Exercises for losing weight on the arms and forearm. Exercises for losing weight in arms at home for women

Perfect shapes without much difficulty - this is the dream of every girl! For the sake of a slim waist and firm buttocks many are ready to make any sacrifice.

But the problem area is not always the stomach and thighs. Some women experience a complex due to the fullness of their arms and shoulders.

After all, volume in these parts of the body adorns a man more. Of course, you can choose clothes that hide such shortcomings, but this is not the best solution to the problem.

Becoming graceful and not ashamed of your full arms is a completely achievable desire.

We have prepared special exercises to lose weight on your arms, try training at home.

Where to start

To make your idea come true, you need to approach the matter thoroughly. Be patient and tune in to a positive outcome!

Spend diligently sports activities indoors or outdoors for about 3 - 4 months (2 times a week). And your arms will definitely lose weight, and your skin will become flexible and toned.

Any physical activity should begin with light exercise. Untrained muscles will gradually warm up, and during active training you can avoid damage.

During each session, remember to breathe. Keep it level.

Make sure that you exhale forcefully.

Warm-up exercises Description How many times do you need to do it?
For the neck and connecting muscles shoulder girdle Stand up straight. Place your hands as you feel comfortable. Make horizontal shifts with your head, first to the right, then to the left, forward and backward. 10 times (total 40)
For shoulder joints The body position is the same. Perform simultaneous rotation of your shoulders in a circle forward and backward. 20 times
For hands Starting position. Hold your hands straight in front of you, clasp your fingers. Make rotational movements only with your fists, alternately in different directions. 20 times
For biceps and deltoid muscles (shoulder) Stay in the same position. Bend your arms into elbow joint and place them near your chest. Make two jerks toward your back, squeezing your shoulder blades, then repeat the same movements, only with your arms straight. 20 times
Mill Take a comfortable stance with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lean forward. One hand is down, the other is up. Perform swings with straightened arms, touching your toes alternately. 30 times

At the end of the warm-up, a short jog in a circle or in place would be appropriate, then take a break. Breathe slowly, deeply, raising your arms and following them with your whole body.

The preparation is over, your body is warmed up and prepared for serious exercise.

Effective exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders without dumbbells

Simple, at first glance, exercises will help you smoothly transition from warming up to serious loads. They promote muscle stretching, which is important in the process of losing weight and tightening your arms.

These effective movements must be done with constant tension and without rushing.

In addition, the well-known push-ups, which can be performed in different ways, are very effective:

  1. If you are confident in your abilities, then do 10 - 15 push-ups from the floor or support (bench, table) with full load on your arms. Take a break and do one more set.
    Keep your back straight, bend your arms at right angles. Your palms should be under your chest.
  2. An easier option for beginners: get down on your knees and transfer the weight of your torso to your hands.
    Perform 20 push-ups in two sets.

A set of sports exercises with equipment (dumbbells)

In order for your arms to lose weight quickly, you need to actively train the main muscles where fat is usually stored. These are the biceps, triceps and deltoids, located in the front, back and upper part of the arm.

In addition to warm-up stretching exercises, include work with additional load. Take two dumbbells of the same weight (light) and get started.

Each exercise needs to be done 20 - 25 times.

  1. In a standing position, extend your arms in front of you, then smoothly send them behind your head without bending and return to the starting position.
  2. Stand with your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Raise the dumbbells up through your sides. At the same time, tilt your torso slightly forward.
  3. This exercise can be done while sitting. Take turns pressing the dumbbells to your chest, bending your arms at the elbow joint. Keep the pace, it should be fast enough.
  4. Stand up straight, lower your arms, and connect the dumbbells to each other. Slowly lift the weight to your chin. Try to tense your shoulders at this time.
  5. For next lesson you need to lie down on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, straighten them toward the ceiling, and cross them.

Relaxation after training

It’s worth finishing the workout as smoothly as starting it. After finishing the last dumbbell exercise, do some relaxation exercises that will help relieve tension and fatigue.

Concentrate on your breathing with your eyes closed.

  1. Inhale air through your nose and stretch up, count to 10. Exhale noisily through your mouth, leaning forward.
    Let your arms hang down. Relax your entire shoulder girdle.
  2. Do this exercise standing 10 times. Extend your arms wide, then hug yourself.
    Strive to reach your spine with your fingers. Exhale and return to your previous position.
  3. Sit down, embrace bent knees hands. The back is round.
    Lean back while rocking.
  4. Stretch on the floor, raise your arms and legs, shake them, counting to ten.

Be sure to take a bath or a warm shower. This will put you in order and give you strength.

Basic effective exercises for losing weight in your arms, which is recommended for women, you can learn from the video.

Tightening the muscles of the upper limbs after losing weight

You can create a beautiful hand shape only through methodical exercises. After your arms have lost enough weight, consolidate the result with simple exercises.

Perform them clearly and slowly.

    1. It will be good if you do push-ups in reverse. To do this, you can take any low support.
      Turn your back to her and squat down. Hook your palms onto the base and push up 10 times.
      Try to load your arms as much as possible, not your legs. This exercise can be done while squatting or with your legs extended.

  1. Take any long stick or mop. Lift it up with straight arms.
    Slowly move the device behind your head, then return it back. Need to do 15 times.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back and smoothly pull them towards the back of your head. Do it 10 times.
  3. Sit down, take a fairly heavy book in your hand, and place it with your elbow on your knee. The load must be suspended.
    Squeeze your biceps and count to 15. Switch hands. Spend a few minutes on this exercise.

If you want to constantly maintain the aesthetic appearance of your hands and figure in general, you need to constantly exercise yourself physically in the gym or in a quiet home environment.

How to eat to lose weight on your arms and shoulders

Be sure to add proper nutrition to your gymnastics exercises. This is the only way you will succeed.
Follow these tips that will have a beneficial effect on your forearms and your entire body:

  1. Drink water and not very sweet fruit drinks, compotes, which will speed up fat burning.
  2. Stop eating soda, sweets, fatty and fried foods.
  3. If you smoke, then quit.
  4. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. In the morning, cook porridge, and instead of white bread, take gray bread.
  5. Buy kefir and yoghurts.

By working hard, you will be able to wear revealing outfits in just two to three months, showing everyone your graceful, thinner arms!

Find out super exercises for losing weight in your arms from the video.

Fat that is deposited in the arm area most often indicates a general overweight. What to do in such a situation?

To lose weight, the arms and shoulders need to be connected strength exercises and cardio exercises. This is the most effective type of disposal strategy. excess weight, which is suitable for both girls and women, as well as men. We must not forget about proper nutrition, including diets.

Broad shoulders with a layer of fat do not look aesthetically pleasing. You can achieve a slim figure and give definition to your muscles with persistence and desire. A necessary condition is regular training!

A short excursion into anatomy

Anatomy shoulder muscles and arms are represented by biceps, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles. Strength loads also involve the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi. The biceps and triceps are responsible for the relief of the arms. The deltoids and trapezius form the relief of the shoulder.

The fitness complex must be developed in such a way that so that everyone is involved muscle groups , and at the same time they were not overloaded, as this could create a risk of injury.

A set of 7 exercises

This system allows you to work out the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, as well as the main muscle groups of the whole body, at home. Before training, do a little warm-up or exercise, which will also help you quickly lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

1. Knee push-ups

Involved - deltoids, triceps and large pectoral muscles. is a lightweight version of push-ups. It is recommended to perform it to strengthen the muscles, followed by a transition to push-ups. You need to try to move your knees a little further during each lesson, straightening your legs. The position of the hands when performing push-ups can be normal or narrow.

Classic version

  1. We rest our knees and hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor;
  2. We raise our feet and cross them;
  3. We do push-ups, straightening our arms at the elbows;
  4. Movements are smooth and leisurely. This pace promotes good muscle development.

With a narrow hand position

Applying narrow setting arms, you can increase the load on the triceps. We perform the exercise in the same way as in the first version, but we place our hands a little narrower than our shoulders.

With simultaneous bending

  1. It is performed standing and also sitting, leaning on the back. This makes it possible to better load the muscles, since the force of inertia cannot be used when lifting a dumbbell;
  2. We take dumbbells and begin to bend our elbows, moving the apparatus up to our shoulders.

Alternately can be used heavy weight, since the muscles of one arm have the opportunity to rest.

Important! At the top point, the palm should be higher than the elbow. Otherwise, when tilting, the load with target muscle will leave.

4. Standing Dumbbell Press

We plan the number of repetitions in accordance with our level physical training.

Carefully! The exercise can cause serious injury to the shoulder joint. It is recommended to start performing it with minimal weights and after a good warm-up.

6. Incline flyes

- great exercise for women, which is being worked on back deltoid muscles, and also helps to lose weight in the back and shoulders.

  1. We lift dumbbells. We tilt the body and bend the legs slightly. The back retains its anatomical curve V lumbar region spine. We hold dumbbells at arm's length near the feet;
  2. We spread our arms to the sides, making movements at the shoulders.

We perform 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches. Beginners should start with a minimum weight.

Attention! The exercise puts increased stress on the shoulder girdle and lumbar region!

7. Plank

Static exercise that gives good load to all major muscles. It is carried out in two versions.

Option 1

  1. We stand with emphasis on our knees and palms of our hands;
  2. We stretch our legs, leaning on our toes. The body is a perfectly straight line - without deflection in the pelvic area;
  3. We don’t raise our heads, our gaze is directed to the floor;
  4. We hold the bar from several seconds to one minute. It depends on your fitness level;
  5. Let's breathe freely.

Option 2

It is performed in the same way as the first option, but we focus not on the palms of the hands, but on the forearm area - from the palms to the elbows. This is a lightweight option that is suitable for untrained girls. Having worked the muscles well, after some time you can gradually begin to perform more complex options.

You can complete the complex breathing exercises or stretching.

Remember! You cannot hold your breath, as this creates a strong load on the heart and blood vessels.

The following tips will help you make your exercise even more effective:

  • Training plan. It is designed in such a way that the muscles have time to rest and recover after exercise. On average - three times a week. Successfully increase muscle volume and remove body fat Anyone who follows this rule strictly will be able to.
  • Execution technique. If the recommendations for the execution technique are not followed, strength training can result in injury. The shoulder can be torn off if you use a lot of weight with poor physical fitness. After an injury, the recovery period can take quite a long time.
  • Correct load calculation. When calculating the load, your physical fitness matters. If you are starting strength training for the first time, start with minimal weights.
  • Doing a warm-up. It is a mandatory stage of training, which will help warm up the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.
  • It often occurs after strength training. It can be reduced by warming up, active movements, and massage. You can take a bath with the addition of sea or regular salt.
Attention! If during strength training you feel discomfort V shoulder joint or pain - stop exercising. “I can’t” is not best option! Consult a doctor to rule out a sprained or torn ligament.

Cardio training

When creating a training program, coaches and sports doctors often include cardio training. This is due to the special influence of this type of stress on the body. Strength training become more effective if training on simulators is added to them. They are usually included at the end of the lesson. This ensures a balanced load on muscles, joints and the cardiovascular system.

  1. Excellent replacement. In the absence of a nearby park area, regular jogging is the only option. It is enough to train every other day for thirty minutes to maintain good health. physical fitness.
  2. Strengthens muscles, activates calorie burning, improves blood circulation, strengthens the vascular wall, helps relieve stress and relax. An excellent replacement for cycling. Many models are equipped with heart rate and calorie sensors, which helps you correctly calculate your load.
  3. Rowing machine. Simulates rowing, suitable for cardio training vascular system and strengthening muscles. There are two types of simulators available: electronic and mechanical simulators. Electronic options allow you to set and adjust training parameters.
  4. Using pedals, it simulates walking at different paces. Allows you to maintain good shape, strengthens muscles, compensates for the lack of active movements. Great option application in apartment conditions.
  5. Elliptical trainer (ellipsoid). He is able to gently work out all joints. This occurs through special movements performed in a certain plane. It loads all muscle groups, has no age restrictions, and is accessible to people with varying degrees of physical fitness.
  6. Running. The most effective and favorite type of training by many. Even short jogging helps speed up the body's metabolism and activates the burning of calories. The speed and pace of running can be adjusted according to age, health and fitness level.
  7. Cycling. It perfectly trains all body systems: respiratory, vascular, muscular. Develops joints, helps burn calories, saturates the body with oxygen. Using several speeds, you can set different load modes: from a walking pace to a serious training mode.
  8. Swimming. Swimming is one of the most popular types training. You can practice regardless of age and physical fitness. Swimming is included in a weight loss program. Even with high degrees of obesity, it gives very good results if used proper diet nutrition.
  9. Walking at a fast pace is a simple but effective way to exercise. Charges you with vigor and energy, allows you to maintain good physical shape. The main condition is regularity. Climb the stairs on foot, go through several stops without using transport. At least sometimes you leave your car at home and go!
  10. Nordic walking. It is carried out using two sticks of a special design. It is popular because, despite its simplicity, it perfectly trains the heart and blood vessels, activates the fat burning process, works and strengthens muscles.
  11. Dancing. The benefits and popularity of this type of active exercise among all ages are enormous. In addition to a good load on the muscles, any type of dancing gives aesthetic satisfaction, develops grace, flexibility, and forms beautiful posture. Choose appropriate music and dance - at home, in the hall, outdoors!
  12. Jump rope. A small universal exercise machine for the muscles of the whole body. If you regularly jump rope several times a week, you can not only work out your muscles perfectly, but also help you shed extra pounds. Make friends with a jump rope, jump for ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening. This is the best option to get results.

Physical activity should be done with pleasure. To do this, you need to determine the main motive - why do I need this? Tell yourself: I want to have slim figure, defined muscles, good health And great mood! Try to make time for an active lifestyle - then extra pounds will never be your friends. The most simple types Physical activity will help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles.

A tale about how to combine the most effective exercises for losing weight in your arms at home into a single complex? Which ones are best to do? Full information about arm exercises at home for you! Let's go!

Hello friends! In pursuit of beautiful body very often the upper shoulder girdle is lost from sight. However, for a complete look, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to all major muscle groups. Today you will get acquainted with the basic principles of pumping your arms, rules during the training process, and secrets for achieving maximum efficiency.

Laws of your training

First of all, you need to clearly formulate your goal. After all, laziness can destroy all the results obtained. Don't expect that one and a half exercises a week will be enough to tighten the muscles in the arms. The minimum number of classes must be at least 3 times. This optimal quantity to give the fibers the necessary time to recover.


Your exercises for losing weight on your arms will last approximately 40 minutes. Program for fast weight loss hands will be based on the principle of gradually increasing the load. You should concentrate as much as possible on performing all the exercises. If you are constantly distracted during the process, then removing problem areas will take years. Each bending or extension of the arm must be done consciously with maximum concentration.


Don't forget to warm up! Exercises in the gym or at home should follow the same rules. Otherwise, you will experience a lot of “pleasant” sensations or get injured incompatible with future training. Before you zealously swing your limbs, take the trouble to get the blood pumping. So:

  • Stretch your hands and fingers with rotational movements;
  • rotate your arms at the elbow several times, tone your shoulders;
  • Simulate exercises without weights for a few minutes.

Form and accessories

You will need additional equipment to lose weight on your arms. It can be purchased at a sports store. You should pay attention to collapsible models that will allow you to increase the load.

Sports uniform is the key to your safety! No robes or soft slippers. Firstly, they deprive you of the necessary attitude. Secondly, they look very awkward and interfere with normal movement.

Exercises for losing weight in arms: the best training

To achieve a certain result, you need to regularly train your body. Achieving the goal occurs in two stages:

  • removal of sagging in the hands;
  • strengthening muscle fibers.

All the exercises presented can be easily combined into a single program, performed with or without dumbbells. For better understanding correct technique Don’t be too lazy to additionally look through the photos with pictures. If it is difficult to create a single program on your own, then for women, video lessons with Anita Lutsenko are an excursion into the world of real sports.


As a rule, the absence of any load is immediately reflected in this area of ​​the arm. The skin begins to sag unsightly and appears problem area. Therefore, there is no need to be lazy; after the first lesson you will feel an unprecedented tone. You need:

  • place a stool in front of you, preferably a stable one;
  • turn your back to him and lean on your hands;
  • straighten your legs forward and smoothly lower yourself down using only your hands;
  • The deeper you go, the more the triceps are involved in the work.

No equipment, menacing trainer or exercise machine! The exercise is done on any stable surface at home. For the first time, 4 sets of 10 times will be enough for you. If you can’t do as much, do as much as your hands allow.

Take dumbbells or water bottles in your hands; you can even do the exercise with your favorite cat, if there is enough weight in it. Stand and repeat:

  1. place one knee on a stable surface and bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor;
  1. bend your arm at the elbow and move it behind your back;
  1. now straighten it slowly to feel how the triceps work.

Lack of physical activity in a person's life turns any part of the body into an unappetizing piece of meat. To draw everything beautiful lines, remove excess subcutaneous fat, you need to pay attention to the main muscle groups. For beautiful biceps you need:

  1. pull the protruding parts of the body into yourself (buttocks and tummy);
  1. take additional weight with your palms facing up;
  1. Raise your arms to your chest so that only your biceps are working.

Repeat 4 sets with a 1 minute break. Choose your weight wisely! If you damage your ligaments in the first lesson, you will no longer be able to continue training.

Push-ups and variations

Many people think that they can achieve good result at home - this is a myth. Now try doing more than 10 push-ups and you will realize how wrong you were. Thanks to this simple exercise without dumbbells, the entire upper shoulder girdle is pumped: forearms, shoulders, triceps and even rib cage. To do this you need:

  1. take a lying position and straighten your back;
  1. slowly lower to the bottom point, and then return the body to starting position;
  1. if it’s difficult on straight legs, start with your knees.

A variation of the classic exercise for losing weight on arms is called the “diamond” because of the unusual position of the arms. How to do it?

  1. hands must be placed so that the thumbs and middle fingers touch, forming a triangle;
  1. perform 10 full push-ups.

Four classic approaches of 10-15 times will allow you to bring the skin on your hands and tissues back to normal.


When you no longer have the strength to do push-ups, you can use a secret weapon! Plank is good exercise, which will allow you to “finish off” your handles and include your legs and abs in the work. The more energy you spend, the faster you will lose weight. Therefore, get into a push-up position and hold it for half a minute. The main thing is to watch your butt; it should not sag or stick out to the top.

Dynamic exercises for losing weight on your arms

In order to speed up the process of burning fat deposits, it is necessary to increase the amount of energy consumed. In addition to classic exercises for losing weight in your arms, there are such active combinations of movements.

Variation No. 1

The human body quickly gets used to any physical activity. After just a few sessions, it may feel like you need extra weight. To surprise your muscles, you can use a useful dynamic exercise:

  1. take light dumbbells in your hands and stand straight;
  1. lift the dumbbells with your palms up, feeling the work of your biceps;
  1. should be done maximum quantity repetitions for 1 minute.

You need to do at least 5 approaches with a break of 30 seconds. You will feel your hands filling up and warming up. This will tone the skin and remove sagging.

Variation No. 2

With the help of a jump rope, almost every part of the body is included in the work. Hands are directly involved in the rotation process. There are special weighted jump ropes that allow you to train your hands and forearms. It’s useful to do this exercise at the beginning of your program to fully warm up. muscle fibers and prepare your hands for more complex exercises.

The optimal time for working with a jump rope for a beginner is 10 minutes. It is important to keep your hands tense during the process.

Variation No. 3

One of the most difficult combinations is the plank plus push-ups. Constant tension in your hands allows you to work the entire surface. The sequence of movements is simple:

  1. you need to be in the plank for 10 seconds;
  1. perform 10 push-ups from the floor without a break;

The process of weight change and fat burning does not occur in a single area of ​​the body, but occurs gradually throughout the entire body. To achieve high-quality weight loss results, especially in the arms and shoulders, you need to exercise complex exercises. It is important not only physical activity, but also food culture and sleep patterns.

IN training process, it is worth shifting the focus to strength exercises. Cardio exercises will help as a warm-up before the main block of exercises. They will prepare the body, evenly warm up all the muscles and tone them.

Jogging for 10-15 minutes after strength training will increase endurance., will support further combustion subcutaneous fat, improves the condition of blood vessels and immune system.

Before starting exercises aimed at losing weight on your arms and shoulders, you should take into account the peculiarities of their structure.

The main muscles include:

The arm joint itself is divided into the shoulder, girdle and forearm. Deltoid together with the trapezoidal, they are of key importance in the shoulder girdle.

How to start and prepare for training

The main factors in any type of fitness are regularity and a gradual increase in load. Do not forget about moderation of exercise so as not to harm your own health.

Select a light dumbbell weight (2-4 kg). When performing exercises with equipment, you should feel muscle work, without excessive effort and painful overexertion. Monitor correct execution training program. If current sports equipment do not allow you to complete the approach in full, it is worth reducing their weight.

With each week of training, an understanding of technique and confidence in movements will come. After training and feeling the “margin of safety”, move on to slightly weighting the dumbbells (for example: + 0.5 kg for each dumbbell).

A properly selected rug will be an important factor. An accessory made from natural materials will prevent slipping. Compared to synthetic models, it has increased thermal insulation properties. Although synthetic products provide good shock absorption, they are lighter and easier to carry.

To create the appropriate atmosphere, choose fast rhythmic music. Many coaches prefer to compose musical compositions themselves. Favorite tracks influence heart rate and breathing rate, and also develop additional motivation during exercise.

Warm up before training

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders require a mandatory warm-up, which refers to basic elements: for both beginners and professionals.

  1. Lung exercises cardio contributes to the general warming up of the body:

Choose one of the options or combine two. The purpose of these loads is to saturate the body with oxygen and prepare it for more intense work.

  1. Warm up all joints (at least 3 minutes):

As you age, devote more time to this stage. To lose weight on your arms and shoulders, pay more attention to exercises with rotational movements. On average, this should be at least 15 repetitions per arm (clockwise and counterclockwise).

  1. Stretching warm-up (duration, at the initial stage, no more than 5 minutes).

These are different smooth movements aimed at stretching muscles and tendons. Consistency is less important here than painful sensations. Stretches evenly until slight pain appears in all joints.

The importance of warming up

Warming up increases the elasticity and flexibility of all muscle groups and tendons. At the same time, the level of technique for performing exercises improves.

A direct relationship has been proven between muscle strength and their extensibility: the greater the difference between the stage of muscle contraction and the stage of its stretching, the greater the magnitude of the fiber strength.

Exercises at home without dumbbells

During knee push-ups, the following muscle groups will be used:

  • pectoralis major muscles;
  • muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper block backs;
  • upper press

To change the position of your hands during push-ups, it is advisable to use sports supports. They allow you to maintain your grip and fix the position of the joints. The use of supports will allow you to engage the triceps of your arms more deeply.

Several ways to perform push-ups:

  1. Hands are shoulder-width apart, and we try to press our elbows to the body. The load is transferred to the triceps, shoulders and back. Being worked on upper part pectoral muscles;
  2. The maximum width of the arms, while the elbows extend to the sides. Mainly involved latissimus muscles and trapezoid;
  3. Hands are slightly wider than shoulders, at the same level as solar plexus. The lower group of pectoral muscles, the anterior bundle of the shoulders and the deltoid region are worked out.

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups performed while leaning on a chair or bench. For detailed study triceps muscles hands without weights, you should resort to this species exercises.

We do 3 approaches this exercise 15-20 times, with interval rest of 1-2 minutes.

Incline push-ups from walls and other surfaces

These exercises are suitable for losing weight on your arms and shoulders, as basic exercises. Increasing the angle of inclination between the body line and the surface on which the emphasis is placed reduces the overall level of load, and the easier the exercise becomes. Reduce the angle of inclination relative to the floor as your muscles strengthen.

If you start doing push-ups from the steps, this will increase the working weight.

Alternating planks with push-ups

Take a horizontal position, resting your elbows on the floor. Keep your body balanced without arching your lower back or slouching. The head is parallel to the line of the body. Maintain this pose for some time. Next change the position to classic push-up.

Detailed diagram the complex looks like this:

  • 2 push-ups - 20 sec. Plank; 3 spin – 20 sec.; 4 spin. – 20 sec.; 5 spin – 20 sec.

As your training progresses, continue the ladder exercise in reverse order (from more push-ups to less).

Exercises for home with dumbbells

Exercises with an expander

Workout in the gym

With dumbbells of different weights, a suitable mat and bench, you can perform a wide range of exercises at home. But it’s fair to say that the obvious benefits of visiting gym. The main criteria in which it definitely wins gym for fitness is the absence of distractions, sufficient space and a variety of exercise equipment, for different groups muscles.

The motivation of a beginner improves when he sees the results of other, more mature athletes. The responsibility for performing regular workouts increases due to the purchase of a subscription. As a rule, the hall is visited three times a week. There is always the opportunity to seek help, advice and consultation from professionals working in the training center.

Classes in the gym will allow you to maximize your body's potential. Hand training takes place at a higher quality level, thanks to the availability of equipment. Biceps and triceps, forearms and shoulders are fully worked out.

Completing your workout correctly

An integral component after a busy workout is a cool-down. A set of exercises aimed at stretching and relaxation will keep your muscles and joints healthy, and your body flexible and beautiful.

Organization of nutrition before and after training for weight loss

Significant dietary restrictions will lead to the opposite reaction: the body responds to a stressful situation and stores lipids. For comfortable weight loss, in addition to strength and cardio exercises, you need an individual calculation of the daily intake of energy, or rather calories. The timing of the classes also plays a role.

Morning workout promotes maximum fat burning. If, due to the risk of dizziness, it is impossible to exercise on an empty stomach, eat light food (30-40 minutes before training). These can be: cereals, tea, bread, vegetables and fruits.

Before an evening workout, it is better to eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates.

It is optimal to eat whole grains and dairy products an hour and a half before class. If for some reason this was not possible, resort to foods containing fast carbohydrates (for example, dried fruits or bananas).

Drinking regime

The process of active burning of fat deposits occurs within two hours, after training, inclusive. To achieve more effective results in losing weight on your arms and shoulders, delay eating after exercise until later. There is no need to limit yourself in water consumption.

Daily norm The volume of water drunk is about 2 liters. You should not drink excessively directly during training. This affects the general condition: heaviness in the stomach and discomfort will appear during exercises. The amount of fluid consumed depends on the intensity and duration of training, the individual characteristics of the athlete and his weight.

Video: exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

Exercises for losing weight on your arms:

How to get perfect hands in 2 weeks:

Flabby arms, as well as excess fat on them, are not so rare. If you're shopping for dresses, tank tops, long sleeve sweaters, you're not alone. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get rid of excess fat on the arms, especially if this problem is caused by genetics, age and excess weight. Arm fat accumulates primarily around the triceps, the muscles on the back of the upper arm. If you don’t regularly train and do exercises for your arms so that the skin doesn’t sag, then sagging appears in this area.

Nutrition also plays an important role in this matter, so a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake can help get rid of sagging skin and fat deposits on the arms. Strength training with additional weights is the most in an efficient way remove excess fat around the muscles on the arms, and also tone them and make them stronger.

What to do to lose weight on your arms and shoulders

It is impossible to answer this question in a few words. The human body is an incredibly complex mechanism consisting of many organs and systems. Correcting volumes in the arms and shoulders requires an integrated approach. In order for excess fat to go away, you need to create all the conditions for this. The following sections of this article provide specific information on how to remove fat from your shoulders and arms. Check them out, take note of the valuable recommendations, and then start fighting those hated extra pounds!

Compliance with diet and nutrition

The saying “You are what you eat” captures the essence healthy eating couldn't be better. To reduce excess fat, you must control the quantity/quality of food you eat. Make a strict one for yourself diet menu for a week and strictly adhere to it. Plan your diet so that there are about 5-6 small meals throughout the day. You need to remove everything from your diet without exception. harmful products, and also forget about overeating. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of those unfortunate extra centimeters and put your body in order.

A set of exercises for slender and beautiful arms

Full arms do not allow you to wear clothes with short sleeves or a light top. You don't have to put up with this situation. It is enough to change some exercise habits and master simple exercises, allowing you to make your arms thin and slender.

One-arm reverse push-ups

Aimed at getting rid of fat on the back and triceps. This area is most susceptible to the accumulation of fat mass. The advantage of such push-ups is that it takes away not only fat layer, but the arms also become sculpted and the skin tightened. The exercise can be performed on the floor or using a regular chair with or without a backrest.


  • sit on the floor, keep your feet together;
  • hands are placed shoulder-width apart so that the fingers point toward the hips and feet
  • located in front of the hips;
  • legs bend in knee joints, feet do not lift off the floor;
  • arms are straightened, hips are raised so that the weight is supported by the arms;
  • bending your left elbow, helping with your right straight hand, lower your hips, but without touching the floor;
  • repeat the same actions, but with the other working hand.

If a chair is used, it serves as a support.

Knee push-ups

Involved - deltoids, triceps and pectoralis major muscles. Knee push-ups are a lighter version of floor push-ups. It is recommended to perform it to strengthen the muscles, followed by a transition to push-ups. You need to try to move your knees a little further during each lesson, straightening your legs. The position of the hands when performing push-ups can be normal or narrow.

Classic version

  • We rest our knees and hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor;
  • We raise our feet and cross them;
  • We do push-ups, straightening our arms at the elbows;
  • Movements are smooth and leisurely. This pace promotes good muscle development.

With a narrow hand position

By using a narrow arm position, you can increase the load on the triceps. We perform the exercise in the same way as in the first version, but we place our hands a little narrower than our shoulders.
You can also do push-ups against a wall or bench. For beginners, the optimal number is from five to ten push-ups. For those who are accustomed to loads - twelve with three repetitions.

Reverse push-ups with two hands

Used by athletes during the drying period, this exercise allows you to work the triceps and give elasticity to your arms. It can be done using a table or chair approximately 2 meters high. Weight own body, transferred to the triceps, will increase the tone of this muscle.


  • the chair or table is placed in the most stable position;
  • stand opposite the table (chair) at a distance of three meters, but not closer;
  • turn their backs to the fulcrum (table/chair);
  • hands are held shoulder width apart;
  • take three or four steps forward;
  • straighten the body and bend the legs so that they form one line with the surface of the table or chair from the knees;
  • bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible;
  • return to their original position.

If you do three approaches daily with twenty repetitions each, your arms will very quickly gain the desired slimness.

Useful information for losing weight

Dumbbell Curl

Exercise for biceps. You can use several options for performing the exercise. When using small scales and large quantity approaches perfectly removes fat from arms and shoulders.

With simultaneous bending

It is performed standing and also sitting, leaning on the back. This makes it possible to better load the muscles, since the force of inertia cannot be used when lifting a dumbbell;

We take dumbbells and begin to bend our elbows, moving the apparatus up to our shoulders.

In an alternating version, you can use a lot of weight, since the muscles of one arm have the opportunity to rest.


Works: chest, shoulders, biceps and core muscles

1. Lie face down on the floor, resting on your forearms and knees.
2. Spread your legs and rise into a plank position, lifting your knees off the floor.
3. The body should be straight and parallel to the floor, the muscles of the buttocks tense.
4. Tighten your core and hold the position as long as possible. Start with 20-30 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute.
5. Repeat 3 times.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

Working muscle: deltoid

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands at the sides of your body, palms facing in.
2. Start with your left hand. Slowly raise your arm parallel to the floor while inhaling. The elbow should be slightly bent.
3. The arm should be straight and the palm facing the floor.
4. As you exhale, lower your arm to the starting position.
5. Do the same right hand.
6. Do 10-15 repetitions on each arm in 2 sets.

Standing flyes

We tighten and strengthen inner part shoulder

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight;
  • We bend our arms slightly at the elbows, dumbbells are located on the sides in the hip area;
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells above shoulder level;
  • We hold the dumbbells in such a way that the plates located in front are slightly tilted;
  • Raise the dumbbells smoothly. We work in the lateral plane.

We plan the number of repetitions in accordance with our level of physical fitness.

Curling arms with an expander


Step on the resistance band or securely fasten it underneath

Hold the ends of the resistance band in each hand. The ribbons should be well tensioned and should not sag.

Bend your elbows and pull the handles of the expander towards your shoulders.

Slowly lower your arms to the starting position.

Tip: Keep your elbows close to your body. Extend your arms to the starting position slowly, without sudden jerks.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Bent over arm extension


Place your left leg and left hand on the bench. Place your other leg slightly back, keeping your back straight. Take the dumbbell in your right hand. Bend your elbow and raise your arm to the level of your back or slightly higher. This will be your starting position

Move your raised arm back until your elbow and shoulder form a straight line.
Slowly and carefully return your hand to the starting position

Do the required number of repetitions with your right hand, then move on to your left.

Tip: Keep your elbow in one position throughout the exercise. Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.

Wall push-ups

Wall push-ups are great for working your arm muscles. They include shoulders, biceps, and triceps in the work.


  • Stand opposite the wall at a distance of about 30-60 cm;
  • Raise your arms and place your palms on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The tips of the fingers are pressed against the wall;
  • Take a deep breath, exhale and bend your elbows, bringing your chest closer to the wall;
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.
  • Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.


This is a great exercise to do after doing a few arm exercises, especially reverse push-ups. It helps to work out the whole body.

How to do:

Stand straight with your feet together. Bend down, place your palms on the floor. Keep your knees straight;

Start moving forward with your hands without bending your legs;

Move until you are in a plank position;

Start taking small steps forward with your feet until your feet are near your palms.

Sets and reps – 3 sets.


One of best exercises for hands Simple and effective.


Using your hands and feet on the floor, lift your body high up until it is parallel to the floor;

Lift one leg off the floor and straighten it. Pull the sock towards you;

Lower your buttocks to the floor, bending your elbows and keeping your leg suspended;

Do 10 reps and lower your leg.

Change your leg. Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

Clasp your palms, raise your arms above your head and stretch well.

With one hand, grab your forearm with the other. Smoothly, slowly and gently press your forearm to your chest. Then change hands and repeat.

You need to clasp your palms behind your back, stretch and raise your arms as high as possible.

If you're wondering how to lose weight in your shoulders and arms, exercises that target this area will help you achieve this. Of course, it is important not to limit yourself only to your arms, to perform exercises for other muscle groups and to do general strengthening cardio. It is also very important to remember about proper nutrition. The proposed set of exercises does not require much time. It is enough to do it several times a week, and your arms will become beautiful and toned. And videos of exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders will help you understand how to do them correctly.