Sports and tourism these competitions. Sports tourism

Currently, tourism is an area of ​​human life that allows him to satisfy various needs - for recreation, communication, knowledge, new experiences, etc. The first level of motives that motivate a person to travel is physical motivation, which is aimed at restoring the body and soul, health goals, pleasure and sports.

This is largely determined by the rapid rhythm and high level stress in the life of a modern person, which increasingly stimulates him to actively spend his free time. These factors largely explain the growth in popularity active species tourism. One of the types of active tourism is sports tourism, which, on the one hand, satisfies a person’s need for sports ( active tourism), and on the other hand, the need for involvement in sports competitions when a tourist travels to attend sporting events at which he enjoys as a fan (passive tourism).

It should be noted that today sports tourism is an underdeveloped, but nevertheless promising area of ​​tourism both in Russia as a whole and in its individual regions.

Currently, there are about 400 centers and stations operating in Russia young tourists, tourist centers, as well as many tourism departments and creative centers for children and youth, according to state statistics in 28 thousand united institutions additional education About 425 thousand students are studying. More than 1.6 million children take part in hikes every year. Up to 3 million people are involved in sports tourism in Russia. The development of sports tourism in Russia is carried out by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia and its technical committee - the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia, which unites more than 70 collective members, constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Hiking trips vary in duration, distance, modes of transportation and complexity of the route. For the fulfillment of certain standards, a participant in a sports tourism trip is assigned ranks and titles in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Sports Classification approved by the State Sports Committee. Hiking trips are divided into types according to certain classification criteria. According to the form of the event, there are walks, hikes, trips, rallies, competitions, and expeditions. Based on territorial characteristics, it is customary to distinguish between local (for example, within one administrative district) and long-distance trips. According to the method of travel and type of route, tourist trips are divided into walking, skiing, mountain, water, speleological, cycling, motorcycle, and combined automobile trips.

Hiking- most often the first type from which the passion for tourism begins, the easiest and most accessible, the organization of which is not very difficult. A group of average fitness (4 - 12) people can walk 25-30 km per day. The weight of the backpack depends on the duration and distance from populated areas. In 2-3-day hikes it is 12-15 kg for men, 6-10 for women. In category categories, at the beginning of the route, the weight of the backpack can reach 25-30 kg for men, 15-20 for women. Travel time is 5-6 hours, usually from 9.00 and 16.00; in hot weather it is recommended to use the morning and evening hours.

Specifics ski tourism places high demands on special, physical and volitional training. Skis should be wider than usual, with various rigid bindings, allowing you to put shoe covers on your feet to protect them from snow and cold. For overnight stays, double-walled tents, camping stoves, warm sleeping bags (down) and suits are used. An open area requires an emergency supply of fuel (firewood, dry alcohol, primus stoves) in case of a forced stop (weather, illness, short daylight hours, frost, heavy cover, change of route, etc.). A special repair kit is also required. Due to additional warm clothes and food, the backpack tourist-skier 15-20% heavier. In addition, when crossing, you must carry a thermos with hot tea and broth. Setting up a tent, lighting a fire, and cooking in the snow and low temperatures poses its own challenges. The group must be at least 10-12 people.

Mountain tourism- a type of hiking or skiing trip, but due to specific mountain conditions it is distinguished as an independent type.

Water tourism is one of the most popular types tourism is usually organized using watercraft (kayak catamarans, rafts). The peculiarity is that most of the time is spent on the water, and there is no need to carry the load on yourself. This means you can take more equipment, food, and personal belongings. Water trips Usually they pass along rivers and lakes, of varying complexity, using various life-saving equipment (vests, air tanks). Things and products must be in impenetrable shells and securely attached to the craft. A repair kit for the watercraft is required.

Bicycle tourism has a number of advantages, it is especially important that the speed of movement is 5-6 times higher and equipment with food does not need to be carried on your shoulders. This event most often involves trained people who have mastered riding techniques and are familiar with the rules of movement and the structure of a bicycle. Typically used for tourism, travel or mountain bikes. The role of competent management of the tour and compliance with safety standards by the participants is very important. A repair kit, first aid kit and bicycle spare parts are also required.

According to the construction of the route, hikes are differentiated into linear, circular and radial. Linear routes pass through several (at least two) geographical points or tourist sites (bases), and the starting and ending points of such a route do not coincide and are located at a certain distance from each other. Circular tourist routes pass through a number of geographical points or tourist sites, while the starting and ending points of the route coincide. Radial routes involve tourists staying at one tourist site for the entire duration of the hiking program, which does not exclude their participation in multi-day tourist trips with overnight stays outside the tourist site. Depending on the duration, there are weekend hikes and multi-day hikes. Depending on the operating time, tourist trips can be year-round or seasonal. Based on organizational duration, we can distinguish trips organized by travel companies, stations for young tourists, tourist clubs and sections. According to the age composition, travelers are divided as follows: children, youth, middle-aged people, elderly people.

Goals of the trip

“Why are we going on a hike?” - everyone should ask themselves this question: both you and your friend who is planning to go with you, since the purpose of the hike determines a lot: the composition of the group, equipment, route.

Unfortunately, it happens that an inexperienced tourist group goes on a hike without thinking through the route. Such a hike will not bring pleasure, because picturesque corners of nature may be left aside, and you will not be able to swim in the river due to the difficult approach to it. This happens to those who set out on a journey according to the principle: “We go wherever our eyes lead us.” The success of every expedition depends on how well it is prepared.

A hike is the same expedition. This means that without preparation it cannot take place. First of all, determine the purpose of the trip. Goals - and therefore campaigns - are different: . recreational (walks in the forest, in the mountains, along the river); . educational, excursion (acquaintance with republics, cities, museums, historical monuments, protected areas, etc.); . military-patriotic (studying the combat path of famous military formations, meetings with participants in the civil and Great Patriotic Wars, collecting materials about fellow countrymen-heroes); . historical and local history (such trips help to replenish the exhibitions of local museums, collect information on the history of a school, village, town, city); . environmental protection (installation of bird and animal feeders, cleaning of river banks, forests and other public places from debris); . educational (beginners master basic tourism skills); . sports (participants of the hike compete, fulfilling the standards approved by the Council of the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia).

Purpose of travel may be associated with the fulfillment of any public assignments (conduct biological observations, compile a geological collection, collect useful plants, medicinal herbs, examine the condition of cultural and historical monuments, small rivers, etc.). You shouldn't set too many goals, it's better to choose one. If there are several of them, select the main one. Consider the rest as companions. If you manage to implement them - good, if not - it doesn’t matter. Save for another trip. Beginners should not set any goals other than educational ones. The purpose of each trip must be indicated in the waybill and known to all participants. Let everyone, after thinking, decide for himself whether he should go on such a hike or not. Its organization also depends on the purpose of the trip. For example, in a sports trip, responsibilities are distributed so that everyone does what he does best; in education it’s the other way around: it’s better for everyone to do what they’re currently not good at in order to learn and acquire skills.

Route selection and development

Beginning tourists often have a desire to immediately go on a trip “across the three seas.” It seems to many that there is some kind of miracle land where everything is much more interesting than where they live. However, first of all, it is necessary to get to know your native places and you should start by traveling in the vicinity of your city or village. Don’t get carried away with the big kilometers right away. It often happens that the less you walk, the more you learn, see and have a better rest. Choosing a route is the most important stage of preparing for a hike. Look at literature that talks about the area's geography and history. Maps of the surrounding areas of a city or region can be found in libraries or local history museums. It can be helpful to talk to people who know the area. In any case, try to choose a route that passes through picturesque places. To avoid monotony, do not return to the house the same way you came. For beginners, it is better to use routes already known and taken by someone else. Don’t let it bother you that someone has already passed them. This won't make them any less interesting. Most often, routes are designed according to the circular principle. In the vicinity of large cities, where railways and highways diverge from the city in radii, you can start the route from the railway station of one line and end it at the station of another line.

For walking routes, it is more advisable to choose small country roads and paths. Large highways are not only dangerous, but also harmful: dust and exhaust gases from cars will not improve the health and will not bring pleasure to the participants of the trip. When looking through maps and diagrams, you should note places convenient for making halts, forest areas where you need to follow the compass, various natural obstacles - ravines, swamps, thickets, and the like. Find out everything about local transport, settlements, roads, trails, forests. Don't forget to ask about shops, eateries, bakeries. Be sure to contact the forestry department and inform them about the upcoming hike. They will help you clarify the route so as not to damage nature along the way, and they will suggest convenient stopping places. If your route passes through nature reserves, you will be given a special permit, without which you cannot collect medicinal plants here or prepare firewood for a fire. Make a travel schedule: break down the route by day, determine the distances of daily marches, tentatively mark parking areas and replenishment of supplies.

Experienced tourists are advised to draw a route diagram - a visual illustration of the movement schedule - and it will accurately show the entire route of the group. When planning your route, you need to accurately set the departure and return times in order to have time to rest after the hike. The norm for beginner tourists is 10-15 km per day. More experienced tourists can walk 25 km a day. Determine the task of what you will have time to do on the hike, based on the duration of the walk: take into account the time it will take to inspect interesting places, stops and rests, swimming, games, etc. It is advisable that all participants in the hike be involved in developing and discussing the route. If the route is developed by one manager or preparatory group, it is necessary to inform everyone of detailed information about the upcoming trip. You should register your hike well before going out. If it takes no more than five days, it is enough to register with your educational institution (university, school, health camp). If the route is designed for a longer time, you need to register with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with a tourist organization: in a club or at a station for young tourists.

Recruitment of tourist groups

Group recruitment important point in the work of its leader. The success of the route largely depends on the size of the group, the social and age composition of its participants. The cohesion of the group, its organization, and the effectiveness of its management depend on the optimal combination of the listed characteristics. However, the leader of a tourist group must be ready to work with any contingent, gently but persistently and consistently form the behavior skills of tourists. For the campaign to go well, the team must be homogeneous in strength and interests. The participation of too many people quickly reveals differences in tastes and their physical training. Some are active, they want to see more, others are attracted to long stops; some walk fast, others walk slowly.

Therefore, the maximum number of travel participants is no more than 25-30 people. However, if a lot of guys have signed up, you shouldn’t worry: during the preparation process, some of them will drop out for various reasons (the parents won’t let one, the other will change his mind). Good guys on a hike are those who don’t shake off unnecessary worries, who won’t refuse to carry the backpack of a sick comrade, who don’t save, who won’t abandon in trouble, with whom, as experienced soldiers say, you can safely go on reconnaissance. Therefore, before going, discuss and approve everyone. At the same time, take into account his interests and inclinations. For example, if you are planning a local history trip, then you really need guys who have tracker skills, members of a historical circle or museum section. There should never be any “passengers” on the trip. Each has a specific task, each has certain responsibilities.

The task of the leader of a tourist group is to unite people of different ages, education, social status into a single friendly team: pensioners and students, newlyweds and elderly spouses, workers and businessmen; for this he should study the socio-psychological characteristics of each tourist. In addition, the group leader must: . be able to smooth out and (or) eliminate conflicts that arise both within the group and outside it as much as possible; . take measures to unite the group’s team; . identify informal leaders within the group who can (or cannot, or do not want, i.e. resist) help the group leader in his work, and if there is “opposition”, find ways to neutralize it. The motivation for recruiting tourists into groups can be very different, for example, based on common interests.

Thus, skiers, mushroom pickers, and fishing enthusiasts, as a rule, use weekends, vacations, and holidays for travel. It is better to organize the travel of such groups of people by buses, on local and suburban trains, as well as on sea and river vessels. Groups of tourists can be united by one profession or occupation. For students and schoolchildren, these trips serve as a form of study and practice, providing an opportunity to see much of what they study in geography, local history, zoology, botany, and history lessons. In addition, when forming groups, one should take into account not only the common interests of its members, but also the time convenient for the trip. For schoolchildren and students, this is vacation; for most workers, it is vacation time.

The effectiveness of organizing and conducting a hike largely depends on the size of the group. If the group is small, it is more difficult to organize the passage of difficult sections of the route, arrange a place to stay for the night, and, if necessary, provide assistance to the victim and his transportation. An excessively large group is difficult to manage, especially on challenging hikes. Finally, large groups of tourists cause significant damage to the environment. Practice shows that the optimal size of a tourist group on a hike ranges from 6 to 10 people, and for a tourist group taking part in a weekend hike, non-category hike or trip, it should be no less than four and no more than 50 people. The rules for conducting tourist sports hikes establish a minimum composition of participants: in hikes of lower categories of difficulty - from 2 to 4 people; in groups of tourists - schoolchildren - 8 people, excluding ski and mountain groups.

Depending on the age group and difficulty of the hike maximum quantity participants can range from 12 to 30 people. Requirements for leaders and participants of tourist and sports trips are made depending on the category of complexity of the route. When forming a tourist group to travel along category routes, it is necessary to take into account the experience of participation in trips of the instructor leader, quantitative composition groups and the minimum age of participants. Participants in category hikes and trips for all types of tourism must be able to swim and know the rules for rescuing drowning people, and tourists traveling in winter and during the off-season must have experience in organizing field overnight stays. Participants in category hikes and trips must have special knowledge and skills, as well as have relevant experience in participating in certain types of hikes and trips (water, mountain, ski, etc.).

Appropriate preparation is provided by the organization conducting the hike or trip. At the time of recruiting a tourist group or at the beginning of the trip, the leader can select assistants from the most active and disciplined tourists, find out if there is a medical worker (doctor, nurse) among the tourists. Each tourist on the route performs one or another social work in accordance with his abilities and desires. The route leader thinks through proposals for the distribution of responsibilities and expresses them at the organizational meeting of the group. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and abilities of everyone.

In a tourist group there are usually several main public “positions”:

. headman- first assistant instructor. This is usually the most experienced or most reputable tourist. He participates in all organizational activities for preparing the route, monitors the well-being of all group members, and regulates their workload on the route. On a hike, as directed by the instructor, he is usually either leading or trailing. In addition, the headman assists the leader in organizing tourists, maintaining discipline and order in the group, and in some cases replaces the absent leader of the tourist group;

. equipment manager is responsible for receiving and proper use of public equipment, distributing it among the participants of the hike. Monitors the condition of the equipment, manages all repair work, and at the end of the trip, hands over everything to the tourist club or rental point;

. food manager must be an energetic, efficient and careful tourist. He organizes the receipt of the required quantity of products and their packaging. It also distributes the entire stock of transferred products among the participants. On the route, he keeps records of the consumption of food in accordance with the daily layout, and daily redistributes the remaining food among tourists. Issues food to those on duty. Usually 2-3 people are assigned to help him;

. treasurer draws up estimates, makes all cash payments, keeps strict records of expenses, collects and files documents for reporting - transport tickets, receipts, copies of sales receipts; . sports organizer conducts morning exercises, organizes sports games and competitions at rest stops. Stores and is responsible for sports equipment;

. orderly is responsible for maintaining the daily routine, the sanitary condition of tourists, storing and replenishing the first aid kit, and dispensing medications. He cares about the quality of products, compliance drinking regime. He also provides first aid; . the cultural organizer prepares and organizes entertainment and cultural programs, singing songs around the fire and other events;

. photographer takes pictures of all the interesting moments of the trip, prepares photographs for the report;

. chronicler writes travel notes, compiles a trip report. Depending on the goals of the trip, participants may have other “positions”, for example, a mechanic, local historian, topographer, meteorologist responsible for collecting herbariums, medicinal herbs, mineral collections, etc. Depending on the needs of the group, the same duties can be performed by several tourists. All participants take turns on duty.

Sports tourism is a combination of relaxation and physical activity; Such events are chosen by people who prefer active recreation, love nature and close company, and cannot sit in one place. This type of travel involves organizing and conducting group events related to skiing, rafting and hiking, including in the mountains. The main task of tourists is to overcome natural obstacles and fight the elements.

Ski tourism develops in the territory of the former CIS countries, since it is in these areas that snow lies for a long time. What is special about this type of sports travel? A group of people gathers and is equipped with everything necessary equipment, which includes touring skis, thermal underwear, tent, sleeping bag, portable stove. Shoe covers are put on boots to protect them from snow, and woolen socks are a must. This excursion takes place in the mountains, natural obstacles are conquered, the group climbs up and down slopes, tourists can be on the move in frost reaching -40°C. This type of travel refers to ecological holidays. Of course, such tours across Russia are the most common - in the Urals, Siberia, Altai, on the Kola Peninsula.

Walking sports tourism, or trekking, is one of the most popular types of ecological recreation in the world. The route is determined in advance, which can be of varying length and complexity. Moreover, in order to participate in a hike of high difficulty, a tourist must pass tests of lower difficulty categories. Trekking tours can be organized at almost any resort. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of the country and have fun. Such trips take place both during the peak tourist season in the country, and during the low season and even during the rainy season. You can do trekking on site Russia and during holidays in other countries - , Nepal, in etc.

Water tourism- This is, first of all, rafting, that is, rafting down the river on boats or rafts. The main task of the participants in such a journey is to overcome the rapids of the river and cope with the current. Professionals of this sport can take part in rafting, but resorts often organize rafting trips for beginners. In this case, all necessary safety equipment is provided - helmets and a life jacket, beginners are instructed, and throughout the trip, rafting professionals accompany the beginners and provide assistance to them. You can engage in this type of sports tourism in Turkey, Russia (Karelia, Altai, etc.), Bali, Greece, Crimea etc.

Special variety - mountain sports tourism. It is reminiscent of trekking in that a group of people gathers and moves along a certain route, but in this case the road chosen is through mountainous terrain. When overcoming obstacles, travel participants use rock climbing techniques, but the main thing for a climber is to conquer the peak, which is why they climb very high mountains. In this situation, the main thing is to overcome a natural obstacle: go through a pass, climb a mountain, etc.

This type of sports tourism is common in Russia (Altai, Ural, etc.), Switzerland etc.

  • Skopa Vitaly Alexandrovich, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, Professor
  • Altai State Pedagogical University
  • REST

The article discusses sports tourism, its essence and organizational features. Various interpretations and understandings of sports tourism are analyzed. The essence of sports tourism lies in the fact that in this type of tourism it is not just active motor activity that is manifested, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities of a participant in a sports tour. Sports tourism involves independently overcoming large geographical distances and difficult obstacles. The features of sports tourism are separately identified and their analysis is given.

  • Pilgrimage tourism and its place in the system of tourism activities
  • History of the development of sports tourism in Russia and abroad
  • Current state and prospects for the development of sports tourism in the Altai Territory
  • Theoretical foundations for the formation of a tourist cluster

Everyone knows what skiing in winter, rafting on mountain rivers, cycling and motorcycle trips are, but not everyone realizes that all this is part of sports tourism. Loiko O. T. defines it as traditional form tourism activities. It is worth saying that sports tourism is even more than just one of the forms and types of tourism. Today sports tourism in Russia is national species sports “Sports tourism is a sport that involves covering a long stretch of the earth’s surface, called a route.” In addition to this, overcoming also water spaces and caves. During the route, various unique natural obstacles are overcome. Such as mountain peaks and passes (in mountain tourism) or river rapids (in river rafting).

It is immediately worth noting that sports tourism is a complex phenomenon that includes different types tourism. Classification of sports tourism is carried out according to different criteria and characteristics. Thus, in accordance with the types of travel, sports tourism is divided into:

  • automoto tourism;
  • hitch-hiking;
  • cycling tourism;
  • water tourism. Varieties are sailing tourism, rafting on mountain rivers, etc.;
  • horse tourism;
  • ski tourism;
  • motorcycle tourism;
  • hiking– movement along the route is carried out mainly on foot. Mountain tourism should be considered a variety;
  • caving;
  • combined tourism.

In accordance with increasing length, duration and technical complexity, sports hikes are divided into “hikes of I, II, III, IV, V and VI difficulty categories.”

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into: according to increasing complexity:

  • weekend hikes;
  • hikes of 1-3 degrees of difficulty – in children’s and youth tourism;
  • category hikes. In different types of tourism, the number of complexity categories is different: in walking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of complexity (c.s.); in automoto and sailing tourism – five; in equestrian - three.

In the Program for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018. It is noted that, in accordance with age, “sports tourism includes children’s, youth, youth, adults, among the elderly, family, and multi-age tourism.”

Another division of sports tourism into types is presented in the manual by E. N. Artemova. She distinguishes between active and passive sports tourism. "At active basis is the need to engage in some kind of sport. When passive, it is interest in the sport, observation.”

Artemova E. A. and co-authors note that sports tourism includes sports activities, namely: water tourism, winter sport, hunting and fishing and golf. They note that water tourism today is on the rise due to the development of means of transportation. For example, the use of various types of vessels (sailing or motorized). At the same time, the main infrastructure of this type of tourism is the sports port. The port consists of the following zones:

  • marine;
  • zone technical support: shipyards, fueling;
  • additional services: restaurants, shops, discos.

Winter sports are divided into alpine skiing, alpine skiing, sledding, etc. The infrastructure mainly consists of mountain winter stations. As for hunting and fishing, this activity, unlike others, is regulated and carried out in accordance with certain rules. For example, a license or permit is required to carry it out.

Besides traditional types sports tourism has recently been introduced new look– lowland tourism. This is nature-oriented tourism on the plain. As A.I. Zyryanov notes, “lowland tourism in some respects corresponds to “non-mountain” tourism. However, the point here is not the type of natural obstacles to be overcome, but the new system organization and coordination of tourism and recreational activities, which must be established given the shortage of such vibrant natural resources that are characteristic of mountainous areas and a high degree of need.”

Lowland tourism includes sports (amateur) walking, water (river rafting), skiing, caving, cycling, commercial tourism activities (fishing, hunting, berry-mushroom and other fishing tours), eco-tourism routes in lowland areas. In addition to the above types, lowland tourism also includes balneological tourism outside the sea and mountains, rural tourism, and estate tourism.

Thus, we can say that there are many types of sports tourism. This speaks of its popularity, its relevance and importance. It affects all age categories of tourists, various ways movement, difficulty levels and duration. Everyone can choose an acceptable type of sports tourism for themselves.

Vinokurov M.A. notes that the essence of sports tourism lies in organizing trips to various sporting events. “It allows you to engage in selected sports (skiing, swimming, sport fishing and hunting, etc.), as well as “cheer” for your favorite team, personally being present at major sporting competitions.”

From the point of view of A. Yu. Korolev, “the main content of sports tourism is overcoming natural obstacles of a natural nature.” Examples of natural obstacles include: ice, snow, water barriers, macro- and micro-relief obstacles. “In addition to the natural obstacles of the natural landscape and climatic difficulties, there may be other difficulties, for example, spatial characteristics (unpopulation) and some others.”

The essence of sports tourism also lies in the fact that in this type of tourism it is not just active motor activity that is manifested, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities of a participant in a sports tour. Sports tourism involves independently overcoming large geographical distances and difficult obstacles. Due to this this type sport requires good physical preparation. The tourist must also have endurance and various professional skills. A.Yu. Korolev notes that sports tourism “is a complex (mixed) sport of the all-around type, but of increased length and duration.”

In many cases, sports tourism is extreme view travel.

The main consumers of sports tourism are a group consisting of ordinary people (non-professional athletes) who prefer to engage in their chosen sport while traveling. It is worth saying that the organization of hikes for non-professional athletes and hiking athletes can be carried out by both travel companies, professional tourism organizations, and the hikers themselves. As I.V. Zorin notes: “in our country they are often called “amateur tourists.”

Due to the fact that sports tourism is quite diverse and complex (in terms of its diversity), there are certain features of sports tourism that are worth noting.

One of the main features of sports tourism is the presence of natural and recreational conditions when organizing sports tours. “So, for ski tourism it is necessary to have mountains with suitable slopes of varying difficulty; for rafting - the presence of mountain rivers with difficult but interesting sections, with the presence of simple obstacles, the possibility of convenient getting on and off the route, etc.”

Associated with the above-described feature is the following feature, which is that sports tourism is very “geographical”, i.e. characterized by a large spatial coverage and spatial meaning, route technology, and the dependence of the travel program on a wide variety of geographical factors.

The third important feature is the presence of a large-scale material base. The material base includes various kinds of infrastructure facilities. For example, hotels, transport, rental offices sports equipment, service areas: locker rooms, technical services; the presence of special facilities: fields, courts, swimming pools, skating rinks, etc. In most cases, when organizing a sports tour, the presence of medical stations is mandatory. In addition, an additional service area is also needed, including accommodation, food, shops, discos, etc. I.V. Zorin also notes such an aspect as the presence of an excursion program. It is possible to combine excursion-educational and sports programs. Let's say a bike tour with stops for sightseeing.

Another feature of organizing sports tours is the presence of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport, masters and candidates for master of sports to work with tourists.

Instructors must know safety rules and be able to provide first aid. When serving, tourists are divided into groups of experienced, less experienced and novice athletes; each group is taught by a separate instructor.

The fifth feature is due to the complexity of sports tourism. Sports tourism, unlike most other sports, has more content: “expanding the traveler’s horizons when meeting new places and people, exposure to diverse nature, active interaction of a team of people in the fight against difficulties and their own shortcomings, autonomous actions of the group in sparsely developed and unpopulated areas, fostering independence, initiative, determination and self-control in unexpected circumstances.”

It is also worth noting such a feature of sports tourism as its classification by complexity. This is not the case on regular hikes. Often, the division of hikes by difficulty is associated with the presence and variety of any obstacles, for example, mountain peaks and passes, river crossings, rubble, etc.

The main goal of sports tourism is reflected in the Program for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation: “Sports tourism contributes to the development of mass physical culture movement in the country.” At the same time, sports tourism in its goals can have a sports, educational, educational, research, environmental orientation and a combination thereof.

To summarize, we can say that sports tourism is a sport that involves covering a long stretch of the earth’s surface, called a route. The essence of sports tourism lies in the fact that in this type of tourism it is not just active motor activity that is manifested, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities of a participant in a sports tour.

Sports tourism is a complex phenomenon that includes different types of tourism. Classification of sports tourism is carried out according to different criteria and characteristics.

There are many types of sports tourism.

Features of sports tourism: the presence of natural and recreational conditions when organizing sports tours; the presence of a large-scale material base; the presence of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport, masters and candidates for master of sports to work with tourists; geography; complexity; classification by complexity.

In general, based on many interpretations and definitions, sports tourism has fundamental features, the study of which allows for a more holistic approach to organizational issues and its practical part.


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    Types of sports tourism, characteristics of its world centers. Categorization of tourist routes. Ski tourism, mountaineering. Mountain and hiking tourism. Aquatic species sports tourism. State and prospects for the development of sports tourism in Ukraine.

    course work, added 04/29/2013

    Brief History development of sports tourism. Organization of sports tourism in educational institutions. Pedagogical foundations, features and characteristics of forms of organizing sports tourism in children's health camps and their effectiveness.

    thesis, added 10/27/2010

    Consideration of the features of the territorial organization of sports tourism. Familiarity with the basic standards of category tourist trips in Belarus. General characteristics of types of sports tourism: cycling, skiing, cycling.

    course work, added 11/15/2016

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances , laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in the USSR, as a sport, is included in the Unified All-Union sports classification 1 in 1949. When assigning sports categories and the title of master of sports, the number and complexity of completed hikes, as well as experience in independently leading them, are taken into account. Difficulty is determined by the duration and length of the routes, the number and variety of natural obstacles. Multi-day hikes (hiking, skiing, water, mountain, cycling, car, motorcycle and moped) are carried out along routes of 5 difficulty categories. Routes increased complexity, especially categories 4-5, require good general physical and special training. Hikes are carried out, as a rule, with the assistance of sports and tourist clubs, councils of sports societies, and physical education groups. As a means of year-round training for tourists, the so-called. weekend hikes and competitions in types of tourist equipment (all-Union competitions are held for some).

The procedure for the formation of tourist groups, the rights and obligations of their participants and leaders, documentation, development and preparation of routes, etc. are regulated by the “Rules for the organization and conduct of amateur tourist trips and travel on the territory of the USSR” (approved by the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1972).

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports travel with the aim of covering an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not encounter any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, you must not only be strong, dexterous, courageous and persistent, but also have a wide range of special knowledge from obstacle-overcoming techniques to human physiology in extreme conditions. Unlike a regular trip, a sports trip includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids. The classified obstacles form the basis of the methodology for comparing travel according to their complexity. This is similar to assessing the difficulty of gymnastics programs or figure skating. The most difficult journeys, executed brilliantly, are nominated for the Moscow Championship and the Russian Championship.

The organization and conduct of sports trips are subject to the Rules, which are approved by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. These Rules accumulate the experience of many generations of travelers. Therefore, their implementation guarantees the level of safety achieved in sports tourism. This is controlled by a system of route qualification commissions (RQC). In particular, the ICC checks the group’s preparedness to set out on the route and whether the experience of the travel participants matches its complexity. In accordance with the Rules, sports travel can have six categories of difficulty (c.s.). If the travel of the first c.s. are feasible for beginners, then travel is the sixth class. extreme even for the strongest and most experienced travelers. Indeed, mountain “sixes” in some sections can include climbing to peaks over 7000 m high, ski “sixes” are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of travel in forty-degree frost along endless Siberian ridges, water “sixes” are mind-blowing rafting along the crazy rivers of the Altai and Srednyaya Asia.

The sports tourism system created over decades minimally limits the initiative of travelers. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to any point in the world, and anyone can become a group leader, as long as he has experience participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining team members must have experience participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide exceptions to more fully take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with leadership in travel of the highest (5th and 6th) categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5-6 years.

Types of sports tourism

Sports tourism differs by type:

hiking- movement on the tourist route is carried out mainly on foot. The main task is to overcome terrain and landscape obstacles on foot, for high categories of difficulty - in areas with difficult terrain and climatic conditions.

ski tourism- movement on the tourist route is carried out mainly on skis. The main task is to overcome terrain and landscape obstacles on snow and snow-ice cover on skis, for high categories of difficulty - in harsh climatic zones and in mountainous areas.

mountain tourism- Hiking in high mountains. The main task is to pass mountain passes, climb peaks, and traverse mountain ranges.

water tourism- river rafting on rafting devices (ships), usually in mountainous areas. The main task is to pass through water obstacles formed by the topography of the river bed and the characteristics of its flow.

caving tourism- travel through underground cavities (caves, cave systems, including those partially flooded with water). The main challenge is to overcome the structural obstacles found in the caves.

sailing tourism - travel on ships sailing on the sea or in the waters of large lakes. The main task is to carry out the vessel’s voyage plan in accordance with the rules of navigation in inland waters and on the high seas.

on vehicles- a section that includes cycling tourism, equestrian tourism and auto-moto tourism. The main task is to overcome relief and landscape obstacles along a long route (roads and trails with different terrain and surfaces, up to roads on the verge of passability (passability), tourist, cattle trails and animal migration trails, fords and crossings, mountain passes, traverses, etc. .d.) in difficult conditions, usually in mountainous or rugged terrain with difficult climate and terrain.

combined tourism- hikes that combine elements of various types of tourism;

Motorcycle tourism- one of the types of tourism in which a motorcycle serves as a means of transportation. The concept of “motorcycle tourism” has many meanings and refers both to one of the types of active recreation and to a type of sports tourism.

According to age and social criteria, sports tourism is divided into:

children's tourism;

youth tourism;

adult tourism;

family tourism;

tourism for people with disabilities.

In recent years, the following areas of sports tourism have received active development:

travel (including solo travel);

extreme tourism;

distance discipline;

Distance discipline indoors on artificial terrain;

short routes in the sport hiking class.

The diversity of relief, climate, and natural landscapes are the natural basis for various areas of sports and health recreation. Some of them are of a mass nature (swimming and beach, walking), others are aimed at people with good sports training, their occupation is sometimes associated with a risk to life (adventure or adventure tourism). Like no other type of recreation, the share of amateur tourism is high here. There are also areas that, due to the high cost of special equipment and service, can be classified as elite, designed for a wealthy clientele.

Underwater tourism, despite the high cost of equipment, it is becoming increasingly popular and is aimed at exploring the underwater world, photo hunting, spearfishing, collecting marine organisms, shells, and pearls.

Destinations. Underwater tourism is more represented in tropical countries. Here, tourists are attracted by coral reefs - the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, the atolls of Oceania, the reefs of the Caribbean Sea, the coast of Florida, and the Red Sea. Diving underwater with scuba gear is called diving. Many seaside resorts have diving centers where you can learn scuba diving and rent equipment.

Diving includes not only elements of sport and risk, but also has a certain educational interest. For example, archaeological underwater tourism is developing in Mediterranean countries, since there are many ruins of flooded ancient cities in the coastal waters, which are viewed with interest by tourists. The remains of sunken ships also attract tourists; tourists often search for them or search for treasures.

For those who are not able to scuba dive underwater, excursions are offered to underwater stained glass windows, specially created in the bottoms of ships and in the underground part of coastal buildings. You can also take a short trip on comfortable tourist submarines.

Walking and fishing-recreational recreation is a widespread activity. Having its own significance, it often accompanies various types of sports, health and medical resort tourism. Walking holidays include activities such as walking outdoors walking, skiing, picnics (picnic-tourism), landscape viewing. In fishing and recreational tourism, walks are accompanied by collecting mushrooms, berries, nuts, flowers, medicinal plants, sea mollusks, corals, precious and semi-precious stones and minerals, other gifts of nature, collecting butterflies, beetles, compiling a herbarium, etc.

Destinations. In naturally rich areas, fishing tourism acquires significant proportions. In Siberia and the Far East, the local population's harvest of berries, mushrooms, nuts, ferns and other gifts of nature is second only to suburban recreation in terms of mass production. In this regard, a number of scientists promote commercial tourism to the rank of an independent type, equivalent to medical-resort, sports-health-improving, etc., which is hardly legitimate, since the mass procurement of nature’s gifts is not so much a recreation as a type of economic activity, but for part of the population - a way of existence. As a rule, with organized fishing and walking recreation, the volume of collecting the gifts of nature is insignificant, and in the world as a whole, this type of tourism is in most cases of subordinate importance, usually accompanying other types.

Route tourism can be sports (qualifying) and amateur (recreational). Sports tourism involves hiking along routes of a certain category of difficulty in order to improve tourist skills, test one’s physical, mental strength and endurance, and fulfill sports qualification standards.

Initially, route tourism consisted of 4 types: hiking, skiing, water, bicycle, over time they were added motorcycle And autotourism. According to the nature of the obstacles overcome, route tourism is most often divided into flat And mountain. Mountain tourism is more attractive due to the high aesthetics of mountain landscapes, as well as the fact that it is associated with great difficulties, dangers and physical activity. Water tourism has received great development - trips along rivers, lakes, and seas on tourist ships. River rafting on kayaks, inflatable boats, catamarans, rafts and other watercraft is especially popular among athletes and amateurs. Rafting on rafts of various designs along complex mountain rivers is called rafting. Water tourism also includes: water-motor trips and routes, rowing (kayak, canoe and other vessels), water-skiing and sailing. As a rule, these types of recreation and tourism are combined with swimming and beach tourism and fishing. Water-motor transport plays a significant role in suburban and local recreation for walking, fishing, fishing and hunting recreation and tourism.

Route tourism is widespread everywhere, without concentrating within any regions or countries. Of course, territories that are little developed by humans and remote from large, noisy cities are more popular. Among those who enjoy hiking there are a lot of amateur tourists.

Very popular fishing tourism. There are river, lake and sea fishing tourism. In fresh waters, popular and prestigious fishing objects are fish that live in clean and fast rivers - trout, grayling, lenok, taimen. Fishing for them (especially taimen) attracts not only the local population, but also foreign tourists. Organizing fishing tours for foreigners is usually more environmentally friendly. Because the caught fish, after being weighed, measured, and photographed by the successful fisherman with the catch, is most often released back into the reservoir. Often, the same fish is pulled out of the water several times. Of course, in order not to harm the fish, special fishing hooks are used.

In local fishing tourism, the list of commercial fish is very wide and is determined by the fishing area - crucian carp, carp, carp, pike, catfish, etc. The objects of fishing in sea fishing tourism are fish of various species and sizes, even small sharks.

Destinations. Fishing is not only a recreation, a hobby, a trade, but also a sport. Fishing competitions, including world championships, are held in many areas of the world. A world record was set in the island's waters Mauritius— 550 kg blue marlin was caught. The richest for sea ​​fishing In some places there are coral reefs ( Great Barrier Reef, islands of Oceania, the Caribbean Sea, sung by Hemingway). In high latitudes, under-ice fishing is very popular. fishing. Thus, ice fishing championships are held annually in Canada.

In some cases, fishing tourism takes unusual forms. For example, in Chinese cities you can pay for fishing in pools and aquariums located in parks or even in buildings.

Hunting tourism a very diverse phenomenon. For a significant portion of amateur hunters, the main purpose of hunting is a walk through the forest, and not a trophy. Such types of tourism as photo, film or video hunting refer not only to sports and recreational, but also educational recreation. At the same time, trophy hunting tourism is increasingly regulated in connection with problems of wildlife conservation. In most countries of the world, there are licenses for the main hunting objects that limit the number and types of trophies, as well as the timing of the hunt. In developed countries with low forest cover, many animals are specially fed or bred for hunting. Thanks to this, many forests in Europe and the USA, despite their small size and high tourist attendance, have an animal density higher than, for example, in the natural forests of Russia.

Destinations. Hunting tourism is one of the most expensive types, both in terms of the cost of equipment and the prices for the services provided. The average cost of serving a hunting tourist for one day is approximately $200, despite the often spartan living conditions. The cost of a license to shoot an animal, depending on the object of hunting, ranges from a few hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars. Safaris in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa) are especially expensive. Often, as in African safari, protected animals are hunted. To a certain extent, this is justified, since it brings funds necessary to protect animals from poachers, the damage from which is much greater than from hunting.

Ski tourism has been developing very rapidly in the last three decades. The attractiveness of ski tourism is due to the fact that it is the only mass sport and recreation in the winter. In addition, the winter mountain landscape is highly aesthetic, as is the descent along the slope of brightly equipped skiers. Ski tourism has now become fashionable.

Ski tourism and recreation includes skiing, slalom, ski jumping, freestyle, snowboarding, freeride and ski touring. The most suitable areas for the development of mass ski tourism are those with certain natural conditions. The relief is weakly dissected with long slopes from hundreds of meters to several kilometers with a steepness of up to 35° (optimally 17°). The thickness of the snow cover is at least 50 cm in stable sunny weather. The most important condition is avalanche safety of the route.

For classes alpine skiing large comfortable tourist centers and micro-towns consisting of campsites have been created. They have turned into real resorts, using the healing properties of the mountain climate.

Homeland skiing are the Alps. At the beginning of the twentieth century. In San Anton (Austria), now a famous ski resort, the first descent down the mountain slope was carried out. Alpine slopes still remain the most popular among skiers. The best alpine ski resorts: Chamonix, Val d'Isere (France), Davos, St. Moritz(Switzerland), Innsbruck, San Anton(Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo, Courmayeur(Italy).

Ski resorts are often used to host the Winter Olympic Games. The popularity of resorts increases sharply after this. IN different years White Olympics hosted Chamonix (1924, first winter Olympic Games), Cortina d'Ampezzo(1956, USSR participates for the first time), Grenoble(France) , Innsbruck, Sapporo, Nagano (Japan), Lillihammer(Norway), Calgary(Canada), Salt Lake City, Lake Placid(USA).

Until recently, in Russia there were no high-quality ski slopes and comfortable resorts. The best natural conditions are found in the mountains of the Caucasus and Kamchatka, in the Moscow region. Most famous ski centers countries: Kirovsk (Murmansk region, Khibiny mountains, is characterized by a long ski season, due to its northern geographical location), Dombay, Terskol, Elbrus(the oldest ski resorts in the North Caucasus), Krasnaya Polyana(the youngest and most comfortable resort, located in the Western Caucasus, 70 km from Sochi). There are centers in the Urals and in the mountains of Southern Siberia. The largest ski project in Russia - the creation of 40 km of ski slopes near the village Listvyanka on Baikal.

Mountaineering a type of mountain tourism; a journey that includes climbing to the top. This is sports tourism that requires good physical fitness and high qualifications from participants. The emergence of mountaineering is usually attributed to 1786, when the Swiss J. Balmat and M. Paccard summited Mont Blanc- the highest in the Alps (4807 m). In Russia, the first ascent is considered to be the ascent of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano (4750m) by members of the expedition of D. Gauss in 1788. The highest peak on Earth - Everest (8848 m) - conquered in 1953 by New Zealander E. Hillary and Sherpa N. Tenzing.

Since mountaineering is associated with an increased risk to the lives of climbers, its popularity is not high. Beginning climbers are trained in mountaineering camps, where training camps, rallies, and competitions are also held. Climbing camps can be either temporary tent-type camps or permanent camps with summer houses or permanent buildings. Often during the summer season, empty ski resorts and resorts are used. Alpine camps are created during alpiniads - mass ascents of climbers to simple peaks.

National and world championships are held for highly qualified climbers. The most prestigious for climbing among professional climbers are the “eight-thousanders” of the Himalayas (Qomolungma-Everest, Annapurna and others - 11 peaks in total) and the Karakoram (Chogori, 8611 m, etc.). The rating of professional climbers also depends on conquering the highest peaks of each continent (Europe - Mont Blanc, Africa - Kilimanjaro, North America- McKinley South America- Aconcagua, Australia - Kosciuszko). For mountain climbers, mountain climbing has become an important source of income. For example, servicing numerous expeditions seeking to conquer Chomolungma and other Himalayan peaks provides the lion's share of tourism income in Nepal.

Speleotourism (from Greek spelaion- cave) - visiting caves. Depending on their complexity, caving tourism can be excursion, amateur and sports. Sports caving involves the passage or first ascent of technically complex caves that require professional training to overcome them. The complexity of underground routes is due to the diversity of the cave's topography (wells, rubble, narrow crevices, underground rivers and lakes), lack of light, low temperatures and high air humidity (up to 100%). Traveling in caves often requires hiking, rock climbing, and scuba diving skills. Sports caving is usually accompanied by a scientific study of caves or drawing up a plan of underground passages.

Amateur caving tourism is characterized by visiting simpler and safer caves; it is widespread in local tourism and plays a significant role in local history.

The most famous caves are in the Alps. For example, the deepest cave in the world is Lamprechtsophenloch, which goes 1634 m deep into the earth (Austria). The second deepest cave, Jean Bernard, is located in the French Alps (depth 1602). One of the most beautiful caves in the world - Pierre Saint-Martin (length 51 km, depth 1350m) - is located in the Pyrenees on the border of France and Spain. There are many famous caves in the Caucasus. The deepest of them is Snezhnaya in Georgia (depth 1370 m).

The longest caves in the world are Flint-Mammoth (Appalachian Mountains, USA, 563 km); Optimistic (Podolsk Upland, Ukraine, 207 km); Ozernaya (ibid., 111 km)

Famous karst areas with a wide distribution of caves are located in Central Asia, Southern China, and Mexico.