Outdoor games, relay races and game tasks with elements of basketball. Now children will not be bored in physical education classes! Outdoor games with elements of basketball Basketball relay races for students

Relay races with elements of basketball

    Dribbling with a stroke of two racks: one - on the right, the second - on the left, dribbling to the front line - passing with two hands from the chest to the wall, back dribbling. Moving to the midline with lunges carrying the ball under the foot, to the front line - running backwards with the ball dribbling with either hand, back dribbling. To the front line, running with alternating two elements: rotation around the body and throwing the ball up with two hands with a clap behind the back, dribbling back. To the middle line, jumping on two legs with the ball between the legs, to the front line, roll the ball on the floor with any hand, dribbling back. On the middle line is the team captain. To the line of attack - a cuttlefish with a ball on its stomach, from the line of attack, without getting up, pass with both hands from the chest to the captain and take the place of the captain, who, having received the ball, dribbles the ball to the end line and back, running around the counter on the front line. The captain is on the front line. Running with the ball to the second line of attack, then passing with two hands from the chest with a rebound from the floor to the captain, the captain performs a direct pass with two hands from the chest back, and again passing with a rebound from the floor to the captain, after which the captain runs away with the ball into the column, and the participant who performed the task takes his place. Shuttle run with ball dribbling. To the line of attack, a normal run with the ball, back-to-back run with the ball to the start line, forward again to the second line of attack, back-to-back to the first line of attack, again forward to the front line, back - the usual run with the ball with the left hand . Two racks are on the line of attack at a distance of 2-3m from each other. the participant with the ball dribbling first runs around the first rack and returns to the start line, then the second rack and again to the front line, after which he dribbles the ball to the central basketball basket, makes a throw, back - running with the left hand dribbling. Basket hits count. The team is on the free throw line. In a circle from the basket to the center line, racks are placed along the maximum radius. The first participant shoots and if he hits the basket, he passes the ball to the next one. If it doesn’t hit, then it performs a penalty loop with dribbling, running around all the racks, after which it passes the ball to the next one. Team members are located in a column at a distance of 3m from each other. Each team has 3 balls (two lie on the floor near the first participant, one in the hands). The first ball is passed with both hands along a high trajectory back (without turning), the second and third balls - with the right and left hands back with a rebound from the floor, respectively, to the right and left of the body (without turning). The last participant collects the balls near him, the whole team performs a turn around and the task is performed in the opposite direction.

Technological map of the lesson for grade 2

Item: Physical Culture

Lesson topic: Dribbling the ball on the spot without visual control. Relays with balls. The game "The ball to the neighbor."

Lesson type: educational and training orientation.

The purpose of the lesson: improvement of ball dribbling; development of physical qualities: dexterity, coordination, speed of reaction; learning a new game.


Tutorials: contribute to the formation of a motor stereotype when administered without visual control.

Developing: develop dexterity, coordination, speed of reaction, orientation; develop psychomotor skills when dribbling the ball without visual control.

Educational: to form the ability to work independently, in a team, to conduct a dialogue, to cultivate discipline, responsibility for one's actions, respect for classmates.

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Inventory: basketballs, cones, picture cards.

Planned results of the lesson:




To form the ability to achieve goals, show diligence, perseverance; the ability to control one's movements, evaluate the correctness of the performance of actions, evaluate one's efforts to achieve the goal and objectives. Develop communication skills for working in pairs and teams.

To develop the ability to analyze their activities, find ways to solve the tasks, concentration on the implementation of actions. Develop the ability to actively engage in teamwork, the ability to work in pairs.

Develop physical qualities, improve skills in catching, dribbling and passing the ball in pairs, the ability to follow the rules when performing relay races and games.

Didactic lesson structure


Tasks and exercises for students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of the planned results

Teacher activity

Student activities

Planned results


UUD (personal, regulatory, communicative)

I. Organizing time

Building in one line, execution of combat commands, setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson, submits combat teams explains the aims and objectives of the lesson. Sets to work.

Perform drill commands, listen to the goals and objectives of the lesson, tune in to their implementation.

Repetition of military commands.

L: understand the importance of the right mood for the lesson, conduct self-analysis about readiness for the lesson;

R: plan your own activities.

K: be able to listen, answer questions.

II. Knowledge update

Warm-up run.

Implementation of the outdoor switchgear complex with basketballs (Appendix 1.)

Monitors compliance with the rules during the warm-up run, shows the exercises, gives methodological instructions, monitors the correctness of the exercises. Sets a positive mood.

They follow the rules during the warm-up run, perform exercises, try to follow everything guidelines teachers.

Be able to perform exercises according to a given condition, clearly respond to commands.

L: to show discipline, attentiveness.

R: exercise control over your actions, focusing on the conditions correct execution exercises.

K: be able to interact while moving, respect classmates.

III. Learning new material

A conversation about the importance of dribbling without visual control. (2')

Dribbling in place without visual control with the right hand at knee level (30’)

Rest 30 sec

Dribbling without visual control with the left hand at knee level (30’)

Rest 30 sec

Dribbling with the right hand without visual control at waist level (30’)

Rest 30 sec

Dribbling with the left hand at waist level without visual control (30’)

Rest 30 sec

Dribbling the ball in place without visual control with the right hand at knee level, naming the object that they saw in the picture (Appendix 4.) (2 ')

Explains the importance of developing the skill of dribbling without visual control, asks questions. Discusses safety precautions when exercising basketball. Explains the exercises, gives commands to the beginning and end, controls the correctness of the exercises, encourages students, corrects mistakes.

Participate in conversation.

Remember the rules of TB when doing exercises with a basketball. They perform exercises, correct their actions, try to perform exercises correctly, using previously formed movements.

To be able to dribble without visual control with the right and left hand, while maintaining the technique of dribbling. Apply TB rules when performing exercises with a basketball.

L: show concentration, attentiveness when studying a new type of action, show interest, responsibility.

R: control your movements, regulate the way you perform an action to achieve a result.

K: the ability to conduct a dialogue, answer questions.

IV. Primary comprehension and consolidation of new material

Rebuilding in three columns.

Relay races (Appendix 2.)

Mobile game "Ball to the neighbor"

(Appendix 3.)

Gives a command to rebuild, explains the rules of the relay, reminds TB during relay races.

Explains the rules of the game, controls the process of the game and compliance with the rules, gives hints.

Reorganize in three columns, follow the rules of relay races, follow the rules of safety during relay races, study new game actively participate in the game.

Be able to rebuild in three columns, follow the rules of TB during relay races, work in a team and try to win the competition. Follow the rules of the game.

L: show the will to win, take care of your health.

R: to develop the ability to concentrate on achieving results.

K: be able to work in a team, respect the opponent, show tolerance, the ability to remain calm in case of failure.


Building in one line, summing up the lesson, analyzing the lesson using "smileography" (gluing emoticons that reflect the attitude of the guys to today's lesson).

Asks questions, sums up, analyzes the “smilography”.

Reflect on their activities and the activities of the class. They answer questions.

Be able to draw conclusions

L: be able to evaluate personal results.

R: be able to analyze their activities, draw conclusions.

K: be able to express your thoughts, not be afraid to express your opinion, learn to listen to others.

Appendix 1. Outdoor switchgear complex with basketballs.

    I.P. o.s. ball in right hand. Circle the ball around the body, passing it from hand to hand (16 times).

    I.P. o.s. arms are bent, the ball is behind the head. Release the ball on the back, catch it with your hands from behind (10 times).

    I.P. o.s. toss the ball, pass it into the ring from the hands (10 times).

    I.P. standing, legs apart. Roll the ball across the floor in a figure eight (10 times).

    I.P. sitting on the floor in pairs. Rolling balls to each other (10 times).

    I.P. Same. Passing the ball from hand to hand, keeping the legs straight (10 times).

Appendix 2. Relays.

    Dribbling the ball with a snake around the cones, leave the ball in the hoop, run back, passing the baton on the shoulder to the next.

    Dribbling the ball in a straight line, circle the cone, return to the end of the column, pass the ball to the first one with outstretched arms.

    Who can dribble the ball longer without visual control.

Appendix 3. The game "The ball to the neighbor."

Players stand in a circle facing the center at a step distance from each other. Two players standing opposite each other have a basketball in their hands.

On a signal, the players begin to pass the ball to the right or left in a circle (in one direction) so that one ball catches up with the other. Whoever has two balls gets a penalty point.

Annex 4. Pictures.

Basketball in games and relay races.

The article offers a number of outdoor games leading to basketball. The material is designed for extracurricular activities at school, although many games can be used in physical education lessons.

Improving movement.

"Fifteen"- the most versatile basketball game. Using different options, you can solve a variety of problems. Below are several options for "Fifteen" for movement.

1. In the hands of the driver, a stuffed ball. He tries to overpower one of the fleeing players by touching him with his hand. The salted player receives the ball and becomes the driver. Depending on the number of drivers playing, there may be several.

2. The same, but the players move backwards, side steps, jumps, etc.

3. The same, but the pursued can get rid of the driver if another player runs between them. Then the driver is obliged to run after the player who crossed his path.

4. The same, but the pursued person performs various actions (squats, jumps, etc.), and the driver must repeat them.

5. This variation of "Fifteen" is played without a ball. The player who was overtaken takes the driver by the hand and runs further with him. The next salted person joins them, and so on. By the end of the game, the drivers form a chain, trying to capture the remaining players in the circle.

6. Each of the players is holding an object in their hands ( tennis ball, skittles, etc.), and only one has nothing in his hands. The driver can only run after the player who does not have an object in his hands. If the pursued gets into a difficult situation, one of the partners passes the object to him. Now it can no longer be stained, and the driver catches another player left without an object.

"Fifteen in threes." The task of the driver is to tarnish player 1, who is covered by player 2. The driver tries to bypass player 2 with deceitful movements and break through to player 1, who has no right to move away from the partner further than 1 m.

"Catch up with a partner." Players, having broken into pairs, are located along the front or side line of the site at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m in the back of the head to each other. On command, they execute various exercises from starting position, which makes it difficult to start for a jerk (in a squat, in an emphasis lying, etc.), at a fast pace. At the next signal, the first players rush to the opposite line, and the second ones catch up with them, trying to tarnish. If a whistle sounds while running, then the partners stop in a predetermined way (jump, two steps, etc.), after which they turn and run back, changing roles. The player who stained the partner receives 2 points.

"Balloon". The guys are divided into 2 teams and lined up facing each other. A boundary line is drawn behind the players of each team at a distance of 4-5 m. Between each pair of players, the host throws a balloon, and the guys in a jump try to hit the balloon with one hand behind the opponent's back, while throwing the balloon over the boundary line. Whoever succeeds gets 1 point. The team with the most points wins.

"Third wheel". The game is tactical. It is held in a group whose players have studied screens. The guys are arranged in a circle in pairs in the back of the head to each other. Two drivers run along outside circle, one runs away, the other pursues him (Fig. 1 a). Escaping persecution. The first driver suddenly stands on the side of a pair of players, performing an external barrier (Fig. 1 b). The player for whom the barrier is set becomes the driver (runaway).

Option. The driver puts a barrier as shown in fig. 1 in. In this case, there is a change of roles - the one who catches up runs away in the opposite direction, and the one who turns out to be "extra" catches up with him. If the chasing player manages to pin down the escaping player, they switch roles.

Catching and passing the ball.

"The mother hen and the hawks". Two teams are playing. One team - "hawks" - forms a circle, in the hands of one of the players a basketball. The second team - “chicken with chickens” - is built inside the circle in a column one at a time, each puts his hands on the belt in front of him. Players of the first team, passing the ball to each other, try to knock down the last "chicken".

"Living Target" The guys are divided into two teams. The players of both teams stand in a circle through one. Each team is given one ball. Inside the circle, the leader is a player of one of the teams. The task of the driver is to dodge the ball with which the players of the opposing team are trying to stain him, and at the same time catch the ball sent to him by his partners and return it back to his team. As soon as the driver is tarnished, his place is taken by a player of the opposite team. So in the role of the driver, all participants alternately act. The winner is the team whose players, dodging the ball better, completed more passes.

Note. The method of passing the ball is predetermined depending on the age and number of participants.

"Free place".(Fig. 2). The players form circles of 6-8 people each. One of them is holding a ball. The player with the ball passes to any partner and runs after the ball. The player who received the ball also passes it to any partner, but runs to the vacant place.

This game requires a lot of attention: one must not confuse when to run after the ball, and when to run to an empty place.

"Riders". The game is played in a small area. The guys are divided into two teams. Players from one team sit on top of players from the other team. At the signal of the leader, the "riders" begin to throw the ball to each other. "Horses" behave restlessly (make unexpected turns, move from place to place, etc.), which makes it difficult to catch the ball. When the ball is lost, the players change roles. The team that makes large quantity gears.

"Catcher and Interceptor". The players are arranged in a circle, in the hands of one of them the ball. There are two players in the center of the circle: the catcher and the interceptor. Those standing in a circle pass the ball to each other and, choosing a convenient moment, make a pass to the catcher. The catcher tries to open up to receive the pass, and the interceptor tries to cover the catcher and intercept the ball. Every 1 min. interceptor is changing. The game continues until all players have been in the role of interceptor. The one who allows the fewest passes to the catcher wins.

"Who is faster?". The group is divided into two teams. Teams are built in lines along the side lines of the court and are calculated in order. The first numbers start the game. They go to the middle line with the balls and stand facing in opposite directions at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. At the leader’s signal, both jump, legs apart, in an unsupported position, hit the ball hard on the floor under their feet behind their backs, land and perform a dash forward for the opponent’s ball. The player who touches the ball first earns the team 1 point. Then the same task is performed by the second numbers, the third, etc. The team with the most points wins.

"Tossing balls". The group is divided into two teams. One team is randomly placed on one side of the court, the other on the opposite side. The players of both teams are given an equal number of balls (3, 4, 5, etc.). On a signal, the balls are thrown to the opposite side of the court. After a certain time (1 - 2 minutes), the game stops and the number of balls in the teams is counted. The team with the fewest balls wins.

"Talks in threes". The game is played in triples with the ball: one player runs away, the other two, passing the ball to each other, try to catch up with him and stain the ball without letting go of the ball. The one who stains becomes the one who runs away.

Options: 1. You can spot with a pass, and the evader has the right to catch the ball. In this case, it is not considered tainted.

2. Two partners run away, passing the ball to each other, and the chasing one dribbles, trying to stain one of the runaways by passing the ball. In this variation, the evaders do not have the right to hold the ball in their hands.

"Don't give the ball to the driver." The game can be used to improve defensive actions, as well as when practicing passes. Five players form a circle, the sixth, leading, in the center of the circle. Each of the five players has the right to pass the ball to any of the partners standing opposite, but not to the neighbor on the right or left. The driver each time tries to interfere with the transfer or intercept the ball. If he succeeds, he changes places with the player from whom he received the ball.

"Race of balls in a square". The location of the players, as in Fig. 3. In this game, in addition to the skills of passing the ball, the ability to “see the field” is acquired. At the signal of the leader, the players with the balls pass them to the neighbor on the right (left) and change places. Players standing at the corners change places diagonally. Every 2 - 3 min. players change places clockwise.

Variant. At the leader's signal, the players stop, hit the ball three times on the floor, and then change the direction of the pass.

"Give it up - run." The guys are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines through one (Fig. 4). The first players have balls. On a signal, they pass them to their partners standing opposite and run to their place. They perform similar actions until the ball reaches the opposite flank. The last player, dribbling the ball, runs behind the line to the place of the first, and the game is repeated. The team whose players first took their places wins.


"Salki". The player, while dribbling the ball, catches up with the runner, who is also dribbling the ball, and, without losing control of the ball, tries to touch it with his free hand.

Options: 1. The evader can be flagged with a pass, but he has the right to catch the ball. In this case, he is not considered to be stale.

2. The catcher with the ball interacts with the player behind the court. A chasing player can tarnish only by receiving the ball from a partner.

"Call numbers". The group is divided into several teams of 4-5 people. In teams, players are calculated in order. Teams are built in columns behind the start line, at the guides of the balls. The leader calls any number. The named numbers run out, receive the ball from the guide, lead it to a given point and back. The player who finishes first earns his team 1 point. Then the following numbers are called. Etc. The team with the most points wins.

Options: 1. The same, but each number is given a task: after dribbling, a throw into the ring, a pass into the wall, a somersault, etc.

2. The first signal may be followed by a second, at which the dribblers must immediately return to formation. The one who does it first wins.

3. In front of each team, a player with a ball raised up stands on a chair. At the moment of calling the next number, the players standing on the chairs release the balls from their hands. The called players must catch the ball before it touches the floor. For each ball caught, the team receives 1 point.

"Pass the defender." 2 teams play - defenders and attackers. Teams are built in lines along the front line of the basketball court and are calculated in order. The first number of defenders goes to the center of the site. On a signal, the first attacker runs out with the ball and, with the help of dribbling and tricks, tries to "pass" the defender and reach the opposite line. For a successful breakthrough, the attacker brings the team 1 point. When the ball is intercepted by a defender, the other team gets 1 point. Then the second numbers of defenders and attackers come out, the third, etc. When all the defenders and attackers are in the field, the teams change roles and the game is repeated.

"One tail is good, but two is better." The ball carriers are positioned randomly on the court. Each has a 1240 cm piece of fabric attached to the back - the “tail”. On a signal, the guys move with the lead, trying to tear off each other's tail. After a certain time, a signal is given to end the game. Players who have the largest number severed tails.

"Kick the ball." Ball carriers are located in the three-second zone. On a signal from the host, without going beyond the boundary lines, they begin to dribble with their right (left) hand, trying with their free hand to knock the ball of another player out of the zone. The player who loses the ball is out of the game. The game continues until there are 2-3 best players on the court.

Note. If the group is large, then it is divided into two teams of 8-10 people and two semi-finals are held. In the final, there are 4-5 winners from each team.

"Keeping with a skipping rope." This relay helps practice dribbling with changes in speed. The group is divided into several teams. Teams line up in columns one by one behind the start line. The interval between the columns is 2 - 3 m. At 6 - 8 m, two students stand facing each other at a distance of 1.5 m against each team, holding the rope by the ends. At the signal of the leader, they begin to rotate the rope towards the movement of the players, and the guides with the ball begin to dribble, trying to run between the guys with the rope so that the rope does not touch them. Returning to his team, the director passes the ball to the next player. And so on. The player who touches the rope brings his team 1 penalty point.

A combination of learned techniques.

"Start for the ball." The players are built on the front line under the shield in two columns and are calculated in order. The leader stands between the columns with the ball. He throws the ball forward and calls a number. Two players under this number run to the ball, trying to take possession of it and throw it around the ring. The player who does not take possession of the ball becomes the defender and prevents the attacker from throwing. For taking possession of the ball, the player receives 1 point, for hitting the ring - 2 points, for successful actions, the defender receives 2 points.

Variant. The same, but the leader throws the ball towards the players.

"Riders". The group is divided into two teams. Each team is counted on the first-second. The first numbers are “horses”, the second are “riders”, they sit on horseback. The game is played according to basketball rules. Applying everything technique, the teams try to throw the ball into the ring of opponents. At certain intervals, the players change roles.

"Fast Break". The guys play 2 2 or 3 3, on one shield. On a signal from the leader, the team in possession of the ball at that moment makes a quick break to the opposite shield, after which the game continues at this shield until a new signal.

"Protecting the Captain" The players are divided into 2 teams. In each team, the captain and 3-4 defenders remain in their own half of the court, while the attackers move to the opponent's half. After the ball has been played from the center, the team that has taken possession of the ball tries to get closer to the captain of the opposing team by dribbling and passing and hitting him with the ball. This is counteracted by the defenders, seeking to intercept the ball and send it to the opponent's half of their attackers. For hitting the captain with the ball, the team receives 2 points.

Note: Defenders are not allowed to cross the center line to assist their attackers and return to their own half to assist the defenders. For violation of this rule, the team is penalized with the loss of the ball.

Ball to the captain. The game is similar to the previous one, but the captain is in the opponent's half of the court under the ring, and the attackers, when countered by the defenders, try to pass the ball to him. V a r i n t s. 1. The same, but there is a defender in the captain's zone. 2. The same, but the captain, having caught the ball, tries to throw it into the ring.

"Circular relay". The group is divided into 4 teams. Teams are built in columns, as shown in Fig. 5. Basketballs in the hands of the guides. On a signal, the first numbers run the circle with the ball and pass the ball to the third numbers, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

V a r i a n t s. 1. The same, but the players, running around the circle, perform throws around the ring. In this case, when identifying the winning team, the number of successful throws is taken into account.

2. The formation is the same, but the second numbers have the ball. On a signal, the first numbers perform a jerk and receive a pass from the second numbers, which, after the transfer, rush after the first. The first ones catch the ball, approaching the ring, perform a throw, run around the court and stand at the end of their column. The second numbers pick up the ball, pass it to the players of their teams, who are third, after which they also return to duty. As soon as the first couple finishes, the next couple starts the exercise. The team that finishes the relay first and has the most hits wins.

Note: The relay must be conducted both clockwise and counterclockwise, using both right and left hand dribbles.

Zone Basketball. This wrestling effective remedy when teaching the technique and tactics of the game already at the initial stage. There are two teams - attackers and defenders. Basketball court is divided into 8 zones (Fig. 6). Each zone has one player per team. You cannot run out of the zone, and you can only pass the ball to a player of your team who is in the neighboring zone. The game in the zone goes according to the rules of basketball.

Variant. Each zone has two players from the team. The main attention is paid to the interaction of partners. You can introduce a rule: the ball is sent to the next zone only after a pass between players in the same zone.

Note. If the guys are well prepared, the exercise can be performed with several balls at once. As soon as the players of the first zone are free from the ball, they put the second, third ball into play, etc. Gradually, all the balls go to the last zone. The team that has more balls. Then the balls are passed in the same way in the opposite direction.

"Mass Basketball". The group is divided into 2 teams. From each team there are 5 people on the court, the rest are located outside the boundary line evenly throughout the hall. Regular basketball is played, but players in the field have the right to interact with the players behind the court by receiving a return pass.

"Attack in fives" Played by three teams of 5 people. The first and third fives build zone defenses each under their own shield, and the second five, being in the center of the site, attack one or another ring. After a scored or intercepted ball, the first five attack the opposite ring, and the second builds a zone in the place of the first. Etc.

Variant. After a scored or lost ball, the second five can again take possession of the ball in their own half of the court, taking it away from the opponent. In this case, she again attacks the ring of the first five.

V. G. Merezhkovsky,

Vologda Pedagogical Institute

« Physical Culture at school", 1985, No. 2

Game "Hunters and Ducks"

Purpose: development of accuracy of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction.

The number of players is 10-20.

Equipment: small balls.

Instruction. The players are divided into two teams - "hunters" and "ducks". "Hunters" become in a circle behind the line, and "ducks" are randomly located inside the circle. On a signal, the "hunters" try to tarnish the "ducks" with the ball. They, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. "Shot Duck" is out of the game. The game continues until all the "ducks" are "killed". Then the teams switch roles. The team of "hunters" wins, which quickly stained all the "ducks".

Guidelines. A game of great intensity. Care must be taken not to overexcite the players.

The game "Rescue"

Purpose: development of accuracy of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction, mutual assistance.

The number of players is 10-20.

Equipment: small balls.

Instruction. Two teams are playing. The conditions and order of the game are the same as in the previous game. Drivers are located outside the circle, field players are inside the circle. The difference of the game is that the players on the field can help out those who have already been tarnished: the moly player who caught the ball is not considered tarnished and has the right to introduce a player who has previously left the game onto the field.

Methodical instructions. The teacher (instructor, counselor) should be especially careful, as this game is very intense.

Live basket game

Purpose: development of accuracy and improvement of coordination of movements.

The number of players is 5-6.

Equipment: basketballs, stool.

Instruction. If not basketball backboards, then the game can be played according to simplified rules. The site is marked conditionally, instead of a shield and a basketball basket, a player stands on a dais (stool). His task is to catch the ball thrown to him without leaving the spot. The game is played according to the simplified rules of basketball (no outs). The duration of the game is two halves of 5 minutes.

IV. Outdoor games, relay races and game tasks with volleyball elements

Ball in the air game

Purpose: development of attention, coordination and accuracy of movements.

The number of players is 6-15.

Inventory: 2-3 balls.

Instruction. Players are divided into 2-3 teams and each stand in their own circle. On a signal, the transfer of the ball begins (in a predetermined way) in any direction. The player who made the mistake leaves the circle. The game continues until one person remains in the circle, who is considered the winner in his team. Then the winners of each team play among themselves, revealing the champion.

Option: players do not drop out, but for errors the teams they represent are awarded penalty points. The team with the least penalty points wins.

Methodical instructions. A game of great intensity, the teacher (instructor) should be especially careful.

Game "Ball to the captain"

Purpose: development of coordination, accuracy of movements, attention. The number of players is 8-16.

Equipment: volleyballs.

Instruction. Players are divided into teams and line up in columns. Opposite each team at a distance of 4-5 meters is the captain, who alternately sends the ball to the players of his team. After the return pass, the player goes to the end of the column. The team whose players keep the ball in the air the longest wins.

Option: players stand in a circle, and the captain - in the center of the circle. All transmissions go through the captain. The team that makes the fewest mistakes within three minutes wins.

Methodical instructions. This game can be repeated several times.

Game "Hit the square"

Purpose: development of the ability to navigate in space, attention, accuracy of movements, combinatorics.

The number of players is 8-16.

Equipment: volleyballs.

Instruction. The players of each team line up on the end lines. volleyball court, which is divided into squares on both sides. In each square there is a number indicating the number of points awarded for hitting this square. The first player calls the number and makes the top (bottom) straight serve. If the ball lands exactly in the indicated square, the player is awarded the corresponding number of points; if the ball hit another square, two points are deducted from the number named by the player. If the player made a mistake when serving (the ball touched the net, went out of bounds, the player crossed the line of service, etc.), then no points are awarded.

Methodical instructions. The results are summed up after all players have been in the role of a server. The sum of the points determines the winner.

Game "Don't Drop the Ball"

Purpose: development of the ability to navigate in space, attention, accuracy, combinatorics of movements.

The number of players is 8-16.

Inventory: balloons according to the number of players.

Instruction. Playing with balloons in their hands, two teams are placed on the court. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to pass over themselves, moving around their court. At the same time, they can pass the ball to teammates. The task of both teams is to prevent the ball from touching the floor and leaving the area. The game lasts 3-5 minutes. The team with the fewest mistakes wins.

Methodical instructions. This game should be played on the volleyball court.