When can you go to the gym after a caesarean section? Sports after cesarean

Pregnancy - joyful event in the life of any woman. For nine long months, the female body undergoes changes and discomfort. After giving birth, almost all women are disappointed with their appearance: the stomach sagged hopelessly, stretch marks appeared, and “pop ears” appeared. But don’t despair: with some persistence, you can achieve the figure of your dreams even after giving birth! When can you start exercising after a cesarean section? The answer to this question depends on many factors, and depending on them will be different for each individual woman.

As a result of natural childbirth, the abdominal muscles are not cut with a scalpel, the uterus quickly returns to its previous size - which means the abdomen quickly returns to its prenatal shape. In the case of a caesarean section, things are more complicated. This is a full-fledged abdominal operation, which is performed under anesthesia. The muscles of the lower peritoneum are cut with a scalpel, and the child is taken out through the resulting hole. The incision is then closed with a special surgical suture. It is very important what kind of seam took place:

  • horizontal or cosmetic(usually performed during a planned operation; in some maternity hospitals, the surgeon performs such a suture only by prior arrangement and for a fee);
  • vertical- usually performed during an emergency operation when there is a threat to the life of the child or mother (there is no time to perform a cosmetic suture, and the surgeon does not stand on ceremony when making the incision).

The exact answer to the question “when can you play sports after a cesarean section” will be different for each woman: it all depends on how she feels and the speed of healing of the suture.

Much easier restore your figure and get back flat tummy, if there was cosmetic stitch made. In this case, after three to four months You can return your pre-pregnancy clothing size. But if a rough one was done, vertical seam- that's the way it is worse. The abdominal muscles are seriously damaged and serious efforts will have to be made to gain flat stomach. Most likely, you will first need to polish the scar with a laser (after the tissue has set and infection has been ruled out - that is, approximately a year later after the operation), and after that, get serious about fitness to hone the desired shape.

The first two months after surgery: I want it, but it hurts

When can you exercise after? caesarean section? This question worries all pregnant young mothers, because without fitness and aerobics it is simply impossible to achieve the desired shape! Many people make a fatal mistake and begin to torture their body with exercises. after a month or two after surgery. It's very dangerous- the tissue at the incision site is still poorly knitted, and the slightest load can lead to divergence of the seam. And if this happens, then the impatient mother will have to forget about playing sports for a long time.

If you really can’t sit still, then you can slowly start doing the following exercises (at the slightest pain or discomfort, you should immediately stop any physical activity):

  • Light squats. This great exercise, which practically does not involve the abdominal muscles. But it will help tone your hips and buttocks. At this stage, you should not use any weights - forget about dumbbells and barbells for now! If it is still difficult for you to squat deeply, let it be light squats, a light warm-up.
  • Swing your arms- “mill” and “swimmer”. Very simple, practically warm-up exercises. You need to swing your arms, reminiscent of a spinning mill. This will tone the joints of the arms, neck and muscles that support thoracic region spine.
  • Leg lunges back and forth. Don’t force yourself - don’t let the attacks be particularly deep. Remember safety precautions: the knee should not extend beyond the toe. Improper execution may result in injury knee joint. Remember: at this stage we are warming up rather than giving the body a real load. Abdominal surgery is a serious stress even for the healthiest person, let alone a pregnant woman!
  • Stretching. Don’t be overzealous: slowly do exercises to stretch the muscles of your legs and arms. Do not touch the abdominal muscles, this may cause the seam to come apart.

Third month after caesarean section: taking the bull by the horns!

In 70% of caesareans, the tissues grow together by the third month after surgery. But you still shouldn’t overdo the stress on your abdominal muscles. The use of hula hoops is strictly prohibited. If the patient feels unwell, then it is better to consult a doctor and get a qualified answer - how soon can you play sports after a cesarean section.

At this stage, you can use free weights - dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells. If you were involved in fitness before, and on “you” with sports equipment- you can use weights slightly lower than those you exercised before pregnancy. If you are still new to strength training - start with minimal weights. Let it be 1-2 kilogram dumbbells or an empty barbell. Do squats, lunges, leg swings, gluteal bridge. You can start doing low-intensity cardio training.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym, but want to work out at home, no problem! Now you can download video programs from world-famous trainers on the Internet. , - will help you find the figure of your dreams. Do not overdo it; if you feel tired or sore, stop training immediately. Exercising after a cesarean section should not cause physical discomfort.

Don't forget about quiet activities - Pilates, yoga, bodyflex. You can sign up for group classes in hatha yoga (if you have someone to sit with your baby): communication with other people will be useful for a young mother. Sports after a cesarean section will help you quickly get in shape.

Absolute contraindications to sports after cesarean section

Unfortunately, the operation is not always successful and without consequences. There are complex cases, after which recovery takes six months or longer. Playing sports after a cesarean section should not threaten the health and well-being of the patient. Absolute contraindications include the following diagnoses:

  • endometritis and uterine bleeding;
  • poor fusion and divergence of surgical sutures;
  • low-grade fever;
  • pathologies of the uterus after childbirth.

Features of performing abdominal exercises after cesarean section

Of course, after nine months of walking around with a belly, I can’t wait to quickly become the owner of a flat, relief press. After surgery, the abdominal muscles are stretched, cut in some places, and lose tone. So the desire of women to quickly start abdominal exercises is quite natural. But there's no need to rush.

For the first two to three months after surgery, it is better to refrain from any abdominal exercises. You cannot pump any abdominal muscles: neither obliques, nor rectus, nor inferior. It is advisable to listen to the opinion of the attending physician, who, after an examination, can advise how long after a cesarean section you can engage in fitness. If the young mother is not disturbed painful sensations and discomfort - you can start pumping up your abs approximately 4-5 months after surgery.

Most doctors do not recommend physical activity after delivery by cesarean section. Exercises that place stress on the abdominal muscles are especially contraindicated. But women are inexorable and they are interested in a specific answer to the question: how long after cesarean can you play sports? Simple exercises will not cause harm. But you need to know which exercises are safe. And only doctors can know this.

Light physical activity is recommended the day after birth. But this is the case if the process was not accompanied by pathology, there were no complications left. But recently, more and more often, childbirth occurs with complications. Lacerations, injuries, incisions and surgery. Even the healing of sutures after tears or cuts in the perineum takes at least 1.5-2 months. Therefore, answering the question of when you can play sports after a caesarean section, it is worth saying that it is advisable to do this no earlier than two months later.

Questions about your own beauty and ideal forms concern all women today. They are willing to risk their own health to achieve their goals. Receiving information from TV screens, they are ready to sacrifice a lot in order to return to their previous forms as quickly as possible. Slender beauties talk about how they go on stage almost the next day after giving birth. They continue to act in films five days after a caesarean section. This is nothing more than a PR campaign so that a sought-after personality is not forgotten. It is extremely imprudent to follow such examples.

Important! You should not believe the stories from the blue screens that you can start playing sports after a caesarean section within a week.

Doctors are generally very categorical and claim that light loads are possible no earlier than after 3 months, and you should generally return to fitness classes or the gym no earlier than after six months. All this is very individual, depending on physical condition body, and no doctor can answer unequivocally, name the exact period.

The concept of sport is quite broad. There are complexes that involve simple physical activity, physical education, swimming, cycling, and this is also a sport. But there is physical activities which carry a huge load. Fitness classes and the gym force the abdominal muscle group to work. That is why they are contraindicated; it is better to resume classes later. When exactly is decided by the gynecologist, who monitors the woman’s condition and the condition of her stitches.

The condition of the outer seam cannot be a guarantee in sports. Do not forget that the most serious suture is located inside the woman’s body, on the uterus. It is his condition that is difficult to control. But you can remove sagging abdominal muscles with simple exercises.

Prohibited sports

After a caesarean section, it is not recommended to engage in sports that put stress on the heart and muscles. The opinion that a caesarean section is much easier to tolerate than a natural birth is erroneous. This is a complex operation, the consequences of which can appear even after several years. Therefore, for the next six months it is worth giving up the following sports:

  • tennis;
  • volleyball;
  • basketball;
  • track and field athletics;
  • jumping and parachuting, including;
  • extreme sports.

These are more likely not even types, but physical activities, physical therapy. A week after the operation, you can begin activities that resemble school warm-ups. This:

  • walking;
  • bending forward, to the sides (without sudden movements);
  • swing your arms;
  • squats;
  • raising the legs, bent at the knees, to the chest;
  • exercise on exercise bikes is not prohibited, but with minimal loads;
  • aqua aerobics.

After four months, you can start dancing, but every step, every new lesson must be coordinated with your doctor.

Features of the first training

For the first time, you need to train at a calm pace, without tension. Even if before pregnancy a woman was actively involved in sports, her abs looked like a steel fist, then during pregnancy the muscles weakened a little, but it is necessary to work on recovery gradually, with some caution.

The proposed complex is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle. This is like a recovery period that can last several weeks. The first workouts can be done for no more than 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. It is important to wear a bandage or compression garment during this period.

Warm up your muscles a little with a warm-up and do a few simple exercises.

  1. Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Raise your pelvis above the floor and fix it in this position for several minutes. Calmly return to your previous position. Repeat 10, but no more times.
  2. Introduce Kegel exercises into the complex. One of the popular exercises from this complex is squeezing and unclenching the pelvic muscles in a lying position.
  3. Lie on the floor, stomach down, if this is already possible. Leaning on your hands, raise your body, bend your knees and sit on calf muscles. Return to the floor. Repeat no more than 10 times.
  4. The plank is a fairly popular exercise, but you shouldn’t be overzealous when doing it. Take a position as for push-ups. Raise the body and fix it for 30 seconds, after a while you can increase it to 60 seconds. Return to starting position.
  5. Fulfill circular movements arms, hips.

Don't forget about walks, but do them at a slightly increased pace. Swimming, cycling, which would not be out of place to remind you of.

When to stop exercising

In general, if a woman was actively involved in sports before pregnancy and childbirth, then such questions do not concern her. She wants to quickly return to her previous lifestyle and resume intensive training and playing your favorite sport.

No doctor will give recommendations on when to stop exercising. Sports and physical education should be in the life of every woman. These are not necessarily hard sports. But it is better not to stop simple exercises, even those described above. After childbirth and cesarean section, a layer of fat quickly accumulates on the abdominals. If the press is not loaded, then a little later an unflattering picture will form and nothing will remain of the former attractive forms.

But there are situations when it is necessary to stop classes. This:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the seam began to bleed;
  • bloody discharge.

Such phenomena may indicate emerging complications. Therefore, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Articles written

The desire to regain a slim figure and restore a good physical fitness after pregnancy is common to almost all women. But in most cases, when asking the question, when can you play sports after a caesarean section, they, strictly speaking, do not mean big sport with its colossal loads at the limit of physical capabilities, but physical education, the purpose of which is to improve the health and beauty of the body. There are recommendations from specialists that will help a young mother correctly navigate when and what types of physical education can be done after surgical childbirth.

Where to start

Women who have undergone artificial childbirth are prohibited from serious physical activity for six months. This is exactly how long it takes for the sutures on the uterus and peritoneum to completely dissolve. But immediately after discharge, you can begin to master the easiest type of training for abdominal muscles that have lost tone - “diaphragmatic” breathing, in which during inhalation and exhalation it is not the chest that moves, but the area of ​​the peritoneum below the navel.

Useful and permitted physical exercises almost immediately after surgical birth include Kegel exercises, which consist of squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the pelvis, buttocks and perineum. It is recommended to perform them for 3–5 minutes several times a day.

Excellent method physical training after cesarean section is walking. You can think that when you walk with your baby, you are doing physical education. Make sure that your back is straight while walking; during stops, you can do shallow bends to the sides, circular movements of your shoulders, and breathing exercises.

Two months after cesarean

The process of convergence of the “white line” of the abdomen takes about 2 months, and the upper suture heals about the same after the operation. After the abdominal muscles return to their normal position and the postoperative suture heals, the following can be included in the set of exercises:

  • Squats, leg swings, torso bends, lying pelvic lifts. They should be performed without tension, and if any of the exercises causes pain, temporarily exclude it from the exercise program.
  • Swimming and water aerobics. The pool and exercises in the water are a very useful and effective, and at the same time gentle way to strengthen all muscles, burn calories and improve blood circulation.
  • Yoga. Physical techniques (asanas) practiced by yoga train the body, normalize metabolic processes, and promote the production of endorphins.
  • Sports hoop. For now, only a light version of the hula hoop is allowed, weighing no more than half a kilogram.

When can you pump up your abs and play sports?

You can begin exercises that involve a large muscle load when the internal sutures have completely dissolved - no earlier than after 6 - 8 months. This includes vigorous walking on a stepper, push-ups, aerobics, various types dancing. Pilates is very useful - a “gentle” type of fitness that includes exercises for everyone muscle groups, but the movements are performed at a slow pace and without tension.

For at least 8 to 12 months after surgical birth, doctors do not recommend working out your abs, or doing the following:

Having a caesarean section is not a reason to think that any sport is now inaccessible. Physical education classes after surgical childbirth are certainly useful, but they should be carried out without excessive zeal, measuring your strength and correctly assessing the body’s readiness to perform certain techniques and exercises. This sensible approach will help you get back into good physical shape without harming your health.

Caesarean section is a surgical delivery during which the baby is removed through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and mother's uterus.

Surgical births can be planned or emergency. Indications for elective caesarean section are:

  • placenta previa;
  • the presence of incompetent scars on the uterus (due to previous operations, including cesarean section);
  • Not correct position fetus - pelvic or transverse;
  • the presence of certain diseases of the mother - for example, those associated with the activity of the heart;
  • infections and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • large fetus (more than 5 kg) or multiple pregnancy (in rare cases, natural birth is allowed);
  • post-term pregnancy - more than 42 weeks.

An emergency cesarean section is performed in case of premature placental abruption, beginning or threatening uterine rupture, weak labor, fetal hypoxia and other complications that arise during natural delivery.

A cesarean section is a complex surgical procedure that can lead to negative consequences for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, artificial delivery is carried out only in necessary situations, for medical reasons, and not at the request of the patient.

The figure after a cesarean section changes in the same way as after a vaginal birth - the stomach sags, the skin on it becomes flabby and stretch marks often form, there is a high probability of folds and fat deposits appearing on the sides, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms due to overweight in the postpartum period.

But during surgical childbirth, a woman has stitches placed on her uterus and abdominal wall, the care of which requires extremely careful treatment of her body in order for them to heal as quickly as possible. Therefore to physical activity, which helps to restore the figure, a young mother cannot start immediately after giving birth.

Caesarean section is performed in cases where natural childbirth is not possible for any reason.

Start and intensity of physical activity after induced birth

After discharge from the maternity hospital, one should not lead only a “lying down” lifestyle, but at the same time it is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion, because at the first stage, the main goal of a woman after a cesarean section is to maintain the integrity of the sutures.

At this time, it will be enough to independently perform simple household chores and care for the newborn, as well as walking - these actions help improve blood circulation and metabolism, and tone the muscles of various body groups. Possible execution breathing exercises using the abdominal muscles rather than the chest, and Kegel exercises that train the muscles of the perineum, pelvis and buttocks.

TO simple exercises in the absence of any contraindications, it is recommended to start no earlier than 1.5–2 months after birth, gradually increasing the intensity of exercise. The load on the press at this time should not be large, since the seams are not yet strong and there is a risk of their divergence. At this postpartum stage, you should simple gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, hips, buttocks, and also promoting weight loss - for this you can perform bends and rotations of the body, squats, leg swings, etc.

More serious sports activities can be started no earlier than 6 months after the birth of the child - in six months the sutures will heal in most cases. But since each organism is absolutely individual, the duration of postoperative recovery may vary - in some cases it takes a year. Therefore, before starting complex physical exercises, a medical examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

At the first stages of physical education, it is not recommended to continue more than 15–20 minutes a day - sports activity should not overwork.

If you feel well and there are no contraindications, you can perform light warm-up 6 weeks after caesarean section

Exercise after caesarean section and permitted types of physical activity

Common exercises that have a positive effect on body shaping are:

  1. Plank. To perform this exercise, you should take a horizontal position with your stomach down - leaning on the toes of your feet and on your arms bent at the elbows, you need to fix your body parallel to the floor, without arching your back and straining all the muscles of the body. In this case, the elbows should be located strictly under the shoulders. At the first stages, it is enough to hold out in this position for 15 seconds, but gradually you should increase the exercise time to several minutes. Correct execution of the “plank” guarantees the use of maximum quantity muscles - abs, back, hips, buttocks, arms. This means it promotes weight loss in a short time.
  2. Vacuum. The exercise is performed lying on your back and consists of maximally drawing in the abdomen while inhaling and exhaling. It is not highly effective without additional loads, but has a positive effect on blood circulation, promotes weight loss in the sides and abdomen, and also tones abdominal muscles press.
  3. Bike. This popular exercise, familiar to everyone since childhood, helps to successfully fight excess weight by training the muscles of the buttocks, inner and outside hips, upper and lower press, used to get rid of cellulite. It is performed lying on your back - your legs are bent at the knees and riding a bicycle is imitated.
  4. Hoop. The use of a hoop helps to increase the tone of the whole body, improve intestinal function, blood circulation, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But it should be used with caution after a caesarean section - it is necessary to wait until the internal organs are fully restored and in the correct position.

Photo gallery: exercises after surgical birth

The plank exercise uses almost all the muscles of the body.
At correct execution“abdominal vacuum” exercises tighten the stomach and reduce the waist, as well as improve digestion processes and improve the functioning of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. When performing the “bicycle” exercise, the muscles of the hips, back and abs work
The hoop is an effective simulator to gain slim figure at home

Water aerobics

It is recommended to practice water aerobics throughout a normal pregnancy and during the postpartum period. After a caesarean section, you can go to the pool after 6 weeks. Exercising in water has a beneficial effect not only on the general physical and psychological condition of a woman, but also helps to return to her previous body shape. When attending water aerobics classes, all the muscles of the body are trained and thanks to the water, tension is practically not felt, and the effect is achieved in a short time. And the load on the spine is also removed, which alleviates the condition of the young mother.

Water aerobics classes help improve a woman’s physical and emotional well-being


Fitness activities after artificial childbirth should be started no earlier than six months after the operation.

An ideal option during the postpartum period is one of the areas of fitness - Pilates. This sport improves flexibility and plasticity, tightens the stomach, straightens the posture and strengthens the muscles of the body. In this case, the exercises do not involve sudden movements with frequent repetitions, and weights (weights, dumbbells, etc.) are not used.

Pilates classes include many exercises that effectively work out various groups muscles. An important condition for achieving maximum effect Losing weight and getting a fit figure means proper and regular training, which can take place at home or in a fitness center.

Pilates exercises involve all muscle groups


A young mother is allowed to run after the stitches have completely healed - approximately 6 months after the birth of the baby. But since running is a serious physical load on the body, this method of body correction should be postponed until a later time.

Jogging should be done when you feel well, choosing short distances in the first stages of classes. Over time, speed and distance can be increased.

For weight loss, alternating fast and slow running will be effective. But at the same time, do not forget about the need to control the pulse rate and breathing - if your health worsens, it is recommended to avoid jogging.

After a caesarean section, running is not recommended for six months.


Bodyflex is a set of exercises that combines correct breathing and special poses and stances aimed at stretching muscles. This type of physical activity is effective method restoration of the figure after childbirth - body volumes decrease, the tummy tightens, plasticity appears.

After sectioning surgery, you can start practicing bodyflex after 8–10 weeks. To do this, you need to devote a little time - 15 minutes a day is enough, and the exercises do not require special physical training and their implementation is carried out at home. The results of regular training become noticeable in a short time.

Bodyflex promotes weight loss in a short time


There are several types of gymnastics used during recovery after childbirth - breathing, therapeutic, aquatic, sports. All of them have a positive effect on strengthening the body, improving the functioning of internal organs and systems, and also help get rid of fat deposits and correct the figure.

Doing light exercises artistic gymnastics acceptable 2–3 months after surgical delivery, but stress on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. The first classes should not last longer than 15 minutes; no additional equipment is required for training.

With the help of gymnastics, it is possible to strengthen all muscles, including the abdomen (some time after the stitch has completely healed).

After artificial childbirth, gymnastics helps strengthen all muscles

Exercises in the gym

Before visiting the gym, a woman needs to make sure that the suture has completely healed - to do this, she should undergo an ultrasound examination and visit a gynecologist's office. Classes usually begin 6–8 months after birth, and sometimes after 12.

You should start training in the gym with a cardio load, the duration of which is no more than 5 minutes - with each subsequent workout it should gradually increase, reaching a maximum time of 40 minutes.

It is advisable to avoid running on a treadmill at first, especially when breastfeeding a child - shaking of the breast can negatively affect lactation. The most suitable option for cardio training is exercising on a stepper machine - even at a fast pace, the movements are smoother than when running.

Strength training used for weight loss after childbirth includes:

  • vertical row, in which the back muscles are worked - while sitting on a bench, you need to pull the bar to your chest and then straighten your arms up again;
  • leg press, which works the biceps and triceps, as well as gluteal muscles- execution occurs on special simulator using weight;
  • dumbbell press, which trains the chest muscles - lying on incline bench you need to raise and lower your arms with dumbbells to your chest;
  • bending the legs while hanging, which trains the abdominal muscles - while hanging on the crossbar, you need to alternately bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest, tensing your abs as much as possible.

Photo gallery: Doing exercises in the gym

When exercising vertical thrust in the initial stages, use minimal weight
When performing a leg press, it is necessary to position your knees parallel to each other. When performing a dumbbell press on an incline bench, the position of your hands should be directed away from you. When bending your legs while hanging on the bar, you must try not to sway or use the leg muscles

If pain occurs in the suture area, exercise should be stopped immediately.


If there are complications that arise during the postpartum period, sports should be excluded. Contraindications are:

  • presence of birth injuries;
  • pathological condition of the sutures, including their divergence;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the body with increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • problems with lactation.

Before starting physical activity, a woman should undergo the necessary medical examinations and cure existing diseases.

After a cesarean section, a day later, a woman can tie up her stomach with a simple cloth (for example, a diaper) - this will help prevent loose and stretched skin from sagging under its own weight. After a few days, the patient, in the absence of contraindications, is allowed to wear a bandage, which not only helps relieve stress from the spine, improve blood circulation and exercise internal organs correct position, but also effectively affects the figure - the use of bandage devices reduces the size of the stomach and sides.

In the first two to three months, you should be especially careful about your health and try to avoid excessive physical activity. At this time positive impact Proper nutrition can help restore your figure - you need to exclude fatty, sweet, salty, spicy foods from your diet, and you also need to reduce the consumption of flour products and sweet carbonated drinks. You should eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, as well as fermented milk products and steamed or oven-cooked foods. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the correction of forms, but also on lactation - with proper nutrition With mother's milk, the baby receives useful substances and the risk of pain and colic in the baby's stomach is reduced.

Breastfeeding also helps effective impact on body volumes - during the period breastfeeding The enlarged uterus after pregnancy contracts faster, so the enlarged abdomen disappears over time.

You should not give up walking - walking with a straight posture helps to tighten your stomach and lose weight by burning calories.

Before we start sports activities A young mother must consult a doctor - training can only be carried out with the permission of a specialist.

At the initial stages, classes should be carried out with the least load and for a short time. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor changes in your well-being. Gradually, the duration and intensity of the workout can be increased.

Getting started physical education classes It is advisable to seek help from a trainer who will help you draw up individual program.

I, like many other women, had to undergo an emergency caesarean section. During pregnancy I gained 20 kg and it did not go away without leaving a trace - after the birth of the child it remained big belly, and also increased in the volume of the hips and arms. Even in the maternity hospital, the doctor forbade me to exercise exercise for six months. And my ways to get rid of excess weight began daily long walks with the child, doing household chores, caring for the baby and using a bandage. Since the child was bottle-fed, I had the opportunity to use diets to lose weight. But in my opinion, regardless of the method of feeding the baby, any woman in the postpartum period should not exhaust herself with hunger, because a newborn baby requires a lot of attention and physical strength on the part of the mother, and without adequate nutrition it is not possible to provide quality care for your child. I started doing simple exercises at home 9 months after giving birth - early attempts at sports brought discomfort. Every young mother should listen to her own feelings and doctor’s recommendations - in this case, sports will not harm your health.

When can you exercise after a caesarean section?

Sports after cesarean section: when can you start playing and what exercises to do?

Over the course of 9 months, while a woman is carrying a baby, the outline of her abdomen undergoes significant changes. With the birth of a child, it is very difficult to return to your former shape. Especially if the matter was complicated by surgery.

The diet does not work, because a nursing mother should not have food restrictions for the sake of the baby. Whereas sport is the very tool that will help get your figure in order after a caesarean section. However, you need to be extremely careful and careful with it so as not to harm the sutures and internal organs that were affected during surgery.

The most common question that concerns most women is when can they play sports after a cesarean section without harming the stitches and their health in general. Similar problems in rehabilitation period arises aplenty. Since at this point in time the young mother is already within the walls of her home and is forced to make decisions on her own, very often she makes a series of mistakes. To prevent this from happening, adopt a few useful tips from doctors and fitness trainers about postoperative sports.

When to start

The most pressing question is how long after a caesarean section you can play sports, if there are no medical contraindications for this. It depends on what kind of physical activity we are talking about.

If it's a simple morning exercise or therapeutic exercises to restore the uterus, already a week after the operation you can gradually include them in the rhythm of your life.

If a woman wants to take up any full-fledged sport (swimming, fitness, Pilates, cycling, running, etc.), she will have to wait much longer: after 2 months - according to a gentle program and only after six months (if all is well, and then and more) - already full-fledged. And then only with the permission of doctors and a fitness trainer.

Training intensity

Any physical exercises after a cesarean section, even if they are therapeutic in nature (to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, for example), should be performed very carefully, gradually increasing the intensity.

Minimum number of times, no more than 10 minutes per lesson - this is initial program. Every day these indicators need to be gradually increased: only in this case will sport be useful and not harmful for the rehabilitation period.

As soon as during or after exercise you feel unwell, muscle pain, discomfort, it is better to cancel everything and wait until the body gains more strength.

Types of exercises

Depending on what postpartum and postoperative problems you want to eliminate with the help of sports, choose what exercises you can do after cesarean section. Some strengthen the uterine muscles, others restore a slim waist, others simply remove a saggy tummy, and some will need a complex to maintain the shape of the breasts during lactation.

All of them should be as light as possible and not cause feelings of tension or pain. Remember: sport, even in the postoperative period, should be enjoyable and evoke only positive emotions. Dumbbells are excluded in this case.

Where is the best place to study?

Light, familiar and familiar physical exercises after a caesarean section can be performed at home. But as soon as they become insufficient and a decision is made to engage in serious sports, not only special conditions will be needed ( gym, pool, treadmill etc.), but also a personal trainer-advisor.

Believe me: this is for your own good, because it is he who will tell you at what intensity you are allowed to play sports for a given period of time and will help you choose a program. This will allow you to achieve the desired results in a short time.

These tips will help women after a cesarean section understand how and when exactly to start playing sports. If there are no postpartum complications, the doctor has nothing against it; you definitely need to get your figure and body in order. The purpose of the exercises can be very different - restoration of the abs and chest, getting rid of sagging, strengthening the muscles of the uterus, eliminating back pain and many other rehabilitation processes after surgery. If there are medical contraindications, you will have to postpone this necessary task until complete recovery.


Any set of exercises after a caesarean section, despite its focus, can only be started after the body has recovered a little from the stress it has suffered. If any complications or health problems arise after the operation, you will have to wait with sports. First, undergo treatment and get a doctor’s permission, then start strengthening your muscles.

  • birth injuries;
  • seam divergence;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chronic acute diseases.

If any of these problems are discovered after a cesarean section, they should first be eliminated through proper treatment and constant monitoring by a doctor. And only after completing the course of therapy can you begin. Moreover, it is very important to understand and choose the right sport for yourself.


Regular sets of exercises can be performed at home within 1-1.5 months (approximately) after cesarean section. As for serious sports, here you will need to focus on the problem they solve and the doctor’s permission.

  • Swimming (water aerobics)

After cesarean section, this sport is allowed to be practiced 2 months later. This is exactly the period required for the complete restoration of the mucous membrane inside the uterus. Swimming relieves stress and strengthens different groups muscles of the whole body, tones, prevents obesity.

  • Yoga

Many yoga centers offer sets of exercises for women who have recently given birth. This type Sports perfectly tightens muscles, teaches you to control emotions and relax.

  • Pilates

One of the areas of fitness, Pilates allows you to return to active pursuits sports 4-5 months after cesarean section, provided that the young mother feels well. It solves most postpartum problems: it tightens the stomach, strengthens the chest and back muscles, and helps the body recover faster.

Despite the fact that running effective way to get your figure back in order, it has too powerful an effect on the body and the organism as a whole. Experts will allow you to use this sport after a caesarean section in 8-9 months at best. But the most optimal period recommended by doctors is no earlier than a year.

  • Gym

No less effective technique than running, but just as aggressive. Although a lot here will depend on the coach. If he selects an individual training program for you, designed for the postoperative period, you will be able to start your first light classes after six months.

Since you can return to serious sports after a cesarean section only after a long period of time, many women are content with light physical exercises that can be performed at home to restore their figure. If there are special complexes that are developed for young mothers who have undergone this operation.

Exercise sets

In order to effectively exercise at home after a caesarean section, you need to fulfill a number of conditions. First, get your doctor's permission. Secondly, have no contraindications. Thirdly, choose the required complex for one or another part of the body (abdomen, chest, back).


It is no secret that after a cesarean section, the abdominal muscles of most women relax, lose tone, and become stretched. As a result, that same annoying tummy appears, which already sagged after pregnancy, and even after childbirth will not return to normal. To improve it, you need to actively engage in sports, but how can you do this after surgery if there is a constant fear of sutures coming apart?

Only your attending physician, with regular examinations, can tell you for sure when you can pump up your abs after a caesarean section in your case, since the timing here is very individual. If you were previously friends with sports, this will become possible in 4.5-5 months. If everything is very neglected, no earlier than 6-7. However, don't worry: there are other exercise options for this part of the body.

  1. Lie on your back. Stretch out. Bend your legs (without straining) at the knees. Place your hands on your stomach. Raise your head, slightly tensing your abs.
  2. Lie on your back. Take a breath. Pull your legs, bent at the knees, towards your chest as you exhale. Roll onto your stomach.
  3. Inhale - inflate your stomach. Exhale - draw back in. One of the most best exercises after cesarean for the abdominal muscles.
  4. Lie on your back. Raise your legs slightly parallel to the floor. Spread them apart.
  5. Sit on the edge of the chair. Stretch your legs forward, lifting them off the floor. Spread to the sides.

So light, but very effective exercises exercises for the press as part of postoperative sports will help bring the muscles of this part of the body in order quickly enough, because they can be performed a month after cesarean section. In addition, you can choose a complex for the abdomen for almost the same purpose.


If your folds do not go away after a cesarean section, perform abdominal exercises at a moderate pace, which will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with this problem. The sooner you start playing sports, the sooner you will become the owner of your former thin waist.

  1. Lie on your side. Raise your legs one at a time.
  2. Get on all fours. Draw in and relax your stomach.
  3. Hands are on the belt. Tilts in different directions.
  4. Lie on your back. Extend your arms to your sides. Bend your legs (without straining) at the knees. Raise them as high as possible.
  5. Scissors after a caesarean section should be done as carefully as possible.

When performing exercises for the abs and abdomen, remember: any pain during or after such exercises is a sure sign that it is too early for you to exercise. Come back to them a little later.


After a cesarean section, 3-4 weeks later, you can begin to do exercises for your back, which, as you know, experiences enormous stress during this period. Sports will make them feel much better.

  1. Lie on your back. Stretch out. Bend one leg, pressing it as close as possible to your shoulder. Relax. Repeat the same with the second leg.
  2. Tilts in different directions.
  3. Squats and half-squats after cesarean section are very useful.
  4. Rolling the head in different directions.

Sports activities started in a timely manner, competently, and coordinated with the attending physician after a cesarean section will bring enormous benefits to the young mother. They will return her slim figure, and at the same time - self-confidence and good mood. With their help, the rehabilitation period after surgery will be significantly shortened, which will allow the woman to spend more time with the baby. The main thing is the measure with which you need to approach physical activity: without overexerting yourself, but also without lying around on the couch all day, for fear of disturbing long-healed stitches.
