First time in the gym - where to start? Some tips for your first fitness classes. What exercises should you do in the fitness center.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Irina and Igor are with you again. Are you tired of extra pounds, have you decided to actively fight them? But you don’t really know where to start? Or have you bought a gym membership, but don’t know how to get started?

Then our article is just for you! Today we will give tips for beginners in fitness.

Types of fitness

Any girl or woman needs to connect her life with fitness.

Any man who wants to work on his body to gain sports uniform, you need to connect your life with fitness. Fitness is ready to open its arms to people of any age.

Fitness is not only one of the keys to a healthy body, but also the basis of dynamism and creative thought.

- said John Kennedy. Fitness is not only physical activity, it is a unique way of life.

If the goal of training is to lose weight, then you need to add a special diet to your training.

First, let's figure out what types of fitness there are:

  • Aerobics and cardio training. This also includes dancing classes, step aerobics, and water aerobics. Aerobic exercise help strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory systems, burn excess body fat, and also help increase endurance. If you study in gym- it could be treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike. If you work out in the gym with a trainer, then the classes, as a rule, take place to music, which contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm and harmony.
  • Strength training is necessary for those who want to build muscle mass, improve your relief, work out in detail any separate groups muscles. Can be carried out as special simulators, and as group programs for working with free weights.
  • Pilates is a training system based on slow, smooth movements. Pilates classes are low-traumatic, and they are aimed at developing flexibility, joint mobility, and strengthening muscles without building them up. It has a similar set of exercises. The difference between Pilates and yoga is that it has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for beginners
  • Fitball involves performing exercises with a special ball. Such training helps correct posture, develop coordination of movements, and strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks.
  • Taibo is the youngest of the newest training programs that combines cardio and martial arts elements. This type of activity requires special endurance.

Fitness classes can be started both in the gym and at home.

If family and work take up a significant amount of your time, and going to the gym is not enough, we advise you to consider training at home. In addition, in our country, many people experience financial difficulties that do not allow them to buy a gym membership.

In this case, you can use the video course on the complex strength training "Lady Fitness" from Vladimir Molodov. Training according to Vladimir Molodov’s program is an excellent chance to end overweight and get a fit and slender figure

Perhaps the most difficult thing about fitness is finding time for it. We are sure we can handle everything else.

So, we offer instructions for beginners, consisting of 10 tips for starting a fitness routine:

  • Fitness is not a hobby! You should attend training regularly, only then you will feel and see the result in the mirror. Remember that laziness and all kinds of excuses are moving you away from your ideal body
  • Even if you study at home, you will need sportswear , and also the right shoes , which you can purchase in the online store Don't neglect them, as they can protect you from injury.
  • Don't be afraid of making mistakes at first. After all, “they learn from mistakes”! But you will definitely learn how to do the exercise correctly, and what not to do.
  • Plan in advance the time you will devote to training. You should train at least 3-4 hours a week
  • Approach training without fanaticism. Your body must have time to recover between workouts, otherwise your productivity will drop.
  • Observe drinking regime. Your body needs water to remove toxins from it, as well as to fight subcutaneous fat.
  • Keep in touch with your coach. You can even start your own training diary, where you will write down his advice and recommendations.
  • Leave your phone in the locker room! Many people quit doing an exercise halfway through just because their phone rang. For 40 - 50 minutes a day you can easily do without talking about it
  • More fun together! Ask your friends or work colleagues, maybe there is at least one fitness lover among them. And if so, then joint support will help you not to miss classes
  • Don't forget to praise yourself! Praise will provide you good mood, which means a desire to come again!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in our advice! It’s just a matter of small things – we need to start!

Thank you for staying with us. We promise to delight you again with new interesting topics! See you soon.

Best regards, Irina and Igor

It's not easy to keep a good one physical fitness. It is especially difficult to start training when the need is ripe. You feel tired, shortness of breath appears from time to time, and your figure leaves much to be desired. However, it can be very difficult to overcome internal barriers and start training. In fact, taking the first step is much easier than it seems. And here's how.

How to start doing fitness at home

Don't be scared by lack of experience or painful fatigue after exercise. No need to exhaust yourself with long, challenging workouts. You can start with simple exercises, which are intended for beginners. In addition, perform them at home, in a comfortable environment. They don't require any equipment and are easy to modify to suit any skill level.

Keeping your body in good shape is fitness. Homes for beginners main principle- “do no harm”: do not force the load and stop training as soon as you feel tired. What is very important is not to stop studying and practice regularly. At the initial stage it is enough three workouts 15 minutes per week. You can gradually increase the duration of classes to 45 minutes.

What time to study? Our body follows a certain cycle, which depends on our lifestyle. depends on the rhythm of life. Each person has their own individual rhythm. Considering the purpose of the classes, you need to choose the time. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to train in the morning, on an empty stomach, from 5:30 to 9:00. At this time, the body uses energy from the fat depot.

For evening training set aside time from 18:30 to 20:00. If for some reason you cannot stick to this time, you should not give up classes. The body can readjust and get used to the conditions suitable for it. That's why best time he will tell you himself. It is important to listen to him.

The benefits of training

Fitness for women is an opportunity not only to get rid of unwanted pounds, but also to always be in great shape. All the exercises listed below put stress on your body. By doing it regularly, you can quickly achieve excellent results:

  • improved posture;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • improved sleep;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • burning large quantity calories;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • improved coordination;
  • development of joint mobility.

Fitness at home. Lesson for beginners

You need to start small: perform the exercises at a slow pace, choose the most optimal option. The exercises are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abs. It is advisable for a beginner to do everything alternating them. This is necessary in order to choose the most comfortable and effective one.

3 tips for beginners:

  1. Regularity and a positive attitude are very important for training, they will bring you over time best results. Do not overload yourself and it is advisable to complete your classes with additional light cardio exercises.
  2. Creation of a lesson program. Set aside a certain amount of time for training. Diversify your activities different exercises, additionally include cardio exercises or yoga. That is, not giving too much load.
  3. Listen to your body. One of the key problems for beginners is excessive load. Make sure your body is ready for intense physical activity and only after that increase it. Focus on those muscles that require attention. And devote more time to the exercises that are necessary to work them out.

Exercise "Plank"

Aimed at strengthening hands and wrists. Increases balance and stability of the lower body. Light version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • bend your arms at the elbows;
  • knees pressed to the floor;
  • slowly lift your hips off the floor, resting your toes on the floor;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds.

Execution options: arms extended (as in a push-up).

Such gentle training is also called “ lazy fitness" At home, for beginners, this is an excellent opportunity to achieve the desired effect while preventing injuries and providing an even load on the muscles.

Exercise "Superman"

Targets the core muscles along the spine. Develops flexibility, improves coordination and posture. Light version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • hands in front of you;
  • lift off the floor at the same time right hand and left leg;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Then switch arms and legs.

Execution option: lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor at the same time.

Lateral leg raises

What's good about fitness? At home, for beginners, you can choose a lightweight version of many exercises. This exercise very effective for the waist and hips. Light version:

  • lying on your right side, bend your arm at the elbow;
  • Raise your left leg up. Do not bend your leg at the knee;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat on each side 5 times.

Execution options: lean on your outstretched arm, do the rest in the same way.


For a beginner, this is a lighter version of traditional squats. Fitness at home for beginners is a great opportunity to strengthen your abs. The exercise targets the muscles of the lower body. An effective exercise for strengthening knee ligaments. To perform this you will need a chair or bench. Light version:

  • stand up straight;
  • hands folded on chest;
  • feet - shoulder width apart;
  • squat on a chair, keep your back straight;
  • rise without using hands;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: hands in front of you, otherwise perform the same.


A good workout for the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders and back. Light version:

  • take a lying position;
  • hands slightly wider than shoulders;
  • raise your body, straightening your arms;
  • knees pressed to the floor;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: if it is difficult to do push-ups from the floor, then lean on a bench.

  • Take your training seriously: don’t skip classes. Regular and full-fledged exercise is fitness. For women who want to lose weight, this is especially important.
  • Plan your training time in advance. Free fitness is not a reason to work out and skip classes due to a bad mood.
  • Avoid unnecessary overload. Overtraining can lead to decreased productivity.
  • Maintain drinking regime. The body needs to restore fluid costs.
  • Remember that without following a diet for those who want to lose weight, exercise will take much longer.
  • Write down the date and time of classes; and exercises. You can simultaneously record your diet and body weight in it. This will allow you to analyze the results.
  • For effective weight loss a balanced diet is necessary. Eliminate high-calorie foods from your diet. To remove the sides and belly, you can additionally adhere to a protein diet. Fast weight loss contributes to frequent and small meals.
  • Perform exercises regularly, gradually increasing the load and time of exercise. Start your workout by warming up for 10 minutes. Include warm-up exercises for joints. Perform movements at a slow pace. Warming up increases blood flow, which significantly increases the effectiveness of your workout. Cardio exercises will speed up the process of losing weight, include them in your workout.

The body quickly adapts to training. The main thing is to take the first step. And then you will easily achieve the desired result. You will get rid of problem areas, heavy gait and ugly posture. Practice at home at any time free time. The main thing is that the classes bring you pleasure. If possible, walk more, take the stairs up to the floor. This will save time on training and serve as a good “seasoning” for training. Very good results This is a great opportunity for beginners to get in shape.

Good day, dear beauties. Today I will tell you how to start doing fitness and what you need for this. First, set yourself a clear goal and say several times “I want to start doing fitness!” I want a beautiful and sexy body!” Repeat this to yourself regularly, it really works. Thoughts are material.

The first step is to sign up for a fitness class at a fitness club.

First of all, you must sign up for a fitness center. Maybe you thought it was possible to do fitness at home? Based on my experience, I can say with confidence that this is a utopia. Achieving results at home is incredibly difficult. It is very difficult to concentrate at home - there are always distractions. Forcing yourself to exercise at home is much more difficult and boring than in the fitness center. In the fitness center you will perform much better, and therefore the effectiveness of your training will be higher.

Do you want to get results? March to the fitness club!

I recommend choosing a fitness club as close to home as possible. It’s not easy to force yourself to exercise regularly, but it will be doubly difficult for you if you still have to travel somewhere. It’s okay if the club is located within a 10-15 minute walk from your home - a walk before and after training will be beneficial for your body.

Group training at the fitness club. Step aerobics.

If this is your first time going to fitness, I recommend starting with group training. Group training always takes place with a trainer, so you will be “under supervision”. The trainer makes sure that you do the exercises correctly, are not lazy, and can give recommendations on nutrition. In the initial stages, by and large, it doesn’t matter what type of fitness you do. The main thing is to develop the habit and discipline of regularly visiting the club. Try different types of activities and you will see what suits you best. Depending on your level physical training may suit you or high intensity training With high loads, or less intense.

When purchasing a fitness club membership, you will most likely be offered an initial free consultation, during which you will be told about different types fitness classes.

I would like to warn you that most likely you will be offered paid personal fitness training (after all, trainers also want to eat). At the initial stage you don’t need them - start with group classes. Buy paid personal training you will always be on time.

Before purchasing a fitness club membership, check the class schedule. The class time should be convenient for you. It’s good if there are so many gyms in a fitness club, then several classes can take place at the same time, and you can choose where to go.

So, the club card is in your pocket and you are ready to go to your first training session. But before we start packing your bag, I want to draw your attention to one more important point.

Set yourself a goal

The goal is very important, because To get somewhere, you need to know where to go! Your goal should be clear and understandable to you.

There is a great system for setting SMART goals that works well for setting fitness goals as well. How to set a SMART training goal and what should your goal be?

  • Specific. The result must be accurate and specific. You cannot set a goal, for example, “I want to go to fitness.” The rule will be: “Visit the fitness club 3 times a week for 3 months.”
  • Measurable. The goal should be such that it can be measured in something (even in parrots). Incorrect: “I want to lose weight,” correct: “Lose 5 kg in 2 months.”
  • Achievable. There is no need to set unrealistic goals. If you weigh 150 kg, then you definitely will not get a model appearance even in a year. Therefore, evaluate your capabilities realistically. Correct: “I will attend training 3 times a week and eat right in order to lose 3 kg in a month.”
  • Important to you. Your goal must truly be important to you. Remember, you may have to choose what is most important to you and put other things on the back burner. If a goal is not important, it is extremely difficult to achieve. Is it really important for you to have a beautiful and healthy body? Or are you already loved for who you are, and it is more important for you, for example, to study cooking and try new recipes or embroider, instead of going to a fitness club?
  • Determined in time. Be sure to set a deadline (deadline) by which your goal must be completed. You can’t just set a goal, for example, “remove belly fat,” you need to set a time-specific goal, “Reduce waist size to 65 cm in 2 months.”

Correct goal setting when doing fitness

Now take a pen and write down some goals on paper. Choose the most important goal, talk about it regularly and relentlessly strive for it.

Example of a correct goal:

By the end of the year (December 31), I must weigh 55 kg with a waist circumference of no more than 65 cm, for this I must visit the fitness club 3 times a week and eat right (no more than 1500 kcal per day).

What do you need for fitness? We pack our bag.

Finally, let's pack your bag for your first class.

Let's start with the bag. What kind of bag do you need for going to the gym? There are two main options: backpack or sports bag?

Training bag, what to take with you to the gym

The backpack is convenient if you walk to workouts. It is much more convenient to carry things on your back (the weight is evenly distributed along the spine) than in your hand or on your shoulder. When walking with a backpack, your hands remain free, which can also be important. But there is also a minus of the backpack. It is tall and deep, it is more difficult to get things out, they have to be laid in several rows.

A sports bag is more convenient in this regard. It’s easier to take things out and put them away. But the bag is heavier to carry over long distances.

I believe that if you go to training by car, take a sports bag, if you walk, take a backpack.

The main thing is that the bag or backpack is roomy enough to fit all the things needed for training.

Things needed for training in a fitness club:

  • Sportswear. Of course, you need to change clothes. You need sweatpants, breeches, leggings or shorts, and a T-shirt or top. You can read more about how to choose clothes for fitness in the article
  • Sports shoes. These could be sneakers or sneakers. Some types of training take place barefoot (for example, yoga).
  • Small towel. It is needed to wipe sweat from the face and body. You also need to wipe off sweat from the equipment after you work out with them.
  • Shower accessories. All normal fitness clubs have showers. Don't hesitate to take a shower after training. The shower is much cleaner than the gym, because people wash there and don’t sweat. A shower will soothe your muscles, wash off the sweat, and simply relax. For the shower you will need slippers, a towel, a robe (or you can wrap yourself in a towel, whichever you prefer), shower gel and shampoo.
  • Change of underwear. I don’t think that after a shower, you will want to wear the underwear you worked out in.
  • Water bottle. Drinking during training is not only possible, but necessary. That's why a water bottle is a must-have in your fitness bag.

That's it! You are ready for your first visit to the fitness club and your first workout. Start and don't stop. Read as much information as possible about training - it's great motivation.

And motivation is now very important for you. The right attitude is 90% of the result. You should not force yourself to go to the gym, but look forward to it. training day. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for you to force yourself, perhaps at first your muscles will ache and you will be very tired. But over time, training will become a habit and will become an integral part of your life.

Rule 21 of training when visiting a fitness club

There is a 21 day rule to develop a habit. It lies in the fact that in order for an action to become a habit, it must be performed regularly for 21 days.

I believe this rule applies to fitness classes as well. The first 21 workouts you need to get used to them, but from the 22nd workout, visiting the fitness club will become a habit that will be difficult to give up.

If you want fitness and a great figure, it’s better not to even think about buns!

To make it easier for you to get used to it, break the process of getting used to it into several stages.

  1. One-time visit to the fitness club.
  2. Attending 3 training sessions during the week.
  3. Attending training for one month (4 weeks x 3 = 12 training sessions).
  4. Attendance at training sessions for 2 months (more than 24 training sessions).

I am sure that by the end of the second month you will already be going to training with pleasure. In addition, during this time the body will get used to the loads, and training will seem much easier.

Lastly, one more thing a couple of tips for beginners in fitness.

Don't be shy. Even if your body is not ideal, there is no need to be shy about going to the gym. Behind each model figure and a model appearance hides great job above yourself. You should not be ashamed of yourself, but be proud of yourself. Be proud that you have enough strength and desire to make your body healthy and beautiful.

And don't be afraid to make mistakes and do something wrong. The trainer will always advise and help you perform the exercise correctly.

Not only the goal is important, but also the training process itself. Don’t live in the past and future, learn to enjoy every moment of your life now.

Eliminate all bad habits and acquire useful ones. Smoking and alcohol - no (not even a sip), walking, going to the cinema and theater, traveling - yes.

Smile and create a good mood around you. We create our own environment.

And, of course, read our magazine. Write your impressions of the article in the comments and ask questions.

“If you hurry, you will make people laugh” - folk wisdom, relevant at all times. This proverb often comes to mind when observing beginners in the gym. As a rule, the mistakes they make are typical and easily predictable. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid all mistakes - but it is still possible. To do this, you need to choose a trainer and study with him first basic principles, terms, concepts, and only then go to the simulators.

An important task of the trainer is to show you the technique of performing various exercises on simulators, help calculate the load and select effective exercises. Exercises “under supervision” will help you avoid injuries and achieve the desired result faster.

What is important to know before starting training

It is very important to organize yours. So, between the last meal and classes there should be a break of 1-1.5 hours. After training, it is better to eat 0.5-1 hour later. So as not to be violated water balance in the body, you need to drink water before, during and after exercise. In addition to internal comfort, external comfort is no less important: it should be comfortable, it should not tighten or dig into your body, it should give you room for action. It’s also worth thinking about this in advance.

The most common mistake newbies make is being overly enthusiastic. In the gym, a beginner does a lot of exercises on various machines, trying not to miss anything. This leads to overwork and refusal to continue training. It's better not to rush in this matter.

If the exercises were performed correctly, the muscles should ache a little and become stiff. This feeling goes away after 2-4 days. When pain in the joints and spine, you must stop training immediately. If these symptoms are observed, most likely the exercise technique is incorrect or the weight is selected incorrectly.

The workout must consist of 3 parts - warm-up, main part, relaxation exercises.

The purpose of the warm-up is to activate the respiratory and circulatory systems, and warm up the muscles that will be loaded during the main part of the workout. Usually, the main problems for beginners occur due to ignoring the warm-up (injuries, discomfort after training, etc.). Warm-up should last at least 10-15 minutes. It should include at least 5 minutes of cardio on any cardio machine to prepare the heart, a light routine joint gymnastics, dynamic stretching and exercises with own weight to prepare the joints.

The task of the main part is to perform exercises on the planned muscle groups. The number of exercises, sets and repetitions depends strictly on individual goals and may vary. The main part of the training should contain 6-8 exercises. There should be 1-3 exercises for each muscle group. For beginners, it is important to work out all the muscles in one workout in order to teach your body to move correctly and remember the technique. Exercises are arranged in training according to the principle of complex (multi-joint for large muscle group) to simple (single-joint for small muscles). At the end of the workout, pay attention to working out your abs.

The number of approaches for beginners should not be large - 2-3 approaches in each exercise are enough. The number of repetitions in each approach is 10-12. Rest between approaches until breathing and heart rate are restored. When you feel ready, continue training. On average, rest after each approach is 1.5 minutes.

Let's decipher concepts such as the number of approaches, the number of repetitions. For example, you train your leg muscles by doing a squat with a barbell on your shoulders. We walked up to the racks, took the barbell on our shoulders, did 8 squats with it, then put the barbell back. In this case, you did 1 set of 8 reps. You can rest and repeat the exercise 1-2 more times, and then rest again and move on to the next exercise.

The purpose of the third part of the workout is to normalize breathing and blood circulation. It is recommended to take 5-10 deep breaths, perform a simple stretching routine and hang on the bar.

There are 3 types of equipment in fitness centers: strength training equipment, cardio training equipment and free weights (dumbbells and barbells).

Strength training machines are needed to work out muscles in anaerobic mode with the help of weights. You put a strain on them skeletal muscles. Most of the exercises in the beginner's core should be done on machines. The fact is that a novice athlete still does not feel his body well and does not have the knowledge of the technique of performing exercises that would allow him not to make mistakes. Trajectory of movement in strength training equipment is thought out in advance, which will allow you to feel your muscles.

They mainly provide a general load on the body in an aerobic mode. You train your endurance with them cardiovascular system. They are suitable for those who want to lose overweight or warm up before a more serious workout.

These are dumbbells and a barbell. There are basic (core) exercises for each muscle group, with the bulk of the basic exercises performed using dumbbells and barbells. To ensure that your muscles receive the proper load, regardless of your goals, do not forget about this type equipment. However, you need to add free weight exercises gradually. This is especially true for technically complex basic exercises.

Newbie program example

Warm-up: 5 minutes per elliptical trainer and joint gymnastics.

Main part: 8 exercises, each performed in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  1. Leg press in the simulator;
  2. Extension of the lower leg in the simulator;
  3. Flexion of the lower leg in the simulator;
  4. Traction vertical block to the chest;
  5. Horizontal block thrust;
  6. Hammer chest press or push-ups (can be done from your knees);
  7. Swings with dumbbells through the sides;
  8. Lying crunches.

Cool down: 15 minutes of cardio and simple stretching.

Depending on your level of training, leg extensions can be replaced with more complex ones. basic exercise- lunges in place in the Smith machine, learn the technique of squats in the same machine. Then gradually expand your vocabulary of exercises, mastering the technique of new movements with barbells and dumbbells.

Many beginners think that muscles become stronger and more resilient during training, but this is not at all true. During training, the whole body receives an impulse in which direction it should move, and this happens during rest. For example, you did a workout to lose weight, adipose tissue in this case, it will be broken down mainly after training.

From this we conclude: proper nutrition combined with quality rest is the key to successful training that brings results.

Good luck to you in this difficult task - building a figure!