Exercises for exercises in the army. Complex of morning exercises “Soldiers”

Exercise is a set of physical exercises, usually performed in the morning, to warm up muscles and joints. Charging is a mandatory procedure in the army and sports camps. Typically, exercise can be done outdoors, in the gym or at home.

Charging for preschool children

2. rising on your toes, raise your arms up, then, lowering onto your heels, cross your arms over your chest (3-4 times)

3. from the starting position, legs apart tilt to the side, alternately to the right and left, one hand on the back of the head, the other slides along the leg in the direction of the tilt (4-5 times in each direction)

4. from the starting position, legs shoulder-width apart, turn the torso to the side, simultaneously spreading the arms, then, returning to starting position, lean forward, lowering your arms freely (5-6 times in both directions alternately)

5. from the starting position, legs apart, hands behind the head, squat with arms extended forward and return to the starting position (4 - 6 times)

6. holding the stick in outstretched arms, consistently raise and lower your arms (3 – 4 times)

7. walking with a stick fixed behind the back with arms bent at the elbows (10-20 sec.)

8. from the starting position, standing, hold the ball in outstretched arms above the head, lower it down, then hit it on the floor and catch it

9. throwing and catching the ball while walking (5-6 times)

10. walking between toys (10-20 sec.)

11. jumping on one leg - on the right and on the left alternately (10-15 sec.) with the transition to walking

12. from the starting position, legs apart, arms lowered and clasped, raise arms up, then, relaxing, lower them down, simultaneously bending, and pass between legs (3-4 times)

Charging for women

1. walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2. from the starting position, legs together, arms down along the body, raise your arms up, then bend forward, lowering your arms freely (3-4 times)

3. from the starting position, socks together, arms down along the body, raise the arms up, while simultaneously moving the leg back, then lower the arms and move back, while simultaneously bringing the leg bent at the knee forward (4-6 times for each leg)

4. from the starting position, legs together, hands on the waist, tilt the body to the side, simultaneously moving the leg and raising the opposite arm up (4-6 times in each direction)

5. from the starting position, legs together, hands on shoulders, torso tilted forward, moving one arm back and up, touching the toe of the opposite leg with the other hand

6. sitting on a chair with elbows pulled back and legs extended, bend, then, leaning your hands on the chair from behind, squat and return to the starting position (4 – 6 times)

7. standing on your knees and resting your hands on the floor, stretch one leg back and up, then, bending at the knee, move it forward, trying to touch the knee to the opposite hand (4-6 times for each leg)

8. lying on your back, legs bent, spread and bring your legs together (4-6 times)

9. Lying on your back, make movements with your legs that imitate riding a bicycle (6-8 times)

10. from the starting position, kneeling and resting your hands on the floor, turn your torso to the left, moving your arm in the same direction, return to the starting position, then do the same in the other direction (3-4 times in each direction)

11. from the initial lying position with legs bent at the knees and arms pulled back, move to a sitting position, then, leaning forward and moving one arm back, touch the toe of the opposite leg with the other hand, return to the starting position (4-6 times for each arm)

12. starting position, legs together, hands on the belt, fingers clasped, raise outstretched arms up, then return to the starting position (3 – 4 times)

13. jumping in place: legs and sides together (10-20 sec.)

14. walking in place with a gradual slowdown (15-20 sec.)

15. from the starting position, the arms are down, the legs together raise the arms to shoulder level, while simultaneously moving them back outstretched leg, and return to the starting position, then do the same for the other leg (3-4 times)

Charging for men

1. walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2. from the starting position, legs together, arms down, raise arms, simultaneously moving the leg back, and return to the starting position, son-in-law does the same, moving the leg back (3-4 times)

3. arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart, rising on the toes, swing the right leg to the left, while simultaneously abducting left hand in the opposite direction, return to the starting position, then do the same with the left foot in right side etc. (6-8 times in each direction)

4. from the starting position, legs together, arms down, raise their arms up, then squat, moving their arms back, and return to the starting position (4-6 times)

5. from the starting position, legs together, arms down, tilt the torso to the side, simultaneously moving the leg to the side of the tilt and raising the opposite arm up. The other hand is placed behind the back, then returned to the starting position (3-6 times in each direction)

6. from the starting position, legs are spread wide apart, arms are lowered along the body, tilt the torso forward, simultaneously spreading the arms to the sides, then return to the starting position (4-6 times)

7. from the starting position, arms to the sides, legs together, squat, moving the leg to the side, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

8. from the starting position, legs together, hands on the belt, turn the body to the side, simultaneously raising the arms up, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

9. from the starting position, legs to the sides, arms lowered along the body, move the leg to the side, simultaneously raising the arms to the sides and up, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

10. squat with your hands on your knees, then, straightening your legs, try to touch the floor with your hands (6-8 times)

11. from the starting position, legs together, arms down, raise arms up, simultaneously moving the leg back, then, lowering the arms and moving them back, bring the leg forward (4-6 times with each leg)

12. from the starting position, legs to the side, arms lowered, raised on toes, arms raised up, then, leaning forward, try to touch the toe of the opposite leg with your hand, the other arm is placed behind your back (6-8 times with each hand)

13. from the starting position, legs apart, arms down along the body, make abduction movements with the arms: with one hand – up and back, with the other – down and back, then change the position of the arms (6-8 times)

14. jumping in place (20-30 sec.), gradually turning into walking (10-20 sec.)

15. Raising yourself on your toes and spreading your arms and sides, lean forward, simultaneously bending your knees and crossing your arms (3-4 times)

Exercise for older women

1. walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2. holding the back of the chair, raise the arm up, while simultaneously moving the leg of the same name back, and return to the starting position, then do the same for the other arm and leg (3-4 rads)

3. holding the back of the chair with both hands, rise on the toes, then “roll” down onto the heels and return to the starting position (6-8 times)

4. holding the back of the chair, move one arm to the side, while simultaneously turning your head in the same direction (3-4 times in each direction)

5. holding the back of the chair at a step distance, make a “lunge” forward, transferring the weight of the body to bent leg, and return to the starting position, then do the same for the other leg (3 – 4 times)

6. from the starting position standing in front of the chair, legs together, hands on the belt, raise the leg, holding the chair with one hand, and place it on the chair, then return to the starting position (3-4 times for each leg)

7. squatting and holding the back of a chair at a distance of a step from it, rise, straightening your legs to your arms, and stretch your torso parallel to the floor (4-6 times)

8. sitting on a chair, spread the handlebars to the sides, then, bending the elbows, bring them to the chest (3-4 times)

9. sitting on a chair, tilt the torso to the side (3-4 times in each direction)

10. sitting on a chair, raise their arms up, bend down, then lower them down, while simultaneously raising the leg bent at the knee, and, clasping the knee with their hands, pull the leg towards the stomach (3-4 times for each leg)

11. Sitting on a chair, spread your arms to the sides, then lean forward, simultaneously stretching your legs, and with one hand touch the toe of the opposite vagina (5-6 times for each hand)

12. sitting on a chair and placing your hands with your elbows pulled back on your belt, bend, then, without changing the position of your hands, make a circular movement with them, bringing your elbows forward (3-4 times)

13. walking at a calm pace (20-30 sec.)

14. from the starting position, legs together, arms down, rise on toes, moving arms slightly to the sides, return to starting position (3-4 times)

Exercise for older men

Walking in place (20-30 sec.)

1 and 2 – from the starting position, legs together, arms on the belt rise on the toes - inhale, while simultaneously spreading the arms to the sides with palms up, and return to the starting position - exhale (4-6 times at a slow pace)

3 and 4 – holding the back of a chair at a distance of a step from it, squat – exhale, then straighten up – inhale (6-8 times at a slow pace)

5-7 – from the starting position, legs together, arms up, turn the torso to the right, spreading your arms to the sides with your palms up, look at the palm of your right hand – inhale, return to the starting position – exhale, then do the same in the other direction (4-6 times per medium pace)

8 and 9 – from the starting position, sitting with legs apart, hands resting on the floor from behind, raise the pelvis – inhale and return to the starting position – exhale (6-8 times at a slow pace: recommended for trained people)

10-12 – from the starting position lying on your back, arms extended along the body, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest, then pull your legs up at right angles to the body and slowly lower them (5-6 times at a slow pace, breathing evenly)

13 and 14 – leaning with outstretched arms on a chair at a distance of a step from it, bend your arms at the elbows and touch the chair with your chest, simultaneously turning your head to the side - exhale, then, straightening your arms, return to the starting position (6-8 times with turning your head in one way, then the other, average pace)

15 and 16 – from the starting position, arms bent at the elbows, hands relaxed, running in place for 30-40 seconds, vigorously working with your arms and raising your legs high, with the transition to slow walking in place

Morning exercises for pregnant women

Morning exercises - a set of exercises to develop strength and endurance

After completing this complex, it is necessary to perform exercises for active relaxation and stretching of the main muscle groups.
1. Standing on the table ( gymnastic bench) bending and straightening the arms with raising one of the legs (8-10 or 12-15 times at an average pace and with acceleration, see a).
2. Lying down, bend and straighten your arms (8-10, 12-16 times, see b).
3. Do the same push-ups, but with raising one of the legs (6-8 and 10-12 times, see c).
4. Squatting on one leg and standing up (6-8, 10-12 times, see d). 5. Quick squats and stands up (5-6 times, pause 2-3 s and another 2-3 times, see e).
6. Lying on your back, make movements with straight legs such as crawl in a vertical plane, crossing and spreading your legs in a horizontal plane, then raising your legs and pelvis until your toes touch the floor behind your head (1-2 minutes), with short pauses of 2-3 c (see e).
7. Lying on your back, grab the medicine ball with your feet, lift it, bending your legs (6-8, 10-12 times, see g).

Morning exercises - 3rd series - exercises with dumbbells

1. O. s, dumbbells in both hands. Raising your arms to the sides, stretch and bend - inhale, lowering your arms - exhale (8-10 times, see h).
2. O. s, hands with dumbbells below. Fulfill circular movements hands up back and down (8-10 times in one direction or the other, see i).
3. The same, move your arms with dumbbells back and lift them above your head with a swinging movement (8-10 times, see j).
4. The same, spread your arms to the sides - inhale and, tilting your torso down towards one of the legs, exhale (8-10 times for each leg, see l).
5. The same, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells below. Tilt the torso to the right and left, hands with dumbbells slide along the torso and thigh (8-10 times in each direction, see m).
6. The same, alternate between a quick squat and a slow stand, hands with dumbbells forward and vice versa - a slow squat and a quick stand (10-15 times, see n).

Morning exercises - 4th series - exercises with a barbell

1. Push the barbell from the chest, squats with the barbell on the shoulders, lunges with the barbell on the chest (see o, p, s).
2. Winding weights onto a stick (see p).

Morning exercises - 5th series - relaxation exercises

1. After exercises with dumbbells, be sure to shake with relaxed arms. Relaxing one hand while tensing the other and vice versa (6-10 times, see y).
2. Jumping on one leg with relaxation and shaking of the arms, shoulder girdle and other leg (30-40 s, see f).

Exercises with a jump rope to develop endurance, speed and agility

Jumping alternately on each leg (30-40 sec), for one jump have time to rotate the rope 2 times (10-16 times), jumping with the rope moving forward and backward (30-50 sec), alternating slow jumps with fast and maximum fast (2-5 minutes, see t, x).

These series of exercises can be used in addition to the main complexes morning exercises.

Morning exercises

Morning exercises for a bullet shooter

Reaching high sports results in shooting, as in other sports, depends not only on the impeccable mastery of shooting techniques and psychological preparation, but primarily on the physical capabilities of the athlete.

Important integral part physical training The athlete is doing morning exercises. As practice has shown, it matters not only in quality health event, but also when selecting appropriate exercises as part of special physical training, i.e. a means that promotes the development of certain physical qualities necessary for the shooter.

It is known that systematic classes morning exercises - effective remedy preparing the human body for the upcoming working day. It allows you to activate a person’s activity after a night’s sleep, gives vigor, and improves health. However, many shooters, including highly qualified ones, do morning exercises from time to time. Some are simply lazy, and many openly say that they do not know how to create a set of exercises for themselves that would help develop the necessary qualities and tone the “awakened” body.

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle are very important for the shooter. abdominals, ankle joints, exercises for coordination of movements.

Special muscle relaxation exercises will help instill the skill of more rational use of strength and increase endurance.

During shooting, the athlete spends a significant amount of time in static position, therefore, corrective exercises should be included in morning exercises.

The shooter often has to hold his breath, so the process of performing exercises sometimes occurs in conditions of oxygen deficiency. Therefore, the arrow needs to include in the morning exercises exercises that enhance the activity of the respiratory apparatus.

This article gives approximate complexes exercises designed taking into account the above requirements.
It is advisable to perform each exercise 4-6 times, depending on the gender, age and physical capabilities of the practitioner, as well as the complexity of the exercise.

Before starting the complex, as well as at the end of it, it is recommended to walk in place indoors for 30-40 seconds and walk and run for 1-2 minutes if gymnastics is performed on outdoors. It is very useful to include elements of rhythmic gymnastics or fast dancing in your morning exercises.

Walking and running should start at a slow pace, gradually increasing it, and finally slowing down again.

You can use other exercises with simulators in front of a mirror to control your actions.

From the exercises proposed below (see pictures) you can create complexes morning exercises which the athlete and his coach consider the most rational to carry out in a certain period of preparation.

After morning exercises, self-massage and water procedures are very useful.

Approximate morning exercise complexes

Complex I (exercises 1-10)

1. I. p. - main stand. 1 - arms up, hands relaxed; 2—stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up—inhale; 3-4—stand on your full feet, turn your hands, palms down, and slowly lower them into the i. p. - exhale.

2. I. p. - main stand. 1 - hands up, left leg back, hands relaxed - inhale; 2 - arms down and back to failure, left leg forward and up to failure - exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, moving backwards right leg.

3. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 1 — right hand on the belt, left behind the head - inhale; 2 - lean forward, arms to the sides - exhale; 3 - straighten up, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your right hand behind your head, your left hand to your waist.

4. I. p. - main stand. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2—lean to the right, raising your left leg to the left, right hand on your belt, left hand behind your head—exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, left hand on your belt, right hand behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your right leg to the right.

5. I. p. - main stand. 1 - bent left leg up, right hand up, left hand back, clench your fists - inhale; 2 - bend forward, left arm up, right arm back, left leg back on toe, bend right leg - exhale; 3 - straighten up, bend your left leg up, left hand on your waist, right hand behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your bent right leg up.

6. I. p. - main stand. 1 - left leg to the side, stand on your toes, arms to the sides with palms up - inhale; 2 - turn your torso to the left, crouching down, putting your right leg back - exhale; 3 - stand on your toes, turning your torso to the right, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, moving your right leg to the side.

7. I. p. - main stand. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - sit on your toes, arms forward - exhale; 3 - stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale.

8. I. p.—main stand. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward with arms swinging inwards - exhale; 3 - sit on your toes, arms forward - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale.

9. I. p. - the main stand near the chair. 1 - put your left leg on a chair, bend over, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward, arms forward and down, hands together - exhale; 3 - straighten up, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat with your right foot on the chair.

10. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. 1—lean back in your chair, hands down-in sides, legs forward, toes pointed - inhale; 2 - bend your left leg, pressing it to your chest - exhale; 3 - lean back in the chair, arms down to the sides, feet forward-in sides, toes pulled out - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, pressing your right leg to your chest.

II complex (exercises 11-20)

11. I. p. - main stand. 1—stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up—inhale; 2 - arms forward, palms down, hands together; left leg with the toe pulled up, standing on the full foot of the right leg - exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, lifting your right leg up.

12. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 1—hands up from side to side, fingers intertwined with palms up—inhale; 2 - turn the torso to the left, bend over, arms down, turn the torso to the right - exhale; 3 - straighten up, arms up, turn your torso in i. p.—inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, turning your torso to the right.

13. I. p. - main stand. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - bend forward, left leg back (“swallow”) - exhale; 3 - straighten up, put your left leg, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4—i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your right leg back.

14. I. p. - main stand. 1 - bent left leg up, toes pulled out, hands on waist - inhale; 2 - left leg forward, bend over, stretching your arms forward, bring your hands together - exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your right leg forward.

15. I. p. - main stand. 1—left foot back on the toe, left hand up, right hand back, clench your fists—inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, the toe of the right foot is pulled back, hands behind the head - inhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, arms to the sides with palms down - exhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, stepping back with your right leg.

16. I. p. - main stand. 1—stand on your toes, arms up—inhale;

2 - sit on your toes, arms back - exhale; 3 - stand up, left leg forward, toes pulled out, arms to the sides with palms up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, raising your right leg forward.

17. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - hands forward; 2 - arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 3 - bend your arms, clenching your fists, exhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale.

18. I. p. - main stand. 1—left leg back on the toe, arms up—inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, the toe of the right foot is pulled back, arms to the sides with palms down - exhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, hands behind the head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, stepping back with your right leg.

19. I. p. - lying in support on a chair or other support. 1 - lower with bent arms, left leg up - inhale; 2 - i. n. - exhale; 3 - lower yourself on bent arms, right leg up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale.

20. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. 1 - lean back in the chair, arms to the sides, legs forward - inhale; 2 - bend your arms to your shoulders, clenching your fists, lift your left leg up - inhale; 3-4 - and. p. - exhale. Repeat, lifting your right leg up.

III complex (exercises 21-30)

21. I. p. - main stand. 1 - arms up, left leg back on the toe - inhale; 2 - swing your left leg forward and up, arms downwards, clap your palms under your leg - exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, swinging with your right leg.

22. I. p. - stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, hands on your belt. 1 - turn your torso to the left, arms to the sides with palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward, arms down - exhale; 3 - straighten up, turning your torso to the starting position, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. n.—exhale.

23. I. p. - main stance. 1 - left leg back on the toe, arms to the right - inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, arms to the left, toe of the right foot pulled out - exhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the bodies to the right leg, arms to the sides with palms up - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, stepping back with your right leg.

24. I. p. - main stance. 1 - stand on your toes, arms up - inhale; 2 - spring squats, arms swing back, shoulder girdle relaxed - exhale; 3 - straighten up, arms up, then to the sides with palms up, stand on your toes - inhale; 4—i. p. - exhale.

25. I. p. - main stance. 1—lunge to the left, hands behind the head—inhale; 2 - turn your torso to the left, bend forward, arms down - exhale; 3 - straighten up, turning your torso to the starting position, hands on your belt - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, lunging to the right.

26. I. p. - main stance. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward, touch the floor with your hands, swing your left leg back - exhale; 3 - straighten up, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4—i. p. - exhale. Repeat, swinging with your right leg.

27. I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart; 1 - swing your arms to the left, right hand up, left to the side - inhale; 2 - swing your arms crosswise, bend forward, right hand to the side, left hand forward - exhale; 3 - straighten up, right hand up, left hand back, clench your fists - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, starting with swinging your arms to the right.

28. I. p. - main stance. 1 - left leg back on the toe, left hand up, right hand to the side - inhale; 2 - swing your left leg forward, right arm forward, left arm to the side - exhale; 3 - place your left foot, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, stepping back with your right leg.

29. I. p. - the main stand facing the chair. 1 - stand on your toes, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - sit down on a chair, left leg back - exhale; 3 - place your left leg, straighten up, stand on your toes, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale. Repeat, stepping back with your right leg.

30. I. p.—the torso is leaned back in the chair, legs forward, arms relaxed. 1 - hands up; 2 - arms to the sides, palms up, legs to the sides - inhale; 3 - legs together, bend forward, touch your shins with your hands - exhale; 4 - i. p. - exhale.

Army exercise

There is a widespread belief that healthy sports is not needed, but it still won’t help the patient.
We adhere to the point of view of V.V. Mayakovsky, who proclaimed:
Train your muscles, breathing and body for the benefit of military affairs!

We hope that the material on this topic will, over time, be of benefit to those who will serve, are serving, and have served in the army for a long time.
Be healthy!

Exercise 1.
Complex of floor exercises No. 1 (Fig. No. 1) Performed on 16 accounts.
“One-two” - rising on your toes, clench your fingers into a fist, slowly raise your arms forward, then up, palms inward, look up, stretch.
“Four” - straighten your arms up, fingers clenched into a fist, palms inward, bend over, look up.
“Five” - connecting your toes, squat to failure on both feet, knees together, palms on your hips, elbows to the sides.
“Six” - stand up (do not spread your toes), raising your arms forward, spread them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist, bend over.
“Seven” - squat to failure on both feet, palms on hips, elbows to the sides.
“Eight” - stand up with a jump, legs apart in a wide step, hands on your belt.
“Nine” - straightening your left arm and simultaneously with turning your body to the left, move your arm to the side and back until it stops, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your left hand (do not move your legs).
“Ten” - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
“Eleven” - straightening your right arm and simultaneously with turning your body to the left, move your arm to the side and back until it stops, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your right hand (do not move your legs).
“Twelve” - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
“Thirteen” - sharply bend forward until your fingers touch the floor, palms back (do not bend your legs).
“Fourteen” - straighten up, raising your arms forward, move them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist.
“Fifteen” - sharply lean forward until your hands touch the floor, fingers clenched into a fist, palms back (do not bend your legs).

Exercise 2 Set of floor exercises No. 2 (Fig. 2). Performed on 16 accounts.
The starting position is a combat stance.
“One-two” - forcefully pull your arms back to full strength, unclench your fingers, palms forward and, rising on your toes, slowly raise your arms to the sides, then up, palms inward, stretch, look up.
“Three” - lowering yourself onto both feet, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.
“Four” - make a wide lunge to the left with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the left.
“Five” - push your left leg to your right, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.
“Six” - make a wide lunge to the right with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the right.
“Seven” - push your right leg to your left, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, palms to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.
“Eight” - jump to stand with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up, palms together with a clap above your head, tilt your torso back.
“Nine” - sharply bend forward to failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).
“Ten” - without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your torso to the left and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back until they stop, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).
“Eleven” - without stopping, turn your torso straight, join the palms of your hands and sharply bend forward until failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).
“Twelve” - without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your torso to the right and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back until they fail, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).
“Thirteen” - without stopping, turn your torso straight, join the palms of your hands and sharply bend forward until failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).
“Fourteen” - straightening up, jumping to bring your legs shoulder-width apart (feet parallel), squat to failure, arms forward, palms down.
“Fifteen” - jump with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up to the sides, palms inward.
“Sixteen” - jumping drill.

Exercise 3. Set of floor exercises No. 3 (Fig. 3). Performed on 16 accounts.
The starting position is a combat stance.
“One-two” - rising on your toes, unclench your fingers and slowly raise your arms forward, then up to the sides, palms inward, look up, stretch.
“Three” - lowering your arms forward, take a crouching position, connect your knees and toes, palms parallel.
“Four” - push, straightening your legs back, take a lying position.
“Five” - bend your arms, raise your left leg to failure, turn your head to the left.
“Six” - straighten your arms, take a lying position, turn your head straight.
“Seven” - bend your arms, raise your right leg to failure, turn your head to the right.
“Eight” - straighten your arms, take a lying position, turn your head straight.
“Nine” - push your legs into a crouching position, connect your knees and toes, palms parallel.
“Ten” - straighten up with a jump and stand with your legs apart in a wide step, bend your arms behind your head, press your palms to the back of your head (right one on top), elbows to the sides and back until full, look straight.
“Eleven” - tilt your torso to the left (do not bend your legs).
“Twelve” - without stopping, tilt your torso to the right (do not bend your legs).
“Thirteen” - without stopping, straighten up and tilt your torso back, arms to the sides and back to failure, palms forward (do not bend your legs).
“Fourteen” - without stopping, tilt your torso forward until your fingers touch the ground with your palms back (do not bend your legs).
“Fifteen” - straightening up, perform a jump upward with your legs bent together, arms to the sides, palms forward and take the “Planks” position (half-squat position on both feet, heels together, toes and knees apart, arms forward to the sides, palms inward, look straight ).
“Sixteen” is a drill position.

Do you want to start every morning with good mood, good thoughts and cheerfulness? Then greet every new dawn with exercise! Even the lightest physical activity improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, promotes the production of the “joy” hormone.

Morning exercise suppresses stress, improves concentration, provides muscle tone and gives a boost of energy for the whole day!

There is an opinion that if you devote 20 minutes to morning exercises every day, then you will lose 10 hours a month, 120 hours a year, and that’s 15 working days! Meanwhile, given time can be used more productively.
Do you agree with this???

So, to stay alert and fresh all day, start your morning with a set of exercises. When you wake up, smile at yourself and the world, stretch and slowly get out of bed, wash with cool water, freshen up after sleep, brush your teeth and start exercising. You can turn on your favorite music.
Do the exercises at a calm pace. Watch your breathing, it should be deep and calm.

The purpose of morning exercises is to stretch the muscles and joints, and not to strain the body. To get started, spend light warm-up, and then proceed directly to the charging itself.

A morning warm-up is designed to stretch your joints. It is best to start from the neck, gradually moving down.

A set of morning exercises

Start with the following exercises:

  1. Turns the head left and right, rotational slow movements, bending back and forth.
  2. Rotational movements shoulder joints first the right, then the left, and then both. Straighten your arm and draw as large an imaginary circle as possible. You can make “scissors”. Rotate your elbow and wrist joints.
  3. Move on to warming up your body. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and tilt left and right, back and forth, rotate your pelvis, and then top part torso.
  4. Squat 10 times, rotate knee joints and feet.

Now your body is fully awake, you can begin more serious exercise.

Let's start stretching and gymnastics:

1. Ab exercises: Perform at least 5 sit-ups without lifting your shoulder blades and the same number of full-torso sit-ups.
2. Spread your legs 15 cm apart, stand on your toes, inhale, and sharply lower your heels to the floor, exhaling. Repeat 20-25 times. Then walk and run.

3. Stretching exercises:

  • Place your legs as wide as possible, bend your right leg at the knee, straighten your left and roll onto your left, bending it parallel.
  • Sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and reach for your toes.
  • "Bridge".
  • Lie on the floor and roll over onto your stomach, bend your knees and try to grab your ankles with your hands.

4. Push-ups. If possible, perform several types of push-ups:

  • Push-ups from the floor.
  • Vertical push-ups - you need to stand on your hands, use the wall as support. Bending your arms, touch your head to the floor.

5. Stretch! Stand straight with your arms up and exhale. Stand with your right foot on your toes and stretch your left arm up. Then with the other leg and arm. Repeat several times.

Now normalize your breathing, take a shower and have breakfast!

The complex and sequence of exercises can be changed. The main thing is that morning exercises bring you pleasure.

Complex of morning exercises for soldiers

And here is another set of floor exercises from the Ministry of Defense, which soldiers perform every morning:

All exercises are performed in 16 counts.

  1. Rise onto your toes, clench your fingers into a fist, slowly raise your arms forward, then up, placing your palms inward. Look up, stretch.
  2. Get down on your feet, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look forward.
  3. Raise your hands up, clench your fingers into a fist, placing your palms inward, bend over, look up.
  4. Connect your toes, squat down on your feet, bringing your knees together, place your palms on your hips, and move your shoulder blades to the sides.
  5. Without spreading your toes, stand up and, placing your hands in front of you, spread them to the sides and jerk back to failure. Palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist, bend over.
  6. Bring your toes together again, squat down on your feet, bringing your knees together, place your palms on your hips, and move your shoulder blades to the sides.
  7. Stand up with a sharp jump, place your legs in a wide step, placing your hands on your belt.
  8. Extend your left arm and move it to the side and back as far as possible, while simultaneously rotating your body. Palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your left hand.
  9. Turn your body straight, place your hands on your waist.
  10. Repeat exercise No. 8 only for a different pair of limbs.
  11. Get back to the starting position.
  12. Lean forward sharply, touching the floor with your fingers, do not bend your legs, palms back.
  13. Straighten up, raise your arms forward, move them to the sides and jerk back all the way. Palms forward, clench your fingers into a fist.
  14. Lean forward sharply again, touching the floor with your fingers, do not bend your legs, palms back.
  15. Jump into a combat stance position.

All! Now your morning will be truly good and your mood will be great!

Svetlana Moskvitina
Complex of morning exercises “Soldiers”

Morning exercise complex “Soldiers” No. 1 - February

Target: improving the health of children, giving children an emotional charge for the coming day.

Software tasks:

Practice walking with high knees, running randomly on your toes

Strengthen motor skills;

Develop physical qualities and abilities.

Introductory part

Walking is normal 25 sec.

Walking high

raising your knees 20 sec.

Running on your toes 25 sec.

Walking on toes 20 sec.

Walking is normal 25 sec.

Organizational and methodological instructions for the introductory part:

We are still boys - we will grow up to be soldiers!

Guys, let's march like soldiers! The back is straight, we work with our hands!

Now let's raise our knees high! Well done!

Guys, soldiers must run quickly and quietly, let's run on our toes!

We walk quietly on our toes! So that they don't hear us!

And now we will march again.

Main part

1 Ave. “We are strong”

I. p.: o. s., hands to shoulders, fingers in fists

1-hands up, fingers straightened into palms. 2nd. p. 4 times

Let's show everyone how strong we are.

Hands to shoulders. Made fists.

Well done!

2ex. "The sailors are sailing"

I.P.: o. s., hands down.

1-4 - rowing with hands. 5-I. P. repeat 2 times

And now we are sailors!

We will row with our hands, as if we were swimming, with our back straight! Well done!

Exercise 3 "Binoculars"

I.P., feet on a wide path, hands on the belt.

1-stand on your toes, bring your hands “binoculars” to your eyes. 2-lower down, hands on waist, I.P.

3 times in each direction

All soldiers are sharp-eyed, we will take binoculars and look through them! Feet on a wide path.

We looked to the right - there was no one, and to the left - we looked!

Exercise 4 "In the Trench"

I.P.: o. s., arms along the body.

1-sit down, tilt your head forward. Hold your head with both hands. 3-stand up, lower your hands, I.P. 4 squats

Guys, we will hide in the trench so that the enemy does not notice us.

We hid, hid our heads! Great!

Exercise 5 "Through the Pit"

Jumping on two legs. 4 jumps, repeat 2 times

Let's jump over the hole. Let's push off with both feet, well done!

Final part

Exercise to restore breathing

3 inhalations and exhalation at a slow pace

Now let's rest! We raise our hands - inhale, [we lower our hands - exhale and say “SH-SH-SH”

Everyone was great!

You guys have become strong, and when you grow up, you will all become soldiers!

Publications on the topic:

A set of exercises for morning exercises Prepared by teacher Brakh Lyubov Borisovna. A set of exercises for morning exercises Guys, do you like to ride on carousels, then.

Morning exercise complex Complex of morning exercises Complex No. 1 September Exercises without objects 1. I. p. - o. s., hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands.

Morning exercise complex 1. Chickens Walk and run briefly one after another. Formation in a circle. General developmental exercises 1. “Chickens flap their wings.” I. p.:.

Complex of morning exercises “Barbariki” Goal: To promote interest in classes. Teach children to coordinate their movements with music, the ability to perform movements in.

Complex of morning exercises for children 6–7 years old Complex of morning exercises No. 3 for children 6-7 years old October 1 – October 15 Form of implementation: Open-air structure with sultans “Our merry sultans.”1.

Complex of morning exercises for the younger group Complex of morning exercises on an obstacle course. I. Form a column one at a time, walking normally, on toes. II. Obstacle course.

Complex of morning exercises with elements of breathing exercises “Swirling snowflakes” Goal: To develop children's interest in healthy image life. Objectives: 1. Teach children to perform breathing exercises. 2. Develop in children.

Morning physical exercise

115. Morning physical exercises are carried out with the purpose quick cast the body after sleep in a cheerful state and systematic physical training. Charging is a mandatory element of the daily routine; it begins 10 minutes after getting up and is carried out daily, except weekends and holidays. Its duration is 30 - 50 minutes.

116. Morning physical exercises are carried out, as a rule, in the form of a complex lesson, including preparatory, main and final parts.
Approximate options for morning physical exercises are given in Table No. 1.

117. Places for morning physical exercise are assigned to units. They should be well lit. Walking and running distances are marked with signs.

118. Military personnel serving under contract do morning physical exercises independently, and during training and camp training as part of a unit.
Conscripted military personnel and cadets of military educational institutions do morning physical exercises as part of a unit under the leadership of a deputy platoon commander or the most trained squad commander.

119. Conscripted military personnel, cadets of military educational institutions with first sports category and above, members of national teams, with the permission of the commander of the military unit, the head of the university, can do morning physical exercises independently.

120. Monitoring of morning physical exercises is carried out daily by the duty officer at the military unit and periodically by commanders (chiefs), physical training and medical service specialists.

Table 1

Sample options for morning physical exercises

Option Preparatory part - 2-4 (5-6) min Main part - 24-26 (40-42) min Final part - 2 (4) min
The first is general developmental exercises General developmental exercises for the muscles of the arms, torso, legs, exercises for two, special exercises, simple hand-to-hand combat techniques, running 1-1.5 km
The second is accelerated movement Walking, running, general developmental exercises for the muscles of the arms, torso and legs in motion and in place Special jumping and running exercises, speed running segments of 50-100 m; fast walking up to 4 km or running up to 3 km Slow running, walking with deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises
Third - complex training Walking, running, general developmental exercises for the muscles of the arms, torso and legs in motion and in place Exercises from different sections of physical training, running 1-1.5 km Slow running, walking with deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises

The so-called floor exercises are a kind of exercise for the military, which we can also use as daily regular training.

Execution Features

In the program for the military, floor exercise complexes 1 and 2, like 3, relate to gymnastics and athletic training. Each of them is performed for 16 counts. The starting position for any of the complexes is a drill stance: heels together, toes apart, stomach tucked, knees straightened, but not to the point of tension, body leaned forward.

Creating Your Own “Wake Up” Workout

The following is based on my memory as confirmed by other former military personnel. This personalization can also help mentally prepare you when you're practicing your activity later in the day, in addition to preventing you from waking up. Take a look at the guidelines to make yours your own workout for awakening effective.

Feel free to exercise at a higher intensity after your workout. Keep the exercises simple: Don't do complex exercises with fine muscle control that require a sense of balance and complex techniques when you're in sleep zombie mode. Start your wake-up workout with an exercise that increases heart rate. Incorporate movement meditation. Sometimes include a segment for “movement meditation” - to perform the technique more slowly martial art or parkour while observing movements, and moving on to more high speed. This helps with concentration and embedding the technique into your muscle memory. Use for dynamic exercises warming up, not stretching.

  • No more than 15 minutes.
  • Your wake-up workout should last no more than 15 minutes.
  • The first exercise should increase your heart rate.
  • My straight forehand throws weren't as good as my left side.
  • The morning routine gave me more practice.
  • Therefore, the morning crow stands.
These exercises clearly suited my goals.

The complexes differ from each other in the complexity of their implementation. For example, complex 3 is more difficult than floor exercise complexes 1 and 2. Photos and descriptions of the sequences below in the article give a quick idea of ​​them.

Complex as a standard

Often, floor exercise routines 1 and 2 are submitted for evaluation as a standard. There are certain criteria for assessing the correctness of their implementation. The grade options are similar to school grades - from “A” to “D”:

Development after warm-up

Falling kata. . Movement of athletes. The four-legged movement goes through the crow's monkey bars - I can't be blamed if you fall on your face from drowsiness. When working out after waking up during acceleration, the intensity helps with greater performance and energy levels, it is not enough to become physically fit. You still need to reach your weekly physical activity recommendation.

The flag will return to the brigade forever

The battalion was founded with a large reinforcement form. In addition, for some officers the Waffenplatz Zurich Reppisch Valley is still in good condition from the training period. The security director didn't just watch. The civilian population can take part in this event as a spectator. To increase your fitness level, you don't need to run a marathon: regular small sports units also help over time.

  • excellent - all exercises were performed correctly, without errors, the cadet is confident in his actions;
  • good - there are minor errors;
  • satisfactory - incorrect technique of performing exercises, lack of confidence in performance;
  • unsatisfactory - significant errors (the exercise was skipped or performed technically incorrectly, elements were added on your own).

Floor exercise set 1

We take the starting position.

2.5 hours we need to move a week to stay in shape. Health benefits not only occur with some large training units, but also with many short-term training sessions. Anyone who feels like a failure if they don't make it to yoga or the fitness center will be much less likely to maintain their fitness goals in the long run. Better: Set small goals that you can achieve as often as possible. How about times with 10 knee bends or a balance exercise? - Depending on the course of the day, you can integrate small exercises into your day: morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening or weekend. 5 learning units that you can modify and customize as you see fit.

  1. We stretch our arms forward.
  2. We stand on our toes, raise our arms, and stretch our whole body upward.
  3. We lower our arms, pointing our elbows down and stretch our shoulder blades well.
  4. We raise our hands up, go into a shallow deflection in thoracic region.
  5. Hands on knees, squat.
  6. We stand up and sharply extend our arms to the sides and a little back, opening our chest.
  7. Squat with hands on knees (repeat count 5).
  8. From a squat, jump with your feet wider than your shoulders, keeping your hands on your waist.
  9. We move our left hand back, turning the body.
  10. We return to the position of the hand on the belt, body straight.
  11. We move our right arm back along with the body and head, looking at the hand.
  12. We return to the position with hands on the belt.
  13. Tilt down without changing the wide position of your legs.
  14. We rise from the bend and sharply spread our arms over the top to the sides, like on the count of 6.
  15. Repeat count 13 - downward tilt.
  16. With a jump, we take the initial position at attention.

Morning: mud exercise for blood circulation

Morning fitness exercises bring your circulation into swing and make you fresh and awake. It strengthens upper shoulders, as well as abdominal and leg muscles. They need sports sport or yogamatt. Go on all fours to stand like a table. Then alternate the left and right legs as far as possible, the main mass lies in the hands. For advanced players: If possible, move both legs back and up. Repeat for 5 minutes or as long as possible.

Noon: Squats for Digestion

After a heavy lunch, many fall into the afternoon performance. Better: Do some squats to digest and breathe while moving. To do this, simply sit straight, hip-width apart and slowly go to your knees and lift again. Faster is not better here, quite the opposite! Also, you shouldn't go too deep - if your hips are 90 degrees to the ground, it's time to come back. Only through conscious execution will this exercise become effective. On the second pass, you can try to position yourself on the tip of your toes before lowering yourself into the bend of your knee and setting up again.

Sequence 2

We stand straight, stretching up from the top of our heads to our heels.

  1. We move our hands back.
  2. We rise on our toes while moving our arms up.
  3. We lower our elbows down.
  4. With your left foot, lunge to the left, spreading your arms to the sides.
  5. We return to the position with elbows bent and palms brought to the shoulders (as on the count of 3).
  6. We lunge to the right with our right foot, spreading our arms to the sides.
  7. We return to the position with bent elbows, palms to shoulders (as on the count of 3 and on the count of 5).
  8. Jump with your feet wider than your shoulders and your hands in the air.
  9. We bend over with straight legs, put our hands behind our legs, and try to push our body as far back as possible.
  10. We abruptly come out of the tilt and move our left arm back along with the rotation of the body. We also turn our head and look at the left palm.
  11. We return back to the tilt similar to the position on the count of 9.
  12. We come out of the tilt and move our right hand back with a rotation of the body, look at the right palm - repeat the count of 10 on the right side.
  13. We return to the slope again.
  14. We come out of the bend immediately into a squat, arms, like the hips, are parallel to the floor, we stretch our back, do not round it.
  15. Jump out of the squat: legs wider than shoulders, arms up to the sides, looking up.
  16. Jump to the starting position, standing at attention.

Afternoon: Balance exercise for greater stability

To stay literally stable and protected from dangerous falls, the body needs balance. Place on one leg, arms above your head. Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat this with the other leg.

In the evening: good sleep with relaxation

To forget about the stress of the day in the evening, quieter exercises are suitable for closing the circulation. Good ones are the so-called “turnaround exercises”, in which the head is lowered under the thigh. To do this, place your toes straight or on the tips of your toes, pull your arms up, and then lower your entire top part body as deeply as possible.

Sequence 3

As in previous cases, we take a standing position.

  1. We stretch our arms forward.
  2. We jerk our arms over the top to the sides back, opening the chest.
  3. We jump into a deep squat and touch the floor with our hands.
  4. We jump into the plank: the body is straightened, the lower back is not collapsed, the weight is evenly distributed between the arms and legs, as if we are pushing an invisible wall with the heels from behind.
  5. From the plank, we lift our left leg up, pull our toes, turn our heads and look to the left, maintaining balance.
  6. We return to the plank.
  7. Raise your right leg up and, turning your head, look to the right.
  8. We return to the plank.
  9. From the plank we jump back into a deep squat, without lifting our hands off the floor.
  10. We jump out of the squat, legs wider than shoulders, hands behind the head, elbows to the sides.
  11. Tilt to the left, stretch down with your left elbow, and stretch with your right elbow in the opposite direction, making movements in the same plane.
  12. Tilt to the right, repeat identical movements to the count of 11 - stretch your right elbow down.
  13. Opening our arms to the sides, we slide from a standing position to a backward bend, a slight deflection in the thoracic region, without straining the lower back, palms open and stretching back.
  14. From the deflection, bend forward, stretch down with straight, widely spaced legs.
  15. We jump out of the tilt, bringing our arms back through the sides, and, on the contrary, sticking our body forward. We also stretch our legs back.
  16. From the jump through a light half-squat with arms extended forward, we return to the starting position.

If possible, touch your ankles or the floor, but do not lean on it. Rebuild slowly and repeat. “30 minutes of easy transition” has been a fitness tip since yesterday. We know this better today: optimally improve the condition, best choice - interval training. On weekends you can regularly receive your cardiovascular system and lungs regularly, with regular training. Whether you're cycling or swimming, it's important to vary short, intense training phases with slower ones, rather than staying constant at speed.

If you want to perform complexes as regular workouts, then focus on your general sports training. If you are a beginner, take floor exercise set 1, if you have sports experience, take 2 or 3.

According to the daily routine for conscript military personnel, approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense, personnel rise at 7 a.m. Exactly ten minutes later, morning physical exercises begin in all units and subunits of the Russian army. Its duration is 50 minutes. Just 7 months after taking office on June 3, 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that the level of physical fitness in the Armed Forces “despite measures taken, we are not satisfied.” In Soviet times, things were no better with physical training. The rise took place an hour earlier than today - at 6 am, but the second item in the daily routine was also physical exercise. However, there is a lot of evidence that real physical exercises were replaced by completely different exercises, not much like morning exercises. Morning exercises for “kamchedals” The Kamchatka Peninsula is known for the fact that 9 months of the year there is real winter. A former serviceman of the Strategic Missile Forces told the Zvezda TV channel about how morning exercises were carried out in one of the units in the early 80s: “I served in an automobile company. In winter, our unit had two types of morning exercises. The first type of exercise was our favorite - we lined up on the parade ground and... went for a walk around the territory of the unit - to trample snow. In the dark, among huge snowdrifts, with the collars of their greatcoats raised and the “ears” of their hats tightly tied under the chin. The most pleasant entertainment was always the oncoming column of a communications company or utility company. We passed each other in silence, but we could smile, or even wave to someone we knew,” recalls reserve private Kuzma Lemeshev.

The second type of winter morning exercise was the most common - snow removal. “During the night, knee-deep snow fell, no less. The graders only had time to clear the road to the dining room by breakfast, so all the rest of the work fell on ours. Everyone received a BSL - a large sapper shovel, which we called a shovel. In terms of energy expended, it was not just morning exercise, but also “daytime” and “evening” exercises. True, once there were competitions in table tennis, I even have a photo in my demobilization album. Two years of service in Kamchatka were counted as six for the officers, for us as two, but both we and they returned to the mainland as “Kamchedals” seasoned in service. It seemed to us then that it sounded proud,” says Lemeshev. "Chinese balls" and "mass grave"

Each soldier has his own memories of morning exercises. They depend on the level of physical training that he was able to obtain before the army. There are also original names, such as “Chinese balls” - the most terrible exercise, after a long execution of which your legs literally give way and your head begins to spin. It is performed approximately this way: you squat down and start jumping. You do it 150 times and that’s it, walking becomes painful. “Mass grave” is when the whole company hugs, throws their arms on each other’s shoulders and begins to squat. Those who are weaker begin to pull the ranks down after a dozen years. But even the usual exercises in the army are performed, as they say, to the point of exhaustion. Pull-ups, push-ups, “stand up one and a half” (this is when you freeze in a static position while lying down) - all this requires some kind of physical training. Deck volleyball Probably, according to tradition, morning exercises in our army are not carried out in gyms, in the open air, and on the parade ground. One of the many stands always depicts the poses that a soldier should take during training. In Soviet times, officers and warrant officers, as a rule, did not take part in morning exercises. There were exceptions, mainly only in the navy.

In an exclusive interview with the Zvezda TV channel, reserve lieutenant colonel Nikolai Goretov spoke about his service in the Black Sea Fleet: “I joined the fleet by conscription. He served on the large anti-submarine ship Kerch. In the early seventies, morning exercises were mandatory. It was, as they say now, not fashionable to be weak, so after a few months I was calmly doing handstands.”

Nikolai Dmitrievich claims that officers and warrant officers always took part in morning exercises, of course, except for those who were on watch. According to a retired sailor, seagulls really didn’t like exercise: “I don’t know why, but it was during exercise that the seagulls, like dive bombers, flew right over our heads.” Favorite sports activity there was volleyball at Kerch. A net was installed right on the upper deck. “Once upon a time, strong blow the ball went overboard. Next door to us was the American aircraft carrier Saratoga, and the ball floated towards it. The Americans quickly began to launch the boat, and we launched the longboat. But when they realized that their boat would go down faster, someone quickly lowered the six-oared yawl. We leaned on the oars and swam to the ball first. Thus, we gained a small but very pleasant victory over our potential enemy. sports victory at the height of the Cold War,” recalls Goretov. Secrets army physical training The main secret of army physical training is the complete absence of any secrets. In addition to the mandatory or optional morning exercises, all conscript soldiers, one way or another, part with extra pounds. And by the end of the service, everyone, without exception, easily does push-ups from the floor and pulls themselves up on the horizontal bar.

A strict daily routine, regular nutrition and, whatever one may say, fresh air have the most positive effect on physical fitness. Perhaps this is precisely the main secret of exercise in the Russian army - yesterday's boys turn into real men.

Complex of morning exercises for men with Yuri Mukhamedov

This burns more calories on average and makes you faster. Sometimes it's good to spend the whole day in bed. Only walks in the bathroom or kitchen on such days in it. So our limbs are not completely rusty, there are five quick ones that can be done in bed. Lying in bed and still working on it - as lightly as he can.

If you yawn, your lungs are supplied with extra oxygen. In addition, the body stretches and prepares for further exercise. Cycling Stay on your back in bed, stretch your legs and move around. Many muscles are trained here, especially the legs and stomach.