Rhythmic gymnastics sections for children. What do you need to know? Is it worth sending your child to rhythmic gymnastics and what do such lessons give? Rhythmic gymnastics for children: reviews

When parents are faced with the question of which section to send their daughter to, one of the most popular answer options is rhythmic gymnastics. Although since the end of the 20th century this sport has ceased to be purely female, it is still traditionally much more common among girls.

We talked to the gymnast Yana Kudryavtseva and found out what parents who want to see their child in rhythmic gymnastics should be prepared for. We'll figure out what skills gymnastics classes develop, at what age you can start practicing, what costs you need to be prepared for, and how to generally choose a sport for your child.

Rhythmic gymnastics: what is the essence and what skills does it develop?

Rhythmic gymnastics is beauty, and hardly anyone can argue with that. The point is simple: the athlete performs gymnastic exercises with various objects - hoop, ribbon, clubs, ball, jump rope - to the music. As a rule, a competition exercise should not last more than one and a half minutes. You can perform both individually and in a team.

Interesting: rhythmic gymnastics - the only olympic event sport that originated in Russia.

Now let's move on to the skills that rhythmic gymnastics develops. The first thing that comes to mind is flexibility. Excellent stretching, ligament flexibility and joint mobility, good posture, coordination and accuracy of movements are the main things that gymnastics provides in physically. Integral parts of gymnastics also include the development of artistry, a sense of rhythm, self-control, discipline, willpower and the ability to make instant calculations in the head: for example, with what force and at what angle it is necessary to throw an object in order to catch it after a certain time.

In numbers: at what age to start practicing and how popular gymnastics is in our country

Typically, children aged 5-6 years are recruited into rhythmic gymnastics. Children often start studying earlier: at 3-4 years old. Perhaps the optimal age is 4-5 years.

Important to know: not all children are accepted into gymnastics sections. Physique plays an important role: trainers look at the figure, the flexibility of the ligaments and the ability to stretch. People often pay attention to the build of the parents in order to roughly understand what the child will be like in a few years.

Rhythmic gymnastics is very popular in Russia. This is explained both by the fact that this sport appeared here and by the fact that gymnastics is about aesthetics and strength. Assessing the popularity of gymnastics, we would give it 8 out of 10.

Competition system and development

Rhythmic gymnastics uses the Olympic system. In general, gymnastics is a sport that involves many competitions at various levels. There are various international competitions, including European and world championships, All-Russian and regional competitions.

If we talk about categories, then from the age of 6 a child can be assigned the III youth sports category, and from the age of 7 and 8 - II and I, respectively. From 9, 10 and 11 years old you can get III, II and I sports categories(no longer youthful), respectively. You can become a candidate for master of sports at the age of 13, and a master of sports and an international master of sports at the age of 16.

The price of the issue: what costs should you be prepared for?

The cost of the classes themselves varies. In Russia there are many free rhythmic gymnastics sections, including in schools Olympic reserve. If you take paid classes, then average price will be equal to 3-5 thousand rubles per month. The list of sports schools can be found, for example,.

Now let's talk about equipment. What your child will need for classes:

  • leggings, T-shirt, socks~1500-2000 rubles. At the initial stage, you can get by with this set of clothes;
  • half shoes~500 rubles;
  • gymnastic leotard~1000 rubles;
  • gymnastic ball from 500 rubles;
  • gymnastic clubs from 500 rubles;

The cost will be higher (~3000 rubles) when the child grows up and needs clubs of a more suitable size. And the materials of the clubs differ, which is also reflected in changes in price.

  • gymnastic ribbon with stick from 500 rubles;
  • gymnastic hoop~1000 rubles;
  • gymnastic jump rope~1000 rubles;
  • knee pads~500 rubles.

Your child may not need this entire list at first. Before purchasing equipment, you must consult with a trainer. You also need to take into account that as the child ages, he will most likely need more expensive equipment and equipment.

5 tips for parents who want to send their child to rhythmic gymnastics

  • Be patient. Your child will need your support and attention. Be prepared for the fact that training will continue at home.
  • Discuss with your child what you expect from playing sports. If you have really serious intentions and your goal is, for example, to compete at the Olympics, then you need to be prepared for your studies to fade into the background.
  • Be prepared for the fact that after the first lessons your child will have severe muscle pain due to intense stretching. This period must be endured.
  • Most likely, your child will have to perform a lot, so you should explain to the young champion that we can all make mistakes and there is no need to get too upset and give up if you fail.
  • If a child is not just periodically capricious, but over a long period of time receives only displeasure from training, you should think carefully about whether it is worth putting pressure on him.

Advice for parents who are thinking about which sport to enroll their child in:

There are special testing centers where your child will undergo psychological and physiological tests, after which you will be given a conclusion. It will indicate which sports your child is most inclined to, and which options are best avoided.

Rhythmic gymnastics has a strong appeal not only for little girls who love the gymnasts' pretty, shiny costumes, but also for mothers who want their children to be strong, graceful and successful. After all, rhythmic gymnastics is at the same time acrobatics, dancing and good psychological preparation. But behind the beautiful cover there is a whole invisible world - hard work, disappointments, defeats, injuries. Of course, if you have the opportunity and desire, you should definitely give the girl a lesson. But you need to know all the positive and negative sides that are present in this sport.

At what age can you start training?

Rhythmic gymnastics can be practiced regularly from the age of four. Until this age (at three years), you can bring your child to the gym once a week to interest him and so that he gets used to the environment. From the age of four, a child is taken to gymnastics informally, two to three times a week. Moreover, during the first classes, the presence of parents is mandatory (not in the gym, but near the sports school) in order to, if possible, smooth out the psychological discomfort that the child may have.

But, however, at four years old there are girls who are well physically prepared and psychologically prepared for classes no worse than older children. Of course, such children are an exception, but it is precisely such gifted children that coaches are looking for. The sooner you start practicing, the better, because such children stretch well into splits, do folds, and in general, difficulties will be easier to bear if they become somewhat of a habit. However, if the child is interested, there will be no problems with the classes. Officially, sports schools recruit girls at the age of 4 - 5, such children preschool age can already take responsibility for future results.

If the child does not want to exercise

Happens so that the child wants to go to class, but when faced with difficulties, he begins to be mischievous and say that he does not need this. It is impossible to conduct classes effectively under such conditions. If you need to interest your child, buy the girl a nice training suit. Or let them practice in fancy costumes for performances. Wear a beautiful hairstyle and light children's makeup for class. With such promises - to buy a gymnastic hoop, a wrap for a hoop, clubs and decorate them beautifully - you can persuade a child to practice effectively for a long time.

It is necessary to intensively distract the child from difficulties until the first competition. If the result is positive and the child takes a prize, his eyes will light up and this will be a good incentive to study in the future. If it didn’t work out, you need to focus on the elements and exercises that worked best and praise the child. You also need to pay a little attention to mistakes so that the child can improve his level in subsequent classes.

You might think that small child doesn’t understand anything, and you can simply force him to go to gymnastics. But in rhythmic gymnastics, as well as in artistic gymnastics, children grow up very early. Constant stress and discipline quickly make them psychologically older, and a lot of things can be explained to such a child as to an adult. Therefore, explain to your child the benefits of gymnastics (they can be more successful), future prospects (you can get a profession early) and it will be easier for such an athlete to practice.

Schedule and school performance

There is often an opinion that gymnasts do not have the opportunity to fully study at school and attend other sections. This is partly true, because in early age children do rhythmic gymnastics up to three hours a day, three to four times a week. And very soon, in the second or third year, the load increases to three to four hours a day, and classes are held daily.

But you need to take into account that a child, having a busy schedule, becomes more disciplined, and labor productivity increases significantly. If a girl is responsible, even when she comes home at eight in the evening, she will quickly have dinner and in an hour and a half will be able to do as much homework as an ordinary schoolchild does in three to four hours. After all, if there are no additional classes, the child sits for a long time at the computer or walks aimlessly in the yard, and homework turns into rushing between food, games and sitting on social networks.

So school performance depends entirely on the efforts of parents to try to help make homework, namely, to explain to the child points that he does not understand well, for example, in mathematics or foreign language. After all, there are successful gymnasts who attend every day sports school and at the same time they are excellent students in regular schools.

The situation is similar with the music school. There is an opinion that it is impossible to combine sports and music school (in addition to the usual general education). But this is absolutely not true. The fact is that classes at a music school consist of four hours a week - two hours for practical lessons, one hour for solfeggio, one hour for musical literature, and you don’t have to take part in the choir - this is optional. Artistic gymnastics with daily attendance it takes at least 20 hours a week, in reality more for successful athletes (who can study more in preparation for competitions), so if you agree with the coach and choose a music school closer, you can quite successfully receive a music education as well. Moreover, the time of practical classes can be adjusted, and it is not necessary to attend musical literature and solfeggio every time.

Such irregular classes at a music school can negatively affect a girl’s musical success, but have a positive impact on her sports success. After all, such a switch to another type of activity disciplines the child even more and also gives the body a psychological break from constant physical activity. The main problem in visiting another section is the will sports trainer, who is usually very jealous of his sport and is categorically against attending yet another type of class, a music school in our case. And no arguments what this is for general development, which is good for a girl and which will not harm sports, do not work.

Sometimes all that remains is to adjust the classes so that the sports school does not notice the classes at the music school, by inventing, for example, that the child at such a time goes to, for example, English language, trainers are more loyal and less jealous of language courses. Moreover, you need to adjust it so that additional classes are before training, since no one will be allowed to leave training, at least on a regular basis.


Rhythmic gymnastics will have a coach. No wonder, every sport will have a coach. But if the mentor spends up to 30 hours a week with the child, then a lot depends on him. Building a relationship with a coach is quite easy, but there are circumstances when you may be unhappy with him - for example, in a group he will give preference to someone else. In gymnastics, the children of the coach’s acquaintances, the children of other coaches and the children of important (and rich) people practice, they will be in first place. You may be unhappy with the situation, but you must understand that if your child is not a “protégé”, then you can only come to the fore with triple the work, there are no other ways. The situation is similar with judging; it is not always objective, but having a serious advantage in an impeccably executed complex program, subjectivity can be overcome and a decent mark can be obtained.

There is no point in arguing with the coach - it will only harm the child, who spends dozens of hours a week with the student and can always get even, for example, by scolding him for exercises. After a damaged relationship, moving to another coach will be a difficult task, since a student in gymnastics is considered almost the property of the coach and the only way to leave him is to leave the sports school. And even if there is an opportunity to go to another coach at the same school, the teaching staff may be very friendly, and the training options will be the same or even worse.

One more point - rhythmic gymnastics, even for beginners, will require costs. Costumes, accessories, trips will cost money. But keep in mind that gymnastics is very difficult work. Not every adult works as hard throughout the day as young gymnasts work for several hours, constantly performing exercises. Therefore, your child does not need to skimp on extra beautiful accessories - let it be his salary. There is another side of the coin - a child who suffers in gymnastics begins to feel sorry for him at home. Thus, a hard worker in rhythmic gymnastics, even if he is a super-champion, becomes a slacker. If nothing is done, the problem may be noticed too late. There just aren’t enough classes in general education and sports schools for education, so let’s do homework - cleaning, washing dishes, at least a little, you can also plant a special garden for labor education.

Rhythmic gymnastics, due to its numerous complex exercises, leads to numerous injuries and chronic diseases. Therefore, if a child has pain in his joints, knees, ankles and a break in exercises did not give any improvement, consider switching to another sport, perhaps sports dancing, where gymnastic training will be useful, but there will not be such a load.

Should I send my child to rhythmic gymnastics?

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most beautiful and graceful sports. Gymnastics is a relatively young sport; it was formed only in 1913 thanks to the dancers of the Mariinsky Ballet. Rhythmic gymnast exercises include elements of choreography and semi-acrobatics. Children in rhythmic gymnastics develop not only physically, but also psychologically.

Before taking a young athlete to her first lesson, evaluate all the pros and cons of rhythmic gymnastics.

Young athletes are attracted to bright swimsuits, and parents are attracted to the success and grace of athletes. However, behind the external gloss of this exclusively female-looking sports hide injuries, daily hard work and the bitterness of first defeats.

Gymnasts flutter around the mat and perform the most complex elements with ease and airiness. During the performance, they demonstrate skillful control of their body. Nevertheless, only athletes and their mentors know how to achieve such mastery. Before taking a young athlete to her first lesson, evaluate all the pros and cons of rhythmic gymnastics.

Why you shouldn't do rhythmic gymnastics

Many parents say that rhythmic gymnastics classes for children are best sport for girls. They see the ease and grace of the performers and do not suspect that each movement takes several hours to perfect, that each wave of the hand is perfected to the point of automatism.

First, you need to understand whether it is worth sending your child to gymnastics. To do this, let’s look at the negative aspects of rhythmic gymnastics.

Pain when stretching

To perform special gymnastic elements young gymnast must have good physical fitness. Therefore, in the first few years, young athletes engage mainly in general physical training. The main emphasis in children under the age of 6-7 years is on stretching. At the same time, beginning gymnasts, even those who are naturally very flexible, feel severe pain in their ligaments.

Muscle pain

Every year gymnasts spend more and more time on training. At the beginning of the journey, training takes place 2-3 times a week for about 1.5 hours. However, with receiving a new category, the time and number of training increases. Thus, adult athletes (12-14 years old), preparing for the performance program, train at least 10 hours a day. Such long hours of exercise lead to muscle pain, as well as occupational injuries. Most often, gymnasts are susceptible to injuries to the ankles, knees and spine.


At performances we see only slender and thin rhythmic gymnasts. However, this does not mean that absolutely all gymnasts are not prone to obesity. It’s just that if the coach sees that the athlete is overweight, they immediately put her on a strict diet. At the same time physical activity do not contract, because of this, many gymnasts suffer from “hungry fainting”.

Among the popular gymnasts who are prone to obesity are Alina Kabaeva and Laysan Utyasheva. In order to achieve high results in sports, both gymnasts sat on strict diets. Laysan often recalls that the diet was so strict that she stole food from the trainer’s dog.

Studying at school

Even if the child does not qualify for competitions international level, she will have to miss school. And those gymnasts who are focused on high results in sports most often switch to individual training.

Financial component

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most expensive sports. In addition to the constant costs of paying for classes and buying shoes, parents should be prepared to buy expensive suits, sports accessories and pay for away competitions.

If you and your child are not afraid of the negative aspects rhythmic gymnast, then feel free to take the young athlete to her first lesson.

For whom rhythmic gymnastics is contraindicated?

Each child must obtain approval from a physician before classes.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a very traumatic and difficult sport. Therefore, each child must obtain approval from a doctor before classes. Among the contraindications to rhythmic gymnastics classes are:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Heart defect;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Any visual impairment.

Coaches are advised to be constantly monitored by doctors in the first few years in order to identify how the sport affects the young gymnast. If the effect is negative, the child should be transferred to a less difficult sport.

Why you should send your baby to gymnastics

The benefits of rhythmic gymnastics for children are undeniable. This is confirmed by professional doctors and qualified psychologists. Consider the positive impact of rhythmic gymnastics on children.


Girls who do rhythmic gymnastics differ from their peers in flexibility, slimness and beautiful figure. Daily physical activity forms correct posture and a beautiful gait.


Constant physical activity allows children's body form harmoniously. Rhythmic gymnastics classes help cope with the initial stages of scoliosis, thanks to elements that stretch the spine, as well as clubfoot.


Rhythmic gymnastics except healthy body builds a strong character. All gymnasts claim that they achieved their goals thanks to their sports-hardened character. Gymnasts are characterized by strength of character, determination, resistance to stress, endurance, perseverance and self-control.

Who is suitable for rhythmic gymnastics?

Only girls are accepted into rhythmic gymnastics.

There is a strict selection process in rhythmic gymnastics groups. Every coach wants to get the most promising girls.

Firstly, the age of future athletes is taken into account; it is advisable to bring children to the selection at the age of 4-5 years. Secondly, girls are considered according to appearance. Slender and tall girls have an advantage.

It is desirable that the baby has an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. The character of the child is important; children with character are chosen, persistent and assertive. Crying and whining children will be quickly weeded out.

A significant quality is coordination of movements. In the future, the gymnast will have to work with sports equipment, therefore, at the beginning of the journey, it is advisable to find out whether the child can cope with it.

A good memory is essential when choosing gymnasts. The future gymnast must perfectly remember in what order and to what musical fragment to perform the elements during the performance.

In addition, future gymnasts are tested for flexibility, plasticity and turnout. Good coach determines the potential of a young athlete in 3-4 weeks. If your child does not fit the parameters considered, then do not despair. There have been cases when girls who do not have good abilities achieve greater success than talented ones, due to the fact that from childhood they get used to overcoming themselves.

Along with this, it is necessary to remember that one gymnast out of a thousand achieves success and it is possible to develop without focusing on high results. Some people take classes to improve their posture, correct club feet, or just for general physical development.

When to send your child to classes

The age for practicing rhythmic gymnastics depends on your goals. If the goal is professional sports, then the sooner you bring your child, the better.

At what age is it advisable to start classes? At 3 years old, rhythmic gymnastics teachers consider only independent and smart children. At this age, it is worth bringing your child to one-hour classes twice a week. At the same time, one of the parents should be within walking distance from the sports school in order to pick up the child from classes at any time.

Official enrollment in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of 4-5 years.

This is the ideal age to enroll your child in rhythmic gymnastics. If a child has very good physical data, they can consider it at 7-8 years old.

Provided that gymnastics is considered an amateur section, you can try to come to a sports school later, but preferably before adolescence; after 14 years, it is difficult to stretch a girl’s muscles to the required level.

How the training goes

During the first year, children are taught in a playful way. In addition, in the first couple of years, young athletes develop through general physical exercises. Along with this, children are pulled into the splits. At the same time, the coach looks at which of the children has the potential for professional sports, and which will remain “amateurs”.

After about 2-3 years, the coach begins to teach the simplest gymnastic elements. Gymnastics exercises for children include bridges, splits, simple balances, jumps, cartwheels and other simple elements. After receiving the rank, children are introduced to objects and taught how to use them. Children begin to participate in their first rhythmic gymnastics competitions after 2-3 years of training.

Sports career and its completion

The sports career of gymnasts is short-lived. At the age of 3-7 years, a young gymnast begins to practice and build her sports path, develops flexibility and stretching, participates in children's tournaments. At the age of 7-12 she learns the basic elements and working with objects. From 12-16 daily workouts to practice the technique. Further competitions and championships different levels: victories and defeats. At the age of 20, the gymnast ends her career and gives way to new young and talented athletes. However, a career ends only as an active gymnast, while many opportunities for self-development open up.

In order to receive the title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, a child must live this sport from childhood.

Most often, girls choose the path of a coach, because by the end of their career they already have the necessary skills for this. In addition, many can complete higher education in the direction of " Physical culture" However, this is not the only direction in which you can realize yourself.

If a gymnast is purposeful and has many plans and ideas, she can realize herself in any field. For example, everyone famous Alina Kabaeva, who built a good political career and then went into business. Or the no less popular Laysan Utyasheva, who, after completion sports career got a job on television.

Some gymnasts after sports completely go into family life, arrange family life and raise children, an example is the famous Zhenya Kanaeva.

There are countless such examples that can be considered. Completing a sports career means discovering new ideas, implementing old plans and building a new, equally important career.

Harm or benefit

In order to receive the title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, a child must live this gymnastics from childhood. If a young athlete really wants to devote her all to it free time, then you must prepare her for all the pros and cons of rhythmic gymnastics.

According to professional teachers, qualified psychologists and parents whose daughters have already completed the sports journey, rhythmic gymnastics can have both harm and benefit. Therefore, what your child gets from gymnastics will depend only on you and the coach.

Remember, the main thing you need to focus on when choosing whether or not to send a girl to a sports school is the child’s desire. Support the young athlete and be proud of her. Use the following tips:

  • Constantly monitor the child’s health, see doctors at least every year, especially in the period 3-7 years;
  • Get used to adjusting to the child’s schedule, gymnastics will affect not only the child, but also the whole family;
  • Teach your child to respect competitors; you must be able to not only win gracefully, but also lose gracefully;
  • Find a professional trainer whom you can trust with psychological and physical condition daughters;
  • Trust your child; if a young athlete wants to move to another coach, listen to her opinion.

After receiving the rank, children are introduced to objects and taught how to use them.

The most important advice for parents of a future gymnast: before sending a young athlete to a rhythmic gymnastics school, find out if she likes it this sport. If you force your child to go to classes, then rhythmic gymnastics will only bring harm and neither professional trainers nor persuasion will help. On the other hand, if a child falls in love with gymnastics, trains with pleasure and dreams of high achievements, help her overcome all obstacles and rhythmic gymnastics will only bring benefits.

Rhythmic gymnastics lessons for children are in demand and accessible, and such popularity is understandable - this sport is recognized as one of the most beautiful. We’ll tell you what its features are and who will benefit from such classes.

Features of rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is multifaceted and includes several aspects:

  • dance;
  • interaction with objects;
  • facial expressions;
  • plastic;
  • acrobatics;
  • elements of ballet;
  • juggling.

It is inextricably linked with music, promotes aesthetic education, and develops motor memory. During classes, children train the accuracy and integrity of movement reproduction.

Rhythmic gymnastics is very beautiful view sports Elements of acrobatics and excellent plasticity, impeccable control own body, elegance and grace of athletes combined with musical accompaniment make the viewer forget about everything and enjoy the spectacle.

Positive and negative aspects

Looking at the movements of the gymnasts, few spectators think about how much time, effort, patience, will and endurance were invested in this performance. Hours of training, bringing every movement to automatism, fatigue, pain - the child will have to face all this. What do parents need to be prepared for if they decide to connect their child’s fate with rhythmic gymnastics?


Despite the beauty of this sport, there are some difficulties and limitations - both during training and in everyday life– can disappoint both parents and children.

  • Pain from physical activity. Since gymnasts must have excellent stretching, when performing certain exercises the child faces painful sensations in the muscles, and strong physical activity, especially with weak immunity, can undermine health - both physical and mental.
  • Psyche. Sometimes you can observe nervous breakdowns in children who cannot withstand the intense rhythm of training.
  • Diet restrictions. A gymnast must always be in good shape and not have excess weight. Therefore, some dietary restrictions will accompany the child during training.
  • Difficulties with mastering the school curriculum. Competitions, victories and good results in sports they require regular long hours of training. Frequent absences from school and minimal time spent doing homework can lead to low academic performance and gaps in knowledge.

Don’t forget that the load, including the moral one, during training is significantly different from what it will be at competitions.


In addition to the negative aspects, gymnastics undoubtedly has benefits both for the physical development of a preschooler and for his mental health, forming character and will.

What does regular training develop in a child?

  • Posture, flexibility, gait. Rhythmic gymnastics classes help in the formation correct posture, develop flexibility, and also form a beautiful, easy gait.
  • Plasticity and sense of rhythm. Thanks to the close connection between gymnastics exercises and musical accompaniment, girls develop an excellent sense of rhythm, they move perfectly and can dance to any tune.
  • Self-confidence. Sport is always about self-confidence and self-confidence, which is reflected in all aspects of life.
  • Developing fortitude, character, perseverance and desire for success. Training helps young athletes become disciplined and purposeful individuals. Such children, as a rule, do not react overly emotionally even to a stressful situation, but are able to show prudence and strength of character.
  • Good mood. Sport becomes one of the best antidepressants due to the production of endorphins.
  • New friends and acquaintances will certainly appear when visiting the sports section.

When is rhythmic gymnastics contraindicated for a child?

Before actively attending training sessions and performing even the simplest elements of gymnastics, you should conduct a full examination of the preschooler, be sure to consult with a specialist, and clarify the presence of contraindications and health risks.

  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • diseases of the spine.

The main question that parents who decide to enroll their child in training should ask themselves is why? Professional sports or a means to develop flexibility and beautiful posture? The level of training and intensity of training, as well as costs – both moral and material – depend on different goals.

What can you advise parents who have decided to connect their preschooler’s life with this sport? We will tell you what you should pay special attention to and what to take into account so as not to be disappointed and not harm the health and psyche of the child.

  • Age

Some parents believe that children can and should be taken to sports sections and school as early as possible, for example from 3 years old. For a child, such a decision can result in stress, since the strict demands of the coach and constant training are not always within their capabilities. younger preschooler. Experienced trainers It is recommended to start classes at 4 years old. At the age of 5, with good physical data, it is also not too late to join this sport.

  • Child's opinion

It definitely needs to be taken into account. It often seems to parents that, due to their young age, their daughter does not understand the need for sports in her life, and therefore they can decide for her.

  • Individual characteristics.

One of the most significant and significant aspects when choosing rhythmic gymnastics classes is the individual characteristics of the child. For a girl of a melancholic nature, vulnerable and sensitive, who prefers quiet and calm games, such changes in life will be painful. Not every child can be turned into an athlete. Lack of flexibility due to hereditary factors, a predisposition to obesity and other characteristics can lead to the fact that lessons turn into an overwhelming challenge. This does not mean that sports are excluded. For some children, for example, yoga will be more beneficial than gymnastics.

  • Trainer

The choice of a professional coach will determine the child’s success: mood, desire to play sports, attitude towards one’s own victories and failures. Therefore, we need a coach who can feel the child’s individuality. He should not “drive” a young athlete, trying to get best result at any cost, but also not to turn activities into entertainment.

  • Group

You should definitely pay attention to the number of children in the group. The larger the group, the less ability the coach has to control everyone and the higher the risk of injury.

Gymnastics clothing

The simplest set of clothes for beginner gymnasts is a training leotard and Czech shoes. Then you will need to purchase a swimsuit for the competition.

What is the difference between everyday outfit and performance leotard?

  • Clothes for training are selected slightly larger size to ensure comfort. Tight-fitting torso and shoulders and more spacious in the buttocks - this swimsuit will be the most comfortable.
  • A competition leotard should fit perfectly, fit snugly around the hips and have small sleeves. It shouldn't be tight. Bright, colorful and original models look impressive.

The success of a young athlete depends on many factors: competent organized training and correctly distributed loads, internal qualities, proper nutrition, comfortable clothes for training and, of course, support from loved ones.