Types of springboards. Rotation when ski jumping Basic rules of ski jumping

Hello, Artem Pichkhadze is with you and today I will tell you about the basic level of jumping. If you are already good at skating and are ready to start jumping, I will tell you how to do it. First of all, you need to learn how to do it on the spot. In the last video, I showed how you can move forward and backward using a board, do an ollie, and do a nollie. These are all things you can learn to do at home on carpet, linoleum, or a flat part of a slope while you wait for your lagging friends. Once you have learned how to do these jumps in place, you must learn how to do them on a gentle slope while moving.

After you have learned how to do these elements, it is better for you to move on to springboard bends. That is, you don’t need to immediately jump from the springboards themselves, jump from the flat part and land on a slope. Jumps must always be performed from the edge and also land on the edge: before you start the jump, you must choose which edge you are pushing from and which edge you are landing on. First, you must learn to jump from the front edge, land on the back and the front, then learn how to jump from the back edge and land on the front and back.

So, to begin with, we ride on the front edge, jump, and land on the back edge. Then we ride on the back edge and land on the front edge. If after a jump you can’t land on your feet, then you have a problem with the axis of release - in order to fly out straight, you need to send your shoulders in the plane in which you want to land.

When we ride and prepare to jump, the weight should be centered over the board. Since we are jumping from a flat to an inclined landing, when we jump we need to move our shoulders forward and fly at a slight angle, then we will pull our legs up and land on this plane.

If we do nothing with our shoulders, at the moment of the jump they remain behind us, the plane changes and it turns out that we fly forward with our feet. so focus on your shoulders and do your first jumps with your arms raised. Raising your arms as you jump will stabilize you and you will be able to visually see which plane you are flying into.

Jumping on a snowboard is one of the the most popular types extreme sports. Besides basic exercises, a snowboarder must learn to fall and get up correctly. Only after mastering the basic elements can an athlete begin to master jumps and trick spins.

When learning this art, it is better to turn to a trainer who will not only give the theory, but also clearly demonstrate how to correctly jump on a snowboard and perform spinning tricks.

There is an opportunity to learn this technique yourself, but to do this you need to have experience riding a board. If a snowboarder has just started on it, you should not perform elaborate figure positions, rotations and perform them on a steep slope - this can be fraught with serious injuries. To begin, choose a gentle slope for yourself and start learning or repeating the basic elements.


These exercises will help you learn trick skating and avoid injury.


It is the easiest trick in snowboarding. The athlete needs to grab the board with either hand while performing the jump. It can be sharpened from a small hillock, a mound - this will be enough for a start. There are also several varieties of grab. The most accessible is to grab the edge of the board between the fastenings with your far hand.


  1. Take your time to grab the snowboard, feel the maximum height, then do the trick.
  2. Don't stretch your hand too far to grab the edge; press your legs harder.

A beginner snowboarder can take this element while training on a trampoline:

  • practice jumping as high as possible and landing without losing your balance, first without a board;
  • now jumping with a board, but without a grab yet, you need to feel it in flight so that it becomes your continuation;
  • after “merging” with the snowboard, start mastering this trick;
  • when the execution becomes automated, complicate the trick by doing an extension (partial straightening of the far leg);

Pay attention to the physical preparation of the whole body.


An original trick in which the body, at height, turns in one direction, and the snowboard and lower body turn in the opposite direction. Before you can perform this position correctly on the snow, you should perfect it on the trampoline.

Features of execution:

  1. Jump - flight - twisting - straightening - landing. This element should be worked out according to this scheme.
  2. To twist your body, wait until the highest point of the flight.
  3. As soon as you hit the edge of the board, immediately spin out for a comfortable landing.
  4. When performing this element on the snow, before jumping from a springboard, spread your arms wide to the sides and bend your knees slightly for greater stability and a spectacular jump.
When the technique of performing shifty has been brought to automaticity, you can begin lessons on spinning tricks.

Tricks for rotations

Rotation tricks, like other exercises, are divided into easy and complex. One of the easiest elements for a beginning athlete is a 180-degree rotation.

180 degrees

Its development must begin with a turn on a gentle slope, and only then transfer the training to the springboard.

Features of execution:

  1. Learn to turn around on a flat surface and continue moving the tail of the snowboard forward.
  2. Before entering the kicker, master this element on natural hillocks.
  3. Try to jump high, pushing off with the entire sole of the board. Press your legs closer to your body and turn your shoulders 180 degrees.

You can start learning this position at home, on a trampoline, on a gentle slope.

360 degree rotation

To master the 360-degree rotation trick, you should carefully practice jumping and turning on the trampoline with this amplitude.

Features of execution:

  1. When taking off, do a twist.
  2. To spin 360 degrees, you need to gather all your strength and suddenly, while making a powerful jump, turn around your axis.
  3. When turning, do not forget to turn your head in the direction your body is moving, otherwise the trick will not work.
  4. Increase the amplitude of the jump with your hands, otherwise you will not be able to achieve 360 ​​degrees.
  5. Lower yourself with bent legs to soften your landing from a height.

If all points are completed, the trick spin will be successful.

Basic rules of ski jumping

To perform successfully, you need to remember the simple rules of ski jumping, which will help you curb the extreme art of snowboarding.

Rules for successful jumps:

  1. Correct, practiced, performed automatically.
  2. When accelerating, you need to climb the ramp slightly on your heels.
  3. When climbing the diving board, lower yourself onto your toes.
  4. All subsequent jumps are done from the toes.
  5. When starting to take off, direct top part body slightly forward.
  6. When landing, try to plant both feet at the same time, resting them lightly on your toes.

When entering a kicker, never step onto back leg, this is dangerous due to the snowboard flying forward and further injury.

How to Avoid Injury

To learn how to jump from a springboard on a snowboard and not injure yourself, you need to understand the basic criteria before preparing for sports activities:

  1. Before each race, actively knead all joints, from the head to the feet. It is recommended to include the following exercises in the warm-up session: intense warm-up cervical region, shoulders, shoulder blades, arms, lower back. Particular attention must be paid knee joints snowboarder and ankles, since when jumping from a height they are subject to the greatest load. The entire warm-up lasts about 20 minutes. The better your muscles are warmed up, the less likely you are to be injured in a sudden fall.
  2. A proper fall will eliminate possible limb fractures. When falling forward, squat down closer to the surface, pressing your hands to chest. If the fall occurs backwards, then you need to do the same thing, pressing your chin to your chest to avoid hitting your head.
  3. Constantly jumping on a trampoline stimulates vestibular apparatus, helping to quickly navigate in flight.
  4. Full equipment will protect the athlete from serious injury in the event of a fall.

A novice athlete should remember: in order to control a snowboard and perform the desired trick elements cleanly, you need a powerful physical training, endurance and a great desire to learn extreme sports.

Many people love snowboarding, but not everyone is immediately good at various tricks and jumps. As soon as a beginner learns to stand on the board, fall correctly and ride at least at an average level, he can move on to mastering turns both on and off the beaten tracks. If this has been studied, the snowboarder knows perfectly well how to gain speed and brake, it is worth moving on to learning jumps and various tricks, considering that everyone who loves active recreation a person wants not just to ride, but also to show his friends and others what he can do. This is exactly what will be discussed in this material prepared by the site

Every beginner should remember one simple rule: do not try to immediately perform complex figures or jumps after climbing a steep slope. This can only be done after full preparation, and some tricks are generally only accessible to professionals.

When planning to master more complex elements, the best option is to ask for help experienced trainers, who will not only tell you everything in detail, but also show you how to do it. The option is not excluded self-study, but for this you need to have at least a little skating practice and first you should complete the minimum required course of exercises, which will help you transfer the center of gravity from one leg to the other without losing balance, control the center of gravity, and so on.

Initial lessons

First exercise

First you need to learn how to download back snowboard. This exercise helps you learn not only how to maintain balance for a long time, but also how to land correctly after a jump. To perform it, you need to ride as usual, turn your knee, hip and shoulder parallel to the board, then lightly press the back edge of the snowboard behind standing foot using all her muscles. To prevent the board from going faster, you need to put a little pressure on the front of it.

If everything is done correctly, the leading edge of the snowboard will only rise slightly, and the speed of movement will increase slightly. Next, you should press harder on the front of the snowboard and stand in starting position. Many beginners may initially lose their balance and fall; to prevent this from happening, you need to first practice distributing your weight by holding on, for example, to a railing.

Second exercise

You can begin an activity that can later help you instantly correct mistakes after your board unsuccessfully touches the snow upon landing. It involves lifting the back of the board up. When skating as usual, you need to turn your knee, hip and shoulder in the direction of movement, then lightly press with your front foot on the board, while you should not try to press only with your foot, you should use all the muscles of your leg.

It is important to remember that if you apply too much pressure, the front of the snowboard can cause a sharp decrease in speed, or “dive” into the snow and the beginner may fall. Therefore, you also need to put moderate pressure on the back of the board, which, if done correctly, should rise slightly.

Third exercise

In this lesson, you should learn to “separate the body,” that is, the torso and arms should do one thing, and the pelvis and legs should do another. To achieve this, you need to, while going down a gentle slope, try to turn the board so that it first runs parallel to the track, then perpendicularly and vice versa, in other words, you need to learn to “draw a plus sign.” You should try to use only the back part of the board for turns, while your shoulders and torso should be located in the direction of movement, and your pelvis and legs should change position regularly. This lesson will help you learn to control your body when jumping.

Names of jumps and tricks for beginners on the spot

After the exercises, you can move on to performing tricks and jumps, but first you should jump on a flat plane, standing still. To do this, you need to sit down a little, squat down, push off and do a little high jump. When landing, you should try to keep the board parallel to the ground, and you should land on the floor bent legs, but in no case on straight lines, as you can get injured. After a successful jump, you should repeat it several times.

Ollie's Jump

Almost any beginner can learn this element quite easily; it is often used when performing various tricks, and is also indispensable if it becomes necessary to overcome low obstacles.

This jump is carried out by bending and then straightening the snowboard. To do this, you need to press hard on the back of the board, and then you need to jump with your back foot, which is easy to do thanks to the spring effect. During the flight, you can take the desired body position, then you need to level the board and try to land on your toes. Professional snowboarders recommend repeating this trick before each ride, as it warms up the muscles perfectly.

Nollie's Jump

This element differs from the previous one in that it is necessary to press on the board with the foot in front, and if you do not practice on the spot, then it is very difficult for beginners to perform it when moving. You need to sharply press the front edge of the snowboard with your foot, and then, using the same spring effect, make a jump with your front foot. In flight, you need to level the board, but you cannot land on your heels. One of common mistakes For beginner snowboarders, the problem is that they either lean their torso forward or backward excessively, resulting in a fall. Just a few workouts will help correct this oversight.

Training in tricks and jumps on the tracks

Once outdoor enthusiasts have mastered the basic skills of standing still, they can begin training on gentle slopes. First, you should perform a simple trick, which consists of alternating pressure on the front and back legs.

When starting the movement, you need to slouch a little, bend your knees slightly and distribute the weight evenly on both legs, and then put a little more pressure on the back of the snowboard. Immediately after this, you need to lift the back of the board by pressing harder on the snowboard with your front foot. The next step is to transfer the weight to the back of the board, while its front part should rise slightly. These movements must be repeated several times, trying to maintain balance.

Having chosen a gentle slope, you should stand in your usual stance and, from the very beginning of the movement, begin to alternately make turns with the lower part of your body (“plus sign”). It is important not to forget that your shoulders and arms should be positioned motionless, and even when skating this way you need to stretch a little in the direction of movement.

The next trick for beginners is to perform straight jumps while moving. To do this, you need to sit down a little while moving and, lifting both legs off the track at the same time, jump slightly. After several successful times, you can try jumping over small snowballs or branches in this way.

The next lesson is to perform Ollie and Nollie jumps while moving. If the first one is practically no different from the one performed on a flat plane, standing still, then to perform the second one you need to remember several rules. Firstly, you must confidently, while maintaining balance, be able to lift the back of the snowboard when moving, and also master perfectly twisting your torso when descending. Secondly, in no case should you place emphasis on one of your legs when landing, since when moving along the track this is fraught with a fall and the possibility of injury.

After a person has mastered jumping, he can learn to do grabs - this is when, in flight, the hand touches any part of the snowboard. In addition, in the future you can train to jump with turns in the air (180, 360 and more degrees), as well as perform various tricks on trampolines.

Even if a person feels confident on the board, under no circumstances should one forget about safety rules when riding; this directly affects other vacationers. It is worth avoiding the so-called blind spots; if you fall, you need to inspect the top of the mountain slope to make sure that no one is driving. Naturally, you should remember that you need to keep your distance when riding, and the choice of personal protective equipment must be taken very seriously.

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In this article we will talk about how to correctly set the rotation when jumping from a springboard. It's only about simple rotations without axis displacement. The article is intended for beginners in freestyle, but already quite confident in snowboarding. Uncertain skating will greatly harm you on jumps, especially on landing.


Arriving at the springboard is a very important stage of the jump. Without the right run, you won't be able to make a good jump. The correct entry is:

  • Correct choice of speed. To zero, do straight jumps from the springboard several times to understand what speed you need. Remember that when correct selection speed You should hit the first third of the landing. If you feel “sausty” in the air, it’s better to practice more straight jumps before taking up spins;
  • Arrival from the arc. Of course, you can ride and jump on a flat board, but in this case you lose control of the board. Therefore, calculate the acceleration so as to make 2-3 gentle arcs in front of the kicker.


When jumping, two types of twist are used: from the arc and from the body, as well as various combinations thereof.

Twist from the arc

Twisting from an arc is the easiest option. You go to the kicker, make an arc on it, and, as it were, continue this arc in the air. For example, when spinning to the backside, you need to time it so that the kicker makes a half arc on the front edge. The most important thing is that the arc should be such that the kicker’s takeoff is strictly forward, and in no case to the side. Look at the diagrams, they roughly show the arcs that you should draw in the snow. It helps a lot when you’re warming up before a jump to mentally imagine which route you’ll take. And then just follow it.

Body twist

The body twist is another component. A good preparation for this is a trampoline. On the trampoline you can practice twisting without falling to the side. No trampoline - just jump on level ground (without a board), trying to make half a turn, then a full turn, and so on. It is very important to maintain a vertical axis of rotation - not to lean to the side. The easiest way is to give impulse to rotation with your shoulders, catching up with the rotation of the board.
Twisting with the body without pushing off from the kicker is quite difficult. Therefore, push from the springboard as you pushed when jumping out of the blue. The push must be carried out strictly upward, otherwise it is quite possible that the board will slip out from under you, and you will fly in a not very pleasant position. Push off from a stable board. And the board is more stable in an arc. That is why it is convenient to combine two twist options.


For small rotations you can use one of the methods, but for large degrees you usually have to use both. The arc gives a slight rotational impulse and provides a fulcrum for a powerful jump and spin.
Jumping increased complexity- when the arc does not help, but interferes with the twisting of the body. You make an arc as if you were going to do a frontside spin and jump to the backside. Such jumps are characterized by a sharp rotation of the shoulders.
If you can't even do a 180, you may be afraid to rotate. In order to force yourself, you need to convince yourself that you will still spin. One way is to turn your head in the direction of rotation. The body is designed this way; it follows your gaze (don’t look at the trees on the highway!). Landing in a place visible to the eye is much more pleasant than landing blindly.


It would be great if a person wanted to and did something. But unfortunately, all sorts of fears, glitches, etc. come into play. Therefore, you may find some tips useful to help you learn jumping.

  1. Imagination. A very useful technique - before jumping, scroll through your head several times how it will look. Imagine as clearly as possible, as if you were already riding and jumping correctly. And then simply act as presented. You can use your imagination in advance, on the way to the park.
  2. Concentration. Before the jump, and especially during acceleration, try not to be distracted by anything. Throw away all extraneous thoughts and focus on the jump. That is why you must adhere to certain rules in the park - so as not to upset the mood of other riders.
  3. Analysis. After landing, do not rush to run back for acceleration. Analyze how the jump went, why it failed (if it failed). It’s better to do 10 deliberate and prepared jumps than 50 just like that.. It’s very harmful to think “I’m cool, I can do it this way.” One time it will work, but another time it won’t. And since the brain remembers the same actions, there is a risk of remembering incorrect movements.
  4. Moderation. Don't get carried away with the same thing. If something doesn’t work out for a long time, put it aside, try simpler actions, some preparatory exercises. This also applies to successes - if something turned out well, stop with the good, move on to the next one. The trick is that you need to remember - you did it, you can do it. If you persist, you will get tired and forget everything.

And a few more words

Well, everything we could tell you, we said. The rest is up to you. Don't be afraid to experiment. Just choose the springboards that suit your strength, and don’t jump into battle right away. You can also learn how to spin using small kickers. Unless low speed doesn’t help you, you’ll have to speed up somehow.
And don’t forget that in the park you can ask more experienced riders for advice. Do not hesitate to contact us - your mistakes will always be pointed out to you.

Snowboarding is a beautiful, extreme and exciting sport that attracts more and more new people every year who want to learn spectacular tricks, without which skiing snowboarding cannot be called complete and bringing maximum pleasure to the athlete. There are a number of rules that should be followed if you decide to master the jumping technique. snowboarding. Not only the beauty of the jumps themselves, but also the safety of the athlete depends on these rules.

In order to learn how to jump well, you need a comfortable springboard of sufficient steepness. You can find a training jump at the snow park, or if possible, you can build a jump yourself. A proper diving board should be installed on an inclined plane, its surface should be level and smooth, and the exit from the springboard should be straight.

If you want a successful springboard jump, approach the springboard with your legs slightly bent and your back straight. Practice approaching the springboard quickly and carefully without falling in the process, and then start practicing jumping. Bend your legs and go down to snowboarding along the springboard without pushing off from it or straightening your legs. This rule must be followed in order not to lose balance. In addition, shoulders parallel to the plane of the snowboard help maintain balance on the board.

If you jump in this position, the board will not rotate perpendicular to the springboard and you will land neatly. Landing after a jump also needs to be trained - train and achieve maximum stability of the take-off, which directly affects the stability of the landing. The more accurate and correct the takeoff from the springboard, the more accurately you will land after the jump.

There are a number of popular tricks that beginner snowboarders dream of mastering, such as the ollie. In order to do an ollie, you need to push off from the edge of the springboard, approaching it in order to fly higher. When pushing, do not tuck your legs under you - push with your legs evenly, directing the force downward.

As you lift off the springboard, lift your knees toward your chest and then land on bent legs. Once you have mastered the basic technique of jumping, and after you begin to consistently perform the ollie trick, you can move on to mastering more complex tricks - Nose & Tail Rolls, Shifties, as well as a variety of spins and grabs.

When performing any trick, remember that key point the trick is performed in the most high point jump.

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