Sports grounds in parks. Children's sports grounds - outdoor equipment Sports parks around the world

Whether the rustling of leaves is heard or the first blades of grass are visible, the park will always be a place of relaxation for a city dweller. Sports fields in parks attract amateurs active recreation from kids to pensioners.

Now the relevance of sports grounds is increasing - healthy image life in fashion. Many manufacturers, in addition to the traditional horizontal bar and parallel bars, offer stationary exercise machines for exercises for all muscle groups:

  • power;
  • cardio equipment;
  • simulators for developing balance and coordination.

Proper organization of the sports ground is the key to safety and comfort

For the safe organization of the sports ground, it is necessary to comply with following rules selection of equipment and its installation:

  1. Select high-quality exercise equipment either from a trusted manufacturer, or control the thickness of the pillars, the reliability of the components and fastenings. Those parts that come into contact with each other: the movable seat, the stops must be equipped with rubber gaskets.
  2. It is best to entrust the installation of exercise equipment to professionals, with a subsequent guarantee. The site must have a hard but safe surface. The installation depth and fixing material must be able to withstand the load of the machine during use. Typically, after installation, at least several days (preferably about two weeks) must pass for the simulators to be securely fixed in the ground.
  3. The location of the simulators must be carefully thought out so that the exercisers do not interfere with each other and the possibility of injury is excluded. In the location you are visiting, some machines may be duplicated or presented similar to work the same muscle group.

Features of organizing a site for the elderly and children

Despite the versatility of most outdoor sports equipment, there are some peculiarities in organizing a sports ground in places where the main visitors are children or the elderly.

Of course, neither the barbell nor strength training equipment Children cannot do it, and they don’t need it. But everything on which you can hang, swing, or, even better, jump causes uncontrollable delight. All kinds of ladders, monkey bars, nets, ropes and rings will be a huge success with the little “monkeys”. It is very convenient when all these elements are located on different faces of the polygon. They allow you to make a circular sports journey around the entire complex without falling to the ground.

In parks and sports grounds for older people there are special exercise machines that help them get physical activity in a way that is gentle on their joints. For example, stoppers, simulators for simulating skiing, exercise bikes, treadmills.

An important attribute of children's sports grounds and areas for pensioners in parks should be benches for parents and the athletes themselves.

Any sports facilities should be located among green spaces and, in the best case, near water.

Sports parks They vary in size and location - from very small ones among the existing urban development to huge territories of hundreds of hectares on the outskirts. They can be either independent or adjacent to the park as its extension.

Architectural and planning solutions for sports parks depend on their purpose, natural and climatic conditions, range of facilities, etc.

The range of sports park facilities should satisfy the diverse needs of different categories of visitors in accordance with their age, desire to engage in certain sports, and physical fitness.

The recreation area (park area) unites all zones and, in turn, is divided into several areas: active recreation with playing fields, playgrounds, clearings for physical education and sports and quiet relaxation with the organization of a network of walking alleys and recreation areas. It is also recommended to create a children's area; skillful use of the terrain, landscape, and plantings is of great importance for it.

Microclimatic conditions on the territory of sports parks can be significantly improved by a system of planning, engineering and technical measures, with vegetation playing a leading role. Green spaces are necessarily included in each group of sports facilities; they have the property of unifying the environment and giving it an organic quality.

In Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisei, a large sports and recreational park on the island “Rest” has become a favorite place for mass celebrations and walks for city residents. The composition of the park is decided freely, although its main planning axis coincides with the main routes of movement of visitors (motorway and pedestrian alleys), dividing the park into two parts: an active recreation area (entertainment, sports, physical education and recreation) and a quiet rest and walking area.

The center of the space-planning solution of the park is a group of buildings with a central arena for 30 thousand spectators, a sports and concert hall for 6 thousand people, a small sports arena, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, flat sports facilities, service pavilions, and parking lots.

The saddle-shaped stadium, round in plan, dominates the landscape of the park and is organically connected with nature by the wide expanses of the river and the mountains visible on the horizon. Adjacent to the sports and concert hall, on the one hand, are pavilions and exhibition areas for flower exhibitions, and on the other, an area of ​​public entertainment facilities. A significant area of ​​the park is reserved for a children's area.

The recreation area is a landscape park with a system of picturesque alleys. Along them in the clearings there are platforms and devices for board games and quiet rest. Located in the zone

a large body of irregular shape for swimming and bathing with a well-equipped beach strip. On the banks of the Yenisei there is a boat station with a boathouse. The range of facilities and organization of the park allow it to be used for recreation and physical education and sports in both summer and winter.

The architectural and planning solutions and landscaping of some foreign sports parks deserve attention.

Sports park on Otdykh Island in Krasnoyarsk: I - demonstration zone. Sports complex: 1 - stadium for 31 thousand spectators; 2 - small sports arena; 3 - open swimming pool; 4 - indoor swimming pool; 5 - pavilion-dressing room; 6 - sports grounds; 7 - cash registers; 8 - parking lots; 9 - economic zone; 10 - universal sports hall for 6 thousand people; 11 - exhibition pavilions; 12 - central exhibition area. Territory of mass entertainment events; 13 - restaurant, dance hall, cinema hall; 14 - gazebo; 15 - pavilions; 16 - Green Theater; 17 - lawns for games; attractions; II - educational and training zone: 18 - training sports core; 19 - training football field; 20 - sports grounds; 21 - dressing room pavilion; III - children's zone: 22 - Pioneer parade area; 23 - House of Pioneers; 24 - “Old Fortress”; 25 - Nautical Club; 26 - playgrounds; 27 - “Flight into space”; 28 - viewing platform; 29 - nursery depot railway; 30 - club rooms; 31 - children's stadium; 32 - buffet; 33 - labyrinths; 34 - rocket plane; 35 - town of “cheerful men”; 36 - motor cycle route; 37 - children's railway; 38 - board games pavilion; IV - recreation area: 39 - beach; 40 - swimming pool; 41 - dressing room pavilions; 42 - board game areas; 43 - cafe; 44 - rental pavilion; 45 - reading room; 46 - veranda; 47 - boathouse; 48 - boat station

Sports park in Tremblay, a suburb of Paris: 1 - main entrance; 2 - kindergarten; 3 - club; 4 - center water sports; 5 - skating rink; 6 - basketball and volleyball courts; 7 - tennis courts; 8 - shooting range for archers; 9 - areas for riding; 10 - athletics center; 11 - sector of recreation and free games Layout diagram of the “Health” park in the Palanga resort in Lithuania: 1-2 - the main entrance and park structures; 3,4,6 - entertainment sectors; 5 - group of sports devices; 7 - sector physical therapy; 8 - group of pools with sea water; 9, 10 - men's beach (general, therapeutic); 11 - public beach; 12, 13 - women's beach (general, therapeutic); 14 - beach maintenance; 15, 16 - seaside forest park; 17 - sculpture; 18 - artificial lake; 19 - road to the mud baths

People's sports park in Rihimäki (Finland): 1 - sports core; 2 - football field; 3 - summer stage; 4 - area with terraces for spectators; 5 - tennis courts; 6 - bathing complex; 7 - covered gyms; 8 - natural park; 9 - parking lots

10 km from the center of Paris, architect. Bourbonnais designed a youth park for sports, recreation and entertainment. Half of the entire territory (35 hectares) is allocated for sports facilities, about 10 hectares for parking lots for 3,000 cars and the remaining 30 hectares for a recreation area.

Although an area with a completely flat, uninteresting topography was allocated for the park, the widespread use of artificial relief techniques made it possible not only to functionally separate zones with different purposes, but also to create a modern picturesque park with good natural conditions for recreation and an interesting spatial composition.

The layout of the park is a radial composition, characteristic of parks in France in the second half of the 17th century. Park alleys and roads fan out from the main building of the youth club, located at the entrance to the park; the rays are united by a series of circular alleys. The entire area is an elliptical bowl. There is a system of terraces around the central recreation and walking area, with physical education and sports facilities on them. Creating a concave surface allows you to see all the spaces of the park from any point.

In European countries, folk sports parks have become widespread. Here you can play sports games, do physical exercise, walk along shady alleys, and sunbathe on open lawns. They are intended for visitors to relax on outdoors among the greenery.

The main load on the parks occurs in the summer evening hours and at holidays, when equipment and devices for conducting sports competitions and national games. On weekday mornings, the territory is mainly used only by sports training complexes and park areas for quiet recreation. An example is the folk sports park in the Finnish city of Rihimäki, in which entertainment and entertainment facilities are located directly next to the sports area. All the main flat and three-dimensional sports facilities are close to the entrances to the park from the main highway.

At some distance from the main buildings, in clearings among greenery, there is a summer stage and a complex of swimming pools. Most of the territory is organized as a quiet recreation area with a network of walking alleys and clearings in green areas.

Of great interest are special physical education and health parks (PEPs), which have become widespread primarily in resort cities.

The exercise therapy park is a medical facility that has a close functional connection with the sports center, but is not suitable for conducting demonstration events. To organize a park, it is advisable to use the territory of a well-ventilated, dry, sparse forest on the shore of a reservoir or the sea.

In the Health Park at the resort in Palanga (with an area of ​​99.5 hectares), most of the territory is occupied by a seaside pine forest with a network of walking alleys. Open meadows and lawns are equipped for physical education, games and relaxation. In the western part, where the stream flows, there is a bathing complex and healing beaches.

Exercise therapy parks have become widely known due to the simplicity, accessibility and widespread use of natural methods of treatment and strengthening of the body with the help of natural factors. In winter, on park flat sports facilities in areas with appropriate natural and climatic conditions, skating rinks are arranged for mass and figure skating, hockey fields are being laid ski slopes. Many foreign parks and green areas of cities are equipped with illuminated ski slopes, which Scandinavian city planners consider “the biggest achievement in the field of recreation, which are also cheaper than other sports facilities.”

Olympic parks. An important event in sports life all over the world are the Olympic Games. To carry them out, unique sports facilities and entire complexes are created, located in green areas.

In our age when preparing Olympic sports complexes What is required is not the construction of individual structures, but the creation of an interesting, unique landscape using various forms of space, combining the ensemble with the surrounding nature, rational use of the structures and the entire territory of the park after the end of the games.

Since ancient times, sport has accompanied human life; the history and development of sports are connected with the development of the material and spiritual life of society.

At the end of the 19th century, when economic, cultural and scientific ties between states expanded, the need arose to hold international sports competitions. For the First Olympics of 1896 in Athens, it was enough to reconstruct the ancient stadium somewhat. The II Olympics was generally held in a clearing in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Later, for the Olympics, new sports facilities began to be built in green areas. The first Olympic stadiums of our time were built in 1908 in London and in 1912 in Stockholm. The X Olympics took place in Los Angeles (USA, 1932) in a stadium with three-tier stands for 105 thousand spectators, located on an area of ​​40.5 hectares.

Plan of the stadium for the XI Olympic Games in Berlin: 1 - approach from the center of Berlin; 2 - main gate; 5 - central arena; 4 - May Field; 5 - open theater; 6 - platforms for gymnastic exercises; 7 - dance floor; 8 - training center; 9 - tennis courts; 10 - platform; 11 - restaurant; 12 - station; 13 - hippodrome

Plan of a university sports complex located south of Mexico City: L-A - Rebel Avenue expressway; 1 - administrative building; 2 - central library; 3 - humanities faculties; 4-faculty of exact sciences; 5 - engineering and architectural faculties; 6 - Faculty of Medicine; 7 - university sports grounds and to the south of them the hostels; 8 - Olympic Stadium for 110 thousand viewers

Olympic complex in Munich: 1 - central arena; 2 - gymnasium; 3 - swimming pool; 4 - cycle track; 5 - universal hall; 6 - volleyball hall; 7 - fields for field hockey; 8 - training fields; 9 - warm-up room; 10 - Olympic Village (for women); 11 - Olympic Village (for men); 12 - TV tower; 13 - radio and television center; 14 - press town; 15 - theater; 16 - artificial lake; 17 - hill; 18 - metro station; 19 - high-speed railway station; 20 - parking; 21 - photography direction
Olympic Park in Munich: a - schematic diagram of the park's landscaping; A - main sports facilities; B - Olympic Village; B - highest sports school; G - Olympic Hill; b - placement of mature trees on the main pedestrian alleys laid on the embankment

For the XI Olympics, the old stadium in Berlin was reconstructed. Its construction was carried out in three stages. At that time, the stadium was the largest in the world, its central arena accommodated 100 thousand spectators (35 thousand standing places), the May Field was even larger, where up to 250 thousand athletes could simultaneously take part in sports parades. The longitudinal west-east planning axis of the park, on which the main entrance, the central arena and the May Field are located, combines well with oblique winding alleys connecting the main sports facilities with various venues. The open theater, hippodrome, and swimming pool are well located - they are located on the edges of the forest that begins here.

The XV Olympic Games of 1952 were held in Helsinki in a reconstructed stadium that could accommodate 65 thousand spectators. The stadium is located in the central park of the city, next to football fields, swimming pool and multi-purpose gym.

The authors managed to create a landscape typical of Finland on the territory of the Olympic Park using outcrops of granite rocks, boulders in combination with old and minor new plantings and, most importantly, to successfully integrate quite significant sports facilities into it. During the construction of structures, landscaping and landscaping were mainly reduced to the desire to preserve the surrounding nature in its natural state.

At the XIX Olympics in Mexico City, the main competitions and training took place on the sports complex of the university campus with an area of ​​300 hectares, where the central stadium Estadio Olimpico is located.

The undoubted advantage of the university town is its unity with nature. It is achieved by landscaping, a successful combination of natural and artificial relief, as well as the widespread use of local building material- gray tuff of various shades.

At the XX Olympics in Munich, all major competitions took place at the new sports facilities of the Olympic Park. On an area of ​​300 hectares, the authors of the project managed to achieve an organic combination of nature and architecture; they created a single landscape, including various forms of use of space. The main structures of the complex - the Olympic stadium (capacity of the stands is 80 thousand people), a swimming pool and a gym - are located on a raised earthen platform and close the main Olympic square in a semicircle on the northern side.

On the south side, this space opens onto an artificial lake with a fountain. On the square at the edge of the stadium there is a bowl with the Olympic flame, around it are the flags of the participating countries.

The main pedestrian alley, laid along an embankment, starts from the central square of the park and runs under a cable-stayed covering, the width of which in some places reaches 120 m. The alley near the arena with a wide bridge passes over the motorway - the middle ring of Munich, which is buried in the park and fenced off by an embankment up to 7 m high with linear planting along the top. This minimized the negative impact of heavy traffic.

The football field of the central arena is located in an artificially created excavation. Under the grass cover, at a depth of 25 cm, a system of underground irrigation and heating pipes with a total length of 18.95 km was laid, which makes it possible to extend the life of the field and improve its grass cover.

The main pedestrian roads on the territory of the complex (up to 20 m wide) are laid on raised (up to 3 m) embankments, all intersections with transport highways are in different levels. They offer picturesque views of the wide lawns used to disperse spectators after the end of the competition and the expressive sports facilities of the park.

Mature trees were planted along the pedestrian alleys with a 7.5X7.5 m grid, and some of them were placed directly on the paths, which allowed a flow of spectators to flow through shaded corridors from bus stops and parking lots to the main sports facilities. The basic plan for landscaping the complex was decided on the condition of creating a park in a completely bare place in an extremely short time (in 2-3 years). And the landscaping scheme made it possible to provide good care for the plants and get the effect literally in a year.

Unusual architectural forms of buildings, bold engineering and design solutions are further emphasized by the surrounding nature. Abandoning large, monumental squares and ceremonial axes, the authors created an original and rare in beauty Olympic Park. Green spaces divided its territory into separate sections, each of them was given an individual character thanks to the use various types and forms of green spaces, their high decorative qualities and the use of plant characteristics vary depending on the time of year and lighting.

Green hills, which owe their origin to a former landfill, have become one of the decorations of the park. Their slopes are lined with low-growing pines, oaks, and bushes. A network of walking paths is organically integrated into the terrain. Among the piles of granite blocks, artificial streams with waterfalls flow from the top. At the foot there is an artificial lake with an area of ​​3.6 hectares with an island near the shore, where a stage is equipped for concerts and performances. Spectators are seated on grass-covered terraces that run down to the water like an amphitheater. Evening performances take place against the backdrop of illuminated hills, a fountain and a water surface. The lake is used for boating and at the same time as a reservoir for collecting storm water from the huge surface. On the banks of the lake and canal, lined with willow and water iris, all conditions have been created for visitors to walk along lawns and groves, paths of free contours have been laid, and recreation areas have been equipped. The lake is especially beautiful in the evening, when illuminated colorful bushes on the hillsides with snow-white streams of a fountain flowing high in the center of the lake create an absolutely fantastic picture. During the construction of the park, about 5 thousand mature trees and 180 thousand bushes were planted. The main tree species is small-leaved linden. To create lawns (an area of ​​85 hectares) and grass for sports fields, 36 tons of grass seeds were used.

Parking lots for 5 thousand cars near the central arena are arranged in an unusual way. The entire area is divided by rows of mature trees into eight areas covered with granite slabs with seams seeded with grass. On ordinary days they are used to conduct physical education classes and sports games.

The main sports complex of the Olympics, held in Moscow in 1980, was the Central Stadium named after V.I. Lenin in Luzhniki, built in 1956.

The territory of the stadium within the boundaries of the Moscow River and the ring railway has an area of ​​180 hectares, of which 40 hectares are used for organizing entrances, approaches, stops and parking for public and individual transport.

The stadium is located on a floodplain terrace with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions. To prevent flooding during spring floods, its entire territory is raised by an average of 1.5 m by doubling its expansion (up to 250 m) and deepening the river bottom. In total, about 3.5 million m3 of sand were washed. To lower the high groundwater level, a drainage system with a length of about 6 km was built.

The stadium is compositionally built on two mutually perpendicular axes; its transverse axis, oriented towards the city and the Lenin Mountains, dominates. The core of the general plan is the Central Sports Arena, located at the intersection of the main alleys - the main axes of the complex along which spectators from the metro station, stops and parking lots ground transport reach sports facilities.

There is a park recreation area along the front alley on the embankment. In total, more than 40 thousand trees aged from 5 to 50 years, 400 thousand shrubs, and more than 2 million flowers were planted on the territory of the stadium. Moreover, the trees were taken not only from nurseries, but also from the forest; among them are blue spruce, small-leaved linden, maple, white acacia, bird cherry, larch, chestnuts, etc. One hedge stretches for more than 30 km. Green spaces occupy an area of ​​78 hectares.

When carrying out landscaping, various techniques were used: in areas with a regular layout near the main structures - row plantings, in the park recreation area - freely, picturesquely located.

Due to the need for construction at an accelerated pace (its construction took 450 days), tree planting was carried out not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer. Moreover, at the same time, the construction of an irrigation water pipeline was carried out, the pipes of which were laid on the surface of the lawns with a slight depth along the passage of alleys and paths.

Large Olympic center is Krylatskoye, where one of the best rowing canals in the world was built, built at the foot of the Krylatsky Mountains. A large expanse of water goes well with low, elongated sports facilities. The canal is filled by gravity through water intake structures due to the difference in water levels between the canal and the Moscow River.

The two green squares (90X90), located between the canal and the circular cycle road, are archery fields with a persistent sports turf.

All buildings are united by a wide park area. When forming a park landscape, natural and artificial reservoirs are used, which serve mainly decorative purposes, floodplain meadows, forested mountain slopes, hills and islands. The earth from construction work was used to create the artificial relief rowing channel and artificial reservoirs.

Like any sports complex, the Olympic complex is primarily interpreted as a park that can provide an opportunity not only for holding major entertainment events, for training athletes and athletes, but also for recreation for residents of nearby urban areas in the lap of nature. With its green spaces, it significantly influences the improvement of the city’s environment.

A cultural and recreation park is the most common and widespread type of multifunctional park. It plays a big role in the physical education system.

The first to be opened in Moscow in 1928 was the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after. M. Gorky. His activities were determined by the combination of cultural and educational work with the improvement of the health of millions of workers. The competition for its design became a serious theoretical contribution to the young Soviet science of park construction.

The main feature of the new type of park was the large number of visitors. This determined the directions for the design and construction of cultural and recreation parks.

In Moscow, cultural and recreation parks were created in Sokolniki, Izmailovo, Ostankino. Parks are also springing up in other cities. Since 1931, the network of parks began to expand rapidly. There are now more than 2,000 cultural parks in the country.

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tours and holidays. They become the main link in the system of places of public recreation for citizens.

According to our urban planning standards, parks are divided into city parks with a minimum area of ​​15 hectares and regional parks (planning areas) - 10 hectares, the availability time, respectively, is no more than 20 and 15 minutes.

In recent years, here and abroad there has been a tendency to enlarge the area of ​​city parks, since only large park areas create adequate conditions for recreation and contribute to the improvement of the urban environment (according to research by the Central Research Institute of Urban Planning - at least 50 hectares). The park area must be sufficient to accommodate recreational facilities for residents within the service area of ​​the park.

The location of parks in the city and the organization of physical education zones in them depend on natural conditions. The natural conditions of the territory determine the architectural and planning structure, the quality of the sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic environment, as well as the individuality and expressiveness of the architectural and landscape appearance of the entire park and its physical culture zone.

Nowadays there are almost no territories suitable for creating parks, especially in large cities. In this regard, “inconvenient” lands are widely used - with high humidity, complex terrain, as well as lands with landscapes disturbed by human activity. They are used primarily for park construction, since the low proportion of development in parks makes it possible to place lower demands on the quality of the territories. And the world practice of constructing parks, including multifunctional ones, has already accumulated experience in using such areas.

Culture and recreation parks consist of several zones: physical education (15-20% of the park area), cultural and entertainment (10), children's (5), quiet recreation (60), economic (no more than 4-5). As you can see, the standards define the significant size of the physical training zone in the park, the largest after the quiet recreation and walking zone. It occupies a leading place in active recreation areas. Unfortunately, in most of our parks the area of ​​physical education zones is below the standard and determined by the projects (Fig. 10.5.1). To attract the population to mass physical education and health activities, it is effective to expand the composition of facilities by building modern comfortable physical education facilities, and primarily indoor ones (halls, swimming pools). Indoor facilities can be used year-round. They are cost-effective, since recreational group classes in parks are mostly paid for. The efficient operation of open structures is ensured by the use of sustainable, non-moisture-intensive, dust-free and hygienic surface coverings that require minimal maintenance.

The composition of structures should be varied, the requirements of various age groups. When designing and constructing, it is important to remember that physiologists recommend outdoor health activities. Among the structures, open ones should prevail. Indoor ones should fit organically into the park landscape. Lightweight structures are advisable, preferably transformable, in order to use the structures as indoor or outdoor, depending on the weather and time of year.

The popularity and fashion for types of physical education and active recreation is a relatively short-term factor, in contrast to the physiological one, but must be taken into account at the stage of pre-project research. The most popular recreational and health activities are bathing, swimming, skating and skiing, sledding and skiing down the mountains. The most common sports games in the country are volleyball, table and tennis, badminton, football, in winter - hockey and winter football. In foreign parks, in addition to those mentioned, entertaining sports and outdoor games and activities are popular, and facilities for them are widespread (courts for tennis, croquet, skittles, mini-golf, skateboarding grounds and tracks, etc.). These games are accessible and useful to everyone and provide fun for participants of all levels physical fitness. The structures for them are simple, usually occupy small areas, and require simple equipment. Therefore, it is advisable to include them in park structures. Despite the meager composition of physical education facilities in most of our parks, the popularity of activities various types physical exercise high and has a steady tendency to increase. Physical education areas of parks are visited by 20% in summer, and 70-80% of park visitors in winter.


Based on the physiological significance of certain types of physical education and sports, analysis of attendance at park physical education and sports facilities, as well as methods of physical education and recreational activities, JSC "TsNIIEP named after B.S. Mezentsev" proposed approximate composition and the number of physical education and sports facilities for various types of parks in cities of different sizes (Table 10.5.1, Fig. 10.5.1).

In addition to the structures given in table. 10.5.1, on the territory of the park it is advisable to arrange marked, illuminated pedestrian routes (terrenkurs), near reservoirs - bases for recreational swimming, swimming, boating, water skiing, surfing, as well as developed beaches, places or ponds for fishing.

Each park is unique; during reconstruction and construction, it is necessary to pay serious attention to local conditions (natural, traditions, national species sports and recreation, etc.), in connection with which the composition of the structures of the physical education zone can be adjusted. In addition to the main composition, areas or tracks for roller skating and boards (skateboards), areas for entertaining sports and outdoor games - croquet, lapta, skittles, and sports attractions can be built. Large city parks may have horse rental centers with tracks and riding areas, as well as an indoor skating rink with artificial ice for public skating, pool with artificial wave, bowling alley. All main structures must be accompanied by auxiliary ones - wardrobes, changing rooms, showers. A sauna or Russian steam room, medical consultation and rental centers are recommended.

During reconstruction, the recommended composition of physical education and sports facilities should be adjusted. For reconstructed parks with insufficient area compared to the standard (usually parks located in the central areas of the city), in the case


when there is no sports complex nearby that could take on physical education and health functions, the following ways of organizing the zone are recommended: the composition of physical education and sports facilities should be developed through the construction of indoor facilities (halls, swimming pools, artificial ice rinks), which occupy compared to open structures small areas. In addition, conducting classes in indoor facilities with an artificial microclimate may be more expedient than outdoors in parks in the city center, where the hygienic parameters of the environment are worse than in the periphery. In this case, open structures can be reduced to 1 - 2 sites universal use, i.e. have sizes and surfaces that meet the requirements of different sports games or sports (the most popular or cultivated in a given place, park).

Another way to organize a zone of physical culture and sports facilities during the reconstruction of parks with insufficient area is to increase the territory of the zone to the normative one at the expense of other zones, giving the park a predominantly physical culture and health function. The functions of other zones of the park (such as cultural and educational, entertainment, entertainment) can be performed by the corresponding institutions of the city center, where they are most developed.

When locating a city sports center or planning area next to a park being designed or reconstructed, it is advisable to cooperate with the halls and swimming pools of the park’s physical education zone with the halls and swimming pools of the center, and to combine the planar structures of the park and the complex, placing them on a single site. This will make it possible to create large structures and not duplicate technical and utility premises.

When designing a zone, one should also take into account its future development, reserving an area for this.

It is advisable to place the physical training zone within a 5-minute walking distance from the entrances to the park. At the same time, structures associated with mass visits are located near the main entrance. This allows for

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bake them with well-maintained communications, which makes structures used on a daily basis accessible at any time of the year, especially in the off-season.

There are two main planning options for locating a zone within the park: compact and dispersed (Fig. 10.5.2). Compact is more convenient to use and more economical (shorter length of roads and utilities). But the physical training zones are visited mainly by residents of the areas adjacent to the park. Therefore, in a large park, it is more convenient for visitors to place zone structures dispersed along the perimeter of the park (i.e., near not only the main entrance, but also secondary ones).

Approximate balance of the territory of the physical culture zone with recommendations

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modified composition: volumetric structures - 3 - 5; flat structures - 27 - 30; paths, alleys - 10 - 15% of the area of ​​the zone. The remaining area (50 - 60%) is recommended for green spaces.

The physical culture zone of the park can be divided into three subzones according to the types of facilities: structures with places for spectators (in city parks), a subzone of indoor facilities and a subzone of open facilities (Fig. 10.5.3).


There is a tendency towards specialization of parks in big cities. All over the world, centers and historical residential areas, which usually have several small parks, are being actively reconstructed. The areas of these parks are insufficient for the full development of all zones of multifunctional parks, in domestic terminology - cultural and recreation parks. Then one or two functions receive preferential development. Another important factor in the specialization of parks is the increasing demands of visitors for comfort, which is satisfied by specialized services.

The most common type of specialized park, especially abroad, is sports. In large cities, there is a special need for physical education and sports: people suffer from physical inactivity and experience high stress on their bodies. nervous system. Both require active recreation with certain physical activity, which is exactly what sports parks provide, in contrast to sports centers, which are intended mainly for training athletes and holding competitions.

Sports parks are divided into multifunctional, or universal, - for many sports, and specialized - for one or a group of related sports (for example, aquatic, equestrian, cycling, etc.).

Universal parks, called sports and recreation centers, are large urban or suburban (following the example of the famous German Riviera parks) complexes, which, in terms of the composition of their structures, have

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The number of spectator seats is close to sports centers (Fig. 10.5.4 -10.5.6). They differ from sports centers in their larger area of ​​greenery and the main focus on mass physical education and recreational activities and active recreation.

Unique olympic parks are large sports complexes for the Olympic Games. These include the Olympic parks in Melbourne, the Meiji and Kamazawa parks in Tokyo, and parks in Mexico City, Munich and Montreal. After the Olympic Games, the problem of their use arises. A good example is a park in Munich. Even during its design, the principle of “short distances and green landscapes” was proposed. On the reclaimed territory of 140 hectares, an artificial terrain was created to create intersections of pedestrian and transport routes at different levels. After the Olympic Games, this vast green area became an active recreation area for the population of Munich both in summer and winter. In winter, artificial artificial hills turn into mountains for mass sledding and skiing.

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The size of sports parks can range from tens to hundreds of hectares. When placing them in the city, just as when placing sports complexes, evacuation conditions must be created large quantity people and parking spaces are provided.

Specialized sports parks for a particular sport or a group of related species are intended for related active recreation, as well as for more high level than in other types of parks. The most common specialized parks are for aquatic species sports (Fig. 10.5.7). There are numerous centers abroad

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for swimming and bathing. Hydroparks are becoming increasingly common everywhere, including here. They require water areas, so their placement in the city is subject to precisely this condition.

The size of specialized sports parks can be very different: from hundreds of hectares (for example, the hydropark in Krylatskoye has a total area of ​​about 700 hectares, Kharkov hydroparks from 60 to 150 hectares, etc.) to compact areas of several hectares, which are often used abroad Place swimming and bathing centers.

There may be specialized parks for other sports. The need for them is determined by the popularity of a particular sport in a given place, favorable natural conditions, etc. In different countries, especially in the UK, USA and Canada, golf courses or parks are common, which occupy large areas - from 50 to 100 hectares. There are well-known centers for roller skating and cycling parks, where the complex terrain of the areas is functionally used. Skateparks are popular for skateboarding.

Sports parks are not such mass facilities as multifunctional cultural and recreation parks; they are rather unique, especially large universal ones and, of course, specialized ones. Therefore, there cannot be recommendations on the composition of structures, and especially with quantitative indicators. They are designed according to special specifications, depending on local and natural conditions.

Among the structures of sports parks there are a wide variety - from large unique ones (indoor stadiums, swimming pools with an artificial wave, a waterfall) to simple grounds, lawns for sports and entertainment games. This is determined by the purpose of the park, the number of residents for which it is designed, its area and location in the city. The most common in all types of sports parks are swimming pools (Table 10.5.2, Fig. 10.5.4 - 10.5.7), the so-called leisure type (with irregularly shaped baths, with artificial waves, water slides).

Gyms are very common - universal, specialized, and multi-purpose, i.e. not only for sporting events, but also for shows, dances, etc.

Much less common than halls are skating rinks with artificial ice (Table 10.5.2, Fig. 10.5.4 - 10.5.6). Sometimes complex artificial skating rinks- indoor and outdoor. An example is the Ottobrunn sports park in Germany (Fig. 10.5.4).

The palette of planar structures is even richer - from sports cores to lawns, which have become an indispensable element of the park, where they play outdoor games, sunbathe, and have picnics.

Unlike sports centers in sports parks, especially abroad, among flat structures there are sites for entertaining sports games (mini-golf, botchi, croquet, skittles, etc.), sites and tracks for roller skating and boarding; mountains for sledding, boarding, plates and skiing (Fig. 10.5.4 - 10.5.5). Golf courses are also found in foreign universal sports parks, but more often these are separate specialized park courses. And we have new sports for our country - baseball, softball, squash, golf. In 1988, the first specialized golf sports park in Russia was built in Moscow (Fig. 10.5.8), and several more are expected to be built.

Green spaces must make up at least 70% of the sports park area. The area occupied by structures, paths and alleys is much larger than that in other types of parks, since the sports facilities themselves require large areas, and paths and alleys must provide the possibility of evacuating a large number of people into parks.

kakh, where the attendance is massive and where there are structures with places for spectators.

In large sports parks with facilities for competitions, physical education and recreational activities and active recreation, it is advisable to designate zones: entertainment and demonstration, training, active recreation, administrative and economic.



Green areas play a significant role in shaping the city's climate. Plantings not only reduce the air temperature under tree canopies and radiation temperatures compared to irradiated areas, but also improve the thermal regime in the surrounding area. The proximity of water spaces softens the microclimate.

Green sports facilities also affect the comfort of the microclimate and can change the temperature, humidity and wind conditions of the sports area. The comfort of the microclimate at sports flat structures is determined by a complex of natural (climate), urban planning (location in the city plan) and space-planning (the nature of the layout, development and landscaping of the sports area) factors.

The space-planning structure of the sports area and the characteristics of each of its objects affect the microclimatic comfort of the environment for sports, depending on the characteristics of the location of the sites; the degree of concentration of sites and their blocking; orientation according to the countries of the world; proximity to the water surface; type of covering of sites and their technological equipment; nature of landscaping.

The terrain, volumetric and flat structures, roads and green spaces, and their relative position can protect athletes from the blinding sun, strong winds, dust, gas, and soot.

The comfort of microclimatic conditions in open physical education and sports facilities depends on a number of factors, which include mainly convection and radiation temperatures, air humidity, wind speed, insolation and lighting, and the chemical and bactericidal composition of the air. These factors can be significantly influenced by


can provide landscaping of the territory on which the structures are located. The main components of landscaping in this case are both the technique and design of landscaping, and the properties of trees and shrubs that affect the comfort of the microclimate. These properties include: habit (external shape) of the plant, crown density, growth rate, leafing period.

The greatest microclimatic effect is provided by tree tracts with density of 1.0 - 0.8; clumps of trees with a thickness of 0.7 - 0.8, multi-row strips of plantings. These types of plantings can reduce air temperature by 3 - 5°, reduce wind speed by 45 - 75%.

Groups, rows of trees, and individual trees reduce the voltage of direct solar radiation by 95%. Their windproof properties, which improve the aeration of the territory, are especially important. Thus, windproof or openwork strips are useful near playgrounds. If it is necessary to reduce the wind speed over a greater distance, it is more advisable to use a strip of ventilated structure.

The temperature and humidity of the air are formed within the entire sports area, and the speed of air movement is differentiated and largely depends on the landscaping of the sports facilities themselves, the placement of plantings, the type of planting, and the range of trees and shrubs. The microclimate on the sports ground can be better or worse than the general microclimatic background of the sports area, depending on how rationally the landscaping is designed and implemented.

Green spaces contribute to the creation of biological and psychological comfort. They improve the health of the air by releasing phytoncides from their leaves and flowers, increase the ionization of the air, and increase the ozone content in it - especially conifers.

When designing the design of curtains, strips and other elements of green spaces, the phases of their vegetative development and, consequently, the manifestations of phytoncidal activity should be taken into account. The choice of wood strips should ensure continuous release of phytoncides throughout the sports season.

At urban sports facilities, the content of carbon monoxide emitted by motor vehicles decreases sharply after the appearance of foliage on protective strips - on average by 2 - 3 times compared to the leafless period. Depending on the planting density, from 21 to 86% of dust is retained. The rough, lint-covered foliage of elm and lilac is especially effective at trapping dust. Elm foliage retains about 5 times more dust than poplar foliage; lilac leaves 3 times.

Green spaces are also a kind of filter, retaining and absorbing part of the sound energy, especially Norway maple, balsam poplar, and small-leaved linden.

When choosing plants for landscaping sports flat structures, it is important to consider their resistance to mechanical damage.

To create fences, choose plants that are resistant to impacts from balls and other sports equipment. The ability of plants to repair damage and insensitivity to damage is also important. Siberian and European larch, warty birch, small-leaved and smooth elm, red oak, white and brittle willow, white and Canadian poplar, Norway maple, small-leaved linden, and rowan have approximately equal rates of restoration of damaged shoots.

Modern standards for the design of sports facilities do not recommend the use of trees and shrubs with thorns, lionfish and others, which, by clogging the grounds, create a traumatic situation. Plants that produce a lot of dust during flowering and fruiting are also not recommended - they irritate the human respiratory tract.

Green spaces are decorative, their silhouette and shape, color, and in addition, their aroma affect the emotional state of a person. A professional combination of plants with different shapes and thoughtful colors in groups, arrays and solitaires has a beneficial effect on the psyche of those involved in sports.

Creating a favorable microclimatic regime on sports grounds, biological and psychological comfort for athletes increases their performance, extends the season of comfortable conditions for playing sports.

Lawns also affect sanitation and aesthetics sports complexes. The green surface of the lawn promotes the evaporation of a significant amount of moisture from the soil (up to 200 g of water per hour).

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one square meter), which increases the humidity of the ground layer of air. Lawn grass lowers the air temperature in hot weather by 6 tons, 7°. Their powerfully developed root system promotes the rapid mineralization of organic matter and helps cleanse the lawn of putrefactive and harmful microorganisms that enter the lawn with dust.

The species composition of trees and shrubs, placement method and type of planting largely determine the comfort of the environment for sports (Fig. 10.6.1).

The selection of an assortment of trees and shrubs for landscaping sports areas should be based on the general and specific properties of plants; species whose properties meet the entire range of requirements most effectively influence the microclimate and contribute to the hygienic, physiological and psychological comfort of the environment (Table 10.6.1) .

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These sports facilities, stadiums, and arenas have become the venue for the most iconic and popular matches, competitions, and fights. List of the most famous sports facilities in the world.


The largest football stadium in Brazil and the largest stadium in the world. The stadium was built specifically for the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Capacity - 78,838 spectators.

This stadium was built in 1907. Twickenham is the home of English rugby. The stadium's capacity is 82,000 spectators.

The only golf course to host one of the four major golf championships each year. Well-groomed green grass, coupled with water hazards and other obstacles, will create a unique environment for golfers and golfers.

This is where the World Snooker Championships have been held since 1977. Snooker competitions at the Crucible can attract up to 1,000 spectators.

5. MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, USA.

The MGM Grand Garden Arena has hosted many high-profile boxing matches. One of them is the “Fight of the Century” between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao.

The stadium, with a capacity of almost 100,000 spectators, hosts American football competitions.

The oldest baseball stadium, opened in 1912.

8. Circuit de Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

A popular Formula 1 track. Due to the incredibly narrow streets, overtaking on this track is very dangerous. Cheltenham has the status of one of the greatest racecourses where horse racing competitions are held. The stadium seats more than 50,000 spectators.

Private sports club, located in the London suburb of Wimbledon. Today, this oldest club has 19 tournament and 16 practice courts. Center Court is a 15,000-seat stadium.

| 05.10.2017

Gone are the days when you had to buy a membership to a fitness club to exercise. Today you can play sports completely free of charge - on sports grounds located in Moscow parks.

Gorky Park and Muzeon

This is a real Mecca for lovers of free activities. In addition to several sports grounds scattered throughout the park, there are regular free training sessions running club Nike, where experienced trainers will help you develop running technique and tactics for any distance.

In the warm season, on the lawn near the Pioneer Summer Cinema and on the veranda Vorobyovy Gory pass free classes yoga taught by certified teachers. The project presents various styles - hatha, kundalini, Iyengar, jivamukti and others.

Classes at the Pioneer are held on weekdays from 8:00 to 9:00, on the lawn near the Pioneer and on the veranda of Vorobyovy Gory also on weekdays, but from 19:00 to 20:30.

And finally, dancing. Every day on the dance floor near the Pioneer Summer Cinema you can learn modern and historical ballroom dances, master moves to Brazilian motifs, learn more about zumba, jitterbug and many other styles.

As already mentioned, classes are held every day until October 1, with the exception of rainy and excessively cold days (below 10 degrees).


CrossFit from Reebok under the guidance of professional trainers is no joke. The site, equipped with everything necessary, is located on the territory of VDNKh behind pavilion No. 9 opposite the entrance to the Port pool.

On weekdays, training runs from 18:00 to 20:00, on weekends - from 12:00 to 15:00.


Zumba-fitness - a set of energetic movements to fiery Latin American rhythms - does not require expensive classes with trainers, specialized equipment and other expenses. In essence, all that is required of you is presence and freedom. Training takes place on Saturdays, at 15.00, on the Rotunda stage.

The skate park in Sokolniki is open in any weather. Plywood figures were placed under the tent, arranged under the guidance of Moskomsport skateboard school specialist Sergei Aksenov, and a flat platform and open-air concrete structures were specially built by the IOU-RAMPS Russia team.

Fili Park

The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares, which includes several points where exercise equipment and a basketball court are located.

Izmailovsky Park

Izmailovsky Park- one of the largest parks in Moscow and Europe. Here, on the alleys of the Big Circle, one of the most well-equipped Workout sites is located:

  • Triple cascade of horizontal bars for push-ups and pull-ups.
  • Double parallel bars for push-ups and double curved bars.
  • Snake walker, wall bars, triangles, horizontal bar of classic grip and hammer grip.
  • Bench with stops for Workout push-ups, bench for relaxation and exercise.

Tagansky Park

A wonderful addition to Tagansky Park is physical education complex for everyone. A sports ground with a huge selection of exercise equipment, from horizontal bars to a treadmill for two.

Bauman Garden

The sports fields in this park often do not have free exercise equipment. In addition, free yoga classes are held here once a week in the summer.

Kuzminki Park

There are several sports grounds for Workout at different ends of the park. Horizontal bars, parallel bars, abdominal benches, butterfly exercise machines and other equipment.

Lianozovsky Park

“Fairytale Alley” is the name of the site with sports facilities. The name makes you smile, because much attention in this park is paid to children and everything that can develop them. Adults are also not left unattended: there is a separate corner with exercise equipment for them.

Park "Northern Tushino"

On the territory of the park " Northern Tushino» there are several sports grounds: Workout, treadmill, tennis court, table tennis, beach volleyball and others.

Babushkinsky Park

This park is a labyrinth of beautifully designed alleys. There is a large sports ground with an extensive range of strength training equipment. street exercise equipment. That is why combining rest and exercise is so easy here.