Does not apply to sports. Team sports

Sports games are a type of outdoor games, a type of sport. Sports games are varied in content and impact on the body. As a physical exercise, they have a number of features. The continuous change of playing positions during the game forces the participants to immediately react to the actions of opponents and partners, making the necessary, often new movements. Thanks to this, sports games, more than other physical exercises in which the sequence of movements is predetermined (as in gymnastics) or they are mainly repeated (running, etc.), develop such valuable qualities as resourcefulness, determination, and the ability to quickly navigate unexpected situations. environment. The need to follow the established rules instills discipline in the players; Playing in a team also develops the ability to act in a team and a sense of mutual benefit. Various variations and combinations of movements and techniques contribute to the development of muscle strength, motor response (speed), and coordination of movements (dexterity). All sports games, to one degree or another, develop the eye, increase the sensitivity of the motor and functional stability of the vestibular analyzer. Increased muscle activity during sports games helps improve regulatory activities nervous system and increasing the functionality of the respiratory system, blood circulation, improving metabolism, increasing the overall endurance of the body.

The degree of impact of sports games on the body depends mainly on the volume and nature of the muscular work performed during the game. The more varied and complex the game techniques, the more movements associated with intense muscle work(fast running, jumping, power wrestling, etc.), as well as the more and faster the players move on the court, the stronger the effect this game has on the body and the more valuable it is for all-round physical development. Any game is different in terms of the variety of techniques, tempo, and physiological load for experienced and novice players. However, regardless of this, each game always retains its inherent characteristics of impact on the body. This determines the possibility and feasibility of using individual sports games among people of different gender, age and health status.

In this regard, all the most popular sports games can be divided into 3 groups.

The first group is badminton, volleyball, table tennis. These games are characterized by a relative variety of movements (hitting the ball, jumping, etc.), which contribute to the development of motor reactions and coordination of movements. However, the limited movement of those playing around the court, especially beginners, reduces the importance of these games for physical development (in particular, physical endurance). But it's small physical activity and the simplicity of the initial technical techniques make these games widely accessible to people of both sexes, different in age and physical fitness.

By medical indications these games are also used in (see). Tennis can also be included in this group of sports games. Thanks to the wide variety of movements and mobility, the value of this game for physical development is incomparably greater. Despite the relative complexity of the initial techniques of the game, tennis, thanks to the possibility of dosing the load, is accessible to men and women, including the elderly. Children can begin teaching these games at the age of 8-9 years.

The second group - basketball, handball (handball) - differs from the previous one in the greater variety and intensity of movements (fast running, jumping, catching and throwing the ball in different positions, etc.), frequent and quick changes in the playing environment, and rapid movement of players around the court. All this determines versatility - speed, agility, strength, as well as physical endurance. Games in this group are available to both men and women no older than 40 years old, since the abundance of speed and power movements, fast pace and mobility create high physical activity. Teaching teenagers the technique of playing can begin from 9-10 years old, training - from 11-12 years old.

The third group is men's sports games, among which the most common are football and ice hockey. The peculiarity of these games is the predominance of speed-power movements in them.

The whole complex of techniques and movements is also much more varied and complex: running (in hockey) with frequent and sharp changes in tempo and direction, various techniques for dribbling a ball or puck and hitting them, techniques for fighting for the ball with force, permitted by the rules of the game, etc. More than games of other groups, these games develop skeletal muscles and muscle strength, as well as general physical endurance. Along with positive impact on physical development Football and hockey are more conducive to the development of strong-willed qualities (courage, determination, etc.). The general nature of the games and the high physical activity make them accessible only to young men (up to 36-38 years old). It is advisable to start teaching teenagers how to play no earlier than 10-11 years old, training - from 12 years old (with a reduced load). The same group of sports games includes rugby, which is similar in its impact on the body to football, and water polo, the physical load and impact on the body of which is great due to the rapid movement of players in the water.

Sports games occupy a prominent place among the main means physical education. The beneficial effect of positive sports games on the state of the nervous system determines the great value of non-tiring sports games as a means of active recreation.

During systematic training and competitions in sports games, medical supervision is necessary (see). In training teenagers, especially those involved in games of the 3rd group, general physical training. At medical control During sports games, special attention is paid to the prevention of injuries, especially in games in which forceful fighting techniques are allowed (football, hockey). In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the game and discipline among the players, to prevent rough and dangerous play, and to use protective devices (shields in football, helmets, bibs in hockey, etc.). See also.

Experienced athletes and coaches know how important physical activity is for adults, children and adolescents. The ability to play, move for fun and compete is necessary for growth and development, maintaining the body in good physical shape. Sports games for children are the greatest gift that adults can give to children. While playing, the child improves his health, develops coordination, learns to act in a team and receives a lot of positive emotions. It is especially useful for everyone to play together - children, parents and teachers. This best way create friendly and trusting relationships.

Types of sports games

Game types sports originated in time immemorial. On the frescoes of the Egyptian pyramids and the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, on the vases of ancient Greece and the wall paintings of ancient Crete, many figures are depicted engaged in outdoor games. Every nation has national sports entertainment. There are universal games that are popular in all countries of the world.

Any sports game is characterized by:

  • Availability of rules;
  • Interaction with partners;
  • Competitiveness;
  • Motor activity;
  • Simplicity of content;
  • Strong emotional impact.

All game activities in sports can be divided into several groups. This:

  • Pair games with a small variety of movements;
  • Team activities with a wide variety of movements;
  • Team games with great physical activity;
  • Military sports games;
  • Intellectual games.

Types of the first group - table tennis, badminton, etc. Team sports are football, basketball, and volleyball. Hockey and rugby require increased load. Examples of military sports games are paintball, laser tag. Intellectual games - chess, checkers.

Multi-level competitions in team sports are held in different cities, regions and countries.

The benefits of sports games

Sports and outdoor games are useful for people of any age. Physical activity coupled with competition and excitement provides incomparable pleasure. Even into old age, adults feel vigorous and young if they play tennis, golf, and badminton. For children, playful physical activity provides additional incentives for growth and development.

Playing sports is important for improving:

  • Movements (walking, running, throwing, catching, balancing);
  • fine motor skills ( subtle movements when eating, drawing, writing, dressing);
  • Speech and communication;
  • Thinking skills (learning, understanding. Problem solving, reasoning, memorization, reading, counting);
  • Social and emotional interaction (family, friends, teachers).

Vigorous physical activity is necessary for normal bone growth. Normal motor load on the skeleton helps keep the bones strong, durable, and make them resistant to pressure and shock absorption. Activity helps bones and muscles develop proportionately and efficiently. Games help avoid the phenomenon of overtraining, which is often present in non-game sports due to excessive stress during training.

Participation in team sports helps a person maintain correct body proportions from childhood and throughout life.

Sport allows you to prevent the accumulation of excess fat, strengthen muscles, and strengthen ligaments.

Outdoor games develop sensory perception, namely: reaction speed, spatial orientation, peripheral vision, hearing, and touch.

Many motor skills improve when a person plays. Running, jumping on one and two legs, throwing, fast walking, turns are practiced much better than in everyday life. There are no differences in age and gender in gaming activities. Boys and girls, young and old, everyone becomes equal. This is the advantage of the game.

Mental skills - speech, memory, communication, concentration also improve during sports activities. Fast, requiring instant reaction and calculation, the game sharpens all the senses and forces the brain to work at an accelerated pace.

Participation in sporting eventsgreat way expand social connections for adults and shape social behavior for children. Sports team games encourage a person to feel like a member of the community, teach him to empathize, help, and compete.

Rules of sports games

Sports games are competitions in the form of a game, based on certain techniques and tactics. The fight can take place between two partners or two teams. In many games, a goal is defined - a goal, a ball, a shuttlecock, a court. Each competition has a set of rules. Without knowing them, it is difficult not only to participate, but also to observe the progress of the competition. There are general rules for all sports activities. This:

  • Safe behavior;
  • Fair wrestling;
  • Compliance with the rules of the game;
  • Teammate support;
  • Respect for opponents;
  • Anti-doping.

Popularity various types sports are not the same. Statistics collected in 200 countries show the following:

Percentage of popularity, sports games: football – 8.4%.

Basketball – 5.7%.

Volleyball – 5.4%.

One of the oldest sports. Traditionally it is believed that football was invented in England in the Middle Ages. But Chinese chronicles of the 3rd – 2nd centuries BC describe the “Tsu Chu competition”. Its purpose was to kick a leather ball stuffed with feathers and hair into a net stretched on a bamboo base. Sample descriptions found in ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek authors. Consequently, the British did not invent football, but only developed and popularized it. The rules of this sport have changed over time.

The main principles of football:

The game involves two teams, each consisting of 11 players. The goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. Football players direct the ball only with their feet and head; using their hands is prohibited. The team that manages to score the goal wins more once.

Here are the roles:

  • Goalkeeper;
  • 4 defenders;
  • 3 midfielders;
  • 3 forwards.

Equipment: ball, two goals with a net. All players are advised to wear cleats and shin guards. Usually each team has the same color uniform. The goalkeeper's clothing is different in color; this player must have special gloves.

Football attracts a huge number of people, both adults and children, because it is a very passionate, emotional sport. The result remains intriguing until the last moment. Unlike hockey, anyone can play football.

When listing popular sports games, basketball is called second after football. Unlike football, the origins of this game are known with certainty. Basketball was invented by an American doctor, coach and priest - James Naismith. The basis of the new sport was the school entertainment “duck on a rock”. The very first basketball competition in 1891 used peach baskets and soccer ball. The game was liked by the general public and soon spread throughout the world. Naismith's original rules have changed since then.

But the main principles remain the same:

  • Two teams of 12 people each participate;
  • From 3 to 5 people can play on the site at the same time;
  • Players must throw the ball into the opponent's basket, and not allow balls to be thrown into their own basket;
  • All actions with the ball are performed only with the hands;
  • You cannot hit the ball with your fist;
  • The ball is moved only by hitting it on the floor.

Basketball is played on open courts and in gyms. It is popular because of its excitement, swiftness and external aesthetics. Professional basketball players are tall, slender, long-legged. Everyone wants to be like them. Moreover, women can play basketball too.

This sport, like basketball, was invented artificially in the USA. Christian Association coach William Morgan came up with an original mix of basketball, tennis, handball and baseball. In 1895, the first game took place, at which the modern name was invented. Volleyball requires a court with a net stretched across it. The net is placed at a height of 2.43 m and 2.25 m for men and women, respectively. Teams have 5 people. Players change places as the ball is served. The goal of the game is to land the ball in the opposing team's territory. Volleyball players use only their hands. It is prohibited to touch the net with your hands. No more than five games of up to 25 points each are played.

Children and adults all over the world love volleyball, as it develops reactions, gives a feeling of friendship and team support. Characterizing various sports games, volleyball can be called the most democratic. This sport is available everywhere - in the yard, on the beach. Anyone can play special training not needed.

Sports games with ball

Ball games, as seen in the example of football described above, basketball and volleyball are the most dynamic and popular. Balls were invented at the dawn of human civilization. Many national species sports and yard children's games use balls large, small, leather, rag, wooden, alabaster. Modern ball sports are mainly team games.

Actions with the ball can be varied:

  • Hitting the ball into a goal (football, polo, basketball, handball).
  • Hitting the ball with a special instrument - a racket, a bat (lapta, baseball, etc.).
  • Throwing a ball over an obstacle (volleyball, tennis).
  • Non-team games with hitting a target (bowling, billiards).

There are many exciting outdoor activities for children with a ball, which are common in yards, camps, and also in physical education classes. For example:

  • Potato. Players standing in a circle throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible. The one who did not manage to catch or hit the ball sits in the center of the circle. He can get out of there if he manages to intercept or hit the ball from another player.
  • Bouncers. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 5 meters from each other. The players stand between the lines, on which two bouncers take positions. The bouncers take turns throwing the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players with the ball. If the ball does not touch anyone, it is caught by the opposing bouncer and the players must run back. When the last player is eliminated, the first ones eliminated take the place of the bouncers.

Military sports games

Nowadays they have become widespread military sports games, suggesting the inclusion of elements of combat tactics. Weapons are used here and army methods of moving around the game space are used. Teams are formed according to military principles: squad, platoon, etc. The scope of action is close to that usual for real combat operations - a field, a forest. Teams can conduct defense, attack, reconnaissance. Military sports strategy involves the interaction of team members and creates a combat situation. The group that defeats all members of the opposing team wins.

The following games are the most famous in our time:

Paintball. Rival teams shoot each other with air guns paint balls. The balls crash against a live target and “mark” the achievement of the goal.

Hardball. This competition uses pneumatic recreational weapons with a bullet speed of 180 meters per second

Laser tag. A laser emitter is used as a weapon, hitting touch sensors.

Airsoft. Weapons - pneumatic and electro-pneumatic with plastic balls (caliber - 6 mm).

Olympic Games: sports

Many of the games listed are featured at the Summer and Winter Olympics. The list expands every year. In recent years, the following were considered Olympic sports:

  • badminton;
  • basketball;
  • water polo;
  • volleyball;
  • beach volleyball;
  • handball;
  • table tennis;
  • tennis;
  • football;
  • field hockey.
  • curling;

Many games are not included in the official program of the Olympics, although they are not inferior in popularity to Olympic sports.

  • Rugby;
  • Golf;
  • Billiards;
  • Darts;
  • Squash.

Yard outdoor games

Nowadays, many children and teenagers are attached to computer games. This addictive hobby can perfectly develop imagination, thinking and determination, but sharply reduces physical activity and reduces sociability. Parents of modern teenagers remember the wonderful children's sports games that they played for hours summer camps, school sports sections and just in the yards.

  • Russian lapta;
  • Ali Baba;
  • Breaking chains;
  • Aram-shim-shim;
  • Santas-candy wrappers-limpompo.

Parents, camp counselors and physical education teachers must necessarily involve children and adolescents in active physical activity. Playing together fosters friendship and mutual assistance, aims for victory, develops the habit of active leisure time and improves health.

I. Test tasks

Tasks in closed form, i.e. with suggested answer options.

  1. The first post-war Olympic Games after the First World War were held in the city…
  • a) London;
  • b) Paris;
  • c) Amsterdam;
  • d) Antwerp.
  1. What sport was not included in the program of the First Olympic Games of our time?
  • a) cycling;
  • b) athletics;
  • c) shooting;
  • d) equestrian sport.
  1. Russian athletes took part in the Olympic Games for the first time in...
  • a) 1900;
  • b) 1904;
  • c) 1908;
  • d) 1912
  1. Who was the longest-serving leader of the International Olympic Committee?
  • a) Juan Antonio Samaranch;
  • b) Pierre de Coubertin;
  • c) Avery Brundage;
  • d) Siegfried Edström.
  1. What is the hallmark of sport?
  • a) performance at competitions;
  • b) classes at a fitness club;
  • c) execution physical exercise;
  • d) increasing the level of physical development.
  1. How many exercises does morning exercise traditionally include?
  • a) 2–3;
  • b) 10–12;
  • c) 20–25;
  • d) without restrictions.
  1. What procedures are considered hardening?
  • a) taking a shower after class;
  • b) all procedures related to cold exposure;
  • c) all procedures related to thermal exposure;
  • d) all procedures during which the body adapts to environmental influences.
  1. Which sport is considered cyclic?
  • a) cycling;
  • b) freestyle wrestling;
  • c) judo;
  • d) luge.
  1. Which sport is considered an individual sport?
  • a) volleyball;
  • b) table tennis;
  • c) floorball;
  • d) curling.
  1. During what period is motivation formed?
  • a) when performing physical exercise;
  • b) before performing physical exercise;
  • c) after performing physical exercise;
  • d) is formed separately from the process of physical education.
  1. What is the normal resting heart rate?
  • a) 40–50 beats per minute;
  • b) 60–70 beats per minute;
  • c) 90–100 beats per minute;
  • d) 100–110 beats per minute.
  1. Which sport does not have the technique of dribbling the ball?
  • a) football;
  • b) handball;
  • c) volleyball;
  • d) floorball.
  1. What swimming styles are used when transporting victims?
  • a) applied;
  • b) sports;
  • c) health;
  • d) all of the above.
  1. What problem does physical education solve?
  • a) lifting the mood;
  • b) education of physical qualities;
  • c) training in movements;
  • d) removing the first signs of fatigue.
  1. What indicators should the heart rate correspond to when performing cyclic exercises to develop general endurance?
  • a) 90–100 beats per minute;
  • b) 110–120 beats per minute;
  • c) 140–150 beats per minute;
  • d) 170–180 beats per minute.

II. Tasks in open form, i.e. without suggested answer options

  1. The USSR national team competed at the Olympic Games for the first time in ___________.
  2. The Olympic Games were first held in Asia in ___________.
  3. Heart rate data during exercise is an indicator of ____________.
  4. What physical quality ensures the level of performance? ____________.
  5. What mandatory test exercises are performed at the fifth stage of the VFSK GTO? _________.

  1. Match between sports discipline and distance.
  1. Match the sport with the time of play.
  1. Match between physical qualities person and motor actions.
  1. Establish a correspondence between the nature of the work and the number of muscle groups involved in the work.
  1. Match the city with the year of the Olympic Games.
Year City
1. 1896 A) Moscow
2. 1920 B) Antwerp
3. 1980 B) Turin
4. 1998 D) Athens
D) Nagano


I. Test tasks

Question no.

Correct answer

"A" "b" "V" "G"
1 G
2 G
3 V
4 b
5 A
6 b
7 G
8 A
9 b
10 b
11 b
12 V
13 A
14 G
15 V

II. The tasks are in open form, i.e. without suggested answer options.

  1. 1952;
  2. 1964;
  3. load or load intensity;
  4. endurance;
  5. 100 m run; pulling up on a bar or bending and straightening your arms while lying down (push-ups); 2000 m run (girls), 3000 m (boys); leaning forward from a standing position.

III. Tasks for correlating concepts and definitions (matching tasks).

21 1 - G 2 – D 3 - A 4 – B 5 - IN
22 1 - G 2 - A 3 – B 4 – D 5 - IN
23 1 - IN 2 – D 3 - A 4 – B 5 - G
24 1 - A 2 - IN 3 – B
25 1 - G 2 – B 3 - A 4 – D

Handball literally means “hand and ball”. This is a team sport with a ball. All games take place on parquet floors in special indoor halls. Handball appeared as a game at the very beginning of the 20th century, when players of other sports were looking for something to do in the off-season so as not to lose their athletic shape. At that time, Danish football players decided to play with their hands as a change, however, due to the fact that there was much less space in the hall than on a football field, the number of field players was reduced to 6 people, and the seventh was the goalkeeper. As for the ball, it was similar to a volleyball, but slightly smaller in size to make it more comfortable to hold in your hands.

But the real date of the birth of handball can be safely considered 1898, when the official “handball” discipline was introduced in Denmark for women. Similar games existed for a long time, where everything came down to a simple throwing of the ball in motion. But the creation of clear rules was carried out directly in Denmark. In order to formulate the rules, some aspects were taken from basketball, for example, the size of the court, the time the opponent spent in someone else's court, as well as the “three seconds” rule. All these nuances added noticeable dynamics and entertainment to the game.

For quite a long time, right up to the Second World War, there were two types of handball - summer and winter. IN summer look 11 players in each team took part at once and competed in outdoors. In winter, handball was played on the floor by 7x7 teams. Since 1954, the winter type of game has been recognized as the only one in which many international competitions. In the same year, the first world championship among men was held in Sweden. World handball championships began to be held, similar to football championships, once every 4 years. In 1972, men's handball was already recognized as an Olympic sport, and the first Olympic champions were the players of the Yugoslav national team. Four years later, in 1976, women's handball teams made their debut at the Olympics. It is worth noting that the handball team Soviet Union became twice in a row Olympic champion. This happened in 1976 and 1980. Among other things, European Championships are held on an ongoing basis. The European Champions Cup is especially popular, where only the strongest club teams take part.

Handball is played on a rectangular court measuring 40x20m. There are two teams, each with 7 people. The essence of the game comes down to throwing the ball into the opponent’s goal, while trying not to step beyond the line of the six-meter zone, which is located near the goal. The ball in handball can be thrown, caught, and also pushed using the head, arms, knees, hips, except for the legs below the knees. The goalkeeper, in turn, must save his goal by hitting the ball with any part of his body. He can also take a direct part in scoring the opponent’s goal, that is, be a field player. The game lasts two halves. Each duration is 30 minutes.

Beach volleyball

Somewhere in the 1910s, the very first mentions of the sport of beach volleyball were observed. It was at this time that surfers in Hawaii played volleyball directly on the beach while waiting for a good wave. After some time, they began to get involved in this sport in California, where each team had 6 people at a time. And in 1930, the very first match was held in Santa Monica with teams, each of which had 2 people.

In Europe, the first mentions of beach volleyball could be observed in France. In 1927, this game became one of the most popular on the beaches of the small town of Franconville, which is located near Paris. Relatively quickly, beach volleyball gained its popularity throughout Europe. As for South America, this game became widespread here only in the 1950s.

The game was gaining truly great popularity, while attracting more and more attention from numerous sponsors and television. Various federations and associations began to appear. Competitions were held directly under their auspices, and the first professional teams. Beach volleyball has already acquired shades of a professional sport.

Despite the fact that the first official games Beach volleyball became a professional sport only in the late 1970s. In 1987, the first unofficial world championship was held. And at the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992, beach volleyball was included in the program as a demonstration sport. A year later, this game was officially recognized as an Olympic sport. At the first such tournament in 1996, 24 men's and 16 women's teams were represented.

The essence of the game of beach volleyball is quite simple. There are two teams of two players each. The game itself takes place on a sand area, which is divided by a net. The main goal of each team is to volleyball touched the opponent's court, while preventing him from hitting it in his own half. It is worth noting that beach volleyball players have the ability to hit the ball with any part of the body. A point is played by serving the ball from the corner of the court. When the ball flies to the opposite side, team players have the right to hit the ball only three times, after which they must send it to the opponent’s side. One player does not have the right to hit the ball twice in a row. Playing the ball continues until it touches the ground, goes out of bounds, or until one of the teams makes a mistake. The team that earns the next point receives the right to serve.

Beach volleyball is a game consisting of two parties. The team that wins them wins, accordingly. If the game score is 1:1, an additional third game is played. The game itself is considered winning when the team scores 21 points, and the difference in points must be at least two. If the score is 20:20, then the game continues until the difference of these same two points is reached.


Badminton is one of the ancient games all over the planet. There are many different versions of its origin. For example, the inhabitants of Japan have long been fond of a game called “oibane”, the meaning of which was to throw a shuttlecock made from a cherry pit, as well as several feathers. Special wooden rackets were used directly for the game itself. In Stockholm, in 1650, a court was built near the palace for playing “feather ball”, by order of Queen Christina herself. She practiced this game on the court together with her courtiers, as well as guests from other countries. There was a similar game in France, where it was called “je de paume,” which means “game with an apple.” In medieval England, badminton was called “racket and shuttlecock.” This game was one of the most popular in those days.

The roots of modern badminton go far back to India, where it was called "roopa". The rules of the game were quite simple: children picked up special rackets, stood in a circle and tossed a cork into which feathers were stuck. The goal of the game was to keep the shuttlecock in the air for as long as possible. As for England, the famous game of shuttlecock was brought here by the military who served in India in the 1860s. In addition, they slightly supplemented the rules by deciding to throw the shuttlecock over a stretched net. As a result, the game was called “Pune”. Many consider the estate of the famous Duke of Boshore in the English county of Gloucestershire to be the founding place of modern badminton. It was here in 1893 that the game received its current name when the Duke's invited guests and their friends took to the lawn to play a "game of badminton."

Badminton is played on a special court, which is divided equally by a net. This game is usually played by two people standing opposite each other. Two teams of two people each can also participate. Opponents stand on opposite sides of the court. The essence of the game is to throw the shuttlecock over the net so that it lands within the opponent's court. The serve itself is made from the left or right service zone. The shuttlecock, in turn, must fly diagonally into the enemy zone. The serve must be done from the bottom up, and the shuttlecock must be within the level of the lower edge when serving. If a player fails to hit the shuttle before it lands on the ground, the point is awarded to his opponent.

The first European Badminton Championship took place in 1968 in Germany. A year later the first youth championship Europe, and in 1972 the first team championship. Since then, European championships have been held every two years. Official Championship World was held in 1977 in Sweden.

As for the first indicative Olympic performances badminton, they took place in Munich in 1972 at the 20th summer Olympic Games. Badminton became an Olympic sport in 1992. Currently, there are more than 50 million fans of this sport all over the world. Badminton is extremely popular in many Asian countries, as well as in European countries such as Germany, Denmark, England and Sweden.

Table tennis

According to many, games using rackets, balls and figures originated in East Asia. In the Summer Palace of China, namely on the walls of the summer residence of the emperors, you can see several paintings confirming the fact that table tennis games were observed here in the Middle Ages. For quite a long time, tennis existed in two varieties. In the first case, the game was played on fresh air, and in the second - in specially designated areas indoors. In England, lawn tennis, in other words, playing on grass courts in nature, was very popular. The game instantly spread throughout Europe, including Russia. As for indoor games, they were replaced by table tennis, which was developed in England at the end of the 19th century.

At the very beginning, the place of the ball was taken by an ordinary cork from a bottle of champagne, after which a rubber ball was used. They played with wooden rackets covered with parchment. The handle of the racket was relatively long, which was often inlaid with gold or valuable wood. Table tennis was mainly played in aristocratic circles, especially among cricket fans.

The turning point in the history of table tennis is considered to be the end of the 1890s, when the Englishman D. Gibbs brought celluloid balls from America to play in his family. After this event, his friend Jacques, who was a merchant sporting goods, began producing rackets, balls and tables. Instantly, a “ping-pong fever” arose in England, which spread throughout Europe, and soon throughout the world.

Gradually, the rules of the game appeared. First, they counted up to 30, 50 and 100 points. In 1926, the counting system was already unified. Immediately from this moment we played table tennis up to 21 points. Due to the great popularity of table tennis, it was decided to create the International Table Tennis Federation. this species sports, which all happened in the same 1926. At the same time, the first world championship was held, after which similar tournaments were held every year. In 1934, women's teams also joined the World Table Tennis Championships.

In 1957, the European Table Tennis Union was created, and a year later the first European Table Tennis Championship was held. Due to the enormous popularity of this sport, the question of recognizing table tennis as a Olympic event sport, which took place in 1977. In 1988, table tennis was already accepted into the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

Two players play at the table. Each rally begins with a serve from one of the players. The first server is determined by lot. Subsequently, servers alternate every two serves. Each game lasts up to 11 points. If the score becomes 10:10, then the game continues until the lead is two points. There can be from 3 to 7 games in total - all depending on the type of competition. Serving in table tennis must hit the ball so that it first hits his own ball, and then the opponent’s. If the ball hits the net when serving, then a re-serve is made. A point is counted when the opponent was unable to hit the ball.

Football (Fig. 2) is a team sports game with a ball on a special site (field) measuring 100-110 X 64-75 meters with a goal. Players are divided into teams of 11 people. The goal of the game is to score greatest number times the ball into the opponents' goal with any part of the body (except the hands). Football is the most popular sports game in the world.

Many centuries ago, different peoples played games with leather balls. All these were varieties of football, for example, in Italy this game was called “Calcio”, in France - “Pasup”. However, the oldest form of football originated in the 2nd century BC. in China. It was the FIFA federation that in 2004 recognized it as the prototype of the game that we know today. The development of the history of football in Europe began with the Roman Empire, after the disappearance of which practically no data on the history of the development of football was preserved. After the execution of King Charles I in England in the 17th century, his supporters fled to Italy, where the British became acquainted with the game and later brought it to their homeland.

The game acquired its modern name "football" ("foot" - leg, "ball" - ball) in England, so it can be argued that the history of football originates in England. The first rules of football were adopted at Cambridge University in 1846, and already in 1857 the first football club was created in the city of Sheffield. To work out uniform rules, at the suggestion of John Carlite, in 1863 a meeting of representatives of football clubs was held. First official football rules were developed on October 26, 1863. They were significantly different from modern ones; for example, there was no ban on touching the ball with your hands. Another important fact in the history of football is connected specifically with Sheffield. This is the creation of the football association in 1867. It was thanks to her that a set of rules was developed, of which eight were adopted by the modern Football Association. In those days, it was forbidden to pay players for playing on a team. A club protest in 1884 overturned this rule and football became professional in 1885. It is not surprising that the founders of modern football won the first three Olympics: 1912, 1908 and 1900.

Today, football captivates millions of fans around the world and is the most popular team sports game.


Hockey (Fig. 3) is a game sport in which two opposing teams try to score the puck into the opponent’s goal using a stick. The peculiarity of this game is that players move around the ice area on skates. In the history of hockey it is traditional important role plays his homeland - Canada, or rather Montreal. It was there that the first competitions in hockey history were held. This happened on March 3, 1875 at the local Victoria skating rink. Two teams of nine players (all in baseball defense) competed. The next significant event in the history of ice hockey is the appearance of the first rules. They were invented by students at Montreal's McGill University; there were seven rules in total. Hockey has become very popular in Canada. It was even included in the Winter Carnival program. And already in 1885, the Amateur Hockey Association was created (also in Montreal). In 1886, the first international match between Canada and England was held. In 1893, the Governor General of Canada, Lord Stanley, bought the cup, for which Canadian teams began to compete. This is how the most prestigious trophy in the history of hockey appeared - the Stanley Cup. The International Ice Hockey Federation was founded at the 1908 congress in Paris. In Russia, the history of hockey begins on December 22, 1946, when the first matches of the first USSR ice hockey championship were played in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Kaunas and Arkhangelsk. Today it is impossible to remember without a smile, for example, the players’ enormous trousers, the awkward attempts of hockey players to throw the puck into the air, the suffering of goalkeepers burdened with a heavy, unyielding stick, the penalty box, nicknamed the “punishment cell,” the “cage,” and the “frontal area.” The courage of the hockey players, who performed without any protective equipment, is also amazing. Contrary to this, from match to match the number of spectators in the stands was constantly growing. The hockey industry was also improving. From the padded jackets on the farm, they got the hang of sewing protective equipment and hockey pants. The goalkeepers wore boxing helmets, and the field players wore bicycle helmets. Canadian hockey on Russian soil he took from football a taste for playing passing, a passion for multi-move combinations, and from bandy - cosmic speeds and virtuoso skating skills.

In the spring of 1953, at the LIHG Congress, the Soviet Hockey Federation was accepted as a member of this international organization. And a year later, in 1954, in Stockholm, domestic hockey conquered the world hockey peak. The true heroes of that tournament were goalkeepers Nikolai Puchkov and Grigory Mkrtchyan, defenders Alfred Kuchevsky, Dmitry Ukolov, Alexander Vinogradov, Pavel Zhiburtovich, Genrikh Sidorenkov, forwards Vsevolod Bobrov, Viktor Shuvalov, Alexey Guryshev, Yuri Krylov, Mikhail Bychkov, Alexander Uvarov, Valentin Kuzin, Evgeniy Babich, Nikolai Khlystov, Alexander Komarov. Almost the same composition won Olympic gold 2 years later.

Next generation Soviet masters hockey picked up and successfully carried this victorious baton. In the 60s, such outstanding masters as Viktor Konovalenko, Konstantin Loktev, Veniamin Alexandrov, Alexander Almetov, Boris Mayorov, Vyacheslav Starshinov, Viktor Yakushev, Stanislav Petukhov, Anatoly Firsov, Eduard Ivanov, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzkin shone in the USSR national team , Vitaly Davydov. Our team then became the recognized leader in world amateur hockey. 1972 is a special year in the history of Russian hockey. There is a change of players, a change of coaches. Vsevolod Bobrov took the baton from the star couple Chernyshev-Tarasov. And under his leadership, our ice squad for the first time crossed sticks in head-to-head competition with the Canadian national team, made up of the strongest NHL players. These matches revealed the hockey talent of a new generation of players: Vladislav Tretyak, Valery Vasilyev, Gennady Tsygankov, Vladimir Lutchenko, Vladimir Petrov, Boris Mikhailov, Valery Kharlamov, Alexander Yakushev, Vladimir Shadrin, Alexander Maltsev. They failed to repeat the victorious streak of their predecessors, but the national team won the World Championships in 1973, 1974, 1975 and the Olympic tournament in 1976 in Innsbruck. In 1977, the national team and the CSKA club were headed by Viktor Tikhonov. Under his tutelage, the skills of Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexey Kasatonov, Helmut Balderis, Sergei Makarov, Igor Larionov, Vladimir Krutov, Viktor Zhluktov and many other masters sparkled. Under him, Valery Kamensky, Sergei Fedorov, Alexander Mogilny, Pavel Bure received a ticket to big hockey. Today hockey is known in all countries. World Championships captivate millions and billions of viewers around the world to their television screens. Hockey is now more popular than ever in the history of hockey.


Game sports help strengthen physical health, development of team spirit.

Sports games (football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, handball, tennis, etc.) are characterized by a variety of movements. They include running, jumping, throwing the ball from a place and in a jump, hitting various power elements, etc. All these movements are performed in conditions of interaction (in wrestling) between the players. Changes in the structure of movements and their intensity occur continuously during the game.

Some types of games (ice hockey, basketball, rugby, handball, etc.) are speed-strength oriented, which is reflected in the training process. Sports games contribute to the development of speed, strength, agility and other qualities. Depending on the type of games, physiological changes in the body are different.

Energy consumption in team sports depends on the size of the site, the pace and rhythm of the game, martial arts, the qualifications of the athletes and their training. Thus, energy consumption for volleyball and basketball players is 4200-4500 (for men) and 3600-3800 kcal (for women). VO2 max in female basketball players is 44 ml/min/kg (J. Wilmore, 1980), in male basketball players – 53 ml/min/kg, in football players, volleyball players (men) – 58 ml/min/kg and 57 ml/min/kg accordingly (J. Wilmore, 1980). The respiratory rate (RR) in games can range from 20-30 to 60 breaths per minute. Vital vital capacity ranges from 3500 to 5000 ml, and in women – 3000-4500 ml. Heart rate at rest ranges from 45 to 55 beats/min, while playing ice hockey it can reach 160-200 or more beats/min, in basketball, football, handball - 140-180 or more beats/min.

Lactate after a game (training) can be 8-14 or more mmol/l.

Water polo is a game played with a ball on water. Water polo players perform in sports trunks (with a shell) and special caps. Water polo is characterized by the freestyle swimming technique, when the head is raised above the water and the stroke is shorter. To dribble the ball, athletes use a bow wave and move the ball with their head. Basic technique- this is gripping the ball with a turn of the wrist, catching the ball and throwing.

The work of a water polo player is mainly carried out in aerobic-anaerobic mode. Pulmonary ventilation in a water polo player is high and can be (reach) 100-160 or more liters per minute, oxygen absorption is 5.5-6 liters. MIC – 58 ml/min/kg, vital capacity – more than 5 liters. Heart rate at rest is 45-50 beats/min, and during the game it can increase to 160-190 or more beats/min.

Martial arts

Wrestling (freestyle, Greco-Roman, sambo, judo, etc.) refers to martial arts. Means of wrestling are techniques by which an opponent is grabbed, thrown off balance, and thrown to the ground (carpet).

Wrestling combines speed-strength work with static tension; it develops strength, speed, and agility. For successful motor activity of a wrestler, it is necessary to develop proprioceptive sensitivity.

Wrestlers have a well developed muscular system, it is adapted to work primarily in anaerobic mode. Energy consumption during wrestling is very high. During contractions, it reaches an average of 10-12 kcal or more in 1 minute. RR during a contraction increases to 35-40 or more beats per minute. Moments of holding the breath and straining were noted - during the grip, preparation for the throw and during the throw. Energy consumption is from 3700 to 6000 kcal or more, depending on the weight category. Oxygen demand depends on the intensity of work. The oxygen debt by the end of the fight can reach significant values. MIC is 57 ml/kg/min.

At rest, heart rate averages 45-60 beats/min. During a contraction and especially after a contraction, the heart rate reaches 180-200 or more beats/min. Blood pressure can rise to 150-160 mm Hg. (systolic) and 80-100 mm Hg. (diastolic).

Lactate in the blood after a contraction is increased and amounts to 8-10 or more mmol/l. Wrestlers are characterized by increased function of the sweat glands - this must be taken into account when preparing a wrestler for a fight: he should not be massaged with oil or rubbed in with oils.

Boxing is a widespread form of martial arts. Boxing requires great endurance, strength, courage, agility, speed, hardness and determination, as well as other specific qualities.

Energy consumption depends on the intensity of work; it is higher in athletes of small weight categories and reaches 15-25 kcal per minute. In total, after training, energy consumption can range from 3700 to 6000 kcal, depending on the weight category, ambient temperature and the athlete’s fitness. MIC is 55 ml/min/kg (G. Cumming, 1968). The respiratory rate can reach 35-50 bpm, and pulmonary ventilation ranges from 80 to 120 or more liters. Oxygen absorption can be 4-5 l/min and there is an oxygen debt. Vital capacity in boxers is on average 3500-4500 ml.

Heart rate tends to slow down and at rest is 45-55 beats/min. During a fight, heart rate reaches 180-200 or more beats/min. After the fight, lactate in the blood increases sharply and amounts to 8-12 or more mmol/l.

Fencing – This is a sport based on martial arts in one of the types of sports edged weapons. Fencing classes develop speed, agility, endurance, self-control, and the ability to make quick decisions and act in difficult situations.

In fencing combat with foils, epee or sabers, the athlete’s goal is to inflict a certain number of blows (or thrusts) on the opponent at a given time.

In modern fencing, the following types of weapons are distinguished: rapier, epee, saber. Rapier and sword are piercing weapons. A saber is a cutting weapon.

In foil and epee fencing, electrical equipment is used - after the injection is applied, the electrical circuit is closed and the light comes on.

Heart rate increases during a fight and can be 160-180 or more beats/min. MIC in men is 56 ml/min/kg, in women – 44 ml/min/kg.

In fencing, the visual, vestibular and motor systems are of great importance. Visual perception mainly determines the entire behavior of a fencer. BH increases during combat to 30-40 or more units per minute. Energy consumption due to the short duration of the injections and the entire fight is insignificant. Pulmonary ventilation in fencers during competitions increases to 60-100 l/min. Energy consumption is 3600-4200 kcal for men and 3000-3600 for women.