Scenario of a sports and entertainment event at the summer health camp Fun Starts “Fun Starts. Fun starts in summer camp - it's interesting and useful

Sports and game program “Fun Starts” for events in summer camps

During summer camps, every day is dedicated to some kind of holiday (for example, Neptune's Day), I offer a script for a sports and game program dedicated to April Fool's Day.
Author: Perevezentseva Galina Evgenievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Excursions ( young tourists) Lukhovitsy.
Description of material: I present to your attention the sports and game program “Fun Starts”, which is aimed at organizing sports and leisure activities for children in summer camps. Developing interest in fun starts and outdoor games. This material will be useful to teachers - organizers of children's leisure activities, counselors.
Age of children 8-13 years old.
Venue: necessarily a green lawn.
Inventory: gymnastic sticks, volleyball, hoops, cones, small plastic basins, small balls, jump ropes, plastic buckets.
Target: Development motor abilities in children through outdoor games.
1. Fostering a culture of communication.
2. Develop the ability to interact with peers in groups on the principles of mutual respect.
3. Relieving psychological tension.

Progress of the event

All the teachers and counselors come out (dressed as teenagers, with bows on their heads; if there are men, then a T-shirt, shorts and knee socks with a Panama hat on their heads)
The teacher (dressed as a girl) builds teams for competitions.
Hello participants happy starts.
Today you are faced with a very difficult task.
But we can handle it. To greet each other, the teams line up opposite each other.
Form the teams in one line!
(the team of teachers is fooling around, they don’t stand up, they don’t know how to stand up, they behave like our children)
Finally everyone is lined up and needs to say a greeting to the other team.
A judge is selected from each team to count the points.
A cone is placed in front of each team at a distance of 4-5 m.
1. Warm up.
Each team member runs to the cone, runs around it and returns to his team, passing the turn to another member.
2. Transfer of an item.
The team is divided into pairs. The participants have 2 gymnastic sticks in their hands. A small ball is placed on the sticks, which you need to carry to the cone, go around it and return back. Pass the sticks and ball to the next pair. You cannot squeeze the ball between the sticks.
3. Come on, overtake.
Teams are given jump ropes. You need to jump rope to the cone, there is a hoop near the cone, spin it 5-6 times, then take the rope and jump to your team. Pass the rope to the next participant.
4. Who will eat faster?
Chairs are placed near the cones, a basin filled with water is placed on them, and an apple is in the water. The task of the teams is for the teachers to run, and for the children to jump (it will be funnier) to the chair and bite the apple without hands. And the team that runs out of apples the fastest wins this competition.
5. Hit the target.
At a distance of 6 m from the teams, there is a plastic bucket on a chair; each participant runs to the cone, takes the ball and throws it into the bucket. Whichever team hit the target the most wins.
6. Mini football.
Each team plays as best it can. The goal is to score a goal for the opposing team. You cannot pick up the ball with your hands. But teachers can fool around sometimes. To make it funnier.
Scoring. Rewarding. There is tea drinking in the dining room.
You get a positive feeling for the whole day. I guarantee it. Thank you for your attention.

The proposed competitions and games are fully adapted to the conditions and nature of educational and recreational camps.

The developed scenario is offered as an approximate implementation option. Therefore, the material can be supplemented, changed, or simply taken as a basis.

Target: diversifying the free leisure time of children exciting games and competitions, unobtrusively attract them to more active recreation.

While participating in fun competitions, the guys must understand that in order to win, it is not enough to just be physically strong. At the same time, it is necessary to have sufficient determination, strength of zeros, to be organized and collected, dexterous and resourceful.

The composition of the teams is formed in such a way that their strengths and capabilities are at the same level, while the age data of the opponents is certainly taken into account. Both should have equal chances. And with what results both teams will reach the finish line depends only on their cohesion and organization.

Preparing for competitions does not require much hard work and consists of several stages:

1. Development and approval of the event plan.

2. Appointment of the date and time of the event.

3. Formation of the jury. The jury members, in turn, must decide on which system they will judge (in points or points, etc.).

4. Formation and staffing of two opposing teams.

5. Assigning to each team a responsible counselor who is responsible for preparing his team for the upcoming competitions.

6. Preparation of the necessary attributes for competitions and games, as well as the appointment of someone responsible for this preparation.

7. Formation of support groups and appointment of those responsible for the preparation and performance of group participants: learning chants to encourage teams, preparing colorful posters or banners; preparing rhythmic movements to music during possible pauses and hitches, etc.

8. Preparing the terrain on the camp territory, marking the launch site. It must be level and clean to avoid situations associated with injuries and accidents. The ideal option is to hold such an event at a stadium.

9. Teams develop their own logos and mottos; prepare a greeting for the opposing team; preparing one amateur act for sports theme. This could be a poem, a composition of movements (with ribbons, a hoop, etc.) or an acrobatic episode, etc.

10. Teams think over their equipment. It is desirable that there is no “multi-color” and scattered clothing. Welcome sporty style: plain T-shirts with the team emblem, loose-fitting sweatpants (shorts are not advisable - if a child falls, the exposed part of the legs may be damaged), light sports shoes.

So, preparatory work left behind. Forward to “Fun Starts”!

Progress of the event

The presenter welcomes the audience and invites the teams. To the sounds of solemn music and applause from spectators and fans, teams enter from opposite ends of the field and take their places of honor in the front row. The presenter introduces and invites the jury to take their seats. The chairman of the refereeing team explains the rules of the competition, which members of both teams must strictly adhere to; explains on what scale and how the competition participants will be assessed and wishes the teams to show the maximum of their abilities and capabilities and win.

1. Warm up. Each team defends its emblem, motto and addresses its opponents with a brief greeting. (Sample team names, mottos and greetings are given below.)

Team. "Energy".

Motto: “Only forward and only together. We have two hundred percent energy!”

Greeting message to the opposing team: “We wish you not to lose all your optimism as you approach the finish line!”

Team "Optimists".

Motto: “Our motto is simple - you can’t get around us, even by half a meter, but we are ahead!”

Greeting message to the opposing team: “There’s two hundred more energy when you’re all together. But as soon as one drops out, all chances are reduced to zero. Don’t let your quantity outweigh your quality!..”

2. Personal acquaintance. The jury and everyone present got acquainted with the emblems, mottos and greetings of the teams. There is just a little left: each team member must now introduce himself personally. He must do this as follows: both teams in in full force go to the starting line. Ahead, about fifty meters away, stands an improvised mountain. There is an inscription on it: “We were here...” Further, the space is divided by a line.

Teams are given a bag. At the signal, the first team members must climb into their bag and jump to the “mountain”. Without getting out of the bag, write your name in the space provided with chalk or a felt-tip pen, already prepared in advance and located there, for example: “Kolya.” Next, leaving the chalk there, the competitor must turn around and quickly ride in the bag to his team, get out of the bag and pass it to the next player. He gets into the bag and jumps in it to the “mountain”, writes his name and returns in the same way...

The first team to complete the “personal introduction procedure” wins.

While the jury is tallying up the results of the first two stages of the competition, the presenter asks each team riddles that can fill the pause.

Riddles for the “Energy” team:

What would the beginning be called in the language of athletes? sports competitions? (Start.)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better... (Bicycle.)

We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

Let's run into the snow

This is our regime... (Skis.)

Riddles for the Optimist team:

What is the end of a sporting event called in athletes' language? (Finish.)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of mines do I have? (Skates.)

Green meadow,

A hundred benches around

From gate to gate

People are running briskly... (Stadium.)

The jury announces the results of the previous two tasks.

3. Collective centipede race.

The upcoming race is unusual in that the whole team participates in it. Having clasped their hands around the waist of the player in front, they run after the leader to the designated place, for example, the same improvised mountain. They run around it and come back. It is very important not to clash heads with the opposing team, not to stumble and not to create a “heap of trouble”.

The team of centipedes that will go around the “mountain” without delay or hitch and return first back to its starting position is rightfully considered the winner.

The presenter, together with the fans, can encourage the lagging players with remarks like this:

Faster, faster, centipedes,

There's still a little bit to go until the finish line!..

Centipede, move,

One more push... pull yourself up!..

4. Captains competition.

While the rest of the team members are taking a break from the tiring race, the captains are preparing for a new type of competition. A thirty-centimeter peg is driven in approximately two meters from the player. The player must place ten rings on the peg from his seat. The captains compete in turns. The order is determined by drawing lots. The one who achieves the least result in this type of competition loses.

5. “Rope balls”- the task is as follows: at the signal, the players in front of the teams must jump with the ball held by their ankles to the finish line; exchange the ball for a jump rope and return to the team, moving by jumping over the jump rope. The next team players take the baton and jump rope to the finish line. Then they change it to a ball and return with the ball clamped between the ankles. The team that completes the task first wins.

The presenter gives the signal for the start of the competition with a quatrain, the last words of which indicate the start of the start:

One, two, three, four, five,

We will play with you

The ball is cheerful, mischievous,

Let's roll, don't stop!..

During the jury meeting and summing up the results of the competition, the resulting pause is filled by support groups. They demonstrate their prepared numbers. Their performances are judged by audience applause.

6. Ball relay.

The teams line up. The first players pass the ball to the next until it reaches the last ones. The last players, each running around their own chain, become the heads of their teams and pass the ball to the players behind them. The ball again hits the last player in the chain, who must also run around it and become the head of the team, and so on.

The team whose players swapped places first wins.

7. Relay race with running.

One of the players on each team holds a hoop standing vertically on the ground. At the signal, the rest of the team players must jump through the hoop. The team that completes the task faster is considered the winner.

8. " Homework» - team members must present to the jury and spectators three amateur performances per sports theme. This could be, for example, a gymnastic sketch or demonstration performance hand-to-hand combat; funny and mischievous ditties; poetry; riddles; sports dancing, etc.

The jury evaluates the last tasks and sums up the overall result of the competition. The winners are announced. Those who distinguished themselves are awarded with memorable souvenirs, and incentives, such as sweet prizes, are awarded to the rest of the competition participants. The jury members do not ignore the support groups and note the work of the counselors involved in the preparation and conduct of “Fun Starts”. The event ends with cheerful, energetic music.


Sverdlovsk secondary school No. 9

Holiday scenario


for school camp


teacher of the school camp “Vesnushka”

Kobtseva Natalya Viktorovna


Goals and objectives:

    formation healthy image life;

    increasing social activity and improving the health of students;

    introducing them to physical culture as component element national culture;

    consolidation and improvement of motor skills;

    assistance in the formation of vital physical qualities;

    formation physical beauty, strength, agility.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1: - Good afternoon, dear friends, respected guests! We gathered to get to know each other better and become stronger friends, to see what we can do. And it doesn’t matter who becomes the winner in this comic competition, and there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is

Presenter 2

Everybody wants to compete
Joking and laughing
Show strength and agility
And prove your skill.

Presenter 1 :

We are all happy about this meeting
We did not gather for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together.

Presenter 2:

- “Fun Starts” is friendship, perseverance, the will to win; it is a beautiful and fair sport. And sport is the world. Long live physical culture and sports, long live “Jolly Starts”! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Presenter 1 .

Sport is health!

Sport means strong muscles!

In sports at all times

There must be a will of steel.

Sport is courage.

Sport is a skill.

Plus discipline.

Plus Friendship.

Only then will it be...

Students . Victory.

Presenter 2

The athlete overcame himself.

And that means a lot.

And the main thing here is not even records,

And not even a victory,

Health is the main thing - it brings...

Students . Sport.

Presenter 1 - Before any competition it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all your muscles, just like serious athletes.

Warm up, warm up,
Look at us!
Rhythmic, beautiful,
Athletic, healthy
We love to exercise both in the garden and at home.
So let's get up
And repeat after me.

Presenter 2

Aunt Motya has four sons,

Aunt Motya has four sons.

They play, they laugh

And they never get bored.

Right hand!

The leader moves vigorously right hand, the guys must repeat after him. Then, continuing to move his right hand, he repeats the quatrain and adds left hand, right leg, left leg, stomach, head, tongue, as a result of which the whole body should move.

Personal introduction.

The first task is a relay race, in which each participant must introduce himself personally as follows: both teams in full force go to the starting line. Ahead, about fifty meters away, stands an impromptu mountain. There is an inscription on it: “There were...” and then the space is divided by a line.
At the signal, the first team members must run to the “mountain”, using chalk or a felt-tip pen, already prepared in advance and located there, and write their name in the space provided, for example: “Kolya”. Next, leaving the chalk (felt-tip pen) there, the competitor must turn around and quickly run to his team. The next player runs to the “mountain”, writes his name and returns in the same way...

The first team to complete the “personal introduction procedure” wins.

Presenter 1:" The fun starts continue... Let's compete to see who can throw something next

Although the projectile can be an ordinary sports one - a ball or a frisbee, you can throw something funny and unsportsmanlike. For example, felt boots or rubber slippers.

We suggest throwing plastic cups. Markings are made: the place where the participant will stand is marked. The flight range markers are inscribed:

very far;

very close.

Victory will go to the team whose players throw the cup the furthest.

Presenter 2: The accuracy competition is an indispensable test for the relay participants. Children will aim carefully and shoot accurately.

More precisely than everyone else

For this task, you need to prepare bottles of water and, having made small holes in the lids, give the children the opportunity to shoot at targets - hoops. At a signal, one participant from the team runs to the line, takes a bottle of water and makes a water shot. After this, he runs back to his team and passes the baton to the next player.

Presenter 1 : Of course, now there will be running.


And not just running, but running with obstacles, so small obstacles can be placed on the path of the runners - pins along the entire test route, so that children can run around them. Each runner runs to a given place, takes the desired item from a bucket with objects and runs back to the team. The team that is the first to collect a certain number of items wins.

Presenter 2: How to compete in strength? Let's start a tug of war.

Strongest of all

To make it easier for small children to do this, you need to tie several knots at each end of the rope in advance, so the children’s hands will not slip. Each team should have 6–8 participants. The players' task is to pull the opposing team or the center of the rope onto their territory.

Note: You can limit this competition by time or number of attempts.

Presenter 1 :

A game for fans.

Participants are divided into two teams (territorially). Then the names of the hands are learned.

One is called "goal"

the other is “by”

when the arms are crossed, the whole hall shouts “barbell”.

The team that one of the hands is pointing at must shout out the name of the hand loudly. The presenter's job is to confuse the participants. To heighten passions, the presenter keeps score. If one person in the team makes a mistake, then the other team gets one point. You can keep the score strictly, or you can do it the way the leader wants.

Presenter 2:

Broom racing

The entire team runs on a broom in a zigzag pattern past 10 towns placed at a distance of 2–3 meters from one another. The winner is the one who runs through all the towns faster, knocking down the least number of them.

Presenter 1 :


U gymnastic wall Pins are placed in a row (six or seven pieces at a distance of a meter from one another). Now we need the penalty mark, from which the participants in the game will take the penalty. Each player has one attempt. Task: knock down a pin with a ball. If this is successful, the player is entitled to an additional hit (this hit is not included in the ten attempts). For each pin knocked down - a point. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Presenter 2:

Ring throw.

Each team player from a certain distance must throw a cardboard ring onto a plastic one and a half liter bottle. The winner is the team with more hits.

Presenter 1 :

Captains competition.


At this stage there is 1 participant - the captain. A labyrinth is drawn on the asphalt area.

The team selects 1 “navigator” who will guide the movement of their commander through the labyrinth.

The team captain is blindfolded and asked to go through the maze, using only the tips of the “navigator” - forward, right, left. If the captain steps on or goes beyond the maze line, he loses. The one who completes the maze in less time wins.

Presenter 2:


At the start, in front of each team there are sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 m. The task of the relay participants is to take turns, at the leader’s signal, running out with sticks and placing them in rays around their hoop (“draw a sun”). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Presenter 1 :

Final relay


Players stand one after another at intervals of up to five steps. A driver is selected, who will have to squat down with his head bent. The rest of the participants must jump over it. So, in turn, the players jump over each person standing in front, resting their hands on his back.

The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition for fans.

Presenter 2: While the jury is summing up the results, guess the riddles.

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles, I must admit,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I’m calling, so you know. (Bike)

I'm not sitting on a horse,

And on the tourist's back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearably!

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (soccer ball)

I don’t understand, who are you guys?

Birders, fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better go away

We play... (volleyball).

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she does it through me. (Jump rope)

Presenter 1 : And now we will learn our signature applause. Repeat after me. A light rain began to fall - we clap our palms with one finger. The rain began to intensify - we clap our palms with two fingers. Became even stronger - clap three fingers on the palm. It began to rain heavily - four fingers clap the palm. It began to rain - with all its might.” After losing once, the presenter can offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole audience must say: “Yes,” and the rain stops, silence sets in.

The jury summarizes the results of the relay race. Presentation of commemorative medals and prizes.

Note: using this principle, you can combine any type of relay race game by dividing the squads into teams; You can combine relay races thematically by coming up with a name, presenters, and heroes of the game.

1. One person from the group must jump on one leg.

2. Throw the plate from the starting line so that it hits some target. If the plate does not hit the target, then you need to throw it again from the place where it fell. After hitting the target, the plate is taken to the box. Requires one hit per group.

3. For counselors: hit a target with a bow (at the shooting range). For female counselors - hit the target larger size; for young men - at a smaller target.

4. Hit the basketball basket 3 times from the marked line (one or more people participate).

5. Near the dining room, one person must remove an apple from a bowl of water with his mouth.

6. One person from the group must jump without stopping 10 times on a skipping rope without stopping.

7. Flowers. Teams use a spoon to fill a vase with water, and the last participant places a flower.

8. Shrubs. Pass the twig blindfolded. (Everyone stands at arm's length from each other)

9. Hedgehog with an apple. Taking turns, moving on all fours, the guys must carry one apple on their backs. Who will fill the basket faster?

10. Grapes. A bunch of grapes from the land of Canaan. Who will inflate more balloons faster and make a bunch of grapes (20 balloons per squad).

11. Winegrowers. Quickly move this bunch together and not burst. To a certain distance.

The winner is the group that completes the tasks first and runs to the flagpole.

Organization of Happy Starts

The program should begin with games that help organize attention, psychological mood for participants to complete more difficult tasks. This includes games for attention, games with the participation of all the children.

“Fun Starts” ends with a combined relay race, where the guys perform various tasks. Give some solemnity to the opening and closing of the “starts”.

No matter how simple the individual games and competitions that make up the “starts” program are, there is a need to rehearse it in advance to clarify the rules and nuances of judging, to ensure organization and gain time. It is important that this will also be a good workout for the participants.

Carrying out “Fun Starts” is entrusted to panel of judges. The presenter reminds the participants of the rules of the competition, their assessment, maintains order and discipline, comments on the progress of the fights, and reports their results to the secretary who counts the points. The secretary, in turn, informs participants and spectators about this and records the results on the stand. 5-6 judges carry out the tasks of the presenter and are alternately appointed as senior judges of games and competitions.

The following scale can be taken as a criterion for assessing the places of individual competitions when conducting the results of “starts”: 1st place is given 10 points, 2nd - 8 points, 3rd - 6 points, etc.

If necessary, depending on the difficulty or “weight” of the competition, you can evaluate them with 15, 12, 9 points, respectively, for example: a combined relay race or a game “Ball on four sides”, etc.

For each mistake made by teams (players) in games and competitions, one point is calculated.

Characteristic. Firstly, this is an exciting semi-sports, semi gaming event, where children can splash out their motor and emotional energy, show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Secondly, "Fun Starts" is sports festival, in which everyone without exception can participate. Moreover, as experience has shown, this event evokes a special emotional response in the children when the competition is held between a team of counselors and a team of children.

Goals and objectives. In addition to developing physical abilities, the purpose of this event is for the child to assert his own status during the competition. The child accepts himself as he is with his successes and failures. However, during the event, the child’s position of rejection of himself and of himself in the eyes of the group may become apparent. This situation should not involve diagnosis only. It is important for the organizers to provide the child with the opportunity, both in the event of a team victory and in the event of its defeat, to be able to say: “We won” or “We lost,” thereby establishing himself against the background of the group, gaining a psychological feeling of “WE.”

Among the tasks of “starts” one can note the initiation of competitive activity, motor, emotional and volitional emancipation of the child.

By solving serious psychological problems, the event creates a positive emotional mood. Organization, materials and equipment.

Participants - 2 or 3 teams, each with from 6 to 12 people. Required condition staffing of teams is that the teams must be equal in strength. It is desirable that the number of boys and girls in teams be the same.

Necessary sports equipment: skittles, balls, jump ropes, hoops, buckets, rope. Find helpers in advance and explain to them what equipment may be needed and when. Invite judges and agree with them on evaluation criteria, as well as cases of application of penalties.

Prepare rewards for both losers and winners in advance. After all, the MAIN THING IS NOT VICTORY, BUT PARTICIPATION. Venue. The action takes place on the sports ground. Time frame. 1 - 1.5 hours

Conduct: The main thing you can’t do without at “Fun Starts” is fun tasks. We offer well-known (or perhaps not so well-known) relay races that will help participants and organizers in conducting “Fun Starts”.

1. “Smooth running” At the signal, the first member of the team runs to the turning flag and back, having reached the line behind which the team lined up in a column one by one, slaps the palm of the hand of the next participant - passes the baton. The winner, of course, is the team whose last player reaches the finish line first.

2. “Siamese twins” As you know, conjoined twins are called Siamese. Each pair in the participating teams will be such twins. And their backs will have to grow together. To do this, you need to stand with your back to each other and tightly clasp your hands together at elbow level. Running in this position is only possible sideways. This means that the first couple should prepare at the start line, taking a “sideways to the front” position. On command, it starts sideways and returns sideways, passing the baton to the next conjoined twins. One of the conditions for successfully completing the task is to keep your back tightly pressed. The most coordinated and fastest team wins.

Z. “Running with a skipping rope” This relay race is simple. The first team members, covering the distance from the starting line to the flag, jump rope and back. Then, they pass the rope to the next and so on until victory... A more difficult option is running with jumping through a hoop, used instead of a jump rope.

4. “Jumping and running with a ball” Participants stand on the starting line, forming pairs, and hold hands. In the free hand, each of the participants in the first pair has a ball (volleyball, football, basketball, but not tennis). The task is to jump together to the finish line without releasing your hands or dropping the ball. In this case, the ball cannot be pressed to the body. Having reached the flag, the players make the way back by running, still holding hands. Having reached their team, the guys pass the balls to the next pair. The last pair of participants, finishing jumping and running first, brings victory to their team.

5. “Jumping with a ball” For the relay race you will need a ball (football, volleyball or basketball). The participant’s task is to hold the ball between his legs and jump with it to the turning point and back as quickly as possible. Holding the ball is quite a difficult task!

6. “Obstacle Course” This task will require three pins, a bucket and soccer ball. Each participant must roll (pushing with their feet) the ball in a zigzag between the pins lined up perpendicular to the starting line. Having carried the ball to the bucket, the participant must, without using his hands, throw the ball into the bucket. He is given as many attempts as he wants to do this. After the ball is in the bucket, the participant takes it out with his hands and quickly runs to the next player.

7. “Train” The team captain in this relay race will be the “locomotive”, the rest of the participants will be the “cars”. After the signal, the captain runs forward to the flag and back to the starting line. When he returns to the team (we will assume that at this moment the “locomotive” arrives at the “station”), a “car” is attached to it. The second player firmly grasps the captain’s belt, and the two of them walk the path to the flag and back. At the next “station” the third “car” is “attached” to the second “car”, etc. The team that acts more coordinated and faster wins.

8. “Long Jump” The relay race goes like this: the first participant stands on the starting line and does a standing long jump. His task is not to move from the moment of landing until a line is drawn that marks the “landing site.” The line must be drawn along the toes of the jumper's shoes. The next participant places his feet in front of the line without “stepping.” And he jumps long. In total, the entire team makes one collective long jump. The task is to jump carefully and not fall when landing. Otherwise, the result of the jump is canceled. The longest team jump is the winning one.

9. “Tug of War” This final task is a joke. We will tug of war by passing it between our legs and standing with our backs to each other.

November 17, 2013

Fun starts at summer camp have already become traditional competitions. To participate in them, a team of active guys who are infected with the sports spirit is always recruited. But the popularity of the games does not relieve the organizers of the responsibility for holding them.

Choosing a scenario for sports competitions

Conducted fun starts in a summer camp, necessarily according to a pre-thought-out scenario. It will depend on the imagination of the organizers. But quite often fun starts for children are organized according to the plot Olympic Games. Girls and boys who are not involved in sports competitions, can play the roles of ancient Greek gods: open the competition and wish good luck to the participants. Humorous performances by teams also add variety to the fun starts. They can take place on the principle of representing commands in famous game KVN.

Ball games

Fun starts at a summer camp are good because they require little sports equipment, and they can be carried out on fresh air. The most popular competitions are, of course, ball games. There are a great many different types of competitions. Volleyballs can be used for competitions that have elements of volleyball or football. Toss and lead basketball ball it will be a little heavier. But it can be used for competitions with basketball elements. The old pioneer ball, beloved by all the children, is also perceived by children with great joy. In addition, there is this type of competition: the team is lined up against each other, the ball must be passed with outstretched arms above the head. Due to its weight, the basketball will add difficulty to the competition. You can use a rugby ball. Running competition

Each competition is a timed competition. And the traditional competition is running. To make it interesting, you can add, for example, baton. This find will help get the whole team involved and make the competition more interesting. Additionally, it is often recommended to add obstacles to the relay race during this summer camp event. You can, for example, place pins along the distance. The runner must go around each one without knocking over any of them.

Sports competitions with a skipping rope

Fun starts at summer camp cannot be complete without a jump rope. While it is not difficult for girls to jump rope the required number of times, for many boys this task will be unusual. If two people twist the rope and a third person jumps over it, the task will be more difficult. In addition, certain conditions can complicate the task: jumping on only one leg or with crossed legs.

Sports competitions with hoop

Very often, a hoop is used for fun starts. If twisting it around your waist is not difficult, you can add a few more hoops or twist the hoop on your arm.

Fun starts will be remembered by all participants and will add variety to life summer camp. And in order for games and competitions to be more active and interesting, you must add music. And, of course, it is simply necessary to interest the participants with prizes, special certificates or cool medals.


