A simple exercise to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines. Therapeutic movements for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

We are accustomed to the fact that gastritis is treated with medications and diet. In fact, this is clearly not enough for the stomach to start working normally. Therefore, physical therapy and sports should occupy an important place in the life of any person with digestive problems.

Gastritis and functional dyspepsia (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract) are among the most common diseases among residents of large cities. After all, everything that harms the gastric mucosa is present in the life of a metropolis. This includes stress, and eternal time pressure, and snacks dry and on the run, and also coffee with a cigarette, and most importantly, physical inactivity. Of course, not only the digestive organs, but the entire body suffers from the lack of physical activity. But today we will talk specifically about the gastric mucosa.
Movement is life!
Sports are different. Of course, heavy loads with gastritis are harmful. They can even lead to the development of chronic gastritis, especially if combined with poor diet. After all, irrational physical activity inhibits the motor functions of the stomach, and overwork and overload lead to secretory failure of the organ. But reasonable exercise, on the contrary, perfectly helps to cope with digestive problems. Therapeutic exercises for gastritis help restore the neurohumoral regulation of digestion, normalize the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, improve blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and strengthen the abdominal muscles.
During intense muscle work metabolism, energy and oxygen in cells accelerates. Thanks to this, damaged cells are actively replaced by new ones, which not only promotes faster recovery, but also reduces the risk of gastritis becoming chronic. Therefore, if you have gastritis, you should not lie on your sides. We need to get up and start working.
Advice: Of course, you shouldn’t start exercising when you have an acute attack of stomach pain. As a rule, the first classes are prescribed 10 days after the onset of the disease. Start with a low load, gradually increasing the intensity. Abdominal exercises should be avoided at first.
Main focus
The set of exercises, their intensity and load depend on the type of gastric secretion. After all, increasing the complexity and duration of the workout leads to a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.
With reduced secretory function of the stomach, moderate physical activity is necessary at an average pace, with a small number of repetitions. It is this type of exercise that slowly increases blood flow to the walls of the stomach. You can practice for about 30 minutes. It is advisable that gymnastics take place with cheerful music and in a group, since emotionally intense exercises better stimulate the secretory function of the stomach. The main emphasis is on exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and develop abdominal breathing. It is better to perform exercises 1.5–2 hours before or after meals and half an hour before meals mineral water– this is necessary to restore blood circulation in the stomach.
With increased acidity of gastric juice, it is necessary to perform more complex exercises in coordination at a slow pace, with monotonous movements, then its secretion decreases. The intensity of exercise should increase gradually. Gymnastics must be combined with breathing exercises and relaxation exercises. Used large number repetitions. However, abdominal exercises are kept to a minimum. If you actively pump your abs, you can get severe stomach pain. If pain occurs, gymnastics should be avoided altogether.
Conduct classes between the daily intake of mineral water and lunch, as this has an inhibitory effect on the secretion of the stomach.
And, let's start!
Here approximate complex exercises for gastritis.
Exercises for low acidity
Take your straight leg back with simultaneous raising hands up. Repeat 3-4 times for each leg. Rotate your torso to the sides, keeping your arms out to the sides. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction. Bend sideways and forward. 3-4 times in each direction. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale. Repeat 5-6 times. Sitting:
Place your palms on your lower back and stretch your legs in front of you. Perform 4-6 bends in the lower back. Raise your straight leg up. Repeat 4-6 times for each leg.
Lying on your back:
Perform the bicycle exercise for 1–2 minutes.
Exercises for high acidity
Stretch your arms forward and rotate your hands in one direction or the other. 10 rotations in each direction. Leaning forward, relax your shoulders and arms. Swing your arms left and right for 1-2 minutes.
On all fours:
As you inhale, raise your arm to the side and up. As you exhale, lower it. Repeat with the other hand. 8 times for each hand.
As you inhale, lower your head and at the same time bend at the waist. As you exhale, lift your head and straighten up. Repeat 10 times.
Lying on your back:
As you inhale, lift your straightened leg. As you exhale, lower it. The same thing - with the other leg. 10 times for each leg.
Lift at the same time right leg and a hand. Take a breath. Then, helping with your hand, pull your knee towards your stomach while tilting your head towards your chest. Exhale. Change leg and arm. 6 times - for each side of the body.
By the way
Also good for the stomach health running, since the vibration of internal organs when running improves the function of the digestive organs. If you have high acidity, before the start of the race it is good to drink a glass of oatmeal jelly, which envelops the mucous membrane and neutralizes excess acid. With low acidity, it is enough to drink half a glass of water - this will increase the secretion of gastric juice. Walking at a slow pace, 1.5–2 hours after eating, is also very beneficial for the stomach. Swimming, skating and skiing, as well as outdoor sports games with a ball (volleyball, football) give a good effect. They provide not only good physical activity, but also improve your psycho-emotional state.

To prevent and prevent constipation, it is recommended to completely change your lifestyle and adjust your diet.

But to achieve better effect, use special exercises for constipation to increase physical activity.

They are aimed at improving intestinal motility, helping to regulate and normalize stool and prevent constipation.

Performing special physical exercise, you can improve intestinal motility and develop the muscles of the abdominal walls of the pelvis.

The meaning of physical exercise and general rules

For the effectiveness of exercises, complex treatment is used. Sometimes changing your diet is not enough, and regular use of laxatives leads to addiction.

If constipation has become a chronic form of the disease, such exercises are extremely necessary.

Gymnastics for the intestines for constipation, together with massage, improve health and stimulate the excretory function of the digestive tract.

This occurs not only due to the stimulation of abdominal muscle tissue, but also due to the effect on the autonomic nervous system.

Blood circulation in the abdominal cavity is normalized and all organs in it begin their active work. Such therapeutic exercises removes painful sensations for bloating and flatulence, promotes easy removal of gases.

Therapeutic exercises for constipation require regularity. Only with constant practice is a clear positive result possible. All the exercises are quite simple, and you can perform them right in bed.

Daily exercises of 20 minutes will allow you to forget about constipation forever. Each exercise is effective in its own way, so it’s enough to choose just 5 tasks you like. Perform each exercise 15-20 times.

They are done in the morning after waking up and 3 times throughout the day. Avoid exercising after meals. To do this, make an interval of 2 hours.

There are also certain contraindications for which such gymnastics is contraindicated. These include:

  • Availability umbilical hernia and ulcers in the abdominal organs;
  • During pregnancy and menstruation;
  • During fever;
  • For hypertension.

Basic exercises

Exercises for constipation in adults are easy to perform and not complicated. Good result is achieved if breathing exercises are used in combination.

To make the exercises comfortable, choose loose clothing that will not restrict movement.

To normalize bowel function, perform the following exercises for constipation:

  • This exercise acts as a massage for the whole digestive system. To do this, spread your legs wide apart at shoulder level. Inhale slowly and deeply, forming an inflated belly in the form of a ball. Exhale smoothly and draw your stomach in. After a few seconds of break, repeat the exercise for the intestines. Repeat this task 3 times. Then you need to tense the intestines as if emptying them and relax again. All this must be done 7 times.
  • These exercises improve intestinal motility. Legs are placed at shoulder level. One by one, raise your knees up at stomach level. They try to press their legs as tightly as possible. Repeat the task 7 times on each leg.
  • Lie on your back. They raise their legs. Bend them at the knees. In a bent position, spread your legs apart different sides and return to its original position. You need to do 10 repetitions, then increase the load.
  • This exercise perfectly normalizes intestinal function. Lie on your back and raise your legs up. Bend your knees and press them to your stomach. You need to do 7 repetitions, then increase them. Such exercises are especially important for normal intestinal motility.
  • While in this position, they begin to spin the air bike. This imitation of leg movement is necessary for constipation to normalize bowel function and regular bowel movements.
  • Roll over onto your stomach and stretch your back, making your arms straight. They try to bend over. Remain in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 7 times.
  • Lie on your side, straighten your leg and lift it up. In this position, lift and lower the legs, maintaining a right angle of 90 degrees relative to the body. They start with 10 swings, then increase their number.
  • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Hands reach to the toes, but do not rush. Fix this position and start again. Do 5 approaches.
  • For constipation, squats at home are very effective. But they need to be done correctly. To do this, place your legs at shoulder level and begin a smooth squat to the level of a right angle in the knee area.
  • The body is tilted in opposite directions. This is an excellent bowel stimulation for constipation. Stand upright, bending alternately in different directions. Initially, 10 repetitions will be enough.
  • They do a twist. To do this, the torso is turned in opposite directions, and the legs remain in their original position.

Why is gymnastics important in old age?

Gymnastics for constipation in older people has a positive effect on the condition of the entire digestive system.

Regular exercise for constipation will restore normal intestinal function and normalize regular bowel movements.

Important benefits of regular exercise are:

  • Peristaltic movements are stimulated. Motor skills are activated in older people, which leads to an increase in the tone of the walls of the excretory organ.
  • Metabolism accelerates. Regular therapeutic exercises provoke good and rapid absorption of beneficial elements and their entry into the blood. Because of this, the functioning of the entire digestive system is normalized.
  • The tone in the body increases, metabolism and all vital processes in the body accelerate. Physical exercise for constipation has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system, but also on other organs and processes.

Such gymnastics is useful not only for older people, but also for other patients suffering from constipation.

But for older patients this is most necessary, because this is an excellent opportunity not only to improve intestinal function and get rid of constipation, but also a number of measures that allow you to adjust blood sugar levels and improve blood pressure.

To do this, it is enough to perform exercises at home for normal functioning of the entire intestine.

Gymnastics for the elderly

Exercises for constipation begin with morning exercises. But not all older people have the physical ability to perform it due to age-related changes.

Muscles, joints and other organs may malfunction. But there are very simple exercises for constipation that can improve the functioning of the intestines and overall digestion.

Doctors are urged to do morning exercises which should be performed before breakfast.

Before starting classes, half an hour in advance, drink a glass of clean, cool water. It helps improve and normalize peristalsis.

What exercises are included morning complex classes:

  • Bend the body in opposite directions while standing
  • Lunges on both legs
  • Circular pelvic rotations
  • Correct squats

It is very important not to overload the body of older people. You need to properly distribute the load and not overwork. You should not force yourself to do the exercises, especially if you feel pain in the muscles and joints.

But ignoring classes is also unacceptable. They are very effective against constipation, so doing them is a must.

Regular walking

Among the exercises for constipation, for optimal bowel health, you need to do walking. This is the most effective way normalization of the process of defecation, both in adults and in the elderly.

  • Activation of intestinal motility and the entire digestive system occurs. Due to the contraction of the anterior abdominal wall, the large and small intestines are stimulated during constipation.
  • The lungs are actively ventilated. When they fully expand during walking, a certain pressure occurs on the diaphragm. When it contracts, massaging movements occur in the area of ​​the upper intestine, which leads to the launch and strengthening of motility. This is very important against constipation.
  • Microcirculation increases. Daily walking, like other sports, provokes sufficient blood flow to all organs and systems, enhancing their functions. This also applies to the rectum, which is very important for constipation.

Swimming for constipation

Swimming is considered the most useful view a sport in which the entire muscle group works and respiratory function is normalized. Few people know, but swimming saves both adults and elderly patients from constipation.

What effect does swimming have on the human body for constipation?

  • Provides stimulation of peristalsis of the excretory system. Thanks to water, natural massage effect. A significant problem goes away thanks to the work and activation of all muscle groups.
  • Due to the activity of all muscle tissues, the entire body is toned. Because of this, energy is consumed with greater force, which leads to a significant acceleration in the absorption of nutrients and rapid processing of food. The same applies to the excretory function.
  • During swimming, the lungs are actively developed. They exert their pressure on the diaphragm, which leads to massaging movements that provoke the intestines.

Swimming perfectly calms and relieves stress. This is very important because all these factors need to be addressed for constipation.

That's why this type sport is great for anyone age group. It is enough to visit the pool at least 2 times a week.

Bowel exercises for constipation are considered an excellent way to eliminate this problem. But it cannot be taken as a basis and used as the main and only method of treatment.

Elimination of constipation is carried out comprehensively, using other methods. When performing regular tasks, you need to adjust your diet by adding the necessary foods and dishes to your diet to help normalize and regular bowel movements.

Before we start physical activities, you should definitely consult your doctor. If there are chronic diseases or other indications, he may prohibit such actions for constipation.

You need to monitor your health. At the first signs of the disease, you must consult a doctor to diagnose the disease early stages. Self-medication is harmful to health.

Useful video

When remnants of digested food are regularly retained in the intestines, it poisons the body with toxins, which causes serious health problems. Frequent stool retention is a serious reason for taking emergency measures. Intestinal exercises for constipation are one of the ways to eliminate the problem and an integral part of complex treatment.

Before you start charging, it is important to select correct complex exercises. Depending on the type of constipation, the type of charging may differ slightly:

Type of constipationFeatures of the pathologyRecommended Exercises
AtonicDefecation does not occur due to weakening of the intestinal muscle tissue. The functionality of the intestines is impaired, the contents do not move out well. This pathology occurs after diseases of the digestive system and abdominal type surgical interventions. As a rule, stool is rare but plentiful. Feces have a dense consistency. With this form of constipation, there is a risk of developing hemorrhoidsWith this form of constipation, exercises are carried out at an average pace. Gymnastics should be done regularly 2-3 times a day. Patients with atonic constipation are prescribed the following exercises:
· springy movements – improve intestinal motility;
· power loads– includes resistance, weight lifting (weight should be discussed with personal trainer);
· gymnastics aimed at strengthening abdominal muscles– abdominal swing;
light jogging, squats or jumping
SpasticThe functionality of the intestines is not impaired, but the patient is bothered by severe spasms that prevent the excretion of intestinal contents. With this form of constipation, the following symptoms are observed: goat feces (peas), increased gas formation. In addition, it seems to the patient that even after defecation, emptying did not occur completely. When straining during defecation, the patient feels a sharp pain in the anusIn case of spastic constipation, the patient is prescribed gymnastics to help relieve spasm. With this kind of training, it is important to maintain a calm pace. Excessive loads are contraindicated. The following exercises are recommended for patients:
· relaxing gymnastics;
· therapeutic exercises, which are prescribed to patients with osteochondrosis lumbar region spine;
visiting the pool, swimming

Despite the fact that gymnastics is useful for any person, before you start training, it is important to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Gymnastics must be done regularly. After stool normalization, you can perform exercises every 2 days.
  2. Exercises should be done in the morning, 30-40 minutes after waking up. This will recharge your energy for the whole day.
  3. It is forbidden to do gymnastics immediately after eating. If this rule is violated, there may be a risk of deterioration in the patient’s well-being.
  4. One workout should take 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to normalize the functionality of the intestines. During the day, it is permissible to do light warm-ups, with an average duration of 5-10 minutes.
  5. Charging should begin with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones. This warm-up will prepare the body for the necessary loads.
  6. Each type of exercise should be repeated 6-15 times.
  7. 10-15 minutes before training, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean still water. This helps improve intestinal functionality.

The need for gymnastics for constipation

Laxatives, adjustment nutrition - ways temporary relief of well-being. For chronic constipation, these methods are ineffective.

Important! Frequent use of medications can have the opposite effect. Over time, the intestines cease to cope with their functions without medications.

Physical exercise has a number of positive effects:

  • help improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs;
  • restore natural bowel function;
  • strengthen the abdominal muscles and diaphragm;
  • stimulate the work of the excretory department;
  • facilitate the passage of gases;
  • improve vegetative functioning nervous system.

To eliminate constipation you need regular classes. On average, a set of exercises lasts 15-20 minutes. Adults should do gymnastics 2-3 times a day.

Pay attention! The interval between exercise and food intake should be 2-3 hours.

Physical activity has the following contraindications:

  • umbilical hernia,
  • menstruation period,
  • pregnancy,
  • hypertension;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fever.

It is also necessary to refrain from therapeutic exercises in the presence of ulcerative lesions of the abdominal organs.

Video - Exercises against constipation

Simple exercises for constipation

An effective, simple exercise is abdominal protrusion. You need to stand up straight, straighten your back, slowly inhale, pull in your stomach, and exhale, push it out. It strengthens abdominal wall, improves bowel function. Complex cases of constipation require a set of regular exercises:

Supine position:

  1. With your knees bent at right angles, bring your legs together and spread them 15 times.
  2. Pull the bent legs towards the stomach with the help of your hands, return them to their original position, and straighten them (10-15 times).
  3. Connect your legs, lift them off the floor, lower them after 30 seconds. Do 3 approaches.
  4. Imitation of cycling (done at a slow pace). Time: 3-5 minutes.
  5. With one leg bent, reach the floor with a straight leg, while it is important to ensure that the lower back and shoulders do not rise. The exercise is done alternately with each leg (10-15 times).

Kneeling position:

  1. Stretch your arms in front, alternately lift your legs up (the legs cannot be straightened at the knees). Regular exercise will be beneficial for the intestines and back.
  2. Elbows on the floor, back straight, head down. From this position, alternately squat left and right. Make sure that your back does not bend.
  3. Palms on the floor. Alternately moving the legs bent at the knees back.
  4. Palms rest on the floor, take a deep breath. As you exhale, bend down, relaxing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. While inhaling, take the starting position. Take a deep breath again and arch your back upward (hissing cat pose). Take the starting position (repeat 10 times).


  1. Inhale - raise your leg up, exhale - lower it. Repeat 15 times for each limb.
  2. While inhaling slowly, you need to push your stomach out as much as possible, and while exhaling, pull it in. Repeat 10 times.
  3. The hands are located under the shoulders. Without lifting your limbs from the floor, get on all fours and smoothly roll onto your feet. Take the starting position. It is important that the brushes do not come off the floor. Repeat 5-7 times.

Standing position:

  1. Running in place (2-3 minutes).
  2. Alternately raise your legs up. During the exercise, it is important to pull your legs towards your stomach as much as possible. Hands are on the belt. The exercise should be repeated up to 10 times.
  3. The next exercise consists of walking in place, smoothly turning into rolls from heel to toe and back (2 minutes are allotted for the exercise).
  4. Take a deep breath and squat as you exhale. It is important that your feet do not leave the floor. If necessary, you can hold your hand on the wall or table. Repeat 5-1 times.
  5. Raise your arms up as you inhale, as you exhale you bend over, while your arms drop down and your stomach retracts. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

Breathing exercises

Constipation often appears after childbirth or surgery. In such cases, physical activity is contraindicated, and breathing exercises will be an effective way to eliminate the problem.

Pay attention! Deep breathing is a stimulating massage for the intestines. Execution breathing exercises promotes effective recovery its functions.

  • put your hand on your stomach, take a deep breath (the hand allows you to control the depth of breathing);
  • exhale, the lungs should be freed from air as much as possible;
  • the next breath is taken from the stomach.

Breathing exercises are effective for any intestinal diseases. The exercises have no contraindications and can be performed regardless of age. Breathing should be done 3-4 times a day. Total time carrying out – 10-15 minutes.

Gymnastics helps eliminate intestinal pathology, improves health, and gives vigor and energy. Chronic constipation is often the result of a sedentary lifestyle, so exercise should become an integral part of the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases.

Video - How to cope with constipation

Since ancient times, various methods have been developed to improve health without taking drugs, including acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, qigong and tai chi.

In China, the science of maintaining health has a written history of more than three thousand years. Due to its simplicity, practicality and effectiveness in the absence of side effects These methods are very popular and widely used today, despite the high development of modern medicine. Belly rub also called a method of treating diseases and prolonging life. This method of maintaining health is widely known and used in China since the reign of the Qing Dynasty.

Therapeutic exercise of Chinese medicine "Rubging the abdomen"

The exercise is mainly aimed at improving blood flow in the abdominal cavity, stimulating the nerve endings of the stomach and intestines by rubbing certain acupuncture points and affected areas, massage, compression and stretching of internal organs, causing stimulation of the vagus nerve associated with the central nervous system, and leading to contraction smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, enhancing their peristalsis.

At the same time, the exercise promotes the secretion of gastric juice, bile, pancreatic and intestinal juices, improves the digestion and absorption of food in the stomach and intestines, and increases the metabolism of sugar, proteins and fats in the liver.

Helps cure some diseases of the stomach and intestines, including gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, gastric and intestinal neuroses, inflammation of the large intestine and chronic constipation.

Starting position: sit or lie on your back. If you are sitting, your body should be straight, your feet should be on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulders. If you are lying down, bend your knees slightly, feet slightly to the sides, heels pressed to the surface. In winter (if it's cold), lie under a blanket, or sit down, dressed, or covered with a blanket.


1. Rubbing the Zhong Wan point. Place the pads of your three middle fingers right hand on the epigastric region and press on them with the three middle fingers of your left hand. Use the strength of both hands and gently press and rub around the zhong-wan point (on the midline of the abdomen, halfway between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum, Fig. 10-51) clockwise 36 times (Fig. 10-52).

2. Rubbing the navel. Gently massage the area around the navel clockwise 18 times, starting at the left side of the navel, using the pads of the three middle fingers of your right hand with the three fingers of your left hand overlaid on top of them. Then change everything under left hand and starting with right side navel, perform 18 gentle counter-clockwise rubs on the area around the navel.

3. Rubbing the Qi Hai and Guan Yuan points(Fig. 10–51). Using circular movements of the three middle fingers of your right hand with the three fingers of your left hand superimposed on them, rub the area of ​​the lower abdomen, starting from the qi-hai point, down to the left, passing the guan-yuan point, and up to the right, returning to the qi-hai point. Perform 18 such circles. After this, change hands and soft in a circular motion Rub the area 18 times in the opposite direction.

4. Push the Ren channel(Fig. 10–53). Using gentle pushing movements, move from the epigastrium along the midline of the abdomen down to the pubic symphysis, using the three middle fingers of one hand overlaid with the three fingers of the other hand.

After this, spread your hands outward, rub with pushing movements along the iliac fossa upward, along the costal arches under the nipples to the epigastric region, and finally the epigastric region itself, placing the three middle fingers of one hand on the three fingers of the other. This counts as one lap.

Repeat 36 times. Women should use the rotating rubbing method for this procedure.

5. Rubbing the entire belly(Fig. 10–54). Place your left hand on your waist with your thumb forward (left hand in a free position), gently push and rub with your right palm from the lower right abdominal area (right iliac fossa), past the right hypochondrium, left hypochondrium to the left iliac fossa, returning to right lower abdomen. This counts as one lap.

Repeat 18 times. After this, switch hands and use your left palm to go over the same areas, but in the opposite direction, 18 times.

6. Pressing and rocking. With these techniques The above exercises can give great results.

Pressing. Using two or three middle fingers of one hand, press the Zhong Wan, Guan Yuan and Qi Hai points. Push first and then slowly lift your fingers. This is one movement. Click on each point 5-7 times.

Pushing and pressing. Use the heel of your palm to push and apply pressure to your lower back. Before applying pressure, place your hands on your thighs, fingertips facing forward, with your thumbs pressed firmly against the bottom edge of your ribs. When you push, press vigorously with the heels of your palms inward and forward, protruding your belly, and when you loosen your palms, pull your belly back to its original position. This is one repetition, which must be performed 9 times in turn (Fig. 10–55).

Wiggle. Sit cross-legged and place your hands on your knees. Wiggle it top part body 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise, gradually increasing the amplitude of swaying (Fig. 10–56).

Number of repetitions

Pressing and rubbing the abdomen is performed 2-3 times a day, morning and evening. The number of repetitions of each procedure depends on your physical well-being.

  • When illness occurs the number of repetitions should be significantly increased.
  • For abdominal pain you can increase the number of repetitions to several dozen, and even several hundred, until the symptoms of the disease weaken or go away altogether.

That is, after rubbing and pressing, you should have a feeling of relief and relaxation, and fatigue should go away.

What to pay attention to

1. Focus, be alert and breathe naturally.

2. Movements should be gentle, slow and continuous. Do not apply too much force to avoid damage internal organs.

3. Sometimes during or after rubbing the abdomen, gases in the intestines, a feeling of hunger or warmth in the intestines, and the urge to urinate or defecate may appear. These are all normal reactions caused by changes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, due to the activation of peristalsis. Don't worry about this.


  • Pregnant women should not rub their belly.
  • For those with malignant tumors, perforation of the stomach or intestines, internal bleeding or peritonitis, abdominal rubbing is contraindicated.
  • In addition, you should not rub the damaged part of the abdomen during an acute infection.
  • Women can rub their belly during menstruation, but they need to protect themselves from exposure to the cold.
  • It is not advisable to rub your stomach if you are very hungry or have overeaten.
  • If you wish, empty your bladder and bowels before the procedure. published .

"Therapeutic Exercises of Chinese Medicine", Zeng Qingnan, Liu Daoqing.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Performing dosed physical exercises, accompanied by positive changes in functional state and increasing the level of basic life processes causes positive emotions. This is especially applicable in case of peptic ulcer disease, when the neuropsychic state of patients leaves much to be desired (normalization of the symptoms of dystonia expressed in patients from the nervous system). It should be noted the impact physical activity on the nervous regulation of the digestive apparatus.

With regular exercise, as in the process physical training, gradually increase energy reserves, the body is enriched with enzyme compounds, vitamins, potassium and calcium ions. This has a beneficial effect on the scarring of the ulcerative defect (impact on the trophic and regenerative potency of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract).

Complex treatment of diseases of the stomach and duodenum must necessarily include means that help improve blood circulation both in the abdominal cavity and in the body in general. This allows you to more effectively combat the manifestations of the inflammatory process and, in addition, contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in tissues, without which it is impossible to achieve rapid scarring of the ulcer and improve impaired stomach functions.

No less important task is the selection of means to normalize the impaired nervous regulation of the functions of these organs. One of the multifaceted and effective methods The treatment of diseases of the stomach and duodenum is physical therapy with all its arsenal that affects the body, and in particular, therapeutic exercises.

Numerous studies show that physical exercises for diseases of the stomach and duodenum help to normalize the nervous regulation of stomach functions, primarily motor and evacuation, as well as acid-forming and enzymatic, improve blood circulation, help normalize intra-abdominal pressure, and all together improves tissue nutrition and metabolism in them , which helps reduce the inflammatory process, accelerate ulcer scarring, and normalize the functioning of the stomach and duodenum.

The effect of physical exercise is determined by its intensity and time of use. Small to moderate muscle tension They stimulate the basic functions of the gastrointestinal tract, but when intense, they inhibit them.

There is a beneficial effect of exercise therapy on blood circulation and breathing, which also expands the functional capabilities of the body and increases its reactivity.

Depending on the clinical nature of the disease and the functionality of the patient, various forms and means are used.

Contraindications to classes include:

· Fresh ulcer in the acute period.

· Ulcer complicated by bleeding.

· Preperforative state.

· Ulcer complicated by stenosis in the stage of decompensation.

· Fresh massive paraprocesses during penetration.

· Severe dyspeptic disorders.

· Severe pain.

· General contraindications.

Principle of individualization in application physical therapy for this disease is required.

Therapeutic exercises for prolapse of the abdominal organs are aimed at general strengthening of the body, normalization of intra-abdominal pressure, stimulation of the motor and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines. And most importantly, regular and dosed training with special physical exercises in combination with subsequent hydrotherapeutic procedures (rubbing, showering) strengthens the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, back, which gradually helps to establish the abdominal organs in normal anatomical position. I must say that this method is one of the most effective means helping patients with prolapse of the abdominal organs.

Students with chronic diseases need to introduce elements of a health regime: a reduction in the academic load, exercise therapy according to a special program, mandatory daily morning exercises, walks before and after classes. As a therapeutic and health factor - 5-6 meals a day. IN comprehensive plan rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the digestive system at all stages, the differentiated, pathogenetically substantiated use of physical therapy ensures an increase in the effectiveness of treatment, helps restore performance and maintain it at the required level. Exercise affects digestive functions through the central nervous system.

Morning hygienic gymnastics pursues goals general development and strengthening health, increasing efficiency, and helps hardening, promotes a more complete transition from an inhibited state to an alert one. In morning hygienic gymnastics, a small (8-10) number of exercises are used, covering the main muscle groups; physical exercise should be simple.

Objectives of exercise therapy:

· General improvement and strengthening of the patient’s body.

· Impact on the neurohumoral regulation of digestive processes.

· Improving blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvis, preventing adhesions and congestion.

· Strengthening the abdominal muscles and stimulating the motor function of the digestive system.

· Improved breathing function.

· Increased emotional tone.

Morning hygienic gymnastics, therapeutic exercises, walks, health path, outdoor games, elements of sports and applied exercises, cycling, swimming, rowing, skiing, ray therapy. In addition, massage and self-massage of the abdomen are used.

Therapeutic gymnastics (TG) is one of the main forms of exercise therapy.

The therapeutic effect of LH will be significantly higher if special physical exercises are performed by muscle groups that receive innervation from the same segments of the spinal cord as the affected organ. These are exercises involving the muscles of the neck, trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, anterior abdominal wall, iliopsoas, obturator, foot and calf muscles.

In diseases of the digestive organs, the effectiveness of LH largely depends on the choice of starting positions that allow differentiated regulation of intra-abdominal pressure.

TO special exercises include:

· breathing exercises, especially diaphragmatic breathing, which, rhythmically changing intra-abdominal pressure, has a massaging effect on the liver, stomach, and intestines. As a result, bile secretion, peristalsis of the stomach and intestines increase, venous outflow improves, and decreases congestion in the digestive organs.

Relaxation exercises: reduce increased tone Central nervous system, reflexively reduce the tone of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, effective for relieving spasms of the pylorus and sphincters.

· exercises for the abdominal muscles.

· exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. When the abdominal muscles relax and contract, the pressure in the abdominal cavity either increases or decreases, exerting a massaging effect on the internal organs. Actively acting muscles abdominal press, back and pelvis, increase blood flow to the abdominal organs, and this helps eliminate inflammatory processes, normalize blood circulation in the liver, kidneys, eliminate stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area, and also increases oxidative processes and metabolism. Strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles helps normalize the position of the digestive organs, especially when internal organs prolapse.

· exercises that promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder. Various starting positions are used: standing, kneeling, sitting, lying, knee-elbow, knee-wrist. Lying on your back with legs bent and on all fours the best relaxation of the abdominal organs is achieved. To improve the outflow of bile, the best starting position is lying on the left side (the movement of bile is facilitated by the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder, the gravity of the bile), as well as on all fours. Lying on the right side improves blood supply to the liver and provides liver massage by increasing the excursion of the right dome of the diaphragm. Starting position: lying on your back with the foot end of the couch raised, as well as the knee-elbow position are used for splanchnoptosis. In various starting points movements of the torso and legs are performed with a large amplitude in combination with breathing.

Indications for prescribing exercise therapy:

· chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretion;

· peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

· biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis;

· chronic hepatitis;

· chronic colitis, mainly with a tendency to constipation;

hiatal hernia;

· splanchnoptosis (prolapse of internal organs).

Contraindications for prescribing exercise therapy:

· a period of exacerbation of the disease with severe pain, repeated vomiting and nausea;

· complicated course of the disease: bleeding due to gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, perforation of the ulcer, acute perivisceritis (perigastritis, periduodenitis).

The classes also have an educational value: patients get used to systematically performing physical exercises, this becomes their daily habit. Exercise therapy classes They move on to general physical education and become a human need even after recovery.

Thus, we found out that the state educational program involves classes physical culture for students with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system in special group. In this work, we focused our attention on subgroup “B”, which is recommended for students who have significant deviations in health caused by serious chronic diseases. Such students are admitted to theoretical classes and classes on the rehabilitation of their own health.

In our work, we considered the limitations of physical activity of students with diagnoses such as celiac disease, peptic ulcer, splanchnoptosis, GERD, gastroduodenitis. Until recently, adolescents with similar diagnoses were completely exempt from sports; exercise therapy was not developed for them.

Due to the fact that in recent decades there has been a significant increase in gastrointestinal diseases, the amount of popular medical literature and scientific works on such rare diseases as celiac disease, GERD has increased, and exercise therapy programs are widely represented.

In our work we presented an approximate exercise therapy complex, presented in the work of Moshkov V.N. During the study, we were able to find out that for some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fitness classes, dancing, swimming, and cycling are acceptable.