Sports event together with parents. Sports event together with parents Bicycle ride “Golden Autumn”

Joint event for children second junior group and their parents
“Grow up healthy, my baby!”

To increase the level of knowledge of parents in the field of maintaining and strengthening the health of children, a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and family.
Build collaborative skills sports activities parents and children, to promote their emotional rapprochement.
Create psychological comfort, arouse desire and interest in joint cooperation in matters of children’s health
Participants: children, teachers, physical education instructor, parents.
Materials and equipment: Musical accompaniment, presentation with photographs of children on the topic of healthy lifestyle in kindergarten, laptop, projector, walking paths, 4 hoops, instructions for parents “Formation of healthy lifestyle in children”

Progress of the event.

1. Opening speech by the teacher.

Educator: Good afternoon Dear our fathers and mothers! We are very glad that you put aside your business and came to visit us. Today we have invited you to our event to visually introduce you to the methods and techniques of promoting children’s health in everyday life.
The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of families and preschool institutions. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted.
In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child’s health is laid, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
And our common task is to raise our children healthy. You cannot improve your heredity, personally influence the level of health care, or significantly change the environmental conditions of your existence, but the lifestyle that a person chooses depends entirely on himself.
Everything is in our hands; the subsequent lifestyle and health of a person depends on how successfully we can develop healthy lifestyle skills in children. It is very important that in kindergarten and at home there is a unified approach to creating a culture of health.

In our kindergarten we conduct the following recreational activities:
morning exercises;
washing hands with cool water;
physical education classes using various technologies: game stretching, musical rhythmic gymnastics, step aerobics.
play self-massage;
gymnastics for the eyes;
breathing exercises;
finger gymnastics;
walking on gymnastic corrective paths (prevention of flat feet);
walks on fresh air;
sports leisure and entertainment;
gymnastics after sleep;
outdoor games.
Educator: In order not to be unfounded, we invite you to see how my children and I improve our health.

2. Video “We will grow up healthy”

Educator: Now we will remember the rules of a healthy lifestyle. To do this, we will divide into 2 teams: “Strong” and “Strong”. Your task is to carefully read the statements, select and read out those that you consider correct.

3. Quiz “Healthy lifestyle”

1 task:
1 team: A healthy lifestyle is:
rational regime;
alcohol consumption;
complete balanced nutrition;
excessive consumption of flour and sweets;
physical activity and sufficient exposure to air;
walks in the fresh air once a week;
compliance with hygienic conditions;
positive psychological microclimate in the family;
Team 2: What do adults and children need to do to be healthy?
Sleep at least 7 – 8 hours;
Sleep 10 – 11 hours;
Perform hardening procedures;
Alternate types of activities;
Exclude fruits, vegetables, and dairy products from your diet;
Use non-traditional means of healing;
Drive a car more often.

Task 2.
1 team: What should you do to keep your smile snow-white and your teeth healthy?
after eating you need to rinse your mouth;
gnaw nuts;
Teeth should be brushed in the morning and evening after meals;
To remove food residues, you need to use only special toothpicks;
picking teeth with metal objects;
you can't drink after hot drinks cold water;
open corks with teeth;
After brushing your teeth, the toothbrush should be washed with toilet soap and rinsed;
twice a year you need to visit a dentist;
nutrition should be rational;
eat more sweets.
Team 2: Weekends in a child's life. Choose the correct statements.
communication with parents;
violation of daily routine and nutrition;
family tea party;
traveling on crowded buses;
cooperative games;
sitting in front of the TV;
reading books;
visiting the theater, circus;
noisy groups of guests.
joint work.

3 task. “How to love children?”
Health is not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional state of the child, which, first of all, depends on how we love our baby. It is clear that most parents love their children, but do not always know how to convey their love to their child.
Now I will name ways of influencing children, and you, if you think they are correct, clap your hands, no, sit quietly:
- make comments in an offensive manner;
- look the child in the eyes more often;
- hug and kiss the child;
- threaten a child;
- constantly criticize the child;
- stroke the head, play with the child;
- listen to the child;
- interfere with the baby’s play;
- ruffle the child's hair;
- take into account the child’s opinion;
- support his ideas and initiatives;
- try to understand what the child is thinking about, why he behaves this way and not otherwise;
- inspire the child that he can do anything if he only believes in himself and works;
- use physical punishment;
- shout, order;
- deprive the child of attention and care.

Educator: I hear a train coming towards us.

4. Joint activity physical culture with children and parents.

Music “Locomotive Bukashka” (cut)
Part 1:

Children enter the hall behind the instructor, placing their hands on the shoulders of the child in front.
After the first “stop,” parents are invited to board the train (adults stand behind the children). Children and parents travel by train, performing movements according to the text at stops: we stomp, clap, wave our arms, jump, bang our fists on the floor, dance, dance, hug.

Instructor: To be strong and healthy, our guys start every morning with morning exercises.
To the music " Fun exercise"(Kukutiki group)

It's time for us to start performing the basic types of movements. And our mothers and fathers will help us with this.
- Running “snake” between landmarks (parents standing in a line at a distance from each other serve as landmarks).

- Crawling on all fours (parents stand with their legs spread wide apart)

- Walking, raising your legs high (parents squat, holding hands, children step over their parents’ hands).

- Walking along the path and jumping from hoop to hoop.

Our children did an amazing job with all the tasks. It's time to play.
PI “Find yourself a friend”

To the music, children and adults move around the hall (fly like butterflies; jump like bunnies; walk like bears), and when the music ends, they find a partner and hold hands. The game is played 3-4 times.
Part 3.
Instructor: And now I suggest you restore your breathing and do self-massage.
With musical accompaniment.
Game stretching exercises:“Palms”, “Sun”, “Tree”, “Herringbone”, “Oak”.

Self-massage, finger massage and eye exercises.

Instructor: Find your heart. Press your hands to your chest and listen to how it beats. Imagine that instead of a heart you have a piece of gentle sun in your chest. Its warmth and light spreads throughout the body, arms and legs. There is already so much of it that it cannot fit into us. Let's share the light and warmth with everyone (stretch your arms forward and palms up).
Dear parents, thank you very much for taking the time to come to today kindergarten, to once again make sure that “Health is more valuable than gold!”
Parents are given leaflets “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children” and, taking their child by the hand, they march in a circle and leave the gym.

Kristina Lobacheva

Mass sports event« Fun starts » together with parents.

(older age)


Physical education promotion and activities sports.

Introducing adults and children to a healthy lifestyle through joint competitions.


Use the personal example of adults in the physical education of preschoolers;

Develop speed, strength, agility;

Instill a love for physical education and sports;

Foster a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Promote the development of positive emotions from joint event.

Equipment: chips, 2 basins, fish, double fishing rods, 2 bags, small balls, 4 anthem. sticks, 2 gates, air. balls, obstacles, big balls 8, jump ropes 2, rope.

Progress of the event.

To the sounds sports march teams are built on sports ground. Leading:

Good afternoon, dear guests, dear friends!

Presenter: Hello Fizkult parents! Fizkult hello guys!

Today, unusual competitions will be held here, in which our children and their parents!

We are glad that you put everything aside and came to our fun sports holiday« Fun starts. Every child is certainly glad that their mothers, fathers, and relatives are present! And most importantly, they will help the guys achieve the desired victory!

Our progress will be assessed by a jury consisting of: included:

The chairman of the jury is given a parting word.

Presenter: Guys! Please tell me how our morning in the garden begins?

That's right, from charging, and yours parents Do you do exercises in the morning?

And now we will check this. Get ready to exercise!

There's a song playing "Do exercises"

And so, we begin our competition, 2 teams will participate in each relay race.

Group No. 5 introduce your team!

Team motto!

Group No. 6 introduce your team!

Team motto!

1 relay: "Fishing"

U start Dad and child take a double fishing rod and run to catch fish. They run back with the caught fish and put it in the basin. Pass the fishing rod to the next pair.

2 relay: "Ball in a Bag"

Mom and dad hold the bag, and the child must hit the ball into the bag.

3 relay: "Lifesaver"

Use a stick to roll the ball towards the goal.

4 relay: "Air Football"

Shoot more balloons into someone else's goal. playing parents.

It's time to take a break! The children prepared a dance "Dolphins"

While the children are dancing, the jury sums up the results of the completed relay races.

The jury's word!

5 intellectual relay race: "5 seconds"

Dear jury, be ready! (one counts 5 seconds, the second counts the answers, the third counts the points)

You have 5 seconds to answer questions:

What's sweet?

What ball games do you know?

Types of martial arts?

What foods contain iron? (raspberries, liver, apples, nuts, buckwheat

Protein? (meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes)

6 relay: "Ball Behind"

Parents They hold the ball with their backs, step over the obstacle and run to the chip and back.

7 relay: "Bouncer"

Dad jumps with balls to the chip and back. The balls are under the armpits and one is sandwiched between the knees. Mom is jumping rope, the child is jumping with a ball between his knees.

8 relay: "Passing the ball"

Passing the ball from above, to the right, to the left, from below. First the children, then parents.

9 relay: "Rope"

Parents tug of war.

In the meantime, the results of the competition are being prepared, the children will perform a dance "Not children's time"

And now let’s speak to our distinguished jury!

(Presentation of certificates)

Our holiday was dedicated sports and health, and healthy and sports Family is the key to success in everything! Thank you for coming and participating in our celebration! Goodbye! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Integrated sports and educational leisure “Fun Starts” Integrated sports and educational leisure “Fun Starts” Prepared by a teacher of 6th grade. Kasyan T. In 2017 Goal.

"Merry starts for a happy planet." Sports and environmental event for children 6–7 years old and their parents. Scenario physical education"Merry starts of a Happy Planet" for children 6-7 years old and parents. Ecology and health. Educator: Koryakovtseva.

This year my students and I senior group carried out sports and musical entertainment "Rota rise!" together with our dads. It has begun.

Summer holiday for children in the health center. Sports event"Happy Starts" Photo report Good day, dear friends. IN.

Fun starts with parents Fun starts with the parents of the eldest and preparatory groups Prepared by teacher Somina E.V. 2017 Goals: to attract parents to joint activities.

Entertainment in a pre-school group together with parents “Fun Starts” Fun in a pre-school group with parents. “Fun Starts” Presenter: on sports ground We invite everyone.

Sports are rapidly becoming part of the lives of many: we go to the gym, do fitness, tennis, running, swimming - and much more! Agree, it’s great to feel cheerful and fit. And in order to lure people into this useful business more people, many companies are satisfied sports corporate event for your employees.

Sports holidays are fun! The wide variety of programs that we develop for each client allow you to plunge headlong into a real action, massive and spectacular, and the use of original props and costumes will make your most serious colleagues smile.

A sports corporate event is a kind of team building! By interacting with each other, cheering for your colleague and helping him overcome the challenge, the team becomes more united and friendly.

Sports events are useful! No one will argue that playing sports helps improve health, replenish energy and improve physical fitness. Maybe after your competition someone will awaken the desire to start training and become more resilient and strong - isn’t that great!

An active corporate holiday is a great opportunity to get out of the office and forget about work matters, spend time with your colleagues in an informal setting and chat on abstract topics.

How to organize a sports corporate event?

In order to save you from solving numerous issues related to preparing a corporate event, we will take care of all the issues and organize the event on a turnkey basis. The only thing that is required from you is good mood and comfortable clothes and shoes!

There are no small details in organizing an event of this kind, so we pay attention to all the details. As a rule, corporate sporting events are held outside the city. It all starts with choosing a site, and we can offer you the most best places Moscow region: it can be a recreation center, a holiday home, sports club– everything will depend on your desires and needs, as well as the format of your vacation.

In addition, we organize transfers to and from the venue of the corporate event, and also, if necessary, provide catering services, because after active competitions you always want to have a snack!

Our arsenal has all the necessary props and equipment. When organizing recreation, based on the sports component, we do not forget about the elements of show and celebration. At your service: artists of the original genre, show program, animation team, attractions and area board games for holiday guests, a children's playground and many other entertainments!

Corporate sports events are held to strengthen team spirit, promote a healthy lifestyle, and determine best athletes company, and such a holiday can be organized at almost any time of the year!

Olympic Games

Corporate active recreation in the form of the Summer or Winter Olympic Games is a spectacular event! The opening ceremony, competitions between athletes and honoring the winners - your company’s games can be no less spectacular than international competitions! But our Olympics are not quite ordinary. Participants of the Games will have to compete in various types sports, each of which is represented by a specific country. Olympic Games They can become part of a large outdoor event, or they can themselves become a reason to go out of town.

Team building in Russian

All participants in the “Russian Team Building” program are in the atmosphere of a real folk festival, everything on this day is full of Russian traditions: running in sacks, tug of war, “Stilts” and “Ring Throwing” will not leave anyone indifferent.


This is a real one, developed based on the popular television games "Great Race". You and your colleagues will not only get a dose of adrenaline and unforgettable emotions, but also learn to work as a team, showing mutual assistance, dexterity and ingenuity. The game uses unique and non-standard props, and participants will have to “fight” experienced animators to overcome all the obstacles.

Water programs

– a sporting event for the most experienced extreme sports enthusiasts. This is a spectacular, complex and incredibly interesting program of yacht competitions. This kind of event always brings a lot of fun and new experiences to the participants.

A professionally organized corporate sports holiday not only replaces the usual “outings” of employees or group events, but also gives participants a completely new experience. What it will be: paintball or rally, “Health Day” or “Fun Starts”, comic Olympics or competitions on inflatable attractions, it’s up to you to decide. Our task is to organize corporate sporting events for you at the highest level!

Goals and objectives of the event: develop children's interest in physical education and sports, healthy image life; fostering a sense of collectivism and healthy competition; increasing mutual understanding between children and parents.

Conversation with parents.

Popular wisdom says: “If you lost money, you lost nothing. If you lost time, you lost a lot. If you lost your health, you lost everything.” With the transition to the school regime, the child’s motor activity is reduced by almost half. In addition, many families engage in music, reading additional literature, and also sit for a long time in front of the TV and computer screen. All this further limits the physical activity of younger schoolchildren.

Movement for a child is not only a vital necessity, it is life itself. Without movement, there is no normal growth and development, no conditions for training the most important functions of the body. Neglect daily activities physical education, low volume motor activity lead the child to a very common disease - physical inactivity, in which children's posture deteriorates, the activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and overweight. Therefore, it plays an important role physical education in the family.

All parents need to have an idea of ​​the level physical training their children. It is important for parents to understand the following: in family physical education, their role should not be limited to observation. The personal example of parents, joint physical activities, and a healthy lifestyle are the basis for the success of a child’s physical education in the family. It is very important that children free time We moved more, on weekends we went skiing and hiking with our parents. You need to show your children how important this is through your own experience.

It's never too early and never too late to start getting healthy. It's better to take this step today than tomorrow. I wish you success in the competition.

Fairy tale dramatization

Leading: Dear parents, the children will show the fairy tale "Turnip", which was composed by Y. Kushak based on a Russian folk tale.

There is a vegetable garden near the house.
Grandmother and granddaughter at the gate.
Bug - tail in a ring -
Dozing by the porch.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch,
He is wearing a large sheepskin coat.
From an open window
Grandfather can hear the music:
"Get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise!"

My health is good
I’d better plant a turnip.


And the grandmother has no charger,
Thank God everything is fine.


Makes the poor thing sleepy!
I'll start on Monday.

The dog Zhuchka and the cat come out.

Bug: Let's play hide and seek!

Cat: Let's do without charging!

Bug after the cat
The cat is in the window.
The mouse comes out
In sports pants
T-shirt on the body
There are dumbbells in the paws.


Once! And two! And three - four!
I will become the strongest in the world!
I will perform in the circus -
Raise the hippopotamus!

Grandfather: Oh, I'm tired this morning... (Leaves)

Grandma: And it’s time for me to bake.

Grandma leaves or sits on a bench. Music is playing.

Grandfather is on the porch again.
Sees turnips in the garden
And he doesn’t seem to believe himself.
He stood near the turnip -
The turnip is higher than the cap.
From an open window
The same music is heard.

Eh, a bulldozer would be here,
Without it, it’s a complete disaster!

Pulls and pulls -
Can't pull it out.

Grandfather: Where are you, grandma?


I'm coming now!
Wow, the turnip was a success!

Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull-pull -
They can't pull it out.

How to pull? Which side?
Come out, granddaughter, to the rescue!

Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull - pull -
They can't pull it out.


My back hurts, my arms ache.
No, he can’t cope without Zhuchka.

A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull - pull -
They can't pull it out.


You'll have to wake up the cat
Let him work a little!

Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull - pull -
They can't pull it out.

Grandma: I would like to click on the yard with the mouse.


Call the mouse? What a shame!
We are still on our own
Looks like he has a mustache!

Here a mouse jumps out of a hole,
She grabbed the horizontal bar.


Why trample a garden bed to no avail -
Get ready to exercise.
To get down to business,
We need to gain strength!

Everyone leaves in order
They do exercises together.

Grandfather and grandmother:

Left - right,
Left - right!
It turns out great!


Get up! Exhale, inhale!
Now let's pull!

A mouse for a cat
Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
They pulled out a turnip!

Leading: What does this fairy tale call for? (Conversation with children)

We not only do exercises every morning, but also love various games and competitions. Let's start the competition.

Mom, my dad and me -
We sports family!
We are friends with physical education and sports -
We don't need a doctor at all!

The holiday continues with sports competitions between a team of children and a team of parents.

Competition program.

1. Counter relay race.

Two columns (a column of children and a column of parents) stand facing each other at a distance of 4 m. The first player from the column of children has a basketball in his hands. At the signal from the leader, he passes the ball to the first player from the column opposite and runs over to the opposite column. So, until all the participants in the column return back to their place.

2. Kangaroo.

Teams are lined up one at a time. The column guides hold a volleyball or basketball between the legs (above the knees). At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to jump forward to the landmark and back, returning and passing the baton to the next player. If the ball falls on the floor, you need to pick it up, return to the place where the ball fell, hold it with your feet, and only then continue the relay race.

3. The most accurate.

The captains stand at a distance of 6 m from their teams, facing them, each holding a hoop. Players take turns trying to hit the hoop with a volleyball. A hit is worth one point.

4. On three legs.

The players of each team become pairs, hugging each other by the waist with one hand, while the left leg of one and right leg the other is tied with a skipping rope or braid. At the leader’s signal, the first pair runs to the landmark and back, passing the baton to the next pair.

5. Crossing in hoops.

The captain and the first participant climb into the hoop and move to the counter. The first participant remains near the counter, and the captain with the hoop returns for the second participant. And so on until the captain brings the entire team to the counter.

Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.

We end the holiday with tea.

I would like to offer you our experience of working with families for consideration. Young athletes Relatives bring me to training. The most convenient time for classes is after 17.30. Parents finish work, pick up their children from kindergarten and bring them to training. At the age of 5-8 years, children have their own opinions, but with competent parents they develop under the control of the family. Once again I will note the importance of family and close circle of relatives. Only together with them will you be able to work with athletes for 6 or more years, knowing about the joint prospects of the family and the coach.

To improve contact with family, relatives, and create a sports community, we hold family sports holidays. The idea of ​​joint holidays has been working for a long time and effectively. We are using this idea to develop taekwondo in the city. The scheme for holding a sports family holiday is simple. The event is held in four categories and two age groups. To carry out you need a standard school gym, size 12X20.

Nominations: mother and child; dad and child; dad, mom, child; grandparent and child. Age groups 5-7 years and 8-10 years. This makes eight sections. You need 24 diplomas for the award.

There are four exercises defined for the competition. All exercises are carried out together and the result is summed up everywhere.

1. Exercise. Standing long jump with two legs. The result is summed up.

2. Exercise. Stuffing basketball in 30 seconds. The number of hits adds up.

3. Exercise. Running 10 meters from a place. At the 10-meter mark, facing the opposite direction, a child or family member stands, takes the baton and runs to the finish line. Detected total time all family members.

4. Jumping over a line drawn on the floor in 15 seconds. The number of jumps adds up.

Each section requires four judges. One enters the data into the protocol. Based on the results of the all-around competition, the winner is determined. An awards ceremony is taking place.

What are the benefits of such events? You, as a coach, get to know families better. Everyone empathizes with participation and results. A winning place brings joy to everyone close to you. The event takes place quickly. Competition routines are easy to perform and easy to judge. Parents communicate with each other, get to know each other, and compete. You gain additional allies for your work by creating a positive sports environment.

I am not describing such forms of work as active recreation in nature for parents and children, visiting cultural events. Unite your sports team. Create a team of like-minded people. Understand that working with a group is not just about attending classes.