When is the best time to run to lose weight? How to lose weight by running - rules and training programs for men or women

How much running do you need to lose weight? How soon can I get results? What is the best running program for weight loss? Who shouldn't run and why?

Let's consider all the popular questions regarding the effectiveness and safety of cardio for weight loss.

Running to burn fat is a very popular exercise that does not require a good level of training, equipment or large expenses. You can run on the street, in the gym, and even at home, the main thing is to know how and when to do it correctly.

Interval running - weight melts, muscles remain

Interval running for weight loss– one of the best solutions for weight loss and endurance. The point is to alternate load modes: you run one segment of the distance at a calm rhythm, the other - accelerating as much as possible.

Interval running has several advantages over running at a constant speed.

  • Firstly, this is the most effective way learn to run faster.
  • Secondly, interval running is better for weight loss. During the acceleration segment, calorie consumption almost doubles, which increases the intensity of cardio training. Fat reserves are consumed more actively, muscle mass is preserved!

Not only competitive athletes, but also amateurs often choose interval running to lose weight. How long should you run? It is enough to exercise 1 – 2 times a week. The rest of the training time can be filled with regular running and fitness. You can run at a calm pace every day.

Universal interval running program for weight loss:

  • warm-up;
  • 1 lap of acceleration;
  • 2 rounds of rest;
  • 2 laps of acceleration;
  • 1 round of rest;
  • 2 laps of acceleration;
  • 2 rounds of rest;
  • 1 lap of acceleration;
  • 2 rounds of rest;
  • hitch.

This is the program by distance. This running chart for weight loss is suitable for those who run in a stadium or in a park.

If you find it easier to navigate by time, use a different scheme:

  • warm-up;
  • 1 minute acceleration;
  • 2 minutes rest;
  • 2 minutes acceleration;
  • 3 minutes rest;
  • 3 minutes acceleration;
  • 3 minutes rest;
  • 2 minutes acceleration;
  • 1 minute rest;
  • 1 minute acceleration;
  • 1 minute rest;
  • hitch.

If you have never run before, be very attentive to your body - incorrect technique will only harm you. For beginners, it is better to start running for weight loss gradually - at low speed and duration, ideally after visiting a doctor. Strictly in the absence of contraindications, which we will discuss below.

You will also definitely need comfortable shoes (don't skimp on running shoes) and master the correct technique running.

Correct running technique

Relearning is always more difficult than learning from scratch. Therefore, we install the equipment immediately:

  • neck in a neutral position, looking forward;
  • strong press;
  • arms bent 90 degrees;
  • the foot lands quietly on the wide part without shuffling;
  • the heel comes down last and immediately comes off;
  • there is no or minimal toe push.

To quickly master the technique, you need to strengthen muscle corset, work on coordination and stabilization. Squats, jumping on toes, lunges, skipping rope, bending over, and push-ups are good for this.

Important:running speed is regulated by the inclination of the body, not by the frequency of the step

At what heart rate does fat burn faster?

Heart rate affects the number of calories burned. To estimate the heart rate, a percentage of the maximum heart rate (MPR) is used.

PIL is determined by the formula: 220 minus age in years.
For example, maximum safe heart rate for a person aged 30 years – 190 beats per minute.

  • Resting pulse – 35 – 40% MPP
  • Warm-up zone – 50 – 60% MPE
  • Activity zone – 60 – 70% MPP
  • Aerobic zone – 70 – 80% MPP
  • Endurance zone – 80 – 90% MPP
  • Danger zone – 90 – 95% MPP

The fat-burning heart rate zone is 60–70% of the MHR– the body covers the maximum amount of calories from fat. Training in the 90-95% MF zone is dangerous, because... place excessive stress on the body. When the upper limit is reached, rest is necessary.

When is it good to run for weight loss?

If your goal is to lose weight, best choice There will be an evening run that will burn calories. Optimally – 2 hours after the last meal.

If running in the evening is not possible, do it in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • The result of running for weight loss can be different: depending on weight, intensity, duration and regularity of training, and health status.
  • On average, running at a normal pace helps you lose 300 grams in 30 minutes, interval running helps you lose up to 500 grams in the same time. The effect will be noticeable within 2 weeks if you follow the regime and do not overeat.

Running: contraindications and restrictions

Unfortunately, even proper running is not beneficial for everyone. There is a whole list of contraindications and restrictions for running on fresh air and indoors, on the path.

Read carefully to understand whether it is worth starting training or whether it is better to choose another, more gentle sport.

Contraindications for running

  • congenital heart defect;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • circulatory failure;
  • severe heart rhythm disturbances;
  • thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

This list, proposed by Ph.D. Milner Evgeniy Grigorievich, we can continue.

You should not run during an exacerbation of any disease, as well as immediately after an exacerbation, at a fever, or after a recent injury or surgery.

Contraindications to the treadmill: knee injury, VSD, organ diseases respiratory system, suffered strokes, heart attacks, injuries of the spine and ankle joints.

Be sure to get permission from your doctor if you:

  • hypertension or varicose veins;
  • frequent headaches;
  • myopia or glaucoma;
  • any chronic disease;
  • joint problems;
  • flat feet;
  • age over 40 – 50 years.

If you haven’t exercised for so long that you feel short of breath even while sitting, be sure to consult your doctor before starting or resuming cardio training after a long break, and running for weight loss in particular.

If a person is overweight (from 100 kg and above with short stature),!

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Why should you run to lose weight?

To start playing sports, you don’t have to sign up for expensive gyms and fitness clubs. The exercise necessary to burn calories can easily be provided by an accessible, convenient and free type of training – running.

While running, your heart rate increases, blood begins to circulate more actively, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism and the desired burning of fat. In addition, when running, a person uses all muscle groups, and weight loss does not occur in one specific area, but is distributed over all problem areas.

The main rule is do no harm!

Despite all the attractiveness of running, this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone. Like any other physical activity, running has a number of contraindications, neglecting which will not only not relieve excess weight, but will also harm the body.

Health features incompatible with running training:

  • spinal injuries;
  • heart disease;
  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • poor vision and retinal damage;
  • varicose veins;
  • exacerbation of chronic or acute period current illness;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Proper preparation: where to start?

After consulting with your doctor and assessing your body’s readiness for physical activity, you need to thoroughly prepare for training. Taking into account all the nuances, it will not only be easier and more comfortable to run, but your mood will improve and your craving for sports will not disappear. So…

Choosing the right sports uniform

Preference should be given to clothing made from natural, breathable materials that retain heat and do not prevent sweating. Clothing should not hinder movement, the main thing is convenience and comfort.

High-quality sports shoes are the key to successful running training and, accordingly, weight loss. When choosing shoes, special attention should be paid to the sole. It should be soft and elastic, which will reduce the stress on the joints during running.

Finding a place to run

Not every city can boast of having equipped running tracks with a special coating. In most cases, you have to be content with an asphalt sidewalk. But the best option, of course, would be jogging in a forest, park or stadium.

Let's warm up

Before you start running, it is important to do a thorough warm-up, during which you need to warm up your muscles, get your blood flowing and prepare your heart for the stress. Exercises known from school are quite suitable for this: swinging arms and legs, bending and rotating the body, squats and jumps.

Making training more enjoyable

The efforts made will be justified only if the training is enjoyable. Many to support good mood Listening to your favorite music helps you maintain a fighting spirit for a long time. To do this, you just need to take with you a player or phone with melodic recordings and start your path to harmony.

Choosing your own running mode and technique

Every person who starts running for the purpose of losing weight should know that he can achieve greater results by doing it systematically. To do this, it is important to choose the right exercise regimen that matches the characteristics of the body. So, an unprepared beginner runner should not immediately overcome the daily marathon distances– the body simply cannot withstand the unexpected load.

You need to accustom your body to training gradually, carefully monitoring its reaction. Naturally, at first the body will get tired and the muscles will ache. But after several classes, everyone will be able to decide how many times and what distance they are ready to cover without causing damage to their health.

Like the regime, running technique is selected individually. Best option, if a specialist instructor can help with this. Otherwise, you should listen more carefully to yourself and objectively assess the body’s capabilities. Depending on how resilient a person is, what his starting weight is and what results he wants to achieve, they choose the appropriate training technique - jogging, interval running, or others.

Pulse is important!

The norms of its upper and lower limits are different for people of different ages and body weights. The younger and slimmer a person is, the higher his pulse will be.

Normal heart rate can be calculated using the formula: subtract age from 220 and multiply by 0.6 to determine the lower limit; 220 – age, multiply by 0.8 – for the top. On average, acceptable heart rate values ​​range from 120-150 beats per minute. The desired weight loss can be achieved when its indicators reach 120-130 beats.

If during training the pulse does not go beyond the upper limit, this indicates that the load is selected correctly, and running does not harm the body’s condition. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the training plan, reduce the intensity of runs or shorten their duration.

When and how much should you run to lose weight?

One of the main questions that every person starting to run asks.
It has been proven that jogging lasting from 30 to 60 minutes is safest for health and at the same time effective for losing weight, which is enough to do 2-3 times a week. There is no point in overloading your body with intense daily runs. The body has the right not only to work, but also to have time to recover.

As for the choice of time of day, expert opinions differ here. Some recommend running in the morning, while others choose the evening hours. In fact, they are all right. Both morning and evening jogging are equally effective in helping you lose weight, but this effect is achieved through different mechanisms.

During morning workouts, done an hour before a hearty breakfast, the body draws energy from the fat accumulated earlier. Evening jogging takes away the calories received during the day, which forces the body to restore them by burning excess fat deposits.

You can run to lose weight both in the morning and in the evening. To do right choice, you need to listen to your biorhythms. After all, it will not be difficult for a person who is a morning person to go for a run before work, while for night owls who hate the ringing of the alarm clock, the necessary early rise will only bring irritation, and training may soon come to naught.

Basic rules of running

Running is an excellent way to lose weight and keep fit. But in order for your training to be as effective as possible, it is important to follow a number of rules. They must be followed and it is advisable not to deviate from the norm. For example, running on a “heavy” stomach is uncomfortable, and if you breathe incorrectly, after a couple of minutes of running you may get a “stabbing” in your side. So here they are, the rules:

1. Mandatory meal before training

An hour and a half before running exercises, you need to saturate the body with carbohydrates, otherwise it will quickly become exhausted and full workout there just isn't enough strength.

2. Compliance with drinking regime

3. Smooth nasal breathing

Proper breathing is the key to a successful workout. It should be so measured that the runner can calmly talk to the interlocutor without getting confused or out of breath. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

4. Maintaining breathing rhythm

The optimal rhythm is one in which there are 2 steps for each inhalation and exhalation. This will allow you to maintain the required running speed throughout the entire session.

5. Correct posture

You need to keep your back and head straight. This will allow the body to receive the required amount of oxygen.

6. Legs bent at the knees

Very important rule! Running on straight legs is extremely dangerous, because it transfers a colossal load to the spinal joints and knees, which they cannot cope with.

7. Limited hand movements

Excessively swinging your arms wastes energy and increases the likelihood of breathing problems. The recommended position of the hands is pressed to the body during the entire run.

Types of running for weight loss - which one to choose?

Every person has run at least once in their life. But not everyone thinks that you can run in various ways. For weight loss purposes, 4 types of running are used, each of which requires a special technique.

Jogging (Jogging). Slightly faster than usual brisk walking. For the body to start burning fat, you need to jog for quite a long time - 50-60 minutes. This is due to the fact that during measured running, the energy obtained from glycogen is first consumed, which lasts for 30-40 minutes, after which fat cells are burned. Therefore, jogging for weight loss can be done by people with good endurance, who, due to the characteristics of their body, can run for a long time, but not quickly.

Interval running. Most efficient look running, which allows you to lose weight in less time. The interval running technique consists of alternating stages of training with varying degrees of load - jogging, running with maximum acceleration, walking, jogging, etc. Each stage takes 30-60 seconds to complete. The effectiveness of running depends on the number of repeated cycles, the optimal option is from 10 to 15 repetitions. Thus, you need to spend no more than 20 minutes on the entire workout, and the fat-burning effect will last another 6-7 hours. This feature makes interval running the perfect way weight loss for people who do not have a large number free time.

Running up the stairs. An affordable, simple and convenient running option. To achieve the desired result, you need to run for at least 20 minutes, ideally up to 50 minutes. But monotonous running up and down will quickly cease to affect weight loss, so running up the stairs must be combined with short 10-minute jogs on the street and other load options - walking, push-ups, squats.

Treadmill workouts. A suitable option for those who prefer fitness centers or running at home. Training should begin with 15-minute leisurely runs on a level treadmill. Then the speed is increased, while simultaneously increasing the angle of the track, simulating “uphill” running. Finish classes by returning to starting position and run in this way for another 10 minutes.

Running in place. Another running option for opponents street training and visits to gyms. To lose weight by running in place, you will have to exercise for at least an hour, because... in this case, the breakdown of glycogen will take much longer. Of course, it is difficult to run monotonously in one position for an hour, and the benefits from such training will be minimal. For better results, you need to change your running methods more often - normal, with your knees raised high, with overlaps, with your legs lunging forward.

Many curvy ladies, having started running, complain that the kilograms are in no hurry to go away. It seems that both the technique and the running time are chosen correctly, but there is no result. And this is not surprising. To make your dreams of losing weight come true, it is important to support your physical activity with a properly organized diet.

What should you eat when running to lose weight?

Each activity takes away a certain amount of energy from the body, which it tries to replenish. Appetite increases, and now it needs to be constantly monitored. The number and volume of portions during training should not become larger than before the start of training.

It is important to follow a meal schedule. In the case of an evening jog, you need to have a full dinner 1.5 hours before the start of your workout. The following are excluded from the list of possible dishes: flour, fried meat, fatty meats, legumes and grains, cabbage and potatoes, mushrooms. Within an hour after jogging, you need to replenish your carbohydrate supply, which can be successfully accomplished with a glass of apple, grape, orange juice, or a chocolate milkshake.

In the morning, 1.5 hours before class, you can get a boost of energy by eating a meal rich in complex carbohydrates: a glass of juice, chocolate, honey, yogurt, dried fruits, pasta, rice with fruit. 40 minutes after finishing your workout, you can have a hearty breakfast. Various porridges are perfect for this - oatmeal, millet, semolina, rice, cooked in milk and flavored with dried fruits, jam or honey.

Restrictions also apply to the drinking regime. 30 minutes before training you can drink 200 ml of sweet tea. Coffee, carbonated water, flavored drinks are contraindicated.

What products can be used while running for more effective results?

Miracle pants, a weight loss belt, plastic wrap, a warm jacket - all this is suggested to be worn to increase the effectiveness of training. After all, the more a person sweats, the better he burns fat and, therefore, loses weight. Alas, this is a myth.

Belts, wraps, and thick clothing simply cause the body to heat up more. Profuse sweating in this case is a completely natural reaction of the body. But sweat contains practically no fat - there is 1 gram of it per 10 liters of sweat, everything else is water, salts and minerals.

Special weights worn on the legs can have a positive effect. They force you to perform your workout using greater effort than usual, thereby allowing you to burn more calories. The only thing is that it is important to choose running accessories that are not too heavy, since weights weighing more than 1 kg will work to build muscles and increase their endurance. And these are completely different running goals. To lose weight, it is enough to use 0.5 kg weights.

Among problem areas The areas that women want to improve are traditionally the legs and stomach. Running helps to successfully solve both of these problems.

Often women who want to have beautiful hips and toned calves, they are afraid to run. What stops them is the opinion that running training does not make legs lose weight, but, on the contrary, they become more massive due to increased muscle mass. This is partly true. But, knowing some of the features of running to bring the legs into the required form, such consequences can be avoided.

How to run to lose weight on your legs?

  • Don't run at the speed limit. Slow jogging will also give good results.
  • Optimal time jogging – 30-40 min. Increasing the duration of your race helps build muscle, increasing the size of your legs. If you run less, it will be impossible to achieve the desired result.
  • Alternating between different types of running will help speed up the process of losing weight: backwards, side steps, raising your knees high. Running on stairs, dirt roads, and going uphill is useful.
  • Alternating running with jumping rope will help to tighten your calves according to the formula: 15 min. running – 10 min. jumping – 15 min. running.
  • During training and after it, you need to listen to your body. If you experience knee pain or spider veins, it is better to hold off on running.

Running to lose belly fat - how to do it right?

What about fat deposits in the abdominal area? In an attempt to finally see the coveted abs and get rid of the “ears” on the sides, everyone begins to pump up their abs. But the problem does not go away. Why? The fact is that abdominal exercises allow you to strengthen muscles, and fat remains as it was. Therefore, the usual work on the abs should be combined with running training.

The rules for running to get rid of belly fat do not differ from the general principles of aerobic cardio training. But there are little tricks that will help speed up the process of losing weight in the desired area.

If jogging is chosen as the running technique, the training time should be at least an hour. You need to run, drawing in your stomach and tensing your abs for as long as possible, and keep an eye on correct posture. In total, this will ensure greater energy expenditure, and therefore fat burning.

Interval running, which is more preferable for weight loss, can be varied:

  • Thus, the stage of running at the limit of possibilities is replaced by jumping rope. In general, up to 20 minutes are allotted for jumping during the entire workout. By jumping, during this time a person can lose 300-350 calories.
  • Very useful for burning subcutaneous fat exercises with hula hoop twisting. They can be performed at the stage of intense loads, or completed with them running classes. The duration of hoop exercises should also be at least 20 minutes.

Where is the best place to run? On the street, in the gym, at the stadium?

Once you start running, you shouldn’t wait for a wasp’s waist to appear after the first lap at the stadium. Belly fat burns slowly enough to visible result You will have to study for up to two months. By combining running, jumping rope and twirling a hoop, you can achieve a good base for further pumping the abs, and then the coveted flat tummy will turn from a dream into reality. How to lose weight? Just start running.

All more people strive to play sports to maintain normal body parameters and health. Some prefer to get exercise in the gym, others at home. This largely depends on financial and time capabilities. The least expensive type is running in the fresh air.


Running for weight loss can be harmful to health in some cases. The risk group includes:

  • people having problems at work cardiovascular system;
  • suffering from varicose veins;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • spinal injuries and joint diseases are an obstacle to full training;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding It is worth giving preference to other types of loads.

The absence of contraindications allows you to use jogging with a light heart to lose excess weight.


In order for your workouts to be enjoyable, it is important to purchase comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics with a small amount of elastin. This will ensure a good fit of the items. Special sports underwear that creates a sauna effect will help increase sweating. Particular attention is paid to the choice of shoes. It’s good if you have the opportunity to run for weight loss on a dirt track in a park or in a stadium equipped for such purposes. Asphalt is not the most suitable option for exercise, and can cause irreparable harm to joints. High-quality sneakers designed specifically for hard surfaces should mitigate the harmful effects.


Running not only helps you lose weight, it has a wider range of effects.

  • strengthening all muscles of the body;
  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increased lung volume;
  • maintaining the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • increasing the strength of bone tissue.

When choosing this method of physical activity, many people wonder whether it is possible to lose weight with running? The answer will be ambiguous. The desired effect will occur only if you know how best to run. First of all, a beginner should be prepared for the fact that the first changes will appear only after a few months. This will happen if you follow certain rules:

  • classes at least 3 times a week;
  • minimum distance 1–2 km depending on the source physical fitness. After a month, this figure doubles;
  • It is recommended to alternate running and race walking to restore breathing;
  • increase the load gradually, listening to the signals of your body;
  • in order not to expose the body to additional stress, it is wise to combine the start of training with the warm season;
  • It’s worth starting the lesson with a warm-up. This will prepare the muscles for stress and reduce the risk of injury;
  • helps saturate the blood with oxygen correct breathing, avoid delaying it. It is recommended to use your nose. If you breathe through your mouth, the oral mucosa will dry out and you will feel thirsty. It is allowed to drink a small amount of clean water while jogging. Sometimes just rinsing your mouth is enough;
  • Rhythmic music helps you maintain your running pace. If you don’t have the right mood, then it’s better to reschedule the lesson to another time. Training through force will not bring positive results, which will affect motivation in the future.

Studying the influence of various factors will help you fully understand the question of how to run correctly to lose weight.


Some people find it very difficult to get up early and prefer to run in the evening. Others believe that the morning is the ideal time to get a boost of energy for the day. As a result of research, it has been established that exercise in the morning will have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, blood vessels, and will put things in order. nervous system. To finally wake up, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, have a small snack half an hour before jogging (for example, vegetable salad or muesli) and be sure to warm up for 5 minutes. However, if you don’t eat, the weight loss process will go faster. You can limit yourself to a glass of warm water. This will help thin the blood. Running for weight loss in the evening will give the best results. However, this should not happen immediately before bed as it may affect your ease of falling asleep. The optimal time is 2-3 hours before going to bed.


The best option for activities is considered to be a park area, but in the evening hours you should avoid secluded places for safety reasons. You can conduct training at the stadium. If there is no suitable area for classes near the house, then you will have to move them under the roof, to gym. By running along the highway to burn fat, you can aggravate your health by inhaling the exhaust fumes of passing cars. If financial possibilities and the area of ​​the apartment allow, then the way out of the situation would be to buy a treadmill. But in this case it is advisable to keep the window open.


The lesson should last at least an hour. This is explained by the fact that in 45 minutes the entire supply of carbohydrates in the body will be used up, and only then will the burning of fat tissue begin. By this time you need to move forward gradually. If you immediately give a large load, there is a risk of harming the cardiovascular system. Due to their busy schedule, not everyone is able to devote so much time to proper running. In this case, you can alternate between walking, jogging and running with maximum speed at the same distances - that is, interval training. It is enough to allocate 30 minutes for such a workout.


This method of running is suitable for people who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system. It is also important not to have a harmful addiction to smoking and alcohol. The body is subjected to significant stress, so if in doubt, it is important to consult a doctor before starting training. In the absence of contraindications, the desired results will come faster.

The method is to alternate the load every 100 m:

  • start with active walking to warm up muscles and increase blood flow;
  • start jogging to regulate breathing;
  • perform the movement with maximum acceleration. After 100 m they return to the previous pace.

During training, repeat the cycle several times. This approach includes the processes responsible for burning fat deposits. Speed ​​running requires a large amount of energy, blood begins to circulate faster through the veins and arteries, triggering oxidative reactions. Jogging allows you to restore your strength and breathing. Such a load for 20–30 minutes takes a lot of energy, but the ongoing process of fat utilization continues for up to 6 hours, and muscle mass does not decrease.

You need to know how to run intervals. There is a program that allows you to gradually increase the load and increase the training time.


Having decided to improve the body and improve health through running, during the first two weeks they will try out different methods. Perhaps the body is contraindicated in the loads that the interval technique provides. In this case, jogging becomes an alternative option. The beginning of the lesson is spent walking with a gradual transition to running. They recommend 2 minutes of walking, lunges to prepare the leg muscles, 15–20 squats, and jumping in place.

The last exercise is to bend forward without bending your knees. In the extreme position they are held for a few seconds. Repeat 4-5 times. Now they start jogging. The tempo build-up lasts 3-5 minutes. During class, it is important to keep correct position body: do not slouch, avoid bending forward. The foot is completely placed on the track. If you run on your toes, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly and you may experience painful sensations.

With any running technique, positive results will appear faster if you monitor your nutrition. The menu should not include: sweets, pastries, fatty and fried foods. The consumption of vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, and dairy products is encouraged. Drinking regime suggests drinking up to two liters of clean water per day.

The solution to the question of how to run to lose weight depends on various factors. In any case, this activity should not only help those losing weight achieve their goal, but also charge the body with positive emotions. This will happen if you listen to your condition during training and choose a feasible load.

The issue of weight loss worries many women and men who are concerned about finding effective methods. In reality, find the right way Losing weight is quite difficult. The human body is represented by a special system that functions in a given mode depending on the person’s lifestyle.

In the absence of movements, the predominance of passivity, a failure in his full activity may occur. This can result in processes in which the body does not spend the energy received from food, but begins to deposit it in cells, which leads to a negative effect on the figure.

Running the most the best way for weight loss.

Since the process of running is accompanied by an acceleration of metabolic processes, there is a colossal release of energy.

As a rule, overweight people are inactive and do not even know how to run properly to lose weight.

Experts recommend paying special attention to running as an effective recipe for losing weight. Physical activity while running helps burn calories, saturate the entire circulatory system with oxygen, as a result of which the body begins to function with greater activity, improving general condition human health. Consequently, many are concerned not only with how to run properly to lose weight, but also with improving their well-being.

How long should running last for weight loss? Only if you want to lose an extra couple of kilograms, you can limit yourself to two months. When jogging for a long time, the result of weight loss in some cases reaches 10 kilograms or more. Experts recommend additionally introducing some restrictions into the daily diet, excluding high-calorie foods. Despite excellent results and simultaneous work of all muscle groups, running is not the only means for weight loss, so if possible, add other physical activity (cycling, swimming, exercise gym etc.) running is not a panacea.

You should not start running if you have any doubts due to your health condition - consult your doctor for recommendations regarding the safety of the method used.

It is better to choose a place for jogging away from the bustle of the city. In large cities, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out into the forest, suburbs or fields, which are an ideal place for running, where you can concentrate on exercise. Therefore, a park area or stadium located near the house will be suitable. Thanks to less pollution and noise in these places, you will feel true pleasure from exercise.

Many people prefer to run in silence, completely surrendering to the process. Most people jog to music, which can be recorded in advance. The choice of musical compositions depends on everyone’s taste: some people like fast rhythmic music, which has an invigorating effect, others prefer to run, thinking as they go, to relaxing music, which has a beneficial effect on healthy running. Adherents of classical works, even during training, do not part with the masterpieces of famous composers.

When running, the principle of gradualness is fundamental. Thus, if you are serious about losing weight through running, remember to gradually tax your body. The idea that “the more, the better” is erroneous. The body must get used to the increasing load. Before intensive training, an adaptation period must pass, the duration of which is determined by the individual characteristics of each person. The optimal time for initial jogging (the first week of classes) is 20-25 minutes.

The process of breaking down fat deposits begins only after 40 minutes of intense running. That is, running for weight loss should last for an hour. Jogging at an average pace will not seem exhausting for the body. To achieve best results You can run on uneven surfaces (small slopes or inclines), which will speed up your metabolism, including fat burning.

There is another option for running for weight loss.

For those who want to reset extra pounds In a short period of time, you can try interval running. This technique involves alternating fast and slow running.

It is effective to use different running paces, for example, running for two minutes, accelerating, and then reducing the pace to a slow run. You can perform up to three boosts during one run.

In order to prevent the appearance of fatigue and weakness of the body after training when forced to work in a limited mode with maximum use of available resources, try to keep a moderate pace when running.

A good option might be a combination of moderate-paced jogging and uneven surfaces in the form of small slopes and inclines. This mode forces the heart, under the influence of a small load, to accelerate the course of internal processes, including the burning of excess fat deposits.

Tips for proper running to lose weight.

For beginners, in any case, it is better to start with easy running. Don't chase speed when losing weight while running. The kilograms lost are completely independent of the speed of human running. It makes sense to alternate different types of running: light, fast, jogging, distance different lengths, overcoming obstacles, etc. only after testing different methods can you find a suitable option, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each person.
If you have decided that fast running for weight loss will be much more effective, then remember the basic safety rules. Choose clothes suitable for running, monitor your breathing rate and pace of movement.

Training should be carried out only in shoes specially selected for this purpose, which will not only guarantee comfort, but also health benefits. It is necessary to decide on the location of the classes, which will largely determine the model of sneakers. When running on rough surfaces, make sure to purchase shoes with spikes on the soles, which will provide better grip on the ground. A more natural movement of the foot will be guaranteed with a slight relief and special grooves on the folds of the sole made of artificial materials. The drainage system is good to use, although it is mainly intended for tourism.

Only if you experience unpleasant pain in your feet when running, you should change your shoes, as they were most likely chosen incorrectly.

Throughout the entire workout, it is necessary to maintain uniform breathing, performed calmly without delay, in a single rhythm.

Proper running for weight loss will bring tangible results after a while, but incorrect running can lead to injuries and poor health.

Internal sensations after exercise are also very important. According to theoretical data, when jogging there is positive dynamics. However, in practice the opposite sometimes happens. As a rule, a negative effect is only possible if the basic rules are neglected.
As for the timing of jogging for health benefits, there are some nuances.

Morning jogging for weight loss is much more effective than evening exercise. This fact has been proven not only by researchers, but also by those who have experienced its effect on themselves.

To achieve more great results run in the morning on an empty stomach. Despite the warm, cozy bed, force yourself to get up, and then take a contrast shower, which will quickly invigorate your body and get it in shape. Now you are ready for classes.

The most difficult period will be only two or three morning runs for weight loss, after which you will form a habit of them. After your run, take a shower again and have a full breakfast.

What are the benefits of evening running for weight loss? Evening exercises are much inferior to morning running, but for many they are the only opportunity to improve health and lose weight due to a busy work schedule.

Everyone decides on their own when it comes to planning time for jogging, taking into account their inclinations and capabilities. You can also choose a place, depending on your own preferences, it could be a running track, a stadium or rough terrain.

To summarize, we offer generalized tips on how to run properly to lose weight.

1 It’s better to start exercising with light running to lose weight. You shouldn't jump straight into marathon distances. Running speed is not the main factor in weight loss.
2 Before choosing the optimal mode for your own jogging, experiment with using different methods running, speeding up, running races over different distances, overcoming obstacles, etc.
3 for fans musical accompaniment Any device that plays music will do. It’s better to choose only your favorite compositions that add vigor and ease when running. With the help of music, you can set the required pace: fast runs are easier to perform with rhythmic music, for health jogging Relaxing melodies are suitable.
4 An important point when jogging is the right shoes. You should take care to minimize possible risks and injuries when running. To distribute the load evenly, buy comfortable sneakers or sneakers for jogging.
5 run smartly! Only with properly organized running is it possible to burn unnecessary calories. Failure to comply with safety rules can result in injury and ruin your mood, which will probably discourage you from exercising forever. Listen to your body, do not neglect the signs that tell you about your well-being. This is the only way you can be sure that the chosen method is correct.
6 observe the process of your breathing. Jogging will be effective not only when running correctly, but also with rhythmic breathing.
7 asphalt has always been considered a poor surface for training. When moving along it, joint injury occurs, and in some cases, even damage to the lower back.
Run on surfaces designed specifically for this purpose ( treadmills), as well as in stadiums, in the park, in the forest.
8 a full stomach will only interfere with running. It is better to avoid eating before training altogether.
9 at high air temperatures, as well as when you feel unwell, it is better to refrain from running to lose weight. Just take a leisurely walk and get some air.

Thus, losing weight through running is a real possibility. Systematic classes Running for weight loss will not only be a means of burning fat, but also a guarantee of vigorous, good health throughout the day.

How effective running is for weight loss is easy to find out by studying the beneficial effects daily activities on the body. Among the positive qualities can be noted:

  • strengthening the muscles of the body;
  • activation of digestive and metabolic processes;
  • increasing strength and endurance of joints and bone tissue;
  • active saturation of blood with oxygen;
  • normalization of blood flow, strengthening of blood vessels, improvement of heart function;
  • beneficial effect on the respiratory tract; by running, a person increases the volume of lung tissue.

Another advantage that can be noticed if you actively engage in jogging to lose weight is that endurance and performance improve, and you are not bothered by the feeling of fatigue even after a busy day at work.

Can you harm your body by running to lose weight? Despite the many advantages of regular jogging, there are several disadvantages of this technique recommended for burning fat. Running negatively affects the body in several cases. Among the disadvantages:

  • incorrect jogging will not bring the desired results, even if you devote a lot of time to exercise;
  • there are several contraindications, negligence of which will lead to serious disorders in the body;
  • for the desired effect you will have to arm yourself with patience - rare runs will remain without proper results;
  • you will have to reconsider your daily diet - when the body is active, some substances necessary for good well-being are actively burned.

Jogging usually has a positive effect on weight loss, but experts do not advise developing exercise programs on your own. Out of ignorance, it is easy to cause harm to the body without achieving the desired effect - problem areas on the body will only increase.

As you know from the previous passage, the most effective fat-burning zone is working within 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. These figures are still a bit arbitrary, some advise 65-75%. Besides this, a lot depends on your individual characteristics.

However, it is better to focus on these numbers than to train haphazardly. There will be more benefits from the technique. To lose weight, you need to choose classes of 40-60 minutes at an optimal heart rate.

A workout for weight loss roughly looks like this:

  1. 5-10 minutes - easy jogging, warm-up at 50-60% of the maximum;
  2. 30-40 minutes - 60-70% training;
  3. 5-10 minutes - cool down, easy running and walking.

In addition, fat burning actively occurs during interval training. The idea is to alternate between fast and measured running. For example, a minute at a speed of 12 km/h and a minute at a speed of 7 km/h: only 6-8 such phases per workout. You will find 2 fat burning programs here.

Important! Running at 90-95% of your maximum heart rate is only permissible for short periods. For an untrained person, prolonged work at such a pulse causes excessive exhaustion.

There is no clear answer about the absolute benefits of morning exercise; many factors are determined by the characteristics and habits of a particular person. If you have a hard time getting up in the morning, you shouldn’t mock yourself and go for a run. Feeling overwhelmed won't help you achieve beautiful figure and will ruin your mood for the rest of the day.

Morning jogging for weight loss

For a person who wakes up easily, running in the morning will bring positive results. Before your run, you can eat a little, drink a glass of water and start exercising.

Running in the morning for weight loss: benefits

General benefits of regular jogging:

  • Blood circulation in the body improves. The number of heart beats per second increases 2-3 times, and the heart muscle strengthens.
  • The muscles of the legs, abs, arms, and neck develop.
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

The benefits of running in the morning compared to running in the evening:

  • Running in the morning, compared to jogging in the evenings, puts less strain on the spine, since the vertebral discs have not yet sagged after a hard day, which means they are less injured.
  • Running in the morning is healthier due to more clean air, since emissions released into the atmosphere the day before were already partially processed by plants overnight.
  • Morning exercises speed up your metabolism, which speeds up weight loss.

Can you lose weight if you run in the morning?

After waking up, there is an energy deficit in the body, so when running, you spend a third more calories than when training in the evening or during the day. In the morning, the body will begin to use energy from fat reserves.

Running to lose weight in your legs. How to run to lose weight in your legs

Warm up before every run. It must include breathing exercises, stretching, jumping and squats to warm up the muscles. You don't need to strive to develop enormous speed; what matters is how long you run. The duration of a run to lose weight in your legs should be from 30 to 40 minutes.

During one workout, try to use different types shuttle running, back-to-back, high-knee running, etc. In this case, the leg muscles will be trained at once, and the weight loss process will become more intense. Slow running over rough terrain or running uphill or up stairs will be of great benefit.

After finishing your workouts, listen closely to your body: if you have persistent pain in your calves or knees, stop training for a while.

In case heavy weight Running training to lose weight in your legs will do more harm than good, and in this case you should switch to race walking, where the impact loads on your knees are not so intense.

The abdominal area is the most problematic: it is quite difficult to lose weight there, even by performing specialized exercises. Not many people know that regular running will help you lose weight in the abdominal area. To do this, it is enough to know only special techniques - which we will talk about in the article.

The effectiveness of running for losing weight in the abdominal area

Running is a universal, impactful workout. First of all, the action is performed on the legs and back, then on the rest of the body, with the exception of the arms. Running will help you lose belly fat. It promotes - it is this function that ensures weight loss in the abdominal area. How does it work?

  • Speeding up the heart makes blood circulate faster - this affects metabolism.
  • With a long run of 30 minutes or more, the process of self-cleansing the body of waste and toxins begins - this will also contribute to weight loss in the abdominal area.
  • The abdominal muscles are always involved when running, so regular training makes the abs strong and toned.
  • Long runs require a lot of energy. The body takes this energy from fat deposits accumulated in problem areas, including the stomach.

In one hour of running, about 500-600 kcal are consumed. This amounts to about 50-70 grams of fat. Fat is consumed evenly - that is, the body does not take it from a separate part of the body. Accordingly, a certain part of the lost weight leaves the abdomen.

Jogging in the fresh air is one of the most accessible sports. It promotes overall health of the body and helps you lose weight. Before starting training, you need to remember the rules that relate to running technique, frequency and intensity of training.

Effectiveness for weight loss

Main goal morning jog– activate metabolic processes. When running, all muscle groups work, that is, calories are consumed more intensely. In addition, you are saturated with oxygen, which speeds up your metabolism throughout the day. At regular classes in a week you can lose from 1 to 3 kg, and in a month up to 5-7 kg. If you add strength training twice a week, you will be able to lose weight even faster.

Jogging in the morning to lose weight not only helps you gain and maintain your figure, but also:

  • saturates cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gives a charge of strength and vigor;
  • improves mood;
  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

How to start running in the morning

To start running, you can use the advice of psychologists and athletes:

  • Create a clear training schedule and always stick to it.
  • Find yourself a partner. Responsibility to another person will serve as an additional incentive.
  • Get ready to run. Clearly imagine all the advantages you will get from it, read reviews from other people.

How to run correctly

For people with a lot of weight, it is important to follow safety precautions when running in the morning, because extra pounds put a lot of stress on joints, ligaments, and muscles:

  • If you have never run in the morning before or have had a long break between workouts, you should not overload your body. Start with race walking, gradually combining it with short runs.
  • It is better to exercise on an empty stomach, but if this is too much for you, have a snack before going out with yogurt, scrambled eggs or other protein foods. Eating cereals rich in carbohydrates is prohibited before classes. In this case, the body will begin to process the incoming glycogen, and not fat reserves.
  • The best places for running are dirt roads in the park, a stadium with a modern surface, and a square.
  • While jogging, try to maintain rhythmic breathing through your nose. This will allow you to maintain the desired pace.
  • If you're a beginner, don't try to run a marathon straight away. Better start with short distances and running for 25-30 minutes.
  • Go for a run in the spacious sportswear, comfortable shoes. It is better to buy special running shoes with shock absorption. Such shoes will reduce the load on the spine and heels.
  • It is better to start classes half an hour after waking up. Before running, be sure to do a light warm-up: squats, bending or turning your body, jumping in place.
  • To lose weight, just running in the morning is not enough. Follow a low-calorie diet.
  • Monitor your heart rate while running. The normal heart rate is 100-140 beats per minute. Special fitness bracelets and smart watch. If you don’t have such gadgets, try saying a simple sentence. If speech is smooth, pulse is normal.

Weight loss program

Experienced athletes prefer to jog in the morning to maintain good physical shape. This is a type of jogging during which you must constantly maintain the pace set at the beginning. For beginners, interval running for weight loss is more suitable, combining walking, jogging or acceleration with maximum effort.

A weekly weight loss program can be compiled as follows:

  • tachycardia;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • arthritis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Video Running for weight loss How to run correctly

Running for weight loss in the evening. How to run in the evenings to lose weight

First of all, think about your route. You're more likely to run consistently 3-4 times a week where there is light and decent coverage.

If you don't have a safe park with lanterns nearby, you might consider a running track. You can always increase the load on it by adding incline and speed and easily track the results.

Otherwise, your dreams of losing weight by running will be dashed by the harsh reality of unlit parks and fear.

Also, think about when exactly you will be running. It's no secret that many people miss their evening workouts due to the inability to finish work early. “Squeeze” your daily activities, throw out all unnecessary types of activity so that there is enough time for jogging on the training day in any case.

The last “preparatory” tip is to figure out your nutrition before you start running seriously. If you eat sweets 2 hours before training, the exercise will not be very effective in terms of burning fat.

This scheme has proven itself best - for breakfast, a protein-vegetable or protein-fruit dish, for example, any dietary cottage cheese casserole. for second breakfast - a quarter portion of any porridge, lunch - a protein and vegetable dish, a pre-workout snack - something like cottage cheese or yogurt, and dinner - protein and vegetables.

Don't panic, to lose weight, you don't have to run every day; on days of strength training, increase the amount of carbohydrate energy through cereals and bread.

Otherwise, the “evening” running patterns are absolutely identical to the morning ones, and some special training plan you won't need it.

So, you've decided to lose weight and are looking for ways to do it as effectively as possible. If you can't go to the gym, run! Also, active types of physical activity are often contraindicated for health problems. Then, if you want to lose weight, there are two options to choose from: running or walking. Let's try to figure out which of these two types physical activity more efficient.

Which is more effective for losing weight - running or walking? When running, the body tenses up more than when walking, therefore. But not everything is simple. The cases when to start playing sports are as follows.

  1. Overweight. It's not about a couple or three extra pounds, but about obesity. If the number on the scale exceeds a hundred, we do not recommend starting with active jogging. It is preferable to walk quickly so that the body does not experience stress. If you start running, you will put a lot of stress on your knees, and in the long term you will develop joint diseases and heart problems. Therefore, first lose weight by walking, and only then you can think about running.
  2. Health problems. Running is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, knee injuries, or a bad back. Do not run if you have a chronic condition such as asthma. A doctor must allow physical activity. Talk to your doctor and decide which is best.
  3. Age. Elderly people should not exercise active species sports, running. The load is too great, the body cannot cope.

In these cases, choose walking if staying healthy is important to you. If the problems described do not concern you, choose running.

If you want to start running to lose weight, you need to follow certain rules.

While running, the body spends large number energy. At the same time, metabolism is normalized, calories are burned, metabolism is accelerated, and work improves. digestive system. In addition, all the muscles of the body are strengthened and saturated with oxygen. circulatory system, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.

It's no secret that running is one of the simplest and most accessible methods of losing weight. At the same time, I often hear from those who want to lose weight that they run regularly, but do not lose weight. The thing is that running for weight loss has many nuances that need to be taken into account in order to get the desired effect.

So, let's figure out how and how much to run to lose weight.

7 rules of running for weight loss

1. Run for more than 40 minutes

During the first 40 minutes of running, the body runs on carbohydrates (glycogen is complex carbohydrate, which is stored in liver and muscle cells). And only then does the transition to the fat burning stage occur. That is, to lose weight, you need to run for at least 50 minutes at an average pace. Perhaps this is the first thing you need to know on this topic. Therefore, if you are a beginner, you are unlikely to be able to complete 40 minutes right away. For beginners, all experts recommend alternating slow running and fast walking.

For a trained runner, the ideal method of losing weight would be a long cross-country run lasting at least an hour, at a monotonous speed, with a heart rate no higher than 150 beats per minute, which corresponds to running at low intensity.

2. Eat right

I often hear the phrase: “You runners, even if you eat a whole cake, then everything will burn during training.” Unfortunately, this is not the case. To reduce the unfortunate fat mass, you need to expend more energy than you consumed. This means that any amount of physical activity works for the benefit of fat burning only in combination with proper nutrition.

3. Be sure to eat after your workout.

Another misconception is that if you fast after a workout, you can burn more calories. If you want to use running to lose weight, don't starve yourself. The word "diet" does not always mean fasting, sports diet- This correct set products, their combination and quantity, as well as avoiding junk food: fast food, soda, chips, mayonnaise, flour, sugar, overcooked food, snacks on the go, etc. Include a variety of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet . Drink more clean water, at least 2 liters per day.

4. Exercise regularly

A light jog once a week will be pleasant, but in terms of weight loss it will be useless. To get rid of extra pounds, run at least three times a week. Ideally, go for a run every day. Winter, rain, wind - this is not a reason to cancel training. Now on the market sporting goods There is a huge amount of equipment that allows you to train in any weather.

5. Alternate between different types of training

Long cross interval training high intensity (for a trained runner), trail running, strength exercises from base complex General physical training – there are many ways to diversify your training. For example, .

6. Enjoy your workouts

Only by enjoying what you do can you quickly achieve results. If every run is a psychological and physical torment for you, then the body will very soon begin to resist this stress, as a result, injuries, depression and invincible laziness are possible. Favorite music on headphones and bright, fashionable clothing usually help to cope with this. From personal observations, I can note that many girls sometimes go out to train precisely because they want to show off their new beautiful running equipment. Why don't you find motivation?

7. Be patient

Having decided to start running to lose weight, you must clearly understand that without harm to your health, the process of getting rid of extra pounds takes at least three months. For everyone, this period is individual and depends on many factors: the amount of extra pounds, metabolic rate, number of workouts per week, absorption of nutrients in the body, metabolic disorders, desire (or unwillingness) to adhere to a diet.

How to run to lose weight

– During the first 40 minutes, the body burns glycogen. Thus, the first 40-45 minutes of running will become a “warm-up” for those who want to lose weight, and fat will begin to burn in the next 10-20 minutes. Run for an hour at a comfortable pace, neither too fast nor too slow. Perhaps it will suit you.

– Don’t forget about recovery. You cannot make progress without rest, the muscles must recover. There must be at least one rest day per week. Don't do more than two high intensity training per week. Dedicate at least 50% of your training to long cross-country runs (at least 60 minutes).

– Run on rough terrain for 50 to 90 minutes. Such running requires sufficient physical training. It combines a steady cross-country run at a lower heart rate with uphill intervals at an increased heart rate. This burns a large number of calories. This technique will give a more noticeable result; the weight lost can be 30-40% more than when running at the stadium. But not suitable for beginners.

– Watch your breathing, do not close your mouth while running, as you do while walking. Try to breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time: this way you can capture more oxygen with each breath, supplying it to muscles that will work longer without acidification. , we have already talked about in one of our articles.

- Monitor your pulse. Aerobic physical activity will only be effective if the heart rate is within the target zone. To calculate, subtract your age from 220. The pulse during training should be no more than 80-90% of this value. The pulse during a long cross-country race should never exceed 170 beats/min. If you see on yours sports watches If your heart rate has already risen above 160, reduce your speed.

– Choose the right shoes. It is especially important for overweight runners to use shoes with increased cushioning. This is extremely important for joint integrity. If you are obese, then don't even try to run like professional athletes from the forefoot. Land on your midfoot and choose a park or stadium track for your workouts.

Contraindications to running for weight loss

Before you start running to lose weight, take the time to visit a general practitioner to find out if you have any contraindications. Overweight people tend to have more contraindications than others. It is forbidden to run for people with heart disease, hypertension, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer. It is necessary to temporarily stop exercising after abdominal surgery. It is not recommended to run a lot for people with degrees 2 or more. varicose veins veins