Winter Olympic sports. How many winter Olympic sports are there? What kinds of sports are there?

Included in the program of the Olympic Games by decision of the International Olympic Committee, subject to distribution in at least 20 25 countries of two three continents ( summer species men have at least 40 countries on three continents) and the presence of... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Included in the program of the Olympic Games by decision of the International Olympic Committee, subject to distribution in at least 20 25 countries of two three continents (summer events for men in at least 40 countries of three continents) and the availability ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Main article: Type of sport Type of sport a set of types sports competitions, united on the basis of similarity of rules, one sports federation, etc. Contents 1 Game types sports 1.1 ... Wikipedia

Olympic summer sports- Sports recognized by the IOC and included in the Olympic program summer games: . Aquatic species sports. Archery. Athletics. Badminton. Basketball. Boxing. Kayaking and canoeing. Cycling... ...

Olympic winter sports- Sports recognized by the IOC and included in the Olympic program winter games. . Biathlon. Bobsled. Curling. Ice hockey. Luge. Skating. Skiing [Language Services Department... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Sports that involve the use of skis during competitions. Olympic biathlon alpine skiing(sport) Nordic combined cross-country skiing ski jumping snowboarding freestyle Non-Olympic skiing windsurfing skiing... ... Wikipedia

Collective name for sports ( sports games) on skates, skis and various types of sleds, competitions in which are held on ice and snow. To W. century. With. include: biathlon cross-country skiing with rifle shooting at shooting ranges;… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Commemorative coins of the Central Bank Russian Federation dedicated to Olympic winter sports. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Sport” Winter views sports The “Winter Sports” series, released in 2009 2010, consists of... ... Wikipedia

Paralympic Games. History and sports- From the history of the Paralympic Games The Paralympic Games for the disabled in the world are considered almost as outstanding an event as the Olympics itself. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Women's sports at the IV Olympiad 1908- July 13 marks one hundred years since the opening of the IV Olympiad. These Summer Olympics, held in London, included women for the first time. IV Summer Olympic Games took place in London from April 27 to October 31, 1908. Official... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • , Zaitsev A. A., Poleshchuk N. K., Makarevsky A. B., Borisova I. V., Lutkova N. V.. A team of authors created a reference and methodological manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for...
  • Summer Olympic sports. Norms and requirements. Reference and methodological manual. A team of authors has created a reference and methodological manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for...

Artistic gymnastics, athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, rowing, cycling, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting are main sports. Each of them has its own characteristics, which consist mainly in the effect it has on the body. When choosing, you should be guided by these features and take into account the individual inclinations of those starting to play sports. However, you should always remember that the health-improving effect mainly depends on the training method, that is, on how much and how a particular sport is practiced.

Characteristics of the main sports

Let us briefly describe main sports:

- the basis of all physical exercises. The so-called basic gymnastics, which includes both morning hygienic and general developmental gymnastic exercises used by athletes of various sports specialties, pursues the goals of maintaining health and general physical development. Sports, or apparatus, gymnastics on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, rings and other apparatus brings human motor abilities to high perfection. Movements become precise, smooth, muscles are well developed. However, the presence of a large number breath holding exercises may have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in cases where the gymnast does not combine gymnastics with athletics exercises such as running, walking, skiing, skating, and swimming.

- This walking, running, jumping and throwing discus, javelin and shot. These natural types of movement are especially well dosed and can be widely used by beginners in sports.

In adolescence and adolescence, running is recommended. short distances(from 60 to 100 meters). At the age of over 40 years, when speed qualities deteriorate, endurance running exercises are mainly recommended. Classes athletics carried out all year round on fresh air, have an extremely beneficial effect on the body: nervous system, heart , lungs , blood. This allows us to recommend light activities athletics even for people with some health problems.

Is one of the most popular and accessible types physical exercise. When skiing, people are involved in work large muscle groups, breathing and blood circulation are activated. The winter landscape has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Learning to ski is relatively easy. After the movements have been mastered, you can gradually increase the dosage of walking, mainly due to the distance. Age range for classes skiing very big. Skis can be recommended for children from 5–6 years of age. Sports activities are practiced from the age of 12.


Classes speed skating also have a beneficial effect on the body, like skiing. Ice skating is a fun form active recreation both for schoolchildren and for people of the older generation. Sliding on ice reduces the effort spent on movement during normal running, and this allows you to use speed skating, even with pronounced deviations in health. Speed ​​skating can be recommended in middle and even old age with a particularly gradual increase in load.

Hygienic value swimming very large. A person experiences a whole range of influences here:

  1. water affects the skin,
  2. air procedures,
  3. sunbathing.

The difference in temperature when entering and leaving the water hardens the body and accustoms it to proper thermoregulation. Overcoming water resistance with active movements is breathing exercises. Rib cage at the same time it becomes convex, which creates the most favorable conditions for the functioning of the lungs. The work of the heart during swimming due to difficulty in inhaling is increased more than during other sports. Therefore, in order to avoid negative effects on cardiovascular vascular system it is necessary, first of all, work off correct breathing , and only then move on to speed swimming. Children can start swimming from the age of 6–7 years. At the age of 12 they can practice swimming and participate in competitions.

- one of the most tedious types physical activity. All muscles of the body are involved in the work - arms, legs, back, abdominals . Therefore, rowing requires good preliminary general physical preparation. People with disabilities cardiovascular system rowing as a sport cannot be recommended. You can learn rowing from the age of 10, and rowing from the age of 14, very gradually increasing the load and under the guidance of experienced teachers. When rowing, like swimming, an important health element is natural breathing exercises . It is impossible not to mention rowing as the most an effective means of strengthening the abdominal muscles. Despite the very intense load, with systematic training and rowing you can do it until old age.

It has some features that make you very careful about this species. physical activity. The prolonged bent position of the cyclist, the work of the legs with a motionless torso create not entirely favorable conditions for blood circulation and breathing. Therefore, the cyclist should especially remember the need for versatile physical activity: systematic exercise general developmental gymnastics, running and so on. Only in this case classes cycling will bring the desired healing effect. When using a bicycle for walking, you only need to gradually increase the distance, without bringing yourself to clear signs of fatigue in the first weeks. Children as young as 8–9 years old can be taught to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. At 11–12 years old, you can allow them 30–40-minute cycling walks, and at 13–14 years old, cycling.

Lifting weights, or kettlebell lifting , is very popular among the population due to the visual and quick effect of practicing it. Indeed, weightlifting exercises with barbells and kettlebells perfectly develop body muscles, muscles of the arms, torso, chest. However, the impact on the nervous system, respiratory system and blood circulation with one-sided hobby of lifting weights may turn out to be negative, because associated with holding your breath. Success in this sport can only be achieved through long-term general physical training: gymnastic exercises in combination with other types of physical exercise and sports. And even when you start lifting weights, you need to systematically include them in your training. running, skiing, skating and so on. This sport is allowed to people who do not have significant health problems starting from the age of 16.

– one of oldest species sports. There are many types national struggle. Most widespread uses classic or Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling. The impact on the body of all types of struggle is very great. Resistance exercises are good for developing muscles and intensely affect internal organs . However, one-sided training in wrestling, saturated with elements of tension, can, just like lifting weights, lead to overexertion nervous and cardiovascular systems . Required here thorough preparatory work and combination with other types physical training athletics type(running, skiing and hiking). You can engage in wrestling from the age of 14, but the first 2-3 years of training should be of a preparatory nature - general developmental exercises and the study of technical and tactical techniques. In middle and old age, you can only continue the wrestling lessons you started in your youth. It is not recommended to start wrestling after 40 years of age, as this may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

Refers to the so-called speed-strength sports. The combination of alternating movements of the arms and torso with the work of the legs contributes to good muscle development. In the process of preparing to fight in the ring, boxers always use athletics exercises - running, throwing, jumping, general developmental gymnastics. The boxing match itself is replete with various situational moments that foster speed. reactions, agility, determination, endurance and other moral and volitional qualities. With proper training management, boxing does not cause negative changes in health and perfectly strengthens the body. Boxing classes are allowed from the age of 13. From brief overview The health value of the main sports shows that they are all good in their own way and the result of practicing them mainly depends on proper organization training process according to age, health status, physical fitness and on the regularity of classes. Only systematic classes sports give lasting healing effect, ensure sports success, significantly prolong performance.

What do you think swimming can have in common with athletics, and football and basketball with? rhythmic gymnastics and biathlon? That's right - all these sports are considered Olympic. This means that they belong to one of two programs of the Olympic Games - either winter or summer.

Non-Olympic sports - what is this concept?

But in fact, there are twice as many sports in the world as those listed in the Olympic program. What people don't do! And rugby, and sambo, and bandy, and many, many others. All of these are non-Olympic sports, the list of which looks very impressive. Why are some of its types Olympic, while others are not?

There are many reasons for this. Let's say rugby - than this type sport is bad? Not too popular? Here in Russia - yes. But, for example, in England, rugby matches regularly attract entire stadiums of fans. And the same in many other countries.

In this case, that is not the reason. As you know, the Olympic Games in summer last no more than 15 days. For the Olympic championship, for example in rugby, much more time is required. The fact is that rugby is a contact sport. It is very labor-intensive, and the players give their all. After each match, they need additional time to recuperate, more than, for example, football players.

And this is also a sport

Another reason is that many games can be classified as sports with a serious stretch. Personally, are you aware that bowling and billiards are also considered sports? Most people in everyday life consider these activities only fun leisure time, it wouldn’t even occur to them that these are also non-Olympic sports. The list of them includes chess - but the overwhelming majority treat it only as a highly intellectual game that develops the brain, but not at all sports activity. And this is provided that chess, like billiards and bowling in our country, has its own federation, that is, it is officially considered a sport.

The mentioned species were repeatedly tried to be included in the program of the Olympiads in different years. Perhaps this will happen in the future. But so far they are not. Apparently not spectacular enough. After all, the Olympic Games are primarily mass events. It’s hard to imagine how a stadium full of spectators would hold their breath and watch the duel between two chess players.

Of course, all these criteria are quite subjective. For example, curling was recognized as an Olympic sport in 1998. It is not clear to the average viewer why curling is better or more spectacular than bowling?

Fight and don't give up

Representatives of the Federation are not Olympic events sports do not want to come to terms with their status and continue to stubbornly fight to be included in the Olympiad program. But this is quite difficult to do. And in order to “place” any sport in the program, you will have to exclude something else.

If the program of the first Olympic Games included only 9 sports, then over time it grew so much that it was necessary to limit such diversity and even exclude some things. Thus, such now non-Olympic sports as cricket and croquet, polo, which were present in it in the first half of the last century, were thrown out of the program. In this century, baseball and softball were excluded from the program, and boxing was on the verge of exclusion.

Non-Olympic sports that don't want to be

Representatives are fighting most actively for Olympic status various types martial arts They achieved the inclusion of boxing, judo, and taekwondo in the program of the Olympics. The federations of karate, wushu, sambo, kickboxing and other types of wrestling bombard the IOC with regular applications. But they have not yet achieved results.

Despite the popularity of certain strength sports, their representatives have not yet been able to achieve the abolition of the status of “non-Olympic sports”. Thus, kettlebell lifting, powerlifting and arm wrestling are unsuccessfully fighting for this status. The Federation of Sports Dance, a spectacular and very dynamic sport, constantly submits applications to the IOC, and is also constantly disappointed. But sports dancing cannot be called less beautiful or spectacular than figure skating, which was “written” into the program of the Olympic Games a long time ago.

Are there any lucky ones?

Same as above intellectual species Sports like checkers, chess, and billiards also have little chance of being included in the Olympiads. There is an opinion that the IOC prefers competitions that involve real physical activity.

And yet, despite the fact that the program of the ongoing Olympiads is filled to capacity, certain sports still manage to make their way into the ranks of the lucky ones. So, relatively recently summer Olympic program was replenished with golf, and the winter one with snowboarding.

Most parents strive to define the child from an early age in some kind of sports section. At the same time, non-Olympic sports in Russia are rarely preferred in our country. When choosing a type of physical activity for a son or daughter, they most often choose the one that is included in the cherished program. What is this connected with? The main advantage is government funding, which allows young athletes to build a sports career in the future.

A look into the past

If we look at history, we can recall that we started in the territory Ancient Greece in ancient times. Then only men participated in them, and they dedicated their competitions to numerous pagan gods. The games always started with chariot races and later included various martial arts, horse racing, pentathlon. In addition, the Olympics of those times included competitions for heralds and trumpeters. Some categories, such as running, have not lost popularity to this day.

Now there are many sports that are known all over the world, prestigious, fashionable, and also have an official competition structure and their own international associations. These are non-Olympic sports recognized by the IOC, but still not yet included in the Olympic program.

Some of them did not become such only because of limited popularity (in certain countries). An example would be American football, some types are the same cricket and various extreme novelties.

Nouns ALPINI/ZM, mountain climbing, rock climbing. Climbing, climbing hard-to-reach mountain peaks for sporting or educational purposes. CULTURE/ZM, athletes/ZM, bodybi/lding. A sport that includes a system... ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer (41 disciplines) and 7 winter (15 disciplines) sports. For two of them (golf and rugby), competitions are not currently being held within the Olympic Games, and for the first time after a long time... ... Wikipedia

For beginners · Community · Portals · Awards · Projects · Requests · Assessment Geography · History · Society · Personalities · Religion · Sports · Technology · Science · Art · Philosophy ... Wikipedia

Skier Winter sports a set of sports played on snow or ice, that is, mainly in winter. Main winter species ... Wikipedia

Autocross Motor sports is a collection of sports where people take part in cars with a motor. These sports were included in the demonstration event at the Olympic Games... Wikipedia

Commemorative coins of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dedicated to Olympic winter sports. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Sports” Winter sports The “Winter sports” series, issued in 2009 2010, consists of ... ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

- (English Mind Sports) an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international... ... Wikipedia

Paralympic Games. History and sports- From the history of the Paralympic Games The Paralympic Games for the disabled in the world are considered almost as outstanding an event as the Olympics itself. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

The collective name for sports that combine general physical and technical training athletes and those of military applied importance. Military technical sports include aviation sports, auto sports, motorcycle sports, radio sports, shooting sports,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary


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