Bronchitis exercises on the ball. Exercise therapy for chronic bronchitis: how and what to do? Fitball in the treatment of bronchitis

Most people do not believe in the effectiveness of physical therapy. At the same time, they didn’t even try to deal with it. Having picked up correct complex exercises, with with the help of physical therapy You can influence various organs and improve overall health. Today we will look at exercises that will help get rid of bronchitis.


Positive effects of physical therapy for respiratory diseases:

  1. Improved gas exchange due to stimulation of receptors in the respiratory organs.
  2. Increasing the overall tone of the body.
  3. Stimulation of blood circulation leads to better resorption of sputum and a reduction in the inflammatory process.
  4. Enhanced ventilation of the respiratory tract prevents complications.
  5. Tissue elasticity is restored, and the bronchial mucosa regenerates faster.
  6. Sputum is better separated from the walls of the bronchi, as a result of which their lumen expands, and the patient’s breathing becomes easier.


Exercises should be performed after body temperature normalizes. No special preparation is required; you can practice at home, in a familiar environment. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. The patient is advised to open a window to ensure airflow fresh air, and tune in to high-quality exercises. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day significantly improves mucus production after classes and overall result techniques.

For children, exercise therapy is best done in a playful way. The doctor can also adjust the frequency and number of exercises, depending on the age of the child.

Exercise therapy for chronic bronchitis

The chronic course should become the norm and be performed every day, morning and evening. This will help increase the functionality of the bronchi and lungs, as well as strengthen the respiratory muscles. Within a month the patient will feel a significant improvement. By continuing to exercise, you can completely restore the structure and function of the respiratory tract and regain your health.

Exercises for bronchitis

The beginning of classes is a warm-up, which must be performed with a straight back and straight shoulders:

  1. Apply a little pressure on your nostrils with your fingers to create a difficult inhalation. Breathe for about 2 minutes.
  2. Shape your lips into a tube. Pinch your nose with your hand and breathe through the small hole between your lips for about 2 minutes.
  3. Inhale slowly, making your lips a tube again. Exhale with your mouth wide open. Repeat the opposite: inhale through a wide mouth, exhale through a narrow hole. Do it one by one.

Start the exercises lying on your back:

  1. Place your arms at your sides. Inhaling the air slowly, raise your arms up. As you exhale, bring your straight arms back from behind your head.
  2. Place one hand along the body, lift the other up. Breathe at a comfortable pace, while your hands should quickly replace each other.

Lie on your stomach:

  1. Press your palms into the floor for push-ups. As you inhale, lift your body and bend at the lower back. As you exhale, lower yourself back down.
  2. The arms are located along the body. As you inhale, try to raise your head and shoulders as high as possible, and as you exhale, perform the opposite movement.

Turn onto your left side:

Take a position as if in an arc. As you inhale, lift right hand up, straightening your back. As you exhale, return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Classic breathing exercises

Strelnikova and Buteyko exercises are considered classical methods for breathing for respiratory diseases.

It is done with a quick, sharp inhalation and a relaxed, free exhalation. Exercises:

  1. Performed standing, fists pressed to the stomach. As you inhale, your arms straighten toward the floor, and as you exhale, they return. Repeat several times.
  2. Performed standing, on bent knees. With a sharp inhalation, the torso turns to the side, and as you exhale, it returns. Repeat in different sides.

Gymnastics according to Buteyko involves shallow breathing and a short pause after exhalation:

  1. Inhale, exhale and pause for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  2. For maximum ventilation of the lungs, quick (2 seconds) inhalations and exhalations are made. Repeat 12 times, then a long pause.

We often associate exercise therapy with a set of exercises that prevent, alleviate and eliminate diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This effect on muscles and joints is beyond doubt. But the effectiveness of exercises against various diseases is often not believed. Nevertheless, it has been proven that physical therapy not only strengthens the body’s immune system and promotes overall health, but is also effective for respiratory system, for example, with bronchitis.

Benefits and harms

The tasks of exercise therapy in terms of combating chronic bronchitis include:

  • strengthening the body's resistance to infections;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes in the bronchi;
  • preventing complications such as emphysema or respiratory failure;
  • improvement of respiratory muscles.

This kind of exercise has proven its benefits for speeding up recovery. What positive changes affect those affected by bronchitis if you perform special exercises?

  • influence on reflex excitation of breathing centers with improved gas exchange;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • creating more positive conditions for the use of all kinds of drugs;
  • improvement of blood circulation, especially for the pleura. The necessary resorption of sputum and its removal from the lungs takes place;
  • prevention of a number of potential complications that, without active intervention, can occur in the pleural cavity. It turns out that exercise therapy is a kind of prevention of other breathing problems;
  • ability to restore tissue elasticity. The benefit is that the lining of the lungs does not undergo atrophy, and the recovered patient can resume normal activities;

However, the corresponding technique also causes harm if you act independently. After all, inflammation of the bronchi is a complex pathology that often becomes chronic and brings a lot of trouble to a person in the future. Therefore, any steps, including the use of a set of exercises, should be discussed and shown by a therapist or pulmonologist.

Indications and contraindications

Exercise therapy is indicated to complement the basic methods of supervision for diseases of the respiratory system. It improves gas exchange processes in the lungs, strengthens the muscles of the respiratory centers, restores the elasticity and firmness of the walls of the bronchial tree, regulates muscle movements, improves blood supply, reduces the incidence of complications, and accelerates the processes of regeneration of the internal lining of the bronchi. The disease slows down its progression, the body is toned.

Important! This complex resists the disease, increases immunity, thereby preventing the appearance of concomitant diseases.

There are contraindications for prescribing physical education:

  • presence of stage 3 respiratory failure and lung abscess;
  • expectoration of blood or its potential threat;
  • full lung atelectasis;
  • the content of excessive fluid in the pleural area.

In acute forms of bronchitis, with a sudden exacerbation with the presence of high fever and severe shortness of breath, gymnastics is also contraindicated.

For maximum effectiveness from therapeutic exercises, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Exercise twice a day - when you wake up and shortly before bed.
  2. Evening exercises should not be performed later than 60 minutes before expected sleep to avoid insomnia.
  3. Organization in a quiet room with a fresh feeling; The optimal temperature is 10-18°C.
  4. It is advisable to exercise on an empty stomach.
  5. Combine exercise therapy and aromatherapy. Coniferous oils of spruce, fir, cedar, and juniper remove mucus from the bronchi, expand their openness, and reduce the process of inflammation.

Attention! Droplets of oils are used in an aroma lamp and then installed in the place of intended activities. We should not forget about possible individual intolerance to one or another component, which imposes some limits on use.

Set of exercises

For adults

At initial training everything is done very smoothly so that the body undergoes the first adaptation to such loads. It is optimal to do the complex slowly, with initial repetitions of the exercises 5 times, gradually increasing their number to 14.

Exercise therapy for problems with the bronchi is usually preceded by a percussion massage, which increases the effectiveness of future exercises. If this is not possible, then an initial “warm-up” is carried out to further push the entire procedure.

“Warming up” to the main complex

1. To make breathing difficult, the nostrils are pressed against the nasal septum using your fingers. You should breathe in the next three minutes, thanks to the narrowed nasal passages.
2. Form the letter “o” and the interlabial space from the lips. Breathe through your mouth for three minutes;
3. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your lips “with an expression of surprise.” Next, change the sequence - inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.

Important! After all the prescribed exercise options, a 20-second break is required. At this time, you need to breathe evenly and deeply.

Chronic bronchitis: a basic set of exercise therapy exercises

First part
  1. With position on a chair and with outstretched legs, the hands are placed towards the shoulder girdles. Take a deep breath while moving your arms to the sides, then up, then bend. When making an extended exhalation, you should take the starting position.
  2. In the position described above, rotate the shoulders forward and backward 4 times.
  3. The arms are located on the sides of the body. When inhaling, pull them up, and during a long exhalation, lower them down.
  4. Find a chair with a back and sit on it, placing your palms on your waist. Turn the body three times in different directions - one way and then the other, and elbow joint should reach the back of the chair.
The second part is basic
  1. With your position on a chair, bend your elbows. During inhalation, the latter are raised upward with exhalation through the lips, forming the letter “O”. Next, the elbows are lowered towards the body with a slight compression of the ribs from the sides.
  2. From an identical position, the arms are moved to the sides. Inhalation involves pulling the bent leg to the chest, then clasping your arms and pressing them, but not forcefully. The combination “pfff” means exit accompaniment.
  3. Performing steps in place with the upper limbs raised to the sides above the head for a couple of steps while inhaling. During the period of four steps and exhalation, the arms are lowered and a pause is taken in the same four steps.
  4. Starting position – standing. The palms are placed on the lower ribs on both sides, followed by a deep breath. As you exhale, something like “hha” comes out and some clenching occurs. chest.
  5. Inhale while stretching your arms out to the sides above your head. Exhale and bend forward, reaching the floor with your fingers. The sound of exhalation is “pfff.”
  6. The hands are placed on the stomach. With a breath abdominal muscles protrude forward, and with exhalation, the abdominal wall in front is retracted and pressed with the help of the palms.
  7. Placement on your knees with a previously prepared gymnastic stick. As you inhale, the object is above your head, your arms are straight, and as you exhale, you should sit on your heels and lower the stick.
  8. In the position from step 7, the described object rises upward during inhalation. The exit involves an alternating position to the right and left, with the object being retracted in the opposite direction.
Part three - completion
  1. Walk in place, while inhaling, pull the upper limbs up, and while exhaling, return them down;
  2. Continue walking, performing at the same time your preferred breathing exercises at your personal discretion.
  3. Stand and shake a little, first one or the other shin. Muscles do not involve tension.

In such a complex, some changes are possible, which must be decided by the attending physician. And the beginning of such classes is possible already on the second or third day after treatment with medications.

Breathing exercise option

This technique is based on inhalation and exhalation of varying degrees. It also includes three parts. The warm-up stage includes a dozen and a half inhalations and exhalations through the nose and mouth.

Important! If there is a constant urge to cough, phlegm is eliminated. In the initial standing position, with relaxed neck muscles and legs shoulder-width apart, light pressure should be applied in the navel area. When coughing up sputum, it is advisable to prepare a vessel with water.

Main part
  • stand with your feet shoulder-width apart; While inhaling, do a pull-up on your toes, with your arms at the top. You need to exhale through the windpipe, pronouncing the sound “u” and with your arms down;
  • stomp for two minutes with arms raised. As you take a step, you are supposed to inhale, and with your foot on the floor, exhale;
  • in the lotus position, while inhaling, clench your palms into fists, arms pointing upward. Exhale calmly, without haste;
  • swing your arms. It is important to have deep and rhythmic breathing in time with the exercise;
  • with compilation lower limbs Place your right hand up and your left hand parallel to the floor. Take leisurely exhalations while switching hands;
  • performing bends with arms along the body. When inhaling, tilt to one side, and when exhaling, tilt to the other. Slowly performed with measured breathing.

Exercises with swings and steps should last two minutes; all others – 5 or 6 times.

For children

The main feature of bronchitis in children is considered to be difficulty in the process of sputum separation. Therefore, exercise therapy for children will be a supplement for improving the health of the body. You just need to remember to carry it out after the temperature drops to normal. Exercise will strengthen the muscles and optimize the process of mucus release. Ideally, if the child begins to study with the participation of a specialist, although independent work at home will give the desired result.

Young patients will best perceive physical education in the form of games, for example:

  • inflating balloons;
  • blowing soap bubbles followed by blowing to keep them in the air;
  • moving a paper boat through the water using breathing.

Fact! Such fun exercises will bring oxygen to the lungs and strengthen the muscles of the respiratory organs. In terms of exercise time, a quarter of an hour is enough.

  1. “Crane”, in which, while inhaling, you should swing your arms up, and when you exhale, lower them, pronouncing the combination “ku” in a drawn-out manner.
  2. “Flight”, which involves simulating bird movement using hand flapping. The child begins to run with a smooth transition to a step.
  3. “Beetle”, with the position on the floor, and hands in fists resting on the sides along the waist line. As you inhale, rotate your body with parallel movement of your arm back, and as you exit, return to the starting position.

Each exercise is supposed to be repeated five times. To prevent whims, it is recommended to do everything together with your child.

When in bed, stock up on a hose or straw. Place one end in a vessel with water, and bring the other to your mouth. While sitting, take as deep a breath as possible and exhale slowly, at intervals of a quarter of an hour, while getting rid of mucus by spitting into the tube.

Exercise Precautions

For better and safe implementation of exercise therapy, one should not forget about the following recommendations:

  • exercise after the end of the acute period of the disease, when the temperature has normalized and without unexpected cough and loss of strength;
  • performing all exercises exactly as prescribed;
  • It is unacceptable to carry out such procedures through force and general poor condition, especially for older people with heart and vascular problems;
  • a systematic approach to classes - doing them every day, without breaks or days off for several weeks;
  • conducting all exercises in silence to feel personal breathing;
  • exercise on an empty stomach.

Attention! In case of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, exercise therapy will be carried out after this crisis. And if the patient is in bed, all options are shown in a gentle manner for no more than four minutes a day.

The regularity and systematic organization of physical education and breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis open up a real prospect of getting rid of the disease. Such treatment methods can stop the development of bronchitis, reduce the number of relapses and potential complications.

Bronchitis is a serious disease of the lower respiratory tract, especially dangerous for a child. There is no vaccine against this disease because it has a wide etiology. Simply put, bronchitis is a consequence of diseases such as influenza, ARVI, etc. Treatment of bronchitis is long-term, and massage, breathing exercises and gymnastics play an important role in it.

Basic principles of treating bronchitis in a child

Almost all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including bronchitis, are transmitted by airborne droplets. Such diseases cannot be treated independently; all medications and treatment recommendations for your child must be prescribed by a general practitioner.

To combat bronchitis, complex therapy is necessary

First of all, it is important to remember that during illness, parents must provide peace for the child - at least for the first few days. This does not mean that you need to force your baby to lie in bed all the time, but you should not engage in physical exercises, run and jump either. It is also necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids.

In 90% of cases, the therapist prescribes antibiotic treatment to avoid possible complications, recommends mucolytic drugs that ensure sputum discharge. However, not only medications can help a small patient - to alleviate his condition, massage, breathing and physical exercises should not be neglected.


Massage during bronchitis helps remove mucus. You can do it at home - any parent can master the technique.


Place the child on your lap and tap in the bronchi area

The most famous is vibration massage; almost everyone recommends it. This type of massage is especially effective in acute forms of bronchitis - it helps the discharge of sputum, which in large quantities may accumulate in the bronchi. The essence of vibration massage is rhythmic tapping of the child on the back in the bronchi area.

Vibration massage can be performed even during the acute stage of the disease, but you should still refrain from the procedure if the child’s body temperature is very high.

  1. You should place the child with his stomach on your lap so that only the head and legs hang down, the body should lie completely on your knees.
  2. It is necessary to create a slight tilt towards the head. That is, place your leg, which is further from the child’s head, on some hill. In this case, during massage under the influence of gravity, phlegm will not accumulate in the lower sections of the bronchi, but will naturally tend outward.
  3. Tapping must be done with the lower back of the hand clenched into a fist. Only the bronchi area is tapped; there is no need to idlely tap the child on the back. Under no circumstances should you touch the spine. This scheme is preferable for children over one year of age.

If the child is an infant, then you need to knock even more carefully. For infants, massage is performed as follows:

  1. The position of the baby on the lap remains the same.
  2. Should be put left hand on the area of ​​the child’s bronchi and gently tap your hand with two fingers of your right hand (middle and index).
  3. You need to knock rhythmically, but not very hard. The procedure lasts about a minute, then you need to let the child cough. If the patient’s well-being allows, the procedure can be repeated until three times.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


Place the child on a soft cushion or pillow and work the bronchial area with rubbing movements

Drainage massage is performed for acute and obstructive forms of bronchitis. It has a positive effect on sputum discharge and relieves cough.

  1. It is necessary to place the child with his stomach on a soft cushion (you can make it out of a blanket or take a long narrow pillow) and rub his back well until it turns red, the main thing is not to injure the skin. You need to rub the area of ​​the bronchi without touching the spine.

    To reduce pain, it is better to smear your back with baby cream.

  2. Then use your fingertips to walk along the intercostal depressions from bottom to top.
  3. After this, with your hand, clenched in the shape of a boat (palm facing in), tap the bronchial area for a minute. Allow the child to cough well and repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Procedures should be started no earlier than 4 days after you feel better, so as not to provoke additional inflammation. If the child has a fever, the sessions should be stopped.

Massage technique - video


It is better to entrust acupressure massage to a specialist, since it is quite difficult to determine the right points

Acupressure is based on the principle of influencing certain points on the human body. In acute and chronic diseases, the affected areas are slightly different. They are located almost throughout the body: on the neck, behind the ears, under the knees, and so on. It is better to entrust this type of massage to a specialist so as not to harm the baby.


Honey massage cannot be performed in acute forms of the disease and at high temperatures

Honey is a natural antiseptic, and it has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and immunostimulating effect. Honey massage resembles drainage massage - it has a similar principle of implementation.

  1. It is necessary to place the child with his stomach on a soft cushion, warm his back with his hands, then apply bee honey to the bronchial area and rub his back with honey.
  2. As you grind the honey will thicken. When it becomes very sticky and it is impossible to continue rubbing, you need to switch to the technique of sticking and unsticking your hands from the body.
  3. The procedure lasts 5–7 minutes. After it is finished, you need to wash the child with warm water.

It is better to perform any type of massage 30 minutes after taking expectorants.

A contraindication to this massage is acute bronchitis. In addition, parents should remember that honey is a highly allergenic product, so before using it it is worth conducting an allergy test.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises help in the fight against bronchitis. During an exacerbation period, they should not be carried out; the child may cough. But on the 3rd–4th day of illness, these exercises can and should be done.

One of the most famous and most effective techniques is gymnastics Strelnikova. It consists of inhaling quickly through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth. Each inhalation and exhalation should last approximately 1 second. The exercise can be performed standing, sitting or lying down.

Basic exercises:

  1. The exercise is performed standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. The inhalation should be short and sharp - through the nose, the exhalation should be long - through the mouth. As you inhale, clench your hands into fists, and as you exhale, slowly relax your fingers. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are clenched into fists and rest on the waist. As you inhale, relax your arms and lower them down. As you exhale, return your arms to their original position. It is recommended to perform the exercise 12 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body. As you inhale, bend forward, round your shoulders, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 12 sets of 8 inclines with a break of 10 seconds.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. As you inhale, bend forward, bringing your arms in front of you to knee level, and as you exhale, rise up. Bend slightly at the waist, placing your hands behind your back. Take a quick breath. Return to the starting position while exhaling air.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed, shoulders straight, back straight, abdominal muscles tense. As you inhale, turn your head to left side, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Inhale sharply and turn your head to the right, exhale calmly and take your starting position.

It is best to do exercises in a playful way so that the child finds it interesting.

Performing a set of exercises - video

Exercise and exercise

For a speedy recovery and strengthening immune system The child must perform a set of gymnastic exercises. The load should be calculated according to the age of the child. It is best to do the exercises in the morning.

Set of exercises:

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We bend forward, arms and torso should be parallel to the floor. After 3 tilts we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, take a breath, while bending, exhale the air 3 times.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We perform side bends. We raise one hand up and reach behind the body. After 3 tilts we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, take a breath, while bending, exhale the air 3 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We tilt our heads forward, backward, left and right.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We describe a circle with our hips. 10 times one way, 10 times the other.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We pull each knee to the chest one by one.
  6. Fitball exercises are suitable even for the little ones

    For children under two years of age, exercise on a fitball is suitable. It can be purchased at any sports store. It is better to take the ball without handles - they are not needed for exercises with a child.

    1. Jumping on a fitball while standing. We hold the child by the armpits and let him jump on the ball on his own.
    2. We place the child on his stomach on the fitball and roll the ball back and forth, supporting the baby.
    3. A similar exercise in the supine position.
    4. We place the child sideways on the fitball. With one hand we take the forearm, with the second - outer part hips. Roll the fitball from the child's head to his feet and back.
    5. We place the child on his stomach on the fitball, place toys in front of him, roll the ball back and forth and give the child the opportunity to grab the toy.
    6. We put the child on the floor and let him push the fitball with his hands. If the baby can stand on his own, you can roll the ball from yourself to the child and back.

    Such gymnastics can be performed in combination with children's massage.

    It is very difficult to completely cure bronchitis in children without drug therapy. But when using medications, one should not forget about additional measures that can significantly improve the patient’s condition and speed up recovery. This fully applies to massage. This procedure does not require financial costs and can be done at home. The effect is felt after the first session.

Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa is a serious disease, but with accurate and competent treatment it can be eliminated without consequences for the child’s body. Depending on the form and severity of bronchitis, the doctor prescribes treatment methods that help eliminate the disease. It is important that the intervention is comprehensive and includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy and breathing exercises.

Principles of treatment of bronchitis in children

The first thing parents should pay attention to is that you should not try to treatbronchitis in a child on its own. In addition to the form of the disease and severity, treatment options are influenced by the age of the child, the cause that provoked the disease, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease. Based on all these factors, the pediatrician will be able to determine the optimal and most effective way treatment child's body.

Bronchitis is a pathological process in which the mucous membrane and walls of the bronchi become inflamed

If symptoms are pronounced, there are signs of intoxication, or there is an increase in temperature, the child is placed in a hospital, where he is under constant medical supervision. With a milder course of the disease, treatment at home is possible, but be sure to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

The main directions of treatment of bronchitis:

  • suppression of infection in the body;
  • cleansing the bronchi and lungs of mucus;
  • general therapy and strengthening of the body;
  • if necessary, antibiotic therapy.

Taking antibiotics allows you to act on infectious agents and eliminate all existing symptoms of bronchitis in a short time. However, it is not always possible to choose the right drug the first time, so it is important to monitor the child and track the improvement of his condition.

If to the correctly selected medicines add breathing exercises, massage and therapeutic exercises, bronchitis will go away in 2-3 weeks.

Massage for illness

The main purpose of giving a massage to children who suffer from bronchitis is to facilitate the removal of mucus from the body. This is especially true in advanced stages of the disease. It is important to remember that massage must be prescribed and performed by a doctor.

Indications and contraindications

Direct indications for prescribing massage:

  • advanced stage of bronchitis;
  • frequent relapses of the disease (more than 3 times in six months)
  • ineffectiveness of the main treatment.

However, in some cases, massage can aggravate the condition of the child's body. This treatment method should be abandoned if:

  • body temperature exceeds 37°C;
  • infant age up to 6 months;
  • bronchitis is in the acute stage;
  • there are problems with the functioning of the heart or lungs.

Types of massage: vibration and drainage

The main purpose of massage for bronchitis in a child is to help remove excess liquid from the bronchi. For this purpose, various techniques can be used depending on the characteristics of the disease.

Before performing a massage, it is necessary to place a cushion or pillow under the baby’s tummy.

Whatever baby massage technique the doctor prescribes, before carrying out the manipulations, a small cushion is placed under the baby’s stomach so that the upper torso and head are below the level of the pelvis. This makes it easier to remove mucus from the bronchi.

  1. Vibration massage is performed with a cupped palm. The movements resemble light pats and are carried out along the spine from the thoracic region to the neck area. For children aged 2–3 years, patting with two fingers of each hand will be enough. The total duration of “vibrations” is 3–5 minutes, after which the baby will want to clear his throat.
  2. Drainage massage involves pre-warming the back with stroking and light rubbing. After this, you need to perform a “wave” of pinching on the skin at a distance of 2–3 cm from the spine in both directions. In this case, you should apply light pressure, which, as it were, expels the liquid and brings it up. On the next approach, you need to step back a few centimeters to the sides again. Repeat 2-3 “waves” on the left and right sides of the back.

Massage facilitates the removal of mucus from the bronchi

If the massage is performed correctly, within a few days there will be a noticeable improvement in breathing and significant coughing. And after 7–10 days, the bronchi are completely cleared of phlegm.

Doctor Komarovsky about massage for bronchitis (video)

One more effective method treatment of bronchitis in children is considered breathing exercises. It helps remove mucus from the bronchi, alleviates the child’s condition and promotes a speedy recovery.

Such gymnastics should be carried out in the form of a game, then the baby will become interested, and the breathing exercises themselves will be easy but effective.

To the most effective exercises include the following:

  1. “Stork” (in a standing position). Take a deep breath, spread your arms to the sides and lift one bent leg. Then exhale with a loud sound “Sh-sh-sh!” and lower your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times depending on the age of the baby.
  2. “Crow” (sitting on a chair). As you inhale, raise both arms up through your sides. Exhale with the sound “Carrr!”, lower your arms. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. “Crane” (standing). Inhale - raise your arms up, exhale - lower them down. It is necessary to wave your arms with the widest amplitude possible. Repeat 5-6 times.
  4. “Geese” (sitting on a chair). Palms touch shoulders. Bend forward and take a deep breath. As you exhale, return to the starting position with a loud sound “Ha!”

It is important that as you exhale, the child pronounces all sounds loudly, helping to open and cleanse the bronchi.

Turn breathing exercises into a game: fill a container with water and place several rubber ducks on the surface. The kid must ensure that the ducks swim at the “opposite shore”

A good element of breathing exercises that helps develop the lungs is blowing soap bubbles, balloons and blowing small objects off the surface of the water.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis (video)

Physical therapy and fitball exercises

Exercises will help alleviate the child’s condition and strengthen his immunity.

Exercise therapy for childhood bronchitis has many advantages:

  • helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract;
  • helps improve drainage properties;
  • strengthens the body;
  • improves blood circulation.

Physical therapy exercises:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs straight. As you inhale, raise your hands up, put them behind your head, and stretch out as much as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along your body. Do the bicycle exercise. Duration - up to one minute.
  3. Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands in front of your face. As you inhale, lean into your hands and lift top part torso. It is necessary for the child to bend well in the lower back, opening the chest. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Exercises using a fitball

Fitball allows you to diversify exercise therapy. It is especially useful to use it for small children with whom it is difficult to carry out regular exercises.

Exercises for bronchitis are an auxiliary method of treatment; they are designed to speed up treatment, energize, and restore the body after an illness. Does breathing exercises really contribute to this, and how?

Exercises for bronchitis to clear phlegm

The inflammatory process leads to an increase in the amount of mucus, it becomes viscous, difficult to remove and begins to accumulate in the bronchi. This leads to discomfort, increased cough reflex, and deterioration of well-being. If the sputum is not removed, it becomes infected, then the process is aggravated due to intoxication. Treatment of bronchitis is impossible without eliminating these pathological discharges.

Exercises for bronchitis to remove sputum achieve their goals if the patient adheres to correct breathing. It consists of alternating strong inhalations and smooth exhalations. The first is done alternately with the nose and mouth, the second - only through the mouth.

  • The easiest exercise to help stop coughing and remove bronchial secretions is done like this: holding your hands behind your back, inhale deeply, hold the air, then exhale forcefully through your lips with a “tube.” At the same time, you should slowly lean forward.

For untreated bronchitis, Streltsova’s technique, with an emphasis on the abdominal muscles, or yoga is useful; These methods are described in more detail below. There is also a simple method according to Kuznetsov, based on ordinary physical exercises performed at a rapid pace, with deep breaths and strong exhalations.

At the same time, we must not forget that, in addition to exercises, other methods of removing excess mucus are used for bronchitis. In particular, popular folk remedies: inhalations with steam and expectorants, herbal teas, milk with honey and soda, etc.

Exercises for bronchitis in adults

Various exercise options for bronchitis treat pathology, increase the functionality of the organ, restore normal breathing, and ensure coordination of the muscles involved in the breathing process, in particular the diaphragm.

When you have bronchitis, it is important to get rid of excess mucus. The evacuation process is facilitated by exercises with extended exhalation and diaphragmatic breathing (“belly”). The system of exercises for bronchitis in adults often includes movements that imitate work, sports, games, and dancing.

  • Exhale with resistance: after inhaling strongly, you need to exhale slowly (up to 15 minutes), through a straw or hose into a bowl of water. Repeat several times daily. It is allowed to perform in any phase of the pathological process, including during remission and exacerbation.
  • Breathing from the diaphragm: lying on your back, count to three; During this time, we inhale powerfully, involving the abdominal muscles. At “4” – exhale with maximum protrusion of the abs. Next we cough dully. Can be performed in a sitting position, running or walking.
  • Squeeze-up: lying down (or sitting), pull your legs to your chest, hold your shins with your hands. Action according to the scheme “increased exhalation – diaphragmatic inhalation – starting position – cough.”
  • Hugging your shoulders: in this way we force the exhalation. In a shoulder-width position, with fingers spread out, we hug ourselves forcefully, hitting our shoulder blades with our palms. Let's exhale louder.
  • Chop wood: standing on your toes, we sharply move our fingers together from above, imitating a woodcutter’s blow, vigorously release the air from our lungs and return to the previous position.
  • Skiing: we place our feet as if on a ski track. Pulling ourselves up on our toes, we bend over and stretch our arms towards imaginary sticks. At “1” we squat, leaning forward to bring our legs into contact with our stomach; hands below behind, begin to exhale. At “2, 3” in the same position we move our legs springily and complete the release of air. We return to the starting position while inhaling from the stomach.
  • We hit the shoulder blades: we raise our arms, stretching out and arching on our toes. As we descend, we lean forward. With an energetic swing, we cross our arms in front of the body and hit the shoulder blades, accompanying the action with a sharp exhalation. Repeat the gestures, striking and continuing to exhale. The starting position is returned to during diaphragmatic inhalation.

Exercises for bronchitis in children

The peculiarities of the course are that a young body has a more difficult time coping with phlegm, so recovery from bronchitis is delayed. Exercises for bronchitis in children, as a safe method, are prescribed after the temperature has normalized and the body’s condition has improved. It is advisable to combine exercises with drug therapy.

If the doctor recommends exercises for bronchitis, then they start with static ones, gradually move on to dynamic ones, then to restorative exercises. In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. For gentle coughing, drainage exercises are included. It is advisable to study in a group, under the guidance of a physical therapy specialist, but if this is not possible, practice at home.

Young children require a special approach. Exercises in the form of a game are recommended with them. For example, they will enjoy blowing up balloons, blowing soap bubbles, or blowing on a paper boat floating in a basin. For a child, 10-minute sessions are enough to ensure that the lungs are sufficiently saturated with oxygen and the muscles are gradually strengthened. You can complete exercises for bronchitis with children by massaging claps on the chest - front and back.

Yoga gymnastics offers several options for young patients under the interesting names “crane”, “bug”, “flight”.

  • The “Crane” is performed five times: as you inhale, raise your straight arms up, and as you exhale, lower them. At the same time, a drawn-out “y” is issued.
  • “Beetle” is obtained by sitting in the position of your hand on your belt, then inhaling, turning your body to the right with your hand pulled back.
  • “Flight” is performed while running. The flapping of the arms imitates the wings of a bird in flight. The running slows down, turning into a calm walk. It is advisable to repeat five times.

The humming and hissing sounds produced by children during such activities will increase their effectiveness: breathing will become clear, the lungs will be freed from excess mucous secretions formed as a result of bronchitis.

A set of exercises for bronchitis

A set of exercises for bronchitis performs the following tasks:

  • reduces inflammation in the bronchi;
  • improves sputum production;
  • restores the drainage capacity of the organ;
  • prevents complications;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • strengthens defenses.

One option includes the following movements:

  1. Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your arms extended along the body behind your head. As you exhale, return to the previous position.
  2. In the same position, we place one hand behind the head, the other lies along the body. During a random breathing rhythm, we quickly change the position of our hands.
  3. We make a “bicycle” with our legs until they get tired.
  4. Position on your stomach, arms along the body. On inhalation - lift your head as far as possible without using your hands; on exhalation - start position.
  5. Breathing spontaneously, we reach out with our hands to an imaginary object.
  6. Lying on your side in a half-bent position, pull your arm up, straightening your spine. As you exhale, we turn and repeat the movement on the other side.

To begin with, 5 – 7 repetitions are enough, gradually the number is increased to 12 – 14. And so on every day, until complete recovery.

Exercises for bronchitis are not performed in acute period, with high temperature, tendency to bleeding, malignant formations. In case of chronic course complex exercises recommended courses, according to the doctor’s instructions.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

Breathing exercises for bronchitis are based on the sequence of inhalations and exhalations of varying intensity. Performed in three stages: introductory, main, final.

  • The preparatory one consists of 15 nasal, then oral inhalations and exhalations. Performed three times, with a break of 5 seconds. Then follows a light oral inhalation/exhalation.

With a cough reflex, it is necessary to assist in the removal of mucus. To do this, they do this: relax the neck muscles, lower the head; press with palms on the stomach on both sides of the navel, coughing into the floor.

  • The main stage consists of several exercises accompanied by breathing movements.
  1. Pull-up: take a sharp breath through your nose and pull yourself up on your toes, arms up. When lowering, exhale through your mouth with the sound “oo-oo-oo”. Repeated 5 times.
  2. Steps in place with arms raised. Inhale through your nose when rising, exhale when lowering. And so for two minutes, observing the rhythm of steps and breathing.
  3. Sitting in the lotus position, raise your clenched fists as you inhale. Exhale slowly, with the sound “x-x-x” (6 times).
  4. Stretch in a sitting position bent legs, arms to the sides. Inhale normally, exhale through the lips: “f-f-f.” Exhaling, lower your arms.
  5. Standing with your legs apart, swing your arms back and forth. Inhale through your mouth, often, exhale through your nose.
  6. Feet together, while inhaling, raise your right arm, left arm to the side. Exhaling slowly, change the position of your hands.
  • The final movement is repeated six times.

Slow bends while standing, with your arms down, inhaling through your nose. After the starting position – tilt in the opposite direction, calmly exhale.

Exercises for bronchitis are available to everyone. The main condition is to do them systematically, every day for several weeks. However, there are also contraindications. In particular, such gymnastics is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for hypertensive patients, people with high myopia and glaucoma, after a heart attack, and with endocrine pathologies.

Physical therapy exercises for bronchitis

Physical therapy is good for people of various ages. Exercise stimulates metabolism, activates the heart and digestion, and strengthens muscles. Exercise therapy is especially interesting for children because it resembles an outdoor game and promotes activity, which is so loved by everyone at this age.

Therapeutic exercises prescribed for various diseases: from neuroses to diabetes. You should also pay attention to contraindications, which are often short-term, but still exist.

Physical therapy exercises for bronchitis are recommended as an auxiliary method, if the words “chronic” or “obstructive” are present in the diagnosis. It is important to breathe properly during exercise. Start in a lying position, then dynamic breathing is possible.

It must be emphasized that exercise therapy is started only after a doctor’s prescription, if he considers such exercises useful. They are usually started on the second or third day from the start of taking antibiotics. Therapeutic exercises for bronchitis have the following effects:

  • improvement of gas exchange;
  • activation of mucus secretion;
  • cessation of cough;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the pleura;
  • strengthening the muscles involved in breathing;
  • improvement of lung tissue;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body.

In addition, such exercise serves to prevent atrophy and sclerotic phenomena in the bronchial walls.

Developed exercise therapy complexes for young patients, in particular, up to 3 and up to 6 years of age. They are performed under the supervision of a specialist, and, if possible, in the presence of mothers.

Exercise for bronchitis

Upon appointment physical exercise in case of bronchitis, the doctor sets the main task - to reduce the intensity of inflammation and clear them of mucus and foreign accumulations. In addition, exercises for bronchitis stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, increase immune strength and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Exercises performed according to different methods, are indicated for acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, they relieve inflammation and strengthen the body as a whole.

The main condition is the patient’s persistence and regularity of classes. As a rule, the course lasts three weeks, you need to practice at least twice every day. Breathing movements done softly, in a half-whisper, through clenched teeth.

Exhaling through the mouth causes the urge to cough as the phlegm rises to the top. So, experts do not advise coughing too much in such cases, otherwise you may cause damage. vocal cords or cause bleeding.

To avoid drying out your throat, you should alternate between nasal and throat breathing. Daily workouts strengthen the diaphragm, on which the normal functioning of the bronchi and the respiratory system as a whole also depends.

It was noticed that the minimum physical activity in the form special exercises reduces headaches, even reduces fever. Before starting classes, it is recommended to take expectorants to thin the mucus. Less viscous fluid is more easily evacuated from the bronchial lumens, thus increasing the effectiveness of exercise. It is especially important to pre-cough for patients with chronic bronchitis. It is advisable not to strain too much.

Exercises according to Strelnikova for bronchitis

A. Strelnikova, singer and vocal teacher, developed unique system breathing based on our own professional observations. In the process of working with singers, she came to the conclusion that many diseases are associated with the fact that people do not know how to breathe correctly. What does right mean in her understanding? Correctly means breathing in such a way as to eliminate air stagnation in the lungs, saturate the blood with oxygen and hemoglobin, reduce inflammation, and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and diaphragm.

Strelnikova exercises for bronchitis are prescribed in parallel with other treatment methods. Daily exercise stimulate coughing and eliminate excess secretions from the bronchi. It is fundamentally important to take sharp, short nasal breaths, which promote positive changes in the blood, normalization of cardiac activity.

Exercises for bronchitis must be performed twice a day for two to three weeks. They start with 16 nasal breaths in a row, followed by 16 mouth breaths. And so three approaches, with a 5-second “break”. Basic exercises - “pump”, “hug your shoulders”, “eights”.

  • The “pump” is performed from an angle, noisily inhaling air, imitating smelling flowers. Exhale without tension, in a slightly elevated body position. After 8 breaths - a short rest.
  • The Shoulder Hug begins standing or sitting, with your arms bent and raised. As you inhale, hug yourself, as you exhale, spread your arms. Repeat 16 times, with nasal and oral breaths.
  • "Eights" are considered additional exercise. They are made by bending forward. After quickly inhaling through your nose, you should not exhale, but count out loud several times to eight. In this way, active evacuation of bronchial contents is achieved.

Therapeutic exercises should be started after consultation with a doctor. It is estimated that it takes approximately half an hour to complete.

Drainage exercises for bronchitis

Positional (the second name is postural) drainage is recommended for chronic forms, including purulent ones, especially in cases where the mucus is very viscous and the cough reflex is reduced. Drainage is also prescribed after endotracheal or aerosol procedures.

Drainage exercises for bronchitis are done at least twice a day. It is first recommended to use bronchodilators and expectorants, linden tea. After half an hour, the patient takes positions that maximally support the natural removal of sputum under the influence of gravity. Different positions help fluid flow from individual segments to those places where they are eliminated by coughing.

In each pose, to begin with, the patient takes several slow, maximally deep breaths through the nose, exhaling through clenched lips. After this, taking a slow and deep breath, coughs slightly (a few coughs three times will be enough).

For the sake of achievement better effect Exercises for bronchitis of this kind are combined with massaging hand pressure on the chest area.

Drainage exercises are prohibited in case of pneumothorax, bloody coughing, if shortness of breath or suffocation begins during the procedure.

Yoga for bronchitis

As you know, the basis of yoga is the desire to achieve complete harmony of the physical and spiritual principles. Yoga for bronchitis is considered an effective auxiliary method that promotes rapid recovery.

Such exercises for bronchitis relieve stress and eliminate overweight, strengthen muscles, increase vitality and mood. Thanks to them, the bronchi are cleared, residual effects disappear, and the person recovers faster. The following yoga techniques are recommended:

  • Simha Mudra. While sitting or standing, take a deep breath, and stick your tongue out as far as possible to your chin. In this position, exhale deeply. Then the head is bowed to the chest, and the gaze is directed to the area between the eyebrows. After a few seconds, they return to their original position.
  • Jih-va-bandhu. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and stretch it up, and your lower jaw forward, keeping your mouth closed. Start with three times, then work your way up to six.
  • Dynamic breathing. Sitting straight, keep your hands on your knees, palms down. Perform yoga breathing several times and then breathe through your nose. As you inhale, bend your chest, protruding your ribs and lowering your shoulders. As you exhale, round your back and lower your head. Speed ​​up the pace all the time.
  • Wave. Sitting with a straight back and hands on your knees, inhale, arching your back. At this time, the arms are pulled back, the chest is up, the head is back. When exhaling, the shoulders and pelvis are pulled back, and wave-like movements are made with bent elbows. The wave is repeated up to 10 times.

Exercises for acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a diffuse inflammation of the inner lining of the entire tracheobronchial tree. When performing exercises for acute bronchitis, however, as in other cases, it is necessary to take into account your well-being and general condition patient, count physical strength. Extreme efforts do not produce any effect; on the contrary, they can cause dissatisfaction and distrust in the effectiveness of exercises for bronchitis.

In acute cases of the disease, exercises are designed to speed up recovery. They are started soon after the start of the course of antibiotics, no later than on the second or third day. Combine various movements with rhythmic breathing. To warm up, use the “fists” movement. Combine quick, strong breaths with clenching your fists, and light exhalations with straightening. Feet are always in the classic position - shoulder width apart.

This is followed by basic exercises that imitate typical movements of humans and animals. Names help remember the sequence and correct execution.

  • “Dropping the load”: hands on the belt, clenched into fists, while inhaling we unclench our fists and forcefully “throw” them down, spreading our fingers. Exhale through slightly parted lips. It is advisable to do 12 sets of 8 breathing movements.
  • “Pumping up the ball”: standing with relaxed arms, inhale vigorously through your nose, lean forward, lower your head, hang your arms. Exhalation is accompanied by a return to the starting positions. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous case.
  • The “cat dance” actually looks like a cat stalking its prey. The starting pose is similar. Inhaling, bend your arms slightly and clench your fingers. Then squat, turning your body alternately in both directions. When returning, exhale.

There are other combinations of exercises for acute bronchitis. Their action is aimed at eliminating stagnation of bronchial mucus, restoring the mucous membrane and its protective properties, relieving the inflammatory process and cleansing microflora.

Exercises for chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term inflammation, with relapses, often resulting from untreated acute bronchitis. As an independent disease, it forms when exposed to harmful volatile components at work or at home.

Exercises for chronic bronchitis are performed in courses, usually two weeks, with the same or greater intervals. Their task is to prevent the process from escalating.

An example of exercises for bronchitis, especially useful for the female body.

  • Pull up on your toes, arms up, taking deep breaths through your nose. Exhale through the mouth with the sound “u-h-h”, returning to the starting position (4 – 5 times).
  • Feet apart, hands near hips. For a nasal inhalation, place your arms to the sides; for a noisy oral exhalation, clap your hips (5 – 6).
  • Calm steps in place, one at a time - arms to the sides, inhalation through the nose; on the next count - a loud exhalation “gu-u-u”, with lowering of the hands.
  • Sit cross-legged with clenched fists. Exhale through a tightly clenched mouth with a drawn-out “p-f-f” (5 – 6).
  • Standing with your legs apart and your arms down, breathe often through your nose and swing your arms forward/backward (8 – 9).
  • IN sitting position stretch your legs. Inhale through your mouth, raising your arms to the sides, lower them, exhaling through clenched lips with the sound “ssss” (3 – 4).
  • In a standing position, raise your right hand and move your left hand to the side. Inhaling through your nose, change hands. Exhale slowly with the sound “r-r-r” (5 – 6).
  • Feet together, arms down. Inhaling through your nose, tilt your torso to the side. As you exhale, slide your hands along the body to the sound “sssss” (6 to 8 times).
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    Exercises for obstructive bronchitis

    If inflammation of the bronchi is accompanied by obstructive syndrome, this means that the lumens of the bronchi are narrowed. This occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane and spasm of the muscles, which are contained in the form of fibers in the bronchial walls. Treatment is to make the sputum more liquid and quickly evacuate it from the inside. At the same time, they fight the cause of the disease, that is, pathogens.

    Exercises for obstructive bronchitis differ in the actual exercises and the authorship of the methods, but all pursue the same goal and achieve the same results. Exercises for bronchitis are useful for both adults and children of different ages.

    One of the methods breathing exercises for obstructive bronchitis is named after the physiologist K. Buteyko. The scientist believed that many pathologies are caused by so-called hyperventilation of the lungs. To eliminate it, the doctor suggested a technique of shallow breathing and long pauses between breaths. Such exercises are useful for obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as to prevent exacerbation of the chronic process.

    • Hold your breath as much as possible, and use short shallow breaths to hold out longer.
    • When walking, hold your breath until you feel a lack of oxygen, then breathe normally and again with a delay.
    • Breathe “barely”, increasing the duration of the exercise from three to 10 minutes.

    A significant advantage of the method is that it can be followed anytime, anywhere. Performing these exercises significantly reduces the need for pharmaceuticals, although, of course, it does not replace them at all. Success lies in a reasonable combination of both treatment methods.

    Exercises for recovery after bronchitis

    Exercises for recovery after bronchitis, depending on the nature of the inflammation, begin at different periods:

    • in acute cases - after the acute manifestations have subsided;
    • in chronic cases - after exacerbation.

    Properly selected exercises for bronchitis are aimed at increasing the resistance of the respiratory system and the body's resistance to colds of various etiologies. In addition, rehabilitation measures improve the movement of blood and lymph, relieve inflammation, restore the drainage properties of the bronchial tree and the mechanism of the respiratory process.

    For purulent phenomena, emphasis is placed on drainage exercises; for obstructive ones, on sound exercises supplemented with breathing exercises. An important place is given to chest massage, which makes breathing easier and helps remove mucus faster.

    During such activities, breathing is combined with movements. Inhalation should help increase the size of the chest, and exhalation should help reduce its volume.

    In chronic conditions, it is necessary to involve the muscles of the chest and upper extremities. This activates blood circulation, helping to eliminate inflammation in the respiratory system. Almost any of the methods presented in this article meets these tasks. But since medicine does not treat the disease, but the patient, we should not forget about the individuality of each organism and that exercises for bronchitis should be selected by a specialist in each case.

    Unfortunately, exercises for bronchitis are undeservedly in little demand. Most patients prefer pharmaceutical medications, and occasionally inhalations or folk remedies. If exercises are prescribed as an auxiliary therapy, then it is undesirable to refuse. They really have a beneficial effect on the entire body and its problem area, helping you recover faster and get sick less often in the future.