What alcohol can you drink while dieting? Maggi Diet (Egg Diet) - “difficult, but possible! even with errors, I lost a lot of weight Alcohol during the Maggi diet.

Nigella Lawson: 3 recipes for New Year's revelry


Snacking on alcohol with fatty foods is an extra burden on the liver, which is already having a hard time due to alcohol.

05/05/2018 12:10:24, Guest

Well, I don’t know, personally, I can’t eat anything when I’m hungover. Nothing just fits. But I drink a lot of mineral water.

How to eat healthy during the New Year holidays: advice from a nutritionist

What prevents you from losing weight: we find it problem area


Hmm, interesting about flour. But I can’t say that this is not true! I have dissatisfaction with my career and income, despite the fact that my scourge is flour and I really love potatoes, but, by the way, I don’t eat them often.
But I don’t like just any sweets. For me it is, of course, a pleasure. This is momentary joy. I think we need to look for other joys in life, so that sweets and cakes are not the only means to lift our spirits, then there will be no dependence on them.

And I personally found some truth in this, especially when it comes to sweets, bread and chocolate. Happy and happy man You shouldn’t be afraid of food, because we are talking about the abuse of certain foods. As for brain activity, not everything is so clear either. To make thinking easier for the brain, a piece of cake is not enough. You need water, a sufficient supply of oxygen, and slow carbohydrates are more suitable for the mind, not chocolates with sweet tea.

How to regulate alcohol consumption? Alcohol is a rich source of calories, and excessive drinking is a direct path to excess weight. The Athonite diet is an excellent regulator of alcohol consumption. In fact, wine in moderation has health benefits, especially for strengthening the heart muscle. Monks drink 175 ml (a standard glass) of red wine three days a week and do not suffer from heart attacks or strokes. If you are used to drinking more than recommended (250 ml of wine per day for women and 300 ml per day for men), especially if you drink almost every day, the Athonite diet will help you get rid of this bad habit. How many...


25.11.2015 13:17:34, rafilmukanaev

What can I say... For the last two weeks I have been going to gym and started eating right!
Yes, of course I had to give up sugar, flour, crackers, etc. At first it was very difficult, but patience and work will grind everything down) In two weeks - minus 3 kg)

I've been on a diet... for three days now.

I am not writing here to amuse anyone or to hear someone’s comments. I'm just writing for myself. So as not to go off topic, stop by the store and buy a leg of lamb to devour it at night, eating it with white bread and washing it down with cola. Problem. Big. Fat. Big fat problem. When at work someone says: “But here we need a bold tick,” I readily respond: “So that’s me.” I can say that I am a long-time and rather mediocre fighter against overweight. Here you have a big bone, and...


Very lively and positive!

3 liters of water is awesome!

It seemed to me that I was a terrible water drinker and that I drank a lot.
When I measured it with bottles - no more than 1 liter of clean water per day.

Going to bed early is beneficial no matter what! When I was losing weight, at first I went to bed at 21, so as not to get bored gastronomically :))))) then you get used to it! Good luck to you, don’t give up, after the first results, motivation will trample and it will be much easier!

Competition from MAGGI

A competition for users of the MAGGI application “Kitchen of Ideas” starts in social network www.odnoklassniki.ru. To please culinary lovers, the MAGGI brand launches new project“Secrets of the whole world” in the MAGGI “Kitchen of Ideas” application, with the help of which participants can not only learn the secrets of the world’s best cuisines, but also receive valuable prizes for resourcefulness and passion. The list of incentives for winning and participating is quite long: a video camera, the opportunity to write an author’s column on “Kitchen...

Drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on both the female and male reproductive systems and reduces fertility. About a quarter of the sperm contained in the seminal fluid of a healthy man have an irregular structure. Normally, the chances of these sperm fertilizing an egg are very small. But under the influence of alcohol, the number of “defective” sperm increases and, as a result, the likelihood that...

Great Lent: products for fasting and fasting days
...It is better to sprinkle the berries with one teaspoon of sugar than to take several sips of Coca-Cola (one can contains approximately 8 teaspoons of sugar). Fast days On these days you can eat more varied foods than on fast days, but the amount of food should not exceed reasonable limits. You can also drink one glass of alcohol (preferably red wine). No restrictions. As on any other day of the Athonite diet, you can eat and drink without restrictions: fruits; vegetables (except avocados and potatoes); herbal and fruit tea; water; spices, herbs and pepper. In moderation. On fasting days, the range of permitted foods is much wider than on fasting days. You can eat and drink...


What nonsense is written. How can fasting days be shifted if these are days on which fasting is observed for the sake of remembering certain events? Monks do not eat meat at all. What yogurt? Vegetables except avocados and potatoes. Why can't avocados and potatoes? Potatoes are the main Lenten dish of the monks. And on Mount Athos they actively eat sea reptiles. There is no mention of them here. In general, fasting and diet cannot be compared. The meaning of fasting is highly spiritual. Don't be ashamed, delete this nonsense. It was written by completely incompetent people. And manipulating inaccurate information and big names to attract readers is ugly!

02/16/2018 06:38:47, Monah Varsonofij

I know how to eat properly during Lent and not gain weight!!! Get all the vitamins and minerals you need, how to use plant proteins!!! Write to me in PM if you are interested.

These products include fresh vegetables (asparagus, corn, beans, zucchini, potatoes, broccoli), fresh fruits (bananas, oranges, peaches, apricots), fresh meat and fish, soy flour and soy protein, etc. Is it possible to drink coffee and drinks containing caffeine if you have hypertension? The consumption of coffee and drinks containing caffeine is considered individually in each specific case. Massive studies have not yet obtained evidence that drinking coffee is accompanied by an increased risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension. There is also no evidence that coffee promotes sustained...
...Is it possible to reduce the manifestations of hypertension and stabilize blood pressure with the help of a diet? Cardiologist Anton Rodionov answers questions about the main dietary restrictions in the life of a hypertensive patient. How to reduce salt intake? If we talk about the general principles of nutrition for patients with hypertension, then one of the first things we pay attention to is reducing the amount of salt. Salt is sodium chloride, and sodium...


In general, I believe that, as you know, hypertension is an organic disease, so it needs to be treated, not prevented - otherwise you will break your head. The main thing is the correct diagnosis.

Very good article, thank you very much! If you have hypertension, you really need to follow a diet. And my mother also drinks the drink hypertofort, to normalize her blood pressure and does so without pills. Spicy, salty, fatty foods were excluded from the diet.

Protein diet for weight loss.

Balanced protein diet is the simplest and most successful weight loss program. The diet is designed for people who want to lose excess weight, but who do not want to change their lifestyle and give up their favorite foods. The protein diet consists mainly of protein foods, but fats and carbohydrates must be kept to a reasonable minimum amount. ADVANTAGES OF A PROTEIN DIET protein diet You are losing weight! This is the main advantage of a protein diet, besides...


The article is CRAP! I'm sitting on the Kremlin. Well, more precisely, it’s not exactly a Kremlin, but it looks like it. So it turns out that sitting on 40 points a day you can eat almost everything. Except of course sugar-cereals-bread.

Well, I make meat with eggplants, eat sheri salads with cucumbers. I make cabbage as a filling for pies.... There are no problems and everything turns out quite balanced.

Well, in a departure from the classic Kremlin, I DO NOT penalize grapefruits.

What is the result? Well, the first one was losing weight from 157 to 127.... Then I retreated and gained up to 143 (145). Now I'm back on a diet. with Yom Kippur, immediately after a dry 25-hour fast. The result is that in less than 2 months I lost 9+ kilos.

NO sleep disturbances, excellent health.... etc. etc. I highly recommend it to all meat eaters. Tested for myself. I can even provide a photo report if interested.

MAGGI presents updated seasonings MAGGI FOR SECOND

Having won the trust of Russian housewives, MAGGI FOR SECOND seasonings have become even tastier. This year, the MAGGI brand, the leader of the Russian culinary products market, presents an updated range of MAGGI FOR SECOND with new improved recipes and “pure composition”, without the addition of flavor enhancers and preservatives! Now they contain only ingredients that are familiar to every housewife: a balanced set of spices and herbs, pieces of herbs and ripe vegetables. At the same time, new recipes have become not only...

Master class from Maggi. User's blog PoLe on 7ya.ru

Yesterday I visited the Maggi kitchen in the company of fellow journalists from women's publications. At the event, an updated line of “Maggi for Second” seasonings was presented, which now does not contain monosodium glutamate and flavor enhancers, and only natural spices, herbs and pieces of dried vegetables remain. By the way, we were able to taste some of the ingredients - carrots, for example, actually tasted like carrots, and tomatoes too.  After the presentation, everyone went to the kitchen to...

28 days only on the Maggi menu. 9 kg down. Now I’m putting together a similar menu of my own choosing, but adhering to alternating 2/2 days of protein and carbohydrates.


This is a form of mockery of the body. At your age, with the general absence of insane obesity, 9 kg in 4 weeks is a colossal rape of the body, absolutely no benefit. And a lot of admiration. The world has gone crazy. Water and muscles leave, fat remains, the kidneys work in extreme mode.

There are reasonable people here with at least some knowledge, explain that this is impossible

04/17/2014 11:39:03, well, you can’t do that

MAGGI presents a new product – MAGGI Thick Broth...

In April 2014, Nestlé Russia presented a unique new product - MAGGI Thick Broth “Secret of the Dish”, which has no analogues on the market. Russian market. Modern housewives use broths not only to prepare soup, but also hot soup. It's no secret that meat and vegetables are especially tasty and aromatic if you cook them with broth. But you rarely have ready-made broth on hand. Therefore, MAGGI, as always, tries to come to the rescue and creates thick broths MAGGI “The Secret of the Dish”, with which traditional...

Low-carb diet, new figure and help losing weight
...Allowed drinks are tea, coffee without sugar, soda without sugar, mineral water. Alcohol is also allowed - dry wine, brut champagne, vodka, tequila, cognac, rum, whiskey. These products can be supplemented with vegetables: cucumbers, celery stalks, sorrel, zucchini, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, green beans, and seaweed are allowed for consumption. Pickles are allowed - pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, garlic, peppers. The only allowed fruit is lemon, and the only berry is cranberry. Well, you can use cottage cheese quite a bit and with caution...
...Nevertheless, the excess weight melted away before our eyes - in the first week I lost 7 kg, in the first month - 14. When I returned to study after the summer holidays, the entire course had only one topic of conversation - my new figure. As a result, in six months I lost 41 kg and began to weigh 73 kg and wear size 44 clothes. Since this diet does not limit fats and proteins, the skin does not dry out or lose elasticity. In fact, I only had those stretch marks left that I acquired when I gained weight, and no new stretch marks appeared from losing weight. Of course, it is impossible to completely remove them, but the simplest moisturizing creams, when used regularly, give excellent results. And, of course, we must remember that the skin tightens with a delay of 2-3 months after...

Japanese diet. Blog of user Olga_Mo on 7ya.ru

The "Japanese Diet" was developed by specialists from the Japanese clinic "Yaex". The diet is designed for 13 days. The authors of the diet promise that during this time the metabolism will adjust to a different rhythm of work and the lasting effect of the diet will last for at least 2-3 years without any further effort. Decide for yourself whether to believe these promises. So, what is the Japanese diet? Important conditions for using this diet: for 13 days you should not consume sugar, salt, alcohol, flour and confectionery...

Low calorie diet. Blog of user Olga_Mo on 7ya.ru

To quickly lose weight, you don't have to starve. You can lead a fairly pleasant and comfortable lifestyle, while losing kilogram after kilogram. It is enough to count how many calories are contained in a particular dish. Differences between a low-calorie diet 1. The energy value of food is reduced due to foods containing fats and simple carbohydrates. At the same time, other products are consumed that supply the body with necessary substances. You probably know how many kilocalories a day...


nina777, everyone’s incentives are just different. Some people want to go to the seaside to be slim, others lose weight on a dare. For some, internal motivation is enough to look good for themselves. The main thing is the result. By the way, weight loss stories like those of the author of the topic or like the story of Tanya Arno are also an incentive for someone. Losing 10-11 kilograms of weight in a month requires a lot of willpower and desire.

05/13/2013 20:15:51, Kon Fet Ka

Incentive is a simple thing, but not for me.

About binge eaters (from XXL magazine).

Anorexia and bulimia, which have stuck in their teeth, are striking, but not so common, representatives of the group of eating disorders. Much more common are the so-called binge eaters, or “bingers”, from the English binger eater. These are people who regularly eat more than they intended. Something like this, being in a happy oblivion. Or unhappy, because some bingers can eat while simultaneously showering themselves with reproaches and accusations of weak will. Bingers should not be confused with those who simply eat a lot...


oh... weakening of the will from alcohol is about me. I don’t know how to while away the evening with a glass of dry wine and an apple (which in itself is low in calories). the apple is followed by an orange, then cheese, then chocolate, then the wine runs out and I pour myself more... and so on ad infinitum...

This is what I am...

Well... who's with me? Lose weight.

Comments like “why do you need it”, etc. - not here please... Okay? To each his own. I know what I want. In this case. The menu for 10 days is as follows: Day 1: buckwheat in water (steamed), milk, green tea. Day 2: 500g cottage cheese, green apples (preferably baked) Day 3: rice, 1.5l tomato juice no salt. Day 4: 400g fish, green vegetables Day 5: = 1 day Day 6: 300g meat (preferably veal), green vegetables Day 7: 6 glasses of tea with honey Day 8: 1.5 l. kefir day 9: 1.5 l mineral water without gas with...

What are the rules about dry red wine and yoghurts?


Even in a no-carbohydrate diet, carbohydrates are present. At least 1g per kg of weight. This is actually very little. With such an amount of carbohydrates, you feel terrible. And after a certain period of time, the body gets used to living without carbohydrates and begins to put everything else, even proteins, into fat. Therefore It’s better to periodically include a little more carbohydrates in your diet in order to “deceive” the body, to let it understand that, in fact, it was not deprived of anything - these are only temporary difficulties. If, in fact, 100 grams of yogurt contain about 15 grams of carbohydrates. If you throughout the day you eat only meat, fish, eggs and other purely protein products, then even 300-400 grams of yogurt (if you count carbohydrates only) will not hurt. But there is also milk fat, and starch and a bunch of all sorts of rubbish (in general yoghurts are not a particularly dietary product). But there are also carbohydrates in kefir, milk, fruits and vegetables. So, in the end, you can go overboard on them too much. I was on a “carbohydrate rotation diet” for a while - very effective, by the way - so here you go on “no-carbohydrate” days (you could just eat 1 g of carbohydrates per kg of weight) I didn’t know what to do at all. It turned out that there are carbohydrates in almost everything! In general, yogurt no longer fit into my diet. And about wine, sir I won’t tell you from a scientific point of view, but as a big fan of this thing (dry red, that is :-) I wouldn’t refuse AT ALL :-).

I won’t say anything about wine, but in yoghurts I looked at the amount of protein and carbohydrates. If without additional additives such as sugar and fruit, then it’s quite tolerable. But I didn’t do a lot of low-carb diets, it was hard, pancreatitis tormented me.

..."Comforel" is a siliconized fiber that undergoes heat treatment and is converted into balls with a diameter of 7 mm. Pillows with comfort filler retain heat and do not interfere with air circulation. Such pillows do not cause allergies, retain their shape well, and can be washed both by hand and in a washing machine. Polyester is one of the most modern synthetic fillers. Polyester is a hollow fiber that is twisted into a spiral and treated with silicone. Such pillows very quickly take their usual shape, do not cause allergies and do not absorb odors. They wash well and dry quickly. Holofiber or artificial down...


07/03/2011 20:53:52, Simply_Maria

It's complete bullshit (at least as far as separate nutrition is concerned. I haven't read anything else). If those who write this delved deeper into the essence of the issue, then there would be NO examples like bread! Shelton in his books says that this is an artificial product and should be eliminated from the diet. Quite convincing proof of this theory (and not the diet, but the NUTRITION SYSTEM) is the improvement in overall well-being after switching to it. I don’t want to write further, to be honest... just read something else about separate nutrition and DO NOT copy-paste other people’s mistakes anymore!

01.07.2008 13:35:35, Alexey

Consequences of peeling and skin resurfacing
...What could this be connected with? - This is also a common complication. Patients with spider veins are prone to it, for whom the type of peeling was again chosen incorrectly. Persistent redness can last from a month to a year. To speed up this process, it is important to avoid active sun, intense physical activity, and not visit the sauna or bathhouse. It is also worth adjusting your diet and giving up alcohol, hot and spicy foods, and marinades. It is very useful to take Omega-3 during this period. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. By the way, it is also effective before peeling. For external use, a “vasoconstrictor tonic” is used, which can be ordered at a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription. In order to get rid of spider veins, after two...


06/27/2018 17:42:03, Lizaveta88

Good evening! We did the peeling 4 days ago, the skin is peeling off, today I couldn’t resist and pulled it off my face, the skin turned very red after applying D-Panthenol, will the scar remain in this place? (((I’m so worried.. They told me not to touch my face at all. .(((

01/09/2016 22:43:12, Tamila 95

I couldn't find anything better. Many components have contraindications, even innocent white cabbage. Oh, these journalists - they reprinted the piece, but did not provide details. In general, the creators of this creation promised that if you strictly follow the diet, the guarantee is two to three years. This diet can be repeated no more than once every two years.... and, most importantly, I did everything wrong. Which broccoli, which grapefruit? It was even impossible to change products in places... Of all the conditions, I only fulfilled the “no” point. The authors are also good. The only Japanese word in the diet is the name. Nutritionists, who would doubt it, naturally do not welcome it when people lose weight without their knowledge - that’s understandable, it’s their bread...

One of the most important issues for a woman who is preparing to become a mother, this is a question proper nutrition. After all, nothing is more important for expectant mother than her health, on which the health of the unborn child depends.


Well, why are you doing this? Quite a good article. From a scientific point of view, a person is suitable, but from a practical point of view there are often differences. How could he know the details? he didn't give birth:D
Tatyanka M,
I have now started using it. My friends recommended it to me. I won’t say much about what and how, but I already liked that it suppresses nausea from toxicosis, and in general it tastes pleasant.

06/16/2010 18:37:07, Valentina26

The article is really not very good. but there is some common sense there.
I would add on my own that it’s worth paying attention to your teeth. Judging by the forums, this is one of the most popular problems among mothers.
I went to the dentist before conception, had two holes filled and found out what needs to be done to keep the teeth in place during pregnancy) they advised me to use pregnadent (a special paste) and get more calcium through foods. and of course, they forgot to add that you should come to them every couple of months for an examination :). In general, this problem is not considered here, so I advise you to read an article at the control center from a specialist at kp.ru/daily/24500/65369-9, as far as I understand, this girl is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the doctors there are very good.

06/16/2010 15:20:34, Tatyanka M.

The “correct” office from the point of view of Feng Shui is the key...

Most effective method protection is good, even very bright lighting. Illuminating unusually shaped corners with bright light eliminates the negative energy of sha qi and creates an excess of “yang energy,” which is very beneficial for the workroom. You can use furniture and partitions to give the correct shape to the corners strange shape and protruding corners. Missing corners can be filled with some pieces of furniture. Feng Shui masters do not recommend setting up an office in a room where there are sharp protruding cornices or ceiling beams. The simpler and more regular geometric shapes are present in the office, the better for its owner. Workplace location Science Feng Shui pr...
...If you are haunted by material setbacks, your business is limping and there is no bright spot in sight, take a close look at your office and try to arrange it in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations. Whether this will help or not, the future will tell. But for a while you will have a reason to which you can blame all the failures. Alexey Babkin Article from the December issue of the magazine "Vitamin of Happiness" ....

And so all my life?! No, this is impossible to survive. And even more so to do it. In general, I settled on Dr. Atkins' no-carb diet. There is a lot of debate on the topic “is it healthy to exclude carbohydrates”, “is it possible to eat so much meat” and so on. You can read a lot about this diet on the Internet, and there are also plenty of books on sale. Therefore, I will not dwell in detail on permitted and prohibited products. I believe that choosing a diet is a very individual matter, requiring consultation with a doctor and taking into account your lifestyle, income, and working conditions. After choosing your diet comes the most important part. How to comply with it? How not to break down and succumb to the temptations that lurk at every step? How to survive temptations on birthdays, New Year? And at work???...
...The point is that from now on you will not save time spent on preparing and eating food!!! This is even more important. In general, there should be a rather large area in your brain dedicated to this problem. You are sick, but you can live with your illness. And over time, make it completely invisible. It is advisable to completely abstain from alcohol. At least at the stage active weight loss. Then, at the stage of maintaining weight - as you wish. I refused AT ALL. By the way, giving up alcohol was the first stage for me. The confidence that if I could do THIS, then I could lose weight, played a big role. The problem is not only that alcohol is high in calories. It removes control over the quantity...

What is the secret of the Maggi diet and how does it work?

The diet is based on the biochemical processes that occur in the body when certain foods are consumed. An entire block is dedicated to its essence, published on the main page of our website -

Why does weight come off so quickly/slowly?

See the next 2 points and remember! How more weight, the easier it resets!

Some people lose 1-3 kg already in the first days, because... There are liters of excess water in the body. Then, on average, it takes about 200-500 grams per day. With periodic “stagnation”.

In the 1st week there were good weights, but in the 2nd week the weight jumps - what is this?

The second and third weeks, mainly fruits and vegetables - these products retain water, which causes peculiar surges (today - 300 g, and tomorrow + 500 g and vice versa).

This is how it should be, everything has already been thought out for us, first of all, to prevent dehydration. The overall trend at the end of each week will definitely be positive!

In the fourth week, weight will decrease more steadily.

Why is there weight and is it normal?

Be sure to see the previous paragraph, if you are on the 2nd or 3rd week of the diet, everything is fine.

Everything is individual here and it’s not always about kg! Don't forget about volumes!!! They are also going away, so maybe your waist and hips have already shrunk by a few cm?! “stagnation” in weight is quite normal, sometimes the body needs time to get used to the “new state”.

Video: What to do when the weight has risen? Advice from a nutritionist and psychologist

How many extra pounds do you have in total? Read all the instructions and additions carefully, maybe you are missing something important? How much fluid do you drink? Are you going overboard with salt? Add physical activity. In the end, the Maggi diet may simply not suit you, which is very rare.

Video: Why aren’t you losing weight – what’s slowing down your weight loss

The menu on different sites differs from each other, what to do and which site is better?

In fact, there are many more Maggi diet menu options on the Internet than it seems :)

However, this is not a reason to panic, because... Almost EVERY option is EFFECTIVE and PROVEN.

The main thing is not to rush from site to site - choose ONE site and ONE menu option and go ahead. Don't worry about efficiency if the site on which the menu is published is trustworthy;)

Vitamins - is it possible or necessary and which ones? + tablets

If during the diet you experience problems with your health and/or you need to take a lot of medications or for a long time, we strongly recommend that you stop the diet and take care of your health.

Tired of eggs! Is it possible to replace them with something?

However, it is better to allow a little relaxation than to break completely. If it is impossible to eat the required amount of eggs, some of them can be replaced with low-fat and unsweetened cottage cheese. It will provide the body with the same amount of protein and will also help strengthen bone tissue. One egg will replace approximately 60 grams of cottage cheese. Such a replacement will make the menu less caloric.

Is it possible to chew gum?

You can, but without sugar, you can also have delicious sucking lollipops “Sula” and “Orbit”.

Can it be steamed, baked, fried, barbecued, etc.?

Yes. Any cooking method that excludes oil and other prohibited ingredients is suitable - boiling, stewing, baking, steaming, microwave, oven, slow cooker, over a fire, even “frying” in a frying pan that allows you to cook without oil.

Can I have a snack and what?

If you feel hungry, at least 2 hours after eating, you can have a snack by eating 1 cucumber, 1 carrot or a little fresh cabbage - your choice, one or the other.

What time should your last meal be?

No later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What to dress salads with?

Suitable for salad dressing: lemon juice, soy sauce (without sugar), apple and wine vinegar, a minimum amount of low-fat kefir or yogurt. However, it is best not to dress salads with anything if you make them in advance - some products manage to release a sufficient amount of juices.

Is it possible to replace meat with chicken when there is a meat dish on the menu?

What kind of cheese can I use and what can I replace it with?

The menu contains low-fat cheese - these are cheeses with a fat content of up to 17%. They are easy to buy in large stores like Auchan, but quite difficult to find in small local shops, in which case you can take any low-fat cottage cheese (1-5%).

Our readers buy:

  • Cheese Valio Oltermanni 17%
  • Amber cheese 10%
  • Cheese "Russian" 17% (yes, there is such a thing :))
  • Cottage cheese Karat “Homemade” grained 4%

Can I drink alcohol: champagne, wine or beer?

During the entire diet, you can drink up to 2 glasses of dry red wine (better when meat is on the menu). Everything else is contraindicated, including beer and champagne.

Video: How alcohol makes you fat

Description and general principles The Maggi diet is another one of the slim group of protein diets. Most often it is called egg, and the name curd-egg also comes across. Both of these varieties are effective and do not require hungry feats from the “testers”. The menu includes much more products than the name suggests - a lot of fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs and even meat. The diet is designed for three weeks, each subsequent week has a specific diet. During this time, a weight loss of 7 to 20 kg is expected, unless of course you have that amount overweight.

Since the diet is long-term, the body will adapt to the new weight throughout the month, and you will change your eating habits. Therefore, maintaining the weight after its completion will be quite easy. When deciding to follow the Maggi diet, you need to evaluate your body for an allergic reaction. Since there are many allergen products on the menu, it is better to remember right away - are you allergic to eggs or grapefruits? The presence of citrus fruits on the menu can lead to allergies, and acid will accumulate in the mouth and the tongue will tingle.

The first part is considered egg. You will have to eat a monotonous breakfast consisting of eggs and citrus fruits. Good results can only be expected if you avoid fried foods. Of course, there is no need to use such a diet if you weigh 3-5 kilograms excess weight- you can choose something lighter. But if the score extra pounds goes for tens - that is, a chance to say goodbye to excess weight. It is advisable to add moderate physical activity and assume that this mode is designed for a “fighting” character. And let the thought that, in principle, Maggi is a whole balanced system, and therefore not harmful.

Maggi diet - what foods can you eat?

The main products are eggs, additional products are cottage cheese and meat.

Allowed fruits: oranges, plums, melons, watermelons, pineapples, apples, pears, kiwis, pomelo, tangerines, apricots, peaches, grapefruits. Vegetables - beans, carrots, green peas, squash, eggplants.

It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water; you can drink tea without sugar or milk. Sometimes you can drink a glass of soda water or diet soda. If the feeling of hunger is very tormenting, then add fresh cucumbers, lettuce, carrots to the menu, but always after the main meal. Salt, garlic and seasonings are not excluded. Low-fat cottage cheese can be replaced with low-fat cheese.

Maggi diet - what foods should not be consumed

Prohibited fruits for the Maggi diet: mangoes, dates, grapes, bananas, figs.

You will have to say goodbye to oil and any fats for at least a month. Broths are also prohibited. We refuse sugar and mayonnaise.

The Maggi diet is incompatible with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, if absorbed under stress, can cause a lot of harm. Those diets that are based on drinking beer or wine require completely different “snacks”. It is even undesirable to drink white wine, which many consider dietary, even if you are firmly convinced that it does not make you fat. We also throw cigarettes into the far corner - during a diet, blood circulation accelerates and chemical processes change. Additional diseases can accelerate premature aging of the body.

Maggi diet - menu examples

Let's look at the characteristic nutritional features at each stage (4 weeks - 4 stages).

The first week is vegetables, boiled meat and fish. And breakfast is always the same - a boiled egg and grapefruit. The first days are almost fasting days. For dinner it’s still boiled meat, and nothing else.
On the second day, more vegetables and fruits are included. Next, add cheese. Of course, we are not talking about any pieces of zhleb, much less buns, cakes and other goodies. On Sunday - only boiled meat.

Second week. Breakfast is the same. The second breakfast is quite modest - boiled meat and a portion of salad without oil. Egg lunch - 2 hard boiled ones. On Thursday and Tuesday, dinner is “given to the enemy” - that is, you cannot eat anything, you will have to limit yourself to lunch. On other days - a salad of vegetables or fruits. For the second week, breakfast is preserved. On Saturday you can add some prunes.

The third week is a very poor menu, consisting of fruits and vegetables, plus boiled meat. The first three days - low-calorie vegetables, potatoes are completely excluded. Boil the chicken, but there are only pieces without fat and skins; white meat without cartilage and soft parts of the bones is good. Steam treatment is encouraged to preserve maximum nutrients.

The fourth stage is characterized by minimal use of eggs. All that's left is a light dinner, light menu, harmonious selection of vegetables. Boiled vegetables will be combined with raw ones, and this is all in one meal. To finish your diet, stock up on oranges and a good mood - after all, you are a hero. The willpower of a person who has gone through to the very end is worthy of respect.

Not everyone will accept the Maggi diet. Many people simply cannot eat that many eggs, even eating them with a lot of vegetables and meat. Often women replace eggs with cottage cheese, which contains approximately the same amount of protein. The Maggi cottage cheese diet is absorbed much better, bones are strengthened, and cholesterol is lowered. You need to eat very little of it - no more in volume than an egg. Makes about 2 large spoons. But this diet can also repel people who have problems with stomach acidity. To get results, it is enough to endure 2 weeks of a fruit and curd diet. You can replace just one ingredient in the menu, and therefore the menu will be less filling than the egg one.

Maggi diet menu for 1 week

During this diet, you will no longer need to worry about breakfast. It will always be ready - after all, every day you will have to eat a boiled egg and 1 grapefruit in the morning.

Monday – fruit lunch and meat dinner.

Lunch: choose the most attractive fruit from the allowed foods and eat as much of it as you want in one sitting. It could be an apple, apricot, watermelon, pear, orange, melon, and so on.
For dinner, boil lean chicken or prepare something from stewed minced meat (except lamb).

Tuesday is more varied.

Lunch: remove the skin from the chicken and boil again or fry without oil.
Dinner: boil 2 boiled eggs and serve with a salad of vegetables - whatever you find from peppers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. Make some toast, or some stale flatbread. Vitamin supplement - 1 orange and 1 grapefruit each.

Wednesday: replace eggs with cheese.

Lunch - cheese, tomatoes, make a toast.
Dinner: boiled meat without fat, or stewed minced meat. (Except lamb).

Lunch: again a mono-lunch of one allowed fruit.
For dinner we again eat meat or minced meat and add salad.

Friday fish menu

Lunch: traditional boiled eggs, plus a stew of several vegetables (no fat). (for example, carrots + green peas)
Dinner: boil or stew fish, cut vegetables into salad, a nice dessert - 1 grapefruit or orange.

Saturday: meat and fruit day.

Lunch: mono salad of one (orange, melon, apricot, watermelon, apple, pear, etc.)
Dinner: boil the meat without fat and skins (lamb is rejected), and add a vegetable salad.

Sunday can be said to be more of a vegetable day.

Lunch: boiled vegetables, fresh tomatoes, kritsa (boiled or fried). Grapefruit or orange.
Dinner: boiled vegetables.

All days you can drink tea or coffee without sugar and milk and large number water.

To track your diet results, follow a few simple rules. When you wake up in the morning, be sure to weigh yourself. Try to exercise at least a few minutes a day. The main rule of the Maggi diet is that if you miss a day and get off schedule, you need to start the week over. You need to repeat the diet in the fifth week first, but then immediately move on to part 4. Additional vitamins are not needed - the presence of vegetables and fruits will give the body the required amount in full.

Who can comply this diet? Anyone! Men and women of any age. Remember the contraindications. If you are allergic to eggs or cannot tolerate large amounts of raw vegetables, it is better to give it up and choose a more suitable option.

The Maggi diet owes its origin to the famous Englishwoman Margaret Thatcher. The nutrition system, developed specifically for her, over time was transformed into one of the varieties of egg diets, which our women successfully use.

What is the essence of the Maggi diet?

The new egg diet offers a menu designed for exactly 4 weeks, during which you can lose weight well, gain slim shape and feel unprecedented lightness in the body. It is interesting that such nutrition is not based on a decrease in the daily calorie intake, but on a certain order of chemical reactions of digestion associated with the alternation of protein and vitamins.

Pros egg diet:

  • the body receives an abundance of protein with a low carbohydrate content;
  • the diet is available at any age, excluding small children;
  • long-term weight retention after weight loss is supported.

The Maggi diet menu is based on chicken eggs and citrus fruits. Eggs, in addition to important protein, contain a huge amount of microelements necessary for the body. Citrus fruits act as a supplier of the daily dose of vitamins; the acids they contain actively break down excess fats.

Disadvantages of the Maggi diet:

  • can only be used once a year;
  • not suitable for pregnant and lactating women;
  • should not be used by people with allergies to citrus fruits;
  • Contraindicated in those taking medications to lower blood pressure.

Like any nutrition system, the egg diet includes its own rules, compliance with which guarantees a positive result. You must strictly adhere to the product norm indicated in the menu; you cannot swap breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Important to remember! For more effective weight loss It is useful to exercise while dieting. yours slim figure this will add smartness and youth.

Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks (every day)

It is necessary to observe the order of the weeks and not change them in places. If the menu does not indicate the norm of a product, it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. When eating meat, only lamb should be excluded.

Week No. 1 of the Maggi diet

The breakfast menu for the first week of nutrition includes half a citrus fruit (can be an orange or grapefruit), as well as 1-2 boiled chicken eggs. The second and third meals differ from day to day. Let's consider a consistent menu for every day.

  • Daily dishes - fruits in any quantity.
  • In the evening – boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - boiled or fried chicken.
  • Evening – two boiled eggs, salad, toast, orange.
  • Daily dishes - low-fat cheese, toast, tomatoes.
  • In the evening - boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - favorite fruits.
  • Evening - boiled or fried meat.
  • Daily dishes - two boiled eggs, boiled vegetables.
  • In the evening – boiled (fried) fish, salad, grapefruit.
  • Daily dishes – fruits optional.
  • Evening - boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, one tomato, orange.
  • In the evening – boiled vegetables.

Week No. 2 of the Maggi diet

Breakfast for the second week of nutrition includes half a citrus fruit and a couple of boiled eggs. Menu on next days various.

  • Lunch basket – boiled or fried meat, salad.
  • Evening meal – two boiled eggs, an orange.
  • Lunch set – boiled (fried) meat, salad.
  • Evening food - two boiled eggs, one grapefruit.
  • Lunch basket – boiled (fried) meat, salad.
  • Evening food – two boiled eggs, an orange.
  • Lunch set - two boiled eggs, low-fat hard cheese, boiled vegetables.
  • Evening meal – two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch basket – boiled or fried fish.
  • Evening food – two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch basket – boiled (fried) meat, tomato, orange.
  • Evening meal - fruit.
  • Lunch set - boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, one tomato, orange.
  • Evening food - boiled chicken, boiled vegetables, tomato, grapefruit.

If you take a break during the diet or mix up the days, you will have to start all over again, as the weight loss program will be disrupted.

Week No. 3 of the Maggi diet

The peculiarity of the third week is that these foods should be eaten during the day at your own discretion, without restrictions in quantity.

The menu for each day looks like this:

  • 1st - as much fruit as you want, but not high-calorie (banana, figs, etc. exclude).
  • 2nd – fresh or boiled vegetables, but not potatoes.
  • 3rd – fruit or vegetable dishes – as much as you want, whenever you want.
  • 4th – boiled fish, vegetables of any preparation.
  • 5th – boiled (fried) meat, vegetables.
  • 6th and 7th – choose your favorite fruit, eat only it in the desired quantity all day long.

Week No. 4 of the Maggi diet

During the fourth week, you can eat at any time, however, the norm of these products must be observed daily.

  • boiled poultry - quartered
  • boiled (fried meat) - 4 small pieces
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • canned fish – 1 can
  • toast and orange
  • boiled (fried) meat - 200 g
  • fresh cucumbers – 4-5 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • toast and orange (apple)
  • curd mass, 0% fat – 1 table. spoon
  • boiled vegetables - 1 plate
  • fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • toast and grapefruit.
  • boiled chicken - half
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • orange and any other fruit, except high-calorie ones
  • two boiled eggs
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • salad - one serving
  • grapefruit
  • two boiled chicken fillets
  • feta cheese – 130 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • orange and toast
  • curdled milk
  • curd mass - 1 table. spoon
  • low-fat canned fish – 1 jar
  • boiled vegetables - one serving
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • toast and grapefruit

Common questions about the egg diet

Is drinking alcohol acceptable on the Maggi diet?

Alcohol and the egg diet are categorically incompatible; the body is cleansed and rebuilt; it has absolutely no use for the extra load on the liver and increased appetite.

Is it possible to add soy sauce to foods?

You can add a little soy sauce, especially to vegetable salads. Its quantity will not spoil the main picture of the menu, not to mention the usefulness of this product. The use of vegetable oil is prohibited.

Can you use salt in the egg diet?

Salt is allowed in small quantities if you absolutely cannot bear to eat bland food. A large amount of liquid neutralizes it, drink to cleanse the body.

Is it possible to cook pumpkin for Maggi?

Pumpkin is a completely permitted product; you can also cook beets, carrots, and zucchini in vegetable methods, whichever suits your taste best. Only potatoes are unacceptable; the starch they contain in large quantities does not in any way contribute to weight loss.

If you want to remove the feeling of hunger, you can eat one carrot or fresh cucumber two hours after eating according to the schedule.

Does the egg diet allow you to eat honey?

Those with a sweet tooth who like to drink coffee or tea only with sugar are allowed to put a teaspoon of honey in a cup, just do not overuse it.

Is it possible to drink kefir on the Maggi diet?

You can drink kefir, only low-fat, especially when cottage cheese or yogurt is on the menu, but do not allow more than one glass of this drink per day.

Is it acceptable to replace meat with chicken on the menu?

Meat can be replaced with chicken or any other meat by-products; variety is included in the menu so that you don’t get tired of chicken meat. But fish cannot be replaced with chicken and vice versa; this will disrupt the entire nutritional pattern of the egg diet.

The Maggi diet is one of the most interesting weight loss programs. The secret is that in just a month you can lose a lot of extra pounds, while the range of products is very diverse, and the time of their consumption is practically not tied to a strict schedule. Losing weight is easy and tasty!

There are suggestions that the Maggi diet “came” to us from Great Britain, and Margaret Thatcher herself became its founder. The Prime Minister did not suffer from the problem of excess weight and did not at all set herself the goal of inventing it.

Thatcher wrote down the menu of her two-week diet, with which she kept fit. This became the prototype of the diet, which became known as “Maggie” - short for Margaret. It is not known for certain who the author of the “second part” of Maggi is. The obvious effectiveness of this nutritional method has been confirmed by many people who, with its help, got rid of extra pounds.

There are suggestions that the Maggi diet “came” to us from Great Britain, and its founder was Margeret Thatcher herself. The Prime Minister did not suffer from the problem of excess weight and did not at all set herself the goal of inventing it.

However, there is information that Margaret’s recipe for slimness, which she herself spoke about, is as follows: you need to eat 28 chicken eggs per week. It’s not for nothing that the Maggi diet is also called the egg diet.

Principles of the Maggi Diet

The Maggi diet consists of 4 stages, each of which includes 7 days. A person losing weight will need to change his diet depending on what stage he is at.

    First stage. At this time, the body adapts to changes in the diet, electrolyte balance returns to normal, and energy leaves the cells. excess liquid. Fat deposits begin to collapse from 4-5 days. In the first seven days of the diet, you can lose 2-4 kg.

    Second stage. The body gets used to the changed diet. At this time, a person needs to consume more eggs.

    Third stage. This week the weight continues to come off, but more slowly. Therefore, the body needs a shake-up. However, this stage is quite easy to endure.

    Fourth stage. It is necessary in order to properly complete the diet and consolidate the achieved results.


The first part of the diet is called “egg”. Set yourself up for a monotonous breakfast consisting only of eggs and citrus fruits. Add a little moderate physical activity(race walking, swimming, aerobics). In the second part, it is necessary to gradually reduce protein consumption.

The main products of the diet are chicken eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese and meat. It is allowed to eat fruits such as pineapples, oranges, melons, plums, pears, apples, tangerines, pomelo, apricots, kiwis, grapefruits, peaches. Vegetables include carrots, beans, green peas, and eggplants.

The low-carbohydrate Maggi Diet requires strict adherence to the following rules:

    Lunch and dinner cannot be swapped.

    If the exact portion of a product is not indicated, it can be eaten in any quantity.

    Eggs can be partially or completely replaced with cottage cheese.

    You can consume sweets based on sweeteners: diet cola, candy.

    Be sure to eat a lot of fruits and drink a lot of clean water.

    You should not eat until you feel heavy in your stomach.

    The amount of salt should be reduced to a minimum, adding more seasonings and spices.

What can't you eat?

On the list of prohibited products:

    All canned products. Including corn, green peas, etc.

    Fried foods.

    Sweets, including jam, honey, sorbitol, fructose.

  • Potatoes and legumes.

    Bananas, avocados, figs, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits.

    All oil, all fat.

  • Alcoholic drinks.

    Chewing gum.


The Maggi diet is definitely not suitable for people who are allergic to certain foods (eggs and citrus fruits). Also strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. People with medical conditions should follow the diet under strict medical supervision. gastrointestinal tract, disruptions in work cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver.

The number of eggs in the Maggi diet causes a lot of debate. However, nutritionists say that consuming eggs in such quantities is acceptable if you do not overuse high-fat foods.

The Maggi diet has no contraindications, since it does not harm the human body. However, it is worth carefully studying the state of your body. If you are allergic to foods that are on the menu, then avoid this diet. Otherwise, you will face dangerous consequences.

Contraindications of the Maggi diet

The Maggi diet has been proven to bring very effective results. You can become the owner perfect figure without following a strict diet. The main thing is that you follow the basic rules of diet in order to achieve optimal results from your work. Do not try to make adjustments to the menu, and do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Contraindications to the Maggi diet:



    Kidney diseases.

    Stomach ulcer, gastritis and other organ diseases digestive system.

    Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

    Reception medicines, which are aimed at reducing blood pressure.

    High level blood cholesterol.

    Allergy to cottage cheese and eggs.

TO positive aspects protein diets include:

  • lack of feeling of hunger, which makes the process easy weight loss and painless;
  • there are no restrictions on the amount of product consumed;
  • ease of cooking;
  • no need for daily calorie counting;
  • balanced diet;
  • noticeable reduction in volumes;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of the results obtained (from 1.5 years).

However, the egg and curd methods have negative reviews. The need to strictly adhere to the menu and nutritional schedule significantly reduces the number of people who can withstand a full weight loss course, since in case of failure, unlike the Dukan scheme, it is not advisable to continue the Maggi diet. To get the desired result, the process of losing excess pounds will have to start all over again.

Menu for 4 weeks

Each stage of the Maggi diet has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in order.

In the first week you need to eat boiled meat, vegetables and fish. Breakfast remains the same - 1 grapefruit and 1 boiled egg. The first day is almost a fasting day, have dinner only with boiled meat and nothing else.

Starting from the second day, include steamed or boiled vegetables (zucchini, beets, pumpkin, carrots) in your diet. Next, add low fat cheese.

During the first two weeks, the method involves taking 1/2 grapefruit or orange, as well as 1-2 boiled eggs, for breakfast every day.

Maggi diet - egg version

For such a diet to give good results, you need to follow the established nutritional rules. To do this, create for yourself a detailed menu for the Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks, guided by ready-made options.

Week #1

  • lunch - fruits in any quantity: apples, pears, oranges, watermelon, melon, etc. (except for those prohibited);
  • dinner – baked chicken (can also be fried) - 250 g.
  • lunch – baked or boiled chicken breast without skin (200 g);
  • dinner - 2 boiled eggs, salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers - 150 g), ¼ flatbread or 1 piece of toast (25 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch – low-fat cheese in any quantity, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast (25 g);
  • dinner – 250 g of any boiled or baked meat.

  • lunch - any fruit in any quantity, except for prohibited ones;
  • dinner - 250 g of boiled or baked chicken, salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers - 150 g).
  • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables of your choice: zucchini, carrots, green peas, beans (250 g);
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled shrimp, salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers - 200 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch – one any fruit in any quantity;
  • dinner – boiled or baked chicken (can also be fried) - 200 g.
  • lunch – baked or boiled skinless chicken (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), 1 tomato, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables of your choice, except forbidden ones (200 g).

Week #2

  • lunch – boiled or baked (can be fried) meat (250 g), salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers – 200 g);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or 1 orange.
  • lunch – boiled or baked meat (200 g), salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers – 200 g);
  • lunch – boiled or baked (fried) meat (200 g), cucumbers (as much as you want);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, any low-fat white cheese (150 g), boiled vegetables from the permitted ones (150 g);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs.
  • lunch – 200 g of baked or boiled fish/boiled shrimp (fried fish is also allowed);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs.
  • lunch – 200 g of baked or boiled meat (can be fried), 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - fresh fruits (except forbidden ones) - as much as you want.
  • lunch - fried, baked or boiled skinless chicken (200 g), 3 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - fried or boiled skinless chicken (150 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.

Week #3

The weekly diet includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, which should be eaten throughout the day.

Day No. 1

Is alcohol allowed on the Maggi diet?

As has been said many times, the Maggi diet is designed to stimulate chemical reactions in the body that promote fat burning. Alcohol contains alcohol, which changes these reactions, so drinking alcohol while on this diet is strictly prohibited.

For people who are unable to abstain from alcohol, other diets with a different diet have been developed. Smoking, by the way, is also not encouraged; it speeds up blood circulation, as a result of which chemical reactions also change.

Remember that the Maggi diet and alcohol do not mix with each other. Your body is cleansed during such a diet, so you should not overload the liver, heart and other internal organs.

It's no secret that drinking increases your appetite. As a result, all your efforts will be nullified. That is why think twice when reaching out for your favorite alcoholic drink.

Alcohol blocks natural chemical processes occurring in the human body. This leads to the fact that fats will not disappear as quickly as you would like.

If you cannot do without alcohol, pay attention to other weight loss systems. They differ in that you can drink alcohol even during certain dietary restrictions.

As has been said many times, the Maggi diet is designed to stimulate chemical reactions in the body that promote fat burning. Alcohol contains alcohol, which changes these reactions, so drinking alcohol on this diet is strictly prohibited.

For people who are unable to abstain from alcohol, other diets with a different diet have been developed. Smoking, by the way, is also not encouraged: it speeds up blood circulation, as a result of which chemical reactions also change.


Maggi diet is based on strict restrictions, but at the same time it’s difficult to call her hungry. And despite the strict nutrition system (the method involves boiled vegetables in large quantities), it can be easily diversified using various recipes for preparing permitted products.

Diet cabbage rolls. Chop the cabbage and finely chop the chicken breast (you can also use a food processor for this purpose), add spices, onion, salt and wrap the resulting minced meat in pre-prepared cabbage leaves (as for regular cabbage rolls). Place in a saucepan, add water and simmer for about 60 minutes.

Eggplants baked on a wire rack. Cut two eggplants in half and place them on the grill. Place the rack in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After about an hour, the eggplants can be removed. Before serving, it is better to cut them into pieces and season with crushed garlic.

Stewed vegetables. Chop the cabbage, peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes.

Place the tomato in boiling water for one minute, remove, peel off the skin and cut into cubes. Finely chop the garlic and onion.

Pour water into a saucepan or frying pan, add onion, garlic and cabbage, cover with a lid and simmer. Later add the zucchini to the pan and continue to simmer.

When almost all the water has evaporated, add spices, salt and tomato. Cover again and simmer until done.

Chicken in foil with onions. Rub the legs with garlic and chicken seasoning.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings. Place the legs one at a time on foil and sprinkle onions on top, then wrap.

Place everything on a sheet and place in an oven preheated to 220-250 degrees. Cook for 40-50 minutes, then slightly unfold the legs and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

This will make them more browned.

Delicious salad “Red Trio”

To prepare the dish you will need the following food set:

    Cherry tomatoes – 20 pcs.

    One large red bell pepper.

    Head of red onion.

  • Parsley and cilantro.

    Salt, lemon juice, ground black pepper. Lemon juice can be replaced with wine vinegar. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed and will act as a salad dressing.

Stuffed eggs


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic - to taste;
  • dill;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Cut the boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks. Add cottage cheese, dill, garlic (squeeze using a garlic press), pepper and salt to the yolks. Mix everything thoroughly. You should get a paste-like mass, which should be used to fill the egg white halves.

You can serve green pea puree as a side dish.

Prune and tangerine soup dessert

  • 1 tangerine;
  • 45 g prunes;
  • 300 g water;
  • 2 sweetener tablets.

Wash the prunes, remove the pits and chop finely. Then pour hot water, add sweetener and boil for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the tangerine by first removing the zest and grating it through a grater. Add a teaspoon of zest to the prunes, beat the mixture with a blender.

Before serving, add tangerine slices to the soup.

Baked tomatoes with cheese

  • 3 plates of cheese (20 g each) 16% fat;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 rye bread;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dill;
  • salt to taste.

Remove pulp from tomatoes. Finely grate the cheese and garlic using a grater. Finely break the bread. Then mix grated cheese with garlic and broken bread. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture and place in the oven for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh dill.

Egg, cheese and cottage cheese diet Maggi for 4 weeks is a difficult test not only for the body, but also for nervous system. Due to the monotonous and meager diet, not everyone can maintain a protein-vegetable system.

Let's consider the most common dishes prepared from permitted products, which will diversify the menu and not only facilitate the process of losing weight, but will also give real pleasure from eating low-calorie healthy food.

Recipes for Maggi diet 1 week


The curd version of the Maggi diet involves the complete or partial replacement of eggs with cottage cheese. This option is suitable for those who are allergic to eggs, or those who simply do not like them. The calculation is made as follows: 1 egg is equal to 100 g of cottage cheese.

Along with the egg version, there is also a Maggi cottage cheese diet. Its only difference from the egg diet is that eggs are replaced with cottage cheese.

One egg is equal to one hundred grams of cottage cheese. This version of the Maggi diet is more “hungry”, since cottage cheese cannot give the same feeling of fullness as eggs rich in microelements, minerals and vitamins.

For people who, for some reason, do not want or cannot eat large quantities of eggs, the curd diet will be the ideal solution.

This diet option is practically no different from egg menu. However, it is recommended to replace eggs with cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Maggi diet - curd version

The cottage cheese diet is more healthy because there will be a sufficient amount of cottage cheese in your diet. This product contains a large amount of calcium, so your bones will become stronger. Also, regular consumption of cottage cheese is not able to increase cholesterol, which is contained in the blood. That is why this option has much more positive feedback.

The advantages of the cottage cheese diet are as follows:

  • the product makes it possible to remove dangerous toxins from the body;
  • cottage cheese accelerates the process of fat breakdown;
  • The product contains all the necessary microelements (calcium, phosphorus, etc.) and vitamins (for example, A) for the health of the body.
  • breakfast: any fruit - as much as you want (except those that are prohibited), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content);
  • lunch: any fruits (except forbidden ones), but do not overeat;
  • dinner: baked beef (200 g), vegetable salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers – 200 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit (for example, an apple, 150 g of watermelon pulp), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: boiled chicken breast (200 g);
  • dinner: steamed pollock or hake (200 g), 150 g of vegetable salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, peppers), 1 dried slice of bread (25 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch: low-fat cheese or cottage cheese up to 9% fat (200 g), 1 dried slice of bread (20 g), 2 tomatoes;
  • breakfast: any fruit (200 g), 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: any fruit - as much as you want;
  • dinner: meat (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit, 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat), fresh vegetables (200 g);
  • dinner: baked fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • breakfast: any fruit - no more than 200 g, 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content);
  • lunch: any fruit – as much as you want;
  • dinner: meat (250 g), vegetables (150 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit (as much as you want), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: baked chicken without skin (200 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner: boiled vegetables (200 g).

Week #2

All breakfasts should consist of 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat).

  • lunch: cottage cheese (250 g) and vegetables (150 g);
  • dinner: fish (200 g), vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch: baked or boiled meat (200 g), vegetables (150 g);
  • dinner: cottage cheese (150 g) and fruit (200 g).
  • lunch: low-fat cheese (200 g), any vegetables (250 g);
  • dinner: baked meat or fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g).
  • lunch: fish/shrimp (250 g), vegetables (200 g);
  • dinner: fruit (200 g), cottage cheese (200 g).
  • lunch: meat (200 g), 1 grapefruit or orange, 3 tomatoes;
  • dinner: any fruit (250 g).
  • lunch: chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit/orange;
  • dinner: baked chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (200 g), 1 grapefruit/orange.

Depending on your initial weight and the amount of food you eat, the Maggi cottage cheese diet will allow you to lose from 5 to 20 kilograms. The main thing is not to be tempted and not to overeat on days when you are allowed to eat food in unlimited quantities.

Pros and cons of the Maggi diet

The following advantages of the Maggi diet can be highlighted:

    The diet allows you to saturate the body with nutrients, so the diet can be called almost balanced. During the weight loss process, you can refuse to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Experts recommend using only Omega-3 as an additional food supplement.

    The diet can be practiced at almost any age.

    The diet is not starvation. A person losing weight will not need to count kilocalories.

    Dishes are prepared very quickly and simply.

    If you exit the diet correctly, the results will last for a long time.

Disadvantages of the Maggi diet:

    The diet is quite long - it will take a whole month.

    During the weight loss process, you need to eat a lot of eggs.

    You must adhere to the diet very strictly.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Maggi Diet

    In the first week the weight came off very quickly, but in the second week it jumped off. What is the reason? Since a person eats vegetables and fruits for weeks 2 and 3, the body begins to retain fluid. Therefore, one day it is possible to reduce weight by 300 g, and the next day the increase on the scales will be half a kilo. This is normal, the body is trying to prevent dehydration in this way. There is no need to worry, weight loss will continue. Starting from the fourth week, weight will decrease more steadily.

    I'm really tired of eating eggs, can I replace them with some other products? It is strongly recommended not to deviate from the proposed nutrition plan. However, if a person feels that he will soon lose his temper, then it is best to allow himself a little relaxation in the menu. Some eggs can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese. It contains a sufficient amount of protein and is able to strengthen bone tissue. To replace 1 egg, you need to eat 60 g of cottage cheese.

    Is it possible to eat fried foods, barbecue, etc.? You can prepare dishes in any way, the main thing is not to fry them using oil. You can even fry food in a frying pan, but it must be dry.

    Are snacks acceptable while dieting? If you are hungry, then 2 hours after the main meal you can eat a vegetable: carrots, cucumber or cabbage.

    What is allowed to be used as salad dressing? You can use lemon juice, soy sauce without added sugar, vinegar (wine and apple), low-fat kefir and yogurt. Ideally, it is better not to dress salads at all. When the dish is prepared in advance, the vegetables release their juice, so you can skip the additional dressing.

    What kind of cheese can be used in food? What is allowed to replace it? It is allowed to eat low-fat cheese - up to 20% fat content. It can sometimes be difficult to find it on sale, so cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese (0-9% fat). Brands of cheese that can be used when creating a menu: Russian 17%, Domashny grained Karat 4%, Valio Oltermanni 17%, Amber 10%.

    Is it acceptable to eat honey, cream and milk? These products are absolutely prohibited, and in any quantities.

    Is it possible to include sauerkraut in the menu? Sauerkraut is on the list of prohibited foods because it contains too much salt.

    Is it possible to eat canned and pickled foods while on a diet? Pickled foods and canned food are not recommended for consumption during the Maggi diet.

Baked tomatoes with cheese

Quitting the diet

The exit must be gradual so that the result of weight loss is successfully consolidated and the body does not receive a sudden load.

  • Over the next week after completing the course, include in your diet those foods that your body was accustomed to during the diet. These are: boiled or baked chicken breast, cottage cheese with a low fat content (up to 9%), apples, citrus fruits.
  • Do not pounce on the food that was excluded from the diet - fried potatoes, pastries, rice, pasta.
  • The result of losing weight can be maintained by eating according to the “Minus 60” system.
  • Remember to monitor the amount of food and portion sizes. Remember that fractional meals- a guarantee of health.