Karen Voight full body strength fitness. Elle Macpherson - workout

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Slim Physique is a comprehensive program from Karen Voigt for creating a slim, firm and flexible body. 7 workouts of 30 minutes each are waiting for you, which are distributed by day of the week for convenience and efficiency.

Description of the Slim Physique program with Karen Voigt

The Slim Physique workout complex will help you lose weight and tone your body. It is based on a combination of several types of loads: yoga, aerobics and strength training . You'll burn calories, tone your muscles, and improve your stretching. The classes consist of exercises for different parts body: back and abdomen, arms and shoulders, buttocks and thighs. The effectiveness of the program is due to an integrated approach to the formation slim figure and elastic muscles.

The course includes 7 workouts, lasting 25-30 minutes. They are distributed by day of the week, so you can study according to a ready-made calendar:

  • Mon: Cardio & Lower Body Strength. Cardio and lower body bodyweight exercises.
  • VT: Yoga Strength. Power yoga for muscle strengthening and stretching.
  • SR: Cardio & Abdominal Strength. Cardio training and abdominal exercises.
  • TH: Upper & Lower Body Strength. A set of exercises to strengthen the upper and lower body.
  • PT: Abs & Yoga. The workout consists of a 5-minute press session and simple exercises for stretching.
  • SB: Cardio & Upper Body Strength. Again aerobic exercise for burning fat in combination with a complex for arms, shoulders and back.
  • Sun: Stretch Yoga. Relaxing yoga for stretching.

As you can see, intensive training alternate with calm classes based on yoga elements. This is why you can give your body regular exercise without fear of overloading it. The fitness course is suitable for beginners and intermediate training , since Karen Voigt offers fairly gentle workouts. To practice, you will need a pair of dumbbells and a mat on the floor. You must follow the program for at least one month if you want to see noticeable results.

Pros and cons of the program


1. Karen Voight uses integrated approach to improve your figure. You will do aerobics, power load and yoga, thanks to which you will burn fat, strengthen muscles and improve stretching.

2. The program involves uniform work on all problem areas: arms, stomach, buttocks and legs. You will improve your shape, making it fit and elastic.

3. The complex is very diverse. It consists of 7 workouts, which are distributed by day of the week. Every day a new load awaits you.

4. Classes last 25-30 minutes, which is optimal time for training: not too short and not too long.

5. The Slim Physique program offers , making it great for beginners.

6. You will not need any additional equipment except a mat and dumbbells.


1. The complex is not suitable for advanced practitioners due to its simplicity.

The Karen Voigt program is a guaranteed way to bring yourself to great shape and improve your physical training. Thanks to varied loads and quality training you will achieve flat stomach, toned arms, slender legs and firm buttocks.

One of the favorite accessories for every woman is, of course, a bag. A handbag is an integral attribute of almost every representative of the fair sex, because this accessory performs not only a decorative, but also a very important practical function, serving as a spacious storage for a thousand and one little things. There are never too many handbags, so every woman will always have at least a couple of them in stock - and often the number of bags of all types and sizes even reaches several dozen. Today we invite lovely ladies to watch a short tutorial that tells you how to add another wonderful handbag to your wardrobe for the spring-summer season.

DIY bags master class

The authors of the lesson called “Bright spring bag in 15 minutes” talk about how to make a stylish handbag with your own hands with minimal time and money. Even a novice needlewoman can cope with this task, so this video lesson will be of interest to all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of the level of their artistic abilities and design skills. For work, you will need an old handbag, which, due to long-term use, has lost its original appearance, as well as unnecessary leather boots (for example, if they have become small or simply gone out of fashion). Don't rush to throw away these outdated things - they can be given as gifts. new life! The authors of this lesson show how you can completely transform an old bag with the help of simple decor, made with your own hands from everything that was at hand. One of the “highlights” of the handbag model shown in this master class is, of course, the stylish leather fringe, which has been considered one of the leading fashion trends for several seasons now. As a result of the work of the craftswomen, the result was an extremely fashionable and original ladies' bag in ethno-style, which has a universal purpose: it can be taken for a walk, to work, and while shopping.

Sew a bag with your own hands from fabric

We hope that this master class will help our viewers discover new resources for handmade crafts, have a good time doing needlework and, as a result, get something new in their wardrobe - a stylish handbag for spring

Every resident of a big city knows firsthand what a lack of natural environment and fresh air. The same applies to many food products: if rural residents have most of the vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits at hand, then city dwellers have a more difficult time in this matter - they have to buy everything, risking running into nitrates and other not very useful additives. Therefore, of course, everything that can be grown independently is better - it is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and healthier. The short video presented on our website is dedicated to this issue.

DIY vegetable garden on the windowsill

Video lesson entitled “How to make a vegetable garden at home? Growing greens and seedlings." This video will be interesting to a very wide range of viewers, since the issues of growing healthy seedlings at home are of equal interest to the inhabitants of both large cities and small villages. The invited expert in this video talks about how, with minimal financial investment, you can create a special structure at home in which you can successfully grow both high-quality seedlings for planting in the country and any greens for everyday consumption. What are the advantages of the method of growing seedlings proposed in this video lesson? Firstly, this method is extremely economical, both from the financial side (does not require large financial outlays) and from the point of view of rational expenditure of time and effort. Setting up such a unique indoor “bed” will not take much time, caring for it is also not at all difficult, and will not interfere with other daily activities. In addition, the advantage of the above method, such as the compact design, which is used for growing greenery and seedlings, is especially important for residents of city apartments. The mentioned design has small dimensions, is easy to fold and carry, so it will not be at all difficult to choose a suitable corner for it even in a small apartment or small house.

What can you grow on a windowsill in winter?

We are sure that all our viewers who are interested in gardening and want to provide their family with fresh, environmentally friendly greens will definitely learn a lot of useful things from this video.

All kinds of fraud and deception of gullible citizens have flourished at all times, and usually scammers show enviable ingenuity, constantly coming up with more and more new ways to illegally seize other people's property. In full accordance with the latest trends in the development of society in the twenty-first century, virtual and mobile fraud is now particularly flourishing. It is the latter that is discussed in this video lesson, which we recommend that everyone watch without exception - regardless of gender and age.

How to avoid becoming a victim of SMS scammers

A short video called “How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers” is worth watching for all visitors to our website, because none of us is immune from the possibility of sooner or later becoming a victim of SMS fraud. In addition, the information heard in this video must be conveyed to your friends and relatives, especially to children and elderly family members, since they are the ones who most often fall for the bait of mobile scammers, sometimes transferring very large sums of money to them. In this video lesson, invited experts briefly, but very informatively and clearly talk about the most common methods of SMS fraud, and how to behave in such situations so as not to lose your savings. In addition, our viewers will probably be interested in general recommendations on how to minimize the risk of falling into one of the fraudulent schemes. Extremely important nuance What experts focus on is maintaining composure and a sober view of things. Very often, scammers use the so-called “shock effect” - they try to stun the victim with unexpected information and demand immediate action (for example, urgently transfer money) so that the person does not have time to come to his senses and understand the situation. Therefore, in no case should you do hasty actions - it is better to think ten times before doing what your mobile interlocutor requires of you.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers on the Internet

We hope that this video lesson will help reduce crime rates and help our viewers successfully resist SMS scammers in any circumstances.

One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the school prom. This event marks the end of an entire school era and is a kind of “bridge” to adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing an outfit and turn, at least for one evening, into a real princess for your family and classmates. And, of course, what prom is complete without a prom dress? Our lesson is dedicated to him.

How to choose a dress for prom 2017

Thanks to this video lesson “How to choose a prom dress,” future graduates, as well as their mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, will be able to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of leading stylists regarding exactly what factors need to be taken into account when choosing a prom dress and what rules should be followed. It's no secret that many young ladies begin to think about choosing an outfit for prom long before the event itself - sometimes even a year in advance. There is no single point of view on what a dress for a prom should be, because all girls are different, each with their own style, character and features of appearance. Therefore, it is extremely important not just to blindly follow fashion trends, but to try to ensure that the graduation outfit is in harmony with the graduate’s personality, reflects her individuality and emphasizes her external advantages. Many girls prefer to follow traditional rules in choosing a dress - they choose pastel colors, light fabrics, feminine silhouettes. Of course, this is already a classic, so such outfits will always be appropriate for a prom. However, if a girl wants to show off her originality, then it is quite possible to get creative - choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black is considered an undesirable color - it may be too heavy and gloomy for a young girl during the prom.

How to choose a dress according to your figure

We hope that this video lesson will help each of our viewers to do right choice in favor of the most beautiful and stylish prom outfit that will make the girl feel like a true lady.

How to remove belly fat for a girl

It's no secret that one of the most problem areas for most women, this is the tummy and sides, because this is where all those “goodies” with which we actively pamper ourselves begin to be deposited first. However, the situation is not critical, and you shouldn’t completely give up your favorite foods - it’s enough just to eat them in moderation and not neglect physical activity. The authors of this video dwell in detail on the last question, telling and showing which ones physical exercise will be most effective for getting rid of fat folds on the stomach and sides. It turns out that you don’t have to exhaust yourself with hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully performed even at home, and it doesn’t take that much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a television series - and thus, you can combine business with pleasure. The authors of the lesson offer five of the most effective exercises that will help you quickly and reliably make your waist thinner and your figure as a whole slimmer. Of course, to achieve good result it is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such exercises: firstly, you need to do each exercise correctly, strictly following all the trainer’s recommendations; secondly, you should exercise regularly, preferably daily, or at least every other day. With constant training, after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable and your waist size will begin to decrease.

How to remove belly fat at home

This video lesson will be useful and interesting to almost every woman who wants to have good figure with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money.

It’s no secret that human health is the most important thing, so taking care of your own health and your body needs to start from the very beginning. early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time than to treat later, when the disease has already begun to develop intensively.

High-quality medical services are in demand everywhere and always: both a thousand years ago and today. It is well known that the profession of an aesculapian does not tolerate unprofessionalism and amateurism, therefore you should seek medical help only from highly qualified specialists. Otherwise, poor-quality medical care may not only not bring the desired improvement, but, on the contrary, may further aggravate the situation and harm health.

Today, the services of large general medical centers, so-called family medical centers (or clinics), which will provide high-quality medical services to all family members: both adults and children, are in great demand.

Among the many advantages of such medical centers, I would especially like to highlight the following:

  • Extremely high quality offered medical services. The entire staff of a large center - from the head physician to the nurse - is highly qualified, has rich practical experience and an impeccable reputation, so specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with even the most complex tasks;
  • Versatility. Clients of the above private family-type clinics can safely come here with diseases of a wide variety of profiles - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is provided, his previous complaints and requests are taken into account.
  • Comfort. One of the main disadvantages of public hospitals - the lack of necessary amenities for comfortable treatment - has been completely eliminated in private medical institutions. Both outpatients and inpatients can stay in pleasant conditions and enjoy all the necessary amenities.
  • Availability of the most modern medical equipment;
  • Reasonable pricing policy, fixed cost of services and the absence of any extortions, additional payments and demands for “thank you” in envelopes, which patients of so-called “free” clinics constantly face.

All of the above advantages are fully possessed by the well-known German-Ukrainian medical center Aurora, which offers everyone first-class medical services, consultations and assistance from highly qualified world-class specialists.

Every representative of the fair sex strives to be beautiful and attractive, while following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that not only clothes or a handbag can be fashionable - but also eyebrows! Over the past years, well-groomed natural eyebrows of sufficient thickness and width have remained a trend all over the world. Such eyebrows make the look more expressive, and the whole face more vibrant and memorable. However, what to do if nature has deprived you of thick eyebrows? Don’t be upset, there is a way out - and you can learn about it in this video lesson “How to grow thick eyebrows.”

How to quickly grow eyebrows

This short video is dedicated to such an interesting issue for any woman as eyebrow care, in particular - how to become the owner of sable eyebrows without extensions, naturally. This is quite possible if you use certain products to care for your eyebrows. traditional medicine, namely, freshwater. Oh her beneficial properties In cosmetology, many people have heard this. Now it can be successfully used as effective means to improve growth and appearance eyebrows Qualified experts will tell you in this video how exactly to use bodyagu for the above purpose, how often such procedures need to be carried out and what precautions to take. A very important nuance is accessibility this method eyebrow care. Bodyaga is a completely inexpensive, publicly available drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex gets a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful at minimal financial costs. By carefully following the beauty tips and recommendations voiced in this video, every woman can see positive changes in the condition of your eyebrows - they will become thicker, healthier, it will be possible to give them new uniform in accordance with the latest global trends in eyebrow styling.

How to quickly grow eyebrows at home

We hope that this video lesson will be useful for our viewers and will help to replenish the arsenal of beauty products with another very effective one.

The violin is a wonderful musical instrument that has won millions of hearts thanks to its lyrical sound. However, violinists (both beginners and professionals) are well aware that the violin not only has a delicate and fragile sound. It is also in itself a rather whimsical instrument that requires special approach and care.

First of all, it is worth protecting the violin from direct sunlight to avoid drying out. Under no circumstances should this musical instrument be left under the scorching sun. The same applies to severe frosts: the violin generally does not like significant temperature changes, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature regime in the place where the instrument is stored. Remember that you should not leave the violin near open heat sources: fireplaces, air heaters, stoves, and so on.

Second, no less important advice: the violinist must constantly monitor the level of humidity in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like either excessive humidity, since it causes the wood to become damp and possibly even mold, or too dry air, because in the latter case, cracks and other damage may appear on the wood - and the instrument will become completely unsuitable for use. Experts recommend maintaining an optimal indoor humidity level of 45-60 percent.

An extremely important responsibility of the violinist is also the regular cleaning of the instrument, which should preferably be cleaned and wiped after each use. Do not neglect this responsibility in order to avoid the appearance of dirt, abrasions and other unpleasant signs of use on the body of the violin. To avoid this, we suggest using online stores, for example,

However, even if you fully comply with all the basic recommendations for caring for a violin, its owner is not insured against damage to the instrument. Both due to natural wear and tear (if the violin was used for a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (blows, falls, other mechanical damage).

If such troubles occur, you should not hesitate, but contact a qualified violin maker who can offer an extensive range of instrument repair services - from replacing strings to restoring the varnish coating.

Trained, flexible and toned body- this is exactly what every woman strives for, who always wants to look young and well-groomed. The secrets of a beautiful figure are known to Elle Macpherson, who offers ladies excellent, effective workouts for figure correction.

This program was compiled by a competent fitness expert and compares favorably with similar programs with the correct distribution of the load. The program is demonstrated by an Australian model named McPherson together with the author of the program, Karen Voight.

Video training “Elle Macpherson – training”

Workout structure

As already mentioned, the absolute advantage of this program is the correct structure and load distribution. So, the training consists of the following components:

  • warm-up (mandatory part, do not neglect warm-up);
  • aerobics block (positive effect on the lungs and heart);
  • a block in which the legs and gluteal muscles are worked;
  • aerobics block;
  • a block in which the emphasis is on the upper body;
  • aerobics.

This type of training allows you to tone your muscles and also get the metabolic response necessary to burn excess fat. subcutaneous fat. Do not neglect this type of training, because it gives the main effect for body correction.

What should you pay attention to?

When you are about to start exercising, remember that:

  • loads should be started small;
  • do not overload the heart, smoothly entering the rhythm;
  • establish a balanced diet;
  • don't change the structure of your workout.

Competent training from Karen Voigt will allow you to put your own figure in order, as well as acquire the relief that many women dream of. Don't forget to supplement your workouts with proper nutrition.

Rating fitness videos from celebrities

Fitness is a fairly new phenomenon. It began to develop as an independent direction only in the middle of the twentieth century. Jane Fonda is known to be the “mother” of aerobics. Although before the emergence of fitness, ballet, gymnastics, and swimming already existed. So, of course, nothing radically new was invented, but what existed was significantly improved. Fitness video became a new significant event in its time. Now, of course, DVDs with fitness programs no longer surprise anyone, but at one time the “boom” for home fitness training with famous models, actresses, and “star” trainers could be compared to a “small revolution.” However, not all of them are truly “revolutionary.” Who are these stars who claim to be fitness revolutionaries? In fact, there are hundreds of them, but the ones that stand out most are Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson, Jerry Halliwell, and Carmen Electra.

1. Cindy Crawford. Ideal figure

Cindy Crawford was one of the first supermodels to release a fitness video. In 1992, her videotape “Shape Your Body” was released. The world's highest-paid fashion model showed off her swimsuit-clad body and her exercise routine. No, probably not at the moment There is not a single girl in the world over the age of 15 who does not have this truly legendary program. Having tested the program myself, I can say that the complexes are top part bodies are quite good: if you use dumbbells weighing about 2.5-3 kg. Lower body exercises are nothing special,

2. Cindy Crawford. How to achieve perfection

A year after the release of the first video, Ms. Crawford released a new video, “Next Challenge Workout,” where all the exercises were developed with the help of a qualified sports medicine expert. In my opinion, this is the most effective and quite labor-intensive workout I have ever tried. It can easily replace a workout in a fitness club, and in some areas it even has superiority.

3. Karen Voigt. Workout with Elle Macpherson

Another famous model, Elle Macpherson, who was nicknamed “The Body” for her perfect form, also released her fitness video program in 2003. This is great interval training- alternating aerobic training and light weight loads aimed at reducing body weight and increasing endurance are quite suitable for beginners, and if you take heavier weights, then for advanced fitness enthusiasts. I especially remember the aerobic session of this program. Try it - you won't regret it!

4. Carmen Electra. Striptease aerobics

Another complex is represented by actress and model Carmen Electra. Despite the fact that striptease in one form or another is now included in the program of many fitness clubs, of all the celebrities, only Carmen thought of filming such workouts. Her DVD series “Aerobic Striptease” strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit, giving additional confidence in your own irresistibility. The series includes a disc for “beginner strippers,” a video for “advanced users,” a lyrical digression in the form of hip-hop classes, and an entire disc dedicated to working with objects in striptease. As a fitness workout, you can give a “C with a minus”, but “breaking down in front of the mirror” and practicing “narcissism” is quite possible. The only thing that is slightly upsetting is that Carmen did not think of using a variety of music for her “dirty” dances, and does everything to the same tune.

5. Jerry Halliwell. Yoga with Jerry Halliwell

Quite “appetizing” in the days of the Spice Girls, Jerry Halliwell, at the peak of her solo career, amazed everyone with her washboard stomach. Yoga helped her to achieve such results to a large extent. Inspired by her success, Jerry has been bringing yoga to the masses for many years now. Instructor Katie Appleton helps her with this. The first fitness video was released back in the 90s, but now only the last two DVDs are on sale: “Geri Yoga” from 2001 and “Geribody Yoga” from 2002. I especially liked the second disc, but the first one is a little unstructured and chaotic; you quickly get bored with an easy set of exercises, but with the second one you can work long and hard. But after a while he will still get bored.

What fitness videos have you tried on yourself? What was the result? What do you remember? Let's discuss it in the comments to the article!