Sports games for school camp. Sports competition at summer health camp

Methodological development sports festival

at a summer health camp

Explanatory note

Health is the most precious thing a person has. A careful attitude towards one's own health must be cultivated from childhood.
Communication with peers and adults is the most important condition for personal development. It is through communication that a child learns the necessary information, a value system, and learns to navigate life situations. The problem of maintaining health remains the most pressing social problem in society. Modern people are increasingly aware of the need for a healthy lifestyle, personal activity and improved health.

Competitions and games still occupy a significant place in working with children. This is due to age characteristics schoolchildren, the gaming basis of these events, the originality of their implementation. This form of work is always advantageous, since it presents not only game moments, original presentation of material, but also the employment of children in various forms of collective and group work when preparing and completing tasks.

^ Brief summary. This methodological development sports festival continues the cycle of events related to the formation healthy image children's lives and is carried out at a summer camp as part of a summer health campaign. The tasks are designed for the age of participants 7-14 years old using valeological, articulatory and dynamic exercises. When compiling, we took into account the involvement of a larger number of children, their maximum activity during this sporting event.

Relevance. Taking care of children's health - the most important task the whole society. In recent decades, there has been a trend towards deterioration in the health of the child population throughout the world. New approaches to health development contribute to the creation of new educational and health programs in valeology, starting with childhood, since it is during this period that a person develops the basic skills of a healthy lifestyle.

^ Innovation focus. The system of work in a summer camp includes not only the organization of recreation and leisure time for children, but also the development of their physical and spiritual health. Moreover, it is important not only to teach a child to eat healthy food and take care of his body, it is necessary that already early childhood he learned to love himself, people, and life. The leading factor in the summer health camp is the development of the motivational sphere of a healthy lifestyle, where the tasks of physical and valeological education are comprehensively solved.


1. Foster a responsible attitude towards one’s own health and confidence in a healthy lifestyle, the need for it - through participation in specific activities that are in demand by children, various types activities.

2. Increase the level of knowledge that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health.

3. Form a positive public opinion in favor of health promotion.

4. Promote the development of creative abilities to unite joint efforts in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

^ To achieve these goals, the following tasks were set:

Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Expand and activate sports life pupils;

Make full use of opportunities to attract schoolchildren to active life, health promotion and healthy lifestyle.

^ Methods used:

Verbal: speeches by event presenters and participants;

Visual: use of posters, photographs, books, drawings on a given topic;

Practical: game tasks, relay races, riddles.

^ Equipment and design:

Sports equipment for " Happy Starts»,

Thematic posters about sports and health,
musical equipment,

Exhibition of books dedicated to healthy lifestyle;

Poster with the event motto:

“I came to camp without frowning.

Be cheerful until the end.
You are not a spectator or a guest,
And our program is the highlight!”

1. Teams are created during preparation for the event. Children are divided into teams, which include representatives from each group. Players come up with a name and motto for their team in advance. All groups must be prepared for the grand opening of the event.
2. A group is preparing to perform in a costumed musical performance, which includes middle and senior students, the rest are fans.

3. Fans prepare for the event together with them. Teamwork before competitions is very important: children will feel each other’s support. They prepare posters with statements in support of their teams.

Participants: presenters - counselors 1 and 2, Doctor Aibolit, two teams of relay participants, participants in the musical performance, fans, jury.

^ Event plan:

I. The opening ceremony of Health Day.

II. Main part of the event:

    Morning exercises “Do as I do.”

    Exercise “What is physical education.”

    Task “Be healthy...”

    "Fun Starts".
    Team presentation.
    a) competition “Running relay”;
    b) competition “Collect potatoes”;
    c) competition “Planet Earth”;

    Riddles competition (speech by the good Doctor Aibolit)
    d) competition “Running in one felt boot”;
    e) competition “Ball under your feet”;

    Task “Find like-minded people”

    Riddles competition (speech by the good Doctor Aibolit)

    « Fun competitions»
    -exercise-2 “Exercise for the lungs”
    - “Get ready for school quickly!”
    - Pantomime competition “Cleaning the apartment”

    Musical performance (in the assembly hall)

III. Summing up.

^ IV. Ceremonial line.

I. Ceremonial line

Counselor 1: Attention! Attention!

Hello children! Hello, camp "Sun"!

Counselor 2: Not long ago we met with you here on the line to solemnly celebrate the beginning of the season in our summer health camp! Today we have a holiday again! A holiday of sports, a holiday of health, youth, hope - Health Day!

Counselor 1: We have gathered to see how dexterous, brave, fast and skillful you are.

Counselor 2: So, pay attention! Camp: stand at attention! The ceremonial line dedicated to Health Day is declared open!

^ Camp Head:

Good morning, dear guys! Since ancient times, an absolutely reliable way to improve health and increase longevity has been well known - sports, a method that does not require expensive medicines and technical devices, but only will and some effort on oneself.

Sport is a pleasure; it contributes to the development of harmony of mind and strength, and helps to develop nobility. Everyone gets something different from sports. For some it is a bright spectacle, for others it is a means of communication, physical improvement and health promotion. Still others choose sport as their profession, their life’s work. But, no matter who you become in the future, guys, sport should remain your faithful companion in work, in study, in creative endeavors.

Everyone should play sports. Don’t necessarily set yourself the goal of breaking a world record, set yourself a more modest goal: improve your health, be strong and agile. This is what our holiday today, Health Day in the camp, is dedicated to, it will continue on the sports fields, and I wish you personal and team sporting victories, success and a lot of good mood! And let this Health Day become the style of your every day!

Counselor 2: Guys, what should you do before you start playing sports? That's right, do a warm-up!

^II. The main part of the event.

1. Morning exercises “Do as I do.”

Counselor 1: To the site in order
Get in line quickly!
To charge, to charge
We invite all guys!

Counselor 2: We go out onto the site
Charging begins.
One step in place - two steps forward,

And then vice versa.

It is carried out with children morning exercises“Do as I do” to cheerful rhythmic music.

^ Morning exercises/exercises are repeated after the counselor/:

1. Walking in place.

2 . I.p. O. s., right hand up.
1-2 jerks with your arms back.
3- left hand up
4-5 jerks with arms back

3. I.p. o.s.
1-4 different names circular movements hands.

4. I.p. o.s. jump legs apart, clap overhead.
O.S. Same as 1 I. p.

5. I.p. o.s.
1 - Right swing, clap under the foot
2 - Left swing, clap under the foot.
3 - Same as 1
4 - Same as 2

6. I.p. o.s., hands on knees.
1-4 circular movements in knee joint, hands on knees
5-8 is the same as 1-4

7. I.p.o.s.
1-4 jumps on two legs moving to the right
5 - clap overhead.
6-7 is the same as 1-4 only to the left.

8 . Running in place with various movements hands

9. Walking in place with high knees

10. Exercise to restore breathing.

At the end of the exercise, all students say loudly: “Well done” (Z r.) and right hand pat themselves on the head. This means that the guys did a great job.

    ^ Exercise “What is physical education.”

Counselor 1: Exercise is useful for everyone,
Everyone needs charging
From laziness and illness
She saves us!

And also, guys, today we will try to reveal many of the secrets of a healthy lifestyle. Repeat with me:

What is physical education? - Training and game.
What is physical education? - “Fiz” and “kul” and “tu” and “ra”.
Hands up, hands down - This is "physical".
We twist our neck like a steering wheel - It's a "cool".
Jump in height deftly - This is "tu".
Run for half an hour in the morning - This is "ra".
By doing this, you will be strong, dexterous, and brave.
Plus good figure. This is what physical education means!

^ 3. Task “Be healthy...”

Counselor 2: Now finish the sentence “Being healthy means...”

The counselor throws the ball to each participant who says what it means to him to be healthy, starting the phrase this way: “Being healthy means to me...”

^ Counselor 1: Health is important and relevant for every person!

Counselor 2: I see that you can’t wait to take part in our “Fun Starts”. Two teams will participate in them; we asked the esteemed jury to monitor the progress of the match. /Represents the jury./

So let's get started! Let's go team! Speed ​​up to you!

^ 4. “Fun Starts”

Counselor 2: Teams! Attention! To greet your opponents, stand still!
- Command representation:

Each team presents the team name, motto, and its emblem. (Players display their logos, their team names, and their motto.)

The competition is worth five points. The jury announces the scores.

Counselor 1 invites you to next stage competition and explains what needs to be done. (In conducting competitions, the leading counselors are assisted by other counselors in the camp).

A. "Running relay" The participant with the cube runs like a snake (between the caps) to the counter and back, passes the cube to another player.

b."Collect the potatoes." The participant with the bucket runs to the hoop, and before the hoop he must crawl under the barrier. He pours potatoes (cubes) out of the bucket and runs, crawling back under the barrier. Another participant does the same, but only collects a bucket of potatoes.

c. "Planet earth" Participants at the top pass a large ball (“Planet Earth”) back. The last participant takes the ball and stands first and begins to pass the ball back.

The jury evaluates the teams and announces the total points.

Counselor 2: Guys! We continue our competitions. And so the next competition... /Knock on the door. The Doctor enters. Oh! What is this? Who is this?
Good AIBOLIT - an experienced doctor,
He barely hears a child's cry,
In the early hours and at midnight
He will hurry to help.
Along the road, along the river,
Along dangerous paths
With a suitcase in hand
And with a phonendoscope.
And he won't be deterred
Neither frost nor shaking -
He will fly into space too
Make a dressing.
Because he's ready
Fight for health!
It is necessary - so without further ado
Share blood.
And repeat everywhere
It will be for order:
"Do you want to become strong?
Do your exercises!”

Hello guys! Of course you recognized me. I am Good Doctor AIBOLIT. Now I’ll tell you riddles (riddles competition, fans participate).

^5. Riddle competition:

1. As many as 25 cloves
For curls and tufts.
And under each tooth
The hair will lie in a row.
2. I've been wearing them for many years,
But I don’t know the number of them.
I don’t sow, I don’t plant,
They grow up on their own.
3. The sage saw a sage in him,
Stupid - stupid
ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey is a monkey.
But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
And Fedya saw a shaggy slob.
4. It contains two letters “k”
Don't forget to write
Always be like him!
(Neat man)
5. Looks like a hedgehog
But he doesn't ask for food.
Runs over clothes -
She will become cleaner.
(Clothes brush)
6. Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have one.
What is this, guys?
7. Hairy head
She fits into her mouth deftly
And counts our teeth
In the mornings and evenings.
Counselor 2: Thank you, Doctor AIBOLIT! And now, after a short rest, we can continue our « Fun starts» :

d. "Running in one felt boot." The participant puts on a felt boot on one leg and runs in it to the counter and back.
d."The ball is under your feet." Participants pass a large ball back under their feet. The last one to take the ball gets up first and does the same.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

^ 6. Task “Find like-minded people”

Counselor 1: The next exercise is “Find like-minded people.”

The team captain is given a slip. The task is to write what rule (what action) children follow to maintain health. Further, communicating with other spectators, he collects signatures (marks) of those who follow the same rules.

Notes You cannot use negatives, for example, “I don’t smoke,” etc.

Counselor announces what team members and spectators consider most important for maintaining health. The number of signatures is counted by the jury.

^ 7. Riddles competition.

Doctor AIBOLIT: And now I will ask you riddles again:

1. He is not sugar, not flour,
But he looks a little like them.
In the morning he always
It gets on your teeth.
(Tooth powder)
2. Lay down in his pocket and keep watch
Roaring, crying and dirty,
They will wipe away streams of tears,
He won't forget about his nose.
3. What a funny incident!
A cloud settled in the bathroom.
Rain pours from the ceiling
On my back and sides.
How nice this is!
The rain is warm, heated,
There are no visible puddles on the floor.
All the guys love...
4. The track speaks -
Two embroidered ends:
Wash yourself a little
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you're in half a day
You'll get me dirty.
5. What is useful -
Does everyone know?
And I can easily find the answer.
According to my favorite cup
Daisies are drawn,
Well, in a cup -...
6. There are two stripes on the snow,
The two foxes were surprised.
One came closer:
Someone was running here...
7. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones...

^ Doctor AIBOLIT:
And on this occasion
We will now instruct you
Name the best today.
And we will give them medals.

Presents medals to the winners of the riddle competition.

^ 8. “Fun competitions”

Counselor 2: Now let’s hold “Fun Contests”

A. Washing. 4 blindfolded people, taking dictation, draw on the board how they wash their faces.
b. Charging-1. 4 people collect matches scattered on the floor without bending their knees.
V. Charging-2. "Exercise for the lungs." Inflate balloon.

g. “Get ready for school quickly!”. 3 people from each team dress their captains (shorts, T-shirt, socks, sneakers, hat, fur coat, scarf, backpack).
d. Pantomime competition. “Cleaning the apartment.” Describe what kind of housework I do:
1. Sweeping the floor.
2. I wipe the dust off the furniture.
3. Wash the dishes.
4. I use a vacuum cleaner.
5. I set the table.
6. I wash and hang out the laundry.

The jury sums up and announces the results of the competition.

The event continues in the assembly hall.

^ 9. Costume musical performance “Vitamins are power”. Cheerful music plays in the assembly hall.

Presenter 1: Greetings to everyone who found the time
And I came to the holiday of health!
Presenter 2: Happy summer looks out the window,
Our camp is cozy and bright!
Presenter 3: We grow up here, we mature here
And, of course, we gain weight!
Presenter 4: We are always healthy, friendly with exercise,
We need sports and physical education like air!

Music sounds and a lively dance is performed.
Suddenly one participant falls.

Presenter 1: Yes, this looks great!
I feel bad now!
Everything was spinning in front of me,
Everything went hazy in my head.
Presenter 2: We can’t leave you like that!
We need to call the doctor!
Presenter 1: I don’t want doctors!
I'm almost healthy now!
Presenter 3: You look terrible.
A visit to the doctor won't hurt.

Presenter 4: Listen! My ears hurt
So I get three injections a day
The nurse has been injecting me for a month!
And, as you can see, he’s alive and well
And I live without doctors!
Presenter 2: You can live without injections -
Start taking pills.
Here's a bunch of pills for you -
I bought it just in case.
(gives a bag on which it is written: "Pills")
Presenter 3: I have a wish -
Do the dousing!
I have this procedure
I don’t change it for a potion.
Both on a cold day and on a hot day
I'm not too lazy to harden myself!
(in hands a basin and a towel)
Presenter 4: Physical education is the recipe!
Move more, come on!
Run, jump, squat!
Catch the ball and throw the ball!
Are you ready? Let's start!
(throws the ball to the patient)
Presenter 1: Wait! It looks like we're not on the right track.
I just think about sports
Tears roll onto the floor.
^ ALL: Doctor! Doctor!

Doctor AIBOLIT: Hello guys!
What's happened? What hurts?
There is both iodine and cotton wool.

Presenter 1: Pain, doctor, in my head.
Help me, doctor,
I have such a weakness -
I don't even want sweets!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: I’ll do an inspection now,
I will help as much as I can.
The arms are weak, the legs too...
So, what does this look like?
Come on, open your mouth wider:
One and two and three and four.
The teeth are still there.
Let's consult together.

Presenter 2: We need to give him pills!
Presenter 3: Drop it into your nose from a pipette!
Presenter 4: We need to drink the powder!
Presenter 2: A bag of antibiotics!
Presenter 3: We need to give him some medicine!
Presenter 4: Give a certificate from physical education!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: No, guys, you are completely wrong about this!
Your knowledge is visible, but the pills are harmful to you!
I understand what the question is! This is AVITAMINOSIS!
There are not enough vitamins! Vitamins in the body are melting!

^ ALL: Nonsense! We don't believe it!

Coming out children - Vitamins.

Doctor AIBOLIT: Meet vitamins A, B, C, D, K and E.
Today they will show you the way to good medicine.

Vitamin A: So that you are beautiful,
Vitamin B: So as not to be whiny,
Vitamin C: So that any business is in your hands
They were arguing and seething!
Vitamin K: To make the songs sung louder,
Vitamin E: To make life more interesting,
Vitamin D: You need to become strong, healthy,
There is cottage cheese, sour cream, pilaf,
Drink juices and milk.
Vitamins(in unison): These truths are not new!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!
You have no diseases!
I'll give you this advice:
Consume vitamins
And increase your health!

Presenter 1: Thank you, doctor!
Presenter 2: Everyone must think for themselves
Presenter 3: How to overcome diseases
Presenter 4: And keep your health!
^ ALL: Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!
Everyone, both adults and children!


Remember my advice:
All year round- in winter and summer -
There is no life without vitamins!

Everyone performs together ^ Hymn to Sports(to the tune of the song “Sunny Circle”)

Our dear friend!
Our faithful friend!
Sport helps us in life
We go with him
We don't get tired
We sing the glory of sports.


May we have moments of sport
Gives the joy of movement,
And inspiration for the soul
May sport always give!

All in chorus: Long live sports!

^III. Summing up.

    Exercise "Dialectics".

Participants gather in a circle. An exchange of views is held on the topic: “Taking care of health is easy - taking care of health is difficult.” Everyone in a circle expresses one of the assumptions. The first one is easy, the second one is difficult, the third one is easy, etc.

Counselor 1: We sit in a circle. Today we talked a lot about maintaining health, but sometimes maintaining health is not at all easy. Therefore in final exercise we will look at what is easy to do to stay healthy and what is difficult. The first participant says: “Taking care of health is easy because...” The second participant says: “Taking care of health is difficult because...” And so on in a circle.

Counselor 2: good health allows you not only to achieve in life what a person really wants: get an education, a profession, start a family, raise children, achieve success, but also constantly enjoy life itself, enjoy it, despite life’s difficulties.

    ^ Ring of sports songs.

Counselor 1: The song helps to live,
The song unites
She creates the mood
And sports songs
Inspirational, wonderful.
Fills hearts with enthusiasm.

Counselor 2: Let's remember and sing songs about sports.

^ IV. Ceremonial line.

    Congratulations and awards to the winning teams, active participants and fans.


1. Abramova T. Imagine yourself healthy. Be healthy. - 1997. No. 2.

2. Ivanchenko V. Gymnastics of the Pharaohs. Be healthy. -1996. - N.M.

3. Wisdom healthy life: Aphorisms, proverbs, sayings about health. - M.: Medicine, 1986.

4. Novikova T. A., Krivotulova E. V., Shishkina N. V. The legacy of Jean Nicot: A play in five acts. Biology at school. - 1997. -No. 2.

5. Journal "Biology at school", 1990-2009. Chapter " Educational work»
6. Riddles from A to Z. Ed. N.B. Petrova. St. Petersburg: Didactics Plus publishing house, 1997.

Running games

Running "centipedes"

2-3 teams of 10 people play. The leader ties a rope around each team, or the players “put on” a gymnastic hoop. At the signal, the groups of “centipedes” begin moving towards the finish line. The team that comes first and doesn't fall along the way wins.

Don't spill the water

On tennis rackets Place a glass of water each. Participants, at the leader’s signal, run to the finish line and return back to the starting line. The player who comes first and does not splash the water wins.

Running with a burning candle

The host gives each player a plate with a burning candle glued to it. At the leader’s signal, the competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. If teams participate in the game, then the first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the second numbers, etc.

The winner is the team that finishes the run first and whose candle does not go out during the run.

Steam locomotive and carriages

2-3 teams of 10 people play. Each line up at the start in a column, behind each other’s heads. In front of the team, at a distance of 15 meters, an object is placed - a stone, a stick, skittles, a flag, a tree branch stuck in the ground. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run forward to the control landmark, go around it and run again to their team. The second number joins the first number, grabbing him by the belt, and now they run forward together, then the third numbers, fourths, etc. join them.

The team that finishes the competition first wins.


The driver (tag) catches the rest of the players, who scatter all over the court. If a player squats or holds hands with another player, the tag should not catch them, they are in the “house”. The one whom the tag caught (touched with his hand) becomes the driver, and the tag joins the players.

But there is another rule: whoever the tag catches, he catches the rest with him.

Running with the ball

The leader with the ball in his hands stands between two teams, whose players are counted in order (first, second, etc.). Throwing the ball forward, the presenter calls a number. Players from both teams with this number rush to catch the ball. The first one to reach and grab it earns his team a point. The team whose players catch the ball wins more once.

Rip off your hat

10-15 people play. An area is marked beyond which it is not permitted to run. The driver is selected, he puts a hat on his head, it cannot be held with his hands. At the leader’s signal, the players try to catch up with the driver, take off his hat and put it on themselves. Everyone tries to keep the hat on their head as long as possible. You can diversify the game and introduce 2-3 drivers with caps. The winner is the player who manages to keep the hat on his head longer than anyone else.


Two players join hands and catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught ends up in a circle. Now the three of them catch the others. Everyone caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught.


Two teams of 5-10 people play. An open chessboard is placed in the middle of the playing area. Teams line up in columns one after another on opposite sides. Near one group there are black chess pieces, near the other - white ones. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of both teams take one piece each and run to chessboard, put the piece in its proper place, go back, touch the next player with his hand, who takes the piece, runs to the board, etc.

The first numbers take place at the end of the column. The winner is the team whose players quickly and correctly place the chess pieces.

Running with an egg in a spoon

The host gives each player a spoon containing an egg, potato or tennis ball. At the leader’s signal, the participants run, holding the spoons in front of them and trying not to drop the objects in them. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Two teams can also compete. Then the first players of both teams, having reached the finish line, make a turn and run to the start - pass the spoon to the second numbers, etc. The team whose players finish the run first wins.

Cossack robbers

Two groups of 8-10 people play. Some are Cossacks, others are robbers. The robbers run away and hide behind bushes, in trees, in ditches, in the grass, etc. The Cossacks go off to catch the robbers, and those caught are left under the supervision of one of the Cossacks. The robbers are allowed to resist. If the place where they were hiding is discovered, the robbers can escape. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.

Catch the ball

15-20 people play. They sit on the ground in a circle and, at the leader’s signal, quickly pass the ball to each other with their hands, and the selected driver must run along outside circle, catch the ball.

You can only catch it during transmission. If the driver succeeds, he sits in the circle, and the player who missed the ball becomes the driver.


The players are divided into teams of 8-10 people. Participants line up in a column one after another. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers quickly turn in a circle, after which the second numbers take the belt of the first, and they spin together, then three of them, and so on until the end. The team that turns around the axis before others wins.

Ball games

Catch the ball

Players stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 meter. Everyone has a ball in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the ball is thrown back over the head and everyone rushes forward after the opponent’s ball. The winner is the one who catches the ball faster and returns to the starting position.

Hot ball

The players stand in a circle. The host gives the ball, and at the signal, the participants pass it clockwise to each other. If the leader says: “Stop!”, the ball stops passing, and the player who has it in his hands is eliminated from the game. The presenter gives the command: “Start!”, and the game resumes. The winner is the last participant remaining, when there is no one left to pass the ball to.

Manage to hold on

Several pairs of players compete with each other, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible:

- placing the ball on your shoulders and pressing it with your heads on both sides;

- pressing the ball with your shoulders;

- holding the ball with your back;

- holding the ball, pressing it with their foreheads and moving sideways. The first couple to arrive without losing the ball wins.


This is an old Russian game, it requires a small ball and a lapta (wide stick). The playing field is marked in the middle of the site and two lines are drawn at a distance of 20 meters. On one side of the site there is a city, on the other there is a horse.

Participants are divided into two equal teams. Some players go to the city, while others disperse across the field. The city team starts the game. The participant hits the ball with a rounder, runs across the field beyond the horse line and returns to the city again. The drivers catch the hit ball and try to stain the runner. They throw the ball to each other to hit it, if they succeed, they move to the city, if not, they remain in place. All city players take turns scoring the ball.

It happens that the one who hit the ball could not immediately run over the line. He waits for the next player to score the ball, then two players run behind the line. If all but one player is on the stake line, then the player who has not yet hit is allowed to hit three times. The batted ball must not cross the city limits. Anyone who cannot score the ball with a rounder can throw it into the field if all the players hit the ball, but no one ran over the line.

Meeting engagement

A line is drawn on the ground that divides the site in half. Two groups of players are arranged according to to different parties, each group has a volleyball.

Objective: hit as many opponents as possible with the ball. Players who are hit by the ball leave the court. The game lasts 5 minutes, the host counts the number of defeated players and announces the winner.

Strike without looking

In front, players place the ball at a distance of 5-6 steps. Blindfold the eyes. You need to approach the ball and kick it. The one who successfully completes the task wins.

Pick up the ball

Holding a stick in each hand, you need to lift the ball from the ground to shoulder level with their ends. The winner is the one who manages to lift and lower the ball.

Fish, birds, animals

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The presenter throws the ball to one of the participants and says: “Beast.” The person who catches the ball must quickly name someone from the animal world and throw the ball back to the leader. If the leader, after throwing the ball, says “fish” or “bird,” the catcher calls the fish or bird. Anyone who does not answer the presenter or hesitates to answer is eliminated from the game.

Manage to kick the ball

The players stand in a circle, in the center is the driver with the ball, his task is to kick the ball out of the circle with his feet, the rest of the participants prevent him from doing this. It is not allowed to pick up the ball; it can only be kicked. The one who misses the ball becomes the driver.

Ball over head

The players stand in two columns. The players standing in front of each column hold a ball in their hands. At the leader’s signal, those in front, without turning, pass the ball over their heads to those standing behind, who pass the ball further, and so on until the end of the column. The last players in the columns, having received the ball, run and become the first, passing the ball to the one standing behind. When it’s the first player’s turn again, he must pass the ball to the leader. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Ball ride

Participants are divided into groups of three and line up at the starting line. Each group has a soccer ball.

At the leader’s signal, two players place the third on the ball and support it from the sides; the player, moving his feet, rolls the ball to the finish line. The three that come first wins.


Jump rope

The players stand in a circle, in the middle is the driver with a skipping rope in his hands. Holding the rope by one end, he begins to rotate it so that the other end sweeps over the ground under the feet of the players, who are jumping. Whoever is hit by the rope is eliminated from the game or changes the driver.

Teams of 5-6 people compete. The first participants jump from the starting line from a place, pushing with both feet. From the place where the first ones land, the second numbers jump, then the third, etc. The team that covers the greatest distance wins.

Jump relay

Two teams line up in columns at the start. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of both teams jump on one leg to the control landmark, go around it, return back, touch the second numbers, and they themselves stand at the end of the columns. The second numbers go the same way and pass the baton to the third, the third to the fourth, etc. The team that manages to finish the game before the other wins.

- moving by jumping like frogs;

- jumping on one leg, with a change of legs for the control


- jumping sideways;

- jumping in bags;

— jumping on a broom;

- jumping with a ball clamped between the knees;

- moving by jumping on two legs;

- moving by jumping on two legs backwards;

- running by jumping rope;

- jumping while sitting on a basketball, holding it with your hands from the sides.


There are two teams at the start. Players stand in a column one at a time, each holding the belt of the one in front. At the leader’s signal, participants jump on two legs to the finish line. The team with the last player to cross the finish line first wins.

Jumping over bumps

Players are divided into teams and line up at the start. Against each team there are several circles (bumps) on the ground at a distance of 1 meter from one another. At the leader’s signal, the first participants of both teams jump from hummock to hummock, trying not to miss, so as not to fall into the “swamp”. Having jumped off the last bump, they run back and stand at the end of their columns, slapping the second numbers on the outstretched hand as they run. The second players continue jumping, then the third, etc. The team that finishes the jumps first wins.

Band jumping

Take a rubber band 3 meters long, tie its ends together to form a circle. Two people stand in a ring opposite each other and, stretching the elastic band with their feet, form a rectangle, that is, two parallel elastic bands 15 cm high above the ground. The third participant takes a place on the side and starts jumping; you can jump from the center:

- jumping on two legs sideways through one, through another elastic band, through two at once;

- jumping on one leg;

- jumping straight, legs crossed;

— jumps with a turn of 180 degrees, 360;

- making a series of jumps, toss and catch the ball. Each combination of jumps is repeated only with a change in height: elastic band at knee level, at pelvis level, at waist level. If the jumper makes a mistake, he changes places with one of the players holding the rubber band.


Who's faster

Cyclists line up at the start. The leader determines the distance of 100-200 meters. At the signal, players begin moving towards the finish line. The one who comes first wins.

The distance is determined to be 30-40 meters. At the signal from the leader, the cyclists begin moving towards the finish line. The one who arrives last wins. You cannot stop along the way, you must move forward while maintaining balance.

Glass of water

Each cyclist has a glass of water in his hands. The distance is determined to be 40-60 meters. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to move towards the finish line. The winner is the one who does not spill water along the way.

Rough Riders

The game is played as a competition between participants. Overcoming a certain distance, the player must:

- drive along a lying board (4-5 meters long) and do not slide onto the ground;

— sit on the frame sideways on the right and left;

- stand with your feet on the saddle;

- while driving, pick up the toy standing on the ground on the right and place it on the ground on the left;

— take off your jacket while driving and hang it on the steering wheel;

- push 5 meters with the front wheel rubber ball;

— while passing, remove the ring and throw it on a stake driven into the ground.

The one who most successfully completes all tasks wins.


A figure eight is drawn on the ground with the diameter of each circle being 3-4 meters. The number eight is represented by pins. Task: ride a bicycle around the figure eight without knocking over any pins. The one who does it faster wins.

Don't pedal

Several players compete. The distance is determined to be 30-40 meters. The bike is given 10 meters to accelerate, then the participants stop pedaling. The one who manages to reach the finish line wins.


6-8 people participate. The distance is determined to be 40 meters. The players are divided into pairs: those with bicycles stand at the start, and their partners stand at the finish line. At the leader’s signal, the cyclists ride for 10 meters, carry the bike on themselves for the next 10 meters, run next to it for another 10 meters, and for the last 10 meters again jump on the bike and ride. At the finish line, the bike is handed over to a partner, who covers the distance in the same way. The pair that completes the task faster than others wins.


Participants on skateboards are at the starting line. Right leg on the board, and the left one on the asphalt. At the leader’s signal, all players push off from the ground, stand on the skateboard and move forward by inertia. The one who manages to cover the greatest distance wins.


Every meter, 10 pins are placed on the asphalt. Task: drive along a row of pins in a zigzag pattern (like a snake), going around one pin on the right and the other on the left. The winner is the player who covered the distance faster than others and did not knock down a single pin.


On the asphalt, a 10x15 meter playing area is marked with chalk, and 2 meter wide goals are drawn on opposite sides of the field.

Participants are divided into two teams of 6 people, one of them is a goalkeeper. The presenter throws into the field small ball. Players hit the ball with the edge of the board or a roller during a sharp turn. This is done like this: the legs are placed along the edges of the board, the body weight falls on the pushing leg; When the board is supported only by the rear rollers, the front ones are momentarily lifted off the ground, at which time the board vigorously turns and hits the ball. The team that manages to throw as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal wins.

Dare to pass

Three balloons are suspended on a rope at a height of 1.3 meters. The players' task is to speed up and drive under the balls, crouching or bending over, so as not to touch them or shake them up. If the ball wobbles, the player can make two more attempts and, if they also fail, he is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who managed to complete the task at least once without errors.


Participants are divided into threes and line up at the start. Two people take hands with a third person sitting on a skateboard. At the leader's signal, they pull him to the finish line. The three that come first wins.

Throw a ring

At a distance of three meters from the asphalt road, a stake is driven into the ground. Several people compete. Each person is given 2 gymnastic hoops. The players start one by one, trying to throw the hoops onto the stake as they go. The winner is the one who managed to put 4 hoops on the stake after 3 attempts.


The playground is determined and the driver is selected. The rest of the participants skate around the field. The driver (tag) should also try to catch up with them and stain them on the skateboard. Whoever he touches with his hand becomes a tag. Along the edges of the site, two circles are drawn with chalk - these are houses. The tag cannot tarnish those who come here.


Players are divided into two teams of 5-6 people. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of both teams on the skateboard move to the control landmark, go around it, return to the start and pass the skateboard to the second players, who, in turn, go the same way and pass the skateboard to the third, etc. The team that finishes first wins relay race


Participants compete with each other: who, having accelerated, will be able to jump onto a board lying on a small round log and drive along it. The winner is the player who makes it all the way and does not slide onto the asphalt.

Who's faster

Participants on skateboards line up at the start line. At the leader’s signal, the players quickly move towards the finish line. The first one to arrive wins.

Scenario of a sports event at a summer camp

The sports event scenario is suitable for different ages. Participants' goal

win a sporting event and find the treasure

hidden on the camp grounds (legend

you can think about the treasure depending on

what the treasure is). At the beginning

teams come up with names for themselves and choose captains (1 minute).

I. Only the fastest will find the treasure

relay race (for each stage 1, 2 or 3 points (0 if

the team didn't cope at all))

1. Relay race with



jump to the checkpoint and return back,

team wins

2. Relay race with

jump rope

take the rope in one hand and jump over the rope

run to the checkpoint, win

is the command

will cover the distance.

3. Ball relay

bring the ball to the control point and return, the team wins,

the participants of which will cover the distance the fastest.

4. Relay race with three balls (Cheburashka)

1 ball

pinned by his knees, the other two in his hands

you need to run to the checkpoint and return with 3 balls in your hands.

5. Ball relay

bring the ball around the pins to the control point and return

run with the ball, the team whose members are

Three of them will cover the distance.

6. Ball relay in pairs

hold the ball between your heads and run to the control point,

return with the ball sandwiched between their heads.

7. Hoop relay

jumping through the hoop to get to the checkpoint,


running, holding a hoop, the team wins

whose participants are the fastest

will cover the distance.

8. Relay race with hoop and ball

one team member (captain) stands on

control line with a hoop, team members take turns leading me

hours to the checkpoint

and throw from there, trying to hit the hoop (basketball)

you can catch balls with a hoop,

team wins

who scored the most goals.

9. Relay race with hoop and pins

roll the hoop around the pins, trying not to knock them down, until

control leg

about the point, run back with the hoop in your hand.

10. Skittles relay (collect all the skittles)

there are pins at the checkpoint (you can

paste pictures of things necessary when searching for treasure and things that are useless


necessary (for speed and communication

strikingness, “wrong” pins can be discarded,

so that other participants spend less time choosing)) participants run up, take

1 pin and return, the team that collects all the pins wins.

II. Search for a map.

Team members must

rhetoric of the camp (each in its own

square) find pieces of the map (hints) hidden in various objects (commands

must be clearly instructed

where to look and what to look for) by putting these pieces together

you can read the clue (riddle) and determine where

there is a treasure. At this stage

teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points.

III. Search for treasure.

Using the map (according to a hint), team members search for treasure


the team that found the treasure.

The jury determines the teams based on the total points in all competitions

ranked 1, 2, 3

places in

sports competition

1ST COMPETITION. "We're building quickly"

Teams must quickly build according to their height.


There is no need to be afraid that they will laugh,

Never leave your charger behind.

Only those who do not cry will achieve success,

Nothing comes easy, without difficulty.

- Our next competition is really difficult, but I am sure that you will cope with it.


Whose team will jump further? Team members take turns doing a standing long jump. Each next jumper begins to jump from the landing site of the previous jumper. The team with the longest total jump length wins. (Assistant judges ensure that the task is completed correctly)


Yes, you played together like that,

And probably tired?

For fun, for order

I’ll tell you another riddle: If you throw it on the floor -

He will jump high

It's never boring with him,

We want to play it... (Ball)

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But we will still achieve victory,

Not a feather to your team, not a feather!

3rd COMPETITION. Relay "Penguins"
In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball clamped between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back.

Leading: You did a great job, and we offer you something new and interesting.

trial. Try to guess which one.

We have a new ball,

We play for an hour:

I throw it - you catch it

If you drop it, pick it up!

What a funny ball -

And so it jumps, and so it jumps.

Where there is no ceiling

He's flying under the clouds! (balloon)

- Have you guessed what kind of competition awaits you?

- Yes, with balloons.

We see from the outside

The teams are equal in technology. We want to take a quick look

Whose captains are smarter?

4TH COMPETITION. "Captains Competition"

It is necessary to place the inflatable ball into the bucket using a stick, without touching it with your hands.

A break for the competitors.

Entertainment show with spectators and fans

Game "Good People"

Leading: You must do what I say, if before that there were the words ““Good people.”

“Good people,” raise your hands.

Clap your hands.

“Good people,” bark.


"Good people", slap your knees


5TH COMPETITION. "Sharp Shooter"

Target – knock down as many balls as possible with another ball.

Leading: Our sports holiday

It's time for us to continue .

The children are happy about the sports holiday.

We will shout to the sports holiday - HURRAY!!!

- The next competition is called


By shifting leaflets, teams must cross the “swamp” without getting their feet wet. The team that spends less time on the transition and steps on the ground the least number of times wins.

To the director of MAOU Kazanskaya

(correctional) school

Getman L.S.

Sports and recreational event at summer camp

“The jump rope, the hoop and I are a friendly family.”

Goals and objectives:- Organize healthy rest for children;

Develop strength, agility, endurance;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;

Instill a love for activities physical culture and sports.

Venue: stadium.

Time: 11.30

Equipment - jump ropes, hoops, skittles.

Progress of the holiday.

Leading. Hello guys!

Jump rope: “I am the most important for the guys.”

Hoop: “No! I am more important."

Jump rope: “You’re wrong. After all, children play with me more often than with you."

Hoop: “Oh, oh, oh!” They often play with me too."

Jump rope: “But they play games with me that you can’t play with you.”

Hoop: “But games with me are more difficult and interesting.”

Storyteller - “So they argued and argued.”

Host - Guys, let's help the skipping rope and hoop resolve their dispute and become just as cheerful and friendly again. And we will do this with the help of our relay races.

Jump and sit down.

Teams become pairs. At the signal, the first couple takes the rope by the ends and begins to carry it along the column at knee level. Participants jump over. Having reached the end of the column, they return back, carrying the rope at shoulder level, the players must sit down. Then the baton is passed to another pair. And so on until all pairs complete the task. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Get through the hoop .

The teams stand in a column. Five hoops lie in front of them at a distance.

At the signal, the first player runs, takes the hoop, puts it on over himself, puts the hoop in place and runs to the next one. And so goes through all the hoops. Then he runs around the chip and comes back, passing the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Teams stand in a column in pairs. The first couple has a jump rope in their hands. At the signal, the first pair begins to move, jumping over the rope. Having jumped to the chip, they take the rope in their hands and run back, passing the rope to the next pair. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Each team has high jump racks in front of them. Hoops are attached to the rack bar. At the signal, the participants, holding the belts of the players in front, begin to move. And, without letting go of each other, crawling like a snake through the hoop. They run to the chip, run around it and come back in the same way. The team that finishes first wins.


Teams stand in a column one at a time. The first ones have a hoop on their belt. At the signal, the first ones run, run around the chip, come back and put the second one in the hoop. The pair run to the chip. The first numbers remain, the second ones return for the third numbers. And so it goes. Until the whole team is on the other side.

Change the projectile.

Teams stand in a column one at a time. The first numbers have a jump rope in their hands. At the signal, the first numbers, jumping over the rope, move to the chip, put the rope there, take the hoop and roll it to their team. Pass the hoop to the second player. He rolls it to the chip, exchanges it for a jump rope and, jumping over it, returns back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Run - don't drop it.

Teams are built in pairs. Each couple has their own hoop. At the signal, the first number begins to roll the hoop, the second player tries to run into the rolling hoop. This way they reach the chip. And they switch roles. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Big relay race.

Teams stand in pairs.

The first couple has a jump rope in their hands. At a signal, they begin to rotate the rope and, jumping over it, move to the chip and, holding hands, run back.

Second pair. The first one rolls the hoop, the second one runs through the hoop. The chips change roles.

Third pair. The players have their near legs tied with a rope. At a signal, they run hand in hand three legs to the chip, run around it and come back.

Fourth pair. The first player puts the rope around his neck, passing it under his arms, the second takes the ends of the rope in his hands. At the signal, they run to the chip, change roles there and return back.

Fifth pair. Holds a hoop in his hands. At the signal, they start running, run around the chip, return to the team, put all the players in the hoop and move towards the chip.

Jump rope: “Yes, hoop, the guys need both of us.” And they have now proven it.”

Hoop: “You’re right as always, sis.” We shouldn't have fought. Let’s go and thank the guys and present them with awards.”

Team building

Brief description

Popularization of physical culture and sports, active recreation children


last name, first name, patronymic of the author– Ektova Lesya Nikolaevna
name of educational institution– MBOU"Sofrinskaya secondary school No. 2"
discipline– physical culture
topic– sports competitions

Class– 1-4 grades

Explanatory note:

1. Educational – to promote the accumulation of motor experience. Create a need for physical education and broaden your horizons.
2. Educational – to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, self-discipline, will and attention.
3. Wellness – promoting the health of students, increasing their functional capabilities, developing application skills breathing exercises Strelnikova in everyday life.

Inventory:paper, pencil, eraser, plastic bottles, rope, scarves, basketballs, hoops, plastic cups, water, paper airplanes, letters, newspapers, treasure hunting diagrams.
Venue: playground before school.
Panel of judges: teachers
Awards: teams are awarded certificates
PROGRESS OF THE EVENT 1. Team building.
1.1. Welcome speech from the competition leader:
- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am again glad to welcome you to our summer recreation area. Today you have to participate in various competitions, show dexterity, ingenuity, and speed. Team captains will show their topography abilities, ability to organize their teams and set them up for victory.
1.2. Each team presents its name and motto.
- Breathing exercises, outdoor gear.

1.3. The presenter invites the team captains to his place and gives them the first task - to draw a topographic plan of the area where the competition will take place, and also to draw (by drawing lots) routes for their teams.

2. Relay races – Competitions:

Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute. The team that gives greatest number correct answers.

1st station – “Smart guys and smart girls.”
Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute.

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

2nd station – “Cosmic Football”.
There is 40 on the field plastic bottles. Required in 30 seconds, the whole team
get the most bottles into the gate. The team wins
who drove the largest number of bottles into the gate.

Station 3 – “The Sixth Sense”
Blindfolded participants walk under a stretched rope at a height of 1 m from
earth with a rope. The team with the most participants wins
which will not touch the rope.

4th station – “Water Drinks”
Players hold a large plastic glass of water on their heads. They run
distance and pour the water into the jar. Whoever fills a liter jar faster will
the team won (time the task).

5th station – “Young pilots”
At the signal, at the same time, team members launch paper airplanes,
which must fly over the line. Which team has more planes?
flies over the line, she won.

6th station – “Pumpkin”
Teams receive a hoop and basketball ball. At the judge's signal, you must
use the hoop to roll the ball to the turntable and back. Wins
the team that showed the best time.

7th station – “Add a word”
Teams line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. Next to
a stack of letters lies in a column. At the judge's signal, the first participant runs until
turn line and places a letter on it. Comes back and passes the baton
touching the hand of the next participant. The letters are laid out along one line.
The result should be the word “Competition”. Team captains
help to collect the word. The team that completes it faster wins.

Station 8 – “Help Harry Potter make the Snitch”
Each participant has a sheet of newsprint in front of them. Participants on signal
the judges, at the same time, begin to crumple a ball from a newspaper sheet, trying
gather it into a fist. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th station – “Find the treasure”
Each team captain is given a diagram indicating the place where
hidden treasure. While the jury members are summing up the results, the teams are looking for the treasure.
3. Summing up the results of the competition.
Awarding of winning teams (presentation of certificates).
Concluding remarks from the presenter:
- Thank you for your attention, for your enthusiasm, for your ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition that ensured success.
Now the moment of farewell has come, our speech will be brief
We say to you: “Goodbye! See you happy, new meetings!”

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Competition Smart-dexterous-brave-skillful (camp, 06.13).docx

Sports event at summer school camp

"Smart, dexterous, brave, skillful"

place of residence (city, town), region, region, region;

name of educational institution - MBOU"Sofrinskaya secondary school No. 2"

discipline – physical education

theme: sports competitions

grade – grades 1-4

Explanatory note:

Target: popularization of physical culture and sports, active recreation of children


    Educational – to promote the accumulation of motor experience. Create a need for physical education and broaden your horizons.

    Educational – to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, self-discipline, will and attention.

    Wellness – promoting the health of students, increasing their functional capabilities, developing skills in using Strelnikova’s breathing exercises in everyday life.

Inventory: paper, pencil, eraser, plastic bottles, rope, scarves, basketballs, hoops, plastic cups, water, paper airplanes, letters, newspapers, treasure hunting diagrams.

Venue: sports ground in front of the school.

Panel of judges: teachers

Awards : teams are awarded certificates


    Team building.

1.1. Welcome speech from the competition leader:

- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am again glad to welcome you to our summer recreation area. Today you have to participate in various competitions, show dexterity, ingenuity, and speed. Team captains will show their topography abilities, ability to organize their teams and set them up for victory.

1.2. Each team presents its name and motto.


Breathing exercises, outdoor switchgear.

1.3. The presenter invites the team captains to his place and gives them the first task - to draw a topographic plan of the area where the competition will take place, and also to draw (by drawing lots) routes for their teams.

    Relay races – Competitions:

1st station – “Smart guys and smart girls.”

Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

2nd station – “Cosmic Football”.

There are 40 plastic bottles on the field. Required in 30 seconds, the whole team

get the most bottles into the gate. The team wins

who drove the largest number of bottles into the gate.

Station 3 – “The Sixth Sense”

Blindfolded participants walk under a stretched rope at a height of 1 m from

earth with a rope. The team with the most participants wins

which will not touch the rope.

4th station – “Water Drinks”

Players hold a large plastic glass of water on their heads. They run

distance and pour the water into the jar. Whoever fills a liter jar faster will

the team won (time the task).

5th station – “Young pilots”

At the signal, at the same time, team members launch paper airplanes,

which must fly over the line. Which team has more planes?

flies over the line, she won.

6th station – “Pumpkin”

Teams receive a hoop and a basketball. At the judge's signal, you must

use the hoop to roll the ball to the turntable and back. Wins

the team that showed the best time.

7th station – “Add a word”

Teams line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. Next to

a stack of letters lies in a column. At the judge's signal, the first participant runs until

turn line and places a letter on it. Comes back and passes the baton

touching the hand of the next participant. The letters are laid out along one line.

The result should be the word “Competition”. Team captains

help to collect the word. The team that completes it faster wins.


Station 8 – “Help Harry Potter make the Snitch”

Each participant has a sheet of newsprint in front of them. Participants on signal

the judges, at the same time, begin to crumple a ball from a newspaper sheet, trying

gather it into a fist. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th station – “Find the treasure”