The effectiveness and benefits of training on the kinesis simulator. Kinesis simulator - what is it and how to use it? Kinesis - training results

To develop your physical activity and endurance, it is not necessary to do any special exercises. It is enough to imitate everyday movements on a special simulator called Kinesis. With its help, even the busiest or laziest people can find good physical fitness in 1-2 months.

To maintain a healthy state of a person, a form of exercise therapy was developed, such as kinesiotherapy, which combined knowledge of anatomy, medicine, biochemistry and other sciences. Based on kinesiotherapy, special training has been developed that helps a person work all the major muscles. You can perform this training system on a special simulator called Kinesis.

One such simulator can accommodate an entire gym. Kinesis is designed as simply as possible, but at the same time takes into account all the anatomical features of a person. WITH outside you see only 4 handle modules, and a closed system of cables is hidden inside; you can pull them in any direction without restrictions. Thanks to this, a person can make any movements. Depending on the level physical training the person individually transforms the resistance of the cables to change the load level. A special feature of the design of this simulator is the fact that you can adjust the resistance system of each individual cable, and not the entire system. You can also rotate the rollers 360 degrees, which also allows you to not limit your movements. Implement multifunctional training, compose individual program workouts and include a wide variety of exercises from simulating the movement of a swimmer to practicing throwing a ball in tennis.

Goals and objectives of Kinesis.

Sport - training program for professional athletes, which helps athletes, especially swimmers, tennis players and runners, train strokes, simulates hand strokes, etc.;

Play - a training program on the Kinesis simulator, designed specifically for children;

Power is a program that is most suitable for bodybuilders and people interested in strength training;

Move is a universal and multifunctional training program that is aimed at improving the general condition of the body, increasing endurance and comprehensive muscle development;

Breath is a program similar to Pilates and yoga. The safest program that helps normalize internal processes and improve a person’s internal state. With the help of such training, you will learn to control your body and breathe correctly.

To create an individual training program, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The duration of one workout is at least 60 minutes;
  • You need to do 2-3 workouts per week;
  • Always warm up your muscles before starting a workout with a warm-up;
  • First executed simple exercises, then - complex;
  • Do the exercises circular method at all 4 stations of the simulator;
  • At the end, do stretching exercises.

Examples of exercises on the Kinesis simulator.

Exercise 1: Stand up straight. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly. Grasp the handles with your hands and spread them apart. At the same time, exhale and lunge forward with your left leg, then twist your body to the left and extend your right arm in front of you. Don't arch your lower back. Inhale and return to the original position.

Exercise 2: Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do squats. Then grab the handles of the machine with your hands and pull them towards your shoulders. Exhale and straighten up at the same time. Then raise your arms above your head. Inhale and return to the original position.

Exercise 3: Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be slightly bent. With your hands, grab the handles at chest level. At the same time, exhale and move your arms in a circular motion across the top counterclockwise. Then simultaneously inhale and move your arms in a clockwise circle over the top.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym or run for many kilometers in the morning, then various types of exercise equipment take their place. Particularly popular are kinesis simulators, which allow you to achieve elastic forms in a matter of months, as well as create conditions without unnecessary time and money. gym at home.

What is a kinesis trainer?

Installation of kinesis as a species physical therapy combines knowledge of medicine, physiology, biochemistry and other sciences. Kinesiotherapy allows you to work out absolutely all muscle groups. Training can be done not only in the gym, but also at home. Home exercise machine made in the form of a kinesis wall panel. The compact panel includes an entire gym, replacing a trip to the gym.

The device is arranged as follows:

  1. The trainer is equipped with 4 handles. There is a cable system inside that allows you to perform any exercise without restrictions.
  2. The resistance system is adjusted individually, depending on sports training person.
  3. The rollers rotate around their axis, which allows a person to perform any movements.

Why is it worth taking a closer look and buying Kinesis exercise machines?

  1. The complex allows you to perform more than 500 exercises of varying complexity.
  2. Training can be done at home.
  3. The installation replaces several stationary exercise machines and saves space in the house.
  4. Exercises on the machine replace Pilates, yoga and fitness classes.
  5. The simulator is easy to use and does not require additional settings.
  6. Depending on the level of physical fitness, a person can independently set the level of load.
  7. Classes are more effective due to the fact that several muscle groups are trained simultaneously.
  8. Kinesis exercises burn 35% more fat than traditional gym exercises.

Positive aspects of kinesis according to real reviews

According to reviews, kinesitherapy is popular among celebrities. Many movie stars, singers and politicians admit that kinesis perfectly replaces going to a noisy and cramped gym.

What is so attractive about the device?

  1. Development of endurance and strength. This is possible thanks to the ability to regulate the resistance force. In parallel with the muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons are strengthened.
  2. Unlike stationary simulators, this device helps you work in different trajectories. Therefore, muscles are trained in combination, and not separately.
  3. Developing a sense of balance. You can achieve coordination by synchronizing the movements of your arms and legs at the same time.
  4. Increased flexibility.
  5. Your mood improves.

Kinesitherapy is carried out as a treatment and prevention of postural disorders.

Who should exercise on the simulator?

Doctors identify a group of people who will benefit from training on the simulator:

  1. Athletes. The device allows you to perform various movements with his hands, for example, a tennis player can practice throwing his racket back with the help of cables, and a basketball player trains his hands to work with the ball. You can actively learn swimming on the wall panel, skiing types sports, etc.
  2. Patients during the rehabilitation period. After serious injuries, it is useful to gradually increase the load on the body in order to get yourself in order. Under normal conditions gym It is difficult to assess the actual endurance, strength and balance of each limb. The design allows you to adjust the load level, so it becomes obvious whether the patient can withstand a particular load. Individual load provides favorable conditions for complete healing and prevents injury. You are allowed to start training only after consultation with a specialist.

  3. People in everyday life. In addition to developing a sense of balance and giving tone to the body, as well as gaining muscle mass, kinesis can be used for other purposes: training the back, simulating holding a child in your arms, lifting weights. The purpose of the exercise is to create natural situations from everyday life in order to strengthen the body and also increase endurance.

Kinesis is a professional approach to gaining muscle mass. The design allows you to perform circular movements, covering all muscle groups. A set of exercises is performed alternately. An interval of 1–2 minutes should be maintained between them. Integrated approaches guarantee smooth loads on the muscles and no fatigue. Circuit training not only develops endurance, but also improves heart function.


Kinesitherapy as exercise therapy for a weakened body is prescribed taking into account gender, age, physical fitness and severity of the disease. Before selecting a set of exercises for a patient, the doctor familiarizes himself with his medical history and conducts appropriate instrumental and laboratory tests. The basic rule of kinesitherapy is not to harm the patient.

Exercise on the simulator is contraindicated if:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • joint fragility;
  • instability of mental state;
  • diseases cardiovascular system.

If there are no contraindications, then he selects a set of exercises based on the etiology of the disease, the clinical picture, and the prevention of complications.

Types of exercises

Examples of exercises:

  1. Starting position: standing. The back is straight, legs are shoulder-width apart. Knees bent. With your left hand, pull the cable by the handles to your shoulder. As you exhale, lunge with your leg. Right hand pull forward.
  2. The starting position is the same. As you squat, pull the handles towards you. As you exhale, extend your arms forward. As you inhale, raise your arms up.
  3. Take a vertical position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and move your hands in a clockwise circle. As you exhale, make a circle in the opposite direction.

Application of the Bubnovsky kinesis simulator

The structure is named after Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky. Unlike a conventional device for kinesitherapy, the Bubnovsky simulator is aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used for rehabilitation after serious injuries, to help treat serious illnesses in adults and children.

A set of exercises allows you to reduce painful sensations, improve general condition, gives joints mobility and elasticity, tendons and muscles. The trophism of the affected tissues is restored, motor activity improves and physical performance increases.

Bubnovsky’s technique is aimed at restoring back muscles, as well as maintaining the health and strength of joints. Many claim that training eliminates the need for medication and surgery.

The price of the simulator is quite high. But the results from the workout and the savings on going to the gym are worth it. The wall panel does not take up much space, and its benefits have long been proven.

Kinesiotherapy. What kind of treatment system is this?

The essence of this method is that the body reacts to pain that occurs in the muscles. You should know that Bubnovsky’s kinesiotherapy treats through pain. This specialist has developed a technique that shows positive results, but they are achieved by overcoming unpleasant sensations.


It turns out that a person overcomes not only muscle pain that occurs when performing special exercises, but also copes with the disease itself through fortitude.

There are diseases that can be treated with kinesiotherapy. These include:

  1. Intervertebral hernia.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Various curvatures of the spine, such as scoliosis.
  4. Arthrosis.
  5. Arthritis.
  6. Rheumatoid polyarthritis.
  7. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  8. Chronic back pain.

You should know that Bubnovsky kinesiotherapy as a method of treating back pain is prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision. Not every person can take this course, as willpower is needed to overcome the pain.

Also, some patients do not have enough strength to perform exercises. Kinesiotherapy at home is a problematic process, since there is no specialist who supervises the exercises. It is especially difficult to do them while overcoming pain.

Now you know the concept of “kinesiotherapy”; we have already figured out what it is. Now we will give some useful tips.

Usually, doctors recommend that patients who complain of back pain do physical exercises after a course of treatment. They will ensure the further healing process and will also keep the body normal. In this case, the patient should not carry out other heavy loads. After all, they can lead to the progression of the disease.


You should know about such a method as kinesiotherapy, that this is a different way to healthy body. There are certain nuances, as mentioned earlier, all exercises are done through overcoming oneself. The method of kinesiotherapy differs from the prescription of complete rest.

First of all, a complete examination of the patient is carried out. This is necessary in order to determine the cause of back pain. Next, the zones in which it is present are determined. After this, a complex is prescribed physical exercise. It is selected individually for each patient.

Classes take place in the hall where special simulators. Usually their number is about fifty pieces. To perform the exercises, the presence of a specialist is required. He will monitor the process and provide assistance to the patient. During one session, a person usually works out on 30 exercise machines. The course of kinesiotherapy is 24 sessions. During this period, the patient masters all the simulators. After this, he can study independently, without the assistance of a specialist.

At first, a person who is prescribed a course of kinesiotherapy performs all exercises under the supervision of a specialist. It's called basic course, which includes 12 sessions. Each exercise is performed under direct supervision. After completing the entire course, sick people feel improvements in their body, note a surge of strength, absence of pain, and others.

Specialists who monitor the training process gradually increase the load on the patient as his muscles strengthen. With each session, a person’s range of exercises expands, as the muscles become stronger.

In addition to eliminating back pain, kinesiotherapy is aimed at treating joints. Here, too, the course of exercises begins at a minimum level. And as the body strengthens, the load on the joints increases.

Positive Impact

When treating back pain in such a way as kinesiotherapy, no medicines. In combination with this method, a visit to the sauna and cryohydrothermotherapy are prescribed. These techniques allow you to stretch your back muscles, relieve swelling, and get rid of inflammatory processes. Physical activity and a visit to the sauna will provide increased vitality and good mood. All this will help the fastest recovery.

Differences between this method and others

Kinesiotherapy using the Bubnovsky method has a number of significant differences from conservative methods of the healing process:

  1. The exercises that are prescribed to the patient are aimed at ensuring that the load falls specifically on the painful areas of the body. Traditional system treatment, on the contrary, protects these areas.
  2. If a person is treated through kinesiotherapy, he will not be prescribed medications. Instead, the package of measures to improve the health of the body will include a visit to the sauna and other activities aimed at restoring vital energy.
  3. Complex physical activity is done on simulators and is supervised by a specialist who monitors the execution of the exercises. The latter increases the load as the muscles strengthen.
  4. People who want to use this method of treatment are advised to carefully choose a specialist. It is extremely important that the therapy is carried out by a professional doctor with experience.

Experts' opinion

Currently, this method is gaining popularity. Many doctors began to use it in their clinics. This method shows good results, patients note an improvement in their body condition.

A technique of this kind can have positive impact on the body not only for back pain, but also in restoring a person’s vitality and increasing his ability to work. Therefore, those who want to increase vitality and increase energy resort to the method of kinesiotherapy.

Who needs to use the technique?

Of course, if you experience prolonged discomfort and pain, you should consult a doctor for a detailed examination and diagnosis. But if pain appears as a result of minor household injuries (due to lifting weights, awkward movements, etc.), then you can independently, at home, resort to some measures to improve your own condition. One of these methods is Bubnovsky kinesitherapy (it can be easily applied at home). Who is it shown to and what is its essence?

What is kinesitherapy? A method of physical therapy, the main principle of which is movement, is what it is. Dr. Bubnovsky has developed an amazing method for restoring the musculoskeletal system, which is possible without drug treatment. His method allows:

  • activate tissue repair through exercise;
  • optimize blood flow;
  • eliminate pain of varying degrees;
  • relax muscles with spasms;
  • speed up the rehabilitation process after surgery.

The Bubnovsky complex is intended for the treatment and prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, various hernias, and arthrosis.
During the work on the kinesitherapy method, simulators and devices were invented that could enhance the effect and help achieve incredible results when restoring joint mobility and spinal health.

When is the use of Bubnovsky kinesitherapy indicated? The technique developed by Sergei Mikhailovich is very effective in combating many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including:

  • injuries and illnesses hip joint;
  • foot pathologies and knee joints;
  • diseases of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

Diseases internal organs It is also possible to cure a person by resorting to the method of kinesitherapy according to Bubnovsky. During the rehabilitation period after surgery or injuries, the use of this method of recovery will be very effective.

Exercises from the complex can support and strengthen weak muscle corset and help in the prevention of various ailments.

What is kinesitherapy?

Kinesitherapy according to Bubnovsky for use at home includes several complete sets of exercises for various parts of the human body:

  • movements for the feet (they can be used for pathologies such as heel spurs, flat feet);
  • exercises for the knee (indications related to the use of this section of kinesitherapy, mass - these are all lesions of the knee joint);
  • movement system for the hip joint (coxarthrosis is the most common disease of this joint; kinesitherapy can help combat it);
  • movements for the abdomen (this complex is aimed at improving blood supply to blood vessels);
  • complex for strengthening back muscles ( large number diseases of the spinal column can overcome or significantly alleviate the Bubnovsky complex).

What movements are performed at home?

The basic movements of Bubsky’s kinesitherapy for home use are quite easy.

For ankle

Exercises for the feet are effective against diseases of the joints of the foot, in addition, they can help in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Here are a few not at all difficult, but very useful exercises:

  1. Standing on a step or similar elevation, you need to lower your toes below the level of the step and then raise your hanging heels higher. During exercises, you need to hold on with your hands so as not to lose your balance. Perform movements smoothly. You need to do 100 repetitions at once or break them into 5 approaches. After exercise, you can immerse your feet in a container of cool water for 10 minutes, then dry and warm.
  2. I need to sit down. You will need a towel, it must be folded into a rope. You need to take the ends in your hands and rest one foot on the towel. Direct the tourniquet towards yourself with your hands, and rest your feet as much as possible, pulling her fingers towards you as well. Perform the movement several times with each limb.
  3. You need to lie on the floor, stretch your legs, lift them slightly and rotate your feet first in one direction, then in the other.
  4. Remaining in a lying position, you need to squeeze and then unclench your toes.

Doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky recommends to his patients, in addition to gymnastics, walking barefoot on stones and grass, as they help optimize blood circulation and prevent gout.

For the knees

As part of kinesitherapy, Bubnovsky developed a simple and completely unique complex for the knee joints. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • arthrosis;
  • inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the joint;
  • pain syndrome and muscle hypotonia;
  • Baker's cyst.

This complex includes both strength and decompression exercises. Among them are the following:

  1. Starting position - on your back, legs extended. You need to bend your knees alternately and pull your heel as close to your buttocks as possible.
  2. You need to get on all fours, before doing this you should apply a bandage with crushed ice to both knees. Move around the room in such equipment. At first, the exercise causes discomfort and pain, so it cannot be performed for a long time, but gradually discomfort will go away, and the time for performing this exercise can be increased.
  3. Leaving the ice packs on your knees, you need to stand up, lean on the back of a chair with your hands and sit down for 10-15 seconds. Gradually, the time in this position should be increased.
  4. Squats. They can be performed by leaning on something with your hand. Your knees should be bent at a 90º angle. First, 20 squats are performed, gradually you need to increase to 100.
  5. At the end of the complex, you need to stretch the muscles above the knee. To do this, lying on your stomach, you need to clasp your legs closer to your heels with your hands and pull them towards you.

Active movements for the hip joint

  1. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Bend your knees, pulling your heels as close to your buttocks as possible.
  2. Starting position: on your back, legs extended. Place your feet on the floor without lifting them up, bend your knees to an angle of 90º, lift your pelvis and hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Lie on your side, put your hand under your head. Swing your leg up. The foot should be at an angle of 90º to the shin.
  4. Sit on a chair, bring your knees and feet together. Spread your heels out to the side as much as possible and bring them back.

Back complex

  1. Exercise "cat". Standing on all fours, arch and arch your back.
  2. In the same position, stretch your body forward, stretching your back muscles. Do not arch your lower back.
  3. Push-ups. After each approach, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels and lie with your body on the floor, stretching your back. Lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your pelvis.

Abdominal exercises

  1. Lying on your back, raise your straight legs up. In this case, you need to grab the support with your hands behind your head.
  2. Remaining in the same position, raise your legs up, placing them behind your head.
  3. Bend your knees and place your hands on your stomach. When you inhale, inflate your stomach as much as possible, and when you exhale, deflate it. Repeat 20–30 times.
  4. Sitting on the floor, move forward on your buttocks for 5 minutes.
  5. When performing these exercises, blood flow in the abdominal area improves and the functioning of internal organs is normalized.

If the exercises do not indicate the number of times, then they are performed individually, if possible. These simple 20 basic provisions can be supplemented with any others. The main thing in this therapy is movement.

Kinesis - additional features of the device

Externally, the training complex resembles a relaxation room. All technological components of the simulators are hidden behind wooden wall panels. Only soft, comfortable handles are available that can be pulled in different directions, since special cables are attached to them.

At the same time, kinesis has four separate modules, that is, four different options for the location of handles. Therefore, the lesson takes place in stages, and the load is given to absolutely all muscle groups. Having completed a set of exercises near one panel, a person moves to another and continues until the entire workout is completed.

At the same time, everyone can regulate the duration of classes, as well as the strength of the load, for themselves. Some people will like regular elbow bends (for example, to develop elbow joints after an injury), while others can imitate the flight of a bird or an athlete’s swim for Olympic gold.

In addition, kinesis is easy to install and does not take up much space even in a standard apartment. Therefore, it can be installed in the living room, bedroom or any other room and practiced daily. Moreover, the results of such training exceed all expectations.

Kinesis - training results

First of all, all the exercises that the video trainer will offer you are aimed at helping you learn to control your body. In this, as well as in the freedom of action and imitation of movements from everyday life, kinesis is similar to CrossFit. However, if the latter requires a constant change of classes and an abundance of exercise equipment, then for kinesis a standard training station is sufficient.

True, despite the apparent simplicity of this training complex, during classes absolutely all muscle groups will be involved. And over time, you will definitely develop such flexibility, strength and a sense of balance that you will be able to stand on an icy path, even if you accidentally collide with a person running past.

In addition, kinesis works all the most “hard-to-reach” muscles. This means that you will be able to lose weight in absolutely all of your “problem” areas.

Of course, the results from training are not immediate, and proper nutrition will need to be monitored. But literally in a month or maybe two, your waist and hips will decrease, your torso will acquire beautiful muscles, and all your movements will be easy and relaxed, regardless of your initial level of physical fitness and age!

What is a simulator?

According to the development of kinesiotherapy - therapeutic physical culture, combining anatomical and biochemical data, the Kinesis simulator was created. Thanks to specially selected training, you can develop various groups muscles. This is exactly the function that Kinesis performs. The sports complex involves multifunctional equipment with handles in the form of modules. In the inner part of the simulator there is a whole system of moving cables.

Anyone can master a sports device, regardless of physical fitness. It provides complete freedom of movement, as well as a 360-degree rotation of the rollers. The Kinesis wall panel home exercise machine develops mobility, endurance, increases the performance of the musculoskeletal system, and also improves strength activity.

With its help, even the busiest or laziest people can get in good physical shape in 1-2 months

The equipment operates in three areas:

  1. Balancing.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Strength.

The main criterion according to which the simulator works is natural, unrestricted movement. Trainings performed at Kinesis are absolutely safe, the risk of injury is minimal.

Homemade benefits sports complex consists of the following aspects:

  • increasing strength and endurance of spirit;
  • strengthening the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • flexible training system;
  • control of balance;
  • improvement of central nervous system;
  • coordination motor activity;

Based on kinesiotherapy, special training has been developed that helps a person work all the major muscles.
  • prevention of postural disorders and scoliosis, rheumatological diseases;
  • effective weight loss;
  • complex training;
  • assistance in practicing strikes and hand strokes.

Indications and contraindications

The simulator is universal, suitable in the following cases:

  1. As a home training complex.
  2. Postoperative rehabilitation of muscles and musculoskeletal system.
  3. Prevention of excess fat deposits.
  4. General strengthening effect.
  5. Prevention of various diseases.
  6. Normalization of the cardiovascular system and nervous system.

One such simulator can accommodate an entire gym.

Kinesis has no contraindications for use. The only exception is the early adaptation period after surgery. In these cases, training is carried out under the supervision of a trainer. You cannot conduct classes during infections, high body temperature, or hypertension.

Examples of exercises

The Kinesis exercise simulator involves a load selected in accordance with individual characteristics.

The equipment instructions indicate training programs:

  1. "Shape." Body correction, fat burning based on circuit training, reduction in weight category.
  2. "Sport". A specialized complex for professional athletes.
  3. "Play." Training for children.
  4. "Power." Strength training for bodybuilders.
  5. "Move." Normalization of body functions, muscle development.
  6. "Breeze". The program is equivalent to Pilates and yoga, mastering proper breathing.

Depending on the level of physical fitness, a person individually transforms the resistance of the cables to change the level of load

Regular exercise on the Kinesis simulator helps develop endurance and increase muscle strength, and also increases joint flexibility. With the help of such exercises you can effectively work out all muscle groups. That is why the simulator is often used in the process of rehabilitation after injuries and operations, and training on such a simulator is recommended in combination with therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This simulator is unique in that it allows you not only to perform physical exercises in various directions, but to come up with your own complexes for training. You can change the trajectory of movement during exercise at any time by simply turning 360 degrees. Those people who regularly exercise on the Kinesis simulator are distinguished by excellent coordination of movements, their vestibular apparatus well developed. This feature distinguishes Kinesis from other simulators, with the help of which you can improve certain muscle groups or effectively build muscle mass.

During training on the simulator, it is important to pay special attention to nutrition, which should be healthy and as balanced as possible. It is better to stick to the average calorie level, eat protein foods, fruits and vegetables.

Before starting training on the simulator, it is recommended to practice with individual trainer at least for a month. This time is quite enough to master the main complex, which includes exercises such as biceps pumping, push-ups, squats, triceps extensions, and dumbbell presses.

Exercises for this simulator also have some features. The training should last at least an hour, only in this case can significant results be achieved. Before you start exercising, you need to warm up. Warm-up is performed to warm up the muscles, and should not be done on a machine.

After warming up, you can move on to the main part. The Kinesis simulator includes four stations, at each of which you need to perform one exercise in a certain period of time. During training, the speed of completing tasks increases and the load increases. The main workout is followed by relaxation and muscle stretching exercises.

There is an opinion that exercises on the Kinesis simulator are not suitable for those who practice boxing or tai-bo, due to the opposite direction of the training. It is recommended not to combine these types of activities in one day.

During training, all muscles are worked, while the load on them occurs from different angles. The body spends approximately 60% more calories on this than during a normal training regimen. Exercises on the Kinesis simulator activates the growth of pink fibers in the muscles. For this reason, this exercise machine helps to effectively lose weight, provided regular classes. It is recommended to train 2-3 times a week. With this approach, the effect of training will be noticeable in a couple of months.

The word “Kinesis” itself has Greek roots and means the process of movement.

In fact, it is a unique power plant, capable of simulating more than 500 natural movements in various planes, which can be adapted for each exerciser: from beginner to advanced fitness enthusiast.

Work with the Kinesis simulator can be supplemented by the use of an athletic bench, or a moving disk, which significantly affects the complexity, efficiency and variety of training for the whole body.

Technically, Kinesis is a system of cords (hidden behind special panels) and floating handles, capable of transmitting a clearly accentuated load to each muscle group at any angle, which you can change in an instant, while maintaining constant resistance.

Classes with the simulator take place in a calm atmosphere without distractions from those present, allowing you to concentrate entirely on the development of three main components: coordination, flexibility and muscle strength.

Ten reasons why you should pay attention to Kinesis:

1. As we have already said, the machine allows you to perform about 500 movements in different planes and ranges, which will help diversify your training and avoid plateaus.

2. According to experts, you will be able to burn 30-35% more calories than during a traditional workout.

3. Kinesis preaches the same fundamentals and principles as Pilates.

4. Strength exercises yoga, Pilates or can be performed with the Kinesis simulator.

5. Each movement, in addition to the main muscle groups, also engages the body's stabilizer muscles.

6. The machine can be used to perform a variety of plyometric exercises to improve strength and power.

7. The load vector can be directed within all 360 degrees.

8. The simulator requires absolutely no setup before use.

9. The resistance to movement of the handles can be increased by adjusting the distance to Kinesis.

10. It is possible to perform exercises that simultaneously target several muscle groups, which reduces your total time spent in the gym without losing the quality of the workout.

The main advantages of working with Kinesis

  • Increased strength and endurance. Like a regular exercise machine, Kinesis can be used to create a significant load on the muscles during physical exercise. Your body reacts to this by increasing the volume and efficiency of the “working” muscles, which makes it much easier to exercise your daily activities. In addition, in parallel with the muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons are strengthened.
  • Development of stabilizer muscles. Work for many sports simulators is performed strictly along a fixed trajectory, which leads to weakening of the stabilizing muscles and the appearance of imbalance. Kinesis has two independent handles that you can push or pull in any curve you like, allowing you to easily maintain the tone of your body's stabilizer muscles.
  • Improved coordination. The ability to move arms and legs in sync is called coordination. Conventional exercise machines have a mediocre effect on the development of this body function, but the independent movement of the Kinesis handles leads to improved activity of the nervous system and, as a result, coordination, which is a very important feature both for everyday life and for most sports.
  • Increased flexibility. Kinesis has a completely unlimited range of motion, unlike all other simulators, exercises on which lead to adaptive muscle contractions, which results in a gradual decrease in flexibility.

How can the Kinesis simulator be useful?

For athletes

Working with Kinesis can significantly improve sporting achievements practicing, due to the fact that many movement trajectories can be copied onto.

For example, skiers can do limited side bends, as when descending, and runners can work their leg muscles using multi-dimensional lunges, golfers or baseball players, thanks to the 360-degree range of Kinesis, are able to imitate game movements, the same goes for swimmers, football players, basketball players and many other athletes.

Each such movement improves their strength and endurance, and is also an excellent prevention of possible injuries. It is advisable to use additional props: a medicine ball, a fitball or a “Health” disk.

During rehabilitation

Many rehabilitation exercises can be easily performed on this simulator. In addition, in a regular gym it is difficult to assess the actual strength, endurance, balance and range of motion of each individual limb. Design features Kinesis and the principle of constant resistance (without an inertial component) provide ideal conditions to quickly recover old injuries and prevent new ones.

Before starting exercises, we recommend that you first consult a physiotherapist or orthopedic doctor.

In everyday life

As we noted above, Kinesis is simply an indispensable assistant for the development of general coordination, endurance and muscle strength of a person, which greatly facilitates the performance of such familiar actions as, for example, holding a child or lifting shopping bags from the floor.

The training philosophy is to intentionally direct the load vector strictly along the trajectories that you usually use in everyday life.

For circuit training

Kinesis provides great opportunities for exercise (alternately performing different types of exercises with short rest periods). Training can be aimed at one muscle group, antagonist muscles (for example, biceps and triceps) or the entire body (both upper and lower parts).

Due to its technological features, the transition from exercise to exercise can be as smooth as possible. This training allows you to develop strength, as well as muscular and cardiovascular endurance, plus easily burn calories.