A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss. Fitball exercises - a set of exercises for every day, video

Exercises on a belly slimming ball are a trend in the fitness industry that helps women gain a toned figure. muscle corset and get rid of excess weight. The technique came from the West and is already widely used in all sports clubs. No money and no desire to go to the gym? Then buy a fitball and practice at home at any time. free time. Regular, easy workouts with a fitness ball will make a woman look like candy.

A flabby, protruding belly is a problem for 70% of women. This part of the body requires special approach and high-quality muscle development. A fitness ball will help improve the results of your workouts and diversify them. Gymnastics on the apparatus will help remove fat, tighten the skin and pump up the abs. The simulator is simple and multifunctional.

Benefits of training:

  • Coordination of movements improves. It is difficult for beginners to keep themselves on the ball; to perform exercises on a fitball to lose belly fat, you need to constantly strain and maintain balance. Over time, control over the body develops.
  • Posture alignment. The workouts consist of aerobic and static loads. They have a beneficial effect on the position of the back.
  • Development of flexibility. Regular classes using a fitball lengthens and stretches muscles and contributes to the development of a flexible and mobile body.
  • Work through all groups. When sitting on the exercise machine, you have to constantly strain so as not to fall. The load affects problem areas, including the abdomen, sides, buttocks and thighs.
  • Burning calories. Tension and active training enhances fat burning in problem areas.
  • Strengthening ligaments. Systematic exercises on the ball make the tendons and ligaments strong and strong.

Review of the most effective exercises

How to pump up your abs on a fitball? Nutritionists and fitness trainers say that losing weight in one part of the body is unrealistic. Work your body comprehensively. There is no point in focusing on the problem area.

Compiled below comprehensive plan workouts 3 times a week with an emphasis on losing belly fat. Exercise every other day. This way you will avoid soreness and muscle fatigue. Warm up at the beginning of your workout. Five minutes of aerobics or jumping rope will do. Once you finish exercising with the fitball, move on to stretching.

Monday: arms, back, abs.

  • Exercise No. 1 – Pelvic lift.

Involves the muscles of the buttocks, back and abs on a fitball. Lie on the floor and place your legs straight on the ball. Bend your knees and lift your pelvis. Hold the position for a second and try to maintain your balance. You will feel a burning sensation in the buttocks and abs. If you experience severe back and lower back pain, stop the exercise. Or try lifting your pelvis without a fitball. It's easier this way, but upper press and the back muscles are not involved. Try to do 20-30 repetitions per set.

  • Exercise #2 – Triceps push-ups.

Removes hanging folds on the arms. Turn your back to the ball and squat down. Place your hands on the edge and bend slowly. When moving, the pelvis should be close to the fitball, even slightly touching. Keep your back straight and try to bend your arms 90°. Try 10 reps for 3 sets.

  • Exercise #3 – Triceps push-ups.

Lie face down on the floor and place your feet on the ball. Do push-ups slowly. Try to do 8-10 reps in 3 sets.

  • Exercise No. 4 – Crunches.

Works the rectus abdominis muscles. Lie down on the ball and put your hands behind your head or cross them over your chest (this makes it easier to maintain balance). Rise as you exhale and lie back down. Do the exercise with a fitball for 20-30 repetitions for the abs in 3 sets. To engage your obliques, lift up one side at a time.

  • Exercise No. 5 – Hyperextension.

Lie with your stomach on the ball in a 45° position. Place your hands behind your head. Lower your face to the floor and straighten your back, but do not bend all the way. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and spine. If the technique is incorrect, you can strain your back.

Wednesday: thighs and abs.

  • Exercise #1 - Squeezing the ball with your feet.

Don't worry about looking ridiculous. It's better to be funny than fat. Hold the ball between your legs and tense your muscles. You can lean on the back of a chair to keep your balance. Hold for 20 seconds and continue 10-15 times for 3 sets. The exercise involves inner part hips.

  • Exercise No. 2 – Leg bends with the ball.

Lie on your side and hold the exercise ball between your calves. Slowly lift 20 times, then roll over to the other side. To make it easier, break the exercise into 3-4 sets. It removes the ears from the hips, sides and engages the oblique abdominal muscles.

  • Exercise No. 3 – Plank.

Place your feet on the ball and your hands on the floor. Lock in this position for 40-60 seconds, repeat 3-5 times.

Lie down on the mat and place your heels on the ball. Raise your legs one at a time. Try to do 30-40 repetitions in 1 approach. Exercise helps remove that hated tummy, a problem area in 70% of women.

Friday: buttocks and abs.

  • Exercise No. 1 – Squats.

The technique is the same as for regular squats. You just need to hold the ball with your arms outstretched. The buttocks are tightened and given a round shape due to the additional weight of the fitball. Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • Exercise #2 – Wall Squats.

Press the exercise ball between the wall and yourself. Keep your back straight. Lower yourself slowly until you feel a burning sensation in your buttocks. When your legs are bent 90°, return to the opposite position.

  • Exercise No. 3 – Lunges.

Bend one leg and place it on the fitball, and extend the other forward. Lower yourself 90° and come back. Make sure that your knee does not protrude beyond your shin. Do 8-12 repetitions on each leg.

  • Exercise No. 4 – Crunches with weights.

Lie down on the ball and find your balance. Take a bottle of water or a 1-1.5 kg dumbbell and cross your arms over your chest. Then rise 30-40 times and hold for 3-5 seconds.

The set of exercises is designed for those who have no contraindications to playing sports. It is prohibited for pregnant women and those who have recently had a caesarean section. Wait 6-7 months after giving birth. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, then reduce the number of repetitions and approaches. For beginners, it is better to do less, but technically correct.

Don't expect quick results. Patience and work are the main components for losing weight. The complex will take only 30 minutes a day or 1.5 hours a week. If you exercise regularly, then within a month the belly fat will go away, and at the same time your whole body will become toned.

How to pick up a projectile

If you have chosen a fitness ball, then you need to purchase an accessory in accordance with your parameters. This important point, otherwise it will be difficult for you to study. The store offers fitballs different sizes, colors, modifications. Select the product according to the following table.

The material of the accessory is dense and homogeneous, without an unpleasant odor. For women with heavy weight (more than 150 kg), it is recommended to purchase a projectile marked ABS.

To check the correctness of your choice, you need to sit on the simulator. If it suits your height, then a right angle should form between the torso and the hip area. The lower leg and buttocks also stand at 90 degrees. Otherwise, the joints and arteries will experience serious stress, which can cause complications of arthritis and varicose veins.

If we talk about modifications, we should note models with horns and spikes. The first type is intended for children's games and entertainment. But the second is our fitness accessory, which effectively massages problem areas during exercise. After training, the process of losing weight in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs intensifies.

The color of the ball is not important. The main thing is that it does not irritate you, but rather calms you down and helps you get ready for work.

  1. Keep your back straight.
  2. This will help avoid damage to the spine and lower back.
  3. Don't forget about breathing.
  4. At the heaviest point of the exercise with a fitball, exhale and inhale as you relax. Breathing will help avoid side pain and increase endurance. If you forget to breathe, your vision will become blurred.
  5. Warm up before your workout.
  6. Warming up helps avoid muscle injuries and ligament ruptures. Try not to eat lunch an hour before and after your workout.
  7. If you exercise slightly hungry, the body will take energy from subcutaneous fat.
  8. Eat healthy. This will bring results along with training.

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You do exercises in precarious position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or is there another screening test that will help determine perfect size ball just for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Are you ready? Let's go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great on the thigh muscles and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular ball.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Place the lower part of your shin and heel on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on the ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Ab exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain hold the towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12-15 reps on each side.

20. Tilt to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to outside left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

Physical tasks using equipment such as a ball are relatively accessible; anyone can start doing them. An inflatable training item can be purchased at any sports store. After such exercises, the body will become flexible and toned. Fitball promotes the work of most muscles. Fitball is an opportunity to get quality exercise without going to the gym. The article will tell you what actions should be performed with this item for weight loss.

Benefits of training with a fitball

By performing a certain series of tasks on the ball, you can achieve noticeable results, lose weight, and change your posture for the better.

Initially, fitball and exercises on it were invented and developed by a physiotherapist, so this type of physical activity can safely be attributed to physical therapy. Therefore, in addition to burning fat, you can get a lot of beneficial effects on the body. First of all, the ball is useful for people with various diseases associated with the spine and those who have suffered injuries.

Additional benefits from exercising on a fitball as physical therapy:

  • The muscle corset is strengthened;
  • The vestibular system of the body becomes more stable;
  • Coordination of movements becomes better.

Performing on the ball various exercises, to correct the areas of the buttocks and abdomen, you can achieve:

  • Increased endurance;
  • Developing a good sense of balance;
  • The body will become more prominent;
  • Extra pounds will go away;
  • Metabolism will improve;
  • Blood circulation is activated;
  • Prevention and treatment of cellulite.

When combining such activities with the right healthy eating you can achieve visible results.

Why is the ball better than other projectiles?

An inflatable ball has a number of advantages over other sports equipment. The training accessory is used not only in special medical institutions and gyms, but also at home.

Benefits of fitball:

  • The ball has a low cost compared to exercise equipment and other sports equipment;
  • The accessory is lightweight, so it is easy to move from place to place;
  • Thanks to the presence of an anti-explosion system, it is absolutely safe to use with any configuration and weight;
  • The ball is inflated using any inflation device;
  • The projectile allows you to perform wide range exercises for various areas and muscles;
  • If necessary, the ball can always be deflated and put away; when folded, it takes up little space;
  • The fitball is universal, it can be used during pregnancy, as well as for children.

You should only purchase equipment from sports stores where the products have the appropriate quality certificate. This product will last for many years.

Rules for choosing a fitball

To ensure quality products and to receive only positive emotions from them, it is important to take the choice of equipment seriously. When buying a ball, it is important to pay attention to a number of characteristics:

  • The material should not have a strong smell. The absence of odor indicates the safety of the product and the absence of harmful substances in it. It is important to consider that during physical activity, breathing becomes faster and deeper, so inhaling toxins can cause serious harm to health;
  • The ball should have good density. The thinner the material, the greater the likelihood of the object rupturing under particularly strong and dynamic impacts;
  • After inflating the ball, its entire surface should have an even color and the same intensity. If heterogeneity is observed, then during the operation of the product, depressions or bulges may appear in it;
  • Convex seams are not allowed on the surface; the joints should be slightly noticeable;
  • After inflation, the nipple should be pressed firmly into the ball;
  • The documents supplied with the product must contain the mark ABS or BRQ, indicating the presence of an anti-explosion system. If a puncture or other damage to the surface occurs, the object will not explode, but will gradually deflate;
  • The characteristics should contain a line about antistatic properties that will prevent excessive formation of dirt and dust on the fitball.

When choosing, it is important to consider the existing types of balls. Each type has its own advantages and is used for different groups persons

Types of fitball:

  1. With a smooth surface - a universal tool.
  2. A ball with “horns” is often used for activities with children or for pregnant women. The horns provide balance and provide additional support.
  3. Equipment with spikes - such an item will help fight the problem; the spikes will have an additional massage effect.

To achieve effectiveness from exercises with the ball, you need to pay attention to the technique of performing each action. During training, the emphasis should be placed not on the number of actions performed, but on the quality of each of them. At correct execution All required muscle groups will be involved.

Each exercise should be done in several approaches. The number of approaches should be selected individually depending on individual characteristics. During exercise there should be no discomfort, you should feel good.

To begin with, it is recommended to take a minimum load with a minimum number of repetitions. Then gradually increase the intensity and number of approaches. During the period active occupation In sports, it is important to eat right and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean and fresh water per day. The liquid will help remove harmful substances from the body through sweat and pores, as well as cleanse and normalize intestinal function.

Exercises for the abdomen and buttocks on a fitball


After sitting on the ball, you should move carefully forward, helping with your feet. The fitball should move to the middle of the back. Legs should remain bent. Next, you should lean on your elbows, placing your body so that it is at the same level as your legs. Place your hands behind your head and begin to reach down, while trying to repeat the round shape of the ball. Go back slowly. The task is repeated as many times as possible, taking into account favorable health.

Shaping the press

You need to lie on the floor, on a flat surface, place the fitball nearby. You need to throw it over the equipment and place your hands behind your head. If there is a lack of balance, it is allowed to hold on to the leg of the furniture. If a chair is used, then the leg should be held with the heels and gradually, as you exhale, pull the leg towards the chest. When doing pull-ups, you should lift your buttocks slightly. After you have pulled your legs towards you, you should stay in this position. If necessary, the legs can be placed on the floor surface, but the abdominal area in any case should be under maximum tension.


To perform a bridge with rolls, you should lie on the floor and bend your legs. Bent limbs must be placed on the ball and the heels rest against the object. Thus, the body should rise slightly. Hands should be placed palms down along the body. After inhaling, lift your pelvis up. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The buttocks and abs should be tense.

Flexion and straightening

In a lying position on a flat surface, you need to fix yourself and lean on your bent arms. The ball should be held between your ankles and your legs should be bent. As you exhale, the ball should be raised to the maximum possible height. Perform several times; if possible, it is recommended to perform as many repetitions as possible.


You need to lie on your stomach on the fitball. Your hands should rest on the floor. Gently and gradually begin to move forward on your hands. The ball should subsequently end up under the thighs or shins. Next, push-ups are performed, while the arms are spread to the sides at the elbows.

Lifting the torso to the side

The right knee should rest on the floor, the body should rest on the fitball. Left leg should be straightened and moved to the side, the toe should touch the floor surface. Hands are placed behind the head or leaned against the forehead with the back of the hand. As you exhale, the body rises to a vertical position. The thigh should not come off the fitball. You should return to the starting position gradually and carefully. If you turn in the other direction, resting your opposite leg, you get an exercise for training the other side. The exercise is effective for reducing the waist area.


From a sitting position, take a step forward so that you can roll your body downward. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the inflatable equipment with your buttocks; your back touches the fitball. Hands should be behind your head. As you exhale, bend slightly back and raise your head and shoulders at the same time, tensing your abdominal muscles. In the achieved position, it is necessary to linger and remain for as long as possible.


Correct squatting with a fitball is carried out with your back to the wall, and the inflatable accessory must be pressed against it with maximum applied force. Feet should be placed slightly forward and shoulder width apart. The lower back should be pressed against the surface of the ball. It is recommended to squat slowly, the abs should be tense. Having reached the bottom point in this position, you must linger and then rise back.

Weighted squats

If the previous exercise is performed easily and effortlessly, then it is recommended to complicate it. To do this you will need dumbbells or other sports equipment. Can be used plastic bottles filled with water. Weights must be picked up during the exercise. To further complicate the task, you can perform squats on one leg, alternately on each.

Fitball transfer

With this action you can achieve a noticeable reduction in the abdomen. The exercise is especially important for women after the birth of a child; it does not require strong physical exertion, but is effective.

To perform the transfer, you need to lie on the floor, and put your arms behind your head and extend them. Then take the ball in your hands. Tighten your abdominal muscles and rise. The fitball is brought to the feet and then grabbed by the feet. Next, the legs and arms are placed on the floor surface. After this, rise again and take it with your hands inflatable item. This must be repeated at least 8 times.


These exercises effectively combat belly fat. Crunches help work the oblique abdominal muscles. To complete the task, you need to sit on the ball, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands behind your head. Then, being in this initial position, turn the body to the right, simultaneously raising right leg, bending it at the knee. After returning to the starting position, the exercise is repeated 10 times. Next, twisting is carried out in the same sequence, but in the opposite direction and with bending of the left leg.

Versatile with an inflatable ball. You don't need a lot of space to complete the tasks. Regular exercise helps you lose weight in the abdomen and thighs. The effect will become noticeable after 30 days of training. During the training process, it is important to monitor your well-being and the tension in the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. If you have doubts about the correctness of the task technique, you can always look detailed video with training performed by an instructor.

Nowadays it is hardly possible to find a fitness club that does not offer fitball training. This equipment has gained great popularity because training with it is interesting and, most importantly, effective for losing weight. In addition, anyone can purchase a fitball and do the exercises on their own.

What can the projectile be used for?

A fitball is a large ball that is designed to do many things. physical exercise. At one time, the projectile was invented for people with back problems. But later the scope of the fitball began to expand, and now it is not only a simulator for rehabilitation. It can be used to effectively reset overweight, ball exercises are successfully used in fitness for weight loss.

Fitball exercises allow you to:

  • create and correct posture. When performing exercises on the ball, you must constantly maintain balance. Consequently, the work involves the torso muscles, which are often not loaded in many other workouts, but they are the ones responsible for straight posture. In addition, exercises with a fitball train the muscles that allow you to keep your body upright when walking or other movements;
  • strengthen the abdominal press. The need to maintain balance also involves the abdominal muscles. A additional exercises on the abs allow you to work this area much more effectively and make your stomach flat;
  • tighten your buttocks, and much more effectively than with other exercise machines;
  • increase body flexibility and stretching.

It should be noted that the fitness ball has no age restrictions: both children and the elderly can use it. In addition, fitball can be used by people with different physical fitness and health conditions.

What effect does exercise with fitball have on the body?

A distinctive feature of the projectile is that during training with it several apparatuses are simultaneously used: motor, vestibular, visual and tactile.

In order to even just sit on such an unstable object as a ball, it is necessary to include the muscles of the back, “bark”, etc. in the work. Therefore, the muscle tissue of the body and ligaments are intensively strengthened. In addition, he trains vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements improves.
Thanks to the round shape of the fitball, the range of movements increases when performing exercises. Accordingly, muscle stretching improves and joints warm up.
The ball tends to spring during training. Such oscillatory movements of the projectile allow you to stimulate work internal organs and systems: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Exercises with a fitball help speed up your metabolism. All metabolic processes in the body are activated, which promotes healing, strengthening the immune system and losing weight.

How to choose a fitball

The effectiveness and comfort of training largely depends on how correctly the equipment is chosen.. In addition, a well-chosen ball will eliminate possible injuries and sprains.
The size of the fitball is selected depending on the height of the person or the length of his arm, which is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

Table: fitball diameter

If there is no centimeter nearby, then the ball can be picked up using another method. You need to sit on the top of the fitball, with your knees bent at an angle of 90° and your feet pressed firmly to the floor. If you can maintain this position, then the size of the fitball is suitable for training.

When purchasing a ball, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • There should not be any pungent odor, which indicates the presence of components harmful to health in the rubber. During training, breathing becomes more intense and deeper, and inhaling toxic substances will cause significant damage to health;
  • the density of the rubber must be high enough, otherwise there is a possibility that the fitball may burst under dynamic loads;
  • the rubber from which the ball is made must be uniform over the entire surface, otherwise, over time, bulges or depressions may appear on the projectile;
  • the seams on the fitball should not be too noticeable, much less stick out;
  • the nipple must be firmly pressed into the surface of the ball;
  • It is desirable that the fitball be equipped with an anti-burst system. Then, if there is an accidental puncture or cut, the ball will simply slowly deflate. The document for such a product will be marked ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality);
  • a good projectile should have antistatic properties. This eliminates the accumulation of dust and dirt on its surface;
  • A high-quality fitball should be warm to the touch.

When choosing a projectile, you should also focus on who it will be intended for. There are several types of ball:

  • smooth fitball is universal;
  • fitball “with horns” - used in training children and pregnant women. “Horns” are needed to maintain balance and additional support;
  • a projectile with spikes allows you to additionally combat cellulite deposits.

Workouts with a fitball for weight loss at home

Exercise with a ball includes a mandatory warm-up, during which all muscle groups warm up. Then comes the main training to strengthen muscle tissue. Particular attention is paid to problem areas: abdominals, hips, buttocks. The final stage of the session should be stretching.

To lose excess weight and give your figure a toned appearance, exercise with a fitball should be repeated 2-3 times a week. In this case, the training duration should be 40–60 minutes.

In order for the exercises to bring the expected results, you need to breathe correctly:

  • you cannot hold your breath;
  • all efforts must be made as you exhale, and as you inhale, return to starting position.

Abdominal Strengthening

Video: abdominal exercises

Passing the ball

This exercise allows you to effectively tighten your stomach. It can be recommended to women who want to recover after the birth of a baby.

  1. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms behind your head and take a fitball (position A).
  2. Tighten your stomach and rise, bring the ball to your feet and grab it with your feet (position B).
  3. Place your arms and legs on the floor (position C).
  4. Rise up again and take the fitball with your hands.

Number of repetitions: 8–12 times.

Abs + thighs

The exercise allows you to tighten your stomach and adjust your hips.

  1. The fitball should be clasped with your legs (position A).
  2. Pull your legs towards your chest, while raising your pelvis (position B).
  3. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. For those who want to complicate the exercise, you can simultaneously raise your shoulders with your legs, holding your hands behind your head.

Do 8-10 reps.

Making your waist thinner

To reduce your waist size, you should also work on your oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Sit on a fitball with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head.
  2. Turn your torso to the right, and you should also raise your right leg.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat turns 12–15 times.
  4. Then do everything in the same sequence in the other direction 12–15 times.

Working on the buttocks

Buttocks + hamstrings

  1. The fitball should be held tightly between the lower back and the wall (position A).
  2. Then you should squat deeply (position B) and rise to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, you noticeably feel the muscles of the buttocks tense and back surface hips. Squats should be repeated 8–12 times.

Buttocks + outer thighs

When performing this exercise, not only the muscles of the buttocks and outer thighs are tightened, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. You need to kneel down and lean your right side against the projectile, clasping it with your right hand.
  2. Raise your left leg.
  3. On the count of “one”, pull your left knee towards the ball, on the count of “two” straighten your leg to the side.

Repeat the exercise 8-12 times, and then change sides.

Pelvic lift

After just a few workouts, the results will be noticeable.

  1. Lie on the floor with your arms outstretched and your feet on the ball (position A).
  2. Raise your hips above the floor (position B).
  3. As you exhale, bend your knees. In this case, the ball should remain under the feet (position C).
  4. Inhale and straighten your knees.

Repeat the exercise 8–10 times. In order for the buttocks to receive maximum load, the hips should be kept in constant support.

We strive for slender legs

Legs won't look slender if they aren't toned. inner surface hips.

  1. While standing, place the ball between your legs.
  2. Bend your knees, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, keep your back straight.
  3. Squeeze the fitball tightly with your knees for two to three seconds.

Surely everyone has at least once seen people doing gymnastics with a ball. At first glance, such exercises seem funny. But you shouldn’t take this sports equipment lightly just because it looks like a children’s toy.

A large fitness ball is called a fitball or Swiss ball. For the first time, the effectiveness of gymnastics with this apparatus was proven by a physiotherapist originally from Switzerland, Susan Klein-Vogelbach, who used exercises with it in therapeutic exercises for the sick cerebral palsy. Later, her colleagues from America began to use the ball for the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal injuries. Quickly gaining popularity due to its versatility, fitball has long gone beyond hospital walls and is actively used not only in gyms, but also at home.

What is the miracle ball for?

It is rightfully believed that fitball in fitness is the same discovery as the wheel for humanity. Its use allows people with poor physical fitness and sore joints to play sports, and is suitable for absolutely all ages. The Swiss ball is so safe that it is recommended even for infants and pregnant women.

Separately, it should be noted the effectiveness of exercising on a fitball for weight loss; thanks to its shape, the ball allows people of any size to train without loading the spine. Training on the ball is safe when varicose veins veins, which almost always accompanies excess weight. A gymnastic ball makes it possible to work out all muscle groups without loading the veins.

It creates an unstable surface that stimulates the entire body and requires the work of a large number of muscles to maintain balance, which is why exercises on a fitball are more effective than regular gymnastics. Miracle ball training is so popular that it has become an independent trend in fitness.

What are the benefits of fitball?

Useful properties fitball is difficult to overestimate, here are just a few of them:

  • corrects posture;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • provides genitourinary system;
  • increases overall muscle tone;
  • develops flexibility;
  • gives vigor;
  • improves mood.


  • first trimester of pregnancy with complications;
  • herniated discs and severe spinal injuries;
  • heart disease in aggravation.

What types of fitballs are there?

With the growing popularity of gymnastic balls, their range is also growing. You can buy fitball in any sports department of a hypermarket or on the Internet. Their price varies depending on various functional indicators.

How to choose the right ball

Before choosing a fitness ball that is right for you, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Ball surface structure:
  • smooth – the most popular, suitable for both the hall and the home;
  • with ears (handles) - ideal for pregnant women and children;
  • with mini-spikes - a ball for self-massage.
  1. The ratio of the diameter of the gymnastics ball and height:
  • diameter 45 cm – height up to 150 cm;
  • diameter 55 cm – height 150-160 cm;
  • diameter 65 cm – height 160-175 cm;
  • diameter 75 cm – height 175-195 cm;
  • diameter 85 cm – from 196 cm.
  1. Ratio of arm length and ball diameter:
  • arm length 45-54 cm – ball size 45 cm;
  • arm length 55-64 cm – ball size 55 cm;
  • arm length 65-80 cm – ball size 65 cm;
  • arm length 81-90 cm – ball size 75 cm;
  • arm length more than 91 cm – ball size 85 cm.

In addition to height, weight also influences the choice of fitness ball size. If you have an extra 15 kg, then it is better to take a fitball one size larger.

It should also be taken into account that the larger the ball, the more stable it is, so a diameter of 65 cm is suitable for beginners, and 55 cm for experienced ones. If you choose one fitball for the whole family, then it is better to take a gymnastic apparatus with a diameter of 60-75 cm, it is ideal for both for an adult of average height, and for a baby.

To choose the right ball in the store, you need to sit on it, your knees should be 2 - 3 cm below your hips. In addition, you should check the elasticity of the fitball; when pressed, your hand should spring and not fall into it. All seams must be neat, the nipple is soldered inside, a high-quality ball must have an anti-rupture system.

In order not to rack your brains over how to pump up a fitball at home, it is better to immediately purchase a special pump; it is compact and inexpensive. Some manufacturers sell it immediately complete with the ball. As an alternative, you can use adapters for bicycle or mattress pumps.

Losing weight with pleasure

Every person with overweight periodically thinks about how to more effectively get your body in shape. Some even go to the gym, but after a couple of sessions on complex exercise machines, they give up. For beginners, training with a fitball is an ideal fitness option. Even without good preparation, performing simple exercises, you can tone your muscles, gradually moving to a more complex level.

In addition to all the obvious benefits of exercise with gymnastic ball for weight loss, it is worth noting that by choosing a fitball with mini-spikes, in addition to general training, you can actively fight cellulite. At first, such activities will cause noticeable discomfort, but the result will meet all expectations.

To enhance the effect you need to switch to fractional meals(meals should be 5-6 times a day, in small portions) and drink at least 8 glasses of clean still water a day.

We train correctly

So that the exercises bring visible result, and the desire to continue training has not disappeared, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • choose comfortable clothes;
  • always start with a warm-up;
  • exercise at least 2 hours after eating;
  • drink 7-8 glasses of clean water a day.

There are many exercises with a ball to get rid of extra pounds. A video of exercises with a fitball will become an indispensable assistant for losing weight at home.

Pilates with fitball

Pilates is a popular exercise system developed more than a hundred years ago. The advantages of this type of fitness include the fact that it can be done both in the gym and at home, it is suitable for people of any age and physical training. All movements are smooth, which minimizes the risk of injury. Using a fitball increases the effect of training.

Consider best exercises ball systems for gymnastics.

Folding knife

The exercise actively affects the abs and allows you to quickly remove the belly:

  • body position as for hand push-ups, shins resting on a fitness ball;
  • move the ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your feet, while bending your knees and lowering your hips;
  • stay in this position;
  • push the ball with your feet and return to the starting position.

Swiss pike

Effectively works the core muscles and increases overall tone:

  • starting position – shins on a fitball, emphasis on straight arms, as if you were about to do push-ups. The body should form a straight line from the crown to the heels;
  • Without bending your knees, move the ball closer to your body with straight legs, lifting your pelvis as high as possible;
  • pause in highest point;
  • return to the starting position by lowering your hips and rolling the ball into place.

Scissors with fitball

This exercise allows you to tighten your inner and outer surface, make them more elastic:

  • lie on your back, the ball is sandwiched between your knees, your legs are raised;
  • as you exhale, lower your legs to the right so that your knees do not touch the floor;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • repeat on the other side.

Positive fitness

An inflatable ball is a one-of-a-kind exercise machine that affects the musculoskeletal and vestibular systems, stimulating concentration and vision. Exercises on a gymnastic ball for fitness turn a banal workout into fun game, improve your mood. In addition, by practicing on a fitball, you will forget about stress and strengthen your nervous system.

Exercises with a small ball called a medicine ball can be a good alternative to dumbbells and kettlebells. Its weight can range from 1 to 20 kg. Such sports equipment used for recovery from injuries, improves dexterity and muscle function. Increases endurance, develops coordination, strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Some people mistakenly consider a beach ball to be an element exclusively women's fitness, but in vain, there are many exercises with a fitball for men. With this sports equipment you can pump up your triceps and biceps, strengthen your muscle corset and achieve abs of steel, while the cost of the ball will not damage your budget.

Ab exercises

Ideal flat stomach- not only a tribute to fashion, but also a natural desire of every person.

A set of exercises with a ball for the press will be an indispensable assistant in achieving this goal.

Exercise 1

Do you want to actively tighten your sagging belly? Get started:

  • gymnastic ball between the back and hips, support with hands as for reverse push-ups;
  • stretch your legs parallel to the floor, tensing your abs and taking “steps” with your hands, move the ball to your toes;
  • stay in this position;
  • relax your muscles and lower yourself.

Exercise 2

It uses the upper abs well and strengthens the back muscles. To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • sitting on the ball, lower your back, rolling the ball under your lower back, hands behind your head;
  • exhale – raise your shoulders and shoulder blades using the efforts of your abs;
  • inhale - return to the starting position.

Work on the buttocks

Fitball can be used for all muscle groups and the gluteal muscles are no exception. A special advantage of exercises with big ball is that with their help you can work out even deep muscle tissue. At first he may seem too unstable and rebellious, at this stage it is important to concentrate and continue moving towards the goal.

Exercise 1

To tighten your buttocks and restore their elasticity:

  • starting position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees;
  • put your feet on the fitball, your lower back pressed firmly to the floor;
  • lift your pelvis up, holding at the top point for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise 2

Helps shape buttocks beautiful relief. Sequence of actions:

  • standing near the wall, place the ball between your back and shoulder blades;
  • press the sports equipment against the wall with force;
  • Roll the pressed ball down and perform squats.

Important! Those who want to pump up their butt using a fitball need to know one little trick - the wider the position of the legs during squats, the more active the impact on the gluteal muscles.

For the back

Buying a Swiss ball is the most best way make your back happy. For the spine, exercises with a ball are a real panacea; they were developed at the very beginning of the use of fitballs and have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. General strengthening of the muscle corset reduces the load on the spine. Regular exercise will help you get rid of stoop and scoliosis.

Exercises on a fitball for the back are absolutely safe due to its elasticity.

Exercise 1

Allows you to quickly strengthen the muscle corset, the main thing is to follow correct technique:

  • lying with your stomach on the ball, feet against the wall, hands clasped in front of your chest;
  • as you exhale, raise your back, head down;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2

Fights with "wings". Following these instructions, it is very simple to do:

  • we sit on the ball, arms spread to the sides;
  • bend to the side, extending the opposite arm above your head, exhale;
  • returned to the starting position, inhale;
  • did the same in the opposite direction.

Leg workout

Exercises with a fitball are indispensable for working out the leg muscles. With its help you can actively download problem areas, and do light gymnastics with varicose veins.

Exercise 1

Watch your breathing and follow the sequence of execution:

  • starting position – standing straight, one foot on the ball;
  • perform squats on the supporting leg;
  • make an effort while inhaling.

Exercise 2

When you start studying, keep an eye on correct technique:

  • starting position – back on the ball, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor;
  • straighten one leg;
  • perform a pelvic lift;
  • repeat the exercise for the second leg.

You will find a video about what other leg exercises you can use a fitness ball for at the end of the article.

Getting back in shape after childbirth

A set of exercises on a fitball is the most suitable physical activity for young mothers, it gently trains all the muscles and helps restore the body's lost relief. You need to start training with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise 1

Perform smoothly, gradually increasing the amplitude:

  • sit on the ball, legs bent at right angles;
  • actively jump on the ball.

Important! Keep your butt off the ball and your feet off the floor.

Exercise 2

To improve the result, strictly follow the instructions:

  • sit on the ball, spread your legs to the sides, knees bent at right angles, hands behind your head;
  • make deep turns from side to side.

If for one reason or another you are unable to do these exercises, any other exercise with a fitball will also benefit your figure.