Bodyweight exercises at home for men. Bodyweight training program

Pursuing specific goals, a training program with own weight definitely gives results. Its main aspect is the correct order and technique of exercises.
Bodyweight training great start to build a beautiful and slim body. If you are losing weight or want to emphasize your relief and body shape, working with your weight is a completely suitable option.

The most important principle in training is the motivational components. What goals are you pursuing? Let's look at two methods of training with your own weight at home:

  1. Development of muscle mass and increase in strength indicators
  2. When losing weight
In the first and second cases, two workouts per week. No additional weight or equipment.

Bodyweight training program for developing muscle mass and increasing strength

At the initial stage, such training will certainly give results. But in the future, in order to increase muscle mass and increase strength indicators, you definitely need to add weights. No failure reps with weight potential muscle growth not reach. This is the main condition for natural training.
The bodyweight training program itself will consist of two strength training days per week and one day of cardio. Let’s say Monday, Friday, main training, Wednesday, cardio.
Cardio can be anything (running, intense walking, cycling, swimming) for at least 40 minutes

Strength training will mainly include basic exercises such as push-ups, squats, crunches. Thus, with cardio training we will develop endurance, with strength training legs, chest, back, abs, shoulder girdle. Which will be quite enough at the initial stage.
Then you can add horizontal bars, parallel bars and weights, dumbbells - this will become the main strength training.

Training program

  1. Exercises: push-ups wide grip(4 sets of 25-30 repetitions)
  2. Exercises: push-ups narrow grip(4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  3. Exercises: classic squats (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  4. Exercises: push-ups with emphasis on the legs and arms (4 sets of 25-30 repetitions)
  5. Lunge exercises (4 sets of 25-39 reps per leg)
  6. Exercises: jumping from a low squat with your legs behind your head (4 sets of 25-40 repetitions)
This technique targets the chest, shoulder girdle and back. We also include triceps and legs. Vary the number of repetitions and sets depending on your physical training. The main thing is to follow correct technique performing exercises.
  1. Exercises: push-ups with hands resting (4 sets of 25-30 repetitions)
  2. Exercises: reverse push-ups (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  3. Exercises: leg raises from a lying position (4 sets of 25-30 repetitions)
  4. Exercises: burpees (4 sets of 25-30 push-ups)
  5. Exercises: plank (2 minutes)
If you are a complete beginner, then 10-15 repetitions, 2-3 approaches will be quite enough. 1-2 rests between sets, 3-4 between exercises.

Bodyweight training program for weight loss

There are two main aspects to losing weight, of course, diet and exercise. Physical activity plays important role in this process. Let's move directly to the program.
The bodyweight training program for weight loss will consist of three training days per week. This includes strength training, cardio and high-intensity training. Recommendations: correct technique when doing exercises.


  1. Exercises: squats (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  2. Exercises: lunges (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  3. Push-up exercises (girls from knees) 4 sets of 25-30 repetitions
  4. Exercises: classic crunches (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
  5. Burpee exercises (4 sets of 25 reps)
  6. Exercises: side lunges (4 sets of 25-30 reps)
Make sure to follow the correct technique and breathing. Rest 2 minutes between sets, 4 between exercises. Be sure to select the correct number of repetitions. So in exercises 3 and 4, the last reps are very heavy and you work to failure, just like with strength training.

Cardio workout: running for 40 minutes or intense walking for 120 minutes. There are also bike rides and a swimming pool. Choose comfortable shoes, a uniform and a place, and warm up well.

HIIT: The workout involves intense exercise with short rest intervals.

  1. Exercises: Burpees (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)
  2. Exercise: bicycle (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)
  3. Exercises: classic squats with broad setting legs (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)
  4. Exercise: bicycle (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)
  5. Exercises: Low Squat Jump (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)
  6. Exercises: plank 1 minute
Rest for 2-3 minutes and two more such circles. The workout generally takes 30 minutes. This time interval is suitable for a trained athlete. On entry level increase the rest interval, for example 30 seconds. Watch your breathing and technique. The training is mainly aimed at the abdominal muscles, so basically problem area these are the stomach and sides. The program is great at the initial stage and when losing weight. But your future strength training will definitely at least have to include weights: horizontal bars and parallel bars.
Don't forget that training is just part of the process. Proper nutrition and healthy image life must accompany training process. The foundation for fasting, strength and weight loss. Gaining muscle mass and losing weight are two opposites, but the main components are the same.

Bodyweight training program for beginners

In a bodyweight training program, training should begin with the most energy-intensive and hard exercise on your feet. Because in reverse order They may not have enough strength.

1. Bodyweight pistol exercise

Is it possible to pump up with your own weight? Your muscles don't know whether you're shoulder squatting, leg extensions, or single-leg squats. Don't tell your muscles what you are doing and then they will start to grow.
When performing the exercise, distribute the body weight and try not to stand on your toes. If it's easy for you, just go a little slower.

Another nuance is holding your breath.
In the first exercise, the anterior thigh muscle was more involved; in the next exercise, we will shift the load to the back of the thigh and buttocks.

2. Lunge exercise

The core muscles will also be involved if you do not have a very developed sense of balance or you have not trained for a long time.

3. Side lunge exercise
4. Glute Bridge Exercise
5. Exercise “wide grip push-ups” Provided perfect technique and correct perception Most of you will forget about numbers like 40.50 reps. At 15.20 repetitions, the chest will begin to burn and acidify. Because with a wide grip, the chest muscles do not relax.

6. Exercise “narrow grip push-ups” The triceps extends the arm at the elbow, the grip should be narrow. Ideally, the hand comes to the shoulder.

7. Exercise “imitation” French press» Next we move on to final exercise on your back.

8. Exercise “pull-ups with a classic wide grip” The main load is on latissimus muscles backs.

9. Exercise “reverse close grip pull-ups” The best exercise for biceps. All exercises are performed in 4 sets of 12 repetitions. Depends on your physical fitness. Particular attention should be paid to the ideal execution technique. 1-2 minutes of rest between sets, 2-3 minutes between exercises.

Bodyweight training program at home

Circuit strength training for home. For training equipment we will need a ball and a jump rope.

We start our workout with a warm-up. Each new circle begins with jumping rope for three minutes. In order to warm up the cardiovascular system and joints well. Next will be lunges, we will work our legs. After this, push-ups on straight legs or on your knees. After this, press with the ball and finish with a plank.

Here is a program for training with your own weight at home. Where we will work the legs, upper body and abs, as well as the heart because there will be a jump rope.

Jump rope: three minutes

Abdominal exercise with a ball(20 reps)
We lie on our backs, bend our legs at the knees. Raise your body and throw the ball at the wall. As you lower your body, touch the ball to the floor to stretch your abdominal muscles.

Elbow plank
An excellent exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, buttocks, lower back, and legs. Main correct position. The shoulders, pelvis and lower back are in the same plane. There should be no deflection in the lower back so that you do not load the back muscles, but work at the expense of the abdominal muscles.

This is the first round of exercises, this circle needs to be repeated 3-4 times. 1 minute rest between exercises.

The workout is not difficult, well suited for those who are starting to train, or on a rest day when there is no strength training.

Most people understand that bodyweight exercises are good for endurance training. Is it possible to build mass and increase strength with the help of such exercises? The benefits of bodyweight exercises are clear, they require minimal equipment and can be done almost anywhere. But it is often believed, especially among more experienced weightlifters, that such exercises are too easy to perform and cannot be used to build muscle mass and strength. However, there are several methods on the basis of which you can build strength training using exercises with your own weight.

Endurance vs. Mass and Strength

The reason bodyweight exercises are often considered endurance exercises is because an experienced athlete can perform large number repetitions. For example, I think a person who regularly exercises can do 50 push-ups per set. And This is great for developing endurance, but doing exercises of 50 repetitions is not the best best way to gain muscle mass and strength. The father-in-law needs to structure the workout so that the exercises load the muscles so much that only a small number of repetitions can be performed.

Bodyweight exercises for gaining mass

The best way to gain mass is through training intensity. Basically, you choose an exercise and perform a certain number of repetitions. If you do supersets, you must perform another exercise targeting completely different muscle groups and perform a certain number of repetitions. This continues for 15 minutes. For example, do 3-5 push-ups, then do 3-5 sit-ups, more push-ups/squats, keep repeating until you can complete a full set. After that, add rest time between sets. If you don't want to do supersets, you can simply do 3-5 pushups, rest for 10 seconds and continue. After you fail to do 3-5 push-ups, increase your breaks to 20 seconds. Continue to increase rest periods as needed until 15 minutes of exercise are completed. It sounds quite simple, but it is a great and effective way to increase muscle size. Even if you can do 100 push-ups per set, it's likely that at some point during those 15 minutes, you'll have to increase your rest time by more than 10 seconds.

Push up at different angles to build strong, dense muscles.

Don't forget proper nutrition. Here is a list of free amino acids, standard essential amino acids, full description and characteristics.

Bodyweight exercises for strength

If you want to focus on gaining strength, the best way to do this is to perform low reps. However, how can you make bodyweight exercises more difficult? It's a matter of leverage and angle. For example, regular push-ups may be easy, but try doing push-ups with your feet on a bench - they are more challenging. In fact, I think the most challenging bodyweight exercises involve doing the exercises with one arm or one leg. Another way to bodyweight train for strength is to add weights (weighted vest, backpack, etc.).

Herschel Walker, former player V American football, a current MMA fighter, used only his body weight in training to maintain mass and strength, even now that he is already 50 years old!

Bodyweight exercises

Push exercises: handstand push-ups, one-arm push-ups, push-ups with feet on a bench with narrow setting arms, dips, Indian press*

Pulling Exercises: Pull-ups, Australian Pull-ups**, Pull-ups reverse grip

So now you have a group of exercises and a few strategies to create your own bodyweight training program to increase mass and strength.

© Artur Pavlenko

* Indian press.

The Indian press is perhaps one of the unusual exercises for push-ups. This is not to say that this exercise is easy, but it is effective way development pectoral muscles, muscles of the shoulder girdle. It also serves to strengthen the muscles of the legs and back. When performed, blood circulation improves and flexibility of the whole body increases.

Please note that when performing this exercise It is important to observe the order of respiratory processes. When exhaling, you should be in a lying position, and inhaling should be done while moving forward and bending; in the starting position, you should exhale, inhaling precedes each repetition of the exercise.

Below are more detailed description Indian push-up exercises:

We assume the usual position for push-ups while lying down.

Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

We keep our legs straight and our buttocks raised up, like on all fours.

At the moment when the hips are at the lowest point, we straighten our arms and bend upward.

You should reach a position where your hips almost touch the floor, your arms are straightened, and your back is arched.

We lift our buttocks up and straighten our arms, thereby returning to starting position.

The Indian press will use the following muscles:

  • Large chest muscle;
  • Anterior deltoid muscle;
  • Triceps brachii muscle (triceps).
  • **Australian pull-ups.

    This variation of pull-ups is performed on a bar that is located approximately at the level of your waist. The body is positioned at an angle, the legs rest on the ground.

    If you are not strong enough for classic pull-ups, you can start with “Australian” pull-ups (this also applies to girls). When you can do 3 sets of 10 reps without special effort, you will almost certainly be able to master classic pull-ups.

    However, even if you can do regular pull-ups without any problems, you shouldn’t ignore the “Australian” version. He is most involved rear delts and muscles of the middle part of the back.

    You can combine “Australian pull-ups” with regular ones in supersets. This will help increase the number of pull-ups you can do at a time.


    The higher the bar, the easier the exercise is. Of course, this principle only works up to a certain level, as long as your feet rest on the ground.

    Great video

    Many of the exercises described above are clearly demonstrated.

    Developing muscles through systematic repetition of a set of basic exercises that are included in bodyweight training helps thousands of people every year to get their bodies in order. The main advantage of the method is the accessibility of classes for every person. Some exercises require additional equipment, such as dumbbells or a chair, however, at first this is not the most important thing. The training complex can be fully performed without special equipment.

    What is bodyweight training?

    Admirers of an active lifestyle have recently flooded gym sections, finally abandoning bodyweight exercises. Now this topic is of no interest to anyone, although this system physical activity has high efficiency. Mass attendance at gyms has evolved from health event into a popular trend that quickly gathered a large audience of adherents.

    However, bodyweight training is considered a relevant niche that can provide worthy competition to any sports establishment. With the help of a group of exercises, each person can achieve high levels of endurance and muscle growth at home. The intensity of the training determines the speed at which results appear.

    For weight loss

    Going to gyms doesn't count prerequisite to eliminate fat deposits. Working with your own weight allows you to restore muscle tone and lose weight. overweight, you can practice both outdoors and at home. Regular exercise guarantees a stable result in the form of muscle growth for representatives of any gender, be it women or men.

    Basic movements for weight loss include: warm-up, plank, push-ups, lunges and squats. Such a circular set is the initial stage for the formation slim figure and takes no more than fifteen minutes of free time. Classes should be carried out at a predetermined pace, since slow training with your own weight will not have the desired effect on the body:

    • warm-up (10 min.);
    • squats of any kind (3x10);
    • torso twisting (3x15);
    • horizontal push-ups from the floor (2x10);
    • lunges with jump (4x8);
    • plank (1 min.).

    For weight gain

    There is an opinion in sports circles that gaining weight without additional weights is a hopeless endeavor. However, a balanced and multifunctional set of exercises can help develop not only endurance, but also strength and muscle mass. Good result can be achieved if you train using weights from improvised objects (backpack or canister of water). The training program includes the following exercises:

    • push-ups (2x15);
    • push-ups between supports to pump up the pectoral muscles (2x10);
    • reverse grip pull-ups (3x8);
    • vertical push-ups(3x10);
    • back push-ups (3x6).

    Bodyweight training program

    Purchasing all the necessary equipment helps you perform bodyweight exercises at home much more effectively. The main equipment for indoor training is: pull-up bar, gymnastic roller And rubber expander. All this simple paraphernalia was created with one purpose - to provide the necessary level of comfort, so training with your own weight will not cause unnecessary inconvenience. The first step is to perform pull-ups on a bar or horizontal bar. You should lower yourself up and down smoothly so as not to injure your muscles.

    Bodyweight strength exercises

    By following simple rules, you can avoid mistakes during training and pump up to the desired level. A bodyweight training program involves competent execution of a set of exercises that simultaneously engage several different areas of the body. It is very important to try to monitor your breathing and take breaks on time, because excessive physical effort can lead to depletion of the body's resources.

    After a couple of weeks of intense sets, the first changes in the body will become noticeable, however, they will affect not only appearance. Since the active work of metabolic processes is launched, throughout the day you will feel a persistent surge of energy and a charge of vivacity. Strength training is aimed at developing endurance, which is clearly visible from the initial load parameters:

    • quick jog (15 min.);
    • squats (3x15);
    • lunges (3x12);
    • plank (1-2 min.).

    Functional exercises with body weight

    There are different periods in life, and it is not always possible to pay for sports activities. In such conditions functional training home becomes the last option. It is convenient to use this scheme not only during a financial crisis, because sometimes professional athletes need rest. Beginners will first have to familiarize themselves with all the necessary theoretical knowledge in order to increase their level of awareness regarding the exercises.

    The dynamics of classes should become more complex step by step, slowly moving from simple sets to more advanced ones. Making a master of sports out of an unprepared person in a couple of months is an impossible task, but achieving visible results in a few weeks is quite possible. It is recommended to start with the easiest types of exercises that are easy to perform:

    • one-arm push-ups (2x6);
    • vertical push-ups (2x8);
    • push-ups (3x10);
    • squats (3x10);
    • triceps push-ups (3x8).

    Bodyweight exercises at home

    You can lose the desired amount of kilograms with the help of a balanced diet and intensive exercises that simultaneously involve all parts of the body, from the upper to the lower. A set of exercises with your own weight will help you do without individual trainers and save a decent amount of money, while achieving dramatic changes in the condition of your body.

    You can think through the training program yourself or find it in sports pages. The first basic exercise is push-ups, which work the triceps, pectorals and deltoids. To pump up muscles abdominals, it is necessary to perform a series of lifts of the upper body from the starting position lying down. For effective training Bars or horizontal bars are best for your back.

    A set of exercises for girls

    Most girls go to the gym as part of one mission - to burn off the accumulated body fat and return the body to its original appearance. Bodyweight training for women is mainly about developing an aesthetically pleasing figure, especially parts such as the chest, buttocks and abs. These areas are emphasized in all sets of exercises designed for the health of girls:

    • warm-up (5-10 min.);
    • lying leg raise (3x12);
    • crunches on the floor (3x10);
    • dumbbell press (3x15);
    • bench push-ups (2x15);
    • calf raise with dumbbells (3x12).

    Home workouts for men with body weight

    Home workouts are designed to create sculpted sports-type muscles, but they have a limit. If the main goal is to achieve the level of a professional bodybuilder with a huge mountain of muscles, then no set of bodyweight exercises for men can help develop muscles to the desired level. But pumping up your biceps and shoulder girdle will not be difficult. The main thing is to perform the set correctly and alternate the load.

    Immediately after the warm-up, intensive exercises begin, the first of which are dips. The exercise may seem simple to some, but if you complicate it a little, it will be difficult for even the most resilient athlete. You need to perform push-ups as follows: lower your body to the lowest point and try to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then quickly pull yourself up. The rest of the classes include:

    • exercise “cat” (5-10 repetitions);
    • head tilts (2 min.);
    • hyperextension (3x12);
    • pull-ups on the bar (3x15);
    • push-ups from the floor (3x10).

    Bodyweight circuit training

    If repeated approaches are too tedious, then circuit training prepares the body for upcoming stress. Pull-ups are perfect exercise for beginners, with correct execution they help pump up the front muscles of the back. The width of your grip during exercise should be slightly greater than the length of your shoulders. Another version of the same exercise is pull-ups with a narrow grip, the principle is still the same, the main thing is to monitor the position of the hands.

    It is possible to work all muscle groups at the same time with the help of burpees. This is a multi-functional set of movements that starts on all fours. It is important that the knees are moved as tightly as possible to the chest; the result of the exercise depends on this. From this provision the legs are pushed back with a sharp movement, becoming a plank. Then you need to return to the previous position and jump up from it.


    Data physical exercise stimulate the development of the gluteal muscles and train the hamstrings, which reduces the risk of injury knee joint. In addition, squats with body weight help pump up your quadriceps and acquire elastic, round shape. Any sports activity is a prevention of age-related diseases and pathological changes in the body. Bodyweight squats are the simplest exercises in this category, but their effectiveness is undeniable:

    • chair squats (2x8);
    • squats with pulsation (3x12);
    • squats on one leg (2x6);

    Leg exercises

    Powerful legs are essential for survival in any environment. If there is no danger, this tool will also be useful for solving all sorts of everyday problems that place additional stress on the body. Bodyweight leg exercises do not require any special equipment. Squats of various types stimulate the work of several muscle groups, so experts recommend alternating exercises with each other. During classes, you are allowed to make changes to the program at your discretion:

    • classic lunges (2x15);
    • squats with dumbbells (3x10);
    • back lunges (3x12);
    • squats with crunches (3x8).

    Back exercises

    Training to strengthen the body should include a variety of exercises that activate the entire muscle frame. The training microcycle is divided into several stages, each of which involves a specific muscle group. Allowed to perform complex exercises for the back with your own weight during one set, after which you need to switch to other body movements:

    • classic pull-ups (3x10);
    • wide straight grip pull-ups (3x12);
    • deadlift(2x20);
    • close grip pull-ups (3x8);
    • Bent-over dumbbell rows (3x6);
    • reverse grip pull-ups (3x15).

    Multi-joint exercises

    A set of exercises directly affects efficiency sports activities. For professional athletes repeating entry-level sets will not bring visible results, so multi-joint exercises with body weight have been developed, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the desired goals in a minimum period of time:

    • warming up (5 min.);
    • push-ups (3x10);
    • lunges (3x12);
    • squats (3x10).

    Biceps exercises

    To pump up your biceps without visiting sports sections, you should purchase dumbbells. An alternative can be any heavy household items that are comfortable to hold in your hands. By using them as weights in classes, you will be able to develop muscles in a short time and use all muscle groups. Any workout that includes bodyweight shoulder exercises will promote gradual biceps growth:

    • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3x12);
    • hammer dumbbell lift (3x15);
    • curling arms with dumbbells (3x8).

    The benefits of bodyweight training

    Every person, with rare exceptions, has enough free time to devote to its improvement own body V gym. However, due to lack of knowledge and experience in the sports field, people often prefer to avoid additional loads. Fear of heavy physical activities makes you forget about the effectiveness of exercises and potential development opportunities for the body. However, home workouts can be the first impetus towards the desired changes.

    Hi all. Just yesterday there was a holiday for all women in the world. With which we once again congratulate you, our dear and beloved ones. The holidays are passing and today is the time to think about your loved one. For several weeks now, my wife and I have been on a sports wave on the occasion of the competitions taking place in our city, as well as in anticipation of future ones sports starts. And, today we thought about a very relevant topic. It is relevant for everyone! Why don't we cover the topic of developing your physical abilities using a long-forgotten system physical training? Not bad in my opinion!

    I'll start with this. I bow to everyone who today finds the strength to simply get off the couch and start changing something about themselves (their diet, their lifestyle, training in fitness rooms). This is already cool! This means that you are tired of being a “bag” and want to look your best. Be the best version yourself.

    Some observations

    Many of you are just thinking about purchasing a membership to some fitness center, looking at how your friends or acquaintances have already done it. You are motivated from the outside and this is also wonderful. But how can you start transforming yourself if your salary does not allow you to visit fashionable fitness clubs?

    Believe it or not, there is a way out. Today we will tell you about the resurgent system of physical training with your own weight. Such training can be carried out without fitness instructors at home (without the presence of modern sports equipment and accessories) or at the nearest sports ground, of which, fortunately, there are more and more of them. Which cannot but make us happy.

    Watching newcomers who, with sparkling eyes, come running to the gym and immediately begin to dedicate 45 minutes to their photo shoot for Instagram from a 60-minute workout, you understand that you seem to have gotten off the couch, you seem to be motivated, but...

    Most people achieve such insignificant results by training in the gym that they simply lose faith in themselves and their capabilities. And despite this they continue to study. But 90% of them eventually leave the halls and never return.

    There are many reasons why people leave gyms after just a couple of months. We will talk to you about the reasons for this in a separate article very soon.

    What are the benefits of bodyweight exercises?

    I could spend hours telling you how old school bodyweight training differs from modern machine training principles. Exercises with your own weight are no less effective, and in some cases more effective, than training with dumbbells or other sports equipment.

    You don't have to buy expensive gym memberships to make yourself strong, beautiful and fit. All this can be achieved at home or with the help of ordinary sports grounds in your own neighborhood. Train various groups muscles only when using your own weight - this is a reality. At the same time, the loads will also be quite high.

    Key Benefits of Bodyweight Training

    • Bodyweight training requires minimal equipment. Most exercises require no equipment at all. After all, bodyweight training uses natural gravity. An added bonus is the fact that you can train anywhere, anytime. And what’s even better is that this training is free. Well, unless you need to purchase sports suit and sneakers in the store.
    • Bodyweight training builds strength. The methodology of such training considers the human body as unified system, not separate groups muscles. Moreover, this system strengthens not only muscles, but also tendons, joints, and nervous system.
    • Joint safety and strengthening. Modern fitness extremely traumatic, especially for tendons and joints. Typically, the weakest areas of the body are the wrists, elbows, knees, lower back, hips, rhomboids, spine and neck. Therefore, for example, in the gym there is a huge risk of injury to the listed areas of the body due to incorrectly selected weight and incorrect exercise technique.
    • Improved physical fitness. Strength and health are the main principles of your training. Your task is to gain strength and flexibility and maintain these qualities for the rest of your life. Bodyweight training leads to muscular system in perfect condition and gives any physique a harmonious and athletic look. Don't believe me? Look at the gymnasts. They are the indisputable proof that training with your own weight allows you to develop powerful muscles. These guys have massive biceps, shoulders the size of a closet, and latissimus dorsi muscles.
    • Inevitable fat loss. The more fat you have in your body, the more difficult it is to manage. Bodyweight training regulates your appetite and automatically changes your eating habits. And this has been proven. By regularly doing consistent exercises, you will naturally and without force begin to lose weight. Moreover, you will begin to lose more fat.
    • Vestibular apparatus . Thanks to such exercises, coordination improves, because during training the whole body is involved, and not individual muscle groups.

    Big Six - involves the whole body

    Despite the variety of movements performed with your own weight, there are 6 basic movements, which are very effective and suitable not only for men, but also for women. The Big Six exercises have been selected through trial and error over the centuries and are based on the principles of anatomy and kinesiology. Why is it important to use the Big Six daily? The human body is made up of more than 500 different muscles that have evolved as a single unit.

    That is why if I work only one muscle group, you upset the balance in the body’s work and destroy the instincts inherent in nature, for example, coordination.

    Now let's talk in more detail about each of the 6 basic exercises.

    1) Push-ups

    A highly effective exercise that includes the following muscle groups: chest muscles (major and minor), anterior (frontal) and deltoid triceps. Every person is able to perform this exercise, with perhaps the rare exception of seriously injured or ill people.

    It will be easiest for beginners or women to learn how to do push-ups from their knees. In the future, you will be able to independently coordinate the load level. If you think that this exercise can be easily ignored, then you are mistaken. Want to test your push-up fitness level? Then right now do one-arm push-ups at least 5 times.

    2) Squats

    An excellent exercise that we all remember from school. I don’t know how physical education is taught in modern schools now, but in my school years, physical education teachers focused specifically on push-ups and squats. The main muscle groups worked when performing this exercise: quadriceps, gluteal muscles(your butt), hamstrings, inner surface thighs, calves, feet.

    This exercise is for absolutely everyone. Also ideal for girls who are trying to improve the shape of their hips. The purpose of this exercise is to squat on one leg. You shouldn’t immediately tempt fate and prove to everyone what a superman you are. To complete this level of exercise, you must complete nine preparatory stages, which we will talk about in the next article.

    3) Pull-ups

    Main muscle groups worked: latissimus dorsi, rhomboid and trapezius muscles, biceps, forearms and arms.

    It has always been believed that pull-ups are a sign of physical perfection. Pull-ups can not only significantly increase muscle mass, but also develop functional strength. A beginner is unlikely to be able to do at least a few repetitions. Therefore, in this exercise it is also necessary to go through the preparatory levels.

    4) Leg raises

    Muscle groups worked: rectus abdominis (six pack), external oblique (waist), serratus ( external muscles ribs), internal muscles ribs, diaphragm, transverse muscle abdomen, rectus femoris (quadriceps), sartorius muscle, the entire front surface of the thighs.

    Leg raises are one of my favorite exercises. Hanging leg raises involve more muscles than doing abdominal presses. Hanging works the grip, shoulders, back muscles and forces the serratus muscles to work, which support the rib cage and serve as an important link between the ribs and the abdominal muscles.

    Leg raises are the most effective abdominal exercise ever known to man. This exercise is necessary for each of us. It is enough for strong and healthy abdominal muscles.

    5) Bridge

    Muscle groups worked: all back muscles, lower back, hamstrings (yes, the thigh also has biceps), hamstrings.

    Exercise is beyond competition for me. Whether you believe me or not, the most important human organ is not the muscles, not the heart, or even the lungs, but the brain. Our brain controls the functioning of literally every organ and all chemical and physiological processes. The brain is all we have. When the brain dies, the body dies.

    So, the second important organ is the spinal cord. It is a thin and incredibly complex plexus of nerves that transmits nerve impulses from the brain throughout the body. If the spinal cord is damaged, it does not matter how healthy the brain is. Because it will not be able to contact the rest of the body and is actually useless.

    We will talk to you in more detail about this in a separate article about this exercise. The only pity is that modern athletes, especially those who train in the gym with iron, neglect this exercise. I'm sure you've never seen anyone doing bridges in the gym.

    The bridge exercise is the key to muscle strength, health, mobility and endurance. It is necessary for everyone. Look at the exercises, for example, from hatha yoga and you will see that the “bridge” is an integral part of yoga practice. And it’s hardly necessary to explain to any of you about the effectiveness of yoga and stretching.

    6) Handstand. Rack push-ups

    Muscle groups worked: triceps, trapezius, forearms, arms, fingers, shoulder girdle.

    This is one of the most effective exercises that develops endurance, flexibility and balance. Handstand push-ups, due to their effectiveness and safety, are probably one of the most important exercises in bodyweight training. The inverted state of the body itself has a lot of benefits. Blood flow changes, veins and arteries, working hard against gravity, become healthier and only become stronger. Strength, muscles, flexibility and health - all in one exercise.

    In order to achieve the required level in this exercise, you need to start small. Try to shape your body balance first. Do the first stage of this exercise - a headstand against a wall. Standing near a wall will help you coordinate your balance.


    That's all, dear ladies and gentlemen! We have launched a huge and quite useful topic. Follow our blog news so as not to miss the continuation of the topic in a more detailed form. We will tell you more about how to correctly perform each exercise from the “big six”, as well as how many approaches to do at the initial level, in subsequent articles, of which there will be a lot from now on. Imagine that each of the 6 basic exercises has 10 levels of training! Ugh..!

    Bodyweight exercises are ideal for losing weight, improving coordination, strengthening muscles throughout the body and overall health. And what is important, the training is free and can be done both at home and in nature, without wasting time traveling to gym. Great, isn't it?

    good physical fitness and power are unthinkable without health - these three components are easily achieved by regular training.

    Friends, play sports, eat right, develop yourself, read more books on a topic that interests you. You won't notice how quickly amazing changes will happen to you. better side. Don't forget to share your favorite content on social networks with your loved ones.

    That's all for today! Bye bye.

    Have you been looking for the best bodyweight exercises for weight loss? You've come to the right place.

    Whether you're new to fitness or an experienced athlete, the right set of bodyweight workouts will turn you into a fat-burning machine.

    In this article, I will share with you my favorite bodyweight exercises for burning fat, for both women and men.

    But before we look at exercise, it's important to know two ways you can make sure that weight-free exercise helps you burn fat throughout the day and build your strength.

    Method one...

    This basic physics formula will help us understand why some weight loss exercises are better for burning fat than others.

    In other words, the “work” in this formula means the number of calories burned. “Force” is the amount of effort applied, and “distance” is some segment over which this force is created.

    Simply put, more calories will be burned doing burpees than doing push-ups.

    Although push-ups are the best bodyweight exercise, they only lift your body weight from the floor to the point where your arms are fully extended (about 30-60 cm).

    Unlike push-ups, during a burpee jump you travel a distance of approximately 210-240 cm. When performing a burpee, more muscles are used, you put more effort into the exercise and cover a greater distance.

    As a result, you work out and burn more calories.

    Am I still not convinced?

    Do 10 push-ups, then rest. Then do 10 burpees and rest. What was more difficult for you?

    Of course, burpees!

    The more difficult the bodyweight exercise, the more work you do and the more calories (fat) you burn.

    While this formula is a direct route to burning extra calories, there are plenty of other bodyweight exercises that can help you shed fat and make you stronger without having to travel long distances...

    And here comes the second secret to successful weight loss...

    How to Burn More Calories and Get Stronger with Bodyweight Exercises

    If you, like me, find it easy to do push-ups, squats, or lunges, or can't even do a single push-up or pull-up, then these two tricks will help solve all your problems:

    1. Make your workouts more challenging with bodyweight exercises;
    2. Do easier exercises with its own weight.

    It sounds a little strange, of course, I understand. But you'll see what I mean at this point. I will explain point 2 a little later.

    Let's say you want to build strength and add a little more complexity to basic, non-weight-bearing exercises like push-ups and squats. Besides adding extra weight (no longer bodyweight exercises), here are some other things you can do:

    Pause briefly during the eccentric portion of the movement. By a short pause I mean a good period of time, equal to 5-6 seconds.

    Eccentric contraction is the active contraction of a muscle during its lengthening.

    For example, in push-ups, the eccentric phase of the exercise is the moment when the body lowers to the floor. At this point, you are working against the force of gravity and keeping your body from falling down.

    This surprisingly beneficial eccentric phase also causes delayed muscle pain or sore throat approximately 48 hours after circuit training.

    But don't worry, as this discomfort will not haunt you after every strength training session, only after the first few workouts until your body gets used to it. For example, if you do eccentric training first and then regular training for a week, then you will experience much less muscle pain.

    Eccentric training has many benefits for your body, including:

    • Increases protection against injury and re-injury.
    • You get less tired from training.
    • There is the potential to increase your resting metabolic rate by 9%, with the highest levels in the first 2 hours.
    • Increases strength and performance.

    Eccentric training, which focuses on lowering slowly, increases strength and fat burning because the muscles are under more tension than a conventional approach to the exercise.

    There is more tension in an eccentric muscle contraction than in a concentric contraction (read about this below).

    Think about it: you will have to put more effort into slowly lowering your body, fighting the forces of gravity. And this is actually what you need, because the more effort you put in, the more muscles you will use and the more calories you will burn!

    Now do you understand how it works and how you can get more out of regular exercises with your own body weight and without machines?

    Here's how it works

    • Our body has different types of muscle fibers that do different jobs. For example, slow twitch fibers (type 1) are needed for long, slow activities, while fast twitch fibers (type 2) are needed for short, explosive activities.
    • The more force a muscle fiber produces, the less endurance it has (i.e. Type 2).
      We cannot work with stronger fibers (type 2) without also working with weaker fibers (type 1).
    • The stronger the fiber (type 2), the more benefits we get from it by speeding up metabolism and burning fat.

    What this all means is that when you force your body to WORK harder, like during the eccentric portion of the movement, you get maximum benefit from all the muscle fibers involved. This means you become more active, speed up your metabolism to burn fat... And develop your strength even more.

    It's a win-win!

    All the cream on top

    If during the concentric phase of contraction you use your EXPLOSIVE force (like the upward movement of your body during a push-up), you'll be able to recruit more fast-twitch muscles because you'll be exerting more force than you would with a normal bodyweight lift.

    This means you will become even stronger and burn more calories.

    Training for the slow eccentric and explosive concentric phases of movements is almost completely ignored by most people, significantly reducing the benefits and quality of bodyweight exercises.

    Such training, among other things, has a number of health benefits:

    A study out of Boston found that doing exercises that recruit more type 2 muscle fibers also improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood levels of insulin, glucose, and leptin—all to help you lose weight. All this happens despite a decrease in physical activity.

    Great benefit: If you train smart, you won't have to work as hard, which will help you avoid injuries and wasted time in the gym.

    Have I convinced you that working out fast-twitch muscle fibers is the key to losing excess fat and developing strength and power in your body?

    I sincerely hope so!

    What if you're new to fitness?

    As I've said before, slow eccentric movements can make difficult, weight-free exercises easier.

    Let me show you what I mean:

    Let's say you can't do full push-up from the legs. However, there are several other push-up variations that you can master. Start in a plank position and slowly lower yourself toward the floor. Rest a little, focus on your knees and return to the plank position.

    Of course, this is not a full push-up, but if you pay attention to the negative component of the movement, you can make it stronger. muscle fibers, which will later help you perform a full push-up.

    WITH physiological point In terms of vision, it looks something like this: we are 120% stronger eccentrically than concentrically. Which means we find it easier to lower the weight than to lift/push it.

    The same applies to pull-ups.

    If you have problems with pull-ups, don't beat yourself up right away. Instead, stand on a chair, jump up above the bar, and SLOWLY lower yourself down until your arms are fully extended. And repeat again.

    This is a smart approach to improving your strength! And also a way to make a difficult bodyweight exercise easier.

    Now that we've got the basics out of the way, let's move on to...

    15 Best Bodyweight Exercises to Lose Weight

    As you perform these effective bodyweight exercises for weight loss, keep in mind what you just read about “Work=Strength x Distance” and the importance of a SLOW eccentric contraction to get the most benefit from bodyweight exercises for burning fat and increasing strength.

    The training program looks like this: 4-8 repetitions and 1-2 sets will be enough, and I would recommend you the following pace:

    This means a one second "explosive" concentric contraction (usually a push and pull), a 1 second break at the top or bottom of the movement, and a 6 second eccentric contraction (lowering).

    Enjoy! A set of exercises with your own body weight to burn fat:

    1. Reverse lunges

    Working muscles: legs, buttocks

    How to do it:

    Stand up straight, hands at your sides. Take a big step back with your right foot. Lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Your right knee should also be bent at a right angle.

    Return to the starting position, placing emphasis on your left heel and moving right leg forward to your place. This was one repetition. Switch legs and step your left foot back. Complete the required number of repetitions.

    2. Eccentric push-ups

    Working muscles: chest, triceps, shoulders.

    How to do it:

    Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width. Spread your fingers and point them forward. Focusing only on your hands and toes or on your hands and knees, lift your body off the floor.

    Tighten your abdominal muscles to keep your torso, back and buttocks straight. Bend your elbows and SLOWLY lower your chest toward the floor. As soon as your torso is almost close to the floor, push off the floor to return to starting position.

    3. Burpee with pull-up

    Work connections: all

    How to do it:

    Perform push-ups as described above under a pull-up bar. At the top of the push-up position, jump your legs toward your hands, then jump up and grab the bar and pull yourself up (yes, this is a more advanced variation). Lower yourself slowly and repeat.

    4. Air chair

    Working muscles: all

    How to do it:

    To get the maximum benefit from the exercise, you need to engage ALL your muscles, from your fingers to your toes. Working all the muscles during the exercise makes it more difficult and no less effective for burning fat.

    Feet hip-width apart, arms extended forward, tense the muscles of the whole body. Slowly lower yourself down as if you were sitting on a chair until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The body weight should be concentrated in the heels. Keep your torso straight and your abdominal muscles tense. Hold this position for 30 seconds or more.

    5. Knee Raise Steps

    Working muscles: legs, buttocks

    Find a step, chair or bench that is high enough that when you place your foot on it, your knee bends at a 90-degree angle. Place your left foot completely on a bench or chair. Focusing on the heel of your left foot, stand on a chair and move your right leg up behind your left leg until your right knee is parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a second, then slowly lower your right leg to the floor and return to the starting position.

    6. Bulgarian lunges

    How to do it:

    Stand up straight with your arms at your sides. Take a big step back with your right foot and place it on the chair behind you. Lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Then rise up again, placing your left heel on the floor, and straighten your right leg on the chair. Then lower yourself again. Complete the required number of repetitions and switch legs.

    7. Seated pull-ups to chin level

    How to do it:

    This exercise clearly illustrates the ability of the core muscles to combine the upper and lower parts of the body in work. Keeping your legs suspended and in a constant position is not an easy task, but it is very effective, especially for the core muscles and the muscles responsible for the pulling process.

    Grab the pull-up bar with your palms facing your torso, placing your hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Lift your legs off the floor and lift them up so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, while bending your knees 90 degrees (the position is as if you were sitting on a chair). This variation of pull-ups works the core muscles well.

    Pull your torso up until the bar is somewhere at the level of your face. Use your biceps to perform the movement. Keep your elbows close to your body. Once your chin is over the bar, slowly lower your torso down to the starting position where your arms are completely straight and your legs are still bent at 90 degrees and hanging in the air. Perform this movement for the recommended number of repetitions.

    8. Side Plank with Knee Pull

    Working muscles: muscles of the core and hips, groin.

    How to do it:

    This is one of my favorite bodyweight exercises because it strengthens the muscles in the hips, core, and groin—one of the most injured areas in athletes.

    Lie on your left side, legs straight, left leg behind your right. Place your left forearm directly under your shoulder, tighten your core muscles, lean on left hand, bent at the elbow. Your body should be in a diagonal position. Right hand place it on your thigh. Now pull up left leg to your chest, stay in this position for a second and return to the starting position. You will feel how much work is being done in the groin area of ​​the supporting leg.

    9. Spider-Man Plank

    Working muscles: core muscles.

    How to do:

    Assume a plank position on the floor. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders, the body straight from head to toe. Tighten your abdominal muscles, pulling them in as if you want to fit into tight pants, as well as your buttocks and legs. Pull your right knee toward your right elbow, then slowly return your leg to its place. Do the same with your left leg.

    More for relief cubes.

    10. Push-ups from a chair on the muscles of the back of the thighs

    Working muscles: buttocks, muscles back surface hips

    How to do it:

    Lie on the floor with the heel of your right foot on a chair or bench (make sure it is stable or place it near a wall). Take a bridge position, lifting your pelvis off the floor. Raise your left leg high up. Lower yourself to the floor and complete the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs.

    11. Exercise “grasshopper” on a fitball

    Working muscles: all.

    How to do:

    This exercise will test your stability, as well as work almost all of your core muscles and develop upper body strength. This is a rather difficult exercise, but very effective if you master it, of course.

    Start in a push-up position with your hands on the floor and feet on an exercise ball. Take your left leg off the exercise ball, tuck it toward your chest, and then twist it and extend it to the right, perpendicular to the floor. Return your foot to the ball and do the same with the other foot.

    12. Raising the body from a sitting position

    Working muscles: core and triceps.

    How to do:

    Very good and effective exercise on the core muscles, which does not contain any movements. You will have to tense all your muscles to support your body weight. great exercise for burning fat.

    Sit on stable chair. Place your hands on the sides of the chair and lift your body off the chair, bending your legs at right angles to the floor. Hold the position for as long as possible, trying to keep your torso straight.

    13. Lunge Steps

    Working muscles: legs, buttocks.

    How to do it:

    This exercise combines all the benefits of lunges and steps and works the muscles of the back of the upper thighs and buttocks. A wonderful exercise for shaping appetizing back shapes.

    Place a box or bench (any other home decor will work) directly in front of you near the wall. Place your right foot on the box, then lower into a lunge until your left knee touches the floor. Focusing on your right leg, move your left leg onto the box. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

    14. Plank with push-ups

    How to do it:

    Start in a basic plank position, then place the palm of your left hand on the floor, then your right, and assume a plank position with your arms outstretched. Perform a push-up, then return to the basic plank position on your forearms. Pause briefly during each part of the movement. Keep your torso and hips straight to avoid swaying from side to side.

    15. "Floating table"

    Working muscles: core, triceps, shoulders, chest.

    How to do it:

    I first discovered this exercise for myself during yoga classes and immediately realized that this pose has no equal! This is a truly amazing core exercise without moving a single movement. Tighten your core as you perform the exercise for maximum benefit.

    Stand on your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips with your back in a neutral position. The fingers are pointing forward and the elbows are strictly back. Draw your stomach in and tighten your core muscles. Now raise your knees 5 cm up so that your body is supported only by your toes and hands - this is apparently where the name “floating table” comes from. Hold the position for 30 seconds and feel how efficiently your body works.