Exercises to relieve ankle pain. Effective exercises for the ankle joint

Ankle weakness is a very common problem. Its presence is evidenced by a tendency to twist the legs when walking in heels, frequent painful sprains, pain in the middle and ring toes even after light exertion. Usually people with this pathology remove discomfort using pain-relieving rubs and ointments, but this does not completely eliminate the problem. Meanwhile, you can strengthen your ankle at home. For this purpose, a specially developed set of exercises is intended, which we offer to the attention of readers.

Walking on different parts of the feet

This exercise is known to everyone: it is with it that the warm-up begins in physical education classes. kindergarten and school. It’s very simple: while doing household chores, move around the apartment, alternately stepping on different parts of your feet. For example, walk to the kitchen on tiptoes and walk back to the room on your heels. Then you need to use the inside and outside of the feet. You need to perform the exercise barefoot. If the floor in the apartment is not very warm, you should wear thick socks or knitted slippers.

Circular movements of the feet

Sit on a sofa or chair with your legs extended and slightly elevated. Rotate your feet, keeping them suspended, first towards each other (inward), and then in the opposite direction. In order for the muscles and ligaments to receive the necessary load, you need to make 15-20 movements in each direction. However, this standard is individual. Experienced trainers It is advised to perform the exercise until a slight burning sensation appears in the joints.

Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot is useful not only for strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. There are many acupuncture points on the feet, the impact of which strengthens the body’s defenses and improves the condition internal organs, reduces swelling and cramps, relieves the feeling of fatigue. In addition, this procedure helps improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.

To get real benefit From this activity, you need to choose the right surface for walking barefoot. A floor covered with linoleum or tiles made from pressed raw materials based on synthetic resins is unlikely to be suitable for this. It has been established that walking on the following types of surfaces has a positive effect on the body:

  • grass or straw mats;
  • bamboo mats;
  • cork slabs;
  • boards made from solid trees of various species;
  • sand;
  • small pebbles;
  • dense short grass.

It may seem that cottage owners have more opportunities to use the right massage surfaces, but this is not the case. In any city apartment you can organize a training corner equipped with a mat or a shallow tray filled with smooth, medium-sized pebbles. Ready-made massage mats that have several areas with different surfaces are also very convenient. When purchasing such a device, you should give preference to a rug made from natural, environmentally friendly materials.

Lifting objects with your toes

This is another exercise, familiar from childhood, that strengthens the ankle. To complete this, you will need small hard objects (pebbles, glass balls, buttons, etc.) and a low container. Sitting on a chair, you need to collect objects from the floor, grabbing them one at a time with your toes, and transfer them to a basin or box.

The exercise can be performed standing on one leg (legs should be changed periodically). In this case, it will serve not only to improve the condition of the ankle, but also for training vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Exercises with a rubber band

A pharmaceutical rubber bandage is one of the most successful devices for strengthening training. With its help, you can do exercises that have a positive effect on the muscles and ligaments of the ankle:

  • sitting on a chair, place your feet close to each other and tie them with a bandage, securing the knot on top. Now place your heels on the floor and lift your toes. In this position, try to spread your socks to the sides several times, stretching the bandage;

  • secure the bandage in the same way as in the previous exercise. Cross your feet, place your heels on the floor and again stretch the bandage several times, trying to move your toes as far apart as possible;
  • secure the bandage knot to a support (such as a cabinet leg). Place the toe of your foot into the resulting loop (the heel should be on the floor) and pull it towards you several times, overcoming the resistance of the bandage. The movements can be performed with each leg separately or with both legs together.

Jumping rope is considered an excellent exercise for the ankle. Experts recommend jumping without bending your knees: in this case, the ankle joint receives the necessary load.

Weakening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle is fraught with frequent injuries to the lower legs. If such a problem occurs, you need to choose the right shoes for leaving the house. For a regular walk or work, hard boots that keep their shape well are suitable. Orthopedic insoles are also very useful in this case. For active recreation You should wear high-top sneakers that hold the joint in a fixed position. Of course, in case of an ankle injury, you should consult a doctor and discuss with him not only treatment issues, but also the choice of strengthening exercises.

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Manual therapy, ankle massage

Not all doctors treat equally well manual therapy. But in the early stages, with subluxations of the joint, this method will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The manual doctor will determine which method to use to treat the joint. If arthrosis is at the initial stage of the disease and is accompanied by displacement of the head of the joint, then manipulation is performed to sharply release the joint and put it in its place. This is a quick and painful procedure, but improvement is seen immediately. In more severe cases mobilization procedure is underway. It is done in a course over a year of treatment. The process itself is a slight traction of the joint, which helps relieve muscle tone and restore motor function of the ankle.

To treat arthrosis, the following procedures are performed: massage, balneotherapy (mud treatment), magnetic therapy, acupuncture and physical therapy. The massage is carried out by a course and a professional, otherwise such procedures may aggravate the course of the disease.

Therapeutic gymnastics

It is very important to choose correct exercises with arthrosis of the ankle joint. You can’t overload it and work out “through pain.” Be sure to do gymnastics daily, otherwise they will not bring any benefit or improvement. Exercises to develop joints in water are very useful.

You can visit the pool if you wish, but working out the joint is mandatory. Therefore, below is a set of exercises that can be done at home:

  • Using the hand, we move the ankle joint in the ankle area. Let's do smooth movements to the sides. Under no circumstances should you make sudden jerks; all movements should be careful and not cause discomfort;
  • rotational movements of the ankle clockwise and in the opposite direction;
  • in a sitting position, rise on your tiptoes with your legs crossed at the ankle and lower yourself into starting position on the floor;
  • sitting on a chair, we move our toes, trying to wrinkle the fabric;
  • exercise for twisting the foot with your toes inward;
  • feet on the floor, spread your legs with your heels inward, slowly rise and fall on your toes. The exercise is done in a sitting position;
  • walking on a pyramidal step;
  • for the next exercise you will need sports equipment: stick or small plastic bottle. Place your feet on the apparatus and move them back and forth;
  • “bicycle” performed with feet;
  • in a standing position, fix your feet. Do shallow squats without lifting your feet off the floor;
  • sports equipment - a small step to the height of the foot. Toes on the steppe, foot on the floor. Raise and lower the foot;
  • stand opposite the wall, legs together, feet fixed. Slowly approaching the body to the wall and returning to its original position;
  • in a sitting position, raise and lower your feet up and down.

You should pay attention to the condition of the joints during gymnastics. If the slightest pain appears, the exercise should either be stopped or its amplitude reduced to a more comfortable one. You should start with a small number of repetitions, increasing them daily.


General principles of treatment

The arsenal of modern traumatology contains a sufficient number of methods that allow for the correction of structural and functional disorders of the ankle. Their choice is determined by the type and degree of injury, as well as the need to obtain a pronounced and lasting effect in a short period of time. Most often used:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Immobilization.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage and exercise therapy.
  • Surgical treatment.

Only a doctor will tell you which method is right for a particular person after a comprehensive examination.

General recommendations for ankle injuries should be taken into account. Carrying out certain first aid measures will speed up further treatment and improve the patient’s condition even before seeing a doctor. Immediately after an injury, you should do the following:

  • Provide rest to the ankle - secure it with a bandage or an improvised splint.
  • Apply cold.
  • Give your leg an elevated position.
  • If necessary, take painkillers in tablets.

This will be enough to reduce symptoms until medical attention is provided. Everyone should know these rules, because no one can exclude ankle injuries in the future.

Therapeutic exercise

Exercise therapy is of great importance in the treatment of ankle injuries. Its positive effect on the osteoarticular apparatus is undeniable, because only through movements can the normal function of all joint structures be restored.

The basis for the treatment of many injuries is early activation of motor function. The timing of the start of exercise is determined by the type of injury sustained and previous treatment methods.

If a bruise or sprain occurs, then gymnastics should be done after the acute phenomena have been eliminated.

In cases of surgical treatment of fractures or immobilization, development of the ankle joint begins somewhat later. However, you need to perform exercises for other joints and muscles, which will indirectly improve blood circulation in the affected area.

On various stages treatment, special exercise therapy complexes for the ankle are used. Classes are carried out gradually; sudden movements should not be allowed.

Immobilization period

Performing exercise therapy during the period of immobilization for ankle fractures ensures normal blood circulation in the affected areas, maintains muscle tone, and preserves the function of healthy parts of the limb. Exercises also help prevent the development of contractures, osteoporosis and atrophic changes in soft tissues. During this period, you can perform the following movements in a lying position:

  1. In all unaffected joints: knee and hip on both sides, as well as in the ankle of the healthy leg.
  2. In the toes of the diseased limb - flexion, extension, extension.
  3. Raise and lower the injured leg.
  4. Rotational movements of the limbs in and out.
  5. Abduct and adduct the straight limb.
  6. Raise the affected limb with outward and inward rotation.
  7. Tension of the muscles of the sore leg in isometric mode.

Walking with support on an immobilized limb is of great importance. This is carried out only after the permission of the attending physician, gradually increasing the duration - from several minutes to an hour per day.

You should not attempt to stand on your affected leg on your own without medical advice - this may disrupt the healing of the fracture.

Period after immobilization

The exercises that can be performed after removing the plaster cast are significantly expanded in scope. They are designed to restore the function of the limb, as well as prevent the development of flat feet, when it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the foot. In addition to those described earlier, the following are carried out in a sitting position: physical therapy exercises:

  1. Flexion and extension of the foot.
  2. Rocking movements of the foot to relax the muscles.
  3. Place your feet on your toes, pushing your heels out and vice versa.
  4. Walk while sitting, rolling your foot from heel to toe.
  5. Rotational movements of the foot.
  6. With your foot on the stick, roll it in the center, with the outer and outer edges of your foot.
  7. Stretch forward with the toe of your straight leg.
  8. Leaning on the toe, make springing movements with the heel.
  9. Grab a small object with your toes and hold for a few seconds.

During this period, it is necessary to bandage the ankle with an elastic bandage without getting out of bed, and when performing gymnastics it is removed.

Classes are carried out carefully so as not to provoke pain. Gymnastics are performed 2-3 times daily.

Recovery period

In order to reliably strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the affected ankle, as well as completely restore its function, it is necessary to continue exercise therapy classes within a month after the injury. During this period, the healing of the fracture ends, so you can apply more force to the ankle and increase the duration of the gymnastics. The following exercises are recommended, based on gymnastic wall or the back of a chair:

  1. Rolling from toes to heels and back.
  2. Transfer body weight from one limb to another.
  3. Squat on your entire foot and toes.
  4. Walk on toes, heels, outside feet, side steps.
  5. Lunges forward with the affected limb.
  6. Standing on the stairs on your toes, perform springing movements, lowering your heels as much as possible.

All elements of therapeutic exercises for ankle joint injuries must be performed in strict accordance with medical recommendations - only a specialist will indicate the required range of movements, their frequency and duration.

First, the classes are conducted under the supervision of an instructor, and then, after training, the patient can perform them at home. Correctly selected complex physical therapy will become the basis of recovery from ankle injuries.


Factors and symptoms

But age is not the only reason for the development of arthrosis. Factors that favorably influence the development of this pathology in at a young age include:

  • hypothermia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • impaired blood circulation in the body;
  • various injuries (sprains, bruises, fractures);
  • diabetes mellitus and other disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • certain types of professional activities (security guards, athletes, sellers);
  • failure of metabolic processes, including obesity.

If at the initial stage of development the disease manifests itself as temporary painful sensations, then at the second stage of the disease unpleasant symptoms bother the person during rest.

In this case, stiffness appears in the joints, which accompanies a person all the time.

Features of treatment: drug therapy, therapeutic exercises, dietary nutrition

Combined therapy for arthrosis of the ankle joint consists of strengthening bone and joint tissues and reviving the functions of the interarticular substance. After making a diagnosis, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is taking medications.

But most medications are not taken for long, the only exceptions being medications with chondroitin and glucosamine, that is, only chondroprotectors that promote cartilage restoration. The course of treatment with such drugs is about 6 months.

Exercise therapy is not always convenient to perform due to joint stiffness that occurs with arthrosis. However, despite this, the effectiveness of this method of treatment is always confirmed in practice.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis in the ankle joint are very easy to perform, for these reasons it can be done at home. However, first you should consult with a doctor, who will draw up an individual training regimen, taking into account the specifics of the disease and data from the anamnesis.

But in the process of performing exercise therapy, one should not forget about important rules. Exercises should not be done during an acute form of the disease, in particular when the disease is accompanied by inflammation and swelling. Therefore execution gymnastic exercises can be started after taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Systematic implementation of physical therapy is the key to competent loads on the ankle. The main task of exercise therapy is to improve blood circulation in the damaged area, strengthen the muscular system and increase the elasticity of ligaments.

At the initial stage of exercise therapy, the patient may experience discomfort, but this is a normal condition for arthrosis of the ankle joint. But if an attack of acute pain occurs, you need to give up physical exercise for a while.

You need to do the exercises at a measured pace and without tension. Every day, the time for doing gymnastics should be increased to 1 hour of practice per day.

Exercise therapy, which helps with arthrosis of the ankle joint, includes flexion and extension movements. Thanks to this, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles, ligaments and joints.

So, for ankle arthrosis, you should perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, legs bent. The foot comes off the surface as high as possible and stands on the toe. When lowering, you need to stand firmly on your heels.
  2. The position is the same, but at the same time the legs are extended forward. Then you need to pull the socks towards you and away from you.
  3. Sitting position on a chair, feet pressed firmly to the floor. You need to imitate walking, replacing raising your heels with raising your toes.
  4. Lying position on your back, legs extended. With the help of the feet they are made circular movements to the left and to the right.
  5. At the end, you need to spread your toes as far apart as possible at least five times.

Exercise therapy, compared to drug treatment, does not require financial investments. However, it is important that all exercises are performed regularly, because this is the only way to get a positive result.

An important stage of therapy is dietary food, which, together with gymnastics, helps fight arthrosis. To restore cartilage, a person must eat animal and plant foods rich in proteins and collagen.

Meat, fish and dairy products contain abundant amounts of protein, but such foods should not contain excess fat. Buckwheat porridge and all legumes are no less useful.

In addition, you should include fruit jelly, bone broths and jellied meat in the menu. This food contains gelatin, which is very beneficial for connective tissues. After all, gelatin is a natural type of chondroprotector.

Also, the patient must carefully monitor his weight, because extra pounds exert strong pressure on joint tissues. Moreover, you need to take vitamin complexes and useful minerals. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid harmful salty, fried and spicy foods. Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages should also be completely avoided.


In what cases is exercise therapy necessary?

Physical education is performed in certain cases. Sometimes it is carried out for prevention, more often – to treat existing problems.

When is it necessary to perform exercise therapy for the ankle:

  • there was a fracture of the bones of the lower extremities, with or without displacement;
  • arthrosis of the joints is observed;
  • flat feet;
  • clubfoot;
  • dislocation;
  • muscle strain;
  • prevention of joint diseases in professional athletes.

Carrying out physical therapy will help not only strengthen the muscular and skeletal system, but also increase blood circulation in the lower extremities, thereby ensuring that every cell of the body is enriched with necessary microelements. Also, such ankle exercises will help relieve fatigue after a long walk or heavy physical labor.

At home

The most important rule for doing exercises for the ankle joint is regularity. Classes should be carried out daily, once or twice a day. Only in such cases is a positive result possible.

The set of training actions must be changed periodically, since the ankle will get used to a certain physical activity, as a result of which positive effect will be much more difficult to achieve.


At the right approach, home exercise is no less effective for ankle treatment than training in the gym. However, such treatment requires a certain endurance, as well as a lack of laziness. Ankle strengthening exercises can be done regardless of sports activities.

Massage mat

A specialized massage mat has good healing properties. It is small in size; various elevations predominate on the surface, which have a healing effect: thorns, balls or thorns. The trainer itself is made of hard plastic. You can purchase such a device at some pharmacies or orthopedic stores.

The benefits of walking on such a mat:

  • strengthens ankles;
  • increases blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • helps eliminate swelling of the legs;
  • is a good prevention of flat feet;
  • relieves pain and heaviness in the legs.

In some cases, exercises to strengthen the ankle on such a mat can improve mood, relieve stress and even prevent the appearance of varicose veins veins That is why many orthopedic doctors recommend purchasing it.


IN Idea - Ankle exercises at home

Treatment using the Bubnovsky method

Treatment according to Bubnovsky is very popular. The specialist of the same name developed a specific method for treating joints and preventing various diseases. Therapy involves a complete cessation of the use of medications in favor of therapy using the body’s own reserves. The technique involves regular and long sessions, often during which you have to endure pain.

It is better to start getting acquainted with Bubnovsky treatment under the supervision of a competent fitness instructor or doctor. In this case, a positive result can be guaranteed, since the technique has already proven itself in terms of effectiveness.

In the gym

Exercises to strengthen the ankle joint can be performed in specialized gyms. The presence of various exercise equipment in them makes it much easier to play sports. In addition, you can use the services personal trainer, which will help you build a workout that helps use a specific muscle group.

What exercise equipment should you use:

It is worth noting that it is better to build the intensity of training together with a competent trainer. He will show a specific set of exercises that will help strengthen the ankles, after which the person can perform them independently. This will prevent sprains or injuries to the ligaments that can occur if exercise therapy is performed incorrectly.

The importance of microstretching and gymnastics

Besides physical exercise It is also important to perform gymnastics for the ankle joint. It will help maintain the elasticity of the ligaments and the flexibility of the joints. The effect of microstretching, like that of exercise therapy, is possible only with regular exercise. Gymnastics involves rotating your feet clockwise and counterclockwise, moving your legs right, left, forward, backward.

Exercises that help strengthen the ankle can be performed without using any gadgets, or you can purchase an expander. Its action is based on the creation of artificial resistance, which must be overcome with the help of the legs.

There is no need to talk about the importance of playing sports. Even if there are no leg diseases, joint development exercises should be performed regularly. This will undoubtedly affect his personal qualities and his health only for the better.

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis thoracic spine

Arthrosis of the ankle is a joint disease that leads to the development of degenerative processes, thinning of cartilage and partial destruction of bone tissue.

Relatively recently, pathology has been classified as a disease of old age, which is due to inevitable age-related changes affecting the tissues of the feet.

Currently, arthrosis is increasingly being detected in representatives of the younger generation; in such cases, factors such as excess body weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes, and the need to spend a lot of time on your feet can affect the condition of the ankle joints. Regardless of the causes of ankle arthrosis, conservative treatment methods include mandatory physical exercises, the main purpose of which is to increase tissue elasticity, form a muscle frame, improve limb mobility, and eliminate pain.


For the treatment and prevention of almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthrosis and arthritis of the ankle, lesions knee joint Stage 1 and subsequent stages require moderate physical activity. To obtain optimal treatment results, it is important to first agree on the selected set of ankle exercises with your doctor.

Systematic implementation of suitable elements of physical therapy will help achieve the following positive results:

  • Elimination muscle spasms, tension in the muscle tissue of the ankle even after performing long physical activity.
  • Increased tone and endurance of muscle tissue.
  • Recovery motor abilities damaged joints.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes and systemic blood flow.
  • Providing affected tissues with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

To obtain a pronounced effect, it is recommended to perform exercises for arthrosis of the ankle joint regularly, at least once or twice a day. It is also recommended to discuss the duration of each physical therapy session in advance with a specialist.

Goals and objectives

The presence of inflammatory processes affecting cartilage tissue, increased fragility of joints, thinning of joint spaces, as well as a number of other pathologies accompanying ankle arthrosis, often leads to weakening of cartilage and bone tissues. This can cause an increased risk of injury even with minor loads on the joint.

One of the most effective methods of strengthening, increasing elasticity, strength, and restoring the structure of bone and muscle tissue is therapeutic physical culture. The main objectives of gymnastics for ankle arthrosis are the following:

  • Stimulation of local and systemic blood flow, regenerative and metabolic processes.
  • Elimination of muscle spasms.
  • Restoring mobility of damaged joints.
  • Increasing the stability of damaged joints.

Physical activity can only be used during the stage of long-term remission of ankle arthrosis.

Performing physical therapy exercises at the stage of exacerbation can lead to the spread of inflammatory processes and worsening the patient’s condition.


Exercises for joint arthrosis


Indications for performing physical therapy exercises are various forms of ankle arthrosis at the stage of long-term remission. Moderate loads during the rehabilitation period they help restore mobility and physical activity sick. However, it should be remembered that against the background of exacerbation of the disease, performing elements gymnastic complexes may lead to negative consequences, to prevent which it is important to consult a doctor before starting classes.


Before performing gymnastic exercises for ankle arthrosis, it is important to determine the level of permissible physical activity; your doctor will help you do this. Excessive stress can cause severe pain and deterioration in the patient’s well-being. Optimal options therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the foot, exercises performed in water are useful; swimming is also useful.

To obtain optimal results, you should perform gymnastics daily; only with a systematic and regular approach can you achieve recovery and prevent possible complications. You can resort to physical therapy not only to treat ankle arthrosis, but also to prevent this disease. It is especially important to do gymnastics when identifying factors that can trigger the development of arthrosis.

Therapeutic gymnastics

The most useful elements of gymnastics for ankle arthrosis are the following:

Rules for performing exercise therapy

When performing elements of physical therapy, a number of specific rules should be observed, including:

  • Be sure to start your session with a warm-up. This will help prepare muscle tissue to the upcoming loads.
  • It is not recommended to perform gymnastics for women during menstruation.
  • You should stop exercising if your body temperature rises.
  • It is not recommended to perform exercises in the postoperative period, as well as after conservative treatment, including the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Choose suitable wellness options physical education complex follows the recommendations of a specialist.

After completing the next exercise therapy session, you should definitely rest for at least thirty minutes. This measure is necessary to restore normal heartbeat.

Ankle exercises

To strengthen the joint with ankle arthrosis, it is recommended to perform a number of the following physical exercises:

  • Walk on tiptoes for at least five minutes, while performing smooth rolls onto the heel and the entire foot as a whole.
  • Sit on the floor, pulling your legs towards you as much as possible, perform circular movements with your feet, rotating them with your hands.
  • Lie in a horizontal position on the floor, raise your knees, resting on your entire foot. Slowly raise your body while leaning on your toes.
  • Sit on a chair, make movements with your feet that imitate walking in place, while raising your heels, making smooth rolls from heel to toe.

You should perform any exercise from the list above slowly, straining, trying to feel the muscles of the ankle. To receive therapeutic effect It is recommended to perform each element at least fifteen times. It is advisable to repeat treatment sessions at least twice during the day, that is, in the evening and in the morning.


The main contraindications to performing physical exercises for the ankle and ankle are the following: inflammatory processes in the acute stage, intense pain in the foot area, severe swelling, high local and general temperature. To avoid worsening the condition, all exercises must be performed slowly, gradually increasing the load on the damaged joints.

It must also be remembered that physical therapy is effective method treatment of ankle arthrosis only if there is a systematic and regular approach to performing exercises.

Ankle weakness is a very common problem. Its presence is evidenced by a tendency to twist the legs when walking in heels, frequent painful sprains, pain in the middle and ring toes even after light exertion. Typically, people with this pathology relieve discomfort with pain-relieving rubs and ointments, but this does not completely eliminate the problem. Meanwhile, you can strengthen your ankle at home. For this purpose, a specially developed set of exercises is intended, which we offer to the attention of readers.

Source: depositphotos.com

Walking on different parts of the feet

This exercise is known to everyone: it is with it that the warm-up begins in physical education classes in kindergarten and school. It’s very simple: while doing household chores, move around the apartment, alternately stepping on different parts of your feet. For example, walk to the kitchen on tiptoes and walk back to the room on your heels. Then you need to use the inside and outside of the feet. You need to perform the exercise barefoot. If the floor in the apartment is not very warm, you should wear thick socks or knitted slippers.

Circular movements of the feet

Sit on a sofa or chair with your legs extended and slightly elevated. Rotate your feet, keeping them suspended, first towards each other (inward), and then in the opposite direction. In order for the muscles and ligaments to receive the necessary load, you need to make 15-20 movements in each direction. However, this standard is individual. Experienced trainers advise performing the exercise until a slight burning sensation appears in the joints.

Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot is useful not only for strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. There are many acupuncture points on the feet, the impact of which strengthens the body's defenses, improves the condition of internal organs, reduces swelling and cramps, and relieves the feeling of fatigue. In addition, this procedure helps improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.

To really benefit from this activity, you need to choose the right surface for barefoot walking. A floor covered with linoleum or tiles made from pressed raw materials based on synthetic resins is unlikely to be suitable for this. It has been established that walking on the following types of surfaces has a positive effect on the body:

  • grass or straw mats;
  • bamboo mats;
  • cork slabs;
  • boards made from solid trees of various species;
  • sand;
  • small pebbles;
  • dense short grass.

It may seem that cottage owners have more opportunities to use the right massage surfaces, but this is not the case. In any city apartment you can organize a training corner equipped with a mat or a shallow tray filled with smooth, medium-sized pebbles. Ready-made massage mats that have several areas with different surfaces are also very convenient. When purchasing such a device, you should give preference to a rug made from natural, environmentally friendly materials.

Lifting objects with your toes

This is another exercise, familiar from childhood, that strengthens the ankle. To complete this, you will need small hard objects (pebbles, glass balls, buttons, etc.) and a low container. Sitting on a chair, you need to collect objects from the floor, grabbing them one at a time with your toes, and transfer them to a basin or box.

The exercise can be performed standing on one leg (legs should be changed periodically). In this case, it will serve not only to improve the condition of the ankle, but also to train the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Exercises with a rubber band

A pharmaceutical rubber bandage is one of the most successful devices for strengthening training. With its help, you can do exercises that have a positive effect on the muscles and ligaments of the ankle:

  • sitting on a chair, place your feet close to each other and tie them with a bandage, securing the knot on top. Now place your heels on the floor and lift your toes. In this position, try to spread your socks to the sides several times, stretching the bandage;
  • secure the bandage in the same way as in the previous exercise. Cross your feet, place your heels on the floor and again stretch the bandage several times, trying to move your toes as far apart as possible;
  • secure the bandage knot to a support (such as a cabinet leg). Place the toe of your foot into the resulting loop (the heel should be on the floor) and pull it towards you several times, overcoming the resistance of the bandage. The movements can be performed with each leg separately or with both legs together.

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Therapeutic exercises are very effective for arthrosis of the ankle joint. However, some patients are very skeptical about exercise therapy at first, but even after one week of careful exercise, a positive result is already noticeable.

What effect does gymnastics have on joints and how to do it correctly? To understand this issue, you need to understand the essence of the disease itself.

In most cases, arthrosis of the ankle joint develops with age, and the cartilage tissue at the joint becomes thinner.

The disease is also accompanied by a pain syndrome, as a result of which the mobility of the leg decreases due to the fact that the person protects the limb from stress. Thus, the deformation process progresses even more.

If ankle arthrosis is not treated and there is no exercise therapy, the disease progresses, which ultimately makes the joint completely immobile.

To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, that is, combine medication treatment with therapeutic exercises.

Factors and symptoms

But age is not the only reason for the development of arthrosis. Factors that favorably influence the development of this pathology at a young age include:

  • hypothermia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • impaired blood circulation in the body;
  • various injuries (sprains, bruises, fractures);
  • diabetes mellitus and other disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • certain types of professional activities (security guards, athletes, sellers);
  • failure of metabolic processes, including obesity.

If at the initial stage of development the disease manifests itself as temporary painful sensations, then at the second stage of the disease unpleasant symptoms bother the person during rest.

In this case, stiffness appears in the joints, which accompanies a person all the time.

Features of treatment: drug therapy, therapeutic exercises, dietary nutrition

Combined therapy for arthrosis of the ankle joint consists of strengthening bone and joint tissues and reviving the functions of the interarticular substance. After making a diagnosis, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is taking medications.

But most medications are not taken for long, the only exceptions being medications with chondroitin and glucosamine, that is, only chondroprotectors that promote cartilage restoration. The course of treatment with such drugs is about 6 months.

Exercise therapy is not always convenient to perform due to joint stiffness that occurs with arthrosis. However, despite this, the effectiveness of this method of treatment is always confirmed in practice.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis in the ankle joint are very easy to perform, for these reasons it can be done at home. However, first you should consult with a doctor, who will draw up an individual training regimen, taking into account the specifics of the disease and data from the anamnesis.

But in the process of performing exercise therapy, one should not forget about important rules. Exercises should not be done during an acute form of the disease, in particular when the disease is accompanied by inflammation and swelling. Therefore, gymnastic exercises can be started after taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Systematic implementation of physical therapy is the key to competent loads on the ankle. The main task of exercise therapy is to improve blood circulation in the damaged area, strengthen the muscular system and increase the elasticity of ligaments.

At the initial stage of exercise therapy, the patient may experience discomfort, but this is a normal condition for arthrosis of the ankle joint. But if an attack of acute pain occurs, you need to give up physical exercise for a while.

You need to do the exercises at a measured pace and without tension. Every day, the time for doing gymnastics should be increased to 1 hour of practice per day.

Exercise therapy, which helps with arthrosis of the ankle joint, includes flexion and extension movements. Thanks to this, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles, ligaments and joints.

So, for ankle arthrosis, you should perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, legs bent. The foot comes off the surface as high as possible and stands on the toe. When lowering, you need to stand firmly on your heels.
  2. The position is the same, but at the same time the legs are extended forward. Then you need to pull the socks towards you and away from you.
  3. Sitting position on a chair, feet pressed firmly to the floor. You need to imitate walking, replacing raising your heels with raising your toes.
  4. Lying position on your back, legs extended. Using the feet, circular movements are made to the left and to the right.
  5. At the end, you need to spread your toes as far apart as possible at least five times.

Exercise therapy, compared to drug treatment, does not require financial investments. However, it is important that all exercises are performed regularly, because this is the only way to get a positive result.

An important stage of therapy is dietary nutrition, which, together with gymnastics, helps fight arthrosis. To restore cartilage, a person must eat animal and plant foods rich in proteins and collagen.

Meat, fish and dairy products contain abundant amounts of protein, but such foods should not contain excess fat. Buckwheat porridge and all legumes are no less useful.

In addition, you should include fruit jelly, bone broths and jellied meat in the menu. This food contains gelatin, which is very beneficial for connective tissues. After all, gelatin is a natural type of chondroprotector.

The patient must also carefully monitor his weight, because extra pounds put a lot of pressure on the joint tissues. Moreover, you need to take vitamin complexes and useful minerals. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid harmful salty, fried and spicy foods. Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages should also be completely avoided.

  • Relieves pain and swelling in joints due to arthritis and arthrosis
  • Restores joints and tissues, effective for osteochondrosis

Find out more...

Among injuries to the lower limb, fractures of the ankle joint undoubtedly lead - this is facilitated by some anatomical features of the joint. In fact, it is the most loaded area of ​​the musculoskeletal system, which accounts for almost the entire body weight. Therefore, the ankle joint was created by nature to be powerful and durable - every day it has to experience both static and dynamic loads during numerous movements.

But still, even in such a reliable joint there is a weak point - its lateral segments are formed by the bone processes of the tibia and fibula(ankles). They not only serve as supporting elements, but are also a convenient site for attaching the ligaments connecting the lower leg and foot. Therefore, a fracture of the ankle joint almost always occurs in the area of ​​one or both ankles, having a typical character.

Most of these injuries are benign - even with severe displacement, it is usually possible to compare bone fragments and fix them with a plaster cast. But in rare cases it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment - osteosynthesis using metal structures. Its prospect always frightens patients, so it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the intervention technique, as well as the standard set of rehabilitation measures after surgery.


To understand the direction of treatment and rehabilitation procedures, it is necessary to consider an ankle fracture from the point of view of the pathological mechanisms being implemented. For serious ankle injury to occur, several factors must come together simultaneously:

  • In more than 90% of cases, the injury is indirect, that is, there is no direct mechanical impact on the area of ​​the bone protrusion.
  • The first implementing factor is the human body weight - normally it is distributed along the axis of the lower limb. Therefore, the central parts of the ankle joint bear the main load, while the lateral parts are only stabilizers. Moreover, this ratio is maintained both at rest and during movement.
  • The second factor is the simultaneous loss of static and dynamic balance. A typical example is a twisted leg, when the foot suddenly shifts to the outside or inner side. In this case, the axis of the load just passes to the area of ​​the medial or lateral ankle.
  • The third factor is the elasticity of the ligaments that strengthen the ankle joint on the sides. They do not have the ability to stretch significantly, so when you sharply twist your leg, the pressure falls directly on the bone protrusions to which they are attached.

A displaced ankle fracture usually indicates a combined mechanism of injury—simultaneous damage to the tibiofibular joint and subluxation of the ankle joint.

Surgical treatment

Carrying out open fixation of bone fragments for such injuries is considered the second stage of care for victims. Conservative treatment is standard - manual reposition and fixation of the ankle after a fracture using a plaster cast. Therefore, to perform the operation, strict indications are required that exclude the following methods of assistance:

  1. Ineffectiveness of manual reduction, or inability to hold and fix the fragments in the required position. In this case, intervention must be carried out as quickly as possible, before pronounced swelling of the soft tissues forms in the area of ​​the fracture.
  2. If there is simultaneous damage to the tibiofibular joint, which leads to instability of the bone “fork” - the upper half of the ankle joint. In this case, it is not so much the fixation of the ankle fragments that is required, but rather the elimination of this pathological mobility.
  3. Simultaneous fracture of both ankles, leading to complete dislocation of the ankle joint.
  4. Complex damage to even one bone protrusion, accompanied by the formation of many fragments. If, according to the results of radiography, there is more than one free bone fragment, it is recommended to fix them with metal structures.

Most often in practice, it is a displaced fracture of the inner malleolus that is observed - its formation is facilitated by anatomical differences between similar bony protrusions. On the medial side, it is formed by the process of the fibula, which is much thinner than its neighbor.

Intervention technique

Of all the osteosynthesis options, plate surgery is most suitable for displaced ankle fractures. Previously, its use was limited due to imperfect design, which caused long-term consequences - secondary osteoporosis. The solid metal plate placed excessive pressure on the periosteum and outer lamina of the bone, causing them to fracture.

Now special modifiable structures have been created - in appearance they resemble parts of a children's metal construction set. Multiple holes in them eliminate pathological pressure on bone tissue. It should also be said about the technique of their installation:

  • To access the fracture area, a small vertical or arcuate incision is made in the projection of the affected ankle.
  • Then a direct comparison of the bone fragments is carried out, after which the optimal position of the plate is selected.
  • If there is only one bone fragment, then it is preferable to use a regular vertical plate. It is first fixed on the overlying fixed section, and only after that the freely located fragment is fixed.
  • If there are several fragments, then it is better to use a plate of a special structure - resembling the letter T or U in appearance. In this case, its long segment is also first fixed on the upper fixed segment, and only then on all free fragments.
  • Multiple holes on the plate also play a dual role - they allow it to be fixed in any most convenient area (not necessarily at the ends). This is done using small screws that are screwed directly into the bone.
  • Then the surgical wound is sutured layer by layer, and the plate remains inside for the entire period of healing of the defect.

The use of plates for an ankle fracture is functionally beneficial - unlike the use of rods or wires, it creates less damage to the bone tissue during the intervention.


Recovery after an ankle fracture begins the very next day after completion of treatment. The required volume includes exercise therapy (physical therapy), sessions of reflexive and superficial massage, as well as a variety of physical procedures. All of them provide not only acceleration of callus formation, but also allow complete restoration of the static and dynamic function of the joint.

Rehabilitation after a displaced ankle fracture is always individual for each patient (taking into account many factors). Therefore, one can only imagine general plan held events:

  • Physical activity begins as early as possible - the patient begins to perform dosed exercises the very next day after surgery. Their implementation is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist in physical therapy.
  • From this moment on, a variety of physiotherapy procedures begin to be used, which have a warming, analgesic and absorbable effect.
  • After about a week, if there are no contraindications, the supporting bandage is removed. This allows you to expand the scope of the exercise therapy program by including new exercises.
  • If everything goes well, then during the same period a dosed axial load is allowed to develop strength and mobility. The patient is allowed to stand on the affected leg with support to relieve pressure on the joint.
  • It is recommended to start massage after a fracture no earlier than a week after surgery. Preference is given to superficial techniques that have a distracting effect.
  • Full weight bearing on the limb (in the absence of complications) is usually allowed from 4 weeks after the intervention.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture must be comprehensive, ensuring the complete exclusion of the formation of long-term complications.


Physiotherapy procedures ideally complement the gymnastics program for the ankle joint after a fracture, having a symptomatic effect. Unlike medications, they have virtually no contraindications and side effects. The following methods, divided into groups, are usually used:

  1. Electrophoresis and phonophoresis with novocaine, as well as magnetic therapy, have a predominantly analgesic effect. They are recommended to be used during the first days after surgery.
  2. Warming and reflex effects are characterized by inductothermy, DDT, UHF currents, and laser therapy. They can eliminate mild to moderate pain and reduce swelling of the soft tissues in the ankle area.
  3. Again, electrophoresis or phonophoresis, but with enzymes, has a resolving effect. The procedure allows to slow down the formation of scar tissue in the fracture area, preventing the formation of severe deformities.

But physiotherapy is not a complete alternative to exercise therapy - regular exercises help restore mobility in the joint.


The significance of this rehabilitation technique is controversial - it has no special therapeutic value. Moreover, taking into account the technique, it is allowed to be carried out only no earlier than a week from the start of recovery. This is due to an external mechanical impact on the ankle joint, which can lead to displacement of bone fragments.

Of all the massage techniques for rehabilitation after a fracture, only two methods are recommended. But they are also differentiated in the general program:

  • Superficial massage sessions can begin within the first week. Since the method only involves exposure to the skin, it can be used as a distraction procedure.
  • Reflex massage of the lower leg and foot should begin much later - when axial load on the limb is allowed. Its purpose is to provide additional stimulation to the muscles, increasing their tone.

An ankle fracture does not require a massage during rehabilitation, so the patient can undergo sessions independently if desired.


The exercise therapy program after any fracture always comes to the fore, becoming the basis of all recovery measures. Although an ankle injury is not considered a major injury, if it is not properly treated, it can lead to partial or complete loss of weight-bearing properties of the limb. Therefore, gymnastics after an ankle fracture is complex and consistent:

  1. During the first days after surgery, the joint is fixed using a supporting bandage. Therefore, only dosed exercises are performed - repeated plantar flexion and extension of the foot.
  2. Additionally, isometric loads are carried out - slow contractions of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, performed without movement in the joints.
  3. After removing the bandage, the therapeutic exercise program after an ankle fracture expands - active movements in the ankle joint are added. But they are performed without axial load - lying in bed or sitting. This period lasts about 2 weeks.
  4. At the same time, the gradual development of support function begins - the patient is allowed to stand up and walk with additional support (crutches, then a cane).
  5. Normally, at week 4, the transition to full axial load on the limb is allowed. Although you can still use a cane when walking for some time.

After completing the main exercise therapy program, the patient is given recommendations that involve performing exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower leg and foot. Independent studies it is necessary to spend at least one year, if desired, supplementing them with moderate general exercise - walking or swimming.

How to diagnose and treat ankle arthritis?

Arthritis of the ankle joint is a disease caused by an imbalance in the proportion of load on the joint and the stability of its components. When the first signs of this disease appear, you must immediately consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

The inflammatory process develops quite rapidly, motor activity is gradually limited, lifestyle is disrupted, temporary disability occurs, and in some cases even disability.

The main causes of ankle arthritis

The main causes of ankle arthritis are:

  1. Heavy load of body weight and constant movement;
  2. Injuries (post-traumatic arthritis);
  3. An infection that enters the joint cavity along with the blood flow, as well as in the case of an open injury (in such cases we are talking about reactive arthritis);
  4. “Loss” of small crystals of uric acid in the area of ​​the synovial membrane, due to gout or metabolic disorders;
  5. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis).


Arthritis has similar symptoms for all types and stages of the disease, so it is almost impossible to determine the type of disease without the help of a specialist. Arthritis of the ankle can be:

  • Acute – in the presence of gout and infection;
  • Chronic – in the presence of an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis.

Most often, patients complain of severe pain in the affected joint, and there are cases of unilateral damage (in the presence of infection) and bilateral (in collagenosis), as well as migrating (in pseudogout and gouty arthritis).

Long-term arthritis can lead to joint fusion (ankylosis) and limited mobility. This disease progresses progressively, with the onset of periodic periods of deterioration and improvement, but in any case, destruction of the joint occurs over time.

There are several stages of ankle arthritis:

  1. First stage: Collagen fibers become visible due to age-related changes or damage to cartilage tissue;
  2. Second stage: Destruction of cartilage fibers and rupture of collagen fibers. Cartilage cells grow, forming compactions;
  3. Third stage: The appearance of bone plates due to the destruction of cartilage tissue. As pressure increases, small cavities containing bone tissue (capsules containing a foreign substance) form. These formations in bone and cartilage tissue lead over time to deposits on the bones;
  4. Stage four: Complete destruction of bone and cartilage tissue.

Symptoms and signs: how to recognize the approach of an illness in time?

Symptoms of inflammation of the ankle joints directly depend on the underlying pathological activity. But due to the presence of inflammatory foci, this disease has a number of common symptoms characteristic of all its forms:

  • Sharp pain in the ankle joints;
  • The presence of edema, which is visible when pressing in the ankle joint;
  • Increased skin temperature and redness at the site of the affected joint;
  • Difficulty walking due to limited joint mobility;
  • The presence of general symptoms of inflammation: high fever, poor health and weakness.

At the very beginning of the onset of the disease, an acute or gradual course of the disease can be observed. Characteristic clinical manifestations may be absent, but the presence of the disease can still be suspected based on two signs:

  1. The presence of painful sensations with the full range of extension and flexion of the ankle joint;
  2. A feeling of tightness when putting on your usual shoes, caused by swelling of the foot.

Modern diagnosis of the disease

A correct diagnosis of the disease is of great importance, because the clinical manifestations of ankle arthritis are similar to similar pathologies, for example, arthrosis and arthropathy. Therefore, when you notice the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to prevent the disease from becoming chronic or final stage.

Currently, there are many methods for diagnosing diseases used in arthrological practice.

  1. General analysis of urine and blood - allows the doctor to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  2. Complete immunological blood test - helps determine the presence of antibodies to the pathogen and allows you to choose the right tactics for drug therapy;
  3. Biochemistry is a blood test that determines the concentration in the blood of chemicals that are formed in biological fluid. The analysis allows us to identify markers of inflammation and distinguish the disease from others;
  4. X-ray of the joints - reveals the presence of fluid or pus between the articulating bones;
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an informative method that allows you to determine even the slightest deviations in changes in ligaments, articular cartilage and all important articular structures;
  6. Computed tomography is an informative and most popular method for performing layer-by-layer X-ray images;
  7. Ultrasound – allows you to identify changes in the articular cavity and soft tissues of the ankle joint;
  8. Arthroscopy is a surgical operation that allows you to combine diagnosis and treatment. Miniature optical instruments are inserted into the joint cavity and allow you to examine the joints from the inside, remove inflammatory fluid and stop bleeding.

Treatment strategy for ankle arthritis

Drug therapy in this case does not lead to a complete cure, but only provides an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The effects of the drugs reduce swelling and relieve inflammation of the joints.

An effective method for treating ankle joints is bioprosthetics, which is the use of soft inlays, insoles and shoes designed to eliminate pathology. These products help relieve sore joints and relax muscles. You can also perform a number of specially designed complex exercises, which help reduce pain and are prescribed individually for each patient, depending on the stage and type of disease.

Thus, treatment of ankle joint disease can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist - a rheumatologist or therapist, who, after diagnosis, prescribes complex treatment.

More details about the problem in the video:

Joint gymnastics for the ankle

If there is excessive load on the ankle structures (ligaments, bones, joint capsule), they may be damaged (sprains, dislocations, fractures). Any injury, even the simplest one, causes great inconvenience to the victim, because the ankle plays vital role V motor activity person. Therefore, to quickly restore these functions, special exercises are recommended to strengthen the ankle.

Leg injuries and their causes

Leg muscle strain

Injuries to the lower extremities are a common problem for people actively or professionally involved in sports. However, in everyday life it is not difficult to sprain ligaments or damage the ankle joint:

  • moving on uneven surfaces;
  • while wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • in case of a careless fall;
  • stumbling on the stairs.

It is believed that the main risk group is young men under 24 years of age with active occupation sports. The most common injury they suffer is a sprained ankle or muscle. More than a million people suffer from this every year.

With careless movements, a person runs the risk of getting:

  1. A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bones. The most difficult are open fractures, as well as displaced fractures.
  2. Stretching or – going beyond the normal range of motion. It can be characterized by microscopic damage or reach complete rupture.
  3. A muscle strain is an injury in which the muscles cannot function.

Rehabilitation after injury

Ankle exercises

It is impossible to completely avoid trauma in life. Among athletes - football players, hockey players - and ordinary people, ankle injuries rank first among all types of injuries. Bruises, sprains, and dislocations can cause restrictions on movement. Serious injuries can lead to inflammation of the sheath surrounding the tendon, called tenosynovitis.

According to severity, ankle injuries are divided into 3 degrees:

  1. The foot is mobile, the connective tissues are intact, but damage to individual ligamentous fibers leads to swelling and pain in the leg when walking and palpation.
  2. Partial ligament ruptures cause severe swelling of the foot in the upper part. The pain is acute and does not subside even if the leg is at rest. Movement causes severe pain.
  3. Severe swelling of the foot, hematoma, and sharp pain are caused by complete rupture of the ligaments. The victim cannot step on his foot.

When ankle joints are injured, various treatment methods are used, depending on the degree of damage to bones and tissues. To restore motor activity use:

  • immobilization for the period of fusion of bones and ligaments;
  • surgical intervention (if necessary in complex cases of injury);
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy.

Exercises during immobilization

Rotational exercises for the feet

While the bones are healing, the damaged joint needs immobility. However, in order to avoid atrophy, the formation of contractures, and to ensure adequate blood circulation in the soft tissues of the joint, the following exercises are recommended:

  • bend and straighten your toes;
  • lower and raise your legs;
  • adduct and abduct the injured limb;
  • strain your muscles, helping them develop.

All exercises must be performed lying down. You can walk with support on your sore leg only with the permission of the treating doctor, the main thing is that the process of bone fusion is not disrupted.

Rehabilitation period

Leg exercises using a tourniquet

As soon as the plaster is removed, it will be necessary to pump the limb to restore its functions. During this period, exercises are performed while sitting. Exercise therapy complex includes the following exercises:

  • flexion and extension movements performed by the foot;
  • rotation, swinging of the foot;
  • springy movements of the feet, standing on tiptoes;
  • “Mime walking” - softly rolling the foot from toe to heel.

After the cast is removed, a tight bandage is applied to the leg. It is removed during gymnastics, but the exercises must be performed with great care:

  1. Standing on your toes, you need to bring your heels together and abduct them.
  2. You can roll the rolling pin with your feet, using alternately the outer and inner surface of the foot.
  3. You need to carefully grab small objects with your toes and hold them for a few seconds.
  4. Use your toes to hook the leg of a light chair and pull it towards you. Later, the weight of the weight can be increased.
  5. Walk up to two hours a day on a level surface.

Post-rehabilitation period

Therapeutic massage of ankle joints

About a month after the ligament or bone has fused, your doctor may allow you to increase the load on the ankle joint. You can do stretching exercises to strengthen your ankle muscles. They will save muscle tone, will improve blood circulation in the limbs.

You need to purchase an expander (rubber band). The exercises are aimed at overcoming the resistance of the elastic band: turning the leg in and out, bending the foot. Exercises are carried out only after warming up and complete relaxation of the muscles.

The complex will be effective simple exercises for the ankle, which can be easily performed at home, leaning on something, for example, the back of a chair. The simplest training would be to rise from a standing position, alternately on your toes and heels, and squat without lifting your foot off the floor.

As useful training exercises It is recommended to walk in place: you can first walk on your toes, then switch to walking on your heels, then on the outside of your foot.

Holding onto a chair, you can redistribute your body weight from one leg to the other and lunge forward with a load on the injured leg.

Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Therapeutic exercises for legs according to Bubnovsky

Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Bubnovsky has developed his own system of healing, restoring the functionality of joints after injury. In his opinion, it is necessary to include the body’s own reserve forces in the process, giving up medications, even painkillers.

Bubnovsky claims that movement itself does not heal; only a correctly selected exercise has a healing effect. With the help of myofascial diagnostics, a set of permissible movements with a certain load on the joints is compiled. The device monitors muscle potentials before and after exercise. In addition to teaching movement techniques, the patient is taught how to control diaphragmatic breathing.

The kinesitherapy program offered by Sergei Bubnovsky consists of 3 parts:

  • gymnastics on simulators;
  • stretching program;
  • aerobic training.

In addition to them, it includes sauna therapy, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy.

Some basic exercises to strengthen the feet, which Dr. Bubnovsky recommends:

  1. Lying on your back, straighten your legs and arms, stretch forward thumb on your leg, straighten it as far as possible, then bend it towards you as much as possible. Do it alternately or simultaneously with both legs.
  2. From the same position, bring and spread your big toes so that inner surface the foot lay on the surface, and the muscles of the foot and lower leg were involved.
  3. Rotational movements of the foot, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Make sure that your thumb describes the correct circle.
  4. Squeeze your feet as if into a fist and straighten them.

By regularly performing exercises 10-20 times, you can improve the condition of your ankle joints. developed by Bubnovsky special simulator for the ankle, spine and other joints - hip, shoulder. Regular classes will help increase joint mobility and muscle elasticity.

Prevention and strengthening of weakened ankles

Preventive exercises for legs

Identifying ankle weakness is simple. If your foot often twists when walking in high heels, if you feel pain in your middle or ring toe after taking off your shoes, sprains often occur, your ankle joints need to be strengthened.

An external sign of weakened joints is a foot rolled inward, which can be determined by placing your feet hip-width apart. With such signs, it is recommended to wear special orthopedic shoes or, at a minimum, insoles.

To prevent injuries, a complex is recommended special exercises for the ankle joint, aimed at strengthening it and maintaining the elasticity of the ligaments. Simple leg exercises will take a little time, but it will help avoid injury.

Athletes must warm up before training and stretch after training. For classes active sports, if the ankle joints are unstable, it is recommended to wear elastic bandage or tape.

It is useful to run on soft surfaces as a warm-up. You can stand on one leg on a balancing board or hemisphere. It is better to start with 5 seconds, gradually increasing the interval - to 10 seconds, then to 15. Having mastered the exercise, you can complicate it: do half squats and squats.