How to run to lose weight. Rules of running for weight loss - how much to run, when, how

Many people consider running the most effective way to lose weight. Whether this is true or not, and how to run correctly to lose weight, we will learn from experts and those who have already lost weight through this sport.

Exercise have always been considered the most effective way to lose weight. They allow you to fight overweight, burning a large number of calories in a way that is safe for the body. Diet is the breakdown of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides with the help of proper nutrition. When subcutaneous deposits go away, the skin sags and the body takes on a shape that is not quite the one you dreamed of. Therefore, running for weight loss is exactly what you need!

How many calories are consumed?

How many calories are burned when running? In just an hour of measured jogging or running up the stairs, the body loses up to a third of the calories of the average daily diet. That is, out of 1500 kcal you can burn 500. If you add proper nutrition to this method, through simple calculations you can come to the conclusion that with regular running you will lose weight. maximum quantity kilograms in a short time.

Calorie expenditure when running. Table

How to start running from scratch

For each beginner, a running program for weight loss should be drawn up. In addition, important nuances should not be forgotten.

Basic rules

How to run to lose weight? So, follow the rules:

  • Beginners are taught to run at least 3 times a week. Each run is 30 minutes. As soon as you feel that you are used to this load, move on to 45 minutes. You can increase the number of sessions to 4 repetitions weekly. How much you need to run to lose weight in the future is up to you.
  • Doctors argue about whether it is harmful for a person to run in the morning. Numerous studies prove that running in the morning is beneficial for weight loss. The explanation is simple - at this time of day there is an extremely small amount of glycogen in the human liver. Therefore, the body must look for additional sources of its consumption, one of which is body fat. Therefore during morning jog the maximum amount of fat is burned. However, if you are unable to run in the morning, do it in the evening. Such activities will also be beneficial.
  • Before jogging (including stairs), do a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles, adjust breathing to the desired rhythm and prevent sprains.
  • For exercise, choose clothing that does not restrict movement and sports shoes with comfortable soles.
  • You should not run on asphalt or concrete. It is advisable to do this in specially designated places (for example, on the rubberized surface of a stadium, dirt or grass).
  • Get a heart rate monitor that will allow you to monitor heart rate throughout the lesson.
  • You should not start running too fast. The feet should not be too far off the ground. You should not try to reach your buttocks with your heels, and you should not raise your knees high. This technique will be useful to you in the future, when your body gets used to the stress and you can move on to more intense training.
  • You need to breathe through your nose. Listen to your body, catch the rhythm and adjust your breathing. It is difficult for beginners to get used to this technique, but they need to try.
  • After jogging, do not make an abrupt stop. Go to quick step, gradually slowing down. This is the only way you will give your heart the opportunity to calmly adjust to a different rhythm.
  • At the end of the session, do some stretching. In the evening, you can take a warm, relaxing bath or foot bath.
  • To avoid missing a workout in bad weather, work out at home. - no less effective way get rid of excess weight.

You don't have to go outside to start exercising. Running on the spot for weight loss in your own apartment is no less effective for beginners. It is enough to open a door or window to let fresh air into the house. In addition, you can run up the entrance stairs when it is not possible to do it on the street. The main thing is to breathe correctly.

Running program for beginners. Table

Week Running plan:
running - walking [- running] (min.)
Total duration
workouts (min.)
1 1 - 2 21
2 2 - 2 20
3 3 - 2 20
4 5 - 2 21
5 6 - 1.5 22.5
6 8 - 1.5 19
7 10 - 1.5 23
8 12 - 1 - 8 21
9 15 - 1 - 5 21
10 20 - 0 20

How should you run to lose weight? Trainer's comments (video)

Correct heart rate when running

To understand whether you are risking your health, measure your pulse before and after a run. Especially when you start training from scratch.

  • The normal heart rate when running for a trained person should be 120-130 beats per minute. A beginner should strive for this.
  • Be sure to measure your pulse after running 15-20 minutes. It should be equal to that observed before training.
  • It is also recommended to use a heart rate monitor during exercise to monitor your heart rate. When running, the pulse should not rise above 140-150 beats per minute (increase from the initial value - no more than 70%). As soon as your heart rate reaches this point, take a step.
  • If you can run (even very slowly) with a heart rate of 120-130, this is already a good result for a beginner. In untrained people, the heart rate can exceed the permissible norm even with a slight acceleration. Don't worry, with regular training you will gradually learn to run at a low heart rate. Until this happens, do not increase the intensity of movement, even if you are almost walking, and this load seems very simple to you.
  • Adjust the question of how much you need to run to lose weight based on your heart rate readings. Exercising every other day for 30 minutes (with a further increase in intensity) will soon bear fruit for both heart training and weight loss!

Remember that by ignoring your heart rate while jogging, you may unwittingly wear out your heart muscle rather than strengthen it.

Heart rate norms when running by age. Table

Age (years) Optimal
heart rate
contractions (per minute)
Maximum frequency
heart beats
(per minute)
20-25 120-150 200
26-30 115-145 195
31-35 115-142 190
36-40 110-140 185
41-45 105-135 180
46-50 105-130 175
51-55 100-128 170
56-60 100-125 165
61-65 95-120 160
66-70 95-118 155
over 70 90-115 150

Interval running in the mornings and evenings

Maximum efficiency can be achieved when running in alternating load mode with a belt around the waist. That is, a slow rhythm alternates from time to time with acceleration. At the same time, fat on the stomach and sides disappears very quickly. In half an hour of jogging, a marathon runner can lose up to 300 grams, and at a mixed pace - up to half a kilogram. The same amount of calories burned per day when running at intervals is not spent walking or doing any other type of exercise.

Benefits and rules

Interval running has another advantage - slight increases in load make it possible to effectively work on the muscles of the abdomen, calves, thighs and buttocks. In this case, this is an excellent substitute for expensive exercise equipment and trips to the gym. Interval running on the street and at home has its own laws, adhering to which you will quickly achieve your goal - losing weight in a short time:

  • It is recommended to exercise in the mornings or evenings at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
  • Run in the morning only after exercise, and not before it.
  • Gradually increase the time and decide how much you need to run to lose weight individually.

Interval running for weight loss is a sequence of actions and loads for every day. A special system has been developed for beginners.

The sequence of actions for interval running is as follows:

  1. You need to start your weight loss workout by putting on a weight loss belt (if you use one).
  2. Run slowly for 5 minutes, moving from a brisk walk to a jog.
  3. Next, accelerate and run as fast as possible. Your body will tell you what time to run. Minimum - 2-3 minutes.
  4. Slow down and continue jogging, listening to your body. Even if you don't have the strength and want to stop, go to the slowest run, but don't stand still. When moving up the stairs, try not to stop, take a step.
  5. As soon as you feel that your heart rate and breathing are returning, run at medium speed.
  6. Now speed up again and repeat the whole complex again.

Interval running program for weight loss. Table

Reviews left in large numbers by those who have experienced interval running for weight loss say that the results are impressive. According to some reports, you can lose weight up to a kilogram per week with the help of such training.

What to eat and how to drink while running?

Particularly impressive results await you if you follow proper nutrition. If you start jogging to lose weight, your food should be selected taking into account certain features of this type of training.

  • It is better not to eat anything before training. How many calories does running burn if you eat? Not a single one! When you have eaten, the body begins to process glucose from the stomach, leaving the stored glucose intact. fat layer. In addition, exercising on a full stomach is uncomfortable and even harmful! If you are very hungry, have a snack low-fat cottage cheese or drink a glass of 1% kefir.
  • The maximum amount of water you can drink half an hour before a run is 1 glass. You can also drink tea with sugar, coffee or juice.
  • Drinking during and immediately after training is not advisable. It is recommended to take small sips of water or rinse your mouth if necessary. After half an hour or an hour, you can drink as much liquid as you want.
  • You should eat no earlier than 2 hours after cardio exercise.
  • Be sure to eat foods high in protein after your morning run. Store-bought food will also work. sports nutrition. The amount of protein consumed should be no less than 0.5 and no more than 0.7 g per 1 kg of weight.
  • If you run in the evening, then in order to quickly lose weight, it is better to have a light dinner (for example, a vegetable salad with chicken breast and kefir).
  • Food that includes fats is not recommended.

The following foods will provide the body with energy for every day (food that can only be consumed after training):

  • dried fruits;
  • natural honey;
  • tomato juice(freshly squeezed);
  • pasta (you need to cook it so that it remains a little damp);
  • rice (any);
  • yoghurts (preferably homemade).

Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • beans;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • potatoes (in any form);
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • fast food;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.

All other vegetables and fruits are welcome.

Running belt: benefits for losing weight

Running (including stairs) involves active physical activity, which results in the breakdown of fats and the release of a huge amount of thermal energy. To cool a hot body, the body may begin to secrete sweat. Liquid prevents us from overheating.

It is designed in such a way that it heats the body in places where it is necessary to lose excess fat deposits. The same thing is cling film, which is wrapped around the thighs and stomach, as a result of which, when jogging, fats are broken down more actively under the influence of heat.

The principle of operation of the equipment is simple - the body, realizing that it cannot cope with the cooling function, begins to produce even more sweat. At the same time, fats are broken down much more actively, allowing you to remove extra pounds faster.

The belt is especially useful for those who use interval running to lose weight and run up stairs to lose belly fat. Additional load will serve to contract the abdominal muscles while running. This will enhance the effect, help remove fat deposits and tighten the skin on the abdomen.

Running or cycling: which is better for losing weight?

Many people prefer both methods of maintaining their own figure in good shape. Reviews of those who have lost weight differ in this regard. Everyone chooses what they like best. However, it is worth dwelling on the benefits of each type of training.

The benefits of cycling

  • Cycling is a much less dangerous sport than running.
  • When cycling, there is no excessive stress on the joints and spine, as when running.
  • Cycling gives a more comfortable load on the muscles, without jerking and stress.
  • You can ride a bike without fear even if you are overweight.
  • Cycling allows you to exercise and watch at the same time. interesting places during the trip. This is a wonderful tool for those who love long journeys.
  • Although cycling burns fewer calories than interval or regular running, you can ride without overexertion for much longer.

Normal driving positive effect will give insignificant. Therefore, to really lose weight, you need to ride fast.

Benefits of running

  • Running is considered one of the most best views physical activity for human health and for rapid weight loss.
  • Jogging down the street and up the stairs uses the maximum number of muscles.
  • The body burns more energy even when jogging than when cycling.
  • In order to lose the same amount of excess weight, a runner will need 2-3 times less time than a cyclist.

Does running help you lose weight quickly and efficiently? Undoubtedly!

Contraindications and precautions for jogging

Interval and any other running, in addition to having a positive effect on the human body, can also cause some harm. Therefore, it is better for people with the following diseases to choose a more gentle way to lose weight:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • injuries and disorders of the spinal column;
  • any chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • problems with knee joints;
  • colds or flu;
  • high degree of obesity;
  • serious gynecological diseases.

Listen to the state of your body. If you feel unwell, reschedule your run to the next day. Learn to distinguish muscle pain after exercise from other causes pain. Monitor your pulse. A rapid pulse may indicate a malfunction of the heart.

Running for weight loss is enough effective method, since when running the load is evenly distributed across all muscles, and due to increased breathing and heart rate, metabolism and fat burning are activated. In addition, running allows you to make your leg muscles more prominent and your body more graceful without pumping up individual muscle groups.

However, many people run for 15 minutes every day in the morning or evening, and visible results still no. Why? To lose weight, you need to run using a special method.

What are the benefits of running?

Running is useful because it strengthens all the muscles of the body as a whole. It saturates the blood with oxygen, increases the vital volume in the lung tissue, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, makes bones stronger and more resilient.

Why don't you lose weight by running?

Many people, wanting to lose weight, put on a uniform and go jogging, but they run to no avail. If you run for about 20 minutes every day, it is impossible to lose weight; these are physiological features. However, not everyone knows about this, and running for weight loss very quickly disappoints and gets abandoned.

When jogging, that is, light running high speed, energy for muscles comes from the liver's reserve substance - glycogen (this is sugar stored in the liver for stress). It lasts on average 30-40 minutes active activities and nourishment of muscles.

If the run was short, the body will use up some of the glycogen and will replenish its reserves at the first meal. Therefore, the body simply does not reach fat as a source of energy, and weight loss does not occur.

How to run to lose weight

Typically, the body switches to fat as an energy source when blood flows to the area of ​​fat deposits and the concentration of oxygen in them increases. This can be understood by the body when fatigue begins to be felt and heavy breathing .

Therefore, in order to actively burn fat when running, you need to jog for at least 50 minutes, and ideally an hour. Then the metabolism will actively switch to the breakdown of fats. However, you shouldn’t run for more than 1 hour 15 minutes either - fats are refractory and are broken down slowly, metabolism will begin to take the missing energy from proteins and will be lost muscle mass.

Interval running

If you don’t have free time for jogging and burning fat, but you really want to lose weight, there is the option of interval running. This run won't suit you if you smoke or have heart problems and vessels. On the lungs and circulatory system Interval running puts a tremendous amount of pressure on you, but the results are worth it.

Interval running is a workout involving maximum effort and rest periods. This is usually done in this way - the first hundred meters are walked with an active step, stretching the muscles, ligaments and increasing blood flow to them. Then you need to jog for the next hundred meters, adjusting your breathing, in the next 100 meters you run a sprint, at the highest possible pace and with full equipment, after the sprint we return to jogging and restore our breathing, resting. Then we start the cycle again.

During interval running, special physiological processes occur in the human body - a hundred-meter sprint burns a colossal amount of calories, so this distance is provided by energy from the breakdown of liver glycogen. Then, when a step is taken, the liver tries to replenish the supply of glycogen and easily accessible carbohydrates by breaking down fats - fats are consumed.

In addition, sprinting activates blood flow to the muscles, so fat oxidation begins to activate with the release of energy - it is stored in the form of carbohydrates. After 20-30 minutes of training, you will be squeezed out like a lemon, and fat will be actively burned. Moreover, there is evidence that after such a sprint training, fats are burned for about 6 hours, and muscle mass is not dried out during such training.


Despite the fact that running is beneficial for almost everyone, there is a small list of restrictions and contraindications for running.

You should not run if you have injuries or diseases of the spine, heart defects, acute diseases or varicose veins . These illnesses may get worse or you may feel unwell. In addition, pregnant women should not run, and sprinting is contraindicated for breastfeeding women; heavy loads release lactic acid into the blood from the muscles - milk can taste unpleasant to the baby.

Place for jogging

How to run correctly to lose weight?

It is best to run in a stadium with a special surface, and if there is none, in a park or forest with dirt paths. Asphalt is too traumatic for your feet - you will get very tired. You should not run along highways and large enterprises - you will inhale all kinds of chemicals and get a headache instead of benefit.

How to start running

Don't immediately go for an hour-long run or sprint. Run for the first couple of weeks, gradually increasing the pace and time of training. This way you will prepare your body for the stress and will not overstrain your muscles. Try it different techniques running - this way you will understand which one is more convenient for you; not everyone can physically withstand sprints.

Choose comfortable clothes and special shoes for jogging, since the comfort of the shoes largely determines the load on your legs and the degree of muscle fatigue.

When jogging, watch your breathing: you need to breathe through your nose; when breathing through your mouth, your mouth quickly dries out and you feel thirsty. You can drink while running, but only clean non-carbonated water or special drinks for training. Drink the liquid in small sips, as if rinsing your mouth, but often.

To keep the tempo you need the right music and good mood: there will be no benefit from training that is carried out through force and in a bad mood. You will simply hate such training and quickly abandon it. Run with a smile!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


The key factor that pushes weight off the plate and decreases is cardio loads. Beginners have little understanding of how to lose weight by running, which is recommended by all open sources, what effect such training gives and whether this activity is suitable for everyone. Doctors' debates about the benefits and harms of jogging add fuel to the fire. Without basic knowledge It’s easy to get injured or simply lose the desire to run further, so before starting training you need to study this subject from all sides.

What is running

After a simple walk at a leisurely pace, jogging is one of the natural ways of movement for humans, which arose during evolution. Unlike other types of physical activity, especially those involving complex coordination, running is as familiar as breathing. The key difference from simple walking is the presence of a flight phase, i.e. a condition when not a single foot is in contact with the surface of the earth. The distance covered by a runner in the same number of steps is higher than that of a person walking slowly. However, this type of activity is not allowed for everyone.

Before deciding how to lose weight by running, you need to find out if you have any contraindications to it, including:

  • excess body weight;
  • heart disease;
  • vascular diseases;
  • “problem” joints;
  • scoliosis (III degree and higher);
  • hypertension.

Does it help you lose weight

Losing weight using this type physical activity is possible, but for this you need to know what kind of running helps you lose weight - just getting outside and trying to jog a couple of kilometers is not the same as “burning fat.” Firstly, sports must be supported by nutritional correction (no “first, second and dessert”), otherwise only the calories eaten will burn. Secondly, you can influence your figure only by knowing how to lose weight from running: what duration of exercise to set, what heart rate and pace of movement to maintain.

How does it affect weight loss?

Increased breathing and heart rate are the main “external processes” that can be noticed while running. There’s also a lot going on inside: aerobic exercise forces the body to use the lungs as much as possible to get more oxygen. The amount of energy consumed when a person runs also increases, and already stored reserves gradually begin to be used up, i.e. Jogging triggers fat burning. Running affects weight loss in the same way as any cardio exercise, but only until you reach the heart rate that helps your physical fitness.

In addition, you need to remember which zones the emphasis is on:

  • General weight loss, as with any type of aerobic activity, is guaranteed, and the start of metabolism is also guaranteed.
  • This type of activity makes your thighs thinner and your buttocks firmer.
  • To a lesser extent, the help of running will be appreciated by the stomach - the load on the abdominal muscles is not so great.
  • The lower legs (calves) may increase slightly in size.

Correct running

The Relationship Between Food, Exercise, and Reset extra pounds Doctors emphasize endlessly, so the main rule remains normalization of nutrition. By consuming sweets and having frequent snacks with fast carbohydrates, you will not be able to lose weight, even if you run marathons. Proper running for weight loss requires compliance with a number of conditions, but not only nutritional ones:

  • You can’t actively drink water while running – just wet your throat.
  • Before running you need to eat a portion complex carbohydrates(cereals/pasta with vegetables), then light (!) protein. However, to lose weight, the interval between physical activity and food should be 2 hours.
  • Exercise 4-5 times a week, lasting at least 40 minutes.
  • The breakdown of fats is slow and not endless, so if you run for more than an hour, it will not help you lose weight, but a threat to your muscles.

In the evenings

Experts call cardio exercises after dinner very effective, but only if there is a 3-hour break between food and jogging. Firstly, the food needs to be digested, otherwise it will shake with active movement, and you will feel bad. Secondly, if you exercise after an hour and a half, the food you just took will help replenish energy - the existing fats will remain intact. Losing weight won't work.

Running in the evenings to lose weight should be done according to the following rules:

  • Do not start training immediately after work - give yourself a short rest (especially moral). Take a calm shower and get ready.
  • There should be 2-3 hours between jogging and sleep, otherwise the adrenaline rush will prevent you from relaxing afterwards.

In the morning

The reason for the popularity of jogging after waking up is that you haven’t had time to eat anything, and the body will begin to use existing fat reserves for energy. With this load it is easier to burn them than in the evening, but running in the morning is not suitable for everyone. Firstly, carbohydrate window created at night, supplemented with physical activity, can provoke a hypoglycemic attack, i.e. Absolute zero sugar. To reduce the likelihood of such a situation, experts recommend preparing an omelette for breakfast (2 egg whites, a little water). Jogging - in half an hour.

What details still need to be paid attention to, how to lose weight this way? Main nuances:

  • Before going out, experts recommend a contrast shower - it will help prepare the blood vessels for the exercise.
  • Do you feel like you don’t have enough protein and are you tired? Make a vegetable side dish for it or add grain bread.
  • If you understand that in the morning your maximum is a short promenade from the bedroom to the kitchen, it is better to go jogging in the evenings: you won’t be able to lose weight by raping your biological clock.

Rules for losing weight

Even if you have a strong desire to get the effect of jogging in a week (which is already a utopia), you must clearly monitor your condition and build work program with an eye on him. The main rule of running for weight loss, like all physical exercises, is not to overcome (that is, not professional sports) – find a balance between “difficult” and “good”. You should not feel unwell, faint, or experience endless shortness of breath. The lesson itself needs to be built from the 3 pillars of a classic jog:

  • Warm-up is something that even runners do not avoid high level, since “cold” muscles, joints and ligaments are easy to injure. The heart also needs to be prepared for further stress.
  • How to lose weight? Alternate sports (i.e. fast) walking with running, especially at the initial stage.
  • Don't forget to stretch after the exercise. This will not help you lose weight, but it will help your muscles recover.

How to do it right for beginners

The key mistake of those who decide to master jogging to lose weight is to hope that the symptoms of poor endurance will go away if they give themselves the maximum load every day. The body must adapt to running smoothly, otherwise the chances of getting problems with the heart and joints are greater than gaining good physical shape. Addition from experts: if you previously only had step aerobics as part of your training, you haven’t seen sports at all.

Beginners who are confident in their health should practice running according to the following rules:

  • Start training by calculating your target heart rate - i.e. that pulse that makes the exercise aerobic, but does not worsen your well-being. The upper limit is to subtract age in years from 220.
  • To adapt, running for 3 months should be carried out at the lower level of the target heart rate - this is 60% of the maximum. The next 3 months are on average - 70% of the upper limit.
  • For the first six months, the distance should remain within 5 km.
  • It is not advisable to run for more than 3 hours.
  • When 70% of your maximum heart rate is comfortable for you, you can increase the distance and increase the pace.
  • Running has its own technique (you decided to lose weight or help your health) - the heel minimally touches the ground, inhalation and exhalation are even.

What's better to run in?

If for home fitness special clothing and shoes are mainly just a way to get in the mood for training, to feel like an athlete, but for jogging this is a factor directly related to health. If you don't choose the right shape, you risk harming your joints, spine, and simply getting heatstroke or a cold. According to experts, it is better to run in special sneakers that have increased heel cushioning (reduces the force of impacts on the asphalt) and a very flexible upper. Consider:

  • an abundance of hard elements, excluding the backdrop, is not recommended;
  • running shoes should not put pressure on the foot;
  • the main material cannot be leather;
  • The length of the sole must be chosen so that thumb there was 3-5 mm left to the toe;
  • the total weight of the sneakers can reach up to 0.4 kg.

With clothes for running, everything is a little simpler, since the main requirement for it is the ability to allow air to pass through and not interfere with movements, so no jeans, leather jackets, etc. Run only in clothes from a sports store. However, the issue of the degree of “insulation” also deserves attention. Professionals recommend dressing before a run as if the temperature on the thermometer is 8-10 units higher than it is. In winter, a windbreaker is used for running, not a down jacket, but underneath it is a thermal jacket.


It is difficult to start classes without consulting a trainer, because you need a system by which you will work. This one will do simple program running for weight loss for a week (2 days of rest), where warm-up is not taken into account:

  1. Brisk walking (10 minutes), jogging (20 minutes), walking at an average pace (10 minutes).
  2. Interval – high pace and walking (20 minutes in total, changes every 3 minutes), jogging (10 minutes).
  3. Jogging (15 minutes), uphill acceleration (10 minutes), fast walking (10 minutes).
  4. 25 minutes interval, 10 minutes low pace.
  5. Run slowly for 10 minutes, run uphill at high speed for another 10 minutes, alternate paces for the remaining 15 minutes.

Treadmill training program

It is advisable to draw up a work plan on the simulator with the help of a specialist - this way you will get maximum effect, but you can use a universal version of the treadmill training program for weight loss:

  1. To warm up, walk at a speed of 4 km/h.
  2. Continue walking uphill at the same speed.
  3. Run for 3 minutes at 9 km/h and 1 minute at 10-12 km/h. Repeat this step 5 times.
  4. Finish with jogging and walking.

How much weight can you lose?

The number of kilograms lost is determined by your initial weight, how long the session was, what running pace you maintained, and whether there were rest periods during the workout. Classic jogging helps burn about 610 kcal per hour. It is much faster to lose weight at a fast pace (distance of 10-12 km in the same hour) - you will already spend 739 kcal. It is advisable to evaluate the result not by kilograms, but by the quality of the body; volume measurements will help you. The first results can be noticed within a month if you run regularly.

In the article we discuss how running helps you lose weight and fight cellulite. We will tell you about effective running techniques, as well as additional activities that you will need to lose weight. You will learn what interval running is and why it is better than the rest.

Running is an intense sport that puts a lot of strain on the heart, muscles, joints and the entire body. If you exercise every morning, the first signs of cellulite will disappear within a week, as this activity tones the body. However, there are a number of contraindications in which this method of losing weight is not recommended. This applies to people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • angina pectoris;
  • tachycardia;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • bronchitis with an asthmatic component;
  • lung diseases;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • glaucoma;
  • any chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation.

If you have any of the above problems, you should consult a doctor before starting training.

Daily jogging brings joy and health to the body, which gradually adapts to the stress. This means that you need to start running gradually, because at the initial stage of training it is possible discomfort in the leg muscles, palpitations, difficulty breathing.

To facilitate the adaptation stage, special recommendations have been developed for beginners that can help cope with the first difficulties when playing sports:

  1. You should not run several kilometers at once, as this will be difficult for the body. It’s better to start with a calm walk (1-2 km). After a week, walk a greater distance, alternating it with walking. Gradually, walking gives way to slow running, then increase the pace.
  2. To avoid getting tired of the monotony, alternate your regular workout with runs over rough terrain (forest, park) or up stairs.
  3. Be sure to drink a glass of clean water about an hour before starting your workout, and another half an hour later. A small amount of water is also acceptable while jogging.
  4. The best time for training, according to experts, is 06:00-07:00, 11:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00.

How to breathe correctly

In order for jogging to benefit the body, you should breathe properly. Breathing movements should be deep and uniform. If inhalation and exhalation are performed correctly, then the cardiovascular system works normally without experiencing excessive stress, and the permeability of oxygen to organs and tissues increases.

The respiratory process is individual for everyone, but there is basic technique, which can be used by beginners. One of the main rules is to breathe through your nose during exercise.

The right "equipment"

During training, you should not be distracted by the inconvenience that clothing and shoes sometimes cause. To ensure good results when jogging, wear thick leggings and thermal underwear in winter. Such clothing tightly covers problem areas and helps to remove excess liquid from cells and helps get rid of orange peel.

Use special sneakers with shock-absorbing soles. This will protect your joints from injury. It is advisable to train on soft ground; running on hard asphalt is quite dangerous - the joints experience excessive stress from impacts on a hard surface.

Morning jog

If you set out to get rid of cellulite and lose weight, then it is better to run in the morning, before breakfast. Morning activities They spend energy by burning fats accumulated overnight. In addition, in the morning the air is much cleaner than in the evening.

Before starting your morning workout, you should warm up well. Warm-up is very important not only to warm up and stretch the muscles, but also to stimulate the whole body. The warm-up procedure is as follows:

  1. Circular rotations of the head.
  2. Hand movements to the side.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis.
  4. Alternately raise your legs with bent knees.
  5. Squats.
  6. Walking, smoothly turning into running.

Evening jog

Evening workouts are beneficial and also give good results. They help you unwind after a hard day at work, relax you well, turn off negative thoughts, and relieve accumulated stress.

It is advisable to jog between 19:00 and 21:00. 1-1.5 hours before a run, you can have a light snack (vegetable salads, light soups are suitable).

To make your evening workout beneficial and enjoyable, choose a less crowded place, for example, a park. Start with a calm rhythm, the duration of classes is no more than 30 minutes. You are allowed to drink warm water along the way. Before jogging, do a warm-up (the method is described above). Good results you can receive only if you do it regularly.

Nutrition rules

  1. It is forbidden to run on a full stomach.
  2. Two hours before training, you are allowed to consume foods such as kefir and yogurt.
  3. After jogging, 30 minutes later, you can drink clean water and green tea.
  4. Sweets, fried and smoked foods should be excluded.
  5. Nutrition should be varied, but balanced.
  6. The diet should contain more fruits, vegetables, and greens.

Running to fight cellulite

This type of cardio exercise works great against orange peel and eliminates problems in the buttocks area. A large number of different programs have been developed, but to achieve a systematic effect, we recommend that you first contact trained trainers.

Training program

One of the programs is designed for 4 weeks. Training can be done at any time convenient for you. There must be two days for rest.

First week. On the first day of classes, running should last no more than 10 minutes. After this, 2 minutes of fast walking, then jogging again for about 5 minutes. Increase subsequent sessions by 3 minutes.

Second week. The duration of the workout is 20 minutes with a one-minute rest break. Finish the lesson with a maximum sprint run (3 minutes).

Third week. Gradually increase the duration of your runs; by Friday you should be running for half an hour.

Fourth week. You need to immediately start running for 30 minutes, increasing the time by 5 minutes every day. By the end of the week, the duration of the workout should reach 50 minutes.

Exercises at home

People who lead an active lifestyle always have great shape. For each of us, the day begins with a rush to work and various family matters. IN modern life There is practically no time to run in the morning.

As an alternative solution, running at home comes to the rescue and replaces classic workouts on fresh air. They have a good effect on the human body, calorie burning is activated, and the functioning of the heart and muscles throughout the body improves.

Interval training

Interval running is one of the most common weight loss methods. It consists of running with different loads and speeds. There are three main types of interval running:

  • repeated;
  • interval sprint;
  • tempo.

The scheme is as follows:

Day 1 - a short warm-up, alternating running (fast - about 200 meters, then 3 minutes slow).

Day 2 - warm-up, jogging up to 800 meters (the intervals remain the same).

Day 3 - alternation (fast - 600 meters, slow - 400 meters).

Benefits of jogging and standing still

Jogging - great way lose weight and remove cellulite from problem areas. It also helps strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to running in place, the muscles warm up and the cells are filled with oxygen.

Such activities are the best option for mothers on maternity leave. Remember the basic rules:

  1. Lift your feet off the floor as high as possible.
  2. Keep your back straight.
  3. The stomach should be pulled in and the arms should be bent at the elbows.
  4. Shoulders relaxed.
  5. You should breathe like this: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

If you run 10-15 minutes a day, then within a month you will see the first positive results.


Running up stairs is more effective than usual in that it puts a strain on the leg muscles and burns up to 850 kcal. It is enough to spend a few simple exercises as a warm-up, and then run up the stairs for 30 minutes.

In this case, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved, which helps eliminate orange peel in problem areas.

Exercises on the simulator

To return the body to good shape, excellent option There will be exercises on the simulator. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to go for morning or evening runs in the fresh air.

The computer, which is built into the simulator, allows you to regulate the speed and time of training. You should start by walking, gradually increasing time and speed. Half an hour a day of training is enough. Within a month you will be able to see the first results. If there are problems with the joints of the legs, then such training is contraindicated.

Which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike?

An exercise bike is an excellent way to get rid of cellulite, excess weight, and also strengthen blood vessels. Experts say that the effect of a treadmill and an exercise bike is the same.

Treadmill program

The simulator helps you perform different types aerobic exercise. For effective weight loss it is necessary to alternate all types of training.

Before starting classes, select the beginner level (classes for beginners). After 3 months of training, switch to ongoing training. After six months you can try the advanced one.

The program lasts 30 minutes and consists of a warm-up, walking, and a tempo part.

  1. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes. Speed ​​3-5 km per hour.
  2. The walk lasts 10 minutes. The speed is 6 km per hour, which should be gradually increased.
  3. The tempo part is performed for 5 minutes. Operating speed from 10 km per hour.
  1. When performing exercises, straighten your shoulders, your back should be straight, your arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Breathing should be deep, through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Then proper blood circulation is maintained and the level of oxygen in the blood increases.
  3. Fat is burned faster if you periodically change the angle of the treadmill and alternate walking with movements during training.
  4. You should alternate speed modes: start with calm walking, end with active walking.

How to enhance the effect

If exercises do not bring you the desired effect, then you are not exercising regularly. Here are tips on how to enhance your weight loss effect:

  1. Choose comfortable equipment.
  2. Focus on running for at least half an hour a day.
  3. Get positive emotions from running.
  4. Watch your movements during exercise, follow your running technique.

You can also enhance the anti-cellulite effect by using a special film and applying a special cream underneath it.


Wrapping with Capsicam and running is the best means against orange peel. For wraps, it is best to use blue clay or coffee grounds.

Blue clay wraps

Clay is sold in every pharmacy. Preparing the mixture is quite simple. To do this, take a container into which you pour the powder and dilute it with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture with a special brush, or if using your hands, then wear gloves. After this, wrap the body cling film, put on your thermal underwear, and then start training.

Coffee wraps

Prepare coffee grounds - use the pulp from the coffee maker for this. Apply the thickener to prepared skin, after steaming it under a hot shower. Then wrap it in cling film and put it on warm clothes. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

All more people strive to play sports to maintain normal body parameters and health. Some prefer to get exercise in the gym, others at home. This largely depends on financial and time capabilities. The least expensive type is running in the fresh air.


Running for weight loss can be harmful to health in some cases. The risk group includes:

  • people having problems at work cardiovascular system;
  • suffering from varicose veins;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • spinal injuries and joint diseases are an obstacle to full training;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding It is worth giving preference to other types of loads.

The absence of contraindications allows you to use jogging with a light heart to lose excess weight.


In order for your workouts to be enjoyable, it is important to purchase comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics with a small amount of elastin. This will ensure a good fit of the items. Special sportswear that creates a sauna effect will help increase sweating. Particular attention is paid to the choice of shoes. It’s good if you have the opportunity to run for weight loss along a dirt track in a park or in a stadium equipped for such purposes. Asphalt is not the most suitable option for exercise, and can cause irreparable harm to joints. High-quality sneakers designed specifically for hard surfaces should mitigate the harmful effects.


Running not only helps you lose weight, its effects have a wider range.

  • strengthening all muscles of the body;
  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increased lung volume;
  • maintaining the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • increasing the strength of bone tissue.

When choosing this method of physical activity, many people wonder whether it is possible to lose weight with running? The answer will be ambiguous. The desired effect will occur only if you know how best to run. First of all, a beginner should be prepared for the fact that the first changes will appear only after a few months. This will happen if you follow certain rules:

  • classes at least 3 times a week;
  • minimum distance 1–2 km depending on the source physical fitness. After a month, this figure doubles;
  • It is recommended to alternate between running and race walking to restore breathing;
  • increase the load gradually, listening to the signals of your body;
  • in order not to expose the body to additional stress, it is wise to combine the start of training with the warm season;
  • It’s worth starting the lesson with a warm-up. This will prepare the muscles for stress and reduce the risk of injury;
  • helps saturate the blood with oxygen correct breathing, avoid delaying it. It is recommended to use your nose. If you breathe through your mouth, the oral mucosa will dry out and you will feel thirsty. It is not allowed to use large quantity clean water while jogging. Sometimes just rinsing your mouth is enough;
  • Rhythmic music helps you maintain your running pace. If you don’t have the right mood, it’s better to reschedule the lesson to another time. Training through force will not bring positive results, which will affect motivation in the future.

Studying the influence of various factors will help you fully understand the question of how to run correctly to lose weight.


Some people find it very difficult to get up early and prefer to run in the evening. Others believe that the morning is the ideal time to get a boost of energy for the day. As a result of research, it has been established that exercise in the morning will have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, blood vessels, and will put things in order. nervous system. To finally wake up, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, have a small snack half an hour before a run (for example, vegetable salad or muesli) and be sure to warm up for 5 minutes. However, if you don’t eat, the weight loss process will go faster. You can limit yourself to a glass of warm water. This will help thin the blood. Running for weight loss in the evening will give best result. However, this should not happen immediately before bed as it may affect your ease of falling asleep. Optimal time 2-3 hours before going to bed.


The best option for activities is considered to be a park area, but in the evening hours you should avoid secluded places for safety reasons. You can conduct training at the stadium. If there is no suitable area for classes near the house, then you will have to move them under the roof, to gym. By running along the highway to burn fat, you can aggravate your health by inhaling the exhaust fumes of passing cars. If financial possibilities and the area of ​​the apartment allow, then the way out of the situation would be to buy a treadmill. But in this case it is advisable to keep the window open.


The lesson should last at least an hour. This is explained by the fact that in 45 minutes the entire supply of carbohydrates in the body will be used up, and only then will the burning of fat tissue begin. By this time you need to move forward gradually. If you immediately give a large load, there is a risk of harming the cardiovascular system. Due to their busy schedule, not everyone is able to devote proper running so much time. In this case, you can alternate between walking, jogging and running with maximum speed at the same distances - that is interval training. It is enough to allocate 30 minutes for such a workout.


This method of running is suitable for people who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system. It is also important not to have a harmful addiction to smoking and alcohol. The body is subjected to significant stress, so if in doubt, it is important to consult a doctor before starting training. In the absence of contraindications, the desired results will come faster.

The method is to alternate the load every 100 m:

  • start with active walking to warm up muscles and increase blood flow;
  • start jogging to regulate breathing;
  • perform the movement with maximum acceleration. After 100 m they return to the previous pace.

During training, repeat the cycle several times. This approach includes the processes responsible for burning fat deposits. Speed ​​running requires a large amount of energy, blood begins to circulate faster through the veins and arteries, triggering oxidative reactions. Jogging allows you to restore your strength and breathing. Such a load for 20–30 minutes takes a lot of energy, but the ongoing process of fat utilization continues for up to 6 hours, and muscle mass does not decrease.

You need to know how to run intervals. There is a program that allows you to gradually increase the load and increase the training time.


Having decided to improve the body and improve health through running, during the first two weeks they will try out different methods. Perhaps the body is contraindicated in the loads that the interval technique provides. In this case, jogging becomes an alternative option. The beginning of the lesson is spent walking with a gradual transition to running. They recommend 2 minutes of walking, lunges to prepare the leg muscles, 15–20 squats, and jumping in place.

The last exercise is to bend forward without bending your knees. In the extreme position they are held for a few seconds. Repeat 4-5 times. Now they start jogging. The pace continues for 3–5 minutes. During class, it is important to keep correct position body: do not slouch, avoid bending forward. The foot is completely placed on the track. If you run on your toes, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly and pain may occur.

With any running technique, positive results will appear faster if you monitor your nutrition. The menu should not include: sweets, pastries, fatty and fried foods. The consumption of vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, and dairy products is encouraged. Drinking regime suggests drinking up to two liters of clean water per day.

The solution to the question of how to run to lose weight depends on various factors. In any case, this activity should not only help those losing weight achieve their goal, but also charge the body with positive emotions. This will happen if you listen to your condition during training and choose a feasible load.