continues to bend at the hip joint. At this moment, the thigh, lower leg and foot move upward. When the knee joint reaches the surface of the water, the thigh begins to move downward, ahead of the lower leg and foot, which continue to move upward. The advanced downward movement of the hip promotes rapid extension of the leg at the knee joint and thereby increases the speed of the sweeping movement of the foot up and back. As a result of this movement of the leg, the foot creates some traction force, which helps propel the swimmer forward. When the leg straightens at the knee joint, the working movement is considered complete.

Hand movements. The cycle of movements of one hand consists of the following phases: entry of the hand into the water and inflow, supporting part of the stroke, main part of the stroke, exit of the hand from the water, movement (carrying) of the hand above the water. There are two options for performing the arm stroke in the back crawl: the straight stroke and the bent arm stroke. The straight arm row is simpler, but less effective due to the short period of action of the maximum traction force.

Hand entry into the water and influx. At the moment the hand is inserted into the water, the body begins to rotate around the longitudinal axis in the direction of the hand that entered the water. In this regard, the straight arm falls down, forward and to the side. At the end of a very short surge, the arm begins to bend in elbow joint, and the brush moves to a position perpendicular to the direction of movement and begins to “grab” water. All this happens at a depth of no more than 15 cm.

The supporting part of the stroke. Continuing to move down and forward and to the side, the arm bends at the elbow joint to an angle of 160°; in this case, the elbow goes down, and the hand is located perpendicular to the direction of body movement, remaining above the elbow.

Main part of the stroke begins the moment the hand begins to move backward. Moving backward along the body, the arm continues to bend at the elbow joint, forming an angle between the shoulder and forearm of approximately 120° in the middle of the stroke. The hand remains near the surface of the water, and the elbow remains below the hand. In the second half of this phase, the arm gradually extends at the elbow joint and completes the main part of the stroke when the hand reaches the thigh. Throughout the entire main part of the stroke, the hand remains perpendicular to the direction of movement and is located at the surface of the water. The rotation of the body around the longitudinal axis by approximately 25-30° also contributes to the strengthening of the rowing movement.

Hand coming out of the water. By the time the hand moves in the water, when the hand is near the hip, the tension of the muscles taking part in the stroke stops. IN next moment The hand, forearm, and shoulder successively rise from the water and the hand begins to be carried above the water.

Movement of the hand over the water. Fast movement straight arm above the water is carried out in a plane passing through shoulder joint and located either vertically or at a certain angle (no more than 15°) outward. At the end of the carry, the palm also turns outward.

Breath. Despite the fact that in back crawl breathing does not depend on environmental conditions (inhalation and exhalation are performed over water), it should be continuous and rhythmic. Inhale through a wide open mouth while moving your hand above the water, and exhale while it moves in the water.

General coordination of movements. Coordination of movements with arms and legs is carried out as follows: when the right hand performs a surge, left leg makes a blow from bottom to top (at the same time the right one goes down); continuing the movement, the right hand performs the support and the beginning of the main part of the stroke, and the left leg moves down (at the same time the right one makes an upward kick); then the right hand performs the main part of the stroke, and the left leg again strikes from the bottom up (the right leg moves down). The coordination of the rowing movement of the left hand with the movements of the legs occurs in the same sequence.

Starts and turns. When swimming on your back, unlike other methods, the start is done from the water. After a preliminary command to “take your places” or an appropriate signal, the swimmer lowers into the water, grabs the handrails on top of the starting table with straight arms shoulder-width apart, bending his legs, and firmly rests the front of his foot on the side of the pool below the water level (according to the competition rules). After the “start” command, the swimmer pulls himself up to the handrails, bending his elbows, takes a stationary position and immediately on the “march” command or other signal, waves his arms and pushes with both legs from the side, which allows him to make a short flight low above the water, enter water and after a short slide under water - up to 15 m - begin to perform crawl movements on the back. Turns when swimming backstroke should ensure continuity of swimming and can be either closed or open. The main condition of the latest competition rules when turning is that before touching the turning board it is allowed to turn from adopted provision on your back, and also perform only rotational movements. In addition, you can touch the rotary shield with any part of the body, not necessarily with your hand.

Foot movements on land

I.p. - sitting on the front edge of the bench, grab the bench with your hands from behind. Alternating movements of the legs from top to bottom (crawl), toes pulled out, big toes touching each other. Do not bend your knees, the range of movement of the legs is 40-60 cm. Perform the exercise while sitting on the floor.

I.p. - lying on your back on a bench with your pelvis supported and your forearms resting on the floor. Crawl leg movements. Socks inward, change the pace and amplitude of leg movements.

Foot movements in the water

1. I.p. - lying on your back, with your hands reverse grip over the side, resting on it. Crawl leg movements. The basin is 10-30 cm from the surface of the water. Throw the water up with your feet.

Leg movements with a swim board

1. I.p. - lie on your back, press the board to your chest. Crawl leg movements. In ex. 2 hold the board behind your head. In ex. 3 Hold the board with straight arms at the top. Ex. 4, 5 are performed holding the board with one hand, the other at the top and vice versa. In ex. 6, 7 hold the board with one hand, the other at the hip and vice versa. In all exercises, crawl leg movements, pelvis at the surface of the water, chin pressed to the chest, leg movements from the hips.

Leg movements without a swim board

The same exercises as with the board, but without it.

Hand movements on land and in water

Ex. 1. I.p. - legs apart. Circular movements back with one hand, then with the other. In ex. 2, 3, respectively, perform alternating and alternating circular movements of the arms back.

Ex. 4. Water level up to waist level. Half squat inclined on the right leg, left on the toe, circular movement with the right hand, left at the hip. In ex. 5 perform alternating circular movements backwards, making sure that the hands turn outward. Bend your elbows to 900, chin pressed to your chest.

Ex. 6, 7. Exercises are performed similarly to 4, 5, but moving backwards. Active repulsion from the water with the brush. End the stroke with the hand at the hip. Arm forward straight.

Studying breathing and coordinating hand movements and breathing on land and in water

1. When studying breathing preparatory exercises are performed with the aim of mastering rapid inhalation and maximum complete exhalation. The movements in these exercises are performed with an accentuated inhalation at the moment of an arcuate movement of one arm up and exhalation at the moment of bringing the hand of the same arm to the thigh.

Coordination of arm, leg and breathing movements

1. Swimming on the back with crawl movements of the legs and crawl movement with one arm, the other at the hip, then movement with the other arm, the second at the hip. In ex. 3 hand crawl movements, alternating with a stop at the bottom, and in the exercise. 4 alternating hand movements. The hand enters the water exactly at the top, the hand is turned with the thumb up.

Ex. 5-8. Swimming on the back with crawl movements of the legs and crawl movement of one arm, the other at the top, then movement with the other arm: the second at the top. In ex. 6 hand crawl movements alternate with a stop at the top, and in exercise. 7 alternate hand movements. After 3-4 cycles, stop them at the top and move only with your legs. Initial execution of the exercise. 1-8 with free breathing. After mastering the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, these exercises are performed with an emphasis on the end of the exhalation, performed at the end of the stroke of one of the arms.

In the process of learning to swim, it is necessary to constantly monitor the mastery of the technique of performing exercises, for which it is necessary to take into account certain features in the control methodology, which include:

- the technique of movements at the first stage of training (unlearning) should not be too detailed.

 the main sources of information for performing exercises are the teacher’s word and one’s own visual control.

- to facilitate self-control, it is necessary to introduce visual orientations at the most important moments of the motor act.

- comparative tasks, which should provide an opportunity to compare correct and incorrect execution of exercises.

Errors in exercises, guidelines, error correction exercises



Correction exercises

Flexion at the hip joints and lowering the pelvis down (as a result, the swimmer sits rather than lies on the water)

Raise your stomach higher, do not sit, but lie on the water. Keep track of the right starting position

Standing at a distance, arms along the body, squat, push off, lie on your back, then perform movements with your legs

Bending the legs at the knee joints, toes pointed (no foam trace on the surface)

Legs should be straight, toes like a ballerina's. Sharply straighten your knees as if hitting a ball

Lying on your back, grab the fence track with your hands - move your legs in a back crawl to the command

Row with one hand and carry with the other hand

are not produced simultaneously

Change hands at the same time. Remove your hand from the water using shoulder movements

Swimming on the back with the command to move the legs, one hand in front, the other at the hip, change the position of the hands, make a stroke with one hand, then simultaneously carry the other. Continue moving your legs and change your arm movements again

Narrow insertion of hands into the water along the longitudinal axis of the body

Focus on execution circular movements hands

Backstroke swimming with water hold

Short arm stroke

Finish the stroke with your hands

at the hips. Keep your arms tense and stretch forward in the direction of movement

Swimming on your back using the movement of your legs, one hand at the hip, the other in front

Rocking the shoulders, the arm moves away from the body during the stroke.

Tighten your palm, do not lower your elbow during the stroke, do not lift your shoulders

Hand holding and breathing exercises

Inhalation delay, incomplete exhalation through the nose

Inhalation is performed only at the end of the stroke, when the hand is at the hip

Simulation exercises on land and in water

Raising your head above the water

Press your head to your chest

Full coordination backstroke

Experts emphasize that the basis for initial swimming training for adults should be modern swimming techniques. Therefore, it cannot be considered advisable to begin learning swimming by studying the technique of leg movement, but to master it more fully and naturally by moving the arms in a back crawl, studying the trajectory of the arm stroke. As the experience of practical work at the university shows, there are sufficient opportunities to develop swimming skills among students.

List of used literature

1. Vankova Zh.S. The evolution of backstroke swimming. “Swimming.” - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1975. Vol. 2. pp. 12-16.

2. Volesov V.I. Accelerated swimming training for young people. "Swimming". M.: Physical education and sport, 1986.- P.50-54.

3. Makarenko L.P. Learn to float on your back. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984.- 31 p.

4. Melnikova O.A., Malakhovskaya N.I. Methods of accelerated swimming training for students: Methodological recommendations. – Omsk – 2003. – 19 p.

5. Farafonov M.S. Backstroke. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984. - 49 p.

Shokina Sofia

The work is aimed at developing a positive attitude towards swimming in students.



Scientific and practical conference

“Your first steps into science”


"Swimming is my favorite sport"

Completed the work

Student 3 "B" class

Municipal educational institution "National (Tatar) gymnasium"

Shokina Sofia

Scientific supervisor

Tugusheva R.R.

Saratov, 2014

1. Introduction

2. Main part

a) The history of swimming

b) Swimming like olympic event sports

c) Basic rules, styles, benefits of swimming

D) Interesting facts

f) My research (questionnaire)



5. Applications


I decided to choose this topic because it is very close and interesting to me. There are several athletes in my family: my grandfather is a skier, my father is a master of sports in fencing. Therefore, I decided to continue the family sports tradition - I took up swimming. I learned to swim at the age of 7 on the Black Sea. At the age of 8 I went to the pool and firmly decided to become an athlete. In my work I want to talk about the benefits, history, styles, interesting facts this sport. And thereby interest and attract students to swimming.

Swimming is a sport that involves swimming in the least amount of time.time for different distances.

Swimming is very important for a person. They improve metabolism and blood circulation, strengthen the heart, blood vessels and lungs, develop muscles, get rid of many diseases, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, make a person slimmer and more beautiful, help us to always be active, productive, and maintain an interest in life until the end of our days. .

Objectives of the study:

Explore and explore one of the most popular types sport - swimming. WITHto form in students a positive attitude towards swimming, acquiring the skill of reliable and long-term swimming in deep water.

Project objectives:

  1. during the research, collect the maximum amount of information on this topic, form ideas about the formation and emergence of swimming.
  2. prepare and conduct a survey
  1. Based on the survey I conducted, draw conclusions, show and tell how swimming and sports in general influence the upbringing and development of the younger generation.

The implementation of this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

  1. To develop motivation among students to fulfill the requirements of the program in a high-quality manner.
  2. Strengthen the health of students, develop and improve physical qualities throughout all years of schooling.
  3. To teach students the technique of two or three methods of sports swimming, to improve a variety of swimming skills.
  4. To develop coordination and conditioning (mainly endurance) abilities in students.
  5. Promote the development of moral and volitional qualities.

Research hypothesis:

Swimming is not only a pleasure, but also a way of life for a person.

Main part

History of swimming.

Since his appearance on Earth, man has always been associated with water. It's in the valleys big rivers- Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Yellow River and Yangtze, Indus and Ganges - human civilization was born. Water was of great importance in the life of primitive people, which was the reason for the deification of this element, which instilled in man, who was still weak in the struggle with nature, a feeling of admiration and fear. The cult of water has existed among almost all peoples since ancient times. One of the main Olympic gods, the ruler of the seas among the ancient Greeks was Poseidon. Much later (III century BC), among the ancient Romans he began to be identified with Neptune.

The fact that the ancient Greeks attached great importance to the ability to swim is also evidenced by Plato’s famous saying: “Can people who are the opposite of wise, who do not know how to swim and do not know how to read, be entrusted with service?” In Athens, a person who could not swim was considered defective. The extreme degree of human lack of culture was expressed by the saying “He can neither swim nor read”

The first swimming competitions were of a clearly applied nature. An example is the mass competitions of the ancient Slavs on the Pochaina River, a tributary of the Dnieper, where the best swimmers and divers gathered. They all jumped into the river at the same time and had to catch fish with their hands for a certain time. The one who managed to catch the largest fish was declared the winner and received a silk fishing net as a gift.

In 1890, the European Swimming Championship was held for the first time, and in 1896 it was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games.

In 1889 the first international competitions swimming competition with the participation of swimmers from Hungary, Austria, Germany and Sweden. In 1896, swimming was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games, which had a great influence on its further development.

Swimming as an Olympic sport

P swimming has been known to man since ancient times. While hunting and fishing, fleeing from enemies, primitive man swam over water barriers.

At the end of the 19th century, when the construction of artificial swimming pools began, competitive swimming has gained wide popularity in various countries of the world. This was reflected in the inclusion of swimming competitions in the program of the first modern Olympic Games, held in 1896 in Athens, and since then this sport has been invariably included in the program of all Olympic Games.Women began to take part in Olympic swimming competitions in 1912.

Participants of the first Olympic competitions They swam mainly using the breaststroke method and the side-stroke method without taking their hands out of the water. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new style of swimming appeared, which turned out to be the most advanced and fastest of all. known to man swimming methods. It outwardly resembled the movements of a crawling person and therefore received the name “crawl”. This word translated from English means “to crawl.” This style of swimming was first demonstrated by Alain Wickham, who was born on the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean and learned to swim this way from the locals. Subsequently, the original technique of crawl and freestyle swimming - the so-called two-stroke crawl, in which one leg movement is required per stroke of each arm - was repeatedly improved.

Currently, the following styles are also used at the Olympic Games:



Pool length at Olympic Games 50 m, depth over the entire area - 3 m. All tracks are marked with lines and numbered from 1 to 8. The water temperature during the competition must be from 25 ° C to 27 ° C.

Basic rules

There are several basic rules of swimming:

1. You should swim with an empty stomach. The water exerts strong pressure on the entire abdominal cavity. To avoid problems, it is better not to eat 2 hours before classes. An hour after training, you can have a light snack (fruit, yogurt). Best time for load the period is between 16 -19 hours.

2. You should swim in a bathing suit that fits tightly to your body.

3. A rubber cap is worn on the head to protect the hair roots from being loosened by water flows. Therefore, hair must be carefully hidden.

4 .In the pool there can be such a nuisance as fungus. Therefore, under no circumstances should you walk barefoot in the pool, shower, or sauna. Experts advise lubricating your feet with antifungal cream.

5 .Before diving into the pool, you need to take a warm shower. It will replace a light warm-up before swimming, under the skin that begins to be affected hot water from the shower, activates blood circulation, muscles warm up. If you immediately jump into the water without warming up, there is a high probability that the muscles of the lower leg may cramp; this is not only painful, but also dangerous.

6. To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you should exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week. You need to swim without stopping for 40 minutes.

Each swimming style gives good load on the muscles. The champion in energy consumption is the rabbit. Breaststroke is a little behind, but it trains the respiratory system perfectly. Here's a secret: SWIMMING WILL BE BENEFITABLE IF YOU ENJOY IT. A person who swims regularly protects himself from all diseases

Swimming styles


Front crawl is characterized by alternating and symmetrical movements of the arms and legs. This is the fastest sporty way swimming and the most popular. Swims of master crawlers, especially on short distances, always look with great interest. The popularity of the front crawl is also explained by the fact that it is mainly used in water polo, figure swimming and swimming in ponds.


This method of swimming was known back in ancient times. In some instructions of the last century, this method was called “frog swimming.” Breaststroke is easier than other methods, to swim with clothes on, to transport any objects on the surface of the water, and to navigate in the direction of movement. It is economical and easier for most people to learn.

Butterfly (eng. Butterfly) is the most tiring and technically difficult swimming style, the second fastest after crawl.

The butterfly stroke is characterized by simultaneous symmetrical movements of the arms and legs, as well as undulating movements of the torso, which assist the movements of the arms and enhance the work of the legs. Individual elements of the technique of this method of swimming (movement of the arms and legs) are not much different from the front crawl technique.
At the Olympics from 1935 to 1953, breaststroke and butterfly proponents competed together. Jimmy Higgins was the first to demonstrate it. In 1953, butterfly became an independent swimming style; synchronized up-and-down movement of the legs was allowed at the same time (instead of alternating). This is how a high-speed variety of butterfly appeared - “dolphin”, in which the athlete makes a wave-like movement with his whole body.
In terms of swimming speed, the butterfly takes second place (after the front crawl).

The benefits of swimming

The therapeutic effects of swimming on the body are noted by many experts. It has a beneficial effect on the main indicators of human physical development:

Height, weight
- is an excellent means of preventing and correcting postural disorders, scoliosis, flat feet
- strengthening cardiovascular and nervous system

Slide captions:

The work was completed by S.V. Shokina, a student of grade 3 “B” of the Municipal Educational Institution “National (Tatar) Gymnasium”. Scientific supervisor Tugusheva R.R. Swimming is my favorite sport

Objectives of the study: Research and study one of the most popular sports - swimming. To develop in students a positive attitude towards swimming, acquiring the skill of reliable and long-term swimming in deep water.

Research hypothesis: Swimming is not only pleasure, but also a way of life for a person

Introduction Swimming is a sport that involves swimming to cover various distances in the least amount of time.

History of swimming Ancient pools

In 1889 The first international swimming competitions took place in Budapest with the participation of swimmers from Hungary, Austria, Germany and Sweden.

Swimming as an Olympic sport Swimming competitions were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.

Participants in the first Olympic competitions swam primarily using the breaststroke method. Currently, the following styles are also used in the games: “Backstroke” “Butterfly” The length of the pool at the Olympic Games is 50 m, the depth over the entire area is 3 m.

Basic rules 1. You should swim with an empty stomach. 2. You should swim in a bathing suit that fits tightly to your body. 3. A rubber cap is put on the head to protect the hair roots from being loosened by water flows. Therefore, hair must be carefully hidden. 4. In the pool, a nuisance such as fungus can lurk 5. Before diving into the pool, you need to take a warm shower 6. To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you should exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week. You need to swim without stopping for 40 minutes.

Swimming styles CRAWL This is the fastest sports swimming method and the most popular.

Breaststroke This method is also called “frog swimming”.

Butterfly Butterfly is the most tiring and technically difficult swimming style. In terms of swimming speed, the butterfly takes second place (after the front crawl).

The benefits of swimming - correction of postural disorders, scoliosis, flat feet - strengthening of the cardiovascular and nervous system - development of the respiratory apparatus and muscular system

Interesting facts A person feels 90% lighter in water. A newborn can be taught to swim as early as the third week. Swimming is the second sport after skiing that trains all major muscle groups. Even if you stand in water at a temperature of +20 degrees for a minute, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. .


Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that swimming is not only pleasure and great benefits, but also a way of life for a person. I recommend to everyone: take up swimming!

Thank you for your attention!