All-Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO. What is the GTO complex? Where can I take the GTO standards?

Today, the GTO sports system is becoming more and more widespread among not only ordinary schoolchildren, but also adult citizens who want to prove their high level development of physical culture. Once a person registers for this program, they can regularly learn about testing at many centers. To obtain comprehensive information regarding the standards of the TRP 2019, there are tables of standards for all ages. It is necessary to use the official website, where all available information regarding this issue will be located.

Carrying out the GTO

Previously, such a system as the GTO was used only in the Soviet Union and existed until the end of 1991. Up to this point, the organization had operated for 60 years and included all citizens aged from ten to sixty.

As contemporaries confirmed, half of the people from all over the country had corresponding badges that demonstrated their excellent physical fitness. This insignia helped to obtain a certain position or place in an educational institution. On at the moment You can improve your chances of admission to your desired university if you meet the standards of the GTO 2019. The table of standards for all ages, which is open on the official website, is accessible to every user.

In 2014, the modern Russian government, under the initiative of the president, was able to restore the existence of a unique sports complex. At the moment, the GTO sports system is a full-fledged program and regulatory framework for physical education population of the country.

To achieve effective implementation GTO 2019 standards will require you to know what standards are included in the table for all ages. Each user can easily understand it and determine what standards he needs to strive for in order to achieve the desired result.

You can prepare for passing the GTO standards with the help of specialized clubs, sections, as well as other general physical training groups. It is important to consider that all the exercises that candidates for this unique status will have to face are publicly available and simple.

This means that if a person does not want to attend special sections, then he can easily prepare on his own to meet the standards of the GTO 2019. The table of standards for all ages, which is available on the official website of this organization, clearly describes the basic requirements for obtaining a unique status.

Steps to obtaining the GTO badge

Depending on the age of each person, he becomes a member of a certain group, which is also called a “step”. In total, eleven of them were created, and they include people from six to seventy years old. For each such group, three levels of difficulty are organized, namely the signs of the GTO 2019 standards. The table of standards for all ages comprehensively informs about all the required data. Look at the standards of the GTO 2019

Table of standards for all ages

Table for schoolchildren

The first group includes children from six to eight years old. After this is the second stage, which includes children aged nine to ten. A third group has been created for schoolchildren in the fifth and sixth grades, and the fourth and sixth correspond to teenagers who go to school.

The next group has a wide range of ages and unites citizens who have already reached the age of majority, but are not yet twenty-one years old. The seventh is passed on to the next ten years. And then each subsequent group unites for ten years.

The basic standards of the TRP 2019 in the table of standards for all ages were created to check how well a person has developed his basic characteristics. They include the following important parameters:

  • strength;
  • dexterity;
  • endurance;
  • flexibility.

Exercises allow you to objectively assess how capable a person is of performing various exercises and how developed his or her physical fitness is. Each subject Russian Federation has the right at the regional level to additionally include two more types of standards, as well as physical tests, to the mandatory list of exercises.

For this reason, all requirements at each stage are divided into two types:

  • mandatory;
  • selective.

Benefits for the population from the implementation of the GTO program

The main tasks set by the state from the implementation of the GTO standards 2019, tables of standards for all ages and other programs to improve the quality of physical education are to improve the health of the nation. It also popularizes sports, which means more citizens spend free time for training, and do not waste time on smoking and alcohol. As a result, GTO not only increases the number of athletic people, but also accelerates the growth of the total population.

People form the opinion that it is necessary to take care of their body and health. Thanks to this, people will regularly engage in sports and develop their physical fitness. Also, the population gets the opportunity to formulate the need for systematic studies sports.

Additionally, a system of physical education, as well as other complexes for the development of sports in all spheres of life, is being massively introduced. The main tool to achieve this goal is the creation and commissioning of many new sports clubs.

Do not forget that participation in such events is as accessible as possible for any person. Absolutely every user has the opportunity to register on the official website and visually evaluate the standards of the TRP 2019 and tables of standards for all ages. Additionally, everyone can receive a comprehensive list of all the necessary information, which will certainly help them figure out how to choose the right day and time for testing.

Necessary documents for passing the standards

When a person has already decided to participate in such a sporting event and appears at the place indicated in advance, he is required to present certain documents. These include:

  • medical certificate;
  • ID card.

Without such securities, a person simply will not be allowed to pass the GTO standards in 2019. In order to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements that are set for passing the standards, you must initially obtain such information in a special center or using the official website, where a table is presented for all ages.

Main sports disciplines for passing standards

The convenience of such a sports complex is that it is universal for many athletes.

Supporters different types sports will be able to fully demonstrate their abilities and effectively fulfill the standards of the GTO 2019. Moreover, tables of standards for all ages are accessible to everyone due to the fact that information can be obtained using various sources, including the main website. The main disciplines include the following:

  • throwing;
  • incline;
  • swimming;
  • pull-up;
  • lifting the body.

Everyone has sports standard have their own characteristic features. For example, short-distance running is carried out exclusively on any flat area where there is a hard surface that will be safe for the athlete. A high start is carried out if the distance is the shortest, namely thirty meters.

When the distance is increased to 60 or 100 meters, the athlete is asked to choose high or low start. Each race involves two to four people, depending on the workload for the current day.

Organizers must carefully select the terrain for ski races so that it complies with the standards of the GTO 2019. If a person chooses skiing, then it is allowed to use a free riding style in running over all distances. It is also imperative that there is no wind here for the safety of the participants.

If candidates for the GTO badge choose projectile throwing, then such an exercise must be carried out in a special stadium. If this is not possible, then the territory used should have a flat area with a corridor fifteen meters wide. To carry out such tests, special objects are used, which are characterized by a weight of five hundred or seven hundred grams.

When bending forward, this exercise can be performed using a gymnastic bench. Each applicant chooses the most convenient way for himself to fulfill this standard. The legs must be straightened at the knees. The feet are parallel to each other. The optimal width, as can be seen from the table, is from ten to fifteen centimeters.

Swimming is performed in a style that is convenient for the GTO program participant. Short distances are used for this. They can be ten, fifteen or twenty-five meters. Depending on the most optimal option chosen, which will be more convenient for each participant in this event, the TRP standards may differ. Tables of standards for all ages have characteristic differences, since different age groups participate, which differ significantly in their physical parameters: strength, endurance and speed.

One of the most popular exercises is raising the torso while a person is lying on his back. People call this standard “pump up the press.” It should be carried out exclusively on a specialized mat on which gymnastic exercises are performed.

In order for pull-ups on the bar to be counted, you must strictly follow the requirements on how to correctly do such a standard for each age. The grip of the hands must be from above, and the hands must be placed shoulder-width apart. The torso and legs must be straightened, and the legs should not touch the floor. Only when these requirements are met will the number of pull-ups be counted.

For correct execution long jump in static position, as indicated in the table, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, and your toes should be strictly aligned along the measurement line. A forward jump can only be performed when both legs move at the same time.

The most popular strength exercise is the kettlebell snatch. For this purpose, shells are used that weigh sixteen kilograms. The standard time for performing this discipline is four minutes. During this period of time, the total number of weight lifts that were performed in accordance with sports standards. Raises are valid with both the right and left hands.

One of the most specific standards is shooting. In order to perform such an exercise, you will need to use either an air gun or an electronic one. Regardless of the type of weapon used, the results or requirements of this exercise will not be affected.

Standard tables

It is important to note that most of the exercises are the same for all categories. The main difference between them is that there are different requirements to receive a specific GTO badge.

In some situations, not only the conditions for performing certain sports disciplines vary, but also the exercises themselves. For example, more are provided for boys physical disciplines, like a kettlebell or pull-up on a bar. For girls, when choosing optimal exercises, the emphasis is on speed and flexibility.

When choosing suitable standards for the TRP 2019, you should pay attention to the tables of standards for all ages, which differ significantly. And before contacting the commission of a physical education organization, it is recommended to check what the requirements are for the category of a particular person, so that he is ready to receive the appropriate award

Among the proposed tests in the table there are both necessary and alternative tests. That is, any athlete has the right to choose the most suitable complex, which is more suitable for the characteristics of his physical training.

Exercises for the first stage

These test requirements are suitable for the little ones. Children from six to eight years old inclusive will demonstrate their physical abilities through the most simple conditions, which comply with the standards of the GTO 2019. The table of standards for children aged 6-8 years is visible in the following screen.

Stage 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old -First page Level 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old - Second page

The first mandatory test is the shuttle run. This exercise is carried out in the following mode: three distances of ten meters. Both girls and boys participate in the discipline. In order to be the first to get gold, you need to run the distance in 9.2 seconds. For silver, only 10.7 will be enough. And for bronze you need to run two milliseconds slower.

For boys, the GTO standards are stricter: to get gold you will need to run thirty meters and 9.2 seconds. To obtain silver, you must meet the standard of 10.1. Bronze will be given to those who run no longer than 10.4.

An alternative exercise is the thirty-meter sprint. Since such a standard takes less time, the requirements are stricter. Boys will be able to claim gold with a score of 5.9. You will receive silver only when you reach 6.7. For bronze, 6.9 seconds will be enough.

For girls, the GTO 2019 standards for receiving an award are significantly lower. Gold can be obtained by running in 6.2 seconds. Silver, as can be seen from the table, will be awarded to the girl who can cope with the standard in less than seven seconds. For bronze, 7.2 is enough.

Next important exercise is mixed movement. When performing it, regardless of the person’s gender, the time spent covering the distance is not taken into account. The length of this period of territory is one kilometer.

To perform a forward bend, everyone needs to touch the floor with their toes. Then the gold will be counted.

In this group, there are eight types of tests for both sexes. To get gold, you need to pass 7 disciplines and fulfill the GTO 2019 standards perfectly. The table of standards will allow you to determine in advance what requirements you are preparing for.

Exercises for the second stage

This group includes schoolchildren aged nine to ten years. The first compulsory standard for girls and boys is the sixty-meter run. To earn gold, boys will need ten and a half seconds, and girls – eleven. We present to your attention a table of standards for children aged 9-10 years.

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - First page Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - Second page

For a girl, six minutes is enough for a gold-colored badge, and for a boy, four and a half.

A special feature of the second stage are new optional tests. They include: long ball throw, 2 kilometer cross-country. This group of challenges also requires you to complete seven challenges to earn gold.

Exercises for the third stage

This group includes children who have already reached the age of twelve. There is an important feature that the main tests of this stage have, namely: a 1.5-kilometer run appears. An alternative is a two kilometer competition. A table of standards for children aged 11-12 is available on our website.

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - First page Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - Second page

Also, the basic norms of the GTO include bending forward from a standing position. When carrying out this standard, you must keep your legs straight. Each participant in this group is required to touch the floor with their fingers.

Optional tests include throwing a ball that weighs one hundred and fifty grams. For a boy to get gold, he needs to throw 34 meters, and for a girl - 22.

If the area is snowy, then cross-country skiing is offered at a distance of three or four kilometers. If the area is snowless, then you can participate in a 3 km cross-country cross-country race.

To get gold in the fifty-meter swim, a boy needs to do it in 50 seconds, and a girl in 65. Applicants for silver only need to swim to the finish line.

For the third group, it is enough to complete eight tests to meet the GTO 2019 standard.

Exercises for the fourth stage

This group requires children aged from thirteen to fifteen years inclusive. Mandatory tests include running at a distance of sixty meters and two kilometers. The table of standards for children aged 13-14 years is visible on the following screen:

Level 4 - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - First page Level 4 - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - Second page

Features of the event additional exercises in that there is an elevation of the torso. This discipline is performed while lying on your back. The number of times is counted in one minute. And a little man needs to rise forty-seven times for gold, and a girl needs to rise forty.

The hiking trip lasts ten kilometers. This discipline is designed to test survival skills in nature.

Another new discipline is self-defense without weapons. Twenty-six points for everyone is enough to get gold and fulfill the GTO 2019 standard. The table of standards reports that twelve types of exercises are given for the 4th group.

Fifth group

For high school students aged 16-17 years, a separate fifth group or table of standards has been created for children aged 16-17 years.

Level 5 - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - First page Level 5 - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - Second page

Its main feature is that it introduces a hundred-meter run. This is a difficult exercise that is included in the list Olympic disciplines, only the strongest athletes can do it.

The two-kilometer run is held for both girls and boys. But when they choose a distance of 3000 meters, this exercise is used only for young men.

There are two strength disciplines for boys to choose from: kettlebell lifting and bar lifting. And also 2 exercises for girls: hanging pull-ups in a horizontal position, as well as push-ups from the floor.

There is a significant difference between both sexes regarding throwing sports equipment. The first is given an object weighing 700 grams, and the second - half a kilogram.

For this age, people go on hikes already at a distance of ten kilometers. This applies to everyone, regardless of gender and age indicated in this table.

Also, the fifth group includes a total of twelve tests. But to receive the best insignia, it is enough to successfully fulfill 8 standards.

Exercises for the sixth stage

The 6th group includes girls and boys from eighteen to twenty-nine years old. Most of the tests that people must complete that belong to this stage are no different from group number 5.

The table of standards for boys 18-29 years old is available below:

Stage 6 - for men 18-29 years old - First page Stage 6 - for men 18-29 years old - Second page

As can be seen from the table, the boys run three kilometers, the male half is also given a crossbar and a weight, and the ladies are offered a choice of push-ups and pull-ups while lying on a low crossbar.

The same requirements regarding the conduct of a tourist trip are created for both parties.

Boys have a choice between eleven types of tests, and girls are given twelve. But, for the golden insignia, both groups must do eight exercises.

Table for girls aged 18-29 years:

Stage 6 - for women 18-29 years old - First page Stage 6 - for women 18-29 years old - Second page

Exercises for the seventh stage

Twenty-year-old girls and boys are considered the strongest people in the country in terms of physical education. Therefore, after the seventh group begins, which includes people over thirty years of age, the requirements for meeting the GTO standards are gradually reduced. In 2019, the table for men aged 30 and above is as follows:

Men, 30-39 years old, 1 page Stage 7 - for men 30-39 years old - Second page

One of the first main differences is the absence of short-distance running exercises, that is, adults no longer run 60 or 100 meters. Exercise standards are dropping sharply strength training and flexibility. For example, for women over 34 years old there is no throwing objects over a distance.

Stage 7 - for women 30-39 years old - First page Stage 7 - for women 30-39 years old - Second page

Additionally, the ease of standards is evidenced by the fact that the range of the tourist hike has again returned to the level of ten kilometers. With each subsequent group after thirty years, the norms become easier for each user.

Eighth group

For people over forty years of age, the level of stress during exercise is further reduced. Requirements for all disciplines are being reduced. For example, a hiking trip returns to the level of seventh graders and becomes five kilometers long.

For men the standards are:

Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - First page Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - Second page

To receive the eighth level insignia, you only need to successfully complete six tests. And for a silver or bronze badge, only 5 exercises will be enough. You can view the requirements in the table with standards for women.

Stage 8 - for women 40-49 years old - First page Stage 8 - for women 40-49 years old - Second page

Ninth group

For group number 9, which refers to people over fifty years of age, the requirements are radically reduced. Men get the opportunity to do push-ups instead of the classic weights and the crossbar.

Stage 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - First page Stage 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - Second page

The complexity of the hiking trip and the number of tests in comparison with the eighth stage remain unchanged. The standards for flexibility and endurance exercises have also been seriously lowered. For women, the standards will be as follows:

Last steps

For people over sixty years old, classical running exercises. From strength exercises only push-ups.

10th stage Standards for men and women 60-69 First page 10th stage Standards for men and women 60-69 - Second page

At this group level hiking trips no longer satisfied. For a man of sixty-five years old to receive gold in push-ups, it is enough to perform the exercise only eleven times, which is the norm of the GTO 2019. The table of standards for the age of 60 years and above differs depending on the level: the higher the person’s age, the simpler the requirements are.

11th stage - for women and men 70 years and older - First page 11th stage - for women and men 70 years and older - Second page

Regardless of what age a person is, he will be able to successfully participate in the GTO system. To do this, you need to initially visit the official website and see what requirements to fulfill for the desired result. There are different standards for all ages, so each person must initially assess what they are dealing with and properly prepare for the exercises.

If you take the matter with due seriousness, then a person will definitely achieve success. Everyone will be able to receive the desired insignia and thereby prove that they have excellent physical fitness.

“Ready for Labor and Defense” is the name of the sports complex, which was created in the 30s of the last century and immediately appealed to Soviet youth. The social movement experienced its real peak of popularity in the 50s, when the GTO sign sparkled brightly on the chest of every fourth Soviet boy and girl. To achieve this success, it was necessary to pass the GTO standards, which were quite complex. The historical era has changed, and the public sports movement remains a thing of the past. And only many years later it was brought back to life again, this happened in 2013, and from the next year the system was tested in several regions at once.

GTO levels for schoolchildren:

Today, almost anyone can become a participant in the great sports movement. To do this, you need to pass the GTO standards; this can be done at different ages: from 6 years to 70 and older. It is clear that everyone age group our own tests, which are focused on the characteristics of the body. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups. The TRP standards in the table of standards show the tests that participants are required to pass.

Standards on the GTO website

In fact, the organizers have developed a whole complex that includes five steps for schoolchildren.

Levels of standards for schoolchildren

From the sixth stage, GTO standards for adults begin, which in turn are classified by gender - for men and women.

Standards for men and women

Advantages of the GTO program

Participation in the public sports movement is completely voluntary, but the ranks of its participants are growing every year. There are many reasons for this. For example, for many representatives of the new generation it is important to maintain the continuity of the generation, to become another member of the family dynasty, having the golden TRP sign. Other participants want to prove to themselves and others that they are strong, brave, and dexterous. Still others dream of entering a prestigious institute, and the golden GTO sign gives additional points. Whatever the reasons for participating in a big sports project, the main thing is that the participant carefully weighs his sports opportunities. This will allow him to improve the skills required by the standards. By the way, the GTO standards in the table of standards are presented in an accessible form. Thus, the GTO standards by age will show in an accessible form what children and adults can do to achieve success.

The table for men, for example, looks like this:

Stage 7 - for men 30-39 years old - First page

The GTO standards for 2017 show the types of standards, as well as the results that are relevant for passing for a gold, silver or bronze badge.

TRP badges

Thanks to this arrangement of values, you can not only learn about the TRP standards by age, but also compare them with each other. Experts, coaches, doctors and specialists approached the development of each sports discipline with special care. At the same time, preliminary tests were carried out, taking into account physiological characteristics participants of different ages. The result of this great job was the creation of a table of norms.

Changes in 2017

The GTO system offers 11 levels, five of which are for schoolchildren, six for adults. Each of them has its own GTO standards. For example, first-level schoolchildren take both traditional sports disciplines, such as pull-ups or sprinting, and those specially designed for this category of participants: shuttle running, bending forward from a standing position. There are mandatory tests, as well as optional ones. The table presented on the website indicates how many tests are required to complete in order to receive the highest TRP mark. And such standards for all ages are presented in the table in full. Comparing them, you can see that the standards are quite accessible. Experts give recommendations for preparing for the GTO test. It is necessary to indicate how much time is required to spend in physical education and outdoor games, if we are talking about the youngest members of the public sports movement.

Perhaps the most difficult GTO standards are those offered for men of the sixth stage. This category includes representatives of the stronger half, whose age is conventionally divided into those who are from 18 to 24, and also from 25 to 29 years old. At the same time, some tests can be replaced by others, for example, a hanging pull-up at the request of the participant with a kettlebell snatch. Optional tests include skiing or 5 km cross-country, swimming, shooting air rifle and others.

How to prepare for passing the standards?

The GTO is presented on the official website of the public sports movement full information about how to correctly pass the TRP standards and how to prepare for this process. There is a special "How to" section that tells you how to properly ace the tests. The text version indicates under what conditions the task should be performed, what its features are, what the projectile that is involved in the test is, if, for example, we are talking about throwing tennis ball or other item. What items can be used in the GTO test can be found in the table of standards.

If the text version does not seem entirely clear or complete to the TRP participant, you can refer to the video on the website. It explains and shows in detail what the rules for taking the test are. In some sports, it is the video that makes it possible to understand how to fulfill the standards. For example, swimming or lifting your body from a supine position. Of course, the TRP standards for age do not provide for all types of tests presented in the stories on the site. And if some tests are repeated at different levels, then an explanation must be given as to which age group this or that test should be assigned to. For example, mixed movement is stipulated by age - 65-70 years. Having carefully studied all the features test tasks, you can understand how to perform them correctly.

Changes in regulations

The latest GTO standards in the Soviet Union were developed in 1972, and they were taken as the basis for the 2017 GTO standards. But at the same time, they have been seriously modified taking into account modern realities. For example, in Soviet times, schoolchildren starting at the age of 10 could receive the GTO sign, but today the youngest members of the sports social movement are six-year-old boys and girls. As for the tests, they too have undergone changes. Yes, from modern program such names of sports disciplines as cycling, rope climbing with the help of legs, 30 m running have disappeared. A modern teenager has a much larger choice of disciplines.

Mandatory and alternative tests

Some events have moved from the category of compulsory to the category of additional ones, we are talking about the running long jump, where a Soviet schoolchild had to achieve a result of 340 cm for the golden badge, while his contemporary today can limit himself to 290 cm.

Some types of sports disciplines remained unchanged. Boys are asked to do 5 pull-ups for a gold badge, and 3 for a silver badge.


The requirements for cross-country skiing over a distance of 1 km have become more stringent. If earlier gold required 7.30 minutes, today it takes 6.45 minutes.

Cross-country skiing

And this picture is typical for the GTO standards for all ages in the table. By the way, in the Soviet version there were only 5 steps, the last of which was called “Vigor and Health”, it was intended for men from 40 to 60 years old and women from 35 to 55 years old. The exercises are quite gentle, and most modern people in this category can cope with them without difficulty. For many disciplines there is no concept of time, the main thing is to pass. The list includes running 60 m, cross-country - 300 and 800 m. For the standing long jump, it was enough for men to show a result of 190 cm, for women - 150 cm. Today, even older people can easily cope with these tasks after appropriate training.

Where to take sports disciplines?

To join the ranks of the large social movement “Ready for Labor and Defense,” you should contact a test center, which is located in every region. You can go more the easy way: First register on the portal. To do this, you need to go through a simple registration by clicking on the appropriate section, which is located in the upper right corner of the main page. Here it is important to correctly write down your email address and initial data, as well as remember your password. After this, a letter will be sent to the specified address, following the link of which you should go to the portal.

Registration opens up new opportunities for the user. Including, find out the GTO standards, which are determined by the level of the participant. And also here in a special section of your personal account there is information about the location of test centers. This information appears both in text form, indicating the locality, address and name of the institution, and in cartographic form. The latter is interesting because it allows you to quickly navigate the area and easily find gym without outside help. At the center you must present your passport and medical certificate, which indicates the health of the TRP participant.

Other information is also reflected in your personal account. For example, about which sports disciplines have already been passed and recorded in the participant’s passport. The photo presented in the user's account will be used in the organization member's passport. On the main page of the portal after logging in, a unique identification number participant, his last name, middle name and photo. If desired, the user can always change personal data, for example, location, which will allow him to quickly find out where the testing centers are located and continue passing the GTO standards.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2014 N 540
"On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)"

In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2014 N 172 “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO).

2. To recommend that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, when forming draft budgets for the next financial year and planning period, provide for financial support for the costs of implementing the activities provided for in the action plan for the phased implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

about the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014 N 540)

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations define the purpose, objectives, structure, content and organization of work on the introduction and further implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) - the programmatic and regulatory basis of the system of physical education of the population (hereinafter referred to as the All-Russian Physical Education sports complex).

2. The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex establishes state requirements for the level physical fitness population.

3. The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex provides for preparation for implementation and direct implementation by various age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the population of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as age groups) of the established test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex at 3 levels of complexity , corresponding to the gold, silver or bronze insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex (hereinafter referred to as the test standards).

4. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is based on the following principles:

a) voluntariness and accessibility;

b) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;

c) mandatory medical control;

d) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.

II. Goals and objectives of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

5. The goals of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are to increase the efficiency of using the capabilities of physical culture and sports in promoting health, harmonious and comprehensive personal development, instilling patriotism and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.

6. The objectives of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are:

a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically involved in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;

c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical education and sports, physical self-improvement and management healthy image life;

d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organization independent studies, including using modern information technologies;

e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, children's and youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

III. Structure and content of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

7. The structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex consists of 11 levels and includes the following age groups:

first stage - from 6 to 8 years;

second stage - from 9 to 10 years;

third stage - from 11 to 12 years;

fourth stage - from 13 to 15 years;

fifth stage - from 16 to 17 years;

sixth stage - from 18 to 29 years old;

seventh stage - from 30 to 39 years;

eighth stage - from 40 to 49 years;

ninth stage - from 50 to 59 years;

tenth stage - from 60 to 69 years;

eleventh stage - from 70 years and older.

8. The normative testing part of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex provides for state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population, including disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, based on the implementation of testing standards (tests), recommendations for weekly physical activity.

The state requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

State requirements All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are approved in the manner established by paragraph two of this paragraph for 4 years.

9. Assessment of the level of physical fitness of the population is carried out based on the results of performing a set number of tests (tests), allowing:

a) determine the level of development physical qualities and applied motor skills;

b) assess the versatility (harmony) of the development of basic physical qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics human development;

Information about changes:

Clause 9 was supplemented with subclause “c” from March 20, 2018 - Resolution

c) determine the level of development of physical qualities of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities.

10. Types of tests (tests) are divided into mandatory tests (tests) and optional tests (tests) (with the exception of tests (tests) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities).

Disabled persons and persons with limited health capabilities independently select tests (tests) from among the tests (tests) provided for in paragraph 12.1 of these Regulations (one test (test) to determine the level of development of each physical quality) in accordance with the levels and age groups of the All-Russian Physical Education sports complex.

11. Mandatory tests (tests) in accordance with the levels of the structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex (with the exception of tests (tests) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities) are divided into:

d) tests to determine the level of development of flexibility.

12. Tests (tests) of choice in accordance with the stages of the structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex (with the exception of tests (tests) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities) are divided into:

a) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed and strength capabilities;

b) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities;

c) tests to determine the level of mastery of applied skills.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 12.1 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

12.1. Tests (tests) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities are divided into:

a) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed capabilities;

b) tests (tests) to determine the level of endurance development;

c) tests (tests) to determine the level of strength development;

d) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed and strength capabilities;

e) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of flexibility;

f) tests to determine the level of development of coordination abilities.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 12.2 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

12.2. The number of tests (tests) to fulfill test standards (tests) is determined by the levels and age groups of the structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

13. Persons who have fulfilled the standards of tests (tests) of certain levels of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are awarded the corresponding insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, a sample and description of which and the form of the certificate form for which are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The procedure for awarding persons who have fulfilled the test standards with the corresponding insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

14. Persons having one of sports titles or sports categories not lower than the second youth level and who have completed the tests (tests) corresponding to the silver insignia, are awarded the gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

16. Recommendations for a weekly motor regimen provide for the minimum volume of various types of motor activity necessary for independent preparation for the implementation of types of testing standards (tests), development of physical qualities, preservation and promotion of health.

17. Assignment sports categories in sports disciplines of sports included in the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.

18. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing to fulfill test standards (tests) is approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approves the procedure for organizing and conducting testing of persons subject to conscription for military service, as well as persons studying in educational institutions under its jurisdiction, and relevant civilian personnel.

Tolerance sports referees The assessment of compliance with testing standards (tests) is carried out by testing centers in the manner and in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

IV. Organization of work on the introduction and implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

19. Persons systematically involved in physical culture and sports, including independently, are allowed to fulfill test standards (tests), based on the results of a medical examination conducted in accordance with the procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to persons involved in physical culture and sports (including in the preparation and conduct of physical education and sports events), including the procedure for medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical education and sports in organizations and (or) fulfill the testing standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

20. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right, at their discretion, to additionally include 2 types of tests (tests) in the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex at the regional level, including in national, military-applied sports (disciplines), as well as in the most popular among youth sports (except for tests (tests) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities).

21. Requirements for the level of physical fitness when fulfilling test standards are taken into account in the educational programs of educational organizations in the subject (discipline) "Physical Culture".

22. Applicants for training in educational programs higher education has the right to provide information about their individual achievements in the field of physical culture and sports, the presence of insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, which are taken into account by educational organizations during admission based on the registration procedure individual achievements established by rules approved by educational organizations independently.

23. Students who have a gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex may be awarded an increased state academic scholarship in the manner established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

24. Preparation for the implementation and implementation of test standards by various age groups can be carried out as part of the implementation of activities aimed at the development of physical culture and sports among all age and social groups of the population and carried out at the municipal, regional and federal levels, including public physical culture and sports organizations.

25. Persons carrying out labor activities prepare for the implementation, as well as direct implementation of test standards (tests) during activities carried out by the employer. Recommendations for employers on the organization, preparation and implementation of testing standards for persons engaged in labor activities are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The employer has the right to reward, in the prescribed manner, persons who have completed the testing standards for the corresponding insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

26. In order to conduct testing of compliance with test standards (tests), testing centers for compliance with test standards (tests) are being created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the creation and regulations on these testing centers are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in terms of testing citizens subject to conscription for military service, as well as persons studying in educational organizations under its jurisdiction, and civilian personnel of military formations.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2015 N 1508, the appendix was supplemented with clause 26.1

26.1. Testing centers for compliance with testing standards (tests), including physical education and sports clubs, have the right to provide consulting assistance to the population on the following issues:

a) the impact of physical education on health, increasing mental and physical performance;

b) hygiene of physical education classes;

c) basic control methods physical condition when practicing various physical education and health systems and sports;

d) the basics of independent study methods;

e) mastery of practical skills physical education and health and applied orientation, mastery of skills in various types physical culture and sports activities within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 26.2 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

26.2. Testing centers for the implementation of testing standards (tests) provide support for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities sports equipment and equipment necessary for testing in accordance with methodological recommendations, approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

27. Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical education and sports events, calendar plans physical education events and sports events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities include physical education and sports events that involve the implementation of types of tests (tests).

28. The coordination of activities for the phased implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is carried out by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

29. Information support for the implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is provided by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

30. Accounting of data on the results of fulfillment of testing standards (tests) is carried out according to the form of federal statistical monitoring of the implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, which is approved Federal service state statistics in the manner established by it.

“Ready for work and defense!” - a slogan forgotten after the war and revived in modern times.

Where and how to pass the GTO? What do you need to do to get a gold badge? What are the benefits of the GTO complex and how can you train yourself to exercise regularly? We will look at all this in the article.

History of the GTO

Beginning of origin

The October Revolution was followed by a civil war. The new leaders were looking for options to strengthen the military power of the state and methods of uniting all the inhabitants of the country. For this purpose, in 1918, the document “On compulsory training in the art of war” was adopted. Later, in 1920, societies began to be created at various educational institutions to improve the level of military training and develop respect for sports in general.

In 1927, the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAHIM) was created. It will lay the foundation for the entire GTO complex and contribute to the development sports competitions in the country.

GTO complex in the USSR

Since 1930, a trial pass of the GTO health complex has been introduced. An announcement about it appears in Komsomolskaya Pravda. OSOAVIAKHIM activists are actively involved in attracting young people to play sports.

To take the tests, adults are divided into three categories based on age and gender. The complex itself consists of one stage and includes 6 theoretical and 15 practical tests. In 1932, the second stage GTO complex was put into operation. It has 3 theoretical and 22 practical tests.

In 1934, the children's level of the complex was introduced - “Be ready for work and defense” (BGTO). Schoolchildren pass 16 standards.

In 1939-40 The health complex became the basis for military training of the population of the USSR. People learned to shoot, swim, ski, throw grenades, and overcome obstacles. This helped many quickly retrain as tankers, snipers and reconnaissance officers.

As part of the goals facing the sports society in the country, adjustments were made to the TRP. In 1946-1950 Age categories have changed, and the number of standards has decreased. After the restoration of the country, the athletes of the USSR were given the goal of popularizing sports and GTO standards. The main goal was to achieve high sporting results throughout the world.

GTO complex in Russia

Since 2007, there has been a sharp interest in sports in the Russian Federation. Russia achieves victories in football, basketball, handball and other sports. And in this regard, the public is initiating the revival of the forgotten GTO complex.

The country's leading universities host events to implement a health-improving complex. And the process of generating interest in the GTO will last until 2014. This year, the complex will be officially recognized by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense.”

Now the GTO is gaining momentum. Girls and boys are trying to win the coveted gold badge, which contributes to the formation of the habit of paying attention to their physical development and look after your health.

What is the GTO complex

Depending on the degree of complexity, badges are divided into gold, silver and bronze. Highest award- golden. All badges feature an athlete in motion on a red/blue/green background, depending on the type of badge.

Which badge you receive determines your worst result of completed mandatory standards. Let's say you passed most of the tests for gold and silver, but one result was bronze. Then you receive a bronze badge regardless of most indicators.

What does passing the GTO give you?

In addition to confirming your level of physical fitness, the GTO badge can be useful for schoolchildren. After all, passed GTO standards give Unified State Exam points. The maximum you can get is 10 points, but at a minimum you can count on 1-3 points. Even these scores can make a difference in admissions.

There is a special badge of distinction issued by the President of the Russian Federation for regularly receiving TRP badges for several years.

Rights for passing the GTO

Rights to take GTO tests are determined by federal law. They are built on the principles of voluntariness, mandatory medical supervision, and a health-improving orientation.

Since the GTO complex presupposes the principle of voluntariness, parents have the right to refuse to pass their child the GTO standards. A problem that parents face quite often is that the TRP is presented as a mandatory event for participation. You must understand that the school does this for show, to show the number of participants. However, parents must defend their rights if the child is against speaking.

Let's sum it up

Passing the GTO standards can serve as an impetus for changing your lifestyle. Regular training and developing an interest in sports in general. Determination and some excitement in obtaining the coveted badge can change your life. After all, sport is good for everyone, and meeting basic standards can show your level of physical fitness. Failure to meet any indicators will serve as a signal to action and subsequent development good habits and skills.

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The system for determining the quality of physical education of the population “Ready for Labor and Defense” allows you to find out how serious the preparation of schoolchildren and employees of many organizations for all sports disciplines is. Thanks to the unique GTO program, the state determines what needs to be paid attention to first and what innovations need to be introduced regarding the physical education of youth. The program has its own portal or, to put it another way, official website, which allows everyone to receive all the necessary information regarding testing of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex.

Useful information for program participants

The use of a unique portal provides a lot of opportunities for every person who needs to monitor the implementation of GTO events. If the user is interested in certain information, then using the official website you can easily find answers to all questions.

All data is evenly and conveniently distributed across portal categories. This means that even a user who has visited the site for the first time will be able to quickly understand the peculiarities of the functioning of a unique resource.

Official website

The appearance of, the official website of the program, is as simple and understandable as possible for every person. Programmers and layout designers carefully planned not only the design of each icon, but also ensured the best ergonomics of this resource.

At the top of the portal there is a header with the names of the main categories. If a person is primarily interested in “News,” then he can go to this tab of the website. Afterwards, the screen will display all the available information that interests a particular user. This also becomes very convenient if you need to find out the contacts of representatives of this organization, from whom you can obtain information that is not on this site.

Main categories

GTO contact details

Under the main categories of the official website there is a number hotline. Anyone who has questions can call it. Calls within the Russian Federation are made free of charge from mobile and landline numbers. Also in that part of the portal you can find important buttons that allow you to either register a new user or perform authorization.

Contacts section

There you can also find the inscription: “Become a participant in the program.” If you click on this button, a form opens for filling out contact information about a new participant in a unique program.

Become a program participant

Using this page, each user has the opportunity to register to participate in a unique project. You just need to fill out a simple form, correctly indicate information about yourself, and after that the application will be sent for consideration by the appropriate commission.

Where can I get information about the program itself?

On the main page of the official website you can get introductory information regarding the unique “Ready for Labor and Defense” program. It is also possible to check your own insignia. For this purpose, the portal has a huge database where a summary of all received TRP badges is stored.

Check information

To obtain information, a person needs to know the following:

  • identification number;
  • number of the TRP award certificate.

Entering data to check sign information

After entering the necessary contact information, all you have to do is click the “Find” button. It is enough to wait ten seconds, depending on the system load, and then obtain information regarding the available TRP badges from a specific resident of Russia based on his full name and award certificate number.

Information about standards and exercises

Standards for schoolchildren

Also, the main page of, the official website of the program, has comprehensive information regarding all the standards and exercises that must be performed to receive award badges. The main ones include the following:

  • sprinting;
  • throwing a projectile at a distance;
  • swimming;
  • lifting the body while lying on your back;
  • Pull-ups on a high bar;
  • kettlebell jerk.

All standards for schoolchildren

This is not a complete list of all the exercises that can be completed to obtain the desired badge.

Next to the information about the exercise there will certainly be information on how to perform it correctly. Explanations are also offered in short text format and in full video for each standard.

Mandatory tests

Regulatory documents

For many users who use the functionality of the official website, it is important to familiarize themselves with the regulatory documents of the organization. They are freely available and anyone can easily view and study them.

Regulatory documents

Registration of a new TRP participant

Passing the “Ready for Labor and Defense” standards becomes possible only after passing a special registration. official website opens up such a unique opportunity.

The most important thing in registering is filling out a special form. The basic data of the future owner of the badge is entered into it, which will then end up in the unified database of this organization.

Every PC user with an Internet connection can cope with this task. A modern schoolchild is able to register quickly enough, since this process is in many ways similar to creating your own page on social networks, so teenagers will not feel any difficulties.

Instructions on how to register


There are also exact instructions on the easiest way to register. To do this, you need to follow these important points:

  • visit official website;
  • indicate email;
  • create a password;
  • click on the button to send the activation code;
  • enter the received code;
  • indicate your date of birth.

As soon as these steps are completed, special fields will appear where you will need to enter basic information about the new participant in the unique program. The basic information that is indicated should include the last name, first name, patronymic, residential address and information regarding the education of this person.

It would be advisable for a person registering in this system to indicate his preferences in sports. This will allow you to select the most suitable sports disciplines for a new member of the organization.

You will need to send a photo of the person who plans to register in the system. It is this image that will subsequently be pasted into the personal passport of the VFSK participant.

It is also important not to forget that after the user has provided all the information, he will need to check the box that he allows the system to process personal data. Without this condition, the electronic application will not be accepted.

After a person clicks on the “Registration” button, which completes this process, an email will be sent with a corresponding notification. This means that the user has become a full-fledged participant in the program and can now log into his own account using a unique portal, information about which is on the official website

Features of a unique project

What is GTO

The modern GTO program was created in order to significantly improve the physical fitness of every representative of the population of the Russian Federation. Main task unique system is to ensure the effective development of the population, as well as the competent improvement of the nation.

The unique GTO complex includes all kinds of exercises that relate to the development of strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility. The complexity of the exercises will depend on the age group to which the person belongs. Boys and girls from six years of age can participate for championship in the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program, for whom certain standards have already been created that are suitable for their age.

The official website has all the information you need. It will help you effectively prepare for various standards and exercises.

There are special groups for people aged seventy and older. All regulatory requirements divided into three levels of difficulty. All of them correspond to three main insignia:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • bronze.

Each similar TRP sign demonstrates that a person was able to achieve high results in sports and physical training. The better the badge, the higher the complexity of the tests that the applicant for the “Ready for Labor and Defense” insignia was able to overcome. More detailed information regarding the holding of such competitions can be obtained using

Every modern user will be able to use such data. It will be enough just to visit the official website using the appropriate link, go to the category of interest and view all the information that is offered there. In the event that the user’s questions still cannot be answered correctly, then you can call the hotline number, which is listed on the main page of the official website.

Main categories of the website

In order to quickly find any necessary information using this unique site, there are special categories that evenly distribute all the useful data and facts that are available on this portal. The main categories include the following:

  • news;
  • standards;
  • story;
  • documents.

Press releases

For example, if a person is primarily interested in current news, then in this case he only needs to go to a special category. There, all relevant information on all Russian regions is immediately available for viewing.

Each event necessarily concerns the GTO. For example, this could be information: children of a certain camp are joining the movement or in a specific region they discussed the features and plans for the implementation of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex.

If the user is more interested in the development of a new sports movement in one of federal districts or cities of the Russian Federation, then in this case he only needs to enter the name of the locality that interests him most in a special search bar on the official website After this, the system will generate the corresponding results.

How to comply with the standards?

A very popular category among others is called “How to”. There is detailed information regarding each standard. For example, not every sports enthusiast knows how to perform the exercise correctly “ Nordic walking"or "Mixed movement".

But anyone who is unfamiliar with holding such competitions will definitely be interested in what is unique about passing each standard, and what requirements are used to evaluate and process the results obtained by a special commission. But the official website provides this and other information.

To clarify specific information or obtain numbers of the main organizers of the event sports competitions, there is a special category “Contacts”. There you can find out the email address of the Minister of Sports, his deputy and other officials who have access to the project. The convenience of this page lies in the fact that all numbers are located in the most convenient sequence.

Question and answer

Another important category on the site is “Question and Answer”. It contains the most basic questions and answers to them, which were prepared in advance by the moderators. If something interests a site user, then first you need to look at the existing information. When you don’t find the necessary information in their list, you can ask your question to the site administrator, to which they will definitely give a detailed answer. official website “Ready for labor and defense opens up a lot of new opportunities. If a person is interested in participating in the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex, then he can get any information using this portal.