Red onion - benefits and harm. Red onion: beneficial properties

Red onions differ from white onions in taste and shade, but the chemical list of elements in both types remains practically unchanged. Its purple counterpart is more often used in cooking and folk healing. With its help, they improve immunity and fight viral infections. The beneficial and harmful qualities of the hot vegetable have been studied in detail, so today we will look at the main characteristics.

  1. During the period of gestation, the fair sex is allowed to include almost all foods in their daily diet. It is important to consume them in reasonable quantities. This way you can avoid vitamin deficiency.
  2. As for the contraindications for consuming red onions, they are absolutely the same as in everyday life. Do not exceed daily norm product. If you are prone to flatulence, you should avoid eating onions in the second trimester.
  3. If you are an onion lover and you have not identified any contraindications, you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating the vegetable. The unique composition will protect the baby from viruses and infections. In addition, you will saturate your body with vitamins.
  4. Onions contain unique phytoncides. Enzymes actively resist fungi and pathogens. Essential oils, in turn, improve metabolism. Folic acid prevents the development of pathologies in the baby.
  5. The mineral compounds in the vegetable help strengthen the mother and baby. nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Magnesium solves the problem of constipation. Regular consumption of purple product prevents the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency.
  6. Including onions in your daily diet will help you avoid colds. It is believed that the products consumed expectant mother during pregnancy, will be well received by the baby in the future.

Benefits of red onion for men

  1. Numerous observations have shown that the vegetable increases testosterone several times. Everyone knows that the substance is necessary male body to maintain strength. With a lack of the hormone, a man’s quality of life is significantly reduced.
  2. The red vegetable allows the stronger sex to increase immunity, cope with chronic fatigue and improve mood. Onions also help a man overcome obesity, improve hair growth, and stabilize an erection. Fresh onion juice increases libido and sperm quality.

Harm and contraindications of red onion

It is prohibited to consume red onions if:

  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • colitis, gastritis, ulcers and high acidity in the stomach;
  • flatulence, pancreatitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • individual intolerance.

This variety is characterized by purple skin and reddish flesh. It is next to the husk that many useful substances are located. Try to peel the onion carefully, removing as little of the top layer as possible. If you cut too much, you can lose a lot of valuable qualities.

Video: Tomato and red onion salad

Red onions appear on store shelves and markets at the beginning of every autumn. This vegetable resembles its more familiar counterpart - white onion. However, there is a certain amount of differences, both in taste and in the range of beneficial properties. Red onions are added to food, and they are also used in the preparation of a variety of medicines. With the help of this plant you can make every dish delicious, and it does not have such harshness as white onions.

The pulp of this variety has a somewhat sweet taste and is soft. Red onion grows in every region of the Eurasian continent, so it is not a rare or scarce product. This vegetable has been used in the kitchen for many centuries, in the preparation of dishes of various nationalities. During all this time, it has remained a popular seasoning and additive, not going out of active use in any region.

What are the benefits of red onion?

Red onion has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used to treat various diseases. It is actively used in traditional medicine recipes, not only for therapy, but also for preventive purposes. This product becomes especially popular during an outbreak of colds and flu. It is an excellent antiseptic and copes with various harmful microorganisms, while having a disinfecting effect on the entire human body as a whole. But its usefulness lies not only in protecting the body by increasing its resistance to disease and strengthening the immune system, but also in the ability to cure many diseases.

Red onions contain substances that can act actively, destroying microbes that have already entered the body. That is why all colds, for example, sore throat, flu, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia can be cured using not only expensive medicines, but also red onions. It is not at all difficult to eat it raw, unprocessed. You don’t have to cook or bake anything, just eat a small slice of this vegetable in between meals or at lunch.

The beneficial properties of this unique vegetable are also manifested in its effect on the digestive tract. Red onion juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. So, in case of secretory insufficiency, it is recommended to take it daily in the amount of several tablespoons.

Onions will also help to establish metabolic processes that are disrupted due to the influence of various negative factors. Accordingly, it has another useful property - the ability to speed up the process of getting rid of excess weight.

Red onion helps to get rid of worms quite easily. In this case, the vegetable should also be consumed raw. The therapy has no secrets - just eat half a large onion immediately before each meal. You can also use onion infusion; to prepare it, cut a large onion in half and pour one glass of cold, pre-boiled water. Leave for 24 hours, then strain. Take half a glass of the resulting infusion three times a day.

Regular consumption of red onions will help remove salt deposits in the joints. In addition, this medicine perfectly eliminates any infectious processes in the oral cavity. This vegetable has an anti-inflammatory effect on sore gums.

If you complain of frequent headaches caused by overwork or fatigue, you can relieve them with the help of two halves of a red onion. Just apply them to your temples. This remedy will also help improve the functional activity of the brain and calm the nervous system. This recipe will also be effective for insomnia.

The healing properties of onions are actively used in dermatology and cosmetology. For example, if you have severe hair loss, you can make a mask based on this vegetable. To do this, pass one onion through a meat grinder and immediately apply it to the scalp. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a warm towel. This product should be washed off after half an hour. The mask is best applied to damp hair; you do not need to wash it beforehand.

This onion pulp is often used to treat warts. In addition, red onions are used in the treatment of a variety of dermatological ailments. In the warm season, this unique vegetable will relieve you from unpleasant itching and inflammation at the site of an insect bite.

One of the most common problems of modern humanity is increased level cholesterol. Many people want to lower its content at least a little. “Bad” cholesterol provokes the development of obesity, causes the development of cancer cells, and, as a result, cancer, in addition, it weakens the cardiovascular system. In order to remove it from the body, you should consume either fresh onions, or freshly squeezed juice from it. Eating this vegetable daily reduces cholesterol levels by 25% within a month.

Freshly squeezed onion juice mixed with honey effectively treats cough due to bronchitis, both acute and chronic.

ABOUT healing properties Onions can be talked for a very long time. This vegetable is highly beneficial, so you need to prepare it for the whole winter.

The beneficial properties of red onions have been known for a long time. It is widely used both for culinary purposes for preparing savory snacks and as an ingredient for various salads, and in traditional medicine recipes.

  • Composition of red onion
  • Contraindications for use

Composition of red onion

The qualitative composition of red or otherwise purple onions is very diverse. It contains almost the entire vitamin complex:

  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Vitamin PP

The set of microelements in purple onions is no less diverse. It contains:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium

In addition to all of the above, this vegetable has a very high content of anthocyanins, which actually give it a rich purple color. Largest quantity all useful compounds are contained in the upper covering scales. Purple onions are also rich in quercecin, a special flavonoid with unique medicinal properties.

Beneficial effects of red onion

The best-known health benefit of red onions is their ability to lower cholesterol. This effect is due to the vitamin complex and antioxidants included in its composition, which also help resist various infections and inflammatory processes. Antioxidants also have the ability to prevent the development of diabetes, cancer, and slow down the natural aging process of the body.

Various sulfur compounds included in this vegetable contribute to the production of a special amino acid in the body - cysteine. It helps eliminate toxins, improves collagen synthesis, which leads to significant improvement general condition skin, hair and nails.

Also, sulfur compounds fight “bad cholesterol” and promote the production of “good” cholesterol, eliminate excess body fat and provide positive impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

This purple vegetable also contains a lot of another valuable trace element - chromium. It has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which significantly reduces the likelihood of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Followers healthy image life claim that regular consumption of purple onions for 40 days can reduce cholesterol levels by almost a quarter and significantly improve the condition of blood vessels in the brain.

Use in traditional medicine recipes

Purple bow widely used in folk medicine. Below are the most popular recipes using it. For colds and flu, use a mixture of onion juice and honey in a 1:1 ratio.

Onions are also used as an anthelmintic. To do this, peel a medium-sized onion and pour in 200 g of warm boiled water. After which it is left for 8 hours to infuse. You need to drink this infusion 100 g on an empty stomach for 5 days. For stomach problems and hemorrhoids, use a mixture of onion juice and flower honey taken in equal proportions. Take it orally, 1 tablespoon before each meal.

For irregular menstrual cycles, onion peels from 4-5 large onions are used, from which a decoction is prepared. To prepare the husk, add 400 g of hot water. After which it is boiled for 20 minutes in a water bath. The resulting broth is filtered. It should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach for 15 days.

The following remedy is used as a diuretic. Several medium-sized onions are very finely chopped or crushed using a blender. The resulting slurry is poured with 200 g of warm water and left to infuse for 8 hours. Drink 50 g of infusion 3 times a day.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

To find out what the benefits and harms of red onions are for human health, you need to consider what is inside it: what vitamins and minerals predominate and what its calorie content is.
The vegetable contains vitamins:

  • B1 (0.05 mg);
  • B2 (0.02 mg);
  • B5 (0.1 mg);
  • B6 (0.1 mg);
  • B9 (9 mcg);
  • C (10 mg);
  • E (0.2 mg);
  • PP (0.5 mg).

Macro- and microelements:

  • magnesium (14 mg);
  • sodium (4 mg);
  • sulfur (65 mg);
  • iron (0.8 mg);
  • calcium (31 mg);
  • copper (85 mg);
  • phosphorus (58 mg);
  • potassium (175 mg).

Calorie content 100 g of product is 42 kcal. 100 g contains 1.7 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 9.7 g of carbohydrates.

Red onions are also a source of flavonoids, quercetins and allicin.

Did you know? The use of onions in cooking has been known since ancient times. His image was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, dated 1352 BC. e. There is evidence that this vegetable was grown 5 thousand years ago by the Indians and Chinese.

Useful properties

The vegetable has a red color because it contains antioxidants. anthocyanins- they allow our body to better resist bacteria and viruses. They also have a preventive effect against diabetes, the formation of malignant tumors, and nervous system disorders. These substances also slow down the aging process.

No less important in the purple vegetable is a substance such as quercetin. It is able to reduce the manifestations of allergies, have a decongestant effect, reduce the risk of cancer, and relieve spasms.
Onions are also valuable due to their high content sulfur in various compounds. These components can rid the body of toxins and increase the formation of collagen, thus having a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, frequent consumption of this vegetable, thanks to compounds with sulfur in its composition, lowers the level of cholesterol and fat, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Read also about the beneficial properties, harvesting for the winter and growing green onions on the windowsill.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of purple onions, which have beneficial properties, for just one and a half months can lead to a decrease in the level of low-density lipoproteins, which carry cholesterol and provoke fatty deposits in blood vessels, and therefore can cause heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis and other serious consequences.

Important! Since most of the beneficial substances in onions are located in its upper layer, it should be peeled with care; only the top skin should be removed. When peeling one juicy layer, up to a third of valuable components are lost.

Read also about the properties and uses of different types of onions: onions, shallots, chives, shallots, batun, slime.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women can eat onions, but in small quantities - up to 100 g per day in the first and second trimester and up to 50 g in the third, because essential oils and the acids it contains can provoke gastrointestinal irritation, colic, nausea, and heartburn. This applies to all types of vegetables, including red ones.

Pregnant women can eat onions salads, first and second courses. It is especially recommended to do this in winter period, during the rampant seasonal epidemics, because a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid can protect a weakened body expectant mother from respiratory diseases.

Onions are also useful for pregnant women because they contain folic acid, which is so necessary for the normal development of the child.
In addition, the vegetable has a calming effect on a woman’s nervous system, normalizes sleep, and prevents the development of depression and headaches.

It is not recommended to eat raw onions if a pregnant woman suffers from flatulence, since this product is gas-forming.

Important! Pregnant women should not consume red onions if they have a number of health problems, so as not to provoke their aggravation, which is especially undesirable in this condition.

Use in cooking, what it goes with

In cooking, red onions are used in the same way as onions. Although, due to its taste, it is still more often preferred to be eaten in fresh- in salads and as an accompaniment to first courses. It also goes well with vegetable and meat dishes, giving them greater juiciness and aroma. Grilled dishes with chopped onion rings are especially good.
Some people really like to fry and stew this vegetable. Of course, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to fry red onions and whether their beneficial qualities will be lost during heat treatment. In order for as many important substances as possible to enter the body, the vegetable must be eaten raw. During any processing, some of its valuable properties will be lost.

Learn more about the beneficial properties and methods of preparing red cabbage.

In particular, more than half of the ascorbic acid will be gone. However, it is stewed, baked and boiled vegetables that lower blood sugar and improve the functioning of the pancreas.

This onion can also be pickled and then added to salads, cheeses or kebabs.

Traditional medicine recipes

The beneficial properties of Yalta onions were adopted by folk healers, using the vegetable to treat many diseases. Here are a few effective recipes.

  • For ARVI. Squeeze the juice from the head and mix it with honey in a one-to-one ratio. Drink one tablespoon four times a day.
  • Against worms. One cleaned head is poured with a glass of warm water and allowed to brew for seven hours. Take half a glass on an empty stomach for four to five days.
  • Diuretic. Chop two or three heads, add a glass of warm water, leave for eight hours. Drink a quarter glass three times a day.
  • To cleanse the liver. Mix half a kilo of heads crushed in a blender with 450 g of sugar, leave for 10 days in a dark place. Then squeeze out the liquid. Take it once a day, 30 minutes before you eat, three tablespoons. The course lasts one to three weeks.

  • For otitis media. Grate the pulp and squeeze out the juice. Moisten the swab and insert it into the sore ear. It is important that the juice does not leak out, since it can burn the mucous membrane.
  • For injuries and sprains. Grate the onion, place the contents in gauze and apply to the sore spot.
  • For hair loss. Every week for a month, rub freshly squeezed onion juice with vodka or cognac in equal proportions into the scalp. Wrap your head in a warm towel.
  • For calluses. Boil one peeled onion in vinegar for 30 minutes. Cool the broth. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the callus.

Important! If you have any serious illness and are going to use onions for treatment, you will need to consult your doctor.

Contraindications and harm

Red onion is contraindicated for people:

  • suffering from various liver and kidney diseases;
  • with a history of colitis;
  • with problems of the digestive tract, in particular with increased stomach acidity, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, flatulence;
  • with allergic reactions;
  • having individual intolerance.

Pregnant women, asthmatics and hypertensive patients should use the vegetable with caution.

There is no need to consume it on an empty stomach.

Did you know? Libyans consume the largest amount of onions. According to UN statistics, on average, one Libyan citizen eats about 33 kg of vegetables per year. The Senegalese take second place in this ranking. And among Europeans, the biggest admirers of onions are the British - one resident of England consumes 9.3 kg per year.

How to choose when purchasing

Red onions are available throughout the year. To choose a quality product, you must pay attention to the following points:

  • flat head shape;
  • bulb density;
  • the thickness of each layer - it must be at least 5 mm;
  • smooth, undamaged scales;
  • juiciness and white color of the inside;
  • lack of roots from below;
  • no damage or stains on the surface;
  • sweet taste.

Since other types of vegetables are often passed off as Yalta onions, experts advise asking the seller to show the head in cross-section when purchasing. In the middle there should be no more than six to seven layers of white with a slight pink tint and a purple border. They should be juicy and dense. When you taste it, the inside should be sweet. There should be no trace of bitterness or burning sensation.

Onions, like all vegetables, are much tastier if you grow them yourself in your own garden. Learn how to plant and grow different types onions: onions, shallots, batun, slime, leek.

How to store at home

The Yalta variety is stored much worse than many others. Under proper conditions, it can last for about four months.

If you have a private house and a basement, then it is best to store the product there at a temperature of -3 to +10 degrees. Most optimal temperature for the sweet variety it will be 0 degrees. The basement or cellar should be well ventilated and not damp. If air humidity exceeds 80%, the product will quickly deteriorate.

Wooden boxes, cardboard boxes, wicker baskets, textile and paper bags, and nets are suitable for storage. Plastic bags are not suitable for this purpose.
In the same containers you can store vegetables in the apartment, but on the mezzanine or in the pantry. The main thing is that they have good and constant access of air.

Also excellent option storage in apartment conditions is a refrigerator.

It is important to remember that the product must be thoroughly dried before storing.

Thus, red onion can provide benefits when consumed regularly, affecting a variety of internal organs and systems, and can also cause harm if eaten excessively. It is important not to overdo it with this product and not to eat it fresh in excess of the recommended amount.

In grocery stores and markets, red onions are usually sold at a higher price than their “white brother.” This is probably, first of all, due to aesthetic characteristics, because in salads and other dishes, reddish rings look much brighter and more impressive. In principle, any onion is useful. But do red onions have any unique properties that would give them a head start over white ones?

Onions with a reddish skin have a more subtle and sweetish taste than white ones, and therefore the dishes in which they are included turn out to be especially delicious. It almost does not burn the mucous membranes or the oral cavity itself. Its color can rather be called violet or lilac; the redness in it is very conventional. But the benefits of this vegetable crop certainly cannot be called conditional, and traditional medicine knows many remedies for a variety of diseases using red onion or its juice.

You don't need to look far for examples. Almost any person who is accustomed to monitoring their health knows how dangerous cholesterol is and why it needs to be maintained at a certain level. An excess of this substance in the body can lead to weakening cardiovascular system, as well as create comfortable conditions for the development of cancer cells. If you eat at least two or three red onions every day or drink half a glass of red onion juice, then in a month and a half you can reduce cholesterol levels by 20-25% and at the same time cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, which would be nice to include walnuts. White onions, for all their advantages, cannot deal a blow to cholesterol.

Red onion: benefits and nothing superfluous

Reddish bulbs are often on hand professional athletes who know how to treat muscle strains with it. The onions need to be peeled, minced and mixed with sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 medium-sized onion. The product prepared in this way is applied to the sore spot, covered with film and wrapped in a towel. You need to keep it for at least an hour, or better yet, two.

In the old days, red onions were used to treat worms. The scheme of this treatment is very simple: before each meal you need to eat a small amount of onion. The possibility of simultaneously taking pumpkin seeds for worms cannot be ruled out, but there is no great need for it. The norm for an adult is one medium-sized onion at a time, the norm for a child is half an onion. The same method can be used to combat salt deposits.

Purple bulbs become indispensable assistants in removing calluses. Or rather, what is needed here is not even the bulbs themselves, but their husks. It is recommended to fill it with ordinary table vinegar (preferably 9%). The ratio of the components will be as follows: take a glass of vinegar for half a glass of crushed and lightly compacted husks. The product is infused for 12-15 days. After this, you can make compresses on the calluses by applying gauze soaked in onion tincture to them. If you leave the compress overnight, the callus can be removed in the morning without any problems.

Contraindications for eating red onions

According to nutritionists, a healthy person can eat no more than 100 g of raw onions during one meal, no matter whether they are red or regular white. However, this prescription does not apply to those who are undergoing liver restoration, as well as people suffering from colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases or having problems with the kidneys and skin.

But still, there are not so many contraindications to the use of red onions, and they have so many advantages that they cannot be listed in one article. Isn’t the argument already convincing that it contains a whole “complex” of vitamins and microelements? Here are just the main ones: A, B, C, PP, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur. So don’t deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying this healthy vegetable and be healthy!

Everyone has heard about the benefits of regular white onions. But much less is known about blue or purple. Although it looks somewhat unusual, this vegetable has many valuable nutritional and even medicinal properties. However, there may be not only benefits, but also harm from blue onions. And this should certainly be kept in mind by those who decide to include it in their diet.

What are the benefits of blue onions?

The bulb, which has a blue-violet or reddish-violet color, is very rich in biologically active substances. Including vitamins (A, C, PP, group B), minerals, essential oils, phytoncides. This determines the beneficial properties of blue onions. It is worth noting that it differs from white not only in color, but also in its sweeter, less harsh taste, which allows it to be widely used in cooking. It is added to sweet and sour sauces, baked separately and as part of meat and vegetable dishes, stewed, and added to salads.

Among the beneficial properties of blue onions are the following:

  1. Copes well with the prevention of vitamin deficiency and colds.
  2. Strengthens the immune system.
  3. Relieves the main symptoms of the flu: nasal congestion and runny nose - you just need to sniff freshly cut onion slices.
  4. It can be a source of such microelements as iron for anemia.
  5. Helps with cardiovascular pathologies due to its potassium content.
  6. Optimizes digestive processes, eliminates constipation and cleanses the intestines.
  7. Normalizes blood composition, lowers cholesterol.
  8. Recent studies have confirmed that it can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Who is the product contraindicated for?

In addition to the benefits, blue onions can also cause harm. It should not be eaten by people suffering from stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, gastritis with high acidity. It is also not recommended for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and hypertensive patients to eat blue onions.

Blue bow: description

Blue onions came to Russia from Spain, after which breeders worked a lot on them. Thanks to their work, this variety of onion turned out to be very beautiful and not as bitter as its relative - the simple yellow onion.

The bulbs of this variety are deep purple in color. They taste gentle, not harsh. Bitterness, of course, is present, but it is pleasant and not scalding. Purple onions are rich in nutrients, contain sugar, and contain twice as much vitamin C as apples.

Useful substances of onions

As mentioned earlier, blue onions, along with their yellow and white “brothers,” are very beneficial for human health. It contains components necessary for the body:

1. Nitrogenous substances.
2. Phytoncides.
3. B vitamins.
4. Vitamin PP.
5. Carotene.
6. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron.
7. Glucose, maltose, fructose, sucrose.

Blue onion treatment

Onions are simply an irreplaceable vegetable that can be used to cure many diseases. If you use the healing properties of onions correctly, you may not get sick; your body will be able to resist infections. Blue onions contain sulfur compounds that can prevent vascular and heart diseases. Volatile substances, phytoncides, which are also present in this healthy vegetable, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Onions are an invaluable medicine from nature, possessing many valuable properties for the body:

  • anti-sclerotic;
  • healing;
  • antihemorrhoids;
  • anti-influenza;
  • anthelmintic;
  • anti-burn;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant.

In addition to all the listed advantages of the natural doctor called “blue onion”, it has one more very valuable beneficial property. If you use folk recipes, you can use onions to cure liver diseases. Everyone knows that the liver has a significant role in the body, and its diseases are better to prevent than to treat later, which, unfortunately, is not always possible.

Liver diseases

The liver is a vital organ, and nature has ensured that this organ has a self-healing function. If there is a malfunction of the liver, then the person faces serious consequences. If there are even the slightest signs that the liver has failed, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better to be safe than to treat an advanced disease later.

Nowadays, unfortunately, everything more people suffer from liver diseases such as cholangiohepatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis. If you do not notice the signs of the disease in time and do not start treatment, then death is quite possible. The first symptoms are usually bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, sensitivity in the liver area, drowsiness, and general fatigue.

If you find out that your liver needs treatment, you should immediately start following a gentle diet. Nutrition should consist of easily digestible carbohydrates, complete proteins and vitamins. The presence of a large amount of fat in the menu is undesirable. It is recommended to eat vegetable and dairy products, and cottage cheese is simply irreplaceable in this case.

If it so happens that the doctors’ treatment did not produce a positive result, and the disease progresses, then you can always turn to traditional medicine for help. Our ancestors turned to her, why shouldn’t we use her recipes? There are a lot of ways to treat the liver using natural remedies, and among them there are very effective remedy- blue onion with sugar. Once again I would like to remind you that in any case, consulting a doctor is necessary.

Blue onion for the liver is an excellent medicine

It is a known fact that in diseases gastrointestinal tract It is prohibited to eat onions raw. Despite this, blue onion is successfully used in folk medicine as a medicine for the liver. The recipe is quite simple and at the same time effective, and in order to prepare it, a lot of effort and expense are not required.

Blue onions with sugar to treat the liver:

1. Take one kilogram of blue onions, peel, then chop using a meat grinder or blender.

2. Add 900 g of sugar to the onion pulp and mix well.

3. Place the prepared mixture in a dark place for 10 days.

4. Strain the infused medicine and begin treatment.

If your goal is to restore the liver, then it is recommended to take 4 tablespoons of sweet onion juice per day. If the condition is already critical, then the dose must be increased to 8 spoons per day.

The recipe is very effective; it was used by patients with such a serious illness as cirrhosis of the liver, complicated by dropsy. The results of treatment with blue onions are positive.

Today, perhaps, you won’t surprise anyone with red onions. This vegetable differs from its white relative not only in appearance, but also in taste and composition.

The benefits and harms of red onions should also be considered separately, since this variety has an absolutely unique set of vitamins, chemical elements and other nutrients.

Red onions contain many vitamins

Traditional healers have known about the healing properties of the vegetable for a long time, so they boldly include it in treatment regimens for vascular atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, diseases of the digestive tract, women's diseases, and colds.

Benefits of Red Onion

The huge advantage of the vegetable is that it can be added to almost every dish: from sandwiches to fried meats and soups. But there are also food products with which red onions are not compatible at all, and therefore are not recommended for consumption. Such food is considered to be fruit desserts, as well as dairy dishes in any form.

What is a vegetable? Which onion is healthier: red or white? What are the benefits and harms of red onions for the body?

The bulbs are red in color with a bright purple skin and contain a huge amount of useful substances, which are located closer to the husk.

You should not remove the top layers from red onions, because they contain many useful substances

The unique color is given to the vegetable by nature and is the result of its special composition. This type of onion is also called purple, and even blue. Experts recommend peeling the vegetable carefully, trying not to cut off the top layers, since they contain most of the vitamins and chemical elements.

What's the benefit?

The beneficial properties of red onion are as follows:

  • the presence of a huge amount antioxidants allows the vegetable to cope well with the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer pathological processes, and also effectively prevent premature aging;
  • anthocyanins, giving onions a special purple color, help the body cope with inflammatory processes, improve the state of the immune system, and are an excellent means of preventing the development of diabetes, neuroses, and cancer;
  • flavonoid quercetin has a strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, helps get rid of swelling, spastic phenomena and helps prevent cancer;
  • chromium as part of red onion, it is responsible for reducing the amount of glucose in the blood, which minimizes the risk of developing diabetes;
  • sulfur helps to establish normal cysteine ​​synthesis, stimulate the production of collagen fibers, improves the rheological properties of blood, and reduces the amount of low-density lipoproteins.

You may also be interested in knowing the benefits of red onion's faithful companion -. Another product rich in substances beneficial to the body is Jerusalem artichoke. Read more

So, what are the benefits of red onions and why should each of us definitely include them in our diet?
Purple vegetable has such positive effects in relation to the human body, as:

  • antiseptic effect, allowing you to disinfect the body by killing microbes inside it;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • normalization of the secretory function of the stomach and acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • red onion is an effective anthelmintic;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin, restoration of hair thickness, treatment of seborrhea, alopecia;
  • beneficial effect on the ligamentous apparatus;
  • prevention of premature aging of the body.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of red onions from the video:

Possible harm

As a rule, red onions are not capable of harming human health, but there are a number of situations when eating this vegetable is contraindicated:

  • acute and chronic colitis in the acute phase;
  • digestive disorders with a sharp disruption of secretory function;
  • hypersecretion of the stomach;
  • urolithiasis;
  • liver failure and conditions that are accompanied by serious dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract;
  • skin diseases of an autoimmune nature in the active stage;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma of moderate and severe complexity.

Naturally, patients who suffer from the listed diseases are better off not eating fresh red onions, since the vegetable retains its pungency and can provoke an exacerbation of the pathological condition. It is important to remember that no more than 100-150 g of raw purple onions can be taken without harm to health.

It is also strictly forbidden to prepare dishes from rotten vegetables, since the decay products formed during the decay process are carcinogenic and can be harmful to health.

Are red onions from the store healthy, or is it better not to eat this “chemical” vegetable? Indeed, there is an opinion that supermarket food expressed using modern technologies, contain a huge amount of chemicals that can cause poisoning to the body. In fact, this is a big misconception. Numerous tests did not reveal increased concentrations of substances and compounds harmful to humans in store-bought vegetables.

You will learn how to choose the right red onion from the video:

But, if the buyer has doubts about the quality of imported red onions from the supermarket, then it is better for him to grow the vegetables himself in the garden or buy them from a trusted seller at the market.

Red onion and benefits for pregnant women

How are red onions beneficial for the body of a woman expecting to give birth to a baby? As you know, pregnancy is not a contraindication to the consumption of any food products. Red onion is no exception to this rule, therefore it is allowed and even recommended to expectant mothers as an accessible source of natural vitamins and minerals.

The only point is that the amount of purple onions should be reduced in the diet of a pregnant woman who is about to give birth.

The vegetable has a gas-forming effect, which can cause the expectant mother to develop flatulence and pain in the intestines. There is only one conclusion: if a pregnant woman tolerates onions normally and loves this vegetable, then eating it will benefit not only her, but also the baby, allowing him to be born with strong immune system, without malformations of internal organs and neoplasms that can arise at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus.

In addition, the benefit of red onion for a pregnant woman’s body is its ability to improve rheological blood parameters, prevent blood clots, increase hemoglobin and prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies.

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What is red onion and how is it different from regular onion? Is it true that he is sweet? These and many other questions occupy gardeners who plan to plant such onions.


Red onions belong to the Onion family. It is called so because of the bright color of the husk, the shade of which can range from pale to deep burgundy. Interior It has more of a purple tint. Like other types of onions, it has a low calorie content (per 100 grams of product). Nutritional value – 42 kcal, most of it comes from carbohydrates. Their content is 9.2 g, protein – 1.7 g, fat – 0.1 g.

By appearance and taste characteristics, purple vegetables differ from white and yellow ones. The first difference is the bright husk and the purple-red hue of the pulp. Red onions are less hot, do not burn the mucous membranes, they are sweeter and more tender compared to the universal yellow onion. This, in turn, led to its frequent fresh consumption - it is usually added to salads.

White onions are characterized by greater sweetness compared to all-purpose onions. It is similar to sweet varieties of red onions, but, unlike them, does not have spicy varieties. White onions have the shortest shelf life compared to the species considered.

Red onion is considered a biennial herbaceous plant. The diameter of the bulb is 12-15 cm. The weight of the head is 65-76 g. Buds are formed on the stem, from which daughter bulbs then develop.

In general, the taste of red onions depends on its variety, where it is grown and how it is cared for. So, the sweetest is the Crimean red onion, which the residents of Crimea eat separately from other dishes. This variety, grown in the area between Yalta and Alushta, is a delicacy.

Benefits and harms

The beneficial properties of red onion are due to its composition - it is rich in B vitamins, vitamins E, PP and ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains micro- and macroelements useful for the human body, including iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Finally, the vegetable contains biologically active flavonoids, in particular allicin and quercetin.

The bright color of the vegetable is due to the presence of anthocyanins, which have antiviral and antifungal effects. In addition, it is believed that these substances are preventive in the fight against oncology, diabetes, and central nervous system disorders. Finally, they (in combination with vitamin E) stop and slow down the aging process.

Sulfur, which the red-violet vegetable is rich in in various compounds, also has a rejuvenating effect. Sulfur has the ability to remove toxins from the body, stimulates collagen synthesis, which, in turn, is responsible for skin elasticity, and has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. By the way, the latter effect is also due to the presence of zinc in the vegetable.

Finally, sulfur promotes healthy blood vessels, as it destroys and prevents the appearance of new cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls. Thanks to this, the risk of developing varicose veins, heart attacks, strokes is reduced, tissues and organs receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

Rich in vitamin C, red onions will help fight colds and vitamin deficiency. It helps strengthen the body's immune forces. It must be included in the diet during seasonal respiratory diseases, as well as in late winter and early spring. In addition, purple onion juice has a disinfectant effect, which allows it to destroy bacteria and viruses.

Research shows that the vegetable promotes testosterone production and increases libido. Men are recommended to add it to their usual dishes.

It is a misconception that red onions have a sweetish taste due to the presence of sugar. This is not true; the bitterness of onions is due to the essential oils they contain. The greater their number, the sharper and more “tear-producing” the vegetable is. In sweet varieties the amount of these essential oils is minimal.

Due to the high content of essential oils and acids, consumption of onions should be avoided during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis). If you have chronic diseases of these organs, you should also reduce the amount of red onion consumed.

If you have an individual intolerance, you cannot eat the vegetable. It is worth refusing to consume it if you have liver and kidney disease, as well as with acute forms of diseases of the urinary system. If you have asthma or hypertension, you should be careful when including red onions in your diet.

For pregnant women, the red vegetable is useful because it contains folic acid, which is so necessary for the normal development of the fetus. In addition, due to the content of B vitamins, onions have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and normalize sleep. However, pregnant women should eat it with caution and in small doses for the same reason - essential oils irritate the already vulnerable intestines and gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother. In the first trimester, you are allowed to consume 100 g of onions per day, in subsequent trimesters - reduce to 50 g.

When breastfeeding, red onion in small doses is allowed for use, if it does not cause negative consequences for the child's health. Onions, including red ones, contribute to the formation of gases, so most nursing mothers are forced to temporarily stop eating them.

In any case, you should not eat onions in their pure form, as this can cause heartburn and stomach pain. You should not eat onions on an empty stomach.

People suffering from flatulence should not eat the red vegetable raw, as it is a gas-forming product.


There are several varieties of this onion, one of the most famous of them is the Crimean onion. It is so sweet that the inhabitants of the peninsula consume it like apples. As already mentioned, this onion variety was originally grown in the area between Alushta and Yalta. In this case, it acquires unprecedented sweetness and juiciness. Onion heads are quite large; they are used fresh in salads, and also caramelized and served as a dessert.

Red Baron has a bittersweet taste. It is distinguished by a high content of ascorbic acid, as well as the ability to be stored for a long time, maintaining the same taste and composition. Such bulbs are universal - they are eaten fresh, used for preparing first and second courses, and sauces.

Another variety that can be stored for a long time is Brunswick. Refers to late-ripening, onion heads are medium-sized flattened “balls”. The rich red onion “Greatful Red F1” also demonstrates good shelf life. It is also distinguished by fairly large bulbs, the weight of which can reach 130-140 g. By the way, it can be found in the windows of most supermarkets - it tolerates long-term transportation well, is stored for a long time and has a pleasant sweetish taste.

If you want to start enjoying red onions in early August, choose early-ripening varieties, such as “Red Ball,” which is also famous for its high yield. From the name of the variety it is clear that the crop has the shape of a regular circle and a rich purple hue. This variety is best consumed fresh.

For growing on your own plot, especially if you are new to this business, we can recommend the Campillo F1 variety, which is relatively unpretentious in care and resistant to diseases characteristic of the crop. The harvest will delight you with a beautiful purple hue and delicate taste.

The external similarity and the same sweet taste as the “Campillo F1” variety are revealed by the “Retro” onion. This early-ripening variety is optimal for fresh salads. Thanks to the sweetness of the bulbs, they can even be used in dishes for children. By the way, the “Retro” variety, like “Yukont”, is suitable for annual cultivation. The latter produces a fairly pungent harvest that can be stored all winter.

“Red Semko F1” demonstrates similar unpretentiousness and productivity, producing flat, medium-sized bulbs. If we compare it with the blue and purple varieties, then in cross-section it has white flesh with red streaks along the edges of the rings.

But lovers of red onions with a pleasant bitterness will probably like “Red Braunschweig”, which is classified as mid-season. Its advantage is its uniform germination and unpretentiousness during the growing season. The “Black Prince” variety surprises with its rich dark red shade, turning into burgundy. It has a semi-sharp taste, demonstrates good keeping quality and versatility.

Planting and care

The taste and sweetness of onions largely depend on the characteristics of the soil and temperature conditions. Since the crop is involved in crop rotation, the best soils for it will be those on which nightshades were previously grown - tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini.

You should choose well-ventilated (but windless) areas that receive sunlight most of the day. You need to start preparing the soil in the fall - dig it up, apply organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, the soil is dug up again. Red onions grow best in fertile sandy loam soils.

Planting onions can be divided into 2 stages - planting onion seeds in a greenhouse, and after a set of these seeds appears, transplanting it into a garden bed and further cultivation. You can buy seedlings and immediately plant them in the garden, but there is a high probability of buying seed material that is not resistant to infections. Careless sellers often get the bulbs confused, so the variety that grows is not the one the gardener expects.

Onion seeds need to be sorted, removing empty and defective ones, and then disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate in a glass of warm water. Soak the seeds in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse under water and dry. It is more convenient to wrap the seeds in a gauze bag.

The prepared seeds are planted in the ground in a greenhouse or at home under film in early spring. For seedlings to appear, the ambient temperature must be at least 25 degrees.

After collecting the seedlings, they are disinfected again by soaking them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, the tops are cut off (this improves growth) and planted in open ground. Do not plant weak bulbs damaged by rot or disease. By this time, night frosts should stop, and the soil temperature should be at least 15-17 degrees.

Typically, red onions are grown in beds, first making furrows on their surface every 20-25 cm. The step between the bulbs is 4-5 cm.

The “Chinese” method of growing red onions is also popular, according to which you need to make high beds. The latter are washed away after a while under the influence of rain, and upper part the bulb (which has already managed to get stronger and adapt) opens. In this form, the plant receives more solar heat and light, nutritional components, which has a beneficial effect on its growth.

Further care of the plant cannot be called difficult, but to obtain a good harvest It is important to regularly follow the following agrotechnical recommendations:

Evidence that the onion is ready for harvest will be yellowing and lodging of the green arrows. It is important to prevent the onions from flowering, as the harvest will not be able to be stored. If you find similar arrows in the garden, pull out the onion and eat it as soon as possible.

You will learn more about how to grow red onions in the following video.

The harvested crop must be dried during the day, without, however, placing it in direct sunlight. It is optimal to harvest the crop in the first half of the day (necessarily in dry weather) and put it to dry, for example, under a canopy until the evening.

After this, cut off the arrows (if this has not been done previously), leaving them at 5-7 cm, tie several bulbs together “in a bunch”, which are hung in a well-ventilated place protected from UV rays. In this form, the onion should be dried for 2-3 weeks, then inspected, cut off the dry arrows, leaving a 2-2.5 cm “tail”.

Now the onions can be transferred to boxes for further storage. If you plan to store onions all winter until the next season, it is important to choose a suitable variety that has good shelf life. For example, Yalta red onions are not very suitable for these purposes, since they are stored for no more than four months.

It is important to ensure optimal temperature conditions. The permissible storage temperature range is -3… +10 degrees. Sweet red onions are best stored at 0 degrees.

Another important condition is good ventilation. Finally, air humidity should not exceed 80%. If one of these requirements is not met, the onion begins to quickly deteriorate, losing its taste and benefits.

Onions should not be stored in plastic bags. Preference should be given to wooden boxes, wicker baskets, cardboard boxes, and fabric bags.

You can use a cellar for storage. If we are talking about storage in an apartment, shelves on the mezzanine, a balcony where the temperature in winter does not drop below 0, as well as the lower shelves of the refrigerator are suitable. You can put the heads in nylon tights or stockings the old fashioned way. In this form, the onion will be protected from moisture, and air circulation will not be impaired.

Before storing the vegetable, you should dry it well and remove damaged heads that are prone to rotting.

Vegetable uses

Saved in the right conditions the onion always remains juicy and sweet. It can be fried, pickled, put in salads. The sauce made from this vegetable has an interesting taste. A sweet and sour addition to the main dish goes especially well with meat and stewed vegetables.